Jrg- Hllc:a.AICl "" •• """"" li.llr- Press Guide Available February II. and at the Rocky Mountain mc The Media Research Center recently Budgeteers Seek Your College Gymnasium, Billings, Mont., on February 18. published MRC's Press Picks 1995: Rec- Input on Spending Cuts lork ommended Media Professionals to help To participate in the hearings. call the ,vers conservatives find the media outlets and The House BUdget Committee began a following contacts (listed in the same les- reporters who will report the Right's side series of five bipartisan field hearings seek- order as the sites listed above): Sleph om- of the story fairly. The 179-page book ing Americans' views on cutting the feder- Hanville, Elks Theater Supervisor's Oflicc duc- lists over 700 media professionals-both al budget last Saturday in Columbus, Ohio. (602-771-3200); Airport High School roud liberal and conservative-with reputations "We want to hear from the real Ameri- Vice Principal Scoll Newman (803-822- for giving conservatives a fair hearing ca outside the Washington Beltway, the 5600); Janet Thompson, aide to GOP Rep. dual and is available for $9.95 each from the America that pays the bills," said Budget Bob Franks (908-686-5576), and Fortin Committee Chairman John Kasich, who the Media Research Center, 113 South West Gym Facilities Manager Dave Setera (406- rate, St., Alexandria, Va, 22314. will preside over the field hearings, 657-1077), kiss, I his ,Right'Mourns VictOr Riesel, iean Parental Rights Week Irges Libertarian iates Sees Action in 20 States The grassroots group, Of the People, The conservative world 7 iriMaphattan'. 4"Rothb,arcl wrote 25 r the outspoken and courageous commenta- books and some 10,000 articles, most; launched a campaign during last week's l "National Parental Rights Week," urg- tors 'earlier tliis iJ{6nth with' tHe -passing ly.articulating th,i• philosophy-·of the ) his of journalist Victor, Riesel, who was "Austrian" of economics ,h to ing the adoption of the text of its Parental Rights Amendment as an amendment to 81" and economist Murray Rothbard. which he inheriled from his mento'r-< >n to who was 68' , .,. " -'- . economist von Mises ort C. state constitutions nationwide. The 20 states where the amendment has been pro- , a , .. sting nalist and' radio commeniator whose" (ark, posed follow (italics indicate the six states , ", 1 t:.ti",l in which the amendment enjoys bipartisan ,articles regularly appeared in HUMA1/ After his Mctorate from EVENTS. during, the 1950s and 19608'; Columbia' University in 1956, Roth- prof- sponsorship): Alabama, Arizona, Col- orado, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Ken- -died in January 4 of a heart' bard fot over I the tucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, attack. : Specializing' in lab6r' issue-s; and"Jn pliJj!isheq ,magnum I'cnsc Riesel exposed·tfie corruptioti· of labor opus Man,,' Ec.onomy and. State. NY Missouri, Nebraska, , Ohio, Ore- gon, Pennsyll'ania, South Carolina, Vir- unidns and the infiltration of the labor Throughout his career he assailed vir- ginia. Washington and Wisconsin. movement by gangsters and Commu- tually, every goJemment control over nists. ." , ;* The Parental Rights Amendment is a the ecoriomy , " . response to the belief that parental rights Always,highiy As apolitical commentator he was a and responsibilities are now being usurped was the victim' of 3,vicious attack iIi hard-hitting and lontroversiallibertari- by bureaucrats at all levels, particularly 1956 that shocke'd the nation. Just an an, as 'innch or more venom in the public schools, It reads: "The right hour after deliyering a radio commen- for the' agenda of what, he called the J was of parents to direct the upbringing and tary in assailing the leader- "official conservative 'movement" as Juring education of their chi Idren shall not be ship ofa local union leader, Riesel was he did for liberals',· He decried the Cold "nhur infringed," by a man who' threw acid into War arid the buiidup associat- ,,his ey.es, lea,:ing' him 'permanently , ed with it, nevel\oelieving the Soviets In announcing the campaign. Of the blind. ' , ., People Chairman Jeffrey Bell said, were a,threarto tne . His uwing Riesel, however, typing last published article railed against the , Isaac "Across America, parents are demanding that government policies help. not hinder and::publishing articles until he retired emerging agenda'.bf Newt Gingrich and 'sident in' ,191)0.', Reflecting :on 'the auack. the G6P"chargiQg it was not libertari- l1tence efforts to raise their kids. The populist an'enough. """".f . 'lg the push for the amendment shows grass- Riesel later wrote. ".The attack on me roots determination to reclaim responsi- ··was an' attack on the entire free Three years !!go. Rothbard, who was bility for their lives and the lives of their challe.ngilig its right expose crime always optimistiC; that freedom would children. And since they don't trust and injustice. In' hiuing me:, tlie undet- ' eventually, triumph. declared, "We served shall break the clock of social demo- Washington to resolve these contentious world was thumbing ,its nose lit 'the "un for community and the'forces of law and cracy. We shall:break the clock of the for the social issues, the people are taking matters ,ordt·r." ,: ',',' ' ", into their own hands by amending their Great So'ciety.. ,We sh'all break the , ,Murr'ay one of state constitutions. clock.of Woodrow Wilson's New Free- "With the Parental Rights Amendment, -est free-market economists of the 20th- dom and perpetual war, We shall died of a heart attack Januilry repeal the 20th C.entury." * they've found a concrete way to limit gov- " ,.

s on Individuals and activities of Interest to .conservatives, All correspondence for tIlis feature should be addressed to Conservative Forum, or publication must be concise (300 words or less) and preferably limited to one topic, In addihon. they must be signed and must include Ihe the right to all letters to meet space requirements, we cannot'acknowledge individually those tetters we are unable to pub-

7, 1995 70