Irrida:,,, N1Arch 13 19S1 The ministers who No OL.;-7. opposed the Pi ice tw cniy pelke THE TI ES Budget, page 14 Mrs Thatcher stands Labour left Pakistan to free 55 tightens prisoners for by her attack grip on city councillors release of hostages phone message after a Cabinet By Ian Bradley By Our Foreign Staff session lasting six hours. Left-wingers consolidated The Pakistani aircraft hijack- On official spokesman said their hold over Manchester City ing apparently ended peace- on Cabinet 'wets' fully in Damascus last night that 49 people out of the 53 Labour Party on Wednesday could he identified. The remain- night after taking decisions with Pakistan agreeing to re- Re Prime Minister miidc no ing six were not in custody and the Budget proposals. In fact, which, according 'to a former lease all 55 political prisoners could not he traced. attempt in Cabinet vesierday to our Political Editor writes, the Lord Mayor of Manchester, will demanded by the three hi- mean that " the hammer and jackers, who agreed to free "They (the six I will he free repudiate the widespread fcchng Budget was not even mentioned at sickle will be flying over the their 102 hostages. tn leave as soon as t hey are chy hall next year". The 11-day ordeal was re. Incated ", be added, 'Elm Paki- F lil I ii he• speech on Wednesday, the Cabinet meeting. No ministers, Mr Frederick Balcomhe, a solved when negotiators in stan Government's offer would ,1.1c had bcen Cabinet Labour councillor in the city Damascus told the three heavily he rescinded automatically if however, are expected to resign for 22 years, said the local armed Pakistani gunmen they any harm was done to the colleities w•oire unhappy with over the issue at this stage. party was now controlled by would meet their demands in passengers, crew or the. aircraft. Trotskyists who would prevent full-only minutes before the Mr Sarfaraz Khan, Pakistan's moderate councillors from hijackers' 4 pm GMT deadline Amhassador to Syria and senior standing again as Labour can- to kill three Americans among negotiator in Damascus, said didates next year. their captives and then blow thr swap of the political Tory petrol price revolt likely The decisions would mean up the aircraft. prisoners and the hostages may that elected councillors would On board the aircraft, the take "a few days" because the By T`led rinerv diture, the less there is for the be controlled by Labour Party relief was obvious. (hie of the imprisoned political activists . ON OTHER PAGES many capital projects which officials. American hostages began play- were spread out all over He intense distaste of many of us would like to em; Lnrd Lever nf Manchester, a ing his guitar and for the first Pakistan. Backbenchers close ranks 2 Labour MP in the city from of her (.'altiner colleagues bark on", she said. time since the aircraft landed Ile said the hijackers had 1945 to 1979, also criticized the 'Ilratcher made Universities' anger 2 What the Chancellor has in on Monday, the cabin lights asked to go ro Libya and his ,otetnin whatever at vester- meeting. lt was the culmina- The men who said no' .14 mind is a new way to involve were switched on. Government had agreed to this. 's 4%11,111,1 MON ing to private capital or a way of tion of a process whereby The crisis " is over ", he said. Leading article 15 The monielit the lights conic the vole,pr,•ad interprecv reconciling public investment Lahour councillors were being " There is no longer any dead. on. Syrian troops who had dug ,peeett ni with the borrowing requirement. subjugated to the dictates of line it is a matter nf time now. themselves into foxholes around c.'.tity hail been attacking move to speak first for the Perhaps he will start with local parties and reduced to the I do not anticipate any diffi- iewe ei• thiim tor their lack of Government in Monday's dos- British Telecom. level of delegates, he said. the aircraft could be 'ward culties at all in the process." cheering. "" over the Budget. ing stage of the Budget debate. Thi. first test of the strength At the meeting Mr Graham The hijackers earlier agreed in fact 1(' tWord about the Once the Opposition chose. of Conservative backbench dis- Stringer, an industrial chemist, The political prisoners the tn extend their deadline to mid- dbout the furore Of Mr , their employ- sent from the Budget will come was reelected as party chair- gunmen wanted released are night GMT opparently to give , tvdtitie and business re- ment spokesman, as their in Monday's . voting on 40 man. Miss. Valerie Stevens be- all believed to have been sup- the negotiatnrs time to ensure t on to tc was mentioned al emaker instead of someone on ntotions implementing the tax came deputy chairman. Mrs porters of Mr Ali Zulfikar the transport of the prisoners; he Chancellor of the industry side, the Govern- increases and changes. Six Winifred Smith, the present Bhutto, the former Prime from Pakistani jails to the Fseheioter regarded the ment had to respond with Mr divisions are expected. One is lord mayor, and Mr Duncan Minister of Pakistan, executed Syrian capital. s heady dealt with. Prior. lie can be counted upon certain to be on the new petrol Healey were replaced as secre- in April, 1979. Syrian officials said fhat the the Commons also, the to unleash his frustrations on tax which, as tabled, can be tary and treasurer respectively The hijackers and negotiators eetension was also requested by P! Nlinkter did not put her- the Opposition. voted up or down. by Mr Roger Done, a teacher, appeared to conclude the deal the Pakistani authoHties to old to take up an invita- It berante clear last night Last night, Mr Eldon Grif- and Mrs Frances Done, regional with a conversatioe at 4.31 pm establish the identity of six poli- !ion bv Foot, that Cabinet members had pro- fiths, Conservative MP for Bury finance officer of the Housing when the negotiators asked tical prisoners on the hijackers' Leddet i he Opposdion, to re- tested to the Prime Minister on St Edmunds, said he could not Corporation. them : "Give us in writing the list. pudiate suggestions in many Tuesday that never again support the full 20p increase, The remaining moderates on way to implement this agree- The green and white Boeing emu H of hor speech that should they be put in the posi- hut he would be satisfied on the executive were replaced by ment." 720 Pakistan International Air. she wes tterting at laint-bearis tion of hearing about such a Monday with an assurance that left wingers, including members " OK ", the hijackers' leacher litter was commandeered &ring lior Cabinet. fierce Budget virtually without the Government will think of the Militant