3.1. Summary of The Movie

In 1987, procures a job as a Wall Street stockbroker for L.F.

Rothschild, employed under Mark Hanna, who quickly entices him with the careless sex and drugs fueled stockbroker culture and passes on his idea that a stockbroker's only goal is to make money for himself. Jordan soon finds his career terminated following Black Monday and takes a job at a boiler room brokerage firm on Long

Island that specializes in penny stocks. Thanks to his aggressive pitching style and the high commissions, Jordan makes a small fortune.

Jordan befriends with his neighbor, Donnie Azoff, and the two found their own company. They recruit several of Jordan's friends, whom Jordan trains in the art of the "hard sell". The basic method of the firm is a scam. To cloak this, Jordan gives the firm the respectable-sounding name of . After an exposé in Forbes, hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company.

Jordan becomes immensely successful and slides into a decadent lifestyle of prostitutes and drugs. He has an affair with a woman named Naomi Lapaglia. When his wife finds out, Jordan divorces her and marries Naomi. Meanwhile, the SEC and the FBI begin investigating Stratton Oakmont. Jordan illegally makes $22 million in three hours upon securing the IPO of Steve Madden. This brings him and his firm further to the attention of the FBI. To hide his money, Jordan opens a Swiss bank account with corrupt banker Jean-Jacques Saurel in the name of Naomi's Aunt

Emma, who is a British national and thus outside the reach of American authorities.


He uses the wife and in-laws of his friend Brad Bodnick, who have European passports, to smuggle the cash into Switzerland.

Donnie gets into a public brawl with Brad, and, while Donnie escapes, Brad is arrested. Brad does not say a word about Donnie or Jordan to the police. Jordan learns from his private investigator that the FBI is wiretapping his phones. Fearing for his son, Jordan's father advises him to leave Stratton Oakmont and lie low while

Jordan's lawyer negotiates a deal to keep him out of prison. Jordan, however, cannot bear to quit and talks himself into staying in the middle of his farewell speech.

Jordan, Donnie, and their wives are on a yacht trip to Italy when they learn that Aunt

Emma has died of a heart attack. Jordan decides to travel to Switzerland immediately to settle the bank account. To bypass border controls, he orders his yacht captain to sail to Monaco, but the ship is capsized in a storm. After their rescue, the plane sent to take them to Geneva is destroyed when a seagull flies into the engine. Jordan takes this as a sign from God and decides to sober up.

Two years later, the FBI arrests Jordan because Saurel, arrested in Florida on an unrelated charge, has informed the FBI on Jordan. Since the evidence against him is overwhelming, Jordan agrees to gather evidence on his colleagues in exchange for leniency. Naomi tells Jordan she is divorcing him and wants full custody of their children. They get into a full-fledged argument and he tries to get into his car with his daughter but crashes into a brick pillar while pulling out of the garage. The next morning, Jordan wears a wire to work but slips a note to Donnie warning him.

Donnie keeps the note and rats out Jordan to the FBI. Jordan is arrested for breaching his co-operation deal. The FBI raids and shuts down Stratton Oakmont. Despite the breach, Jordan receives a reduced sentence of 36 months in a minimum-security


prison for his testimony and would be released after serving 22 months. After his release, Jordan makes a living hosting seminar on sales technique.

3.2 Analysis of the Story

In this part, the writer will discuss types, impact, and factors of Hedonism that can be found in main characters in the movie.

3.2.1 Factor of Hedonism

As the writer talked before in chapter II, there are several factors of

Hedonism. According (Sharma, Jore, & Khanna, 2008) state that: “hedonist is influenced by factors such as values, culture, social class, reference group, family, and individual characteristics such as motives, emotions and personality.” In this analysis the writer can found factor hedonism; reference group and personality through The Wolf Of Wall Street Movie.

