512002 Ilmub tiks kord kuus alates 1993. aastast EVS Teataja

EESTI S TANDARDIKES KUS E igakuine ametlik viilj aanne

10. aastaklik rssN 1406-0698

Toimetuse aadress ARU 10 TALLINN IO3I7

Tolmetofo Anne lolmets Tel@5 5055 Foks 605 5070 [email protected]

Tellimlne lo m00k: Eesti Stondordikeskus Aru l0 Tollinn 10317 Tel @5 5O@, @5 5061 Foks 605 5070 [email protected]

Tr0kk Eesli Stondordikeskus EVS Teaaja 5/2002 TOIMETAJA \rEERG EESTI UUDISED


Vabarngi Valitsuse 9. aprilli 2}}2madrusega ff 125 kehtestati Avaldame Tehnilise normi ja Kosmeetikatoodete mdrgistamise eeskiri * Teabe asukohale standardi seaduse muudatuse. viitav sumbol RT I2002,33,204 Seaduses on muudatusi termi- noloogias, standarditele viitami- Majandusministri 19. aprilli 2002. a mtidrusega nr 16 muudeti ses, teavitamises, EVS-i kohus- Majandusministri 29. novembd 2000. a mddrust nr 38 rustes ine. Varem kriibel olnud on asenda- "M66tevahendite taatlemise kord ia taatluskehtivusaiad" "tehnospetsifil

1 EVS Teataja 5/2002


Siimpoosion KTIRRAUDTEEDE EHITISTEST Euroopa kiirraudtee stisteemid on mitmes riigis STRUCTURES FOR HIGH-SPEED kies oleval ajal arcngaj?irgus. Sris teemi kuulub RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION sildade, viadukride, ttrnnelite, nudteejaamade ja teiste ehitiste kavandamine, ehitamine, Amsterdamis arendamine ja katsetamine. 27-29. augustil 2A03 Eelregistreerimine on avatud aadressil www. ti. kviv.b e / conf / iabs e. htm

C-ECOM Plenaarkonverents ELEKTRONKAUBANIDUS Brtisselis 14. fuunil 2002


OSALE KONKURSIL EVS TEATAJA T]TJED KAANEPILDID KONKURSI TINGIMUSED Konkursifotode esitamise trihtaeg on 31. rrrai-2002 (lvlis ei tihenda, et peale nimetatud tdhtaega fotosid enarn saata ei tohi)

Fotod saata aadressil [email protected] 300x400 Resolutsioon Portrait jpg v6i gif laiendiga pildifail vol

Standardike,k",.r.'i;n::ff ffi igoi EE 1 03 1 7 rauinn (soovi korral tagastame foto) ERrTr OODATUD ON MErE KOOSTOopanTNERTTEJA T EHNI LI ST E KOMIT EED E T EGEVU SVALD KOND I T


Vabariigi President kuulutas 2. aptilhl 2002. a otsusega ff 130 vdlja 13. mdrtsil 2002vastu v6etud tehnilise normi ja standardi seaduse muudatuse ET I 2002, 32,186)

TEHNILISE NORMI JA STAI\DARDI SEADUSE MUUTMISE SEADUS Tehnilise normi ia standardi seaduses ET I 1999,29,398;2000,29,1.69;78,495) tehakse jdrgmise, muudatused:

l) pzragrahvi 1 l6ike 1 punktis 1, ja 2. peatiiki pealkirjas asendatakse s6na < s6nadega vastavas kddndes;

2) paragrahvi 1 l6ige 2 muudeakse ja s6nastatakse i2irgmiselt:

< (2) Seadust ei kohaldata riigikaitset ja ng julgeolekut kdsidevale standardile. Sarutaar ja fiitosanitaarmeetmeid ning infotihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavaid ndudeid kdsidevale Sigusaktile kohaldatakse kdesoleva seaduse $ 8.>;

3) pangrahid2 ja 3 muudetakse ning s6nastatakse idrgmiselt:

< $ 2. M6isted

(1) Tehniline kirjeldus kdesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on toote v6i teenuse omaduste loetelu, samuti neic omadusi m6jutavate protsesside ja tootmismeetodite kirjeldus.

(2) Tehniline nonn kdesoleva seaduse rjhenduses on 6igusaktis sdtestatud toote valmistamist, turustamist vdi kasutamist vdi teenuse osutamist v6i turustamist reguleeriv ndue v6i n6ue, mis on esitatud roote v6i teenuse ohutuse, tarbija- vdi keskkonnakaitse tagamise eesmdrgil ja mis mSjutab toott esma- v6i korduvkasutamisg toote toodemise v6i utilseerimise tingimusi v6i teenust.

(3) Standard kdesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on i.ildiseks ja korduvaks kasutamiseks standardiorganisatsiooni poolt vastuv6etud dokument, mis sisaldab tehnilist kirjeldust vdi juhiseid tegevuse vdi selle tulemuse kohta ning mille kasutamine on vabatahdik.

(4) Sandardiorganisatsioon kdesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on rahvuslikul, regionaalsel v6i rahvusvahelisel tasandil tunnustatud standardite koosamise, korraldamise ja vastuv6tmisega tegelev isik.

(5) Teavitamine kdesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on vdlislepingutega vSetud kohustuste ulatuses teistele riikidele, riikide tihendustele v6i rahvusvahelistele organisatsioonidele teabe andmine ettevalmistatavatest ja vastuv6etud tehnilistest normidest ning sandarditest ja 6igusaktidest, mis sisaldavad infoiihiskonna teenusele kehtesatavaid n6udeid v6i sanitaar- ja ftitosanitaarmeetmeid.

(6) Infoiihiskonna teenus kiesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on teenus, mida osutatakse teenuse kasutaia isiklikul taodusel iildjuhul tasu eest andmete toodemiseks ja sdilitaririseks m6eldud elektrooniliste vahendite abil ilma osapoolte iiheaegse fiiiisilise kohalolekuta. Infoi.ihiskonna teenuseks ei ole ringhniiJing ringhddlinguseaduse ET I 1994 , 42, 680; 66, 71,45; 1 995, 83, 1,437 ; 97 , 7664; 7996, 49, 953; 1.997,29,448;52,834;93,1,564;1,998,2,42ia 44:,1999,1,6,268;25,364;59,61,3;2000,25,1,43;35, 220; 702, 666;2001, 53,31.0;2002,3, 5;21,, 1,1,7) tdhenduses. fl) Infoiihiskonna teenus on tdielikult rilekantud, edastatud ja vastu v6etud kaabli, raadio, optiliste v5i muude elektromagnetiliste vahendite abil.Infoiihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavas n6udes sdtestatakse tildised kohustused teenuse osutajale ja kasutajale, teenusele ning selle osutamisele ja kasutamisele.

(8) Toode kdesoleva seaduse gihenduses on valmistatud v6i valmistatav asi v6i selle osa, kaasa arvatud ehitis, toostuslikult valmistatud toode ning pdllumajanduses ja kalanduses toodetud saadus. EVS Teataja 5/2002 (9) Teenus kiesoleva seaduse tdhenduses on osutatud vdi osutatav toci, mille tulemusena valmistatakse uus asi v6i hooldatakse v6i muudetakse olemasolevat asja v6i selle omadusi v6i toimub asja valdusesse andmine v6i v6unine.

$ 3. Tehnifine kirieldus O Tehniline kirieldus h6lmab muuhulgas: 1) kvaliteeti, toimivust ia ohutust; 2) n6uetele vastavuse hindamise ja t6endamise protseduure; 3) katseid ja katsemeetodeid; 4) pakendamist, mdrgistamist ja etikettimist; 5) siimboleid ja terminoloogiat; 6) nime, mille all toodet mtiriakse v6i teenust osutatakse; I klassifitseerimist; 8) projekteedmist, kavandamist, valmistamisg tootmist, osutamisg kasutamist, tehnilist iimberseadistami st, hooldamist, hoidmist j a sdilitamist; 9) vedu; 10) koostist, m66tmeid ja muid tehnilisi nditajaid.

(2) Tehnilise kirjelduse vdib esitada tehnilises normis, standardis v6i muus dokumendis.>;

4) paragahvi 4l6iked 1-4 muudetakse ja sSnastatakse idrgmiselt:

< (1) Tehnilist normi sisaldava 6igusakti ettevalmistamisel ldhtutakse rahvusvaheliste v6i Euroopa standardiorganisatsioonide vastuvdetud standardites v6i nende l6plikes kavandites mddradetud tehnilistest kirjeldustest viimaste olemasolu korral, vdlja awao,td vdlislepingutes sdtestatud juhtudel.

(2) Tehnilist normi sisaldava 6igusaktiga kehtestaakse tihesugused n6uded nii Eestis toodetavatele kui ka imporditavatele toodetele.

(3) Tehnilist normi sisaldava 6igusaktiga kehtestatakse iihesugused n6uded nii Eestis osutatavatele kui ka imporditavatele teenustele.

(4) Tehnilist normi sisaldava 6igusaktiga v6ib kaubandustegevust piirata ainult juhul ja ulatuses, kui see on 6igustatud kSlbluse, avaliku korra v6i riigi julgeoleku seisukohalt, inimeste,loomade v6i taimede elu v6i tervise, tarbija v6i keskkonna kaitseks, kunstilise, ajaloolise v6i arheoloogilise viirtusega rahvusliku rikkuse v6i tcjostus- v6i kaubandusomandi kaitseks>;

5) paragrahvi 5 l6ige 5 muudetakse ja s6nastatakse jdrgmiselt:

< (5) Eesri standardi tihdtihend on EVS.>;

6) paragrahvid 6-8 muudetakse ja s6nastatakse jdrgmiselt:

< $ 6. Harmoneeritud standard

(1) Harmoneeritud standard on Euroopa Komisjoni mandaadi alusel Euroopa standardiorganisatsiooni poolt koostatud ja vastu v6etud standard.

(2) Kui harmoneeritud standatdi koha on avaldatud teade (viide) Euroopa Uidu Ametlikus Teatajas ja see on vastu vSetud vdhemasti tihe Euroopa Liidu liikmesdigi rahvusliku standardina, v6ib sellist standardit jdrg1va toote v6i teenuse lugeda vastavaks asjakohasele tehnilisele normile.

(3) Kui kziesoleva paragrahvi lSikes 2 nimetatud harmoneeritud standardi kohta avaldatud teade (viide) Euroopa Liidu Amedikus Teatajas on tunnistatud kehtetuks, siis sellise standardi jiirgimisel ei loeta toodet v6i teenust vasavaks asjakohasele tehnilisele normile. EVS Teataja 5/2002 $ 7. Standardi iArgimise kohustusliklsus

(1) Tehnilises normis vSib viidata standardile, selle osale v6i tihe standardiorganisatsiooni vastuv6etud standarditele. Viide standardile, sealhulgas selle osale, peab sisaldamavidatava standatdi cihist.

(2) Viide standardile sitestatakse kohustusliku vdi soovituslikuna. Hatmoneeritud standardit ei saa kohustuslikuna sitesada. Uhe sandardiorganisatsiooni vastuv6etud sandardite soovituslikuna sdtestamise korral ei pea viide standarditele sisaldama viidatavate standardite rdhist.

(3) Tehnilises normis standardi kohustuslkuna sdtestamise korral peab selline standard olema tervikuna eesti keeles avaldatud Eesti sandard.

(4) Kui tehnilises normis on viidatud standardile, mida ei ole eesti keeles avaldatud, tuleb tehnilises normis mdrkida, milline ametiasutus annab standardi kohta teavet eesti keeles.

$ 8. Teavitamine

(1) Teavitada tuleb ettevalmistatavatest ja vastuvSetud tehnilist normi v6i infotihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavaid n6udeid sisaldavatest v6i saniaar- ja fritosanitaaflneeffneid kdsidevatest 6igusaktidest ja vdlislepingutest, vdlja arvatud kiesoleva pangrahi lSikes 2 nimetatud juhtudel.

Q)Teaitada ei tule: 1) n6uetest, mis puudutavad infotihiskonna teenuseid kaudselg 2) telekommunikatsiooniteenustele esiatavatest n6uetesg mis on reguleeritud Euroopa Liidu vastavate Sigusaktidega; 3) finantsteenusrele esiaavatest n6uetesq mis on reguleeritud Euroopa Liidu vastavate 6igusaktidega; 4) n6uetest, mis on kehtestatud vddrtpaberibcirsile v6i n6uetesg mis on kehtestatud vddrtpaberibcirsi poolt; 5) n6uetest, mis on kehtestatud reguleeritud vddtpabenturule vddrtpaberituru seaduse ET I 2001' , 89, 532;2002,23, 731) t,ihenduses vdi n6uetesg mis on kehtestatud reguleeritud vdinpabenturu poolt; 6) n6uetest, mis on kehtestatud vddrtpaberiarueldussi,isteemile v5i n6uetesg mis on kehtestatud vdirtpaberiarveldussiisteemi poolq 7) eeln6udesq mis on koosk6las Ewoopa Liidu 6igusaktidega v6i rahvusvahelistest lepingutest tulenevate kohustustega.

(3) Tehnilist normi, infotihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavaid n6udeid v6i sanitaar- ja ftitosanitaarmeedet sisaldava 6igusakti v6i viilislepingu ettevalmistaia on kohustatud selle esitama teavitamist koordineerivale asutusele.

(4) Tehnilist normi v6i infotihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavaid n6udeid sisaldava 6igusakti ja vdlislepingu eelr6ust teavitamise korra kehtestab ja teabevahetust koordineeriva asutuse md';irab Vabariigi Valitsus.

(5) Sanitaar- ja ftitosanitaarmeedet sisaldava 6igusakti ja viilislepingu eeln6ust teavitamise korra kehtestab ia tezbevahetust koordineeriva asutuse mddrab Vabariigi Valitsus.

(6) Standardiga seonduva teabevahetuse koordineerimine sitestaakse Yabarig Vditsuse ja Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni vahelises halduslepingus.>;

7) pangrahi 9 l6ike 2 punkt 4 muudetakse ja s6nastatakse jtugmiselt:

< 4) avaldama Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni veebilehel teavet ettevalmistat^v^te ja vastuv6etud standardite, standardimisprogrammide ning standardimiskava kohta, kusjuues eraldiseisvalt avaldatakse nii veebilehel kui ka Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni vdljaandes teave harmoneeritud standardite koha, mille kohta on avaldatud teade (viide) Euroopa Liidu Amedikus Teatajas, ja harmoneeritud standardite kohta, mis on iile v6etud Eesti standatditeks2;

8) paragrahvi 9 l6iget 2 ciiendatalse punktiga 5 ia s6nastatakse idrgmiselt: EVS Teataia 5/2ffi2 < 4) avildtma Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni veebilehel teavet ettevalmistatavateja vastuv6etud standardite, standardimisprogrammide ning standardimiskava kohta, kusjuures eraldiseisvalt avaldatakse nii veebilehel kui ka Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni vdljaandes teave harmoneeritud standardite koht4 mille kohta on avaldatud teade (viide) Euroopa Liidu Ametlih:s Teatajas, ia harmoneeritud sandardite koht4 mis on tile vdetud Eesti standarditeks);

8) paragrahvi 9 l6iget 2 taietdat*se punktiga 5 ja s6nastatakse jdrgmiselt:

< 5) teavitama vdlisriike, riikide rihendusi ja rahvusvahelisi standardiorganisatsioone ettevalmistatavatest ia vastuvSetr:d standarditest ning standardimisprogrammidest vastavalt kehtivatele 6igusaktidele.>;

9) pangmhvi 9 l6ikes 5 asendatakse s6na s6naga vastavas kddndes;

10) paragrahvi 91 l6ige 1 muudetaLse ja s6nastatakse jd.rgmiselt:

< (1) Vabariigi Valitsus moodustab standardimiskomisjoni (edaspidi koni$oa), kelle rilesanded on: 1) majandusministdle ettepanekute esitamine kiesoleva seaduse $ 9 l6ikes 5 nimetatud halduslepingusse puutuvalt; 2) standardimiskava koostamine jamajandusministrile kinnitamiseks esitami::e; 3) muude tilesannete triitmine, kui need tulenevad kiesoleva l6ike punktides 1 ja 2loetletud diesannetest.>; tl) paragrahvi 92 tekst muudetakse ja s6nastatakse jdrgmiselt:

< (1) Standardimiskava on dokumeng millesse koondatakse standardite loend, mille koostamist v6i Eesti standardiks rilev6tmist peavad valitsusasutused oluliseks. Standardimiskava koostamisel ldhtutakse 6igusaktidest, Eesti standardiorganisatsiooni jaYabangValitsuse vahel s6lmitud halduslepingust ning Vabarngi Valitsuse ja valitsusasutus te tooplaanides t.

(2) Standardimiskava koostatakse kaks korda aastas.

(3) Standardimiskava kinnitab majandusminister iga rxta 1.. mii.rtsiks ja 1. septembrils.>;

L2) pangrahvi 10 l6iget 4 tdiendatakse prirast s6na < sSnadega ,

13) pangahvi 13 senine tekst loetakse l6ikeks f .i.g pangahvi t4iendatakse l6ikega 2 jiirgmises sdnastuses:

< (2) Kiesoleva seaduse $ 8 i6igetes 1-4 sfi.testatud kohustus teavrtadainfoiihiskonna teenusele kehtestatavatest n6uetest j6ustub alates Eesti iihinemisest Euroopa Liiduga.>


12. aprillil registreeriti ehituskonstrulicsioonide proiekteerimise standardimise tehnilins komitee, mis sai iiiri ekorranumb riks 13. Komitee k?isideb ehituskonstruktsioonide koormuste ja (valdavalQ kandekonstruktsioonide projekteerimise standar- dimisal4 millega Euroopa tasemel tegeleb CEN/TC 250. EVS Teataja 5/2002 Komitee asutajaliikmeteks on Eesti Komitee juurde on loomisel termino- Ehitusettev6tjate Liit, Eesti Ehitusinseneride loogiakomisjon, mille rilesandeks saab olema Liit, Eesti Ehitusmaterjalide Tootjate Liit, Eesti ehitusalase oskuss6navara tdpsustamine ja Projektbiiroode T.iis, Majandusministeeriumi tihdustamine ning vajadusel ka uute terminite ehitus- ja elamuosakond, T-ni ehitiste loomine. projekteerimise instituut, OU Estkonsult, AS I(omitee registreeriti EVS N6ukoja 1,0. aprilli Eesti Projekt ia AS ETP Grupp terminaalide 2002 otsuse nr 2002/1 alusel EVS osakond. tegevdirektori 1.2. aprilli 2002 kiiskkiqagd m 33. Praegusel hetkel on kdsil Euroopa standardite Loodame, et seekord osutub komitee 1,3. EN 1990 Projekteerimise alused ja EN 1991,-1, jdrlekonanumber tegutsemisaktiivsuse ja UU;sea mdjurid tihedus, omakaal, boonete nrlemuslikkuse koha pealt 6nnenumbriks! kasaskootmus eestindamine ja rahvuslike lisade koostamine. Selleks on moodustatud vastav Kaliu Loorits tooriihm. EVS/TK 13 esimees


K"ig sooiustusmaterjalide standarditega TC 89 all omakorda 10 toonihma tegelemise tile on Eesti Ehitusmaterjalide (soojusjuhtivus, kiilmasillad, soojustakistuse Tootjate Liidus diskuteeritud juba i.ile kahe arvutamine, soojusiilekanne maapinna kaudu, aasta, tekkis konkreetne idee tehnilise komitee akende ja uste sooiuslikud omadused, moodustamiseks alles eelmise (2001) aasta suvel kliimatingimused, niiskus jne). seoses Eesti projekteerimisnormide standar- Komitee asutajateks on Aeroc OU (esindaja diteks muutmise temaatikaga. Margus VahD, AS Optiroc (Vlorten Killak), AS Nimelt koostati eelmisel aastal uut varianti Paroc (Glev K6nn), Pipelife Eesti AS (Kaul normist EPN 12.1, "Hoone piirdetarindi Augasmdgi), Reideni Plaat AS (Arvi Siim), soojuspidavuse arvutusjuhis" ja et see Saint-Gobain Isover Eesti AS ([J*. Palo), dokument sobiks meie dokumentatsiooni Majandusministeerium flanne I{urg), Eesti p6him6tetega, otsustati vastavad n6uded Ehitusettev6tjate Liit (Ilmar Unk), Eesti koostada standardina. Ehitusinseneride Liit (Kaido Heel), Eesti Ki.itte- Ehitiste soojusliku toimivuse standardimise ia Ventilatsiooniinseneride Uhendus 6alle tehnilise komitee asutamiskoosolek toimus 20. Aamisepp) ja Eesti Ehitusmaterialide Tootjate detsembril 2001,. a. Liit @,nno Rebane). Tehnilise komitee esimeheks valiti Kaido Hidl, Koosolek v6ttis vastu otsuse tegeleda mitte aseesimeheks Margus Vahi p tehniliseks ainult soojustusmaterjalidega, vaid ka ehitiste sekreciriks Enno Rebane. soojusliku kditumise kajastamisega Hbi Tookoosolekutel on oluliseks peetud tegelemist sandardite ehk siis kahe Euroopa terminoloo gi^g, soojuserijuhtivuse laboratoor- standardiorganisatsiooni CEN komitee se mdriramisega (milline on Eestis vastavate tegevusalaga: laborite olukord ja kuiv6rd vastavad sealsed CEN/TC 88 Therrzal insulating rzaterials aad katsemetoodikad Euroopa omadele), hoone p ro du cts (soo j usisolatsioonitooted) ; tarindite soojusjuhtivuse arvutamisega (EPN CEN/TC 89 Therztal perforrnance of baildings and 1,2.1,-ga tegelemine) ning ehitiste energiakuluga b a i ldi ng co mp o n e n ts (roonete soo j uslik kiiitumine). ftonkreetse Euroopa standardi EN 832 TC 88 all tegutseb tervelt 18 triogruppi dlevdtt). (soojustusmaterialide iildised katsemeetodid, Soojustusmaterjalide kohta on Euroopas heaks terminoloogia, ehitusplatsil valmistatud tooted, kiidetud juba terre rida harmoneeritud tehase tootmisohje ning erinevate soojustus- sandardeid. Nendest kolme t6lkimist peame toodete klisidemine mineraalvillad, oluliseks ja soovime seda teha juba sellel aastal vahtpoliis tiirool, erinevad vahtplas tid j ne) ; (CE-miirgistamise v6imalus tekkis 01, .03.20A2 ja Euroopa rirg kohalike standardite kooseksisteerimise periood l6peb 01,.012003) : " EVS Teataja 5/2002 EN 13162 Tbenztal insulation productsfor buildings Ootame k6igi arvamusi nii tehnilise komitee - Factory nade nineral wool UIY) products - kdsidusala kui standardimiskava kohta. Specification; EVS/TK 14 on registeeritud Eesti EN 13163 Tberrual insulation products for buildings Ehitusmaterjalide Tootjate Liidu kaudu (Iftiku - Factory made products of expanded pafysterene 6, 10130 Tallinn; tel (0) 620 1,918, faks (0) 648 (EPS) - Specifcation; 9062: eerl@, EN 13164 Themtal insulation productsfor buildings - Fartory made prodacts of extntded pofisterene foan Enno Rebane (XPS)- Specificarion. EVS/TK 14 tehniline sekretdr Uus tehniline komitee kannab numbrit 14 @VS/TK 14) rirg on registreeritud EVS N6ukoia 10. aprilli 2002 otsuse m 2002/2 alusel Eesti Standardikeskuse 12. apri,lJt 2002 kiskkirjaga m 34.


EVS:EN 196-721997 Tsemendi katsetamine. EVS-EN 197-122002 Tsement, Osa 1: Osa 1: Tugevuse miiiramine. Muudatus 1: Harilike tsementide koostis, spetsifikat- 2002 sioonid ia vastavuskriteeriumid Eesti standardi EVS-EN 19 6 -1, :1,997 "Tsemendi EN 197-1 mddrzb kindlaks 27 enneva hariliku katseamine. Osa 1: Tugevuse miriramine" tsemendi tiiiipi ning nende koostisosad. Iga muudatuse 1 koostas Tallinna Tehnikatilikooli tsemenditiiiip defineeritakse tema koostisosade ehitustooduse instituut. Muudatus on Hbi omaduste ning nende sisalduse kaudu, mille arutatud iz heaks kiidetud standardimise hrlemusena iagunevad tsemendid kuude tehnilises komitees EVS/TK 2. Muudatuse erinevasse tugevusklassi. Standard mddtab sisseviimise tingts standardi EVS 636:1,993 kindlaks koostisosadele esitatavad n6uded la uustcicidus, millega muudeti p6letatud nimetatud tsemendittiiipidele rirg tugevus-

p6levkivile esitatavaid tehnilisi n6udeid klassidele esitatavad mehaanifiste, fritisikaliste i a alandai peenuse piirnSuet ja suurendai vaba keemiliste omaduste n6uded. EN 197-1, kaltsiumoksiidi sisalduse piirn6uet. formuleerib nendele nduetele vastavuse Muudatused old vajalikud B-gtopi pordand- hindamise reeglid. Samuti esitatakse vajalikud pdlevkivitsemendi, mille kloriidisisaldus vasaks ptisivusn6uded. EN 197-1:2000 n6uetele, tootmisv6imaluste EN 197-1 on koostatud Euroopa I(omisjoni sziilitamiseks. Seejuures tagatakse pdletatud mandaadi alusel vastavalt ehitustoodete prJlevkivi 28-pdevase survetugevuse vastavus direktiivi n6uetele. Seega on see harmoneeritud EN 197-1 :2000 n6uetele. standard ja selle j2irgi toodetud ja turustatud tsement peab olema CE mirgistusega. EYS 636:2002 P6letatud p6levkivi portland- p6levkivitsemendi, portland-komposiit- EVS-EN 197-222002 Tsement. Osa 2: tsemendi ia mfitiritsemendi tootrniseks Vastavushindamine Standard kehtib elektri jaamades Eesti kukersiit- Standard EN 197-2 mdtuab kindlaks skeemi p6levkivi tolmpdleamisel kuni 1400 "C juures tsementide tootestandardi n6uetele vastavuse tekkiva materjali - p6letatud pSlevkivi kohta, hindamiseks ning kiisideb vastavussertifikaadi mis sobib kasutamiseks pordand-p6levkivi- vdljastamist kolmanda osapoole poolt. Standard tsemendi, pordand-komposiittsemendi ja annab tehnilised reeglid tootjapoolseks tehase miiiiritsemendi, samuti eritsementide - redut- tootrniskontrolliks, h6lmates proovide seeritud kahanemise ja k6rgendatud ptisivusega sisekontrollkatsetamist ja kolmanda osapoole tsementide tootmiseks, ka lisandina kohustusi. Uhdasi annab standard reeglid, betoonides ning pinnaste stabiliseerimiseks.^g kuidas toimida mittevastavuse puhul, mddnb Standard on EVS 636:1993 uustoodus. protseduuri vastavust6endamiseks ning esiab n6uded hr'lgrladudele. Kiesolevas standardis

8 EVS Teataia 5/2002 tekstile kasutatakse m6istet "tsement" nii standardis Standardis iiirgneb Euroopa standardi dra EN 197-1 miiradetud harilike tsementide, kui Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa, milles on prooviv6tmise, ka teiste tsementide ia sideainete kohta, millele toodud Eestis kehtivad kiituse lenduvuse viidatakse standardi EN 1 97-2 tootestandatdites tankurite mdrgistamise ia ning mis on esitatud sertifitseerimiseks. n6uded ning bensiinile esitatavad piirangud. Nimetatud tsemendid on toodetud teatud tehases ning on klassifitseeritud kindla tiiiibi ia EVS-EN 59022002 Autokiitused. a katsemeetodid tugevusklassi vastavalt asiakohase Diislikiitus. N6uded i iiltg standardi tootestandardi miiradusele. IGesolev Eesti standard on Euroopa EN 590:1999 'Autonotiue fuels Dienl - EVS-EN 22822002 Autokiitused. Pliivaba Reqairenents and test metbodf' ingliskeelse teksti bensiin. N6uded ja katsemeetodid .koin"l".ttt e t5lge eesti keelde. Asendab Eesti I(desolev Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi j6ustumisteate meetodil iile vSetud EN 228:1999 "Autonotiuefotlt - Unleaded parol - standardi EVS-EN 590:2000' tarnttavale Requirements and test metbodl' ingliskeelse teksti Sandard sitestab turustatavale ia ekvivalenme t6lge eesti keelde. Asendab autodiislikiitusele esitatavad nSuded ia j6ustumisteate meetodil iile vSetud Eesti katsemeetodid. Standard kehtib kiituse kohta, jaoks standardi EVS-EN 228:2000. mida kasutatakse autodiislikiituse Standard sltestab turustatavale ia tarnitzvile konstrueeritud diiselmootoriga s6idukites, jiirgneb standardi tekstile pliivabale bensiinile esitatavad n6uded ia Standardis Euroopa tatsemeetodid. Sandard kehtib pliivaba Eesti standardi rahvuslik lisa, milles on dra bensiini kohta, mida kasutatakse pliivaba toodud Eestis kehtivad prooviv6tmise, bensiini jaoks konstrueeritud mootoritega tankurite mdrgistamise ia kliimatingimustest n6uded ning s6idukites. olenevatele omadustele esitatavad diislikiitusele esitatavad piirangud'


SEMINAR NN66OUNDUSE ARENDAMISEST EESTIS 16. aprillil toimus Maiandusministeenumr Pieva avas Mafandusministeeriumi asekantsler ruumes seminar riigietalonide arendamisest Signe Ratso, kes tutvustas seminari eesmdrki ia Eestis. Seminari korraldaiaks oli Maian- rinas kohalviibiiaid rohke huvi eest ettev6tmise dusministeerium iihiselt Hollandi kuningriigi vastu. J?irgnesid p6hiettekanded viie erineva rahvusliku metroloogiainstuudiga (iNMi Van asutuse/organisatsiooni esindaialt, millest neli Swinden Laboratorium B. V). Hollandi NMi kdsitlesid m6Steteenistuse iileshituse ia on Majandusministeeriumi koostoopartner toimimise hetkeolukorda Eestis. Esindatud olid mS6dunduse alase institutsionaalse iilesehituse Eesti Akrediteerimiskeskus (Viktor Krutob) ia strateegilise arengukava vdliatooamisel Maj andusministeeriumr Toostusosakond PHARE projekti ES 9903.01 raarnes. (Vlerike Kompus). Seminari p6hiteemaks oli m66tmiste Suurt. elevust ia rihelepanu drat^s Cock etalonbaasi arendamise tarviduse tutvustamine Oostemiani G'{Mi) ettekanne Euroopa Liidu kvaliteedi seoses Eesti iihinemisega Euroopa Uiduga. liikmesmaades vili eldavast praktikast Sihtgrupiks oli valitud akrediteeritud laborid, infrastruktuuri iitkusuutliku toimise tagamisel. kellel on oluline osa m66trniste usaldusvdirsuse Ta kirjeldas elavalt Euroopa "kvaliteedimzia" ia osa tagamisel Eestis. Seminarist osavdtt oli annrkas, metroloogia vaialikkust selles, riigietalonide riigis laborite esindafaid kogunes iile viiekiimne. metroloogiaalase tegevuse kindlustamisel ning n5udeid liikmesriikide m66teteenistuste Enne seminari toimumist levitati osalevate tilesehitamisel. Oma ettekande l6petas hr laborite hulgas seminari teemaga seonduvat Oosterman afvamusega, €t eesti kiisimustikku, kus paluti laboritel avaldada oma m66teteenistuse iilesehitusel on paliu veel teha. arvamusi ja seisukohti riigietalonide vaiaduste ia Samas avaldas t^ lootust, et akrediteeritud arendamise kohta Eestis. laborid annavad oma osa patendamise 9 EVS Teataja 5/2002 protsessis, niidates 'fua praeguse rahvusvaheliselt avatud ning integreeritud, et m66teteenistuse head kiilied ja puudused. soodustada oskusteabe kasutamist maiandus- Ettekannetele jirgnesid paneeldiskussionid likus arengus. arenduse vajalikkusest keemia valdkonnas ning Seminadst osav6tjad hindasid ettekannete ja fi.iiisikaliste suumste m66tmiste alal. aruduste sisu vdga kasuliku olevat ti.g Diskussioone juhtis keemia alal Ivo Leito Tartu avaldasid kiisiduslehtedel lootust, et taolised Ulikoolist ning ftii.isik a ilal, T oomas Ktibarsepp tiritused jitkuvad ka liihinrlevikus, milles nad AS Meuosert. meel'eldi osalevad. I{eemiliste m66tmiste vallandas elava ^1^l arutelu vaiadus nn iihtse keemiakeskuse jrirele, Pieva l6petas Majandusministeeriumipoolne mis koordineeriks koolituse, v6rdluskatsete projektijuht Anu Ideon, kes korraldajate poolelt ning referentsainete vahendamise/ valmistamise tinas osav6tiaid ning esineiaid aktiivsuse eest korraldamist Eestis. Fritisikaliste surruste m66t- kogu pika seminaripieva jooksul misega tegelevate laborite esindaiad ilmutasid huvi rahvusvahelise koostoo edendamise ning riigietalonide siisteemi praktilise iir.leshituse Toomas Kiibarsepp (AS Metrosert) teostamise vastu. M6lema grupi i.ihtne seisukoht Ivo Leito (Tartu tJlikool) oli, et Eesti mS6teteenistus peab olema rohkem VASTA\ru]SHINDAT,TINE


3. aprillil toimus Majandusministeeriumis Phare SWEDAC'I n6uniku Sven Nystromi ettekanne proiekti ES9903.01 raames akrediteerimise ja kisides mitmesuguseid volitatud asutustega vastavushindamise alane seminar, mille eesmdr- seonduvaid teemasid: volitatud asutustele esita- giks oli teadvustada rahvusvaheliselt tihdustatud tavaid n6udeid, jdrelevalve teostamist voliatud vastavushindamise stisteemi tdhtsust titg asutuste iile, teavitamisprotseduuri korda. tutvustada Euroopa Liidu vastavushindamis- Tutvustamist leidsid Euroopa vastavushinda- siisteemi toimimise p6him6tteid. misorganisatsioonid nagu EUROI-AB Seminaril oh 25 osav6tjat, sihtgrupiks minis- (Euroopa laborite liiQ , EOTC (Euroopa teeriumid ia ametkonnad, kes on seotud oma katsetamise j a sertifi tseerimise otganisatsioon). valdkonnas vastavushindamise alase Sigusloo- Ltihidalt kdsideti vastavushindamise alast mega. Euroopa Liidu seadusandlust, mille moodus- Seminari korraldasid iihiselt Majandusminis- tavad eelk6ige rildise tooteohutuse ja tootja teeriumi toostusosakond ja eelpool.nimetatud vastutuse alased 6igusaktid. projekti teostaja SWEDAC @ootsi Eriti huvipakkuvaks ja informatiivseks kujunes Akredi teerimiskeskus). iilevaade Rootsi mudelist Uldise ldhenemisviisi Seminari avas Maizndusministeeriumi asekants- (G lo b a / App roa ch) ta.kendamisel. ler Signe Ratso, kes turvustas laiemalt nii Majandusministeeriumi tocistusosakonna juha- projekti kui ka seminari eesmzirke. taia Merike l(ompus andis rilevaate Eesti S\JUEDAC'i peadirektor Lars Ettaqp tutvustas vastavushindamise alasest seadusandlusest ja vastavushindamise iildiseid p6him6tteid, vas- v6imalikest edasistest arengutest. tavushindamisega seonduvaid Euroopa Liidu Seminari l6pus jiirgnesid osav6tjate poolsed lepinguid ia organisatsioone CXITO TBT, MRA, kiisimused ja arutelu. Seminari 6nnestumisele lAF, ILAC, EA, PECA) vastavushindamise aitasid kaasa ka lektorite poolt ette valmisatud erisusi vabatahtlikes ja kohustuslikes sektorites, p6hjalikud ettekannete jaotusmate{alid, samuti harmoneeritud ja harmoneeimatz sektorites, mitmesugused lisamaterialid. seoseid akrediteerimisega.

