Astrology and the Esoteric

The Seven Rays and the Node Horoscope

Louise Huber

Translated by David Kerr from an article in Astrolog magazine.

Published by Astrological Psychology Association and the Esoteric The Seven Rays and the Moon-Node Horoscope by Louise Huber

Translated from “Astrolog” by David Kerr. Dip. API

Many people believe that esotericism has to What does “esoteric” mean? do only with parapsychological phenomena, If you look in a dictionary you will find that with practices such as spiritualist sé- “esoteric” is derived from the Greek word ances, clairvoyance or hypnoses, among oth- “esoterikos” which means simply “inner” or ers. Often they do not know the esoteric is “hidden”. It therefore indicates that which actually a spiritual path, a path of lies behind external appearances, invisible which in the great cultures of antiquity could energies which give rise to visible forms be undertaken only within a mystery school. and bodies. It refers to the subtle world of Through of Helena Pet- energies and forces, to the essence, the Self rovna Blavatsky (1875) this knowledge was or the Soul, which is concealed behind all drawn from the circles of initiates and dis- external forms. That holds good for hu- seminated to humanity at the end of the 19th mans as well as for plants or any other kind century. The Secret Doctrine became the of being. It can be the organism of an atom, key work for all esoteric developments. Al- a plant, an animal or a human being. In ice A. Bailey, , Max Heindel each case the esoteric factor is the vital and many others were pupils of Blavatsky qualitative principle from which the organ- and brought her knowledge out into the ism draws its life energy. world, from which the various schools of thought have developed. The esoteric is therefore concerned with the background of life which penetrates all Nowadays many more people are interested forms and supports life, from tiny atoms to in the esoteric than before. In 1973 it was the gigantic entities which we call planets or still difficult to teach anything about karma solar systems. For that reason it important and reincarnation, never mind the extensive to grasp at the outset that every human is a works of Alice A. Bailey that formed our tiny part of an immeasurable and all- esoteric background. During our six-year encompassing whole, and that the energies involvement with the Arcane School in Ge- which drive it and all of life are those of “a neva and at the Institute for Psychosynthesis Life in which we live, move and have our with Dr. Roberto Assagioli we were able to being”. To be able to understand the eso- study the teachings of Alice A. Bailey and teric one has to learn that every isolated po- test them in practice. Since then we have sition, every state of separation from the tried to integrate this knowledge into the whole is actually only an illusion. From the body of astrological teaching and to bring point of view of the Unity of Life, every- the esoteric terminology into a form which thing that exists comes from a single source. everyone can understand. That became pos- The study of the esoteric is therefore also sible with the help of astrological ways of the search for this original source, for the thinking. Because the interpretation of the “way back to the Father’s house”, which in “Seven Rays”, as well as the moon-node esoteric literature is called the Path of Initia- horoscopes, is to do with the esoteric dimen- tion. With it is associated the esoteric as- sion, we could not have managed it without trology by means of which, with the help of the relevant basic knowledge. For that rea- the three spiritual planets and the three son, and because we have received many re- charts, moon-node, birth and house chart, quests, we will explain the basic esoteric as- the necessary steps, transformation proc- sociations which have to do with astrology. esses and expansions of consciousness may

