August/ September 2019 2 Village Contacts Ambulance, Fire, Police Police Community Support - tel 101 999 PCSOs Kerry Skirrow Non-emergency Police kerry.skirrow@.pnn.police.uk 101 Michael Bolt Community Warden [email protected] Karl Aylett 07811 271299 [email protected] Gas Emergency Neighbourhood Watch 0800 111999 611580 Sheila Smith Highways Fault Reporting UK Power Network 03000 418181 105 Doctors Surgery C of E Primary School 619790 611360 Emergency out of hours: Head Teacher: Mrs Espley 111 PTA Treasurer: Mrs Karen Rang Parish Council Clerk to Council www.eastrypc.co.uk 614320 Sarah Wells www.facebook.com/EastryPC ([email protected]) 3 Gore Terrace, Gore Road Chairman: Nick Kenton , CT13 0LS Vice-Chairman: Annie Wiles Eastry Ravens Football Club Steve Booth 07864 925289 email [email protected] Village News Editor: 612572 Brian Manton (email: [email protected]) Advertising: (email: [email protected]) Distribution: 614085 Iris Mollart Archived copies: (from 2007) www.eastrypc.co.uk/evns.asp Hard copies (c1930-2006) - Sandwich Guildhall Archives. To view/study contact Town Clerk’s Office 617197 Village Diary - kept at the Post Office, for all village organisations’ fixtures, events & meetings. Village Hall Bookings - Booking Clerk 614184 Village Forum - www.facebook.com/eastryvillageforum Welcome Pack - information for people new to Eastry Rosemary Barwick 611420 3 Young People’s Contacts Young People’s Club (next to the Gun Park) Have fun and make friends Admission free Meetings: Tuesday 7pm - 9pm (Age 12-19) Wednesday 6pm - 8pm (Age 9-16) Thursday 7pm- 9pm (Age 12-19)

Contacts: Chairman Dick Laslett (07702 459332) [email protected] For party bookings or hall hire - contact Monica in Bubbles Nursery or the Chairman.

Incy Wincys Baby and Toddler Group in the Young People’s Club meet every Monday including school holidays (apart from bank holidays) 9.30am to 11.00am. We have toys for all ages and arts and crafts and lots of music, singing and movement. Also we provide a healthy snack for children and tea and coffee for parents. For more info contact Sam or Ria on [email protected]

Rainbows Brownies Guides Meet on Mondays Meet on Wednesdays Meet on Fridays Contact Ginny Harvey Contact Linda Clarke Contact Jooles George on 611183 on 614553 on 813752

10th DEAL EASTRY SCOUT GROUP Group Scout Leader: Graham Baker 07837 430167 / 01304 611487 BEAVERS (5¾-8yr) EXPLORERS (14yr+) Monday 6pm - 7.15pm Meet every other Friday from 7.45pm to Leader Elinor 9.15pm and focus on the Duke of 07429 294539 Edinburgh Award Scheme Contact: Graham CUBS (8-10½yr) Tuesday 6.30pm - 8pm FOR BOOKINGS Leader Emma (contact Contact: Marion Wanstall (617854) Graham Baker) or the Group Leaders SCOUTS (10½ -14yr) Wednesday 7pm - 9pm NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME Leader Vacant (contact Scouting is fun for adults too. If you Graham Baker) would like to help then please call Graham. 4 Local Events Eastry Horticultural Society Eastry Village Hall 7.00pm to 7.30pm start. Visitors and new members are always welcome. August 13th A Gardening Video September 10th Riverhill Himalayan Gardens in Sevenoaks On Saturday August 17th, it will be the 140th Annual Show of the Eastry Horticultural Society This particular show’s competitions are open to everybody, whether or not they are members. For details of the competition, classes and entry forms please contact the Show Secretary Brenda Burton on 01304 614054. The show will be open to the public for viewing of the entries and the presentations to the winners from 2.00pm till 4.30pm.

