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Official Game Adventure

The Left Hand of By Ray Winninger

Resource Book

TABLE OF CONTENTS The Entities...... 2 Death ...... 2 Eternity ...... 3 ...... 3 The Death Gods ...... 6 ...... 6 Mephisto's Demonic Thralls...... 7 Mephisto's Footsoldiers...... 7 ...... 8 Pluto's Footsoldiers ...... 9 ...... 9 Seth ...... 10 Other Characters ...... 11 Voyd ...... 11 ...... 11 ...... 12 ...... 13 Mindless Ones ...... 14 Dark Dimension Inhabitant, Typical...... 14 ...... 15 Captain Marvel...... 15 The ...... 16


Design: Ray Winninger Editing: Scott D. Haring Cover Illustration: Mike Machlan and Lori Svikel Interior Illustrations: Angel Medina TSR, Inc. PO Maps: Diesel Box 756 Lake Typesetting: Kim Janke and Betty Elmore Geneva, Wl Keyline: Stephanie Tabat 53147 U.S.A. TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATIONTM

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MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Marvel characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. ©1988 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The TSR logo and PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Game Design ©1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. What is forever? An appraisal of DEATH time that begins with the primal explosion and ends with the collapse F 5000 Cl 5000 Health: of the universe's incomprehensible 20,000 bulk? Or is it something more—a A 5000 Cl 5000 measurement without limits or true S 5000 Cl 5000 : definition, a calculation of the Unlim. immeasurable span preceding time E 5000 Cl 5000 and continuing long after AII-That-ls R 5000 Cl 5000 Resources: ceases to be? Unlimited Who among us can know? What- I 5000 Cl 5000 ever the true nature of Forever, is is P 5000 Cl 5000 Popularity: more than a mere mortal—or even, -1000 perhaps, a god—dares hope to understand. Compared to Forever, KNOWN POWERS: our lives are but a decimal taken to Death can use any of the powers the billionth place; the entire history listed in the Player's Book (or in of our race does not amount to the MA3—The Ultimate Powers Book, if tiniest fraction. you have it) as it sees fit.with Class And yet, there are those that know 5000 proficiency. Death will rarely Forever: Beings of unimaginable use these powers directly, preferring power and age born with the Uni- to operate through other agents, or verse itself, and sentenced to live to wait for its prey to fail and eventu- until it dies. More powerful than ally die through some fault of its own. gods, more mysterious than the The closer a victim is to Death's darkest secret in the blackest heart, power level, the more likely Death is these beings know Forever. We call to employ its own vast powers in a these beings Entities. By this term, conflict. we mean to describe that which is Thanos fell so deeply in love with indescribable. Perhaps we can say LIMITATION: In the center of the they are intangible manifestations Death that he was willing to destroy universe is a 30-foot hole shaped like the entire universe in order to please which embody abstract concepts. a man. This is where Eternity was her. Death is extremely jealous of its But this would not be quite correct, born. Any being occupying this hole for very often men have seen and power and realms. It once attempted is immune to Death's touch and can- to destroy in order to stop been touched by and talked to them. not die. Yet it would be too simple to call the from robbing it of con- them sentient beings, for they are quests by creating undead beings. BACKGROUND: The origin and true On this occassion, Death manifested part of the essence of the Universe nature of Death is unknown, but it is in a way we can never hope to itself to Dracula as a male rival. This apparently one of the basic forces of may be an indication that Death understand. Perhaps it is simply best the universe, embodying the princi- to describe them as something adopts the female form in order to ple of mortality and decay. Some seduce pliable males into doing its between the abstract and the tangi- beings who have studied the nature ble: mysterious existences which will. On several occassions, Death of the universe believe Death and has presented itself to living beings sprang somehow from the void that Eternity are siblings who embody the was Before, and which will not perish as a skeleton wearing a hooded entire mystical essence of the uni- robe. Death has also manifested until the universe returns to the lump verse between them. Although pre- that will be After. itself in order to preside over the sumably beyond the understanding of a long-lived or immortal This section describes the Entities of mortal beings, Death sometimes that appear in The Left Hand of Eter- being, such as an Asgardian or appears as a sentient being with Olympian god. Presumably, Death nity. While only Death and Eternity understandable motivations. Most sprang directly from the Big Bang, felt that such a rare addition to its often, Death appears in female form, realm required personal attention. In the other entities can be said to have apparently seeking to extend its come from Chaos and exist beyond order to win true immortality, the realm or achieve dominance over its Grandmaster recently tricked Death the realm of any mortal's comprehen- sibling, Eternity. Death once sion. Therefore, we have grouped into barring all Elders of the Universe appeared in the guise of a beautiful from its realm. This may prove to be them all together under this general woman to the Titanian Thanos. heading. a mistake, for Death is one of the few

2 beings with the power to avenge sciousness of all living things in the itself it realizes it was tricked. universe, the embodiment of their life Despite the apparent simplicity of as Death is the embodiment of the Death's drive for more conquests, ending of that life. any being foolish enough to believe Unlike Death, which Eternity often he truly understands the dark entity refers to as its sibling, Eternity rarely may soon regret his arrogance. takes any sort of an active role in the Death moves without discernible dealings of the trillions of beings that pattern or logic, striking wherever make up its total. However, since and whenever it feels compelled to controlling the being Eternity allows do so. Because of this capricous- the controller to wield Eternity's ness, virtually all creatures in the unlimited powers over the beings universe fear Death. No matter how that make it up, this entity is a target mighty or powerful they are, they for extra-dimensional attackers of realize they must eventually surren- various abilities. Often Eternity can der themselves to its dark realm. The deflect such attacks without signifi- Asgardians and age, even cant exertion, but on occasion has though they do so at an extremely had to bring its own servants into slow rate. The Olympian gods do not play. While not as organized as the age, but a sufficiently powerful force Death gods that serve Death, these can kill them. Even Galactus, the servants are usually powerful individ- only known entity to predate the cre- uals, such as , who ation of the universe itself, knows he may combat the attackers on their will someday die and pass into own mortal levels. These servants Death's care. Therefore, even such have a vested interest in seeing Eter- poweful beings as these treat Death nity survive intact, as their own exist- with deference and respect. ence makes Eternity possible. As Eternity is the sum total of all living forces, destruction of Eternity ETERNITY Class 3000 Intensity. Everytime may eradicate the game universe, and with it all other quasi-physical Galactus uses one of these powers, F 5000 Cl 5000 Health: however, it costs him 10 points of entities. Eternity, for its part, rarely 20,000 Karma, and each use at an intensity shows any interest in the pieces that A 5000 Cl 5000 above Unearthly costs him 50 points make it up, though if given a suffic- S 5000 Cl 5000 Karma: of Health. ient threat, it would willingly sacrifice Unlimited Spirit Vampirism part of its infinite existence in order E 5000 Cl 5000 Bio Vampirism to foil such a foe. R 5000 Cl 5000 Resources: Psionic Vampirism Unlimited Energy Vampirism I 5000 Cl 5000 GALACTUS Absorption Power P 5000 Cl 5000 Popularity: Galan of Taa Energy Conversion 0 Elemental Conversion F 75 Mn Health: Molecular Conversion KNOWN POWERS: 4150 Elemental Creation Eternity can use any of the powers A 75 Mn Molecular Creation within the Player's Book (or within S 1000 CM 000 Karma: True Flight: Galactus can travel at the Ultimate Powers Book) with Class 3000 Class 3000 speeds. 5000 ability, though it does not do so E 3000 Cl 3000 True Invulnerability: Galactus has with any regularity. Eternity's form R 1000 CM 000 Resources: Shift X resistance to physical and cannot be perceived unless it so Cl 3000 energy attacks. He has Class 5000 wishes, as it is an abstract being. I 1000 CM 000 resistance to extreme heat cold, P 1000 CM 000 Popularity: corrosives, toxins, and disease. BACKGROUND: The origin and pre- -1000 Force Field: Galactus can surround cise nature of the abstract being himself with protective fields of Shift known as Eternity is many ways KNOWN POWERS: X rank. unknown and unknowable. Eternity Energy Manipulation: Galactus pos- Life Detection: Galactus has the is the sum total and collected con- sesses the following powers, each at Class 3000 ability to detect the life

3 energies of planets. He can detect Class 3000 abilities drop to Class an occupied planet at a maximum 1000. After another 30 days, all his range of 50 light years. abilities drop to Shift Z, and so on. Kinetic Bolts: Galactus can release Although Galactus could eventually energy blasts of Shift Z intensity. starve to death, he normally seeks Hyper Invention: Galactus can create out the nearest usable world when any device he wants by assembling his abilities drop to Shift X rank. whatever materials are on hand or CONTACTS: Galactus has one con- can be made from existing substanc- tact, his Herald, and even that rela- es. tionship is tenuous at best. He is also Disruption: As a side effect of his in many ways a sibling of both Death feeding process, Galactus has the and Eternity. Class 1000 ability to destroy the BACKGROUND: Galactus is the sole molecular bonds that hold a target survivor of the universe that existed together. Galactus can consciously before the was cre- use this power with diminished effect ated. Originally, Galactus was a against lesser targets, such as indi- humanoid named Galan, a native of viduals. In such a case the power the planet Taa. Unfortunately, decreases to Shift X rank. Galan's universe was in a state of Power Creation: Galactus has the collapse as it ended its life cycle. Class 1000 ability to transform ordi- The universe was regathering itself nary beings into super beings. The into a "Cosmic Egg," an unimagina- Primary Abilities and powers of such bly dense sphere that would contain beings are initially no higher than all the matter in the universe. The Unearthly rank. Galactus can invest radiation that accompanied the col- the power in either the person cho- lapse was destroying all life in the sen or a specially designed tool. universe. The people of Taa sent Power Control (Magnification/ Galan out in hope that he could find Reduction/Negation): Galactus has some way for them to escape. There total control over those powers he was none. When Galan returned, he his powers. A who discov- may have given a target. He can discovered that all but a handful of ered him contemplated killing him amplify someone's existing powers Taa's population had been wiped out. then, but the Watcher decided to by +4 CS, even if he was not the Galan and the survivors decided to abide by his race's creed of passive of that power. He can reduce end it all by journeying directly to the observance. Eventually, his ship a subject's power by any amount, all heart of the Cosmic Egg. The radia- drifted into the Archeopian star sys- the way to Shift 0. Such changes are tion killed everyone but Galan, who tem and Galactus fed for the first permanent; only Galactus can found himself invigorated by the time. In the millenia that followed, reverse his changes. deadly forces. Galactus rebuilt the remains of Serial Immortality: If Galactus' body The Cosmic Egg was alive and Archeopia's worlds into an immense should be destroyed while he still prevented Galan's ship from being starbase, the Taa II. has a sufficient cosmic energy destroyed. It explained that, even Originally, several centuries reserve, his machines can draw in though both of them were dying, they passed between Galactus' feedings. his lifeforce and recreate his body. would soon be reborn. The Cosmic This interval shortened with time. It is He must have at least two points of Egg would then explode and create a currently one month. This has lead Health remaining for this to occur. . Galactus to increase the rate at Telepathy: Galactus has Unearthly When the predicted big bang which he destroyed worlds. He real- telepathy. occurred, three beings, a starship, ized years ago that he needed Cosmic Awareness: Galactus has and the Marvel Universe were cre- scouts to seek out the worlds that Class 1000 Cosmic Awareness and ated. The three beings were Eternity, could sustain him. When Galactus can perceive in a limited manner the Death, and Galactus; the starship approached the planet Zenn-la, he state of the universe. was Galactus' worldship. Out of the found his first herald in the form of WEAKNESS: Galactus has a finite brief instant of nothingness that Norrin Radd, the . The energy supply that he must constant- bridged the gap between the old and Silver Surfer eventually led Galactus ly replenish by consuming the life- new universes, a fourth being was to Earth, where he finally met his force of entire worlds. Galactus' created: the demon known as Voyd. . Thanks to the assistance of is so severe that he must For eons, Galactus drifted in the the Watcher Uatu, the feed every 30 Terran days or his void, further evolving and developing acquired the Ultimate Nullifier, the

4 only weapon that could destroy Galactus was attacked with the cube. Galactus. Galactus then returned to Death was then hoping to take space, unfed and heraldless. advantage of Galactus' disorienta- Galactus then went through a tion in his shattered state to convince rapid succession of Heralds over the him to form an alliance against Eter- next decade. The Xandrian Gabriel nity. Unfortunately, the heroes of Lan was transformed into the Air Earth intervened and prevented Walker. Unfortunately he was soon Death's plans, forcing the Entity to killed defending Galactus from the trick Galactus into agreeing to Ovoids. Galactus later created a imprisonment within Death's domain. robotic replica, the Air Walker Throughout most of The Left Hand of Automaton, but it was later damaged Eternity, Galactus is unconscious or by the Silver Surfer and ultimately otherwise incapacitated. destroyed by . A friend of Lan, Pyreus Kril became the next herald, Firelord. He gained his freedom when Thor traded Galactus the Asgardian robot known as the ; but stole the automa- ton before Galactus could get much use out of it. Seeing that the Fantastic Four had been the cause of the loss of his first herald, Galac- tus arranged for the FF to recruit his next one. This was Tyros of Lanlak, a conqueror and tyrant himself, whom Galactus transformed into the Tamer. Terrax quickly became intoxi- cated with his new power and tried to use the FF to destroy Galactus. Instead, Galactus destroyed him. Finally, Frankie Raye offered herself to Galactus. As , she was his first female herald. Galactus has tried several times to devour the Earth, but was beaten, lured, or otherwise bribed away. On his last trip, he finally pledged never to attack the Earth so long as the human race survived. This pledge is unique in the universe and the cause of some hostility toward Earth by other races that have fought or have been decimated by Galactus. Recently, Galactus was the victim of an assassination attempt by the Elders of the Universe, who used a newly created to destroy him. When the Elders attacked Galactus with the cube, instead of killing him, it split Galactus into three seperate entities and flung these beings into the godly realms of Olympus and . The Elders were actually secretly encouraged to enact this scheme by Death itself, who knew what would happen when

5 MEPHISTO of his minions. Most of these items Sleep (induced): Mephisto can aka Satan, , Luci- have power ranks and attributes of induce sleep with Unearthly rank. fer, and "The Devil" Shift Z. [Or Class 1000 while he con- Spirit Storage: Mephisto has the trols Galactus.] Class 5000 ability to seize and main- F 75 Mn Health: Enlargement: Mephisto can increase tain billions of dead souls. Mephisto 3225 the size of himself or others with can communicate with any souls he A 75 Mn Unearthly ability. This enables him to has trapped at any time. S 75 Mn Karma: 250 cause a target to grow to 20 times Summoning: Mephisto has Unearthly E 3000 Cl 3000 normal size. [Note that Mephisto is control over lesser supernatural R 75 Mn Resources: naturally about 100 feet tall while he beings [raised to Shift X control while Cl 3000 controls Galactus. By using this Galactus is under his control]. I 75 Mn power at that time, he can grow to a Gateway: Mephisto can open up a P 100 Un Popularity: size of 2000 feet]. gate that will allow him to travel to -1000 Forced Reincarnation: Mephisto has any place, time, or dimension instan- the Unearthly ability to take a disem- taneously with Unearthly ability. This (The above are Mephisto's normal bodied soul and place it into a new power is limited to teleporting statistics. While Galactus is impris- body. Mephisto 2.5 billion miles at a time, oned within his realm or under his Immortality: Mephisto does not age, and a FEAT roll is necessary to open control, use the augmented stats at least not at any rate that is recog- the gate (a yellow FEAT if the gate- below. All notations given in brackets nizable by humans. way leads to another time, a red [] within the descriptions of Mephis- Invisibility: Mephisto's invisibility FEAT if the gateway leads to another to's powers apply only when Galac- functions at the Unearthly rank. dimension). tus is under his control.) Kinetic Bolts: Mephisto can fire True Invulnerability: Mephisto has blasts of Monstrous energy. [Shift Y Amazing protection from any sort of MEPHISTO (w/Gatactus) while he controls Galactus]. attack except magic. He is immune to Levitation: Unearthly Rank. heat, acid, and disease. [Monstrous F 100 Un Health: Magic Control: Mephisto has protection while he has Galactus]. 4200 Unearthly control over anyone that Undead Control: Mephisto has A 100 Un attempts to use magic within his Unearthly control over the lower S 1000 Cl 1000 Karma: realms. [Shift Z control as long as forms of undead: zombies, skele- 1175 Galactus is under his control]. Note tons, ghouls, etc. E 3000 Cl 3000 that Mephisto cannot use this power WEAKNESSES: There are two R 75 Mn against the heroes during this adven- things that Mephisto can never do. I 100 Un ture because of the bargain he First, he cannot read the mind of any P 1000 Cl 1000 makes with them in Chapter 2. sentient being. Second, he cannot Matter Control: Mephisto can control control another being without that KNOWN POWERS: all forms of matter at the Unearthly being's prior permission. Demonic Form: Mephisto is a hostile level of ability [Shift Y while he con- TALENTS: Mephisto has Class 3000 supernatual being. trols Galactus]. Reason in matters of Occult Lore. Power Source: Mephisto draws his Neural Manipulation: Mephisto has CONTACTS: As one of the Death powers from the beings imprisoned Unearthly control over a victim's gods, Mephisto can call upon his within his demonic realms. If he is nervous system and can cause a master in times of dire emergency. ever away from this realm, his Endur- target to suffer up to power rank BACKGROUND: Mephisto is an ance drops to Class 1000 [it does not damage. [This control is improved to extradimensional entity that rules drop if he controls Galactus]. Shift X while he controls Galactus.] over a pocket dimension which he Dimension Travel: Mephisto can tra- Power Control: Mephisto has sometimes refers to as "hell," vel between the various dimensions Unearthly control over any physical though it is quite clear that this is not with Unearthly ability. powers that anyone else tries to use the hell of the Judeo-Christian reli- Diminuition: Mephisto can shrink in his dimension [increased to Shift Y gion. Mephisto likes to maintain the atoms with Unearthly ability. This while he controls Galactus]. Mephis- illusion that he is the "devil" of the enables him to reduce most objects to is also prevented from using this Christian religion in order to exploit down to .01% of their current size. A ability against the heroes due to the the fears of humans, whom he con- target must be within one area to be bargain he makes with them in sequently finds much easier to cor- shrunk. Chapter 2. rupt. At times, therefore, Mephisto Enchantment: Mephisto has the abili- Shapechange (others): Mephisto can has allowed himself to be called ty to create magical items for the use shapechange others with Unearthly "Mephistopheles," "Satan," and ability. "Beelzebub."