1. Reference group

Datum 1

Figure III.1. Jordan talking with Hanna


Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “Mr. Hanna, how you’re able to drugs during the day and the still function, still do your job?” Hanna : “How else would you do this job, cocaine and woman is my friend” Jordan : “Right, well I got to say, I‟m incredibly excited to be a part of your firm. I mean I’m salute to you”

(Office canteen, 09:00-09:15)

In this scene, Jordan just started work as a stockbroker. He was still honest and innocent. At the beginning he worked he was angry with his office friends because Jordan was still innocent. Until one day he met Hanna, one of the seniors in the office. When he arrived at work breaks Jordan and Hanna talked about shares and from here Jordan began to be affected by Hanna's thoughts.

This scene showed factor hedonism, suitable with Sharma, Jore, and Khanna statement which tells hedonist is influenced by factors such as values, culture, social class, reference group and family. This scene take part from reference group influences Hedonism of Jordan.

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan easily affected by references group, reflected with the statement “How you‟re able to drugs and still do your job?” which of these sentences indicates Jordan began to be interested in Hanna's thoughts, and statement “I‟m salute of you” Jordan think that the action was true and Jordan was inspired by Hanna.



Figure III.2 Jordan and Donnie watching TV

Supporting dialogue:

Donnie : “Jordan, I have surprise for you” Jordan : “What’s that?” Donnie : “It’s a drug.” Jordan : “Oh my god you are crazy” Donnie : “Let’s party” Jordan : “Ok, but just once”

(Jordan House, 01:55:10-01:55:20)

In this scene, at first Donnie got into trouble because he was involved in a case which resulted in his friend being imprisoned, finally he was confused and decided to be jazzed. But here he is not alone, he offered his friend, Jordan.

This scene showed factor hedonism, suitable with Sharma, Jore, and Khanna statement which tells hedonist is influenced by factors such as values, culture, social class, reference group and family. This scene take part from reference group influences Hedonism of Jordan


From this scene the writer thinks Jordan easily affected by references group reflected with statement Jordan “Ok, but just once” when Donnie offer drugs from him and Jordan began interest with drugs after knowing the pleasure.

2. Individual Characteristic (Personality)

Datum 1

Figure III.3 Jordan walk down the stairs

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “Yup, on a daily basis I consume enough drugs, to sedate Manhattan, Long island an Queen for a month. I take Quaaludes 10 to 15 a day for my “back pain,” adder all to stay focused, Xanax to take edge off, pot to mellow me out, cocaine to make me back up again and morphine, well, because it’s awesome.”

(House, 03:55-04:21)

In this scene Jordan came out of his room on the second floor wearing office clothes while holding a glass of orange juice, Jordan down the stairs and boarding his limousine to go to the office.

This scene showed factor hedonism, suitable with Sharma, Jore, and Khanna statement which tells hedonist is influenced by individual characteristics such as


motives, emotions and personality. This scene take part from personality influences

Hedonism of Jordan.

From this scene the writer think Jordan show the personality, reflected by

Jordan statement “ Daily basis I consume enough drugs” which tells the daily activities consume drugs and Jordan statement “because it awesome” showing him feels proud of it.

Datum 2

Figure III.4 Jordan started his career at the new office

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “Just like that I make two thousand dollars, the other guys looked at me like I‟d just discovered five. I was selling garbage to garbage man and making cash hand over fist. The only problem you‟re gonna have is that you didn‟t buy more. So I was selling them shit. But the way I looked at it their money was better off in my pocket.”

(New Office, 21:32-21:53) In this scene Jordan started his career in the new stock office and managed to make substantial money among his friends. Jordan works at this office because the office that previously went bankrupt.


This scene showed factor hedonism, suitable with Sharma, Jore, and Khanna statement which tells hedonist is influenced by individual characteristics such as motives, emotions and personality. This scene take part from personality influences

Hedonism of Jordan.

From this scene the writer think Jordan show the personality, reflected by

Jordan statement “so I was selling the shit, their money was better off in my pocket” from this sentence explains that Jordan does various ways including lying to his customers to get as much money as possible.

