, nl: IIIii Tide Publications 1314 South Tremaine Avenue , CA 90019 Vol. 9 No.5 March/ April 1980 (213) 939-1200 Publisher Jeanne Cordova PERSPECTIVES Associate Publisher .4 Part II, Happily Ever After? Sharon McDonald 5 Lizards Out of the Tunnels Editorial Board 6 Z Budapest, Witch In Progress Kerry Lobel, Sharon McDonald, 8 If I Should Die Before I Wake Jeanne Cordova, Claire Krulikowski Correspondents NATIONAL NEWS Lynne Shapiro, Jan Adams,,San Francisco 10 Kennedy Would Back Gay Plank 11 Midge Costanza, "Why I'm For Kennedy" Circulation Lizette Burleson 13 Windows Ignites National Protest Advertising Jeanne Cordova Office Manager/Bookkeeper Lizette Burleson 13 Publishers Call for More Ma2azines Production .. : Barbara Gehrke Layout Artists Kathryn Louyse, LETTERS Sue Cooke, Carol Hector, Evie Ruiz 15 Holocaust TriviaIized • Better Luck Next Issue. Cover Design by Kathryn Louise Controversy on Racism Cover photo Z Budapest, founder of Susan B. Anthony Coven # 1. SHORTCURRENTS *** The Lesbian Tide is a feminist news magazine published six times a year by 20 Kids of . Swedish gay sick-out • Lesbian reference in time TIDE PUBLICA nONS. The staff is capsule • Census • open to women who wish to become involved in journalism or who see media REVIEWS as a vehicle for activism.

I *** 23 Windows. May Sarton film • Trilogy of goddess books EDITORIAL POLICY In the interest of fostering open communi- cation, The Lesbian Tide prints a variety L.A. NEWS & CALENDAR of views from the lesbian, feminist, and gay communities. Our editorial perspec- 27 Sister, Sojourner Close • Democratic lesbians • Cranston at gay tive also includes co,verage of other social - luncheon • Pro-choice march change issues as they relate to women and gays. The views expressed in this publi- cation are not necessarily those of Tide Publications nor The Editorial Board unless bylined as such. *** SUBSCRIBERS: If you move you must The Tide notify us of your change of address as Subscribe! Name second class mail is not forwardable. Subscribe! Your expiration date now appears on your Address address label. Second Class Postage Paid Subscribe! . at Los Angeles, CA. Subscribe! City _ Subscribe! READERS State _ ZIP , Due to further hikes in printing, camera Subscribe! ------work, typesetting and paper we are seriously Subscribe! One year subscription (6 issues): $7.50 individuals, $9 overseas considering a cover price increase for next Subseribe! &'Canada, S10 institutions. Mailed in plain brown wra~per. issue. If you planned to subscribe, do it The Tide 1314 S. Tremaine Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019 now! - Tide Publications Perspectives Part II Happily Ever After?

By Jeanne Cordova In Part I of this article (Nov./Dec. opened a joint checking account out of Barbara and Julie 1979), I wrote of how lesbian couples which they paid their house payments and A third classic case is that of Barbara who live together can and should make other expenses. Both put all their income and Julie, a couple of 17 years. They'd property arrangements between them- in the joint account. Margie assumed, that moved through the usual housing arrange- selves. We looked at the ten year relation- the house was hers and that Diane was in ments. Initially they lived in an apartment, ship of Mary and Jane, how they broke effect just sharing rent like a roommate. then rented a house, then they decided to up.iand went to a lesbian lawyer to get a But neither this assumption, nor any buy a home. For all the usual reasons, satisfactory property settlement. We others, were voiced - until they broke up Barbara's credit was not good enough to reviewed their particular settlement con- two years later. Diane is now suing, get a mortgage loan. So Julie took out the tract and how it covered aspects of their claiming half the house is hers. Margie's loan in her own name, and they both put joint life - house, cars, credit cards, lawyer admits Diane has a good enough down 50% on "their" new house. Years current and future debts and assets. It claim to take to court. She won't get half passed and they used Julie's checking was noted, settlements are civil contracts the house, but the court may decide she is account, Barbara always paying cash, to that will stand up in court. entitled to receive back half of all her pay their house payments and other bills. In Part II, I want to talk about what house payments since the joint payments Then Barbara got involved with someone can happen to the couple with noproperty did include taxes, insurance, etc. else, and said to Julie, "Ok, buy me out." contract, and the implications of the "Buy you out of what?" Julie replied. Marvin vs. Marvin (Michelle Triola and Pat and Joyce Legally, the house was entirely Julie's. In Lee Marvin) casefor cohabitating lesbian Take another familiar example. Pat attempting to prove that the house is half couples. All examples used here are wants to buy a house, but because she Barbara's, her lawyer is having to sub- actual cases, names are fictitious. wants Joyce to have the house in case she poena all of Julie's bank statements and * * * dies, she takes ownership of it as "Joint will attempt to show that the unaccounted Prior to the Marvin decision courts Tenants" with Joyce. Many unmarried for income was Barbara's contribution. recognized oral or written agreements lovers, particularly gays, have done this in Barbara's lawyer says this "is one huge between unmarried people, but they had order to prevent family from automatically mess" - that will probably cost Barbara never recognized an implied contract getting one's assets in case of death. Now six thousand dollars in lawyer's fees. where no marriage certificate existed. Pat had the money in this relationship so Sharon and Christine Michelle Triola argued, successfully, that she put down the money on the house and The last example, and perhaps the her life and lifestyle with Marvin implied also supported most of their other joint most unfair one, illustrates how the person a sharing of property. For the first time a expenses. Four years later Joyce and Pat with the assets is also open to being court looked at cohabitation and said, decide they didn't want to live together treated unfairly. Sharon and Christine 'Based on how.you conducted your lives, anymore. They broke up. Pat placed a were lovers with separate checking ac- we will imply that a contract