1 be determined. gendered and maintained in motion by crea- tion. The etheric world, the moon-node chart and the Seven Rays What is Light? The life principle that makes all forms alive Everything that exists, the entire created is also called ether in the esoteric literature, universe, is the result of light. Light is the and prana in the Indian philosophy. Ether central life principle, it is the ether, the mo- interpenetrates all planes, takes on their tivating and creating energy of life, Light is shape and colour and in this way continu- divine. Seen from a different viewpoint the ously creates new forms of expression of seven cosmic energies are the embodiment life. It is present on all seven cosmic planes. of seven types of force, that demonstrate the The esotericist knows that behind the world seven qualities of the Divine. On the one of the senses lies hidden an etheric, i.e. spiri- hand these seven qualities have an effect in tual, world, which is actually the controlling a sevenfold way on the matter and forms and energising force in every living body. which exist throughout the whole universe, The ether is the realm in and through which and on the other hand relate in a sevenfold the energies arising from many sources op- way one to another. There is a fantastic ef- erate. The teaching of the Seven Rays is fect of working within one another and an founded on this fact. The etheric body of inter-penetration of Light in the universe, the entire universe, our planet and each indi- the extent of which can scarcely be imag- vidual human being resembles a golden net ined. It is easiest to use an analogy, and of streams of energy that is in constant, un- thus one best understands this everywhere- ceasing motion - an eternal medium for the connected network of Light by considering interchange and transmission of energies that there is an etheric world, that has al- and information. ways been known in esotericism as “mysterium magicum”, from which every- The meaning of the Seven Rays thing that exists has been born and to which Looking at it in this way it becomes possible everything will again return. In other words, to understand the effects of the Seven Rays. light and ether are the same, it is the Light The seven cosmic rays are seven types or of the Soul, the Fohat of the Monad, or Uni- manifestations of light, drawn from the spe- versal Soul, which serves as the matrix of cial substance of a . That is, on each of the universe. Incidentally, it is interesting the seven cosmic planes there arises another that the Ether in its manifestation on the as- quality of colour if the light is focused on tral plane is also called the Akashic Record. the matter or substance of this plane. The The Ether is the primal substance in which a colours of the are an example of record everything that has once lived is that. We know that rays of light directed stored. In old esoteric texts the etheric di- onto matter gives rise to colours. Because mension is also compared to a desert in of the reflections from some form of matter, which the traces of complete epochs of time colours are displayed, according to how the remain, including those of each human life. matter is constituted. If a ray of light is re- The moon-node chart contains these traces fracted in polished glass or a drop of water, in the sand. the whole spectrum becomes visible. In this way one can imagine the effects of the seven Ether and science cosmic rays. They interpenetrate every- Modern science is also engaged in investi- thing, they energise everything, they are the gation of the etheric world as a world of en- origin of our being. For that reason they ergy. Physicists and astronomers recognise over-arch normal astrology. They are fun- that space is filled with electromagnetic cur- damental energies that condition our lives, rents and fields that are in constant motion they are those energy forms which are en- and transmit “information” uninterruptedly.

2 Biologists and physicians investigate the key i.e. what has been experienced. In that way role of electromagnetic phenomena in the one can look at the moon-node line as a animal realm, as in the human central nerv- code which makes possible the entry into ous system and brain activity. Apparently the moon-node chart. Another approach to inert matter reveals for the first time under this topic is the esoteric concept of the the electron microscope its pulsating inner growth of a human being. Through that the forces and their structure. The micro-world value of the moon-node chart for the evolu- of atomic physics proves itself as an experi- tionary process can be properly categorised. mental treasure-chest of insights. Meantime researchers with their quantum theory and The four subtle bodies of Man the hypothetical elemental particles, called In the accompanying diagram the esoteric quarks, venture ever deeper into the subtle constitution of Man is represented pictori- structure of the world which is hidden from ally. We visualise that directly around the the eye. Relationships between energy and [physical] body is the etheric body. In the matter, order and chaos become comprehen- middle layer is the emotional or astral body sible. Many pronouncements of modern sci- and outside that the mental body. entists approach the “old” insights of the esotericists and philosophers, amazing to the layman. The all-encompassing holistic view of the world is being increasingly recognised as true.

The development of today’s science is a good example of the fact that through scien- tific knowledge we are learning more and more about the background of our being. What was formerly hidden, secret and eso- teric and could not be understood by ordi- nary mortals, is thus being revealed to us. Today we are learning many secret facts and relationships in a purely scientific and sober way, so that we often fail to notice that they deal with mysteries of the past which have now entered into clear consciousness and in the process have lost everything about them that was secret and esoteric. The Etheric Body Computer technology The esoteric teaching states that the human Think about computer technology, in which draws its life-force for the physical body the possibility of lightning-fast processing of from the subtle substance of the etheric information has been opened up, replacing realm. Without ether, the purely physical is the previous boring and tedious work dead matter - a corpse. At death the etheric through the development of intelligently- or living body separates itself from the written programs. It is not going too far to physical and returns to the planetary etheric compare a computer program with the from which it came, the physical body falls moon-node chart. If we consider the moon- to the . The etheric body is a little lar- node chart as the summing-up of all the ex- ger than the physical and supplies during periences of [prior] incarnations, it is really life all the mortal organs with fluid vitality. comparable with a computer in which every- Astrologically, the physical body is attrib- thing which has been programmed is stored, uted to .

