H2798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 21, 2007 Times calls this ‘‘the worst kind of ents well, and he was somebody, I And throughout his career in Olympia, congressional meddling in military think, that was really very, very true he continued to teach in the Everett strategy.’’ to his beliefs. And I think that is an area at the high school, as he cam- But arm-twisting and threats have asset that a lot of people probably paigned twice for the no place in this people’s House, and don’t have, but certainly Jack did. And Senate against a very popular Warren Americans have every right to be out- I am very, very proud to have called Magnuson and as he built a cabin re- raged with the current leadership. him a friend for all these years. treat that became a bed-and-breakfast f And I can say that our thoughts and business that he and his family oper- prayers are with Norma and his family, ated, which was a special place for SPECIAL ORDERS and he will be greatly missed. Norma and him. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. With that I would like to yield to the He campaigned in 1994 for an open PERLMUTTER). Under the Speaker’s an- individual that succeeded him in the seat in Congress and promised to be an nounced policy of January 18, 2007, and Second District, my friend from Wash- independent voice for constituents in under a previous order of the House, ington (Mr. LARSEN). the Second District. Having served the following Members will be recog- Mr. LARSEN of . Mr. with Jack during his 6 years in the nized for 5 minutes each. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from House, I am able to confirm that he f eastern Washington for yielding. was every bit as independent as he said I rise today to pay tribute to the he would be. He came here as a well-es- TRIBUTE TO THE HON. JACK Honorable Jack Metcalf, who was my tablished politician with well-estab- METCALF predecessor in Washington State’s Sec- lished views, and he freely expressed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ond Congressional District. those views with vigor and conviction. previous order of the House, the gen- Before Jack was a Congressman, and But along the way he also did two tleman from Washington (Mr. we have heard about his running for of- things that distinguished him, at least HASTINGS) is recognized for 5 minutes. fice, but he was a teacher for 30 years. from my viewpoint as a colleague of his Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Public service was more than a profes- in the Washington delegation. First he Speaker, I rise tonight, along with my sion for Jack. It was very much a pas- established a high priority for con- colleagues from Washington State, to sion. He placed a premium on honesty stituent service, which I believe was pay homage to our friend and colleague and hard work, and he was admired for critical to his job as Representative. who passed away last Thursday, Jack being a person of his word. He built re- He fought hard to help individuals who Metcalf. lationships not only with traditional couldn’t get responses from a Federal Jack Metcalf represented the Second allies, but with anyone concerned with agency. District of Washington from 1995 to improving the quality of life for his b 1930 2001, and I have known Jack personally constituents. since 1968. I first met Jack when he He supported veterans’ causes. And Jack forged a bipartisan alliance even when it came to voting against first ran for the U.S. Senate. I was con- with Senator to protect tacted by some people, and they said party positions in his own caucus, he our marine habitat in Washington was for the veterans. Jack also cared that he was coming into town and State. The work done by the Murray- asked if I would meet with him, which deeply about natural resource issues, Metcalf Commission continues today particularly salmon issues. He worked I did, he ended up spending the night at to benefit the people of Washington with Senator MURRAY on the North- my house and slept on the couch. State. Jack’s dedication to protecting I only say that from background be- west Straits Commission. our marine resources stands as a chal- Second, he valued friendship, and he cause that was typical of Jack. He was lenge to his successors and as a legacy always sought to keep the often-heated totally unpretentious. In fact, his his- to our State. debate from becoming personal. When tory, electoral history, as a representa- I personally had the pleasure of he spoke against a position another tive of northwest Washington goes working with Jack on flood issues Member espoused, he would often cross back for many years. He first ran for when I was a local elected official. the aisle and speak with that person office in 1958, unsuccessfully, I might Flooding had created terrible problems personally, so you never took any of add. Two years later he ran and was for Snohomish County, and Jack his comments directly as a personal af- elected to the State legislature and brought people together and harnessed front. served there for two terms and left. Federal, State, and local resources to Consequently, he was well regarded Then he got elected as State senator find solutions. within our delegation, and I appre- and served for 8 more years as a State We will miss ‘‘Gentleman Jack’’ ciated his friendship and his willing- senator, and left to run for the U.S. Metcalf. He had no need for partnership ness to help on major State issues Senate again, and got beat and then or grandstanding, and he stood out for whenever he was asked. He will surely came back and served as a State sen- his commitment to the people that he be remembered for the independence he ator for 12 more years. He left that represented. And certainly tonight our demonstrated as a Member of Congress, time to run again unsuccessfully for hearts go out to Jack’s wife Norma and but I can assure my colleagues in the the U.S. House. But he was successful to their children. House today that I will remember him when he ran in 1994. f as a real gentleman and a good friend. I point that out because that was He will be missed, and our hearts go four times that he ran for office in an ON THE PASSING OF FORMER CONGRESSMAN JACK METCALF out to Norma and his family. endeavor to serve his constituents of I would like to yield to my colleague northwest Washington. And it never The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. MCDERMOTT, who served with Jack bothered him, at least he never said it previous order of the House, the gen- in the Washington State Legislature to me, that he was unsuccessful in the tleman from Washington (Mr. DICKS) is before he came to Congress. past. In fact, after he had lost in 1992 recognized for 5 minutes. f and was contemplating running in 1994, Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, I want to he was approached by the then Repub- join the other members of the Wash- REMEMBERING JACK METCALF lican Central Committee chairman and ington congressional delegation today The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a suggested that maybe Jack ought not in expressing my sadness at the passing previous order of the House, the gen- run because he was 68. And Jack re- of our former colleague Jack Metcalf, tleman from Washington (Mr. plied to him, ‘‘Well, I think I can win.’’ who represented the Second Congres- MCDERMOTT) is recognized for 5 min- And I can just hear Jack say that be- sional District of Washington from 1995 utes. cause that was so typical of him. He to 2001. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, was totally unpretentious. Jack came to Congress later in his probably I knew Jack better than most So I am here simply to say that he career, having served for 4 years in the in our delegation, because I did serve was a friend for many, many years. He State house of representatives and 20 with him for a long time in the Wash- was somebody that served his constitu- years in the . ington State Legislature. And although

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