existed.' "Quit Claim" in front of her ex-lover and counts. In the third year of their relation- Although Triola didn't get as much as she asks her to sign back "her" house to her. ship, Sharon bought a house, into which argued for (halt), she did get a settlement, Joyce said, "No." In the eyes of the law she and Christine moved. A short while and this had a feminist implication. The the house is half Pat's, half Joyce's. later they opened ajoint checking account court's decision put men on notice that they couldn't necessarily avoid the finan- cial obligations of marriage if they chose to accept the benefits of that state. The decision told women they had financial rights, in and out of marriage. The court's dictum in the Marvin case uses sexually neuter words. Nowhere does it explicitly refer to heterosexuals, him, or her. It uses "co-habitation" in place of marriage. Many lesbian and gay lawyers, among them Bobbi Bennett of Los Angeles, believe, "There is no reason to believe the Marvin decision won't or can't be applied to gays." In fact, says Bennett, "a lot of gays are 'sue happy' now." There are several dozen such gay Marvin vs. Marvin suits now pending across the country. Diane and Margie One case now pending is that of Diane and Margie. The two decided to live together. Margie had the money so she put the down payment on a house, they "Now that I have your complete attention, Jo Anne, I'd like togive my side of the story .•. 4 • Lesbian Tide / Perspectives for their house payments. One year later they broke up. Two years elapsed, Christine went her way, Sharon went another. Then one morning Sharon re- ceived a letter from Christine's lawyer notifying her she was being sued for ownership of half of her house. Christine who had kept all of her checks and bank statement copies, is alleging the house belonged to her also. Nuisance and Blackmail Many cases, such as this one, lawyers report are "nuisance cases." They will never get to court but each party has just enough legal clout to necessitate some legal reply from the other. This means no matter who is "right" or "wrong," both will have lawyer's fees. There is also, Bennett notes, the possibility of blackmail when one party knows the other party is in the closet at her work and will not risk "I call your attention to Section 2. Article 14, Paragraph 6 of our cohabitation going into open court. The line between contract. " . "nuisance" and "blackmail" can be thin. "deserted" her. The court saw the non- Having dealt with these disgusting Although this reality is difficult, it is, biological mother's 'position as irrespon- possibilities that we are all positive will at least in my opinion, also good. Recently sible. Ten years ago, this case might have never happen to us - what can or should in San Francisco a court awarded spousal been laughed, or derided, out of court. we do? and child support to a lesbian mother , It seems clear then that part of the Lawyers say the first thing we must do because she and her lover had specifically burden of being validated by society is is recognize these things will happen if the planned a child (by artificial insemination), that we must also conduct our lives with possibility that they might happen is and the non-biological mother/lover had more fiscal care and responsibility. ignored .• Lesbian Lizards Out of the Tunnels Reprinted from Science magazine. Dec. • 1979. Courtship and mating behaviors may of lizard. The females maintain the posi- not make them attractive, although the be more widespread than the mixing of tion 1 to 5 minutes, until the bottom allure may come from an estrogen- genes by sexual reproduction. "We report animal breaks away. progesterone interaction. Crews suspects for the first time evidence indicating that Age and size do not determine the that chemicals emitted by the preovulatory although unisexual Cnemidophorus lizards lizards' sexual role. Which female is top female play -a role, because the lizards have dispensed with genetic sex, behavioral and which is bottom is a matter of the have scent pores along their hind legs and sex continues," says David Crews of ovulatory cycle, Crews and Kevin T. inspect each other with much tongue- Harvard University. Fitzgerald ,of the University of Colorado flicking activity. At least 27 species of reptiles are find. In each of 17 pseudo-matings, the The courting behavior seems to be made up entirely or almost entirely df more aggressive, courting animal con- more than a nonfunctional vestige of the females reproducing parthenogenetically, tained only small, undeveloped follicles in lizard species' sexual ancestry. Crews so that each daughter is genetically iden- her ovaries and was either post-ovulatory says the behavior primes some hormonal / tical to her mother. Scientists collected or reproductively inactive. The more mechanism that regulates the ovaries' members of three such lizard species from passive member of the pair always had activity. Animals caged alone do repro- Arizona and Colorado and found that large, yolky preovulatory follicles, and duce, but they lay eggs at longer intervals pairs of females of these species (but not laid her eggs about 30 days later. Crews than do animals raised in groups. of closely related sexual species) behave and Fitzgerald have seen the same lizard So far the scientists have no idea of the in a manner resembling mating. play both sexual roles. ecological significance of the sexual be- The "sexual:' behavior of the par- havior. The lizards live in large groups in thenogenetic females includes courtship burrows and are fast-moving. "In the and copulatory phases. One animal lunges wild, we never saw anything other than at another and bites her on the tail, then biting and chasing. We don't know what's mounts the back and rides atop for a going on in those tunnels," Crews says. minute or two, while stroking the back and t> In current work, Crews and collabo- neck with her jaws and forelimbs and :.01:1 rators are treating the eggs of partheno- rubbing her cloaca (the female lizard's ~ genetic lizards with hormones to try to combined reproductive and excretory create males. Crews says that they have opening) against the back. The top lizard .~: already had some success in that the grasps the back of the neck or shoulder in 1:1 gonads of hatchlings of some treated eggs her jaws and curves her tail beneath the Q::; have a male-like duct system. "This could other's tail to appose the cloacal regions. The scientists do not yet know what be the most dramatic research," Crews Finally she shifts her jaw grip further makes the preovulatory female sexually says. In essence they may be turning their down the body to achieve the contorted attractive. Estrogen administered to fe- lizards from parthenogenesis back to two- mating posture characteristic of that genus males at other stages of their cycle does sex reproduction .• March/ April. 5 Perspectives