6 Mephisto's domain is inhabited by MEPHISTO'S DEMONIC himself, the lesser supernatural THRALLS beings that serve him (see Mephis- to's Demonic Thralls, and Mephisto's F 50 Am Health: 180 Footsoldiers, below), and the astral A 50 Am forms, or souls, of certain deceased S 50 Am Karma: 36 humans which inhabit the bodies of E 30 Rm demons which have been specially R a Ty altered to resemble the souls' mortal I 10 Gd human forms. P 20 Ex Because he draws his power from the souls he imprisons, Mephisto is KNOWN POWERS: constantly striving to add new souls Claws: The thralls have sharp claws to his collection, the more powerful and fangs which they can use to the soul the better. Mephisto prefers inflict Excellent Edged weapon dam- human souls, though he will often go age. after those of extra-terrestrials as Flight: The thralls have leathery bat- well. Indeed, he has made repeated like wings which allow them to attempts to break the will and with Good airspeed. The thralls have enslave the soul of the being known mastered the unusual physics of as the Silver Surfer (see the Adven- Mephisto's dimension and can fly ture Book). He has also made there, as well as in more traditional attempts to take possession of the realms. soul of the Asgardian Thor. Leathery Skin: Their tough skin The human stunt cyclist Johnny grants the thralls the equivalent of Blaze once made a pact with Remarkable protection against physi- Mephisto, exchanging his soul in cal and energy attacks, and Incredi- return for Mephisto's saving the life ble protection against lightning, of Blaze's grandfather. Before corrosives, heat, and cold. KNOWN POWERS: Mephisto could take possession of Weapons: The thralls are usually Claws: The footsoldiers have sharp Blaze's soul, however, a woman armed with sharp pitchforks which claws and fangs which they can use named Roxanne Simpson arrived inflict Remarkable edged weapon to inflict Good Edged weapon dam- and recited a special spell of banish- damage. age. ment which she had stumbled across BACKGROUND: The thralls are Leathery Skin: Their tough skin in an occult tome. Mephisto was Mephisto's upper level servants. grants the soldiers the equivalent of forced to flee without Blaze's soul, Mephisto sends these creatures out Excellent protection against physical but not before grafting the essence to perform errands and implement and energy attacks, and Remarkable of the demon Zarathos on to Blaze's his schemes. In addition, the thralls protection against lightning, corro- body, causing Blaze to become the are often used by Mephisto as super- sives, heat, and cold. composite being known as powered , and several of Weapons: The soldiers are usually Rider. them wander about his realm in con- armed with long swords which inflict Mephisto is sometimes imperson- stant patrol. Excellent edged weapon damage. ated by lesser Demons who imitate BACKGROUND: The footsoldiers are his form. This explains the stories of MEPHISTO'S Mephisto's lower level servants. many Earth adventures who claim to FOOTSOLDIERS Unlike the demonic thralls, the foot- have defeated Mephisto "easily." soldiers are incapable of flight and Mephisto has also bound a demon F 40 In Health: 150 have almost no independent will- to the actor Martin Preston, creating power. They must be issued a direct the being known as Master Pande- A 40 In S 40 In Karma: 20 order by Mephisto or a thrall in order monium. He has recently been to undertake a task. Most of the foot- defeated twice by Franklin Richards, E 30 Rm R 4 Pr soldiers are used to patrol Mephis- the young son of Mr. Fantastic and to's realms. of the Fantastic I 6 Ty Four. Among the souls imprisoned by P 10 Gd Mephisto are those of the Purple Man, Shalla Bal, 's mother, and Thanos.

7 PLUTO Strength, he falls unconscious. This power functions at the Amazing rank. [Monstrous when Pluto controls F 100 Un Health: 550 Galactus] A 100 Un Mystical Flame: Pluto can sheath S 100 Un Karma: 275 himself in an Unearthly flame, pre- E 250 Shift Y venting anyone from touching him R 75 Mn Resources: without suffering Unearthly magical Unearthly(100) damage (defenses against normal I 100 Un flame attacks do not function). He P 100 Un Popularity: can also fashion weapons out of the -500 flame which paralyze an opponent unless he or she makes an Unearthly (The above are Pluto's normal intensity Psyche FEAT roll. statistics. There is a chance in this Invisibility: Pluto had a helmet made adventure that Galactus will become for him by the Cyclopes which gives imprisoned in Pluto's realm for a him Unearthly invisibility powers, short time. If that happens, Pluto will even to other Olympians. gain power from Galactus: Increase Body Armor: Pluto's dense flesh Pluto's Endurance to Class 1000 and provides him with Excellent protec- his Health to 1300. Other changes tion from physical and energy are noted below in brackets. attacks. Battle Axe: Pluto carries a specially KNOWN POWERS: enchanted battle axe made of ada- Immortality: As an Olympian god, mantium (Class 1000 material Pluto does not die if his Health and strength). The axe does Amazing Endurance both fall to Shift 0. He is edged weapon damage, and allows immune to disease, toxins, and Pluto to project force bolts of Mon- aging. These abilities all function at strous intensity. Pluto can project the Class 1000 level. bolts of Amazing intensity without the Regeneration: Pluto has Unearthly axe. regeneration powers enabling him to CONTACTS: Pluto is an Olympian heal at 100 times the normal rate. god, and though he is not exactly on Energy Mastery: Pluto has complete good terms with his fellow gods, he mastery over various forms of may be able to call upon them in energy, giving him all of these . As a Death god, Pluto is powers at Shift X rank [Shift Z if Plu- also able to call upon his master. to controls Galactus]: BACKGROUND: Pluto is the eldest Fire Control son of , ruler of the superhu- Darkforce Manipulation man Titans, and his wife Rhea. Fear- Electrical Manipulation ing that he would be overthrown by Manipulation his offspring just as he himself over- Light Manipulation threw his father Uranus, Cronus Darkforce Generation imprisoned each of his children in Fire Generation Tartarus, the darkest section of Energy Generation Hades, the Olympian underworld, as Force Field: Pluto can project a force soon as he or she was born. field that gives him Shift X protection Appalled by this, Rhea gave birth to against energy, force, magic, and without Cronus' knowledge and physical attacks. raised him in secret. The adult Zeus Dimension Travel: Pluto can teleport eventually overthrew Cronus and from one dimension to another with freed his siblings. After the battle, Unearthly ability. Zeus imprisoned Cronus and his Strength Drain: Pluto can touch a fellow Titans in Tartarus, and know- victim and drain away 50 points of ing they would need a strong warder, Strength. When the victim falls to 0 assigned his brother Pluto rulership of the entire underworld.

8 Shortly thereafter, Pluto made a of the dead with Class 3000 ability. pact with the being known as Death, Illusion-Casting: Hela can create and became one of the so-called complex and completely realistic Death gods. From that time on, Pluto holograms at the Class 5000 rank. began to periodically launch Characters having reason to disbe- schemes aimed at overthrowing his lieve one of her illusions may attempt brother's rule aimed at securing a an Intuition FEAT roll; on a red result larger piece of the cosmic pie for they have reason to doubt the illu- himself and his true master. sion's true nature, but still feel it to be "real." A character that success- PLUTO'S FOOTSOLDIERS fully passes a Class 5000 Intensity F Rm 30 Health: 140 Intuition FEAT roll can ignore the A Rm 30 illusions altogether. S In 40 Karma: 40 Death Touch: Hela can cause a mor- E In 40 tal to die by simpling touching him or R Gd 10 her. This ability operates at the Class I Gd 10 1000 rank, and its victim must make P Ex 20 a Class 1000 intensity Endurance FEAT roll each round or lose one KNOWN POWERS: rank of Endurance (all checks are Armor. Pluto's special warriors have made using the target's original dense flesh which give them the Endurance level). When the victim's equivalent of Poor protection against Endurance reaches Shift 0, he or she physical and energy attacks. While dies and his or her spirit enters Hel. dressed for battle and wearing their Age Control: Hela can cause a victim armor, this protection is increased to to age with her glance. The victim Good. must make an Unearthly intensity Weapons: The soldiers are armed Psyche FEAT roll or age a number of with special spears that inflict Good years equal to the difference Edged weapon damage. between Hela's Psyche and his or her own. HELA Resurrection: Hela can restore gods Death Goddess of Asgard to life by using her Class 1000 resur- F 50 Am Health: rection ability to make a FEAT roll 1200 equal to the intensity of the target's A 50 Am Endurance. S 100 Un Karma: 170 True Flight: Hela can fly at Unearthly E 1000 Cl 1000 speeds through the air or space. R 30 Rm Resources: Levitation: Hela can levitate herself Mn(75) or others with Unearthly prowess. I 40 In Hand of Glory: This is a special P 100 Un Popularity: attack that inflicts Unearthly Edged -75 weapon damage upon its target. Hela can only use this power once KNOWN POWERS: per day. Body Armor: Hela's super dense WEAKNESS: Hela preserves her life Asgardian flesh grants her Good force by means of a cape and head- protection against physical (blunt, dress. Without these garments, she edged, and shooting) attacks, as well has a Strength and Endurance of as from energy attacks. Feeble, and cannot use any of her Invulnerability: Within the realms of superhuman powers. Hel and Niffleheim, Hela is immune TALENTS: Hela has a thorough to heat, cold, disease, radiation, knowledge of all lore involving the corrosives, and toxins. Nine Worlds (Unearthly Reason in Mind Control: Hela has complete these matters). control over the thoughts and actions CONTACTS: Hela is the ruler of Hel and Niffleheim. She is also acquaint-

9 ed with the deities of death in other against all attacks. pantheons, and is a direct servant of Undead Control: Seth has Shift X Death itself. control over the undead imprisoned within his realm. Most of the undead BACKGROUND: Legend has it that under Seth's command are of the Hela is the daughter of Loki and the lesser sort: zombies, skeletons, etc. sorceress giantess Angrboda. The Dimensional Winds: Seth travels from three goddesses of fate, the Norns, dimension to dimension by using a have warned the Asgardian gods force he calls the "dimensional that Hela will prove a great danger to winds." The dimensional winds can them. take Seth to the dimension of his himself decreed that, on the choice with Unearthly accuracy, and day of her maturity, Hela become the can sweep up anyone within two goddess and ruler of the spirits of the areas of him as well at his option. Asgardian dead. He reserved for Unwilling victims are allowed to himself the right to rule over Valhalla, make Amazing intensity Strength where the spirits of courageous war- FEAT rolls to avoid being trans- riors who died in battle reside. Hela ported. was given control of Hel and Niffle- Mind Control: Seth can control minds heim, both realms of the dead. For with his gaze. This ability functions ages, Hela has sought to bring more at the Amazing rank. Asgardian souls under her control, Kinetic Bolts: Seth can fire kinetic and especially longs to possess the bolts of Amazing intensity. souls of Odin and Thor. Invulnerability: Seth is immune to In recent years, Odin's attention Earth diseases, toxins, and aging. wandered from Valhalla. Hela tried to He is not, however, immortal. annex that realm to her own, hoping WEAKNESS: Seth only has one to consolidate her power over all . spirits of Asgard's dead. Eventually, CONTACTS: Seth rules the Heliopo- Odin noticed Hela's tresspass and litan land of the dead. He is also a forced her to withdraw. servant of Death, and is well Though Hela is stalled for the acquainted with the other Death present, no one doubts that she and gods. her army of dead will be back. BACKGROUND: The gods of Heliopolis came into existence over SETH several generations. Before there Heliopolitan God of the Dead were any gods, there was Nun, the essence of chaos and nothingness (a F 40 In Health: 230 relative of Voyd). Nun sired Atum, the A 40 In first god of the Heliopolitan panthe- S 75 Mn Karma: 170 on. Atum later took the aspect of Ra E 75 Mn and sired the next generation of R 30 Rm Resources: gods, Shu and Tefnut. Shu and Tef- Mn(75) nut begat Geb and Nut, who parent- I 40 In ed Seth. P 100 Un Popularity: Seth is the brother of Isis, -50 Nephthys, and Osiris. Shortly after his birth he was given sway over the KNOWN POWERS: realms of the dead. Later, Seth mur- Body Armor: Seth's super dense skin dered Osiris in order to gain the gives him Excellent protection from throne of Heliopolis; but Isis resur- blunt, edged, shooting, energy, and rected him. force attacks. Force Field: Seth can surround him- self with a field of magical energy that gives him Incredible protection

10 VOYD UATU The Watcher F 5000 Cl 5000 Health: 20,000 F 50 Am Health: 250 A 5000 Cl 5000 A 50 Am S 5000 Cl 5000 Karma: S 50 Am Karma: 300 4050 E 100 Un E 5000 Cl 5000 R 100 Un Resources: R 50 Am Resources: Un(100) Fe(2) I 100 Un I 1000 Cl 1000 P 100 Un Popularity: P 3000 Cl 3000 Popularity: 0 0 KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: Clairaudience: Unearthly range (2.5 Voyd can use all of the powers billion miles). detailed in the Players Book (or in Clairvoyance: Unearthly range. the Ultimate Powers Book if you have Communicate with Animals: Unearth- it) at the Class 1000 ability level. ly ability to speak with animals. WEAKNESS: Voyd is currently Communicate with Cybernetics: locked in a deep slumber. It would Unearthly ability to speak with intelli- take an enormous power (on the gent machines or to take readings order of that wielded by Death, Eter- from non-self-aware devices. nity, or Galactus) to revive him. Communicate with Plants: Uneathly BACKGROUND: Voyd is an ability to speak with the higher forms immense (500 + foot tall) demon, that of plant life. was created out of the emptiness Cosmic Awareness: Class 1000 "that spanned the gap between the awareness of this universe and sev- old universe and the creation of the eral others that exist as alternates. current (Marvel) universe. After his Empathy: The Unearthly ability to creation, Voyd was only conscious read emotions. for a brief instant before Death and Force Field Generation: Ability to Eternity were created, an event generate a Class 1000 force field. which placed so much strain on Voyd Gateway: Uatu has a Class 5000 that it flung him into a deep coma, range that can reach distances up to from which he has yet to emerge. 500 light years at a jump. For eons, Voyd lay unconscious in Immortality: Uatu is most likely sev- a small pocket dimension just eral million years old. He is appar- removed from the center of the uni- ently immune to aging and disease. verse. Recently, however, Death Kinetic Bolt: Uatu can fire bolts of seized Voyd and moved the helpless Unearthly intensity. creature to its inner sanctum, where Linguistics: Uatu has the Class 1000 it hoped to soon resurrect the demon ability to understand any language. by exploiting the power of Galactus. Mental Invisibility: He has the Class No matter what happens, Voyd's 1000 ability to render himself and role in this adventure will be anyone he chooses undetectable. extremely limited. He will probably Mind Probe: Unearthly rank probes only appear for a few seconds in of minds and psionic phenomena. Chapter 14, before being quickly Curiously, his use of this power or snapped back into his coma. telepathy gives its target Unearthly protection against any other entities attempting to do likewise. Remote Sensing: Unearthly ability to extend the range of all five of his senses. Self Sustenance: Uatu has never

11 been known to eat, drink, or be to destroy a still-forming Galactus. required to breathe. However, all Adult Watchers are assigned a star members of his race must occas- system to monitor for developing life. sionally bathe in particular radia- Uatu is considered the Watcher's tions. equivalent of a juvenile delinquent. : To aid their covert He has developed a fascination for surveillance of the universe, all the boisterous human race and has Watchers have Unearthly ability to decided to aid its development. Rath- transform themselves to what- er than overt help, though, he tends ever lifeform they are observing. to warn humans of impending dan- Telekinesis: He has Unearthly abili- ger or to directly suggest solutions to ties, mostly used to operate machin- their problems. He will usually ignore ery and fetch items. direct appeals for aid. Telelocation: He has the Class 5000 ability to locate anyone in the uni- DORMAMMU verse. Telepathy: Class 5000 communica- F 100 Un Health: 1275* tion with other Watchers and entities. A 100 Un Otherwise, Uatu decreases his rank S 75 Mn Karma: 250 to Unearthly when dealing with mor- E 1000 CL 1000 tals. R 75 Mn Resources: Teleportation: Class 5000 range (500 Mn(75) light years). I 75 Mn Total Memory: Uatu has Class 5000 P 100 Un Popularity: recall of everything he has ever -30 experienced. Levitation: Uatu can levitate at the *Dormammu draws all of his Unearthly rank. strength from his followers and cap- True Invulnerability: Uatu has Class tives. These figures may very 1000 resistance to all attacks. use any listed power as a spell, sub- depending upon the relatives ject to the limitations of Personal, TALENTS: Uatu possesses almost strengths of his followers at any any and all talents imaginable. Universal, and Dimensional energy given time, and Dormammu cannot restrictions, except for those specifi- CONTACTS: Because Watchers typi- be destroyed as long as some of his cally never help anyone, no one ever cally connected with the mainte- followers still exist. The stats above nance of order. He uses these helps them. However, Uatu's peculiar reflect Dormammu in his normal behavior has given him contacts with abilities at the Monstrous level state. Use the figures below while he [Unearthly level while he controls the Fantastic Four, his neighbors the has Galactus under his control. , and Galactus. Galactus], unless otherwise noted as power stunts. In addition, Dormam- BACKGROUND: The Watchers are F 100 Un Health: one of the first races to evolve in our mu regularly uses the following 1350 powers: universe. Originally, the Watchers A 100 Un decided to assist the races around S 150 Shift X Karma: 300 them in attaining high levels in tech- Counterspell: Dormammu can can- E 1000 CL 1000 cel out or tamper with the magical nology and (they hoped) civilization. R 75 Mn Unfortunately, their good intentions spells of others with Unearthly ability. I 75 Un For example, he once caused Thor were lost on some of their charges. P 150 Shift X One race to whom they gave nuclear to transform into his mortal guise, reversing an enchantment of Odin. technology created genocidal weap- All figures given in brackets below ons, destroying two civilizations. To do this, Dormammu must make a refer are applicable only while Dor- FEAT roll at an intensity equal to the Shocked by the results of their inter- mammu controls Galactus. ference, the Watchers decided that power rank of the original enchant- ment. [This power is raised to Shift X they would only observe the Uni- KNOWN POWERS: verse and never again interfere. while he controls Galactus]. Magical Ability: Dormammu was Dimensional Aperture: Dormammu They hold to this pledge even when once the Sorceror Supreme of the they are aware that incredible disas- can step through a dimensional aper- Dark Dimension and is, in any case, ture or teleport himself into the Earth ter results from their inactivity. For an extremely powerful being. He may example, a Watcher had the chance dimension only on Halloween night,

12 and only after his followers have let allows its wearer to perfectly mim- performed a special ceremony. He ic any other known creature. This does so with Unearthly ability. ability functions at a power rank of Eldritch Attacks: Dormammu is Class 1000 and the wearer gains all capable of launching Monstrous of the abilities, and the appearance intensity eldritch attacks. [Raised to of the target. This item can only be Shift X while he controls Galactus]. used to mimic one target per month. Growing: Dormammu has Class Dormammu will use the amulet to 1000 growth powers. He can become pose as Captain Mar-Veil in Chapters hundreds of feet tall. [Class 3000 6 through 9. while he has Galactus]. Illusion: Dormammu can cast TALENTS: Dormammu is a master of Amazing rank illusions. [Monstrous Occult Lore (Shift Z Reason in such while he has Galactus]. matters). Interdimensional Teleportation: BACKGROUND: Little is known of Dormammu can teleport anywhere Dormammu's origins, other than that within his dimension. This includes he is a member of the extra- the ability to slip into interdimen- dimensional Faltine race. With the sional space and travel back in time help of his sister, , he defeated in any dimension. The use of this the invasion of the Mindless Ones power results in a -2 CS to Dor- and became the ruler of the Dark mammu's Psyche and the power Dimension, increasing his magical ranks of his spells for 24 hours. In abilities by transforming his body into addition there is also the normal -1 mystical energy. He then consoli- CS for being in another dimension. dated his power, exiled his sister, and Matter Rearrangement: Dormam- eventually became Sorcerer mu has this power at Unearthly level. Supreme of the Dark Dimension. [Shift X while he has Galactus]. As a result of his most recent Nature Control—All: Dormammu defeat, Dormammu was scattered can control nature and the four basic across the universe. He was not, elements with Unearthly prowess. however, permanently destroyed, but Shrinking: He has Unearthly shrink- just severely weakened. During his ing powers. absence, both Umar and Clea have Telepathy: Class 1000 ability. Dor- been Sorceress Supreme of the Dark mammu can telepathically contact Dimension. Dormammu's major anyone across the dimensions. goals are to recapture his position as Transformation: Dormammu can Sorcerer Supreme, and to conqueror use this magical power on himself or the Earth dimension to avenge his other beings with Unearthly prowess. many defeats at the hands of Doctor Strange. MAGICAL ITEMS: Dormammu dis- covered two extremely potent magi- cal artifacts in the limbo in which Doctor Strange imprisoned him after F 20 Ex Health: 100 their last encounter. These are A 20 Ex described below: S 30 Rm Karma: 170 E 30 Rm of Orpheus: When cast into R 20 Ex Resources: the air, the dust of Orpheus casts a Mn(75) powerful sleep spell upon everyone I 50 Am within seven areas of the user P 100 Un Popularity: (except for the user himself). This 70 spell operates at the Class 1000 rank. Dormammu will use the dust to KNOWN POWERS: put all of the heroes to sleep in Magical Ability: Clea is the Sorceress Chapter 9. Supreme of the Dark Dimension, and Amulet of Wandarr-Karr: The amu-

