SKH Heirloom Tomatoes

Variety Days to Avg. Fruit Vine Disease Description Maturity Size-ozs. Type Resistance Heirloom

Black Krim H 80 - 85 6 I Unknown Unique fruit, dark brownish red with smokey sweet taste,

Heirloom, pink-red, rich, spicy flavor. Potato leaved H 90-100 16-24 I Heirloom

Green Zebra H 75 3 I Unknown Zesty taste, plants full of tomatoes. Unique for salads. Heirloom

Keepsake H 70 5 D all Designed for home garden, Real flavor, prolific, Heirloom

Mortgage Lifter H 75-85 32 I F1,TM Lrg, smooth, pink-skinned, drought tolerant, meaty, few seeds Heirloom

Mr Stripey H 60 18 I Unknown Heirloom - Red and Yellow

Old German H 80 16 I Unknown Huge tomatoes with good flavor, good for slicing. Heirloom

Oxheart H 90 16 I Firm, meaty pink fruit, thick walls, very mild, heart shaped Heirloom

Pineapple H 85-90 18 I Unknown Enormous, yellow-red striped, beef-steak type, meaty, mild Heirloom

Rutgers H 75 7 D V,F,A,St Hybrid, red, excellent flavor, crack-resistant. High Yield Heirloom

Heirloom Stuffing, Yellow H 76 I Yellow, looks just like a bell pepper. Perfect for slicing & stuffing, tall vigerous

Yellow Pear H 78 1 D Unknown Each small pear-shaped tomato weighs less than 1 oz. Heirloom

KEY: Tomato Disease Resistance Code V = Verticillium F2 = Fusarium wilt (race T = Tobacco mosaic A = Alternaria stem wilt 2) virus canker F1 = Fusarium wilt N = St = Stemphyllium (gray (race 1) Nematodes leaf spot) L = Septoria leaf spot Vine Type Code: I = Indeterminate: continues growing and flowering all season; best if staked or caged. D = Determinate: plants reach a certain height and stop growing and flowering

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