¡ñlxÞrr\s îown of tsraeebridge BRACEBRIDGE eou ncil Correspondence rh.llørt ol Mrsk ka

TO: Mayor G. Smith and Members of Town Council J^ Sisson, Chief Administrative Officer

COPY: Management Team Media

FROM: Lori McDonald, Director of Corporate Serv¡ces/Clerk

D/\TE: October 8, 2014


Item # Description SETTION "A'' _ STAFF INËORMATION MEMOS: -;; l Vur*-"nOur trorn W. S"r'.tOliråctor of puOlo W"rk", d"r"d O.t"b"r Z, ZOt+, regard¡ng I Temporary Road Closure - Remembrance Day parade - November ll, ZOlq. M Memorandum from L. McDonald, Director of Corporate Serv¡ces/Clerk, dated October 2, 20j4, regard¡ng Noise Exempt¡on - Remembrance Day Parade - November 1j,20j4. Memorandum from S. Rettie, Director of Finance/Treasurer, dated October B, 2014, MFOA,S 2014 Annual Conference - September 24-26, Niagara Falls. SECTION "B'' - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence from Brad Woodside, Mayor, City of Fredericton, FMC president, dated B1 September 15, 2014, regarding Support for FCM's Fixing Canada's Hous¡ng Crunch Campaign. lnv¡tation from Donna B2 Wallace, Director, Bracebridge Agr¡cultural Society, dated September 18, 2014, regarding Bracebridge Agricultural Fall Fair and Horse Show - youth Div¡sion. Correspondence from Candy K. Beauvais, Clerk-Treasurer, Municipal¡ty of Killarney to B3 , Premier, dated September 22,2014, regarding the passing of Resolution No. 14-385 by Council. Correspondence B4 from Bracebridge ceneration, dated Septembet 26, 2014, regard¡ng Addendum: Cascade Street Generation Station Reconstruction Correspondence from , Minister, Ministry of Transportation, dated September B5 30,2014, regarding Meeting with Parliamentary assistant Mpp, Kathryn McGarry, at the 2014 AMO Conference. Correspondence from Ted McMeekin, B6 Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affa¡rs and Housing, date October 2, 2014, regard¡ng Acknowledgment of Letter of Congratulations sent to h¡m. Correspondence from Kr¡stina Veenstra, Executive Assistant - Amalgamatiotì, FamilyTouth 87 and Child Serv¡ces of Muskoka, regarding Simcoe Children's Aid and Family, youth and Child Services of Muskoka Workinq towards Amalqamation.

Page 1. IVIEMORANDUM \9 Director of Public Warks BRACEBRIDGE nrc l{eat of Mustirka

TO: Mayo¡ G. Smith and Members of Council

FROM: W. Schmid, Director of Public Works

COPY: Department Heads

DATE: October 2,2014

SUBJEGT: Temporary Road Closure -Remembrance Day Farade - November 1f, 2014



Upon the authority granted to me under Mot¡on 08-AF-126, and Bylaw 2008-069, I hereby authorize the temporary closure of James Street from Chub Downey Lane to Ann Street, Ann Street from James Street to Manitoba Street, and Kimberley Avenue from Manitoba Street to Rene Lane on November 1 1.

2014, f¡om l0:30 a.m. to 12 noon for the Remembrance Day ffi WffiW ffim t Ëffi reËË rc üffikqffi mtru * ffiffi rc ffiffi,|rffiühruffiWm ffi üm ffi ffi,ffiffi ffi m ffiffi üfu ffi ffiñ tffiü ru & ru dffi ffi'ffi MËMORANDt,'I\/I \s D i recto r of F i n a n cefi reasu re r BRACEBRÌDGE Íhc¡lca ol Muskõka