Anu Ideon Majandusministeeriumi proj ektijuht

10 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Vastavushindamise maine v aiab Parandamist Rahvusvaheline Vastavushindamiskomitee ISO/CASCO koos Rahvusvaheliste aktediteerimisalaste koostooorganitega IAF (sertifitseerimisorganid) ja ILAC (aborid) rnoodustasid 2001. a iihendatud tooriihmait kindlaks teha mainet rikkuvaid juhtumeid vastavushindamistoostuses' Tooriihm rrvastas jnrgmised olemasolevad probleemid: o Ebaeetiline ja illegaalne praktika, kus vastavushindamisorganid vSltsivad sertifikaate ja katsearuandeid. . Halb praktika, mis ei ole tingimata illegaalne, kuid kus vastavushindamisoryanid pakuvad alandatud hinnaga ja standaidile mitrevastavat sertifitseedmist ja inspekteerimist ttitg samaaegselt nii konsultatsiooni kui ka sertjfi tseerimist. r Eksitav reklaam, kus vastavushindamise resultaate s.h ka vastavushindamise mdrgistust kasutatakse valesti. Nt ISO 9000 ja ISO 14000 jergi kvaliteedi- ja keskkonnaiuhtimissristeemide sertifitseerimist reklaamitakse kui roote sertifikaati. V6i reklaamitakse saadut kui "ISo sertifikaati", mis pole samuti 6ige, sest ISO ei ole sertifitseerimisorgan ia eivdliasta sertifikaate.

Sel teemal riikis ka iihes oma viimaseks jdinud kdnedest, CASCO koosoleku avakdnes, ISO kui peasekretdr Lawrence D. Eiche kes juhtis tdhelepanu vajadusele parandada nii sertifitseerimis- ta akrediteert"rtr.rg""tt. t6od vdltimaks operaatorite ebaausust ja vddrkditumist. Hr Eicheri s6nav6tt dtgitas sel teemal elava m6ttevahetuse. ISO Managernent SlstemiYol. 2, No. 2 2002 refereerib neist m6ningaid arvamusi. Arvamuste ga saab tutvuda aadres sil Mirmes kommentaaris mainitakse, et kvaliteedijuhtimissi.isteemi sertifikaati taodetakse sageli valel p6hjusel. Seda ei rehta siisteemi parendamise eesmdrgil. Enamlevinud p6hjus on Potentsiaalse kliendi pooit .ritutod sertifikaadi olemaiolu biirokraatlik n6ue. Kuidas sertifikaat on saadud, see ei huvit^ en^m kedagi. unelonlusena on nimetarud, et ambitsioonikas firma ei saa enam ldbi ilma ISo 9000 sertifikaadita. Firmad saavad sertifitseerimisest aga sageli aru kui tihest maksu liigrst. I(as parendada oma tegevust v6i maksta maksu, et saaks dri teha? Sageli piiiitakse audiitorile t6endada standardi punktide tdpset riitmist selle asemel, et kontsentreeruda fo{it..Al"htimissiisteemi parendamisele ja kliendi n6uete ja ootuste rahuldamisele. on avaldatud arvamust, .i ISo 9000 programm on seatud hidaohtu, sest mitrnetes riikides on liiga vdhe austust siisteemi vastu, kvaliteediiuhtimissristeemi sertifikaat on vaid paberitiikk seinal.

Paliu on kommenteedtud ka sertifi tseerimisorganite tegevust. Kolrnanda osapoole ldhenemisviisil on fataalne n6rkus - sertifitseerimisorganil on otsene drihuvi- (sissenrlek ja prestiiZ) rahuldada k6igi vajadusi. Mida suuremat hulka kliente rahuldada suudetakse, seda ,rr,-rr.- on nende sissetulek ja turuosa sertifitseerimises. Nende viiiirkiiitumine on tihti tingitud jdreleandmisest ruru n6uetele. See on v6imalus kergelt saada liihikese aiaga paliu raha. Ldit.r"t. riikide akrediteedmisorganid lasevad teha sertifitseerimisorganitel, mida need tahavad teha ning jirelevalve nende tegevuse iile on liiga vdhene , awa;b tiks endine audiitot. Nimetatud on ka ebakompetentsust. Halvim seejuures on, et m6ned assessorid ei vaata kunagi ei firma poliitika"rr.r-rit" ega srateegia rakendamist. Kornmentaaridis on tehtud la vaga drastilisi ettepanekuid nagu nriiteks "Et l5petada probleemid, nrleb l6petada ISO 9000. Kasu organisatsioonidele pole sellest niikuinii, nende laoks on see lihtne otsus. Ei ug^ eeldada, et selle vaatepunkti v6taksid omaks need, kes sellega elatist, ia mitte viiike{,ll={uvadi Onneks"iu jnarvad sellised arvamused hiii.idiaks hddleks k6rbes. Valdav enamus kommentaatoritest usub kvaliteedijuhtimissiisteemide rakendamise nilevikku.

Refereeritud artikleid "ISO Management Slstems VoL2, Nr 2- March-Apfil 2002"

11 EVS Teataia 5/2002


ISO 9000 n6uded autotddstusele ISO ja rahvusvahelise autotoostuse eduka koostoo hrlemusena on valminud uus vriljaanne ISO/TS 1,6949:2A02 pualiry %anagenent gtstems - Particular requirenentsfor tbe @plication of ISO 90Al:2000 for autonotiue production re/euant rcruice part organiqations, mis spetsifitseerib kvaliteedististeemi nSuded autotoostuse tamijatele. Oodatakse, et uuest tehnilisest spetsifikatsioonist saab iihine ja iihtne alus kogu maallma autoto6stuse kvaliteedijuhtimisstisteemide n6uetele ning mis asendab seni selles sektoris kasutatavad rahvuslikud spetsifikatsioonid (nt QS 9000, AVSQ, VDA6.1 j" EAQD. ISO/TS 1,6949-l on suur potentsiaal, sest praegu on vastavalt rahvuslikele spetsifikatsioonidele sertifitseeritud rile 30 000 firma. CEN UUDISED

Keymark - sertifitseerirnine Euroopas Mdrtsis 20021

Keymark'i rakendamisega tehti algust juba 15 stat tagasi (algul CENCER miirgi nime all). Esimestest katsetest ei tulnud suurt midagi^ vdlla. Ainukesena kasutab edukalt CENCER mdrki radiaatoriventiilide tootia. Alates 2001. a algusest otsustas CEN teha mrirgr kasutamise atraktiivsemaks laiemale publikule. Teema v6eti uuesti pdevakorda ja seekord juba oodaakse mdrgi laialdast kasutamist kogu Euroopas. Oktoobris 2001 avaldati mlryt kasutamise uued reeglid ia iuba poole aasta pdrast on ka esimene paigaldatud mdrk tulekul.

Oluline vahe mirgi eelmise ja uue kasutamise vahel on see, et v6tmemirki kasutatakse alati koos rahvusliku vastavusmrirgiga. See on ffr kolmanda osapoole sertifitseerimismiirk, mis kuulub CEN/CLCJe ja nditab tarbijaile toote vastavust k6igile toote koha kriivate Euroopa standardite n6uetele. Uldiselt ei ole v6tmemdrgi kasutamine kohustuslik, vastupidi CE mirgistusele. CEN/CLC tdhtsustab vdtmemdrgi sisseviimist olulise panusena tehniliste kaubandust6keteta iiha enam avatuma rihtse Euroopa siseturu arengusse.

Uus kondoomistandard Viini lepingu alusel vaadai iimber Euroopa kondoomistandard EN 600:1996 ja asendati see standardiga EN ISO 4074:2002 Natural late* rubber condoms - Requirement and test netbods. EN 600 ja EN ISO 4074:2002 vahel on m6ned tehnilised erinevused, mis cihendab, et tootjatele on vajalik iileminekuperiood et kohandada oma protsessid uutele n6uetele. CEN/TC 205 Mitteaktiivsed meditsiiniseadmed ettepanek o[ kehtestada 1-5 aastane rileminekuperiood. Tavaliselt on rihelt standardilt teisele ii{eminekuperioodi pikkuseks meditsiiniseadmete osas olnud kolm aastat. CEN Tervishoiu foorum otsustas kondoomistandardi rileminekuperioodi pikkuseks jiitta kolm st^\ seega on uuele standardile dlemineku l6pp midratud hiljemalt augustiks 2005. ^

Loodi matuseteenuste standardimise t66rffhm 12. mdrtsil2002 toimus DIN-i eestvdttel CEN Tehnikan6ukogu tooriihma Matuseteenused asutamiskoosolek. Koosolekul ripsustati tulevase komitee kisidusala ja tooprogrammi. Kavas on t2 koostada matuseteenustele esitatavate n6uete standard, mis peaks sisaldama. r.-tr.i;:r:;i1XY,t"1ti n6uded ei ole praegu kaerud standarditega. "^ 'Worksbop CEN Kaitsehangete standardimine - Euroopa kisfuaamat 8. novembri 2000 Euroopa Komisjoni korraldatud kaitsehangete remaatilise konverentsi jitkuna ja edasiarendusena on loodud CF,N l%orksbop, milIe avakoosolek toimub 30. mail 2002 Pariisis. Workshopi sekretariaati hakkab pidama AFNOR. I%orkshop koostab Ewoopa kisitaamatu, mille kasutamist ennustatakse nii EL riikide kui ka vdljaspool EL riike asuvate hankeagentuuride poolt. I(isiraamat koondab endasse viited standarditele ja standardilaadsetele dokumentidele, mida kasutatakse hankelepingute s6lmimisel ning ka juhiseid standardite ia spetsifikatsioonide valikuks, et tagada kaitseseadmete t6husus, m6jusus ia kokkusobivus. ISO UUDISED

Kaubakonteinerite koodid niiff d iileval internetis Bureau Intemationa/ des Containers et du Tranrport I n tenzt o da I (BIC) kaubakonteinerite koodide IS O volitatud registreerimisorgan avas veebilehe k6igi konteinerite koodidega panndamaks konteinereid tootva toostuse teenindamist.

Konteinerite koodid, mis on tuntud kui BIC koodid on ma,fuarJetud rahvusvahelises standardis ISO 6346 Freigbt conteiners - Coding identifcation and marking ja on ette ndhtud kasutamiseks rahvusvahelise transpotdi ja tollideklaratsiooni dokumentides. BIC koodid on kasutusel enam kui 110 riigis tile 1200 operaatori poolt, kes esindavad90 % kogu maailma konteinerite pargist. Rohkem infot leiate veebilehelt aadressil www.bic-code.orq


UUS STANDARDIMISPRO GRAMM Miiiigil Standardikeskuses Q5-) ja tasuta saadaval EVS veebilehel. Standardimisprograrnm kajastab seisuga 1. apnll 2002 etappide kaupa toosolevaid Eesti standardeid, nii algupiraseid kui ka tdlkemeetodil iilev6etavaid. Standardimisprogramm sisaldab ka ma j andusministeeriumi juures tootava ministeeriume esindava Standardimiskomisjoni poolt standardimiskavasse esitatud ettepanekuid.

73 EVS Teataja 5/2002


Maulma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni ITTO sekretariaadilt saabunud 6igusaktide eeJ:e6ud, milles sisalduvad tehnilised normid v6ivad saada kaubanduse tehnilisteks t6keteks. Eeln6ude kohta on v6imalik esitada kommentaarc 2 nddalat enne tabelis toodud kuupieva Majandusministeeriumi Karel Kangro tel6256 397, faks 6256 404, [email protected] Eeln6ude terviktekstid ja info EVS Teabekeskusest Signe Ruut tel 6519 21.2, faks 651,9 273, [email protected]


NUMBER KOMMEN- & RIIK TOODE/KAUP/ EESMARK TAARIDE ESITAMS- TEENUS ESITAMISE KUUPIIEV VIIMANE KUUPAEV G/TBT/N/CAN/31 KANADA (side) terminaliseadmed v6rgu kaitse 8. mar2002 27. mdrts 2002 G/TBT/N/JPN/40 JAAPAN kaabel TV atengia huvide kaitse M.mu2A02 22. mdrts 2002 edastusseadmed ja teeoused G/TBTIN/CFfi./78 SVETTS osooni kahandavad keskkonnakaitse, 19.mu2002 22. mtuts2002 anedia siinteetilised Mootreali ja Kyoto kasvuhoonegaasid protokollide tditmine (osaliselt ja tiiielikult halogeenitud siisivesinik ia eeter, SF6, NF3) G/TBTIN/KOR/31 KOREA ravimid terus 13. apnll2002 25. mdrts 2002 VABARIIK G/TBr/N/JPN/41 JAAPAN alkohoolsed joogid tarbijakaitse 20.mu2002 25. mirts 2002 G/TBT/N/JPN/42 JAAPAN kiiLlmutatud ta$ijakaitse 28.mau2402 25. mdrts2002 iuurviliatoidud G/TBT/N/CIJF./19 SVEITS uued s6iduautod, keskkonnakaitse 14. mu2002 27. mdrts 2002 klass Ml. HS:8703 G/TBT /N /r:t'Fx/2z MEHHIKO mootori6lid ohutus 3. aorill2002 G/TBT/N/Prn-/1,9 FILIPIINID plastifitseerimata tarbijakaitse 30. mau2002 5. aonll2002 poliiviniitilklodid

G/TBT/N/NLD/42 HOLII.ND N + t lrylJ sop np1 lJ -n etfu / kasutamise lubamine 12.1wi2002 5..apnll2O02 toodetes teatud nirimiskummis, tingimustel Sokolaadis ja teistes iookides ia toitudes G/TBT/N/JPN/43 JAAPAN ravimid (FIS:30) kinnitamise 31.mu2002 5. aonll2002 iimberreculeeriming G/TBT/N/CZE/37 TSEHHI Informatsiooni seadusandluse 37.mu2002 5. apl:ll2002 korraldamine Direktiiv iihtlustamine EU e8/48/EtJ omaga

L4 EVS Teataia 5/2002 G/TBT/N/ZAF/1.0 LOUNA-AAFzuKA hingamisaparaadid ohutus ja n6uete 1. ma|2002 8. aprill 2002 (respiraatodd) iihdustamine ICS: 13.340.30; HS:9020.00 G/TBT/N/CAN/32 KANADA S6idukite heitmed keskkonnakaitse 29. mai2002 9. apnJl2002 ICS: 43.080.07, 43.100, 43.140,13.040.50 G/TBT/N/NLD/43 HOLT-AND kloorfloorsiisinikud, keskkonnakaitse 29.mu2002 70. apitll20O2 ained, mis kahandavad osoonikihti G/TBTIN/KOR/IZ KOREA ravimid tervis 70. aonll2002 VASARIIK G/TBT/N/ESP/12 HiSPAANIA elektriinduktsiooni tehnilised n6uded 27. apdl2002 70. aprll2002 arvesti c/TBTlN/KOR/:: KOREA ravimid inimeste tervis 17. apnll2002 VABARIIK G/TBT/N/KOR/34 KOREA viinad, likoorid, vein, marglstariloe 37. mai2002 1,7. aptill2002 VABARIIK 6lu ine. G/TBTIN/BRA/30 BRASIILIA maantees6idukid - inimeste kaitse 17. apnll2002 17. aprll20O2 maaq? s G/TBTIN/BRA/31 BRASIILIA iihekordselt kasutatavad ohutusn6uded 26. mdrts 2002 17. apnll2002 eaasistiiitaiad G/TBT/N/BRA/32 BRASIILIA koolimo6bel - komplekt tarbijakaitse JL.m fiSZUUZ 11. apnll2002 6pilastele (tool + laud) ICS:97.140 G/TBT/N/Z.t\F/l"t LOUNA-AAFzuKA keskpinge elektrikaablite ohutus 5. juuni 2002 12. apdll2002 ohutus ICS: 29.060.20; 29.240.20; HS:8544.60 G/TBT/N/SLV/ EL SALVADOR kohustuslikud n6uded 30. apnll2002 7,9 standardid nafta ja 76. apnll2002 naftatoodete hoiustamiseks G/TF-[/N/ARG/42 ARGENTIINA autoosade ohutus sertifitseerimine 76. apnll2002 G/TBT/N/ARG/43 ARGENTIINA veinitooted pakendamine ja L6. aonll2002 mdqistamine G/T3.T/N/ARG/44 ARGENTIINA kosmeetika tervisekaitse 76. aoal12002 G/TBT/N/ARG/45 ARGENTIINA meditsiinipreparaadid tewisekaitse 76. aonll2002 G/TBT/N/CZE/38 TSEHHI m66tevahendid muudatused seaduses 37.mu2002 17. apnll2002 G/TBTIN/THA/77 TAI toiduainet6ostuse tarbijakaitse 60 pieva 18. apnll2002 protsessid HS: 84.38; ICS: 67.020 G/TBT/N/TrlA/78 TAI viirtsid ja maitseained, tarbijakaitse 60 pleva .18.aptil2A}2 toidu lisaained HS: 21.06: ICS: 67.220 G/TBT/N/THA/79 TAI kiirigivili ia tarbijakaitse 60 pdeva 18. aptrll2002 ko6giviljatooted HS: 2103.10; ICS: 67.080.20 G/TBT/NIJPN/++ JAAPAN raadioseadmed autori6iguste kaitse 11. juuni 2002 L8. apnll2002 digitaalsele levitussiisteemile G/rBT/N/JPN/+s JAAPAN biopteparaadid kvaliteedikontroll 27.itwi2002 18. apn112002 loomadele HS: 3002.270,3002.30, 3002.40

15 G/TBT/N/Tr{A/80



G/SPS/N/MEX/176 MEHHIKO kookosoalrn taimekaitse'rts2002 4. mdrts 2002 G/SPS/N/MEX/177 MEHHIKO hiibdid- taimekaitse 24.mrirts2002 4. mdrts 2002 kookospalmi seemned c/sPS/N/MEX/178 MEHHIKO kaubaalused tefftoortu'Iu 37. mdtts 2O02 4. mdrts 2002 (platvorrn), kaitsmine kaubakastid ja kahjurite eest teised puidust oaktematerialid G/SPS/N/MEX/17e MEHHIKO kahiwid territooriumi 4. mirts 2O02 kaitsmine kahiudte eest G/SPS/N/MEX/180 MEHHIKO bambus, paju jm. territooriumi 7. apnll2002 71. mdrts 2002 korvipunumises kaitsmine kasutatav material kahiurite eest G/SPS/N/MEX/181 MEHHIKO virske saepuit territooriumi 7. apnJl2002 1'1. mirts2002 kaitsmine kahiurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/559 USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 5. aprll2002 26. mlrts 2002 ftIumic acid, ootassium salt) c/sPS/N/Prn-/38 FILIPIINID Filipiinidele tii6deldud koera- toiduohutus/ 26. mdrts 2002 eksportivad ja kassitoidud loomatervis riieid G/SPS/N/PT{-/39 FiLIPIINID Filipiinidele bha- ja lihatooted toiduohutus 26. mdrts 2002 eksportivad toiduks riisid G/SPS/N/THA/8s TAI HS:84.38, toiduohutus 60 pdeva 26. mdrrs 2002 ICS:67.020 toiduainetocistuse protsessid G/SPS/N/T}IA186 TAI HS:10.05, toiduohutus 60 p?ieva 26. mints2002 ICS: 67.060 teraviJi, kaunvili ja nendest valmistanrd tooted G/SPS/N/THA/87 TAI HS:21.06, toiduohutus 60 pieva 26. mafis2002 lc* 67.220 viirtsid !a maitseained, toidu lisaained c/SPS/N/THA/88 TAI HS: 2103.10, toiduohutus 60 pieva 26. mitts 2002 ICS: 67.080.20 kiiiigivili ja k6oeiviliatooted

76 EVS Teataia 5/2002 c/sPS/N/JPN/83 JAAPAN Prm ta toiduohutus 16. mu2002 26. mdns2002 piimatooted, konteinerid ja piima ja piimatoodete oakendid juuni c/sPS/N/NZJ,/169 UUS MEREMAA Jaapart ve$e sPerma loomatervis 8. 2002 26. mtuts2002 c/sPS/N/NZL/770 UUS MEREMAA k6ik rngid kasutatud rehvid teffltoonrun! 1.mu2002 26. mdrts 2002 loomade ja taimede kaitse G/SPS/N/EEC/157 EUROOPA EU toidujiitmed, toiduohutus/ 60 pieva 2. apnl|2002 UHENDUSED liikmesriigid kaasa arvatud inimeste ia kolmandad rasvad ia 6lid, kaitsmine EU-SSe toodeldud v6i looma- ja eksportivad tcicidemata taimehaiguste riisid eest G/SPS/N/EEC/158 EUROOPA EU ja EU-ga virske liha, uluki ja toiduohutus 2. aptll2002 UTIENDUSED kauplevad kiiiilikuliha rnsid clsPs/N/EECI1se EUROOPA EU (1) toiduained, mis toiduohutus/ t3. m^ zvuz 2. apr1l2002 Urm,Nouss,o liikmesriigid sisaldavad hiniini miirgistamine ja kolnandad v6i kofeiini EU-g maitselisandina kauplevad (2) ioogid, mis tiigd sisaldavad iile 750mg/l kofeiini ja kaubanimetus ei sisalda termineid "kohvi". "tee" G/SPS/N/CTE /2e TSEHiX alkohoolsed joogid toiduohutus 15.mal-2002 2. aonl12002 c/sPS/N/HUN/14 UNGARI Hiina,Taani" loomset piiritolu toiduohutus/ 2. apn\2042 Saksamaa, toit, s6cit ja loomatervis Itaaha,Ta\ lemmikloomatoit Uhendatud Kuningdik ja Araabia Unena- erniraadid G/SPS/N/USA/ USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 15. apttll2002 567,562 (friticonazole, 2. apnl12002 Hexvthiazox) G/SPS/N/USA/563 USA puu- ia juurviljad taimekaitse 15. apnll2002 2. apnll2002 G/SPS/N/USA/s64 USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 77. mu2002 2. aonll2002 (Allethrin) G/S?S/N/USA/565 USA Soome mriletsejad, liha ia toiduohutus 2. apnll2002 tooted G/SPS/N/USA/566 USA Austria mdletsejad, liha ja toiduohutus, 2. apnll2O02 tooted loomatervis c/sPS/N/USA/567 USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 79. apnll2002 2. apnll2002 (Emamectin Benzoate) c/SPS/N/USA/568 USA Kreeka liha- ja lihatooted loomatervis 20.mu2002 2. aonll2002 G/SPS/N/KOR/109 KOREA Pormgaf Pinus spp. Larix tairnekaitse 2. apall2002 VABARIIK Mehhiko spp. ja Cedrus spp puit ja oaliundusmaterial G/SPS/N/KOR/110 KOREA toidu lisaained toiduohutus 19. mat2002 2. apnll2002 VABARIIK

17 EVS Tea

G/SPS/N/PE{,/40 FILIPIINID Jaapan kalajahu toiduohutus/ 2. aonl12002 loomatervis/ territooriumi kaitsmine G/SPS/N/NLD/SE HOLI-AND Hollandig veiseliha, angerjas, toiduohutus 3. aprll2002 kauplevad mrmad, loomsed riigid rasvad ja 6lid, piimatooted ja sealiha G/SPS/N/TPKM/1 TAIVANI, Lactoferrin toiduohutus 15. mu2002 4. aprll2002 PENGHU, KINMENIJA MATSU ERALDATUD TOTII- TERRI'TOORIUM G/SPS/N/IND/9 INDIA k6ik loomsed toiduohutus 11. apnJl2002 tooted, kiilmutatud liha ja lihatooted, kodulinnud, sead, lambad, kitsed; muna ja munapulbet, piim ja piimatooted; looma embriiod ia speflru, loomset oiritolu s66t G/SPS/N/IND/10 INDIA Hiina ftaasa linnud, toiduohutus/ 11. apdl2002 arvatud pievavanused loomatervis Hong Kong), tibud, kalkunid, Honduras, linnuliha Itaalia, Laos, Pakistan G/SPS/N/rND/11 INDIA elusloomad: nende toiduohutus,/ 11. apn1l2002 embriiod ja loomatervis munarakud, virske liha ia lihatooted, koed, organid ja bha- ja kondijahu, loomajiitmetest scicit G/SPS/N/THA/89 TAI HS 03.06, toiduohutus 60 pieva 11. aprilI2002 ICS: 67.120.30 $ala ja kalatooted) krevetid G/SPS/N/USA/ USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 28.mu2402 569,570 (mazalil,Zn^) 11. zpnll2002 G/SPS/N/USA/ USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 29. apnll2002 577,572 (thiophanate, 71. apnll2002 6-benzyladenine) G/SPS/N/USA/ USA pestitsiidid toiduohutus 3. iuuni 2002 573,575 (Molinate, 71. aonll2002 Methoxvchlor) G/SPS/N/USA/s74 USA toidulisandid toiduohutus 3.mu2002 77. aonll2002 G/SPS/N/USA/576 USA veterinaatsed loomatervis 4.javni2002 11. apnll2002 bioloogilised viirused, seerumid, toksiinid, ja analooeid G/SPS/N/SLV /IS ELSALVADOR taimed ia seemned taimekaitse 29. apdl2002 71. aonl12002

18 EVS G/SPS/N/SLV/39 EL SALVADOR p6llumajandus- toiduohutus/ 29. apdl2002 11. aptll2002 likud sisendid/ loomatervis/ taimekaitse c/SPS/N/SLV/40 EL SALVADOR k6ik loomaliigid ja loornatervis 29. apnll2002 11. april2002 nendest tooted ja pooltooted G/SPS/N/SLV/41 ELSALVADOR orgaanilised tooted toiduohutus/ 29. aprll2002 11. apdl2002 loomatervis/ taimekaitse c/sPS/N/SLv/ ELSALVADOR taimed, loomad ja toiduohutus/ 29. apnJl2002 42,43 nendest tooted loomatervis/ 71. aonll2002 taimekaitse G/SPS/N/KOR/111 KOREA taimed ja taimekaitse 20. jwni2002 72. aonll2002 VABARIIK taimetooted c/sPS/N/EEC/164 EUROOPA ielatiinist toiduohutus/ 12. aptilI2002 uHeNouseo kondiitritooted, mis ajutine sisaldavad kasutamise toidulisandit E 425 keeld koniak G/SPS/N/S\rN/13 SLOVEENIA Hiina Ioomsed tooted toiduohutus/ 15 apnll2002 loomatervis/ impordikeeld G/SPS/N/S\4'{/14 SLOVEENIA Itaalia kodu- ja metssea toiduohutus/ 15 apnll2002 lihast tooted loomatervis/ L661rlikeeld G/SPS/N/SVN/1s SLOVEENIA metsapuude taimekaitse apttll2002 15. apnll2002 seernned, noored taimed ja taimeosad (060290470, 120999100) c/SPS/N/SLV/44 ELSALVADOR taimed, loomad, tertitooriumi 29. apnJl2002 16. apnll2002 nendest tooted kaitsmine impordiks ja kahjurite eest ekspordiks G/SPS/N/USA/577 USA toidulisandid toiduohutus 16. apr:ll2002 (Ffaematococcus aloae astaxanthin) G/SPS/N/USA/578 USA toiduga toiduohutus L6. apnJl2002 kokkupuunrvad ained G/SPS/N/TPKM/3 TAIVANI, Kuld (metalne) toiduohutus 25.mu2002 18. apnll2002 PENGHU, KINMENIJA MATSU ERALDATUD TOLLI- TERRITOORIUM G/SPS/N/EEC/165 EUROOPA EU toidulisandid toiduohutus/ 60 yieu.a 18. apnll2002 UHENDUSED 1i;1"ns5;igid loomatervis ja kolmandad EU-g. kauplevad riisid G/SPS/N/CLE /30 SVEITS k6ik riigid (looma)so6t loomatervis 15. iuuni 2002 18. aonll2002

19 EVS Teataia 5/2002


See EVS Teataja osa avaldab andmed uutest 2) Eesti standardite kavandid, mis Eesti vastuvSetud Eesti standarditest ia avalikuks standardimisprogrammi iargr on j6udnud arvamuskiisiduseks esitatud standardite arvamuskiisiduse etappi ftavandid on kavanditest Rahvusvahelise standardite kittesaadavad eesti keeles standardi- osakonnas, neid saab osta mtiiigigrupist); klassifi kaatori (ICS) f iirgi.

