Norse mythology book pdf

Continue has long been inspired by ancient mythology for creating fantastic realms of fiction. Now he turns his attention back to the source, showing the bravura rendition of the great northern tales. In Norse mythology, Gaiman fashions ancient stories into a novel arc that begins with the creation of the legendary nine worlds; and into the exploits of deities, dwarts, and giants; and culminating in ragnarok, in the twilight of the gods, and in the rebirth of a new time and people. Gaiman stays true to myths while vividly reincarnating Odin, the tallest of the tall, wise, bold, and cunning; , son of Odin, is incredibly powerful, but not the wisest of the gods; And Loki, the son of a giant, is a con man and an unsurpassed manipulator. From Gaiman's clever and witty prolore, the gods emerge with their fiercely competitive natures, receptive to deceiving and deceiving others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, so these myths of long-ago esths breathe a biting life again. He was born in Portchester on November 10, 1960. He worked as a journalist and freelance writer for a while before deciding to try comics. Some of his work has appeared in publications such as Time Out, The Sunday Times, Punch and The Observer. His first comic book was the comic book series . The series has won all major industry awards, including nine Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, three Harvey Awards and the 1991 World Fantasy Award for Best Short Story, making it the first comic book to ever win a literary award. He also writes for children and adult books. His adult books include The Ocean at the End of the Lane, which won the British National Book Awards, and the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel in 2014; , which won the mythopoeic award for best novel for adults in 1999; , which won the Hugo, Nebula, Bram Stoker, SFX, and Locus Awards; ; : Short fiction and disturbances; and the prospect of cheap seats: a selection of Nonfiction, which is the New York Times bestseller. The children's books include The Day I Swapped My Father's Two Goldfish; , which won the Elizabeth Burr/Worzalla, BSFA, Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker awards; Wolves in the walls; Strange and frost giants; , which won the Newbery Award in 2009 and The Sandman: Overture, which won the 2016 Hugo Awards for Best Graphic Story. Book Norse Mythology is Neil Gaiman's 2017 book. [1] The book is Gaiman's retelling of several stories of Norse mythology. These stories include the theft of Thor's hammer, the obligatory Fenrir and other tales of Aesir. [3] The book received positive reviews in The New Yorker,[5] the Washington Post[4] and The Times. [6] Kirkus Reviews named it Superb. Just the thing about the literate fantasy lover and the comparative religion and mythology alike. [7] Adaptations on BBC Radio 4 in 2018 on BBC Radio 4, where Derek Jacobi was Odin, as Loki, Natalie Dormer as Freya and Nathaniel Martello-White as Thor, the stories were narrated by Diana Rigg under the guise of an unexpected visitor (Mrs Njordsdottir) while holding a curious young boy's company in hospital during a blizzard. [8] Gaiman was interviewed in a cameo role as a radio announcement. [9] In February 2017, a version of the audiobook was released,[10] narrated by Gaiman. References ^ Vera, Ruel S. De. Thor and Odin tell the story in neil gaiman style. Accessed May 10, 2018. ^ Haynes, Natalie (February 12, 2017). Scandinavian mythology by Neil Gaiman review - rich in retelling. The Guardian. Accessed May 10, 2018. ^ Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman – Northern delights. From the Financial Times. Accessed May 10, 2018. ^ Dirda, Michael (February 14, 2017). Review - Neil Gaiman's exciting and surprising Scandinavian mythology. Accessed May 10, 2018. - ^ Waldman, Katy (March 19, 2018). Neil Gaiman reanimates the Scandinavian myths and Loki, once again, is the most allusive character. Accessed May 10, 2018. - ^ Freeman, Laura (May 10, 2018). Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman. Accessed May 10, 2018. - ^ Norse mythology by Neil Gaiman. Kirkus reviews. December 1, 2016. ^ Neil Gaiman, Scandinavian mythology, BBC programmes. Missing on January 13, 2018 ^ Natalie Dormer, Colin Morgan and Derek Jacobi in Neil Gaiman's Scandinavian Mythology on Radio 4 radio show Radio Times, November 22, 2018 This article is a non-fiction book on the mythology of a stub. You can help wikipedia by expanding it.vte Retrieved to Odin riding Sleipnir (excerpt from Tjängvide Runestone) There are so many books on Scandinavian mythology out there, especially at the beginner level, that if you were to pile on a copy of each it would probably reach all the way to Asgard himself. Trying to decide where to start - or where to go next in your current position, wherever you are - can be daunting. Hoping to help people navigate this area and get to the good stuff, here's a list of the 10 best books on Scandinavian mythology (last updated April 2019). This list is written primarily as a beginner or intermediate student of Scandinavian mythology in mind, although some of the special books in this list will be of great use to those who already know the basics of ancient mythology and religion of the Scandinavian and other Germanic peoples and want to go further. The order of the books in this list runs pretty much the most neonatal-friendly to the most advanced. Lower numbered books do not better than higher numbered ones, but lower numbers are more accessible. If you find this list useful enough that you choose to buy one or more of the books listed here, the best way to say thank you is to buy what you choose to buy from Amazon links at the end of each book description. If not, I will automatically receive a small commission on your purchase without any extra cost or hassle for you at all. 1. The Viking Spirit: Introduction to Scandinavian