Published for friends ei supporters of the Libertarian Party

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Libertarian National Committee, Inc. • 2600 Virginia Ave, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 • Phone: (202) 333-0008 • Fax: (202) 333-0072 AUGUST 1998 newsle ter

THREE MORE ANNOUNCE ... PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATING CONVENTION ... am a Libertarian 2000 LP convention he Internet's most famous personality, an award- winning mystery writer, and the editor of a computer slated for Anaheim T publication have all announced they are libertarians. In ove over Mickey Mouse: The Libertarians are coming the past month, Matt Drudge, creator of the legendary Drudge to town. The Libertarian Party's 2000 presidential Report; Stuart M. Kaminsky, an Edgar Allan Poe Award- M nominating convention will be held in Anaheim, winning author; and Peter W. Glaskowsky, editor of the California — just two blocks from the Disneyland theme park Microprocessor Report, have all joined the growing circle of — the Libertarian National Committee announced this month. Americans who use the "L-word" to describe themselves. "We are thrilled to be hosting our party's national • In the August issue of Playboy magazine, Matt convention at the dawn of the new millennium," said Mark Drudge said he refused to take sides on the liberal/conser- Hinkle, State Chair of the California LP. "We plan to put on vative debate over who controls the media. quite a show." "I am a libertarian, not trusting any of them," he said. The convention will be held at the Anaheim Marriott Creator of the and star of a new from June 30 to July 3, and will draw upwards of 1,500 Network program, Drudge has been called "the first Internet delegates. star." Since its modest beginning four years ago, the Drudge The Anaheim decision represents a minor change in Report — his on-line compilation of political scoops, gossip, plans for the party, since the 2000 convention had been and quirky news items — has grown into a genuine phenom- scheduled for Los Angeles. enon that attracts millions of readers each month. But better prices, a more convenient location, and the • Screenwriter and novelist Stuart M. Kaminsky said presence of more entertainment alternatives convinced the he joined the Libertarian Party in July because he "could no Convention Organizing Committee to make the switch. longer abide the choice of either not voting or of voting for "Overall, the convention hotel in Anaheim was far better the lesser of two evils" — the Republicans and Democrats. suited to host our convention than either of the Los Angeles "After having voted for Libertarian presidential candi- hotels under consideration," said past LP National Chair dates in the last two elections, I thought it was certainly time Steve Dasbach, who helped select the site. "In addition, the to put my voice where my vote is," he said. hotel offers an outstanding level of service, and the area The author of more than 50 books — including the offers more entertainment options for convention attendees." Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov series — Kaminsky is currently More details about the convention — including prices the president of the Mystery Writers of America. In 1988, he and speakers — will be announced starting in mid-1999. won an Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Mystery Novel. II Editor Peter N. Glaskowsky announced in the July QUOTE/UNQUOTE ... 13 issue of the influential Microprocessor Report that he is a "card-carrying member" of the Libertarian Party. "When we began researching third-party politics, one In a signed editorial defending Intel Corporation against thing was clear: The Libertarian Party is the third party." government charges that it dumped CPU chips in an —BILL DUKANE, NewsNet, June 11, 1998 "uncompetitive" fashion, Glaskowsky wrote: "I've been a "Although Libertarians are small in number, they are card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party longer than winning local seats and influencing the national agenda — I've worked in the computer industry, and I have always including the debates on Social Security and IRS reform." been appalled by how eager some companies are to entangle - DONALD LAMBRO, Insight magazine, August 17, 1998 this industry in governmental red tape." Liberty Pledge News ♦ August 1998 Libertarian Libertarian convert advocates serves as delegate firearms to empower at D.C. convention women rhe Associated Press Tobyhanna man switched after deciding NACOGDOCHES — A pistol- GOP, Democrats were too much alike packing Libertarian from Michi- gan said yesterday that women By PETER BOTHUM should empower — and protect Pocono Record Writer — themselves. TOBYHANNA — It wasn't quite "Mr. Smith Goes To Washing- Barbara Goushaw began her ton," but when James E. Fleming took a trip to the capital he was- speech to the closing session of n't without ideals. the Texas Libertarian convention Fleming, a recent Republican-turned-Libertarian, served as a by moving a step stool up to the delegate for his new party's national convention held July 2 lectern to reach the microphone through July 5 in Washington, D.C. and be seen by audience members "It was very interesting. I've never been to any kind of political in the back of the room. convention before, so I learned a lot," Fleming said. "Nothing else "You've just seen the empow- could have lured me to Washington, D.C. on the Fourth of July." ering of a woman," she said. The 58-year-old Tobyhanna resident saw the Libertarian light on "With a little help from my friends July 4, 1996, when C-SPAN's coverage of the national convention at the Handy Dandy step stool fac- seized his attention and kept it for three days straight. Little did tory, I'm as tall as any man in this Fleming know that two years later, he would be serving as one of room. I just needed the right tool." a handful of representatives for the state's Libertarian Party. Then she pulled her handgun "I was always really an independent. I was a