3 The Astral Body figure. We know that the aspect connections The astral body draws its energy from the in the chart form symbolic lines and the ge- so-called emotional body in which all emo- ometry represents the structure of individual tions from anger to sacrificial love have consciousness. Looked at in this way we their origin. The astral body corresponds to can say that the aspect pattern is a reflection the lunar plane and the moon-node chart re- of the Causal Body. Thus we have in the flects the contents of this body. Here rule aspect pattern an illustration of all earlier the polarities, the opposites, love and hate, actions and achievements in geometrical ebb and flow, good and evil, fluctuate in form, which we can also read and interpret. constant rhythm along with the pulse of life. In the moon-node chart the aspect pattern is Astrologically, the astral body is attributed mostly laid out differently than in the natal to the Moon. chart, so we can draw conclusions from the shift within the house system about a devel- The Mental Body opmental dynamic which we can change The astral body is embedded in the mental and need to learn about. body, that is of even more subtle substance and through which everything coarser Example: If in the moon-node chart the em- passes. In it are found the thought processes phasis of the planets is on the I-side of the and through it thoughts are received and chart, then one may conclude that in earlier sent. Here one accumulates knowledge and lives the I-development has stood in the frees oneself from the duality and delusional foreground. If the aspect pattern in the natal tendencies of the astral body. Through chart has been shifted to the You-side, then thought the necessary intelligence is devel- this person must learn to distance him/ oped with which one learns non- herself from I-ness and serve a You, a part- judgemental thinking through differentiation ner, or a group with all his or her strength. and discrimination, and increasingly under- stands the laws of life in a cosmic context, in Esoteric definition of the Moon-node the light of developmental thinking.. The If we want to understand the entire scope of capacity for thinking and judgement of the the moon-node chart it is necessary to ex- mental body is attributed to the . pand the consciousness into a deeper back- ground, i.e. along with the teaching about The Causal Body the constitution of man we need to know Behind these three human bodies stands the also about the laws of evolution and reincar- immovable and immortal Self (symbolised nation or rebirth. From the point of view of by the empty circle in the centre of the birth reincarnation the moon-node chart shows chart). In it all the earthly emotional and the summing up of all experiences of previ- mental experiences are distilled and stored ous lives, or we could say the lessons al- as an essence, a life-quality or life- ready learned in the course of evolution as motivation. It is the Causal Body which is potentially unconscious knowledge. But all in a continuous exchange of information the conflicts of the past which have not with the so-called Akashic Records, which been coped with are also stored in the can be read by clairvoyance if something moon-node chart. Lessons which were from the past or future of an individual is missed burden one as unconscious feeling needed to be brought into knowledge. Every of guilt. One has the feeling of not having life through which one lives is processed on dealt with an issue. That can be unsettling the causal level where the essences [of that or tormenting particularly when there is an life] are extracted and stored as experience. Age Point conjunction or other AP aspects.

The contents of the causal body at the end of We want to look at the moon-node chart a life can be represented by a geometrical from three sides:

4 1) As a repository of the experiences of ear- the possibility of looking into past lives for lier lives (inner potency) the roots of disturbances. Today 2) As a karmic resonance apparatus (law of many therapists are already leading people cause and effect) back into past lives with the so-called rein- 3) As the shadow personality (subconscious) carnation therapy. In that way the past is supposed to be dealt with and the repres- With the esoteric definition of the moon- sions processed. In reincarnation therapy node chart we proceed on the basis that it is the analysis of the past does not only reach a picture, or to put it better a “repository”, of into early childhood, but beyond the point the experiences undergone in previous lives. of conception into earlier existences and It is comparable to the Akashic Records, that thus into an almost unlimited field of activ- mysterious book or that unknown place in ity. Whereas one at first tried out even the etheric body of our planet where every- more questionable hypnosis and self- thing that has ever been thought, done or de- hypnosis techniques, today one uses guided sired is recorded. The moon-node chart imagery or linked dreams, meditation music does not show individual deeds (good or and relaxation, in which images rise into bad) from previous lives, not even of the im- consciousness and are then interpreted as mediately preceding life, but the energy pat- memories of a past life. tern, the essences or qualities, that result from the summation of all that has been ex- In that way one tries to bring repressed ma- perienced. We can experience these as a an terial back into consciousness in order to be essential inner potency, as a positive life- freed of unresolved complexes (or from program and life quality or as compulsive karma). Re-birthing, re-personification, re- behaviour. It is indicative of mostly uncon- incarnation, that is a popular theme today in scious contents which we have already ac- which the media are interested. A statistical quired or achieved on our developmental questionnaire showed that already 8 to 10% journey, what give us pleasure of success, of the German-speaking population consid- but also that which brings trouble, reverses, ered it possible that they had already lived. defeats, suffering and sorrow. “What was previously guarded as a treasure in mystical circles has become social cur- From the viewpoint of evolution it can be rency” a psychological magazine stated in seen as a chart of our achievements and in- amazement. The long-term goal is a new ner potency. Whatever we have consciously “unity of thought and emotions, of under- lived through and processed is available to standing and intuition, of spirit and body, I us as know-how, potency or as inner knowl- and the world, a unity with earlier exis- edge, with which we can consciously know tences and ultimately with the Cosmos it- how to handle something, by which we can self, from which every individuality be inspired or let ourselves be led. For emerged and into which it will return.” someone living consciously it can act as conscience, as an inner voice, instinct or in- There is always another chance ner guidance. For others as something inde- For people who want to develop themselves finable that causes anxiety because it cannot further and take their life in hand independ- be grasped. They repress the contents of ently, it is liberating to know that they have the moon-node chart with all possible always another opportunity to correct false means, it becomes forced out, part of the developments and to continuously improve shadow personality into which everything themselves. For those it is clear that the that is bad can be projected. prescribed goal of development can never be reached in a single lifetime. That needs Reincarnation therapy many lives and a great time-span, that per- Modern psychology too is concerned with haps extends across millions of years. No-

5 one knows exactly how long it takes, but we ment, and see the potentials and achieve- know with certainty that each of us has al- ments that are hidden there as in a treasure ways another possibility to incarnate. In repository in order to bring them into con- each life we have a chance to develop our- sciousness. selves further and get a little bit closer to the ultimate goal. All difficulties and problems If we look at our life from this standpoint, which we master therefore allow us to climb we see the whole of life as a meaningful a step higher. It is a consoling thought that learning process. We can liberate ourselves we can for so long and so often reincarnate from guilt through the affirmation of this until we have reached the desired comple- meaningfulness and align ourselves in har- tion. Thus we get a new feeling for time, for mony with Divine Love. It is the old mys- cycles, developmental phases and growth tery of Universal Love, that is described as processes, as also the orderly and healing Grace. From this point of view we are able laws of the Universe. to accept our fate with joy and conviction, and through it activating powers of inner Completeness healing. Quite often it happens, that if in When referring to the term perfection, C.G. this way we establish “soul contact” we are Jung thought it better to think of it as com- suddenly freed of all feelings of guilt and pleteness. That is, while we are able to work fresh life energies flow into us which heal consciously towards our own completeness, all wounds. As soon as we know that eve- perfection lies still too far off and remains rything that happens to us is right and has a an abstract term when seen from the present. purpose, the anxiety disappears. We can In thinking about completeness, a dynamic rationalise it because is underlaid by the de- force must form the basis of developmental velopment dynamic and has the purpose of events that work constantly to balance and aiming towards a rounding-off, a comple- out life or fate until we have reached tion and a compensation for false develop- the desired wholeness. If we are harmoni- ment within our personality. Everything ously integrated into developmental events, that is shown in the chart has a symbolic it comes to us relatively easily to do what- importance for our further development. ever contributes to a rounding-out of our be- That is the basic concept if we look at the ing. These are the balancing laws of our na- moon-node chart as the summation of all ture which in practice mean that whatever earlier life experiences, in comparison to the has been developed to a large extent in an birth and house charts. This awareness also earlier life will perhaps be reduced in this protects us from falling into the trap of life, and whatever was too weakly devel- black-and- thinking which negates oped will be stimulated to growth through sense and thus cripples the power of love. challenges from the environment. The mod- erating laws which operate in this way are Historical Consciousness called in astrological psychology A further important extension of conscious- “equalisation processes”. ness occurs if we take an overview of whole historical epochs. On our long path of de- Liberation from guilt velopment we have certainly been involved If we consider the moon-node chart within in many cultures. We again and again have this greater frame of the equalisation princi- the experience that people who examine in- ple, then we can no longer speak about guilt. tensively thoughts of reincarnation discover The term Guilt has been very much abused a preference for particular cultures. One and is damaging to the constructive and lib- feels drawn to a particular field of culture. erating capability of our Soul. As already For example, many hold a fascination for stated, we should learn to view the moon- the idea of life in Egyptian or Greek times, node chart without blame, guilt or judge- others are attracted by Indian, Chinese, Rus-

