THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the fj P O)

Vol CXXn-No 226 NAIROBI,18th December,2020 Price Sh 60

CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES Gazeitf Notices —iContd) Page

The Supreme Court of Kenya—December Recess 5036 Closure of Private Roads 5097

The Senate—Special Sitting 5036 Disposal of Uncollected Goods 5098-5099 Change of Names 5099-5102 The Estate Agents Act—Appointment 5036 Award of Orders Decorahons and Medals lamhun Day The National Co operative Policy Operationalization 12th December 2020—Awards and Honours 5102-5105 Taskforce—Appointment 5036 The Elections Act- Occurrence of Vacancy m Kabuchai The Universities Act—Appointment 5037 Constituency 5105

County Governments Notiees 5037 The Court of Appeal—Chnstmas Recess 5105 5078-5085

The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional SUPPLEMENT Nos 221 222 and 223 Certificates etc 5037-5054 The East Afncan Community Customs Management Senate Bills 2020 Act—Appomtment of Customs Area 5054 Page The National Treasury—Statement of Actual Revenues The Community Health Services Bill 2020 843 and Net Exchequer Issues as at 30th November 2020 5055-5057 The Political Party Pnmaries Bill 2020 861 Customs and Border Control Department—Goods to be The National Flag Emblems and Names (Amendment) Sold at Customs Warehouse-ICDE Nanobi etc 5058-5075 Bill 2020 885 The Civil Aviation Act—Application for Viriation or Issue SUPPLEMENT Nos 224,225 and 227 of Air Service Licences 5076-5078 Legislative Supplements 2020 The Proceeds of Crime and Anti Money Laundenng Act- Preservation Orders 5085-5086 Legal Notice No Page

The Competition Act—Termimtion of Agreement 5086 208—The National Police Service Standing (Amendment) Orders 2020 2255 The Insolvency Act—Petition for Insolvency 5086-5087 209—The Nyandarua National Polytechnic Order The Political Parties Act—Change of Party Details 5087 2020 2407

The Co operative Societies Act—Extension of hiquuy 210—The Traffic Act—Exemption 2419 Period 5087 The Labour Relations Act—Application for Registration of a Trade Union 5087 SUPPLEMENT Nos 226,228 and 229

The Companies Act—Intended Dissolution etc 5087-5088 National Assembly Bills 2020 The Physical and Land Use Planning Act—Completion of Page Development Plans 5088-5089 The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act- (Amendment)(No 3) Bill 2020 1067 Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports 5089-5097 The Business Laws(Amendment) (No 2) Bill 2020 1073 The Records Disposal (Courts) Rules—Intended The Anti Doping (Amendment) Bill 2020 1145 Destruction of Court Records 5097

[5035 5036 THE KENYA dAZETTE 18th December,2020

Corrigenda Gazette Notice No 10698

IN Gazette Notice No 10325 of 2020 amend the expression THE ESTATE AGENTS ACT printed as Ahamed Mahat Abdi to read Ahmed Mahat Abdi (Cap 533)

ESTATE AGENTS REGISTRATION BOARD IN Gazette Notice No 9651 of 2020 amend the expression printed as Michaellrezi to read' Michael Iren Njem Appointment IN EXERCISE of the power conferred by section 6 of the Estate IN Gazette Notice No 7342 of 2019 amend the expression printed Agents Act the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning as Cause No 43 of 2018 to read Cause No 43 of 2019 appoints— ROSENABISWA

IN Gazette Notice No 10038 of 2020 amend the deceased s as Registrar of the Estate Agents Registration Board for a penod of names printed as Violet Wangui Karanja to read Margaret Njen three (3) years with effect from the 2nd November,2020 Njuguna Dated the 9th December 2020 FARIDA KARONEY IN Gazette Notice No 7853 of 2020 amend the expression printed Cabinet Secretaryfor Lands and Physical Planning as Cause 192 of 2018 to read Cause No 192 of 2019 where it appears Gazette NOTICE NO 10699

IN Gazette Notice No 1231 of 2020 amend the expression printed THE NATIONAL CO OPERATIVE POLICY as situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area to read situate OPERATIONALIZATION TASKFORCE at Athi River in MachakoS Distnct where it appears Appointment IT IS notified for the general information of the public and the Co GAZETTE Notice No 10696 operative sector stakeholders in particular that the Cabinet Secretary Agnculture Livestock Fishenes and Co operatives intends to SUPREME COURT OF KENYA operationalize the National Co operative Policy pursuant to the State

December Recess 2020 Etepartment of Co operatives mandate as prescnbed in the Executive Order No 1 of 2020 May 2020(Revised) PURSUANT to Article 163 (1)(a) of the Constitution of Kenya and section 6 of the Supreme Court Act 2011 and Rules 4(c) 5 and 7 Consequently the Cabinet Secretary has constituted a taskforce of the Supreme Court Rules 2020 the Chief Justice gives notice as and appointed the persons listed below as members of the taskforce follows with the mandate to initiate and develop a framework for— The Supreme Court Recess shall commence on Monday 21st (a) Implementation of the National Co operative Policy December 2020 and terminate on Wednesday 13th January 2021 Interventions both days inclusive (b) Review of the Co operative Legislation A duty judge will hear and determine applications for the certification of urgent matters and any other matters as provided under (c) Co-operative Institutional Reforms and the Supreme Court Act ad Rules (d) Co operative Capacity Building During this penod the Supreme Court registry shall be open to the The National Co operative Policy Operationalization Task Force public from 8 30 a m to 5 00 p m on all weekdays other than public shall comprise of the following persons— holidays Nelson Kuna — Chairperson Dated this 29th October 2020 D K MARAGA Members Chief Justice/President of the Supreme Court of Kenya Moses Munanki Nabea Independent Member Alexander Nyamai Mutisya Independent Member Esther Gicheru (Prof) (CUK) Ga/ftte Notice NO 10697 Rosemary Githaiga (CAK) 1 HE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA Geoffrey Njang ombe (SDC) Francis Kamande (NACHU) THE SENATE STANDING ORDERS Joseph Kung u (CoG) Gilbert Ndemo (CoG) Special Sitting of The Senate Jeremiah Were (SASRA) NOTICE IS given to all Senators that pursuant to Standing Order Richard Nyakenogo (CIC) 30 of the Senate Standing Orders on the request of the Senate Mercy Njeru (KUSCCO) Majority Leader with the support of the requisite number of Senators Ehud Nzola (Co operative Bank) I have appointed Monday 21st December 2020 as a day for a special David Obonyo Joint Secretary(SDC) sitting of the Senate The sitting shall be held in the Senate Chamber Joyce Nkirote(Ms) Joint Secretary(SDC) Main Parliament Buildings Nairobi commencing at 2 30 p m 1 The Task Force shall develop its own terms of reference and The business to be transacted at the sitting shall be the upon approval by the Cabinet Secretary formulate its own rules of consideration of the amendments of the National Assembly to the Tea procedure and work plans Bill Senate Bills No 36 of 2018 2 The Task Force shall submit its report to the Cabinet Secretary In Tccordance with Standing Order 30 (5) of the Senate Standing within ninety (90) days from the date of publication of this notice Ciders the business specified in this notice shall be the only business before the Senate during the special sitting following which the 3 The State Department of Co operatives shall provide the Semte shall stand adjourned until Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 2 30 Secretanat and Budgetary support for the task Force p m in accordance with the Semte Calendar Dated the 16th December 2020 Dated the 17th December 2020 PETER G MUNYA KENNETH LUSAKA Cabinet Secretary Speaker of the Senate Agriculture Livestock Fisheries and Co operatives 18th December,2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5037

Gazette Notice No 10700 sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within THE UNIVERSITIES ACT that period (No 42O/20I2) Dated the 18th December 2020 Appointment J C CHERUTICH MR/1435042 Registrar of Titles Nairobi IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 36(I) (d) of the Universities Act 2012 the Cabinet Secretary for Education appoints—

JIRE SlYAT Gazettf Notice No 10704 as a member of the Council of the University of Eldoret for a penod THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT of three (3) years with effect from the 18th December 2020

Dated the 18th December 2020 (No 3o/2012) GEORGE MAGOHA Issuf of a Provisional Certificate Cabinet Secretaryfor Education WHEREAS (I) Rose Wanjiku Mbai and (2) David Kambere Gichanga as the administartors of the estate of Githanga Thungu Gazette Notice No I070I (deceased) both of PO Box 72296-00100 Nairobi m the Republic of THE UNIVERSITIES ACT Kenya are registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known as LJl No 14784/13 situate in the South of Mavoko Township in (No 42o/20I2) Machakos District by virtue of a certificate of title registered as IR Re Appointment 66566/1 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 36(I) (d) of the that the said certificate of title has been lost notice is given that after Universities Act 2012 the Cabinet Secretary for Education appoints— the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue i provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been Bernard Muchiri Iria received within that period as a member of the Council of the Pwani University for a period of three (3) years with effect from the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 S C NJOROGE Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1421228 Registrar of Titles Nairobi GEORGE MAGOHA Cabinet Secretaryfor Education

Gazette Notice No 10705


THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA (No 3 O/20I2) THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT Issue of a Provisional Certificate (No n of2012) WHEREAS (I) Onesimus Kimwele Mutungi and (2) Susan Agnes NYANDARUA COUNTY TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND Mutungi both of P O Box 55874 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya INVESTMENT AUTHORITY ACT 2020 are registered as proprietors lessee of all that flat number 5 1 Appointment Wing A erected on all that piece of land known as LR No 209/12782 situate in the City of Nairobi in Nairobi District by viitue IT IS notified for the information of the general public that of a lease registered as IR 77492/1 and whereas sufficient evidence pursuant to section 30 (2)(m) of the County Governments Act 2012 and sections 8 (2) (a) and (d) of the Nyandarua County Trade has been adduced to show that the said lease has been lost notice is Development and Investment Authonty Act 2020 the Governor given that after the expiration of sixty (60) diys from the date hereof I Nyandarua County has appointed the persons whose names appear shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection hereunder as Boa^ Members of the Nyandarua Trade Development has been received within that period and Investment Authonty effective 26th November 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 Name Designation B F ATILNO MR/1421274 Registrar of Titles Nairobi Isaac Maina Gitura Chairperson Kelvin James Mwai Gathigia Member Mary Nyambura Mungai Member Gazette Notice No 10706 Joseph Gichuhi Nderitu Member Joyce Muthoni Nderitu Member THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT

Dated the 26th November 2020 (No 3 O/20I2) FRANCIS KIMEMIA MR/1435056 Governor Nyandarua County Issue of a Provisional Certificate WHEREAS Golden Palms Development Limited of PO Box 7103-00200 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as Gazette Notice No 10703 proprietor of all that piece of land known as L R No 1870/111/487 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT situate in the city of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a certificate (No 3 of21012) of title registered as IR 162927/1 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost Issue of a Provisional Certificate notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date WHEREAS Lavington Secunty Limited of PC Box 73435 hereof I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor of all that objection has been received within that period piece of land known as L R No 209/5826 situate in the city of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a grant registered as IR 23245 Dated the 18th December 2020 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the S C NJOROGE said grant has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of MR/1421307 Registrar of Titles Naiioht 5038 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazette NOTJCh No 10707 Gazfttf Notice No 10711

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3(5/2012) (No 3 O/2012) ISSUE OF A Provisional Cfrtifica tf Issue of a Certificate of Lfase WHEREAS Intn Atnca Assurance Company Limited ot P O WHEREAS ci) Francis Bryan Scnven and (2) Annick Gennaine Box 21142-00100 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as Maiie Scnven both of P O Box 68342 Nairobi in the Republic of proprietor of all that piece of land known as L R No 8784/11 situate Kenya are registered as proprietois of a leasehold interest in all that m the east of Athi in the Machakos District by vutue of a certificate of piece of land containing 0 2625 hectare or theieabouts situate m the title registered as I R 47308/1 and whereas sufficient evidence has district of Nairobi registered under title No Nairobi/Block 91/169 been adduced to show that the said ceitificate of title has been lost notice IS given that after the expii atioii of sixty (60) days fi om the date and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the s lid certificate of lease issued theieof has been lost notice is given heieof I shall issue a provisional certificate of title piovided that no that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall objection has been received witliin that period issue 1 new ceitificate of lease provided that no objection has been Dated the 18th December 2020 received within that period S C NJOROGT Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1421433 Regtstnn of Titles Nairobi J M MWINZI MR'1421374 Land Registrar Nairobi

Gazette Nor ICE No 10708


{No 3()/2012) THE LAN RE' liTRATI npCI Issue of a Pro\isional Cert ificate (No 3 O/2012) WHEREAS Hornbill Development Company Limited of P O Box Issue of a Certificate of I ease 1320 Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L R No 10146 situ item the WHERFAS Esthei Muthoni Njenga of PO Box 271-00614 Malindi Municipality in Kilifi District registered as C R 46235/1 and Nairobi in the Republic of Kt nya is registered as propnetor m whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said leasehold interest of all that piece of land containing 155 square certificate of title has been lost notice is given that after the expiration meters situate in the district of Nairobi registered inder title No of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a provisional Dagoretti/Riruta/6608 Apartment No F6 and whcieas sufficient certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of lease that period issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days fiom the date hereof I shall issue a new certificate of Dated the 18th December 2020 lease provided that no objection has been received within that period S K MWANGI MR/1421478 Registiar of Titles \Toiiibasa Dated the 18th December 2020 J M MWINZI MR/1421447 Land Registrar Nairobi Gazette Noticf No 10709

THE LAND REGISTR noNACT Gazette Notice No 10713

(No 3(1/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSUE OF A Provisional Certificate (No 3 0/2012)

WHEREAS Abdalla Mahmoud Salim Saleh as the administi ator ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed of the estate of Salima Binti Mbarak o^ PO Box 82336-80100 Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in fee WHEREAS Anna Chelamat Kiprono of P O Box 25 Kipkaren simple of all that piece of land known as plot No 1539/VI/MN River m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor m absolute containing 0 1287 hectare or thereabouts situate in Mombasa ownership interest of all that piece of land situate m the distnct of Municipality in Mombasa District registered as C R 10746/1 and Uasm Gishu registered under title No Uasm Gishu/Ngenyilel whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the Settlement Scheme/206 and whereas sufftcient evidence has been certificate of title issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a nottce IS gtven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date provisional certificate of title provided that no Oujection has been hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection received within that penod has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 S K MWANGI MR/1421268 Registrar of Titles Mombasa C S MAINA MR/1435105 Land Registrar Uasm Gishu District


Issue of a Provisional Certificate (No 3 0/2012)

WHEREAS Abdalla Mahmoud Salim Saleh as the administrator Issue of a new land Title Deed of the estate of Saltma Bmti Mbarak of P 0 Box 82336-80100 Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in fee WHEREAS Salim Khamis Bakhressa of PO Box 42115-00100 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor of a simple of all that piece of land known as plot No 1465/Vl/MN freehold interest of all that piece of land containing 0 045 hectare or containing 0 1237 hectare or theieabouts situate m Mombasa theieabouts situate in the district of Mombasa registered under title Mumcipahty in Mombasa Distnct registered as C R 10730/1 and No Mombasa/Block XLV/141 and whereas sufficient evidence has whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show tint the certificate of title issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given tint after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue i date hereof 1 shall issue a new land title deed provided that no provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period obiection has been received within that period !/ Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 S K MWANGI S K MWANGI MR/1421268 Registrar of Titles Mombasa MR/1421259 Land Rcgisti ar Mombasa District 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5039

Gazette Notice No 10715 Gazette Notice No 10719

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue OF A New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS (1) Rashid Bin Kassim and (2) Mohamed Bin Said Bin Kassim El mandhry both of PC Box 85597-80100 Mombasa in WHEREAS Florence Wambui Machana is registered as propnetor the Republic of Kenya are registered as proprietors in fee simple in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 65 ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 1007 acres or hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Nakuru registered thereabout situate m the distiict of Mombasa registered under title under title No Bahati/Kabatmi Block 1/1568 and whereas sufficient No Mombasa/Block XVII/832 and whereas sufficient evidence has evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no provided that no objection has been received within that period objection has been received within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 E M NYAMU MR/1421483 Land Registrar Nakuru District J M RAMA MR/1421475 Land Registrar Mombasa District

Gazette Notice No 10720 Gazette Notice No 10716 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3o/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Dishon Humphrey Otieno of P O Box 1702 Nairobi WHEREAS (1) Rashid Bin Kassim and (2) Mohamed Bin Kassim in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute El mandhry both of P O Box 82298-80100 Mombasa in the ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 04 hectare or Republic of Kenya are registered as propnetors m fee simple thereabouts situate in the district of Kisumu registered under title No ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 1007 acres or Kisumu/Manyatta A /2990 and whereas sufficient evidence has been thereabout situate m the distnct of Mombasa registered under title adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost No Mombasa/Block XXVII/831 and whereas sufficient evidence has notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection lost nohce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the has been received within that penod date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 18th December 2020

Dated the 18th December 2020 G O NYANGWESO J M RAMA MR/1435102 Land Registrar Kisumu East/West Districts MR/1421475 Land Registrar Mombasa District

Gazette Notice No 10721


THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Benson Omollo Aduogo of P O Box 21 Daranja WHEREAS Ian Thuku Mutheki of PO Box 106292-00101 Mbih in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 20 hectares or absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 344 thereabout situate m the distnct of Kisumu registered under title No hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Nakuru registered Kisumu/Kapuonja/38 and whereas sufficient evidence has been under title No Bahati/Engorusha Block 1/81 and whereas sufficient adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provid^ that no objection (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed has been received within that penod provided that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 G O NYANGWESO E M NYAMU MR/1421381 Land Registrar Kisumu East/West Districts MR/1421218 Land Registrar Nakuru Distnct

Gazette Notice No 10722 Gazette Notice No 10718 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012)

Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed

WHEREAS Josephme Mwihaki Gathura of P O Box 860-20100 WHEREAS John Arocho Okumu of P O Box 9098 Kisumu in Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 05 ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 009 hectare or hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Nakuru registered thereabouts situate in the distnct of Kisumu registered under title No under title No Bahati/Bahati Block 1/2297 and whereas sufficient Kisumu/Korando/4889 and whereas sufficient evidence has been evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection provided that no objection has been received within that period has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 R G KUBAI G O NYANGWESO MR/1421253 Land Registrar Nakuru District MR/1435138 Land Registrar Kisumu East/West Districts ]8th December 2020 5040 THE KENYA GAZETTE

GAj^ETTF No 1 ICE No 1072'' Gazette Notice No 10727


Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a nlw Land Title deed WHEREAS Joseph Gumbs Ogach of P O Box S059 Dago in the WHEREAS Nelson Cayub Ochieng is registered as proprietor in Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 08 inteiest of all that piece oi land containing 0 7 hectare or thereabout hectare or thereabouts situate m the distnct of Busia/Teso registeied situate in the district of Kisumu registeied under title No under title No South Teso/Chakol/1326 and whereas suffcient Kisurau/Nyaherd/lSSS and wheieas sufficient evidence has been evidence has been addnced to show that the land title deeds issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost theieof have been lost notice is given that after the expuation of sixty notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date (60) days from the date hereof 1 shall issue new land Utle deed hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection provided that no objection has been received within that period has been received within that penod Dated the 18th Decembei 2020 Dated the 18th Decembei 2020 W N NYABERl G O NYANGWCSO MR/14351M LandRegiitiai Busia/Teso Districts MR/1435n9 Land Registrar Kmimu East/West Distiitls

Gazetif NoncENo 10728 GA7En E NoTicr No 10724 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE 1 AND REGISTT^ATION ACT {No 3o/2012) {No ^0/2012) ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed Issue of a Nlw Land 7 n lf Deed WHEREAS Ayub Odwoi Okhaso of P 0 Box 66 Busia m the WHEREAS juma Ochieng is registered as proprietor in absolute Republic of Kenya is registeied as proprietor in absolute owneiship ownership interest ot all that piece ol 1 ind containing 0 05 hectare or interest of ill that piece oi lind contunmg 4 0 hectaies or thereabout thereabouts situate in the distiict of Busia/Teso registered under title situate in tl e district ot Busia/Teso registered undei title No South No Bukhayo/Mundika/14191 and whereas sufticient evidence has Teso/Chakol/1363 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced been idduced to show that the land title deed issued theieof has been to show that the 1 ind title deeds issued thereof have been lost notice is lost notice is given that ufter the expiration of sixty (50) days from the given that aftei the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof 1 date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed pio\ided that no shall isiue new land title deed provided that no objection has been objection has been leceived within that period received within that pei lod

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 W N NYABERl W N NYABERl MR/1421204 Land Rtgisliai Busia/Teso Distncts MR/1435144 LandRegistrai Busia/Teso Districts

Gazette Notice No 10725 Gazette No ricE No 10729 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3O/2012) {No 3 of20\2) Issue of a New Land Titi f Deed IssuF OF A New Land 7itle Deed WHEREAS Haroon Bethwel Ochwada of P O Box 82 Funyula in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute WHERLAS Agery Apuoyo of PC Box 235 Funyula in the ownership mteres' of all that piece of land containing 0 24 hectare or Republic of Kenya is legistered as pioprietor in absolute ownership thereabouts situate in the district ol Busia/Teso registeied undei title interest of all th it piece ot land containing 2 6 hectares or thereabout No Sami i/l aehululo/Bukhulungu/S08 and whereas sufficient situate 11 the district ot Busia/Teso registeied under title No evidence h is been adduced ti show that the land title deed issued SamiaAVakhungu Odiado/224 and whereas sufficient evidence has thereof has been lost notice is given tliat after the expn ition of sixty been idduecd to show that the land title deeds issued theieof have been (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new 1 ind title deed lost notice IS given tli it after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the provided that no ob|ection has I een leceived within that period date heieof 1 shall issue new land title'deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod Dated the 18tli December 2020 V, N NYABERl Dated the 18tli Decembei 2020 MR/1421472 Land Rcgntrai Busia/Teio Distni Is W N NYABERl MR/1433144 Land Registrar Busia/Teso Districts

CazfttfNoiiclNo 10726 Gaze rrb Notice No 10730 IHl LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3fi/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT

Issue of Nfw 1 and TiTt e Deeds {No 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Alois Wafuli Chami ot PC Box 6121 1 Naiiobi in Issue of a New Land Title Deed the Republic ot Kenya is legislered as propiietor m absolute ownership uilciesl ol all those pieces ot land containing 1 097 and WHEREAS R isliid Ndunde Ashunia is registeied as proprietor in ab olute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the 0 31 hcctireo oi ihcieabout situate m luv. us ri of Busi iAeso registeied undei title Nos Bukliayo/Bugen„i/16478 ind 164S0 district ol Muinias West registered under title No lespectively md wheieas sufficient evidence his been adduced to Noith/Wangi/Mayoni/1637 and wheieas sufficient evidence h is been iddiiced to show thit the land title deed issued theieof has been lost snow that the land title deeus is irJ Iheieof h ve been lost notic is notice IS given th it alter the expuation of sixty (60) days from the d ite given that ifter the expn ition of sixty (60) d lys from tlie d ite licieof I hereof 1 shall issue i new land title deed provided that no objection shill issue new land title deeds piovidcd thai no objection Ins been has been received within that pei lod leceived within that period Dated the 18tli December 2020 Datidlhc IStli December 2020 M J BOOR W N NYABERl MR/1421294 iMtid Registi at Kakaincga Di strict MR/1421213 LandRei,isirai Biism/1 cso Dislncts 18th December,202O THE KENYA GAZETTE 5041

Gazette Notice No 10731 Gazette Notice No 10735 THE LAND F^GISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT > (No 3o/20I2) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Maureen Amndo Wambani of PO Box 16 77 Mumias jn the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS WiUiam Davy Onula Sakan is registered as proprietor absolute owneiship interest of all that piece of land situate in ihe in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 2 district of Kakamega registeied under title No East hectaies or tbeieabout situate in the district of Bungoma registered Wanga/Lubm i/4657 a ereas sufficien evidence has been under title No Bungoma/Kamakoiwa/9iO and wheieas sufficient adduced to show that the land itle deed issued thereof has been lost evidence has been adduced to show tliat the land title deed issued notice IS given that after the expiiation of sixty (60) days from the da e thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objecti on (60) days from the date heieof I shall issue a new land title deed has been received within that period proa ided that no objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th Decembei 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 M J Boor MR/1435117 Land Registi ar Bungoma/MtHA hlgonOJWANG Districts MR/1421391 LandRe(,iitiar Kakamega Dutnct

Gazette Notice No 10732 Gazette Notice No 10736


(No 3 0/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Defd WHEREAS Hassan Achoka Wambongo is registered as proprietor WHEREAS Patrick Nechesa Wanzala is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest ol all that piece of land situate in the m absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 80 distnct o'' Kakamega registered under title No hectare or thereabouts situate m the district of Bungoma registered North/Wanga/Kholera/1142 and whereas sufficient evidence has been under title No E Buk isuAV Saiigalo/1494 and whereas sufficient adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beer lost evidence has been adduced to show tliat the land title deed issued notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed has been received within that period provided that no objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 M J BOOR H A OJWANG MR/1421391 Land Registrar Kakamega Dntnct MK/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts

Gazette Notice No 10733 Gazftte Notice No 10737

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Fiancis Simiyu Dindi is registered as proprietor m WHEREAS Patrick Mang ara Wasike is registered as proprietor absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 00 m absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 5 4 hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of Bungoma registered hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Bungoma registered under title No Kimilili/Kamukuywa/2429 and whereas sufficient under title No Bungoma/Naitiu/782 and whereas sufficient evidence evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expnation of sixty been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that provided that no objection has been received within that period no objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJWANG MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bwigoma/Mt Elgon Distiicts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/MtHA ElgonOJWANG Districts


(No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New land Title Deed WHEREAS Henry Waraukota Soyi is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Robert Wekesa Mwembe is registeied as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 19 absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 046 hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Bungoma registered hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of Bungoma registered under title No E Bukusu/W Sangalo/7153 and whereas sufficient under title No Kimilili/Kimilili/3534 and whereas sufficient evidence evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that provided that no objection has been received within that period no objection has been received within that penod

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJW/VNG HA OJWANG MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Distncts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts 5042 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazette NOTICE No 10739 Gazette Notice No 10743


(No 3O/2012) (No 3 O/20I2)

Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New land Title Deed WHEREAS Pius Ferdinand Wanjala Muyobo is registered as WHEREAS Bonaventure Wanjala Kerre is registered as proprietor proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 20 containing 1 56 hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Bungoma registered Bungoma registered under title No Kimihli/Kibingei/2780 and under title No Bungoma/Naitin/412 and whereas sufficient evidence whereas sutficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days expiration of sixty (60) dnys from the date hereof I shall issue a new from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that land title deed provided that no objection his been "received w ithin that no objection has been received within that penod period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJWANG H A OJWANG VlR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bimgoma/Mt FIgon Districts

Gxzette Notice No 10744 Gazette Notice No 10740 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3O/2012) (No 3o/"2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a Nfw Land Title Defd WHEREAS Benedict Mulama Namusende of PO Box 134 WHEREAS Wamono Ndachule is registered as proprietor m Bunyore in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 14 4 absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate m the hectares or thereabout situate in the distnct of Bungoma registered distnct of Bungoma registered under title No under title No W Bukusu/N Myanga/464 and whereas sufficient Bungoma/Kinunini/1131 and whereas sufficient evidence has been evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty notice IS given that after the expuration of sixty (60) days from the date (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection provided that no objection has been received within that period has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJWANG H A OJWANG MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Llgon Districts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts

Gazette Notice No 10741 Gazette Notice NO 10745


Issue of a New Land Title Deed ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed

WHEREAS Wychff Rctchcr Joiolodi is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Peter Wambasi Murumba is registered as proprietor absolute ownership interest oi all th U piece of land cont uning 1 2 in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 43 hectares or thereabout situ ite in the district of Bungoma registered hectare or thereabouts situate in the district ot Bungoma registered under title No Bungoma/Kamakoiwa/939 and whereas sufficient under title No Ndivisi/Mihuu/2879 and whereas sufficient evidence evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed fiom the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that provided that no objection has been received within th it period no objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJWANG H A OJWANG MR/1435117 Uiiid Rci istw Pnngpi ii'\1t H(Oii Distncts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts

GAZFTTENoricrNO 10742 Gaze ITE Notice No 10746


(No so;2012) (No 3 O/2012)

Issi lofaNfw I -WDlin f Dfcd Issue of a New Land Title Deed

WHLREAS Cypriano Ndalo Kw ta is registered as propritlor in WHEREAS Florah Ambasa Otwoma is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all th it piece of land coni iinin^ 0 064 absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 09 hectare or tlicr Inns si iiaU in ihf (bsiru' of Pi mom i le istered hert ire or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Bungoma registered undei title No W Pii! u i ^i i " ^ nlieunt unili 1 title No E Bukusu/C Nalondo/4270 and whereas sufficient evidence his hten udured to I u t l Ih" ' i i' 'n'

D ti d Mil 13th Oi ccmbe 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 H A 01 WANG H A OJWANG MP/l43ill7 iMiid ki gtstiai Hitncoin t/Ml I Igoii Distiicts MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZE! 5043

Gazette Notice No 10747 Gazette foi ICC No 10751 \ THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT t (No 3O/20I2) \ (No 3 of20X2) Issue of a New Land Title Deed IssuF OF A New Land Ti tle Deed WHEREAS Wilfred Soita Muse is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Iciest Gathuri Macharia (lD/5907406) of P O Box absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 5 121 Murang a ijUje Republic of Kenyi is registered as propnetoi in hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Bungoma registered absolute ownershi[uiiterest of all that piece of land containing 0 81 under title No Ndivisi/Ndivisi/1348 and whereas sufficient evidence hectare or thereaboVc snuate in the district of Murang a registered has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has under title No Loc O/Minra/2381 and whereas sufficient evidence been lost notice is given that after the expuration of sixty (60) dajs has been adduced to Vw that the land title deed issued thereof has from the date hereof I shall issue a pew land title deed provided that been lost notice is giV that after the expiration of sixty (60) days no objection has been received withir, that period from the date hereof 1 ,ssue a new land title deed piovided that no objection has been reccyed witliin that penod Dated the 18th December 2020 H A OJWANG Dated the 18th Decembi MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma/Mt Elgon Districts P N WANJAU MR/1421189 Land Registrar Miiiang a District

Gazette Notice No 10748 I Gazette NOTICE No 10752 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISratjon ACT (No ^ of20X1) (No 3 ofMSo-^ Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New LandV g WHEREAS Joel Mundia Kinyua of P O Box 7 Kiganjo in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership WHEREAS Teresia Wambui Mungai isi/asQRsaqi r.f p n r^v interest of all that piece of land containing 0 78 hectare or thereabouts 38 Sabasaba in the Republic of Kenya as P situate m the district of Nyeri registered under title N6 absolute ownership inteiest of all that piece containing 2 83 Nyeri/Waraza/2526 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced hectares or thereabout situate in the district oV, rf-PKiprerl to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is under title No Loc 6/Giathaini/1249 and where\ ^ given that after the expuation of sixty (60)days from the date hereof I has been adduced to show that the land title decLj^g^ thereof has shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been been lost notice is given that altei the expirationc j . received within that period from the date hereof 1 shall issue a new land title Divided that no objection has been received within that penod ^ Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 J M MWAMBIA MR/1421190 Land Registrar Ny ei i District P NW, MR/1421301 I and Registi ar Mining istnct

Gazette Notice No 10749 Gazette Notice No 10753 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3o/2012) (No 3 of20X2)

Issue of a New Land titl^ Deed Issue OF a New Land Titi e Deed WHEREAS Jeremano Muirun Ndara (ID'3591464) of PO Box WHEREAS Mu-} Wambui Gakerei (lD/37431114) of P 0 Box 59 Kigumo in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in 266 Maragu i in the Republic of Kenya is registered is proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 01 absolute owneiship interest ot all that piece of land containing 0 OS hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Murang a registered hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Mur mg a registered under title No Loc 17/Kamauha/l 102 ajid whereas sufficient under title No Loc 7/Ichagaki/1981 and where is sufficient evidence evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued has been addueed to show that the land title deed issued thereof has thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed from the date hereof I shall issue a new lajid title deed provided that provided that no objection has been received within that penod no objection has been received within that penod

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 P N WANJAU P N WANJAU MR/1435041 Land Registrar Murang a District MR/1421302 Land Rc gistrar Mm ang a District

Gazette Notice No 10750 Gazette Notice No 10754


ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Ernest Gathuri Macharia (ID/5907406) of P O Box WHEREAS Samuel Mutuga Kabora (ID/3591464) of P O Box 5 121 Murang a in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in Gacharageini in the Republic ot Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 0 acre absolute owneiship interest of all that piece of lind containing 1 13 or thereabouts situate in the district of Murang a registered under title hectares or thereabout situate m the district of Murang a registered No Loc 12/Sub loc 3/955 and whereas sufficient evidence has been under title No Loc I9/Gacharageini/424 and whereas sufficient adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost evidence has been adduced to show thit the land title deed issued notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection (60) days from the date hereof 1 shall issue a new land title deed has been received within that penod provided that no objection has been leceived within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 P N WANJAU P N WANJAU MR/1421189 Land Registrar Murang a District MR/1421303 Land Registrar Murang a Dnliict 5044 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazette Notice No 10755 Gazette Notice No 10759


{No 3O/2012) {No 3o/2012)

ISSUE or A New Land Title Deed • Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Jairus Kiainbuthi Kamau of P O Box 88 J Limuni in WHEREAS Rahab Njeri Mwangi is registered as proprietor m the Republic of Kenya is registered as piopnetor m absolute absolute ownership interest of all tha' piece of land situate m the ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in ihe district of district of Kiambu registered under title No Muguga/Muguga/3857 Kiambu registered under title No Limuru/Bibir oni/4461 and and whereas sufficient evidence has been t-dduced to show that the whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to shew/ that the land land title deed issued theieof has been lost notice is given that after title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is gi /en that after the the expiration of six y (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new new land title deed provided that no objection has been received land title deed provided that no objection h is been ece ived within that withm that period period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 P M MENGI A W MARARIA MR/1421497 iMiid Registiar Kiambu Disti ict MR/1435032 Land R< gi itrar Kwinmi District

GazftteNoticeNo 10760 Gazette Notice No 10756 / THE LAND R^GIS"ORATION ACT THE LAND REGIST

Gazette^Notice No 10757 Gazette Notice No 10761 THE I AND ILEGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGIS fRATION ACT {bo 3 of2012) {No 3o/2012) Iss UE OF A Mew Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Augustine Ngugi Karuga is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS George Wangambu Nguhi of P O Box 0707487009 Gacharage in the Republic of Kenya is registered as nropnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the absolute own rship interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kiambu registereJ under title No Muguga/Muguga/3865 district of Kiambu registered under title No Kiambaa/Ruaka/2246 and wheieas sufficient evidi nee has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after and wherea sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thi reof has been lost notice is given 'hat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectton has been received new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 P M MENGI MR/1421497 P M MENGI Land Registrar Kiambu District MR/1421357 Land Registrai Kiambu District