The 139th Annual Show of the Eastry Horticultural Society

Dover Flower Club held in Whitfield Village at 7.15 pm September 23rd - A Demonstration by Iris Shaw, entitled Life in France. Also, a competition for members and guests to enter. Title is ‘Wine Harvest’. For information contact: Maureen Edmond, [email protected] or Janet Gray, [email protected]

Northbourne & Horticultural Society Monday 12th August, 7.30 pm in the Parish Hall. The Wildlife of Ethiopia by Don Wilks Saturday 7th September, Autumn Show from 2.00pm. Admission free All are welcome to visit or take part. For schedules, contact Sheila Smith tel 611580 5

Eastry Cricket Club Saturdays Sundays

3rd August Bilsington Away 2.00pm 4th August Home 2.00pm 10th August Otterden Away 2.00pm 11th August Pegasus Home 2.30pm 17th August Elham Valley Away 2.00pm 18th August German Touring Home 2.00pm 24th August Gills Green Away 2.00pm 25th August Mersham Away 1.30pm 31st August Stowting Away 2.00pm 1st Sept. Caversham Home 2.00pm 7th Sept. TBA 8th Sept. Home 1.30pm 14th Sept. Northdown Home 2.00pm 15th Sept. Cosmos Home 1.30pm 21st Sept. TBA 6 St Matthew’s Day Saturday, 21st September This is Eastry’s first attempt at a “village safari” (garage sale/front garden sale) and a possible revival of our annual medieval fair.

*Please contact Mary if you would like a free stall/pitch at The Five Bells

Tilmanstone Village Market Tilmanstone Village Hall First Saturday of the month 10.00am - 11.00am Admission 20p

Big Breakfast in the Village Hall - Saturday 14th September From 8.30 to noon - £5.50

Bingo in the Village Hall - Saturday 28th September Doors open 7.00pm, eyes down 7.30pm Entry including Banger's & Chips etc - £3.50.

Kent Mobile Library Service 9.40am - 10.10am Friday 9th, 23rd August; 6th, 20th September

Parish Council Events Coffee Break Everyone welcome - Free refreshments Fridays 9.00am-12noon Hearing Aid Clinic 10.00am - noon Fridays 9th August 6th September 7

The organisers of the Goodnestone Festival are delighted that Gibson’s Farm Shop is sponsoring the festival. if anyone is interested in sponsoring a concert or advertising in the Festival programme then please contact Denyer Kittle, [email protected] 8 EVN Editor Opportunity I have been Editor of the Eastry Village News for the past six years and was Treasurer for a number of years previously as well as looking after the advertising. It has been a very worthwhile period for me and I hope that the articles and local information that we have included have been of interest to our readers. However, due to other commitments, I feel that the time has come to pass the role of editor on to someone new. If you are interested in taking on the role, please get in touch with me and I will be pleased to outline what is involved. Brian Manton [email protected] tel. 612572

Butterflies in Selson On a sunny afternoon walk in Selson, we saw six species of butterflies. I took photos of two of them using my Canon Powershot zoom camera and was able to identify them from my book on moths and butterflies. These are a Grizzled Skipper (2.5 cm wingspan) and a Comma butterfly (6cm wingspan) which are apparently fairly common at this time of year.

Michael Kinns Disclaimer The Editor reserves the right to cut, edit or refuse to publish any contributions and does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed in published articles. All advertisements in the magazine are inserted in good faith, but the magazine committee accepts no responsibility for any statement made by the advertisers; nor endorses the products or services offered. 9 Sharat Shevde "Sam" Husband, Father and Grandfather. Sam Shevde passed away on 15th June. He came to live in Eastry in 1971 when he was working at Pfizer. Immediately he got involved in village life - there is not any organisation or area of general village life that didn't benefit from Sam's practical support. Organisations that Sam was involved with for many years include: ● Football Club (as a player and referee) ● Bowls Club ● Eastry Primary School (Pantomimes and other celebrations) ● Served as a Parish Councillor ● Church Flower Festival (car park and erection of the star) ● British Legion ● Neighbourhood Watch ● Eastry Firework Displays ● Twinning Association (Hosting and visiting Longpres) ● He helped his wife Anne with the Village Hall, Playgroup and Girl Guides. ● Some may remember Sam playing a guitar in one of the Pantomimes, he enjoyed Folk Music. ● Most evenings he could be found supporting the Five Bells. Thank you Sam for all of your input into Eastry over many years . Sheila Smith

Parish Council Accounts 2018/19 As the Annual Parish Meeting was early this year due to Parish Council elections it was not possible to publish the Annual Accounts. The Accounts have now been completed and sent for inspection to the external Auditor. They can be viewed on the Parish Council website www.eastrypc.co.uk

