Evidence Type Classification in Randomized Controlled Trials Tobias Mayer, Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata

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Tobias Mayer, Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata. Evidence Type Classification in Randomized Controlled Trials. 5th ArgMining@EMNLP 2018, Oct 2018, Brussels, Belgium. ￿hal-01912157￿

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Tobias Mayer and Elena Cabrio and Serena Villata Universite´ Coteˆ d’Azur, CNRS, I3S, Inria, France {tmayer,cabrio,villata}@i3s.unice.fr

Abstract To answer this question, we propose to resort Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) are a on Argument Mining (AM) (Peldszus and Stede, common type of experimental studies in the 2013; Lippi and Torroni, 2016a), defined as “the medical domain for evidence-based decision general task of analyzing discourse on the prag- making. The ability to automatically extract matics level and applying a certain argumentation the arguments proposed therein can be of valu- theory to model and automatically analyze the data able support for clinicians and practitioners in at hand” (Habernal and Gurevych, 2017). Two their daily evidence-based decision making ac- stages are crucial: (1) the detection of argument tivities. Given the peculiarity of the medical domain and the required level of detail, stan- components (e.g., claim, premises) and the iden- dard approaches to argument component de- tification of their textual boundaries, and (2) the tection in argument(ation) mining are not fine- prediction of the relations holding between the ar- grained enough to support such activities. In guments. In the AM framework, we propose a this paper, we introduce a new sub-task of the new task called evidence type classification, as a argument component identification task: evi- sub-task of the argument component identification dence type classification . To address it, we task. The distinction among different kinds of ev- propose a supervised approach and we test it on a set of RCT abstracts on different medical idence is crucial in evidence-based decision mak- topics. ing as different kinds of evidence are associated to different weights in the reasoning process. Such 1 Introduction information need to be extracted from raw text. Evidence-based decision making in medicine has To the best of our knowledge, this is the first the aim to support clinicians and practitioners to approach in AM targeting evidence type classifi- reason upon the arguments in support or against a cation in the medical domain. The main contribu- certain treatment, its effects, and the comparison tions of this paper are: (i) we propose four classes with other related treatments for the same disease. of evidence for RCT (i.e., comparative, signifi- These approaches (e.g., (Hunter and Williams, cance, side-effect, and other), and we annotate a 2012; Craven et al., 2012; Longo and Hederman, new dataset of 169 RCT abstracts with such labels, 2013; Qassas et al., 2015)) consider different kinds and (ii) we with supervised classifiers of data, e.g., Randomized Controlled Trials or over such dataset obtaining satisfactory results. other observational studies, and they usually re- quire transforming the unstructured textual infor- mation into structured information as input of the 2 Evidence type classification reasoning framework. This paper proposes a pre- liminary step towards the issue of providing this In (Mayer et al., 2018), as a first step towards the transformation, starting from RCT, i.e., documents extraction of argumentative information from clin- reporting experimental studies in the medical do- ical data, we extended an existing corpus (Trenta main. More precisely, the research question we et al., 2015) on RCT abstracts, with the annota- answer in this paper is: how to distinguish differ- tions of the different argument components (evi- ent kinds of evidence in RCT, so that fine-grained dence, claim, major claim). The structure of RCTs evidence-based decision making activities are sup- should follow the CONSORT policies to ensure ported? a minimum consensus, which makes the studies comparable and ideal for building a corpus1. RCT risk of bias, when it comes to determining the abstracts were retrieved directly from PubMed2 by quality of the evidence. As stated by (Bellomo searching for the disease name and specifying that and Bagshaw, 2006) there are also other aspects it has to be a RCT. This version of the corpus with of the trial quality, which impinge upon the truth- coarse labels contains 927 argument components fulness of the findings. As a step forward, in this (679 evidence and 248 claims) from 159 abstracts work we extend the corpus annotation, specifying comprising 4 different diseases (glaucoma, hyper- four classes of evidence, which are most promi- tension, hepatitis b, diabetes). nent in our data and assist in assessing these com- In particular, an evidence in a RCT is an obser- plex quality dimensions, like reproducibility, gen- vation or measurement in the study (ground truth), eralizability or the estimate of effect: which supports or attacks another argument com- comparative: when there is some kind of com- ponent, usually a claim. Those observations com- parison between the control and intervention arms prise side effects and the measured outcome of the (Table1, example 2). Supporting the search for intervention and control arm. They are observed similarities in outcomes of different studies, which facts, and therefore credible without further justi- is an important measure for the reproducibility. fications, since this is the ground truth the argu- mentation is based on. In Example 1, evidence significance: for any sentence stating that the re- are in italic, underlined and surrounded by square sults are statistically significant (Table1, example brackets with subscripts, while claims are in bold. 3). Many comparative sentences also contain sta- tistical information. However, this class can be Example 1: To compare the intraocular pressure- seen more as a measure for the strength of ben- lowering effect of latanoprost with that eficial or potentially harmful outcomes. of dorzolamide when added to timolol. [. . . ] [The diurnal intraocular pressure side-effect: captures all evidence reporting any reduction was significant in both groups side-effect or adverse drug effect to see if poten- (P < 0.001)]1.[The mean intraocular pres- tial harms outweigh the benefits of an intervention sure reduction from baseline was 32% for the (Table1, example 4). latanoprost plus timolol group and 20% for other: all the evidence that do not fall under the the dorzolamide plus timolol group]2.[The least square estimate of the diurnal in- other categories, like non-comparative observa- traocular pressure reduction after 3 months tions, risk factors or limitations of the study (too was -7.06 mm Hg in the latanoprost plus rare occurrences to form new classes). Especially timolol group and -4.44 mm Hg in the dor- the latter can be relevant for the generalizabil- ity of the outcome of a study (Table1, example 5). zolamide plus timolol group (P < 0.001)]3. Drugs administered in both treatment groups were well tolerated. This study clearly Table2 shows the of the obtained dataset. showed that [the additive diurnal intraocu- Three annotators have annotated the data after a lar pressure-lowering effect of latanoprost training phase. Inter Annotator Agreement has is superior to that of dorzolamide in pa- been calculated on 10 abstracts comprising 47 ev- idence, resulting in a Fleiss’ kappa of 0.88. tients treated with timolol]1.