Gazette Notice No 10758 THE L AND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3 O/2012) {No 3o/2012) IssuT OF A New Land Title Deed ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed WHEREAS (1) Stephen Kago Thuku (2) Susan Wanguru Wamai WHEREAS Jane Murugi Karuga is registered as propiietor in and (3) Patnck Kairne Thuku as trustee of Mlezi Bora Self Help absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the Group are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of district of Kiambu registered undei title No Muguga/Muguga/386? all that piece of land situate in the district of Kiambu registered under and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the title No Karai/Gik ambura/5280 and whereas sufficient evidence has land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a lost notice is givr n that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the new land title deed provided that tio objection has been received date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no within that penod objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18 h December 2020 P M MENGI P M MENGI MR/1421497 IJ Land Registrar Kiambu District MR/1435097 Land Registrar Kiambu District 18th December 2020 THF KENYA GAZETTE 5045

Gazeite Notice No 10763 Gazette Noticl No 10767


{No 3O/20I2) {No 3O/2012) Issue ofa New Land Title Deed Issue of a New land Title Deed WHEREAS Nahasoii Ngugi Inki (ID/S703647) of P O Box 49 Thika in the Republic of Kenya is registeied as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Anthony Munene Gatonga (lD/10626285) is ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 708 hectare oi registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece thereabouts situate in the district of Gatundu legistered iindei title of land situate m the district of Kiambu registered under title No No Chania/Kanyoni/2749 and whereas sufficient evidence has been luja/Kiaura Block 3/2409 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost adduced to show that the land title deed issued theieof has been lost notice is given tliat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the expiiation of sixtj (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection hereof 1 shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that peiiod has been received within that peiiod

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 B W MWAl J W KAMUYU MRy'1421343 Land Registrar Gatundu District MR/1421465 Land Registrai Thika District

Gazette Notice No 10764 Gazette Notice No 10768


Issue of a New Land Title Dfed Issue or a Nrw Land Tn le Di fd WHEREAS Rufus G K K imami (1D/18S3370) of P O Box WHEREAS Andiew Njoioge Gikeri (lD/10453688) is le^istered 1240 Thika m the Republic or Kenya is legisteied as propiietor in as prapiietoi m absolute ownership interest ol all tint piece of land absolute owneiship mteiest of all that piece of Lnd situate m the situate 111 the district of Miirang i registered under title "No district of Ruiru registered undei title No Riiiru East/Juja East Block MitubiriAVempa Block 1/2825 md wheieas ufficient evidence has 2/T 6205 and wheieas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show been adduced to show that the land titlt deed issued thcreo' h is been that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given th it lost notice IS given th u attci the cxp rition of sixty i,60} days fiom t'u, after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date heicol T shall issue date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no a new land title deed provided that no objection has been leceived objection has been received within that period within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 I W KAMUYU R M MBUBA MR'1421464 LandRegistiar ThtkaDisliicl MR/1421320 Land Registrar Riiirii District

GAZiiTrLNoiiCENO 10769 Gazette Notice No 10765 1 HE LAND REGISIRAI ION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3oy2012) {No 3 O/2012) Issue of a new Land Ti ri c Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHfRLAS Philip Ken tcth Njougc Gikonyo ciD/ISIhlOl) of WHEREAS (1) Samuel Kariuki Gatiba (lD/12944047) and (2) PO Bex 326-00300 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenj i is ic^i tercd Boniface Njoroge Ndungu (lD/21215529) both of P O Box 877 as piopiietoi ir abs iliite ownership interest of all that piece of 1 ind Thika 111 the Republic of Kenyi re legistercd as propiietois in contaimng 0 40 hecta e oi thereabouts s tuate in the distiict of absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate m the Kiriny iga le^isiered uiidn title No Kune/Gachai0/4663 and whereas district of Ruiru registered under title No Riiiiu Kiu Blocl 2/22207 sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the issued thereol has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after sixty (60) days from the date hereof 1 sh ill issue a new I ind title deed the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a provided that no objection has been received within tint period new land title deed provided that no objection has been lecened within that period D ited the 1 bth December 2020

Dated the 18th December 2020 M A OMUI LO R M MBUBA MR/1435101 Land Registrar Kirinyaga District MR/1421380 LandRcgistiar Ruiiu Distiicl

Gazetfe Not ICE No 10770



{No 3O/2012) Issue of x New Land Tit i e Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHERLAS Nya^a Njagi (lD/393445?) of PO Box 68 WHEREAS Stephen Mung ii Ndungu (lD/11177904) is legisteied Kiamutugu m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor m as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land contaimng 0 81 situate in the district of Muran^ a registered under title No Loc hectaie or thereabouts situate in the district of Kinnyiga legistered l/Kihumbuini/933 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced under title No Ngariama/Thirikwa/78S md whereas sulficient to show that the land title deed issued thcieof has been lost notice is evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof 1 thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new hnd title deed received within that period provided that no objection has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18tli December 2020 J W KAMUYU M A OMUILO (J MR/1435010 Land Registrai Thika District MR/1435101 Land Registrar Ktnnsaga Dislitct 5046 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 20201

Gazette Notice No 10771 Gazette Notice No 10775


(No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012)

Issue of a New land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Anjenna Wanjiku Munithi(ID/3128941) is registered WHEREAS Moses Muchin Mutisya (ID/24088429) of P O Box as proprietor m absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land 217 Embu in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in containing 0 77 hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 10 Kinnyaga registered under title No Inoi/Ndimi/1163 and whereas hectare or thereabouts situate m the distnct of Embu registered under sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed , title No Ngandon/Kingi/11417 and whereas sufficient evidence has issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the provided that no objection has been received within that penod date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod Dated the 18th December 2020 M A OMULLO Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1435101 Land Registrar Kinnyaga District J M GITARI MR/1421280 Land Registrar Embu District

Gazette Notice No 10772


Issue of a New Land Title Deed (No 3 O/2012) WHEREAS Margaret Njen Mutiithi (ID/1399819) of PC Box Issue of a New Land Title Deed 356 Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Stanley Kanuki Ngeranwah (ID/13722797) of PC absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 81 Box 83 Kintin in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in hectare or thereabouts situate m the distnct of Kinnyaga registered absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 80 under title No Inoi/Kiaga/486 and whereas sufficient evidence has hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Mbeere registered been adduced to show that the land title deeo issued thereof has been under title No Mbeere/Kinma/5675 and whereas sufficient evidence lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days objection has been received withm that penod from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that Dated the 18th December 2020 no objection has been received within that penod M A OMULLO Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1435101 Land Registrar Kinnyaga District M MUTAI MR/1421352 Land Registrar Kiritin District

Gazette Notice No 10773



Issue of a New Land Title Deed (No 3 O/2012)

WHEREAS Jonah Njogu Samuel (ID/1211156) ofPO Box 221- ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed 10300 Kerugoya m the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor m absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 015 WHEREAS Esther Kanyai Nyoro (ID/8877608) is registered as hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Kinnyaga registered propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land under title No Inoi/Kerugoya/2728 and whereas sufficient evidence containing 0 022 hectare or thereabouts situate m the distnct of Mem has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has registered under title No Nyaki/Giaki/5247 and whereas sufficient been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty no objection has been received within that period (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received withm that penod Dated the 18th December 2020 M A OMULLO Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1435101 Land Registrar Kinnyaga Distnct C M MAKAU MR/1421238 Land Registrar Meru Central District

Gazette Notice No 10774


(No 3 O/20I2) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/20I2) Issue oFv\ New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Punty B Wawira Mbui (ID/21444196) ofPO Box 1189 Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor m WHEREAS (1) Susan Wangui Kabum (ID/7211814) and (2) absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 175 Erastus Kabum Ringera (deceased) are registered as propnetors m hectare or thereabouts situate m the distnct of Kinnyaga registered absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 025 under title No Inoi/Kamondo/4675 and whereas sufficient evidence hectare or thereabouts situate m the district of Mem registered under has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has title No Ntima/Ntakira/2439 and whereas sufficient evidence has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the no objection has been received within that penod date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received withm that penod ^ Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 M A OMULLO C M MAKAU MR/1435101 Land Registrar Kinnyaga District MR/1421262 Land Registrar Meru Central District 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5047

Gazette Notice No 10779 Gazette Notice No 10783


Issue of a New Land Title Deed ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Francho Mbae Linus (ID'6685196) is registered as WHEREAS Stanley Mwangi Kabaka (lD/7197590) is registered proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 21 hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Meru containing 0 101 hectare or thereabouts situate m the district of registered under title No Ngusishi/Settlement Scheme/1925 and Nyandarua registered under title No Nyandarua/Mawingo whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land Salient/2618 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof 1 shall issue a new given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been period received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 C M MAKAU W N MUGURO MR/1421251 Land Registrar Meru Central District MR/1435080 Land Registrar Nyandarua District

Gazette NOTICE No 10784 Gazette Notice No 10780 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3 O/2012) {No 3 of2012)

ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Sebastian Riungu (ID/8308823) is registered as WHEREAS David Njoroge Kimotho of P O Box 350 Nanyuki in proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute containing 0 08 hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of Meru ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 20 hectare or registered under title No Nkuene/Kithunguri/1023 and whereas thereabouts situate in the distnct of Laikipia registered under title No sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Ngobit Supuko Block 1/756 and whereas sufficient evidence has been issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expuation of adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date provided that no objection has been received within that period hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has heen received within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 C M MAKAU P M MUTEGI MR/1435081 Land Registrar Meru Central District MR/1435115 Land Registrar Laikipia District

Gazette Notice NO 10781 Gazette Notice No 10785

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3O/2012) {No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deeds Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Nyen Nkanabo of P O Box 44-60400 Chuka in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership WHEREAS Luka Nthiwa Kioko (ID/1120454) is registered as interest of all those pieces of land containing 0 089 0 089 and 0 101 proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 0252 hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of Meru South registered Machakos registered under title No Mavoko Municipality Block under title Nos Karingani/Ndagani/9856 9857 and 9860 and whereas 28/256 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds that the land title deed issued thereof has heen lost notice is given that issued thereof have been lost notice is given that after the expiration after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue new land title a new land title deed provided that no objection has heen received deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 M K NJUE N G GATHAIYA MR/1435127 Land Registrar Meru South District MR/1421308 Land Registrar Machakos District

Gazette N(i)TiCE No 10782 GAZETTE Notice No 10786


Issue of a New Land Title Deed ISSUE OF A New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Penma Nduta Karogo (ID/3428634) of P O Box 30 WHEREAS loshua Muathe Mutuku of P O Box 448 Makueni in Uplands in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 01 ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 89 33 hectares or hectares or thereabout situate m the distnct of Naivasha registered thereabout situate in the distnct of Makueni registered under title No under title No Kijabe/Kijabe Block 1/2596 and whereas sufficient Nzaui/Mumbuni/594 and whereas sufficient evidence has been evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty notice IS given that after the expmation of sixty (60) days from the date (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection provided that no objection has been received within that penod has been received within that period

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020

C M WACUKA C K NYAKUNDI MR/1421415 Land Registrar Naivasha District MR/1435099 Land Registrar Makueni District 5048 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazbite Notice No 10787 Gazette Notice No 10791 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Mathew Mbuto Muthangya (ID/12632046) is WHEREAS Geoffrey Aggrey Orao Obura (ID/1888384) is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1 3 hectares or thereabout situate in the distnct of of land containing 405 hectares or thereabout situate in the distnct of Kitui registered under title No Kyangwithya/Mulundi/lSSS and Kajiado registered under title No Kajiado/Kitengela/4579 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the expu-ation of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period penod Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 J A OGISE MR/1421296 Land Registrar Kitui District P K TONUI MR/1435111 Land Registrar Kajiado District

Gazette Notice No 10788 Gazette Notice No 10792 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012)

Issue OF A New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Masilia Musyimi Katunge of PC Box 5017-00100 WHEREAS Anthony Kasaine Nkoyo (ID/31057793) is registered Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 30 containing 14 36 hectares or thereabout situate in the distnct of hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of Makueni registered Narok registered under title No Narok/Cis Mara/Olopito/779 and under title No Okia/Mukuyuni/1882 and whereas sufficient evidence whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that no objection has been received within that penod penod

Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 C K NYAKUNDI T M CHEPKWESI MR/1421314 Land Registrar Makueni District MR/1421310 Land Registrar Narok North/South Districts

Gazette Notice No 10789 Gazette Notice No 10793 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of2012) (No 3 of20X2) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Joseph Karanja of P O Box 85 Mukurwemi in the WHEREAS Mandu Wycliffe Adongo (ID/5766905) is registered republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land interest of all that piece of land containing 1 62 hectares or thereabout containing 10 hectare or thereabouts situate in the district of situate in the distnct of Nyen registered under title No Emuhaya registered under title No West Bunyore/Essaba/16 and Gikondi/Thimu/733 and whereas sufficient evidence has been whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that has been received within that penod penod Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 J M MWAMBIA T L INGONGA MR/1435150 Land Registrar Nyen District MR/1435031 Land Registrar Vihiga District

Gazette Notice No 10790 Gazette Notice No 10794 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 of20X2) Issue of a New Land Title Deed Issue of a New Land Title Deed WHEREAS Anastacia Kaluki Ndambuki is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land WHEREAS Francis A Mboyia Omuyaku is registered as containing 0 05 hectare or theieabouts situate in the distnct of propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land Kajiado registered under Utle No Kajiado/Kitengela/92767 and containing 0 40 hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land Luanda registered under title No West Bunyore/Ebutanyi/1032 and title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after the land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new penod land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that penod Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 P K TONUI MR/1421481 Land Registrar Kajiado District T L INGONGA MR/1421412 Land Registrar Luanda Distnct 18th December,2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5049 Gazette Notice No 10795 Gazette Notice No 10799 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3 O/2012) Issue of a New Land Title Deed {No 3 O/2012) WHEREAS Magdaline Chebet ofPC Box 183-30108 Timboroa Issue OF A New Land title Deed m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Peter Mwashigadi Mshashin is registered as wnership interest of all that piece of land containing 2 27 hectares or propnetor m absolute ownership interest of all that mece of land thereabout situate in the distnct of Koibatek registered under title No contmning 0 10 hectaie or thereabouts situate in the di^c! of Ta.ta mngo/Mumberes/258 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land utle deed isstied thereof has been lost TmTs No Taita TavetaA^oi Bomani Phase th^and^Mrthe land title rndeed issued thereof has been lost notice is givenshow that hereof'iShereof I shall issue' a new land title deedsixty provided (60) days that from no objection the date after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue has been received within that period —d Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1435030 LandRegtshar Koibalek/Mogotiol^^ncts Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/M919ATiK/i4Ztzoj UndRegistrar^ ^ Taita MANYARKIY Taveta District

Gazette Notice No 10796 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Gazette Notice No 10800 {No 3 O/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Issue of a New Land Title Deed {No 3 O/2012) WmREAS Lopuyu Ngono of P O Box 174 Kapenguna m the Issue of a New Land Title Deed interestmteres of all that piece registeredof land containing as propnetor 44 5 hectaresin absolute or thereabout ownership Wachenje Mwashigadi is registered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land registered under title No West containing 0 06 hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Taita adducedaiMn to showI, thatU theU landwhereas btle deed sufficient issued thereof evidence has beenhas beenlost aveta register^ under title No Taita Taveta/Modambogho/5589 notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection iTndTl'rH^^d"Md title deed issued thereof has been lost adducednotice is to given show that that after the has been received within that penod the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a Dated the 18th December 2020 rhiStSor ^ MR/1421193MR/1/19110^ Land Registrar WestH C Pokot MUTAf District Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/M9i9idivi^ztzi4 Land Registrar ®Taita MANYARKIY Taveta District Gazette Notice No 10797

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Gazette Notice No 10801 {No 3 O/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Issue of a New Land Title Deed {No 3 of2012) WHEREAS Philemon Kisono Koech of PC Box 262 Kapenpna in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor m Issue OF A New Land Title Deed absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 57 WIffiREAS Changawa Kazungu Konde is registered as propnetor situate in the distnct of West Pokot registered under title No West Pokot/Kennget A /1840 and whereas sufficient Itncf nf ■" the evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued SchTme/wi d "gt^'^ted under title No Mizijini Settlement hereof has been lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty show that1i the land utle deedsufficient issued thereofevidence has has been been lost adduced notice isto given that after the expiraUon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I iroi.HT,Fprovided that r no objection has been^ received within® thatland penod title deed shall issue a new land utle deed provided that no objection has been Dated the 18th December 2020 received within that penod H C MUTAI Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1421293 Land Registrar West Pokot District S G KINYUA MR/1421265 LandRegistrar Kilifl District

Gazette Notice No 10798 Gazette Notice No 10802 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT {No 3 O/2012) Issue OF A New Land Title Deed {No 2 0/2012) WHEREAS Derekson Wachenje Mwashigadi is registered as Issue of a New Land Title Deed propnetor m absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0 43 hectare or thereabouts situate in the distnct of Taita WHEREAS Samuel Mwangui Ndoro is registered as propnetor in Taveta registered under title No Taita TavetaAlodambogho/4641 absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the distnct of &hfi registered under Utle No Kilifi/Kmug una/202 and land title deed issued thereof has been lost notice is given that after whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land the expirahon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a title deed issued thereof has been lost noUce is given that after the new land title deed provided that no objection has been received expira ion of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall issue a new witnm that penod land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that pcirOCl Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/14919IA1214 ,Land Registrar^ ^ Taita MANYARKIY Taveta District MR/142MR/14919A7 267 Land Registrar^ ° KINYUAKilifi District 18th December 2020 5050 THE KENYA GAZETTE after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the Gazette Notice No 10803 property register shall be reconstructed as provided under section 33 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that period (No 3 O/2012) Dated the 18th December 2020 Issue of a New Land Title Deed S C NJOROGE Registrar of Titles Nairobi WHEREAS John Mwadzenga Mukala of P O Box 29 Mtepeni in MR/1421273 the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 2 26 hectares or thereabout situate in the district of Kihfi registered under title No Gazette NOTICE No 10807 Kilifi/Mtwapa/3930 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date {No 3 O/20I2) hereof I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period Reconstruction of lost or Destroyed land Register Dated the 18th December 2020 S G KINYUA WHEREAS Charles Mugane Njonjo of P O Box 63666-00619 Land Registrar Kilifi DisU ict Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor of all that MR/1421267 piece of land known as LR No 214/539 (Ong No 214/201/2) situate in the city of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of an Indenture of Conveyance registered in Volume N18 Folio 397/18 File 8476 and Gazette Notice No 10804 whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed and THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed notice IS given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date {No 3 O/2012) hereof the property register shall be reconstructed as provided under RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER section 33 (5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received WHEREAS Protus Inziani Majanje of PC Box 51 Kikuyu in the within that period Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land Dated the 18th December 2020 known as L R No 2256/63 (Ong No 2256/8/55) situate in the City B F ATIENO of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a certificate of title registered MR/1435061 Registrar of Titles Nairobi as IR 180155/1 and whereas the land register m respect thereof is lost or destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the property register shall be Gazette NOTICE No 10808 reconstructed as provided under section 33 (5) of the Act provided THE LAND REGISTRAflON ACT that no objection has been received withm that period {No 3 O/2012) Dated the 18th December 2020 S C NJOROGE Reconstruction of lost or Destroyed Land Register MR/1435034 Registrar of Titles Nairobi WHEREAS Group Five Secunties Limited of P O Box 15- 40100 Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor of Gazette Notice No 10805 all that piece of land known as L R No 214/224 situate in the city of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a grant registered as IR THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 87883/1 and whereas the land register m respect thereof is lost or {No 3 O/2012) destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days Reconstruction of Lost or Destroyed land Register from the date hereof the property register shall be reconstructed as WHEREAS Golden Palms Development Limited of P O Box provided under section 33 (5) of the Act provided that no objection 1139-00200 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as has been received within that penod propnetor of all that piece of land known as L R No 1870/111/487 Dated the 18th December 2020 situate in the City of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a certificate B F ATIENO of title registered as IR 162927/1 and whereas the land register in Registrar of Titles Nairobi respect thereof is lost or destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate MR/1421178 the said land register have failed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the property register shall be reconstructed as provided under section 33 (5) of the Act Gazette Notice No 10809 provided that no objection has been received within that period THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 18th December 2020 S C NJOROGE {No 3 O/2012) Registrar of Titles Nairobi MR/1421307 Reconstruction of Lost or Destroyed Land Register WHEREAS Peter Kiraani Njoroge of P O Box 10 Subukia m the Gazette Notice No 10806 Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0 5801 hectare or thereabouts known as Subukia/Subukia THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Block 12/636 situate in the District of Nakuru and whereas the land {No 3o/2012) register m respect thereof is lost or destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed notice is given that Reconstruction of Lost or Destroyed Land Register after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the WHEREAS Lucy Wandia Karoki of PO Box 33937-00600 property register shall be reconstructed as provided under section 33 Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor of all that (5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that apartment No FF6 erected on all that piece of land known as L R No penod 330/1326 situate m the City of Nairobi in Nairobi Area by virtue of a Dated the 18th December 2020 certificate of title registered as IR 164630/1 and wheieas the land E M NYAMU register in lespect thereof is lost or destroyed and whereas efforts MR/1435021 Land Registrar Nakuru District made to locate the said land register have failed notice is given that 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5051

Gazetif Notice No 10810 that no valid objection has been received within that period I intend to issue another land register and the missing land register is deemed to THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT be of no effect

(No 3o/2012j Dated the 18th December 2020 R M MBUBA Reconstruction of Lost or Destroyed Land Register MR/1435028 Land Registrar Ruiru District WHEREAS Mary Stella Adhiambo of P O Box 15616-20100 Nakuru in the Republic of Kenya are registered as propnetors of all that piece of land containing 0 0501 hectare or thereabouts known as Gazette Notice No 10814 Dundon/Lanet Block 5/578 (New Gakoe) situate in the district of THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Nakuru and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register opened thereof is lost notice is given that after (No 3O/2012) the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I intend to proceed with the reconstruction of the land register as provided under Opening of a New Register section 33 (5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received WHEREAS Esther Wendi Taitola (ID/0743873) is registered as within that penod propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the distnct of Busia registered under title No South Dated the 18th December 2020 Teso/Angoromo/10884 and whereas sufficient evidence has been E M NYAMU adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has been lost and all MR/1421420 Land Registrar Nakuru District efforts made to trace it have failed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I shall open a new register provided that no valid objection has been received within that Gazette Notice No 10811 penod

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 18th December 2020 W N NYABERI (No 3 0/2012) MR/1435144 Land Registrar Busia District

Reconstruction of lost or Destroyed Land Register

WHEREAS Lorcas Bera Musamali of PC Box 931-50200 Gazette Notice No 10815 Bungoma m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor of all THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT that piece of land known as Bungoma/Kiminini/2380 situate in the Distnct of Bungoma and whereas the land register m respect thereof is (No 3 O/2012) lost or destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate the said land Registration of Instrument registei have failed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the land register shall be reconstructed WHEREAS James Ndentu Kiruki (deceased) is registered as provided that no objection has heen received within that penod propnetor of all that piece of land situate in the distnct of Nakuru known as Nakuru/Municipality Block 30/14 and whereas the High Dated the 18th December 2020 Court of Kenya at Nakuru in succession case no 187 of 2017 has H A OJWANG issued grant in favour of Naomi Kirigo Githinji and whereas the said MR/1435117 Land Registrar Bungoma District court has executed an application to be registered as propnetor by transmission of LRA 50 and whereas the land title deed m respect of James Ndentu Kiruki (deceased) is lost notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof provided no valid Gazette NOTICE No 10812 objection has been received within that penod I intend to dispense THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of the said application to be registered as proprietor by (No 3O/2012) transmission LRA 50 in the name of Naomi Kingo Githmji and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said James Reconstruction of Lost or Destroyed Land Registers Ndentu Kunki (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect WHEREAS Geofrey Chemiyot Langat (ID/11298914) is registered as propnetor of all those pieces of land containing 0043 Dated the 18th December 2020 hectare or thereabouts registered under title Nos Kajiado R G KUBAI Kitengela/52203 52204 52205 52206 52207 52208 52209 and MR/1435091 Land Registrar Nakuru District 52210 sitnate m the Distnct of Kajiado and whereas the land registers m respect thereof are lost or destroyed and whereas efforts made to locate the said land registers have failed notice is given that after the Gazette NOTICE NO 10816 expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof the property registers shall be reconstructed as provided under section 33 (5) of the THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Act provided that no objection has been received within that penod (No 3 O/2012)

Dated the 18th December 2020 Registration of Instrument P K TONUl WHEREAS Elijohn Mbugua John (deceased) is registered as MR/1421456 Disrict registrar Kajiado District proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0 150 hectare or thereabouts known as Kabete/Lower Kabete/2077 situate in the district of Kiambu and whereas in the Chief Magistrate s Court at Gazette Notice No 10813 Kiambu m succession cause no 6 of 2019 has issued grant and letters of administration to (1) Darmans Nyambura Mbugua and (2) Chnstine THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Nyambura Mugo and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to (No 3o/2012j Elijohn Mbugua John (deceased) has been reported missing or lost notice IS given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the Loss OF Land Register date hereof provided no valid objection has been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title WHEREAS Mwaura Kinyoro (ID/1355498) of PC Box 30 deed and proceed with the registration of R L 19 and R L 7 and issue Kikuyu in the Republic of Kenya is registered as propnetor in absolute land title deed to the said (1) Darmans Nyambura Mbugua and (2) ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Rumi Christine Nyambura Mugo and upon such registration the land title registered under title No Ruiru East/Juja East Block 2/1101 and deed issued earlier to the said Elijohn Mbugua John (deceased) shall whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect register of the said piece of land is rmssmg and whereas all efforts made to locate the said land register have failed notice is given that Dated the 18th December 2020 after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided A W MARARIA MR/1421341 Land Registrar Kiambu District 5052 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Gazette Notice No 10817 the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled (No 3 of20X2) and of no effect

Registration of Instrument Dated the 18th December 2020 WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as N G GATHAIYA proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0 0443 hectare or MR/1435087 Land Registrar Machakos District thereabouts known as Donyo Sabulc/Komarock Block 1/4141 situate in the district of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of Gazette Notice No 10820 letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga as administrators and THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga have executed an application to be registered as propnetors by (No 3 of20X2) transimssion P & A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration of Registration of Instrument sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as been received withm that penod I intend to dispense with the propnetor of all that piece of land containing 0 0375 hectare or production of the said land title deed and by transmission of R L 9 m thereabouts known as Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 1/4140 situate the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga in the distnct of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at and upon such registration the land utle deed issued earlier to the said Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (1) Loise and of no effect Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga as administrators and whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga Dated the 18th December 2020 have executed an application to be registered as propnetors by N G GATHAIYA transmission P c& A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the MR/1435085 Land Registrar Machakos District said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the Gazette Notice No 10818 production of the said land title deed and by transmission of R L 9 m the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said (No 3 of20X2) John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect Registration of Instrument Dated the 18th December 2020 WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as N G GATHAIYA propnetor of all that piece of land containmg 0 2021 hectare or MR/1435087 Land Registrar Machakos District thereabouts known as Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 1/4187 situate m the distnct of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (1) Loise Gazette Notice No 10821 Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga as administrators and THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga have executed an application to be registered as propnetors by (No 3 of20X2) transmission P & A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration of Registration of Instrument sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0 0375 hectare or production of the said land title deed and by transmission of R L 9 m thereabouts known as Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 1/4139 situate the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga m the distnct of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (1) Loise and of no effect Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga as administrators and whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga Dated the 18th December 2020 have executed an application to be registered as propnetors by N G GATHAIYA transmission P & A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the MR/1435085 Land Registrar Machakos District said piece of land is lost notice is given that after tlie expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and by transimssion of R L 9 m Gazette Notice No 10819 the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled (No 3 of20X2) and of no effect

Registration of Instrument Dated the 18th December 2020 WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as N G GATHAIYA propnetor of all that piece of land containing 0 340 hectare or MR/1435086 Land Registrar Machakos District thereabouts known as Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block 1/4188 situate in the distnct of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of Gazette Notice No 10822 letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga as administrators and THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga (No 3 of20X2) have executed an application to be registered as proprietors by transmission P & A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the Registration of Instrument said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration of WHEREAS John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) is registered as sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has propnetor of all that piece of land containing 0 0375 hectare or been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the thereabouts known as Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block E4138 situate production of the said land title deed and by transmission of R L 9 in in the distnct of Machakos and whereas the High Court of Kenya at 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5053 Machakos in succession cause no 53 of 2007 has issued grant of teeabout known as N Malakisi/S Wamono/165 and whereas the letters of administration and confirmation of grant to (I) Loise High Court at Bungoma in succession cause No 140 of 2007 has Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuria Njenga as administrators and issued grant of letters of administration to Maty Chenokoy Maghas whereas (1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2) Paulson Kuna Njenga and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to the said Joseph Magasi have executed an application to be registered as propnetors by Ngeywo (deceased) has been reported missing or lost notice is given transmission P & A 41 and 54 and whereas the land title deed of the that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration of provide no valid objection has been received within that penod I sixty (60) days from the date hereof provided no valid objection has intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the proceed with registration of the said transmission document and upon production of the said land title deed and by transmission of R L 9 in such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Joseph the names of(1) Loise Wambui Njenga and (2)Paulson Kuna Njenga Magasi Ngeywo (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said effect John Njenga Paul Kuna (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled Dated the 18th December 2020 and of no effect H A OJWANG Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/4135117 Land Registrar Bungoma District N G GATHAIYA MR/1435086 Land Registrar Machakos District Gazette Notice No 10826 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Gazette Notice No 10823 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) {No 3 O/2012) Registration of Instrument WHEREAS Ben Njoroge Njoki (deceased) of P O Box 20723- Registration of Instrument 00202 Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor of WHEREAS Mwinzi Kmama (deceased) is registered as propnetor all that piece of land containing 0 5000 hactare or thereabouts known of all that piece of land containing 16 29 hectares or thereabout as LR No Makuyu/Kimoron Block 1 (Ngimu)/I318 situate in the known as Movoko Town Block 3/2001 situate m the district of district of Murang a and whereas the judge m the Chief Magistrate s Machakos and whereas the High Court at Machakos in succession cause no 773 of 2012 has issued grant and confirmation letters to (1) Court in succession cause no 325 of 2017 has issued grant and Benson Mwmzi Kmama and (2) Jethro Kasyoka Mwmzi as confirmation letters to Joyce Waitherero Kiboi (ID/591504) and administrators and whereas the said (1) Benson Mwmzi Kmama and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed and be (2) Jethro Kasyoka Mwinzi have executed an application to be surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed notice is registered as propnetor by transmission of P A 41 and 54 in respect of given that after the expmation of thirty (30) days from the date hereof the said parcel and whereas the land title deed issued m respect of the provided no vahd objection has been received within that penod I smd piece of land has been reported missing or lost notice is given intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof proceed with registration of the said administration letters to Joyce provided no valid objection has been received within that penod I Waitherero Kiboi (ID/591504) and upon such registration the land intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and title deed issued earlier to the said Ben Njoroge Njoki (deceased) shall proceed with registration of the said application to be registered as be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect propnetor by transmission R L 19 m the name of(1) Benson Mwmzi Kmama and (2) Jethro Kasyoka Mwinzi and upon such registration Dated the 18th December 2020 the land title deed issued earlier to the said Mwinzi Kmama P N WANJAU (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect MR/1421361 Land Registrar Murang a District Dated the 18th December 2020 N G GATHAIYA MR/1421194 Land Registrar Machakos District Gazette Notice No 10827 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT

GAZETTENOTICENO 10824 (No 3 O/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Registration of Instrument (No 3 O/2012) WHEREAS Gichira Kiai Gitatara (deceased) is registered as propnetor of all that piece of land known as title No Registration of Instrument Kiine/Gacharo/756 situate m the district of Kinnyaga and whereas WHEREAS Otipa Sakwa Aluzezhee is registered as propnetor of the Chief Magistrate s Court at Kerugoya in succession cause no 106 all that piece of land containing 6 0 acres or thereabout known as of 2002 has issued grant and confinnation letters to Jackson Mama Marama/Shmamwenyuli/915 and whereas the Pnncipal Magistrate s Gichira (ID/31752665) and whereas all efforts made to recover the Court at Butere in succession cause No 143 of 2019 has issued grant land title deed and be surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation of letters of admmistration intestate to (1) Filis Nechesa Otipa and (2) have failed notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days Joseph Sumba Otipa and whereas the land title deed issued m respect from the date hereof provided no valid objection has been received of the said piece of land is lost notice is given that after the expiration within that penod I intend to dispense with the production of the said of thirty (30) days from the date hereof provide no valid objection has land title deed and proceed with registration of the said administration been received within that penod I intend to dispense with the letters to Jackson Mama Gichira (ID/31752665) and upon such production of the said land title deed and proceed with registration of registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Gichma Kiai the said application and upon such registration the land title deed Gitatara (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect issued earlier shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect Dated the 18th December 2020 Dated the 18th December 2020 M A OMULLO MR/41321294 Land Registrar Kakamega District MR/1435122 Land Registrar Kinnyaga District

Gazette Notice No 10825 Gazette Notice No 10828 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 O/2012) (No 3 O/2012) Registration of Instrument Registration oijInstrument WHEREAS Joseph Magasi Ngeywo (deceased) is registered as WHEREAS Njue Njiru (deceased) is registered as propnetor of all propnetor of all that piece of land containing 4 6 hectares or that piece of land containing 0 46 hectare or thereabouts situate in the 5054 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020 distnct of Embu known as Kyeni/Mufu/6268 and whereas the Senior Gazette Notice No 10831 Prmcipal Magistrate s Court of Kenya at Runyenjes in succession case THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT no 76 of 2017 has ordered that the piece of land be registered in the name of Rose Marigu Agapio and whereas the land title deed issued {No 3 O/2012) in respect of the said piece of land is lost or cannot be traced notice is Registration of Instrument given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof WHEREAS Hamisi Chepkono (deceased) is registered as provided no valid objection has been received within that period I propnetor of all that piece of land known as Kaisagat/Makhonge Block intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and l/Mwisho/340 situate in the distnct of Trans Nzoia and whereas m proceed with registration of the said grant document and issue land the Pnncipal Magistrate s Court of Kenya at Kapenguna m succession title deed to the said Rose Marigu Agapio (ID/5092558) and upon cause no 11 of 2017 has issued grant and letters of administration and such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Njue Njira confirmation of grant m favour of Roda Chepkemoi Sikamoi and (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect whereas the land title deed issued earlier to Hamisi Chepkono (deceased) has been reported missing or lost notice is given that after Dated the 18th December 2020 the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof provided no J M GITARI valid objection has been received within that penod I intend to MR/1421220 Land Registrar Embu District dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of R L 19andRL 7 and upon such registration the land title deed issued earher to the said Haimsi Chepkono Gazette Notice No 10829 (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect

THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 18th December 2020 N O ODHIAMBO {No 3O/2012) MR/1421298 Land Registrar Trans Nzoia District