3.2.2 Types of Hedonism

The writer uses the theory in Chapter II to identify the type of hedonism of main characters, There are few theory from experts that explain the types of hedonism. Weijers state there are several types of hedonism, which are: folk hedonism, value hedonism, motivational hedonism, hedonistic egoism, and hedonistic utilitarianism. In the wolf of wall street movie, the writer found Folk

Hedonism and Motivational Hedonism. a. Folk Hedonism

Datum 1

Figure III.5 Jordan did something with his friend


Supporting dialogue:

Donnie : “Let‟s go” Donnie : “Your turn” (offers cocaine to Jordan) Jordan : “Sure” Donnie : “C’mon, smoke with me. It’s just cocaine, no one here” Jordan : “Ok.” (Jordan consumes cocaine.) Jordan : “Wow, wow! Let’s go run, huh? We gotta get out of here buddy. Let’s run like we’re lions and tigers and bears, Lets run. Go, go, go” (Effects consume cocaine)

(Behind the café, 26:05 – 27:26)

In this scene, Donnie one building with Jordan but different workplaces, and

Donnie acquainted with Jordan because he was interested in Jordan's income is very much, because Jordan can buy luxury cars parked in front of the building. Then he asked what Jordan job. Jordan tells if he works as a stockbroker. Finally, Donnie decided to stop working as a shopkeeper and work for Jordan. Short story Donnie followed Jordan to become a stockbroker and set up a company with Jordan. Donnie felt happy with his new job, one day Donnie and Jordan talked at a café when they discussed in a cafe Donnie and Jordan decided to go back to the cafe and try to consume cocaine for the success of their efforts.

This scene showed the type of Hedonism that is Folk Hedonism, according to

Weijner which tells Folk Hedonism is who seeks out pleasure for they without any particular regard for his/her own future well-being, or for the well-being of others. A stereotypical hedonist is someone who never misses an opportunity to indulge of the pleasures of sex, drugs, and rock „n‟ roll, even if the indulgences are likely to lead to relationship problems, health problems, regrets, or sadness for themselves or for others. This scene suitable with seeks out pleasure for them without any particular


regard for his/her own future well-being, or for the well-being of others which Jordan character and Donnie character consume drugs.

The writer thinks this scene include Folk Hedonism because of Donnie words to Jordan “C‟mon, smoke with me. It‟s just cocaine, no one here” from that statement

Jordan interest to try consume drugs and immediately addicted to consume the drugs without thinking the long-term from consuming the drug.

Datum 2

Figure III.6 Jordan in Naomi's apartment

Supporting dialogue:

Naomi : “aren‟t you married?” Jordan : “well, yeah but what? Married people can’t have friend?” Naomi : “we‟re gonna be friend?” Jordan : “yeah. You don‟t want to be my friend?” Naomi : “oh who is this, say hi, to Rocky (Naomi‟s pet), why you don‟t light a fire or something and I‟ll be right out. (Naomi entered the room)” Jordan : “god, help me. How do me making love with this girl.”

(Naomi‟s apartment 57:10-57:20)

in this scene, Jordan had dinner with a woman he had met before at a party held at his house, Jordan invited him to dinner because he liked her even though he


already had a wife. After dinner, Jordan brought Naomi back to her apartment, but

Jordan thought hard to get into his apartment and in the end Jordan gave a reason to come into Naomi's apartment.

This scene showed the type of Hedonism that is Folk Hedonism, according to

Weijner which tells Folk Hedonism is who seeks out pleasure for they without any particular regard for his/her own future well-being, or for the well-being of others. A stereotypical hedonist is someone who never misses an opportunity to indulge of the pleasures of sex, drugs, and rock „n‟ roll, even if the indulgences are likely to lead to relationship problems, health problems, regrets, or sadness for themselves or for others. This scene suitable hedonist is someone who never misses an opportunity to indulge of the pleasure of sex even that lead to relationship problems.