Mythology and Religion by Daniel McCoy As you probably already know, this is my own book. My intention in writing was to create the ideal introduction to Scandinavian mythology and religion, and my own (obviously biased) estimate to achieve this goal. Look at yourself and see if you agree. The Viking Spirit is an introduction to Norse mythology like no other. As you'd expect from the creator of this enduringly popular website, it's written by scientific standards, but has a simple, clear, and fun style that is easy to understand and a pleasure to read. It includes thrilling retellings of no fewer than 34 epic Scandinavian myths - more than any other book in the field - while equally providing a comprehensive overview of the fascinating Viking religion of which Norse mythology was part. You can get to know the gods and goddesses of the Vikings, their idea of fate, their views of the afterlife, their moral code, how they thought the universe, how they practiced their religion, the role magic played in their lives, and much more. The book gives equal weight to nonfi literary, historical materials and stories. With the inclusion of the latest groundbreaking research, Viking Spirit is the ultimate introduction to the timeless splendor of Norse mythology and religion in the 21st century. Click here to view or buy The Viking Spirit on Amazon, where you will be charge 10% of the list price. 2. Scandinavian mythology by Neil Gaiman In Norse mythology, acclaimed fiction writer Neil Gaiman sets out to tell a selection of Scandinavian myths, which have served as a significant source of inspiration for many of his earlier works, perhaps most notably the very popular novel American Gods. Although Gaiman tells only a few of the dozens of surviving Viking myths, his decisions include almost all of the most important, such as the creation of the universe and the fall of the junkysmic, as well as some that are particularly strange and funny. And by limiting yourself to a certain part of myths, you are able to develop these myths in a large, novel form, which is perhaps the book's greatest strength. It changes the greatest stories in world literature into a great modern novel. The only downside for some prospective readers will be that Scandinavian mythology is not the debate on the Scandinavian religion from which the myths originate. But if you're just interested in stories, it's hard to beat this book, and if you want more than stories, you can always round out the picture by also reading another book on this list that includes more of a nonfiction, historical discussion of religion. I've heard from many people that Scandinavian mythology and Viking Spirit complement each other especially nicely. Click here to view or buy Scandinavian mythology from Amazon, where it's discounted to 25% of the list price. 3. The D'Aulaires book of Scandinavian myths by Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire If a parent is looking for a book on the Norse mythology of the child, the D'Aulaires Book of Scandinavian Myths is easily the best book of Norse mythology for kids. Not even a second. The D'Aulaires' Book of Scandinavian Myths is specifically written for ages 5-9, or kindergarten in the fourth grade. Lovingly and evocally written and very easy to understand, these retellings of Scandinavian tales and descriptions of the gods and the world are sure to fire your child's imagination and make him interested in Scandinavian mythology. A number of color images are interspersed with the entire text. It's also completely family-friendly - d'Aulaires exclude lurid elements of Scandinavian mythology that some parents may find objectionable in their children's reading. Click here to view or buy D'Aulaires' Book of Scandinavian Myths on Amazon, where it's discounted by 42% to the list price. 4. Gods and Myths of Northern Europe H.R. Ellis Ellis Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson was one of the twentieth century's foremost scholars of Norse mythology, but most of his works were written for the general public, not just by his university professionals. The gods and myths of northern Europe are his most accessible work and are ideal for beginners who want a scientific take on the Scandinavian religion. His book describes the pre-Christian religion of the Scandinavian and other Germanic peoples in a way that focuses less on retelling tales than on historical religion, the tales of which were only part of it. The reader comes away with an image of the pre-Christian Germanic religion that is more thorough and nuanced than just about any other one-volume popular introduction to this subject or similar as well. For decades, gods and myths of northern Europe have rightly been one of the most widely read books of the Viking age. Click here to view or buy Gods and Myths from Northern Europe on Amazon, where it's discounted to 14% of the list price. 5. Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by E.O.G. Turville-Petre Very much like Ellis Davidson's Gods and Myths of Northern Europe (#4 above), legendary Oxford Old Scandinavian Professor E.O.G. Turville-Petre myth and the North provides a comprehensive overview of pre-Christian religion in Scandinavia. However, while somewhat more scientific than Ellis Davidson's book (which is why he also listed gods and myths of northern Europe as #4 and myths and religions of the North as #5), Turville-Petre more than makes up for this with his sheer overarching and insightful view. Where Ellis Davidson is very admirable, turville-petre is downright appalling. At many universities around the world today, myth and religion in the North are treated as a go-to reference book for all things related to Norse mythology, and for good reason. Reading this book is like an intellectual initiation. Simply put, until you've read this absolute basic book, you're just a dabbler in Norse mythology. Click here to view or buy Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia at Amazon. 