13 has studied under Doctor Strange. Strange, the rebels bested Umar's Her magical powers are very formi- forces. Clea then defeated Umar in dable. She can use most listed personal combat and, by the peo- powers as spells at the Amazing ple's consent, became Sorceress rank. In addition, she has the follow- Supreme. ing magical powers available to her: MINDLESS ONES Astral Projection (P): Monstrous level. P 30 Rm Health: 64 -Individual (P): Amazing. A 4 Pr Telepathy (P): Unearthly. Clea can S 10 Gd Karma: 6 telepathically appear to all of her E 20 Ex subjects or contact characters in R 2 Fb other dimensions. I 2 Fb Barrier (U): As ruler of her realm, P 2 Fb Clea draws power from the Dark Dimension in order to maintain an KNOWN POWERS: Unearthly strength barrier around the Thick Skin: The Mindless Ones have dwelling place of the Mindless Ones. skin that acts as Excellent body There is a chance that this barrier armor. will collapse in Chapter 9. Eye Beam: The single oval eye that Conjure (U): Amazing. each of the Mindless Ones possess- Matter Rearrangement (U): es fires an energy beam that causes Unearthly. Excellent damage. The beam can Nature Control (U): With great con- only be fired at a range of one area centration, Clea can control the and does Force damage. physical appearance of her dimen- Mindlessness: Because these beings sion. are mindless, powers that affect the Eldritch Beams (U): Amazing. mind (such as Confusion, Fear, Men- Teleportation (U): Monstrous. this barrier upon numerous occas- tal Control, and Mesmerism) have no sions, caused chaos, and then been Dimensional Aperture (D): effect upon them. Amazing. returned to their confines. These Environmental Independence: They creatures travel in large packs of need not eat, sleep, or breathe, but TALENTS: Clea is trained in Martial between ten and 100 and have never seem to derive their energy from an entered the Earth dimension. Arts A. inexhaustible internal supply. It is BACKGROUND: Clea is the daugh- unknown if they ever age or die. ter of Umar, a member of the Faltine Inexhaustible: The Mindless Ones DARK DIMENSION race, and of Prince Orinim the son of never tire and never cease moving INHABITANT, Typical Olnar, former ruler of the Dark and fighting. If defeated, they will lay Dimension. Clea was raised by Orini, as if dead for 3 rounds, then rise up F 6 Ty Health: 28 and, until recently, only Umar and and begin fighting again. Karma is A 10 Gd Orini knew that Umar was Clea's granted as normal for defeating S 6 Ty Karma: 26 mother. Clea befriended and aided them. E 6 Ty Doctor Strange on his first journeys BACKGROUND: The Mindless R 6 Ty into the Dark Dimension, as Strange Ones, gray humanoids with slightly I 10 Gd engaged in battle with the dread bulkier and taller bodies than human P 10 Gd Dormammu. The camaraderie beings, lived in a pocket cosmos that between Clea and Strange led to was accidentally absorbed into the KNOWN POWERS: them falling in love. Attempting to Dark Dimension. In rebellion, they Magical Ability: The Dark Dimension escape the vengeance and manipu- killed many of that dimension's mag- seems to have more than its fair lations of Dormammu and Umar, ic wielders, including Olnar, its ruler. share of spellcasters. Clea went to live with Doctor Strange Dormammu, who was later to BACKGROUND: The inhabitants of on Earth, where she was his lover become Sorceror Supreme of the the Dark Dimension are quite similar and disciple. Clea eventually dimension, herded them up and to humans, with the exception of the returned to her own dimension and locked them behind a special magi- apparent ease with which they can lead a rebel force against the tyranny cal barrier. They have escaped from control the forces of magic. of Umar. With the aid of Doctor

14 THANOS , Spider Man, and Adam Thanos of Titan (deceased) , Thanos slew Warlock, whose life force was absorbed by his F 75 Mn Health: 305 own soul gem. Thanos defeated the A 30 Rm Avengers, but Spider Man and the S 100 Un Karma: 120 Thing rescued them. Spider Man E 100 Un then released Warlock's spirit from R 50 Am Resources: the soul gem, and it turned Thanos Am(50) to stone. I 20 Ex Because of his exemplary service in P 50 Am Popularity: life, Death rewarded Thanos after his -100 death by assigning his soul to Mephis- to's realm, where he now functions as KNOWN POWERS: an advisor and lieutenant. Invulnerabilities: Thanos is com- pletely invulnerable to heat, cold, CAPTAIN MARVEL energy, electricity, radiation, toxins, Mar-Vell of the Kree (deceased) and disease. He could be afected by Slam and Stun results, but a perma- F 30 Rm Health: 130 nent death required the complete A 30 Rm destruction of his body. S 40 In Karma: 90 Body Armor: Thanos' hide gives him E 30 Rm Monstrous protection against physi- R 10 Gd Resources: cal attacks, and Amazing protection Pr(4) against all forms of energy to which I 50 Am he is vulnerable. P 30 Rm Popularity: Life Support: Thanos has Class 1000 55 Life Support and can withstand pro- longed exposure to space. KNOWN POWERS: able power and range. Energy Blasts: Thanos can projects Nega-Bands: These Kree weapons TALENTS: Mar-Veil used Martial Arts bolts of Unearthly Force or Energy worn on each wrist, provided Mar- A and E in combat, and had Military from his hands. Vell with several powers: and Detective/Espionage skills. Psionic Attack: Amazing rank. CONTACTS: Mar-Veil's friends Teleportation: Thanos can teleport * Remarkable body armor. included , the Avengers, with Unearthly ability, but never in * Flight: Remarkable speeds in the and Drax the Destroyer. battle. He can carry ten people with atmosphere; Class 1000 in BACKGROUND: Mar-Veil, a Kree war him with ease. space. hero, was sent to Earth as a pawn of TALENTS: Thanos was a genius * Unearthly life support in outer both and the level intellect. He has the Engineer- space. (whose schemes ing and Repair/Tinkering talents. * Psychic Transfer: Captain Marvel were in conflict); the latter scheme BACKGROUND: Thanos, the son of and Rick Jones had a psychic link required the psychic link with Jones. and the brother of , through the bands. Only one of the Mar-Veil helped protect the Earth from was a Eternal. As an adult, two could exist on Earth at any Kree interference. He aided the he set out on a career of conquest. given time, but the two personae Avengers in the Kree- War and His first target was his home planet, could communicate telepathically. later against Thanos; Mar-Veil gained which he devastated with nuclear The one who was not on Earth was his solar and cosmic awareness weapons. By this time, he had in the . The transfer powers after these adventures. He become a worshipper of Death. He occured automatically when the one died of cancer shortly thereafter. then went to Earth to obtain the first on Earth slammed the bands Captain Marvel does not really Cosmic Cube. Despite the power he together; the other would appear appear in this adventure. Dormam- gained from the cube, he was defeat- wearing the bands. mu uses one of his powerful magic ed by Captain Mar-Veil and the Cosmic Awareness: The cosmic items to impersonate Mar-Veil. Dur- Avengers. His second scheme being Eon granted Captain Marvel ing this period, use the above stats involved siphoning power from six this power at Monstrous rank. for Dormammu (though he can call "soul gems" to build a weapon that Solar Bolts: Captain Marvel had the upon his own magical abilities at any caused supernovae. Opposed by the power to fire energy bolts of Remark- time if need be).

15 THE PURPLE MAN Zebediah Kilgrave (deceased)

F 10 Gd Health: 50 A 10 Gd S 10 Gd Karma: 40 E 20 Ex R 20 Ex Resources: Rm(30) I 10 Gd P 10 Gd Popularity: -10

KNOWN POWERS: Pheromones: The Purple Man was capable of releasing powerful psycho-active chemicals from his body which tended to sap a target's will and subject him or her to the Purple Man's direct commands. This power functions automatically and at Monstrous rank. TALENTS: Purple Man was skilled in Martial Arts A, and also possessed the Espionage talent. BACKGROUND: Killgrave was a former Soviet spy who acquired his mind control powers in a bizarre chemical accident. After acquiring his powers he repeatedly battled Daredevil and Spider Man until he eventually met his end during a bat- tle with the Avengers. After his death, Purple Man's soul was con- fined to Mephisto's realm.


Official Game Adventure

The Left Hand of Eternity By Ray Winninger

Adventure Book

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ...... 2 Pregenerated Heroes: ...... 3 ...... 3 Firelord ...... 4 ...... 5 Chapter 1: The Summons ...... 6 Chapter 2: And Now Mephisto ...... 7 Chapter 3: A Rock...... 10 Chapter 4:.. . And A Hot Place ...... 11 Chapter 5: Riddled! ...... 12 Chapter 6: The Iron Labyrinth ...... 12 Chapter 7: A Tempting Offer...... 14 Chapter 8: From Here To Eternity...... 16 Chapter 9: At Last Galactus ...... 17 Chapter 10: The Darkest Dimension ...... 19 Chapter 11: Into Hades ...... 24 Chapter 12: Where Were You Going? ...... 27 Chapter 13: Back To Mephisto's Realm ...... 29 Chapter 14: And Voyd ...... 29 Epilogue ...... 32

Map of the Iron Labyrinth...... Inside Cover Map of Mephisto's Realm ...... Inside Cover Pregenerated Heroes Summary ...... Inside Cover Mephisto's Hourglass ...... Inside Cover Map of the Dark Dimension ...... Map Sheet Map of Death's Inner Sanctum ...... Map Sheet Landscape Map #1 ...... Map Sheet Landscape Map #2 ...... Map Sheet


Design: Ray Winninger Editing: Scott D. Haring Cover Illustration: Mike Machlan and Lori Svikel Interior Illustrations: Angel Medina TSR, Inc. PO Maps: Diesel Box 756 Lake Typesetting: Kim Janke and Betty Elmore Geneva, Wl Keyline: Stephanie Tabat TSR, Inc. 53147 U.S.A. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATIONTM

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. and Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.

MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the Marvel Entertainment Group Inc. All Marvel characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. ©1988 Marvel Entertainment Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The TSR logo and PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Game Design ©1988 TSR, Inc. AH Rights Reserved. The Left Hand of Eternity is a high which unfolded in Cosmos Cubed, energies from the souls imprisoned powered role-playing adventure for however, Death has been hatching a within their individual realms. The ™ plot that will finally tip the scales in amount of power they receive from a Game. It contains: its favor, enabling it to destroy Eterni- soul depends upon how much power — one 16-page Resource Book, ty once and for all and gain domina- the soul wielded in life. Imprisoning describing the major non-player tion over the universe. Death itself someone as powerful as Galactus characters the heroes will encounter set into motion the Elders' plot within the realm of a Death god during play. against Galactus, knowing full well would vastly increase his or her ener- — one 32-page Adventure Book, what would happen when they finally gies over time, eventually granting describing the player characters, turned the Cosmic Cube upon him. the being enough power to awaken minor non-player characters, and the Death correctly guessed that while the slumbering Voyd. adventure itself. fragmented into individual compo- After Death reached its amended — a four-color, full-size map depict- nents, Galactus would be disoriented agreement with Galactus and ing Dormammu's Dark Dimension, and open toward an alliance against brought him back to its realms, it Death's pocket realm, and some of Eternity, who would be no match for auctioned off the right to imprison the adventure's other important loca- their combined might. him among the Death gods. At the tions. Death hopes to use Galactus' auction, Mephisto won Galactus with — a facsimile prop of Mephisto's enormous energies to reactivate the a bid of 40 million souls to be distrib- hourglass. creature known as Voyd, an uted to his peers, an offer which — and a summary of the pregener- immensely powerful demon that was none of the other Death gods could ated heroes, for reference during born out of the emptiness which touch. play (inside back cover). bridged the gap between the old Needless to say, Mephisto's bid universe and the new. Shortly after was very displeasing to the other As judge, review these compo- Death, Eternity, and the Marvel Uni- Death gods. With someone as pow- nents carefully. Running an adven- verse were created, Voyd fell into a erful as Galactus in his realm, ture of this scale is quite taxing, and deep slumber, from which he has Mephisto would soon be infinitely requires detailed knowledge of the never emerged. If he could be reani- more powerful than any of them, story, the setting, and the characters mated, it is almost certain that Voyd granting him greater favor with their involved. After reading the Resource would launch an all out assault on master and tipping the cosmic scales Book, make sure to keep it handy Eternity in order to restore the uni- in his favor. This situation was unac- during play; you will probably find verse to the nothingness which cre- ceptable enough to goad Seth, Hela, yourself referring to it constantly. ated Voyd in the first place. The two and Pluto into striking a secret alli- The pregenerated hero summary beings would then destroy each oth- ance against Mephisto, aimed at on the back cover provides a ready er (and, henceforth almost all of cre- gaining control of Galactus for them- reference for consultation during ation), leaving a somewhat depleted selves. play. If the players do not use the universe for Death alone. Death has For now, Death has yet to inform pregenerated heroes, create a simi- never risked using its own powers to its minions of its ultimate aims in lar reference sheet for their heroes. rejuvenate Voyd, because it believes order to avoid attracting attention. It that doing so might consume it for- is still waiting for Mephisto to Death and Its Plan ever. become powerful enough to help it Just who or what is this Death? When the heroes of Earth unex- rejuvenate Voyd. Well, when the Marvel Universe was pectedly interfered and restored created several thousand eons ago, Galactus' memories before his ener- Impossible FEATs two beings were born: Eternity and gies could be exploited (in Use the Impossible FEATs optional Death. Eternity is made up of the and Roll), however, Death was forced rule on page 15 of the Player's Book. stars, planets, living creatures, physi- to modify its plan. By imprisoning This rule prevents a hero from mak- cal objects, and space itself. Death is Galactus within its realms, Death is ing any FEAT roll that has an Intensi- Eternity's opposite, made up of still able to indirectly tap his power. ty which exceeds his or her ability by hatred, famine, plague, and destruc- You see, ruling over the Realms of more than one rank. tion. Ever since their creation, these Death are a number of Death's loyal two beings have been locked in an servants, called Death gods (Mephis- Rollcall eternal struggle. to, Hela, Pluto, Seth, etc). Each of This adventure was specifically Normally, there is a near-perfect the Death gods is given dominion designed for a hero team consisting balance of power between Eternity over a certain portion of Death's of: Thor, the Silver Surfer, Nova, Doc- and Death, with neither able to gain realm in which are imprisoned the tor Strange, Mantis, Gladiator, Fire- the upper hand. Since the events souls of certain dead mortals. The lord, and Beta Ray Bill. Descriptions Death gods draw their strength and

2 and statistics for the first four heroes can be found in the Judge's Book (Thor, page 39; Silver Surfer, page 37; Nova, page 55; Doctor Strange, page 28). The other four are detailed below. Karma Points At the end of each chapter, a list of suggested Karma Point bonuses (or losses) appears. These points are to be split evenly among the heroes participating in the events of the chapter, though you have the option of giving more of the points to heroes who do the lion's share of the work. If the characters elect to form a Karma Pool for the adventure, all Karma Point awards go directly to the pool.

MANTIS (Update) Real Name Unrevealed

F 40 In Health: 116 A 40 In S 6 Ty Karma: 76 E 30 Rm R 6 Ty Resources: Fe (2) trol of her body, which she can use to circumstances, Mantis could proba- I 20 Ex heal herself with Amazing results. bly also call upon Shalla Bal, the P 50 Am Popularity: 20 Resistances: Mantis has Incredible Empress of Zenn La. Shalla Bal is resistance to toxins and diseases the Silver Surfer's former love, and KNOWN POWERS: that affect animal life; but no special the empress of his homeworld. Empathy: The Priests of Parma train- defenses against diseases that affect Although she is jealous of Mantis, ed Mantis to feel the emotions of any vegetable matter. Shalla Bal would probably aid her if living creature with Amazing accu- Teleportation: Mantis may transfer possible. racy. She can now use her empathic her life essence into any plant. She abilities to communicate with plant may even travel across space by GLADIATOR life anywhere in the universe. transferring her life essence into a Shi'ar Healing: Since becoming the Celes- plant on another planet. This ability tial Madonna, Mantis has learned to acts as Class 1000 Teleportation, F 75 Mn Health: 725 instill her life essence into medicinal with no range limit. Mantis does, A 50 Am herbs and poultices to help others however, need several minutes to S 100 Un Karma: 675 heal with Unearthly effect. create a new body at her destination. E 500 Shift Z Life Support: Because her body is TALENTS: R 100 Un Resources: now composed of mental energy, Mantis is skilled in Martial Arts A, B, Mn(75) Mantis can withstand hostile environ- D, and E. The Priests of Parma also I 75 Mn ments (Shift Z protection) for an trained her in the Resist Domination P 500 Shift Z Popularity: 15 indefinite time. talent. (100 in the Plant Control: As Madonna, CONTACTS: Mantis is currently a Empire) Mantis carries the spark of plant life close friend of the Silver Surfer. She within her body, giving her Unearthly also has strong ties to the Avengers. KNOWN POWERS: control over all plant life. She may As Celestial Madonna, Mantis bore Invulnerabilities: Gladiator has the call upon plants anywhere to do her the son of the eldest on Earth, equivalent of Unearthly body armor bidding. so she has strong ties with the tree- against physical and energy attacks. Recovery: Mantis has complete con- like Cotati race. Under desperate He has Shift Z protection against

3 heat, cold, gas, disease, and most FIRELORD radiation, though it is known that he Pyreus Kril of is vulnerable to certain unspecified types of radiation. F 75 Mn Health :325 Life Support: Gladiator's constitution A 100 Un enables him to withstand the rigors S 50 Am Karma: 110 of deep space and hostile environ- E 100 Un ments, giving him the equivalent of R 30 Rm Resources: Shift Z protection from these forces. Pr(4) Flight: Gladiator can fly both in space I 50 Am and in a planet's atmosphere. His air P 30 Rm Popularity: 0 speed in space is Class 5000, but he slows down in a planet's atmosphere KNOWN POWERS: in order to prevent the Shockwaves Energy Conversion: Firelord possess- that his normal flight speed would es the Unearthly ability to draw in cause on the planet's surface. If he is cosmic energy from his surroundings flying at a safe altitude, Gladiator can and transform it into useable forms. fly at Shift Z speeds within an atmos- This may be for sustenance or to fuel phere. Otherwise, his speed is lim- his other powers. The visible mani- ited to Incredible. festation of this power is the fiery Psychic Reflection: Any character aura emitted from his hair and eyes. that attempts to make a psionic Firelord can channel this energy into attack against Gladiator must make a several Power Stunts that duplicate yellow Psyche FEAT roll. If the roll other powers; these all function at succeeds, the attacker realizes the Unearthly rank: nature of Gladiator's psychic defens- Fire Generation es and is able to break off his or her Fire Control attack at the last moment. If the Gravity Control FEAT roll fails, the character's psio- Heat Generation nic attack is instantly turned back Light Generation upon him or her, but at -1 CS to its Light Control strength. Plasma Generation Heat Beams: Gladiator can project Plasma Control heat beams from his eyes which Radio Generation strike for Monstrous damage at a Radiowave Control range of 10 areas. Sonic Generation Heightened : Gladiator's vision Sonic Control is far more accurate than that of a Thermal Control normal person. Consider his Intuition Energy Sheath: Firelord is surround- rank to be Unearthly when rolling to ed by a fiery field that gives him determine whether or not he can Amazing protection against physical a distant person or object. and energy attacks. This field is not actually combustion. It does not ITEMS: Gladiator carries an inflat- damage anything Firelord touches. able incarceration bubble that can However, as a Power Stunt, Firelord hold up to six human-sized oppo- can temporarily increase the intensi- nents. He uses this portable jail cell ty of the field, enabling him to do to carry criminals and subversives Amazing damage to anything he through space with him. The material touches. strength of the bubble is Monstrous. Self-Sustenance: Firelord does not eat, drink, or breathe. He has Shift Z CONTACTS: Within the Shi'ar protection against the rigors of space Empire, Gladiator has an untold or hostile environments. number of friends ranging from high- Life Detection: He has the Unearthly level government officials to skilled ability to detect the presence of life technical craftsmen. energies within 500 light years.