Interview ZBudapest, Witch rogress By Sharon M,Donald

eir heads out their windows holding the Hungarian flag. "We sang the Hungarian national anthem and we all cried. By 6:00 we were at the parliament. I looked into the museum that was in front of it, and there were helmets in the grass, and my witch sense told me that these were soldiers. I thought, my god, they are coming to kill us. I was totally surrounded by a sea of people, so I started dropping back. Not About to Die "I was sixteen and not about to die. As I was dropping back, exactly what I thought would happen did. To a totally unarmed crowd of students and young workers, getting together, only wanting to be Hungarians in Hungary, they unleashed the secret service and they started shooting into the crowd. Thousandsdied, including '~L§•~~..,..~~.'~:--~----' four of my class mates. [ am not well-versed in the ways of "After that, the whole city was dif- witchcraft; I'm more comfortable in a Zee talks about her early revolutionary ferent. Imagine L.A. being fine one day Ramada Inn than a Sabbat circle and I politics, her years in suburbia, and her and the next totally turned upside down, can't tell my Beltane from my bella- eventual move to come out as afeminist, . and street fighting. Our weapons were donna. So why, when a small, gleeful a lesbian, and a witch. gasoline and Molotoff cocktails. The woman exhorts the 1977 Halloween night * * * fighters were everybody from the children crowd at the Los Angeles Woman's "When I first came to the United to the very old. There were more leaflets Building that, "The witches are rising!" States, I was a political refugee. That was every day. There was a food shortage - did I get goosebumps? I was surprised, my beginning at age 16. There was a.big we had to stand in line for bread and wine. but electrifying women that did not pre- revolution in my country in 1956 which "On November 4th, they released viosly consider themselves witch material was an astonishing experience. more divisions from Russia coming up is just everyday magic to Zsuzsanna On October 23rd, which was just a from the south of Romania to squash the Budapest. regular school day for me, I was in high Hungarian Revolution. At that time, the Although she is well known as an school. I was let out early so I hit the street Hungarian President pleaded with the author of'threefeminist books, she is best and saw some students leafletting. That UN. There were two things going on in the remembered by anyone who has ever was a miracle. Never had I seen leaf- U.S. at that time. One was a presidential heard her speak. Passionate, witty, in- letting in my life, especially in my country election - you cannot have a revolution tense, and sometimes haphazard with where even making ajoke was against the and hope for help from the U.S. when her historical facts, Zee is always law. I was always taught to watch out, there is an election. Eisenhower was moving. In the last decade, she has because the walls have ears. running for office. We thought, 'Great, inspired and encouraged spiritualgrowth "I went into a class and started reading he's a military man - maybe we will get within the feminist movement during the different standpoints. The first one off the Russians' hook.' Well, of course, times when spirituality 'andpolitics were was that all Russian troops should leave nothing was further from the truth - the . generally viewed as opposing forces. She Hungary. This was intoxicating for me. U. S.' never cared about Hungary . can incite her audiences to a feminist "The Russians fed there like a para- "For four glorious days, we did get rid spirituality with dazzling enthusiasm, site. The Hungarians had to stand in line of all of. the Russians. But then, they and she can explain goddess worship for food, while the Russian soldiers had started coming in again. They just mowed with the down to earth attitude of a the best of everything. us down. woman explaining how to bake apotato. "I got excited and everybody else got "I heard -thern coming. I heard the Zee's life and work in the feminist . ignited so we decided that we would join a tanks on the cobblestone. It makes a community are a matter ofpublic record, demonstration authorized that afternoon frightful noise - iron against stone is a big (see end of interview) from her books, to at 3:00. By the time we had all gathered, sound. her speeches and sabbats, to her trial and the authorization was withdrawn. ' "I knew than that I just couldn't live conviction for fortunetelling, and more. "At that point, we were close to ten out my life in this country. I wanted to What is not so public is the 30 years of thousand students and people who were have my sweet sixteen and finish high learning and preparation that preceded off work early. We started marching. This school. I mean, I had modest plans. I her pioneering work in the women's incredible feeling of a revolution was didn't set out to conquer the world for the spiritual movement. In this interview, permeating ~veryone. Old ladies stuck goddess. I was just kind of pushed by 6 • Lesbian Tide Perspectives