TO: Mayor G. Smith and Members of Town Council

COPY: J, Sisson, Ch¡ef Adm¡nistråt¡ve Officer

FROM: S. Rett¡e, Director of Finance/Treasurer

DATE: October 8, 2014

SUBJEGT: MFOA's 2014 Annual Conference - September 24-26, Niagara Falls

With the Ïown's support, I was able to part¡cipate in the 2014 Annual Generat Meeting and Conference of The Munic¡pal Finance officers Association (MFOA). MFOA boasts a membership of over 2,300 ind¡v¡duals who are responsible for handling the f¡nanc¡al affairs and act as key adv¡sors to municipal counc¡ls on matters of finance policy. This year's conference was held in the City of Niagara Falls, from September 24rh to the 261h at the Sheraton Hotel.

The MFOA Conference is an annual event, designed to prov¡de part¡cipants with leading edge tools and information in municipal finance. lt is designed w¡th a wide breadth of act¡vities including, experienced and motivating keynote speakers, information-packed learn¡ng sess¡ons w¡th updates on current trends and changes to the legislative framework in which we operate, and networking opportunities wtth colleagues to share information and best pract¡ces. The theme for this year's conference was "Continu¡ng Down the Path to Fiscal Health".

The opening reception featured a very notable keynote speaker, Don Drummond. Mr. Drummond is a nat¡onally recognized economist, most recently known for Chair¡ng the Commission on the Reform of Ontar¡o's Public Services, often referred to as "The Drummond Report". Mr. Drummond spoke wjth incred¡ble knowledge about Canada and Ontario's current economic condition before he sw¡tched h¡s focus to mun¡cjpal government. He commented extensively on what he deemed to be the largest challenge for municipalities - being the vast amount of service and infrastructure that mun¡cipal¡ties are responsible for, consÌder¡ng the limited amount of revenue sources that they are expected to achieve it w¡th. He focused on revenue spec¡fically, suggesting that mun¡cipal¡ties must make every effort to max¡mjze the revenue sources made available to them and ultimately shift away from dependence on the upper levels of government for fund¡ng to ensure self-susta¡nab¡lity.

Four concurrent workshop sess¡ons were offered on a wide range of topics during the conference. Participants could select one workshop per session. The following describes those lattended:

L Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) Update

Mr. Beauchamp provided the attendees with an update on sections of the PSAB handbook that are updated, being updated, or up for review. The sections that were highlighted will impact the accounting and presentation of related party transact¡ons, asset retirement obligations, conceptual framework, restructurings, contingent assets, contractual rights, retirement benef¡ts, and ¡mpairment of tang¡ble capital assets.

Presenter: Tim Beauchamp, CPA, CMA - Director, Public Sector Accounting, CpA Canada ñwÞn MEMORANDUM \g D i recto r of F i n a n celT reas u re r BRACEBRIDGE fh.l1ûrt al MuskÕka

2, Asset Management Tools and Templates

Ms. Hurst prov¡ded attendees w¡th suggested tools and templates, created simply ¡n Microsoft Word and Excel, to push asset management past core service infrastructure ¡nto mun¡cipal facilit¡es and fleets. ln addition to the tools and templates, she offered a recommended methodology for the program including, proper ¡dent¡fication of assets, evaluatìng the¡r current state, defin¡ng the level of service expected from the assets, evaluat¡ng current and future needs, and frnally determining a funding model to remain sustainable.

Presenter: Chantelle Hurst - MFOA lntern, McDougall Township 3. Municipal Pr¡ce Index - A Case Study on Determin¡ng the "R¡ght" Mun¡cipal Tax Rate lncrease

Ms. Reynolds and Ms. Patel offered a pr¡c¡ng index model that ¡s used in the City of Waterloo, and is gaining strength in other munic¡palities, to determine the inflat¡onary Ìncreases that munìcipalities are facing. The model follows that of the Consumer Price lndex (CPl), but changes the "basket of goods" to reflect a basket that is more representative of mun¡c¡pal spending requ¡rements.