4 Flight: Firelord can attain Class 1000 Thor's hammer, . Break- speed. Once his maximum speed is er has the following abilities: reached he can enter hyperspace to * Returning: The hammer always instantaneously reach any section of returns to its thrower's hand and is the universe. caught in the same round it is Immortality: Due to Galactus' restruc- thrown. Bill can throw the hammer turing of his body, Firelord would up to 10 areas. have to be completely disintegrated *Weather Control: Bill can use Storm before he could die. Kill results do Breaker to call storms with Unearth- not affect Firelord, but Slams and ly ability. He can also call up light- Stuns do. ning bolts that strike for Monstrous Staff: Firelord carries a 5-foot rod of damage, and can issue these bolts Class 1000 material, using it as a directly from the hammer. focal point for his cosmic energies. * Dimension Travel: By spinning the Although he can use his powers hammer in a certain fashion, Bill without the staff, he receives a +1 can travel to other dimensions and CS to all of his cosmic powers while span great distances through using it. space. * Flight: By throwing Storm Breaker TALENTS: Firelord was once the first and grasping its thong, Bill can officer of a Xandarian starship. As attain Amazing flight speeds. He such, he possesses Military training can then mentally control his flight and Astro-Navigational abilities. path, with the only limit to how much the hammer can lift being CONTACTS: As Pyreus, he has the Bill's own strength. and the Xandarian peo- *Alter Ego: Bill's visage is ple as a Contact. As Firelord, his the result of biogenetic changes. original friend was Galactus. Since Odin has enchanted Bill's hammer then he has become friends with with the ability to transform him Thor and Starfox. back to his original humanoid form upon his will. While in his original BETA RAY BILL form, Bill's abilities are: (English Translation of Alien Name) F A S E R I P F 100 Un Health: 330 Ex Ex Ex Ex Rm Ex Am A 30 Rm Health: 80 Karma: 100 S 100 Un Karma: 100 E 100 Un Skuttlebutt: Skuttlebutt is Bill's senti- R 30 Rm Resources: ent starship. This huge warship may 10(Gd) move at Class 1000 speed through I 20 Ex space. It is armed with blasters P 50 Am Popularity: 30 (Unearthly damage), and has Inredi- ble reason and armor. Skuttlebutt is KNOWN POWERS: self-repairing. Body Armor: Bill's bio-engineered Sensor Implant: The scientists that body provides him with Excellent created Bill also grafted a special body armor. sensor into his body. Using this sen- Invulnerability: Beta Ray Bill has sor, Bill can locate his space fleet's Class 1000 immunity to disease. precise location across great inter- Resistance: Bill has Shift X resist- stellar distances (Class 1000 range). ance to heat, cold, electricity, and radiation. Storm Breaker: Storm Breaker is Bill's hammer. It was crafted by Odin and the of Nidavellir, and is made of the same uru metal as

5 SUMMARY: Uatu the Watcher sum- itself) draw much of their arcane mons the heroes and reminds them tie on their home ground. strength from the souls that are of the importance of freeing Galactus At this moment, Galactus is imprisoned within their own individ- from the realms of Death. being held in the realm of Mephis- ual realms. to, one of Death's many vassals. *Finally, that the amount of strength STARTING: If you have played Mephisto's realm would make a that the Death gods draw from their through ME2—Ragnarok and Roll, fitting destination. I am afraid that prisoners is a function of the pris- this chapter may be unnecessary; my vows of non-interference pre- oner's own power. A being as pow- see "Alternate Start" below for vent me from giving you any fur- erful as Galactus would provide its instructions. If the heroes do not ther information." captor with enormous new ener- qualify for the alternate start, Uatu gies, perhaps trebling the capabili- will summon them to his home on the ENCOUNTER: The heroes are now ties of someone on of moon. If you have completed ME2, assembled in front of Uatu on the Mephisto, though this power is this summons will come just after the moon. He used his vast powers to acquired gradually. closing events of that adventure, and teleport them there. All of the heroes just before the heroes leave Oly- automatically know of Uatu and his Alternate Start. At the conclusion mpus. If not, read the players the duties, so you might have to provide of Ragnarok and Roll it is possible summary of events ("The Story So a little background to any of the play- that Galactus planted telepathic mes- Far") found earlier in this booklet, ers that are not familiar with the sages in the minds of the heroes, making sure to stop at the section character from reading Marvel Com- requesting that they come and res- labeled "Death and Its Plan," and ics. cue him from Death's realm. If this inform them that they suddenly find Uatu's Response to Questions. was the case, it is quite possible that themselves in the Watcher's hidden Uatu is unable to provide any further they will make an effort to track citadel located on the moon. Read information because of his vows of Galactus down and proceed to the following text to the players: non-involvement. If the PCs harrass Mephisto's realm without need of any him and press for details, he will end prompting from the Watcher. Note the encounter by simply fading out that Doctor Strange can easily figure Suddenly, you find yourselves and leaving them alone on the moon. amongst a row of gleeming blue out that Galactus is being held in Uatu's device. If you are using Mephisto's realm by exercising his metallic structures on the star-lit your own heroes for this encounter, surface of the moon. Before you is magic. In this case, skip the whole and none of them are capable of encounter with the Watcher and the being you have come to recog- inter-dimensional travel, Uatu will nize as Uatu, the Watcher. For a award the players the extra Karma provide the party with one of the detailed below. If Galactus planted moment, Uatu stands expression- many inventions he has stored away less and absolutely still. Just as the telepathic messages, but the in his home: a small silver globe that heroes are unsure of how to pro- you are beginning to become rest- has the Unearthly ability to transport less, however, his slight frame and ceed, go ahead and send them to everyone touching it to the dimen- Uatu. In any case, allow Doctor over-sized cranium are suddenly sion of his or her choice. gracefully animated. Strange (or any other character with Doctor Strange's Knowledge. At the appropriate Talent) to make the "Greetings once again, my this point, by making an Occult Lore friends. You have done well so far, knowledge FEAT roll discussed Talent FEAT roll, Doctor Strange (or above. but one final task remains before any other character with this talent) you. Galactus must be freed from can draw a few conclusions from the AFTERMATH: The heroes should the realms of Death. His continu- situation at hand. This FEAT is of ing presence there is a threat to now be determined to proceed to Excellent Intensity (note that Doctor Mephisto's realm in search of Galac- the entire cosmos. Strange's Reason is Monstrous con- This will undoubtedly be your tus. Traveling to this dimension is cerning Occult Lore). Success automatically successful for the most harrowing challenge yet. means that the character knows: Part of the bargain that Galactus Watcher's Device or any of the pre- made with Death is that a mortal generated characters with the appro- *AII about the relationship between priate powers. must be given the opportunity to Death and the Death gods. Fill in win his freedom; but exactly how any appropriate background info KARMA: that is to be accomplished was left that the player does not have from unspecified. In order to accom- Attacking Uatu: -80 reading the comics. Agreeing to go after Galactus: +10 plish your quest, you will be forced *That the Death gods and many to subject yourselves to the terms Going after Galactus without any other extra-dimensional entities prompting from the Watcher: +15 of Death and its minions, and bat- (and probably, ultimately, Death

6 SUMMARY: The heroes travel to Mephisto's dimension in search of Galactus, quickly meeting up with Mephisto himself, who lays down the conditions they must meet in order to free Galactus.

STARTING: Whatever form of trans- port the heroes used to travel to Mephisto's domain is nearly instanta- neous. They soon find themselves perched among the fiery landscapes of the demon lord's realm. Read the following text to the players:

Mephisto's realm is a dreadfully dark place; the only light is a faint red glow that fills the air overhead. You are currently standing on a vast plain of cracked granite that stretches out in all directions for as far as you can see. All about you is the harsh stink of brimstone, though the air is still and calm. It is almost too quiet here. The only noise you can hear is a faint moaning which seems to be com- ing from everywhere, and nowhere.

Mephisto's Realm. There are a few peculiar abnormalities that mani- fest themselves in Mephisto's domain. The following are all physi- cal laws within Mephisto's dimen- sion. They are all as absolutely inviolable as the law of gravity on our own world:

*Any promise or pact that is made by a sentient creature while within the boundaries of Mephisto's realm must be kept. Once you give your word on something, you are abso- lutely bound to it. Of course, this law effects Mephisto and his fol- lowers as well. *The mechanics of flight are greatly changed within Mephisto's dimen- sion. None of the PCs will be able to use any sort of flight power within Mephisto's realm due to the radical- ly different physics. Mephisto and his followers, however, have adapt- ed to the alien environment and can fly at will.

7 *And finally, using the dimension in 10 chance that the lightning will Chapter 1, allow them to try again. travel power to enter or leave attack a random hero per round. The Intensity of the roll is now Good. Mephisto's realm is only possible in The lightning attacks with Mon- Success means that the character the First Circle (see below). strous Agility and does Monstrous gains all the information outlined in damage. Chapter 1 (and hence understands ENCOUNTER: Just after the players The lightning storm is considered why Mephisto is suddenly so much get their bearings and decide upon a to be of Shift Y intensity for the more powerful than he has ever course of action, the red sky over- purpose of any efforts the heroes been before). head will suddenly be split by fierce make to control or dissipate it (by Bargaining with Mephisto. At lightning. As the lightning storm using Thor's or Beta Ray Bill's ham- some point, the heroes will probably begins to intensify, the ground mers, for example). confess that they have come to res- beneath the heroes feet starts to *On the sixth round of combat, the cue Galactus. At the mere sugges- rumble and split. Ask the players to entire battlefield suddenly erupts tion of a rescue, Mephisto will loudly position their characters on Land- and churns. Each hero that does bellow and inform the players that scape #1 (found on the reverse of not pass an Incredible Intensity flight is impossible; Galactus must the game map), and enact the Agility FEAT takes Amazing dam- remain in the underworld forever. sequence of events described below: age. At this point, any of Mephisto's The heroes must now remind thralls that remain will flee the area. Mephisto that part of the pact that *On the first round of combat, roll *On the seventh round of battle, Galactus made with Death stated 3D10 and find each of the three Mephisto himself springs up that a mortal had to be given the numbers you rolled on the diagram through the huge breach in ground. opportunity to free him. Mephisto will below. The trembling ground opens At this point, he already has then grudgingly concede this point up a rift in each of these spaces. If absorbed much of the power gener- and offer the following conditions for any hero is in a space that opens a ated by keeping Galactus captive in Galactus' freedom: rift, he or she must make a Remark- his realm, and uses the bracketed able Intensity Agility FEAT roll in statistics found in the Resource *In order to free Galactus, the order to avoid falling into the open- Book. In his new form, Mephisto is heroes must reach him. If they ing rift for Amazing damage. A hero 100 feet tall and takes up five adja- accept his terms, Mephisto will tell in an adjacent area that passes an cent areas. He is now so powerful the heroes exactly where Galactus Incredible Agility FEAT roll can that he instantly detected the is; but they must reach him on their catch a comrade that is about to fall heroes' intrusion into his realm and own. The instant the heroes reach into the rift, preventing him or her arranged this little encounter as a and free Galactus, Mephisto will from taking any damage. nuisance for them. He says to the allow them all to leave his realm. *Beginning on the second round of characters: *Mephisto is not allowed to use his combat, three of Mephisto's demon- own personal powers to impede the ic thralls (see the Resource Book "FOOLISH MORTALS. Who dares heroes on their quest in any way; for stats) begin arriving at the site enter my domain? Although I but his agents and lackeys may per round. The demons will instant- admit that I admire your pluck, it molest them at will. ly begin attacking the heroes from will still be immensely gratifying to *And finally, the heroes only have 24 the air and will not cease fighting watch you suffer in the pit for all hours in which to find and rescue until they have been knocked out. eternity. Before I cast you down, Galactus. If they fail to do so within On the second round and each however, pray tell what inspired a 24-hour period, they too must round thereafter, make two more this astounding feat of bravado?" remain prisoners within Mephisto's rolls to check for possible rifts. After realm for all eternity! the first round of combat, the trem- As Mephisto speaks, raw energy bling becomes more intense (Agility crackles about his person. It should AFTERMATH: Once the heroes FEAT rolls are now Incredible and be obvious to the players that in his accept Mephisto's conditions (they Amazing Intensity; and, beginning supercharged state, Mephisto is really have no choice in the matter; on round four, damage is Mon- more than a match for the group of Mephisto will refuse to agree to any- strous). Due to their familiarity with them. If they persist and attack the thing less), the demon lord will the area, Mephisto's demonic demon lord anyway, Mephisto will present them with a map marking thralls are immune to the effects of use his vast powers to quickly inca- Galactus' location. (A copy of the the rifts and the lightning (see pacitate the heroes and repeat his map is on the inside front cover of below). . If Doctor Strange or any the module.) Mephisto's realm is *Beginning on the third round of other hero(es) with the Occult Knowl- divided into nine seperate "circles." combat, fierce lightning begins edge Talent failed their FEAT rolls in Galactus is located in the third circle. striking the battlefield. There is a 3 Each circle is actually a small pocket

8 dimension unto itself, and passing from one to the next is often REFEREE'S MAP: LANDSCAPE #1 extremely challenging. Mephisto will then conjure up a large hourglass that will begin to tick off their remain- ing time. From now on, the heroes actions will be rigidly timed. As the heroes' time winds down, use the hourglass prop found on the inside cover to keep the players constantly aware of the time they have remain- ing. As each hour passes, slide the "sand" piece down another notch (see the prop instructions on the 8 inside cover). When the heroes finally begin their quest, proceed to Chapter 3. 3 9

KARMA: Attacking Mephisto: -20 1 7 Rescuing another hero from falling into a rift: +5 Completing the chapter without tak- 2 10 ing any damage: +5 Agreeing to Mephisto's terms: +10 4



9 SUMMARY: While making their way hours. If the heroes attempt the climb, through the first circle of Mephisto's cross either the mountains or the have each of them make a Remark- realm, the heroes must cross either a sea. Both routes look extremely able Intensity Agility FEAT Roll. The seemingly impenetrable mountain perilous. climb will take six hours plus one addi- range or a boiling sea. tional hour for each hero that failed the ENCOUNTER: The players must Agility roll, minus one hour for each STARTING: As soon as the heroes choose which route they wish to hero that received a red result on the decide to set out after Galactus, read take. If they decide to cross the Agility roll (the climb takes a minimum the following text to the players: mountains, refer to the encounter of two hours). Make sure to give the described below, if they decide to heroes a chance to spend Karma. cross the sea, go to Chapter 4; and After travelling on toward the loca- There is, however, a faster way after they successfully cross either tion indicated on Mephisto's map through the mountains. Just after the the mountains or the sea, go to heroes cross the foothills and begin to for approximately one hour (mark Chapter 5. off one hour on the hourglass think about beginning their climb, a The Mountains. The first step in prop), you emerge from a small voice will call out to them from one of traversing the mountains is to climb forest to find yourselves face-to- the outcroppings. The voice belongs to up and over the foothills. Have every- face with a rather perplexing the Purple Man, one of the many dead one make a Remarkable Intensity dilemma: ahead of you and to the souls chained up in the mountains Agility FEAT roll. Climbing the foot- west there lies a steep chain of (see the Resource Book—the heroes hills will take approximately two will instantly recognize the Purple Man dark mountains, to the east a vast hours (mark off the time). If any of sea which bubbles and spits as from his purple skin and the tattered the heroes failed their Agility rolls, remains of his uniform). Read the though it were boiling! In order to add an extra hour. If, however, any of reach your destination, you must following text to the players: the heroes received a red result on their Agility FEAT rolls, subtract an hour (if one hero fails and one hero Wait, you've got to help me! You receives a red result the climb takes can't leave me like this. Look, you two hours). want to know how to get through At the top of the foothills, the heroes the mountains, right? Well I know will suddenly find themselves plunged where there is a pass. Just drive into the midst of a frightening land- them away and I'll tell you. Hurry, scape. Chained to crags, outcroppings there isn't much time now. Please. and peaks all across the mountain chain are millions of moaning humans The Purple Man is, of course, refer- clothed in tattered rags. These beings ring to the vultures which will be arriv- are among Mephisto's many captive ing again in exactly two hours. If the souls, and are chained up in the heroes try to question him in more mountains as part of their torment. detail he will only babble hysterically, Every six hours, a huge flock of vul- "Please, there is only a couple of tures swoops down on the mountains hours left. You have to drive them and plucks out the livers of the cap- away. I'll tell you how to get out of the tives, which then magically grow back mountains." If any of the heroes is for the vultures' return. From this van- capable of mind reading or some simi- tage point, the mountains all about the lar feat, however, he or she can learn heroes seem to be several miles high, all about the vultures (and can even and quite steep. It will take approxi- discover the location of the Purple mately six hours to climb over the Man's pass—see below). mountain range. If any hero tries to If the heroes wait around to see estimate how long the climb will take, what the Purple Man was babbling make a secret Excellent Intensity Rea- about, the flock of vultures will arrive son FEAT roll for him or her (making two hours later, and will begin attack- sure to ask the player whether or not ing all of the captives and heroes he or she wishes to spend any Kar- alike. Treat the entire flock as one ma). If this roll succeeds inform the combined creature with the following player that the climb will take about six stats: hours; if the roll fails, inform the player that the climb will take about three

10 F A S E R I P Man will also give the heroes direc- AFTERMATH: After the heroes have Mn Mn Mn Un Fe Rm Fe tions on how to reach a pass which crossed the mountain range, go to Health: 325 Karma: 34 will lead them right out of the moun- Chapter 5. tains in two hours. Slams and Stuns have no effect The heroes may also try to free the KARMA: against the flock of vultures, and the Purple Man. The chains that are bind- Crossing the mountains: +10 flock can attack each and every one of ing him to the rock are made of Shift X Driving off the vultures: +10 the heroes each round. If the heroes material. If the heroes succeed in Freeing the Purple Man: +5 succeed in "knocking the flock uncon- releasing the Purple Man before the Refusing to aid the Purple Man: -10 scious," the vultures fly away and flock returns, he will gratefully leave their victims in peace for the give them the location of the mountain moment. In this case, a grateful Purple pass and flee.