The writer thinks this scene include Folk Hedonism because of Jordan words to

Naomi “Married people can‟t have friend?” from that statement Jordan try to seduced Naomi to have a more intense relationship than before and Jordan words

“god, help me. How do me making love with this girl” is show Jordan doesn‟t want to miss an opportunity to miss the chance to making love with Naomi without thinking about relationship problems because Jordan already has a wife.


b. Motivational Hedonism

Datum 1

Figure III.7 Jordan explains money is everything

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan: “See, money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better wife. Also make you better person. You can give generously to the church or political party of your choice. You can save everything with money. I always wanted to be rich.”

(In office 04:53-05:15)

In this scene Jordan explains money is everything, money can make life better, can buy luxury cars, luxurious residences, drugs and even buy women. Jordan always wants to be richer in any way.

This scene showed type of hedonism that is Motivational Hedonism, suitable with Wijners, which tell Motivational Hedonism is the theory is the desire to encounter pleasure and avoid pain, it guides all of our behavior, only pleasure and pain motivates someone. Every human action builds on how much pleasure that they will get when they do something.


From this scene the writer thinks Jordan statement “You can save everything with money” showing he was a man who like to have fun and avoid pain because for him spend money, live in clover, and have beautiful mistress. And the statement “I always wanted to be rich.” Showing he was a men who are motivated to get a lot of money to fund his hedonism behavior.

Datum 2

Figure III.8 Jordan party at the disco

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan: “so I knew if I took my drugs right, I could sleep through the entire flight. But I had to take them just right. In the afternoon, I pooped a few lodes, which started kicking by the time, my tingle phase. Dinner, I pooped few more on top of some cocktails and a valium or two, my slur phase.”


In this scene, Jordan will make a flight to Switzerland to hide his wealth

because he is suspected of committing a crime by the FBI agent but on the night

before the flight Jordan parties at the disco because he wants to calm the mind at the

disco until he is unconscious.


This scene showed type of hedonism that is Motivational Hedonism, suitable

with Wijners, which tell Motivational Hedonism is the theory is the desire to

encounter pleasure and avoid pain, it guides all of our behavior, only pleasure and

pain motivates someone. Every human action builds on how much pleasure that

they will get when they do something.

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan statement “I pooped few more on top of some cocktails and a valium or two, my slur phase” showing he was a man who like to have fun and avoid pain because he wants to calm his mind and does not want to think about problems that will come to him..

3.2.3 Impact of Hedonism

The writer uses the theory in Chapter II to identify the impact of hedonism,

There are few theory from experts that explain Impact of Hedonism. Vanhooven stated that There are two several main line effects hedonism; one is that hedonism is bad for our environment, the other that it is bad for us as individuals. In this chance the writer uses theory by Vanhooven who explains Consumptive bad for us as individuals and selfish bad for us as environment through The Wolf Of Wall Street



1. Consumptive

Datum 1

Figure III.9 Jordan gave a gift to his wife

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “Just one more step. Are you ready?” Naomi : “Where are we going?” Jordan : “Keep your eyes close, one, two, three” Naomi : “What is this?” Jordan : “it’s your present, Cruise” Naomi : “what? Cruise, are you serious?” Jordan : “yeah why me not serious? That only cruise.”

(Harbor, 1:10:28-1:10:45)

In this scene, Jordan invited his partner Naomi to walk to the harbor, Jordan gave a surprise to Naomi by giving a cruise ship prize. Naomi is shocked and doesn't believe she is given a gift by Jordan and cheers with joy.

This scene showed impact of hedonism that is consumptive, suitable with

Vanhoover which tells there are two several main line effects of hedonism, one of them is consumptive. Consuming in buying a product are no longer fulfilling their needs alone, but also the desire to satisfy pleasure. This desire often encourages


someone to buy goods that are actually not needed. Purchasing decisions that are dominated by emotional factors cause consumptive behavior. This can be proven in consumptive behavior, namely the behavior of buying something that is not necessarily a necessity and not being a top priority and causing waste.