Example 1 shows different reports of the experi- 3 Proposed methods mental outcomes as evidence. Those can be re- In (Mayer et al., 2018), we addressed the argument sults without concrete measurement values (see component detection as a supervised text classifi- evidence 1), or exact measured values (see evi- cation problem: given a collection of sentences, dence 2 and 3). Different measures are annotated each labeled with the presence/absence of an argu- as multiple evidence. The reporting of side effects ment component, the goal is to train a classifier to and negative observations are also considered as detect the argumentative sentences. We retrained evidence. Traditionally evidence-based medicine an existing system, i.e. MARGOT (Lippi and Tor- (EBM) focuses mainly on the study design and roni, 2016b), to detect evidence and claims from 1http://www.consort-statement.org/ clinical data. The methods we used are SubSet 2https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ Tree Kernels (SSTK) (Collins and Duffy, 2002), 1. Brimonidine provides a sustained long-term ocular As a step forward - after the distinction be- hypotensive effect, is well tolerated, and has a low rate of allergic response. tween argumentative (claims and evidence) and 2. The overall success rates were 87% for the 350-mm2 non-argumentative sentences - we address the task group and 70% for the 500-mm2 group (P = 0.05). of distinguishing the different types of evidence 3. All regimens produced clinically relevant and statistically significant (P < .05) intraocular pressure (see Section2). We cast it as a multi-class classi- reductions from baseline. fication problem. For that we use Support Vector 4. Allergy was seen in 9 % of subjects treated with Machines (SVMs)3 with a linear kernel and dif- brimonidine. 5. Risk of all three outcomes was higher for participants ferent strategies to transform the multi-class into with chronic kidney disease or frailty. a binary classification problem: (i) ONEVSREST, and (ii) ONEVSONE. The first strategy trains one Table 1: Sample of each class represented in the corpus classifier for each class, where the negative exam- (claim, comparative, significance, side-effect, other). ples are all the other classes combined, outputting a confidence score later used for the final deci- sion. The second one trains a classifier for each class pair and only uses the correspondent subset of the data for that. As features, we selected lex- ical ones, like TF-IDF values for BoW, n-grams and the MedDRA4 dictionary for adverse drug ef- fects. As for the argument component classifi- cation, the model was evaluated on different test sets with respect to the weighted average F1-score for multi-class classification. The models were compared against a random baseline, based on the class distribution in the training set and a majority vote classifier, which always assigns the label of the class with the highest contingent in the training Figure 1: Normalized of the com- set. The first dataset consisting only of the glau- bined test set. coma data, and the second one comprising all the other maladies as well (see Table2). which offer a reasonable compromise between ex- pressiveness and efficiency (Lippi and Torroni, 4 Results and Discussion 2016b). In SSTK, a fragment can be any sub- tree of the original tree, which terminates either at We run two sets of . In the first one, the level of pre-terminal symbols or at the leaves. we test the evidence type classifier on the gold Data was pre-processed (tokenisation and stem- standard annotations of the evidence. In the sec- ming), and the constituency parse tree for each ond one, we test the whole pipeline: the evidence sentence was computed. Furthermore, the Bag- type classifier is run on the output of the argument of-Words (BoW) features with Term Frequency component classifier described in the previous sec- and Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) values tion. In both cases, the best feature combination were also computed. All the pre-processing steps was a mix of BoW and bi-grams. The dictionary were performed with Stanford CoreNLP (version of adverse drug effects did not increase the perfor- 3.5.0). We conducted experiments with different mance. Together with the fact that the data con- classifiers and feature combinations. Two datasets tains just a small group of reoccurring side-effects, were prepared to train two binary classifiers for this suggests that the expected discriminative in- each approach: one for claim detection, and one formation from the dictionary is captured within for evidence detection. Both training sets only dif- the uni- and bi-gram features. This might change fer in the labels, which were assigned to each sen- for bigger datasets with a broader of ad- tence. 5-fold cross validation was performed opti- verse effects. Results of the best feature combina- tions and the random baseline are reported in Ta- mizing for the F1-score. The model was evaluated on the test set in Table2 obtaining 0.80 and 0.65 ble3. For the evidence type classifier on gold stan- F1-score for evidence and claim detection respec- 3scikit-learn, version 0.19.1 tively. 4https://www.meddra.org/ Dataset Topic #abstract #comp. #sign. #side-eff. #other Training set glaucoma 79 151 83 65 10 Test set glaucoma, diabetes, 90 160 98 79 33 hepatitis, hypertension (resp. 30, 20, 20, 20)