SUMMARY: The heroes cross a paddling. Lower this time down to By the way, the sea is, in fact, boiling sea while making their way three hours if the players come up boiling. Anyone (other than the across the First Circle of Mephisto's with some clever method of propulsion ) that falls in the water takes domain. (for example, the heroes could all Incredible heat damage each round stand on the Silver Surfer's surfboard until pulled from the water. While STARTING: As the heroes approach and use its powers to glide them fighting, the serpent will always use the water, read the following text: along; or they could make a sail out of one of its nine heads to rock the handy cape and Thor could conjure up heroes' boat, causing each of them to Ahead of you the sea bubbles and a strong wind to blow them across). pass an Excellent Intensity Agility thrashes profusely. A strange odor In any case, half way across the sea FEAT roll to avoid falling into the water. hangs in the air over the animated the water's churning and bubbling will body of water. There are no signs of become more ferocious; and a AFTERMATH: When the players life (of course), or even motion nine-headed serpent will suddenly reach the other side of the water, go to anywhere. spring from the depths and attack. The Chapter 5. Perhaps worst of all, however, is serpent has the following stats: the fact that the other side of the KARMA: sea appears to be so far away. F A S E R Crossing the sea: +10 I P Crossing the sea in less than five ENCOUNTER: If the heroes decide to Un Mn Mn Un Fe hours: +10 cross the sea, they must first decide Rm Fe on some sort of conveyance. A Health: 350 Karma: 34 make-shift raft can be constructed from the trees of the nearby forest in Each of the serpent's heads can one hour. If the players come up with attack seperately each and every some other plan, use your own round. The serpent also has the judgement. Actually crossing the sea equivalent of Remarkable resistance will take five hours with the heroes to physical and energy attacks.

11 SUMMARY: The heroes have finally have been a huge shark, which hang the hour on the hourglass). If this roll reached the iron tower that serves as upon one wall. Between the shark's succeeds, the players are entitled to a portal to the Second Circle, but in jaws lies the shimmering portal to the one of the hints below. If the roll fails, order to cross over they must first second circle of Mephisto's realm. the heroes must sit around for solve a riddle to activate the gate. Written in blood above the jawbones another hour and ponder the riddle. is the following: Keep making these rolls until the STARTING: Read the following text players finally answer the riddle. to the players: He who would descend into the next realm must first answer this HINT 1: Whatever it is, it runs in After crossing (insert either the query: veins and is only susceptible to heat. mountains or the sea), you find Kneeling 'fore heat, coursing HINT 2: The combination of air yourselves on a wind-blown des- through vein; Air is its foe, water and water seems to have a bad ert. The desert seems to stretch its bane. At times 'tis a steal; but effect on the item. on away from the mountains and not a crime. And at this point, I'll HINT 3: "Steal" could mean the sea forever. The only notice- end this rhyme. "Steel." able feature on the entire land- HINT 4: The answer must be iron. scape is a small iron tower, In order for the heroes to pass AFTERMATH: The heroes should approximately 30 feet high. through the barrier to the next circle, now be entering the second circle of one of them must answer the riddle Mephisto's realm. Proceed to Chap- ENCOUNTER: The tower is totally aloud. The answer, of course, is ter 6. deserted and can be entered through "iron." If none of the players are able an unlocked portal on the ground to answer the riddle after discussing KARMA: floor. Inside there is a set of stair- it for a while, begin the following Passing through to the Second Cir- cases that lead up to a small room proceedure: Have one of the heroes cle: + 10 on the top floor. The room itself is (their choice) make an Excellent Solving the riddle with no hints (first completely empty, save for the Intensity Reason FEAT roll each player to do so): +15 spread jawbones of what appears to game hour (make sure to mark off

SUMMARY: The heroes make their passes in the maze is equal to one way through the second circle of their moans carried through the hour of game time (mark off time that Mephisto's realm and pass into the complex on an icy wind. Some- passes on the hourglass). Time tak- third while being closely pursued by where off in the distance you hear en up by encounters with "Captain Mephisto's agents. Along the way the loud baying of hounds. Marvel" and Mephisto's hunters they encounter the Dread Dormam- (described below) do not count the ENCOUNTER: mu, who is posing as their fallen The heroes must now same way—for simplicity's sake, comrade Captain Marvel in order to negotiate the labyrinth in order to don't count them against the time trick them into aiding him in stealing make their way out of the second spent at all. At the end of the maze is Galactus for himself. circle. Referring to the map on the huge iron gate that leads directly to inside cover, describe to the players the third circle. STARTING: This encounter immedi- the distances and directions in which Mephisto's Forces. After the ately follows the events of Chapter 5. they may move, and ask them to heroes were able to pass out of the Read the following text to the players: make choices until they are out of first circle, Mephisto began to the maze (do not let the players see become a bit concerned about their an overhead view of the maze itself; chances of success. He has since After stepping through the portal, note that clever players will probably you suddenly find yourselves with- sent out his special lieutenant, map out their progress so they won't in a hideous iron structure. Corri- Thanos (see the Resource Book), become lost). Beginning at the and a number of his followers to stop dors and accessways snake off in instant you finish reading the above every direction, and coccooned all them. The hounds that the heroes text to the players, time their prog- across the walls are thousands can hear echoing through the laby- ress through the maze (in real time). and thousands of wailing humans, rinth are the hell hounds that Every five minutes of real time that Thanos' forces are using to track

12 them down. As the heroes pass failed in their mission (in a Cosmic Any magical or other efforts to ascer- through the labyrinth, the baying of Level adventure, every battle holds tain whether or not the Captain is the hounds will begin sounding clos- the utmost importance), meaning real will all indicate that he is. If the er and closer (clever players will that it is time to design another heroes release him, Captain Marvel/ realize that they are being tracked). adventure in which a NEW group of Dormammu will aid them in any way Depending upon how clever or heroes attempts to stop Death's he can (without revealing his true lucky the players are, Thanos will plan; or you can have Dormammu/ nature) until the party reaches Galac- either reach the heroes before they Captain Marvel show up (if he is not tus in Chapter 9. encounter Captain Marvel (see present already, see below) and use If the heroes refuse to free the below), just before they leave the his magic to defeat Thanos and his Captain, he will begin howling and circle, or not at all. Just before the forces after all of the heroes are thrashing wildly within his cocoon. heroes are about to reach Captain unconscious (assume that this will be Then, just before the heroes leave Marvel, have any of the heroes (their automatically successful). When the the circle he will show up again choice), and Thanos each make heroes awake, they will find "Captain claiming to have freed himself. He Excellent Intensity Reason FEAT Marvel" standing over them. will then begin following the party Rolls. There is a -1 CS penalty to Captain Marvel. Once the heroes and will demand to aid them on their Thanos' roll for each of the stagnant are roughly half-way through the quest. If the heroes refuse to let pools shown on the labyrinth map in maze (use your own judgement), one Marvel accompany them, Dormam- which the heroes decided to stop of them will recognize a familiar mu will reveal his true nature and and wash themselves in order to voice among those trapped against use his sleep dust to incapacitate the weaken their scents. If the players the walls, that of their ex-ally Captain party. Just as the heroes fall asleep, come up with any other clever meth- Marvel (if you are not using the pre- Dormammu will gloat and inform ods of throwing off the dogs (such as generated heroes included with the them that he is after Galactus him- backtracking, splitting up, etc.) you adventure, explain to the players that self in order to draw upon Galactus' should assess further penalties rang- Captain Marvel is a a powerful hero power so he can reconquer the Dark ing from -1 CS to -3 CS. that died defending the Earth; in any Dimension and eventually the Earth. If the result of Thanos' roll is better case, the Captain will recognize the He will then retrieve Galactus himself than that of the hero's roll, he and his heroes. Read the players the follow- and take him off to the Dark Dimen- troops will reach the party before ing text: sion. When the heroes wake up, they encounter Captain Marvel. If the anyone that can pass an Excellent results are equal, Thanos will reach It is hard to imagine, but the night- Intensity Reason FEAT roll can figure the party just before they leave the mare just became even worse. out that Galactus has been removed circle (i.e., exit the labyrinth). If the Among those trapped against the from Mephisto's realm (the environ- hero's result is better than Thanos', cold iron wall is Captain Marvel, ment seems a lot less hostile now). It the party evades the pursuit altogeth- your former comrade in arms. should then be relatively easy to er. If and when Thanos meets the "(insert heroes' names), thank the figure out that Dormammu has taken heroes, he will be accompanied by stars you're here," he screams. Galactus to the Dark Dimension. 12 of Mephisto's demonic thralls (see "You've got to help me. I don't Proceed to Chapter 10. the Resource Book). If "Captain belong here, there has been a Marvel" is with the heroes when they mistake. Please, get me out of AFTERMATH: The heroes (under meet up with Thanos, he will aid here. Please." The material that most circumstances) should now be them against Thanos and the binds Captain Marvel to the wall is passing into the Third Circle, accom- demons (use the stats for the "real" of Monstrous strength. panied by "Captain Marvel" (The Captain Marvel for this encounter). Dread Dormammu). Proceed to The hellhounds do not join the battle. Of course, this is not the real Cap- Chapter 7. During the battle, make sure and tain Marvel, who would have never See the instructions above in the roleplay Thanos' reaction to encoun- ended up in Mephisto's realm. It is event that the heroes refuse to allow tering his old enemies once again (if, the Dread Dormammu, who is mas- Captain Marvel to join them. in fact, any of the heroes are his old querading himself as the heroes' old enemies), and encourage the players friend in order to trick them into help- KARMA: to do likewise. Thanos and his fol- ing him. While he was banished to Getting through the maze: +10 lowers, of course, will fight the limbo, Dormammu discovered a Avoiding Thanos: +30 heroes until defeated. unique Mystical object that enables Defeating Thanos: +15 If, by some strange twist of fate, him to impersonate Captain Marvel Refusing to aid "Captain Marvel":-30 Thanos manages to defeat the so well that none of the heroes have Seeing through Dormammu's decep- heroes, you have two options: you ANY chance to detect his deception. tion: + 30 can either rule that the heroes have

13 SUMMARY: After making their way many of the heroes possess powers (four areas across) of bubbling acid through the Iron Labyrinth of the that may enable them to attack more that cuts in front of the heroes. The Second Circle, the heroes enter the than one area at a time. If the heroes demonic army cannot cross this riv- Third Circle and and are chased into decide to stay and fight, Captain er; if the heroes do so, they have the Realm of Temptation while Marvel/Dormammu will stick around eluded their pursuers. The river, how- searching for Galactus. and help them (use Captain Marvel's ever, does Amazing damage to any- stats for this encounter). If the one that is brought in contact with its STARTING: After the heroes emerge heroes win, the entire battle will have waters each round (though the from the labyrinth, they find them- lasted approximately one hour. If the heroes may easily come up with selves standing on a large, rocky heroes lose, you have the same two some application of their powers plain beneath a completely darkened options you had if the heroes lost to which will get them across without sky. Read the following text: Thanos in the last Chapter: either having to actually enter the river). rule the heroes failed and start over, The heroes may also decide that the You come out of the winding iron or have Dormammu secretly save river is dangerous and switch direc- of Mephisto's Second Circle and the party with his magic (automati- tions, parallelling its course. In any immediately find yourselves jetted cally successful). Considering the case, once the heroes are 25 or into equally disturbing surround- odds that they are up against, it is more areas ahead of the army, they ings. Stretching out in all direc- probably a much better idea for the have lost their pursuers. tions is a vast rocky valley, with a heroes to flee. If they decide to do The Storm. Just after it becomes series of craggy hills encircling so, have them select a direction and obvious that the heroes have evaded you at a distance of approximately make a break for it. The demon army the demon army, the sky turns even 500 yards. Above you, the sky is moves at approximately two areas darker and the lightning storm pitch black; all of the local illumi- per round. The heroes probably begins to intensify. Following a loud nation is provided by the occas- move much faster, and they begin howl which fills the air (and seems to sional bolt of fiery red lightning with a 500-yard head start. have come from Mephisto himself), a that tears across the landscape. After running for about 500 yards torential downpour of acid rain Unfortunately, according to (11 areas), the heroes will come to begins. The rain does Monstrous Mephisto's map you still have a the craggy chain of hills that encir- damage to each of the heroes for long distance to travel before you cles the valley. The huge boulders every hour they travel through it, should reach Galactus. and loose rocks scattered all across though the party will have little Just as you are about to set out the hills are very loosely packed, choice but to continue on. The rain- once again, you hear a menacing making any attempts to scamper up storm is of Shift Z Intensity for the snarl from the hills behind you. the hills quite difficult. Everyone that purposes of any weather control "There they are," a voice shouts, tries to climb the hills must make an attempts, and prevents Mantis from "the enemies of the master. They Excellent Intensity Agility FEAT roll. using her healing powers for the must die at all costs!" With that, Success means that he or she entire period she is exposed to the Mephisto's thralls begin pouring reached the top of the hill; Failure rain. out from behind the foothills—and means that he or she remains stuck The Castle. After traveling through keep pouring out. There must be at the bottom of the hill and must try the rain for about three hours, the hundreds of them! again next round (while the demons heroes come across a weathered get two areas closer). Once they are and wind-beaten silver castle. If they ENCOUNTER: There are, in fact, all at the top of the hill, clever players wish to enter the castle in order to exactly 1000 of Mephisto's demonic may hit upon the idea of attacking temporarily escape from the rain, foot soldiers. (see the Resource their pursuers with a rockslide. Any they can easily open the large front Book for stats). Mephisto has dis- attack which inflicts Amazing dam- gate and step inside. Inside the cas- patched this army to stop the heroes. age or better that is aimed at the top tle, the heroes find themselves in a As soon as it emerges from the foot- of the hill will send all of the loose large plush with a fully hills, the army will immediately rocks and boulders rolling down on stocked banquet table and chairs. charge. There heroes now have two the demonic army, automatically Soon after they enter, a man emerg- options: fight or flight. If they decide destroying it. es from an adjacent room and identi- to fight, assume that the demons If the players don't think of this, fies himself as "The Keeper." occupy a position that is ten areas they will have to come up with some across and ten areas deep (there are other way to elude the army. On the The Keeper ten demons in each area). Only other side of the hills are more rocky F A S E R I P demons that occupy an area adja- plains, another 500 yards past the Gd Am Am ShX ShX ShX ShX cent to a hero can attack, though hills (in which ever direction the Health: 260 Karma: 450 heroes decided to flee) is a vast river

14 Read the following text to the play- affected hero(es) are either removed ers: from the castle minus any items they accepted from the Keeper, or they Inside the silver castle, you find make their Psyche FEAT rolls which yourselves in a brightly lit cham- prevent them from asking for any- ber decorated with tropical plants thing else. and lush tapestries. Before you is If all of the heroes refuse to accept a fully stocked banquet table. This anything from the Keeper (which is entire area seems quite out of quite likely, they should be very sus- place in Mephisto's holdings. picious of such offers while on Suddenly, a thin balding man Mephisto's home turf), he will con- emerges from a nearby room. tinue his attempts to persuade them "Ah, how do you do, my friends? I for as long as they remain within the am called the Keeper. Is there castle. Eventually, the Keeper will anything I can bring you? Perhaps begin offering the heroes extremely you would like something to eat. powerful alien weapons, and exotic The rain should stop in another super-devices in desperation (use hour or so, so you may as well your imagination). All the time the make yourselves comfortable for heroes are within the Realm of Temp- now." tation, "Captain Marvel" will remain quiet and try to avoid attracting any Whatever any of the heroes asks attention to himself. He will not for (with the exception of Galactus, accept anything from the Keeper or any knowledge that could be unless the other heroes do so, and harmful to Mephisto), the Keeper will join in on any attempt to remove will, in fact, grant them. This can enchanted heroes from the castle. include (but is not limited to) healing True to the Keeper's word, the rain all of their wounds, the knowledge will stop exactly one hour after the which will permit them to use their heroes enter the castle. If the group flight powers, or almost anything avoids the castle altogether (or if else. There is, of course, a catch. they leave before the hour is up), the The silver castle is known as the heroes are only subjected to one Realm of Temptation. If any of the more hour of rain. heroes accepts anything from the Keeper, he or she will automatically AFTERMATH: If the heroes knock wish to remain in the castle for one the Keeper unconscious and search hour. At the end of the hour, he or the castle, they will find piles of she must then pass an Amazing wealth and exotic weapons and Intensity Psyche FEAT roll to avoid devices everywhere. If anyone takes asking for something else (exactly any of these items, he or she is sub- what is up to the player and the GM) ject to the castle's spell. Otherwise, and thus staying another hour, etc. there is nothing else of interest with- Any heroes that are under the in. After the heroes make their way spell of the castle will absolutely past the Realm of Temptation, they refuse to leave; the others heroes will be very close to the spot where must physically remove them if they Galactus is supposedly being kept. wish to go (and any enchanted Proceed to Chapter 8. heroes will automatically do anything in their power to defend themselves KARMA: short of spending Karma). Attacking Defeating the army of foot sol- the Keeper will have no effect on the diers: + 10 spell of the castle whatsoever (if Avoiding the army: +40 possible, the Keeper will flee to Avoiding the castle: +10 another part of the castle as soon as Attacking the Keeper without any fighting starts). The spell only provocation: -25 loses its effects as soon as the Accepting anything from the Keeper (per thing accepted): -10

15 SUMMARY: Just before they reach the area within the Third Circle where Mephisto is keeping Galactus. the heroes encounter a strange trav- eller in a dark forest who provides them with some cryptic advice.