Parish Council Vacancy It’s not too late to apply to become a Parish Councillor. Eastry Parish Council meet 11 times a year, normally on the first Monday of the month (except in May, when it’s the 2nd Monday). If you are interested please email the Clerk to the Parish Council on [email protected] for an application form and eligibility form. Or you can download these from the Parish Council website at www.eastrypc.co.uk 10

Centenary Garden’s Play Area – Adventure Trail The Parish Council has now got play equipment scheme plans from two manufacturers for the replacement equipment to be installed on the Centenary Gardens play area site. A grant application has been submitted and we are waiting to see if it has been successful. It may take until mid September to get an answer. The Council is now consulting with the end users on which of the proposed equipment they prefer and which elements they would like prioritised, should full funding not be secured. This consultation has started with pupils at Eastry Primary School and we would like to thank everyone involved in the school for their help with this process.

Nick Kenton, Chairman Eastry Parish Council, is pictured discussing the plans for the new play area with children from the Eastry Primary School.

Parish Council Coffee Break It has been over 15 years since the Parish Council started Friday Morning Coffee Break in the Village Hall. Since that time the facility has been well used and appreciated by lots of local residents and has become a meeting place for local people. The Hearing Aid Clinic continues to operate on the 2nd Friday of the month and the Mobile Library visits every other Friday (on recycle week). The Community warden, PCSO and Fire Brigade attended regularly to offer help and support. If you have not come along please do so, this is a FREE event funded and run by the Parish Council, with the help of volunteers, for the benefit of all local residents, young and not so young. Every Friday (except two weeks at Christmas) from 9am – 12noon in the Village Hall. If you have some time to spare, please consider volunteering to help, either during the session making drinks for visitors or at the beginning or end of the session putting out/away tables and chairs. Please contact Sarah Wells Clerk to the Parish Council 01304 614320 for more details. 11

Church Contacts St Mary’s Parish Church www.eastrybenefice.co.uk Clergy Church Wardens: Revd. David Ridley 619619 Dr. Alastair Carnegie 813120 Revd. Sandra Marsh 612686 Jo Slater 619873 Revd. Jennifer Pilcher 611472 Assistant Church Wardens: Revd. David Willis 611959 Mary Goosen 611306 Sue Brearley 761668 Bell Captain: Church Hall Bookings: Mick Johnson 07773 970475 Bob Barwick 611420 Organist: Enquiries: Maureen Norman 366761 Please phone the office 611323 Church Office Benefice Office, The Church Hall, Church Street, Eastry, CT13 0HH Wednesdays 10.45am to 12.45am and Fridays 10am - 12noon Tel 611323 e-mail - [email protected] During out-of-office hours a message can be left.

Benefice Website Please visit our website: www.EWBchurches.org.uk Find us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/EWBchurches

Friday Friendship Lunch Club Fridays 9th August, 13th September in the Church Hall at 12 Noon. Contact 611400 The Church Registers Baptism: 22nd June Erin Munro

Weddings: 25th May Danny Daniels & Nicola Smith 1st June Jason Minter & Katie Mitten 6th July Alexander Smith & Antonia D’Crey

Funerals: 20th June Brenda Marshall 11th July Sam Shevde (Barham) 12

Church Services Sunday mornings at Eastry Every Sunday: 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 1st Sunday, 9.30am Come and Praise in Church Hall 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays,10.30am Sung Eucharist 3rd Sunday 10.30am Family Communion Evensong Services 6.30pm 4th August, 1st September (Northbourne) 11th August, 8th September (Tilmanstone) Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Communion Eastry Church Hall - all are welcome

Special Services Sunday 6th September 10.30am Harvest Festival Service at Eastry

Sunday 22nd September 6.30pm “Wholeness and Healing” Service at

Sing Along and Tea Tuesdays 27th August, 24th September - Church Hall 2.30 - 4.00pm We will sing old well-known songs and enjoy a cup of tea and cake. There will be a raffle, everyone is welcome. CONTACT 611400

Eastry & District Open Group (EDOG) in the Church Hall at 7.30pm Monday 19th August TBA Monday 16th September TBA in the Church Hall at 7.30pm