Table 2: Statistics on the dataset showing the class distributions.

Dataset Method glaucoma combined. mean (SD) of 0.21 (0.65) for the standard Gold standard RANDOM 0.33 0.32 MAJORITY 0.27 0.26 group and 0.32 (0.75) for the intensive group N-GRAMS 0.80 0.74 (P=0.44). whole pipeline RANDOM 0.38 0.38 MAJORITY 0.38 0.39 Example 4: The clinical success rate was 86.2% N-GRAMS 0.71 0.66 in the brimonidine group and 81.8% in the timolol group, making no statistically signif- Table 3: Results (weighted average F1-score). icant difference between them (p=0.817). dard annotations, the observed results regarding 5 Concluding remarks the different multi-class strategies did not differ We have presented a first step towards mining fine- significantly. A F -score of 0.80 and 0.74 respec- 1 grained evidence from RCTs, contributing in i) the tively for the glaucoma and combined test set was definition of the AM sub-task of evidence type achieved. Reviewing the best n-grams, they con- classification for medical data, ii) a new dataset tain very specific medical terminology, explaining of RCT annotated with claims and four kinds of the performance difference between the two test evidence, and iii) a supervised classifier to address sets. For the future, another pre-processing step this task. with better abstraction capability, e.g., substituting A similar task is comparative structure identifi- concrete medical related terms with more general cation in clinical trials. It relies on under-specified tags, could provide benefits for the trained model syntactic analysis and domain knowledge (Fisz- on the out-of-domain task. The F -score of the 1 man et al., 2007). (Gupta et al., 2017) applied whole pipeline is 0.71 for the glaucoma and 0.66 syntactic structure and dependency parsers to ex- for the combined test set. As expected, the errors tract comparison structures from biomedical texts. of the argument component classifier have an im- (Trenta et al., 2015) built an information extrac- pact on the performances of the second step, but tion system based on a maximum entropy clas- that corresponds to a more realistic scenario. sifier with basic linguistic features for the tasks Error analysis. As shown in Figure1, side-effect of extracting the patient group, the intervention were often misclassified as comparative. Certain and control arm, and the outcome measure de- types of side-effect comprise comparisons of side- scription. Differently from us, they extract in- effects between the two groups including state- formation to fill in evidence tables, ignoring the ments of their non-existence. The structure and linguistic phrases to reconstruct the whole argu- wording of those sentences are very similar to cor- mentation. (Dernoncourt et al., 2017) developed a rect comparative examples and only differ in the neural network with word embeddings to assign comparison criteria (side-effect vs. other measure- PubMed RCT abstract labels to sentences showing ment), see Examples 2 and 3. Furthermore, com- that considering sequential information to jointly parative and significance labels were often con- predict sentence labels improves the results. How- fused. As explained above, comparisons can also ever, their task differs from ours as they predict state information about the statistical significance the abstracts structure, which depends on contex- and could therefore belong to both classes, see tual information. Concerning the evidence classi- Example 4. For future work, we plan to adopt a fication, (Rinott et al., 2015) tackled this problem multi-label approach to overcome this problem. on Wikipedia based data, dividing the evidence Example 2: Headache, fatigue, and drowsiness into study, anecdotal and expert evidence. This were similar in the 2 groups. taxonomy is not applicable for the here presented type of data. Beside the extraction of evidence, Example 3: The number of adverse events did another relevant task is their qualitative evalua- not differ between treatment groups, with a tion. The traditional quality-based hierarchy for medical evidence grades them based on the em- Iryna Gurevych and Christian Stab. 2017. Recognizing ployed research method, e.g., the applied statis- insufficiently supported arguments in argumentative tical principles (Schunemann¨ et al., 2008). Top essays. In (Lapata et al., 2017), pages 980–990. ranked methods comprise systematic reviews and Ivan Habernal and Iryna Gurevych. 2017. 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