Samas jaotises on toodud andmed nii eesti 3) Euroopa (ptEl[) standardite kavandid, mis keeles avaldatud kui ka j6ustumisteatega Eesti on saadetud liikmetele arvamusktisiduseks standarditeks ingliskeelsetena vastuv6etud (kavandid on kdttesaadavad EVS rahvusvahelistest ia Euroopa standarditest. raamatukogus, v.a Euroopa standarditeks Kuna v6imalusel on ingliskeelsena vastuv6etud tilev6etavate nende ISO tehniliste standardi nimetus ja kdsidusala t6lgitud eesti komiteede kavandid (ptEN ISO), mille tocis keelde ja loetelust ei ole am saada, millised EVS ei osale, ja neid saab osta standardid on t6lgitud eesti keelde, on eesti miiiigigrupist. EVS tehnilistel komiteedel keeles avaldatud standatdid toodud ka eraldi on v6imalik saada koopiaid oma nimekirj ana T eataja, l6pus. kisidusdaga kokkulangevatest kavanditest EVS kontaktisiku kaudu). Eesmdrgiga tagada standardite vastuv6trnine jiirgides konsensuse pdhim6tteid, peab EVS Teatajas on kavandid identifitseeritud standardite vastuvdtmisele eelnema standardite sellele standardite andmebaasis omisatud kavandite avalik arvamusktisidus, milleks projekti numbri j^tg (trt prEVS 18958), ettendhtud perioodi fooksul on asjasthuvitatuil kavandite saamiseks on soovitatzv dn ni,idata v6imalik tuwuda standardite kavanditega ning ka kavandiga identse standardi tdhis. Teavet teha ettepanekuid. Eesti standardimisprogrammist saab standardiosakonnast. EVS Teatajas on esitatud arvamuskiisidusele: 1) Euroopa ja rahvusvahelised standardid, mis Kavandite arvamuskiisidusel on eriti oodatud on kavas vastu v6ta Eesti standarditeks teave, kui rahvusvahelist vdi Euroopa iSustumisteatega ftavandid kdttesaadaval standardit ei peaks vastu v6trna Eesti standardina inglise keeles EVS raamatu- standardiks (vastuolu Eesti 6igusaktidega, pole kogus ja neid saab osta mii0gigrupist; EVS Eestis rakendatav jt p6hjustel). tehnilistel komiteedel on v6imalik saada koopiaid oma kdsidusalaga kokkulan- gevatest standarditest EVS kontaktisiku kaudu);

20 EVS Teataja 5/20.02


ICS Nimetus 01. Uldkrisimused. Terminoloogia. Standardimine. Dokumentatsioon 03 Sotsioloogia. Teenused. Ettev6tte organiseerimine ia iuhtimine. Haldus. Transport 07 Matemaatika. Loodusteadused 1.L Tervisehooldus 13 I(eskkonna- ia tervisekaitse. Ohutus "t7 Metroloogia j a m65tmine. Ftiiisikali sed ndh tused 1,9 Katsetamine 21 Uldkasutatavad masinad ja nende osad 23 Uldkasutatavad hiidro- ia pneumostisteemid ja nende osad 25 Tootmistehnoloogia 27 Elektri- ja soo j usenergeetika 29 Elektrotehnika 31, Elektroonika 33 Sidetehnika 35 Infotehnoloogia. I{ontoriseadmed JI Visuaaltehnika

39 Tdppismeh aantkz. J uveelitooted 43 Maantees6idukite ehitus 45 Raudteetehnika 47 Laevaehitus ja mereehitused 49 Ohus6idukid ja kosmosetehnika 53 T6ste- ja teisaldusseadmed 55 Pakendamine 59 Tekstiili- ja nahatehnoloogia 61, RSivatoostus 65 P5llumajandus 67 Toiduainete tehnoloogia 71 Keemiline tehnoloogia 73 Miendus jamaavand t) Nafta ja naftatehnoloogia 77 Metallurgia 79 Puidutehnoloogia 81 Klaasi- ja keraamikatoostus 83 Kummi- j a plastitoostus 85 Paberitehnoloogia 87 Viirvide iz vdwunete toostus 91 Ehitusmate q*d ia ehitus 93 Tsiviilehitus 95 S6jatehnika 97 Olme. Meelelahutus. Sport 99 Muud

27 EVS Teataia 5/2002

This Draft European Standard specifies the characteristics of slag 01.040.13 0r.040.25 bound mixtures, including Keskkonna- ia Tootmistehnoloogia constituents, fomrulation, and tervisekaitse. Ohutus (s6navara) laboratory petforrnance for use in (s6navara) road structures and otler similar Manufacturing engine ering works. In this standard, the binding Environment and health (Vocabularies) properties come from the use of protectio-n. Safety KAVANDITE slag ftom the iron and steel ffocabularies) ARVA}IUSKOSITLUS industry. UUED STANDARDID prEVS 52696 prEVS 52811 Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 EVS-EN 1005-l:2002 Identne prEN 1 4227 -3 :2001 Hind 101,00 Identne ptEl{ 77 9 2:2002 Unbound and hydraulically Identne EN 1005-1:2001 Welding - Multilingual list of bound mixtures - Specifications tetms for Safety of machirrery - Human welding and related -Part 3: Fly ash fot bound physical perfotmance - Part 1: Ptocesse9 mixtures - Definitions, The following Terms and definitious lists contain composition, classifi cation commonly used welding terms. This European Standard provides The Standard defines "Fly Ash definitions on concepts and New terms will be added on a Bound Mixtures" (FA3M) for regular basis. parameters used for EN 1005-2 , roads (roadbase, subbase, capping prEN 1005-3, EN 1005-4 and and earthworks) and similar works EN 1005-5. Basic concepts and 01.040.91 and specifies the requirements for general ergonomic principles for Ehitusmaterjdid ehitus their constituents, composition and the design of machinery are dealt ia (s6navara) laboratory petforrnance with in EN 292-1, EN 292-2atd classification. In this standard, fly EN 61+1. Construction materials and ash refers to siliceous or calcareous fly ash, produced from the building ffocabularies) 0r.040.23 combustion of pulvedzed coal in enetgy generating plants. The Uldk"suta tavad hiidro- a UUED STANDARDID i treatment soils fly ash is EVS-EN 459-7:2002 of with pneumosiisteemid ia not Hind 139,00 covered by this standard, but is nende osad (s6navara) currently under preparation. Identne EN 459-1:2001 prEVS 52697 Fluid systems and Ehituslubi. Osa t M6isted, eristuskiti vastavus- Tiihtaeg 2002-07-0'l components for general use ia kdlsgfirrmid Identne prEN 1 4227 -4:2007 (r'ocabularies) and This Prestandard applies to Unbound hydtaulically bound mixtutes - Specffications KAVANDITE building limes used as binders for preparation of mortar (for -Part 4: FIy ash for hydtaulically ARVAMUSKUSITLUS bound mixtutes Definitions, masoffy, rendedng and plaste.i.g) - prEVS 52858 and production of other composition, classifi cation Tihtaeg: 2002-08-01 construction products. This European Standard specifies Identne prEN 7621-1:2001 fly ash used in hydraulically bound Ptessure equipment - mixtures for roadbase, subbase, Terminology - Part 1: Pressure, 01.040.93 capping and similar works. The tempetatute, volume, nominal Tsiviilehitus (s 6navara) standard applies to fly ash size produced by the combustion of This part of the European standard Civil engineering pulverized coal in energy defines the basic terminology and ffocabularies) generating plants.There are fwo syrnbols to be used for pressure types of fly ash depending on the equipment and assemblies KAVAI\DITE type ofcoal burned and/of the addressed by the Euopean ARVAMUSKUSITLUS desulphurisation process. One type Directive 97 /23/EC with regard to prEVS 52695 behaves pozzolarically and the Pressure, tempexanlre, volume and Tihtaeg 2002-07-Al dominant chemical constituent are nominal size. Identne prEN 1 4227 -2:2001 SiO2 and Al2O3; this is called Unbound and hydraulically alumino-silicate or siliceous fly ash. bound mixtures - Specifications The other type behaves -Patt2t Slag Bound Mixtures - hydraulically and the dominant Definitions, composition, chemical constituents are CaO, classffication SiO2 and Itl2O3; this is called sulpho-calcitic or calcateous fly ash.

22 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Transportable relillable fu llY 01.100.01 01.110 wrapped composite cylindets Tehnilised joonised Toote tehniline fot liquefied pettoleum gases - dokumentatsioon Design and construction in general Technical drawings This European standard sPecifies product UUED STANDARDID Technical minimum requirements concerning documentation materials, design, construction, EVS-EN rSO128-20|2002 prototyPe testing and routine Hind 83,00 KAVAI\DITE manufacturing inspections of Identne ISO 128-20:1996 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS composite cylinders with a water ja identne EN ISO 128-20:2001 prEVS 39425 capacity from 0,5 litre up to and Technical drawings - Genetal Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01, including 150 lites for liguefied principles of presentation - Identne ptEN 13460:2001 petroleum gases exposed to Pxt20: Basic conventions fot Maintenance - Documents fot ambient temperanres, a test lines "vith maintenance pressure of 30 bar. This standard is This part of EN iSO 128 This European Standard specifies applicable to rylinders that establishes the types of lines, their the general guidelines for:- comprise a liner of metallic desigrations and their technical documentation to be material (welded or seamless) or configurations, as well as general supplied with an item, at the latest nonmetallic material (or a mixrure rules for draughting of lines used before it is ready to be put into thereof), reinforced by fibres of in technical drawings, e'g. its sen'ice, in order to support glass, carbon or aramid (or a diagrams, plans or maps. maintenance, see clause 5. - the mixture thereof). This standard is EVS-EN ISO728-2722002 documentation of information to also applicable to composite Hind 92,00 be established withh the cvlinden without liners. Identne ISO 7 28 -27 :1997 operational phase of an item, in ja identne EN ISO 128-21:2001' order to supPort the maintenance Technical drawings - Genetal requirements, see annex A. 03.220.20 principles of ptesentation - Part Maanteettansport linss CAD- 21: Preparatien ef bY 03.080.10 systems Road transport Tddstusteenused This part of EN ISO 128 specifies KAVAI\DITE calculation of procedures for the Industrial services ARVAMUSKOSITLUS the most important basic tYPes of prEVS 52784 non-continuous lines according to KAVANDITE Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01 EN ISO 728-20 and their line ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Identne ptEN lM32:2002 elements. prEVS 39425 Tanks for tle ttansport of Tfitaeg: 2002-07-07 dangerous goods - Tank 01.100.10 Identre prEN 13460:2001 equipment for the transPort of Maintenance - Documents fot Joonestamise ffldreeglid liquid chemicals - Product maintenance discharge and air inlet valves General dravzing rules This European Staodard specifies This standard specifies general general guidelines foc- the STANDARDID requirements fot product discharge UUED technical documentation to be and air inlet valves for use on EVS-EN ISO 5456422002 supplied with an item, at the latest portable and transportable tanks Hind 170,00 before it is ready to be put into for Dangerous Goods. It is Identne ISO 54564:1996 service, in order to support its applicable to equipment for use on maintenance, see clause 5. - the ia identne EN ISo 5456-4:,2001 tanks with gravity and pressure Technical drawings - Ptoiection documentation of information to discharge. methods - Part 4: Cenaal be established within the prEVS 52810 proiection operational phase of an item, in Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 This part of EN ISO 5456 order to support the maintenance Identne prEN 14433:2002 specifies basic rules for the requirements, see annex A. Tanks for the tansport of development and application of dangetous goods - Tank cenfial projection in technical 43.224 equipment for the transport of drawings. Transport. Postiteenused liquid chemicals - Footvalves This standard specifies the general Transpott requfuements for foot valves for use on portable and transPortable KAVANDITE tanks for dangetous goods. It is ARVAMUST0STTTUS applicable to equipment fot use on ptEYS 52782 tanks with bottom loading and Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 discharge. Identoe prEN 7 4427 :2002

z3 EVS Teataja 5/2002 03.240 prEVS 52830 applied to other types of water Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 rvith a low background flora, fot Postiteenused Identne prEN 1,{41 6:2002 example poolwaters and waters Postal services Geosynthetic barriers - Test intended for human consumption. method for determining the resistance to roots KAVAI\DITE 11.040.01 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS This standard covers a laboratory Meditsiinivarustus iiLl.dis elt prEVS 52844 procedure for the testing of the Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 tesistance of polymetic or Medical equipment in bituminous geosynthetic barriers Identne prEN 14012:2001 general Postal services - Quality of and geotextile day liners to root service - Measurements of penetration.The standard does not KAVAI\DITE complaints and tedtess pqport to addtess dl of the safety ARVAMUSKOSITLUS problems, if aoy, associated with its procedures prEVS 52754 use. It is the responsibility of the This standard specifies Tiihtaeg 2002-07-07 the measurement user of this standard to establish requirements for Identne ISO/DIS 1 47 55-2:2001 appropriate safety and health of complaints and redress ja identne ptEN ISO 14755-2:2001 practices and determine the procedutes related to the domestic Clitrisal investigation of medical applicability of regulatory and international postal service. It devices for human subjects - limitations prior to use. defines various types of complaints P art 2: Clinical investigation and for each ofthem establishes a plans me thodology for measuring 07.100.10 This part ofEN ISO 14155 lesponse rates for their Meditsiiniline provides requirements for the acknowledgement, processing and mikrobioloogia preparation of plans for the clinical resolution by the service provider. investigation of Medical Devices. It also specifies the requirements Medical microbiology The compilation of a Clinical for the complaints management Investigation Plan (CIP) in system to be set up by the service UUED STAI\DARDID accordance with the requirements provider.This standard is EVS-EN 7232227999 / N:2002 ofthis Standard and adhetence to applicable to all domestic and Hind 57,00 itwill help in optimising the cross-border services rvithin the Identne EN 72322:1999 / A7 :2007 scientific validity and universal service. It may be used In vitro kasutatavad reproducibility of a Clinical for other postal services if diagnost'lised [ovssrigation. This Standard does appropriate. meditsiiniseadmed. not apply to in vitro diagnostic Miktobioloogia s66de. S66me medical devices. 07.060 esitluskdteesirrrnifl . Geoloogia. Meteoroloogia. MUUDATUS 11.040.40 Hiidroloogia This standard specifies implantaadid, requirements for the performance Kirurgilised proteesimine ortopeedia Geology. Meteorology. of culture media. It is concemed ia with the traceability, comparability, Implants for sutgery reproducibility and suitability of prosthetics KAVANDITE culture media used in and orthotics ARVAMUSKUSITLUS microbiological laboratodes. KAVA\IDITE prEYS 52829 ARVAMUSXITJSITLUS Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 07.t00.20 ptEYS 52721 Identne prEN 1,{415:2002 Vee mikrobioloogia Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 Geosynthetic barriets - Test Identne ISO/DIS | 6054:2000 method for determining the Microbiology of water ja identne prEN ISO 16054:2001 resistance ie lsaching KAVAI\DITE Implants for surgery - This standard covers laboratory Minirnum data sets for surgical procedures for the testing of the ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS implants leaching behaviour of polymeric or prEVS 52855 This Intematiooal Standard defines binrminous geosynthetic barriers Tiihtaeg 2002-07-07 minimum data sets for surgial and geosynthetic clay liners in hot Identne prEN 12780:2001 implants to facilitate tecording and 'STater water, aqueous alkaline liquids and quality - Detection and intemational exchange of data for organic alcohols. The standard enumetation of Pseudomonas the pu4loses of implant reglstry does not puport to address all of aeruginosa by membmne and tracking to allow recall for the safety problems, if any, filuation product couection or patient associated with its use. It is the This European Standatd presents a follow cross referencing betrd/een responsibility of the user of this method for the isolation and extended data sets for the purposes standard to establish appropriate enumeration of Pseudomonas of retrieval analvsis and research. safety and health practices and aeruginosa in botded water determine the applicability of samples by a membrane filtation regulator limitations prior to use. techaique. This method can also be 24 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Part 2 ofEN 13726 describes test 11.080.01 73.040.20 methods recommended for the Steriliseerirnine ia evaluation of moistute vapour Viilis6hu lvaliteet desinfi ts eerimine ii.{diselt transmission rate of permeable film Ambient atmospheres primary wound dressings. Sterilization and disinfection UUED STANDARDID in general 71.200 EVS-EN 73277-4:2002 UUED STANDARDID Siindimuse kontroll. Hind 92,00 Identne EN 1327 7 -4:2407 EYS-EN 556-l:?.002 Mehaanilised Ptotective equipment fot Hind 75,00 rasestumisvastased martial arts - Part 4: Additional Identne EN 556-1:2001 vahendid requirements and test mettrods Sterilization of medical devices - fot head protectors Requfuements fot medical Birth control. Mechanical This European Standard specilies devices to be designated contracePtives additional requirements and test - Part 1: "STERILE'' methods for head protectors Requirements for terminally UUED STANDARDID without face protection used in sterilized medical devices. EVS-EN t9O74392002 unarmed martial arts, such as This European Standard speciFes Hind 109,00 Taekwondo, Karate, Kick-Boxing the requirements for a terminally- Identne ISO 7439:2002 and similar disciplines. It also sterilized medical device to be ja identne EN ISO 7439:2002 applies to head protectors used i:n designated 'STERILE': Patt 2 of Copper-bearing intra-uterine boxing. this European Standard specifies contraceptive devices - requirements for an aseptically the Requirements, test processed medical device to be 13.040.30 This standard applies to single-use designated "STERILE". coppet-containing contraceptive T66keskonna 6hu lrraliteet intrauterine devices and their \fforkplace atmospheres 17.120.20 insertion instruments. Ravitarbed. Contraceptive intauterine devices KAVANDITE Kirurgiasidemed consisting only of a plastics body ARVAMUSI(I]SITLUS and contraceptive intrauterine prEYS 52724 devices whose primary purpose is Medical materials. Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 to release progestogens are not Identne prEN 13205:2001 KAVANDITE in scope of this included the Wotkplace afinospheres - standard. ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Assessment of performance of prEVS 52838 itrstruments for measutement of Tihtaeg 2002-07-At 13.020.50 airborne particle concetrtrations Identne EN 137 26-1:2002 Keskkonnamargistus This European Standard specifies Test methods for primary methods for testing aerosol 6."ssings part 1: wound - Ecolabelling sampling iostruments undet Aspects of absorbency presctibed laboratory conditions, Part 1 13726 specifies test ofEN UUED STANIDARDID and performance requfuements that methods recommended for the E'VS-EN ISO 1402022002 are specific to aerosol sampling evaluation some aspects of of Hind 66,00 instruments. These petformance absorbenry of primary wound Identne ISO 14020:2000 requLements, which include dressings. ja identne EN ISO 74020:2001 conformity with the EN 481 prEVS 52853 Environmental labels and sampling conventions, apply only Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 declarations - General to the process of sampling the Identne 13726-1 :2001 prEN principles airbome particles from the air, not Test methods fot primary This standard establishes gutdhg to the process of analysing particles wound dtessings - Part 1: principles fot the development and collected by the process of Aspects of absotbency use of environmental labels and sampling. Although analysis of Part 1 13726 specifies test ofEN declarations. It is intended that samples collected in the cowse of methods recommended for the other applicable standards in the testing is usually necessary in order evaluation of some aspects of ISO 1,1020 series be used in to evaluate the sampler absorbency of primary wound conjunction with this Intemational performance, the specified test dressings. Standard. This standard is not methods ensure that analytical prEVS 52854 intended for use as a specification errols are kept very low during Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 for certification and registration testing and do not contribute Identne ptEN 1 37 26 -2:200 | Puq)oses. significantly to the end result. The Test methods fot primary dete.-i.ation of analytical ertors dtessings Parft 2t wourrd - and factors related to them (for Moistute vapour tansmissiou example the bias, precision and rate of permeable dressinge film limit of detection of the analytical method) is outside the scope of

25 EVS Teataja 5/2002 this standard. Whete the aetosol Safety of machinery - Human Acoustics - Measurement and sampling instrument requires the physical performance - Patt 1: parametric desctiption of spatial use of an extemal (rather than Terms and definitions souad distribution cutves irr integral) pump, the pump is not This Euopean Standard provides workrooms fot evaluation of subject to the requirements of this de6nitions on concepts aod their acoustical performance standard. parameters used for EN 1005-2, This standard speciEes a method prEN 1005-3, EN 1005-4 and EN for measuring the spatial sound 1005-5. Basic concepts and general distribution cuwe(s) of a given 13.040.40 ergonomic principles for the desigp workroom. A method is given for Ptisiallikate heitmed of machinery are dealt with in EN determining, fiom the measured 292-1, EN 292-2atd EN 61+1. data, two descriptors of the Stationarv source erntsstons KAVANIDITE acoustical perfotmance of a KAVANiDITE workroom, i,e. the excess of sound ARVA}IUSKOSITLUS ARVAMUSKOSITLUS pressure level u/ith respect to a free prEVS 52808 field and the sound pressure level prEYS 52707 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 Tdhtaeg 2002-07-41 decay per distance doubling. Identne prEN 1870-1 6:2002 Identne prEN 14181:2001 Safety of woodworking Stationary soutce emissions - machines - Circular sawing 13.760 assurance of automated Quality machines - Part 16: Double Vibratsiooni ia l66gi toime measuring systems mitte sawing machines for V- inimesele This European Standard describes cutting procedures that shall be carried out This European Standard specifies Vibration and shock with to cover quality assurance (QA) of the requirements and/or measures respect to human beings automated measuring systems to remove the hazards and/or Iimit (AMS) plants installed on iodustrial the risks on double mitre sawing UUED STANDARDID for the determination of the flue machines for V-cutting with a EVS-EN 134%22002 gas components and other flue gas maximum cutting capacity (width Hind 130,00 parameters. This includes: a and height) of 200 mm, hereinafter Ideatne EN 13490:2001 procedure to determine the referred to as the rnachine, Mechanical vibtation - uncefiainty of the measured values designed to cut solid wood, Industrial trucks - Laboratory obtained by an automated chipboard, fibreboard or plywood evaluation and specification of measurement system. This involves and also these materials where they operator seat vibration the determination of its calibration are covered with plastic laminate or This European Standard is function and its variability, and a edgings. This European Standard applicable to operator seats used test on *ris variability of the covers the hazards relevant to on industrial trucks as de6ned in measured values of the AMS these machines as stated in clause ISO 5053 irtespective of power compared with the uncertainty 4. For Computer Numetically supply, type of equipment, liftirg gven by regulations. These tests Controlled (CNQ machines this ..mechanism and tyres. It also shall be by means of parallel European Standard does not cover applies to seats for other trucks not measurements using a standard hazards related to Electromagnetic covered by ISO 5053, e.g. variable- reference method (SRIVf); a Compatibility @MC). This reach trucks and low-lift order procedwe for operational activities European Standard does not apply picking trucks. required necessary to maintain the to hand held woodworking the measutement results, EVS-EN 28662-5:7999 / A222002 quality of machines or any adaptation including a check that tlle AMS is Hind 49,00 permitting their use in a different in Identne ISO 8662-5:1992 / the same operational condition mode, i.e. bench mounting.This as when the calibration curve was Amd.1:1999 European Standard is primarily ja determined; a procedure for the identne EN ISO 28662-5:1994/ directed at machines which are annual suweillance tests on the A2:2007 manufactured after the date of AMS. The determination and Kantavad kieshoitavad aiamiga issue of this Euopean Standatd. influence of the uncertainty due to t66riistad. Vibtatsiooni the data acquisition and handling m66trrine kiepidemetel . Osa 5: system is not included in this 73.t40 Sillutisel6hkurid ia ehitust66del standard. Miira toime inimesele kasutatavad vasatad. MUUDATUS 2 Noise with respect to human See standatd esitab tiiiipkatsetustel 13.110 beings ja v6rdlusotstarbel rakendatava Masinate ohutus laborimeetodi vibratsiooni UUED STANDARDID mS6tmiseks kieshoitavate ajaniga Safety of machinery EVS-EN ISO 14257:?.002 sillutisel6hkurite ja ehitust66del UUED STANDARDID Hind 66,00 kasutatavate vasarate kiepidemetel Identne ISO 74257:2007 EVS-EN 7005-1t2002 KAVANDITE ja identne EN ISO 14257:2O01 Hind 101,00 ARVAIVIUSKOSITLUS Identne EN 1005-1:2001 prEVS 35808 Tlhtaeg 2002-07-01

26 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Identne prEN 13059:2001 vrill be applicable to all fields u&ere pfiVS 52763 Safety of industrial trucks - Test cold solid surfaces cause a risk of Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 methods for measuring hand/finget contact cold iniury Identne EN 12259- vibration (frostbite and non-freezing). The 4:200O/A1:2002 This standard is a type test standard is applicable to the Tulekustutussiisteemid. procedure for establishing the healthy skin of adults (females and Splinkler - ja values of vibration emission males). Othet considerations are veepihustussiisteemide transmitted to the whole body of given in Annex B. koostisosad. Osa 4: Yeemootori operators of industrial trucks under hiiiresfisteemid specified conditions. It is not This part of EN 12259 specifies 73.220.20 applicable to hand-arm vibration. requirements for construction and This standard is applicable to Tulekaitsevahendid petformance of water motor use in conjunction with powered industrial trucks listed in Fire protection alarms for ISO 5053:1987. The annex A is alarm valves conforming to EN applicable for "all-terrain" trucks. UUED STANDARDID 72259-2,8N 12259-3 and EN 12259-9 used in automatic It also applies to other powered EVS-EN 12101-3:2002 spdnkler systems complying with industrial trucks not covered by Hind 190,00 1 EN 12845 and water spray systems ISO 5053: 987, e.g. vaiable-reach Identne EN 12101-3:2002 conforming to the relevant trucks and "low-lift" "ordet Smoke and heat control systems European Standard. Type approval picking" trucks, etc. - Part 3: Specification for a recommended test powered smoke and heat tests and schedule for type approval testing 13.180 exhaust ventilatots are also given. Auxiliary This part of the staodard specifies Ergonoomia componeots or attachments to requirements and gives methods watet motor alarms are not Ergonomics for testing powered smoke and covered bv this Part ofEN 12259. heat exhaust ventilators that ate UUED STANDARDID intended to be installed as part of a EVS-EN 1005-L2O02 poweted smoke and heat exhaust 73.220.50 Hind 101,00 ventilation system. Ehitusmaterialide ja - Identne EN 1005-1:2001 KAVAI\DITE elementide tulepiisivus machinsry - Human Safety-of ARYAMUSXIUSITLUS physical performance - Part 1: Fke-resistance of building Terms and definitions prEVS 30327 Tihtaeg: 2002-08-07 materials and elements This European Standard provides Identne prEN 5,1-13:2001 definitions on concepts and KAVANDITE Ffue detection and fue alarm parameters used for EN 1005-2 , systems - Part 1i!: System ARYAMUSKOSITLUS prEN 1005-3, EN 1005-4 and EN ptEVS 52705 requfu ements and compatibility 1005-5. Basic concepts and genetal assessment Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 the design ergonomic principles for Identne pr"EN 1 41 87-7:2001 This Ewopean Standard specifies of machinery are dealt with in EN Cold applied sealants - system requiiements to form a fire ioint 292-1, EN 292-2and EN 614-1. Test methods - Part 7: detection and fire alam system Detetmination of tesistance to KAVANDITE and related compatibility and flame ARVAMUSKOSITLUS conoectability assessment methods This Europeao Standard specifies a prEVS 52826 and tests for the system test method fot determination of Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 components. This Staodard dso the resistance to flame for cold Identne ISO 137 32-3:2002 specifies requirements for the applied joint sealants for use in ja identne EN ISO 13732-3:2002 integtity of the fue detection and joints in roads, air fields and other Ergonomics of the thermal fire alatm system when connected exposed concrete pavements. environment - Touching of cold to other systems.It is not intended surfaces - Patt 3: Etgonomics in this standard to speci$ the data and guidance fot manner in which the system is 13.300 ' application desig.ed, installed and used in any Kaitse ohtlike kaupade This standard describes methods particular application. eest for the assessment of the risk of Differentiation is made between cold injury and other adverse components classified as Protection against dangerous effects when a cold surface is components type 1 and other goods touched by bare hand/finger skin. components classified as This standard provides ergonomics components type 2. This standard KAVA}{DITE data to establish temperature limit is limited to systems where the ARVAMUSKOSITLUS values for cold solid surfaces. The components are interconnected by prEVS 52803 values established can be used in v,rires For f.d.a.s. using other Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 the development of special connections (for example optical Identne prEN 1331 5:2001 standards, where surface fibre or radio frequengy links ),this temperatule limit values are standard may be used as a required. The data of this standard guidance. 27 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Tanks for transpott of 73.340.10 This standard specifies the dangetous goods - Service requirements for the Kaitset6ivad construction, equipment for tanks - Gravity perforrnance, safety and the test discharge coupler Protective clothing methods for irnmersion suits. This This European Standard applies to part of the standard is applicable to gr vtty discharge coupler and UUED STANDARDID the tequirernents of abandonment specifies the performance EVS-EN 1fj,A67t2002 suits. For the requirements of requirements, critical dimensions Hind 139,00 constant wear suits see EN ISO and tests necessary to verifr the Identne EN 13061:2001 75027.-7 and fot the test methods compliance of the equipment to Protective clothing - Shi'r see EN ISO 15027-3. this standatd. The equipment guards fot association football EVS-EN ISO 15027 -3:2002 specified by this standatd is players - Requfuements and test Hind 130,00 suitable for use with Iiquid methods Identne ISO 7 5027 -3:2002 petroleum products and other This European Standard specifies ja identne EN ISO 75027-3:2002 dangerous substances ofClass 3 of the general requirements for the Irnrnersion suits - Part 3: Test ADR - European Agreement ergonomics, innocuousness, sizing, methods conceming the Intemational coverage, performance, and This standard specifies the test Cariage of Dangerous Goods by cleaning of association football methods for immersion suits.This (flammable Road liquids) which players' shin guatds. Test methods standard is applicable to constant have a vapour pressure not ate oC described and petformance wear suits and abondonment suits, exceeding 110 kPa at 50 and levels are de6ned. Requirements For requirements for constant petrol, and have no-sub- which for the marking of shin guards and urear suits see EN ISO 15027-1 classification as toxic or corrosive. the information to be supplied with and fot requirements for them are given. abandoment suits see EN ISO 73.320 EVS-EN ISO 652922002 $427-3. Hidrite- ja Hind 163,00 KAVANDITE hoiatussiisteemid Identne ISO 6529:2001 ARVAMUSKUSITLUS ja identne EN ISO 6529:200I pfiVS 52757 Protective Alarm and warning systems clothing - Prctection Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 against chemicals - Identne ISO/DIS 1 487 7 :2007 KAVAI\DITE Determiaation resistance of of identne prEN ISO 14877:2001 ARVAMUSKLISITLUS pfotective slqthing ia materials to Ptotective clothing fot abrasive prEVS 52763 permeation by liquids and gase blasting operations using Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 This standard describes a gtanular abrasives Identne EN 12259- laboratory test method that enable This European draft standard 4:2000/A1:2002 a determination of the resistance of specifi es minimum requirements Tulekustutussiisteemid. materials used in protective and test methods for protective Splinkler - clothing to permeation by liquid or ia clothing for abrasive blasting veepihustus sff steemide gaseous chemicals under the operations and fot hand koostisosad. Osa 4: Veemootori conditions of either continuous or protection, for the treatment of hiiiresiisteemid intemittent contact. surfaces with gtanular abtasives This part of EN 12259 specifies EVS-EN ISO 75027 -722002 propelled by compressed air or by requirements for construction and Hind 126,00 mechanical means. The protection performance of water motor Identne ISO 75027 -1 :2002 against substances that develop alarms for use in conjunction with ja identne EN ISO 15027-7:2002 during the blasting operation as alarm valves conforming to EN Immersion suits - Part 1: well as connections between the 1,2259-2,EN 12259-3 and EN Constant wear suits, protective clothing and the 72259-9 used in automatic requfuementr hsluding safety respiratory protective device are sprinkler systems complying with This standard specifies the also covered.This European draft EN 12845 and water spray systems tequirements for the construction, standard does not apply to steam conforming to the relevant performance, safety and test blasting, jet blasting and flame Eurbpean Standard. Type approval methods for immersion zuits. This blasting opetations. tests and a recommended test part of the standard is applicable to ptENS 52774 schedule for type approval testing the requirements of constant wear Tlhtaeg 2002-07-01 are also given. AuxiJiary suits. For the abandonment suits Identne ISO 14460:2002 components or attachments to see EN ISO 75027-2, for test ja identne EN ISO water motor alarms ate nor methods for immersion suits see 14460:1999 / A7:2002 covered bv this Part ofEN 12259. EN ISO 75027-3. Kaitseriietus autojuhtidele. EY$EN ISO 15027-2:2A02 Kaitse kuumuse ia tule vastu. Hind 117,00 Toimev6ime n6uded ia Identne ISO 75027 -2:2002 katsemeetodid ia identne EN ISO 15027-2:2002 I--etsion suits - Patt2z Abandonrnent suits, requirements including safety 28 . EVS Teataja5/2002 This standard specifies test This European Standard specifies This Intemationd Standard methods, performance the scale numbers and specifies methods for the requitements and design transmittance requirements for measurement, determination and parameters for clothing for filters for protection against declaration of the noise emission protection against heat and flame infrared radiation. The other from hand-held non-electric power intended for drivers in automobile applicable requirements for these tools. It prescribes the loading and competitions. This standard qpes of filters and the working conditions under which concems outer garrnents, under frames/mountings to which they can be determined a) the noise garments, socks, gloves and are intended to be fitted are glven emission, under specified load balaclava hoods. Shoes and in EN 166. Guidance on the conditions, expressed as the sound helmets are excluded from this selection and use of these filters is power level, and b) the emission standard. given in annex B. sound pressure level at the work prEYS 52827 station under specified load conditions. Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 13.340.40 Identrre ISO 1 487 6-4:2002 Kaitsekindad ja identne EN ISO 74876-4:2002 19.100 clothing - Body Protective Protective gloves katsetamine armout -Part4: Needle and Mittepurustav spike stab tesistance - KAVANDITE Non-destructive testing Requitements and test methods ARVAMUSKOSITLUS This part ofEuropean Standard ptEYS 52774 UUED STANDARDID prEN ISO 14876 contains the Tihtaeg 2002-07-01. EVS-EN ISO 3059:2002 performance requirements and test Identne ISO 74460:2002 Hind 66,00 methods for determining the ja identne EN ISO Identne ISO 3059:2001 resistance of body armour to 14460:1999/A1:2002 ja identne EN ISO 3059:2001 needle and spike stabs. Kaitseriietus autoiuhtidele. Non-destructive testing - Kaitse kuumuse ja tule vastu. Penetrant testing and magnetic 13.340.20 Toi-ev6ime n6uded ia particle testing - Viewing katsemeetodid Pea kaitsevahendid conditions This standard specifies test This Euopean Standard describes Head protective equipment methods, performance the control of the viewing requhements and design conditions for magnetic particle UUED STAINDARDID pararneters for clothing for and penetrant tesring. It includes EVS-EN 138417999 / Al12002 protection against heat and flame miniraum requirements for the Hind 57,00 intended for drivers in automobile illuminance and UV-A irradiance Identrre EN 1 384:1 99 6 / A7:2001 competitions. This standard and their measurement, It is Ratsutamiskiivrid. concems outer gatmeots, under intended for use when the human MUUDATUS gannents, socks, gtoves and eye is the pti-ady detection aid. Kdesolev Euroopa standard balaclava hoods. Shoes and KAVAI\DITE helmets are excluded fiom this miirab kindlaks n6uded nokaga ARVAMUSKUSITLUS v6i nokata kaitsekiiwitele standard. prEVS 52740 ratsutamisega tegelevate inimeste Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 Standard esitab laoks. 17.140.20 Identne ptEN 13554:2001 ohutusn6uded, mis h6lmavad Masinate seadmete Noa-destructive testing - testimismeetodeid ja t6hususe ia Acoustic etnission - Genetal tasemeid l66gi summutamise, teiste mffra principles kehade sissetungimisvastase Noise emitted by machines This standard defines the general kaitsev6ime ning kinnitussisteemi principles requfued fot the acoustic nrgevtrse efektiivsuse and equipment ia emission (AE) testing of industrial miiramiseks ning noka olemasolul KAVANDITE structures, components, and selle kalde milramiseks. ARVAMUSKUSITLUS different materials under sEess and KAVANDITE prEVS 52773 for harsh environment, in order to ARVAMUSKUSITLUS Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 provide a defined and repeatable prEVS 52809 Identne ISO "l 577 4:2002 performance. It includes guide Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 ja identne EN ISO 15774:2002 lines for the preparation of Identne prEN 171:2002 H and-held non-electric powet application documents, which Petsonal eye-protection - tools - Noise measutement code describe the specific requirements Infrated filters - Transmittance - Engineering method (grade 2) for the applicatioa of the AE requirements and method. recommended use