Registration of Instrument

WHEREAS Njagi Muthimi (deceased) is registered as proprietor Gazette Notice No 10832 of all that piece of land containing 1 588 hectares or thereabout situate THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT in the district of Embu known as Kagaan/Weru/337 and whereas the Senior Pnncipal Magistrate s Court of Kenya at Runyenjes in {No 3 o/2012j succession case no 86 of 2018 has ordered that the piece of land be Issue of a Provisional Certificate registered in the name of Gatavi Mbutei and whereas the land title deed issued m respect of the said piece of land is lost or cannot be WHEREAS Elizabeth Muruatetu of PC Box 15470-001400 traced notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from Naiiobi in the Republic of Kenya is registered as proprietor lessee of the date hereof provided no valid objection has been received within all that piece of land known as L R No 209/8524/90 situate in the city that period I intend to dispense with the production of the said land of Nairobi m the Nairobi Area by virtue of certificate of title title deed and proceed with registration of the said grant document and registered as I R 30258/1 and whereas sufficient evidence has been issue land title deed to the said Gatavi Mbutei (ID/3306259) and upon adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost notice is such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Njagi given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof I Muthimi (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection has been received within that period Dated the 18th December 2020 J M GITARI Dated the 18th December 2020 MR/1421219 Land Registrar Embu District S C NJOROGE MR/1435158 Registrar of Titles Nairobi


Registration of Instrument Appointment of Customs Area

WHEREAS James Njuguna Ndungi (deceased) is registered as PURSUANT to section 12 of the East African Community propnetor of all that piece of land known as Nthawa/Riandu/1734 Customs Management Act 2004 the Commissioner of Customs and Border Control appoints situate m the distnct of Mbeere and whereas the Chief Magistrate s Court at Kiambu in succession cause no 312 of 1997 has issued grant (a) The place specified in the first column of the Schedule as a and letters of administration and certificate of confirmation of grant m Customs area for the purposes of the Act and the limits shall be favour of (1) Simon Muigai Njuguna and (2) Humphrey Kimam those set out in the Schedule

Njuguna and whereas the said Court has executed an application to he SCHEDULE registered as propnetor by transmission of R L 19 in respect of the said parcel of land registered m the name of James Njuguna Ndungi Appointment and limits of Customs areas (deceased) and whereas the land title deed issued in respect of the said piece of land has been reported missing or lost notice is given that Place Limits after the expnation of thirty (30) days from the date hereof provided Africa Economic Zones The area on L R No 6170/66 in plateau no valid objection has been received within that penod I intend to Limited Special area of Uasm Gishu County within the dispense with the production of the said land title deed and proceed Economic Zone area delineated m red on the Africa with registration of the said application to be registered as proprietor Economic Zones Limited drawing No by transmission R L 19 in the name of(1) Simon Muigai Njuguna and L( )01) deposited in the office of the (2) Humphrey Kimani Njuguna and upon such registration the land Commissioner of Customs and Border title deed issued earlier to the said James Njuguna Ndungi (deceased) Control shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect Dated the 4th December 2020 P AHAGO Dated the 18th December 2020 Ag Commissioner I N NJIRU t PTGNo 1226/20 21 Customs and Border Control MR/1421215 Land Registrar Mbeere District 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5055

Gazette NOTICE No 10834


THE NATIONAL TREASURY AND PLANNING Statement of Actual Revenues and Net Exchequer Issues as at 30th November 2020

Receipts Ougmal Estimates (KSh) Actual Receipts(KSh ) Opening Balance 1 7 2020 (Note 1) 48 028 919 425 79 Tax Revenue 1 567 632 123 908 99 527 733 795 184 85 Non Tax Revenue 66 134 718 178 01 37 029 410 751 55 Domestic Borrowing (Note 2) 786 648 145 090 00 360^55 683(211 35 External Loans and Grants 373 196^40 683 00 26 246 041 328 65 Other Domestic Financing 36 816 500 886 00 3 041^94228 90 Total Revenue 2 830 428 028 746 00 1002 635 444 13109 REVENUE EXCHEQUER ISSUES

Vote Ministries/Departments/Agencies Original Estimates(KSh ) Actual Receipts(KSh) RlOll The Executive Office of the President 21 728(255 323 00 5 972 966491 80 R102I State Department for Interior and Citizen Services 123 089 561 516 00 51 053 490 304 80 R1023 State Department for Correctional Services 27 314 378 572 00 10 709 592 390 85 RI032 State Department for Devolution 930 178 422 00 378409 186 65 R1035 State Department for Development of the ASAL 980 434 774 00 416 533389 75 R1041 Ministry of Defence 106 272 956 500 00 39 627 651 390 10 R1052 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13 961 704 474 00 5 183 009 419 85 R1064 State Department for Vocational and Technical Training 13 945 075 327 00 4 370 957 404 25 R1065 State Department for University Education 57 342 274 106 00 17 839 315 426 00 RI066 State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education 87 696 382 114 00 19 168 048 341 30 R1068 State Department for Post Training and Skills Development 150 940 126 00 45 931448 80 R107I The National Treasury 71 250 843 586 00 15 193 415 389 20 R1072 State Department for Planning 3 142 693 693 00 1234 713 021 10 RlOSl-^ Ministry of Health (Note 3) 43 742 678 516 00 12 909 310 739 60 R1091 State Department for Infrastructure 1 659 476 233 00 494 063322 15 R1092 State Department for Transport 511 486 371 00 208 935 000 00 R1093 State Department for shipping and Mantime 397 605 056 00 112 116 050 90 RI094 State Department tor Housing and Urban Development 1 058 529 759 00 340 370 290 70 RI095 State Department for Public Works 2 310^16 034 00 831 123 860 40 R1108 State Department for Environment and Forestry 9 236 116 643 00 4 383 276 553 15 Rn09 Ministry of Water Sanitation and Imgation 4 017 406 765 00 1 613 434 307 70 R1112 Mimstry of Lands and Physical Planning 2 809 419 339 00 1 014 288 901 85 R1122 State Department for Information Communications and Technology and U03 600 918 00 477 970 479 80 Innovation R1123 State Depaitment for Broadcasting and Telecommunications 2 998 631 616 00 2 120 941 715 80 RII32 State Department for Sports 1 100 114^32 00 538 213 647 05 Rn34 State Department for Culture and Heritage 2 271 189 990 00 1 044 286 662 55 R1152 Ministry of Energy 1 543 000 000 00 708 971 986 75 R1162 State Department for Livestock 2 606 966 406 00 1 Oil 720 071 70 R1166 State Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy 1 994 874 045 00 643 339 523 85 RII69 State Department for Crop Development and Agncultural Research 8 124 470 415 00 3 855 100499 05 R1173 State Department for Co operatives 351 329 701 00 139 529 159 00 R1174 State Department for Trade 1 880 064 227 00 550 122 884 55 R1I75 State Department for Industrialization 2 098 021 955 00 951 167464 85 R1184 State Department for Labour 1 870 907 034 00 465 725 411 60 RI185 State Department for Social Piotection Pensions and semor citizens Affairs 31 014 249 554 00 5 662 929 500 15 RII92 State Department for Mining 537 139 810 00 181 605 729 70 RI193 State Department for Petroleum 196 510 778 00 74 109 100 00 R1202 State Department for Tourism 1 244 172 182 00 734 459(207 00 R1203 1 State Department for Wildlife 5 490 077^10 00 2 956 275 882 20 R1212 State Department for Gender 842 986 478 00 359 328 757 55 R1213 'State Department for Public Service 14 753 370 879 00 6 848 754 830 60 R12I4 1 State Department for Youth 1 309 361 869 00 490 117 600 25 R1221 1 State Department for East African Community 608 015^19 00 151 628 661 90 R1222 State Department for Regional and Northern Comdor Development 1 818 244 036 00 990 381460 45 R1252 State Law Office and Department of Justice 4 053 326 847 00 1 600 145384 55 R1261 The Judiciary 14 722 436 279 00 5 770 425 415 00 R1271 Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission 3 072 200 000 00 1 285 324 312 90 R1281 National Intelligence Service 39 051 000 000 00 15 069 028 054 00 R1291 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 2 957 003 322 00 912 871 879 45 R1311 Office of the Registrar of Political Parties 1 345 791 991 00 855 660 139 20 RI321 Witness Protection Agency 472 787 500 00 219 178 700 00 R20I1 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights 400 704^56 00 125 646 789 00 R2021 National Land Commission 1 233 325 815 00 384491 357 65 R2031 Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission 4 322 884 842 00 1 449 325 815 95 R2041 Parliamentary Service Commission 6 436 543 470 00 1 719 490 183 25 R2042 National Assembly 23 205 499 775 00 7 049477 717 60 R2043 Parliamentary Joint Services 5 584 359 101 00 1 780 142 972 50 R2051 Judicial Service Commission 576 400 000 00 121 615 828 50 5056 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Vote MimstrieslDepartmentsIAgencies Original Estimates(KSh) Actual Receipts(KSh)

R2061 The Commission on Revenue Allocation 371 975 63000 118 001356 00 R2071 Public Service Commission 2 105,240 000 00 946 429 927 20 R2081 Salaries and Remuneration Commission 459 730 000 00 137 683 470 95 R2091 Teachers Service Commission 264 975,584 137 00 104485 765 187 85 R2101 National Police Service Commission 606 327 710 00 181742 68940 R2111 Auditor General 4 927 965380 00 2056 100 74945 R2121 Officer of the Controller of Budget 622 982306 00 148 834 650 50 R2131 The Comnussion on Administrative Justice 494 680 726 00 199373 435 50 R2141 National Gender and Equality Commission 424 656 95200 162 422 762 05 R2151 Independent Policing Oversight Authonty 862 628 000 00 340 796 446 25 Total Recurrent Exchequer Issues 1 062,992346 942 00 371 178 108391 95

Vote CFS Exchequer Issues Original Estimates(KSh) Exchequer Issues(KSh) CFS 050 Public Debt (Note 2) 904703 67121100 359309 912 033 10 CFS051 Pensions and gratuities 119 192 48133200 31084 806383 45 CFS 052 Salanes Allowances and Miscellaneous 4 167 408 778 00 1 074 809 759 75 CFS 053 Subscriptions to International Organisations 50000000 Total CFS Exchequer issues 1028 064 061321 00 391369328 076 30


Vote Ministries/Departments/Agencies Original Estimates(KSh) Exchequer Issues(KSh )

DlOll Executive Office of Presidenct 4 961 171015 00 2333381 263 85 D1021 State Department for Intenor and Citizen Services 6 874 000 000 00 1 496 045 168 00 D1023 State Department for Correctional Services 784 100 000 00 D1032* State Department for Devolution (Note 3) 2032 945 369 00 163 048 720 00 D1035* State Department for Development for the ASAL(Note 3) 8 402390 786 00 1373389300 00 D1041 Ministry of Defence 3 000 000 000 00 500 000 000 00 D1052 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1301400 000 00 616360 00000 D1064* State Department for Vocational and Technical Training (Note 3) 1 468 000 000 00 436334 30400 D1065 State Department for University Education 4 601 600 000 00 2018 320 100 00 D1066 State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education 11390 000 000 00 3 799 165 683 15 D1071 The National Treasury 31083 728 758 00 10 020 468 916 30 D1072 State Department of Planning 42 402 820 41600 14 200 406 872 00 D1081* Ministry of Health (Note 3) 38346382 456 00 4 753 822 95100 D1091 State Department of Infrastructure 61 601 464000 00 17 666 030 639 90 D1092 State Department of Transport 11372 800 000 00 8 795357 105 20 D1093 State Department for shipping and Maritime 5 000 000 00 D1094* State Department for Housing and Urban Development(Note 3) 8377 721 087 00 12 134 883 793 35 D1095 State Department for Public Works 1016 973 000 00 397375 121 80 D1108 Ministry of Environment and Forestry 3 839390 900 00 1396 305 950 50 D1109* State Department for Water Sanitation and Irrigation (Note 3) 31 679 922 638 00 9341 802 407 25 D1112 Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 2799000 000 00 984 757 493 80 D1122 State Department for Information Communications and Technology and 437130231200 940387396 75 Innovation DH23 State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications 698 000000 00 234 161 420 00 01132 State Department for Sports 155370000 00 77 785 000 00 D1134 State Department for Heritage 43 100 000 00 10 600 000 00 01152 State Department for Energy 21 455 67732200 4 986113 019 40 D1162 State Department for Livestock 2 721 428 667 00 623341 053 45 01166 State Department for Fisheries Aquaculture and the Blue Economy 4614000 000 00 826 483 738 05 01169* State Department for Crop Development and Agncultural Research (Note 3) 15 202392350 00 5 064382 683 25 01173 State Department for Co operatives 825 320 000 00 270 862 632 00 01174 State Department for Trade 1095393397 00 471 099 866 60 01175 State Department for Industrialization 3 753 141 93600 1 190 054 808 00 01184 State Department for Labour 2444 400 00000 373 641 257 95 01185 State Department for Social Protection 2 186 130 000 00 104 760 107 00 01192 State Department for Mining 312 000 000 00 24 831 870 00 01193 State Department for Petroleum 700 000 000 00 399 122350 00 O1202 State Department for Tounsm 4 310 800 000 00 2 049 900 000 00 O1203 State Department for Wildlife 635 000 000 00 393 667 330 20 01212 State Department for Gender 2374 000 000 00 1065 000 000 00 01213 State Department for Public Service 1354 060 000 00 01214 State Department for Youth 2 352 490 000 00 339350 868 30 01222 State Department for Regional and Northern Comdor Development 837 450 000 00 43 794 000 00 01252 State Law Office and Department of Justice 185 000 000 00 79 082 741 65 01261 The Judiciary 2 701 000 000 00 689160 80640 01271 Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission 40 800 000 00

01291 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 129 000 000 00 1 O2031 Independent Electoral and Boundanes Commission 150 000 00000 O2043 Parliamentary Joint Services 2065 350 000 00 1 127378 160 80 O2071 Public Service Commission 19380000 00 O2091 Teachers Service Commission 600 000 000 00 02111 Auditor General 146 67000000 15 669306 00 02141 National Gender and Equality Commission 5 000 000 00 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5057

Vote MinistneslDepartmentsIAgencies Original Estimates(KSh ) Exchequer Issues(KSh j

Total Development Exchequer Issues 355 724 966209 00 114 128 186205 90

Total Issues to National Govemmen' 2446 781274 672 00 876 675 822 774 15 The printed estimates and actuals for National Government exclude Appropriation in Aid (AlA)

Code County Governments Original Estimates(KSh ) Total cash released(KSh) 4460 Banngo 6 001 901 057 00 1243 810 983 00 4760 Bomet 6216 899207 00 1 915 188 433 00 4910 Bungoma 10 136 113 627 00 3066 414 633 00 4960 Busia 7 062453 783 00 2 085 338 833 00 4360 Elgeyo/Marakwet 4 681471 729 00 1287 771787 20 3660 Embu 5 404 776 416 00 1 446278 400 00 3310 Ganssa 8 940 947 755 00 2287 172 751 90 5110 Homa Bay 7 693 216259 00 2265 12720000 3510 Isiolo 5 191 769250 00 1489 812 433 00 4660 Kajiado 7282 658233 00 2223286 033 00 4810 Kakamega 12261239276 00 3263 220 433 00 4710 Kencho 6228 983 075 00 !945 634 845 10 4060 Kiambu 11235286 653 00 3 749 435 915 50 3110 Kihfi 12 701 931 468 00 3 133 850282 20 3960 Kirinyaga 4 939 054 31100 1445213 700 40 5210 Kisii 9234467 446 00 2 776 997 981 00 5060 Kisumu 8285 779 16200 2261 8332j3 00 3710 Kitui 10 027 486 745 00 3084 103 496 00 3060 Kwale 9259 334746 00 2 167 839210 90 4510 Laikipia 4 977217 734 00 1 468243 632 95 3210 Lamu 3224 604446 00 730 461 193 20 3760 Machakos 9 297239 682 00 2 756 672204 00 3810 Makueni 8219 744 968 00 2 676 347 067 40 3410 Mandera 11 823 857 498 00 3249 780 605 65 3460 Marsabit 7 989 834 867 00 2240264 432 95 3560 Mem 9214 846 843 00 2 765225 054 00 5160 Migori 7 746 067 77600 1 772 829 584 00 3010 Mombasa 8 780 64928200 1 992 708 654 00 4010 Murang a 7 381281700 00 2 116 245 600 00 5310 Nairobi City 20 655 609 418 00 3299 600A40 00 4560 Nakum 12 183 468 158 00 2629213 650 00 4410 Nandi 6288 632 746 00 1 96022125400 4610 Narok 9 171239243 00 2 701 137 600 00 5260 Nyamira 5 847275 821 00 1 616 428 800 00 3860 Nyandama 5 821 825 073 00 1 702200 432 95 3910 Nyeri 6 761 43326900 1 958284 068 25 4210 Sambum 5269 81124200 1 349 045 908 00 5010 Siaya 6 838 711 95900 2025 136093 20 3260 Taita/Taveta 5 462 935 122 00 1 729253 745 40 3160 Tana River 6 929284 675 00 2 032 166 832 95 3610 Tharaka Nithi 4 820 921 428 00 1297 706 493 20 4260 Trans Nzoia 6 684 174 947 00 2 150 443 137 60 4110 Turkana 12294101 912 00 2672 460 870 90 4310 Uasin Gishu 7 439276 875 00 1 833 074479 85 4860 Vihiga 5223 293 225 00 1 634 717 823 75 3360 Waju- 10 182 169260 00 3 098205257 60 4160 West Pokot 5 963273 007 00 1219 978232 95 Unallocated IDA Urban Development Grant(UDG) 6266 000 000 00

Total Issues to County Governments 383 646 754 074 00 103 618 684 632 95 The County Allocation of Revenue Act 2020 provided for a total of KSh 369 868 613 17200 comprised of KSh 316^00 000000 00 for Equitable Share KSh 23 164^65 664 00 and KSh 30 204^47^08 00 for conditional grants funded by National Government and Development Partners respectively The total of KSh 383 646 754 074 00 represents allocations to be disbursed directly by National Treasury and inludes for FY 2019/2020 Equitable share arrears KSh 29 71640635000 but excludes Leasing of Medical Equipment KSh 6205 000 019 00 Supplement for Construction of County Headquarters KSh 300 000 000 00 and Road Mamtenance Fuel Levy KSh 9 433265 62900 These conditional grants are disbursed directly to County Governments by the respective Ministries Departments and Agencies(MDAs)

2 830 428 028 746 00 980294307 407 10 Exchequer Balance as at 30 11 2020 22340 936 723 99 Note 1 Opening balance includes KSh 21363379 436 25 held in IMF Rapid Credit Facility(RCF) account

Note 2 Domestic Borrowing of KSh 786 648,145 090 00 comprises of adjusted Net Domestic Borrowing KSh 524 693 113336 00 and Internal Debt Redemptions (Roll overs) Kshs 261 955 031 754 00

Note 3 * Estimates for respective National Government MDAs adjusted for conditional grant disbursed directly by National Treasury

Dated the 10th December 2020

UKURYATANl Cabinet Secretary the National Treasury 5058 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Gazette Notice No 10835


Goods to be Sold at Customs Warehouse - ICDE Nairobi PURSUANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act 2004 notice is given that unless the under mentioned goods are entered and removed from the Customs Warehouse withm thirty (30) days from the date of this notice they will be sold by public auction on 19th January 2021 Interested buyers may view the goods at the Customs Warehouse ICDE on 15th January 2021 and 18th January 2021 dunng office hours

Date of Container Bill of Lading Consignees Name and Location Lot No Vessel Name Size Goods Description Arrival Number Numbei Addi ess of Goods Used Mercedes Benz Ml Silver Reg No Mv52 Gcx Chassis No Wdcl63113 2a370541 Used Mercedes Benz Ml Black Reg No Sd54 Zzx Chassis No Wdcl631132a539081 Used Hansa Ayuen Matthew Apiu 285/20 MRKU5759396 07/28/20 40 203236820 Volkswagen Touaieg Black Reg ICDN America Ayuen Po Box 2 No Vk57 Fxd Chassis No Wvgzzz7l78d023452 Toyota Mr2 Silver Reg No yo52 Cyic Chassis No Jtdfr320000052548 15 Household Items Mixture 01 Carton Boxes and Loose Items Indian Made out to Order High Density Polethylene Grade 286/20 CMAU4327716 07/29/20 40 MCBO107285 ICDN Express Ofabsa Bank Kenya Pic B5429 General Pnnters I imited Hansa 287/20 MSKU7416612 08/01/2020 20 203413273 Homabay Roobile Nos Wetstrength Label Paper ICDN Amenca 25722 204350 Mp The 25 Caps 35 C1 Vodka 21 195 00 288/20 MEDU7745868 08/02/2020 40 MEDUl1750997 Buggy Afnca Limited ICDN Brown Kgs Mp The 25 Caps 35 C1 Vodka 21 195 00 289/20 MEDU4840687 08/02/2020 40 MEDUl1750997 Buggy Africa Limited ICDN Brown Kgs 75 00 Mt White Refined Sug Ar Bollore Transport and For Industrial Use Col Our Maximum 45 Units Icums A 290/20 BMOU2237246 Call 08/03/2020 20 MEDUPI 129251 Logistics Kenya Ltd ICDN Jointly and Severally Wi Minimum Polansation 99 8 Degrees Maximum Moistu Re 0 07 75 00 Mt White Refined Sug Ar Bollore Transport and For Industrial Use Col Our Maximum 45 Units Icums A 291/20 MEDU5209450 Cab 08/03/2020 20 MEDUPI 129251 Logistics Kenya Ltd ICDN Jointly and Severally Wi Minimum Polarisation 99 8 Degrees Maximum Moistu Re 0 07 Ecu Worldwide Kenya Consolidation Cargo Sports 292/20 EMCU3862855 Mv Miami 08/07/2020 20 1421E+11 ICDN Ltd Articles Paper Cutting Machine Comet Graphicbneups Co I td Pasting Machine Roller Pressing P 0 Box49912 00100 Machine Book Case Making 293/20 PCIU8759673 Kota Gaya 08/08/2020 40 HUZL00046700 ICDN Nairobi Machme Gluing Machine Kenyatel25472088888 Digital Cutting Machine Freight Prepaid 1080 Bag Linear Low Densit Y MEDUMV15961 Master Rubber Solution 294/20 MEDU8322515 Msc Him 08/09/2020 40 Polyethylene Rotomoulding ICDN 8 I 1 mited Powder Black Color 75 Bales Stc Vegetable Oil Treated Food Grade New Jute Bag Size 41x26 5 Inches Weight 900 Grams + 5 Per Bag Porter And Shot 6x7 295/20 COSU62668128 CSNU1090436 Tim S 08/10/2020 20 Jane Muthoni Gicheru Hemmed Overhead Dry Sewn ICDN 10 Plain Including Pnntiiig One Side Two Colour Duly Packed 300 Bags Per Bale And 75 Bales 22 500 Pieces Per 20 Feet Container 75 00 Mt White Refined Sug Ai Bollore Transport and For Industrial Use Col Our Maximum 45 Units Icums A 296/20 FBIUO142404 Cab 08/11/2020 20 MEDUPL129251 Logistics Kenya Ltd ICDN Jointly and Severally Wi Minimum Polarisabon 99 8 V Degrees Maximum Moistu Re 0 07 Of 50kg Net Weight The Kenya Power and 2 X Hc40 Stc Total 41 Dmms Bfc 297/20 EPIRINDMUM2 Lighting Company Ltd Procurement Of Plant Design TCNU8001360 08/11/2020 40 ICDN Shipping 11981 Stima Plaza Kolobot Supply And Installation Of Road P Extensions Of Low Voltage 18th December,2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5059

Dale of Container Bill of Lading Consignees Name and Location Lot No Vessel Name Size Goods Description Arrival Number Number Addi ess of Goods Single Phase Lines And Service Cables Sapphire Engineenng Upp Pipes Duct Upp Pe Mv Carla Limited off Mombasa 298/20 APHU6560816 08/11/2020 40 ANT1338886 Chamber Seal Fusion Lift ICDN Liv Road LR No 15209 Handle Skirt Sgodown N Chicken Paste I35g Ajvar Hot 350g Hs 20059950 Ajvar M lid St 350g Hs Fish Bag Vegeta Crispy Potatoes Bag Vegeta Salad 20g Vegeta Glass DOse 400g Vegeta 12g Sticksample Towfiq Kenya Limited 299/20 MRKUO184452 Lisa 08/12/2020 40 910920714 Vegeta Chicken Soup W N 60g ICDN Industnal A Vegeta G Reen Vegetable Soup 60g Lino Lada Milk Vegeta Grill Classic Bag 30g Vegeta Golden Chicken Bag 30 G Vegeta Chicken Cube 80g Hs 21041000 Vegeta Beef Cube 8 Og Sapphire Engineenng Invoice 20001826 Ri Hs Code Mv Carla Limitedoff Mombasa 39269097 Freight Prepaid Of Upp 300/20 CMAU0313479 08/13/20 20 ANT1338886 ICDN Liv Road LR No 15209 Pipes Duct Upp Pe Chamber 3godown N Seal Fusion Lift Handle Skirt United Nations Office Ford Everest Euro 2 3 Vip Rhl HLCUDUR2007 On Drugs And Crime Diesel Rhd Mt 2 21 14 Vm 301/20 TCKU1959048 08/15/20 20 ICDN Calhditas 07170 Regional Office For 6fpjxxmjwilb77478 Eng Eastern A Ol21ilb77478 50 00 Mt White Refined Sug Ar For Industrial Use Col Our Maximum 45 Units Icums A Minimum Polarisation 99 8 302/20 MEDU5818939 Call 08/15/20 20 MEDUPL132073 To Order Degrees Maximum Moistu Re 0 ICDN 07 All Final At Tim E 01 Shipment Packed In P Olypropylene Bags Of 50kg Net Weight In 20 Foot Dettol Liquid Assorted 4400 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 22800 Kg G W TRHU2407566 Lisa 08/15/20 20 204019600 ICDN 303/20 Likoni Road To 24364 Kg Intransit To led Embakasi Nairobi Machines And Accessones Idf OOLU41084381 Convex Commodity OOLU9579550 Lisa 08/15/20 40 Number No E2005329699 Place ICDN 304/20 Merchants 80 Of Final Delivery led Embakasi Dettol Liquid Assorted 4400 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 22800 Kg G W 08/15/20 20 204019600 ICDN 305/20 MSKU5541744 Lisa Likoni Road To 24364 Kg Intransit To Icc Embakasi Nairobi Dettol Liquid Assorted 4400 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 22800 Kg G W 08/15/20 20 204019600 ICDN 306/20 MRKU7597397 Lisa Likoni Road To 24364 Kg Intransit To Icc Embakasi Nairobi Dettol Liquid Assorted 4400 Cartons N W 22800 Kg G W Towfiq Kenya Limited ICDN Lisa 08/15/20 20 204019600 307/20 SUDU7395107 Likom Road To 24364 Kg Intransit To led Embakasi Nairobi 1 Pallets Stc 20 Fibc Order No 85431513 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L 4 00 Kg Fungicide Maersk Syngenta East Afnca ICDN 308/20 MRKU0843945 08/16/20 40 910896879 Stc 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Brooklyn Limited Rose A INdofil 400 Kg 010 Fungicide Hs Code 3808 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L 400 Kg Fungicide 1 Pallets Stc 20 Fibc Order Nc 85431513 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L ^^4 00 Kg Fungicidt Solid N 0 S Mane Ozel) Class 9 Pg 111 Marine Pollutant Stc 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 W;1 Maersk Syngenta East Afnca I Ndofil 400 Kg 010 N O 8 TGHU4498476 08/16/20 40 910896879 ICDN 309/20 Brooklyn Limited Rose A Mancozeb Class 9 Pg Ii1 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg I Ndofi1 400 Kg 010 Fungicid Mancozeb Class 9 Pg Ii1 Manne Pollutant 20 Pallets St 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 W r Indofi L 400 Kg Fungicide 5060 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December, 2020

Container Lot No Vessel Name 'it7p\ of Lading Consignees Name and „ . „ Location Arrival Number ^1 Number I Address \Goods Description of Goods j 1 Pallets Stc 20 Fibc Order No 85431513 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L 4 00 Kg Fungicide Im O Un 3077 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Solid N 0 S Mane Ozeb Class 9 Pg 111 Manne Pollutant 538444 20 Pallets Order Number 85431508 I Maersk Stc 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 Wg 310/20 MRKUO100087 08/16/20 40 910896879 East Africa Brooklyn Limited Rose A 1 Ndofil 400 Kg 010 Fungicide ICON Hs Code 380892 N O Mancozeb Class 9 Pg In Ridomil Gold 68 Wg I Ndofil 400 Kg 010 Fungicide Mancozeb Class 9 Pg In Manne Pollutant 20 Pallets Order No 85431511 Stc 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi 1400 Kg Fungicide 1 Pallets Stc 20 Fibc Order No 85431513 Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L 4 00 Kg Fungicide Hs Code Ridomil Gold 68 Wg 1 Ndofil 400 Kg 010 20 Pallets I Maersk 311/20 MRKU0416429 08/16/20 40 910896879 Sygsnta East Afnca Order Number 85431509 Stc 20 Brooklyn Limited Rose A Fibc Ridomi] Gold 68 Wg ICON Fungicide Hs Code 380892 20 Pallets Order No 85431511 Stc 20 Fibc Ridomil Gold 68 Wg Indofi L 400 Kg Fungicide Hs I Solid N O S Mancoze B FMethylene Chloride Un 1593 Class 6 1 Total Net Weight 21 6 Cosco 312/20 TLLU2384684 08/16/20 20 TST260029 Kac Chemicals Paints Mt Pack Ing Packed In 270 Kg Fuzhou U Limited Steel Drum Cargo In Transit To ICON Kampala Uganda On Consignee jRisk Account And Responsibility pettol Soap Assorted 5975 313/20 MSKU2841964 Lisa 08/16/20 20 204019362 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 40054 55 Kg G Likoni Road To W 42665 44 K G Intransit To ICON I led Embakasi Nairobi 12 X Hc40 Stc Total 41 Drums Procurement of Plant Design The Kenya Power and Supply and Installation Of Bfc Extensions of Low Voltage 314/20 TCNU4568170 08/16/20 ^ I EPIRINDMUM2 Lighting Company Ltd Shipping 11981 Stima Plaza Kolobot Single Phase Lines And Service ICON [Road P Cables In Migon Kisii And Homa Bay Counties 50 Mm2 Aa Conductor Quantity 249740 Meters Chicken Paste 135g Lino Lada Duo 350g Lino L Ada Nougat 350g Ajvar Extra Hot 350g Ajvai M Ild St 350g Vegeta 75g Vegeta Fish Bag 30g Vegeta Cnspy Potatoes Bag 30g Vegeta Salad 20g Vegeta Glass DOse 400g Vegeta 12g Sticksample Vegeta Chicken Soup W N Vegeta G 315/20 MRKU7657454 Lisa 08/17/20 20 910920714 Towfiq Kenya Limited Industrial A Reen Vegetable Soup 60g Lino ICDN Lada Milk 350g Vegeta Golden Chicken Vegeta Chicken Cube 80g Vegeta Beef Broccoli And Couli Soup 66g Veg Cream Of Tomato S 60g Hs 21041000 Vegeta Cream Mush Soup 63g Veg Cream Of Vegetables 45g Vegeta Chicken Cube 1kg Ke 0 Vegeta Beef Cube 1kg Ke I Dettol Soap Assorted 5975 316/20 MSKU5627616 Lisa 08/17/20 20 204019362 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 40054 55 Kg G Likoni Road To W 42665 44 K G Intransit To ICDN I led Embakasi Nairobi I Conductors and 105 X 20 Fcl Container Stc 55 Mv Als 317/20 FCIU3828431 08/18/20 20 EDP0121239A ^^^^ormersmanufactur Coils 9 5 Mm Aluminium Wire Flora mg Co Ltdp O Box Rod Ec Grade H 14 Total Net Wt ICDN 140859 Nairobi 1111301 Kgs Freight Prepaid 5061 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE

Location Date o/ Container Bill ofLading Consignees Name and Joods Description Lot No Vieise/ A/ame Size of Goods Arrival Number Number Address ^and Line +254 41 2220904 Email Customercare3 Sastglobalkenva Com Conductors and 15 X 20 Fcl Container Stc 55 Fransformers Coils 9 5 Mm Alummium Wire ilv AIs EDP0121239A CDN 318/20 rRHU3081880 08/18/20 20 Rod Ec Grade H 14 Total Net Wt lora manufacturing Co Ltdp 0 Box 40859 Nairobi 111301 Kes 19 000 Mt Polypropylene iomopolymer Grade HI045 Maisha Packaging Packing In 25 Kgs Per Bag MEDUDM18774 Company Limited P O 'olypropylene Homopolymer ICON 08/19/20 40 319/20 FCIU7428881 Msc Chiara 3 Box 33319 Nauobi Grade H1045 Polypropylene Kenya flomopolymer Grade HI045 Polypropylene Homopolymer Grade H1045 Dettol Soap Assorted 5975 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons N W 40054 55 Kg G 204019362 ICDN 320/20 MSKU4259335 Lisa 08/20/20 20 Likoni Road To W 42665 44 K G Intransit To led Embakasi Nairobi Alko Brands Limitedpo Assorted Alcoholic Beverages Mv AIs Box 47507block D etc Mr Julius Tax P051823943k ICON 321/20 TGHU1257984 08/20/20 20 DXB0508968 Flora Sameer Business Freight Prepaid Parknairobi Ken International Federation 1 X 40 Container 20 Pallets Stc Mv Caria Of Redcross And Red Oral Rehydration Point Kits ICDN 322/20 APZU4389760 08/20/20 40 LPL0965389 Liv Crescent Societiesc 0 Kmedzfch0104 Orp Kit Nor Stock Lot Of Towels Shawls Maersk Net Wt 7155 000 Kgs Inv No ICDN MRKU9166969 08/20/20 20 204153957 To Order 323/20 Bentonville Gee 130 2020 20 S Billno 3985078 22 07 2020 Qingdao Tyres Limited Kota Poboxl01587 Tyre and Advertisements ICDN TGHU9401845 08/20/20 40 TAED00081700 324/20 Machan OOlOOamana Shopping Complex Nairobi Qingdao Tyres Liimted Kota Poboxl01587 Tyre and Advertisements ICDN 325/20 GCXU5107756 08/20/20 40 TAED00081700 Machan OOlOOamana Shopping Complex Nairobi Qingdao Tyres Limited Poboxl01587 Kota Tyre and Advertisements ICDN 326/20 PCIU8938196 08/20/20 40 TAED00081700 Machan OOlOOamana Shopping Complex Nairobi 99 000 Mt Polypropylene Homopolymer Grade Packing In Maisha Packaging 25 Kgs Per Bag Polypropylene MEDUDM18774 Company Limited P O Homopolymer Grade H1045 ICDN Msc Chiara 08/20/20 40 327/20 FDCU0056231 3 Box 33319 Nauobi Polypropylene Homopolymei Kenya Grade H1045 Polypropylene Homopolvmer Grade H1045 Towfiq Kenya Ltd 01x20 Dc Skin Wipes Ongma Maersk Likoni Road Industibwa 10s Srp Total Cases 3024 Tota ICDN 328/20 TCLU6983532 08/20/20 20 204122161 Bentonville Towfiq Co Ke NetWeieht 2509 92 Kgs Somochem U 01 X 40hc Containers Containinj• Limitedplot 1 3 Nyondc Hcll6fb Polypropylene Total Ne CHP0123269 ICDN 329/20 FSCU8992200 Bermuda 08/21/20 40 Close Bugolobi Weight 24 750 Mt Transit T( Warehouse F Land Kampala Uganda Simba Foam Limited Fo Box299 00606 Lunga Polyol Y1537 Cargo In Transi Kota SEL000198100 * ICDN 330/20 PCIU1990989 08/21/20 20 To led Nauobi Machan Lunga Roadindustnal AreaNai OOLU4108438] Convex Commodity Machines and Accessories Id'ICDN 08/21/20 40 331/2C OOCU6526040 Nordwinte 80 Merchants Number No E2005329699 Conductors And 05 X 20 Fcl Container Stc 55 Transformersmanufactu Mv AIs EDP0121239A Coils 9 5 Mm Aluminium Wue ICDN 332/20 TGHU1925316 08/21/20 20 Flora ing Co Ltdp O Box Rod Ec Grade H 40859 Nairobi Dettol Liquid Assorted 4400 Towfiq Kenya Limited Cartons NW 22800 Kg G 204019600 j ICDN 333/20 MRKU7238144 Lisa 08/21/20 20 Likoni Road To 24364 Kg Intransit To Icd F.mbakasi Nairobi 6 X Standard 20 Container Said Gum Trading Co 24 To Contain Total 4170 Foi11 Mv Carla EPIRAEESAD21 Clive Road Jinja Thousand One Hundred Seventy ICDN 334/23 FCIU3843689 08/21/20 20 Uganda Ph Liv 9501 Only Bags J K White CemeiIt 256434121697 256702 Conforming To Astm C 150 Typ 5062 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Date of Lot No Vessel Name Container Bill of Lading Consignees Name and Sue Location Arrival Number Number Goods Description Address of Goods 1 And Enl97 1 Cem 1 52 5n Portland Cement White 40 Kg Multiply Pape R Bags Country 01 Ongin Uae 30 Goods In Transit To Kampala Uganda Conductors And 05 X 20 Fcl Container Stc 55 Mv AIs 335/20 APZU3348719 OS/21120 20 Transformersmanufactur Cods 9 5 Mm Aluminium Wire Flora EDP0121239A ing Co Ltdp O Box Rod Ec Grade H Total Net Wt ICON 40859 Nairobi 111301 Kgs Qingdao Tyres Limited 336/20 Kota PCIU9519810 08/21/20 40 Poboxl01587 Machan TAED00081700 Tyre And Adverbsements OOlOOamana Shopping ICON Complex Nairobi 15 Pallets Automotive Battenes Wet Filled With Acid Electric Stora Ge Net Weight Kgs 18117 00 Un 2794 Imo8 Cn Maersk 337/20 MRKU7533474 08/21/20 Caetano Kenya Ltd 85071020 The Name Of The Bentonville 20 910939928 Mombasa Road Lr49 Manufacturer Autopart S A U] ICON Kwiatkowskiego 2a 39 30 0 Mielec Poland Eu That Goods Are Of Polish Origin Battery Testers 4 Pcs Net Wei Ght Kgs 2 6 X Standard 20 Container Said To Contain Total 4170 Four Thousand One Hundred Seventy Gum Trading Co 24 Only Bags J K White Cement Mv Carla 338/20 TCKU2183323 08/22/20 EPIRAEESAD21 Clive Road Jinja Liv 20 Conforming To Astm C 150 Type 9501 Uganda Ph 1 And Enl97 1 Cem 1 52 5n H S ICON 256434121697 256702 Code 2523 21 Portland Cement White 40 Kg Multiply Pape R Bags Goods In Transit To Kampala Uganda 99 000 Mt Polypropylene Maisha Packaging Homopolymer Grade Packing In 339/20 MEDUDM18774 25 Kgs Per Bag Polypropylene CAIU9455553 Msc Chiara 08/22/20 40 Company Limited P O 3 Box 33319 Nairobi Homopolymer Grade H1045 rCDN Kenya Polypropylene Homopolymer Grade HI045 Polypropylene Homopolymer Grade H1045 Trever Wagenaar C O Used Household Goods And Mv AIs 340/20 HLCUKW32008 HAMU1043439 08/22/20 40 Mebs Global Reach Ltd Personal Effects Poc Esther Flora 00640 Unit 14 Saku Business Moraa Email Operations Ke ICDN ParkP Mebs Global Com Dated the 8th December 2020