Tendency. said calmly in English. "But a domestic flight on March 2 " op tuy time lighting warning. again. Thereafter he would seek Mrs 1)one said that neither give us half an hour." and taken to Kabul where it the oniuts'iiim ", I0 said, hay- It has been put to her by an amendment in the Finance she nor the others were Mili- The Syrian negotiator re- steed for eight days. After ed I 0 to earlier, senior colleagues that a full Bill debate to halve the in- tant Tendency members. plied : " OK ", and the gunman negotiatines broke down the queNtion about faint- Cabinet meeting to discuss crease. Last month the city Labour said : "Thank you for all your hijackers shot and killed a bcatt, "I Was thinking of economic policy before the The following Scottish Con- Party decided to recommend help and cooperation ". . Pakistani diplomat and threw his body out throngh the rear the right lionourable gentlemen Budget, in January, must be a servative MPs met the Chan- changes in its constitution President Zia ul-Haq's deci- doer of the aircraft. opitic,;tc." more rational way of conduct- cellor yesterday to press for a w:hich would enable it to con- sion was conveyed to President l..;itifr, flu antitor !tat ive guar- ing husiness. reduction of the petrol tax trol at an earlier stage Hefei Assad of Syria in a tele- Opponents jailed, page 7 in Whitehall. the press was The Prime Minister's res- increase : who could stand as Labour ‘0,-.ratidated for having got ponse is seen as uncertain. Some Mr Michael Ancram, Edin- councillors and determine who c;i.ovlbc...; ministers believe she might burgh, South ; Mr Peter Fraser, should be leader and deputy Th: ;In Unprecedented poli- agree. Others 'remember t hat Angus, South ; Mr Barry Hen- leader of the Labour group and HI situation. No ministers are she scorned such an idea when derson, Fife, East ; Mr Ian chairman and vice-chairman of Forte group in £56m t is,ign at llus stage it was put to her last month. Lang, Galloway ; Mr Albert council committees. lic,r.nise to go would hardly She is left with a Cabinet in McQuarrie, Aberdeenshire, It has also recommended that hriti7, about the policy change far worse disunity than it was ; East ; Mr John Mackay, Argyll ; all those standing as Labour t bey dr-,ire. Pot i-ome resigna- aud it never was a united Mr David Myles, Banff ; Mr councillors should make a bid for Savoy Hotel tion; are clearb., not rtded out Cabinet. Alex Pollock, Moray and Nairn ; declaration binding themselves for lat et this year if by the The only sign of possible Mr lain Sproat, Aberdeen, to abide by policy decided by By Andrew Goodrick-Clarke 'MP' already has orte advart- !,:ntroner there ILI!. not been a "give" in the tough posture South ; Mr Allan Stewart, Reit- the city party rather than by and Philip Robinson rage. Yesterday the Kuwait !nodifi ai ow of the hard-lion adopted by Sir , frewshire, East ; and Mr Wil- the Labour group on the A battle for control of the nvestment Of fice, whir ft omilvde the Chancellor, is that the Gov- liam Walker, Perth and East council. Savoy Hotel group broke out handles the overseas investrormt \Vhde Cour,ervatiye hark- ernment is searching more Perthshire. Those recommendations are yesterday when Sir Charles portfolin cif the Kuwaiti Govern- being considered by the Forte's Trusthouse Forte hotel hoHu angt,•i- tontinnes Ill urgently I han it was for some Mr MacOuarrie is expected Photograph by ment, said it would accept the btottrn, p;i1 tico!,ott, ahow. the capital investment projects to to vote against the motion pro- National Executive Committee and catering company launched 111E offer in respect of He? 31 rui a increase in the support. The problem is that posing the petrol increases, Out of the black ; Miss Ann urned a Tax Commissioners' of the Labour Party. f58nt takeover bid. per cern shike it holds in Seem; e f 1,01 ncice OVCA vithmlii there its absoltuist commitment to its with at least seven of the Mallalieu, aged 3S, the decision that they had a Mr Balcontbe said the recom- Over the past 30 years Savoy, " A " capital. founded by the D'Oyly Carte tiv miiiiit to Mom 1 (lift'''. 0 '1 others abstaining. barrister who claimed tax dual purpose and there- mendations would break down Sir Charles, who hea,,, lii 11010, !he main Cabinet permit the outright use of The all-party TiCasery selt any rules of seniority. " They family 100 years ago, has fought business: career with a intik hae relief on her sombre working fore their OW did not toomberiii that firing line r govern:In:Olt funds, committee of MPs, chaired by will get rid of old wood, off Many potential bidders and in London's Weqt F,ed„ clothes, after winning her et.e ‘11. ,forruc": Prior, SeCi None the less, in the Com- Mr Edward du Cann, is in call qualify for relief. But he whether it is dead or alive. it will try to fight off the THE ted his erins to Sir Hugh at case yesterday. Mr juitice 01 for Employment. mons yesterday the Prime Treasury officials before it warned other barristers not What worries me is that the offer. Last night Sir Hugh 11..10 ant yesterday. by colleagues to he Minister hinted that that was next week and question them Slade in the High Court to read too much into his council is going to be run by Wontner, Savoy's chairman, dis- It had lieen widely r ypected imete.ed Cue Budget's where her inclination lay. "I on the arithmetic and philo- accepted her claim that she decision. (Report, page 4 ; a band of fanatics who are not missed Tiff's bid as "wholly in the City that Arah interests rabtent too of theless be has cannot stress too much that tbe sophy behind the Budget (our never wore her court clothes Law Report, page 13, Lead- socialists." unwelcome and totally unaccep- who bought a largo part of that table". lat en I of cd bt, a n Opposition ITIOre we raise current expen- Economics Editor writes). in private life. Ike over- ing article, page 15). Senior Labour councillors stake from Rothschild lnyet- • fear that they will not be put One possibility is that the mem Trust and Brills!, and on the so-called municipal panel bid will he referred to the Commonwealth Shipping last in the autumn. Only those on Monopolies Commission. THE year, would themselves bid, the panel can stand for the owns a number of London fnllowing the example of Arah oreigners to pay forCustoms staff to beginDeaths start council in May, 1982. hotels, including the Hyde Park interests in buyiee the Dor- Some councillors have already and Grosvenor House, in a chester 11 te had their names removed from 70,000-bedroom international THE' is offering 84 of its nem legion the panel. Mr talcombe was hotel chain. The Savoy Group shares nr Elba cash for every hospital treatment taken off in 1978, after he had owns not only the Savoy Hotel disrupting airports 100 Savoy " A " shares and been reelected to the council. just off the Strand but also the five of its own shares 'or 19,75 has with the EEC and 14 other By Donald Macintyre suspension of lour young cleft hi•;.h disease alert " They were banking on the Connaught, Claridge's and the for each Savoy "B" share. countries, Labour Reporter cal assistants. IfIley had By a Staff Reporter fact that there would be a muni- Berkeley hotels in the capital. In the stock market, the Mr jenkin told the House Passengers at Heathrow and refused to handle forms in the cipal election in 1979 and they al v.. 