Eastry Local Interests Group (ELIG) at Eastry Church Hall No meeting in August Wednesday 25th September the Church Hall at 7.30pm Nick Smith “Photographing birds locally, using inexpensive equipment” 13 Doesn’t time whizz by when you are having fun! I have now been in the Eastry and Woodnesborough Benefice for a year. Looking back over my time so far, I feel I have got to know lots of people and the uniqueness of each parish. Having come from a one-church parish I have gained a lot of insight into working within five. This takes a lot of time management, organisation and care. Thank you, David, for your guidance. I hope that I can do this as well as you in time to come. It has been a pleasure to be able to work with the children in both our Church schools. Whilst much of my time has been taking assemblies, I run a lunch club in one school, been involved in taking festival services in church, taught in the classroom and organised a pilgrimage for some of the older children. I can honestly say it has been a real pleasure getting to know the staff and the children and to be challenged by some of their insightful questioning. School holiday time is not a time of rest, it is the opportunity to get involved with out-of-school holiday clubs. The Corners holiday club team have been amazing to work with. They are so enthusiastic, talented and full of ideas and have a great sense of fun. The club has celebrated its 25th anniversary this summer and continues to give children a fantastic time. Whilst our programme is based on scripture, our aim is to help children form new relationships and enjoy the craft, music and games and join in with local projects. Part of my role is of course to visit parishioners. I do so enjoy hearing people’s stories of their life and also of the life of the community in which they live. I believe that in order to work with people it is important to understand the history of an area and how it has changed through the years. Community coffee mornings are a great place to meet others and put the world to rights. Life brings with it many ups and downs and I feel privileged to be able to be beside people and their families at different times in their lives. I only pray that I can be what is needed in any situation. Now that I start my second year in ministry, I am looking forward to being with couples as they get married and start their new lives together. It’s an amazing privilege to be part of such a special day. And now that I am priested, I am deeply honoured by being able to preside at Holy Communion, echoing Christ’s own words at the Last Supper. It means so much to me. Thank you everyone for making Simon and I feel so welcome and part of your community. I feel we have been truly blessed to be here.

Blessings Revd Sandra Marsh 14 Introducing Myself Greetings from your new curate! I wanted to say a few words by way of an introduction to myself and my family. Firstly, I want to say that I am delighted to be with you in the Benefice parishes of Eastry, Woodnesborough, Staple, Northbourne and Tilmanstone. I am a local girl and know and love the area. I grew up in Ash and then, at the age of ten, I moved to Eastry where I lived with my family in Mill Green - a small estate on the edge of the village. My parents had run a pub in Ash, a rambling sixteenth century inn, so the move was quite a change for me but I knew from the first day that I arrived in the village that I would be happy here, make friends and be accepted, and so it proved. I spent much of the rest of my childhood riding around the local villages on my bike, visiting my best friend Tracey in Woodnesborough and walking in the lanes. I came to love the local countryside and still do. I also sang in the choirs at Ash and Eastry and it was through this that I came to know more about the Gospels and the church and to understand the deep love and commitment that God has for each one of us. One of my earliest trips out on my bike was out to Richborough Castle where I ferreted away small pieces of ‘Roman’ concrete in my pocket. This too was formative for me - and began a deep love of the ancient past. I studied History at University and having taught in for five years I returned to Kent to work at Christ Church University where I am still working part time teaching and running community projects based on the archaeology and early history of East Kent. I want to draw on this experience in my time with you. One of my ambitions is to work within each Parish in the Benefice and to learn more about their history, archaeology and landscape and how that might contribute to the life and work of the church and local communities. Our ancient churches are much more than just old buildings - they are sacred places holding hundreds of years of life and prayer; I believe they are also places where people find inspiration and a sense of closeness to God. As a Deacon in the Benefice though, my main mission is to serve and I hope to have an opportunity to work in different jobs, helping wherever I am needed. These days I live in Deal with my husband Will who is an electronics engineer and two of our five mostly grown up children. Deal also has its attractions of course - the sea, lots of shops and so on - but the countryside, fields and hedgerows of the Benefice will always be my inspiration and the place where I feel closest to heaven. I look forward to meeting you Lesley Hardy 15