29 EVS Teatala 5/2002 ISO 14584:2001 21.020 Identne 21.160 ja identne EN ISO 14584:2007 Masinate, apataatide, Hexalobular socket raised Yedrud seadmete karakteristikud countetsunk head screws ja konstuktsioon This standard specifies the characteristics of hexalobular KAVANDITE Characteristics and design of socket raised countetsunk head ARYAMUSKOSITLUS machines, apparatus, screws in ptoduct grades A and prEVS 52823 equipment vzith thread sizes from M2 up to Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -07 M10 inclusive. KAVANDITE Identne prEN 13906-1:2002 EYS-EN ISO 14585:2002 Cylindrical helical springs made ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS Hind 57,00 ftom round wire and bat - prEVS 52804 Identne ISO 14585:2001 Calculation and design - Part 1: Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -07 ja identne EN ISO 14585:2407 Compression springs Identne prEN 81-71:2001 Hexalobular socket pan head This standard specifies the Safety rules fot the construction tappiag screv/s calculation and design of and installatioa of lifts - This standard specifies the cylindrical helical compression Particular applications to characteristics of hexalobular springs uiith a linear characteristic, passenger lifts and goods socket pan head tapping screws made from round wire and bar of passenger lifts - Part 7t Vaadal with thread sizes from ST2,9 to constant diameter rxrith values resistant lifts 5T6,3 inclusive. according to Table 1, and in This Standard gives additional or of which the principal EVS-EN ISO 14586:2002 respect deviating requi:ements to EN 81-1 loading is applied in the direction Hind 57,00 and EN 8l-2 as applicable in order of the spring axis. Identne ISO 14586:2001 to ensure the safety of lift users ja identne EN ISO 14586:2007 and shall be available fot lifts, Hexalobular socket 23.020.20 which may be used for vandal countetsunk head tapping resistant purposes. In all othet Ttansp o rdivahenditele sctews respects such lifts are desigred in monteeritud anumad ja This standard specifies the accordance with EN 81 Part 1 or characteristics of hexalobular mahutid Part 2. This standard deals vith the socket countersunk head tapping significant hazards, hazardous Vessels and containers screws with thread sizes from situations and events relevant to vehicles ST2,9 to 5T6,3 inclusive. mounted on vandal resistant lifts (as Iisted in 4) when they are used under the EVS-EN ISO 14587:2002 KAVANDITE conditions as foreseen by the Hind 57,00 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS installer. It specifies design criteria Identne ISO 14587:2001 prEVS 52803 and techoical measures to increase ja identne EN ISO 74587:2007 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 the vandal resistance of lifts to be Hexalobular socket taised Identne prEN 13315:2001 installed in locations like\ to be countersunk (oval) head Tanks for transport of subiected to vandalism. It does not tapping screws dangetous goods - Service cover building security that must This standard specifies the equipment for taaks - Gravity be addtessed by the building characteristics of hexalobular discharge coupler designer. socket raised countersunk (oval) This Ewopean Standard applies to head sctews with thread tapping $avity discharge coupler and sizes from ST2,9 to 5T6,3 specifies the performance 21.060.10 inclusive. requirements, criticd dimensions Poldid, kruvid, tikkpoldid KAVAI{DITE and tests necessary to veri$ the compliance of the equipment to Bolts, scre'q/s, studs ARVAMUSTniSTilUS this standard. The equipment prEYS 52203 specified by this standard is UUED STANDARDID Tdhtaegr 2002-07-01 zuitable for use with liquid EVS-EN ISO 14580:2002 Identne ISO 14583:2001 petroleum products and other Hind 57,00 ja identne EN ISO 14583:2001 dangerous substances ofClass 3 of Identne ISO 14580:2001 Hexalobular socket pan head ADR - European Agreement fa identne EN ISO 14580:2001 screws conceming the Intemational Hexalobulat socket cheese head This Intemational Standard Cariage of Dangerous Goods by screws speciEes the characteristics of Road (flammable liquid$ which This standard specifies the hexalobular socket pan head have a vapour pressure not charactedstics of hexalobular screws in product grades A and exceeding 110 kPa at 50 oC and socket cheese head screws in with uead sizes ftom M2 up to and petrol and which have no-sub- product grades A and vdth thread including M10. sizes from M2 up to and including classification as toxic or corrosive. M10. EVS-EN ISO 14584:2002 Hind 57,00

30 EVS Teataja 5/2002 23.020.30 This European Standard specifies This standard specifies the requirements for: a) routine requlements for pedodic Surveanumad, inspection, periodic inspection and inspection and testing of hoop gaasiballoonid requalifi cation of underground and wmpped and frrlly wrapped mounded LPG storage tanks of composite transportable gas Pressure vessels, gas sizes from 150 I up to and cylinders, rvith aluminium, steel or cylinders including 13 m3 , and associated non-metallic liners or of linerless KAVANDITE 6ttings; b) marking tanks and/or construction, intended for ARVAMUSKUSITLUS keeping records, as appropriate, as compressed, liquefied or dissolved a result of routine inspection, gases under pressure, ofwater prEVS 31340 periodic inspection and czpacity fiom 0,5 I up to 450 l.This Tdhtaeg: 20A2-07-01 requalification. This European standard specifi es the requirements Identne p rF.N 7 25 42:200 1 Standard excludes re frigerated for periodic inspection and testing Static welded steel cylindrical storage, to verif the integrity of such gas tanks, serially ptoduced for the prEVS 33334 cylinders for further service. stotage of Liquefied Peroleum Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 prEVS 36375 Gas (LPG) having a volume not Identne prEN 1281 9:2001 T'dhtaeg: 2002-07-07 greater tlan 13 m3 and for Inspection and requalifi cation Identne prEN 13109:2001 installation above gtound - of LPG tanks greater than 13 m3 LPG tanks - Disposal Design and manufacture overgtound This European standard specifies This European Standard specifies This European Standard specifies methods for the safe disposal of tequirements for the design and requirements for:a) routine tanks above 150 litre water manufacture of static welded steel inspection, periodic inspection and capacity. cylindrical tanks, serially produced requalification of 6xed overground prEVS 38730 for the stotage of liquefied LPG stofage tanks ofsizes greater Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 petroleum gas (LPG) with a than 13 m3, and associated fittingS; Identne EN 13365:2002 volume not greater than 13 m3 and b) marking tanks and/or keeping Transportable gas cylinders - for installation above ground. records, as appropriate, as a result Cylinder bundles for permanent prEVS 33332 of routine inspection, periodic and liquefied gases (excluding Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 inspection and requalification. This acetylene) - Inspection at time Identne prEN 12817:2001 European Standard excludes of filling Inspection and requalifi cation refrigerated storage. This European standard specifies ofLPG tanks up to and prEVS 33335 the requirements for inspection including 13 m3 ovetgtound Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 before, during and after the time of This European Standard specifies Identne prEN 12820:2001 filling for cylinder bundles, also requirements for: a) routine Inspection and tequalification referred to as bundles. This inspection, periodic inspection and of LPG tanks gteater than 13 m3 standard does not apply to equalification of 6xed above undergtound acetylene bundles which are ground LPG storage tanks of sizes This Ewopean Standard specifies covered in EN 12755. This from 150 I up to and including 13 requirements for: a) routine standard does not cover bundles m 3, and associated fittings; b) inspection, periodic inspection and when they ate p^rt of a battery marking tanks and/or keeping ^ requalification of underground and vehicle. tecotds, as appropriate, as a result mounded LPG storage tanks of prEVS 38908 of routine inspection, pedodic sizes greater than 13 m3, and Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 inspection and requalification. This associated 6ttings; b) marking Identne EN 13385:2002 European Standard excludes tanks and/or keeping records, as Ttansportable gaz cyliaders - refrigerated storage. appropriate, as a result ofroutine Battery vehicles fot permanent prEVS 33333 inspection, pedodic inspection and and liquefied gases (excluding Tihtaeg 2002-A7-01 requalification. This European acetylene) - Iuspection at time Identne prEN 12818:2001 Standard excludes refrigerated of fiIling Inspection and requalifi cation storage. This European Standatd specifies ofLPG tanks up to and prEVS 34186 requirements for inspection before, including 13 m3 underground Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 dudng and after the time of filling Identne ISO 11623:2002 for battery vehicles. This standard ja identne EN ISO 77623:2002 does not apply to acetylene battery Transportable gas cylinders - vehicles which are covered in Periodic inspection and testing prEN 13720. This standard is not of composite gas cylinders applicable to the automotive components of a battery trailer. prEVS 52766 Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 Identne EN 7 442:7998 / A7 :2002

37 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Hygrothermal performance of For static non vacirum iosulated This Euopeao Standard specifies building equipment and cryogenic vessels designed for a the fundamental tequirements for industrial installations - maximum allowable pressure of large transportable vacuum Calculation of water vapour not more than 0.5 bar, this insulated cryogenic vessels diffirsion - Cold pipe insulation European Standard may be used as designed to operate above systems a guide. This European Standard is atmospheric pressure. Appropriate This standard specifies a method not applicable to vessels built on- parts can be used as a guidaoce for to calculate the density of water site. vessels designed to operate to the vapour flow rate in cold pipe prEVS 52718 atmosphere. This European insulation systems, and the total Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Standard applies to fixed tanks (of amount of water diffused into the Identne prEN 14197-2:2001 tank-vehicles or tank-wagons), insulation over time. This - Cryogenic vessele - Static non- demountable tanks, tanks of calculation method presupposes vacuum insulated vessels - Part battery-vehicles and tank- that water vapour can only migate 2: Design, fabdcation, containers (IC) for refrigerated into the insulation system by inspection and testing Iiquefied gases in tbe sense of the diffusion, with no contribution This European Standard specifies regulations of the ransport of from afuflow. It also assumes the requirements for the design, dangerous goods. This standard use of homogeneous, isotropic fabrication, inspection and testing applies to latge transportable insulation materials so that the of static non-vacuum insulated vaculun insulated cryogenic vessels water vaPour partial pressure is cryogenic vessels designed for a for fluids as specified in 3.1 and is constant at all points equidistant maximum allowable pressure of not applicable to such vessels from the axis of the pipe. The more than 0,5 bar. This European desigped for toxic fluids. standard is applicable when the standard applies to static non- prEVS 52802 temperarure of the medium in the vaculun insulated cryogenic vessels Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 pipe is above 0 [ C. It applies to for fluids as specified in EN Identne prEN 13530-3:2001 pipes inside buildings as well as in 13458-1 and does not apply to Cryogenic vessels - Large the open air. vessels designed for toxic fluids. transportable vacuum insulated prEVS 52858 For static non-vacuum insulated vessels - Part 3: Operational Tdhtaeg: 2002-08-01 cryogenic vessels designed for a tequitements Identne prEN 764-1:2001 maximum allowable pressure of 1.1 This Eutopean Standard Pressute eqr ipment - not more than 0,5 bat this specifies operational requirements Terminology - Part'ft Pressufe, Eutopean Standard may be used as for large ftansportable vacutun tempetature, volume, nominal a guide. insulated cryogenic vessels of more size prEVS 52719 than 1000 I volume. 1.2 This This part of the Euopean standard Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 European Standard applies to defines the basic terminology and Identne prEN 14197-3:2001 vessels designed for cryogenic symbols to be used for pressure Cqyogenic vessels - Static non- fluids speciEed in prEN 13530-1. equipment and assemblies vacuum insulated vessels - Part addressed by the European 3: Opetational requirements 23.040.10 Directive 97 /n/EC with regatd to This Europeao Standard specifies pressure, temperature, volume and operational requirements for static Malm- ja terastorud nominal size. non vacutun insulated vessels for cryogenic fluids according to prEN 23.020.40 74L97-7, designed for a maxisrum KAVANDITE allowable pressure of more than Kriiogeenanumad ARVAMUSKOSITLUS 0,5 bar. It may be used as a prEVS 30667 Cryogenic vessels guideline for vessels desigged fot a Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 maximum allowable pressure of Identne prEN 10288:2001 KAVANDITE not more than 0,5 bar. The scope Steel tubes and fittings for ARVAIVIUSKUSITLUS includes installation, putting hto onshote and offshore pipelines - prEYS 52717 service, inspection, filling, Extemal two layer extruded Tdhtaeg: 2002-47-01, maintenance and emergenry polyethylene based coati4gs Identne prEN 14197-1 :2001 procedures. This European This European Standard defines Standard Cryogenic vessels - Static non- applies to vessels for the application of factory applied vacuum insulated vessels - Part cryogenic fluids as specified ia extemal trwo layer extruded 14197-1. 1: Fundamental requirements prEN polyethylene based coatings for the 52801 This European Standard specifies prEVS corrosion protection oftubes and the fi,rndamental requiremeots for Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 pipeline components. Extemal static non vacurun insulated Identne prEN 13530-3:2001 extruded polyethylene coating can cryogenic vessels desigged for a Cryogenic vessels - Latge be used for the protection of maxirnum allowable pressue transportable vacuum insulated buried or submetged tubes service greater than 0,5 bar. This vessels - Patt Fundamental at temperatures up to * 60 oC for reqrrirements European Standard applies to static type 1 and + 30 "C for type 2. The non vacuum insulated cryogenic coatings in this standard can be vessels for fluids as speciEed in 3.1. applied to longitudinally or spirally

32 EVS Teataja 5/2002 welded and to seamless steel tubes 23.040.40 European Standard specifies and components used for the Metdlist toruliitmikud requirements for the strength and construction of pipelines for integrity of the joints and the conveyhg liquids or gases. Tubes Metal fittings testing of the joints. This European coated with this type of coating Standard does not specify the may be further protected by means KAVANDITE requirements for the tubes or the of catlodic protection. ARVAMUSIqJSITLUS fittings. This European Standard is ptEVS 38244 prEVS 30667 not intended for use in heating Tlhtaeg: 2002-08-01 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 networks where elevated Identne prEN 10301:2001 Identne prEN 10288:2001 temPerature properties aie Steel tubes and fittings for on Steel tubes and fittings for required Flexible ioints which and offshore pipelines - Internal onshote and offshote pipelines - permit significant angular coating for the reduction of External two layer extruded deflection, both during and after friction for conveyance ofnon polyethylene based coat'ngs installation and which can accept corosive gas This European Standard defines slight offset of the centre line, are This standard specifies the the application of factory applied not covered by this standard. application requirements and extemal two layer extruded methods of test of liquid applied polyethylene based coatings for the 23.040.80 epoxy paints to the intemal surface corrosion protection oftubes and Vooliku- toruiihenduste for the reduction of friction of pipeline components. Extemal ia tubes and pipeline fittings for extruded polyethylene coating can tihendid conveyance ofnon corrosive gas. be used for the ptotection of Seals for pipe and hose Other paints or paint systems are buried or submerged tubes service not excluded provided assemblies they comply at temperatures up to * 60 "C for wi*r the requirements given in this type 1 and + 30 "C fot rype 2. The KAYANDITE standard. The coating shall consist coatings in this standard can be ARVAMUSXEISITLUS of one layer of liquid product, applied to longitudinally or spirally prEVS 27031 normally shop-applied on blast welded and to seamless steel tubes Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 cleaned steel by airless spray or and components used for the Identne EN 102641:2002 conventional spray technique. construction of pipelines for Steel wire and wire products - Brush application shall be used conveying liquids or gases. Tubes Steel wire fot ropes - Part 1: only for repairs. The applied and coated with this type of coating General requfuements cured paint film shall be smooth to may be further protected by means This part of this European obtain a reduction of the friction. of cathodic protection. Unless otherwise agreed, the Standard defines the general coating shall be suitable for requirements for wire intended for opetating temperahrres between ?3.040.60 mechanical ropes. Additional 20 oC and + 110 oC.In this Aarikud, muhvid im requirements are given in the standard the word components is toru{ihendused following parts of this standard, used for tubes and fittings. vrhich are specific to each category of wire. This standard specifies - dimensional tolerances - 23.040.20 KAVANDITE mechanical characteristics - Plasttorud ARVAMUSKUSITLUS requirements relating to the ptEYS 40249 chemical composition of the steel Plastics pipes Tlhtaeg: 2002-07-01, wire - conditions to be satisfied by UUED STAI\DARDID Identne prEN 1031 1:2001 any coating. Joints for ttre connection ofsteel prEVS 52840 EVS-EN tSO 6?59-7l.2002 tubes and fittings for the Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Hind 75,00 conveyance of aqueous liquids Identne EN 681 -2:2000 / A1.:2002 Identne ISO 6259 -l :1997 including water fot human Elastomeric seals - Matedal ja identne EN ISO 6259-7:2001 consumption tequirements for pipe seals Thermoplastics pipes -. ioint This European Standard specifies a used in water and drainage Determination of tensile range of jointing methods for applications -Put2: properties - Part t General test connecting steel tubes and steel Thermoplastic elastomers method tubes and fittings for use with This Standard specifies This pat ofEN ISO 6259 aqueous liquids, including water requirements for materials used for specifies a methos of determining for human consumption. The moulded seals only of the tensile properties of following specific joint types ate thermoplastic elastomers (I?E) thermoplastics pipes, including in covered by this European used in joints of: 1) thermoplastic particular the following properties: standatd: butt welded joints, piping systems fot non pressure stess at yield poinq elogation at welded spigot and socket (or sleeve waste water discharge (ntermittent break. joints), \vslding colla$, flange flow up to 95 degrees) inside joints, threaded joints, spigot and 5r.1dings 2) thermoplastic piping socket joints vdth seal and systems for non pressrue mechanical couplings. This underground drainage and EVS Teataja 5/2002 sewerage (continuous flow up to valves are not \r/ithin the scope of This European Staodard specifies 45 degrees C and interrnittent flow this Standard. requirements and tests for butterfly up to 95 degrees C) 3) valves of therrnoplastics materials for isolating service and for cootrol thermoplas tic rainwater piping 23.060.10 systems. service. This standard is applicable prEYS 52842 Ventiilid to hand or power operated valves to be instdled;rr;o6q5trial pipe Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -41 Globe valves Identrre EN 681-3:2000/ A1:2002 systems, irrespective of the field of Elastomeric ieals - Materials KAVANDITE application and the fluids to be requitements for pipe ioints ARVAMUSKOSITLUS conveyed. For other and/or special special requirements seals used in water and prEYS 52712 applications drainage applications - Part 3: Tlhtaeg: 2002-07 -07 may apply. Cellulat materials of vulcanized Identne ISO 16135:2001 rubber ja identne prEN ISO 16735:2001 23.060.40 This standard specifies Industrial valves - Ball valves of R6huregulaatorid requirements fot materials used in thermoplastic materials vulcanized rubber seals of cellular This European Standard specifies Pressure fegulators materials for non pessurized requircments and tests for ball drainage, sewerage and rainwater valves of thermoplastics materials KAVANDITE systems and non-pressute non- for isolating service, for control ARVAMUSKOSITLUS potable water supply (continuous service, and to divert/mix fluids. prEVS 52795 flow up to 45 C). This standard is applicable to hand Tiihtaeg 20A2-07-07 prEVS 52843 or power operated valves to be Identne EN 850:1996 /A7:2000 2002-07-07 Tihtaeg installed in industrial PiPe systems, Transporditavad gaasiballoonid. Identne EN 681-4:2000/ A7:2002 irrespective of the field of Meditsiinis kasutatavad Elastomeric seals - Matetial application and the fluids to be viilialaskeffhenduste requitements for pipe ioint seals conveyed. For other and/or special n6elvalikuga tiivtff ffpi ventiilid used in water and drainage applications special requirements This standard applies to pin-index, applications - Part 4: Cast may apply. yoke-type valve oudet connections polyurethane sealing elements for medical use, up to a maximum This standards specifies working pressrue of 250 bat at 23.060.30 requirements fot matedals used in 15oC. These connections ate for factory cast polyuethane sealing Siibrid use udth medical cylinders of water elements used in ioints for capacity below 5 L. It speciEes: - Gate valves drainage, sewerage and rainwater basic dimension; - requirements fot systems and non potable water KAVANDITE altemative designs of pin-index, supply for continuous up to 45 C. ARVAMUSKUSITLUS yoke-type valve; - dimensions and the holes and pins for prEVS 52713 positions for for certain 23.060.07 Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 the oudet connections gases and gas mixtues. Sulges eadmed ti{diselt Identne ISO 16138:2001 ja identne prEN ISO 76738:2001 Valves in general Industrial valves - Diaphtagm 23.060.50 KAVANDITE valves of thermoplastic Liihikese vahekerega materials tagasilii6giklapid ARVAMUSKUSITLUS This European Standard specifies prEVS 52857 requirements and tests for Vafer check valves Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 diaphragm valves of thermoplastic Identne prEN 19:2001 materials for isolating and control KAVANDITE Industrial valves - Matking of service. This standard is applicable ARVAMUSI

J+ EVS Teataja 5/2002 application and the liquid fluids to Ventilation 163 Sqilrting - Air Identne ISO 8662-5: 1 992 / Amd. be conveyed. For other and/or hasdling units - Ratings amd 7:1999 special applications special performance for units, ja identne EN ISO 28662- requirements may apply. components and sections 5:1994/A2:2001 This Euopean Standard specifies Kantavad kiieshoitavad aiam;iga requfuements and testing of ratings t66riistad. Yibratsiooni 23.080 and petformance of air handling m66mine kiepidemetel . Osa 5: Pumbad units as a whole. It also specifies Sillutisel6hkurid ia ehitust6iidel Pumps requirements, classification and kasutatavad vasarad. testhg of specific components and MUUDATUS 2 KAVAI$DITE sections of air handling units, For See standard esitab tiiiipkatsetustel ARVAMUSKUSITLUS many components and sections it ja v6rdlusotstarbel rakendatava prEVS 14332 refers to component standards, but laborimeetodi vibratsiooni Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 is also specifies restrictions or m66tmiseks kdeshoitavate aiadga Identne ISO 5199:2002 applications of standards sillutisel6hkurite ia ehitustciodel ja identne EN ISO 5199:2002 developed for standalone kasutatavate vasarate kiepidemetel. Technical specifications fot comPonents. KAVANDITE centrifugal pumps - Class II EVS-EN 12701-3:2002 ARVAMUSKUSITLUS 1.1 This International Standard Hiod 190,00 ptEYS 52773 specifies the requirements for Class Identne EN 72101 -3:2002 Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -01 pumps single- Smoke and heat systems II centrifugal of conhol Identne ISO 15774:2002 stage, multistage, horisontal or - Part 3: Specification for ia identne EN ISO "15774:2002 vertical construction, with any powered smoke and heat Hand-held non-electric power any installation exhaust ventilators drive and for tools - Noise measutement code general application. Pumps used in This part of the standard specifies - Engineering method (gade 2) the chemical process industries requirements and gives methods This Intemational Standard (e.g. those confi.rming to ISO for testing powered smoke and specifies methods for the 2858) arc typical of those coveted heat exhaust ventilators that are measufement, determination and by this Intemational Standatd. 1.2 intended to be installed as pat of a declaration of the noise emission This Intemational Standard powered smoke and heat exhaust from hand-held non-electric power includes design features concemed ventilation system. tools. It prescribes the loading and with installation, maintenance and KAYAI\DITE working conditions under which safedy for these pumps including can be determined a) the noise baseplate, couplings and auxiliary ARVAMUSKUSITLUS prEVS emission, under specified load pipi"g, but it does not specif any 37146 conditions, expressed as the sound requirements for the driver other Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Identne 131 82:2001 power level and b) the emission than those related to its tated prEN for sound pressure level at the work 1.3 Where Ventilation buildings - power ouq)ut. station under specified load application of this Intemational Instrumentation requirements air measurements conditions. Standard has been called for and for velocity in ventilated spaces requires a specific design featue, standard specifies alternative designs may be offered This the main 2s.140.t0 which meet the intent of this characteristics of air velocity Pneumot66riistad Intemational Standard provided rneasuring devices. This includes requirements that the altemativeis tescribed in for thermal velocity Pneumatic tools probes, recalibration and the signal detail. Pumps not complyingwith UUED STAI\DARDID all requirements of this ptocessing of measurements in a Intemational Standard may be ventilated space, including those in EYS-EN 28662-5:1999 / M:2002 jet offeted fot consideration provided the air and in the occupied Hind 49,00 zone. types that all deviations are stated. Other of velocity Identne ISO 8662-5:1 992/ Amd measuring devices should ful6l the 1:7999 performance paratneters stated but ja identne EN ISO 28662- 23.120 appropriate calibration techniques 5:1994/A2:2007 Ventilaatorid. Puhurid. should not necessadly be used Kantavad kieshoitavad aiamiga Kliimaseadmed which are described in this t66riistad. Vibratsiooni standard m66tmiae kiiepidemetel . Osa 5: Ventilators. Fans. Air- Sillutisel6hkurid ja ehitust66del conditioners 25.740.07 kasutatavad vasarad. MUUDATUS 2 Kisitddriistad fildiselt UUED STANDARDID See standard esitab tiiiipkatsetustel EVS-EN 130530-002 Hand-held tools in generd ja v6rdlusotstarbel rakendatava Hind 170,00 labotirneetodi vibratsiooni Identne EN 13053:2001 UUED STA]\TDARDID m66tmiseks kleshoitavate ajamiga ja EVS-EN 28662-521999 / A222002 sillutisel6hkurite ehitust66del Hind 49,00 kasutatavate vasarate kiepidemetel.