Presenters: City of Waterloo: Filipa Reynolds - Director, Financial Planning and Purchasing Keshwer Patel - Commissioner of Corporate Services, CFO & Treasurer 4. Project Cost Recovery - Options Available Unde¡ the Municipal Act

Mr. Cous¡neau and Ms. Sanders explained the d¡fferent regulatory avenues that exist for cost recovery of special projects, Local lmprovement Charges under Ontar¡o Regulation 586/06 ¡s the option that is most commonly known, but requires a very cumbersome process. Munic¡palities may also util¡ze the powers provided under section 326 (spec¡al services) and section 391 (fees and charges) of the Mun¡cipal AcL 2001 to pass by-laws wh¡ch will effectively shift the improvement costs onto the residents that w¡ll benefit directly from the project.

Presenters: Zach Cousineau - MFOA lntern, Township ofTay Joanne Sanders - Treasurer, Township of Tay ln addition to the var¡ous concur¡'ent workshop sessions, I was able to attend a presentation on Canada's economic outlook. The presentat¡on, delivered by Nancy Horsman, SenÌor Econom¡c Advisor for Delo¡tte, was packed w¡th statist¡cal informat¡on highlight¡ng Canada's performance, ¡n comparison to other c7 nations, from the point of the economic downturn through to recovery. To summarize, Ms. Horsman concluded that Canada's economic outlook is conservatively positive. Positive because Canada continues to be a leader ¡s fiscal responsibility and understanding its economy; conservative because there are key risks in wh¡ch Canada has l¡mited control, namely its dependence on the U.S. recovery, stabil¡ty in Europe, polit¡cal instability globally, and the comb¡nation of a high housing market w¡th high consumer debt levels. W¡th¡n its borders, Canada's most pressing challenge, whrch is imminent, is the aging populat¡on and the result¡ng decline of productiv¡ty in the workforce. An aging workforce introduces a wide array of issues from declining levels of ¡ncome subject to taxation to increasing dependence on social assistance programs and healthcare. MEMORANDUM \9 D i recto r of F i n a n c elT rea s u re r BRACEBRIDGE fh<. l.lü¡1 o[ MùskÒka

The closing keynote speaker was two-time Olympic gold medall¡st in two-woman bobsle¡gh, Heather Moyse. Along w¡th teammate KaÌll¡e Humphries, Heather was able to win her first gold on home so¡l in the 2010 Vancouver Olympìcs and then repeat w¡th a gold medal in the 2014 Soch¡ Olympics. Heather prov¡ded an inspirational speech descr¡bing her climb to the gold medal and how important it is to believe in yourself desp¡te the fact that there are no guarantees in l¡fe.

This was an excellent conference and I recommend the Town's continued involvement with the annual MFOA conference in future years. To have access to so much professional development in such a short time span is a very benefic¡al and effic¡ent way to ensure Bracebridge remains at the forefront ¡n municipal finance.

Please contact me at (705) 645-5264 Ex¡. 262 lf you would l¡ke any other ¡nformation regarding the conference. I t). -¿¿iKà Stephen Rettre, Direcior of Frnancefl-re - Þrcsiclorìt September 15, 2O14 Prósident f:ll ¡d \ /oodsi.lc Í.ìyo,, City ol l rndù cio¡ Nu Town of Bracebridge Fr¡st Vicc-Prei¡do^r 1000 Taylor Courl Pranlrer vicê-présiderìt ll¡yr¡o¡d L.or ril Bracebridge ON P1 L 1 R6 .:oì,rc¡ ór. (:ity ofV¡¡.ìüvei, ila

Dear Mayor Graydon Smith, second Vica-Prosident Deu¡lònìe v cc-D¡és¡dont lwant to personally thank you fôr organizing, molrilizing, and passing a council co{r¡.rLor, i resolution supporting Ilcgronâ¡ Múìic¡pâ iy of ; FCM's nationwide Fixing Canada's Housing Crunch llèlto¡. ON i campaign. Your actions and the success of this campaign demonstrate that