John O’Gorman retires from Eastry Primary School Many people in the village will know John O’Gorman. He has been a Teacher at Eastry Primary School for 29 years and during that time, he has taught over 900 children and come into contact with many families. After a long career in teaching John is retiring and colleagues, friends and family recently came together to celebrate and recall happy memories of his time at Eastry. John’s colleague, Marcelle Kemp spoke of her time working with John and relayed humorous anecdotes of his musical performances and the unique way he had directed the children in their school Productions. John’s love of music permeated throughout the school and his guitar and piano playing during Whole School Worship and his encouragement of the musical ensemble and the children singing, will be a lasting memory for the school. For the majority of his time at Eastry, John has been the Year 6 Teacher and has supported his pupils through their last year at Primary School which includes the challenge of SATS tests, the transition to secondary school and their final days performing the School Production and enjoying the fun of a Residential Trip. John spoke of his appreciation and thanks to everyone who has supported him and that working as part of a team has been so valuable. He is looking forward to holidaying with his wife and continuing his love of music and performing, hopefully for folks in Care Homes. He is also hoping to sleep in for longer as he currently gets up at 3 am to go running before he sets out for an early start at work! In John’s unique style he concluded his thank you speech by entertaining the gathering with a performance of “When I’m cleaning windows! Tracey Thomas

Dover District Council - Bin Collections Non-recyclable Waste Black-wheeled Bin & Food Tuesdays 13th, 27th August; 10th, 24th September Recyclable Waste Blue-wheeled Bin (Plastics,Tins, Bottles), Cardboard, Green-waste & Food Tuesdays 6th, 20th August; 3rd, 17th September 16

In The Garden I wish I had a pound for every time I’ve heard someone say, “I can’t grow that, I haven’t got a big enough garden”. I would by now, be very rich. and possibly living on my yacht in the Bahamas (with a few containers & pots on board). This is where gardening with pots and containers come into their own. There is a lady in our Village who I will refer to as Sheila B, who has created a beautiful garden using pots, containers and baskets, it is a delightful sight. Container gardening is ideal for those with little or no garden space. In addition to growing flowers, gardeners limited to a balcony, small yard, or only a patch of sun on their driveway can produce a wide variety of vegetable crops in containers. Most herbs are quite happy growing in pots, which can be set in a convenient spot right outside the kitchen door. Container gardening also adds versatility to gardens large and small. As one plant dies off in its pot, it can be replaced by another, the seasons are endless. A pair of matching containers on either side of the front door is most welcoming, while container gardening on a deck or patio can add colour and ambiance to such outdoor sitting areas. Plain fences can be made to look colourful by using special pot hangers that clip over the top of the fence. You can plant the pots up with trailing flowers, strawberries or even a trailing blackberry called “Black Cascade”. Whatever container you choose, drainage holes are essential. Without drainage, soil will become waterlogged and plants may die. Containers can be very heavy once they’re filled with soil, so decide what size is convenient for you to handle or buy the small trollies that the container can sit on and be moved around with ease. Before filling your pots or containers with compost, place a layer of paper towel or newspaper over the drainage holes, this is far better than using pebbles or pot shards, both of which can block up the holes. As well as flowers, vegetables and herbs, ornamental grasses are great in containers, as are dwarf conifers and small shrubs. We are now coming to the time of year when we think about planting 17 bulbs for next years flowering. Bulbs of all varieties are ideal for pots and containers, along with winter flowering pansies, primroses and polyanthus. All container gardening plants need regular feeding as they soon use up any nutrients in the potting compost. As a general feed you won’t go wrong by using a seaweed extract fertilizer, such as Maxicrop (there are others on the market). Since containers are a focal point in the garden, you will probably want to give them special attention to keep them looking their best, so remove tattered leaves and deadhead spent flowers. After you have done all this, sit back and be proud of your work. You be the envy of your neighbourhood.

But whatever you do, enjoy your garden, Art E. Choke

Jazz on The Green On Sunday June 30th, The Jazz Evening on The Green, staged by the St Mary’s Events Team, was a great success again this year. The format was similar to last years inaugural event and attracted some 200 people who enjoyed a sunny relaxed two hours in the company of Dominic Shawcross and friends who treated us to an eclectic mix of foot tapping music. Earlier in the afternoon we had the Teddy Bears Picnic and zip line off the Church tower which kept a large number of children and many parents amused for an hour and a half. All the teddies survived happily. The afternoon and evening worked well and we plan to repeat it next year. The provisional date is Saturday June 13th 2020. This will start the Festival Fortnight with the theme of the 900th anniversary of the first stone structure of St Mary’s Church in Eastry. Alastair Carnegie on behalf of the Events Team - Carole Finch, David Ridley and Larry Wheatley. 18

