Civic Review, Vol. 14, Special Issue, 2018, 255-274, DOI: 10.24307/psz.2018.0417 István Tózsa Hungarian Country Equity Summary This study tries to shed light upon the unfavourable Hungarian reputation in Europe and the value of Hungarian country brand. In doing so, it explains the components and the formation of country image, association, awareness, loyalty and equity as well. The study concludes with showing the measures with which even small countries can improve their rankings in Simon Anholt’s global nation brand and good country in- dex charts. These charts are based on the largest scale social big data study ever con- ducted and they exercise influence on the countries’ economic prospects. The study also reveals the global regions where the Hungarian government should focus coun- try marketing in order to achieve the most rapid economic benefits. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes: R58, M31, M38 Keywords: the Hun heritage in Hungary, nation brand, country equity, good country index, the “Magyaristan” belt Ugros eliminandos esse “The Hungarians must be eliminated” as it was ordered by King Ludovicus of Ger- many in 907 AD, just before a major battle at today’s Bratislava between Hungar- ians and Germans. It was a political judgement over the Hungarians issued by the West Europeans, and if we consider the Hungarian history in European context, the leaders of the West European nations have always been against Hungarian interests. In 1242, when the Hungarian king sacrificed his kingdom to protect the western parts of Europe against the Mongol or Tartar invasion, and then in 1526 when the Dr István Tózsa, Professor, National University of Public Service; Professor, Corvi- nus University of Budapest; Director, Institute of Public Management and Admin- istrative Studies, National University of Public Service (
[email protected]).