history. So that was my beginning. And I "I went to the University of Chicago, "This was in the seventies. I picked up never got off the revolutionary track. and studied in Chicago for a while. Iwas the Free Press, and in it there was infor- Moving On taking German lit, and was the only one mation about a demonstration for women. "Idecided that if Idon't go now they who spoke fluent German. They changed I started reading. I showed up at this are going to close down the border. 65,000 the rules on me, and said I'd have to do all demonstration and the people there were students left. It was like' an exodus. The my work in English. I couldn't do it, so my to be my family. They looked like me, . young just walked out. I walked on the grades dropped off and I lost my scholar- accepted me. I helped them carry their Viennese road which leads from Budapest ship. I decided to give it up and sit home signs, I helped clean up the women's to Vienna. Ifelt very romantic. Istopped and watch I Love Lucy. I learned English center, later on. I never left. It was a clear in nice places and bought myself wine and from TV; I totally absorbed it. cut move. - salami, and Iate in haystacks. Imet some "We moved from Chicago to NY. "Webuilt the first women's center, we peasants who were collecting hay, and That is where I set out to extricate myself did the first demonstrations, they taught they put me on their truck and took me to from my marriage. I started to educate my me a lot of skills. Whenever there was a where they collected all the, refugees. two sons for about three years. So the time need for someone to talk fast and hold an With the other girls, I was taken to came, I didn't know where I was going or audience on TV they had me do it. i was Innsbrook, a high school that was both in what I would do, but it was clear to me sort of this Hungarian storyteller, and it German and Hungarian. So Iwas back in that I would either die playing out my never scared me. Guns pointed at me took school in two weeks. They also found me destiny or that I would go and really look my breath away, but cameras pointed at a family there that was interested in for it. And do you know what helped me me never scared me. adopting another child. They loved me, leave that split-level middle class en- "Step by step we' evolved. I did a and gave me money after I left in two vironment? It was that I had once walked whole year's work with the movement years to go to college. They have remained out on a whole country. Ijust wanted to be- without ever talking much about the god- friends of my parents. That was a real free. dess. I was running the speaker's bureau, I was the editor of Sister magazine, we started the clinic, the women's liberation school, and the anti-rape squad which eventually became the Rape Hotline. All of this was in embryo form and we were pushing it from all sides simultaneously. "I came out in 1970, a little bit at a time. My first experience, I think, was sort of a mer.cy act. She showed up at my door one day on a full moon with a bottle of gin. She.pointed at the moon and said, 'Is it that time?' I said 'Yep, that's the right time.' "And then Janet showed up. What really turned me around was falling in love with Janet, whom I still live with. The pleasures were fine, but nobody really got into my heart, nobody really got that deep, and when I fell in love with Jan Budapest outside the Venice storefront housing The Feminist Wicca it felt very natural. And Jan didn't have which shefounded in 1974. much experience and this time the shoe stroke of the goddess' luck. was on the other foot. I had to bring her Finding it "From there, I went to Vienna to out, which I did on my birthday as a study to be an interpretor. After that, Just before I finally left, I was present to myself. I was thirty one." everything pointed to me that the U.S. is so depressed I did try to kill myself. My The rest, as they***say, is herstory: In where I should be. I applied for a visa and grand dream was to ride my bicycle very 1971 Zee came out as a witch in the Los a scholarship, and, of course, I needed a fast off a cliff into the AtlanticOcean, and Angeles women's community, and on sponsor. So I got married - he was a hit the rocks. Well, what happened was December 21 of that year she conducted childhood sweetheart whom I grew up that Irammed my bike into a small mound the first sabbat. Six women came to the with from Budapest. I was very big on of dust, which threw me off my bike and first, 13to the second, 20 to the third, and making Hungarian children. I didn't knocked me unconscious. And I had a then 40. In 1974, with $500, Zeeopened realize what happened to me. I was 21, vision. the Feminist Wicca. Arrested in 1975 on and the mother of two. "I was suddenly in this pulsating pink a charge of'fortune telling for reading an "Suddenly, I had a totally 'different garden from the total despair that I felt undercover officer's tarot cards, she was career. I got depressed and wanted to run before. Now it was just the opposite, into convicted after a four day trial at which away. I realized I married my husband happiness, this total vibrating pink, trans- local women demonstrated in her support out of security reasons. I never really parent pink, a beautiful garden. I loved She appealed the conviction, but it was liked men sexually. I hoped that I would this place, so I asked a question, "Where upheld in court three years later. Zee is get security and emotional support - the am I?" And then I saw black shadows the author oj The Feminist Book of sex part was always a sacrifice - not start to come in and everything went Lights and Shadows, a children's book something that really lured me. So much black, and I opened my eyes. The whole called Selene, the Most Famous Bull- so that when I got married, Iwas a virgin thing must have only taken three or four leaper on Earth, and most recently The for six weeks. I was impenetrable. minutes and I was a changed person. I Holy Book of Women 's Mysteries, Part "He took me to the doctor so he could really felt that I had died and that was over One. She is currently working on a find out if there was something wrong with with. contemporary historical novel about "the me. I was just a who didn't want to "Then I hitchhiked to L.A., and when last ten years oj coven life in Los Angeles" do it. . I got here, I felt whole. called Like Minded Women. _ Marchi April • 7 If 1Should Die Before 1Wake I became active in politics which had before been a good escape for me. As pressure 'mounted with 's anti- gay teachers campaign in 1978, I began