Bird Watching with Big Nick

I was lucky to spot and photograph a young cuckoo at Sandwich Bay in mid-July. It can be identified as a young bird by white edges to the dark feathers and a white patch on the neck (not visible here). Seeing this bird got me thinking just how amazing nature is. A bird that has had no contact with an adult cuckoo since being deposited as an egg into a host bird’s nest, behaves as a cuckoo and not the host bird species. It migrates to Africa without guidance from adult birds (they have often left before the young have fledged); also that they should lay their own eggs in another bird’s nest? All this information must be passed on through its DNA which seems quite remarkable. The cuckoo gave me the idea to feature a few other young birds as there are lots around at the moment. Many juveniles can look very similar to the adult but the colours are a little subdued – less pronounced red on the throat of the swallow and the blue tit is more grey than blue with yellow rather than white cheeks.

Juvenile Swallow and Blue tit 19

Others, like the goldfinches have some of the colours of the adult plumage, note the yellow (gold) on the wings, but that is where the similarities end; they have none of the adult colouring on the head and face until their first moult. Compare the two birds shown below.

A newly fledged robin has no red on the chest and is quite heavily speckled until its first moult so it would be easy to think it was something else. It is these differences that make it tricky to correctly identify some young birds - I would certainly struggle to identify quite a few, but over time I’m learning. Taking a photograph certainly helps; it is easier to identify something with a good picture, and easier to get help from someone more knowledgeable.

I have lots of other ‘cute baby bird’ photos so I might add some more another time, but for now I’ll leave you with a poem I half remembered from childhood about the cuckoo. I had to look it up on the internet and there are many variations but this is nearest to the one I recall.

The cuckoo comes in April And sings his song in May In June he loses his tune In July he prepares to fly But come August, go he must. Nick 20

Neighbourhood Watch

Sam Shevde our Vice Chairman in Eastry has recently passed away. Sam supported so many organisations in this village and diligently looked after his corner of the community. The antics of boy motor races whether on roads or in fields was always a worry. Sam cared about his patch and we give thanks for people like him who always cared for the community in this village. Another community spirited NHW supporter, Peter Rothschild has died quite suddenly. Peter was the backbone of the Dover area and took on many responsibilities and also gave good service. Peter was a Police volunteer who spent hours contacting all NHW members and checking that all was OK with them and their area of NHW. We will miss both Sam and Peter very much. Now how many people I wonder have had scam telephone calls saying that, in my case, £600 had been withdrawn from my bank account. I quickly put the telephone down as it was obvious that the caller was trying to obtain personal banking information. I related this incident to members of the Dover Disability Association. A lady told me how her autistic son received many of these calls and was very distressed by them, these people have enough issues without additional harassment. I telephoned my bank who assured me that they regularly had calls of this nature reported to them. Please never pass on any of your personal or banking details to the fraudsters. The Police are worried about another scam, vulnerable motorists are being targeted in car parks and told that they have committed a motoring offence and the fine can be reduced if an arbitrary fine is paid straight away from a cash machine, don't ever fall for this as again the fraudsters need your PIN number and may have altered the cash machine so that it swallows the bank card. Should you have been targeted please contact the police on tel.101 and also your local council, they need to know. Some motorists will be very worried by these accusations of motoring offences. Please take care and warn your neighbours should such scams be operating in your area. Stay safe. Sheila Smith Chair Neighbourhood Watch. 21 Dear Alan - please I feel sure at this time of the year if you cut your grass on a Monday, by Thursday it will look as though it needs doing again. I start off in the Spring all enthusiastic about my garden, but by this time of the year I've had enough. Now no doubt like a lot of other people I enjoy watching the odd one or two gardening programmes but the one thing that really irritates me is Alan Titchmarsh doing his so called "make over" programmes. For those of you who haven't watched one, Alan and his team descend on some so called deserving family (usually with a sob story to tell). They then send the family away for a couple of days while his team completely redesign their garden. Now I feel sure that Alan and his team are expert gardeners and without feeling the need to tread on our own local expert gardener's toes like Colin Coulson and Trevor Burton I have to say in my opinion there is so much wrong with the programme. First of all the size of the garden they choose to do are always so much larger than average viewers' gardens. Secondly they plant flowers that are already in bloom (for instant colour I imagine). They plant shrubs with only inches of space between them so by the time the team have left the road the flowers will have died and the shrubs will have strangled themselves. They lay instant lawns, paths and patios, build walls and installs ponds, erect gazebos and summerhouses complete with furniture and hammocks - beautiful! Now I imagine this is all done to inspire viewers as to what their gardens could look like but then as the credits roll up they advertise how much the garden has cost to do. The last programme I watched I did a mental sum and got as far as £95,000! Now how on earth can any average viewer afford that? Now at the end of the day I can't help feeling how wonderful it would be to have all this done for you so if any of you readers feel the urge to write to Alan Titchmarsh and tell him of a little old lady who lives in Eastry and is struggling with her garden at the moment I would be very grateful. Thank you. Why can't they grow a Rose And name it after me A bright and vivid red one For all the world to see. I could be entered in the Flower Shows And be the best in class And visitors could all sniff at me As they wandered past. But knowing just my luck The judges would look in horror And say "well we've got a right one here, It's drooping and it's sagging" It's called a "Rosie Beer"! Rose Beer 22