I when municipalities across this country stand together, our voices do grow louder. Third Vice-Presidert i lrorsièmev¡ce-prósidê¡te i Jcnny Gcrbêsi i perhaps cor ¡c lor. i When we first imagined this campaign, you, llke me, wondered if we c tv of V,/r¡ì¡ìÞe.¡ I'l¡l i could connect the diverse experiences of cities and towns across Canada into one resounding message. Now, as we reflect on the over 200 munic¡palities representing more than 70 percent the Canad¡an population that have passed council resolutions supporting the campa¡gn, ¡t is clear that we have ach¡eved just that, We have shown that whether we make our home in a small-town harbour, a towering urban skyline, or the h¡lls of a rural horizon, we are united in V¡ e cle l¡ontrê¿, Oc our belief that everyone benefits from a stable and secure housing system.

Chief Exêcutive Of f icer Your organizing and leadership have raised the profile of housing as an issue of chof de la direction Brock C¡ t(,r national concern. ln addition to the over 200 resolutions passed, our message Otl¿wð. ON l was amplifred by an act¡ve soc¡al med¡a campa¡gn, community roundtable discussions, nation-w¡de media coverage, and outreach to members of parliament and by-election candidates. As our campaign comes to a close, we are preparing a report that summarizes what we heard in community housing roundtables and resolut¡ons passed across the country. I look forward to sharing that report with you in the coming months.

The Housing Crunch campaign taught us what a powerful message it sends when grassroots leaders across the country mobil¡ze their communtt¡es. Your resolution joined the chorus of voices asking the government to take stock of the state of housing in Canada and to work with all orders of government to develop a long{erm plan for the future.

24, rue Cl¡rence St¡eei t2 Otiôvr'â Ontêrio KIN 5Pj

1 . Gta 241 5221 F.61.1-?41:/44()

www-fcm c¿ Looking forward, we want to build on this success and apply ¡t to our advocacy work in the 2015 Federal Election. This past month, at FCM's Annual Conference in Niagara Falls, we launched a national campaign encourag¡ng all federal parties to recognize that a strong Canada begins w¡th strong hometowns. To leaflì more abcut this exc¡t¡ng new campaign, you can rrisit fcm ca1 hometowns and sign up to become a Hometown Champion.

Thank you again for passing a council resolution and taking a leading role in fixing Canada's housing crunch, W¡th your help, we can continue to keep the concerns of our hometowns front and centre with all orders of government.


/-'/- / fJtæørû/*o¿ø"'\ ,/

Brad Wcodside Mayor, City of Fredericton FCM President GENERAL COMMITTEE MINUTES Tuesday November 26, 2013 \s 9:00 a.m. BRACEBruDCE Town Council Chambers Page 7

6.10. Federation of Canadian Munic¡pal¡t¡es (FCM) National Hous¡ng Campa¡gn - "Fixing Canada's Housing Crunch" - Resolut¡on of Support

'f 3-GC-313 Moved by: Mayor G. Sm¡th Seconded by: Counc¡llor, L. Cragg (Sect¡on A) WHEREAS, a stable and secure housing system that creates and ma¡ntains jobs and âllows for a range of liv¡ng options ¡s essent¡al to attracting new workers, meet¡ng the needs of young families and support¡ng seniors and our mosl vuìnerable c¡tizens; and,

WHEREAS the high cost of housing is the most urgent financial issue facing Canadiâns with one ¡n four peopÌe pay¡ng more than they can afford for housing, and mortgage debt held by Canadians now standing at just over $ 1 .'1 trill¡oni and,

WHEREAS housing costs and, as the Bank of Canada notes, household debt, are undermining Canad¡ans' personal f¡nânc¡al security, wh¡le putt¡ng our national economy at r¡sk; and,

WHEREAS those who cannot afford to purchase a home rely on the short supply of rental un¡ts, wh¡ch ¡s dr¡v¡ng up rental costs and making ¡t hard to house workers in regions exper¡encing strong econom¡c activ¡tyl and,