35 EVS Teataia 5/2002 ja 25.760.0',t identne EN ISO 14372:2001 EVS-EN 15074277:2002 Veldi.g consumables - Hiod 66,00 Keevitus ia iootmine Determination of moisture Identne ISO 14277:2000 iildiselt resistance of manual metal arc ja identne EN ISO 14271:2001 weldi.g electrodes by Yickers hardness testing of Welding, brazingand measurement of diffusible resistance spot, proiection and soldering in general hydrogen seam welds (low load and KAVANDITE This test method is intended to microhardness) ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS enable classification, by 24h This standard specifies the exposrue to humid air and procedures for the hatdness testing prEVS 52811 subsequent diffu sible hydrogel ofetched cross sections of Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 testing of manual metal arc resistaoce spot, projection and Identne prEN 7792:2002 electrode coatings as standards seam welds. Wel.fing - Multilingual list of (ST) or moisture resistant (MR). terms fot welding and telated EYS-EN 15074272:2002 Hind 75,00 Processes The following lists contain 25.760.30 Identne ISO 74272:2000 ja commonly used welding terms. Keevitusseadmed identne EN ISO 14272:2001 New terms will be added on a Specimen dimensions and regular basis. ptocedute fot cross tension testing tesistance spot and UUED STANDARDID embossed projection welds 25.160J4 EVS-EN ISO 5183-2:2002 This standard specifies specimen Keevitustddd ja keevitaia Hind 57,00 dimensions and a testing procedure kutseoskus Identne ISO 5183-2:2000 for the cross tension testing of spot ja identne EN ISO 5183-2:2001 and proiection welds in \Telding processes Kontaktpunlrtkeevitus. ovedapping sheets in any metallic UUED STAI\DARDID Elekttoodide iileminekupuksid, material of thickness 0,5 mm to 3 pistikkoonused t10. Osa 2: mm, where the welds have a EVS-EN ISO 75609 -2:?.002 Elekttoodikoqpuste paralleelne maximum diameter of 7t (where t Hind 57,00 kinnitus elektroodiotsadele i6u is the sheet thicness in mm). The Identne ISO 15609-2:2001 takendamiseks object of cross tension testing is to fa identne EN ISO 15609-2:20O1 This part of EN ISO 5183 determine the tensile force that the Specification and approval of specifies the dimensions and test specimen can sustain. welding procedures fot metallic tolerances of resistance spot EVS-EN rSO 1427322002 materials - Welding procedure welding electrode adaptors where Hind 75,00 specification - Part 2: Gas the 6xing element the cap (see for Identne ISO 1, 427 3 :2000 welding ISO 5821) is a male taper 1:10 of ia identne EN ISO 74273:2001 This standard specifies and a parallel shaft is used to 6x Specimen dit ensions and requirements for the content of the adaptor to the eleccode holder procedute for shear testing welding procedure specifi cations in accordance with ISO 8430-3. tesistance spot, seam and for gas welding processes. This embossed proiection welds standard is part ofa series of This standard specifies specimen standards. 25.160.40 Keevisliited dimensions and a testing procedure for shear testing ofspot, seam and 25.164.20 Welded joints embossed projection welds, in Elektroodid ovedapping sheets in any metallic ia UUED STAI\DARDID tiiidisemetallid material of thickness 0,5 mm to 10 EVS-EN lSOl4270:2002 mm, where the welds have a Welding consumables Hind 83,00 maximum diameter of 7t (where t Identne ISO 14270:2000 is the sheet thicness in mm). UUED STANDARDID ja identne EN ISO 14270:2001 EVS-EN 6847:20A2 di'nensions ISO Specimen and 25.220.40 Hind 57,00 procedure for mechanized peel Metallpinded Identne ISO 6847:2000 testing resistance sPot, seam ja identne EN ISO 6847:2007 and embossed proiection welds Metallic coatings Welding consumables - This standard specifies specimen Deposition of a weld metal pad dimensions and a testing procedure KAVANDITE fot chemical analysis for mechanised peel testing of ARVAMUSKUSITLUS This standard specifies the single spog seam and ptojection prEVS 52834 procedure to be used for welds, in overlapping sheets, in any Tlhtaeg: 20A2-07-01 deposition of a weld metal pad for metallic matedal of thickness 0,5 Identne EN 13603:2002 chemical analysis. mm to 3 mm, whete the welds EVS-EN 15O74372t2002 have a maximum diameter of 7t Hind 57p0 (where t is the sheet thickness in mm). Identrre ISO 1 437 2:2000 36 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Coppet and coppet alloys - Test welded and to seamless steel tubes and of dvet crossinp, for the methods fot assessing and components used for the protection of cables in the field of protective tin coatings on drawn construction of pipelines for telecommunications and electric tound coppet wire for electrical conveying liquids or gases. Tubes energy Qow and high voltage) and '19 PutPoses coated udth this type of coa otlret services. prEN 14287 is This European Standard specifies may be further plotected by means applicable to PE pipes and fittings methods for assessing the tin of cathodic protection. where cables or ropes may be coating on drawn round copper prEVS 382,14 inserted into the piping system by wire for the manufacture of Tiihtaeg: 2002-08-07 air pressure. It also specifies the electrical conductors, e.g. Identne prEN 10301:2001 test parameters for the test according to EN 13602. Standatd Steel tubes and fittings for on methods refered to in this includes test methods for the and offshore pipelines - Intemal standatd. For conduit systems determination of the following coating for the reduction of buded underground for electrical characteristics: a) thickness of the friction fot conveyance ofnon installations EN 50086-2-4:1 993 unalloyed rin coating b) continuity cortosive gas applies as well. prEN 14281 is of the tin coating c) adherence of This standard specifies the applicable to PE pipes and fittings, the tin coating. application requirements and their joints and to joints with prEVS 52849 methods of test of liquid applied components of other plastics and Tdhtaeg: 2042-07-01 epoxy paints to the intemal surface non-plastics materials intended to Identne prEN 13603:2001 for the reduction of friction of be used for buried cable ducting. Copper and copper alloys - Test tubes and pipeline fittings for This standard covers a range of methods for assessing conveyance ofnon corrosive gas. nominal sizes and gives protective tin coatings on dtawn Other paints or paint systems are recommendations conceming round copper wire for electrical not excluded provided they comply colours. prEN 14281 is applicable PurPoses with the requirements given in this to solid-wall PE pipes of the This European Standard specifies standard. The coating shall consist following q4)es: - with plain ends; - methods for assessing the tin of one layer of liquid product, with rylindtical sockeq - with coating on drawn round copper norrnally shop-applied on blast tapered push-fit socke! - with ring rvire for the manufacture of cleaned steel by airless spray ot seal socket. Pipes having a coating electrical conductors, e.g. conventional sPray technique. for internal lubtication, a colour according to prEN 13602. Brush application shall be used coating or a coating for odrer Standard includes test methods for only for repairs. The applied and identification purposes are covered the deterrnination of the following cured paint film shall be smooth to by this standard. MultiJayer pipes characteristics: a) thickness of the obtain a teduction of the friction. are not subject of this standard. unalloyed tin coating b) continuity Unless otherwise agreed, the prEVS 52867 of the tin coating c) adherence of coating shall be suitable for Tihtaeg: 2002-0A07 the tin coating. operating temperatures between Identne prEN 14282:2001 oC.In 20 "C ard + 1 10 this Plastics piping systems for 25.220.60 standard the word components is buried cable ducting - used for tubes and 6ttings. Polypropylene (PP) - Orgaanilised pinded Specifications fot pipes, fittings and the systerD Organic coatings 29.120.10 This European Standard specifies KAVAI\DITE Elektriiuhtide the requirements for pipes, fittings ARVAMUSKUSITLUS paigaldustorud ims and the system of polypropylene (PP) solidwall piping systems prEVS 30667 Conduits for electrical Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 intended to be used for buded Identne prEN 10288:2001 PurPoses cable ducting including the Steel tubes and fittings fot KAVANDITE installation on bridge constructions onshore and offshore pipelines - ARVAMUSKOSITLUS and of dver crossings, for the External two layer extruded ptotection of cables in the field of prEVS 52866 polyethylene bas ed coatings telecommunications and electric Tihtaeg: 2002-08-01 This Euopean Standard defines energy (low and high voltage) and Identne prEN 14281 :2001 the application of factory applied other services. prEN 74282is Plastics piping systems for extemal two layer extruded applicable to PP pipes and fittings buried cable ducting - where cables or ropes may be polyethylene based coatings for the Polyethylene (PB) - corrosion protection of tubes and inserted into the piping system by Specifications for pipes, fittings pipeline components. Extemal air pressure. It also specifies the and the system extruded polyethylene coating can test parameters for the test This European Standard specifies be used for the protection of methods referred to in this the requirements fot pipes, fittings buried or submerged tubes service standard. For conduit systems and the system of polyethylene at temperatures up to + 60 oC for buried underground fot electrical oC (PE) solidwall piping systems type 1 and + 30 for type 2. The installations EN 50086-2- 4:799 4 intended to be used for buried coatings in this standatd can be applies, as well. prEN 14282 is cable ducting, including the applied to longitudinally ot spirally applicable to PP pipes and 6ttings, installation on bridge constructions their joints and to joints with 37 EVS Teataja 512002 components of other plastics and Tihtaeg: 2002-08-01 This part of EN ISO 128 specifies non-plastics materials intended to Identne prEN 14284:2001 procedures for the calculation of be used for buried cable ducting. Plastics piprng systems fot the most important basic types of This standard covers a range of general putpose buried ducting non-continuous lines according to nominal sizes and gives - Polyethylene (PE) - EN ISO 728-20 aod their line recornmendations conceming Specifications for pipes, fittings elements. colours. prEN 14282 is applicable and the system to solid-wall PP pipes of the This European Standard specifies 37.100.10 types: with plain eods; - the requirements for pipes, fittings following - Paljundusseadmed with cylindrical sockeq - with and the system of polyethylene integtal tapered push 6t socket - @E) solidwallpiping systems with integal ring seal socket. Pipes intended to be used for general having a coating for intemal purpose buded ducting. It also KAVANDITE Iubrication, a colour coating or a specifies the test parameters for ARVAMUSKUSITLUS coating for other identification the test methods referred to in this prEVS 52710 purposes are covered by this standard. prEN 14284 is applicable Tdhtaeg: 2402-01-01 standard. MultiJayer pipes are not to PE pipes and 6ttings, their Identne prEN 1010-3:2001 subject of this standard. joints and to ioints with Safety of machinery - Safety prEVS 52868 components of other plastics and requfuements fot the design and Tihtaeg: 2002-08-01 non-plastics materials intended to construction of printing and Identne prEN 14283:2001 be used for genetal pupose buded papef converting machines - Plastics piping systems fot ducting. This standard covets a Part 3: Cutting machines genetal purpose buried ducting range of nominal sizes and gives 1.1 This European Standard - Unplasticized poly(vinyl recommendations conceming applies to cutting machines used in chloride) (PVC-U) - colours. prEN 14284 is applicable paper converting - guillotinesi Specificatioas for pipes, fittings to solid-wall PE pipes of the three-knife trifiuners; - index- and the system following types: - with plain ends; - cutting machines; - trifiuners; - This Ewopean Standatd specifies with cylinddcal sockeq - with rotary cutters; - round comering the requirements for pipes, fittings tapeted push-fit sockeq - with ring machines; - label punching and the system of unplasticized seal socket. Pipes having a coating machines. This European Standard poly(vinyl chloride) PVC-Q solid- for intemal lubrication, a colour shall be used together witl prEN wall piping systems intended to be coating or a coating for othet 1010-1:2000. Both parts together used for general purpose buried identification purposes are covered identiff dl sigprificant hazards ducting. It also specifies the test by this standard. MultiJayer pipes relevaot to pdnting and vamishing parameters for the test methods are not subject to this standard. machines including pre-press referted to in this standard. prEN The fittings are fabdcated from machinery and auxiliary devices, 74283 is applicable to PVC-U pipes and/or mouldings. Pipes and when they are used as intended pipes and 6ttings, their ioints and Ettings with nominal outside and under the conditions foreseen to joints with components of other diameters specified in Annex A are by the manufacturer (see clause 4). plastics and non-plastics materials to be tested in accordance with this The specific reguirements specified intended to be used for general standard.Pipes and fittings of PE in this European Standard take purpose buried ducting. This for buded cable ducting ate precedence over respective standard covers a tange of nominal covered by prEN 14281. requirements of ptEN 1010- sizes and gives recommendations 1:2000.This European Standad is colours. prEN 14283 is conceming 35.240.70 not applicable to cutting machines applicable to solid-wall PVC-U which are manufactured before the Arvutipro j ekte erimine pipes of the following types: - with date of publication of this plain ends; - with integral or sleeve (cAD) European Staodard by CEN. 1.2 type cemented solvent cement Computer-aided design This European Standard does not socket; - with integral tapered (cAD) apply to winder-slitters and push-fit sockeq- with htegral ring sheeters (see pr EN 1034-1, EN seal socket. Pipes having a coating UUED STANDARDID 703+3,prEN 103,1-5). for intemal lubrication, a colour ISO 728-2lz?.002 coating or a coating for other EVS-EN 43.040.10 identification puposes are covered Hind 92,00 728-21:1997 by this standard. MultiJayer pipes Identne ISO Elektriseadmed ja ISO 128-21:2007 are not subiect to this standard. identne EN General Electrical and electronic The frttings are fabricated ftom Technical &awings - pipes and/or mouldingp. Pipes and principles of presentation - Patt equipment XtPtepatation of lines by CAD- fittings with norninal outside KAVANDITE A are systems diameters specified in Annex ARVAiVIUSKOSITLUS to be tested in accordance with this prEVS 52690 standard. Pipes and fittings of Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 P\/C-U for buried cable ducting Identne ISO 1 12146:1995 are covered by prEN 14280. identne EN ISO 77M6:2002 prEVS 52869 ia 38 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Passenger cats and light Aerospace series - Steel FE- 49.030.30 commercial vehicles with 12 V wM1601 (X18CrWNi13 -3-2) - Mutrid systems - lii-pole connectots Filler metal for weldirg - Wirc between towing vehicles and and tod Nuts trailers - Dimensioas and This standard specifies the contact allocation requirements relating to: Steel FE- UUED STAI\DARDID This Intemational Standard WM1 601 (X1 8CrWNil 3-3-2) Filler EVS-EN 3264:2002 specifies dimensions and specific metal for welding Wire and rod for Hind 66,00 requirements for the 13-pole aerospace applications. Identne EN 3264:2001 coffrector and its contact Aerospace series - Pipe allocation to enable electrical 49.025.75 coupling 8030' in titanium alloy connection between passenger cars Mitterauasulamid - Thrust wfue nut or light commercial vehicles and This standard specifies the V their trailers equipped with 12 Non-ferrous alloys in genetal charactedstics of thrust wire nut systems to be made and to ensure pipe coupling 8o30', in titanium interchangeability. UUED STANDARDID alloy, for aerospace applications. EVS-EN 47042?.002 EVS-EN 326622002 47.080 Hind 66,00 Hind 66,00 Viikelaevad Identne EN 4104:2001 Identne EN 3266:2001 Aetospace series - Nickel base Aerospace series - Pipe Small craft alloy NI-840002 - Filler metal coupling in titanium alloy - fotbnzing; Powder or paste UUED STANDARDID Bulkhead nut This standard specifies the This standard specifies the EVS-EN 13014946:2002 requfuements relating to: Nickel characteristics of bulkhead nuts for Hind 57,00 base alloy NI-B40002 Filler metal pipe couplings, in titanium alloy, Identne ISO 14946:20O1 forbnz;ngPowder or paste for for aerospace applications. ja identne EN ISO 149462001 aerospace applications. Small ctaft - Maxi-um load capacity 49.030.50 49.025.40 This standard lists items to be Seibid, lukustuselemendid included in the maximum load of Kumm ia plast Washers and other locking small craft without exceeding the Rubber and plastics limits set by other ISO standards elements for stability, freeboard, flotation UUED STAI\DARDID UUED STANIDARDID and crew. It further sets EVS-EN 4ll5z?.002 EVS-EN 326722002 requirements for seating of crew Hind 75,00 Hind 66,00 members, Identne EN 4115:2001 Identne EN 3267:2001 Aerospace series - KAVANDITE Cushion, Aetospace series - Washets, ARVAMUSI(USITLUS rubbet for clamps - bulkhead in titanium alloy Dimensions, masses prEVS 52691 This staadatd specifies the This standard specifies the Tihtaeg: 2002-08-07 characteristics for washen, requirements characteristics Identne ISO 14895:2000 for bulkhead, in tianium alloy, for rubber cushions used on clamps ia identne prEN ISO 14895:2001 aerosPace applications. according to EN 3730, EN 4113, Small ctaft - Liquid-fuelled EVS-EN 3696:2002 stoves EN 4114 galley Hind 66,00 Intemational This Standard Identne EN 3696:2001 specifies the design and installation 49.030.20 Aerospace series - Washers in of premanendy installed galley Poldid, kruvid, tiklgoldid heat tesisti.g steel stave using fuels are liquids which This standard specifies the atmospheric pressure an small at Bolts, screws, studs chascteristics of washers, in heat craft of hull length up to 24 m. UUED STAI\DARDID resisting steel, for aerospace applications. EVS-EN 32702?.002 49.025.10 Hind 66,00 Terased Identne EN 3270:2001 49.030.99 Steels Aerospace series - Pipe Muud kinnituselemendid coupling 8030'in titanium alloy UUED STAI\TDARDID - Blankingplugs with lockring Other fasteners EVS-EN 432822002 This standard specifies the UUED STA\IDARDID Hind 66,00 characteristics for blanking plugs EVS-EN 411327.002 Identne EN 4328:2002 with lockdng for pipe couplings 8"30', in titanium alloy, for Hind 83,00 aerospace applications. Identne EN 4113:2001

39 EVS Teataia 5/2002 Aerospace series - Clamps, loop This standard specifies the Lennunduse ia kosmonautika (ttPtr type) in corosion resisting required characteristics, inspection seeria. Isemiiriva kattega steel, passivated qrith rubbet and test methods, qualiEcation and korrosioonikindlast terasest cushioning - Dimensionsr acceptance conditions for precision siledad liigendliugelaagid. masses ball bearings, in cortosion resisting Kerge seeria. K6rgendatud This standard specifies the steel, with a nominal bore diameter koormused imbritseva requirements of loop style clamps < = 8 mm, used for aeroslvace kesliiko. n a tempetatuuril. ("P" type) in corrosion resistiag instruments and equipment. It is M66med ia koonnused steel, passivated with vadous applicable whenever referenced. Standard midrab kindlaks cushion materials. These clamps EVS-EN ?5Mz?.002 isemiiriva kattega are used for supporting aerospace Hind 75,00 korrosioonikindlast terasest siledate pipe assemblies and electrical cable Identne EN 2584:2001 liigendliugelaagrite parameetrid, kerge seeria, k6rgendatud bundels. Len.unduse ia kosmonautika koormustele keskkonna EYS-EN 47742?.002 seeria. Isemiiiiriva kattega iimbritseva Hind 83,00 kortosioonikindlast tetasest Need on ette niihtud j2 Identne EN 4114:2001 siledad liigendliugelaagrid.. kasutamiseks lennukite ladndi juhtimismehhanismide Aerospace series - Clamps, loop Kitsas seeria - K6tgendatud fi kseerirud ("P" typ.) in aluminium alloy koormused ii,mbritseva ia liikuvates osades. Neid tuleb with rubber sushiqning - keskkonna tempetatuutil - kasutada temperaruurivahemikus - 55 0C kuni +163 0c. Dimensions, masses M66tmed ia koormused This standard specifies the Standard miirab kindlaks requirements charateristics of loop isemiiriva kattega 49.060 style clamps ("P" type) in korrosioonikindlast tetasest kitsa 6tru- ia kosmosesdidukite alloys with various seeria siledate liigendliugelaagrite aluminium elektriseadmed ja - cushion materials. These clamps parameetrid k6rgendatud are used for supporting aerospace koormusteks iimbritseva sffsteemid assemblies and cable bundles. keskkonna temperatuuril. Need pipe Aerospace electric laagrid on ette niihtud EVS-EN 471522.002 equipment and systems Hind 75,00 kasutamiseks lennukite tarindi ia uhtimismehhaaismide fikseedtud Identne EN 4115:2001 f KAVANDITE .Aetospace series - Cushion, ja liikuvates osades. Neid tuleb ARVAMUSKOSITLUS kasutada temperatuurivahemikus - rubber for clamps - ptEVS 52788 55 0C kuni +163 0C. Di-ensions, masses Tdhtaeg 2002-07-07 This standard specifies the EVS-EN 258522-002 Identne prEN 259 1 -5 01, :2007 requirements characteristics for Hind 75,00 Aerospace series - Elements of rubber cushions used on clamps Identne EN 2585:2001 electrical and optical connection according to EN 3730, EN 4113, Lennunduse ia kosmonautika - Test methods - Part 501; Soft EN 4114 seeria. Isemiiriva kattega soldembility kottosioonikindlast tetasest This standard speciEes methods of siledad t i i gendliugelaagrid. Lat 49.035 veri$ing the soldembility of seeria. K6tgendatud koormused electrical male and female contacts Ohus6idukite ia fimbritseva keskkonna to be soldered in elements of kosmosetehnika temperatuutil. M66med ia connection and of contacts wi*r komponendid koormused self-contained solder and flux not Standard miirab kindlaks accessible to a solder iron. It shdl Components for aerospace isemifuiva kattega be used together with EN 2591- construction korrosioonikindlast tetasest laia 100. siledate liigendliugelaagrite UUED STANDARDID seeria prEVS 52790 patameetrid k6gendatud Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 2730:2.002 EVS-EN koormusteks iimbritseva Identne prEN 2591 -605:2001, Hind 101,00 keskkonna temperatuuril. Need Aerospace series - Elements of Identne EN 2130:2001 laagtid on ette niihtud electiical and optical connection Bearings, Aerospace sedes - kasutamiseks lennukite tarindi ia - Test methods - Pan 605: ptecision ball in conosion juhtimismehhanismide fikseeritud Optical elements - Retum loss resisting steel for instruments osades. ia liikuvates Neid tuleb This standard specifies a method and equipment - Technical kasutada temperatuudvahemikus - retum loss oC oC. of measuring the of specilication 55 kuni +163 optical connection elements EVS-EN 30489.002 (including permanent coonections) Hind 75,00 and fibre optic couplets.It shall be Identne EN 3048:2001 used together with EN 2591-nA. prEYS 52792 Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 Identne prEN 2591 -607 :2007

40 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Aetospace series - Elements of This standard specifies the EVS-EN 326*2002 electrical and optical connection characteristics of unions, bulkhead, Hind 66,00 - Test methods - Part 607: long, welded end fot pipe coupling Identne EN 3268:2001 Optical elements - Immunity to 8" 30', in titanium alloy, for Aetospace series - Pipe ambient light coupling aerospace applications to be used coupliag 8030' in titanium alloy This standard specifies a method as repair couplings to replace EN - Ptessure plug of measuring the immunity of 3697. This standatd specifies the optical connection elements EVS-EN 324322002 characteristics of pressure plugs for (including permanent connections) Hind 66,00 pipe couplings 8o30', in titanium and fibre couplers to the coupling Identne EN 3243:2001 alloy, for aerospace applications. of power coming from an extemal Aerospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 326922002 light source. It shall be used coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Hind 66,00 together with EN 2591-100. - Fernrle, welded, with dynamic Identne EN 3269:2001 prEVS 52793 beam seal end Aerospace series - Pipe Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 This standard specifies the coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Identne prEN 2591 -6327 :2007 characteristics of welded ferrules - Fernrles, blind, with dynamic Aerospace series - Elements of with dynamic beam seal end for beam seal end electrical and optical connection pipe couplings 8o30'in titanium This standard specifies the - Test methods - Patt 63272 alloy, for aerospace applications. characteristics of ferrules with Optical elements - Damp heat, EVS-EN 3244t2002 dynamic beam seal end for pipe cyclic test Hind 66,00 coupling 8"30', in titanium alloy, This standard specifies a method Identne EN 3244:2001 for aerospace applications. of checking the ability of optical Aetospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 3272:2002 connection elements (including coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Hind 66,00 permanent connections) and fibre - Unions, double ended Identne EN 3272:2001 optic to withstand damp heat. It This standard specifies the Aerospace series - Pipe shall be used together with EN characteristics of straight unions, coupling 8030' - Dynamic beam 2591-100. for pipe couplings 8o30', in seal end fot fernrle, welded - prEYS 52794 titanium alloy, for aerospace Geometric confi guration Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 applications. This standard specifies the Identne prEN 259 1 -6 323:2001, dimensions of the dynamic beam Aerospace series - Elements of EVS-EN 3Vl5z?-002 seal end for welded femrles for electrical and optical connection Hind 66,00 pipe couplings 8o30', nominal - Test methods - Part 632i: Identne EN 3245:2001 pressrue up to 28 000 kPa, for Optical elements - Thermal Aerospace series - Pipe aerospace applications. shock (Hermetically sealed coupling 8030' in titanium alloy devices) - Unions, teducer EVS-EN 3273:2002 This standard specifies a method This standard specifies the Hind 66,00 of veriSing the ability of optical characteristics of staight unions Identne EN 3273:2001 connection elements, with a reducer, for pipe couplings 8o30', Aetospace series - Pipe hermetic sealing element to sustain in titanium alloy, for aerospace coupling 8030' - Dynamic beam thermal shock. It shall be used applications. seal end fot elbows, tees and together with EN 2591-100. EVS-EN 3246:?-002 crosses - Geometric Hind 66,00 configuration Identne EN 3246:2001 This standard specifies the 49.080 dimensions of the dynamic beam ja Aetospace series - Pipe 6nu- kosmoses6idukite coupling 8030' in titanium alloy seal end fot elbows, tees and hiidrostisteemid ia nende - Unions, bulkhead crosses for pipe couplings 8o30', koostisosad This standard specifies the nominal pressure up to 28 000 kPa, characteristics of straight, bulkhead for aerospace applications. Aerospace fluid systems and unions for pipe couplings 8o30', in EVS-EN 3274:2002 comPonents titanium alloy, for aerospace Hind 83,00 UUED STAINDARDID applications. Identne E,ll3274:,2001 EVS-EN 32472?.002 Aetospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 3083:?.002 Hind 66,00 coupling 8030' - Thtead - Hind 75,00 Identne EN 3247:2001 Geometric configurations Identne EN 3083:2001 Aerospace series - Pipe This standard specifies the Aerospace series - Pipe coupliag 8030' irr titaniu- alloy characteristics ofthe thread ebd 80 30r in allqy coupling dtaniu6 - Unions, bulkhead welded end for 8"30' pipe couplings, nominal Unions, bulkhead, long - This standard specifies the pressure up to 28 000 kPa, for end, fot tepait welded charactedstics of unions, bulkhead, aerosPace applications. welded end, for pipe couplings EVS-EN 3567t?.002 8o30', in titanium alloy, for Hind 66,00 aerospace applications. Identne EN 3561:2001

41 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Aerospace series - Pipe This standatd speofies the This standard specifies the coupling 8o30f in titanium alloy charateristics fot bulkhead unions charateristics for plastic caps fior - Fernrles with dynamic beam for pipe couplings 8"30', in pipe couplings 8o30'used to seal end, welded and teduced at titanium alloy, for aetospace protect the couplings during pipe end applications. transportation, stotage and system, for This standard specifies the EVS-EN 369t?.002 removal of units in applications. The caps characteristics for femrles vdth a Hind 66,00 aerospace an internal thread for dynamic beam seal end, welded Identne EN 3691:2001 incoqporate the tlreaded and reduced at pipe end for pipe Aerospace series - Pipe screwing on to portion of a pipe coupling. couplings 8o30', in titanium alloy, coupling 8o30r in titaniu- alloy for aerospace applications. - Unions, bulkhead, long EVS-EN 3842t2002 EVS-EN 356622042 welded Hind 66,00 Hind 66,00 This standard specifies the Identne EN 3842:2001 Identne EN 3566:2001 chatatedstics of unions, bulkhead, Aetospace series - Citcular Aerospace series - Pipe long, welded end for pipe tubes for fluids in corosion coupling 8030' in titanium dloy couplings 8o30', in titanium alloy, resistant steel - Diameter 3, 2 - Adaptors with lockring for aerospace applications. rnrn (= D <= 1(X) mm - 0, 32 mm I s 1= 2r S This standard specifies the EVS-EN 3730t20,02 Thickness rnm; Dimensions characteristics for adaptors, with Hind 92,00 standard specifies the lockring, for pipe couplings 8o30', Identne EN 3730:2001 This of: EN in titanium alloy, for installing in a Aerospace series - Clamps, dimensions and tolerancec standards for boss for aerospace applications. saddle lixed and sliding vetsion rnetallic rnaterial aerospace applications. The general EVS-EN 366322002 in aluminium alloy with rubber orgaoization of this sedes is Hind 75,00 cushioning - Dimensionsr described in EN 4258. Identne EN 3663:2001 masses Aetospace series - Pipe This standatd specifies the EVS-EN 4017:2002 coupling - O-rings in rubber requircd charactedstics of saddle Hind 66,00 NB& 75 IRHD; Tempetatute clamps in aluminium alloywith Identne EN 4017:2001 range: - 55 oC to 1if5 oC vadous cushion materials. Aetospace series - Pipe 8o30f in titanium alloy This standard specifies the EVS-EN 378822002 coupling Elbows 90o charateristics for O-rings in rubber Hind 66,00 - standard specifies the NBR,75 IRHD, according to Identne EN 3788:2001 This of elbows 90o, for IvIIL-P-83461, for aerospace Aetospace series - Pipe chatacteristics pipe couplings 8o30', in titanium applications. coupling 8o30r - Protective caps alloy, for aerospace applicatioas. EVS-EN 368822002 This standard speciEes the Hind 66,00 characteristics for protective caps EVS-EN 4019:X)02 Identne EN 3688:2001 for pipe couplings 8o30', used to Hind 66,00 Aerospace series - T-dng fillers protect metric pipe ends dudng Identne EN 4019:2001 in titanium alloy for welding transportation and storage, for Aerospace series - Pipe pipes - 14000 tPA nominal aerospace applications. The caps coupliag 8030' in litaniutn allsy 90o welded end Pfessufe shall be pushed on/off the tube - Elbows This standard spevifies the ends. This standard specifies the of elbows 90", charateristics for T-ring fillers in EVS-EN 3789:?.002 characteristics end, for piPes couPling titanium alloy for welding pipes, Hind 66,00 welded 8030', titanium alloy, for for aerospace applications. Identne EN 3789:2001 in aetospace applications. EVS-EN 368922002 Aerospace series - Pipe Hind 66,00 coupling 8030'- Ptotective plugs EYS-EN 40202A02 Identne EN 3689:2001 with external threads Hind 66,00 Aerospace series - T-ring fillets This standard specifies the Identne EN 4020:2001 in titanium alloy for welding chatactetistics for plastic plugs for Aerospace series - Pipe pipes - 28000 kPA nominal pipe couplings 8"30' used to coupling 8o30r in titanium alloy 90o, welded endwith Pressure protect the couplings during - Elbows This standard specifies the transportation, storage and thrustwire nut charateristics for T-ring fillets in removal of units in system, for This standard specifies the ritaruum alloy for welding pipes, aerospace applications. The plugs characteristics of elbows 90o, for aerospace applications. incorporate an extemal thread for welded end, with thrust wire nut, for pipe couplings 8"30', in EVS-EN 36902002 screwing on to the threaded a pipe coupling. titanium alloy, for aelospace Hind 66,00 portion of applications. Identne EN 3690:2001 EVS-EN 379022Q02 Aerospace series - Pipe Hind 57,00 EVS-EN 40212?-002 coupling 8o30f in titanium alloy Identne EN 3790:2001 Hind 66,00 - Unions, bulkhead, long Aetospace sedes - Pipe Identne EN ,1021:2001 coupling 8o30' - Protective caps with intetnal thrcads

42 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Aerospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 402722002 This standard specifies the coupling 8030'in titanium alloy Hind 66,00 charateristics of thrust wires for - Elbows 90o, bulliihead Identoe EN ,1027:2001 attaching thnrst udre nuts onto tees This standard specifies the Aetospace series - Pipe and elbows for pipe couplings characteristics of elbows 90o, coupling 8o30r in titanium alloy 8o30', for aerospace applications. bulkhead, for pipe coupling 8o30', - Tees btanch with thrust wite EVS-EN 4045.2A02 in titanium alloy, for aerospace nut Hind 66,00 applications. This standard specifies the Identne EN 4045:2001 EVS-EN 4022:20O2 charatetistics of tees, branch, whith Aetospace series - Capillary Hind 66,00 thrust wire nut, for pipe coupling tubes, seamless in heat resisting Identne EN 4022:2001 8o30', in titanium alloy, for alloys - Diametet 0; 6 mm <= Aerospace series - Pipe aerospace applications. D <= 2 mm; Dimensions coupling 8030'in titanium alloy EYS-EN 4028:2002 This standard specifies the - Elbows 90o, bulkhead, welded Hind 66,00 dimensions and tolerances of: end Identne EN 4028:2001 Capillary tubes, seamless in heart This standard specifies the Aetospace sedes - Pipe resisting alloys Diameter 0,6 mm characteristics of elbows 90o, coupling 8o30r in titanium alloy (= ! 4- 2 mm for aerosDace bulkhead, welded end, for pipe - Tees with thrust wirc nut on applications. couplings 8o30', in titanium alloy, fun EVS-EN 4782:2002 for aerospace applications. This standard specifies the Hind 75,00 EYS-EN 402322002 charateristics of tees, uith thrust Identne EN 4182:2001 Hind 66,00 wte nut on !rul, for pipe couplirg Aetospace series - Pipe Identne EN 4023:2001 8o30', in titanium alloy, for coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Aerospace series - Pipe aetospace applications, - Tees, reduced coupling 8030'in titanium alloy EYS-EN 402922.002 This standard specifies the - Elbows 45o Hind 66,00 characteristics of tees, reduced, for This standard specifies the Identne EN 4029:2001 pipe couplings 8o30', in titanium characteristics of elbows 45o, fot Aerospace series - Pipe alloy, for aerospace applications. couplings pipe 8o30', in titanium coupling 8030'in titanium alloy EVS-EN 478322002 alloy, for aerospace applications. - Tees bulkhead branch Hind 66,00 EVS.EN 4A?A..20A2 This standard specifies the Identne EN 4183:2001 Hind 66,00 charateristics of tees, bukhead Aerospace series - Pipe Identne EN 4024:2001 branch, for pipe coupling 8o30', in coupling 8030' in titanium alloy titanium Aerospace series - Pipe alloy, for aerospace - Elbows 90o welded ends coupling 8030'in titaniun alloy apPlications. This standatd specifies the - Elbows 45o welded elrd with EYS-EN 4030:2002 characteristics of elbows 90o, thrust wfue nut Hind 66,00 welded ends, for pipe couplings This standard specifies the Identne EN 4030:2001 8o30', in titanium alloy, for characteristics of elbows 45o, Aetospace series - Pipe aetospace applications. welded end, thrust with wire nut, coupling 8030 in titanium alloy - EVS-EN 418422002 for pipe couplings 8o30', in Tees bulkhead on run Hind 66,00 alloy, titanium for aerospace This standard specifies the Identne EN 4184:2001 applications. charateristics of tees, bulkhead on Aerospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 4025:2002 run, for pipe coupling 8o30', in coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Hind 66,00 titanium alloy, for aerospace - Elbows 45o double, welded Identne EN 4025:2001 applications. etrds Aetospace series - Pipe EVS-EN 40312?.002 This standard specifies the coupling 8030'in titanium alloy Hind 66,00 charactedstics of elbows 45o, - Elbows 45o, bulkhead Identne EN 4031:2001 welded ends, for pipe couplings This standard specifies the Aerospace series - Pipe 8o30', in titanium alloy, for characteristics of elbows 45o, coupling qo30 in titanium - aerospace applications. bulkhead, for pipe "lloy coupling 8o30', Nutforweld'ed ferde EVS-EN 4185:2002 in titanium alloy, aerospace for This standard specifies the Hind 66,00 applications. charactedstics of nuts for welded Identne EN 4185:2001 EVS-EN 4026:2002 ferdes, for pipe coupling 8o30'. In Aetospace series - Pipe Hind 66,00 titanium alloy, for aelospace coupling 8030' in titanium alloy Identne EN 4026:2001 applications. - Tees, bulkhead on run long Aerospace sedes - Pipe EVS-EN 4032:2002 This standard speciEes the coupling 8o30r in titaniu- dloy Hind 66,00 chatacteristics of tees, bulkhead on - Tees Identne EN 4032:2001 run long fot pipe couplings 8"30' This standard specifies the Aerospace series - Pipe io titaniurr alloy, for aerospace characteristics oftees, for pipe coupling 8o30r in titanium alloy applications. coupling 8o30', in titanium alloy, - Thtust wire EVS-EN 418622A02 aerospace for applications. Hind 66,00

43 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Identne EN 4186:2001 Space product assurance - The resulting from handling speciEc Aetospace series - Pipe determination of offgassin g hazardous matedals (e.g. coupling 8030' in titanium alloy products from materials and explosives, hot molten masses, - LJnions, ctoss assembled articles to be used in radiating materials); - hazards This standard specifies the a manned space vehicle ctew caused by operation in an characteristics of unions, cross, for comPartment explosive atmosphere; - hazards pipe couplings 8o30', in titanium This European Standard defines a caused by noise; - electrical alloy, for aerosPace applications. test procedure for the hazatds; -hazards due to hydraulic ddtennination of the release of and pneumatic components. This &ace contaminants by non-metallic standard does not covers fhe 49.140 materials under a set of closely hazards related to mechanical Kosmosesiisteemid ja controlled conditions. The test strength of strucrural elements of nende kasutamine procedure covers both individual attachments designed for more materials and assembled articles. that 20 000 lifting cycles. Space systems and EVS-EN 14101:2002 oPerations Hind 139,00 53.060 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 14101:2001 Tddstuslilrud mootorkdrud Space product assutance - EVS-EN 14097t2002 Matedal selection fot Industrial trucks 139,00 Hind gen6sllin g stress-corrosion Identne EN 14097:2001 ctacking UUED STANDARDID Space ptoduct assurance - This European Standard sets forth EVS-EN 13490:?.002 Nonconformatrce contiol the criteria to be used in the Hind 130,00 system selection of materials for spacectaft Identne EN 13490:2001 This Euopean Standard defines and associated equipment and Mechanical vibration - the control system for facilities sa that failure resulting Iadusrial trucks - Laboratory nonconformances telated to any from stress-corrosion is prevented. evaluation and specification of aspect of a space project, including operator seat vibratiol EEE component This Euopean Standard is nonconformances, software 53.020.30 applicable to operatot seats used problems, operational T6steseadmete on industrial trucks as tlefined in nonconformances and anomalies. abivahendid ISO 5053 irrespective of power EVS-EN 14O9822002 supply, type of equipment, lifting for lifting Hind 92,00 Accessories mechanism and tyres. It also Identne EN 14098:2001 equipment applies to seats for other trucks not Space product assurance - KAVANDITE covered by ISO 5053, e.g. vadable- Thermal cycling test for the reach trucks and low-lift order screening of space materials ARVAMUSKOSITLUS picking trucks. and processes prEVS 37161 This European Standard details a Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 KAVAI\DITE thermal cycling test under vacrun Identne prEN 13155:2001 ARVAMUSXIt]SITLUS for the screening of materials and Cranes-Safety - Non-fixed load prEVS 35808 processes intended fot use in the lifting attachments Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-07 fabrication of spacecraft and This Eutopean Standard specifies Identne prEN 13059:2001 associated equipment. safety requirements for the Safety of industrial trucks - Test following non-6xed load lifting methods fot measuring EYS-EN 14099:?-002 attachments (called .attachment in vibration Hind 109,00 the rest of the standard) for ctanes, This standard is a type test Identne EN 14099:2001 hoists and manually controlled load procedure for establishing the Space ptoduct assurance - devices (called craoes of vibration emission Measutement of the peel and manipulating values of the standard): Plate to the whole body of pull-offsttength of coating and in the rest transmitted Vacuum lifters; a) Self of industrial trucks under finishes using ptessute-sensitive clamps; operators priming b) Non-self priming specified conditions. Itis not taPes (pump, venturi, turbine); Electdc applicable to hand-arm vibration. This European Standard details a lifting magnets fed and This standard is applicable to test in which pressure-sensitive @attery main-fed) Permanent lifting powered industrial trucks listed in tapes are used to assess the ; magnets; Electo-Permanent lifting ISO 5053:1987. The annex A is suitability of, for example, coatings, magnets; Ufti.g beams; C-hooks; applicable fot "dl-tertain" ttucks. paints, films and other thin Lifting forks; Clamps It also applies to other powered materials, proposed for use on C[o"gt); defined in clause 3. This sta.dard industdal trucks not covered by spacectaft and associated does not speci$ the additional ISO 5053:1987, e.g. variable-reach equipment. requirements for: - non 6xed load trucks and "low-lift" "order EYS-EN 14100:2002 lifting attachment in direct contact picking" trucks, etc. Hind 109,00 with food stuffs or pharmaceuticals Identne EN 14100:2001 requiring a high level of cleanliness for hygiene reasons; - hazatds 44 EVS Teataja 5/2002 This European Standard specifies Identne EN 13536:2001 55.100 test methods for determining the Manufactuted articles lilled Pudelid. Potid. Purgid thermal shock resistance and with feather and down - thermal shock enduance of glass Reguirements for clothing - Botdes. Pots, Jars containers. This Ewopean Light use KAVANDITE Standard applies to containers This standard specifies the ARVAMUSKUSI']TLUS made from soda-lime-silica glass. characteristics for texdle fabrics prEVS 16373 This Euopean Standard does not (outer shell, filling shell, lining) and Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01, apply to the deterrrination of those filling of clothing (light use Identne ISO/DIS 8113:2007 properties of laboratory glassware pqposes) solely filled udth feather ja identne prEN ISO 8113:2007 not made from soda-Iime-silica and/or down. Glass containets - Resistance to glass nor items of laboratory EVS-EN 73542:2002 vertical load - Test method glassware vrhich are not containers Hind 83,00 This European Standard specifies a (see ISO 718). Identne EN 13542:2001 method of inspecdon and Manufactuted articles filled determination of the resistance of 55.180.20 with feathet and down - Method glass containers to extemal force in Uldotstarbelised fo,6"lsrmining the the direction of the vertical axis. compressibility index of kaubaalused The pass tests are intended clothing especially for containers the This Euopean Standard specifies a resistance of which is specified. method to determine the prEVS 52739 KAVANIDITE compressibility index of clothing Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 ARVAMUSKUSITLUS filled solely with feathers and/or Identne ISO/DIS 8106:2001 ptEYS 52726 downs, ja identne prEN ISO 8706:2001, Tiihtaeg 2002-07-07 EVS-EN 13543:?.002 Glass containets - Identne EN 13382:2001 Hind 66,00 Determination of capacity by Flat pallets for materials Identne EN 13543:2001 gtavimetric method - Test [a11dling - Pdncipal dir.ensiolrs Manufactuted atticles filled method This European Standard specifies with feather and down - This Euopean standard specifies a the principal dimensions and Measurement of water gravimetric method for tolerances for new single-deck and absorption of filling material determining the brimfrrl and filling double-deck non-reversible flat This European standard desctibes level capacities glass containers of pdlets of dl entry types related to a method to determine the and for determining their their transportation and handling absorption of water of a filling of compliance with specifi cation by pallet trucks, fork lift tnrcks and feathets and downs. The limits. other appropriate equipment. absorption of water is defined by ptEYS 52741 NOTE Depending on end use and the capacity and the time of Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 tlle meeting of tests speciEed in absorption. Identne ISO/DIS 7 458:2001 ISO 8611, such pallets are intended ja identne prEN ISO 7458:2007 to be stacked: a) in store up to 4 59.080.70 Glass containers - Intetnal hbh; b) in tansit up to 2-high. ptessrre tesistance - Test prEVS 52800 Geotekstiil methods Tlhtaeg 2002-07-01 Geotextiles This European Standard specifies Identne pflN 13545:2001 two test methods for the Pallet supetstructures - Pallet KAVANDITE deternination of the intemal collars - Test methods and ARVAMUSKOSITLUS pressure resistance of glass perfonrrance requirements prEVS 52716 containers, Method A by European This Standard specifies Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-01, application of uniform intemal test methods and performance Identoe prEN 1 41 96:2001 pressrue fot a predetermined requiremeots fot teusable wooden - period and Method B by Geosyothetics Test methods and woodbased pallet collars. fot measuring mass per application of intemal pressrue unit There are two categories of area of clay geosynthetic increasing at a predetermined construction: | - class 1: general barriets constant rate. pupose pallet collars; ii) class 2: - This method covers the laboratory prEYS 52748 light duty pallet collars. Tiihtaeg 2002-07-07 determination of the mass per unit area of a sample of clay Identne ISO/DIS 7 459:2001 ja identne prEN ISO 7459:2007 59.040 geosynthetic barrier (CGB) as Glass containets - Thermal Teks..ilit66stuse received. The mass of the clay shock resistance and thermal abimaterjalid component can be found by shock endutance - Test subtracting the manufacturer's methods Textile auxiliarv materials reported mass of the geosynthetic component(s) from the total mass UUED STAI\DARDID of the CGB. Since manufacturers EVS-EN 135362002 quote mass per unit area at a g'iven Hind 75,00 moisture content, it is also 45 EVSTeataja 5/2002 oecessary to measule the rnoisture This part 3 of EN:

46 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Standard speifies Animal and vegetable fats and 67.050 This Intemational a method for the determination of oils - Determination of the Uldised toidu katse- ia the "fat acidity" of milled cereal content oftrans fatty acid analiiiisimeetodid products. It is applicable to flours isomers of vegetable fats and and semolinas obtained from oils - Gas chromatogtaphic General methods of tests wheat and durum wheat, and also method and analysis for food to pasta. NOTE. This method This standard specifies a gas products appears to be applicable also to chromatogtaphic method using UUED STANDARDID grains, to flous and semolinas capillary columns for the obtained f1e6 lnaize, and to rye determination of the content of EYS-EN 7788:2002 flour and oat flakes, but a further trans fatty acid isomers of Hind 117,00 intedaboratory test is necessary vegeiable oils and fats. The Identne EN 1788:2001 before confirming this extension of method is specially designed to Toiduained. the field of application. evaluate, by a single capillary gas Termoluminestsentsmeetodil chromatographic (GC) procedure, sellise kiiritatud toiduaine the level of trans isomers as 67.780.20 viiliaselgitamine, millest saab formed during @igh temperature) silikaatseid mineraale eraldada. Tiirklis ia selle saadused re6ning, or during hydrogenation See Euroopa standatd miirab Starch and derived products ofvegetable oils or fats. kindlaks meetodi kiirgusega prEVS 52769 tocideldud toiduaine KAVAI\DITE Tithtaeg 2002-07-01 viiljaselgitamiseks reostunud ARVAMUSKUSITLUS Ideotne ISO 3656:2002 5ilik2atsete mineraalide ptEYS 52772 ja identne EN ISO 3656:2002 termoluminestsentsanaliiiisiga. Tlhtaeg: 2002-07-01, Animal and vegetable fats and Meetodit rakendatakse nende Identne ISO 11543:2000 oils - Determination of toiduainete korral, millest on ja identne EN ISO 11543:2002 uluaviolet absorbance v6imalik kiiLllaldases koguses Modified starch - Determination expressed as specific UV silikaatseid mineraale eraldada. of hydro:ryptopyl content - extinction EVS-EN 73708:2002 Method using ptoton nucleat This Intemational Standard Hind 83,00 magnetic resonance (NMR) specifies amethod for the Identne EN 13708:2001 specftometfy determination of the absorbance at Foodstuffs - Detection of This Intemational Standard ultraviolet wavelengths of animal iradiated food containi.g specifies a protan NMR and vegetable fats and oils. crystalline sugat by ESR specftometric method for the prEVS 52770 spectroscopy determination of the Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 This European Standatd specifies a hydroqrpropyl content of granular Identne ISO 10539:2002 ja method for the detection of foods modified starch. identne EN ISO 10539:2002 containing crystalline sugars which Animal and vegetable fats and have been Eeated with ionizing oils - Determiaation of radiation, by analysing the election 67.200.10 alkalinity spin resonance @SR) spectrum, Loomsed ia taimsed This Intemationd Standard also called electron paramagnetic rasvad ia 6lid specifies a method for the resonance @PR) spectrum, of the determination of the alkdinity of food. Animal and vegetable fats animal and vegetable fats and oils and oils without distinguishing between the various constituerrts. The method 67.060 UUED STANDARDID is not applicable to dry melted Teravili ia kaunvifi ning EVS-EN ISO 663:2002 animal fats, nor to oils and fats nendest valmistatud tooted Hind 75,00 with an acidity greater than 60 Vo Identne ISO 663:2000 (mas fraction) as determined in Cereals, pulses and derived ja identne EN ISO 663:2007 accordance with ISO 660. products Loomsed ia taimsed rasvad ia 5lid. Lahustumatute lisandite KAVAI\iDITE 67.250 sisalduse miiramine ARYAMUSIdJSITLUS See rahvusvaheline standard esitab Toiduga kokkupuutuvad prEYS 52747 meetodi lahustumatute lisandite materialid ia esemed Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 sisalduse miiramiseks loomsetes ja Materials and articles in Identne ISO 7305:1998 taimsetes rasvades. Jahvatatud teraviliasaadused. contact with foodstuffs Rasva happesuse miilfu amiae. KAVANDITE ARVA}IUSKtJSITLUS KAVA\IDITE prEVS 37697 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-01 prEVS 52764 Identne 15015304:2002 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 ja identne EN ISO 15304:2002 Identne prEN 1 1 86-1 5:2001

47 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Matedals and articles in contact This Europeao standard $ Ideotne prEN 1 3630-2:2442 with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part applicable to deterrnine the Explosives for civil uses - 15 : Alternative test methods to influence of pH on the leachability Detonating cords and safety migtation into fatty food of inorganic constituents from a fuses - Patt2t Determination of simulants by rapid extraction waste material. Equilibrium thermal stability of detonating into iso-octane and / ot 95oh condition as defined in the cotds and safety fuses ethanol standard is established by addition This European Standard specifies a This European Standard specifies of pte-determined amounts of acid method of determining the thermal two altemative test methods, in the or base to reach desired end pH stability of detonating cords and sense of an extraction test with a values. This test method produces safety fuses for civil uses by _more severe' test character, for the eluates, which are subsequendy subjecting them to an elevated assessment of the overall migation chatacterized physically aod temPeratue. into fattl food simulants.Method A chemically. This standard is a prEVS 52816 is based on the deterrnination of parameter specific test as specified Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 the extraction of migrateable in ENV 12920T\e application of Identne prEN 1 3630-3 :2002 substances from plastics which are this test method alone is not Explosives for civil uses - intended to come into contact with sufficient for the detetrnination of Detonating cords and safety foodstuffs, by total immersion in the detailed leaching behaviour of fuses - Part 3: Detennination of non-polar, iso-octane, and/ ot a waste under specified conditions. sensitiveness to ftiction ofthe polar, ethanol, solvents depending cote of detonatiag cords the polarity of the packaging This European Standatd specifies a on 71.100.30 material. According to tesults method of determining the Pff obtained by this method (see L6hkeained. rotehnika sensitiveness to friction of the core [1],[2],[3],[4],[5]) and taking Explosives. Pyrotechmcs of fl exible plastics-coated physio-chemical considerations detonating cords, and flexible into account, the obtained KAVANDITE fibrous-ovetbraided detonating extraction efficiency has, generally, ARVAMUSKOSITLUS cotds for civil uses. been found to be equivalent to or prEVS 52812 prEVS 52817 higher than ovetall migration Tiihtaeg 2002-07-07 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 results obtained under the test Identne prEN 13631-2:2002 Identne prEN 13630-4:2002 conditions, 10 days at40"C,2hat Explosives for civil uses - High Explosives for civil uses - oC, oC, 70 t h at 100 30 min at 121 explosives - Part2z Detonating cords and safety oC and 30 min at 130 "C. To Determination of thermal fuses - Part 4: Determination of ensure as comPlete as possible stability of explosives sensitiveness to impact of exftaction of the potential This European Standard speciEes a detonating cotds Standard specifies a migrants, a strong interaction, e.g. method to assess the stability of This European swelling, of the sample by the explosives by subjecting them to method for determining the extraction solvent is necessary. For elevated therrnal conditions. sensitiveness to impact of flexible, this purpose, iso-octane is used as prEVS 52813 plastic coated detonating cords, an extraction solvent for plastics Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 and fl exible fibrous-overbraided materials and articles containing Identne prEN 136314:2002 detonating cords for civil uses, for non polar food contact layers, such Explosives for civil uses - High an impact stress up to 10 loules. as polyolefins. For test samples explosives - Part 4: prEVS 52818 made from polar food contact Determination of sensitiveness Tlhtaeg 2002-07-07 plastics such as polyamide aad to impact of explosives Identne prEN 13630-7 :2002 civil uses polyethylene terephthalate, 95 %o This European Standard specifies a Explosives fot - (v/v) aqueous ethanol is used. rnethod for determining the Detonating cords and safety sensitiveness to impact of fuses - PattT: Determination of explosives. reliability of initiation of 77.020 detonating cotds Tootmine keemiat6dstuses prEVS 52814 Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 This European standard specifies a method for determining the Production in the chemical Identne ptEN 13631-5:2002 reliability of initiation of flexible industrv Explosives fot civil uses - High explosives - Part 5: plastic-coated detonating cords and KAVANDITE Determination of tesistance to fl exible fibrous-overbtaided ARVAMUSKOSITLUS watet detonating cords for civil uses, by a detonator of defined initiating prEVS 52783 This Euopean Standard specifies a capability. Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 method of determining the u/atet cartridged prEVS 52819 Identne ptEN 1 4429:2002 resistance to of or Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Chatacteization of waste - bulk high explosives for civil uses Identrre prEN 13630-8:2002 Leaching behaviout tests - which are designed to be used for Inlluence ofpH on leaching blasting opetations in wet s'ith initial acid/base addition conditions. prEVS 52815 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01

48 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Explosives for civil uses - Identne EN 12371,:2001 This standard specifies the safety Detonating cords and safety Natural stone test methods - requirements for legs and rams fuses - Part 8: Determination of Determination of frost urhen used as specified by the resistance to water of resistance manufacrurer or his representative. detonating cords and safety The European Standard specifies a Examples covered by the standard fuses method to assess the effect of include legs, support rams and This European Standard specifies a frceze/thasr cycles on natural rams with theL mechanical method for determining the stones - refer to prEN 12670 for extensions, internal valves and tesistance to water of flexible tetminology, and EN 72440 for safety devices, seals, hydraulic plastic-coated detonating cords, denomination. connections and their lifting points flexible fibrous-overbraided EVS-EN 1i16X2002 but excluding protective pipes and detonating cords and water Hind 101,00 gaiters, extemal valves and resistant safety fuses. Identne EN 13161:2001 hydraulic and electrohydraulic prEVS 52821 Natural stone test methods - control systems. Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Determination of flexural Identne prEN 1 3630- 1 1 :2002 sttength undet constant 75.060 Explosives fot civil uses - moment Maagaas Detonating cords and safety This European Standard specifies fuses - Part 11: Determination of the method to determine the Natural gas velocity of detonation of flexural strength ofnatural stones detonating cords under constant moment. The KAYANDITE This European Standard specifies a standard contains provision for ARVAMUSKUSITLUS method determining the for both an identification test and for a prEVS 52689 velocity of detonation of technological test. Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 detonating cords. Identne ISO 697 4-2:2001 p:fYS 52822 8.rcO.70 ja identne EN ISO 69742:2002 Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 Natural gas - Determination of Identrre prEN 13630-72:2A02 Toestik composition with defined Explosives fot civil uses - Tunnelling and tubbing uncertainty by gas Detonating cords and safety chromatography -Pa*2: fuses - Pattl2t Determination of equiPment Measuring-system burning dutation of safety fuses UUED STANDARDID characteristics and statistics fot This European Standard specifies processing of data EVS-EN 7804-7t2002 methods for determining the This part ofISO 6974 describes Hind 170,00 buming duration of safety fuses. the data processing for the tailored Identne EN 180,1-1:2001 analysis of natiual gas. It includes Machines fot undetgtound the deternination of the measuring 71..100.40 mines - Safety requirements fot system characteristics and the Pindaktiivsed ained hydraulic powered roof supports statistical approach to data - Part 1: Support units and agents handling and error calculation with Surface active general requirements the aim of defining the uncertainty This standard specifies tle safety KAVANDITE in the mole fractions of the requirements for support units ARVAMUSXIUSITLUS component measured. when used as specified by the prEVS 52736 manufacturer or his authorised Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 representative. Examples of 75.120 Identne EN 12836:2002 support units are frame supports, Surface active agents - Htidrosffsteemide chock supports, shield supports, Determination of the water t66vedelikud paired ftames and push-pull number of alkoxylated products supports systerns including the This European Standard specifies Hydraulic fluids components of advancing and the determination of the water anchoring devices which provide UUED STANDARDID number of ethoxylated products up support firnctions. ISO 67 43-4:?-002 to about 70 % ethylene odde. EVS-EN Hind 49,00 EO/PO block polymers vith EVS-EN 7804-222002 Identne ISO 67 43-4:1999 water numbers higher than about Hind 170,00 ja identne EN ISO 6743-4:2007 23 become hard to intemret. Identne EN 1 80,1-2:2001 Machines fot underground Lubricants, industrial oils and mines - S"f.ty requiremeats for telated products (class L) - 73.020 hydraulic powered toof supports Classffication - Part 4: Family H Milendus - Patt2z Power set legs and (llydmulic systems) tams This part ofEN ISO 6743 establishes the detailed UUED STANDARDID classification of fluids of family H (Fly&aulic system) which belong to EVS-EN 12371t2002 class L (Lubricants, industrial oils Hind 101,00 and related products). EYSTeataia 5/2002 7s.t40 Bitumen and bituminous 75.180.10 binders - Detetmination of ja Vahad, bituuumsed penetration power of bitumen Uuringu- materjalid im naftatooted emulsions afiunutrrsseadmed This European Standard specifies a Waxes, bituminous materials Exploratory and extraction method for the deterrrination of and other petroleum the penetration power of bitumen equipment products emulsions. This test method is KAVAI\DITE applicable to low-viscosity bitumen ARVAMUSKOSITLUS KAVANDITE emulsions. prEVS 382,14 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS prEVS 52799 - Tdhtaeg: 2002-08-01 prEVS 33540 T?ihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Identne prEN 10301:2001 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01, Identne prEN 14261:2001 Steel tubes and fittings fot on Identne prEN 12850:2001 Derivatives from coal pytolysis - and offshore pipelines - Intemal Bitumen and bituminous Coal tar and pitch based coating for the teduction of binders - Determination of the binders and telated ptoducts : friction for conveyance ofnon pH value of bitumen emulsions tefractory bindets - cortosive gas This Euopean Standard specifies a Chamcteristics and test This standard specifies the method for measuring the pH methods application teguirements and value of bitumen emulsions. It is This European Standard gives the methods of test of liquid applied applicable to anionic, cationic and methods of test requited to epoxy paints to the internal surface non-ionic birumen emulsions. determine the characteristics for for the reduction of ftiction of prE\zS 33541 viscous "tefractory binders" used tubes and pipeline fittings for Tihtaeg: 2002-07-0L as industrial binden. Depending conveyance ofnon corosive gas. Identne prEN i2846:2001 on the rcquited application aod the Other paints or paint systems are Bitumen and bituminous desired properties of the end not excluded provided they comply binders - Determination of product, different grades on with the requirements given in this efflux time of bitumen refractory binders are available. emulsions by the efflux standard. The coating shall consist viscometer of ooe layet of liquid product, This European Standard specifies a normally shop-applied oo blast method for the deterrnination of 75.160.20 cleaned steel by airless spray or the efflux time of bitumen Yedelk&tused conventional spray tecbnique. emulsions. Brush application shall be used Uquid fluids prEVS 33542 only for repairs. The applied and Tfitaeg 2002-07-01 KAVANDITE cured paint film shall be smooth to obtain a reduction of the ftiction. Identne prEN 12848:2001 ARVAMUSKIJSITLUS Bitumen and bituminous Unless othendse agreed, the EVS-EN 2282?.002 bindets - Detetmination of coari.g shall be suitable for Hind 102,00 mixing stability with cement of opetating temperatures between Identne: EN 228:1999 oC oC.In bitumen emulsions 20 and + 110 this Autokttused. Pliivaba bensiin. is This European Standard specifies a standard the word components N6uded ja katsemeetodid method for the determination of used for tubes and fitti"p. I(iesolev Euroopa standard mixing stability of bitumen sltestab turustatavale ja tamitavale emulsions with cement. It applies pliivabale bensiinile esitatavad 75.200 to overstabilized cationic bitumen n6uded ja katsemeetodid. See Nafta, naftasaaduste ia emulsions and to slow-setting and kehtib pliivaba bensiini kohta, mida overstabilized anionic bitumen m asitransPofdi kasutatakse pliivaba bensiini jaoks ^g emulsions. seadmed projekteeritud mootoritega prEVS 33545 s6idrrkites. Petroleum pfoducts and Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01 EVS-EN 5902002-0$26 Identne prEN 12847:2001 natural gas handling Hind 92,00 Bitumen and bituminous equipment Identne: EN 590:1999 - Determination of binders Autokiitused. Diislikiitus. KAVANDITE settling tendency of bitumen Nduded katsemeetodid emulsions ia ARVAMUSKOSITLUS K'iesolev Euroopa standard This European Standard specifies a prEVS 52786 sltestab turustatavale ja tamitavale method for the detetrnination of Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 autode diislikiitusele esitatavad the settling tendency of bitumen Identne prEN 14161:2002 n6uded ja katsemeetodid. See emulsions. Pettoleum arrd natutal gas kehtib autode diislikiituse kohta, prEVS 33546 industries - Pipeline mida kasutatakse autode Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 ttansportation systems diislikiituse jaoks projekteeritud Identne prEN 12849:2001 diiselmootoriga s6idukites

50 EVS Teataja 5/2002 This Intemational Standatd This draft standard specifies a EVS-EN l2M7-2.2002 specifies tequirements and gives method for the determination of Hind 83,00 recommendations for the desigp, the transverse rupture strength of Identne EN 12441 -2:2001 materials, construction, testing, sintered metal materials, excluding Zinc ar'd zinc alloys - Chemical operation, maintenance and hardmetals. The method is analysis - Part 2z Determination abandonment of pipeline systems particulady suitable for compadng of magaesium in zinc alloys - used for transportation in the the sintered strength of a batch of Flame atomic absotption petroleum and natual gas metal powder with tllat of a spectrometric method industries. It applies to pipeline reference powder or with a This European Standard specifies a systems on land and offshore, reference strength. The method is flame atomic absorption connecting wells, production applicable to sintered metal specftometric method for the plants, process plants, refineries materials, excluding hardmetals, determination of magnesium in and storage faciJities, including any whether they have been subjected zink alloys. It is applicable to the section of a pipeline constructed to heat treatment after sintering or products specified in EN 1774 and within the boundaries of such not, and also to materials that have EN 12844. facilities for the purpose of its been sized or coined after EVS-EN 72Ml-3:2002 connection. The extent of pipeline sintering. Hind 92,00 systems covered by this Identne EN 72Mt -3:2001, Intemational Standard is illustrated 77.040.20 Zinc und zinc alloys - Chemical in Figure 1. OnJand supply Metallide mittepurustav analysis - Pa* 3: Determination systems used by the gas supply of lead, cadmium and coppet - industry are excluded from the katsetamine Flame atomic absorption scope of this Standard. This spectrometric method Standard applies Non-destructive testing of Intemational to This European standard specifies a metals rigid metallic pipelines. It is not flame atomic absorption applicable for flexible pipelines or UUED STANDARDID spectrometry method for the those constructed from other determination of lead, copper and EYS-EN 1030712002 materials such as glass-reinforced cadmium in zinc and zinc alloys. It Hind 117,00 plastics. This Intemational is applicable to the products Identne EN 10307:2001 Standard is applicable to all new specified in EN 988, EN 1179, EN Non-destructive testing - pipeline systems and may be 1774, EN 12844 prEN 13283. applied to modifications made to Uluasonic testing of austenitic ^rd existing ones. It is not intended and austenitic-ferritic sl4inlssg KAVANDITE that it should apply retroactively to steels flat products ofthickness ARVAMUSKUSITLUS existing pipeline systems. It equal to or greater than 6 mm prEVS 52806 describes the functional (teflection method) Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 requirements of pipeline systems This Euopean Standard describes Identne prEN 601:2002 and ptovides a basis fot their safe a method for the ultrasonic-testing Aluminiu'. and aluminium design, construction, testing, of uncoated flat austenitic and alloys - Castings - Chemical operation, maintenance and austenitic-ferdtic stainless steel composition of castings fot use abandonment. product for intemal discontinuities. in contact with food It is applicable to flat product io This Euopean Standard specifies nominal thickness range of 6 mm the maximum percentage content 77.040.10 to 200 mm. of alloying elements and impurities Metallide mehaaniline in aluminium and aluminium alloy katsetamine 77.040.30 cast materials and articles designed Metallograafiaim to be io contact with food and Mechanical testing of metals contains ptovisions for the katsemeetodid KAVA}{DITE demonstration of conformity of ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Metallographic and other products with the present standard. prEVS 52807 prEVS 52825 methods testing of Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -01 Tihtaeg 2402-07-01 Identne prEN 602:2002 Identne ISO 3325:2001 UUED STANDARDID filqmirriu6 and aluminium ja identne EN ISO EVS-EN 72447-122002 alloys - Wrought products - 3325:19991 A1,:20A2 Hind 83,00 Chemical composition of semi- Sintered metal materials, Identne EN 72441 -1 :20A1 finished products used for the excluding hatdmetals - Zinc and, zinc alloys - Chemical fabrication ofarticles fot use in Determination of transvetse analysis - Part Determiaation t contact with food rupture strength - qf atu6inium in zinc alloys - Amendment 1: Precision Titrimetric method statement This standard specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of aluminium n znc alloys. It is applicable to the products specified in EN 1774 and EN 128,14.

51 EVS Teataia 512002 This European Standard specifies This standard specifies a titrimetric between supplier and customer the maximum percentage conteart method for the determination of (see also annex A). 1.3 The general of alloying elements and impudties aluminium in zinc alloys. It is technical delivery conditions present in wrought aluminium and applicable to the products specified specified in EN 10021 apply in aluminium alloys which are in EN 1774 and EN 12844. addition to the specifications of fabricated into materials and EVS-EN 12Ml-2.2002 this European Standard, unless articles designed to be in contact Hiod 83,00 otherwise specified in this with food and contains provisions Identne EN 12441 -2:2007 European Standard. for the demonstration of Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical conformity of products with the analysis - Part 2: Detetmination 77.t40.50 present standard. of magnesium in zinc alloys - Lameterastooted - Flame atomic absorption ia 77.080.20 spectrometric method Pooltooted Terased This European Standard specifies a Flat steel products and semi- flame atomic absoqption Products Steels spectrometric method for the determination of magnesium in UUED STAI\DARDID KAVANDITE zink alloys. It is applicable to the EVS-EN 7030722002 ARVAMUSKIJSITLUS products specified in EN 1774 and Hind 117,00 36963 EN 128,14. prE\rS Identne EN 10307:2001 Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 EYS-EN l2at4l-3:?.002 Non-destnrctive testing - Identne prEN 10027-1 :2001 Hind 92,00 Ultasonic testing of austenitic systems steel Designation fot - Identne EN 12441-3:2001 and austenitic-ferritic stainless Part Steel names t Zinc uad zinc alloys - Chemical steels flat products ofthickness 1.1 This part of European analysis - Part 3: Determination equal to or greatet than 6 mm Standard EN10027 sets out rules of lead, cadmium and copper - (reflection method) for designating steels by means of Flame atomic absorption This European Standard describes symbolic lettets and numbers to specttometric method a method for the ultrasonic-testing express application and pdncipal This European standard specifies a of uncoated flat austenitic and characteristics, e.g, mechanical, flame atomic absoqption austenitic-ferritic stainless steel physical, chemical, so as to provide spectrometry method for the prcduci for intemd discontinuities. an abbreviated identification of determination of lead, copper and It is applicable to flat product in steels. Note: In the English cadmium in zinc and zinc alloys. It nominal thickness range of 6 mm language the designations covered is applicable to the ptoducts to 200 mm. by this European Standard are specified in EN 988, EN 1179, EN KAVAI\DITE known as steel names ; in the 1774, EN 12844 and, prEN 13283. French language as designation ARVAMUSKTJSITLUS symbolique ; in the German prEVS 52856 language as Kurznamen. 1.2 77.140.25 Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 These rules apply to steels Vedruterased Identne prEN 10154:2001 specified in European Standards, Continuously hot-dip Harmonization Documents and aluminium-silicon (AS) coated CEN member's national standards. KAVAI\DITE steel strip and sheet - Technical 1.3 These rules may be applied to ARVAMUSKUSITLUS delivery conditions non-standardized steels. 1.4 A This European Standard specifies ptEYS 39722 system of numerical designation of tequirements for continuously hot- Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 steels known as steel numbers is dip aluminium-silicon alloy coated Identne prEN 10151:2002 set out in EN10027-2. flat products made of low carbon Stainless steel strip for spdngs - steels for cold forming (see Table Technical delivery conditions 1) or ofstructural steels (see Table 77.720.50 1.1 This European Standard 2) in thicknesses (= 3,0 mm. The timaia nende applies to cold rolled narow strip PIii, tsink, thickness is the 6nal thickness of of thicknesses up to and induding sulamid the delivered product after coating. 3 mm in tolled vddths less than This European Standard applies to Lead,zinc, tin and their 600 mm made from the stainless sttip of all widths and to sheets cut steel grades listed in Table 1. The allovs from it (< 600 mm width) and cut steels are used in the conditions lengths (< 600 mm width). The UUED STANDARDID given in Table 4 for the ptoduction aluminium-silicon alloy coating is of springs and spring parts that are EVS-EN 72441-l:?.002 obained by immersing the Hind 83,00 exposed to corosive effects and products in a bath containing 8 Yo Identne EN 1 2,141-1 :2001 sometimes slighdy incteased to 77 Vo Si (also refetred to as q/pe and temperatures. 1.2 Other steel Zinc zinc alloys - Chemical 1). The available coatings, coating grades than those listed in Table 1, analysis - Part t Determination masses and surface qualities ate but covered by prEN 10088- sf alsrninism in ziac allovs - given in 7.2 to 7.3 and Table 3. 2:2001 can be supplied in the Titrimetric method The products covered by this above conditions after agreement