Kent County Show Prize Winners Sheila Smith won The Evelyn Ogg Cup and The Kent and Farmers’ Cup in the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies Show Dian Solley gained a Very Highly Commended award for a petite arrangement of flowers in the Flower Arranging Show. Good Samaritans On 3rd June, I drove off towards Canterbury, only to belatedly remember putting my wallet and two mobile phones on the car roof whilst I struggled to unlock the car and load my puppy on board. Needless to say they were lost. Later that day a friend called in to return my private mobile phone which she had found in the road. Whilst she was in my home, a lady called to hand in my wallet. Unfortunately I cannot identify the lady but would dearly like to thank her in person, if she would make herself known to me. In this modern, mad world it is so wonderful to experience such honesty and kindness. I am still missing a small brown mobile phone (a business phone of lesser importance to me) which I would be pleased to have returned to me should anyone come across it. Again many thanks to that unknown lady and saviour of my world contained in the mobile phone returned. What a lovely part of the world we live in. Chris Gould 23

1-1 Counselling/ Confidential/ Local

My name is Larry, I started my professional career as a Psychiatric Nurse and in the 1990’s, I qualified as a Person Centred Counsellor. For the last 19 years I have been employed in the Volunteer Sector but now I feel it is time to go it alone, so that I can offer local 1-1 sessions to clients 18 years old and over. I can offer a friendly, safe, non-judgemental atmosphere, evenings and weekends if required. However, if you decide that the “Person Centred” approach, is not for you, I am more than happy to support and sign-post you to an alternative Therapist/Agency. Please, do not hesitate to contact me, Mobile 07471191257, email [email protected] 24

Curative Therapy

Services include:- ● Aromatherapy ● Reflexology ● Sports Massage ● Indian Head Massage

www.mobiletherapykent.co.uk 07890 543 194 - 01304 617 500

Shotokan Karate Beginners Classes for Adults and Children aged 5 years & over Eastry Village Hall Tuesdays 17.30 - 19.00

● Black Belt Instructors

● Over 40 years teaching experience

● DBS approved

● K.U.G.B. instructor qualified.

For further details - Email: [email protected] Tel 07544065812 25

Taylor Gurney, The Shop, The Cross Farmhouse, Eastry, CT13 OHG 01304 619024 www.taylorgurney.co.uk 26

Georgie Stewart

Foot Health Practitioner Bsy AHCP A warm welcome awaits you at my foot clinic! Let me take care of your foot health issues: ● Nail clipping ● In-grown toenails ● Corns, ● Hard Skin, ● Fungal toenails and Athletes foot Keep your dog healthy, fit and happy with exercise and socialisation. All pet feeding too. ● Foot and lower leg massage Monday to Friday at a time that suits you best. etc. - Diabetics welcome. Call: 07857 056 758 To make an appointment please call Email: [email protected] me on: 07563 161886 27

Painter & Decorator 7 Church Street Building Maintenance Eastry CT13 0HH 01304 612652 / 07717337912 [email protected]

Garden/ Pond Design, Building & Refurbishments, Pond Cleaning Maintenance / Maintenance Contracts, Child Safe Pond Covers Filtration Specialists Patios - Decking - Fencing - Brickwork - Arbours 28