6. The poetic Edda translated by Jackson Crawford Now comes the primary sources themselves (in English translation, of course). Poetic Edda is such a vision and sweeping work of beauty that it has few rivals in world literature. It is a collection of old Norse mythical and heroic poems, available to anonymous poets in Iceland or Scandinavia during the Viking age, and soon after. Together, these poems form the most important source of information in Norse mythology and religion. To be perfectly honest, there is no English translation that has been published so far close to passing the full extent of the greatness and nuance (aesthetic and philosophical) of the old Scandinavian texts. This is largely inevitable; As Robert Frost once said, This is how I could define poetry: that's what was lost in both prose and verse in translation. Jackson Crawford's translation, however, achieves what no other translation has ever done: the style is clear and easy to understand, while preserving much of its original beauty. (Other translations are usually not one or the other, but not both.) That's a feat. Click here to view or buy the poetic Edda on Amazon. 7. The Prose of Edda by Snorri Sturluson, translated by Jesse L. Byock's The Prose of Edda, was written in the thirteenth century by the Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson, and it is often regarded as the second most important source of our information in Norse mythology (after the poetic Edda, #6 above). It was originally written about the mythology of many traditional images of OldCanandinian poetry, which was used by poets and those who wanted to better understand the works of older poets. Snorri provides something similar to a systematic summary of the narratives, deities, and cosmology of Norse mythology. Scientists are hotly debating how accurate the information is in his book, and there is widespread consensus that Snorri cannot be taken at face value. Nevertheless, one way or another, the Prose Edda is a treasure trove of facts that would have been completely lost anyway, whether it is difficult to separate the facts from Snorri's own decorations or misunderstandings. Click here to view or buy Prose Edda on Amazon, where it's discounted by 36% on the list price. 8. The Saga of the Volsungs was translated by Jackson Crawford's The Saga of the Volsungs is perhaps the most popular and influential of the Icelandic sagas, which, together with eddas, are the most important literary sources of current knowledge of mythology and religion of pre-Christian Germanic peoples. The Saga of the Volsungs is a truly epic story, if ever there was one, and evokes the greater than life's actions of the Volsung clan, the gods who hold hands on their wealth, and especially the hero Sigurd. Dragons have been killed, treasures have been lost and recovered, humans become animals and animals become humans, and while the reader acquires authentic knowledge of ancient northern European gods, myths and values. The stories on which this saga is based date from the early centuries and were common throughout the Germanic world. Its elements also include some poems by the poetic Edda (#6 above) and the medieval German Das Nibelungenlied. The Germanic peoples obviously saw these stories as one of the most important. In particular, the Volsungs saga was the basis for Richard Wagner's Ring operas, and it was a great inspiration to J.R.R. Tolkien's opera The Lord of the Rings. This special edition of the saga is the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok. Click here to view or buy the Saga of Volsungs on Amazon. 9. The Icelandic saga The medieval Icelandic sagas are wonderful literary works written in a sharp, factual style with unspoken consequences. And once again, they are also some of the most important literary sources of information about pre-Christian mythology, religion, and culture of the Scandinavian and other Germanic peoples. This 740-page tome contains no fewer than ten of these sagas, as well as an assortment of many shorter tales. At the heart of the Icelandic sagas is Egil's Saga, which recounts the actions of Odin Egil Skallagrimsson's near-invincible warrior poet and devotee. This is one of the best of the sagas, both in literary quality and what the attentive reader can learn from it. The translations are carefully selected and top notch. This is the best introduction there to Icelandic sagas as a genre, and for less than $20, it's quite a bargain. Click here to view or buy the Sagas for Icelanders on Amazon, where it's discounted by 12% on the list price. 10th Scandinavian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow professor Lindow's Mythology mostly consists of an alphabetical encyclopedia of key personalities, cosmology sites and other similar key terms in Norse mythology. This is certainly not a self-introduction to Scandinavian mythology (see #1-5 on this list of such books). Rather, it is a very practical manual that you can use when reading other books of Scandinavian mythology, similar to the vocara that sometimes accompanies Tolkien's works, which likewise contain a potentially confusing enrichment of the corresponding main buoyies. Lindow's book is the perfect companion for books in the field. Click here to view or buy Scandinavian mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs on Amazon, where it's discounted to 34% of the list price. After reading some books on this list, you are ready to move on to the 10 best advanced Scandinavian mythology books. If you found this list useful, you'll also be interested in these other guides of mine: • The 10 best books from the Vikings • The 10 Best Gae d'Or Books • The 10 Best Greek Mythology Books • The 10 Best Egyptian Mythology Books • The 10 Best Books on runes • Resources for Learning the Old Scandinavian Language

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