6 sian or Indian culture, yet others experi- old aphorism says: the outer world is noth- ence in inner visions pictures or scenes from ing other than the mirror of your inner the Middle Ages, see themselves in monas- world. Clean up within yourself first, acti- teries or in the Roman Empire, in Victorian vate that which is good in you, stay in con- times or with the first settlers in America. tact with your inner potential, with your im- In order to get to grips with the unconscious mortal Self, then you will liberate yourself contents of the moon-node chart, it is good through your growing faculty of discrimina- to follow such leads and learn discrimina- tion, your feeling of responsibility and your tion. intelligence.

Karma and Dharma These steps of development are at first Another consideration is the Law of Karma. reached gradually, they are not there from It is the law of cause and effect, that is the start. One will notice that the Law of known today throughout the western world. Karma will at the unconscious level actually It is always striving towards compensation, operate as the law of guilt and atonement, “as you sow, so shall you reap”. Dharma, punishment and reward, and will be ac- on the other hand, is a creative act of life- cepted as a lesson to be learned only on a mastery through intelligence. According to more conscious level, from which Dharma the law of Karma nothing can be thought, arises. According to the teaching of eastern desired or done by anyone without it being karma has a dual effect: firstly, put into the great energy reservoir of the man is forced to pay for his debts from ear- cosmos and at some later time reflecting lier lives, and secondly, he learns not to do back on him. These are then the blows of certain things any more because he knows fate through which one carries the can for that they have unwanted consequences. In earlier mistakes and has to make good for that way he makes a better “Karma”, that is them, until sufficient intelligence is devel- called “Dharma” in Indian philosophy. oped to maintain a harmonious balance. It follows from that that Dharma only devel- The understanding of the Law of Karma ops if there is consciousness, if intelligence gives a satisfactory answer to the questions; and the capacity to discriminate and make Where do I come from? For what was I decisions with free will are possible. Only born? What is the purpose of my life? Why then does man become creative and can must I suffer this fate? Why do others have himself shape his world. Only to the extent it easier than I do? Here we are also inter- that one lives and deals discriminately, in- ested in the question of guilt and reparation. telligently and consciously responsibly, Whoever is conscious of this law grasps that does one free oneself from past errors and life is to be understood as a serious matter creates for oneself a better future. More- and responsibility for the course of fate can over, one learns to organise oneself as part and must be taken over by each one of us on of a whole within society and to operate in the basis of a sound insight and not from alignment with cosmic forces. This last is feelings of guilt. Whoever constantly pro- the privilege of the fully-conscious indi- jects his suffering and failure onto the envi- vidualised human. He who has become one ronment builds negative images there, with himself comes into contact with cos- pushes blame for his failure onto others and mic energies and with the transformed pow- remains stuck in his development. He will ers of his own Self, then everything around continue to be confronted with difficult cir- him is changed. Modern astrology shows cumstances until he recognises that every- us the way to that. thing that is negative has its roots in himself. “As within, so without” is the first insight The Shadow Personality necessary to change Karma to Dharma. An The moon-node chart deals with the shadow