WHEREAS an inadequate supply of subs¡dized hous¡n9 for those in need ¡s push¡ng some of the most vulnerable Canad¡ans on to the street, while $1.7 billion annually ¡n federal investments in soc¡al housing have begun to exp¡re; and,

WHEREAS coord¡nated act¡on ¡s requ¡red to prevent housing issues from being offloaded onto local governments and align the steps local governments have already taken w¡th regard to federal/provincial/territorial programs and policies; and,

WHEREAS, the Federation of Canadian Munic¡pal¡tìes (FCM) has launched a hous¡ng campaign, "Fìxing Canada's Housing Crunch," calling on the federal government to increase housing opt¡ons for Canadians and to work w¡th all orders of government to develop a long-term plan fo¡ Canada's housing future; and,

WHEREAS FCM has asked ¡ts member municipalit¡es to pass a counc¡l resolut¡on supporting the campa¡gn;

AND WHEREAS, our community has cont¡nuing hous¡ng needs that can only be met through the kind of long{erm plann¡ng and investment made possible by federal leadership;

NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Counc¡l of The Corporation of the Town of Bracebridge endorses the FCN¡ housing campa¡gn and urges the Minister of Employment and Soc¡al Development to develop a long-term plan for housing that puts core investments on solid ground, increases predictability, protects Cânad¡ans from the planned expiry of $1.7 billion in soc¡al hous¡ng âgreements and ensures a healthy stock of affordable rental housing for Canad¡ans;

AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Soc¡al Developmentt to the Honourable , Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing; the Honourable Tony Clement, MP, Parry Sound-Muskoka; Norm l\¡iller, M.P.P. Pârry Sound-Muskoka; to the Federation of Canadian Municipal¡ties; and the Assoc¡atÍon of Municipalities of Ontar¡o.

CARRIED BRACEBRIDGE AGRICULTURAT SOCIETY P.O. Box 53, Bracebridge, Ontario P1 L 1T5 Telephone (7 0 5) 64 5-8383 I 4223 E-mail - brace br¡dgefa¡ r@h otm a ¡1. co m

September 18,2014

ïown of Bracebridge, 1000 Taylor Court, Bracebridge, Oniario P1L 1R6 Attention: Stephen Rettie; Re: Bracebridge Fall Fair and Horse Show- Youth Division The Bracebridge Agricultural Society would like to thank the Town of Bracebridge for their continued support for the Youth Division of the Fair. The winners of Special Awards sponsored by the Town are as follows: $20.00 for the first tíme exhibitor earning most points Annalise Smart $20.00 for the best entry in the Youth Division Emma Riley $20.00 in Photography - best picture of an historical structure in Bracebridge Kiersten Hillman (3 entries) $20.00 in Penmanship - best entry Etanaiah Bradbury (2 entries) $20.00 in Computer & Graphic Arts - youth demonstrating the most potential Etanaiah Bradbury (3 entries) $20.00 in Fibre Arts - Needlecraft Emma Riley (5 entries) Payment of the $120.00 for that prize money was received in the spring prior to the retirement of your predecessor. The Special Awards and all prize money will be awarded at our Awards & Appreciation Night on Thursday, October 23. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. with a potluck supper, followed by the presentation of awards. Your attendance as a sponsor would be welcome. Thank you for your interest in our Fall Fair.

Sincerely, tb /-!t -,à:-{¿, c,o_ Donna Wallace, Director, (705) 645-2086 Municip ality of Ki llarney

September 22,2014

The Hon. Kathleen Wynne Main Olfice: J2 (,o¡nr¡¡issioncr Strcct Legislative Building, Queen's Park l(ill¡rnev, ()ntrrrio , Ontario M7A lAl P[rtul 2r\0

l'á: t05-287-242+ Dear Premier: Iì-l:888'59?-?7ll I'ax: il)i-2¿17-26ó0 Attached hereto is Resolution No. 14-385 that was passed at our Regular Meeting of Council held September 10th,2014 which is self-explanatory. -[ì,- ¡ lr;ril: torvnl< i I l(,,)vi ane t. on. ca Should you have any questions, please contâct the undersigned.