'riot to Britain are Tests are being made after For the moment, THE is con- " A " shares jumped 37p to that there had been a power at airports in Scotland face Port of I-IvcrPool, could get me off the council to Ito chat t2t 11 I or hospital treat- the deaths of three Britons centrating on winning control 166p, topping the Forte offer. to charge visitors from overseas what the Civil Service uoions then, but of course there was ink, Sint C Their union, the Civil and while on recent viSits to Spain. in the face of a complicated The ninvemerit sparked specu- since 1949. In bringing that claim will he " massive disrup- not ", he said. I ion :I Health ltt-rttice. Public Services Association, The Department of Health said voting structure at the Savoy lation of a higher offer in a power into force, this colt ntry tion" this weekend because of There has been a growing H1 1, nto being ill l948. sidestepped the suspensions by last night Eliot it was " highly which enables the board and its counter bid which could be was doing no more than the industrial action by 1,000 cus- rift between the city party and Seerelary of bringing them nut on official likely " that legionnaires' supporters, including the courted by Sir Hugh. Va St majority cif other countries toms and immigration staff. the Labour councillors. The i SOCiiii ServiceS, strike shortly before the notices disease was the cause. D'Oyly Carte family, to hold Financial Editor, page 23 1/0 diitinklitCciiient.ill had always done. Regulations In a programme of action de- were due to take effect, party's annual report, presented effective control. Sir Charles at Savoy, page 2,3 signed to cause increasing de- Dr .Christopher Bartlett, an at Wednesday's meeting, notes I In, Coininow, yw.,lerday on to enable the charges to be Customs and Excise manage- lays, customs staff began a work expert on the disease at the that the past year has been third day of the debate made will be brought before Mein last night declined to with- to rule at midnight last night Communicable Diseases Centre characterized by a dispute with on tbe Budget, told Mits the House later in the year draw the threat of suspension which will mean painstaking in north London, was• conduct- the group. iii tlte ults c !largos were ex- with the aim that they should by a union-imposed deadline of checks of baggage. ing an investgiation. The report goes on: "It is year ed I it lur i ii WOOL 1.7,111 he brought into force on 6 pm, Further disruption is unfortunate that the Labour ii 5 IO Ii woold go towards October I. Home Office immigration likely today in Liverpool. A Spanish news agency group has decided on the role ;11, ls.;IP-t. The main Mr Jenkin pointed out that staff will reduce staffing to quoted by AP said that the ANIMAL of Frankenstein's monster. f in e OHM S Win collie that would coincide with the skeleton levels this morning. tourists had been staying in the coYesterday'sincided with walk a rally out, attended which Having been created by the ch fgr end of the 1981 tourist season The Council of Civil Service by 3,000 civil servants at Liver- Tropicana Garden Hotel in Labour Party, it has devoted tybii II in OM ily cases and his announcement should Unions said yesterday that pool's Pier Head, was mainly Beniclorm, but an hotel official much of its time to attacking ludo fees. give sufficient notice for the customs officers at the affected confined to staff in Customs and denied that any English guests EXPERIMENTS had been taken ill or died the Labour Party. There is no The-, r.inee LW', a day travel industry to warn people airports would " be strictly Excise, Inland Revenue, and the there. doubt dtat in the medium to ioi 1 i Ii 0 Htont I t ii hotTital visiting this countrs enforcing customs law and Department of Employment. long term the Labour group Loolon I 11.-: a (LIN regulations ". The immigration Lightning disruption today in One of the victims had been Mr ,fenkin reminded the will do a great amount of Pt a London to:with-1g hospital. Heat& that the present position staff action would " have the the region is expected to involve flown back• to Manchester, the CANNOT BE damage." heiv us I iko he a wds that people who came to greatest impact on departing Department of Dealt h and department said. It was thought There are 99 seats nn Man- passengers". l:;ocial Security employees. that one body was still in Spain for sod] things as X- this country to receive treat- chester City Council of which and the whereabouts of the e ',anti!) ment for an existing condition The unions said that about 'fbe action hy customs and third was not known. 64 are held hy Labour. Mr Bal- The Will lake Into were regarded as private 8,000 civil servants in Liverpool. immigration stall: is due to end REGULATED combe says that between 25 A fourth Briton was said to own I Ii Val Cti patients and charged accord- Runcorn, and Bootle had mclinieht on -Sunday. and 3() of the Labour members Consideration is now being given in Parliament to amending harges for ingly. walked out on a half-day strike lrish anger, and strike pay he receiving treatment in a are moderates and that all of the law governing animal experimentation in the UK. medical set viccs Hot Britain Parliamentary report, page 10 I in protest at the threatened collection, page 2 Benidorm clinic. Continued on page 2, col 3 The present law, the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876, allows an unlimited number of animals to be used in pain- ress neer ful experiments, and over 41 million animals suffer in Leader page, 15 British laboratories each year. Police sergeant dies Tories cut 40 staft Letters : On the Budget, from Mr Edward files Plot alleged Freivin, and others ; Ulster, from Mr The National Anti-Vivisection Society believes thatvivi- Frank Millar ; plutonium risks, from section must be totally prohibited and, pending its final in stabbing at Central Office Professor