.- drinking daily. My life felt less certain. I ; changed therapists and moved away from Nancy. I had never lived alone. I desper- ately needed space to think. I knew some- , thing was wrong with my life but the changes I was making did not help. I felt isolated. I began working again doing accounting and drinking nearly every night My facade fell and my dignity disappeared with the holidays. I drank more at the work Christ- mas party than I ever had. While everyone else was sipping on champagne, I spiked mine with vodka. I floated away from the nauseatingly blatant heterosexuality that filled the air. I was too drunk to drive. I was embarrassed and humiliated and most of all sick.' ',- Nancy came over that night and I could feel her eyes piercing my secret. She had never before believed I was an By Lisa De Soto alcoholic. But without her to care for me My fondest memories of junior high lesbian feminist organization. This woman my disease was now .evident, school in 1967 are of times spent with my had just left the convent. I could identify I quit drinking for a month. It was, a best friend. Until recently I never associ- with her experiences and she liked me. painful process. I expected an instant ated my feelings for her as being sexual. Her road to coming out was paved with rebound. It did not come. Two weeks later As my girlfriend and I grew closer we alcohol. Once again my mistaken belief I found myself very ill. I had nothing to began to drink together. In time she tired that alcohol could ease a rough time was live for sober. I began drinking again. of the routine and I arrived at her house confirmed. Nancy went to the Gay Community stoned, and drank alone. At age 16 I lost I headed for the booze at parties and Services Center Alcohol Abuse Program her to my boyfriend. I continued to drink went to bars on the weekends. I concealed for counseling. She went to AI-Anon and - alone. the volume I was drinking from Nancy. I seemed to recite from their brochures I doused my lesbian feelings at every remember driving us home one night. I when I talked to her. She once told me I turn. I could no longer be alone with my struggled, opening my eyes wider to see, was a drunk and needed help. I im- thoughts. Without ever slitting my wrist so she wouldn't know how drunk I was. mediately called another practicing as I had often fantasized, I began cutting , By this point I had no self esteem. I did my alcoholic and told her that my lover had away at my being with each drink. best to hide from anyone who might begin stooped to calling me names! Through the next 12 years the haze to know me as the lesbian alcoholic that I 'After only two weeks of drinking between my reality and the rest of the am. Through it all, I somehow graduated something terrifying began happening to world thickened. I hit bottom three times from college in 1976 and moved on to the me. I was unable to function after two before I gave up alcohol forever. The first pressures of working. drinks. I found myself no longer wondering was four years later jn 1971, when I was I did enjoy one aspect of working. if I could meet deadlines on projects but in college in Santa Cruz. I believe I was Lunch hours gave me the opportunity to whether or not I could walk unassisted to drinking often, but I don't really know. I explore the various restaurants in town. I , the bathroom at the bar. I sat on the just remember running out of orange juice discovered a great restaurant that served bathroom floor as my world blacked out. I for my vodka. I mixed raspberry soda delicious tostados. That was a perfect have no idea how much time I actually with the vodka. I woke up the next excuse to go there often for peach spent there graphing my future. morning feeling lifeless. The half empty margaritas. These rich, wonderful mar- Thursday, March 1, 1979, I took my bottle of vodka found its way to the trash. garitas were like ice cream. I convinced last drink. I'm not certain what happened To this day I've never had another drink myself that they were harmless, always to make me stop. It might be because a of raspberry soda, but I can't say the same having at least two. In time my senses friend was fired that evening. The stated for vodka. were not deadened by these. I drove to the cause for termination was incompetence. -For the next few years I lived a nearly liquor store frequently for something His superior whispered an accusation of empty existence. I spent much time in my stronger. alcoholism. My rounds to four bars that garden watching the pelicans swooping The next thing I remember is crawling night rather than the usual one or two did down into the ocean beyond the eucalyptus on the bedroom floor, crying. Nancy's nothing to cure the misery I felt. trees. My lover Nancy was the only voice faded in and out. I needed to quit my Somewhere inside I had always had a person I let near me. job. I needed rest. I gave notice the next glimpse of what my sober life could be. I By the time we moved to Southern morning and we took a trip to the South. I wanted the disgust I felt for myself to California in 1975, I didn't know how to came back home with the idea that what I disappear. I wanted the lies to stop. I make the adjustment from my solitary needed was a therapist. wanted to feel alive, to be proud of myself confinement to life. I was starved for I thought therapy was going well for again. I wanted the bitterness and hatred I affection and the company of other me. I was able to keep the facade of being felt to ease ... to see my softness again. It lesbians and looked to others for guidance. together during my sessions, and my was time to awaken from the slow death I I found a role jnodel in a working class therapist never discovered my alcoholism. felt upon me. 8 • Lesbian Tide I made itmy first 30 days sober, alone. At the suggestion of nearly everyone in my life I finally took the painful step of calling the Alcoholism Center for Women in Los Angeles. I knew I needed support but the idea of talking with a group of unfamiliar women was a terrifying thought / ~ I cried the entire 50 mile commute to my Southern California / first group there. Anxiously I walked inside. Sitting on LATEST MODelS - LARGEST SelECTION Physicians for Human Rights the stairs was a beautiful sober woman. TV-STEREO Her warm clear eyes sent warm~ to my VIDEO RECORDER Speakers Bureau frozen lungs and I began to breathe again. orscousr PRICES & • The. group was filled with women so 5209 Sunset Blvd. Referrals {or Gay and Lesbian Health Care , (213) 858'6767 different from each other, yet all of us had We accepl BanlcAmerlcardlVISA a"fl Mliatercharge so much in common. Some had been 7985 Santa Monica Blvd. Suire 109. Lo~ Angele ••.CA 90046 jailed due to their drinking. Others drank Open 108m to 7pm only at home. One woman wasn't sure she GAY OWNED AND OPERATED was an alcoholic. All of us were certain of one fact. Alcohol had been interfering in our lives. My drive home was a little