PTGNo 1227/20 21 ROSEMARY MUREITHI Chief Manager

Gazette Notice No 10836 CUSTOMS AND BORDER CONTROL DEPARTMENT Goods to be Sold at Customs Warehouse Forodha JKIA by public auction on November 2020 ^ within thiity (30) days from the date of this notice they will be sold Interested buyers may view the goods at the Customs Warehouse JKIA on 15th January 2021 and 18th January 2021 during office hours

Lot No and Mawb No Flight/Date of Shed Nap No Ro No Manifest At rival Consignee Location/Description!Qty Oil 97389600 SCS/001/2020 Ann Waithera Swissport c C/Wlise JKIA 1 Pkg 62 kgs Gathatwa ^ 607 86087153 SCS/007/2020 2019 JKA EY 641 23/08/2019 Khamisi Kassimu CAVhseJKIA 4Pkgs63kgs 232727 Kamanda SCS/010/2020 16 07 2019 PO Box 12705 C/Whse JKIA 20 Pkgs 133kgs Dry Nairobi /o4 41596236 SCS/011/2020 2019 JKA CZ 633 24/09/2019 Kings Wear Ltd C/Whse JKIA 7 Pkgs 100 kgs 233845 00/ 85626472 SCS/013/2020 2019 JKA EY 641 10/08/2019 Frankhne Mogaka C/WhseJKlA 2 Pkgs 132 kgs 232220 Ogega U83 16070493 SCS/016/2020 2019 JKA SA0184 13/11/2019 Aramex CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs 235421 Communication Equipment 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5063

Lot No and Mawb No Nap No Ro No Flight/Date of Shed Manifest Consignee Arrival Location!Description!Qtv 235 38057401 SCS/018/2020 2019 JKA TK 6462 Samsung Blectromcs C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 360kgs 227474 19/04/2019 EA 17/JKA/2020 8160628836 DHL 431 2019 JKA ESI32 20/02/2019 Jeremiah Njogu DHL C/WhseJKIA 1 Pkgs Ikgs Media 224823 player 8149757921 DHL 432 Express Money C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 2 5 kgs Bank Tokens 8216110453 DHL 434 2018 JKA Maureen Nkirote C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 5 kgs 219538 2899649012 DHL 436 2018 JKA Rioma Freight C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Car 222367 Radio 7146830526 DHL 437 2019 JKA KL0565A Mr Jackson C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs 233985 25/09/2019 Documents 7809698945 DHL 438 SGS Lab C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 5 kgs Chia Seeds 9768955335 DHL 439 2019 JKA KQ419 13/08/2019 SGS Lab C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs 232467 Sesame Seeds 7084060830 DHL 440 2019 JKA KL0565 21/03/201' SBI Intl Ltd C/Whse JKIA 4 Pkgs 20 4 kgs 226088 JCB Machine Parts 4031034663 DHL 442 Osman C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Kanzii Outfit 5404931184 DHL 443 Louis I elle C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 2 kgs Alloy Bracelet 8935560620 DHL 444 G4S Kenya C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 3 kgs Turnstile Pliigin 1389681871 DHL 445 Julian Mitchel C/Whse TCIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Watch 1288013016 DHL 446 Mi Patel C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Card 5337726461 DHL 447 Almasi Kulumbwa C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 5 kgs Keyboard 15^6078084 DHL 448 Omotola C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Token Device 7205787525 DHL 449 Beatrice CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I kgs Document Clothing 6459164880 DHL 450 Gichuru C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Caid Holder 4135712932 DHL 451 Sylvia Omina C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Ankara Dress 6405552274 DHL 452 Mohammed Rashid C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Clothing Comics 7966786273 DHL 453 Mitchelle C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Duffle Bag 9805147645 DHL 454 Ackiiji Mumba C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Gift

7775128583 DHL 456 Jbrahini C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Medictne 7681652786 DHL 460 Bilha Wambui CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Clothing and Books 5583071303 DHL 461 Michal Adam CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Bracelet 5394583596 DHL 462 Almasi Kulumbwa 1670360086 DHL 463 Abana Safaris C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kgs Awards Trophy 2454284486 DHL 464 Paul Mama C/Whse 'KIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Fishing ■'lies 2666301890 DHL 465 Kimali Wambua CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs I Necklace Bracelet 3379355464 i DHL 466 Araveli C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Stone Quartz 1696107884 DHL 467 Caroline Wangari C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs ' Human Haii 9246638704 DHL 468 tacinta C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Human Hair 3128014713 DHL 472 Science Cop Ltd C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 20 5 kgs rhermal Cycle unit 2098120231 DHL 473 nchcape Kenya C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kgs BMW Spare parts 1891949883 DHL 474 DT Dobie 1 C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 43 kgs Automotive parts 1596645124 DHL 475 4orda Industries C/Whse JKIA 1 PI gs 2 kgs Flat "olded Catalogues 1109985172 DHL 476 ^ahad Sial C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 35kgs P

Lot No and "light/Date of McationlDescnptionJQty Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival •Networking Equipment C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Mats 1100988910 DHL 479 lulie Portraits CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs 5194817821 DHL 481 Hannington Clothes

8051864343 DHL 483 GE East Africa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Valves

7327933922 DHL 485 Express Automation CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 28 kgs Image Transfer Unit 6100289016 DHL 486 Civicon Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 36 kgs Spare parts CAVhseJKIA 9Pkgs 185kgs 2333494343 DHL 488 Martha Kayole Boxes of Sanitarv Pads C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 9 kgs 9864314736 DHL 491 Spring Valley Road Network Cable 5603151886 DHL 492 Bamburi Cement CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 2 Kgs Air Nozzle Drill

2296811425 DHL 495 Juliet CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kgs Labels Sample Pack CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2^ kgs 5783099022 DHL 496 Kenya Brewenes Technical Documentation

4988741800 DHL 497 Kenya Medical CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 kgs Spare Training Parts 5174691944 DHL 499 Milele Mall CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 4 kgs Weanng Apparel 2586256256 DHL 500 Syspro Office CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Teaching Matenals

3857086273 DHL 502 Sidi Wang CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Clothes and personal electncals CAVhseJKIA 4Pkgs 40kgs 5172461744 DHL 503 Sana Industnes Weave CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 42kgs 7328728385 DHL 504 Unilever Mesh Belt Conveyor

7258869203 DHL 506 Umrm Lali CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 8 kgs Simlaw Seeds

3096712010 DHL 507 Moses Chagara CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 22 kgs Personal Effects CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 kgs 3110649301 DHL 508 Amos Odhiambo Gouverneurs 2017 wine

8448516904 DHL 510 Orthomedics CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 kgs Metal Screw

8159395311 DHL 511 Ellas Kathunma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Paper cut 5078349452 DHL 512 Astral Aviation CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 21 kgs Catalogues

2360565712 DHL 513 Mohammed CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 5 kgs SKE Explorer 4632729824 DHL 514 International Finance CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 10 kgs Books CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 6 kgs 7185026181 DHL 516 Aggrekop Projects Paper Cup 9301073261 DHL 517 Hassan Salah CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 26 kgs Textile Cutting sample

5487682351 DHL 518 Aleffit Traders CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 25 kgs Kemila White wine

5733350792 DHL 519 DHL Express CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 kgs Chandelier 8583961455 DHL 520 Mana Energy CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 3^kgs Notebooks

7257985103 DHL 521 Samson Peter C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Bronchures 5174686016 DHL 522 Milele Mall C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 85 kgs Boxer 6762263686 DHL 523 Narasappa Narra CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 17 kgs Personal Effects 5174707263 DHL 524 Milele Mall C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7 kgs Tshirts 7983045243 DHL 525 SAFARICOM HQ C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 16 7 kgs Mugs 4534833656 DHL 526 ABC Place C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 kgs Smart Rail Kit

5589247123 DHL 528 MilUcent Wamhui CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 2 kgs Clothes Toys books

2566191854 DHL 529 Spnng Valley C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Business Used Weather meter 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5065

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival Location/Description!Qty 3206497965 DHL 530 Bnan Munuki C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 22kgs Pnnted items 9111123523 DHL 532 Selectium Ken CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 1 kgs Computer Equipment 5182911860 DHL 533 Keshavji Ladha CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Samples 1879723532 DHL 534 Bakan Juma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 16 5 kgs Clothes and Shoes 6361693634 DHL 535 Bernard Sonoiya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 6 kgs Trapping stnps 3049209925 DHL 539 Marc Notiet CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 5 kgs Keyholder T shirt 5172461744 DHL 540 Sana Industries CAVhse JKIA 4 Pkgs 40 kgs Weave 2806591830 DHL 541 Abdiwahab CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 20 kgs Mohammud Clothes 4154950634 DHL 542 Kirkston Kinuti CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 21 kgs Electromc Switch 3396086890 DHL 543 Sybyl Kenya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 11 5 kgs Electronics 5733344875 DHL 544 Hahma Madhe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 8 kgs Chandelier 5780731854 DHL 545 Del Monte CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 3 kgs Spare Parts 6663249482 DHL 546 I Knit Kenya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 45 kgs Crotchet Bikinis 5012907970 DHL 547 Songhyun Food CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 4 kgs Electncal Items 2263733695 DHL 549 Ridwan Ahmed CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 kgs Clothes 6032482735 DHL 551 Wajir Company CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 75 kgs Document 4291789876 DHL 552 EABL CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 1 kgs Taster 7326007194 557 Michael Ekri CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs Software 2257245664 558 Shasha Ou CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Necklaces 7681652775 559 Fndah Nyabate CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 1 kgs Clothing 9025647724 560 Bum Forest CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs T Shirts 2169256224 561 Paul Githuka CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Wnst Watch Accessones 2567327755 562 Alex Oksefe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Pnonty pass 4556709850 563 Evans Mwichigi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1kg Card Pen Stationery Case 9626955074 564 Kenya Highland CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Seedlers Seeds 7463912503 565 Jean H Doyer CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 kgs Books 6355562743 566 Sameer Business Park CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 15 kgs Sample Programming tool 8035325395 568 Carol Odhiambo CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 012 kgs Tshirt 7122966115 569 Eyal Azar CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Mosquito Bracelets 3304816222 571 Jamila Juma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Clothing 5006338886 574 Jennifer Asietsa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Synthetic Wigs 9298458551 575 Victona Otieno CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 1 kgs Denim Shorts 9148400321 576 Khalada Kalil CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Glasses 7496879740 578 Neema Kaseje CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 1 kgs Pnnted Matter 7327317524 579 Knsten Keller CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Kiondo Bag 8378405523 581 Pens Ngina CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Clothing 7213438610 582 Mabati Rolling Mills CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Colour Sample 5598433816 584 Ryan Giggs CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 52 kgs Abis Book 5066 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival Location!Description/Qty 2153750303 585 Owiti Augustine CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Sample of Sesame Seeds 8149780144 586 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 1773544802 587 Mrs Lorraine C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Children Jacket & Water Bottle 7325647840 588 Abdullahi Mohamed CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Clothings Shoes and watch 1450642760 591 Odmga Fanuel CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 9 kgs Car Parts & Accessories 2331135774 595 Neehma Namiyid CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Saree 1170849201 596 Wesley Rotlch CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I kgs Award Trophy 2519207876 598 Emily Wambui CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 1 kgs Themostat 5012721291 599 Tejaswi Tanjore CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs Gowndress 7671719613 600 Sreedhan Karturi CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 1 3 kgs Camera Parts 9063042074 601 Samantha Nyanchama CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Sample of hair 8485346063 602 Jennifer Wanjiku CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgi 2 kgs Clothes Shoes 7880927891 603 Kenfreight Ea CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 6 kgs Calendar 5746472233 604 Manju Nathan CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Spare Parts 6916747165 605 Nerrrsa Shamji CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 1 kgs Dress 1512780986 606 Trushna Patel CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs USB Dnves 9300784032 607 Clane Omondo CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Cables 5050046131 608 Atnman Ahmed C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Clothing 4132923200 609 Fatuma Abdullahi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs MK Watch 1099882836 610 Eabl Kenya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs Taster 2631267671 611 James Karanja CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I kgs Token ID 8189476466 612 Samson Khaweli CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 4kgs Wedding Dress 5019281212 613 Grace Nalungwa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Hair Extensions 7125979582 614 East Afncan Regional CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Office Documents 3353859003 615 Esthei Bloom CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Decorative Leather Shield 7276833686 616 Martin Wainaina CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs Key 7628991112 617 Sabnna Nassir CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs Beauty Products 1089346613 618 Lola Ogunsanya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Mens Clothes 4710644260 620 Alice Mafundisho CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 1 kgs Ladies Dress 1671248375 621 Gerry Nieci CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Wireless Earbuds 1884243410 622 Mukesh Kumar CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 54 kgs PLC Sample Device 6829894923 623 Moses Ndentu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Pillow 7709808643 624 Issa Sheith CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Calendais 9679475212 625 Ajaa Garang CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs Clothing 8214004271 626 Peter Echessah CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Mac Eye Kohl & Watch Accessories 6484178315 627 Neha Lumb CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Ladies Top 3370315911 628 Wangai Nyuthe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Booklets 8381615561 629 Vlunaf Parker CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 96 kgs Prayer Mat Bag Hiiab 14507400306 530 Calvin Otieno C/Whse JKIA I Pkgs 1 kgs 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5067

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival Location/Desci iption/Qty

Pnnted Matter 5663793833 632 Okoh Collins CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7 kgs Mobile Accessones 8974541170 633 Josiah Ambeethe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Segger U Link 8149780623 635 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 3883255250 636 Innocencio Ochoa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs African Shield 8149779492 637 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149756882 638 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Bank Tokens 8i49779783 639 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 7071412626 640 David Mfuti CAVhse JKIA 0 5 Pkgs 1 kgs Filter Papers 3041276932 641 Kevin Mbithi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Motherboard Part 4749917255 642 Abdulmunaf Osman CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Earing Necklace 8149779164 643 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 1184284205 644 Nicholas Kahura CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Mobile Cables 8322741103 645 Austin Mueke CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 37 5 kgs Personal effects and Books 1966688864 647 Twins Investment CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 7 kgs Isilvei Viscount & Sowing Machine ■^779560784 649 Rosemary Kanano CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 20 kgs Muguna Electric Warmer Equipment lacket BRSet 4425174854 650 Crown Beverages CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 58 kgs Arresto Supporting IMP 6209135100 651 Genevieve Njoki CAVhse JKIA 5 Pkgs 58 kgs Mokundi Personal Effects 1308266186 652 Mohammed Rashid CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 30 kgs Children Toys & Personal Effects 5161483176 653 Sheila Angi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Instrument Spare Parts 9286538726 658 Monica Achol Ajok CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 25 kgs Personal Effects - Clothing 3317270681 660 Abraham Kiprotich CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 8 kgs Shoes 7909160626 662 Isabel Sakura CAVhse JKIA 3 Pkgs 3 kgs Calendars 6038771992 663 Abhijit Pathak CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 32 kgs Bronchures 7023319155 665 Hysam Adam CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Dress suit 3755896793 667 Kenya Redcross CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Logistics Center Automatic Data Processing Machine 9453114672 668 Nairobi Bottlers CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Limited Regulator Plugs Cormectors 1603771503 669 Abyssinia Group CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Pen Set 7528531813 670 Likoni Aids CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 8 kgs Orphanage Centre Balls Pencils Markers 6005929941 671 Anjarwalla & Khanna CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 6 kgs Books 5372785935 672 Jay Varia CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Networking Equipment 8610663364 674 Robert Nyongesa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 2 kgs Computer Hardrive & HP Laptop 2050069781 675 Dennis Mbugua CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 10 1 kgs Video Game Watch 2290584505 676 Magenta Kenta Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 9 kgs Advertising Matenal 4552214262 678 Gea Procomac SPA CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Springs 6675554465 679 Nana Self CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Musical Instruments 2072499004 680 Kikuyu Mission CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs 5068 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Location/Description/Qty Shed Arrival Hospital Medical Tomiquets 2072494535 681 Kikuyu Mission CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Hospital Medical Tomiquets 9050631866 682 Bern CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kgs Electncal Matenal 6810741803 683 Techno Plast CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 35 kgs Ceramic Tiles 2705660882 684 Twiga Foods Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I 2 kgs Electronic Device Famoco Kit 3206448114 686 Hedwing Nyalwal CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Educational Printed Materials 8224610660 689 Itare CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Books

8257100515 692 Iglesia Ni Cnsto CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 8 kgs Pasugo Magazines 4901213052 694 Mail Options Limited CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 23 82 kgs Journals Penodicals 8385718202 697 John Kuria CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I 8 kgs Hybnd Tomato Seeds 5171985781 698 Charles Ouma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 5 kgs Plastic Marketing Cards 4564520752 701 Jayanti Shah CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 1 kgs Sweater 8149779330 703 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149780214 704 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149758363 705 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149779035 706 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149758131 707 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs I kgs Bank Tokens 8149778803 708 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 8149779750 709 Geoffrey Gichia CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 1 kgs Bank Tokens 1618830942 711 John Moms CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs I 55 kgs Books 4685198545 712 Douglas Omondi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Relay Sample 9878203090 713 Neema Lutheran CAVhse JKIA 78 Pkgs 826 65 kgs College Books 2254441652 715 Hamza Kurban CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Eye Frame 7859226992 716 Francia Gacheru CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 3 kgs Clothes 4106839166 718 Minme Mama CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Beauty Products 7241833631 719 Henner Kenya CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Documents 2646777486 720 Joan Onsomu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Ceramic Pigtail Series 4938446870 721 United Aryan Epz CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Lab Dips 8937684490 722 Keyframe CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Thumb Dnve 9000348442 723 Said Omar CAVhse JKIA 10 Pkgs 258 4 kgs Curtains 1587564436 724 Charles Muchunku CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 I kgs Blister Resist Socks 8919467034 725 Daystar University CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Books 9091572092 727 Strathmore University CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Wazihub Equipment 5725940345 728 Norah Nanzala CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kgs Eamngs Bracelets Gift Cards 4744003250 729 Insta Products(Epz) CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Ltd Documents 4549598373 730 ^ Maunce Jens CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5^ kgs Backpack 8988514113 731 BK008105 CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs IkgsT shirt 8919304155 732 Gadgetronics Ltd CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 3 kgs Motherboard Part 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5069

Lot No and Flight/Date of Location/Description/Qty Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival

1835298301 733 Aasan Solutions CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Printed Matter

6344367201 734 Bordar Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Beanng Axle Synchronous Belt 9027118505 736 Dennis Mbugua CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Kinyaniui Watch 4279744862 737 Frednck Munyao CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 1 kgs Basket

2072581991 738 Cans Foundation CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5kgs Headphones

1585297825 739 Naushad Manjoti CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Faulty Diagnostic Cable

8128482655 741 Posybal Products CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Limited Clothing

5424404980 743 Moses Ndentu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 9 kgs Pillow

8598721224 746 Eunice Wawua CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Massage Sample 6611869353 748 Gladys Mahinda CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Alloy Key Holders 2454484583 749 Glovo Sadiqa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7 kgs Janmohammed Pnnted Matter 7290668663 750 Enc Mutegi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs Covers and Accessories 1461043791 751 Enc Nyamu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs Interface & Processors

3612427335 755 Mastercard Nairobi CAVhse JKIA 5 Pkgs 7 5 kgs 2X Docking Station Monitors earner


18/JKA/2020 8602628532 757 Ceva Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Android POS Terminal DHL 4839838522 758 Galooli Advanced CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs POS Solutions(K) Terminal 9247436240 759 Jerry Kanuki CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 30 kgs T Shirt 1339322983 762 Tenses Africa Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 3 kgs Macadamia 4772269294 764 Icolo Mbai CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 4 kgs Networking Equipment

5174691771 765 Milele Mall CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 9 kgs Socks 9735370562 766 Ingweta David CAVhse JKIA 4 Pkgs 81 kgs Personal Effects 7177034911 768 Venus Tea Brokers CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 76 kgs Tea samples

5737835073 770 MRO Supplies CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 4 kgs Tool Kits(Pliers) 1106560980 773 Landstar Express CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 kgs Nairobi Cables 8148446666 774 Some Njoroge CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Hats

4120547550 775 John Mburu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 4 kgs Auto Parts 8597979832 776 Icolo Mbai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 5 kgs Learning Equipment

2918959724 777 China Jiangxu Int 1 CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Spare Kenya Ltd Parts Rubber Rolls 7241881334 779 Boulangene Grenier CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 2 kgs Glass Stand

5174685423 780 Milele Mall CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 95 kgs Boxers

2294786045 781 Hannemane Riederer CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Crafts Hat

8385731535 782 Nature Kenya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 kgs Amazon Books

2024110745 783 Monsanto Kenya CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 15 15 kgs Onion Seeds

1740234333 784 Abdirashid Mwaura CAVhse JKIA 3 Pkgs 45 kgs Allummium Railing Samples

2140899106 785 Job Iren CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 38 kgs Personal Effects

7911882694 788 Solomon Choge CAVhse JKIA IPkgs Ikgs Brochures

7575098162 789 Roberts Education CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Center Cards and Letters / / 5070 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020 /

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival Location!Description!Qty

5547063583 790 Strathmore University CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs POS Terminal 6677203584 791 IGC CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 78 kgs Jacket 1809904821 792 Jedida Kavvaki CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kgs Study Mwacharo Books 4763490616 795 Kenya Vehicle CAVhse JKIA IPkgs 145kgs Manufacturers Parts 7443487472 796 Mr Jackalee CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 21 9kgs Bronchures 5975765493 797 HFC Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs PVC cards with IC 1477830900 798 Becton Beckmson CAVhse JKIA 3 Pkgs 66 5 kgs Banners and Bronchures 6763484221 799 Runji Mwarc CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Book Manual 6274544706 800 Salraa Afrie CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Hair 3355960274 802 Linda Brendah Kideu C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 14 kgs Personal Effects 8084512225 803 Tcnimo BCT Kenya CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 11 9 kgs Ltd Training Matenals 6030208236 804 CFAO Kenya ltd CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 17 66 kgs Spare Parts for AG & TP 5392956483 805 Sahra Hussein Jama CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 14 39 kgs Clothes & Handbag 5421309272 806 National Cement Co CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 13 32 kgs Ltd Desk Phone 1473438621 809 Jing Yu Qi C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Face Mask 8019338154 812 Hemanshi Galaiya CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 3 7 kgs Fan 4239383433 813 Iglesia Ni Christo CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 14 27 kgs Portrait Frame 4565428976 814 Kenyatta University CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 0 75 kgs Training Materials 6848301762 815 Tristar Transport Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 17 42 kgs Desktop Calendars 3273254725 817 Said Omar CAVhse JKIA 3 Pkgs 3 kgs Curtains 4730434741 818 Priscilla Wangare C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 45 kgs Muzima Personal Effects 7501499106 819 DDG Kenya CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 17 3 kgs DDG Calendar 1854995321 822 KICC Exhibition C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 47 kgs Hangers 3355959644 823 Linda Brendah Kideu C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 kgs Personal Effects 8680227076 824 BBOXX C/Whse JKIA I Pkgs 8 kgs Printed Matter 6381509153 825 Sibille Cuka C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 09 kgs Contact Lense 5174706154 828 Washington Muirun C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 189 kgs Wearing Apparel 6844755304 829 Karisa John Vmya C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 kgs Hair Braids 6398307005 830 Omar Hussein Swaleh CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Wedding Invitation 2973305086 832 Mariam Hussain Ah C/Whse JKIA I Pkgs 2 28 kgs Clothes Toys 1532355823 834 OSI C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 9 kgs Books 9816067833 835 Cherotin C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 02 kgs Sitiyo Weaves 3463288382 836 Sylvester Ochieng C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Tyre Pressure Monitor 5174706585 837 Washigton Muirun 4634415973 838 Van Lim C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Clothing and Accessones 3527083910 339 Techovo Kenya 5610808546 340 Vational Cement Co C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Ltd Steel Ring 7780640792 341 acob Ochieng CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs ^abels 1055148603 344 Hiss Elizabeth Sirtuy C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Baseball Caps T Shirts Book 1736153800 45 Jeatnce Anyango C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 55 kgs 18th December 2020 JHE KENYA GAZETTE 5071

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Ai rival Location!De vcnption/Qty Ogone Cosmetik Wasche Sussigkeiten Iphone 5527789864 846 / Kir Kir Akor C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 kgs Synthetic hair Weaves 1832829412 847 Samuel Wangunyu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 8 kgs Clothing Food 1165455970 848 Ahmed B Ibrahim CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 2 kgs Fabric 3193326323 849 SER De Nairobi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 18 kgs Networking Equipment 9740119675 850 Pamela Odhiambo CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 36 kgs Personal Effects 5690694354 852 Pewin Motors Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 6 kgs Battenes Phone 5102579333 854 Hand In Hand Easterr CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 7 kgs Africa Calendar 9320268031 855 Wenga Wenga Jupsie CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs PS4 CD Games 2286003506 856 Nicolas Koros CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Suit 2245945715 857 Sophia Mohamed CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 54 kgs T Shirt Table Ddcor 1998243730 858 DHL Nairobi Center CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 6 kgs Documents 9740384603 859 Peter Waweru CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kgs Munuki Little Redstone Sample 1036626625 860 Mrs Nur Rasool CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 1 kgs 1 5 Pack - Monteverde RoIIerball 3237844912 861 Alice Olango CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7 kgs Printed Blouse 2683044254 865 Shanga Designs CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 49 kgs Bags 6780688154 866 Kenneth Ouma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kgs Chnstmas Gift 6688769264 867 Phoiielink Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Phone Covers and Battenes 8576383104 868 IDEO Org CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 49 kgs Pnnted Cards 9796777152 870 Aminah Kyomugisha CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Eanngs 6326447481 871 Dykoe Enterprise Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 52 kgs Wig 7248456456 872 Delight Merchant CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgs Rungu 5782704513 873 Jordan Agency Tnbal CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kgs Tess Beaded Maasai Collar Necklace 6006061062 874 Monsanto Kenya Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 112 kgs Bean Sample Seeds 6100289016 875 Civicon Limited CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 36 kgs Spare parts for dnlling Rig 6284522764 876 Tanya Media Partner CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 4 kgs Pipelme & Gas Journal 5739574901 877 Tnbe Hotel Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 13 kgs Spare Parts for Kitchen Equipment 7300426265 878 William Angulu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 8 kgs Beads 2294232780 879 Abbid Na CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kgs Fabnc Dress 3499239590 880 John Loughnane CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 300 kgs Electncal Materials 8935512434 882 Daniel Paffenholz CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 09 kgs Sweater 6446710513 883 Kenya Tribearth by CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Local Aid Jewellery 6839352144 884 Ma Abbid CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 2 kg Sim Sim Seeds 3441123302 885 Raymond Isigbe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 95 kg Clothes 3202224863 886 Coca Cola Beverages CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 40 kg Pet 'reforms 6362021326 887 3HL Int Lifehouse CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1kg Honor 7s phone 5782522524 388 'aytech Afnca CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Smart JR Access Camera 9889716060 389 Dbayuwana Godday CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Shoes 3ocks and Watch 5072 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Location!Description!Qty Shed Arrival

5954281793 890 Hamet Kerubo CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Kuiama UsedIphone 1590641286 891 Mwenda Timothy CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7 kg Samsung S9 Smart Phone 7147423555 892 Moses Latema C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Used Samsung phone 6120866426 893 Dancun Otieno CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Used Smart phone 2733289193 894 Ratlki wa Maendeleo CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Samsung Galaxy Tab A6 8013650363 895 Rose Sheng CAVhseJKIA 2Pkgs 3kg 2V17 Technology Ltd Pro phones 9165632453 896 Almast Kalumbwa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg bags 8013650352 897 Kong Sheng Tech Ltd CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5 kg 2 V17 Pro Viyo phones 1377963042 898 Hanif Mohammed CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kg Watch 7002216115 899 Approval Kenya CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0^ kg Services Used Dhght phone 7145191712 900 Evelyne Njoki CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Used Mbuthia Iphone XS max Clothes 8524649431 901 Ladouce Kaluta CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 1 kg Google Cellphone 4062265793 902 Vimalra Prakash CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Chandra Patel Documents 4062265841 903 Prakash Chandra CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3kg Patel Documents 4062265804 904 Laxman Kunversi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Varsani Documents 8935917911 905 Terresiah Njeri CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 13 kg Electronic Kit 7103239710 906 Abdi Rizak Adan CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 06 kg Smart phone 9792789812 907 Crowne Plaza CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Camera 5088753526 909 Faruk Ah CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 1kg Unlocked Charger 6037630200 910 Bhamini Shah CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kg Watch Beauty products 8271539430 911 Patnck Kanuki CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kg Laptop Screen 5232541112 912 Maxwell O CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Phone battenes 7147369924 913 Zinnia System CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Phone Solutions 9916184876 914 Benard Mathenge CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Used Samsung phone 8591860071 915 Kevin John Ikadi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Sample watch 7148076106 916 Friends Inn CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Used Kanobangi Iphone 2874066425 917 Munyanja Shanff CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Gift rmgs 4093477953 918 Victor Aoro Okela CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Watch 7128051840 919 Tony Kathunma CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg Smart Door Bell 8547390493 920 Bruno Kimutai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg 2 Smart phones 4173239501 921 Ketuya Jelani CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kg Watch and Cellphone 2748549005 922 Mary Mutun C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 5 kg Ring Watch Iphone 3572792296 923 Sarah Wanjiku CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 0 5 kg Bag Watch 2167320201 924 Abdmassrr Maulid CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Phone sample 3610954222 925 Sidney Kiptoo Koech CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg 3 Phones 1309850323 927 Fidek Ndooh CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5 kg 2 Cards Chocolates 1013026302 928 Chns Waweru CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 1kg 1 UsedIphone 4772272676 929 Icolo Mbai CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 5kg Networking Equipment 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZErTE 5073

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee LocatiotdDescnptiomQty Shed Arrival

1123376240 930 Cnmson Multimedia C/Whse JKJA 1 Pkgs 21 kgs Limited Chdiacter Costume 8115495920 933 Tony Smith CAVhseJKIA 1 r gs 6 3 kg Pnnted Matter A Hunters Huntc Book 9983841700 934 Nickson Nyakambi C/WhseJKlA 1 Pkgs 219 kg FD Reader 3586638016 935 Dorcas Obonyo CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 05 kg Womens Woven Wedding Dresses 5060552630 936 C/0 Heron Portico CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0 48kg Hotel Headphones 8407297813 937 Google Kenya CAVhseJKIA IPkgs 0 4kg H96 Max Video Player 3308757141 938 Francis Kakai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 68 kg Kissinger Legal Practice Books

6791668450 939 Sarah Waiswa CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 87 kg She Persists Book 9529800545 941 New Life Pentecostal CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kgAIedia Church On CD 1384467210 943 Cornelius Kipkemei CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Shoes Rop and Clothing 2822578916 945 Salah Goss CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 146 kg Cloth Material (Lace) 7692090103 946 Trade And CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg One Development Bank Bottle Whisky 2371311250 948 Qorahay Travel And CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Cream Cargo Body Lotion 2 Pcs Dresses 1 Pc

4916452800 949 Inchcape Shipping CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 kg Spare Service Ltd Parts Piston Guide 2964770406 950 Liquid CAVhse JKIA 5 Pkgs 50 kgs J9N Telecommunications Verizone POS VX675 Kenya Ltd 9495256400 951 Simon P Kasyate CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 14 34kgd9otebooks ups Bottles3ooks 5615493973 955 Kaplan & Stratton CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 12 42 kg Books 9810641315 957 Mr Andrew Inyanje CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 30 kg Clothes Bags Watch Shoes 7780698796 958 Abukar Sheikh CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 66 kg 1

- Hassan Handbag 4 Wellbeing Vitamm Shoes 7199962792 960 John Matsekhe CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Car Parts & Accessones 8680237226 964 BBOXX CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 92 kg Printed matter 7780659725 965 Lilian Wayuamuli CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 17 4 kg Personal Effects 2596815712 966 Keguro Macharia CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 9 kg Pnnted Books 7780731711 967 Robert Hamisi CAVhse JKIA I Pkgs 2 kg Shoes Nguma & Clothing