STARTING: After leaving the Realm of Temptation and travelling for about ten minutes, the heroes will enter a deep forest composed of abnormally tall and twisted trees. Read the fol- lowing text:

About ten minutes outside of the silver castle you come upon a thick tangle of woods that stretches out to each side for as far as you can see. According to the map that Mephisto gave you, Galactus lies in a valley just past the glen. The trees and leaves alike are all various shades of black, and seem to tangle and twist in an ever-increasing number have done very well. You are very dangerous opponent. Death's of directions. There is only a - near your goal now, and should be decision to place Galactus within gle narrow path that leads through reaching Galactus quite soon— Mephisto's domains has upset the the choke of tangled vegetation though I believe it is rather infernal balance and made many and shrubs, and the thought of unlikely that your quest will end in of the other so-called "Death plodding blindly along makes you the immediate future. Before you gods" very envious of Mephisto's more than a little nervous. In fact, continue on, Uatu asked me to newfound power. They, too, will you are already hearing a little make sure that you have given a almost certainly be out to get rustling in the treetops overhead. little thought to the broader issues Galactus for themselves, as will It almost sounds as though some- that are at hand. Why is it, for one or two other inhabitants of the one is calling out to you. instance, that Death proposed that various dark dimensions. Expect Galactus remain imprisoned with- these to turn up when ENCOUNTER: As the heroes pass in its realms in the first place? you least expect them." by, someone is indeed calling out to Why has Death placed Galactus in them. The further they go on down Mephisto's realm? And, what The that is confronting the trail, the clearer the voice will exactly does Death hope to the adventurers is actually Eternity become. It is calling out to each of accomplish with Mephisto's new- itself, though it will not reveal its true the heroes by name. Just after all of found power? There is quite obvi- nature to the heroes. Eternity has the heroes are aware of the voice, a ously some sort of sinister scheme used its vast powers to enter Mephis- thin, bald man dressed in loose white that lies behind all of this. I am to's realm completely undetected in robes will climb down out of the trees afraid I can only give you one very order to help the heroes in their behind them and address them in a brief piece of advice. Listen very quest. Unknown to Death, Eternity friendly voice. Perhaps to their carefully, my friends: Very soon has known all about its plans to reac- amazement, the heroes will be com- you will find yourselves in a dark tivate Voyd all along. Eternity has pletely unable to detect this figure library. On the third shelf from the been carefully observing the actions before he reveals himself, no matter top, on the west wall, three books of its sibling ever since the events of what measures they use. Read the from the left, you will find a tome Cosmos Cubed, and has only following text to the players: entitled Nature and Being. Look to refrained from using its enormous page 38 of this work for the energies to interfere because it has "Fear not, my friends. I am not an answers to many of these ques- plans of its own. Eternity is secretly enemy; I am here to help you. I tions. Oh, and a warning: Mephis- trying to engineer a greater good that am a friend of Uatu. So far, you to is not necessarily your most is to arise from Death's plans due to

16 the actions of the heroes. lucky) up to this point, there should the heroes, he will suddenly vanish Talking Back to Eternity. Eternity be plenty of time left on Mephisto's into thin air, allowing them to con- will not leave immediately after deliv- hourglass to find Galactus in the next tinue on toward Galactus, who lies in ering its speech, but there is very chapter. But the players have a shallow valley just outside the for- little that it can do to further aid the made mistakes? est, at least one hour's travel away. adventurers. If Eternity were to take You have two options: First, you Exactly how far away the valley lies a more direct role in the proceed- can always rule that the heroes have depends upon how much time the ings, it would risk attracting the failed in their quest. If this course of heroes have left. The number of attention of Death, and possibly action does not appeal to you, how- hours they have left on the hourglass upsetting its own master plan (see ever, you can mysteriously add a few minus one is how long the heroes the Epilogue). No matter how long more hours to the hourglass and put must travel in order to reach the val- the heroes stop and talk to Eternity, it down to Eternity risking the use of ley (we have to make things exciting NO time is marked off on the hour- his tremendous powers over time in here!). When they reach the valley, glass. For the duration of their con- order to aid the heroes. Of course, refer to Chapter 9. versation, Eternity has stopped time don't tell the players why they sud- itself! denly have four hours remaining KARMA: What if the Heroes are Running when they had but two a few minutes Listening to Eternity's Advice: +5 Out of Time? The obstacles that ago; let them try to figure it out on Asking Eternity Further Ques- have stood between the heroes and their own. tions: + 5 reaching Galactus within the 24-hour Attacking Eternity: -70 time limit have been formidable; but AFTERMATH: After the mysterious Eternity must put more time back on if the players have been skillful (or old man has finished chatting with the hourglass for the heroes: -25

SUMMARY: The heroes have finally Galactus has completely wiped out in reached the point on Mephisto's map whole realm! There are corpses order to satisfy his cosmic hunger. where Galactus is being held. Once piled approximately 30 feet high It is up to the heroes to figure out there, they must figure out how to all across the valley; the dead exactly where Galactus lies. In order get to Galactus and release him. must number in the billions. The to do so, they will probably want to Shortly after they succeed in accom- hot sun that beats down on the make their way down into the sea of plishing these goals, however, their entire scene is responsible for the corpses and examine the exact spot companion, Captain Marvel, reveals expected putrid stench that rises upon which Galactus is supposed to himself to be the Dread Dormammu out of the valley. be imprisoned. Moving on the pile of in disguise. Using an extremely According to Mephisto's map, corpses is extremely difficult. Every potent magical artifact, Dormammu Galactus lies approximately 100 couple of minutes, Galactus' move- quickly puts all of the heroes to sleep yards dead ahead, though you ments below disturb the pile and and runs off to conquer the Dark can't see him. Every now and then, cause it to shift. Everyone that is Dimension with Galactus in tow. however, a low moan echoes back standing on the pile during one of and forth throughout the valley; and these shifts must pass a Remarkable ENCOUNTER: After making their if you listen carefully enough, you Intensity Agility FEAT Roll, or way out of the dark forest from Chap- can hear a much fainter sound: become buried deep within the pile. ter 8, the heroes find themselves at almost like a heartbeat. It is an Amazing Intensity Strength the lip of a wide shallow valley. FEAT to free yourself from the pile According to their map, Galactus lies Galactus lies somewhere beneath once buried. If one or more heroes approximately 100 yards ahead of the 30 feet of corpses. The amount cannot free themselves from the pile, them. Read the following text: of power that Mephisto receives from their comrades can help, but only if a being held captive in his realm is they can locate the victims in the increased if that being is tormented, mess. It is a Remarkable Intensity Below you lies a wide valley that and Mephisto is tormenting Galactus stretches on for as far as you can Intuition FEAT Roll to locate some- by burying him beneath billions of one that is trapped within the pile. see. This is perhaps the most dead bodies: A constant reminder of horrible site within Mephisto's Anyone that remains trapped the thousands of civilizations that beneath the pile must hold his or her

17 Dormammu! That's all you need- ed. And whatever it was he threw into the air was powerful. Your limbs are starting to go weak, your muscles are beginning to relax, and your eyelids are drooping. You are getting sleepy. "Fools! I knew you would fall for my ruse. (pause) I cannot leave without offering you my thanks. Without your aid I would have never been able to take possession of Galactus for my own purposes. With Galactus' energies added to my own I will now have the power to go forth and reconquer the Dark Dimension, once again installing myself as Sorceror Supreme; and with the power of Galactus under my control, it is only a short time before I go on to conquer the Earth dimension as well. breath until freed or else suffocate pitched wail (actually Mephisto cry- "This victory is just as sweet as (see the Judge's Book, p. 13). ing out in defeat). Dormammu will I had imagined it! All of my many Between the heartbeat, the motion then take advantage of the confusion years of preparation and schem- of the corpses, and the periodic that results from Mephisto's ing, as well as the enormous moans, the heroes should probably and suddenly assume his true form, amounts of mystical energy which have no problems deducing exactly casting the mystical Dust of Orpheus I had to expend in order to mask where Galactus lies. Clearing into the air about him. my presence from Mephisto all enough bodies out of the way to get The Dust is a potent arcane artifact paid off. But I am afraid I must be to him is a Monstrous Intensity FEAT. that Dormammu happened to discover off now, my friends. I have a At the bottom of the sea of in the exotic dimension in which he dimension to conquer. I am sorry corpses, the heroes will find Galac- was imprisoned by Doctor Strange that I haven't the time to kill you tus chained down to flat bedrock and (see the Resource Book). The dust now. Sweet dreams." weeping. Their are four chains that acts as a Class 3000 Intensity sleep bind him, and they are all made out spell upon every one of the heroes. AFTERMATH: When the heroes of an Unearthly strength material. It is very unlikely that the heroes will wake up two hours later, they will find After the heroes manage to break be able to do anything to stop Dor- Galactus gone. In fact, Mephisto's these chains, Galactus opens his mammu before he uses the magic entire realm is suddenly quiet, eyes, looks at them, and slowly dust. He will automatically take them almost peaceful (because its master begins to sit up. completely by surprise unless they has already headed to the Dark Dormammu Makes his Move. have taken some sort of explicit mea- Dimension in order to retrieve his While the heroes are probing around sures to "keep a close eye on Captain prize from Dormammu). After listen- the valley, "Captain Marvel" will Marvel" or something. If the heroes do ing to Dormammu gloat, the group silently observe their actions. If, dur- somehow manage to stop Dormammu should have no problem figuring out ing this time, the heroes call upon from using the dust and defeat him, that they will have to proceed to the Marvel to help them in removing the Mephisto will reluctantly allow them to Dark Dimension if they want to get corpses or severing the chains he remove Galactus from his realm. In their hands on Galactus (and avoid a will do so; but Dormammu will not this case, proceed to Chapter 12. very real threat to the Earth as well). offer any aid on his own, or make If Dormammu does manage to use When they decide to do so, proceed any suggestions as to where to look the Dust of Orpheus, however, just as to Chapter 10. for Galactus. Once the heroes have the heroes are falling asleep he will KARMA: found Galactus and freed him from begin to gloat. Read the following text Finding Galactus: -70 the chains, Dormammu will make his to the players. The heroes are totally Freeing Galactus: +15 move. Just after Galactus begins to unable to take any actions for the entire Stopping Dormammu from using the sit up, there will be a loud high- duration of Dormammu's speech. magic dust: +40

18 SUMMARY: The heroes travel to the dice rolls made within the dimen- Travelling Through the Dark Dark Dimension in pursuit of Dor- sion. Dimension. Refer to the map of the mammu, who has snatched Galactus *Also, the lighting within the Dark Dark Dimension on the map sheet out from under them in the previous Dimension is quite odd. There are included with the adventure. Notice chapter. As an extra-dimensional no light sources at all (everything is how the entire realm consists of a entity, Dormammu is much more dark), but everyone can still see as number of hexagons connected by powerful now that Galactus is in his though it were broad daylight (maxi- thin lines. The heroes begin in the possession (as was Mephisto). Dor- mum normal range of vision is hexagon marked "Start." The palace mammu plans to use this newfound approximately one mile). is in the hexagon marked "Royal power to reconquer his old abode, *Finally, physical force is much less Palace." The heroes must make their the Dark Dimension, eventually set- deadly in the Dark Dimension, way from hexagon to hexagon, along ting up a powerbase strong enough where magic rules supreme. All the red path lines, until they reach to conquer the Earth Dimension (his physical attacks and actions surfer the palace. The only way to move lifelong ambition). a -1 CS penalty. from one hexagon to the next is After using the Dust of Orpheus to along the path lines (flight, teleporta- put the heroes to sleep in the pre- ENCOUNTER: The heroes should tion, etc. do not function here), and vious chapter, Dormammu used his have no problem travelling to the the heroes can move at a rate of magic to knock the still-weakened Dark Dimension, either by using approximately one hexagon every Galactus unconscious, and to begin Uatu's sphere or their own innate two hours. draining away Galactus' energy in abilities. Once they are there, read Because the geometry of the Dark order to augment his own. He then the following text: Dimension is somewhat unusual, brought Galactus into the Dark however, the heroes will not have Dimension, where he immediately It does not take you very long to complete control over their move- headed for the Royal Palace to dis- figure out why they call this place ment; at least not right away. Notice pose of Clea, the dimension's current the Dark Dimension. There is no how there are one or more small ruler, and to reinstate himself as Sor- light here at all, save for a few white circles in each hexagon. These ceror Supreme of the Dark Dimen- shimmering pathways that cut are actually navigation beacons. sion. Just after Dormammu stole across the darkened sky. What is Whenever the heroes try to leave a Galactus from Mephisto's realms, truly curious is that you are still hexagon through a path, they actu- however, his actions were instantly able to see, despite the complete ally move down a different path lead- detected by Mephisto and the other lack of light sources. The space ing away from the same hexagon. Death gods. Mephisto and the Pluto/ around you is odd, and judging by Exactly which path depends upon Seth/Hela alliance have each sent the paths and the few structures the number of navigation beacons in their own teams out to pursue Dor- you see dotting the landscape, the the hex. If there is one navigation mammu into the Dark Dimension as geometry is abnormal, completely beacon, the heroes move down the well. Mephisto wants to regain his unlike anything you have seen next open path in the clockwise prize, while the anti-Mephisto alli- before. direction from their intended route. If ance sees Dormammu's bold move Dormammu must have brought there are two navigational beacons, as presenting them with the perfect Galactus here, you can almost they move down the path that is two opportunity to capture Galactus for feel the power surging through the open paths clockwise, etc. themselves. air. It is almost certain that he Example: The characters start at would have taken Galactus to the Hex 1, and decide to take the path THE DARK DIMENSION: The Dark dimension's royal palace, where that looks like it will lead to Hex 6. Dimension has three peculiar proper- he would overthrow Clea, the cur- Because Hex 1 has one beacon, the ties. rent ruler, and once again crown characters end up on the next path himself the Sorcer Supreme of the over in a clockwise direction—so *The laws of physics within the Dark Dimension. You can probably they end up in Hex 2. Finding them- dimension automatically favor the find him there. You only have two selves in Hex 2, the characters ask most powerful individual within its problems: first, the palace is a to go to Hex 3. Because Hex 2 has borders that is most fit to rule. For long way away and the Dark two beacons, the characters end up the duration of this encounter, that Dimension is not the easiest place on the second path over in a clock- person is Dormammu. This means to travel through; and second, wise direction—so they end up in that Dormammu gets to add +5% Dormammu is going to prove a Hex 6, most likely thoroughly con- to all of his dice rolls made within very formidable foe with the power fused. the Dark Dimension, and that the of Galactus augmenting his own. While the heroes are moving, use players and all other NPCs must a spare die to mark their progress on subtract -5% from each of their the map. By carefully observing the

19 map and their movements, the play- back to Earth dimension is the only ers will probably eventually discover Coming down the pathway up way to stabilize the situation. Yes, the pattern, allowing them to move ahead of you are Mephisto, Hela, Pluto, and Seth will not get much more effectively. If not, they Thanos, and 15 of Mephisto's their hands on Galan, but neither will will have to wander around aimlessly demonic followers. They must be Mephisto. And besides, it is likely until they eventually reach the pal- here searching for Galactus as that a dispute over Galactus' power ace. well. will eventually split the three allied Encountering Mephisto and the Shortly after you spot him, Death gods as well, starting the Pluto/Seth/Hela Alliance. While the Mephisto spies you in return. "You whole problem all over again. heroes are moving through the Dark Fools! I know what you want, but If the players outline this specific Dimension, so are Mephisto and his Galactus must be mine! Prepare argument, the members of the alli- enemies. While they are moving, to meet your end!" ance will reluctantly agree to aid the keep track of exactly where the heroes in locating and removing heroes are and at what time. For Mephisto and his followers will Galactus. From this point on, Hela, example, they will automatically then rush to attack. Use Landscape Seth, Pluto, and their warriors will spend hours one and two in Hexa- #2 (printed on the map sheet) for the travel with the heroes and aid them gon Number One. battle ground. If Mephisto wins, he in their battles. If none of the players Below is a list of the locations that will not finish the heroes off since he outlines this argument or the heroes Mephisto's and the alliance's parties wants to get to the palace and do not even try to reason with their pass through, and when they pass retrieve Galactus as quickly as possi- opposition, the alliance party will through them. If the heroes are ever ble. If it looks like the heroes are attack (use Landscape #2 for the in one of the hexagons named below going to win, Mephisto and his battleground). If the alliance wins this at the appropriate time, they will remaining followers will all instantly battle, they will not take the time to encounter the appropriate group. travel back to Mephisto's domain. finish the heroes off, because they The Alliance. The alliance party want to locate and retrieve Galactus Mephisto Alliance consists of Pluto, Seth, Hela, and as soon as possible. Hours Location Location fifteen Hades warriors (see the Other Encounters. As the heroes 1-2 4 10 Resource Book for stats). The mem- pass through the Dark Dimension, 3-4 8 11 bers of the alliance all know who the there are a few other areas of inter- 5-6 9 12 heroes are, and what they are after. est which they might come across. 7-8 13 17 As the alliance party approaches, There are special encounters in hex- 9-10 12 21 read the following text: agon numbers 12, 20, and 22. If and 11-12 11 25 when the heroes enter these areas, 13-14 16 29 Coming down the pathway up refer to the appropriate description 15-16 15 30 ahead of you are Pluto, Seth, below. 17-18 20 31 Hela, and fifteen powerfully built Hexagon #12. This area is home 19-20 25 32 warriors. Pluto, Seth, and Hela are to a village of Dark Dimension inhab- 21-22 26 Gone three of Mephisto's fellow Death itants which Dormammu passed 23-24 27 Gone gods. through on his way to the palace, 25-26 31 Gone "We warn you, heroes! Galac- and destroyed. As the heroes 27-28 32 Gone tus must be ours, and ours alone. approach, read the following descrip- 29-30 Gone Gone We cannot allow Mephisto to con- tion: trol his might. Turn back now while Mephisto. Mephisto's party con- you still have the chance." On the pathway up ahead you see sists of Mephisto himself, his lieuten- suspended in the ether the crum- ant Thanos (if he is still alive), and The heroes have three options. bling remains of what appears to fifteen of his demonic thralls. Since They can flee, they can fight, or they have been a small village. There Mephisto is no longer holding Galac- can try to reason with the alliance. are horrible screams coming from tus captive within his realms, his There is only one argument that clev- one of the shattered buildings that power levels have gone down to er players can use to convince the used to make up the village, as normal (use the normal, unbracketed members of the alliance to cooperate what was once a large stone stats in the Resource Book). with them: Since Galactus' presence statue wavers precariously over its Upon encountering the heroes, in the infernal regions is upsetting inhabitants. Mephisto and his followers will imme- the balance between the various diately realize what they are after Death gods (remember that Eternity There are approximately 75 people and attack. Read the following text: told the heroes that this is so), allow- trapped within the building. Most of ing the heroes to bring Galactus

20 creatures, or they can attempt to reseal the barrier (a Monstrous inten- sity FEAT using energy powers or an Amazing intensity FEAT using magi- cal powers). If the heroes proceed to the villag- es down the path, they will not find anyone that can provide them with any assistance whatsoever. Hexagon #22. On the path up ahead, the heroes find a detachment of Clea's soldiers that tried to stop Dormammu as he approached the palace, and were wiped out. Read the following text:

On the path up ahead are a collec- tion of badly charred corpses. The dead were apparently members of some sort of military unit. As you approach, you can almost swear that you see a bit of movement! the village's inhabitants fled to this The movement is coming from one particular building for protection as On the path up ahead, you can see scores of grey, semi- of the soldiers who is still alive. If the their homes collapsed under Dor- heroes rush to his aid, the soldier will mammu's attack. The stone statue (a shapeless humanoids pouring out of nothingness and approaching a relate the tale of how he and his 100' stone spire) has an Unearthly comrades engaged Dormammu as material rank and weight (i.e., mov- cluster of villages which lies on the path further up ahead. These he approached the palace with ing or destroying the statue is an Galactus and were quickly wiped Unearthly intensity FEAT). beings must be a group of the so- called Mindless Ones which Dor- out. If the heroes ask, the soldier will If the heroes save the trapped be happy to act as their guide, and inhabitants, the victims will be very mammu pent up in magical force pens long ago in order to keep show them how to properly negotiate grateful, but will be unable to offer the paths to reach the palace any assistance whatsoever. Saving them from destroying all the inhabitants of the Dark Dimension. (explain how the navigational bea- or ignoring the villagers carries with cons work to the players). Once the it the usual Karma awards and penal- Somehow the barrier seems to have ruptured. Perhaps Dormam- heroes reach the palace, the soldier ties (see below). will leave them and go back to aid Hexagon #20. Hexagon Number mu accidentally broke through the barrier in his haste to reach the more of the survivors of Dormam- 20 holds one of the transparent force mu's attack. pens in which Dormammu impris- palace. He may have even shat- tered it purposefully, in order to The Palace. The heroes can reach oned the creatures known as Mind- the palace in any one of several pos- less Ones long ago (see the slow down anyone pursuing him. In any case, the Mindless Ones sible situations. They can arrive Resource Book for more informa- before either the Alliance or Mephis- tion). After arriving in the Dark are quite dangerous, and must be pent up again. to (i.e., before hour 19), the Alliance Dimension with Galactus, Dormam- can arrive at the palace first, or (if mu travelled through this area in There are 40 Mindless Ones surg- the heroes encountered and defeat- haste, accidentally rupturing the ed the alliance party somewhere out force barrier as he passed through. ing through the hole (the horde occu- pies eight adjacent areas, five in the Dark Dimension) Mephisto can The Mindless Ones are now pouring arrive first. Here is what the heroes out of their prison toward a cluster of creatures per area). Use Landscape #2 for the battleground. The hole in will find in each of these circum- villages which lies on the pathways stances. below them. As the heroes the force barrier is two areas wide, approach, read the following text: and the Mindless Ones will emerge from the hole at a rate of ten per Heroes Arrive First: Dormammu round (five in each area). The heroes is in the palace planning his assault can simply attack and destroy the on the Earth dimension. For the sake

21 of simplicty, assume that the palace dimension's large golden throne, a After the battle is over, the heroes consists of only one room (no matter table that holds the great will probably remember the com- where the heroes enter the palace, , and a number of rich tapestries ments that Eternity made to them in Dormammu immediately detects and rugs. All around the outside of the forest of Mephisto's realm and them and rushes to meet them any- the throne room are huge book- begin searching for the tome Nature way). Needless to say, Dormammu is shelves which hold scores of impor- and Being. The book rests on the not too happy about the heroes' tant arcane texts. Chained in the third shelf from the top, on the west intrusion and decides to do some- corner of the throne room is the wall, three books from the left, just thing about it (but not before shout- semi-conscious Clea, the current as Eternity described it. Page 38 ing out something like, "You fools, ruler of the Dark Dimension whom reads as follows: you should have given up while you Dormammu has just deposed. For had the chance. As long as I wield now he has left her imprisoned for The beginning, several thousand the power of Galactus I am unstop- his own amusement. If the heroes millenia ago. pable!"). Use any convenient interior release Clea during their battle with In the beginning there was a map for the battleground, and make Dormammu, she will join in on their great explosion, and from it were sure to use Dormammu's bracketed side (the chains that bind her are of created the two siblings that make stats found in the Resource Book for Monstrous material strength). The up all things: Death and Eternity. as long as he controls Galactus' unconscious Galactus lies on a large Eternity is light, life, structure, mat- power. table in the middle of the throne ter, and order. Death is pain, entro- Dormammu should give the room (Dormammu is still tapping his py, plague, famine, and chaos. heroes a good fight, but with the power). In addition to the great entities proper tactics (and Karma expendi- If the heroes somehow lose the there are two other beings with an tures) they should prevail in the end. battle, you have the same old intimate connection to the begin- The battle between the heroes and choices: either rule that they have ning of all things. First, there is Dormammu automatically occurs in failed and design a new adventure, mighty Galactus, the only survivor the palace's throne room, which is a or have Eternity mysteriously inter- of the universe that came before huge chamber that features the vene when appropriate.

22 get his hands on him again and and overheard him say that he was our own. Then, there is Voyd, the before Galactus regains his power. taking him to his own palace. The embodiment of emptiness and The other Death gods will then leave. heroes should still consult the copy darkness that grew out of the brief In any case, the heroes should prob- of Nature and Being, and Clea will period of chaos that spanned the ably be ready to take Galactus back still present them with the Orb. The bridge from the old universe to the to the Earth dimension now, thinking heroes will now probably head back new. perhaps that their quest is over. into Mephisto's realm, again in Galactus still lives to this day, search of Galactus. traveling around the universe and The Alliance arrives first: This is constantly seeking out new worlds the most likely outcome. The heroes AFTERMATH: If the heroes grabbed with which to satisfy his cosmic must move through the Dark Dimen- Galactus, they will probably try to hunger. sion very quickly in order to beat the return him to the Earth dimension. Unknown to many, Voyd also Alliance forces. In this case, when On the way, they will be intercepted lives. Just after the emptiness of the heroes arrive at the palace, they by Death. Proceed to Chapter 12. time and space disappeared with will find it completely deserted If the alliance managed to get their the birth of Eternity and Death, except for Clea, who is still chained hands on Galactus, they will take Voyd fell into a deep slumber, from in the corner, and the unconscious him to Pluto's palace in Hades for which he has never awakened; Dormammu who is lying on the floor. the time being. Proceed to Chapter and thank the stars that this is so. If they ask her, Clea will relate the 11. If Voyd were to wake now, he entire story of Hela, Pluto, Seth and If Mephisto grabbed Galactus, he would launch an all-out assault on their followers breaking in, defeating will return to his own domain with the the entire universe as part of a Dormammu and running off with heroes in hot pursuit. Proceed to desperate attempt to restore the Galactus. Clea also overheard Chapter 13. nothingness from which he was enough of the Death gods conversa- born. Still, one has little to fear: tion to figure out that they have KARMA: only an immense primordial power formed an alliance bent upon wrest- Defeating Dormammu and rescuing such as that possessed by Death, ing control of Galactus away from Galactus: +140 Eternity, or Galactus could ever Mephisto, and that they decided to Reaching the palace: +10 hope to revivify Voyd; and such a transport Galactus to Pluto's palace Making a deal with the Alliance: +20 being would risk much by doing in Hades for the time being, until Freeing Clea: +10 so. It is likely that Voyd would they decide what to do with him. Saving the Dark Dimension vil- instantly consume his savior. Also, From what she heard, Clea knows lage: + 10 know you that Voyd has one weak- that Mephisto has a party in the Dark Ignoring the villagers: -20 ness: the light. Voyd cannot stand Dimension that is searching for Defeating/imprisoning the Mindless a powerful light. Galactus as well. Clea will share all Ones: +15 of this information with the heroes. Ignoring the Mindless Ones: -30 After reading the above, the The heroes should still find the heroes should have a pretty good copy of Nature and Being, and Clea idea as to exactly what is going on. will still present them with the great If the heroes have freed Clea, she Crystal Orb and describe its function. will present the heroes with a gift for The heroes will now probably want to saving her kingdom: the great Crys- proceed to Hades in search of Galac- tal Orb. Clea will also volunteer the tus. If they ask her, Clea will refuse to information that the Orb is merely an join them (she must stay behind to item of great beauty, though it dows take care of Dormammu and begin possess the minor power of emitting rebuilding all the damage he has an extremely powerful burst of light done). upon the command of its wielder (Unearthly intensity). Mephisto Arrives First: This If the heroes earlier made a deal result is extremely unlikely. It can with the Seth/Hela/Pluto alliance, the only happen if the heroes managed three Death gods and their followers to meet up with and defeat the Alli- will aid them in their battle against ance party while traveling through Dormammu and suggest that the the Dark Dimension. In this case, heroes get Galactus back into the everything happens exactly the same Earth dimension as quickly as possi- as if the Alliance arrived first, only ble, before Mephisto has a chance to Clea saw Mephisto take Galactus

23 SUMMARY: Refer to this chapter if Ferry: Charon possesses a magic the Alliance forces managed to gain to be Pluto's castle, resting atop a skiff which is specially enchanted to hold of Galactus during Chapter 10. high mountain crag. There is allow him to ferry the dead across After Hela, Seth, and Pluto defeat- definitely something wrong up the River Styx. This boat is the only ed Dormammu and took Galactus, around the castle. Large fires known item which can successfully they decided to bring him to Pluto's burn, and the air is filled with cross the river. palace in Hades for the time being, winged fliers. It seems as though until they could decide what to do Mephisto has also come in search Charon appears as a human skele- with him. After consulting with Clea of Galactus, and his forces are ton, dressed in long, flowing black during the last chapter, the heroes even now attempting to battle their robes and a . should be in hot pursuit. way into Pluto's castle. The castle When the heroes approach is about one mile away, but lying Charon, he will ask the heroes if he HADES: Hades has two special directly between it and yourselves can be of any assistance. In order to properties: is a dark, wide river which convince him to take them across the *The dimension and its environs is stretches off in both directions for river, the heroes must present sympathetic only to the magic cast as far as you can see. Charon with some sort of gift, as is by Pluto and his allies. All spells the custom. Allow the heroes to give cast here by anyone else receive an The river, of course, is the legend- up whatever they want. Charon does additional -1 CS. ary River Styx which runs all across not demand much: a cape, a belt, a *The River Styx functions as an Hades. Styx is approximately one pair of boots, almost anything will do. absolute barrier within the dimen- half mile from side to side; and, as Charon will accept the great Crystal sion. The only way to safely cross stated above, the heroes cannot fly Orb which Clea gave the heroes the river is to secure the services of over it (it is as though there is an most graciously, should they decide Charon's ferry. Though flight works invisible impenetrable barrier which to part with it. everywhere else on the plane, it is stretches overhead). The heroes may The trip across the river will take impossible to fly across the River try to swim the river, but only at great approximately 15 minutes, during Styx. The heroes may attempt to risk (as described above). The best which nothing of interest will happen. swim the river, but it is a difficult way to cross the river is to ride with After the boat reaches the other side, task. Swimming the River Styx Charon in his ferry, conveniently tied Charon will beach the craft and let takes 12 turns; reduce this number up just a few hundred yards away. the heroes out. They are now one turn for each rank of Strength approximately one half mile away or Swimming a character possess- CHARON from Pluto's castle, and the battle es. Heroes in the river must attempt between Pluto's footsoldiers and an Unearthly Intensity Endurance F Am 50 Health: 250 Mephisto forces is now much easier FEAT each turn. Failure means the A Mn 75 to see. hero permanently loses one S Am 50 Karma: 130 Charon Attacked. Just after the Strength rank (which means it will E Mn 75 heroes leave Charon's boat and tra- take one turn longer to swim the R In 40 Resources: N/A vel about 50 yards toward Pluto's river, in addition to the other draw- I In 40 castle, they will hear Charon cry out backs). P Am 50 Popularity: 0 in agony. If they return to see what is happening, they will find Charon ENCOUNTER: The heroes enter KNOWN POWERS: desperately attempting to defend Hades just a short distance away Navigation: Charon has the Unearth- himself against five of Mephisto's from Pluto's palace. Read the follow- ly ability to navigate the waters of the demonic thralls. Mephisto sent his ing text: River Styx, which is generally an followers to ambush Charon on the Amazing Intensity FEAT. shore, hoping to take him out so he You have no problems arriving on Eye Beams: Charon can project will not be available to ferry Pluto's the plane of Hades, which you find beams from his eyes which cause reinforcements to the battle zone. to be a grey, gloomy place with a Amazing slugfest damage out to a If the heroes decide to help bright orange sky. Surrounding maximum range of ten areas. Charon, use any handy exterior map you are vast rocky plains, and Dense Flesh: Charon's body gives as the battleground. The demons will your flesh feels the sting of a cold him Remarkable protection against fight to the death. If the heroes fight wind which seems to blow from all both physical and energy attacks. off Mephisto's thralls, Charon will be directions at once. Off in the dis- Immunities: Charon is immune to extremely grateful and will offer the tance, you can see what appears poison, disease, cold, electricty, and following advice: radiation. He need not eat, sleep, or breathe.

24 through the tunnel takes about ten to intervene by entering such a fray "Thank You, my friendsss. Per- minutes. The throne room, like the himself or sending in more troops); haps I can help you as well. I rest of the palace, is hewn from solid or they can attempt to negotiate. If believe you are travelling to Plu- rock and features the thrones of Plu- any of the heroes outlines the spe- to'sss castle, are you not? Well, to and his absent queen, Per- cific argument detailed in Chapter 10 along the bank of the Styx, fifty sephone, as well as a large banquet (i.e., "why don't you just let us bring yards sssouth of here, you will find table laid out with silver and gold Galactus back where he belongs, a cave which masks a tunnel utensils, and a number of ornate wall then no one wins and the balace is which leads right up and into the hangings. restored"), Hela and Seth will allow castle. It is Pluto's sssecret When the heroes enter the throne them to leave with Galactus. By now, accessway to his ssstronghold." room, they will find the unconscious you should know what your options Galactus lying on the banquet table, are should the heroes decide to fight Entering Pluto's Castle. There while Seth, Hela, and fifteen of Plu- and lose. When the heroes are ready are two possible circumstances to's soldiers watching over him. Pluto to leave with Galactus, refer to Chap- under which the heroes may enter is absent since he travelled outside ter 12. Pluto's castle. If they helped save to help fight off Mephisto's forces Charon earlier, they can travel up the just before the heroes arrival Fighting a Way in from the Out- secret tunnel and into the castle, (remember, he now wields Galactus' side: If the heroes are attempting to bypassing all of the forces on the power since Galactus is imprisoned fight their way into the castle from outside. Otherwise, they will have to within his realm). At this point, the the outside, Mephisto's forces will be fight their way past Mephisto's and heroes have the same two options making a major breakthrough just as Pluto's troops. Each of these possi- that they would of had if they had they arrive. A map of the battlefield bilities is described below. encountered the Alliance forces around the castle is presented while travelling through the Dark below. Each of the "Ms" and "Ps" The Secret Tunnel: If the heroes Dimension (see Chapter 10). They represent approximately five troops travel down the secret tunnel, they can take Galactus by force (Pluto will aligned with the appropriate faction will come up inside the throne room not discover what is going on in time ( for Mephisto, P for Pluto). No of Pluto's palace. The entire trip PLUTO'S CASTLE



: Pluto's Forces : Mephisto's Forces

25 matter which side of the castle the his palace in the infernal domain." heroes approach from, they will be immediately engaged by five of AFTERMATH: If the heroes man- Mephisto's footsoldiers and five aged to find out about Pluto's secret demonic thralls. After they defeat entrance, and consequently were these troops, the heroes will not able to enter the castle's throne room meet with any more resistance (all of before Mephisto and his forces, they the other combatants are too busy should now have Galactus in their fighting each other to notice them) possession. In this case, they will until they reach the castle wall. probably want to return him to the There they will be met by five more Earth dimension and end the adven- of Mephisto's footsoldiers. Immedi- ture (or so they think). In this case, ately after they have entered the proceed to Chapter 12. castle, they will then be met by five If Mephisto managed to get into Hades warriors. After the heroes the castle before the heroes, he will have overcome all of this resistance, have taken Galactus back to his they will find themselves in the realm. In this case, the heroes will throne room described above; but, in have little choice but to return to this case, Mephisto has already Mephisto's dimension once again. If come, collected Galactus, and gone. this is the case, proceed to Chapter Lying on the floor are the uncon- 13. scious forms of Seth, Hela, and Plu- to, as well as several unconscious KARMA: Hades warriors and demonic thralls. Getting a hold of Galactus: +120 Mephisto, of course, has taken the Attacking Charon: -30 unconscious Galactus right back to Helping Charon: +15 his realm. If the heroes cannot figure Ignoring Charon: -20 out for themselves what has hap- Fighting a way into the castle: + 35 pened, they can ask any of the com- Travelling to Mephisto's realm in batants that are still present pursuit: +10 (everyone stops fighting once Galac- tus is taken away). If the heroes ask, they will learn that "Mephisto already found Galactus and took him back to

26 SUMMARY: You should be coming to chaotic region that surrounds and this chapter from either Chapter 9, you would all like to return to your touches each of the other dimen- Chapter 10, or Chapter 11. The home plane right now, but I am sions in the multiverse. The vortex is heroes should now have Galactus afraid I cannot allow that. You see, a region of pure light. Once within under their control and should be in I need Galactus' power. I swear the vortex, the heroes will immedi- the process of returning him to the that mighty Voyd will walk again, ately be buffeted by the powerful Earth dimension. and when he does he will destroy prosolar winds and partially blinded Because Death still has big plans my sibling Eternity once and for by the intense energy which perme- for Galactus and his power, it cannot all, leaving the universe all to ates the region. allow the heroes to return him to his myself. I was trying to pass Galac- Travelling through the Vortex. proper place so quickly. Death there- tus' power on to Mephisto and Because of the prosolar winds and fore intercepts the group enroute to accomplish my goals through him; the disorienting effects of the flares the Earth dimension, steals Galactus but it seems that my other fol- and energy ripples found within the from them and casts them directly lowers are simply incapable of vortex, travel (and perhaps even into the dimensional vortex itself, accepting their own inferiority. survival) is extremely difficult (Death hoping to lose them there for all eter- Though to be fair, none of my min- mistakenly believes that it is impos- nity. ions has known of my master plan sible). If they are ever going to save As the heroes fight for their lives in until now. the universe, the heroes must now the vortex, Death then takes Galac- "The only question that remains try to find a way out of the vortex by tus back to Mephisto and calls is what to do with you. You have locating one of the natural apertures together all of the Death gods to been more than a nuisance up to that leads to an adjacent dimension. enact its final plan to reactivate Voyd. this point, and I cannot simply let From there, they can use their you walk away. In fact, it is partial- dimension travel powers as usual to ENCOUNTER: As the heroes ly due to your interference that I go wherever they wish. Dimension attempt to make the trip back to the have decided to risk summoning Travel does not function within the Earth Dimension, they will each feel my followers and traveling back to interdimensional vortex. a strange "empty" sensation. Read my inner sanctum in order to To simulate the heroes trip through the following text: enact my scheme right now, even the vortex, assume that they are on a though there is no way that giant numberline at the spot marked Mephisto will have the time to You feel the familiar warmth come zero. Each turn ask one of the properly absorb all of Galactus' heroes (their choice) to choose a over you that usually accompanies might. We'll have to hope that inter-dimensional travel; but this number between one and twenty. what is there will do. Each number moves the heroes a time there is something that is "Now, what to do with you. different. For a moment, you feel certain number of spaces forward or (pause) Ahh, I think I have an backward along the numberline sort of empty, as though you have idea..." been removed from all time and according to the table printed below. Once a number is chosen, it cannot space. The magic that Death uses to As this feeling quickly passes, be chosen again. If the heroes have intercept the heroes' dimension tra- reached the spot marked "10" on you once again regain your sens- vel is extremely potent (we're talking es. You are now in a region of no the numberline before the end of Class 5000 here!). There is nothing turn ten (ie. they have moved a total light whatsoever. There are no that they can do to avoid this fate. As sounds as well. In fact, each of of ten spaces forward), they have Death delivers its speech, it holds all found an aperture and have passed your senses are greatly impaired. of the heroes in a stasis field which Wherever you are, it certainly is out of the vortex. If the heroes have prevents them from attacking (again not moved ten total spaces forward, not the Earth dimension. Class 5000). Suddenly, a narrow beam of they are lost on the prosolar winds After Death finishes gloating, it forever. This procedure simulates the light passes through the chaos stretches out its hand and waves, and illuminates a tall dark skeletal heroes ability to navigate in the diffi- causing a huge swirling pit that is cult conditions of the vortex. figure dressed only in long black apparently composed of pure energy robes. to appear and suddenly consume the "Good evening, my friends. I heroes. Just as the heroes are plung- am Death. ing into the energy pit, Death reach- "I must congratulate you on es out and snatches up the still gaining possession of Galactus. It unconscious Galactus. appears as though my followers Death has just flung the heroes are as incompetent as ever. I know into the interdimensional vortex, the