Robert flinde, FRS abolition, the NAVS calls for at7,ed against Police Sergeant Michael Haweroft, aged The 'fury party budget has been cut by Leading articles : The Budget ; Iran ; What woman barristers wear 31, married with a son aged II months, Lim and 40 Central Office staff are to ROYAL COMMISSION Lord Baroet,bn, iliairmm of Features, pages 8, 14 was stabbed to death iii Bradford. lose their nibs. Saatchi and Saatchi I n ed NewH-i,1 per -. which pith. Martin Ruckert's, on the Arts Council The appointment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry tHo ,;(1 daily and Iran President Inspect nr James Newsham, aged 46, will no longer produce rhe television under fire ; Michael Binyon's Moscow party !simulcasts and will be reduced before new legislation is attempted. elsls dicd in hos :\ gi elle of Iranian mrs bare alleged who suffered four stab wounds iii he Diary peal , I hat NI uslirn 1uudutiictutalists are a cm, yea., said in he comfortabIein Constill uti ve status Page 2 Arts, page 9 ALTERNATIVES He wa,,a (low Han I iglu! v in plotting to force the I esignatirm of Bradford Royal Infirmary, Twn youths 9 , David Robinson on Coal Miner's Daughter The re-allocation of Government research funds aw were being interviewed Page 2 and other new films in London ; opera Thi' ilidli‘,11•V ill the President Ball i-Saclr and ride through „ iaxman s victory reviews by John Higgins (La (Davi a tO in from animal experimentation to alternativeethically 19(10, ;tot{ Ih1tt, having been Ole Provisional Council which would The -Inland Revenue WOn a notable Glasgow) and William Mann (Die Frau ol Reale, ta, the h.:golly replace him. The 14 deputies acceptable methods of research. More oil licences viitery in the House of Lords which ohne Schatten) Irving Wardle on The rhe fel by 'air Mehdi llazargan, a former will substantially help it to clamp,down NO NEW LICENCES TO VIVISECT A furl her .17 drilling licences have been Golden Age at Creenwich Prime Minister, said [ran was facing all nu tax avoidance. The Case, covering I lilt IiiCtoI((, who last awarded for the exploration of Britain's Sport, pages 12, 11 An immediate ban on the issue of licences to any new " imminent catastrophe" and con- list-) tax appeals, is described as one of mulct vst maior livatt offshore nil resources, Mr Hamish Football Liverpoce line up Craig John. aw l a pi , Adel:Vd it their duty to warn lw the mist important since the war applicants not previously licensed. Gray, the Minister for Energy, ston ; Welsh World Cup party ; Athletics : 001•1 who ,..”11g1-11 t he I I'm" ii Peon le Page 6 Pages 13, 21 AAA reopen delmte on professionalism ; nIl i I announced. He said hudget increases Plisi F I I iiinorirty uI the Golf : Barnes leads in Kenyan Open : Table in Petroleum ReVenne Tax would not Ulster jail protest : Another IRA tennis : England lost 4-3 to Hungary in reduce exploration Page 21 prisoner at the MO/e to join hunger the European league "II the ""‘i Polish strike threat rike tomorrow 2 Obituary, page 16 """ (he ti"" Delegates of the Solidarity trade union hair(tao itt th,mu-, Television) Managua : All adult Nicaraguans are Lord Barnetson, Mr Gordon Green, Mr to the pohish city of Radon, called a ,11111 ti indo Four Test changes in military training but a total breach Gildesgame wolloor warning strike for next Business News, pages 20.26 He Madi III imineme conto Wednesday and threatened a generdl England make four changes in the teem with Washington is not seen as in- Stock Markets Equities staged a strong louirot for the second Test against the 1Vest evitahle 6 Ocedum atoll .arike throughout the region hoer this recovery while in gilts the Government Indies at Bridget(twn, Barbados start- bidard, In akin.; a leadim: month unless the authorities negotiate Brussels : France failed to meet an broker encountered strong demand for the A MIMI MIN Mil 1 iI itt n1111011)0-, national and „„ A list of atm," to ing today. Jackman (for Old), Gutting FIT deadline to explain its illegal aid new " tap ". The FT Index rose 11.0 to t for Rose a Butcher trot Miller> and To: The National Anti-Vivisection Society Limited H,L.'711,1 1.11, I 01 is being drawn tip Page 7 to farmers • 7 481.0 Ile !Red di Crowborough, Bairstew (for Downtont. Butcher is Financial Editor : Oils in a new climate 51 Harley Street, London, WI the first West Indian-horn player tre. Anglo-Italian Trade : A Special Report M Lust Sussex gustiness features ; Andrew Coodrick- I enclosea donation to help towards I I represent England Page 12 on tile effects tI recession 17-19 Clarke on the Trusthouse Forte bid for Obituary, page 16 publicising the cruelties ol vivisection and to press I lain blacklist threat Classified advert isements : Personal, ate Savor ;troop t David flewson looks at the ronlanthi magazine market ; Kenneth NM Government to enact meaningful reforms. alt , the antrapartheid cam- pages I I, 28 ; Appointments, 11; Car Owen on government-hacked new tech- paigner, said that many British sports- Sunday show pact buyers' guide, II nology ; Ross Daries's Business Diary, I Name (Mr/Mrs 'Miss) men )sho had links with South Africa St temporary agreement between the Royal holiday \voidsl stem find Themselves on a black- Home NCI) s 2, 4. 6 Crossword 28 motoring It sport 12, 13 act:Ors' union and the prodocers ui th:erseas News 644 Address ho P on,. Nliill,101 allrionn ;1st being considered by a 1:11ii,d That's Shimehi: at the Phoenix. Theatre, Diary 14 Obituary 16 , -1"1, & Radio 27 Block espitals please A !wenn wins i in a eoininoo, wi rooly N•it 15 snet ial u oninuittee. 'rhe names Fngagements It Parliament in Theatres, etc 27 in I on dout t u I I allow Sunday pei- kits 9 Features A, 14 Sale Room 1•1(' oddilIV, et li other linitotis were already on 16 25 Years Ago 16 Ii formances until the end nf the month Itusinesi 20-26 Law Report 13 science 01 the 'Pt 'rot c tl Wales and 16 . Weather 2 the lie Page 4 hut the show is still in iennardv Page 2 Court 16 Letters 15, 22 Snow reports 12 Wills 16 a,k Muhl •,pirvii.rI, I, II 11,.• tht oughout the NATIONAL ANTITIVISECTION SOCIETYJ II United K;1 inI