4123738684 968 Pejk General Supplies CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 10 7 kg 21 Lantan Road Ke 27 Bnght Light Flicker 6341750144 970 Trade And CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3 2 Development Bank kg Wine Weighing Scale Laptop Bag 6071391023 971 Mohamed Well Said CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 8 kg Educational Pnnted Items 7200595522 972 Manus Kimutai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 6 kg Shoes Clothing Accessories 7200641291 973 Marius Kimutai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 7 kg Shoes Clothing Accessories 7200633112 974 Manus Kimutai CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 74 kg Shoes Clothing Accessones 7414186135 976 Diana C J Patel CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0 46kg Motherboard & Led Moying Head p Lights 7446077273 978 John Nguoth Kalang CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 8 kg 2 Used Cell Phones Mouse Keyboard And Used Laptop 2934686775 979 Nairobi Bottlers Ltd CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 28 6 5074 THE KENYA GAZE FTE 18th December 2020

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Shed Arrival Location/Description/Qty kgEabelhng Tape 8368004805 980 Zhao Yan CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 265 kg Face Mask(Health Mask) 4292837931 981 Halo Bulhan Ali CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 55 kg Makeup Cosmetics 4877606775 982 Ton Bissell CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 65 kg Heart Lovenote No 3827427505 983 Zhou Lei CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 18 kg Card Holder 50 Pens And Key Holders 2994629201 984 Catherine Kudwoh CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3 kg Curtain Hooks 5612390243 985 Mercy Corps CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 2 kg Jabra Speakers 5786827970 989 Alice Muthoni CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 2 kg Spoons And Kitenge 3074862431 991 Enda Athletics CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 99 kg Limited Sports Shoes 1 Pair 2534522126 994 Frank Minti CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 3kg 2 Wallets 9449152996 995 Pro Labels Limited CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 18 68kg Tnal Reel Free Of Charge 1340175023 996 Piochem Ea Ltd CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 55kg Sihcagel Filter Acl96R 9106634025 998 Mwanasha Mwijabu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 2 78kg Bag Mwachidaro And Shoes 7186586094 999 Weld Con CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 82kg Radiation Alert Equipment 5553897204 1000 Iglesia Ni Cnsto CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 7 88kg 245 PCS wall calendar 1285360613 1002 Mr Ahmed CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 31kg Mohammed Dahir Booklet &. Folder 5774968990 1003 N/A CAVhse JKIA 2 Pkgs 9 85kg Shoes Gloves And Educational Books 8155629823 1006 Asuntah Waikunu CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 45kg Sample Of Ip Camera 1637013081 1007 Esther Ongatta CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 82kgRca 7 Tablet 1321571742 1008 Crowne Plaza Hotel CAVhse JKIA 2Pkgs 16 55kg 1000 X Paper Badges 7780337235 1009 Dream Kenya Safaris CAVhse JKIA IPkgs 4 95kg Tshirt Chocolate And Used Phone 6338178221 1010 Khadija Abdallah CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs Khamis 19 26kgJ'ersonal Effects And Foodstuffs 2231551442 1011 Abdulrahman Ah CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 10 12kg Dress 9646516062 1012 Sr Agnes Njeri CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 4kg Mburu Phd Academic books 1623027206 1013 Kitengela Church CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 8 2kg Gift Book 3380403622 1014 Times Unity CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 6 02kg Industnes Ltd Finished Leather 2834659251 1016 Shaion Akoth Nyanja CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 4 95kg Iphone 6 HP laptop 2016 Ihope 6pl All Used 3281480075 1017 SBI Int 1 Holdngs Ag CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs Kenya 99 6kg Caterpillar Parts 1806158690 1018 Bollore Transport & CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5kg Logistics Spare Parts 5066265595 1020 George Kadiri CAVhse JKIA 2Pkgs 113kg Personal Effect 9629109431 1022 The Standard Group CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 20kg Center Audio Equipment 4772841426 1026 The Master Gh CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 16 5kg Zonda Deck Log Book Engine Log Book Manoeuring Book 1757130911 1027 Ge East Africa CAVhse JKIA IPkgs 0 2kg Aid Services Ltd Ion Chamber Robs With 24 Meter 3062032116 1029 Weston Hotel Nairobi CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5kg Used Samsung Phone Watch Ring 1674082966 1030 Terence Chibire CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 34kg Micro Computer S857715163 |1032 iuun Adbi Diriye CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7kg 1 18th December,2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5075

Lot No and Flight/Date of Mawb No Nap No Ro No Manifest Consignee Location/Description/Qty Shed Arrival

IPhone 5017631183 1033 Programme Officer CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5kg Ofab IphoneS - Used 4064372292 1035 TNS Mob le C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 5kg 15 Intematton il Itel Phones 8149881320 1036 Family Bank C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs I 2kg New Ix Ipad Non Dg 7946399742 1037 Ruth Chepngetich C/Whse JKIA IPkgs 0 5kg Used Android 1 ablet 8081898086 1038 Wyeliffe Bwana C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs Ikg Used Samsung Tablet 3400115541 1039 Trade And C/Whse JKIA I Pkgs 3 18kg 1 Development Bank Laptop Bag Weighing Scale I 750ml Wine 7905831920 1040 Brookstde Montesson CAVhseJKIA 1 Pkgs 10kg Centre School Xep8(Parcel 2 Blankets And 2 Hats 6840971196 1041 Consol Glass Kenya C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 7kg Ltd Fussball Tnkot Jersey 3323874853 1042 Bank Of Afnca CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 0 5kg Compact Disk 1680492192 1044 Fahad Abdullah Omar CAVhseJKIA IPkgs 2172kg Clothes 4876333416 1045 The Architectural C/Whse JKIA IPkgs Association Of Kenya 1 12kg Traditional Basket

2254816351 1046 Enda Athletics CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1kg 1 Pair I imited Of Shoes 7541943592 1048 Joy Matwale C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 1 85kg Study Guides 8605685896 1049 Abdirahim Shueb C/Whse JKIA 1 Pkgs 3kg Adan Women Tight Pants 19/JKA/2020 176 01133532 AFS/109/20I9 2018 JKA EK721 18/12/2018 Catherine Aloo Oduor C/Whse IKIA 5 Pkgs 194kg AFS 222125 Personal Effects 176 72280751 AFS/119/2019 20I9JKA228 EK719 14 05 2019 Alandic Company C/Whse JKIA 10 Pkgs 59kg 558 motor vehicle spare parts 062 38420664 AFS/122/2019 2019JKA230 Sv949 28 062019 Wells Fargo Ltd C/Whse JKIA IPkgs 208kg 407 18cm Tseal Metal LT Pink Lasered 176 71791650 AFS/123/2019 20I9JKA230 EK719 29 06 2019 Frednck Mwangi C/Whse JKIA 2Pkgs 46kg 446 Wakaba Personal Effects 020 23260300 AFS/096/2020 20I9JKA064 LH590 04 09 2019 Krones LCS Center CAVhseJKIA IPkgs 400kg Pet 860 EA Prefonns 350G 176 73354971 AFS/111/2020 20I9JKA228 EK721 16 05 2019 Milton Ochieng C/Whse IKIA 19 Pkgs 584kg 650 Personal Effects 176 73354934 AFS/113/2020 20I9JKA228 EK721 16 05 2019 Milton Ochieng C/Whse JKIA 11 Pkgs 329kg 650 Personal effects 176 70183466 AFS/137/2020 20I9JKA561 EK721 10 08 2019 Khavayi Tabitha CAVhse JKIA 1 Pkgs 9 5kg 614 Musonga Personal Effects 176 71817465 AFS/138/2020 2019JKA230 28 06 2019 Sudi Suleiman Mahu C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 45kg 396 Personal effects 020 96167271 AFS/139/2020 2019JKA710 LH590 26 09 2019 Pulse Heart Care Ltd C/WliseJKIA 7 Pkgs 181 8kg 727 Pharma diagnost cs 020 20871222 AFS/140/2020 2019JKA572 LH590 13 08 2019 Kesora Freight C/Whse JKIA 4 Pkgs 762kg 561 International Spare parts 020 36071733 AFS/142/2020 2019JKA692 LH590 20 09 2019 Delta handling CAVhseJKIA 2Pkgs 2 8kg 899 Services Silicone in pnmary form 176 09613682 AFS/143/2020 2019JKA228 EK719 03 05 2019 Sioux Investments C/Whse JKIA 2 Pkgs 45kg 144 err Machine parts 20/JKA/2020 Items from Passenger C/Whse JKIA Assorted Bags PASSENGER Terminal Left Behind Containing Person il Effects TERMINAL by Travelers Clothes Shoes Household Items 21/JKA/2020 Items from Passenger C/Whse JKIA Assorted Bags PASSENGER Terminal Left Behind Containing Personal Effects TERMINAL by Travelers Clothes Shoes Household Items 22/JKA/2020 Items from Passenger C/Whse JKIA Assorted Bags PASSENGER Terminal Left Behind Conta nmg Personal Effects TERMINAL by Travellers Clothes Shoes Household Items

23/JKA/2020 Items from Passenger C/Whse JKIA Assorted Bags PASSENGER Terrmnal Left Behind Containing Personal Effects TERMINAL by Travellers Clothes Shoes Household Items

Dated the

J N AYAKO PTGNo 1228/20 21 ChiefManager Nairobi Customs Station 5076 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Gazette Notice No 10837


(No 21 O/20I3)


Applications for Variation or Issue of Air Service Licences PURSUANT to the provisions of the Civil Aviation Act 2013 read together with the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 2016 and the Civil Aviation (Licensing of Air Services) Regulations 2018 (Regulation 25) notice is given that the applicants whose particulars are specified in the first column of the schedule below have applied for vanous air service licences The particulars of the applications are specified in the second column and the duration required for the licence is in the third column Any representation in favour of or against any application should be made in wnting to the Director General Kenya Civil Aviation Authonty P O Box 30163-00100 Fax +254 20 6822300 Nairobi so as to reach the Authonty within twenty one (21) days from the date of publication of this notice Such representation should also be sent by the person making it to the applicant by registered mail at the same time it is sent to the Authority


Name and Address ofApplican Type ofService Appliedfor Duration Martinair Holland NV International non scheduled air service for Cargo and Mail on the routs With immediate effect Piet Guilonardweg 17 Amsterdam Nairobi Amsterdam with routing rights to/frorr 1117 EE Schipol Entebbe/Kigali/Khartoum/Harare/Dar es Salaam/Johannesburg/Cairo/Lusaka The Netherlands using aircraft type B747 400F based at Amsterdam The Netherlands

Enter Air Sp Z O 0 Inclusive tour charters on the routs With immediate effect 74 Koraitetu Obrony Robotnikdw Str Warsaw/Hurghada/Mombasa/HurghadaAVarsaw without traffic rights 02-146 to/from Hurghada using aircraft types B737 8 B737 8MAX based a Warsaw Poland Warsaw Poland

Kenya School of Flying Limited Variation of current air service licence to include to include aircraft type With immediate effect PC Box74714-00200 C172 Nairobi Sandpiper Aviation Limited Variation of current air service licence to include au-craft type AS350B3 With immediate effect P O Box 1223-00502 Nairobi Kenya Homes Company Limited dba Vanation of current air service hcence to include non schedule air service for With immediate effect Timbis Air Services mail geographical area Europe/Far East and aircraft types B767 B737 PO Box 19264-00100 B727 CRHOO CRJ200 CRJ900 B1900B DHC8 Q400 Nairobi

Multiple Solutions Limited Non scheduled air services for passengers and cargo withm/out of into Kenya With immediate effect PO Box 83752-80100 to/from Afnca/Inshan Ocean Islands/Middle East/Europe/Asia/Far East using Mombasa aircraft types A319 E120 F50 B350 F27 B737 2/3/4/8 CRJ200 BE90 D228 G280 BE20 EMBI90 CL605 based at JKIA/Wilson/Mo) International Mombasa/Eldoret Intemational/Kisumu/Malindi Airports

Vintage Air Charters Limited Non scheduled air services for passengers cargo and mail within/out of into With immediate effect P 0 Box 14927-00800 Kenya to/from Afnca/Indian Ocean Islands using aircraft type 0172 C208 Nairobi DHC8 based at Wilson Airport

Governors Balloon Safans Limited Non scheduled air services for passengers within Masai Mara National With immediate effect PO Box48210-00100 Reserve using hot air balloon types Kavanagh B-425 Kavanagh B 400, Nairobi Kavanagh B 350 based at Little Governors Camp

Safan Express Cargo Limited (a) International scheduled -ur service for cargo on the routes With immediate effect P 0 Box 41840-00100 (i) Nairobi to/from Dubai Nairobi (u) Nairobi to/from Shaqah (ill) Nairobi to/from Amsterdam (iv) Nairobi to/from Maastncht (v) Nairobi to/from Frankfurt (vi) Nairobi to/from Gatwick (vii) Nairobi to/from Stansted (viii) Nairobi to/from Doncaster (ix) Nairobi to/from Johannesburg (x) Nairobi to/from Guangzhou (xi) Nau-obi to/from Shanghai (xii) Nairobi to/from Liege (xiii) Nairobi to/from Brussels (xiv) Nairobi to/from Lagos (xv) Nairobi to/from Luanda (xvi) Nairobi to/from Bunjumbura/Moroni/Kinshasa/Djibouti/Cauro/ Lobamba/Addis Ababa/Tnpoli/Antanananvo/Lilong we/Port Louis/ Kigali/Victona/Khaitoumfrunis/Kampala/Lusaka/Harare i» (xvii) Nairobi to/from Dar Es Salaam (xviii) Nairobi to/from Hong Kong (xix) Nairobi to/from Istanbul (xx) Eldoret to/from Dubai ,

• 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5077

Name and Address ofApplican Type ofService Appliedfoi ^ Duration (b) Non scheduled air service for cargo withm/out of/into Kenya to/from of Afnca/Indian Ocean Islands/Middle East/Europe/Asia/Far East/North America using aircraft types F27 B747 B747 F B737 F B757 F and DHC8 based at JKIA

Farmland Aviation Limited Aenal work services within Kenya and Africa using aircraft types AT602, With immediate effect PO Box 2226-20100 S2RT65 S2RT34 A188B A185F 180H and 180 based at Elementaita Nakuru With immediate effect Sicham Aviation Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers withm/out of/into Kenya PO Box63023-00200 to/from East Africa/Central Africa Nairobi (b) Aenal work services within Kenya East Afnca and Central Africa (c) Flying Instmctions within Kenya using aircraft types AS350B2 and Schweizer H269 based at Wilson Airport With immediate effect Ventura Aviation Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers and cargo within/out of/into PO Box 1158-00606 Kenya to/from points in Afnca Nairobi (b) Non scheduled air services for emergency medical service within/out of/into Kenya to/from points m Africa (c) Aenal work services within Kenya and Africa using aircraft types EMB120 C208B and AS350B3 based at JKIA, Wilson/Eldoret Intemational/Moi International Mombasa Airports

With immediate effect West Rift Air Services Limited Non scheduled air service for passengers and cargo within/out of/into Kenya P 0 Box 60091-00200 to/from Eastern and Central Afnca/Indian Ocean Islands/ Middle East/Asia Nairobi usmg aircraft types C208 DHC8 B1900 and AS350 based at Wilson Airport With immediate effect Afnca Eco Adventures Limited Non scheduled air service for passengers within Maasai Mara usmg hot air P O Box 64196-00620 balloon types Balony Kubicek BB 120P Cameron A 315 Cameron A 250, Nairobi LBL 150A based at Ilkeham Maasai Mara

Nairobi Fbght Training Limited (a) Non scheduled aif service for passengers and cargo withm/out of/into With immediate effect P Box 16050-00100 Kenya to/from points m East Africa/Eastern Afnca based at Wilson Nairobi Au^iort and Nanyuki Airstnp (b) Flying instructions within Kenya based at Wilson Airport Nanyuki Airstnp and Masmga Airstnp f Using aircraft types C172 C152 C206 PA28

Level Up Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers withm/out of/into Kenya With immediate effect P Box 3084-10400 to/ffom points m East Afnca Nanyuki (b) Aenal work service within Kenya and East Afnca usmg aircraft types AS350B3 R44 and Enstrom 280C based at Northlands Heliport Ruuai

Dragonfly Aviation Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers cargo and mail withm/out With immediate effect PO Box54998-00200 of/mto Kenya to/from points m Afnca/Indian Ocean Islands/Middle Nairobi East using aircraft types F27 F50 CRJIOO CRJ200 DHC8 DHC8 Q400 C650 C 680 based at Wilson Airport With immediate effect Pro Flight Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers cargo and mail withm/ou PO Box22899-00100 of/mto Kenya to/from points in Afnca Nairobi (b) Non scheduled air service for emergency medical service within/ou of/mto Kenya to/from points m Afnca (c) Aenal work service within Eastern Afnca Using aircraft B407, AS350B3 EC130B4 based at Wilson Airport With immediate effect Airborne Afncan Antics Limited Non scheduled air services for passengers within Amboseli National Parl PO Box321-00519 using hot air balloon type Cameron A 315 based Olgulului Amboseli

With immediate effect Airvan Kenya Limited Non scheduled air service for passengers and cargo within/out of/mto Keny t P 0 Box 4531-00506 to/from Eastern Afnca/Central Afnca usmg aircraft type C208B based a Wilson Airport Discovery Airways Limited Non scheduled air service for passengers and cargo within/out of/mto Kenya With immediate effect , P 0 Box 105562-00101 to/from points in Afnca/Middle East using aircraft types F50 F70 FIDO DHC8 BE20 B1900 and CRJIOO based at JKIA and Wilson Airport 3 With immediate effect Jetwest Airlmes Limited (a) Non scheduled air service for passengers and cargo withm/out of/mt P O Box 14287-00100 Kenya to/from points within Afnca/Middle East Nairobi (b) Domestic scheduled air service for passengers on the routes (i) JKIA/Wilson to/from Eldoret 5078 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Name and Addt ess ofApplican Type ofService Appliedfor Duration (ii) JKIA/Wilson to/from Mombasa Lamu (ill) JKIA/Wilson to/from Wajir (iv) JKIA/Wilson to/from Kisumu (v) JKIA/Wilson to/from Ukunda (vi) JKIA/Wilson to/from Homabay (vii) JKIA/Wilson to/from Mandera (via) JKIA/Wilson to/from Lodwar (ix) JKIA/Wilson to/from Lokichoggio (x) JKIA/Wilson to/from Mahndi Lamu using aircraft types F50 and DHC8 based at JKIA and Wilson Airport Proactive Air Services Limited Flying Instructions within Kenya using aircraft types C150 C152 C172, PO Box 9135-00300 95C 55 aircraft based at Wilson Airport With immediate effect Nairobi

Dated the 15th December 2020

PTGNo 1236/20 21 GILBERT M KIBE Director General

Gazette Notice No 10838 Gazette Notice No 10840 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (No 17O/20I2) (No 17O/2012) COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF EMBU STANDING ORDERS THE KAKAMEGA COUNTY ASSEMBLY STANDING ORDERS Special Sittings of the County Assembly NOTICE IS given to all Members of the County Assembly of Special Sitting of Kakamega County Assembly Embu and the general public that pursuant to Standing Order No 29 of NOTICE IS hereby given to all Members of the County Assembly the Embu County Assembly Standing Orders There shallTie a special of Kakamega and the general public that pursuant to Standing Order sitting of the County Assembly at the County Assembly of Embu 26 of the Kakamega County Assembly Standing Orders a special Temporary Chambers 4th Floor Ghanshyam Plaza on Tuesday 22nd sitting of the County Assembly shall be held at the County Assembly December at 10 00 am The business to be transacted at the special Buildings Kakamega on Fnday 18th December 2020 at 11 00 am sitting shall be— for purposes of deliberating on the Supplementary Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2020/2021 and the Kakamega County HIV The Consideration of the Report of the Ad hoc Committee AIDS and STI Management Bill 2020 investigating the Operations of the Embu County Revenue Authority (ECRA) Dated on the 10th December 2020

In accordance with Standing Order 29 (4) of the Embu County MORRIS 1 BULUMA Assembly Standing Orders the business specified in this notice shall MR/1435141 Speaker County Assembly of Kakamega be the only business before the Assembly during the special sitting

Dated the 14th December 2020 Gazette Notice No 10841 JOSIAHM THIRIKU MR/1421437 Speaker County Assembly ofEmbu CONSTITUTION OF KENYA



THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT Special Sitting of the County Assembly (No \1 of2012) PERSUANT to Standing Order No 26 (1) of the Lamu County THE VIHIGA COUNTY ASSEMBLY STANDING ORDERS Assembly Standing Orders on the request of the Leader of Majority with support of the requisite number of members of County Assembly Special Sitting of the County Assembly I have appointed Tuesday 22nd December 2020 as a day for special sitting of the County Assembly The sitting shall be held at the PURSUANT to Standing order No 32 (1)(4) of the Vihiga Assembly chamber in Lamu at exactly 10 30 a m County Assembly Standing Orders it is notified foi the information of the Members of County Assembly and the general public that there The business to be transacted at the sitting shall be Consideration shall be a special sitting of the County Assembly to be held on Friday of the Supplementary Budget 18th December 2020 at Kidundu Stadium at 9 30 a m In accordance with Standing Order number 26 (4) of the County The business to be transacted shall be County Annual Address by Assembly of Lamu the business specified shall be the only business to the Governor Wilber Khasilwa Otichillo pursuant to Standing Order be transacted before the county Assembly following which the County No 24 Assembly shall stand adjourned

Dated the 10th December 2020 Dated the 14th December 2020 HASNAM MUDEIZI '' MR/1435131 Speaker County Assembly of Vihiga ABDUK AHMED MR/1435078 Speaker County Assembly ofLamu 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5079 Gazette Notice No 10842 published and can be accessed on the County Government website COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF NYAMIRA www kiambuassembly go ke or at the County Government Offices m Kiambu and Thika Town SECOND ASSEMBLY-FOURTH SESSION Dated the I Ith December 2020 Calendar 2020 GODFREY MURIUKI IT IS notified for general information that pursuant to the MR/1421500 piovisioM of Standing Order 25 of the County Assembly Standing Principal Legal Counsel Orders The County Assembly has developed a calendar for the Second Assembly Fourth Session as set out in the schedule GazetteNoticeNo 10846

Period Days THE PUBLIC OFFICER ETHICS ACT Fourth Session 11th February 2020 to {No 4o/2003) 21 St January 2021 Third Part IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 33 (1) of the Tuesdays (morning and Public Officer Ethics Act 2003 the Mombasa County Assembly Sitting Days (22 Sitting Days) afternoon) and Thursdays (morning and Powers and Privileges Committee establishes the following Tuesday 27th October- administrative Procedures Thursday I7th December 2020 afternoon) Long recess(25 recess days) THE MOMBASA COUNTY ASSEMBLY POWERS AND Long recess period PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE PROCEDURES FOR Fnday 18th December - Monday ADMINISTRATION OF PART IV OF THE ACT 1 Ith January 2021 PART I -PRELIMINARY Sitting Days(4 Sitting Days) Tuesdays(Morning and Citation Tuesday I2th January— Thursday Afternoon) and 21st January 2020 Thursdays (Morning and These Procedures may be cited as the Mombasa County Assembly Afternoon) Powers and Privileges Committee Procedures for Administration of D Long Recess (18 Recess Days) Long recess penod Part IV of the Act

Fnday 22nd January - Monday Intelpi etation 8th February 2020 Calendar ol the Fourth Session of the Second Assembly 8th February In these Procedures unless the context otherwise requmes 2021 at midnight Act means the Public Officer Ethics Act 2003

MOFFAT TEYA Commission means the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission Chairperson House Business Committee established under section 3 of the Ethics and Anti Corruption MR/1421386 Speaker County Assembly ofNyamira Commission Act 2011 Committee means the Mombasa County Assembly Powers and Privileges Committee established in accordance with section 15 (I) of Gazette Notice No 10843 the County Assemblies Powers and Privileges Act 2017 THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT Declarant means a person who has made a declaration under the {No 17 O/20I2) Act Public Notice Declaration form means the form set out in the Schedule to the NOTICE is given for the general information of the public that the Act in accordance with section 26(2) of the Act Kiambu County Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2020 has been published and can be accessed on the County Government Website Declaration year means the year when the two year declaration www kiambu go ke or at the County Government Offices m Kiambu under the Act falls due and Thika Towns Designated Officer means a public officer of the Assembly Dated the 10th December 2020 assigned to administer these Procedures or any part thereof in accordance with clause 4(2) of these Procedures WILSON M KANG ETHE MR/1421401 CECM Finance and Economic Planning Final declaration means a declaration made m accordance with section 27(5) of the Act Initial declaration means a declaration made in accordance with Gazette Notice No 10844 section 27(3) of the Act THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT Public Officer shall take the meaning in Article 260 of the {No I7O/20I2) Constitution of Kenya 2010 Public Notice Regulations means the Regulations made under the Act NOTICE IS given for the general information of the public that the Secretary means the Clerk of the County Assembly or m absence Kiambu County Finance Act 2020 has been published and can be of the Clerk the person exercising the ftinctions of Secretary to the accessed on the County Government website www kiambu go ke or at the County Government Offices in Kiambu and Thika Town Committee State Officer means a Member of County Assembly or other Dated the 10th December 2020 state officer serving m the County Assembly WILSON M KANG ETHE Two year declaration means a declaration made m accordance MR/1435051 CECM Finance and Economic Planning with section 26(1) of the Act Scope ofApplication GazetteNoticeNo 10845 3 These Procedures shall apply to the administration of Part IV of THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT the Act with respect to state officers serving in the County Assembly {No I7o/20I2) PART II-PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO DECLARATIONS

Public Notice Administration ofthe Pi ocedures NOTICE IS given for the general information of the public that the 4 (1) The Secretary shall administer these Procedures on behalf of Kiambu County Supplementary Apropriation Act 2020 has been the Committee 18th December,2020 5080 THE KENYA GAZETTE

(2) The Secretary may designate officer(s) from among the state (vi) Any relevant remarks on the submissions officers of the County Assembly Service Board to administer the (b) In relation to the initial and fmal declaration Procedures or any part thereof m respect to any specified category of state officers and (i) Number of state officers required to make a (3)The designation under sub paragraph (2)shall be in wntmg and declaration shall outlme the specific tasks to be performed by the Designated (ii) The number of state officers who have complied with Officer the requurement for declaration Procedure m Submitting Declarations (ill) Number of state officers who have not complied with 5 (1) A state officer shall submit a declaration m the Form set out the requirement for declarations in the Schedule to the Act (iv) Action taken m relation to any state officer who has not (2) The Committee may use such measures as may be appropriate complied and to facilitate a state officer to acquire the form referred to in sub (v) Any relevant remarks on the submissions paragraph (1) (3) The Committee may publish the declaration form m a format (2)The report under this part shall that may permit the declaration form— (a) In relation to a two year declaration be submitted to the Commission not later than 31st July of the year following the (a) to be rendered in digital format or declaration and (b) to be downloaded from a website and printed out in paper (b) In relation to initial and final declarations be submitted to the format Commission not later than 31st July following the end of the (4) Where a state officer is requued to make an mitial two-year or financial year within which the declarations were made final declaration the Secretary or Designated Officer may issue a notification to the state officer not less than thirty (30) days before the PART III -PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO CLARIFICATIONS due date for the declaration and Requestsfor Clarification (5) For avoidance of doubt failure to provide a declaration form or 9 (1) The Secretary or the Designated Officer shall review each to issue a notification under this paragraph shall not be construed as a declaration to ascertam if any of the following conditions exist - waiver of the responsibility of the state officer to submit a declaration under the Act (dj on the face of the declaration or m light of any other information the Committee may have there is reason to Completion and Submission ofDeclarations suspect the declaration may be false or incomplete 6 A state officer shall complete and submit the declaration form to (bj the assets of the declarant appear disproportionate to his or the Secretary her known income and Register ofDeclarations (cj the income assets or liabilities of the declarant raise concerns 7 (1) The Committee shall maintain a register contaming details of impropriety or conflict of interest of each state officer who is required to make a declaration m accordance with the Act The register shall mclude— (2) If It IS suspected that any of the conditions m subparagraph (1) exist the Secretary or Designated Officer shall give the declarant an (a) Name personal number designation directorate department opportunity to make a clarification m accordance with section 28(1) of or unit the Act (b) Date the state officer submitted the declaration form (3) Request for a clarification shall be made in writing (c) type of declaration (initial tow year or final) (4) The Secretary or Designated Officer shall in the register of declarations document the particulars of clarification sought, the mode (d) Name and signature of the designated officer acknowledging of communication the time given to respond the date and particulars receipt of the declaration of response if any and (e) Total number of state officers who have submitted (5) If no explanation is given or if after considering any declarations a s at the due date explanation the declarant may give the Secretary or Designated (f) Total number of state officers required to submit Officer IS of the opinion that the conditions in subparagraph 9(1) still declarations and exist the Secretary or Designated Officer upon approval by the committee may in addition to any other action including (g) Any remarks relating to the declarations investigations and commencement of civil proceedings take (2) A register under this part may be maintained in separate disciplinary or other appropriate action against the state officer , documents PART IV—PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCESS OR PUBLICATION Reports on Compliance OF INFORMATION IN A DECLARATION 8 (1) The Committee shall submit to the Commission a report Access and Publication ofInformation in a Declaration containing the following information 10 (I) The Committee or any other person shall not disclose (a) In relation to two year declaration— access acquire or publish the information in the declaration form (i) The number of state officers on the payroll as at 31st except as may be provided in the Act the Regulations these Procedures or any other written law October of the year of declaration (ii) A certified copy of the register maintained in (2) A person who wishes to gam access or to publish information accordance with paragraph 6, in relation to a declaration under the Act shall— (ill) The total number of state officers who have complied (a) apply to the Committee m the form set out in Appendix I and with the requirement for declarations (b) demonstrate to the Committee that he or she has a legitimate (iv) The total number of state officers who have not interest in the information and complied with the requirement for declarations (c) demonstrate to the Committee that the access to or publication (v) Action taken by the Committee m relation to any state of that information shall be for a good cause and m furtherance officer who has not complied and of the objectives ofthe Act 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5081 (3) Where the information is intended to be disclosed or publicized the applicant shall expressly state so m the application PART V-PROCEDURC IN RELATION TO STORAGE AND RETLNTON OP DECLARAnON FORMS (4) Where a person has made an application to the Committee in accordance with this paragraph— Mecnanismsfor ^forage ^etuithn -

(i) Provides proof of his or her authority to act as a 3 Postal Address representative of the state officer and 4 Physical Address (ii) Provides proof of identity of the state officer 5 E mail Address Decision to be Final 6 Occupation 13 (1) Except as provided under the Act Regulations and these Procedures the decisions of the Committee in relation to a declaration Part II—Particulars of Information Applied for by A state officer shall be final (a) Nature of Information (please tick V) (2) Any person dissatisfied with the decision may appeal in 1 Declaration() accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Officer Ethics (Management Venfication md Access to Financial Declarations) 2 Clarification() Regulations 2011 3 Declaration and Clarification() Regulations to Apply to this Part (b) Declaration period 14 This part shall be read and construed together with the Public Officer Ethics (Management Verification and Access to Financial Declarations) Regulations 2011 5082 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Part in—Information on the Person whose declaration is sought to be Interpi etation obtained 2 In these Procedures unless the context otherwise requires— (a) Name Act means the Public Officer Ethics Act (b) Directorate/Department (if known) Board means the Mombasa County Assembly Service Board (c) Work Station (d) Reason for requiring the information Commission means tlie Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (i) Official Declarant means a person who has made a declaration under the Act (ii) Other reason (e) State precisely the purpose for which the declaration sought Declaration form means the form on declaration of income will be used assets and liabilities as set out m the Act Declaration year means the year when the two year declaration under the Act falls due Designated Officer means an employee of the Board assigned to administer these Procedures or any part thereof in accordance with clause 4(2) of these Procedures Employee means a public officer employed by the Board Part IV—Additional Information Pinal declaration means a declaration made within thirty days Give any other information you may consider relevant and useful to after ceasing to be a public officer your request Initial declaration means a declaration made within thirty days after becoming a public officer

Part IV of the Act means declaration of income assets and liabilities Part V—Declaration by Apphcant Public Officer means a State Office or a person other than a I solemnly declare State Officer who holds a public office that the information I have given above is true complete and correct to Regulations means the Regulations made under the Act the best of my knowledge Secretary means the Clerk of the County Assembly or in absence Date of the Clerk the person exercising the functions of the clerk Signature of Apphcant Two year declaration means a declaration of the income assets APPENDIX II and liabilities of a public officer spouse or spouses of a public officer ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REQUEST FOR ACCESS FOR A and dependent children under the age of eighteen years of a public DECLARATION OR CLARIFICATION officer Name of Applicant Scope ofApplication National Identity Card/Passport Number Name of Organization (where applicable) Postal 3 These Procedures shall apply to the administration of Part IV of Address the Act with respect to employees of the Board Date of Application PART II—PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO DECLARATIONS Delivered by Administration ofthe Procedures Signature 4 (1) The Secretary shall administer these Procedures on behalf of A response on this request will be communicated within thirty (30) the Board days from the date of this acknowledgement Name of Receiving Officer (2) The Secretary may designate an officer or officers from among the employees of the Board to administer the Procedures or any part Signature Date thereof in respect to any specified category of employees of the Board (3) The designation under sub paragraph (2) shall be in writing and Stamp shall outline the specific tasks to be performed by a Designated MR/1421255 Officer

Procedure in Submitting Declaration Gazette Notice No 10847 5 (1) An employee shall submit a declaration form THE PUBLIC OFFICER ETHICS ACT (2) The Board may use appropriate measures to facilitate an employee to acquire a declaration form (No 4 O/2003) (3) The Board may publish the declaration form m a format that IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 33(1) of the may permit the declaration form— Public Officer Ethics Act 2003 the Mombasa County Assembly Service Board establishes the following administrative Procedures (a) to be rendered in digital format or THE MOMBASA COUNTY ASSEMBLY SERVICE BOARD (b) to be downloaded from a website and printed out in paper PROCEDURES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF PART IV OF THE format ACT (4) Where an employee is required to make an initial two-year or PART I —PRELIMINARY final declaration the Secretary or Designated Officer may issue a notification to the employee not less than thirty days before the due Citation date for the declaration 1 These Procedures may be cited as the Mombasa County (5) Failure to provide a declaration form or to issue a notification Assembly Service Board Procedures for Administration of Part IV of under this paiagraph shall not be construed as a waiver of the the Act responsibility of the employee to submit a declaration under the Act 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5083

Completion and Submission ofDeclaration PART 111—PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO CLARIFICATION 6 (I) An employee shall complete and submit a declaration form Requestfor Clarification to the Secretary 9 (1) The Secretary or the Designated Officer shall review each Register ofDeclaration declaration to ascertain whether the following conditions exist— 1 (1) The Board shall maintain a register containing details of each (a) On the face of the declaration or m light of any other employee who is required to make a declaration m accordance with the information the Board may have there is reason to suspect the Act declaration may be false or incomplete

(2) The register shall inelude— (b) The assets of the declarant appear disproportionate to his or her known income (a) name (c) The income assets or liabilities of tbe declarant raise concerns (b) personal number of impropriety or conflict of interest