easier. I stopped at a pay phone and asked Nancy to meet me at my apartment. My burden Barbra Streisand I HXH B\\, " had been lightened by the knowledge that it was no longer mine alone. During the next several months I .began to dig for the feelings I had tried so hard to bury. Self inflicted pressure to be perfect plus the oppression I felt as a lesbian, a chicana, a woman, had thrown me into the sometimes wonderful fog of the world of alcohol. Drinking was a dream-like release from the uneasiness I felt disclosing fragments of myself to, other lesbians. At ACW I learned to let other women into my world. Transition group eased the changes occurring in my life as I phased out of the bar scene. I learned new ways to relate to my body in relaxation and bio- feedback groups. I finally accepted that it would take my body three to five years to recuperate from all the damage I had inflicted upon it. My therapist shared her alcoholism research with me. She said that one third of' the lesbian/gay com- munity is alcoholic. As I became more confident in my sobriety I found other support groups. I subscribed to the Women for Sobriety newsletter and learned that women every- where share many of my feelings. I explored Alcoholics Together (an Alco- holics Anonymous group for lesbians and gays). It was good to be able to leave this area and know there was support anytime and anywhere I went. I've settled now on a small, informal group of women as my basic support system'. A group called Alternative to AA is where I feel most comfortable to be myself. Sharing all of who I am, including A beautiful graphic art print being a lesbian, is essential to my sobriety. . I am fortunate that I am sober today, from an original work of art after many years of struggling, to share my experience with you. Many of my DIANA PRINTS sisters are not. Some have died, others are 1634 Chino St. . still feeling the slow decay I once knew. _ Santa Barbara CA931 01 The Women for Sobriety Newsletter is MAIL CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR $9.50 availablefrom Womenfor Sobriety, Inc., (Ca. residents add 6% sales tax $9.95)' P.D. Box 618, Quakertown, PA 18951. Marchi April • 9 National News both capacities to better civil rights for Gay Watch '80 gays..The Judiciary Committee's proposed new criminal code would abolish all existing sodomy laws between consenting adults. In the interview however, Kennedy Kennedy Would did not specifically say he would co- sponsor Senator Cranston's recent bill calling for a repeal of Immigration policy against gays. Back Gay Plank When asked about his position on gay rights in several smaller cities in recent months Kennedy has referred to his anti- Prop 6 (Briggs Initiative) stance and reiterated his remarks in the Post interview.

"1 think that in the area of gay rights',there has to be elimination of all discrimi- nation. .1think any legis- lation that exists on the books should be struck down. "

- Ted Kennedy, The Washington Post. Jan. 20, 1980

t>'1' Kennedy Women's Group In an attempt to improve his image When the representatives of all three sent to all presidential candidates by The with women, Kennedy also announced Democratic contenders for the Presidency National Gay Task Force, Kennedy said the for:mation of a Women's Advisory meet with the Gay Coalition oflowa, it's that if elected he will issue an executive Committee composed of sixty "prominent obvious that "gay power" has become order banning discrimination against gays Massachusetts women." The group's more than a demonstration slogan. in federal employ. Further, he said he Chair, Nancy Korman, is a former Vice This event occurred Jan. 10 as Carter, supports gay rights legislation, and he President of Americans for Democratic Kennedy, and Brown staffers all tried to promised to endorse a gay rights plank at . Action and a partner in an all woman convince gay Iowans "how much" their the August Democratic National Con- owned and operated public relations firm. candidates had done for our cause. vention. Korman expects her Committee will "take Challenged by groups through letters In his sweeping statement Kennedy wrote, "I believe our party's platform a strong role" in eastern campaigns plan- and appear,ances across the country, ned by the Senator. Senator Edward Kennedy is fast em- should also.commit itself to the issuance of an executive order prohibiting discrimi- Carter Announcement Expected bellishing his heretofore blank record on Not to be outdone as a champion of gay rights. In response to a questionnaire nation based on sexual orientation in government programs and the enactment gay rights, a campaign supporter of Carter's of legislation -protecting the civil rights of said the President will make an announce- The National Convention Project ment about his position on the Senate gay reports that "about a dozen" members of those who have historically been stigma- tized on the basis of sexual orientation." rights bill soon. Speaking Feb. 3 to a local gay organizations were elected as In response to a question put to him in forum on lesbian and gay rights at the U ni- Democratic and Republican county con- a Jan. 20 Washington Post interview versity of New Hampshire, Stanley Tobin vention delegates during the Iowa pri- Kennedy reiterated, "I think that in the also said Carter willat that time take a stand maries. Only four Iowa precincts rejected area of gay rights that there has to be on whether he will sign an executive order a gay rights plank. Working from store elimination of all discrimination ... I think banning discrimination against gays in the front headquarters in Des Moines, the any legislation that exists on the books federal government. Tobin, who is a Los Project and the Gay Coalition of Iowa should be struck down." In the interview Angeles lawyer, works for the Carter- contacted organizations in ten cities. Kennedy, who is the Chair of the Senate Mondale campaign and was representing These organizations conducted workshops Judiciary Committee and a member of the Carter at this meeting. Tobin said Carter on caucus tactics. The state's major media Select Commission on. Immigration & had been given background papers and all covered gay political activity. Refugee Policy, said he was working in continued on page 12 10. Lesbian Tide Constanza Explains, "Why I'm for ·Kennedy"

By Jeanne Cordova Midge Costanza stumps lor Kennedy.