7 personality, among other things. As under- qualities, habits or characteristics in another stood by depth psychology it is an invisible, person, if they move or rouse us deeply, we essential, part of us containing drives, de- can be certain that a part of our shadow is sires and projections which are not accessi- involved. That is, we have repressed these ble to daily consciousness. We repress them characteristics within ourselves. Some ex- mostly because they appear unusable or ternal life situation to which we are help- even dangerous in our normal everyday life. lessly exposed is nothing other than a mir- roring of our inner state. We cannot deal For that reason the shadow personality is of- with it consciously as long as we consider it ten seen as negative or “dark”. For all that, to be something external and not part of it has positive contents that can also offer ourselves. The consequences of the func- good karma. For example, spiritual tenden- tioning of our shadow are mostly outside of cies can be totally repressed, perhaps be- our control. They represent to a certain ex- cause they do not coincide with our dog- tent deterministic tendencies, automatic matic thinking or appear irrelevant. Thus movements or psychic compulsive mecha- these characteristics remain unlived, al- nisms to which we have to surrender. though they belong to our personality. The Mostly we have to at first encounter them as reincarnation therapy of the takes negative experiences before we connect in such contents. Through regressed experi- with them. ences, these may be made known and rea- sons indicated which can be explained as With the help of the latest methods of inter- acausal. pretation of the moon-node chart we can now consciously accept this repressed side C.G.Jung also spoke of the “shadow” and of our being. In this way we recognise that regarded it as a part of the unconscious diffi- this part also belongs to us and begin the cult to access, that up to this day is only ex- work of integration. In other words, a hori- plored in depth psychology. Human con- zontal identification takes place according sciousness may be compared to that part of to the motto “As within, so without”, in the an iceberg that protrudes from the water - same way as the vertical “As above, so be- the unconscious is symbolised by the mass low”. Only when we can take to ourselves of ice lying beneath, in which, as well as the both realisations can we talk of becoming collective unconscious, the individual un- whole. conscious is also present as the shadow per- sonality. It represents the shadow side of Mirror spheres our being, in which everything that we were The theme of reflection also rests on the or have at some time experienced is esoteric view of the world. Seen in this way hoarded. In it secret desires, mastered and the moon-node chart also symbolises the as- unmastered psychic factors from the past are tral world, that mirror sphere in which our stored. There are found motivations, re- motivations, desires and deeds from the past pressed complexes and feelings of guilt of (our karma) are projected at particular times which we are not conscious. Often we just into the present. In order to enter this un- cannot imagine them, never mind admit to conscious realm we step through the moon- them. They surface principally in our node line which reflects like a mirror every- dreams, but in spite of that they influence thing that is within and without, above and our lives although mostly we do not make below. contact with them. We project them into the environment, where they manifest and come If we enter the mirror sphere of the Shadow, back to us as fate. we first need to be clear that the law of re- flection operates in this realm. It is the lu- It is always the case that if we cannot suffer nar plane, which reflects back from differ-

8 ent facets everything which comes into con- our Soul mostly means for our Personality a tact with it. setback or renunciation. This reversal or 180º turnaround is the key to the correct in- One may discover there many contradic- terpretation of the moon-node chart. tions, and also things that have nothing to do with oneself, but belong to other people or ______to the collective unconscious, because these are likewise present there. The danger exists The original German-language version of that one becomes aware of impressions, en- this article was first published in Astrolog counters or experiences that are distorted as No. 124. Some parts of this article are ex- in a hall of mirrors, and goes easily astray. tracts from the book “Moon-Node Astrol- It is the world of deceptions, of illusions, of ogy”. blindness to reality that we discover if we do not exercise caution. In that “underworld” References: are found the “old archetypes”, it is the Huber, Bruno and Louise “Moon-Node As- world of demons and phantoms, where trology”, Samuel Weiser Inc. 1995 and the Devil struggle with one another. It Bailey, Alice “A Treatise on the Seven is also the plane of oppositions, duality or Rays”, Lucis Press Ltd. 1936 polarity. Like the swinging of a pendulum we may be flung from one side to the other Bailey, Alice “ and the Etheric and hardly be able to find our way out of the Body”, Lucis Press Ltd. 1950 labyrinth again. Whoever enters the moon- Bailey, Alice “Esoteric Astrology”, Lucis node level with the idea that he will just find Press Ltd. 1951 there the dark side of his self or bad charac- teristics which have to be exorcised or eradi- cated, calls up spirits which he won’t be able “. . . we should learn to view the to get rid of. moon-node chart without blame,

The reversal effect guilt or judgement, and see the Through the mirroring a reverse effect also potentials and achievements that always takes place. We all know the feeling are hidden there as in a treasure of how emotions can like lightning flip over repository in order to bring them to the opposite. From intense love comes into consciousness.” equally intense hatred, the perpetrator is turned into the victim. In the same way achievements and lofty virtues from the past can become negative and block our develop- ment if they have become rigid structures. According to the Indian saying “Virtue be- comes the vice” the values become trans- posed. For example a sexuality purified through monastic life can be the cause of a devitalised etheric body, for which reason sexuality must be again lived out in the cur- rent life as a compensation. We often find in the moon-node chart is shown just the op- posite to what we have presumed. What would be good for our Personality - for our “little I”, may be wrong for the further de- velopment of our Soul. What is good for