registered Republi- from under the podium and can because of the laissez-faire aspect and the economic side of it," showed it to the audience. Fleming said. "There's virtually no difference between Democrats "And with a little help from and Republicans anymore. I officially joined the Libertarian Party my friends at Smith & Wesson, I because it represents my views more than anything else." can protect myself from any man The Libertarian Party was founded in Colorado in 1971 by busi- in this room," she said. ness executive David Nolan. Pennsylvania has 21,000 registered Libertarian ideals center on the members, the second-largest count behind California. concept of personal responsibility. Ray Masters, a member of the Pocono Libertarians — founded in Referring to her stool, 1991 — and secretary of the Monroe County Libertarian Commit- Goushaw said, "I could either tee, said the party's growth in the state has been centered around find the tool I needed or wait Philadelphia. But in the county, the number of registered Liber- around for the government to tarians has jumped from 17 in 1991 to 350 in 1998, he said. make me taller. It's the same thing Masters cited zoning restrictions and the Open Space issue as with self-protection. I'm not two major concerns of the party. But there's a reason why the par- going to wait around for the gov- ty didn't voice it's opinion on the Monroe 2020 task force. ernment to protect me." "People ask us, 'Why didn't you take a position on the Monroe The ability to be able to' defend 2020 thing?"' Masters said. "No matter what we did, they were one's self is the "most basic going to steamroll through with it anyway. On a general basis, issue," she said. we're against planning and zoning." "The point is, the predator Fleming said the highlights of the convention included the elec- preys on the helpless. That help- tion of a new national party chairman, David Bergland, and a slew less person may be your daughter of speakers, including Future of Freedom Foundation President going off to college, or to a White Jacob Hornberger and author Peter McWilliams. McWilliams, who House internship," she said jok- penned "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do," is a California-based ingly, "or your wife or your moth- writer who has AIDS and campaigns for the use of medicinal mar- er. If you care about those people, ijuana. Fleming said McWilliams' fight is central to the idea of Libertar- you should know handguns are a girl's best friend." ianism. "Eisenhower said you cannot legislate morality," Fleming said. "A The Pocono Record person's body is his own, and what he ingests is his own business." Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, July 7, 1998 Pocono Libertarians meet every month at the Tannersville Inn. A The Fort Worth Star-Telegrarn Their next meeting is slated for July 21. Fort Worth, Texas, June 15, 1998 Liberty Pledge News ♦ August 1998 Libertarian Leader Wants Greater Piece of Political Pie for His Party

BY MICHAEL VIGIL that law-abiding citizens have ac- cent of the cess to firearms. popular vote, THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Browne said he would not run "we could The 1996 Libertarian Party for president in 2000 unless the change this presidential candidate said he party was considered major, with country for- Harry Browne would not commit to run for the at least 200,000 members nation- ever," he said. same office in 2000 unless the ally. He admits that's a lofty goal "That way the Libertarian Par- party elevates itself to national considering there are only 30,000 ty would have to be consulted on prominence by the next election. members. every issue, because we would Harry Browne admitted that But with an aggressive mailing have the margin of victory be- goal is not going to be easy to campaign and other membership tween Republicans and Demo- achieve without a large dose of drives, Browne said he believes it crats," he said. salesmanship about the party to can happen. Without that many the American people. people — and their accompanying "People do not respond to donations — Libertarian candi- Breathless promises dates will continue to be largely preaching or debate," he said. "If he's not ashamed to lie to "We have to show them how much anonymous. "Our candidate has to be so his wife and his daughter about their life will improve in a Liber- well-known that he is showing up presidential fornication, why tarian nation." would' he be ashamed in polls, so that the media will fol- to lie to the American public about federal Browne made his remarks to low us," he said. about 50 Libertarian Party mem- legislation?" asks Ron Cricken- That was a problem in the 1996 berger, the Libertarian Party's bers at the Doubletree Hotel in election. A poll the next year downtown Salt Lake City. national director. showed that only 4 percent of "Now that Clinton has admitted In Browne's mind, the nation Americans knew' the Libertarian will improve first and foremost he's a liar, why would anyone be- candidate was Browne. lieve his breathless promises with the abolition of income tax- The party was able to raise $3 about health care, cigarette legis- es. million for the 1996 presidential lation, Internet censorship, the "We need to ask people if they election. Even though that is a lot Brady bill, saving Social Security, are willing to give up their favor- for a third party, it is a paltry sum global warming, troops in Bosnia ite federal program if they never with which to challenge the well- — or the hundreds of other policy had to pay income taxes again," funded Democrat and Republican proposals he's made since becom- he said. "I bet most people would candidates. ing president?" Mr. Crickenber- say yes." Browne said he is realistic ger said. Among other issues, he added about the low chances for a Lib- that the party advocates ending ertarian candidate to win the Al The Salt Lake Tribune the "war on drugs," eliminating presidency in 2000, but if the can- Salt Lake City, Utah, July 28, 1998 property taxes and making sure didate could receive 10 to 15 per- A The Wasbinton Times V The Meadville Tribune, Meadville, Pennsylvania, July 22, 1998 Washington, DC, August 19, 1998 Libertarian candidate for governor visits