27 VORTEX NAVIGATION TABLE KNOWN POWERS: Number Spaces Moved Sting: Dimensional Shamblers can 1 -5 sting their opponents at a range of 2 4 one area for Unearthly damage. 3 -3 Tough Hide: The Shamblers' scaly 4 2 hide gives them Excellent protection 5 -1 against physical and energy attacks. 6 0 7 1 If the heroes find that they are not 8 0* going to get out of the vortex in time, 9 1 they can spend a total of 25 Karma 10 3 (divided amongst the heroes how- 11 3 ever they choose) to buy themselves 12 1 an extra turn (past their original ten) 13 0* and extra number pick. They can 14 1 keep on buying these extra turns 15 0 until they are out of the vortex or 16 1 they are out of Karma. 17 -2 18 3 AFTERMATH: If the heroes run out 19 -4 of Karma, and are still stuck in the 20 5 vortex, you are back with those same old options (either Eternity intervenes Positive numbers mean move for- or the heroes have failed). If this is ward, negative numbers mean move the third or fourth time that the Eter- backward. nity has had to intervene, you should think about running a couple of sim- Note that there is a very distinctive pler adventures for your players pattern to the way that the numbers before you put them up against are arrayed on the table. Clever play- Death and its minions (they are prob- ers will notice this pattern and take ably not ready for a cosmic level advantage of it. adventure). There are two special numbers If the heroes do succeed in freeing that the heroes may choose: 8, and themselves from the vortex, they will 13. When the heroes choose one of probably try to follow Death to its these numbers, they encounter the inner sanctum in order to stop its Dimensional Shamblers decribed plans to reactivate Voyd (Death told below. the heroes exactly where it was Dimensional Shamblers. Dimen- going in the speech above). When sional Shamblers are voracious pred- they are ready to proceed, go to ators that live within the Chapter 14. interdimensional vortex. Whenever the heroes choose numbers 8 or 13, KARMA: they are attacked by a group of five Getting out of the Vortex: +40 Shamberls (use landscape #2 for the Defeating the Dimensional battleground). The Shamblers have Shamblers (each group): +10 the following statistics:


F A S E R I P Am Mn Mn Mn Ty Gd Ty Health: 275 Karma: 22

28 SUMMARY: You should be coming to If, however, the heroes answer the this chapter from Chapter 11 Mephis- you hear the sound of footsteps patrol's questions affirimatively to has just recaptured Galactus and approaching from the west. There ("yes, take us to Mephisto") or come returned to his infernal domain with is a party of Mephisto's footsol- up with a suitable cover story for the heroes in hot pursuit. When the diers approximately fifty feet away. their presence ("We entered this heroes arrive in Mephisto's dimen- "What are you doing in this land by accident. Could we, perhaps, sion, they quickly discover that realm? Have you come to speak speak with your master?"), read the Death itself has called all the Death with Lord Mephisto?" following text: gods to its inner sanctum for a con- The footsoldiers are one of a ference (at which it intends to reacti- number of units that routinely patrol the upper circles of Mephisto's "Mephisto is not here now. He vate Voyd). The heroes then leave to was summoned to the inner sanc- domain. There are 12 of them in all. do battle with Death and its followers tum of Death itself along with all of once and for all. the other Death gods. He is there If the heroes give any clue as to on very important business and their true nature (i.e., "we come to ENCOUNTER: The heroes arrive in may be gone some time." the First Circle of Mephisto's realm. free Galactus from the tyranny of Mephisto once and for all!), or Read the following text: AFTERMATH: Whether they battled refuse to answer the soldiers' ques- the footsoldiers or attempted to rea- tions, the patrol will attack. Use son with them, the heroes should Once again you stand on the arid Landscape #1 as the battleground. now know exactly where Mephisto plains of Mephisto's realm. This After the heroes have disposed of and Galactus are. By piecing this time, however, there is something the patrol, they will notice that the that is not quite the same. The head soldier carries a pouch on his information together with what they have already learned, they should wind does not bite with the same belt. Within the pouch is a note that now have a pretty good idea as to intensity. The heat is not nearly as reads: sharp. The fiery lighting not nearly what is going on. In any case, they so blinding. will almost certainly attempt to travel Galactus is not here. You can I will be absent for a short while. to Death's inner sanctum. When they feel it. The intense power and The master has asked all of his are ready to do so, proceed to Chap- energy which once permeated vassals to assemble in its inner ter 14. Mephisto's domain is now gone. In sanctum for some sort of confer- fact, judging from the quiet, it ence. I have been instructed to KARMA: would seem that Mephisto himself bring our guest along with me. Defeating the footsoldiers: +15 is not here. Are you too late? While I am gone, take special care Learning where Mephisto has gone As you ponder this question, to screen out all intruders. without fighting: +20 — Mephisto

SUMMARY: You should be coming realm. Death then summoned all of plete the adventure) the heroes here from either Chapter 12 or Chap- the Death gods together in order to MUST spend Karma to affect this die ter 13. enact its scheme to re-energize roll. All heroes with the Dimension The heroes rush off to Death's Voyd. Travel power automatically know inner sanctum and arrive just in time exactly where the dimension of the to prevent Death and its minions ENCOUNTER: The heroes must first inner sanctum lies, and are aware of from revivifying Voyd. Because of the travel to Death's inner sanctum. The the difficulty in reaching it (this infor- heroes' constant interference and sanctum lies in a separate dimension mation is also programmed into the problems that have developed all its own, and is extremely difficult Uatu's device; the device will verbal- within the ranks of its followers (Plu- to reach. In order to reach the dimen- ly warn the heroes before it attempts to, Seth, and Hela attempting to cap- sion of the inner sanctum, the heroes to make the jump). Once the heroes ture Galactus for themselves), Death must pass a Monstrous intensity have arrived in the inner sanctum, has upped its timetable a bit. After Dimension Travel FEAT roll. In order read the following text: he was recaptured, Galactus was to insure that they are able to reach immediately returned to Mephisto's the inner sanctum (and thus com-

29 You are now present in the inner Voyd also wields incredible power- Mephisto as much as possible." sanctum of Death itself. You are power so potent that it rivals my MEPHISTO: "But master, that all standing on a wide obsidian own. If he were to awake, it is cer- might mean—" balcony that looks down onto a tain that he would use this power to DEATH: "Exactly." broad surface of cold black mar- attempt to restore the multiverse to Mephisto steps forward, lets out a ble. The lighting in the room is the conditions under which he was horrible scream, and begins to dim, and the air is stale and created: pure chaos. To accomplish focus a powerful stream of energy musty. On the walls and floors are this end he would have to attack directly into the pit beneath the intricately tiled mosaics that fea- Eternity. The two entities would then sanctum! ture symbols of death and discord most likely destroy each other, leav- culled from over a billion worlds in ing the universe all to myself. This is it. If the heroes are going to more than 100 separate galaxies. The only problem is that it would stop Death and save the universe, Assembled on the floor beneath take great power to reawaken they have to do it here. Use the map you are Death, Mephisto and his Voyd—power such as that pos- of Death's inner sanctum as the battle- lieutenant Thanos (if he wasn't sessed by only three beings in the ground. Here is what each of the com- defeated earlier), Seth, Pluto, entire multiverse: myself, Eternity, batants will do during the battle. Hela, ten of Mephisto's thralls, and Galactus, the only survivor of DEATH: The instant the heroes and ten of Pluto's soldiers, with the universe which preceded our show up, Death commands his fol- Death occupying the obvious posi- creation. I have never used my own lowers to destroy them and steps back tion of prominence. Lying on a power to reawaken Voyd, because I out of the way. He is too enthralled long table behind those assem- fear the consequences; such a rash with Voyd's reawakening to get bled is the object of your quest: act might destroy me." involved in any combat. the unconscious Galactus. It The plan I devised, therefore, MEPHISTO: Use the bracketed seems as though no one has even was to trick Galactus into using his stats for Mephisto during the battle noticed your presence. energies to do so. It was I that since he once again controls the ener- DEATH: "I have called you all manipulated the Elders of the Uni- gies of Galactus (he was ordered to together here for several reasons. verse into attacking Galactus with bring Galactus with him in order to First, some of you have failed me. I the Cosmic Cube, knowing full well make it easier for him to tap Galan's specifically assigned Galactus to that it would shatter him and leave energies). During the entire battle, Mephisto's realm. My decisions are him open to my suggestion. When Mephisto will ignore any attacks made never to be questioned." the heroes of Earth intervened, upon him, and will continue to focus PLUTO: "But my lord, we however, I was forced to modify my his energies into the pit in which Voyd thought—" plan. After he was reintegrated, is imprisoned (see "Reawakening DEATH: "Silence! Your actions Galactus would never agree to Voyd" below). were almost disastrous. The heroes reawaken Voyd. I decided, there- PLUTO: Pluto will immediately take of Earth are much more potent then fore, to force him into voluntary charge of all of Death's forces present we had ever suspected. They imprisonment within one of your in the inner sanctum, and lead them in almost succeeded in freeing Galac- realms, knowing that this would battle against the heroes. If possible, tus, and that would not have sat pass his energies on to you and Pluto will attempt to engage the most well with me at all. You see, I have give you the power to reawaken the powerful physical combatant amongst been hatching a plot over the last creature." the heroes in one-on-one combat while several months. Behold!" Death But alas, the Earth heroes directing his followers to engage other waves its hand and a huge slab of showed up yet again, and I fear targets. He will then use whichever of marble slides open in the floor to there is more going on here than his attack modes would be the most expose two giant black hands meets the eye. Their coincidental effective against that hero, attempting crossed in slumber. reappearances are very unsettling. I to quickly vanquish him or her and "Beneath you is the creature have thus decided to attempt to move on to the next. known as Voyd. Voyd was spawned awaken the creature right now. HELA: Hela will seek out the next out of the emptiness that bridged Mephisto, I know you have not yet most powerful hero, and engage him the gap between the universe of had an opportunity to absorb all of or her in one-on-one combat. While old, and the creation of myself and Galactus' power, but I command fighting, Hela will favor her magical my hated sibling, Eternity. When we you to come forward and direct abilities over physical force. were created, Voyd was shocked whatever energies you can sum- SETH, MEPHISTO'S THRALLS, into a deep sleep, from which he mon into the pit. The rest of you will AND PLUTO'S SOLDIERS: The has yet to awaken. concentrate and aid thralls and soldiers will divide them- selves amongst the remaining heroes.

30 Seth will then move from hero to hero, tal Orb which Clea gave to them, or by knocks all of the heroes unconscious. attacking a new target each round. As using one of their own powers. It is a If the heroes somehow missed the Seth moves from target to target, he Monstrous intensity FEAT to use an clue about Death's weakness, you will try to attack his targets from appropriate energy or magical power may have a problem. In this case, behind for the blindsiding combat to produce a light that is brilliant have one of the heroes' energy bolts column bonuses as much as possible. enough to affect Voyd (ie. the Silver accidentally strike Voyd shortly after Each time Seth moves to a new target, Surfer or Thor could use their cosmic he is awakened, and describe how the have his opponent make an Excellent powers, Doctor Strange could use a creatures seems to writhe in pain and Intensity Intuition FEAT roll. Success magical blast, etc). If the heroes react to the powerful light. The heroes means that the opponent spotted Seth attempt to strike Voyd with a powerful should then get the idea. in time. Failure means that Seth is light before he is awakened by entitled to the bonuses. Mephisto (on round six) it will have no AFTERMATH: The encounter should Reawakening Voyd. Throughout effect. If the heroes somehow knock end with all of the heroes unconscious the course of the battle, Mephisto will Mephisto unconscious during the bat- due to the powerful explosion. The continue to focus his energies into the tle, move up the timetable a bit, and heroes will awaken approximately two pit in which Voyd lies dormant. On the have Voyd come alive on the next hours later to find Death, the Death fifth round of combat, Mephisto will combat round. gods and all of their followers gone. collapse exhausted with the effort, but When the heroes finally use the light Galactus still lies unconscious on the the two large hands in the pit will on Voyd, the large powerful hands will table, and the large pit has been begin to stir. One round later, two giant cringe in terror, and then turn away in sealed over once again. Proceed to arms will emerge from the pit and the opposite direction to attack the the Epilogue. begin moving out toward the upper most powerful being that is within their end of the sanctum. By reading the grasp; namely, Death. The hands will KARMA: book found in Dormammu's library, the grip Death and pull it down screaming Stopping Voyd: +300 heroes should know that Voyd's one (Noooooo!) into the huge black pit. As Defeating the Death gods (per god weakness is intense light. At some Death is being pulled in, its followers defeated): +40 point, they will probably attempt to hit will all stop fighting and watch in hor- him with an intense light; probably ror. Two seconds later, there will be a either that produced by the great Cry- powerful explosion that automatically

31 SUMMARY: Eternity appears to the heroes once again to congratulate group of six-armed aliens adminis- them, and to reveal that he has known tering a vaccine to long lines of about Death's plan all along, but their fellows. "On the planet Ysa- allowed it to continue because he dral, a terrible virus has recently knew that a greater good would arise depleted nearly half the population. out of it. The Ysadralian doctors have just discovered a vaccine." Eternity ENCOUNTER: Read the following text waves his hands yet again. Before to the players: you this time is a more familiar scene: a small village in Africa. "On the Earth, the petty bickering Shortly after you awaken, you and politics that kept aid from notice a slight figure standing upon reaching starving African villages the balcony above the floor. You has ended, and the death rate has immediately recognize this figure as been cut by more than half. Hun- the mysterious man who came to dreds of similar examples are to be your aid in the woods in the Third found all over the universe, and it Circle of Mephisto's realm. "Hello will be quite a long time until Death once again, my friends. There is no will regain enough of his former more need to appear to you in this power to begin countering the great primitive form, so you will forgive advances you have made possible me if I adopt a more comfortable today. I thank you, and the peoples appearance." The man instantly of the universe thank you." undergoes a startling transformation. With that, Eternity vanishes; and He becomes taller and broader, and just as he does so, Galactus begins his physical form seems to melt to stir. away. Suddenly you realize that you are standing before great Eternity AFTERMATH: All the heroes need do himself. now is return Galactus to the Earth "You have done very well. Yes, I dimension, where they will receive his have been observing your progress hearty thanks. In gratitude, Galactus ah along. My sibling Death has will also renew his pledge to leave the once again greatly underestimated Earth unmolested in the future and my power. I detected his feeble ask the heroes to call upon him when- efforts to destroy me long ago. I ever they need a favor. only allowed them to continue because I knew that through your KARMA: efforts, I could insure that they Returning Galactus to the Earth would backfire, and that a greater dimension: +50 good would come out of the entire affair. Death and his followers have not been destroyed, of course; Voyd was much weaker than Death had guessed. But when you forced Death to fight off the creature and throw him back into his slumber, you left Death very weak. Behold!" Eternity waves his hand and before you is a scene of rainstorm in what appears to be a lush forest on a strange tropical planet. "The world of Kathoon was locked in the grip of a terrible drought. Now there is water." Eternity waves his hand again. This time you see a

32 MANTIS GLADIATOR FIRELORD BETA RAY BILL NOVA THOR SILVER SURFER DOC STRANGE F 40 In F 75 Mn F 75 Mn F 100 Un F 50 Am F 100 Un F 50 Am F 10 Gd A 40 In A 50 Am A 100 Un A 30 Rm A 75 Mn A 20 Ex A 75 Mn A 20 Ex S 6Ty S 100 Un S 50 Am S 100 Un S 100 Un S 100 Un S 100 Un S 6Ty E 30 Rm E 500 Shift Z E 100 Un E 100 Un E 100 Un E 100 Un E 100 Un E 30 Rm R 6Ty R 100 Un R 30 Rm R 30 Rm R 20 Ex R 6Ty R 20 Ex R 10 Gd I 20 Ex I 75 Mn I 50 Am I 20 Ex I 75 Mn I 20 Ex I 75 Mn I 75 Mn P 50 Am P 500 Shift Z P 30 Rm P 50 Am P 40 In P 50 Am P 40 In P 100 Un Health 116 Health 725 Health 325 Health 330 Health 325 Health 320 Health 325 Health 66 Karma 76 Karma 675 Karma 90 Karma 100 Karma 135 Karma 76 Karma 135 Karma 185

Powers: Powers: Powers: Powers: Powers: Powers: Powers: Powers: Empathy—Am Invulner—Un Stellar Flame— Body Armor—Ex Fire Gener. & Body Armor—Ex Power Cosmic: Magic: vs. energy attacks, Cl 1000 Control—Shift Z Vs. physical, Power Blast—Un Any power at Am Healing—Un Shift Z vs. heat, Invulner—All Ty vs. Energy cold, gas, disease, Body Armor—Am diseases Body Armor—Un Raise one ability Alter Appear—Am Life Support—Shift Z & most radiation (Immune to heat) Mjolnir: to Un for 1-10 rds Resistance—Shift X Invulner. to Hit—Ex Astral Project—Un Plant Control—Un Environ. Independ— Flight—Cl 1000 to physical injury heat, cold, flame, Damage—Un Healing—Un Shift Z & disease (no effect on Endur.) Levitation—In Recovery—Am Staff—Un range Storm Breaker: Flight—Shift X Flight—Cl 5000 Throw—Rm Wrapped in Fire—Am Reconstruct Matter— Shield—Am Resistances—Am Damage—Un Shield—Rm Un (toxins & diseases) Psychic Reflect—Spc Talents: Flight—Cl 3000 Telepathy—Un Astrogation Weather Control—Un Weather Control—Un Perceive energy Teleport—In Heat Beams—Mn source of more than Conjure—Am Dimension Travel—Un Dimension Travel—Un Un level on a planet Talents: Heightened Vision— Forcebeam—Am Martial Arts Am Flight—Am Talents: Flight—Cl 5000 A, B, D, & E +1 CS Edged Dimension Open—Mn Resist Domination Shield—Rm +2 CS with Mjolnir Body Armor—Mn Sleep Gas—Mn Skuttlebutt—1000 spd. Talents: Blasters—Un Martial Arts D Cloak of Lev: Reason—In Flight—Shift X

Eye: Detection—Cl 1000 +2 CS Mental Powers Suspend Animation on unc. Target—Mn Dimension Aper.—Un

Orb: Magic Detect.—Cl 3000 View any place known to user MEPHISTO'S HOURGLASS

DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut lower piece from bottom. 2. Cut along indicated lines in hourglass and the slots on either side. 3. Put sand covering through slot on one side of the hourglass, sliding covering piece in front of sand in lower half of hourglass then through the slot on the opposite side. 4. Using the scale on the back, raise the sand covering one notch for every hour the characters spend in Mephisto's realm.




2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24