14 THE TIMES FRIDAY MARCH 13 1981 Geoffrey Smith A free press, Insidethe Cabinet: well worth the high cost Bernard Levin's hit of fun at scoundrels and honest men, to the menwho the irresponsible as well as the the expense of the (ampaign for Press Freedom (March 3) responsible, to those who want was predictable, but at least It to use it for had ends, no less gave the subject an airing. than to those who want to use Much of what he had to say it for good". said No was a distortion of the cam- tie put the matter rather paign's position, however,. par- well, but he wits describing a ticularly on the crucial issue desirable objective rather than of state control and inter- the present reality, Press free- ference. Happily, one of the dom actually comes expensive. campaign's objectives is to per. The last Royal Commission to the Budget estimated that it would cost suede editors that individuals Chief Secretary to the Treasury There will even, it is sug. and groups who have been mis- between f2m and Brn to estab- 'Never judge a Budget on lish a local evening paper in a 'Budget Day", lain MacLeod it would not be appropriate for gested, be another public- represented in the press expenditure cutting exercise in should lie given the oppor- town where no competition used to say. Sir Geoffrey Howe him to contribute to the discus- existed. That version of press must be wishing that a few sion. Mr was the hope of securing the kind tunity to reply. This is just more people followed that prin- also silent, and Mr Michael of reductions that could not be such a case. freedom is hardly open to the ciple, including his own col- Heseltine was away with 'flu. agreed last autumn. Straight on To get the record straight— ordinary citizen, scroundrel or regardless, is the signal—or so which is difficult, given Mr not. leagues. The critics were therefore in He or she has to rely these When he presented the a minority in Cabinet, but they it seems. Levin's literary arabesques— But it is hard to believe that the CPF issued a statement days on the very rich to pro- Budget to the Cabinet on Tues- were a strong and influential vide a semblance—and some day morning three members— minority. Their response was things will work out like that. The three who made plain their opposition to the Budget : Peter calling for two things; first, In the first place, another that Lonrho's takeover of The of the functions--of a free and Mr , Mr Peter Walker also broadly in accord with what Walker, Sir Ian Gilmour and Jim Prior . . others were als o uneasy. healthy press. Those are, we and Sir lam Gilmour--made is now prevailing reaction on public-expenditure cutting exer- Ombosneorpvoeserlibe referred to the their opposition plain. Three cise on the same scale as last and Mergers suppose, to act as a watchdog the backbenches. One or two year's is no more than a gleam instance they would be there but it has disadvantages for a selves especially worried by the Commission, and second, that a on behalf of the citizen on others--Mr , Lord Conservative MPs, such as Mr Prime Minister or Chancellor strength in the polls and pos- Carrinmon and Lord Soames— in the eye of the Treasury. to fight their corner when the supervisory board of public other centres of power in our Peter Tapsell and Sir Timothy There has been no discussion of decision is made. Not so in the wishing to push through un- sibly at by-elections of either trustees be appointed by Par- society, to provide a platform were clearly uneasy. Mr Mark Kitson, have publicly attacked Carlisle :Ind Mr George this in Cabinet. first. palatable measures. If even a the Social Democrats or a re- liament to take overall respon- for a variety of views (some of the Budget. The majority are Non-Treasury ministers have This explains why Mrs minority of heavyweights are vived Labour Party. It will be sibility for the paper. them perhaps unpopular) and 'Younger, the Secretary of State simply bewildered and uneasy. for Scotland, expressed their been somewhat puzzled by press Thatcher has been able to get hostile to particular proposals, one or the other : only if Labour to be a source of entertain- They will give the Whips some die pressure for compromise looks more attractive than it For exactly the same reasons reservations in a more minor reports and radio interviews her way over the Budget when that we sought to have the ment and information. anxious moments during the referring to such an exercise. she failed to do so over the becomes very considerable. does now are the Social Demo- The difficulty is that the key and Mr Nicholas Edwards, progress of the Finance Bill, but Treasury ministers were not recent sale of Times News- the Secretary of State for Nobody has told them. spending cuts last November. crats likely to have run out of papers sent to the Monopolies press has become one of those Wales, did not seem to be they are not likely to destroy This does not rule out the Mr Prior's proposal some able to get anything like the steam by then. " centres of power ". Seven Sir Geoffrey's Budget strategy. size of cuts they sought last Commission, we felt that a entirely happy. possibility that the Treasury months ago that the whole In such conditions it is much journal of The Observer's dis- multinational companies pre- It is true that the Budget had The critical vote will be on will try something of this sort. Cabinet should discuss the November, and there is no rea- more probable that the Govern- sently control British news- the petrol tax increase. The son they should find it easier to tinction should not change its warm supporters, Mr David There will certainly be the Budget strategy well in advance ment will be looking for mea- hands without there being papers and magazines with a Howell described it as the Chancellor may be f,orced to usual operation, which will was firmly rejected. Most of secure economies on an ambi- sures of relief rather than combined circulation of over 50 tious scale next time. some degree of public scrutiny. bravest and most courageous accept some compromise on that begin once the Finance Bill is the Cabinet had the Budget means of turning the screw a The appropriate legislation is million copies. Worse, three Budget in his experience. Mr because opposition stretches out of the way in the summer, presented to them for the first The political circumstances bit tighter. The next election meaningless otherwise. publishing giants control 74 impressed his col- from left to right within the to keep public spending in the time on Tuesday morning. It are likely to be even more un- will be starting to cast its per cent of all the daily party, depending on what kind next financial year under was obviously too late for them favourable. The Conservativee shadow. Either the Govern- The CPF was keeping good national newspapers sold, and leagues as being somewhat company on this, for The Times hardline in backing it. Mr John of constituency a member rep- reasonable control. to do more titan express their are expected to do badly in the ment's economic policy will be on Sundays the figure rises to feelings. local elections in May, which seen to be working, which will itself