52 EVS Teataja 5/2002 European Standard arc maidy Steel wire ropes - Safety - Pan 5: Seamless and welded steel tubes used where heat resistance and Standed topes for lifts - General tables of dimensions corrosion resistance are the most This part of this European and masses per unit length important factors.This European Standard specifies the additional This European Standard specifies Standard is not applicable to steel matedals, manufactudng and for seamless and welded circular flat products with hot-dip coating testing equirements for stranded steel tubes for general puposes (e. of pure aluminium (normally ropes fot suspension, g. mechanical, pressure and referred to as type 2 coating). compensating and govemor duties structual applications) - preferred for traction drive and hydraulic dimensions for outside diameter lifts moving between guides to and wall thickness h millimetres 77.744.65 those given in part 1. It shall be and - masses per unit length in Terastfaat, ter-astossid ja used in conjunction with parts 1 kilogrammes per metre of plain iihendusketid and 2 of this standard. This Part of end tube. Technical Committees of this European Standard does not ECISS and CEN should select Steel wire, wire ropes and establish requirernents for these preferred dimensioos for link chains information fot use other than their product or frrnctional KAYANDITE those given in clause 7 of pat 7. standards, where appropriate. The ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Neither does it cover the outside diameters are classified into requirernents for ropes fitted with three series reflecting the 27034 prEVS terminations. Minimum breaking availability of accessories for piping Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 force values fot the rnore cofllmon systems (see clause 4). This Identne 1026*2:2002 EN classes, sizes and grades ofropes classification of outside diameters Steel whe and wite ptoducts - are provided in Tables 5 to 9. into different series and of Steel wire for ropes - PartZ: prEVS 52708 preferred wall thicknesses indicates CoId drawn non alloy steel wire Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-01 the range of steel tubes usually for ropes for general Identne prEN 12385-1:2001 produced. applications Steel wire topes - Safety - Part 1: This part of this European Genetal tequitements 77.740.80 Standard defines cold drawn non This part of this Ewopean alloy steel urire used the for Standard specifies the general Malm- ia tefasvalu manufactute of: Ropes - for requirernents related to safety for Iron and steel castings general applications and lifts; - the manufacture and testing of Ropes for applications for which steel u'ire topes. It shall be used in KAVANDITE there is no specific EN standard. conjunction with the appropriate part ARYAMUSKOSITLUS This of this standard does not part of this standard which wire from prEVS 37632 apply to steel taken specifies the additional or deviating manufactured ropes. This part of Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 requirements related to the specific Identne prEN 10295:2002 this European standard specifies rope application. The hazards the following for cold drawn non Fleat resistant steel castings covered by this p^tt^re identified This Europeao Standard is alloy steel wire fot topes for in clause 4.Aty additional hazards applicable heat resistant general applications: dinensiooal to steel related to the specific rope castings, general (non tolerances; mechanical for pulposes application are identified in the oC. chatactedstics; requirements ptessute) above 600 It is also apptopriate part of this standatd. relating to the chemical applicable to heat resistant nickel Annex A gives the type testing and cobalt base alloys. composition of the steel wire; This tegimes fot ropes produced in standard conditions to be satisfied by relates to castings ^y sedes. Annex ZA gives the manufactured from ferritic, coating. in addition to the relationship with EU-Directives. requirements austenitic-ferritic, austenitic steels, of this part of this This standard applies to ropes European standard, the nickel and cobalt base alloys which have been manufactued (characterised requirements 7026+1 by their chemical of prEN aftet the date of issue of the also apply. composition [see Table 1] and standard. mechanical properties ptEVS 27036 . [see Table g2etings Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 2]).In cases *h61s are joined by welding by Identne prEN 1026,1-3:2001 77.744.75 the founder, this Europeaa Standard applies. In Steel wire and wire products - Tefastorud ia cases where castings are : Steel wire for ropes - Pat 3: eriotstarbelised torud welded Cold dtawu and cold shaped to wrought products (plates, rubes, non alloyed steelwire for high Steel pipes and tubes for forgings..) ; or by non founders. this Euopean Standard does not duty applications specific use aPPly' Steel u/ire and vyire products - Steel rvite for ropes - Part 3: Cold drawn KAVAI\DITE and cold shaped non alloyed steel ARVAIVTUSKtJSITLUS wire for high duty applications prEVS 52845 prEVS 39594 Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 Identne ptEN 10220:2001 Identne prEN 1285-5:2001

fJ EVS Teataia 5/2042 This European Standard specifies This European Standard specifies 77.150.10 additional requirements on the the composition, ptoperty Alumiiniumtooted chemical composition of products requirements including dectdcal Aluminium products intended for the manufacture of properties, and tolerances on packaging and packaging dimensions and form for copper KAVANDITE components, as well as related plate, sheet and stnp for electrical ARVAMUSrtiSrrr,US specific technical conditions of purposes with thicknesses from prEVS 52862 inspection and delivery. It applies 0,05 mm up to aod including 25 Tihtaeg: 2002-08-01 to all products in aluminium or . mm and widths ftom 10 mm up to Identne prEN 12981-2:2001 aluminium alloys, wtought ot and including 1 250 mm. The Aluminium and aluminium unwrought, finished (such as strip sampling procedwes, the methods alloys - Products for structural rolled to final thickness) or of test for vedfication of tailway applications - Technical unfinished (such as reroll stock, conformity to the requirements of conditions fot inspection and rolling ingots or ingots for this standard, and the delivery delivery -Patt2l Plates and remelting), standardized ot not, conditions are also speciEed. sheets and can be used in addition to prEVS 52831 This part of this European other european, intemational or Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 Standard specifies requirements for national standards, or without Identne EN 13600:2002 rolled products (plate and sheet) connection to a standard. Thus, the Copper and copper alloys - which contribute to the structural scope of this standard is fully Seamless coppet tubes for properties of the railcar bodyshell defined by the 6nal destination of electrical pulposes and of other major structural the product, and by the fact that This European Standard specifies components. Particular the product is made in aluminium the composition, property requirements regardi. g or aluminium alloy. requirements including electrical qualiFcadon, quality control, properties, and toletances on dimensions and form for seamless material properties and 77.150.30 drawn copper tubes for electrical dimensional tolerances are Vasktooted specified. Furthermore, guidelines puq)oses, delivered in staight for application and use are also Copper products lengths with the cross-sections and glven. size ranges below: for round tubes prEVS 52863 UUED STAI\TDARDID with outside diameters from 5 mm 150 mm and Tdhtaeg: 2002-08-07 EVS-EN 131482002 up to and including wall thicknesses from 0,5 mm up Identne prEN 14286:2001 Hind 179,00 to and including 20 mm; for Aluminium and aluminium Identne EN 13148:2001 square rectangular tubes with alloys - Weldable tolled Copper and copper alloys - Hot- and products for tanks fot the dip tinngd strip major outside dimension ftom 5 mm up to and including 150 mm storage and transportation of This European Standard specifies: and wall thicknesses from 0,5 mm dangerous goods - the composition and tolerances up to and including 10 mm. The This European Standard specifies on dimensions of stdp of coppet sampling procedures, the methods the technical conditions of and copper alloys to be tioned, of test for verification of inspection and delivery, the with tin, a tinlead alloy or other tin conformity to the requirements of mechanical properties, the alloys; - the composition of the this standard, and the delivery tolerances on dimensions and form material normally used for the conditions are also specified. of rolled semi-finished aluminium melq - the properties of the prEVS 52832 alloy products intended for tanks untinned strip; - the properties of Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -07 for the storage and transportation the hot-dip tinned strip; - the Identne EN 13601:2002 of dangerous goods, in particular preferred thicknesses (mean Copper and copper alloys - of gasoline and other liquid values) and thickness mnges of the Copper tod, bar and wfue for hydrocarbons. It applies to hot or coatings; - the edgewise curvature general electrical pulposes cold-rolled strip, sheet and plate of hot-dip dru1sd strip; - the This European Standard specifies 'uith a thickness over 3,0 mm and sampling procedure; - the methods the composition, property 'up to and including 12,0 mm used of test to be used for verification requirements including electrical as a wall material. of conformity to the requirements and tolerances on prEVS 52864 of this standard; - the delivery properties, dimensions and form for copper Tiihtaeg 2002-08-01 conditions. rod, bar and udre for general Identne prEN 14287:2001 KAVA}{DITE Aluminium arrd 4fu6inis6 electrical purposes. Cross-sections alloys - Specific tequitements ARVAMUSKUSITLUS and size ranges are: round, square on the chemical composition of prEVS 52797 and hexagonal rod with diameters ptoducts intended to be used T?ihtaeg: 2002-07-01 or uidths across-flats from 2 mrn for the manufacture of Identne EN 13599:2002 up to and including 80 mm; packaging and packaging Coppet and copper alloys - rectangular bar with thicknesses comPonent9 Copper plate, sheet and strip fot ftom2 mm up to and including 40 electrical pulposes mm and widths ftom 3 nrm up to and including 200 mm; round, square, hexagonal and rectangular

54 . EVS Teatajal/2}D2 'vire with diameters or widths Copper and copper alloys - This European Standard specifies across-flats from2 mm up to and Sea-less copper tubes for the composition, properq, including 25 mm, as well as electrical purposes requirements including electrical thicknesses from 0,5 mm up to and This European Standard specifies properties, and dirnensional including 12mm with widtls from the composition, property tolerances for drawn round copper 1 mm up to and including 200 mm. requirements including electrical vrire from 0,04 mm up to and The sampling procedures, t-he properties, and tolerances on including 5,0 mm for the methods of test for verification of dimensions and form for seamless manufactute of electrical conformity to the requirements of drawn copper tubes for electdcal conductors intended for the this standard and the delivery putposes, delivered in straight production ofbare and insulated conditions are also speciEed. lengths with the cross-sections and cables and flexible cords. This prEVS 52833 size ranges below for round tubes standard covers plain or tinned, Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 with outside diameters from 5 mm single or multiline, annealed or Identne EN 73602:2002 up to and including 150 mm and hard drawn wire. It does not Copper and copper alloys - wall thicknesses from 0,5 mm up include wire for enamelling Drawn, round copper wite for to and including 20 rnm; for (*it di"g wire, magnet wirQ, for the manufacture of electdcal square and rectangular tubes with electronic application and for conductots major outside dimension from 5 contact wire for electric traction. This European Standard specifies mm up to and including 150 mm The sampling procedures, the the composition, property and wall thicknesses from 0,5 mm methods of test for verification of requirements including electrical up to and including 10 mm. The conformity to the requirernents of properties, and dimensional sampling procedures, the methods this standard and the delivery tolerances for drawn round copper of test for verification of conditions are also specified. whe from 0,04 mm up to and conformity to the requirements of prEVS 52849 including 5,0 mm for the this standard, and the delivery Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 manufacture of electrical conditions are also specified. Identne prEN 13603:2001 conductors intended for the prEVS 52847 Coppet and copper alloys - Test production of bare and insulated Tihtaeg 2002-07-01. methods for assessing cables and flexible cords. This Identne prEN 13601 :2001 pfotective 6tt on drawn standard covers plain or tinned, Coppet and copper alloys - round copper "6atingswire for electdcal single or multiline, annealed ot Coppet tod, bar and wire for PurPoses hard drawn wire. It does not general electdcal purposes This Euopean Standard specifies include wire for enamelling This European Standard specifies methods for assessing the tin (winding wire, magnet wire), for the composition, ptoperty coating on drawn round copper electronic application and for requitements including electrical wire for the manufacture of contact wire for electdc traction. properties, and tolerances on electrical conductors, e.g, The sampling procedures, the dimensions and form for copper according to prEN 13602. methods of test for verification of rod, bar and wire for general Standard includes test methods for conformity to the requirements of electtical puq)oses. ross-sections the determination of the following this standard and the delivery and size ranges are: round, square characteristics: a) thickness of the conditions are also specified. and hexagonal rod with diameters unalloyed tin coating b) continuity prEVS 52834 or widths across-flats from 2 mm of the tin coating c) adherence of Tlhtaeg: 2002-07-01 up to and including 80 mm; *re tin coating. Identne EN 13603:2002 rectangular bar with thicknesses Copper and coppet alloys - Test ftom2 mm up to and including 40 77.760 methods fot assessing mm and widths from 3 mm up to ptotective 'n coatings on drawn and including 200 mm; round, Pulbermetallurgia round copper wfue fot electrical square, hexagonal and rectangular Powder metallurgy PufPoses wire with diameters or widths This European Standard specifies across-flats ftom2 mm up to and KAYAI\DITE methods for assessing the tin including 25 mm, as well as ARVAMUSKOSITLUS coating on drawn round copper thicknesses from 0,5 rnm up to and prEVS 52825 wire for the manufacture of including 12mmu'ith widths from Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 electdcal conductors, e.g. 1 mm up to and including 200 mm. Identne ISO 3325:2001 according to EN 13602. Standard The sampling procedures, the ja identne EN ISO includes test methods for the methods of test for verification of 3325:1999 / A7:2002 determination of the following conformity to the requirements of Sintered metal materials, characteristics: a) thickness of the this standard and the delivery excluding hardmetals - unalloyed tin coating b) continuity conditions ate also specified. Detetmination of transverse of the tin coating c) adherence of prEVS 52848 ruptue stength - the tin coating. T?ihtaeg 2002-07-07 Amendment ft Precision prEVS 52846 Identne ptEN 13602:2001 statement Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 Coppet and copper alloys - Identne prEN 13600:2001 Dtawn, round copperwite for the manufacture of electrical conductots

55 ElS Teataja 5/2002 This draft standard specifies a 79.060.20 includes only the board and its method for the determination of parts. The wall and the wall Puitkiud- tle ttansverse ruptEe strength of ia attachment are not included. sintered metal materials, excluding puitlaaslplaadid Requirements concenhg electdcal hadmetals. The method is safety are not included. Fibre and particle boards particularly suitable for comparing the sintered strength of a batch of KAVAI\DITE 79.120.70 metal powder with that of a ARYAMUSKOSITLUS reference powder ot with a Puidutddtluspingid prEVS 52860 shength. The method is reference Tihtaeg 2002-08-07 Woodworking machines applicable to sintered metal Identne prEN 7 427 9 :2001, materials, excluding hardmetals, Laminated Veneer Lumber KAVANDITE whether they have been subiected (LYL) - Specifications, ARVAMUSKUSITLUS to heat treatment after sintering or definitions, classifi cation and prEVS 30225 not, and also to materials that have requirements Tihtaeg: 2002-0'7-01 been sized or coined after This European Standard gives Identne EN 1870-5:2001 sintering. definitions, a classification and Safety of woodworking specifies the requirements for machines - Circular sawing 79.060 Laminated Veneer Lumber (I-VL) 64qhinse -Part 5: Circular Puiqraneelid to be used for quality control sawbenches/up-cutting cross- purposes only. Test methods for cut sawing machines Wood-based panels the determination of mechanical This European Standard specifies properties for structurd uses, when the requirements and/or the KAYAI\DITE LVL are used as stnrctural measures to remove the hazards ARVAMUSKITSITLUS elements, e.g, as beams, colurnns and limit the risk on circular prEVS 52805 are given in ptEN WI00124YYY. sawbenches/up-cutting cross-cut Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 Determination of characteristic sawing machines, hereinafter Identne prEN 14374:2002 values of mechanical properties referred to as machines , designed Timber structures - Structural and density for stnrctural purposes to cut solid wood, chipboard, laminated veneer lumber - is given in EN 1058. Information Ebreboard, plywood and also these Requitements on supplementary properties is materials where they ate covered T'his European Standard specifies given in annex A. with plastic edgrng and/or the requirements for laminated plastic/light alloy laminates. This veneer lumber for structural European Standard does not apply 79.080 applications. The tests to be used, to: hand held woodworking methods to carry out the Puiqrooltooted machines or any adaptation evaluation of conformity and permitting their use in a different Semi-manufactures of content of the marking of the mode, i.e. bench mounting product are given.This European timber machines set up on a bench or a Standard does not cover laminated KAVAI\DITE table similar to a bench, vvhich is veneer lumber treated against ARVAMUSKOSITLUS intended to carry out work in a biological attack or fire. stationary position, capable of ptEYS 52779 being Iifted by one person by hand. Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-07 This Euopean Standard covers the 79.060.10 Identne ptEN 14434:2002 hazatds relevant to these machines \Pdting board for educational Vineer as stated in clause 4. Fot Computer institutions Ergonomic, - Numerically Contolled (CNq Plprood lgshnis4l anfeafety machines this European Standard requirements and their test KAVANDITE does not cover hazards related to methods Electro-Magnetic Compatibility ARYAMUSKOSITLUS This European standard speciEes (EMC).This European Standard is prEVS 52861 ergonorrdc,.technical and safety primarily directed at machines Tiihtaeg 2002-08-08 requirements for wall mounted and which are manufactured after the Identne prEN 314-1:2001 free-standing boards for *iti.g date of issue of this European Plywood - Bonding quality' use in rooms for educational & 1: Standard. Patt Test methods training purposes, e.g. classrooms, prEVS 32138 This European Standard speciEes lecture theatres for schools, Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 methods for detetmining the universities etc. It is intended to Identne prEN 1 870-6:2001 bonding quality of veneer plywood prevent serious injury through by shear For testing. bonding normal fuoctional use, as well as quality in the factory see EN 326- misuse that might teasonably be 2. The relevant requirements are expected to occut.This standatd specified in EN 314-2. applies to units after installation. Safety depending on the structrue of the building is not included ; e.g. the strength of wall hanging boads

56 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Safety of woodworking This European Standard specifies Yitreous and porcelain enamels machines - Circular sawing tolerances, flatness, edgework, - Characteristics of the enamel ln4shinss -Part 6: Circulat fragmentation and physical and coatings applied to steel panels sawing machines fot fitewood mechanical characteristics of intended for architecture and dual putpose citcular monolithic flat thermally This standard defnes the sawing machines fot toughened borosilicate safety glass requirements and the functional firewood/circulat saw benches, for use in buildings. Information and aesthetic characteristics of with manual loading atd/ot on curved therrnally toughened enamel coatings applied to plane unloading borosilicate safety glass is given in cold rolled steel for both exterior This European Standard specifies annex B, but this product does not (exposed to weathering) and the requirements and/or the form part of this standard. Other interior parts of buildings. measures to remove the hazards requirements, not specified in this and limit the risk on circular standard, may apply to thermally 83.060 sawing machines for fuewood and toughened borosilicate safety glass dual-purpose circular sawing which is incorporated into Kummi machines for firewood/circular assemblies, e.g. laminated glass or Rubber saw benches, with manual loading insulating units, or undergo an and / ot unloading, hereinafter additional fteatment, e.g. coating. UUED STAI\DARDID referred to as machines , designed The additional requirements are EVS-EN L3787:2002 to cut solid wood. On a dual- specified in the appropriate Hind 83,00 purpose circular sawing machines product standatd. Thermally Identne EN 13787:2001 for fuewood/log splitting machine toughened borosilicate safety glass, Elastomeres for gas pressure only the circular sawing machine in this case, does not lose its tegulators and associated safety for firewood is covered by this mechanical or thermal devices for inlet pressures up to European Standard. For the log characteristics. 100 bat splitting part of this machine see This Euopean Standard specifies EN 609-1 and EN 609- 2.This 81.060 the minimum requirements for European Standard covers the Keraamika elastomeric materials intended to hazatds relevant to these machines be used as static seals, dynamic as stated in 4. For Computer Ceramics seals or diaphragms in the gas Numerically Controlled (CNC) pressrue regulatots covered by EN machines this Euopean Standard KAVANDITE 334 and in the safety devices for does not cover hazards related to ARVAMUSXIUSITLUS gas pressure regulating stations and Electro-Magnetic Compatibility prEVS 52780 installations covered by the (EMC). This European Standard Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 corresponding European : Iog sawing does not apply to Identne prEN 1,1430:2002 Standards, as well as the relevant machines where the saw unit Vitreous and potcelain enamels test methods to assess these moves to cut the workpiece; - High voltage test requirements. machines where the sawblade is This Standard describes a method capable of tilting hand held of test for the detection and 83.080.20 woodworking machines or any location ofdefects in vitreous and adaptation permitting their use in a porcelain enamelled articles using Termoplastid different mode, i.e. bench high voltage. The high voltage test Thermoplastic materials mounting.This European Standard can be used to detect and locate is primarily directed at machines defects which extend down to the UUED STAI\DARDID which are manufactured after the metal base (e.g. open pores). It can EVS-EN ISO 4610:2002 date of issue of this European also be used for the detection of Hind 57,00 Standard. weak spots in the enamel coating. Identne ISO 4610:2001 The test method may not be ia identne EN ISO 4610:2001 81.040.20 practical in cases where coating Flastid. Ehitusklaas thickness vadation is large at Viniiiilklotiidhomopolff meet- different locations. Because of the vaigud ia -kopoliimeenaigud. Glass in building potentially destnrctive effect of the S6elanaliiiis 6huioaga test, this method is not suitable for KAVAI\DITE sdelumisapantuuri cefiain enamel applications. As the kasutamisega ARVAMUSXIUSITLUS test requires that the enamel prEVS 35168 surface is dry, it should not be Tlhtaeg: 2002-07-07 carried out below the dew point. Identne prEN 13024-1:2001 Care should therefore be taken Glass in building - Thetmatly wheo testing at a construction site. toughened borosilicate safety prEVS 52781 glass - Part 1: Definition and Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 descdption Identne prEN 121431 :2002

tt EVS Teataia 5/2002 This standard specifies a method This Euopean Standad specifies Products and systems for the for the determination of the sieve the minimum requirements for protection and repait of retention and particle size elastomedc materials intended to concrete structures - Test distribution of preferably free- be used as static seals, dynamic methods - Determination of the flowing vinyl chloride seals or diaphragms io the gas durabilility of stnrctural homopolymer and copolymer pressure regulators coveted by EN bonding ageots resins prepared by the 334 and in the safety devices for The pu4>ose of this standard is to ttbulktt t'suspension", and gas pressure regulating stations and define laboratory methods of "emulsion" processes, Control of instdlations covered by the testing to ascertain the durability of these characteristics can help to corresponding European structural bonding agents in ensure consistency ofsupply and S-tandards, as well as the televant composite systems involving the predictable processing behaviour. test methods to assess these bonding ofhardened concrete to requirements. hardened concrete, fiesh concrete to hardened conciete and steel to 83.140.10 steel. Kiled 83.180 Liimid Films and sheets 85.080 Adhesives KAVANDITE Pabertooted ARVAMUSKUSITLUS UUED STANDARDID Paper products prEVS 52711 EYS-EN 7895;2002 Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Hind 83,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne prEN 13655:2001 Identne EN 1895:2001 EVS-EN ISO 21622002 Plastics - Mulching Adhesives for paper and board, Hind 57,00 thermoplastic films fot use in packaging and disposable Identne ISO 216:1975 agriculture and horticulture sanitary products - 1800 -nTil ja identne EN ISO 276:2001 This European Standard is peel test for a flexible-to-flexible Writing papet and certain applicable to transParent 6lms, assembly classes of pdnted matter - transparent clear and diffusing This Euopean Standatd specifies a Trimmed sizes - A and B series films (tllermic) and black or 180 - "T" peel test for the This standard specifies the black/white films based on determination, under specifi ed tdmmed sizes of wtiting paper and polyethylene and its copolymers, conditions, of the peel resistance of certain classes of printed matter. which are designed to be used for a bonded assembly to two flexible mulching the vegetable, fruit and which may have an adherends 85.100 flower crops. This European equal or different flexural modulus. Paberitddstuse seadmed Standard specifies the basic EVS-EN 72092:.2002 for the optical and requirements Hind 92,00 Equipment for the paper mechanical characteristics of Identne EN 12092:2001 industrv vadous types of 6lm. From a Adhesives - Determiaation of detailed consideration of the viscosity KAYAI\DITE different mulching plastics 6lms This Euopean standard describes ARVAMUSIilJSITLUS used in agricultue and horticultue six methods which, experience has prEVS 52710 in the European markeq different shown, are suitable for measuring Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 types offilm are considered: - the viscosity of a wide range of Identne prEN 1010-3:2001 transparent frkns (normal) - adhesives. This standatd does not Safety of mashinsry - Safety transparent clear and diffusing intend to describe equipment, tequirements fot the desiga and filrns (*rermic) - black and which is unique to one construction of printing and black/white films The range of manufacturer, rather it describes coaverting machines - thicknesses considered is from 10 PaPer generic types of viscometer. The Part 3: Cutting 646hinsg pm up to 250 pm. instrurnents described operate on 1.1 This Eutopean Standad very different principles making it applies to cutting machines uped in 83.140.50 inadvisable to compare results paper converting - guillotines; Tihendid from one type of viscometer with three-knife trimme$; - index- another, However, results from cutting machines; - trimmers; - Seals different instruments of the same rotary cuffers; - round comering type should be comparable. UUED STAINDARDID machines; - label punching KAVAI\DITE machines. This European Standard EVS-EN 73787:2402 ARYAMUSKOSITLUS shall be used together with Hind 83,00 prEVS 52761 Identne EN 13787:2001 2002-07-01 Elastomeres for gas ptessute Tihtaeg prEN 13733:2001 tegulators and associated safety Identne devices for inlet pressutes uP to 100 bat

58 EVS Teataja 5/2002 prEN 1010-1:2000. Both parts This Part ofEN 12206 specifies 1.1 General This European together identi$ all significant requirements and the Standard specifies the information hazards relevant to pdnting and corresponding methods of test to be provided by the door vamishing machines including pre- relating to the organic coating of manufacturer and the components ptess machinery and auxiliary aluminium and aluminium alloy manufacfurer to ensure safe devices, when they are used as extrusions, sheet and preformed installation, operation, use intended and under the conditions sections for architectual purposes, (including maintenance and repair) foreseen by the manufacrurer (see using exclusively coating powders. ofdoors, gates afld barriers clause 4). The specific It also describes : a) the intended for installation in areas in reguirements specified in this pretreatment of the substrate prior the teach ofpersons, and for European Standard take to the coating process ; b) the which the main intended uses ate precedence over respective coating powder ; c) the coating giving safe access for goods and requirements of prEN 1010- process ; d) the final product. Each vehicles accompanied or driven by 1:2000.This European Standard is item is dealt uiith separately in this persons in industrial, commercial not applicable to cutting machines Part of EN 72206 so that any or residential premises. This which are manufacrured before the interested party can ensure European Standard also covers date of publication of this compliance appropriate to its area commetcial doors such as rolling European Standard by CEN. 1.2 of responsibility. shutters and rolling gtilles used in This European Standard does not retail premises which are mainly apply to winder-slitters and provided for the access ofpersons 87.060.10 sheeters (see pr EN 1034-1, rather than vehicles or goods. This EN 1034-3, prEN 1034-5). Pigmendid European Standard applies to Pigments and extenders manually operated and power 87.040 operated doors, to doors and UUED STANDARDID components intended to be VArvid ia lakid EVS-EN ISO 3262-12:2002 installed by non professional Paints and varnishes Hind 49,00 installets and may also apply to the Identne ISO 3262-72:2001 installation and use of upgrading UUED STANIDARDID ja identne EN ISO 3262-12:2001 component(s).The European EVS-EN ISO 462*6:2002 Extenders fot paints - Standard only applies to the doors Hiod 57,00 Specifications and methods of and components manufactured Identne ISO 4628-6:1990 test - Part 12: Muscovite-type after the date of publicanot 1,.2 ja identne EN ISO 4628-6:2007 mica Exclusions This European Paints and varnishes - This part of EN ISO 3262 Standard does not apply to doors Evaluation of degtadation of specifies requirements and that are intended for a different paint coatings - Designation of corresponding methods of test for use than tJre one described in 1.1 intensity, quantity and size of muscovite-type mica. such as:- lock gates and dock gates; - doors on lifts; - doors on cornmon types of defect - Part 6: EVS-EN ISO 3262-22:2002 vehicles; - doors mainly for the Rating of degtee of chalking by Hind 57,00 retention of animals; - theatre tape method Identne ISO 3262-22:2007 textile curtains; - railway barriers; - This part ofEN ISO 4628 identne EN ISO 3262-22:2001 ia barriers used solely for vehicles. provides pictorial reference Extendets fot paints - standards for designating the Specifications and methods of degree of chalking of paint test - Part 22: Flux-calcined 91.080.40 coatings. It also describes a kieselguhr Betoonkonstruktsioonid method by which the degtee of This part ofISO 3262 specifies shalking is rated. requirements and corresponding Concrete structures KAVANDITE methods of test for flux-calcined KAVANDITE kieselguhr. ARVAMUSKUSITLUS ARVAMUSKOSITLUS prEVS 27840 prEVS 37837 Tihtaeg 2A02-07-01 91.060.50 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Identne prEN 12206-1 :2001 Uksed ia aknad Identne prEN 13294:2001 Pai-ts and varnishes - Coatiag Products and systems for the of aluminium and aluminium Doors and windows ptotection and tepair of alloys fot purposes architectural KAVAI\DITE concfete structures - Test - Fart t Coatings prepared from methods - Determination of powder coating materials ARVAMUSKOSITLUS stiffqning 'mg prEVS 23030 Tihtaeg 20A2-07-01 Identne ptEN 12635:2002 Industdal, co-trercial and g rage doors andgates - Ptocedure for the safe installation and use

59 EVS Teataia 5/2002 This European Standard specifies a Normal workability conctete This European Standard specifies a method for determining the mixes, which can include method for the detetmination of stiffening time of repair products proprietary formulations, are the early age linear shrinkage of and systems specified in prEN applied and compacted in sftuctual bonding agents covered 1504-3 1 comprising hydraulic accordance with conventional by EN 1501-1 and EN 150+4. It based mortar and concrete (CC), practice. The workability of these descdbes the procedures for the including those modified by the products should be assessed using measurement of linear shrinkage addition of polymers GCC). the slump, VeBe or other from initial gel of polymer, in the prEVS 39299 appropriate method given in EN forn of unresaained thin sttiFs Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 20 6-'1, . T\e workability of less than 10 mm in thickness. It is Identne prEN 13395-1:2001 conventional high flow concrete intended for measurement of early Ptoducts and systems for the mixes should be assessed by the age shdnkage, for example up to protection and tepair of method of EN 1258. 24 hours. concrete structutes - Test prEVS,10265 prEVS 52859 methods - Determination of Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 T6htaeg: 2002-08-07 wo*ability - Part 1: Test for Identne prEN 13395-4:2001 Identne prEN 150,1-.5:2001 flow of thixotropic mortars Products and systems fot the Ptoducts and systems for the This European Standad specifies a protection and repair of protection and repair of method for determining the concrete structutes - Test cotrcfete structufes - workability (or consistence) of methods - Determiaation of Definitions, requirements, trowel-grade hydraulic cement workability - Part 4: Application quality contol and evaluation of mortars CC, polymer modified of repair mottat overhead conformity - Part 5: Coacrete hydraulic cement mortars PCC and This European Standard specifies a iniection polymet bound mortars PC for the method for deternining the This standard specifies protection and repair of concrete, applicability overhead of products requirements and conforrnity as defined in EN 1504-1. and systems for the repair of criteria for the identification, prEVS 39798 concrete as defined in performance (including durability Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -07 prEN 1504-3 1 wrder usual aspects) and safety ofproducts and Identne prEN 13395-2:2001 conditions. systems to be used for the repait of Products and systems fot the prEVS 52761 concrete strucftEes by intemal protection and repair of Tihtaeg: 2002-01-01 filling of cracks and cavities by concrete structures - Test Identne prEN 13733:2001 injection, by gravity ot by capillary methods - Determination of Ptoducts and systems for the forces(note 1) . Compliance with wo*ability -Part2z Test for protection and repair of any safety regulations to protect flow of gtout ot mortat concrete stfuctures - Test persons and the environment must This European Standard specifies a methods - Deteonination of the also be taken into account, method for determining the dga$ililiiy of structutal Injection is used to avoid the workability (or consistence) of bon.ling agents harnfrrl consequences ofvoids and flowing-grade hydraulic cement The purpose of this standard is to cracks in conctete. To achieve mortars CC, polymer modified define laboratory methods of tightness and hence watertightness. hydraulic cement mortars PCC and testing to ascertain the durability of To avoid penetration of aggressive polymer bound mortars PC for the structural bonding agents in agents that may induce corrosion protection and repait ofconctete, composite systerns involving the of steel reinforcements. To as defined in EN 15041. The bonding ofhardened concrete to strengtheo the structure by method is suitable for high flow hardened concrete, fiesh concrete strengthening of the conctete. This grouts or mortars that have a to hardened concrete and steel to standard does not cover - the maximum agtegate size of 4 mm. steel. treatment of cracks by widening prEVS 39804 ptEYS 52762 them and sealing them ovet vrith Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 an elastic product like sealing Identne prEN 13395-3:2001 Identne prEN 72617 -3:2001 compound ; - extemal filling of Products and systems for the Ptoducts and systems for the cavities, that is the placement of protection and repair of ptotection aud repait of product outside the structure concrete structutes - Test concrete structures - Test (generally within the surtounding methods - Determination of methods - Patt 3: Determination foundation soils, or at the hterface workability - Part 3: Test for of eady age linear shrinkage for between the structure and the soil). flow of repair concrete structural bonding agents 91.100.10 Tsement. Kip". Lubi. Mdrt Cemenl Glpsum. Lime. Morar UUED STAI\DARDID EVS 636:2002 Hind 83,00

60 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Identne EYS 636:2002 sandardis kasutatakse m6istet EN 197-3 defines and gives the P6letatud p6levkivi portland- "tseslent" nii standardis EN 197-1 speciEcation of 27 distinct low heat p6levkivitsemendi, portland- midtatletud ha;liks tsementide, cofllmon cement products and komposiittsemendi ia kui ka teiste tsementide ja their constituents. Ttre definition miiiiritsemendi toomiseks sideainete kohta, millele viidatakse of each cement includes the IGesolev standard kehtib standardi EN 197-2 proportions in which the elektrijaamades Eesti kukersiit- tootestandardites ning mis on constituents are to be combined to p6levkivi tolmp6letamisel kuoi esitanrd sertifitseedmiseks. produce these distinct products in oC 1400 juures tekkiva rnateriali - Nimetatud tsemendid on toodetud rarnge of six strength classes and ^ p6letatud p6levkivi (edaspidi PP) teatud tehases ning on three heat of hydration classes. The kohta, mis sobib kasutamiseks klassifitseeritud khdla tiiiibi ja definition also hcludes p6rdand-pOlevkivitsemendi, tugevusklassi jfugi vastavalt requirements the constituents have pordand-komposiittsemendi ja asjakohase tootestandatdi to meet and the mechanical, miiiiritsemendi, samuti midradusele. physical and chemical requirements eritsementide - redutseeritud EVS-EN 459-k2002 of the 27 products, strength classes kahanemise ja kdrgendatud Hind 139,00 and heat ofhydl26on classes. EN piisivusega tsementide tootmiseks, Identne EN 459-1:2001 197-3 also states the conformity aga ka lisandina betoonides ning Ehituslubi. Osa 1: M6isted, criteria and the related rules. pinnaste stabiliseerimiseks. Necessary durability requirements eristuskiri ia EVS-EN 197-l:2002 vastavuskriteeriumid ate also given. The risk ofeady-age Hhd 326,00 This Prestandard applies to thetmal cracking in concrete Identne EN 197-1:2000 building limes used as binders for depends upon the properties and Tsement. Osa 1: Harilike preparation of mortar (for execution and is, therefore, also tsementide koostis, masoffy, rendedng and plastedng) dependant on factors other than the heat of hydtation of the spetsifikatsioonid ia and ptoduction of other vastavuskriteeriumid construction products. cement. Therefore, advice on the use of low heat conrmon cements EN 197-1 mdatab kindlaks 27 EVS-EN 459-2:?.002 is induded in informative annex B. erineva hatiliku tsemendi ttiiipi Hind 179,00 prEVS 39299 ning nende koostisosad. Iga Identne EN 459-2:2001 Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 tsemenditiiiip de6neeritakse tema Ehituslubi. Osa2z Identne prEN 13395-1:2001 koostisosade omaduste ning nende Katsemeetodid Ptoducts and systems for the sisalduse kaudu, mille tulemusena This European Standard describes jagunevad protection and tepair of tsemendid kuude the test methods for all building concfete structures - Test erinevasse tugevusklassi. Standard limes covered by EN 459-1. This methods - Determination of miirab kindlaks koostisosadele standatd describes reference test workability - Part 1: Test for esitatavad n6uded !a nimeatud methods and in some cases flow of thixotropic mortars tsemenditiiiipidele ning altemative test methods. In the This European Standard specifies a tugevusklassidele esitatavad event of a dispute, only the method for determining the mehaaniliste, fi.iiisikaliste ia reference method is used. keemiliste omaduste n6uded. EN workability (or consistence) of EVS-EN 459-32002 197-1 formuleerib nendele trowel-grade hydraulic cement Hind 92,00 n6uetele vastavuse hindamise mortars CC, polymer modiEed Identne EN 459-3:2001 reeglid. Samuti esitatakse vajalikud hydtaulic cement mortars PCC and Ehituslubi. Osa 3: piisivusnduded. polymer bound mortars PC for the Yastavushindarnins ptotection and repair of concrete, EVS-EN 797-222002 This Europan Standard specifies as defned in EN 150,1-1. Hind 306,00 the scheme for the evaluation of prEVS 39798 Identne EN 197-2:2000 conformity of building lime to Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01 Tsement. Osa2t their corresponding product Identne prEN 13395-2:2001 Vastavushindamine standard EN 459-1 including Products and systems for the ICiesolev standard EN 197-2 declaration of conformity by the protection and repair of midrab kindlaks skeemi tsementide manufactuter concrete structures - Test tootestandardi n6uetele vastavuse methods - Determination of hindamiseks ning kiisideb KAYA\IDITE wod