(c) designation (2) When it is suspected that any of the conditions in subparagraph 9 (1) still exist the Secietary or Designated Officer shall give the (d) directorate department or unit declarant an opportunity to make a clarification m accordance with section 28(1) of the Act (e) date the employee submitted the declaration form (3) Request for a clarification shall be made m writing (!) type of declaration (initial two year or final) (4) The Secretary or Designated Officer shall document the (g) name and signature of the designated officer acknowledging following m the register of declarations receipt of the declaration (a) Particulars of clanfication sought (h) total number of employees who have submitted declarations as at the due date (b) Mode of communication (i) total number of employees required to submit declarations (c) Time given to respond and and (d) Date and particulars of response if any (j) any remarks relating to the deelarations (5) Where no explanation is given or when an explanation by the (3) A register under this part may be maintained m separate declarant is considered and the Secretaiy or Designated Officer is of the opinion that the conditions m subparagraph (1)(b) still exist the documents Secretary or Designated Officer may— Report on Compliance (a) investigate further

8 (1) The Board shall submit to the Commission a report (b) commence civil proceedings containing the following information (c) take disciplinary action or (a) In relation to two year declaration— (d) take any other appropriate action against the employee (i) the number of employees on the payroll as at 31st October of the year of declaration PART IV— PROCEDURE FOR THE ACCESS OR PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION IN A DECLARATION (ii)a certified copy of the register maintained m accordance with paragraph 6 Access and Publication ofInformation in aDeclaiation

(in) the total number of employees who have complied with the 10 (1) The Board or any other person shall not disclose access acquire or publish information m the declaration form except as may requirement for declarations be provided in— (iv) the total number of employees who have not complied with (a) the Act the requirement for declarations (b) the Regulations (v) action taken by the Board m relation to any employee who has not complied and (c) these Procedures or

(vi) any relevant remarks on the submissions (d) any other written law

(b) In relation to the initial and final declaration — (2) A person who wishes to gam access or publish information m relation to a declaration under the Act shall— (i) number of employees lequired to make a declaration (a) apply to the Board m the form set out in Appendix I (ii) the number of employees who have complied with the requirement for declaration (b) demonstrate to the Board that he or she has a legitimate interest in the information and (in) number of employees who have not complied with the requirement for declarations (c) demonstrate to the Board that the aecess to or publication of that information shall be for a good cause and m furtherance (iv) action taken m relation to any employee who has not of the objectives of the Act complied and (3) Where information is intended to be disclosed or publicized (v) any relevant remarks on the submissions the applicant shall expressly state so m the application

(2) The report under this Part shall— (4) Where a person has made an application to the Board in accordance with this paragraph the Board shall— (a) be submitted to the Commission not later than 31st July of the year following the declaration in relation to a twofyear (a) issue the applicant with an acknowledgement in the form set out in Appendix II declaration and (b) inform the declarant of the application m writing (b) be submitted to the Commission not later than 31st July following the end of the financial year within which the (c) give the declarant an opportunity to make a representation in declarations were made in relation to initial and final writing m relation to the application within fourteen days declaration and 5084 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

(d) take into consideration the representation by the public (b) electronic officer while determining the application (c) microfilm or (5) The Board shall determine an application made in accordance with this paragraph and communicate its decision in writing to the (d) any other form as the Board may consider appropriate applicant withm thirty days of receipt of the application Cessation ofRetention ofInformation (6) The Board shall not release or part with the onginal 16 (1) Where the period for retaining information obtained in declaration made by an employee in satisfying the requirement of this accordance with Part IV of the Act has lapsed the Board shall paragraph unless required for investigation by a law enforcement determine tlie action to be taken in relation to that information agency or by any written law (2) The Secretary may make a written proposal to the Board in (7) The Board shall retain a certified copy of a declaration where relation to the action that the Board shall take an original declaration is released under subparagraph 4 PART VI—GENERAL PROVISIONS T8) The Board shall maintain a register of applications and decisions made under this paragraph Powers ofthe Board (9)The register shall set out the following^— 17 (1) Notwithstanding delegation of any function or power by the Board for the purposes of these Procedures the Board may— (a) Name of each applicant (a) exercise the delegated power or perform the delegated (b) Date of receipt of each application function or (c) Name and personal number of the employee who is the (b) revise a decision of the Secretary made for the purposes of subject of the application these Procedures on its own motion or lequest by a person (d) Department or unit to the employee belongs to (2) The Board may fi-om time to time review the operational (e) Brief descnption of the information applied for procedures put in place by the Secretary in the application of these procedures (f) Whether the employee accepts or opposes to the information applied for Matters not covered by these Procedures (g) A bnef description of the decision made in relation to the 18 The Board may issue written instructions on a matter that has application including reasons for denial where applicable not been provided for m these procedures and Representations to the Board (h) Date when the decision was communicated to the applicant 19 The Board may consider representations from a person in the Access by Declarant application of these Procedures 11 An Application for access by an employee to his or her RevieH declaration may be determined by the Secretary 20 (1) The Board may from time to time review the operational Proofof Identity arrangements put in place by the Secretary in the application of these Procedures 12 The Board shall not give access to the information in a declaration to— (2) The Board may review these Procedures from time to time as may be necessary (a) the employee unless the employee proves his or her identity or APPENDIX I (b) a representative of the employee unless the representative REQUEST TO ACCESS A DECLARATION OR CLARIFICATION provides proof of— Note A separate form to be completed in respect of a request for (i) his or her authority to act as a representative of the informationfor each declarant employee and Part I—Information on Applicant -■ (ii) identity of the employee 1 Name

Decision to be Final 2 National Identity Card/Passport Number

13 (1) Except as provided under the Act Regulations and these 3 Postal Address Procedures the decisions of the Board in relation to a declaration by an employee shall be final 4 Physical Address (2) A person dissatisfied with the decision may appeal m 5 E mail Address accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Officer Ethics 6 Occupation (Management Verification and Access to Financial Declarations) Regulations 2011 Part II—Particulars of Information Applied for Regulations to Apply to this Part (a) Nature of Information (please tick appropriatley) 14 This part shall be read and construed together with the Public 1 Declaration ( ) Officer Ethics (Management, Verification and Access to Financial Declarations) Regulations 2011 2 Clarification ( )

PART V— PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO STORAGE AND 3 Declaration and Clarification ( ) RETENTION OF DECLARATION FORMS (b) Declaration period Mechanismsfor Storage Retention and Retrieval 15 (1) The Board shall ensure that appropriate mechanisms are put m place for the safe and secure storage retention and easy retneval declarations Part III—Information on the Person whose declaration is sought to be (2)The mechanisms may be— obtained (a) manual (a) Name 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5085

(b) Directorate/Department (if known) REPUBLIC OF KENYA (c) Work Station IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI

(d) Reason for requiring the information ANTI CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC CRIMES DIVISION (i) Official MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL APPLICATION NO E035 OF 2020 (ii) Other reason In the Matter of An Application for Orders under sections 81 82 (e) State precisely the purpose for which the declaration sought of The Proceeds of Cnme and Anti Money will be used Laundenng Act (POCAMLA) as read together with Order 51 of the Civil Procedure Rules


In the Matter of Preservation of Funds of (a) USD $ 880 000 (Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand Us Dollars) (b) 60 000 Euros (Sixty Thousand Euros) Part IV—Additional Information (c) 63 000 Nigerian Naira Give any other information you may consider relevant and useful to your request BETWEEN Assets Recovery Agency Applicant


Muazu Bala Respondent

Part V—^Declaration by Applicant AND

I solemnly declare Chief Executive Oficer Kenya Airw ays Interested Party that the information I have given above is true complete and correct to ORDER the best of my knowledge In Chambers Before Hon J Wakiaga J On 8th December 2020 Date THIS MATTER COMING UP for directions of Onginatmg Signature of Applicant Motion dated 8th December 2020 brought by counsel for the Applicant under sections 81 and 82 of the Proceeds of Cnme and Anti APPENDIX II Money Laundenng Act and Order 51 rule 1 of the Civil Procedure ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REQUEST FOR ACCESS FOR A Rules and all enabling provisions of the Law DECLARATION OR CLARIFICATION EX PARTE Name of Applicant IT IS HEREBY ORDERED National Identity Card/Passport Number I THAT this application be and hereby certified as urgent Name of Organization (where applicable) = 2 THAT an Order of Preservation and seizure of funds/cash Postal Address found in possession of the Respondent and currently in the custody of the interested party of approximately Date of Application (a) USD 880 000 (Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand Us Delivered by Dollars)

Signature (b) 60 000 Euros (Sixty Thousand Euros)

A response on this request will be communicated within thirty (30) (c) 63 000 Nigenan Naira days from the date of this acknowledgement 3 THAT an order be and is hereby issued directing the interested Name of Receivmg Officer party to surrender the seized funds to the Assets Recovery Agency by Signature the interested pay (Chief Executive Officer Kenya Aurways) 4 THAT leave is granted to the Respondent to apply if need be Date notwithstanding the provisions of 83(I) of the Proceeds of Cnme and Stamp Anti Money Laundenng Act

MR/1421255 GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Honourable Court this 8th December 2020

Gazette Notice No 10848 ISSUED at NAIROBI this day of December 2020 THE PROCEEDS OF CRIME AND ANTI MONEY THE DEPUTY REGISTRAR LAUNDERING ACT The High Court ofKenya {No 9 O/2009) PENAL NOTICE Preservation Orders Take Notice that if you the above named respondnets or your IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 83 (1) of the Servants/Agents disobey this order you will be cited for contempt of Proceeds of Cnme and Anti Money Laundenng Act 2009 the Agency court and shall be liable to impnsonment for a penod of not more than Director gives notice to— SIX months

Muazu Bala and Chief Executive Officer Kenya Airways that the Dated the I4th December 2020 High Court has issued preservation orders in Nairobi High Court MUTHONIKIMANI Miscellaneous Application No E35 of 2020 as specified in the MR/1435073 Director Schedule hereto 5086 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazette NOTiCb No 10849 3 THAT an order of preservation be and is hereby issued prohibiting the Respondents or its representatives employees agents THE PROCEEDS OF CRIME AND ANTI MONEY servants or any other persons acting on their behalf from transacting LAUNDERING ACT withdrawing transferring and/ or dealing in any manner howsoever in {No 9 O/2009) respect of funds held m named accounts

Preservation Orders 4 THAT this order is issued subject to the provisions of Section 83(1) of the Proceeds of Crime and Anti Money Laundenng Act IN EXERCISE of the powers confeaed by section 83 (I) of the Proceeds t^f Crime and Anti Money Laundering Act 2009 the Agency GIVEN under my hand and the seal of the Honourable Court this 8th Director gives notice to— December 2020 Kimaco Connections Limited and Peter Kulu t/a Pescom Kenya that ISSUED at NAIROBI this day of December 2020 the High Court has issued preservation orders in Nairobi High Court THE DEPUTY REGISTRAR Miscellaneous Application No E34 of 2020 as specified m the The High Court of Kenya Schedule hereto PENAL NOTICE REPUBLIC OF KENYA Take Notice that if you the above named respondents or your IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI Servants/Agents disobey this Order you will be cited for contempt of ANTI CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC CRIMES DIVISION court and ^11 be liable to impnsonment for a penod of not more than SIX months MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL APPLICATION No E34 OF 2020 Dated the 15th December 2020 In the Matter of An Application for Orders under sections 81 and MUTHONIKIMANI 82 of The Proceeds of Crime and Anti Money Director Laundering Act (POCAMLA) as read together with Order 51 of the Civil Procedure Rules

AND Gazette Notice No 10850 ^ THE COMPETITION ACT In the Matter of Preservation of Funds of

(a) KSh 251 154,214 0 held m Account No 0636622001 at {No 12 O/2010) Diamond Trust Bank Nation Centre Branch m the Name of THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CONTROL OF CERTAIN Kimaco Connections Limited ASSETS OF BAMBURI SPECIAL PRODUCTS LIMITED BY YELLOW HOUSE LIMITED (b) KSh 50269 766 33 held in Account No 01148530107300 at Co operative Bank m the Name of Kimaco Connections Termination of Agreement Limited IT IS notified for the information of/the general public that the (c) KSh 2 496 670 75 held in Account No 8443240011 at above transaction approved by the authonty and notified vide Gazette NCBA Bank m the name of Pescom Kenya Notice No 9339 of 2020 was not completed due to the termination of the agreement by parties / BETWEEN Dated the 9th December 2020 Assets Recovery Agency Applicant / WANGW. OMBEKARIUKI VERSUS Director General Kimaco Connections Limited 1st Respondent

Peter Kulu Makau T/A Pescom Kenya 2nd Gazette Notice No 10851 Respondent IN THE HIGH COURT OP KENYA AT NAIROBI


IN CHAMBERS BEFORE HON J WAKIAGA J ON 8TH INSOLVENCY CAUSE NO E2IOF2020 DECEMBER 2020 IN THE MATTER OF LIQUIDATION OF CYTONN THIS MATTER COMING UP for directions of Originating Motion INVESTMENTS MANAGEMENT PLC dated 4th December 2020 brought by counsel for the Apphcant under sections 81 and 82 of the Proceeds of Crime and Anti Money AND Laundenng Act and Order 51 rule I of the Civil Procedure Rules and IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT all enabling provisions of the Law Petition for Insolvency EX PARTE NOTICE IS given that the petition for the insolvency of Cytonn IT IS HEREBY ORDERED Investments Management PLC by the High Court was on the I4th July 2020 presented to this court by George Kirigi Thogo of P O Box 1 THAT this application be and hereby certified as urgent 48231-00100 Nairobi 2 THAT a Preservation Order is hereby issued prohibiting the And that the said petition is durected to be heard before the court Respondents and/or its representatives employees agents servants or sitting at Nairobi on the 21st January 2021 and any creditor or any other persons acting on their behalf from transacting withdrawmg contributory of the said company desirious to support or oppose the transferring and/ or dealmg in any manner howsoever m respect of making of an order on the said petition may appear at the time of funds held in the following accounts hearing in person or by his advocate for the purpose and a copy of llie petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any creditor or /aj KSh 251 154 2140 held m Account No 0636622001 at contnbutory of the said company requinng such copy on payment of Diamond Trust Bank Nation Centre Branch m the name of the regulated charge for the same Kimaco Connections Limited KIARIE KARIUKI &'gITHII ADVOCATES (b) KSh 50 269 766 33 held in Account No 01148530107300 at Consolidated Bank House Co operative Bank in the name of Kimaco Connections 4th Floor Komange Street Limited P O Box 38362 - 00623 Nanobi E mail ld:gadvocates@gmail com (c) KSh 2 496 670 75 held in Account No 8443240011 at Tel 0701873780 NCBA Bank in the name of Pescom Kenya Petitioners Advocates 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5087

Note Any person who intends to appear on the heanng of the said Gazette Notice No 10854

petition must serve or send by post to the above named in wnting of THE CO OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT his intention to do so The notice must state the name and address of the person or if a firm the name and address of the firm and must be (Cap 490) signed by the person or firm or his or their advocate if any and must Extension of Inquiry period be served or if by posted must be sent by post m sufficient time to reach the above named not later than 400 p m of the 15th January TAKE NOTICE that mquiry penod concerning the business of CS/13107-MJNK Sacco Society Limited has this day been 2020 extended for ten (10) days from the 16th November 2020 MR/1421375 Dated the 10th December 2020


Gazette Notice No 10852 MR/1421406 Ag Commissionerfor Co operative Development

THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT Gazette Notice No 10855 {No llo/201i) THE LABOUR RELATIONS ACT Change of Political Party Details {No 14O/2007)

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 20 (1){a) and Application for Registration of Trade Union {d) of the Political Parties Act 2011 the Registrar of Political Parties gives notice that Kenya African Democratic Union Asili (KADU Notice IS given pursuant to sections 14 15 and 17 of the Labour Asili) intends to effect changes on their particulars as follows Relations Act to all Trade Unions Federation of Trade Unions Employers Organizations or Federations of the receipt of application (i) Change of Party Constitution for registration of the following

(ii) Change of Symbol Kenya Environmental Health and PiraLic Health Practitioners Union

Former Colours Current Colours Notice IS given to the following registered Trade Unions Black White Gieen and Jungle Green/Deep Green and Dark Employers Organizations or Federations Blue Gray 1 Kenya Union of Domestic Hotels Education Institution and Hospital Workers Any person with written submissions concerning the intended changes by the above political party should within seven (7) days from to submit in wnting any such objection(s) against the applicants within the date of publication deposit them with the Registrar of Political twenty one (21)days from the date of publication of this notice Parties E N GICHEHA Further enquines can be made through the Registrar s Offices MR/1435054 Registrar of Trade Unions PC Box 1131-00606 Lion Place WaiyakiWay 1st Floor from 8 00 am to5 00pm Gazette Notice No 10856 Dated the 4th December 2020 THE COMPANIES ACT ANNN NDERITU MR/1421188 Registrar ofPolitical Parties {No \1 of20X5)

Intended Dissolution

Gazette Notice No 10853 PURSUANT to section 897(3) of the Companies Act it is notified that at the expiration of three (3) months from the date of this gazette THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT the names of the under mentioned companies shall unless cause is shown to the contrary be struck off the register of companies and the (No II0/2OII) company shall be dissolved

Provisional Registration of Political Parties Number Name of Company

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (2) of the CPR/2015/210121 Allan Gray Kenya Limited Political Parties Act 2011 the Registrar of Political Parties gives C 108881 Afncan Beauty Products Limited C 65947 Anro Enterprises Limited notice that the following party have applied for provisional registration C 103850 Bellenve Trading Limited under section 5 and 6 of the Act CPR/2015/206279 Chiltem Investments Limited CPR/2009/2342 Cei East Afnca Limited Name Party Colors Party Symbol CPR/2015/177141 Daves and Georges Limited PVT V7U7EDV Emolmks Telecom Limited Wakenya Sote Party Black Yellow Blue, Donkey carrying C 164860 Expose Media Limited (WASP) White and Red Luggage C 142744 Fanlme Business Systems Limited C 66942 Gatura Hardware Limited Any person with submission/presentations to the registration of the CPR/2010/29380 Gombo Trading Company Limited above political party shall within seven (7) days from the date of this CPR/2009/5265 Group Ten Highway Investment Limited publication make their wntten submissions to the Registrar of Political PVT 27UKPDG Hanover InvestmentLimited CPR/2014/136408 Haveli Properties Limited Parties PVT AAACBN5 Kaintu Farm Fresh Limited Further enquines can be made through the Registrar s Offices PVT MKU9767 Kenbwoska Company Limited PC Box 1131-00606 Lion Place WaiyakiWay 1st Floor from 8 00 C 99197 Kenya Lift Services Limited am to5 00pm PVT3QUZK26 Kokeroo Limited CPR/2015/214129 Kodki Plaza Limited Dated the 11th December 2020 CPR/2014/144934 Kwale Handpump Services Limited il ANNN NDERITU CPR/2009/13396 Master Links Afnca Limited Registrar ofPolitical Parties PVT AJUJYYP Mayfarm Dairy Company Limited 5088 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

PVT AAACXL2 Memon Paani Project Limited PVT 27URR2P Yawa Technologies Limited C 110620 Pinhigh Investments Limited CPR/2009/15394 Abbas Investments Limited C 135573 Pinpop Enterpnses Limited C 120805 Acta Pharmaceuticals Limited C 102918 Powerdnve Limited CPR/2011/39850 ALS Interlink Limited PVT Q7UDZDJ 2 Seas Investment(K) Limited CPR/2013/115407 Archibuild Enterpnses Limited PVT MKU2DVJ Spinberg Capital Limited C 60326 Asprey Limited CPR/2014/147109 Stoneyard Limited PVT EYUQLA Blue Oak Investments Limited CPR/2014/166418 Suncor Holdings Lirmted CPR/2011/41244 Cafd De Port Limited CPR/2011/38847 Tsavo Constraction Company Limited CPR/2015/219471 Cavendish Limited CPR/2012/65498 Toyopet Automobile(K) Lirmted CPR/2015/217780 Chauney Consultants Limited CPR/2014/164597 Travelite Limited CPR/2012/74202 Chakra Services Care Limited CPR/2012/76955 Triumph Company Liimted CPR/2012/82462 Chomazone Holdings Limited PVT MKUQG76 Urban Parts Limited PVT/2016/020870 Development Workshop Limited CPR/2012/66626 Yanali Enterprises Limited CPR/2013/104097 Ecopallets Kenya Limited Dated the 15th December 2020 C 83518 Excel Health Limited SHIGHADIMWAKIO C 100985 Fulton Hire Purchase and Leasing Limited for Registrar of Companies C 113347 Fulmar Investment Limited C 134325 Grandlmk Purchase and Leasing Limited CPR/2012/70684 Gadsbys Limited Gazette Notice No 10857 C 134325 Gitz Investments Limited PVT AAAEU28 Hydration Depot Trading Limited THE COMPANIES ACT CPR/2009/9768 Icomm Digital Technologies Limited {No 17O/2015) CPR/2015/182936 Jan Japan(K) Limited PVT/2016/021671 Jaza Jaza Brothers Company Limited Dissolution C 169335 Japcod Investments Limited PVT/2016/009063 Karspa Tours and Travel Limited PURSUANT to section 897 (4) of the Companies Act it is notified for general information that the under mentioned companies are PVT/2016/018875 Kilimam Park Properties Limited PVT 7LUVBZN Knyansh Limited dissolved C 53460 Kinross Limited Number Npme of Company CPR/2010/16393 Lamu Oils and Gas Limited C 16408 Lotus Enterpnses Limited PVT Q7U8DL9 Avelino Investments Limited PVT RXUPVG7 Loans Technology Limited PVT XYUPDLE Bletich Company Limited C 41999 Mihos Limited PVT 27U5P7Z Brex Company Limited PVT/2016/022390 Musembuh Lmuted PVT 9XUEA8K Best Thnft Merchandise Limited PVT/2016/011123 Nairobi Central Exporters Lmuted CPR/2009/10554 Bilha Traders Limited PVT 5JUY572 Nabuild Twofivefour Limited PVT LRU3VLT Cambndge Tea Consultancy Limited C 81352 Nylex Holdmgs Limited PVT AAAEVT4 D6 Technology(E A)Limited PVT EYUEPGD DIGLQ Limited C 121054 Protec Leasing and Hire Purchase Limited C 95432 E A Cargo Logistics Centre Limited CPR/2012/74457 Pii Misa Stores Limited PVT AAAEPZ2 Experisma Group Limited C 60347 Starmm Limited CPR/2015/181173 Emarat Hospital Limited C 113355 Sira Leasing and Hire Purchase Limited CPR/2014/142596 Gigatt International Limited PVT/2016/013060 Speyside CR Limited PVT 3QURJ2L Hentage Transporters Limited PVT/2016/022390 Together Events Limited PVT AAADUW8 Huace navigational Afnca Limited PVT 8LU2J2K Tustawi Training Limited CPR/2011/61894 Kenya Pumps Lirmted PVT LRUJQ2A Rajmah Limited CPR/2014/137372 Kenya Royi Industries Limited CPR/2014/134428 Rochi Limited CPR/2011/59833 Kitengela Chillies Limited CPR/2015/199439 We more Investment Group Lmuted C 120878 Kisia Freighter Company Limited C 81356 Wildrose Flowers Lmuted PVT RXUPVG7 Loans Teehnology Limited C 33284 Yana Oil Supplies Limited CPR/2014/I50147 Lucam Limited PVT/2016/026518 Machinex Agro Teehno Kenya Limited Dated the 15th December 2020 CPR/2012/83081 Midas Blue Limited SHIGHADIMWAKIO C 16/376 Milimani Hostels Cafd Limited for Registrai of Companies C 104503 Mildah Company Limited C 36124 Mukund Arts Limited PVT EYUMAMD Opengate Employment Bureau Limited Gazette Notice No 10858 C 121647 Pipi Performance Limited CPR/2010/30052 Pillar Properties Limited THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT C 52964 Prestige Parking Limited {No 13O/2019) C 90060 Quintet Enterpnses Limited C 77862 Qumcy Stores Limited THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT CPR/2013/120320 Rai Kenya Limited CPR/2014/167246 Rest and Rejuvenate Retreat Limited {Cap 286){Repealed) C 99312 Santa Limited PVT AAAFXG3 Shomeli Holdings Company Limited Completion of Part Development Plans CPR/2015/213935 Siman Limited CPR/2012/80020 Strategic Agility Limited PDF RefNos Date Completed Use PVT AAADFB8 Supreme Buildinart Limited PDP Nos 332/2020/33 34 18/11/2020 Agricultural C 99662 The Internet Exchange Point Liimted 35 and 36 (Proposed Farms) PVT Q7U5GM6 The Witu Nyangoro Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company Limited NOTICE IS given that preparation of the above mentioned part CPR/2014/161211 Tranex Investment Limited development plans is complete CPR/2011/61709 Tngak Limited The part development plans relate to land situated at Wajir Town PVT LRUK7JQ Tsquared Robotics Academy Limited within Wajir County CPR/2012/83081 The Twenty Five Real Estate Managers Limited PVT AAAA0T3 True Design Limited ( Copies of the part development plans have been deposited for PVT--8LU2J2K Tustawi Training Limited public inspection at the office of the County Physical Planning Officer C 104521 Wilstar Trustees Limited Wajir and Municipal Manager s office Wajir 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5089

The Copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge The part development plans relate to land situated within Ganssa by all persons interested at the office of the County Physical Planning County Officer Wajir Municipal Manager s office Wajir between the hours of 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m Monday to Friday Copies of the part development plans have been deposited for public inspection at the office of the County Physical Planning Officer Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in Ganssa County Government of Ganssa Offices an I T^, ,ship Chiefs connection with or objection to the above named part development Office plans may send such representations or objections m wntmg to be received by the County Physical Planning Officer PC Box 365 The Copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge Wajir within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice by all persons inteiested at the office of tlie County Physical Plannmg Officer Ganssa County Government of Ganssa Offices and and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it Township Chiefs Office between the hours of 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m IS made Monday to Friday Dated the 19th November 2020 Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in connection with or objection to the above named part development E N MUCHERU plans may send such representations or objections in wntmg to be MR/1421277 for Director ofPhysical Planning received by the County Physical Plannmg Officer P O Box 563- 70100 Ganssa withm sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds Gazette Notice No 10859 on which It IS made


{No I3o/2019) M M MWANGI MR/1421278 for Director ofPhysical Plannmg THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT {Cap 286){Repealed) Gazette Notice No 10861 Completion of Part Development Plans THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT PDP Ref Nos Date Completed Use {No 13o/2019) 332/2020/23 2/9/2020 Formahzation of the Existing Site for Plaza Maternity THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT Nursing Home {Cap 286){Repealed) 332/2020/24 nmm Proposed Residential Plot Completion of Part Development Plan NOTICE IS given that preparation of the above mentioned part development plans is complete Plan Ref 332/20I9/21~Formalization of the Existing Wajir Energy Centre The part development plans relates to land situated at Wajir Town within Wajir County NOTICE IS given that preparation of the above development plan was on 23rd October 2020 completed Copies of the part development plans have been deposited for public inspection at the office of the County Physical Planning Officer The part development plan relates to public land situated m Wajir and Town Manager s office Wajir Lafaley Wajir County The Copies so deposited are available for inspection free of charge Copies of the part development plan as prepared has been by all persons interested at the office of the County Physical Planning deposited for public inspection at the office of the National Director of Physical Plannmg 5th Floor Ardhi House 1st Ngong Avenue and the Officer Wajir Municipal Manager s office Wajir between tlie hours County Physical Planning Office Wajir Town of 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m Monday to Friday The copies of the plans so deposited are available for inspection Any interested person who wishes to make any representation in free of charge by all persons interested at the office of the National connection with or objection to the above named part development Director of Physical Plannmg 5th Floor Ardhi House 1st Ngong plans may send such representations or objections m writing to be Avenue and the County Physical Plannmg Office Wajir Town received by the County Physical Planning Officer PC Box 365 between the hours of 8 00 a m and 5 00 p m on working days Wajir within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this notice and such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which it Any interested person(s) who wishes to make any representation m IS made connection with or objection to the above development plan may send such representations or objections m writing to be received by the Dated the 14th September 2020 National Director of Physical Planning PO Box 45025-00100 Nairobi and the County Physical Plannmg Officer PO Box 365- E N MUCHERU 70200 Wajir not later than sixty (60) days from publication of this MR/1421203 for Oil ector ofPhysical Planning notice and any such representation or objection shall state grounds on which it IS made

Dated the 26th October 2020 Gazette Notice No 10860 THE PHYSICAL AND LAND USE PLANNING ACT AUGUSTINE K MASINDB MR/1421198 National Director ofPhysical Planning {No I3O/2019)

THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT Gazette Notice No 10862 {Cap 286){Repealed) THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Completion of Part Development Plans CO ORDINATION ACT {No 80/1999) PDP Ref Nos Title Town THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT 326/2020/01 Existing Site for Low Density Housing Ganssa AUTHORITY 2359/2020/01 Existing Site for Low Density Housing Modika ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT NOTICE IS given that prepi FOR THE PROPOSED TWO AND THREE BEDROOM development plans art complete APARTMENTS ON L R NO 2/31/3 IN KIRICHWA ROAD KILIMANI NAIROBI CITY COUNTY 5090 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Invitation of Public Comments Impacts Mitigation Measures PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management Switch off equipment when not m use and Co ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 Limit vehicle speeds on site and access the National Environment Management Authonty (NEMA) has roads particularly along the northern received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the boundary of the site (10km per hour) above proposed project Implement good housekeeping practices The proponent Kenya Power Pension Fund is proposing to Landscape and visual including stockpile areas and dust develop a high nse residential property of 16 floors comprising of 288 impact management suppression measures units two and three bedroom apartments on plot LR No 2/31/3 Kinchwa Road Kilimani Nairobi City County Be careful when locating construction compounds Construct installations with The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed rmtigation sustainable matenals matenals to reduce measures the visual impact and matenal that enhances the aesthetics of the Project area Impacts Mitigation Measures

General site Develop permit matrix (name phase Minimise external lighting environmental and requirements and lead Be careful when locating construction social management Plan and give regulators advanced warning compounds of potential problems and start of works Restnct the extent of all disturbed areas as Always display on site the emergency far as practicable number for regulators and local community Traffic and transport Employ safe traffic control measures at key worksites management including road signs and flag persons to Work sites will be subjected to daily walk warn of dangerous conditions round site inspections by the Contractors Ensure that normal load heavy goods EHS management staff vehicles use a defined route which will Establish a safe working environment with need to be agreed on pnor to Project works an occupational health and safety (OHS) All vehicles should turn directly into the plan that addresses potential hazards identifies preventive and protective site or to a pre agreed /defined layby area measures including training and us of of the main road personal protective equipment (PPE) and Adopt best transport safety practices across describes documentation and reporting of all aspects of Project activities with the accidents diseases and incidents goal of preventing traffic accidents and minimizing injuries suffered by Project Air quality Develop a dust management plan personnel management Maintain a logbook record any exceptional Emphasize safety aspects among drivers incidents that cause dust either on or off (specific induction training for all drivers) site and the action taken to resolve the situation in the log book Land contamination Identify waste handling facihties for the Plan site layout - machinery and dust matenals and waste Project to accept/ treat waste management causing activities (e g access roads Identify and implement appropriate PPE stockpiles) should be located away from requirements the site boundary and sensitive receptors where practicable Develop an emergency response plan including spill control plan Consider the prevailing wind direction Liquid wastes/oil/chemicals to be stored in when siting stockpiles to reduce the likelihood of affecting sensitive receptors tanks or drums located in bunded areas which can hold 110% of the total storage Sealing or re vegetate completed volume and m accordance with national earthworks as soon as reasonably safety requirements practicable after completion Implement good housekeeping and Spray water during construction operating practices including inventory control to reduce the amount of waste Surface water Undertake equipment and/or vehiele resulting from matenals that are out of management maintenance off site where feasible to date off specification contaminated including water prevent potential for releases and spills of damaged or excess to plant needs quality oils/solvents/hydrocarbons Ecological Use indigenous plants as much as possible No groundwater abstractions without prior management for replanting programs approval/permits from authorized body including habitat Develop a reforestation plan with 10 I removal and Use of waste bins/proper waste reforestation ratio restoration and soil management mitigation Store topsoil m dedicated sites within site Noise management Identify and implement appropriate PPE boundary requirements Develop a habitat removal and restoration Design noise barriers or other noise plan (HRRP) to include revegetation attenuation into the design if necessary replanting Ensure all employees carry out induction Inform nearby dwellings on the timing and Occupational health and safety health and safety training pnor to duration of works and when the noisiest stages are likely to occur (ongoing through management commencement of work process) Provide appropnate and legally required signage and PPEs to all staff 5091 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE

Impacts Mitigation Measures Impacts Mitigation Measures Develop accident and emergency construction preparedness and response plan and carry Cordoning the site off using iron sheets or out procedure training and drills with other appropnate matenals to protect workers and local health authonties on a passersby and control noise regular basis related to site hazards and nsks Control any likelihood of occurrence of risks Set up a telecommunications procedure specifymg the hierarchy of who to contact Noise and dust Water sprinkling and use of screens to m the case of an emergency control dust Maintenance of equipment for efficiency The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection mimmizing noise production emissions dunng working hours at and spills {a) Principal Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forestry NHIF Building Community PO Box 30126-00100 Cordoning the site off Nairobi Soil degradation and Develop a solid waste management plan (b) Director General NEMA Popo Road off Mombasa Road surface water prior to project PO Box67839-00200 Nairobi pollution commencing identilying optimal waste re (c) County Director of Environment Nairobi City County use options and licensed disposal areas Waste should not be burned on site or The National Environment Management Authonty invites members of the pubhc to submit oral or written comments within dumped in undesignated waste disposal thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director General NEMA to assist the Authonty m the decision Minimise waste production by utilizing making process regarding this plan best available techniques for site MAMOB MAMO preparation Director General Re use construction waste to the maximum MR/1421377 National Environment Management Authority extent possible Excavation activities and dumping of spoil Gazette Notice No 10863 should be properly managed such that land which IS not required for the project is left THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND undisturbed CO ORDINATION ACT Loss of vegetation Areas with exposed soil should be (No 8 0/1999) cover soil erosion replanted with grass as soon as possible alter construction to help mitigate against THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT flash flood caused soil erosion AUTHORITY Waste generated during the site environmental impact assessment study report clearanee/construction phases of the FOR THE PROPOSED DECENTRALIZED TREATMENT FACILITY FOR REFUGEE AND HOST COMMUNITIES IN project must be disposed of at an approved KAKUMA TURKANA WEST SUB COUNTY IN TURKANA disposal site (County dump site) COUNTY Suitable trees should be planted at the Invitation of Public Comments periphery of project site and near the River bank PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Envnonmental Management and Co ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 No unnecessary removal of any vegetation the National Environment Management Authonty (NEMA) has shall be done received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Occupation health and Carefully plan for construction sanitary above proposed project safety facilities The proponent GIZ is proposing to construct a Decentrahzed Provide personal protective equipment Treatment Facility and associated mfrastmcture in Kakuma for refugee (PRE) appropriate to working area for staff and host communities on a 20 acre piece of land sited at Nayanae and visitors to the site Ngitira village in Lonyoduk Sub location Kalobeyei Location of Oropoi/Kalobeyei Ward Turkana West Sub County Turkana County Regular site reporting on health safety and environment (HSE) issues by an appointed The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation HSE representative measures Develop a monitoring programme to assess Impacts Mitigation Measures noise performance m accordance with the revised Noise Prevention and Control Construction wastes Landscape the area once construction is Rules (Apnl 2005) and NEMA Noise complete to incorporate as many trees as generation Control Regulations 2009 possible Assessment of HSE mitigation measures Develop a waste management plan and and recording of any matters ansing as per implement it Legal Notice No 40 The Factones Excavation should be earned out such that (Building Operations and Works of drainage is Controlled and water is not Engineenng Construction) Rules allowed to accumulate A lead person should be identified and Establish controls for surface runoff dunng appointed to be responsible for emergencies occurring on the site This excavation person should be clearly identified to the Control excavation activities to limit construction workers excavation to land which is required for 5092 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Impacts Mitigation Measures E^RONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT Make prior arrangements with health care FOR THE PROPOSED HOSTELS FOR CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY facilities such as a Health Centre m OF EASTERN AFRICA ON PLOT LR NO 24832/4 OFF proximity a pnvate doctor or the LANG ATA ROAD ALONG SEMINARY ROAD KAREN IN Provincial Hospital to accommodate any NAIROBI CITY COUNTY eventualities Invitation of Public Comments Matenal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management should be store onsite and Co ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 Soil loss and Minimize vegetation disturbance the National Environment Management Authonty (NEMA) has sedimentation of the received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the local stream Reinstate site immediately after above proposed project construction The proponent Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops proposes Put bunds to prevent soil and any matenal to develop a total of 1164 Units of hostels (8IN0 Quads units 334No from getting to the local stream Tnplex units lOONo Single units 532No Suite units II8N0 Interference with Adequate and appropnate road signs Executive units) waste water treatment plant associated facilities and traffic flow including should be erected to warn road users of the amenities on Plot LR No 24832/4 off Lang ata Road along pedestrians construction activities For example Seminary Road Karen m Nairobi City County reduced speed near the entrance roads The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation This should be done m conjunction with the Ministry of Transport measures Raw matenals such as sand murram and Possible Impacts Mitigation measures cement should be adequately covered withm the trucks to prevent any escaping CONSTRUCTION PHASE into the an and along the route to the site Solid waste Through accurate estimation of the sizes and generation quantities of materials required order The movement of equipment (trucks) dunng the construction of the system matenals m the sizes and quantities they will should be limited to the working hours be needed rather than cutting them to size or 8 00 am -5 00 pm per day having large quantities of residual matenals Eqmpment should be transported early Ensure that construction leftovers at the end morning (6 am — 7 ajn) with proper care of construction will be used in other projects being taken rather than being disposed off The use of flagmen should be employed to Ensure that damaged matenals including regulate when trucks have access to the cabinets doors plumbing and lighting mam roads fixtures marbles and glass will be recovered for refurbishing and use in other projects Obstruction caused by The laying of sewer pipes across any laying of sewer lines access road should be done when traffic Donate recyclable/reusable or residual to persons and volumes are lowest for example early matenals to local community groups vehicles mommg or on weekends (specifically on institutions and individual local residents or Saturdays and Sunday) home owners Adequate notices should be placed along Use of durable long lasting matenals that the route will not need to be replaced as often thereby Adequate signs and flagmen should be put reducing the amount of construction waste m place generated over time The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection Provide facilities for proper storage of dunng working hours at construction matenals to reduce the amount that IS damaged (a) Pnncipal Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forestry NHIF Building Community PO Box 30126-00100 Use buildmg matenals that have minimal or no packaging to avoid the generation of Nairobi excessive packaging waste (b) Director General NEMA Popo Road off Mombasa Road P O Box 67839-00200 Nairobi Use construction matenals containing recycled content when possible and m (c) County Director of Environment Turkana County accordance with accepted standards The National Environment Management Authonty invites Reuse packaging matenals such as cartons members of the public to submit oral or wntten comments within cement bags empty metal and plastic thirty (3^ days from the date of publication of this notice to the containers to reduce waste at the site Director General NEMA to assist the Authonty m the decision making process regarding this plan Dispose waste more responsibly by dumping at designated dumping sites or landfills only MAMOB MAMO and ensure that only registered firms are Director General contracted to dispose of MR/1421227 National Environment Management Authority Air pollution Ensure stnct enforcement of on site speed limit regulations Gazette Notice No 10864 Avoid excavation activities m dry windy THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND conditions CO ORDINATION ACT Avoid excavation works m extremely dry (No 80/1999) weather THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Construct a hoarding fence around the AUTHORITY proposed project site to ensure no dust is emitted from the site 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5093

Possible Impacts Mitigation measures Possible Impacts Mitigation measures Provide a side netting for the upper floors to reaching the ground The areas shall be ensure that no dust is earned away covered to avoid storm from carrying away Ensure proper planning of transportation of spilled oils into the soil/water systems raw matenals to ensure less tops are made to Routine inspection and regular maintenance the construction site of all machmeiy shall be done to avoid any oil leaks to the project site Ensure that workers at the construction site are provided with the necessary protective Proper disposal of oil handling matenals such gear such as face masks to avoid inhaling the as drums oily matenals and cans at dust adequately protected from inhalation of designated areas dust All drainage facilities shall be fitted with Ensure that construction workers are adequate functional oil water separators and provided with an adequate supply of silt traps wholesome dnnkmg water which should be maintained at suitable and accessible points Employee health Design suitable documented emergency and safety preparedness and evacuation procedures to be Noise pollution Ensure that all the construction activities are used during any emergency limited to between Sam and 5pm to avoid any disturbance to the neighbounng residents Such procedures must be tested at regular intervals Provide workers m areas with elevated noise and vibration levels with suitable ear Ensure that adequate provisions are in place protection equipment such as ear muffs to immediately stop any operations where there m an imminent and senous danger to Suitable overalls safety footwear dust health and safety and to evacuate workers masks gas masks respirators gloves ear protection equipment etc should be made Ensure that the most current emergency available and construction personnel must be telephone numbers posters are prominently trained to use the equipment and strategically displayed within the construction site Provide workers m areas with elevated noise and vibration levels with suitable ear Provide measures to deal with emergencies protection equipment such as ear muffs and accidents including adequate first aid arrangements Ensure that all generators and heavy duty equipment are insulated or placed in Well stocked first aid box which is easily enclosures to minimize ambient noise levels available and accessible should be provided within the premises Eco system Identification of rare plant species and disturbance conservation of same Firefightmg equipment such as portable fire extinguishers must be provided at strategic Preserve dunng construction and replantmg locations within the construction area of trees and grasses on completion of construction Regular inspection and servicing of the equipment must be undertaken by a reputable If necessary protect any available ecosystem service provider and recoids of such to avoid any pollution which might endanger inspections maintained the animals within them Provide workers in areas with elevated noise Waste water The proponent should retain the existing and vibration levels with suitable ear generation sanitary facihties to be used by the protection equipment such as ear muffs construction employees while construction activities are ongoing and demolish them Suitable protective gear such as overalls once they are done safety footwear dust masks gas masks respirators gloves ear protection equipment Ensure the facilities are cleaned on a daily etc should be made available to all basis and effluent properly managed employees on site and train them on how to use them and ensure they are worn while on Increased Ferry building materials during off peak site Traffic and hours congestion Employ traffic marshals to control traffic in OPERATION PHASE and out of site Solid waste Ensure that the constmcted solid waste generation handling cubicle at the ground floor is Provide billboards at the site/entrance to properly maintained and cleaned notify motonsts and the general pubhc about the proposed project Ensure that all the sohd waste generated at the proposed project is regularly disposed of Enforce speed limits for constmction vehicles appropnately at authonzed dumping sites if especially along the roads leading to the site possible twice a week Develop a traffic management plan to ensure Ensure that only registered solid waste that the site vehicles do not interfere with the handling companies are contracted to collect regular traffic along the access roads all the sohd waste from the project for Ensure that the vehicles comply with axle disposal load limits Encourage the tenants to reduce the amount Employ well trained and experienced dnvers of solid waste generated from their individual houses Oil pollution Maintenance shall be earned out in a well designed and protected area and where Waste water Ensure that the constructed waste water oils/grease is completely restrained from management treatment plant is properly maintained and 5094 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Possible Impacts Mitigation measures Gazette Notice No 10865 regularly checked to ensure it is working as THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND intended CO ORDINATION ACT

• Conduct regular inspections for the waste (No 8 0/1999) water pipes tor any blockages or damages THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT and if detected fix them appropriately AUTHORITY

• Ensure that all the recycled water from the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT waste water treatment plant is properly tested FOR THE PROPOSED MTWAPA SLUDGE HANDLING before reusing it within the proposed site FACILITY ON PLOT NUMBER KILIFI/MTWAPA/508 KILIH Energy Switch off electncal appliances and lights COUNTY consumption when not being used INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS Install occupation sensing lighting at vanous PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management locations such as secunty lighting across the and Co ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 site which goes off automatically once they the National Environment Management Authonty (NEMA) has sense natural light received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Encourage tenants to use energy saving above proposed project lighting bulbs in their individual houses to The proponent Kilifi Water and Sewerage Company Limited is help reduce the amount of electricity used at proposing to install a sludge handling facility for waste water the proposed project treatment Kizmgitmi Area on Plot No Kilifi/Mtwapa/508 at the Monitor energy use during the operation of outskirts of Mtwapa Town within Kilifi South Sub county in Kihfi the project and set targets for efficient energy County use The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation • Install solar panels at the proposed measures development to provide alternative energy Environmental/ Proposed Mitigation Measures Water use within • Promptly detect and repair of water pipe and Social Impact the proposed tank leaks Air emissions Decreasing the number of trips earned out by development „ . . Ensure that all the waste water m recycled the vehicles will minimize air pollution and reused within the development Vehicles to be used dunng the construction • Ensure taps are not running when not m use phase are to be kept in good working condition and should not be the source of excessive Install water conserving taps that turn off fumes automatically when water is not being used Noise pollution Road traffic movements shall be scheduled to Install a discharge meter at water outlets to normal working hours(0800 Hrs -IVOOHrs) determine and monitor total water usage All equipment and vehicles on the site should be equipped with noise suppressing measures DECOMMISSION PHASE and kept in proper working order Solid waste All building machinery equipment generation structures and partitions that will not be used Delivery of matenals in bulk to avoid repetitive for other purposes must be removed and movements of delivery vehicles will be recycled/reused as far as possible encouraged

All foundations must be removed and Silencers on equipment such as generators will recycled reused or disposed of at a licensed be properly designed disposal site Temporary noise pollution due to construction Where recycling/reuse of the machinery works will be controlled by proper maintenance equipment implements structures partitions of equipment and vehicles and tuning of and other demolition waste is not possible engines and mufflers the materials should take to a licensed waste Noise problems dunng operation phase shall be disposal site reduced to normally acceptable levels by Donate reusable demolition waste to incorporating low noise equipment in the charitable organizations individuals and design and/or locating such mechanical institutions equipment in properly acoustically lined buildings or enclosures The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection Dust Pollution Dust and air pollution due to dust when dunng working hours at excavated matenal is stock piled should be (a) Pnncipal Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forestry limited by means of wetting (particularly dry NHIF Building Community PO Box 30126-00100 season) covenng with foil or working in small Nairobi sections so that the trenches are backfilled with excavated soil within shortest possible penod (b) Director General NEMA Popo Road off Mombasa Road (maximum 2 3 days) PO Box67839-00200 Nairobi Settled areas within project access routes will (c) County Director of Environment Nairobi City County be identified and maximum speeds of project vehicles will be established within these areas The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or wntten comments within Speed limit of 15km per hour will be posted thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the and enforced to reduce airborne fugitive dust Director General NEMA to assist the Authonty in the decision caused by vehicular traffic making process regarding this plan Construction matenals will be delivered m bulk MAMOB MAMO to avoid repetitive movements of delivery Director General vehicles MR/1435055 National Environment Management Authority 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5095

Environmental/ Environmental/ Proposed Mitigation Measures Proposed Mitigation Measures Social Impact Social Impact Construction materials and stockpiled soils will The current solid waste facility shall be be covered if they are a source of fugitive dust relocated to an ideal location

Transportation of materials will be done m such When odour becomes an evident public a manner that they do not fly or fall off the nuisance synthetic windbreakers (e g walls) vehicle by covenng or wetting fnabl&matenals shall be employed to maintain odour nuisance within each site Surface and Effluent /wastewater quality will be tested on a ground water regular basis to ensure that its charactenstics Impacts on water In general the DTF systems produce a highly contamination are within the set standards Set out in the third treated and well nitrified effluent that typically from wastewater schedule of Water Quality Regulations 2006 meets the required effluent quality standards and sludge Disinfection with chlorine will further suppress Proper measures will be taken to avoid bactenal population in the discharged effluent accidental surface runoff intrusion from the Thus the proposed facilities discharge effluent manholes of the sewerage network which can quality is expected to meet the Minimum overburden the plant and cause discharge of Standards contained m Water Quality partially treated wastewater from the wetland Regulations 2006

Trucks ferrying the sludge to disposal sites The implementation of training should be well mamtamed to avoid discharging recommendations maintenance plans and of the waste matenals along the way to the site process and effluent momtormg programs will Proper handling and drying of sludge will be be mandatory done in drying beds during dry season Sufficient instrumentation and standby With continuous samphng and laboratory tests equipment (blowers pumps and electric the performance of the DTP will be optimized generators) shall be provided to ensure an uninterrupted and controlled operation thus The greasy material from the grease trap will be avoid inefficient process performance regularly removed and stored in proper barrels and then collected and appropriately disposed To attain the expected safe effluent discharge with the municipal solid waste skilled and trained operator will be available for proper process loading optimization control Odors as a result The greasy matenal from the grease and sand and thus performance of trap will be regularly removed and stored in mismanagement proper barrels and then collected and disposed Continuous sampling and laboratory tests will ensure that the performance of the DTF will be of solid wastes of with the municipal sohd waste optimized The staff of the plant will be properly trained to enable them to handle grease and sand The greasy matenal from the grease trap will be removal and taking samples for lab testmg regularly removed and stored in proper barrels and then collected and disposed with the Produced residuals will be stored in closed municipal sohd waste containers and transported in enclosed container tmcks to landfill site Impacts on soil Penodic tests will be done to assure the quality of effluent wastewater to avoid partially treated Aeration tanks will always be kept at an wastewater to reach the soils optimum aeration rate Effluent will be appropnately disposed of by Proper landscape around the facility will be ensunng that they meet the required standard done to serve as a natural windbreaker and prior to discharge taking place minimize potential odour dispersions if present Effluent quality will be monitored on a continuous basis to avoid partially treated Odours will be reduced or prevented through wastewater reaching the soils normal housekeeping and improved operation and maintenance design procedures Excavated soil will be utilized for landscaping and then tree planting purposes Sludge transfer systems such as conveyors screw pumps and conduits will be kept clean in Impact on Flora To avoid loss of biodiversity proper order not to generate odours management of DTF outputs will be done

Regular cleaning of aeration tank walls and Limits of construction zones will be identified floors washing weirs and removing scum and marked and all activity will be kept within regularly will be done to help in odour marked boundanes reduction When detected sensitive species or habitats shall be conserved Where odour emissions could lead to complamts the provision of covers to the odour Impacts on the Tree planting will be done to maintain habitats sources will be considered especially for fauna for avifauna sludge holding tanks and sludge dewatenng systems No snaring or hunting will be allowed on or around the site Flow regulating chambers drainage valves standby pumps as well as electnc standby Contact details for someone who can be called generators shall be provided to reduce the if catching and relocation of snakes spiders or possibility of wastewater flooding within the other unwanted species is needed will be kept wastewater treatment plant site which results in at the site possible generation of obnoxious smell Labourers will be educated as to the importance The presence of multiple aeration basins in the of not simply killmg all snakes and other fauna plant also reduces overflowing problems that IS perceived as dangerous 5096 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18tli December 2020

Em ironmentaH The proponent Pahk Steel Mill Limited proposes to develop a Proposed Mitigation Measmes Social Impact Ste 1 Mini - Mill for Steel Products Manufacturing from Molten Scrap Met tl on Plot L R No Lari/Kirenga/1414 and 1415 Lan Sub County Health and safety The Contractoi shall confonii to all the Kiambu County impacts stipuhtions of the Occupatioml Health and Safety Act 2007 The Act requires the The following aie the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation

designation of a Health and Safety measures representative when moie than 20 employees are deployed Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures The contractor shall provide ample warning Air quality Use of an automated air control system for signs guard rails warning tape etc , around cleaning of the flue gas using a wet open excavations stacks of mateiial debris scrtibber(water vacuum technology) and etc and shall be held liable for all claims as a centrifugal cyclone (Bag house) The result of neglect of such precautions and system is efficient and effective m the provisions removal of particulate matter and dust as sludge Proper access control shall be enforced to ensure that no unauthorised persons enter the Secure the entire construction site with site appropriate dust screens to trap fine dust particles Material delivery vehicles shall oe under the control of competent personnel It will be Sprmkle v, ater to arrest fugitive dust ensured that persons handling equipment and Piovide all construction staff with materials are suitably trained supervised and appropriate personal adequately instructed Protective equipment (PPEs) such as dust Railing will be installed around all process masks overalls helmet dust coats s ife > tanks and pits The use of a life line will be boots and goggles required and personal flotation device (PFD) when workers are inside the railing and it will Ensure all construction workers make be ensured that rescue buoys and throw bags proper use of the PPEs provided are readily available Penodically monitor air quality levels at A confined spaces entry program that is the constiaiction site by measuring local consistent with applicable national particulate matter requirements and internationally accepted standaids will be implemented Traffic management Develop and implement a traffic marshal plan foi the construction site The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection Provide sufficient paiking/holding area dunng working hours at for traffic (a) Principal Secretary Ministry of Enviionment and Forestry Energy consumption Ensure no flicker and harmonic distortion NHIF Building Community PO Box 30126-00100 electricity supply within the local Nairobi suiroundmg are common oower system (b) Director General NEMA Popo Road off Mombasa Road side effects of aic furnace operation PO Box 67839-00200 Nairobi Maxirmzmg of operations during the off (c) County Director of Environment Kihfi County peak hours when there is abundant power supply The National Environment Management Authonty invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within Increased competition Explore alternative sources of water that thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the for watei m the aiea can be used such as loof catchment lock Director General NEMA to assist the Authonty in the decision catchment and collection from making process regarding this plan neighboring quarry pits to minimize drawing water from local pipeline for MAMOB MAMO mdustnal use Director Geneial MR/1421479 National Environment Management Aiithoi ity Provide adequate water stoiage tanks on site to store water from roof catchment fiom the extensive roofs of the Godowns during rainy season that can be used in Gazette NOTICE No 10866 cooling of plant and equipment THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND Minimize water demand by ensuimg used CO ORDINATION ACT water from the cooling circuit is routed {No 8 0/1999) through an adequately sized and effective cooling tower and pressure filter to filter THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT the water for recycling purpose AUTHORITY Ecological sensitive Obseiwation of the 60 M ripanan reserve ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT ecosystem wtthtn the Lari swamp FOR THE PROPOSED STEEL MINI - MILL FOR STEEL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING FROM MOLTEN SCRAP Ensuring no any basic slag refractory METAL ON PLOT LR NO LARl/KlRENGA/1414 AND 1415 waste mill scale dust sludge or industrial LARl SUB COUNTY KIAMBU COUNTY oil spillages find their way to the swamp INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS Noise pollution Increased noise and vibration mostly PURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Management during steel production processes like and Co ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003 tilting of the induction furnace steel the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has rolling storage and dispatch of steel rods received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Control vehiculai movement within and above proposed project liutside the plant 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5097

Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures The full report of the proposed project is availaole foi inspection Develop mcl implement

Provide all construction staff with fe) County Director of Environment Kiambu County appropriate noise preventions PPEs such as ear plugs and ear mutflers The National Environment Management Authority invites members of the public to submit oral or wiitten comments within Enforce proper use ot the pro\ided noise thirty (30) days from the date o' puolication of this notice to the protective PPEs by all workers Director General NEMA to assisi the Authority in the decision Ensure equipment used are well making process regaramg this plan maintained and serviceable MAMOB MAMO Waste management Proper management ot the solid waste produced like coke and coal dust BE slag Director General SMS slag mill scale scrap oil sludge fl) MR/1435088 National Envit onment Management Authority ash acid sludge refractory wastes through recycling and safe disposal of unrecyclable material GAZEHENOTIcnNO 10867

Embrace Cleaner Production THE RECORDS DISPOSAL(COURTS) RULES technologies (CP) and Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) {Cap \ASuh Leg)

Ensure all waste generated at the IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE S COURT AT NAIVASHA construction site is managed and disposed as per the provisions of the Environmental Intended Destruction of Court Records Management and Coordination (Waste Management) Regulations 2006 IN ACCORDANCE with the Records Disposal (Courts) Rules notice IS given that three (3) months after the date of publication of Provide appropriate receptacles for this notice the Chief Magistrate s Court at Naivasha intends to apply dropping waste to the Chief Justice for leave under rule 3 to destroy the records books Ensure only NEMA licensed vehicles and papers of the Chief Magistrate s Court at Naivasha as set out collect waste from the construct on site below

Management to try to mmimize waste Criminal cases 2016-2017 generation by practicing the pnnciples of Traffic cases 2016-(from 1 6999) refusing to generate waste reducing waste Civil cases generation reusing generated waste 2000 - 2003 recycling generated waste and reusing and A Comprehensive list of all the condemned records that qualify to or recyc mg most of generated waste be disposed under the Act can be perused at the Chief Magistrate s Occupational health Provision of PPE to the workers Court Registry Naivasha safety Training of staff on fue safety Any person desmng the return of any exhibit in any of the above cases must make his/her claim within the time stipulated in this Provision of signage all over the, plant publication before the expiry of the notice Regular medical checkup of the staff All exhibits to which no claim is substantiated before the Develop an Environmental Health and destruction of tlie records shall under rule 4 be deemed to be part of Safety policy the records for purposes of destruction Waste water Utilization of septic tank for both black Dated the 1 st December 2020 management and grey water K BIDALI Provide appropnate containment Chief Magistrate Naivasha structures around all IDO and furnace oil storage tanks to < ollect any spills

Piovide for oil spill absorbents for quick Gazette Notice No 10868 absorption of any accidental spills HOMA LIME COMPANY LIMITED Social economic Enhance awareness among the staff and locals against HIV Aids due to opening of Closure of Private roads the area economically NOTICE IS given to the effect that all private roads owned and Enhance secuiity within the facility and controlled by Homa Lime Company Limited will be closed to the local surrounding public on Friday and Saturday I8th and 19th December 2020 Capacity development and empoweianent of the locals as part of corporate social LR Nos 797 11436 5432/25433/17575/11257/5 11257/2 development in diversification from 7575/4 and KSM/MHI 832 depending only on agnculmral and Dated thelst December 2020 livestock farming activities Provision of Employment to the locals J ODINGO MR/1421205 Public Relations Manager 5098 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gazette Notice No 10869 Gazette Notice No 10872


Disposal of Uncollectbd Goods Disposal of Uncollected Goods

NOTICE IS given pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of NOTICE IS given pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of UncoIIected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya to the owners Uncollected Goods Act(Cap 38)laws of Kenya to the owner of motor of the following motor vehicles KBV 4I6Z Beiben Truck and KBV vehicle Reg No KBW 909S Nissan Sahara Silver/Grey in colour to 4I7Z Beiben Truck to take deliveiy of the said vehicles from take delivery of the said vehicle and remove it withm thuty (30) days Bambun Storage and Auction Centre storage within thirty (30) from the date of publication of this notice from Kioni Auto Garage in days from date of of publication of this notice upon the payment of Pemba Street Plot No 209/16223 Industrial Area Nauobi upon the storage repair costs and any other incidental charges plus the cost of publishing this notice Failure to which the said vehicles will be payment of accumulated rental and storage charges failure to which disposed off either by public auction or private treaty without the said vehicle will be sold by public auction or private treaty without reference to the owners in order to defray the storage and any other any further notice and the proceeds therefrom to defray all charges related charges in accordance with this Act storage and any other incidental costs and the shortfall if any will be recovered from the owners by legal proceedings Dated the 15th December 2020 Dated the 8th December 2020 ISHPALS OBEROI S S KINYA MR/1435082 Manager Bambun Storage and Auction Centre Limited MR/1435039 for Kioni Auto Garage

Gazette Notice No 10870 Gazette Notice No 10873 EXTREME AUTO CENTRE LIMITED HUADE MOTORS KENYA LIMITED( the Company ) DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Disposal of Uncollected Goods NOTICE IS issued pursuant to provisions of section 6 of the Disposal of UncoIIected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya to PURSUANT to section 5 of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Design Space Holdings Limited and Michael Nyamai the owners of Act( Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya notice is given to Silvanus Mull motor vehicle registration number KBU 777A Audi A6 which is Musyoka and Stanbic Bank Kenya of PO Box 12593-00100 lying at the Extreme Auto Centre Limited garage premises along Nairobi the owner of motor vehicle registration No KBX 016S to Ngong Road opposite Ngong Race Nairobi awaiting payment take delivery of the said vehicle within thirty (30) days from the date of repair and storage charges and collection since June 2020 and of publication of this notice from Huade Motors Enterprise Road which has not been paid for and collected since then to pay all accrued Nairobi upon payment of all outstanding repair and storage charges repair storage publication of this notice and any other incidental costs together with any other incidentals costs incurred by the company until incurred within a penod of thirty (30) days from the date of this delivery of the vehicle is taken publication if the said vehicle is not collected and above charges settled within the above mentioned period the said vehicle shall be Notice IS further given that the motor vehicle shall be sold by sold by pubUc auction or pnvate treaty by Extreme Auto Centre public auction or pnvate treaty and the proceeds of the sale or part Limited of PC Box 52750-00100 Nairobi or its duly appomted thereof shall be used to defray the outstanding amount owing should agent to defray the amounts due and costs incurred and the balance if the owner fail to take delivery within the sbpulated period as herein any shall remain at the owners credit but should there be a shortfall above stated the owners shall be liable thereof Dated the 3rd December 2020 Dated the 4th December 2020 TONY KIPLETING ODINDO & COMPANY MR/1421206 Director MR/1421407 Advocatesfor Extreme Auto Centre Limited

Gazette Notice No 10874 Gazette Notice No 10871 ASTORION AUCTIONEERS HERON AUCTIONEERS Disposal of Uncollected Goods Disposal of Uncollected Goods NOTICE IS issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of NOTICE IS given pursuant to provision of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya and following UncoIIected Goods Act (Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya to Nile Track an authority and order under Miscellaneous Application No E002 of Limited of P O Box 421-^0502 Nairobi in Kenya and Kenya 2020 by the Pnncipal Magistrate Court at Mukurweni Law Courts at Women Finance Trust of P O Box 4179-00506 Nairobi in Kenya to Mukurwem to the owners of motor vehicles motorcycles and scrap Anthony Mwangi under c/o Nile Truck Limited to take delivery of metal which are lying idle and unclaimed within Mukurwe mi Police damaged JCB Tractor Unit reg No KHMA 956F XCMG ZLSOG yard to collect the said motor vehicles motor cycles and scrap at the lying at the premises of Sohan Singh Josh & Sons Limited yard along Mombasa Road Nairobi within thuty (30) days from the date of said yard within thirty (30) days from the date of this publication of publication of this notice upon payment of rental and storage charges this notice Failure to which Astorion Auctioneers Nairobi shall costs of this publication and any other incidental costs If the aforesaid proceed to dispose of the said motor vehicles motorcycles and scrap damaged JCB tractor unit reg KHMA 956F XCMG ZLSOG is not by way of public auction on behalf of Mukurwe mi Police Station if collected at the expiry of the notice the same will be sold by public they remain uncollected/unclaimed auction or pnvate treaty by Heron Auctioneers of P O Box 105722- Motorcycles and motor vehicles KMCM 294K KMDL 72Y 00101 Nairobi in Kenya to defray the amount due and costs mcured and the balance if any shall remain at the owners credit but should KMCW 378P KMDH 502Z KMEB 982T KMCK 684C KMDZ there be a shortfall the owner shall be liable thereof 523K KMCR 088T KMCF 127S KMCF 709S KMCY 820G KMCV 380K KMCH 762K CE 7778A KMCJ 289W KMED 367V Dated the 10th December 2020 Numberless Captam KMCL 863S KZC 668

TOM MUCHINA Dated the 26th November 2020 Heron Auctioneers KEVIN N GITAU MR/1421488 for and on behalf ofSohan Sign Josh &. Sons Limited MR/1421216 for Astorion Auctioneers 18th December,2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5099

Gazette Notice No 10875 Gazette Notice NO 10878


Disposal of uncollected Goods Collection of Shareholding Certificates NOTICE IS issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of NOTICE IS given to all genuine shareholders to collect their Uncollected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya and following shareholding certificates from the company office at Riverside Estate an authority and order under Miscellaneous Application No 49 of Kenyatta Road leading to Gatundu Sub county Headquarters from 2020 by the Chief Magistrate Court at Muranga Law Courts to the 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m Monday to Fnday within thirty (30) days from owners of motor vehicles motorcycles and scrap metal which are the date of this notice failure to which those shareholding certificates lying idle and unclaimed within Muranga Police yard to collect the not collected by their owners at the expiry shall have their shares sold said motor vehicles motor cycles and scrap at the said yard within by the company to defray the company running expenses thirty (30) days from the date of this publication of this notice Failure to which Astorion Auctioneers Nairobi shall proceed to dispose of the Dated the 9th December 2020 said motor vehicles motorcycles and scrap by way of public auction M N GITAKA on behalf of Muranga Police Station if they remain MR/1421350 Secretary uncollected/unclaimed Motorcycles and motor vehicles KMCH 227Z Numberless Poem Numberless Yamaana KMCW 283J KMDO 290M KMCT 940K Gazette Notice No 10879 KMCQ 420K KMDO 797Y KMDB 849T KMDN 813F KMDC 739CKMCV 509L Numberless ST 210 0007459 Toyota Premio CHANGE OF N/kME KMCB 347E KMCJ 634Y KMDC 757G KMCQ 163B Numberless SG5 077292 Subaru Forester KMDS 808L KMDR 422Z KMDM NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 9th December 2020 891B KMCK 872N KMCY 187R KMDM 737A KMDG 007X duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi KMCW 178E KMCB 483U KMCA 533X KMCA 861A as Presentation No 1142 in Volume DI Folio 236/3917 File No Numberless Tiger KMCE 200K KMDV 734V Numberless Foan MMXX by my chent Alice Mwende Kiendi (guardian) of P O Box 264-00200 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya on behalf of Ruth Dated the 30th November 2020 Ndanu Mutuku (rmnor) formerly known as Ruth Ndanu formally and KEVIN N GITAU absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Ruth MR/1421216 for Astorion A uctioneers Ndanu and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the Ruth Ndanu Mutuku for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate descnbe and address her by her assumed name Gazette Notice NO 10876 Ruth Ndanu Mumku only

KENYA COFFEE AGRI MACHINERY R N MULE Advocatefor Alice Mwende Kiendi Iguardian) Disposal of Uncollected Goods on behalf ofRuth Ndanu Mutuku (minor) NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of MR/1421417 formerly known as Ruth Ndanu Uncollected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya to Marry Flour (Mrs)the owner of motor vehicle Make Nissan Z 24 S/W 4WD dark grey in colour Chassis NOWNYD21 021252 Engine No Z 24 (5) GazetteNoticeNO 10880 2389 Model 30ZWNY02 IDJFLICY Body Type Station Wagon Propelled by Petrol Year of Manufacture 1993 not in working CH/kNGEOFNAME condition lying with Amarjit Singh since 2009 within thirty (30) days NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 7th March 2019 duly from the date of this publication and upon payment of storage charges and any other lawful charges incurred at the delivery failure to which executed and registered m the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No 946 m Volume DI Folio 291/5112 File No the said motor vehicle will be sold by auction or private treaty without MMXIX by our client Dennis Nyaundi Onna of PC Box 35 any further notice Kithimani m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Denms Note motor vehicle had UN reg 42UN 9K Number plate returned to Nyamwaka Onna formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned UN vehicle registration department on 6th November 2020 the use of his Tormer name Dennis Nyamwaka Onna and m lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Dennis Nyaundi Onna for all Dated the 8th December 2020 purposes and authonzes and requests all persons at all times to AMARJIT SINGH DHIMAN designate descnbe and address him by his assumed name Dennis MR/1421315 Manager Nyaundi Onna only MARENDE & NYAUNDI Advocatesfor Dennis Nyaundi Onna Gazette NOTICE No 10877 MR/1421276 formerly known as Dennis Nyamwaka Onna BAMBURI STORAGE AND AUCTION LIMITED

DISPOSAL OF Uncollected Goods GazetteNoticeNO 10881

NOTICE IS given pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of CHANGE OF NAME Uncollected Goods Act(Cap 38) of the laws of Kenya to the owners of the following motor vehicles KBZ 452S BUS FH Towed KBZ 449S NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 15th October 2020 BUS FH Towed KBV 212Y Nissan Pick Up KTWA 180U Tuktuk duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi KBY 219E MAN Truck KCD 988E Eicher KBX 278K Man Truck as Presentation No 2711 in Volume DI Folio 222/3714 File No KBT553M Towed KCD 898Y Eiche to take delivery of the said MMXX by our client Lilian Lydia Mutheu Kioko of P O Box 35 vehicle from Bambun Storage and Auction Centre storage yard within Kithimam m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Lydia thirty (30) days of publication of this notice upon the payment of the Mutheu Muindi formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned storage repair costs and any other incidental charges plus the cost of the use of her former name Lydia Mutheu Muindi and in heu thereof publishmg this noUce Failure to which the said vehicle will be assumed and adopted the name Lilian Lydia Mutheu Kioko for all disposed off either by public auction or private treaty without purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to reference to the owners in order to defray the storage and any other designate descnbe and address her by her assumed name Lilian Lydia related charges m accordance with this act Mutheu Kioko only

Dated the 15th December 2020 ODEMU SAVWA & COMPANY Advocatesfor Lilian Lydia Mutheu Kioko ISHPALS OBEROI MR/1435082 Manager Bambun Storage an3 Auction Centre Limited MR/1421306 formerly known as Lydia Mutheu Muindi 5100 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

Gaze iTE Notice No 10882 Gazette Notice No 10886

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 11th November 2020 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 3rd December 2020 duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi duly executed and legistered m the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No 2706 in Volume DI Folio 222/3715 File No as Piesentaton No I2I6 in Volume DI Folio 1755/2514 File No MMXX by our client Antony Kioko lohn of P 0 Box 299 Makueni MMXX by our client Edward Ashen Sabwa of P O Box 2046- in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Antony Kioko Nzuki 00200 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Edward Kombo Matendechere formally and absolutely renounced and formally and absolutely lenounced and abandoned the use of his abandoned the use of his former name Edward Kombo Matendechere former name Antony Kioko Nzuki and in lieu thereof assumed and and m lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Edwaid Ashen adopted the name Antony Kioko John for all purposes and authonzes Sabwa for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address times to designate descnbe and address him by his assumed name htm by his assumed name Antony Kioko John only Edward Ashen Sabwa only

ODEMU SAVWA & COMPANY MUTHONI & ASSOCIATES Advocatesfor Antony Kioko John Ad\ ocatesfor Edward Ashen Sabwa MR/1421306 formerly known a Antony Kioko N^uki MR/1421484 formerlv know n as Edward Kombo Matendechere