said in a leading article Biffen and Sir Kenh Joseph resents. But whatever Treasury minis- on November 18, 1976, that 89 per cent. And, if that is not both spoke in its defence and It is the political context in ters might want, the political Whatever may be thought of will not encourage them to take be thought te justify some worrying enough, these huge still more unpopular action. By " any prospective purchaser of Mr and Mr which the Budget is set that conditions are unlikely to be the contents of this or any relaxation ; or there will be no Tlw Observer shohtu l de concentrations of power are in. Norman Fowler were also in gives force to lain Macleod's favourable for anything more other Budget, such a process mid-summer the atmosphere at sign that it is working, which creasingly becoming the subsi. favour. Mr Whitelaw appeared dictum. This Budget may in- ambitious. for approving it makes non- Westminster often tends to be- will be thought to require some expect submit to diaries of even more enormous to waver at first but then came deed be regarded in a rather There is a critical distinction sense of the doctrine of collec- come rather fraught as mem. relaxation. Perhaps interest most formal examination pos. conglomerates. down firmly on thc side of the different light in a few months' between imposing a more tive Cabinet responsibility. It bers long to escape from their rates might come down a bit sible. The Monopolies Commis. Mr Levin ridicules the CP' Bucl:ieta time. It is seen now, by sup- severe Budget than a number is very different from the pro- stuffy confines after a tiring more, or the national-insurance sion provides it ". If The Times by calling up the spectre of As the elder statesman of the porters and critics alike, as of Cabinet members would like cedure for deciding spending session. surcharge might be reduced. was right in its judgment state control. We were careful Cabinet, Lord Heilsham con- evidence of the Government's and insisting upon more exten- cuts, which are considered by That i s always the time of In any event, this Budget is then—and we think it was— to call for parliamentary in- trotr hing7elf with calling for unwavering purpose. The sive cuts than some would the whole Cabinet without a year when a government is most likely to be seen in due course the same arguments still hold volvement—which he manages loviy tn the Ch,uccilor. Mr squeeze will be maintained happily accept. The critics similar deadline. exposed to rebellion in Parlia- as the high peak of austerity good in Lonrho's case. to translate into government Lsee presitinably felt until the economy revives of its might be broadly the same in .Aa a system of government ment. This year the Conserva- not as the harbinger of more The present system, intended supervision. In doing so he that as tile recrntly appointed own accord, both cases. But in the second this is much to be preferred, tives are likely to find them- austerity to come, to safeguard the public in- implicitly impugns Parliament terest, is plainly not working. which is, after all, sovereign '...L.lara4kgNMUMMW. The last Royal Commission on under . the Press proposed that more The example we have of cases should go to the Monop- broadcasting in this country olies Commission and that it scarcely justifies Mr Levin's should have stronger terms of apocalyptic vision of state con- A state of siege at 105 Piccadilly reference. For some reason trol of the press were Parlia- this advice has been ignored. ment to appoint trustees to The horse manure featured in tion, believing the council worry large numbers of people are under siege, and simply to All of this must be of run newspapers as we stir- the Arts Council's exhibition at blundered badly in its handling unnecessarily. hit back rather than consider genuine concern to those who gested. After all, the same sort the Serpentine Gallery bears of the cuts, and that such mis- Much has been made of the how much a rebuke may be care for press freedom, and of people who are currently some resemblance to the criti- takes are only one example of precipitousness of the cuts but justified. yet Mr Levin (who has not sitting on the BBC's board of cism descending on the heads the siege mentality which some- Sir Roy argues, with some jus- A further source of trouble times seems to reign at the cornered the "concern" mar- governors, or the IBA board, cf the council: it is perfectly tification, that it could not act may also be psychological. In ket in spite of the impression could just as well be exercis- natmed but also naturally council's Piccadilly head- until it knew the size of the the last few years the council that he likes to give) made no ing the same sort of responsi- unpleasant. quarters. government grant and needed has increasingly complained of then to give notice as fast as mention of the campaign's bilities at The Observer. The council is hardly unused It was possible to predict last the impossibility of maintaining position on this matter. In this context, too, it is to being a whipping boy: it is year that a furore would result possible to those who were to all the activities of its clients at if the council tank its courage be cut off, and to those who a time of government cutbacks ; Instead, he invoked in his worth noting the American regobarly pilloried for the, experience. By general agree- vagaries of ifs artistic clients in its hands and finally decided R(Y were to receive more, so they there is talk of the good old polemic against the CPF a --be it manure in the name of to end grants to some of its HOW5KFE.15 would have the maximum time days when the council was con- superficially attractive image of ment they have a greatly in- less-deserving clients, rather ARI . to plan for the new financial free speech and press freedom. ferior broadcasting system to art or political plays lambasting tinually growing. Yet until the the one we enjoy in Britain, the party in power—and any than just continuing to eke out year. current financial year the Like all images, however, it the decreased sums among all Whether the council was was a distortion of reality—an which may have something te body surrounded by organiza- council's budget was, in real 'do with the weakness of the tions which continually ask, like the needy companies, bleeding right or wrong in individual terms, always expanding. illusion. Like Mr Levin, we them all. Those cut off without cuts remains to a large extent can support the concept of Federal Communications Oliver, for more, cannot be sur- The council felt the pressure Commiseion compared to our prised at being cast in the role a penny