61 EVS Teataia 5/2002 grouts o! mortars that have a This prEN 14216 defines and gives The European Standard specifies a rnaximum aggreg'ate size of 4 mm. the specifications of 7 distinct method to assess the effect of prEVS 40265 massive concrete low heat cement fteezef thaw cycles on natural Tiihtaeg 2002-07-01, products and their constituents. stones - refer to prEN 12670 for Identne ptEN 13395-4:2001 The definition of each cement terminology, and EN 72M0 for Products and systems for the includes the proportions in which denomination. protection and repait of the constituents are to be EYS-EN 73161:2002 concrete structures - Test combined to produce these distinct Hind 101,00 methods - Determination of products in a single stbngth class Identne EN 13161:2001 workability - Pan 4: Application and two heat classes. The Natural stone test methods - of repair mortar ovethead definition also includes Determination of flexural This European Standard specifies a requirements the constituents have strength under constant method fot determining the to meet and the mechanical, moment applicability overhead of products physical, chemical, requiremerts This European Standard specifies and systems for the repair of and strength and heat classes of the method to determine the conclete as defined in these products. This prEN 14216 flexural strength ofnatutal stones pfiN 1504-3 1 under usual also states the conformity criteria under constant moment, The conditions. and the related rules. Necessary standard contains provision for prE\zS 52692 durability requirements are also both an identification test and for a T6htaeg: 2002-07 -01 given. The risk of eady-age thermal technological test Identne prEN 14217:2001 cracking in conctete depends upon Cement - Composition, the properties and executioo and KAVANDITE specilications and conformity is, thetefore, also dependant on ARYAMUSKOSITLUS criteria for low eady stength factors other than the heat of prEVS 38881 low heat cements hydration of the cement. Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -07 This prEN 14277 defrnes and gives Therefore, advice on the use of Identne prEN 13383-2:2001 the specifications of 3 distinct low massive concrete low heat cements Armourstone - Part 2 : Test eady strength low heat cement is included in informative annex B. methods products and their constiruents. prEYS 52762 This European Standard specifies The definition of each cement Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 test methods for natural, artificial includes the proportions in which Identne prEN 1 261 7-3:2001 and recycled aggregates for use as the constituents are to be Ptoducts and systems for the aftnourstone. combined to produce these distinct protection and rcpait of products in a range of three concrete structutes - Test 91.100.30 classes methods - Part 3: Determination strength and three heat Betoon betoontooted classes. The definition also includes of eady age linear shrinkage for ia requirernents the constituents have structural bondi. g agents Concrete and concrete to meet and the mechanical, This European Standard specifies a physical, chemical, requirements, method for the determination of Pfoducts strength classes and heat of the eady age linear shdnkage of KAVANDITE hydration classes. This prEN structurd boncling agents covered ARVAMUSXdISITLUS 74217 also states the conformity by EN 1501-1 and EN 150,t4. It prEVS 39804 procedures the criteria and the related rules. describes the for Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-07 linear shrinkage Necessary durability requirements measruement of Identne ptEN 13395-3:2001 are also given. The risk ofeady-age from initial gel of polymer, in the Products and systems for the thermal cracking in concrete form of unrestrained thin strips protection and repair of depends upon the properties and less than 10 mm in thickness. It is conciete structufes - Test execution and is, therefore, also intended for measurement of eady methods - Detetmination of age for example up to dependant on factors other than shrinkage, wo*ability - Part 3: Test fot the heat of hydration of the 24 hours. flow oftepair conctete cement. Therefore, advice on the Normal workability concrete use oflow eady strength low heat 91.100.15 mixes, which can include cements is included in informative proprietary formulations, are annex B. Mineraalsed materjalid ia tooted applied and compacted in prEVS 52693 accordance with conventional Tdhtaeg: 2002-07-01 materials and practice. The workability of these Identne 14216:2001 Mineral prEN products should be assessed using Cement - Composition, Products the slump, VeBe or other specifi cations and confotmity UUED STAI\DARDID appropriate method given in criteria for massive conctete low EN 206-1. The workability of EVS-EN 1?3712?.402 heat cemeats conventional high flow concrete Hind 101,00 mixes should be assessed bv the Identne EN 12371:2001 Natual stone test methods - method of EN 12358. Determination of frost fesistance

62 EVS Teataia 5/2002 91.100.50 This European Standard specifies a Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 method for the determination of Identne EN Sideained. the penetration power of bitumen 13172:2001/ptAl:2002 Tihendusmaterialid emulsions. This test method is Thermal isulating ptoducts _ applicable to low-viscosity bitumen Evaluation of conformity Binders. Sealing materials emulsions. This European Standard specifies KAVANDITE prEVS 52716 the procedures and the criteria for ARVAMUSKUSITLUS Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01 the evaluation of the conformity of Identne prEVS 33540 prEN 14196:2001 a therrnal insulating products with Geosynthetics Tihtaeg 2002-07-07 - Test methods the. relevant Ewopean product for measuring mass per unit speci6cation. Identne prEN 12850:2001 Bitumen and bituminous atea of clay geosynthetic bariers bindets - Determination of the 91.100.99 pH value of bitumen emulsions This method covers the laboratory deterrnination of the mass per unit Muud ehitusmaterialid This European Standard specifies a atea of a sample of clay method for measuring the pH Other construction materials geosynthetic barrier (CGB) as value of birumen emulsions, It is received. The mass of the clay applicable to anionic, cationic and KAVANDITE component can be found by non-ionic bitumen emulsions. ARVAMUSKOSITLUS subtracting the manufacturer's prEVS 33541 prEVS 35168 reported Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 mass of the geosynthetic Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 component(s) ftom the total mass Identne prEN 12846:2001 Identne prEN 1302,1-1 :2001 of Since Bitumen and bituminous the CGB. manufacturers Glass in buildiag - Thermally quote mass r:nit area at binders - Determination of per a gjven toughened botosilicate safety moisture it is also efflux time of bitumen content, glass - Part 1: Definition and emulsions by the efflux necessary to measure the moisture description content.This viscometer standard does not This European Standard specifies purport to address all of the safety This European Standad specifies a tolerances, flatness, edgework, concems, if any, associated method for t}le determination of with its fragmentation and physical and use. It is the responsibility of the efflux time of bitumen the mechanical characteristics of user emulsions. of this standard to establish monolithic flat thermally appropriate safety and health prEVS 33542 toughened borosilicate safety glass practices and determine Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 the for use in buildings. Information applicability of regulatory Identne prEN 12848:2001 on curved thennally toughened limitations pdor to use. Bitumen and bituminous borosilicate safety glass is given in prEYS 52725 binderc - Determination of annex B, but this product does not mixing stabifity with cement of Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01 form part of this standard. Other bitumen emulsions Ideotne prEN 1297:2001 requirements, not specified in this Flexible sheets fot This European Standard specifies a standard, may apply to thermally waterptoofiag Bitumen, rnethod fot the determination of - toughened botosilicate safety glass plastic and mixing stability of bitumen rubbet sheets for which is incolponted into roof waterptoofing - Method emulsions with cement. It applies of assemblies, e.g. laminated glass or ageing to overstabili"ed cationic bitumen artificial by long term insulating units, or undergo an exposure to the combination emulsions and to slow-setting and of additional treatment, e.g. coating. UV tadiation, elevated overstabilized anionic binrmen The additional requirements are emulsions, tempetatute and watet specified in the appropriate This specifies prEVS 33545 staodard the method product standard. Therrnally for exposure of factory made Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 toughened borosilicate safety glass, bitumen plastic sheets Identne prEN 12847:2001 or or rubber in this case, does not lose its Bitumen and bituminous for roof waterproofing to mechanical or thermal binders - Determination of combined effects of long term chatactetistics. settling tendency of bitumen exposrue by UV radiation, elevated emulsions temperature and water as means of artificial ageing. 97.120.10 This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of Sooiusisolatsioon the settling tendency of bitumen 91.100.60 Thermal insulation emulsions. Sooius- ia prEVS 33546 KAYANDITE heliis olatsioonimaterialid Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Identne prEN 12849:2001 Thermd and sound prEVS 52765 Bitumen and bituminoue insulating materials Tiihtaeg: 20A2-07-01 binderc - Determination of Identne EN 1,4774:2002 penefation power of bitumen KAVANDITE emulsions ARVAMUSKOSITLUS ptEYS 52777

63 E\rS Teataja 5/2002 Hygrothermal perfotmance of This Euopean Standard sperifies a 91.140.60 gqilding equipment and method for measudng the water Veevarustussfisteemid industrial installations - rejection perfomance of louwes Calculation of watet vapout subject to simulated rain and wind diffusion - Cold pipe insulation pressures, both with and without systems air flow through the louvre under KAVAI\DITE This standard specifies a method test. For the purpose of tests in ARVAMUSKOSITLUS to calculate the density of water this standatd, a 1000 mm x 1000 prEVS 26108 vapour flow rate in cold pipe mm section of weathet louwe ot Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07 insulation systems, and the total the nearest possible blade Identne prEN 806-2:2002 amount of watet diffused into the increment is considered. Specifi cations fot installations insulation over time. This EVS-EN 130532?.002 inside buildings conveying calculation method presupposes Hind 170,00 water for human consumption - that water vapour can only rnigrate Identne EN 13053:2001 Patt2: Desiga into the insulation system by yentilation gs1 gsilding - Air This Part of this European diffusion, with no contribution handling units - Ratings amd Standard gives recommendations, from airflow. It also assumes the performance fot units, and specifies requirements, on the use of homogeneous, isotropic comPonents and sections design of potable water insulation materials so that the This European Standard specifies installations within buildings aod water vaPow partial pressure is requirements and testing of tatings for pipework outside buildings but constant at all points equidistant and performanss ef air landling within the premises (see EN 806-1) from the axis of the pipe. The units as a whole. It also speci-fies and applies to new installations, standard is applicable when the requirements, classification and alterations and repairs. temperature of the medium in the testing of specific components and pipe is above 0 tr C. It applies to sections air handling units. For of 91.180 pipes inside buildingp as well as in many components aod sections it the open air. refers to component standatds, but Siseviimistlus is also specifies restdctions or Interior finishing 91.140.30 applications of standatds Ventilatsiooni- developed for standalone KAVAINDITE ia comPonents. kliimasiisteernid ARVAMUSKOSITLUS KAVANDITE prEVS 52778 Ventilation and air- ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -01 Identne ptEN 1 4428:2002 conditioning systems prEVS 27843 Shower enclosures - Functional Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 UUED STANDARDID tequirements and test methods Identne ptEN 72237 :2001 This standard specifies EVS-EN 72589t2002 Ventilation for buildings - tequirements for shower Hind 170,00 Ductwork - Strength and enclosures for domestic putposes Identne EN 12589:2001 leakage of citcular sheet metal which ensure that the Ventilation for buildings - Air ducts product,when installed in terminal units - Aetodynamic This standard specifies accordance with the testing and rating of constant requirements and test methods fot manufacturer's installation and variable rate terminal units strength and air leakage of chcular instructions, gives satisfactory This European Standard specifies ductwork used in air conditioning performance when used as methods for the aerodynamic and ventilation systems in intended.This standard does not testing and rating of constant and buildings. The standard is intended apply to shower cabinets or variable flow rate tetminal uaits to establish the mechanical curtains and does not speciS suitable for use with air stength and leakage tequired to aesthetic and dimensional distribution systems. The terminal veri$ the fitness for the intended requirements. units considered are: - Single and service as installed ductwork. The dual duct. - Induction. - Fan standard is ptimarily intended for assisted induction (parallel and in-situ measurements, but 93.020 series). - Single duct with integal provisions are also made for its use Mullat66d. Sffvendid. diffuser. in laboratory testing. The Vundamendiehitus. requirements and methods are EVS-EN 8030r?.002 Allmaat66d Hind 170,00 applicable also to rectangular Identne EN 13030:2001 duct'work in respect of air leakage. Earthworks. Excavattons. Yentilation for buildiags - Foundation construction. Terminals - Performance testing oflouvres subiected to Undergtound works simulated rain KAVAI\DITE ARVAMUSXCISITLUS ptEYS 52720 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-07

64 EVS Teataja 5/2002 Identne prEN 14199:2001 Unbound and hydraulically Unbound and hydraulically Execution of special bound mixtutes - Specifications bound mixtutes - Specifications geotechnical wotks-Micropiles -Part 1: Cement bound mixtures -Part 4: Fly ash for hydraulically 1.1 This Standard establishes fot road bases and subbases bound mixtures - Definitions, general principles for the execution This European Standatd specifies composition, classifi cation of piles : which have a small with appropriate regards to other This European Standard specifies diameter (smallet than 300 mm relevant Euopean Standards fly ash used in hydraulically bound outside diameter for bored piles technical requirements, test mixtures for toadbase, subbase, and smaller than 150 mm {or methods and compliance criteria capping and similat works. The displacement piles) ;and which can for cement bound granular standard applies to fly ash be typically installed by means of mixtues used for construction and produced by the combustion of small rigs.These piles ate herein maintenance of bases and subbases pulverized coal in energy ' after referred as micropiles . 1.2 of roads, airfields and other geoerating plants,There are two Mcropiles are structural members trafficked areas. This standard types of fly ash depending on the to transfer actions to the ground specifies the characteristics of type ofcoal burned and/or the and may contain bearing elements cement bound granular mixrures desulphurisation process. One type to transfer loads and or to limit (CBGI\Q by reference to the behaves pozzolanically and the deformations. Their shaft and base properties of their constituents, the dominant chemical constituent are resistance may be improved mixture and the properties of SiO2 and Al2O3; this is called (mosdy by grouting) and they may samples of the mixed materials. alumino-silicate or siliceous fly ash. be constructed with (see Figure prEVS 52695 The other type behaves l):uniform (straight Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -07 hy&aulically and the dominant shaft) ; or telescopically changing Identne ptEN 7 4227 -2:2407 chemical constituents are CaO, shaft dimensions ; shaft Unbound and hydraulically SiO2 and /tl2O3; this is called enlargements ; and/or base bound mixtutes - Specifications sulpho-calcitic or calcareous fly enlargement.l.3 Other than -Patt2: Slag Bound Mixtures - ash. practical considerations, thete are Definitions, composition, prEVS 52698 no limitations regarding shaft or classification Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 base enlargements, length,rake This Draft European Standard Identne p rEN 7 227 47 :200 1 (definition ofrake, see Figure 2) or specifies the characteristics of slag Slurry surfacing - Test methods slendemess taio.1.4 The bound mixtures, including -PartTz Shakiag abrasion test provisions of the Standard apply to constituents, formulation, and on iruitability of mineml (see Figure 3) : single micropiles ; laboratory performance for use in aggregates to slurty mixes micropile groups ; micropile walls toad structures and other similar This Draft Ewopean Standatd ;reticulated micropiles. 1.5 The works. In this standard, the binding specifies a method for measuring micropiles which are the subject of properties come from the use of the compatibility, adhesivity and tlris Standard can be installed isto slag from the iron and steel water sensitivity (swelling the ground using drilling, driving industry. properties) of bitumen emulsions or a combination of these prEVS 52696 and aggregates for slurry methods. 1.6 The material of Tdhtaeg: 2002-07 -01 surfacings. This Draft European micropiles covered by this Identne ptEN 7 4227 -3:2001, Standard applies to slurry Standard can be: steel, cast iron or Unbound and hydraulically surfacings to be used in surface other reinforcement materials ; bound mixtures' Specifications layers, micro surfacings and airfield grout, mortar or concrete ; a -Part 3: Fly ash for bound Pavements. combination of above.1.7 Mixed- mixtures - Definitions, prEVS 52699 in-place columns and timber piles composition, classification Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 are not included in this Standard. The Standard defines "Fly Ash Identne prEN 14187-1:2001 Columns constructed by jet Bound Mixtures" (FABM) for Cold applied ioint sealants - gouting are covered by roads (roadbase, subbase, capping Test methods - Part 1: prEN 12716. Ground anchors are and earthworks) and similar works Determination of the rate of covered by EN1537. Nail reducing and specifies the requirements for cute setdements and/ or displacements. their constituents, composition and This Euopean Standard applies to laboratory performance the determination of the rate of classification. In this standard, fly cure of cold applied sealants 93.080.20 ioint ash refers to siliceous or calcareous expressed by the built up of the Teedeehitusmateridid fly ash, produced from the tensili properties durhg the cure. pulverized coal in ptEVS 52700 Road construction materials combustion of energy generating plants. The Tlhtaeg 2002-07-07 KAVAI\DITE treatment of soils with fly ash is Identne prEN 141 87-2:2001 ARVAIVIUSKOSITLUS not covered by this standard, but is Cold applied joint sealants - prEVS 52694 curtendy under preparation. Test methods - Part 2: Tlhtaeg: 2002-07-01 prEVS 52697 Determination of tack ftee time Tihtaeg: 2042-07-07 Identne prEN 1 4227 -1:2001 Identne prEN 1 4227 -4:2001

65 EVS Teataja 5/2002 This European Standard specifies a This European Standard specifies a 97.150 test for determination of test method for determination of method Mittetekstiilsed the tack free time for cold applied the resistance to flame for cold p6randakatted joint sealants for use in ioints in applied joint sealants fot use in joints in roads, air fields and other roads, air fields and other exposed Non-textile floor coverings concrete Pavements. exposed concrete paverneats. prE\rS 52701 prEVS 52706 KAVAI\DITE Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Identne prEN 141 87-3:2001 Identne prEN 1 41 87-8:2001 prEVS 52850 Cold applied ioint sealants - Cold applied ioint sealants - Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Test methods - Part 3: Test methods - Part 8: Artificial Identne prEN 13553:2001 D etermination of self-Ievelling weathering by UV-irradiation Resilient floor coverings - properties This European Standard applies to Polyvinyl chloride floor This European Standard specifies a a method of evaluating the coverings fot use in special wet joint test method for determination of resistance of cold applied ateas - Specification action of the self levelling ptoperties for cold sealants to the UV-light This European standard specifies by of the change of applied ioint sealants for use in deternination the minimurn additional physical properties after irradiation foints in roads, air 6elds and other characteristics which ate oecessary by exposed concrete pavements. artificial UV-light. for: - polyvinyl chloride floor prEVS 52798 prEYS 52702 coveringp in roll form according to 2002-07-01 Tzihtaeg 2002-07-01 Tiihtaeg EN 649, and - polyvinyl chloride Identne prEN 14187-4:2001 Identne ptEN 13863-5:2001 floor coverings with foam backing joint pavements - Cold applied sealants - Concrete Test in roll form to EN 651 to be Part 5: Test methods - Part 4: Change methods - Determination installed satisfactorily in special wet after of wear resistance to studded in mass and volume areas to form a watertight tyres immersion in test fuel installation with a long life. It This European Standard describes This European Standard applies to specifies t'wo categories (A and B) a test for determination a method of evaluating the method of for use on different substrates. resistance of cold applied joint wear resistance of specimens cut sealants to the action of liquids by from hardened concrete measuring the change in mass and pavements. It is possible to use the 97.r90 volume after immersion in test method for testing moulded Seadmed lastele fuel. specimens from laboratory. prEVS 52703 Equipment for children Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 97.700.20 KAVAINDITE Identne prEN 14187-5:2001 Gaasiga k6etavad ARVAMUSKOSITLUS Cold applied ioint sealants - prEVS 25075 Test methods - Part 5: kiitteseadmed Resistance to hydtolysis Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Gas heaters IdentneprEN 1887:2001 This European Standard applies to Child care articles - Convertible the determination of the resistance KAYA}{DITE high chairs - Safety to hydrolysis afte! treatrnent at ARVAMUSKOSITLUS requfuements and test methods elevated temperature and high prEVS 52796 humidity. This European standard speci.fies Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 safety requlements and the prEVS 52704 Identne EN 509:1999 /prA2:2002 corresponding test methods for Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 Decorative fuel- effect gas children's convertible high chairs Identne prEN 14187-6:2001 appliances for domestic use intended for Cold applied ioint sealants - This European Standatd specifies up to 15 kg. Test methods - Patt 6: chil&en the requirements and test methods Adhesion/ cohesion properties prE\rS 32819 for the construction, safety, and after immersion in chemical Tihtaeg 2002-07-01 marking of decorative fuel effect liquids Identnp prEN 12790:2001 gas appliances not exceeding a Reclined This European Standard applies to Child care articles - nominal heat input of 20 k!7, cradles the determination of the @ased on the net calorific value), standard specifies safety adhesion/cohesion properties after This thereafter referted to as applinaces. immersion in test fuel. requirements and the Ihis standard is applicable to corresponding test methods for prEVS 52705 appliances that are designed to fixed or folding reclined cradles Tihtaeg: 2002-07 -OL simulate a solid fuel fire and intended for children up to 6 Identne prEN 14187-7:2001 incolporate a natural draught months and or up to a weight of 9 Cold applied ioint sealants - burnergith or without an ignition kg. Test methods - Part 7: bumer. The appliances are for Determination of resistance to prEVS 52835 decorative purposes only and are flame Tdhtaeg 2002-07-01 not heating appliances. Identne EN 1 1 76-1 :1 998 / A7:2002

66 EVS Teataia 5/2002 M?inguviiljaku seadmed. Osa 1: normdokumendi EN 1176 prEVS 52837 Oldised ohutusn6uded ia n6uetele vastavat mringuviiljaku Tiihtaeg: 2002-07-A1 katsemeetodid varustust kasutades. Identne EN 1 176-6:1 998 / Al:2002 This standard specifies general KAVANDITE Minguviliaku seadmed. Osa 6: safety requirements for playground Tiiendavad spetsiaalsed ARVAMUSKUSITLUS equipment. These requirements ohutusu6uded ia have been laid down bearing in prEVS 52835 katsemeetodid Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 mind the risk factor based on d6tsumisvahendite iaoks Identne 1 176-1:1998 A7:2002 available data. Additional specific EN / This standard specrfies additional Mnnguviliaku seadmed. Osa 1: safety requirements for specific safety requirements for see-saws pieces of playground equipment Oldised ohutusn6uded ia and rocking equipment intended katsemeetodid are specified in subsequent parts of for permanent installation fot use This standard specifies general this standard. This standard is by children. The aim is to provide safety requirements playground applicable to playground for protection to the user against equipment, These requirements equipment intended for individual possible risks during use. have been laid down bearing in and collective use by children, but excluding adventure playgrounds. mind the risk factor based on 97.220.40 It is also applicable to equipment available data. Additional specific safety and units installed as children's requirements for specific Vilis- ia veespordi tarbed playground equipment although pieces of playground equipment are specified subsequent parts Outdoor and water sports they are not manufactured as such, in of this standard. This standard is equipment but excludes those items defined as applicable to playgound toys in EN 71 ard the Toy UUED STANDARDID Directive. equipment intended fior individual and collective use by children, but EVS-EN 1384:1999 / M22002 excluding adventure playgrounds. Hind 57,00 97.200.40 It is also applicable to equipment Identne EN 1384:1996/ A1:2001 Miinguviiljakud and units installed as children's Ratsutamiskiivrid. playgound equipment although MUUDATUS Playgrounds they are not manufactured as such, IGesolev Euroopa standard UUED STANDARDID but excludes those items defined as miirab kindlaks n6uded nokaga toys in EN 71 and the Toy v6i nokata kaitsekiiwitele EVS-EN 7777 22000 / N:2002 Directive. ratsutamisega tegelevate inimeste Hind 49,00 prEVS 52836 jaoks. Standard esitab Identne EN 1177:1997 /A7:2007 Tihtaeg: 2002-07-01 ohutusn6uded, mis h6lmavad L66ke summutav minguviliaku Identne EN 1 176-5:1 998 / A7:2002 testimismeetodeid ja t6hususe ja kate. Ohutusn6uded Playgtound equipment - Part 5: tasemeid loogi summutamise, teiste katsemeetodid. MUUDATUS Additional specifi c safety kehade sissetungimisvastase Kiesolev standard miirab kindlaks requfuements and test method kaitsevdime ning kinnirussiisteemi n6uded lasteminguvdliakute for carousels rugevuse ja efektiivsuse ja katetele erin6uded piirkondade This standard specifies additional mi:iamiseks ning noka olemasolul kohta, kus locigi sumbumine on safety tequirements for carousels selle kalde midramiseks. vajalik. See pakub tegureid, millega of rliameter greater than 0,5 m tuleb miinguvi$aku katet valides inteoded fot permanent installation ja arvestada annab testimismeetodi, for use by childrcn. This standard mille abil saab lddkide sumbumist is applicable to carousels that are maatata:. see test annab pinna iaoks used as playground equipment for kriitjlise [r'kkumisk6rguse, mis childrcn and is not applicable to vastab peavigastuste vihendamise motor-driven carousels, fairgound t6hususe iilempiirils carousels or climbing drums.

MUUGI TOP uAnrs 2aa2

1. EVS-EN ISO 9001:2001 Kvaliteedij uhtimine. Nduded 11 2. Eesti sandardite loetelu 2002 I 3. EVS-EN ISO 9OOO Kogumik 8 4. EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 Katse- ja kalibreerimislaborite kompetentsuse tildn6uded 4 5. EVS-EN ISO 14OOO Keskkonnajuhtimissiisteemid. Kogumik 3 67 EVS Teataja 5/2002 6. EVS-ISO 10013:1996 Kvaliteedikdsiraamatu koostamise juhised 3 7. EVS-EN 45004:1997 Eri ttiripi inspekteerimisorganite toimimise tildkriteeriumid 3 8. EVS-EN 30A1J-3:1.997 Kvaliteedististeemide auditeedmise juhised. Osa 3: Auditiprogrammide iuhtimine 3 9. I(valiteedijuhtimise p6him6tted 3 10. ISO 9000 valik ia kasutamine 2


EVS-EN 196-1:1,997 Tsemendi katsetamine. Osa 1: Tugevuse miriramine muudatus 1,:2002 EYS 636:2002 P6letatud pdlevkivi pordand-p6levkivitsemendi, pordand-komposiittsemendi ja miiiiritsemendi tootmiseks 83.- EVS-EN 197-1:2002 Tsement. Osa 1: Harilke tsementide koostis, spetsifikatsioonid ja Vastavuskriteeriumid 326.- EVS-EN '1,97-2:2002 Tsement. Osa2: Vastavushindamine 306.- EVS-EN 228:2002 Autoktitused. Pliivaba bensiin 101.- EVS-EN 590:2002 Autokiitused. Diisliktitus 92.-

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68 EVS Teataja 5/2002


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69 EVS Teataia 5/2A02 Sisukord




CF,N lVorkbop Kaitsehangete standardimine - Eutoopa kisiraamat...... 13


01.M0.13 Keskkonna- ja tervisekaitse. Ohutus (s6navara)...... 22 Ol.O4O.23 Uldkasutatavad h0dro- ja pneumosiisteemid ja nende osad (s6navara)...... ,22 O|.C/;O.25 Tootmistehnoloogia (s6navara)...... n 01.040.91 Ehitusmaterjalid ja ehitus (s6navara) ...... 22 01.040.93 Tsiviilehitus (s6navara)...... 22 01.100.01 Tehnilised joonised...... 23 01.100.10 Joonestamise iildreeglid...... 23 0l.l 10 Toote tehniline dokumentatsioon ...... 23 03.080.10 T0dstusteenused...... 23 03.220 Transport. Postiteenused...... 23 03.220.20 Maanteetransport...... 23 03.240 Postiteenused ...... 24 07.060 Geoloogia. Meteoroloogia. HUdroloogia ...... 24 07.100.10 Medisiiniline mikrobioloogia...... 24 07.100.20 Vee mikrobioloogia ...... 24 11.040.01 Meditsiinivarustus iildiselt ...... 24 11.M0.40 Kirurgilised implantaadid, proteesimine ja ortopeedia...... 24 I l.080.01 Steriliseerimine ja desinfitseerimine iildiselt...... 25 ll.l20.2o Ravitarbed. Kirurgiasidemed ...... 25 IL.2O0 Siindimuse kontroll. Mehaanilised rasestumisvastased vahendid...... 25 13.020.50 Keskkonnamiirgistus ...... 25 13.040.20 V6lis6hu kvaliteet ...... 25 13.040.30 T60keskonna 6hu kvaliteet ...... 25 13.040.40 PUsiallikate heitmed ...... 26 13.110 Masinate ohutus ...... 26 13.140 Miira toime inimesele...... 26 13.160 Vibratsiooni ja liidgi toime inimesele ...... 26 13.180 Ergonoomia. ...,...... 27 13.220.20 Tulekaitsevahendid ...... 27 13.220.50 Ehitusmaterjalide ja -elementide tulep0sivus...... n 13.300 Kaise ohtlike kaupade eest...... 27 13.320 Hdire- ja hoiatussiisteemid...... 28 13.340.10 Kaitser6ivad ...... ,28 13.340.20 Pea kaitsevahendid...... 29 13.340.40 Kaitsekindad ...... 29

70 LT.Aa.zaMasinate ja seadmete mitra...... ::.: .*.*..:!?ig' 19.100 Mittepurustav katsetamine ...... 29 21.020 Masinate, aparaatide, seadmete karakteristikud ja konstruktsioon..,...... 30 2l.060.10 Poldid, kruvid, tikkpoldid...... 30 21.160 Vedrud...... 30 %.420.20 Transpordivahenditele monteeritud anumad ja mahutid...... 30 23.020.30 Surveanumad, gaasiballoonid...... 3l 23.02O.4O Kriiogeenanumad...... 32 23.04;O.|O Malm- ja terastorud ...... -...... 32 23.MO.2O Plasttorud...... 33 23.0/;0.40 Metallist toruliitmikud ...... 33 23.040.60 Aarit

:itflijrHxi:lii:i:*:::.::'.:::::::::::::::.::::::.:...:.:..::...... :.::::.:...:..::.'.::::.::.:::.:::..: 65.080 Viietised...... 46 65.120 Loomasii0t...... 46 67.050 Utdised toidu katse- ja analiiUsimeetodid...... ,..47 67 .060 Teravili ja kaunvili ning nendest valmistatud tooted ...... 47 67.180.20 T2irklis ja selle saadused ...... 47 67 .2A0.rc Loomsed ja taimsed rasvad ja 6lid ...... 47 67.250 Toiduga kokkupuutuvad materjalid ja esemed ...... 47 7I.AO Tootmine keemiat00stuses...... 4g 71.100.30 LShkeained. P0rotehnika...... 4g 71.100.40 Pindaktiivsed ained...... 49

71 E\rS Teataja 5/2002 73.020 Mdendus...... 49 73.100.10 Toestik ...... '..49 75.060 Maagaas ...... 49 75.I2O Htidrosi.isteemide t00vede1ikud...... 49 75.140 Vahad, bituuumsed materjalid jm naftatooted...... 50 75.160.20 Vedelk0tused ...... 50 75.180.10 Uuringu- ja ammutusseadmed...... 50 75.2N Nafta, naftasaaduste ja maagaasi transpordi seadmed...... 50 77 .0/;O.IO Metallide mehaaniline katsetamine ...... :...... 5 I 77 .MO.2O Metallide mittepurustav katsetamine...... 5 I 77.M0.30 Metallograafia jm katsemeetodid...... 51 77.080.20 Terased...... 52 77.120.60 Plii, tsink, tina ja nende sulamid ...... 52 77.140.25 Vedruterased ...... 52 77.140.50 Lameterastooted ja -poo1tooted...... 52 77 .140.65 Terastraat, terastrossid ja iihendusketid ...... 53 77.140.75 Terastorud ja eriotstarbelised torud ...... 53 77.140.80 Malm- ja terasvalu ...... 53 77.150.10 Alumiiniumtooted...... 54 77.150.30 Vasktooted ...... 54 77 .160 Pulbermetallurgia...... 55 79.060 Puitpaneelid ...... 56 79.060.10 Vineer ...... 56 79.060.20 Puitkiud- ja puitlaastplaadid...... 56 79.080 Puitpooltooted ...... 56 79.l2O.lO Puidut0iitluspingid ...... 56 81.M0.20 Ehitusklaas ...... 57 81.060 Keraamika...... 57 83.060 Kummi ...... 57 83.080.20 Termoplastid ...... 57 83.140.10 Kiled ...... 58 83.140.50 Tihendid...... 58 83.180 Liimid...... 58 85.080 Pabertooted ...... 58 85.100 Paberitd0stuse seadmed ...... 58 87.040 Vlirvid ja lakid ...... 59 87.060.10 Pigmendid...... 59 91.060.50 Uksed ja aknad...... 59 91.080.40 Betoonkonstruktsioonid ...... 59 91.100.10 Tsement. Kips. Lubi. M0rt...... 60 91.100.15 Mineraalsed materjalid ja tooted...... 62 91.100.30 Betoon ja betoontooted ...... 62 91.100.50 Sideained. Tihendusmaterjalid...... 63 91.100.60 Soojus- ja heliisolatsioonimaterjalid ...... 63 91.100.99 Muud ehitusmaterjalid ...... 63 91.120.10 Soojusisolatsioon...... 63 91.140.30 Ventilatsiooni- ja kliimasUsteemid...... U 91.140.60 Veevarustussiisteemid ...... 64 91.180 Siseviimistlus ...... ,.....64 gl.OZO Mullat00d. Sovendid. Vundamendiehitus. Allmaat00d ...... ,...64 93.080.20 Teedeehitusmaterjalid ...... 65 97 .100.20 Gaasiga k0etavad kiitteseadmed ...... ,66 97.l5O Mittetekstiilsed p6randakatted ...... 66 97.l9O Seadmed lastele...... 66 97.2AO.40 Mlinguviiljakud ...... 67 97.220.40 Velis- ja veespordi tarbed ...... 67