First Progress Report 2012-2015 Published in November 2015. Every effort was taken to ensure information included in this publication was correct at time of printing. © Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development 2015. All rights reserved. Contact Website: Email:
[email protected] Cover Ms Florence Peter, Women United Together Marshall Islands Executive Committee President. Photo: Emily Miller/Pacific Women Support Unit Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development First Progress Report 2012-2015 Supporting the Pacific Leaders’ Gender Equality Declaration TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORDS 6 INTRODUCTION 8 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE 11 PROGRESS HIGHLIGHTS BY OUTCOME 15 Leadership and Decision Making 15 Economic Empowerment 23 Ending Violence Against Women 29 Enhancing Agency 37 PROGRESS HIGHLIGHTS BY LOCATION 43 Cook Islands 44 Federated States of Micronesia 46 Fiji 48 Kiribati 52 Nauru 55 Niue 57 Palau 59 Papua New Guinea 61 Republic of the Marshall Islands 66 Samoa 68 Solomon Islands 71 Tonga 74 Tuvalu 77 Vanuatu 79 LESSONS LEARNED 82 FINANCIALS 84 LOOKING FORWARD 88 PACIFIC WOMEN PARTNERS 90 KEY FORUMS AND EVENTS 92 ACRONYMS 93 ANNEX A: PACIFIC LEADERS’ GENDER EQUALITY DECLARATION 94 ANNEX B: PACIFIC WOMEN ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 96 ANNEX C: PACIFIC WOMEN ACTIVITIES 97 ENDNOTES 109 FOREWORDs THE HON JULIE BISHOP Australia’s Minister For Foreign Affairs I am pleased to present the first progress report on Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women). Pacific Women is a significant investment by the Australian Government in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Pacific. When meeting with women and women’s groups during visits to the Pacific, I have heard remarkable stories of bravery, determination and strength.