By JANE SMITH companies from foreign whatsoever." Instead, he said, the legislators TRIBUNE countries to come to the received a "non-reportable expense ac- state. count," which he said is a pay increase. Why did Ken Krawchuk of Abington In addition, he said, He also took issue with Ridge's vote as a Township. near Philadelphia. decide to seek Ridge is proposing a tax on congressman, which took away the people's the office of governor of Pennsylvania? commerce conducted on "right to bear arms" in self-defense. "Crime, cronyism and the Constitution." the Internet, predicting if "These are the three, large issues," he he says. Flanked by about 20 supporters. that happens "it will be the said. Krawchuk spoke about his candidacy Addressing other issues, Krawchuk Tuesday at the Crawford County death of the Internet." Citing the Libertarian pledged as governor he would work toward Courthouse. privatization of schools. A survey he did sev- Citing a statistic that 95 percent of crimes Party's strong belieUin up- KRAWCHUK eral years ago when he ran for state repre- are committed by 5 percent of the criminals holding the Constitution, Krawchuk said government sentative showed private schools were who have been released from prison on pa- spending from $2,000 to $4,000 to a high of is ignoring the rights guaranteed under the role "over and over again," Krawchuck said $9,000 per student in an exclusive private Constitution. as governor he would immediately stop pa- school in his area. role for all who commit violent crimes. For example, he said the governor signed Turning to cronyism, Krawchuk said a bill giving state legislators an illegal pay in- when the federal government closed the crease. Krawchuk said the Constitution pro- Philadelphia shipyards. Gov. Tom Ridge gave hibits elected officials from receiving a salary unfair tax breaks to companies to entice and mileage and "no other compensation Liberty Pledge News • August 1998 Libertarian Candidate Wants To Downsize Government By S. JEANNE PHARR News Staff Writer It is a common belief that a vote for an independent candidate is a vote' that is wasted. But that doesn't appear to be the case with_sgarian Lib candidate for governor Jack Cashin, who made an impressive showing in the 1996 sen- atorial race. "People are starting to listen," he said this week. 'We are starting to appeal to indignant and disenfran- chised voters." In 1996, Cashin received 4 percent of the vote, the highest ever recorded for the party in a statewide election. He contends that the reason for the excellent showing is that Libertarians are starting to get their message across. That message is based on the Lib- ertarian mission to downsize the government. If elected governor, Cashin says he would immediately begin to stream- line the state government by mandat- S. Jeanne Pharr/The Brunswick News ing that all agencies reduce their bud- LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATE — Jack Cashin is traveling the gets by 10 percent within 30 days. state of Georgia spreading the Libertarian message that proclaims "I would then require them to cut less government and lower taxes. The gubernatorial candidate was their budgets by another 10 percent," said Cashin, explaining that he would in Glynn County earlier this week urging Georgians not to "waste" set up a reward system for the people their votes on Democrats and Republicans. who accomplish their mission. "If Democrat." agencies that are no longer valid and they know they will get a bonus for Democratic and Republican politi- have no reason for being," he creating efficiencies, people will cians spend 30 percent of their time explained. 'There is excessive dupli- work harder at it," he said. enacting laws that will appease those cation and there is a lot of fat that Even if he's not elected governor, who contributed funds and they needs to be trimmed from every form Cashin would like to have a good spend the other 70 percent looking of government to make it run more enough showing in the election to for someone to contribute those efficiently. I want to bring reason and induce the elected state officials to funds, said Cashin, who insists he is common sense to a confused govern- create an "Efficient Government not a politician. mental landscape." Commission." "I want to be a citizen legislator, Cashin believes he can accomplish "This commission would have someone who can make decisions this goal, and others as well. broad powers to investigate and elim- without being beholden to those who He wants law enforcement to rigor- inate any ann of the government lined my pockets. I want to make ously fight violent crime. He wants to which no longer has any validity," judgments like a statesman for the legalize medical marijuana for Geor- said Cashin, who would like to be good of the whole, not based on the gians with serious illnesses. He wants appointed chairman of the commis- narrow interests of people who want to veto bills that threaten Georgians' sion so that he could oversee the something from you," he said. right to keep and bear arms. actual downsizing. "I don't want to be a politician, He wants to eliminate property "The government that governs best concerned only about retaining taxes for senior citizens. But mostly, governs least," he said, quoting power and perpetuating myself." he wants to privati7P governmental Thomas Jefferson. "Jess government Cashin needs 10 to 15 percent of services and do away with Georgia's and less taxation, that's what the Lib- the vote this fall in order to put him income tax. ertarian Party was founded on. AndAf into a negotiating, position, with both Americans like having a mountain of major parties. A The Brunswick News taxes heaped on them, then they "That way I could work within the Brunswick, Georgia, July 11, 1998 should vote for a Republican or government to reduce bureaus and