Public W'orks I)epartment: Sincerely, lO96 Hwy 637 THE MUNICIPALITY OF KILI.ARNEY Kill¿¡¡¡c_v, Ont¿r¡io P0,VI 240 ;l ) /,'/ -l'el; I. ]--,.''., )¡'.L 7()i-28?'l 01r0 \ I'cl: 8ól¡-5 l2-i0lr8 (Mrs.) Ira.r: 705-287- ì l4 I Candy K. Beauvais, Clerk-Treasurer li- nra il: killarney prv(4x¡rlorr.tet.c;i cc: FONOM AMO MPP - Norm Miller, Parry Sound MPP Michael Mantha, Algoma-Manitoulin Wcl¡ sitc: - www.rn trtrici¡rali ty.liilhrney. on.ca Encl: resolution

Word-s:general lettersMynne-OPP Billing Model-22-09'2014 The Coryoratìon of the Manicìpalíty of Killarney 32 Commßsio¡er Street Killarney, Ontailo POM 2AO

MOVED BY: Peggy Roque

SECONDED BY: Peter McMullen


BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipality of Killamey acknowledge receipt of the new OPP billing model which will see invoices split betrveen base costs and calls for senrice on an approximately 60/40 split. All municipalities will pay the same cost per property for base services which is estimated at $203.00 per property. FURTIIER THAT this new model was given cabinent approval on August 13,2014 and will commence on January 1, 2015. The new model will be phased-in over five years in order to give municipalities time to adjust to any increases in their policing costs.

A¡ID FURTHER THAT the Province is currently responsible for policing costs associated with Unor ganized Townships ;

AND FURTIIER TIIAT as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services will be reviewing various issues surrounding the new bi[ing model, that the Municipality of Killamey request that the Province implement a billing method for those properties located in Unorganized Townships so that they contribute their fai¡ share to the overall Provincial Policing Costs.

AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, FONOM, AMO, our local MPP's and all municipalities that a¡e currently serviced by the OPP.


I' Candy K. Beauvais, Clerk Treasurer of the Municipality of l(illarney do certify the foregoing to be a true copy of Resolution #14-385 passed in a Regutar Çouncil lvfedting of The Corporation of the Municipality of Killa¡ney on the l0ûday of Septernbérr 2014. NOTICE OF COMPLETION ADDEN DU M : CASCADE STREET G EN ERATI NG STATION RECONSTRUCTION

Bracebridge Generation Ltd. has completed an Addendum to an environmental assessment for reconstruction and equipment upgrades at the Cascade Street Generating Station located on the Seguin River in Parry Sound, Ontario. The outdated and deteriorating existing powerhouse, penstock and intake will be replaced with new structures, The current inefficient turbines, will be replaced with a single modern turbine. Necessary repairs to the Cascade Street dam will be completed along with construction of a new tailrace. Generating capacity would be increased from the present 1.2 MW to approximately 3.2 MW. Serious long term social, cultural and ecological effects are not anticipated.

The Addendum process is subject to the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment's "Guide to Environmental Assessments for Electricity Projects" (Regulation 7t6/Otl and to the Ministry of Natural Resources' "Water Management Guidelines for Waterpower". This notice in part, fulfills communication requirements of the Seguin River Simplified Water Management Plan.