Mr R Crick Need reliable childcare for your 2 to 11 year olds? Drainage • Driveways Excavations • Earthworks Hard Landscaping • Concreting Footings • Septic Tanks Tarmac • Block Paving Fencing • Garden Services

30 years experience, Fully insured We’re Ofsted & KCC registered childcare, claim CITB Reg your FREE place for 3-4 year olds and up to 80% back if you’re claiming tax credits! Friendly Reliable Service Recommendations available Wrap Around Care and Free estimates Specialist digger drivers available Snug Bugs Nursery is independently run within the grounds of Northbourne CEP School. CT14 0LP Please call 01304 619442 or 07771 701594 *For more info & to arrange a visit, call Gill on 01304 613753 [email protected] 29

Eastry Fish Bar 1 The Cross Eastry CT13 0FZ

Opening times:

Tues. Wed. Thurs 4.30-9.30pm

Fri 11.30-1.30 4.30-9.30pm

Sat 11.30-1.30 4.30-9.30pm


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Office: 01304 275086

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NIGEL BROWN J.DILNOT SMITH & SON and SON Funeral Directors PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS A local independent family GAS SAFE REGISTERED INSTALLERS concern providing a complete

CENTRAL HEATING and caring service


WASH DAY BLUES! Trouble with an appliance? We specialise in repairs to most makes of WASHING MACHINE : DISHWASHER : TUMBLE DRYER FREE ESTIMATES Established 42 years THOMPSON SERVICES 01304 612020 * 07860335792


Clock Maker SPECIALIST IN ANTIQUE CLOCK RESTORATION Telephone: 07860 498963 32

Friendly and reliable service. No job too small. General home and garden repairs and maintenance including non-Part P electrical work. Small construction projects undertaken. www.facebook.com/ Jonathan Russell - Handyman

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GRAHAM KINNS DipFA Are your pensions, and investments performing as you’d like? Have they been reviewed in full within the last 12 months? If the answer is NO we need to talk!

I will cover the cost of a full pension and/or investment review for all Eastry residents


SIMON STAIT PROPERTY MAINTENANCE From a Dripping Tap to a Leaky Roof I've got it Covered For all your building and plumbing jobs inside and out � Kitchens and Bathrooms installed � Carpentry � Outside Taps, Radiators � Laminate Floors � Roofing Guttering, Fascias and Soffits � Flatpacks assembled � Sheds & Fencing erected � Painting and Decorating etc Fully Insured, Reliable Craftsman For Free Estimates and Consultations call Simon on 07727 687538 Comprehensive travel vaccination Shingles vaccination Flu vaccination on the NHS Pneumonia vaccination Smoking cessation Weight management Prescription collection and delivery service Warfarin supply Emergency contraception Medication requirements for: Erectile disfunction and Malaria prophylaxis

We also provide a fully comprehensive repeat prescription scheme

HOURS OF SERVICE Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm Saturday: 9.00am - 5.00pm OPEN LUNCHTIMES

Tel & fax: 01304 611362 email: [email protected] 34 Karen’s Hairdressing Service ● Freelance unisex hairdresser ● Extensive knowledge of all Hairdressing and Barbering techniques ● Classic trends to most modern styles ● Perms, Colours, Cutting, Blow dries, Shampoo & sets, Up do’s and Bridal Hair all at affordable prices ● Day and evening appointments available ● Call Karen on 07969790604



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E-MAIL: [email protected]


D J PLUMBING SERVICES All aspects of plumbing undertaken

● Ball valves to bathrooms - Taps to tanks ● All work guaranteed NO ● Friendly & reliable CALL- OUT CHARGE ● No job is too small Call Dave on: 01304 362485 or 07971 421766 [email protected] City & Guilds qualified. Established 1992. Fully insured 35

● Farm feeds Sandwich Animal Feeds ● Domestic & household pets Ash Road, Sandwich, CT13 9JA ● Horse feed Open 9 to 5.30 Mon to Sat ● Horse rugs & accessories and 10 to 2pm Sunday ● Accessories for all animals We are suppliers of feed for ● Chicken coops, rabbit hutches and animals both large and small. bird tables From domestic and household ● Wild bird food and treats pets to farm animals and much ● Frontline and horse wormers more besides. Our friendly ● Prescription diet for dogs and cats knowledgeable staff are there to help. ANYTHING NOT STOCKED CAN BE ORDERED!

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