I . While has corralled gay He opposed and fought budget cuts in with . What he ' is is a support, Ted Kennedy is picking up en- CET A training and housing assistance. champion of human rights. He's a liberal dorsements and campaign staffers from He early authored legislation to: extend and a progressive. He always has been." the women's movement. One activist on maternal and infancy care, aid pregnant She believes this new focus has freed his behalf is Midge Constanza, a well teenagers, and support rape crisis centers Kennedy to speak out more clearly and known feminist who first helped open with federal funds. Costanza summarized, "offer specific alternatives" to Carter. He White House doors to gays in a 1977 "He has the best record on human rights, has come out clearly against the draft meeting between Carter Administration civil rights, and women." saying the young should not be called aides and the Natiorial Gay Task Force. upon to rectify the mistakes of their Costanza was herself a Carter aide at that Strategy Shifts elders. He has said budget increases time but resigned in 1978 because she felt Asked how she evaluates Kennedy's should go to providingjobs, not to defense; "the President wasn't emphasizing issues chances now that Afghan fever has that putting people to work decreases the as strongly as he did when he campaigned." dramatically increased Carter's popularity, cost of government (assistance to welfare, In a February interview Costanza Costanza analyzed: unemployment benefits) and strengthens said she backs Kennedy now because she "The condition that led (Kennedy) to the Social Security System and the agrees with his positions and appreciates enter the race was Carter's weakness in economic welfare of the couritry. his courage. "It takes courage to support the polls. They showed him losing to an issue you might not personally believe everyone! Women, labor and miriorities Brown Deserving in," she noted referring to the Senator's were afraid of a right wing candidacy. Costanza agrees Brown is drawing consistent support ofpro-choice legislation. Since Iran and Afghanistan Kennedy has votes from Kennedy but she also says the "He is Roman Catholic and from a state made some badjudgements in TV appear- California Governor is entitled to the that is 95% Catholic, but he has con- ances that caused a diminishing in his loyalty he enjoys from gays and the anti- tinually supported the use of Medicaid polls. nuclear movement. "Jerry Brown abso- funds for abortions." "This hysteria of patrioticism that lutely deserves the support he is getting. As a member of his Speakers' Bureau, we're now seeing comes from a basic fear He is courageous, he has gone extra she is not a paid campaigner, but she has and frustration. Jimmy Carter is enjoying steps." traveled to Iowa, Oklahoma, Boston, and indirect and non-specific support. People As a veteran politician she also feels California speaking to women, senior are rallying around the office of the Presi- that eventually either Kennedy or Brown citizens, Hispanics, Puerto Ricans, gays, dency, not around Jimmy Carter." must bow out gracefully in deference to and human rights groups about her • She also believes Kennedy has made unifying the liberal vote. "That loyalty is candidate. some important changes recently as a his," she said referring to Brown, "but I According to a study published by result of his dismal Iowa showing. "He's a would find it selfish if he did not release The Woman Activist, Kennedy "has different candidate than two months ago. it. .. Only he and those who support him never voted against the woman's position." He's got a clearer picture of who he' is and can make that decision, but there must Costanza notes the Senator was the first what he is. Who he is is a Senator of the come a time when this support gets trans- to introduce legislation calling for an end United States and he doesn't have to ferred to Ted Kennedy or Jerry Brown. to sex discrimination in the armed forces. apologize for having differing opinions One must give it to the other." _ Marchi April • 11 KENNEDY WOULD BACK GAY , For the most part, however, Carter PLANK hirnselfhas taken refuge behind a preoccu- continued from page 10 . pation with Iran and Afghanistan and will make a formal statement "fairly soon, hasn't come out on the gay issue, nor many others. -' perhaps within the next two weeks." Tobin did not know what the President Assailed by feminists for only giving will decide but he said Carter's statement ~ the ERA "lip service", and by the National Organization for Women, who refused to would be "reflective of the President's endorse him (see last issue), Carter did belief that anti-gay discrimination is un- throw a passing reference to women's constitutional under the 1st, 4th, and 14th rights into his January State of the Union Amendments ... ". Asked if Carter, like address. And he has, of course, said he Brown and Kennedy, would support believes women should be registered for adoption of a gay plank at the Democratic the draft. Whether this is a pro or anti- Convention, Tobin said he foresees "Some- feminist position, or just grandstanding, is thing in the nature of a compromise ... but a question now being debated by feminists. I am sure it will be one you can and will be In attempt to woo the traditional sec- proud to support." tors of the Women's Movement, Carter invited leaders of such to a December White' House meeting. He pointedly dropped NOW from the guest list after hearing of their non-endorsement. NOW pointedly picketed the White House and continues to charge that even though Carter has appointed women to top posi- tions, "issues, not jobs are what counts." Carter supports' prohibiting' the use of Medicaid funds for abortions. Asked about openly gay candidates on their campaign staffs, Steve Ribers, Deputy Director of Brown's effort in New Hampshire, named David Mixner and Peter Scott, two Los Angeles gay men, as "key campaign consultants." Tobin, speaking for Carter's staff, said he thought .there were