will be more virulent a matter of personal view. of the demands from its in- freedom " equally available to critics than organizations which But there does seem reason awn IRA. If parliamentare of Scro(,ge. creasing number of clients, and involvement in British Broad. Ncyta theless its decision on simply feel their grants are to doubt the council's wisdom the need to meet these de- insufficient. in casting adrift such important casting through the IBA end the Dem:twirl: 1) to withdraw mands, but sometimes seemed governors of the BBC has had a grants frem 41 arts organiza- But the council's refusal to organizations as the National almost to forget the great ex- specify the individual reasons Vole a Orchestra and the Gwen, Prime minister, at generally geed effect on this tions, and redistribute the pansion over the last few years area of communications, why money to 411 others, Iris pro- for cutting each company, its National Youth Theatre, essen- in spending on such areas as failure to provide opportunities least you'Ve unit,e1 the does the same prospect for duced on outcry rare even in tially because they are con- dance, touring and the com- newspapers give Mr Levin bad the council's 3.6-year history-- for the grasps to argue their sidered "anomalies", being munity arts. whole countrye,„ cases and the lack of any appeal composed of amateures rather dreams ? with rho former minister for Aggressive responses to He asserts that the parallel the urts, Mr Norman St John- procedure, are regarded by than professional performers. criticism have not resolved the many concerned with the arts with broadcasting is not applic- Stevas, leading an attack on Disquiet about the council ex- council's difficulties, nor are able because the press does star-chamber rwtics and a plea as distinctly high-handed. tends beyond the issue of the palliatives aimed at improving cuts : there is a widespread not aim at impartiality. But to pieserze the National Youth The council has subsequently its image, such as the appoint- what we are proposing is not a Brass Band. agreed to tell any cotnpany that feeling that the council is too ment of a new public affairs unwilling to accept criticism, single form of public interven- The immediate uproar must asks the reason it has lost its Actors from the National Youth Theatre protest over arts cuts. officer, likely to do much good. tion, creating a notionally hare bcen expected; if au grant, but it still maintains it too determined to ensure that Sir Roy did admit that the balanced and uniform press, artistic company faces dissolu- is impossible to consider it is given credit for its good cuts had not been handled per- but rather a range of schemes tien as a result of losing its appeals, Sir Roy Shaw, the council's minable and fruitless discus. works. Even its former chair- fectly, even if he was loath to man, Lord Goodman, upbraided to bring about more diverse grant, it will fight back with Mr St John-Stevas made secretary-general, said it knew sion—a view which appears to concede any individual point, ownership and a greater vari- every weapon it has. some telling points last Sunday from long experience that ignore the need for justice to the council for the fuss it was and he thought the council creating about proper acknow- ety of views. Is that un- There are those, however, when he questioned the lack.of explanations for the with- be seen to be done and not be might learn to do it better next healthy ? with less of a vested interest, justice in the council's drawal of grants were never simply a matter of pronoutce. ledgement of its subsidies, in time. And, given government who have joined the condemna- approach. accepted, and only led to inter. ments emerging from behind comparison to the publicity policy on restraining public ex- closed doors. given by companies to private penditure, there almost cer- Jacob Ecclestone sponsors. tainly will be more " pruning " Chairman, Campaign for He felt it would have been Part of the reason may be next year. Press Freedom wrong to warn all the corn- traced to the personality of Sir If the council does not learn, panies under review before Roy Shaw. His attitude is that and proves incapable of heed- December that they might lose if the council is attacked, it ing justified criticism, then it JamesCurran their grants. The council could should defend itself. runs the risk of losing its many Academic consultant to the not make its decisions until it It might not be fair to say friends—and playing into the Royal Commission on the urturnover less knew the size of the govern- paranoia rules at 105 Piccadilly, hands of those who want the Press, 1974-77, and senior lec- ment's grant-in-aid to the but, given the endless criticism, Arts Council dismembered. turer in the School of Com- council and he thought it it is easy for both the council munications at the Polytechnic would have been wrong to end officials to feel as if they MartinHuckerby an£15,000 a year. of Central London. if so,youmay apply to haw MOSCOWDIARY It began well : the factory man- tive films with a touch of social- ment . . .". To be fair there for almost the first time in a There are three television yourVAT registration cancelled. ager working late in his office, ism realism—that is, realism were words of praise for the generation. the stranger briefly flipping his channels in Moscow. In other about life under socialism—are British champions, More recently just before the republics at least one channel pass at the old man on the gate, rather new here, and are the cleaning woman screaming But like the early BBC, Soviet party congress we have had the broadcasts in the local lan- From11 March 1981 the VAT registration turn- immensely popular. Previously television tends to broadcast heroic peacetime exploits of guage. In Estonia they can re- as she finds the manager crime stories had to be set what its bosses deem to he slumped over his desk, a bullet Leonid Brezhnev, a lavish docu- ceive Finnish television, with overlimits 8re raisedto £15,000a yearor £5,000 either in improbably depicted edifying and worthy (as well as mentary serial based on his a slight modification to the through his head. Then cut to capitalist countries or in the in anyone quarter.The new limits apply to film of a black police car, siren politically instructive). That autobiographical account of set, and everyone watches that. turbulent days of revolution and means the occasional excellent ploughing up the virgin lands. I was rather taken attack when everyonewho is requiredto beregistered on or after sounding, speeding along the civil war, lest they be thought