As of September 26,2014, copies of the Addendum can be viewed during regular business hours at the following Parry Sound locations: o Bracebridge Generation Ltd. (formerly Parry Sound Power) 125 William st. - (70s) 746-7400 ¡ Town of Parry Sound (Municipal Office) 52 Seguin Street - 1705l.746-270I The Addendum report can be viewed on line at rvrvi'"'.lr,rrlirrirl¡;,;;i rt'r,rtri)r,.rir'ìr ThisNoticelssued:September26,2Ot4

lf a person feels that environmental concerns exist that are not satisfied by the EA or Addendum, they are encouraged to contact Bracebridge Generation Ltd. Should concerns remain unresolved, a person may request a Part ll Order under the Environmental Assessment Act requiring elevation of a project to an environmental review or an individual assessment. Requests for Part ll Orders must be made in writing to the address below, comply with provisions of Regulation tt6/Ot, and must be received by the Ministry of the Environment on or before October 26,2014.

Ministry of the Environment Envlronmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Ave. West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON M4V 1t5 Attn: Ms. Sarah Paul - Director

A copy of an elevation request must be forwarded to Bracebridge Generation Ltd. For further information on this projects, or to submit comments please contact: Mr. Bryan lngram, Operat¡ons Manager - Br Generation Ltd.,1;ir¡;i;lilir.'ir¡,r, ¡ lli;i",,,;; 1i,,¡;lriir¡r r ¡rl -office: 705- 646-9014 x510, 196 Taylor Rd., Bracebridge, ON P1L 1J9

Comments and information requests must be received on or before October 26,2QL4. Subject to public response and necessary permits, Bracebridge Generation Ltd. lntends to proceed with construction during late 2014.

î'ilrchr'ìdse N OF BRACEB (ìencrutìut DATE REC'D

OcT 0 2 Zi"!t



Pleâse note that Bracebridge Generation Ltd has extended the deadline for receipt of public comments from October 26, 2014 to November 1, 2014.

Bryan lngram

Generation Supervisor,,

Bracebridge Generation Ltd.

Th¡s not¡ce issued: October 3, 2014 Ministry of M¡n¡stère des Transportation Transports

Office of the Minlster Burcau du ministÍe

Ferguson Block, 3'd Floor Edrl¡ce l-erguson, 3" etage 77 Weles ey St. West 77, rue Wellesley ouest loronto, Ontario Toronto (Ontario) t\¡74 128 VtTA 1ZB 416-327 -9200 416-327 -9200 www ontario.caltranspoús

sEP 3 û ¿0.l4 t'¡241 4-5114 His Worship Graydon Smith Mayor Town of Bracebridge 1000 Taylor Court Bracebridge ON P1L 1R6

Dear Mayor Smith:

Thank you for meeting with my Parliamentary Assistant MPP, Kathryn McGarry, at the 2014 AMO Conference. She was pleased to meet wiih the delegation from the Town of Bracebridge and has conveyed your concerns and requests to me, particularly about start-up funding for transit.

As noted at this year's AMO conference, Ontario's new 1O-year economic plan, part of lhe 2014 Budget, includes more than $130 billion in infrastructure investments that will create jobs and help the province grow and prosper. lncluded in this plan is Moving Ontario Fonryard, a $29 billion plan to invest in transit, transportation and other priority infrastructure projects over the nexi 1 0 years,

As you are likely aware, on August 18,2014, the Ontario government announced the new Ontario Community lnfrastructure Fund. Thìs new program will provide $100 million a year to small, northern and rural municipalities to revitalize core infrastructure and support asset management planning. The program includes $50 million in formula- based funding and $50 million in application-based funding. A goal of the Ontario Communiiy lnfrastructure Fund is to transition to full formula-based funding as critical projects are addressed and asset management planning conttnues to improve.

As part of the Ontario Community lnfrastructure Fund, the Ontario government also launched an intake to identify projects for the federal government's Small Communitìes Fund. Through this fund, Ontario and the federal government will each provide $272 million to support projects in municipalities with populations less than 100,000. -2-

For more information about the new Ontario Community lnfrastructure Fund and the Small Communities Fund intake, please visit the Ministry of Economic Development,

Em p loyment a nd I nfrastructu re webs ite : www. onta rio. calm u n ici pa I i nfrastructu re.

