
Total Area • 249 mi2 • 400 km2

Habitat Types • lowland tropical moist Arial view of Cockscomb Basin forest

Jaguars Track The Jaguar Conservation Program is one Measurements in component of the Global Carnivore Program Wildlife Present and Peccaries in • scarlet macaw Corcovado National Park, WCS in Belize • king Costa Rica The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary measures 2 Mammals Monitoring Jaguars in approximately 400 km and is one part of a large protected area complex in the south of Belize that • jaguar the Cockscomb Basin, • tapir Belize includes the Bladen Nature Reserve and the • ocelot . Together, these areas • howler monkey Movements, Habitat and protect more than half a million acres of broadleaf • spider monkey Prey Relations of Jaguars in SE Sonora, tropical forest. Historically, WCS’s Alan Rabinowitz • white-lipped peccary was the first to lobby for the protection of Plants Jaguar-Livestock Conflict Cockscomb in the mid 1980’s and the area was in NE Sonora, Mexico • black orchid declared a Jaguar Reserve in 1985 following his • giant tree ferns Subsistence Hunting in the 1983-4 study of these cats. In the mid 1990’s, WCS • mahogany Maya Biosphere reintroduced a howler monkey population to the Reserve, park and continues to sponsor research in the park WCS Involvement • since 1980 Jaguar and Prey Monitoring on jaguars and their prey. in Belize

Borderlands Jaguar The Human Aspect Detection, Mexico/U.S. The country of Belize may contain one of the

Livestock Depredation in greatest strongholds for jaguars in : the Pantanal, Brazil the Cockscomb/Chiquibul/Bladen protected area complex. This magnificent cat is still found in large Impact of Jaguars at the Rio Platano Biosphere numbers throughout the country. However, the Mexico Reserve, growing human population of Belize may put Beliz Caribbean Sea people at odds with the jaguar. The park is ringed Jaguar and their Prey, • Belize Guatemala by both traditional Maya villages and those that have grown up in association with the banana Guatemala Human-Jaguar Conflict, industry on the periphery of the park. The people of Belize these villages conduct both subsistence and U.S. Jaguar Outreach commercial hunting within the protected area. One village has received considerable benefits from Jaguars on Private Lands, Pacific Ocean tourist revenues and employment within the park; such benefits need to be shared with others. Rancher Outreach Central America Program, Brazil The country of Belize may

contain one of the

greatest strongholds for

jaguars in Central


Contacts . Linde Ostro/ Scott Silver Research Fellows Email: [email protected] [email protected] Phone:718.220.6891 Ostro 718.271.3622 Silver

Kathleen Conforti Camera trap photograph of a jaguar at night Program Manager Science and Exploration Email: [email protected] Threats Phone: 718.220.2189 The jaguars of Cockscomb are primarily threatened by two human activities – cattle ranching and hunting for bushmeat. On three sides of Cockscomb, For more information: cattle ranchers have plans to or are already clear-cutting the rainforests to make room for cattle. These ranchers tend to shoot jaguar on sight due to the belief that the jaguar will kill their cattle. In many areas, local villages Wildlife Conservation Society compete with jaguars for food species such as peccaries, paca and tapir, International Conservation denuding the forests of prey for the jaguar, a condition which exacerbates 2300 Southern Blvd. Bronx, N.Y. 10460 USA the conflict between jaguar and cattle ranchers.

WCS Activities Photography: Jaguar are difficult to monitor because of their cryptic nature, large home Page 1: A.Carr©WCS Page 2: L.Ostro©WCS range sizes, low population densities and the difficulties imposed by the habitats in which they are found. Recent efforts to develop a range-wide Mission approach to jaguar conservation have brought to light an almost complete The Wildlife Conservation lack of reliable population data for jaguar. Following several years of Society’s International camera-trapping in Cockscomb that identified seven resident jaguars, in Conservation program saves April 2002 the first-ever density estimate of a jaguar population was wildlife and wild lands by understanding and resolving completed in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary. The April survey critical problems that threaten identified an additional eight jaguars and showed that jaguar density in the key species and large, wild Cockscomb is comparable with the highest densities of tigers in India (8.8 ecosystems around the world. individuals/100 km2). With the best known population in the world, the WCS Jaguar Program is using the area as a proving ground for survey WCS Strategies techniques that can be used throughout the jaguar’s range. • Site-based conservation • Research • Training and capacity- Important Next Steps building · Develop genetic survey techniques using hair and scat; • New model development Informing policy · Conduct additional surveys as part of a long-term monitoring plan; • • Linking zoo-based and · Monitor the abundance of prey species within the complex; field-based conservation · Address the issue within the parks; · Develop a jaguar-livestock outreach program for southern Belize