programmes of ballet, opera, an Intourist guide remarked dual carriageway towards the to glorify crime. Mr Breahnev himself has orchestral music and poetry several times said television casually: " We do so like the 11March 1981. factory as the titles come up on Ideologues complain from readings. Yevgeny Yevtushenko Onedin Line." _the screen : " Terror ", a new was too dull, and, unlike time to time that nowadays and Andrei Voznesensky can Yevtushenko, his words were Though television is of television film. It was certainly there are too many pelice films a change from the usual fare, still command an hour or more taken to heart. Brightening course state ru it, it does have Howto applyfor de-registration. and not enough party and of prime time reading their things up, therefore, we have advertisements but these are so I sat down and watched. atheistic propaganda on tele- occasionally in The plot quickly thickened poetry, had programmes amusingly shown only If yourestimated turnover (includingVAD willbe vision. Most people think there There was a bit of a row a familiar to British television blocks of about half an hour. as detectives began questioning is too much already. "I always They depict all the latest and the deputy manager, the ex- year ago when the director- watchers: a soap-opera series £14,000or lessin theyear beginning 1June 1981 know when the evening news general of Soviet television with a title not unlike Cross- smartest consumer goods, and wife, the main engineer and so comes on", one woman told me, there is a strong element of youmay apply nowfor de-registrationfrom on. There were some nice took offence at Yevtushenko's roads, a quiz programme where " as all the toilets in our block remark that much of the stuff experts are handed extra- raising consumer consciousness touches : the ubiquitous por- start flushing, doors bang and you are sold 1June1981.1fat any time you have been registered traits of Lenin in the police on television was rubbish, and ordinary objects which they (what to do if people move about." abruptly cancelled his perform- have to identify and pontifi- defective shoes, for instance) as has station, the bumbling old door- Television as a mass enter- well as boasting what the state for 2 yearsand your turnover (includingVAT) man who could not remember ance, but it was patched up cate on. tainer is fairly new in this But high culture has to make can do. The effect, however, notexceeded £15,000 in eachof those2 years,and the stranger's name, the tarty country, and nowadays you hear Nature programmes are out- is completely counter-produc- ex-wife in her stylish flat play- at least token obeisance to that standing, arguments that have a familiar of the constituent republics, so tive. General reaction is either is unlikelyto exceedthat level in theyearthen ing the latest French pop rec. ring : television is spoiling There are some pearls that " I'll believe it when 1 see it ords, the wily peasant making we get a great deal of folk seem uniquely Russiart—early beginni ng, you may apply for de-registrationafter family life, keeping children up troupes, national dancing and in the shops", ut " It can't be a few quick roubles by illegally morning exercises with t he worth buying if they need to setting up in private enterprise too late, not giving people what local choirs. piano music, he and she run- 1June 1981. they want to see, has too many The war and civil war are advertise it to get rid of it ". to sell the fish he had caught, ning on the spot and doing My favourite programme is the old woman who sublet a repeats, does not offer a choice. still standard fare. Civil war press-ups and an earliest in- room in her flat to supplement What do people want to see ? films are the equivalent of the M.00 spot—children's bed- structor bidding you do like- time stories. It seems late by Furtherinformation. her meagre pension. It all had Principally, sport. Ice-hockey is westerns on British television, wise ; the occasional anti- a genuine feel to it. a national passion, and football Reds v Whites with quite a few alcohol sessions, where experts western standards, but nmst VATBudget Notice No.1/81 gives full detailsand Unfortunately, the swash- is coming up close behind. people biting the dust, some in white coats sit in a studio Russian children sleep at mid- buckling attraction of American- There is plenty of both—and if very bad haddies and no pos- gloating over the horrific day in their kitidergartens and explainshow to applyto cancel style police movies and the need an important ice-hockey match sible doubt about the outcome. are kept up late so that parents, effects of drink while a psy- who both work, can see them, yourregistration. to show Soviet citizenry and is running overtime it has been The Second World War is chologist who seems to have police in an idealized light rather known for even the sacrosanct treated more meaningfully, been trained in televisual I look forward to kind old aunty Callor write to yournearest got the upper hand at the end. nine o'clock evening news pro- though just as bloodily hypnotism urges you to save in her glasses, Khlu-Khlu and T could not quite believe that gramme to start late. A magnificent 20-part joint your health and sanity and kick his other furry glove-puppet VAToffice for a copyof this the handsome young lieutenant Last week we had the figure- Soviet-American documentary the habit ; and the annual hair- friend, and the imported Polish would commandeer a taxi when skating championships from the series called The Unknown War dressing competition where the cartoon film. It lasts only 15 noticeand any other help you he could not find a police car United States, and the Soviet (retitled The Great Patriotic winners stand beside their crea- minutes, and then starts again need. at the station and single-hand- triumphs were keenly apprec- War, the usual name for the tions while the models sit de- on the other channel—a great edly go off to arrest the -sus- iated. Commentators are any- 1941-45 conflict) was shown two murely on stage showing off help if you are confused by the pect. thing but impartial—" here years ago and was a revelation the most outlandish entangle- plot in the Mickey Mouse film, Still, it was slick and fast- come ours" exclaim a fine to many, showing unscreened tnents atop their heads, look- as 1 invariably am. Issuedby H M Customs & Excise. moving and roost Russians pair, " look how well they're archive material and bringing ing for all the world like thought it pretty good. Detec- doing, just watch that move- Stalin's face before the public entries at Crufts. Michael Binyon