My staff and I look forward to continuing to work with you on the issues that were raised at our meeting. I encourage you to continue to work with the regional offices. lf you have any questions or would like to provide me with additional information regarding our meeting, please contact my Legislative Assistant Andrea Ernesaks at 416-327-6372, You may also write to my Queen's Park office at:

3'd Floor - Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West Toronto ON M7A 1ZB Email: minister. mto@ontario. ca


Steven Del Duca Minister Mìnistry of Ministère des MunicipalAffairs Alfaires mun¡cipales and Hous¡ng et du Logernent

Ofice of thê I\/inister BureaLrdu mlnistre

'171r' ffi 777 Bay Street, Ëloor 777 , tue Bay , 17" ólage Torcnto ON N45G 2E5 foronlo ON l\/15G 2Ë5 Tel. 4'16-585-7000 Tét. 416-585 7000 Fax 416-585-6470 Téléc 416-585-6470 wwvv.sla¡lxÊ4úAE wl,wv. o n ta rio. calN,4Al'l

Oct 0 2 201¿

Your Worslrip Mayol Glayclon Smith 'Ibrvn of lìr'ace bridge I000 'l-aylol Cor-rlt l3r'acebridge 0N Plì- lÌ{(r -/'\ y'A4'dø 1 l )ca| M¿}.,+S+nirfr, l) n U Thanlt you f'ol your lcttcl congratulatiug l'ì1c or'ì l.l'ry rcccl]t appointu]cnt as Ministel of Munioìpal Affails and Ilousir.rg. Your l

Since the beginnìng of'oul fïst mandate, I havc lrccn worl

'l'cd McMeel

News Release: Simcoe Children's Aid and Family, Youth and Child Services of Muskoka Working Towards Amalgamation

Barrie& Bracebridge - The Simcoe Children's Aid and the Family, Youth and Child Services of Muskoka are actively working on a plan to become one children's service agency serving families across the two regions. They are both mandated by the Child and Family Services Act to provide child protection services. Additionally Muskoka has for more than a decade provided Children's Mental Health and Youth justice programs to families and children in Muskoka. That model is included in the proposed amalgamation.

The Boards of Directors of both organizations each undertook a feasibility study to examine the potential benefits and risks of.ioining the two organizations. The outcomes weighed in fàvour of bringing the two agencies together to provide strengthened and stable services to all of the stakeholders in Simcoe and Muskoka.

Working through a Joint Board Steering Committee (JBSC) and in close consultation with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, the agencies have established April I ,2015 as a target date that the new governing board will be established and begin to oversee a combined organization.

The amalgamation of infrastructure and direct services is to be developed over a longer period to ensure a consistent and uniform delivery of services. This will include maintaining services in all of the communities currently served, maintaining staff continuity and ensuring that the community partnerships remain strong.

"We believe that an amalgamated agency will be more stable and sustainable to serve the needs of children, youth and families in Muskoka and Simcoe," said Bonnie Greer, President of the Board of Directors of the Family, Youth and Child Services of Muskoka and Co-chair of the JBSC that is overseeing the amalgamation. "We want to ensure that the families we are currently working with would see no disruption in the service they are receiving."

A newly formed agency would work in partnership with many social services, health and education community partners that share the same regional boundaries underscoring the natural partnering of the two child and family services agencies.

"We want our community partners to be aware of this plan and will offer opportunities for them to provide input as we move toward our amalgamation goal of April l, 2015," added David MacPherson, the Simcoe co-chair of the JBSC and a Board Member of the Simcoe Children's Aid. -30- For information: Kristina Veenstra Executive Assistant - Amalgamation 705-726-6587 x2291

tr 60 Bell Farm Road, Un¡t #7, , Ontario, L4M 5G6: (70S) 726$587 D 49 Pine Street Bracebridge, Ontario, P1L 1K8 (705) 6454426