TOWN COUNCIL Town Clerk: Esther Greig, BA (Hons) CiLCA Town Hall Market Place Camelford

PL32 9PD

01840 212880 [email protected]

Ordinary Council Meeting – 18th February 2020

Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Council held at Town Hall, Market Place

1. To note Councillors present Congratulations to Cllr Scawn on his nuptials. Cllr Hewlett (Mayor) opened the meeting at 7.00pm with 9 Councillors present: Cllrs Ackroyd- Johnson, Bond, Burgis, Coombes, Elford, Grigg, Rotchell, Scawn, Shaw 20/077

2. To receive Apologies for absence with reasons Cllr Rathbone - business It was resolved to approve the absences Proposed: Cllr Bond Seconded: Cllr Ackroyd-Johnson unan 20/078

3. To receive Declarations of Interest & Approve Dispensations none 20/079

4. Public question time (15 minutes allowed for this) 1 member of the press and I of the public attended. 20/080

5. To receive and approve the Minutes of: It was resolved to approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 6th February 2020 Proposed: Cllr Rotchell Seconded: Cllr Elford 9-0 (1abs) 20/081

6. To receive Clerk’s report Matters arising from the Minutes. More vandalism to new shelter and bird hide in Park – reported to police. APM booked with Camelford Hall – consultation design on next SEPP working group agenda. Water meter at Public toilets. Lime tree and hedges at Tregoodwell – ongoing but chasing relevant departments. Attended CALC meeting in Falmouth; covered Health and Wellbeing strategy – CC will be liaising and consulting with town and parishes over the next year. Operation London Bridge – death of a monarch – procedures, cemeteries, regalia, Radon monitoring, Line markings and cats’ eyes on the B3266 – will be renewed in the spring/summer. Potential tree planting along Sportsmans verges – although Cormac noted that this is a visibility splay. 20/082

7. Planning PA20/01004. 5 Warren’s Field. Mrs Brenda Oliver. Works to trees namely, 1 Ash tree, 3 Sycamore trees and 1 Beech tree (G1) to ground level subject to a tree Preservation Order. Cllr Shaw concern about them dropping into the property below. 2 trees in poor state and close to the edge. Replant with a suitable variety in that space. It was resolved to Support Proposed: Cllr Shaw Seconded: Cllr Coombes unan 20/083

For Information PA19/03239. Unit 2 Highfield Road Ind. Est. Mr R Cathrae. Approved 20/084

1 Chair’s Signature…………………………………………. Dated…………..

8. Portfolio Reports a. Mayor’s Report – Cllr Hewlett reported meeting a resident regarding parking issues on Clease Road. Greening Camelford event. Feedback on NDP – primary residency clause, spoke to St.Ives TC – single piece of evidence stating adverse effect. Had no complaints from residents; causing ripples throughout the NDP system. Not going to move as soon as we thought. 20/085 b. County Councillor’s Report – Cllr Rotchell noted briefings on hoarding and role of fire rescue, doorstep crime, community equipment loan store. Health and wellbeing board finalised strategy, setting up a new health company under Corserv. Trengelos and Daidstow moving forward with Boundary review – formal proposal before the 28th March. Scott Mann regarding bypass amongst other things; now with the minister. Response will be received on or before March 11th for the next phase of the work. Conversation around subsequent investment in the town centre and the cycle trail. Meeting with those interesting in linking cycle trails – Strategy needs to come out of the current working group. Cllr Shaw noted cycle routes must include the schools – to Delabole. Clease car park – there is a revised quote – not much more than it was. 20/086 c. Camelford Hall – Cllr Bond reported bank balance is very healthy. Had been issues with Little Acorns regarding payments but now sorted. Will be invoicing monthly for storage boxes, invoicing to go paperless. Hand dryers in the toilets to replace paper towels as they get emptied over the floor. Considering side access into a disabled access – matting and having it cleared out. CCTV to stop vandalism. Writing to CC regarding state of the car park. Happy to provide cupboard space for the emergency grab bag. Police going to next meeting to chat about vandalism. 20/087

9. Correspondence a. – notification of consultation Cornwall design guide and streetscape design guide. Supply a copy? Clerk to chase. Liaise with Cllr Shaw. 20/088

10. Agenda Items a. Lift inspection report was noted 20/089 b. It was resolved to apply for £1000 FEAST funding for 4 days of fun Proposed: Cllr Rotchell Seconded: Cllr Elford unan 20/090 c. To resolve to sign Rialtas Year End Closedown Agreement £560 + VAT Proposed: Cllr Ackroyd-Johnson Seconded: Cllr Burgis unan 20/091 d. The Finance Working Group Meeting minutes were noted. 20/092 e. Cemetery Burial fees schedule was discussed. Cllr Shaw proposed an amendment to the resolution - to reduce the level of fees – no second for this proposal. It was resolved to adopt the Cemetery Burial fees schedule as seen Proposed: Cllr Rotchell Seconded: Cllr Scawn 9-1 (Cllr Shaw) dec carried20/093 f. Urgent Item regarding riverbank erosion; repair needs to be completed by end March. With with rock rolls, staggered, and additional rolls to previous repair. £4,750. Clerk noted that office had endeavoured to get 3 quotes to no avail. It was resolved to contract All-in-One buildings services to complete this work. Proposed: Cllr Rotchell Seconded: Cllr Grigg unan 20/094

11. Accounts a. Balances at 12th February 2020 were noted Current Account £68,998.50 Tracker Account £51,382.25 NS&I £42,179.82 CCLA £80,000.00 20/095 b. It was resolved to authorise the payments of Accounts Outstanding. Staff January Wages + expenses BACS £6,375.06 HMRC January Tax & NI BACS £1,758.20 Cornwall Pensions January Pension contributions BACS £1,946.54 A Lawler Service contract DD £40.00 Cornwall Council Churchfield car park rates DD £435.00 Pennon Water Public toilets water DD £133.50 Pennon Water Library water DD £141.17 Voiphone Telephone DD £8.40 Plusnet February Internet DD £38.40 Seadog IT Webhosting DD £25.00 Staples Stationery Debit £93.40 2 Chair’s Signature…………………………………………. Dated…………..

Viking Stationery BACS £59.98 British Gas Enfield Park Electricity DD £59.74 Cllr Hewlett Mayor’s Mileage BACS £86.60 Camelot Garage Fuel for maintenance BACS £25.77 Cornwall Council November Enforcement BACS £140.40 TOTAL £11,367.16 Proposed: Cllr Bond Seconded: Cllr Burgis Unan 20/096 Income was noted Post Office Counter Npower refund cheque £110.56 Post Office Counter Library takings Nov, Dec, Jan AC £222.90 Post Office Counter Car park ticket income Cash £110 CCLA Dividend payment AC £817.20 TOTAL £1,260.66 20/097 12. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. It was resolved that in view of the confidential or special nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable that the press and public be excluded and instructed to withdraw during the discussions for the following items; Contracts. Proposed: Cllr Coombes Seconded: Cllr Elford unan 20/098 a. The Agreement for the provision of Library and Information Service was reviewed. Revised Deed of variation. It was resolved to sign. Proposed: Cllr Rotchell Seconded: Cllr Shaw 9-0 (1 abs) 20/099

13. To note items for 5th March 2020 Agenda. Western Power conference report – Cllr Shaw Strategic Working group structure Recycling container Veteran trees at Tregoodwell Enfield park paths

The Mayor closed the meeting at 19:55

3 Chair’s Signature…………………………………………. Dated…………..