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan too consumptive because buying goods that are actually not needed and based on that sentence “that only cruise” show a consumptive attitude, whereas Jordan can buy goods that can be more useful for him and his mate for the future.

Datum 2

Figure III.10 Jordan is arguing with Max

Supporting dialogue:

Max : “430.000 Dollars in one month Jordy, huh?” Jordan : “They‟re business expenses. Relax” Max : “business expenses?” Jordan : “yes” Max : “Jordan, look what you got here?” Jordan : “what?” Max : “Look at this 26.000 Dollars for one dinner?” Jordan : “That just 26.000 Dollars.”


(In the office, 46:22-46:35)

In this scene, Max met Jordan who was gathering with his friends in the office, and Max debated Jordan about unreasonable expenses. Jordan gave a reason to spend that much money because he had a client and he had to buy expensive champagne.

This scene showed impact of hedonism that is consumptive, suitable with vanhoover which tells there are two several main line effects of hedonism, one of them is consumptive. Consumptive is a the desire of the people in the modern era of life to consume something seems to have lost contact with the real needs

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan character statement “that just 26.000

Dollars.” Showing impact of hedonism from consumptive, because Jordan just carried out excessively as a person's effort to obtain pleasure or happiness even though the happiness that is obtained is only pseudo.

2. Selfish

Datum 1

Figure III.11 Jordan arguing with Naomi


Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “We‟re going to Monaco, so then we can go to Switzerland, okay?” Naomi : “But my aunt just died” Jordan : “I realize that, but I have business in Switzerland. I need to go to Switzerland right now. Bottom line, sorry.” Naomi : “We gotta get to London.” Jordan : “Why? Why?” Naomi : “The funeral” Jordan : “But she’s dead. And she’s not going anywhere.”

(On the cruise 2:23:56-2:24:21)

In this scene, Naomi delivers news to Jordan that her aunt has passed away.

Jordan was shocked by the news but not because of the death of Aunt Emma but because she was afraid of twenty million dollars worth of shares in a Swiss bank account disappear because previously Jordan persuaded Auntie Emma to open a stock account outside London. Jordan persuaded Aunt Emma because Jordan was under FBI investigation.

This scene showed impact of hedonism that is selfish, suitable with

Vanhoover which tells there are two several main line effects of hedonism, one of them is selfish. Selfish is a motivation to maintain and enhance a view that only benefits oneself. Selfishness means placing yourself in the midst of one goal and not caring about the suffering of other people, including those he loves or who are considered close friends.

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan statement “I realize that, but I have business in Switzerland. I need to go to Switzerland right now. Bottom line, sorry” this statement showing impact hedonism because Jordan considered his business more important than the funeral of Aunt Naomi and Jordan statement “But she‟s dead. And she‟s not going anywhere.” Showing Jordan is more concerned with money.


Datum 2

Figure III.12 Jordan uses cocaine

Supporting dialogue:

Jordan : “shut up your mouth!” Naomi : “look at yourself, Jordan. You‟re sick! You‟re a sick man! Jordan : “fuck you! I told you, you‟re not taking my fucking kids! Naomi : “You think I would let my kids near you?” Jordan : “Look at yourself. You‟re drugs addict” Naomi : “don’t you advise me!”

(In the living room 2:41:50-2:42:10)

In this scene Jordan‟s wife is fed up with the behavior of Jordan who is very addicted to drugs and asks for divorce from Jordan but when they are fussing about their child custody Jordan immediately walks out to suck cocaine then his wife advises him but Jordan doesn't listen.

This scene showed impact of hedonism that is selfish, suitable with

Vanhoover which tells there are two several main line effects of hedonism, one of them is selfish. Selfish is a motivation to maintain and enhance a view that only benefits oneself. Selfishness means placing yourself in the midst of one goal and


not caring about the suffering of other people, including those he loves or who are considered close friends.

From this scene the writer thinks Jordan statement “Shut up your mouth” and

“don‟t you advise me” is showing impact from hedonism because it makes Jordan selfish and doesn't want to listen to people around even though it's good for him.