GazetteNoticeNo 10887 Gazette Notice No 10883 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 31st August 2020 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd July 2020 duly duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi executed and registered m the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as as Presentation No 188 in Volume DI Folio 228/3806 File No Presentation No 1150 in Volume DI Folio 149/2596 File No MMXX by our client NjeriBakari ofPO Box 1307-00600 Nairobi MMXX by our client Domnic Obocy formerly known as Domnic in the Republic of Kenya formeily known as Margaret Njeri Mburu Obocy Onyisa formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her use of his former name Domnic Obocy Onyisa and in lieu thereof former name Margaret Njeri Mburu and in heu thereof assumed and assumed and adopted the name Domnic Obocy for all purposes and adopted the name Njeri Bakari for all purposes and authorizes and authonzes and requests all persons at all times to designate desciibe requests all persons at all times to designate descnbe and address her and addiess htm by his assumed name Domnic Obocy only by hei assumed name Njen Bakari only BETTY NJAGI & ASSOCIATES MAK OWADE GABRIEL OCHIENG Ad\ ocatesfor Njei i Bakan Advocatesfor Domnic Obocy MR/1421495 formerly known as Margaret Njeri Mburu MR/1421235 formerly known as Domnic Obocy Ony isa

GazetteNoticeNo 10888 Gazette Notice No 10884 CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 2nd July 2019 duly NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th October 2020 executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi Presentation No 1134 m Volume DI Folio 175/3007 File No as Presentation No 2959 in Volume DI Folio 224/3743 File No MMXX by our client A1 Sadique Mohamed Mawere of P O Box MMXX by our client Sylvia Susan Abour of P O Box 4504-01002 17159-00100 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Kennedy Omondi Maweie formally and absolutely renounced and Thika m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Sylvia Susan abandoned the use of his former name Kennedy Omondi Mawere and Rading formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name A1 Sadique Mohamed her former name Sylvia Susan Radmg and in lieu thereof assumed and Mawere for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all adopted the name Sylvia Susan Abour for all purposes and authonzes times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name A1 and requests all persons at all times to designate descnbe and address Sadique Mohamed Mawere only her by her assumed name Sylvia Susan Abour only KANG AHI S & ASSOCIATES OTHIENO & COMPANY Advocatesfor Al Sadique Mohamed Mawere Advocatesfor Sylvia Susan Abour MR/1421492 formerly known as Kennedy Omondi Mawere MR/1421177 formerly known as Sylvia Susan Rading

GazetteNoticeNo 10889

Gazette Notice No 10885 CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 10th December 2020 duly executed and registered m the Registry of Documents at NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 11th Novembei 2020 Nairobi as Presentation No 1031 in Volume DI Folio 235/3905 File duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi No MMXX by our client Issack Hassan Abdi of P O Box 302 as Presentation No 1217 m Volume DI Folio 1756/2514 File No 00610 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Issack MMXX by our client Lawrence Njagi of PO Box 17653-00100 Mohamed Ibrahim foimally and absolutely renounced and abandoned Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Lawrence Njagi the use of his fonner name Issack Mohamed Ibrahim and in lieu Mburu formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of thereof assumed and adopted the name Issack Hassan Abdi for all his former name Lawrence Njagi Mburu and in lieu thereof assumed purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to and adopted the name Lawrence Njagt for all puiposes and authorizes designate describe and address him by his assumed name Issack Hassan Abdi only and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name Ltwrence Njagi only Dated the 11th December 2020

CHEBIEGO & ASSOCIATES MUSDAF ALI & COMPANY Advocatesfor Lawi ence Njagi Advocatesfor Issack Hassan Abdi MR/1421485 formerly known as Lawtence Njagi Mbinu MR/1421491 foi merly known as Issack Mohamed lb)alum 18th Decembei,2020 THE KENYA GAZEETE 5101

GAZETTb Notice No 10890 2051/15586 File No 1637 by Abbas Merali of Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya formerly knowi as Abbas Mohamed Jafferali CHANGE or NAME Merah abas Abbas Merab Mohammed Merab formally and NOTICE IS given that by a need poll dated 30th November absolutely renounced and abandoned tbe use of his former name 2020 duly executed and registered in the Registiy of Documents at Abbas Mohamed Jafferali Merab abas Abbas Merah Mohammed Nairobi as Presentation No 105 11 Volume B 13 Tolio 2050/15583 Merab and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Abbas File No 1637 by our client Jamil Mohamed Merali formerly known Merab for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all as Jamil Mohamed Jafferali Merali abas Jamil Mohamed Merali alias times to designate describe and addiess him by his assumed name Mohamed Jafferali Merali formally and absolutely renounced and Abbas Merab only abandoned the use of his former name Jamil Mohamed Jafferali ABBAS MERALI Merali abas Jamil Mohamed Merali abas Mohamed Jafferali Merali formerly known as Abbas Mohamed Jaffei ah Met ah and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Jamil Mohamed MR/1421467 alias Abbas Merah Mohammed Met al Merali for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name Jamil Mohamed Merab only Gazette Notice NO 10894 Dated the gth December 2020 CHANGE OF NAME ABOO & COMPANY NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 2nd October 2020 Advocatesfat Jamil Mohamed Met ah foi merly known as Jamil Mohamed Jafferali Merali abas duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No 3477 in Volume DI Folio 186/3212 File No Jamil Mohamed Merali alias MMXX by our client Patrick Gachuhi Macharia (guardian) on MR/1421469 Mohamed Jafferali Met ah behalf of Emmanuel Maeharia Gachuhi (minor) of P 0 Box 16681- 00100 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Emmanuel Hamisi Gachuhi formally and absolutely renounced and Gazette Notice No 10891 abandoned the use of his former name Emmanuel Hamisi Gachuhi and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Emmanuel Machaiia CHANGE OF NAME Gachuhi for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th November times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name 2020 duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Emmanuel Macharia Gachuhi only Nairobi as Presentation No 106 m Volume B 13 Folio 2050/15584 File No 1637 by our client Jawad Mohamed Merali formerly known Dated the 30th October 2020 as Jawad Mohamed Jafferali Merali abas Jawad Mohamed Merali FARRAH MUNOKO & COMPANY Mohamed JaPerab Merab formally and absolutely renounced and Advocatesfor Patrick Gachuhi Macharia (guardian) abandoned the use of his former name Jawad Mohamed Jafferali On behalfofEmmanuel Macharia Gachuhi (a mmoi) Merab alns Jawad Mohamed Merali Mohamed Jafferali Merab and in MR/1435043 formerly known as Emmanuel Hamisi Gachuhi lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Jawad Mohamed Merab for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name Jawad Gazette Notice No 10895 Mohamed Merab only CHANGE OF NAME Dated the 9th December 2020 NOTICE IS given tliat by a deed poll dated 9th November 2020 ABOO & COMPANY duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi Advocates for Jawad Mohamed Met ah formerly known as Jawad Mohamed Jafferali Met ah alias as Presentation No 904 in Volume Dl Folio 235/3908 File No MMXX by our client Nabulumbi Wekhuyi of P O Box 12518- MR/1421466 Jawad Mohamed Merah Mohamed Jaffei ah Merah 00100 Nairobi m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Elizabeth Nabulumbi Wekliuyi formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her formei name Elizabeth Nabulumbi Gazette Notice No 10892 Wekhuyi and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Nabulumbi Wekliuyi for all purposes and authorizes and requests all CHANGE OF NAME persons at all times to designate describe and address her by her NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 30th November assumed name Nabulumbi Wekhuyi only 2020 duly executed and registered m the Registry of Documents at Dated the 14th December 2020 Nairobi as Presentation No 107 in Volume B 13 Folio 2051/15585 File No 1637 by our client Mohammed Azeem Merab formerly OMONDI OMERl & MWASARU loiown as Mohammed Azeem Mohamed Merab abas Mohammed Advocatesfoi Nabulumbi Wekhuyi Azeem Merab Mohamed Merab formally and absolutely renounced MR/1421414 formerly known as Elizabeth Nabulumbi Wekhuyi and abandoned the use of his former name Mohammed Azeem Mohamed Merab abas Mohammed Azeem Merab Mohamed Merab and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Monammed Azeem Gazette Notice No 10896 Merab for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address him by his assumed name CHANGE OF NAME Mohammed Azeem Merab only NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 5th November 2020 Dated the 9th December 2020 duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Presentation No 1527 in Volume Dl Folio 213/3600 File No ABOO & COMPANY MMXX by our client Amina Abdi Sheikh ofPO Box 846-70100 Advocatesfoi Mohammed Azeem Merah Garissa in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Athan Abdi foi met ly known as Mohammed Azeem Mohamed Met ah alias Sheikli fonnally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of MR/1421468 Mohammed A eem Met ah Mohamed Merah her former mme Athan Abdi Sheikh and m lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Amma Abdi Sheikh for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address Gazette Notice No 10893 her by her assumed name Amma Abdi Sheikh only

CHANGE OF NAME Dated the 14th December 2020

NOTICE IS given tliat by a deed poll dated 30th November 2020 HMS LLP duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Advocatesfoi Amma Abdi Sheikh Mombasa as Presentation No 108 in Volume B 13 Folio MR/1435098 foi merly known as Athan Abdi Sheikh 5102 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December,2020

Gazette Notice NO 10897 Gazette Notice No 10901

CHANGE OF NAME AWARD OF ORDERS DECORATIONS AND MEDALS JAMHURI DAY I2TH DECEMBER 2020 NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 14th October 2019 duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Awards and honours Mombasa as Presentation No 61 in Volume B 13 Folio 2044/15514 File No 1637 by our client Nasra Mohamed Salim of P O Box IN RECOGNITION of distinguished and outstanding services 88983-80100 Mombasa m the Republic of Kenya formerly known as rendered to the nation m vanous capacities and responsibilities I Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta President and Commander in Chief of the Nasra Suleiman Omar formally and absolutely renounced and Defence Forces of the Republic of Kenya confer Awards and Honours abandoned the use of her former name Nasra Suleiman Omar and in to the following persons lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Nasra Mohamed Salim The Order of the Golden Heart ofKenya for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate describe and address her by her assumed name Nasra (a) The Second Class Elder of the Order of the Golden Heart Mohamed Salim only (EGH)

MOGAKA OMWENGA & MAREYA 1 General Kibochi Robert Kanuki Advocatesfor Nasia Mohamed Salim 2 Hon Munya Peter Gatirau MR/1435074 formerly known as Nasra Suleiman Omar 3 Hon Chelugui Simon Kiprono 4 Prof Magoha Albert Omore 5 Ambassador Juma Monica Kathina 6 Ms Mama Betty Chemutai Gazette Notice No 10898 7 Hon Ongwae James Elvis Omanba 8 Hon Ole Lenku Joseph Jama CHANGE OF NAME (b) The Third Class Moran of the Order of the Golden Heart NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 10th December 2020 duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at (MGH) Nairobi as Presentation No 1516 in Volume DI Folio 237/3920 File 1 Major General Mutai Jimson Longiro No MMXX by me Shujaa Rose Wanjiru Wachira Karani of P O 2 Lieutenant General Mulata Adan Kanchoro Box 217-10300 Kerugoya in the Republic of Kenya formerly known 3 Mr Kirogo Stephen Kinyanjui as Rose Wanjiru Njoroge formally and absolutely renounced and 4 Mrs Karuku Jane Wambui abandoned the use of my former name Rose Wanjiru Njoroge and m 5 Raval Narendra Ramesh Chandra(Dr) lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Shujaa Rose Wanjiru Wachira Karani for all purposes and authonzes and requests all The Order of the Burning Spear persons at all times to designate descnbe and address me by my (a) The First Class Chiefof the Order of the Burning Spear(CBS) assumed name Shujaa Rose Wanjiru Wachira Karani only 1 Major General(Dr) Ng ang a George Kiguta Dated the 16th December 2020 2 Major General Ong oyi Onyango Martin Kizito 3 Major General Farah Said Mohamed SHUJAA ROSE WANJIRU WACHIRA KARANI 4 Major General Badi Mohamed Abdalla MR/1435133 formerly known as Rose Wanjiru Njoroge 5 Major General Kendagor Albert Kiprop 6 Major General Kivunzi Joseph Mutwi 7 Major General Mwangi Jon^ Mama Gazette Notice No 10899 8 Major (Rtd) Mativo Boniface Mutuku 9 Major (Rtd) Kosen Raphael Karbuali CHANGE OF NAME 10 Dr Njoroge Patnck 11 Dr Kirubi Chnstopher John NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 8th May 2018 duly 12 Dr Mwangangi Mercy Mukui executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as 13 Dr Aman Rashid Adbi Presentation No 4158 m Volume DI Foho 139/3900 File No 14 Hon Okello William Ouko MMXVIII by our client Caro Majuma Wanyonyi of P O Box 15 Dr Muragun Nicholas Mwangi 12898-00100 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as 16 Hon Mutua Florence Mwikah Cathenne Majuma S Wanyonyi formally and absolutely renounced 17 Dr Atwoh Francis and abandoned the use of her former name Cathenne Majuma S 18 Hon Lessonet Moses Wanyonyi and m lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Caro 19 Hon Odoyo Peter Ochieng Majuma Wanyonyi for all purposes and authorizes and requests all 20 Hon Kitalei Kachapm Simon persons at all times to designate descnbe and address her by her 21 Hon Irungu Kang ata assumed name Caro Majuma Wanyonyi only 22 Hon Mutula Kilonzo Junior 23 Hon Kiage Patrick Omwenga K K NYAKUNDI & COMPANY 24 Hon Mirenga Ken Obura Advocatesfor Caro Majuma Wanyonyi 25 Hon Mbiuki Japhet Minti Kaieke MR/1435075 formerly known as Catherine Majuma S Wanyonyi 26 Hon Wangwe Emmanuel 27 Hon Monyo Christopher Omulele 28 Hon Aluoch John Olago 29 Hon Chege Sabma Wanjiru Gazette Notice No 10900 30 Hon Tobiko Pens Pesi 31 Hon Dado Hussein Tuneya CHANGE OF NAME 32 Hon Nyamunga Rose Ogendo NOTICE IS given that by a deed poll dated 20th October 2020 33 Ambassador Nabukwesi Simon Wanyonyi duly executed and registered m the Registry of Documents at Nairobi 34 Hon Wandayi James Opiyo as Presentation No 599 in Volume DI Folio 225/3785 File No 35 Ms Nyaga Anne Martha Mukami MMXX by our client Daniel Ochuoga Otunge of PO Box 124- 36 Mr Rotich Simon Kibet 37 Mr Kitungu Solomon 00600 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya formerly known as Daniel 38 Mr Mburu James Githii Ochuoga Otunga formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned 39 Ms Gathungu Nancy Janet Kabui the use of his former name Daniel Ochuoga Otunga and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Daniel Ochuoga Otunge for all 40 Mr Sialai Michael Rotich purposes and authonzes and requests all persons at all times to (b) The Second Class Elder of the Order of the Burning Spear designate descnbe and address him by his assumed name Daniel (E£S) Ochuoga Otunge only 1 Bngadier Githinji Peter Nyamu 2 Bngadier Mburu Joseph Kamau OMBADO & COMPANY Advocatesfor Daniel Ochuoga Otunge 3 Bngadier Muteti Peter Kimani MR/1435128 formerly known as Daniel Ochuoga Otunga 4 Bngadier Nyaga Mungai 18th Decemf'- 2u^u THE KENYA GAZETTE 5103

5 Brigadier Leuna Fredrick 22 Dr Karembu Margaret Gathoni 6 Bngadier Maroko Jeremiah Ongwenji 23 Dr Irungu Samson Macharia 7 Brigadier Hassan Mohammed Niir 24 Dr Ombajo Loice Achieng 8 Brigadier Kinuthia bric Mbiigua 25 Mr Mbeca John Njeru 9 Bngadier Omenda John Mugaravai 26 Mr Magut Gilbert Kipkouch 10 Major (Rtd) Marsa Omar Mohammed 27 Ms Ndia Wangari Mary 11 SAIG Dhadho Musa Kakawa 28 Mrs Wanjau Mercy Wangui Kiim 12 Hon Odero Maureen Akmyi 29 Mr Ondieki Alice Osebe 30 Mr Kigen Kibiego Rotich 13 Dr Suleiman Mohamed Salim Seif 31 Mr Malonza Macloud Mukiti 14 Dr Tumbo Patnck Nyamemba 32 Mr Ogonji Mark Mbock 15 Dr Ariiasa Wilson Kipkirui 33 Ms Kinuthia Lucy Wanja 16 Dr Mama Stanley Kamau 34 Mr Bukhia Fernandes Khamalishi 17 Dr Ombaeho Kepha Mogere 35 Mr Nyandiere Clement Mayieko 18 Dr Letting Nicholas Kibiwot 36 Mr Gikonyo Patrick Kuria 19 Dr Muriuki Lydia Hiuko 37 Ml Mutambu Joe Musyimi 20 Hon Kimaru Luka Kiprotich 38 Ms Munyi Stella Muthoni 21 Dr Kamun Fvanson Njoroge 39 Mr Gitiba Ezekiel Mwita 22 Hon Ole Kantai Sankale 40 Mr Masudi Masoud Mwinyi 41 Mr Wachira Leonard Gikaru 23 Dr Amoth Patrick Omvvanda 42 Mr Kimote Joseph Muna 24 Hon Arom Abida Ah 43 Mr Njoka Mwenda 25 Hon Muchemi Florence Nyaguthii 44 Mr Machogu Paul Tirimba 26 Hon Sitati Ruth Nekoye 45 Ms Yamo Sarah Ojwang 27 Prof Nui a Mohamed Huka 46 Mr Gituku Albert Ngan 28 Prof Wainama Gituro 47 Mr Mutuma Nkanata Franklme 29 Ambassador Amayo Lazarus Ombai The Ordei ofthe Grand Wat nor ofKenya (OGW) 30 Ambassador Amolo Thomas Bonface 31 Eng Mundinia Peter Mbuthia 1 Major Musoma Albert Lusiola 32 Eng Mwangi James Njoroge 2 M jor Muthaura Martin Mutaban 33 Hon Karanja Joseph Raphael 3 Corpoi al Shikuri Peter Nana 34 Dr Majevdia Hitan Chhagan 4 Corporal Kiragu Michael Kamau 5 Sergeant Kammzi Patrick Syengo 35 Mrs Omundi Florence Kerubo Momanyi 6 Senior Superintendent of Police Issa Mohamed Mohamud 36 Mr Makumi John Gitau 7 Dr Kirui Janet Chepngeno 37 Mr Nyagwanga Wilfred Agage 8 Prof Mwau Matilu 38 Mr ElungataJohn 9 Dr Kenyanya Debra Rabera 39 Mr Nikoru Isaiah Aregai 10 Dr Miehuki Stanley Michael 40 Mr Main Malkit Singh 11 Dr Giehunuku Josphat Gikundi 41 Mr Tanui Julius Gordon 12 Dr Mama Edward Nguyo 42 Mr Kahiya Abdihakim Mohamed 13 Prof Sullivan Michael Jerome 43 Mr Njogu Ephraim Kariithi 14 Dr Ndichu Charles Gatura 44 Mrs Keranga Bahati Mwita 15 Dr Oluga Fredrick Guma 16 Eng Wamukoti Antony Tawayi 45 Mrs Makori Anne Waceke 17 Hon Andayi Weche Francis 46 Mr Gachoka Paul Mwaniki 18 Dr Nderitu Amos Muchemi 47 Mr Nyaoga Jairus Mohammed 19 Mr Mwita Clinton Owaga 48 Miss Kimani Muthoni 20 Ms Alai Nina Awino 49 Ms Lepuchirit Sophia 21 Mr Cheruiyot Timothy 50 Ms Kireri Wanmi 22 Ms Eregae Sabma Lorooh 51 Mrs Kisom Charity 23 Mr Ameda Benson Oduor 52 Mr Sergon Joseph Kiplagat 24 Ms Kerema Mary Nyangara 25 Mr Ounoi Namuju Ignatius 53 Mr Ong wen Oduor 26 Mr Apuwatt Micahael Tomko The Third Class Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear(MJ3 S) 27 Mr Kabuti George Njuguna 28 Mr Owuor Naman Nimrod 1 Colonel Obonyo David Otiende 29 Mr Gomes John Piedade 2 Colonel Keter Wilson Kipruto 30 Mr Mkoji Michael Mwandembe 3 Colonel Njenga John Njoroge 31 Mr Wambilianga David Nyongesa 4 Colonel Ondieki Jacob Ogaro 32 Mr Opicho Alphayo Wasike 5 Colonel Samoei David Kipkirui 33 Mr Mulinge Victor Muia 6 Colonel Chelimo Peter Shikukuu 34 Mr Rioba Evans Aera 7 Colonel Sane Stephene Kerempe 35 Mr Machana Jackson Muthan 36 Mr Musamia Wafula 8 Colonel Kipng etich Sammy 37 Mr Kirigua Chnstopher 9 Colonel Farah Mohamud Salah 38 Mr Murei Ben Kipkosgei 10 Colonel Lkuttan Chnstopher Etheri 39 Mr Mathenge John kuria 11 Colonel Munanga Roy Davies 40 Mr Kihara James Muruthi 12 Colonel Wambura Fredriek Maison 41 Ms Kimulu Elizabeth Mueni 13 Colonel Abdi Yahya Sheikh 42 Mr Abudo Mamo Umuro 14 ACP Ndereba Catherine 43 Mr Masinde Isaac Wanyonyi 15 Ambassador Chege Gathoga Wanyoike 44 Mrs Tindiy Jacklme Otenyo 16 Ambassador Oyugi Michael Adipo 45 Ms Munuki Regma Nyaguthii 46 Miss Kosgei Bngid 17 Hon Angote Oscar Amugo 47 Mrs Wanyonyi Electina Naswa Wasike 18 Prof Temmerman Marleen Irma Leopold 48 Ms Mbugua Mary N 19 Hon Were Joseph Maloba 49 Ms Akal Agness Teresa 20 Dr Njenga Eva Wangechi 50 Ms Githaiga Margaret Nyambura 21 Eng Kinoti Silas Munra 51 Mwambai James 5104 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th Pecember,2020

52 Ms Gtchangi Eunice Wanjiku 43 Mr Malea Abisalom Kagasi 53 Ms Wang ombe Eslher Munngo 44 Mr Mohammed Ahmed (posthumous) 54 Ms Matunda Agnes Kwamboka 45 Ms Waithaka Elizabeth Njen 55 Mr Kmuthia Benjamin James 46 Ms Mukwanyaga Jane Kinyua 56 Ms Mwaura Alice Njin 47 Ms Mugambi Joyce Mapenzi 48 Mr Kilimo Fredrick Suter The Sliver Star(S S)of Kenya 49 Ms Makanda Jacklyne Joan 50 Mr Mutua George Musumbi 1 Senior Private Gaichu Paul Mauki 2 Colonel Kishoyian Meshack Sinkira 51 Ms Njeru Grace Kanini 52 Mr Bundi Richard Onyancha 3 Colonel Mohammed Swaleh Jahazi 4 Major Mukira Lawrence Ken Githaiga 53 Mr Tari Hassan Aden 5 Sergeant Mutua Enck Kimathi 54 Mr Ogola Humphrey Young 6 Second Lieutenant Godana Abdullahi Boru 55 Mr Ahmed Isamil Issack 56 Mr Kihara Antony Muchin 7 ACP Irungu Julius Karanja 8 Mr Mutegi Titus Mucee 57 Mr Ngochi Peter Mama 58 Mr Sankaine Emmanuel Leshan 9 Mr Shivanda Freser Shava 59 Mr Mull Boniface Mbuvi 10 Mr Odhiambo Dalton Adwett 11 Mr Cheloti Kevin Mwangi 60 Mr Mwangi Davis 12 Mr Too Elijah Kiplagat 61 Mr Ochieng Evans Naman 13 Mr Akondo Wilfred Mavabi 62 Mr Kasura Jon Lepapa 63 Mr Okisai Enck Opagal 14 Mr OmarAthman 15 Mr Musuni Tutuki Jonothan 64 Mr Omusula Zakayo Makonjio 16 Mr Temoi Douglas Kimtai 65 Mr Mama Peter Mukera 17 Mr Mutua Boniface Muithya 66 Mr Kimatu Peter Musyoka 18 Miss Munym Joyce Muthoni 67 Mr Ndungi Gideon Mwendwa 19 Miss Kemei Lydia Jerono 68 Mr Manyuro James Opondo 69 Mr Ndung u Martin Munithi 20 Miss Mtawali Beatnce Sidl 21 Mr Kiprotlch Saidi Mohamed 70 Mr JumaSudi 22 Mr Kipsoi David 71 Mr Rono David Cheruiyot 23 Mr Golja Abdullahi Tuke 72 Mr Karun Simon Ndirangu 73 Mr Ndungu Antony Ng ang a 24 Mr Komu Robert Muia 25 Mr Gimma Patrick kaume 74 Mr Vala Joseph Mbithi 26 Mr Mumo Paul Maingo 75 Mr M Etinme Leonard Mugambi 76 Mr Nderitu Charles Mwangi 27 Mr Musumba Samuel Wandera 28 Mr Kachiuru Augustus Munthi The Head ofStates Commendation(HSC) Civilian Division The Head of States Commendation(HSC) Military Division 1 Eng Adul Vincent Otieno 1 Senior Sergeant Muhia Amos Muruga 2 Dr Munga Jane Agnes Wanjiru 2 Senior Sergeant Mwanzi Joel Mwema 3 Dr Langat Daniel Kibet 3 Sergeant Koech Joel Kimutai 4 Dr Gachugu Ehud Mukuha 4 Corporal Kubende Edmond Juma 5 Dr Omollo Harold Omondi 5 Warrant Officer 11 Maingi Kitts Muia Maingi 6 Dr Mugambi Stephen Antony Mwithimbu 6 Warrant Officer I Lekupuny Jackson Siara 7 Dr Lonyangapuo Mary Khayongo 7 Warrant Officer I Ngawai Joseph Rangas 8 Dr Simiyu Fred Masibo 8 Sergeant Musyoka Benjamin Nguta 9 Dr Mhugua Skitter Wangeci 9 Sergeant Ng eno Wesley Kipngetich 10 Dr Aduda Jane Akinyi 10 Sergeant Njogu Jeremiah Munene 11 Dr Sugut William Kiplagat 11 Captain Waiganjo Kagia John 12 Eng Munuki Benard Wanjohi 12 Sergeant Boru Adan Wako 13 Mrs Tenai Momcah 13 Senior Sergeant Chemwire Francis Kipkut 14 Mrs Mbai Susan K Kamau 14 Lieutenant Colonel Kisilu Reuben John 15 Mrs Musala Anne Esendi Ngoda 15 Senior Sergeant Miancha Peter Siko 16 Mr Osiany David Michael 16 Warrant Officer II Mogere Samson Bichanga 17 Mrs Chepkurui Lily Kirui 17 Sergeant Tingisha Shadrack Meitamei 18 Mrs Ithau Patricia Mwarama 18 Lieutenant Kazungu Michael Kansa 19 Mrs Mukhaye Echalekah Lydiah 19 Major Njogu George Gathigua 20 Mrs Pant Dorcus Njen 20 Major Ochieng Teddy Daniel Ogaa 21 Mrs Simani Zippor^ Jacklme 21 Major Obare Peter Odhiambo 22 Mr Ombima Anjeyo Reuben 22 Major Kurui Koech Leonard 23 Ms Muchoki Joan Waithira 23 Major Karanja Wanjau Karuitha 24 Mr Njuki Peter Wachira 24 Major Mitei Patnck Konr 25 Mrs Dafardayo Joyce Alkayo 25 Major Ombati Danvas 26 Mr Machana Wilson Mama 26 Dr Adan Abass Tawane 27 Mr Ouma Raymond Ochieng 27 Miss Okello Nancy Achieng 28 Mr Ombija Trevor 28 Mr AgwandaJohn 29 Mr Murage Francis Kanmi 30 Mr Nzioka Stephen Mutuku 29 Miss Anicent Tabitha Ndanu 30 Mr Njoki Boniface Kgugi 31 Mr Jandu Manminder Singh 31 Mr Kitonga Nicholas Mutaki 32 Mr Munyu James Mwangi 32 Mr Ngoyo James Nduati 33 Mr Virdi Jaswinder Singh 34 Mr KandieJob 33 Mr Kami James Kamau 34 Mr Magu Samwel Kangung'u 35 Mr DodhiaDhiraj 35 Mr Were Maunce Nyaidho 36 Mr Satia Kelvine Barasa 36 Mr Nzioka Titus Mutune 37 Mr Omollo Lucas John 37 Mr Kuna Daniel Burugu 38 Ms Gatheru Cathenne Mumbi 38 Mr Ojuok Jared Onyango 39 Ms Ofafa Carol Awuor 39 Mr Kilonzo Abednego Mutie 40 Ms Kungu Janet Wanjiku 40 Mr Mama Antony Muhia 41 Ms Ombati Josephine Kerubo 42 Ms Obege Elizabeth Awor 41 Mr Imaana Thilai Justus 42 Mr Mue Esther Mwikali 43 Ms Ngugi Jane Wangan 18th December 2020 THE KENYA GAZETTE 5105

44 Ms Manach Maiy CheptorUs 124 Mr Asiago Samuel Chapani 45 Ms Mutua Susan Koki 125 Mr Koech Allan Kipkurui 46 Ms Omanwa Josephine Mbraa 126 Mr Kwambai John Chepnabei 47 Ms Wambua Monichh Mbuve 127 Mr Mwangemi Jeff Mwachala 48 Ms Muthii Polline Wanjiru 128 Mr Gicheru Mwai Jeremiah 49 Bishop Omuse John Okude 129 Mr Chesang Nathan 50 Ms Githui Naomi Wanjugu 130 Mr Ayuoyi Chnstopher Otieno 51 Ms Gacen Hamet 131 Mr Kamau Alexander Muotii 52 Ms Ojowi Rossalyn Nyambasi 132 Mr Mukui Joseph Muchoki 53 Ms Nganda Jane Ngom 133 Mr Mbeche Elijah Nyamwaya 54 Ms Wano Zeinabu Sora 134 Mr Konzolo Charles Bitinyu 55 Rev Kirenga Motobouy Hamisi 135 Mr Gatuma NgUnjin 56 Ms Lentupuru Caroline Naikena 136 Mr Otieno John Odhiambo 57 Ms Masila Susan 137 Mr Chelelgo Symon Kipkonr 58 Mrs Mwangi Virginia Wangui 138 Mr Magero Isack Barasa 59 Mrs Otolo Twyla Rose Nyandiko 139 Mr Gachuru Lucas Munene 60 Mrs Nadongo Jacqueline 140 Mr Low Abdulhamid Farooque 61 Mrs Band Silpher Achieng 141 Mr Kirui Lawrence 62 Mrs Nyathogora Rebecca Muthukia 142 Mr Kuria Nahashon Mdina 63 Mrs M runguma Monica Kanandigu 143 Mr Gitonga David 64 Mrs Mwaura Lucy Wambui 144 Mr Kinaro Steve Ogeto 65 Ms Kanukl Benedictar Waruguru 145 Mr Waweru David Waiganjo 66 Ms Lorema Domtila Chesang 146 Mr Mwahgi Daniel Ngugi 67 Mrs Oman Irene Moraa 147 Mr Ndirangu Simon Karuga 68 Ms Mbugua Caroline Njoki 148 Mr Odongo Mohammed Wanzetse 69 Ms Thuo Cynthia Roguru 149 Mr Kisalu Felix Kioko 70 Ms Kmyua Gladys Wangu 150 Mr Karanja Julius Mwangi 71 Ms Kotut Sang Janice Cherotich 151 Mr Mohammed Nur Hassan 72 Ms Kimokoti Sandra Nakhumicha 152 Mr Ng ong a Robert Anuro 73 Ms Mutinda Winfred Mwende 153 Mr Duma Enc Odthimbo 74 Ms Sheghu Pauline Memagenda 154 Mr Onoki Dennis Magoma 75 Mr Oganda Danne Kwang a 155 Mr Mwangi Demck Ngigi 76 Ms Indumwa Emily Afandi 156 Mr Kamunya Charles 77 Mr Kotieno Fredrick Nundu 157 Mr Lusiro Douglas Okumu 78 Mr Kanegeni Stephen Kanuki 158 Chai Alex Kazungu 79 Mr Oluoch Clifford chianga 80 Mr Mbuthia Jackson Waititu Dated the 12th December 2020 81 Mr Machana Edwin Mwangi UHURU KENYATTA 82 Mr Kaimndu Lewis Gathua President 83 Mr Nyakeako Jeff Ayako 84 Mr Farah Ahmed Mohamed 85 Mr Kithure Mwingirwa Gazette Notice No 10902 86 Mr Mwangi James Irungu THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA 87 Mr Khaoya Martin Wekesa 88 Mr Chemisto Samuel Kibor THE ELECTIONS ACT 89 Mr Motokaa Esekon Evana (No 24O/2011) 90 Mr Mohammed Kala Mohammed 91 Mr Omusihbwa Makatia Fidel OCCURENCE OF A VACANCY IN KABUCHAI CONSTITUENCY 92 Mr Losute Yusuf Kapoyon PURSUANT to Articles 101 (4) (a) and 103 (1) (a) of the 93 Mr Ndirangu Daniel Kabugi Constitution as read with section 16(3) of the Elections Act 2011 it is 94 Mr Karanja Benard Njogu notified for general information of the public that the seat of the 95 Mr Odede Kennedy Owiti Member of the National Assembly for Kabuchai Constimency elected 96 Mr All Januwalla Behlul Fazal under Article 97 (1)(a) of the Constitution has become vacant with 97 Mr Muba Nicholas Karuku effect from the 4th December 2020 98 Mr Kalae Peter Okumu 99 Mr Sidialo Douglas Isaac Dated the 18th December 2020 100 Mr Nzomo Buziba Victor JUSTIN MUTURl 101 Mr Akach Charles Ndiege Speaker of the National Assembly 102 Mr Njue Robert Mutegi 103 Mr Cege Abbert Thuo 104 Mr Ndegwa Frednck Koigu Gazette NOTICE No 10903 105 Mr Munu Antony Muigai THE COURT OF APPEAL 106 Mr Charo James 107 Mr Karuga Stephen Kang ethe Christmas Recess 2020 108 Mr Mama Michael Kahara PURSUANT to Article 164 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya and 109 Mr Maiyo Nicholas Kibitok section 26 (1) (c) of the Court of Appeal (Organization and 110 Miss Sheilla Koiyet Administration) Act 2015 and Rule 20 of the Court of Appeal Rules 111 Miss Muthaka Virginia Njen 2010 notice is given as follows 112 Miss Sing oet Stella Chelagat 113 Miss Owingo Barbara Aching The Chnstmas 2020 recess shall commence on Monday 21st 114 Miss Were Chnstine Akechi December 2020 and shall terminate on Tuesday 12th January 2021 115 Miss Wangia Evalyn both days inclusive 116 Mr OdidoBille 117 Mr Ombogo Chiysantus Shadrack Dunng the recess the Registry of the Court will be open to the 118 Mr Thethy Inderjit Singh public from 9 00 a m to 12 noon on all week days except public holidays A Judge(s) will be m attendance for the disposal of any 119 Mr Kanukl Isaac Mureithi urgent business 120 Mr Kolani William Kmgi 121 Mr Obwoge Ongeni Lukio Dated the 23rd October 2020 122 Mr Mabuka Paul Wafubwa WILLIAM OUKO 123 Mr Onyancha Samson Nyangaresi President Court ofAppeal 5106 THE KENYA GAZETTE 18th December 2020

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