some gays, but he didn't know their names. Audience members retorted, "We know there are; the question is are they open." Brown's Future In Question The candidacy of Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown has been noteworthy since its inception on the gay issue. However, consultant David Mixner says the Governor will have to do well in New Hampshire (F eb. 26) in order to remain in the race. By well; Mixner means" at least as well as he did in Maine." Brown got 14% of the vote there. Noting that the Brown campaign has become "thoroughly integrated" with the lesbian and gay communities, Mixner said lie found both groups were "solidly" behind Brown in the Northeast, Los Angeles attorney Sheldon Adelson, just back from a Brown campaign stump in Maine and New Hampshire confirmed the gay support, but also noted many lesbians and gays now see Kennedy as a 2nd choice should Brown bowout Andelson reported he saw little lesbian or gay support for Carter who has had four years to do something for gays - and hasn't. Northeastern lesbians and gays are faced with the difficult choice of whether to back a deserving pro-gay candidate (the first in American politics) who might not make it all the way, or voting for a second-best viable candidate (Kennedy) whose campaign is also in trouble. At press time no Republican candidate had said anything worth quoting on the subject of gay or women's rights.• National News Windows Ignites Protest

By Lynne D. Shapiro New York: In the past sixty years who only gawked at the "dykes and fags", Hollywood has produced only four movies and seemed oblivious to any consciousness that feature lesbians (The Children's raising attempt. This was unfortunate Hour, The Killing of Sister George, Ther because movie theaters receive most of Fox, and A Different Story) - each their income from this age group. United worse than the other in depicting lesbianism Artists was able to continue the run of as sick and tragic. Windows all over the Metropolitan area Now United Artists, who also pro- for several weeks. duced the slanderous anti-gay male film United Artists has shown no concern Cruising, last year, has produced the about the negative images they were most vicious anti-lesbian film imaginable hyping or the effect of such. It can be - Windows. conjectured that they did expect some As a film Windows is so bad (News- protest since the film was made under week panned it as "the worst film of tight security which prevented the pre- 1980") that it might have opened and release protests that occurred during the closed across the country with no-one shooting of their anti-gay film Cruising. having seen it, had not Jan Oxenburg of Los Angeles: In February lesbians the National Association of Lesbian & here also marched outside of Hollywood Gay Filmmakers previewed it. and Westwood theaters showing Windows. On January 19, four days after this The owner of Hollywood's Pacific theater preview, NALGF and The National Gay told the L.A. Times that the demonstrators Task Force mobilized an opening night had increased his box office receipts by protest against Win do ws which drew over calling attention to an otherwise mediocre 200 representatives from every feminist, film. However activists felt that talking lesbian and gay group in the metropolitan with and giving literature to theater goers area. - was an important consciousness raising The purpose of the demonstration, to necessity. call media attention to the film's anti- Cruising, the UA film which New lesbian and anti-woman messages, and to York gays attempted to stop during its cut box-office sales, were somewhat suc- shooting in Greenwich Village over cessful. The demonstration was covered Christmas, also opened in February. Its by several television stations. And con- Feb. 15 opening was greeted by nation- versations with theater goers persuaded a wide demonstrations. Los Angeles gays good number of older adults to change organized as "The Committee Concerned their minds (at least three joined the About the movie Cruising", plan further protest line). protests. For more information or partici- Jan. 18 lesbians and gays The picketers, however, were less pation call at (213) demonstrate infront of Baronet Theater protesting the successful with the young people' in line 463-3928 .• opening of the anti-lesbian film Windows. Publishers Call for More Magazines • I,

By Sharon McDonald, "When Amazon Quarterly died, we kept waiting for someone from California or Massachusetts to start another maga- zine, but nobody did. We were just two lesbians livingin Charlotte, North Carolina, unconnected to any network of lesbians anywhere, but we sent out a flier to every- one in the New Woman's Survival Catalog asking if there was any interest in a new magazine. We wanted to have a publication that dealt with a new language, new perceptions, seeing the world through" new eyes. Lots of women wrote back and ~ o sent stories; we printed everything we got ell in the first issue of Sinister Wisdom in •.. July of 1976." a 1\1 In the four years since the I), publishers t: Harriet Desmoines and Catherine Nichol- .•a son have made Sinister Wisdom a forum o for some of the best analysis, poetry and a: continued on page Marchi April • 13 National News Publishers continued from page 13 fiction currently being produced by lesbian feminists. Speaking in Santa Monica, California in February, they urged their audience to consider starting new publi- cations for lesbian writers. "Having created Sinister Wisdom, just having it available, has encouraged more women to write. It's hard to keep writing when you know there are no outlets for your work. So the very existence of Sinister Wisdom has created more lesbian writing. Now we have to turn down so much good material because we just don't have the space to print it all. "We can't afford financially to expand and add pages; we're on a very tight margin. Conditions operates on a mar- At: 6000 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, Ca 90035 ginal budget also, so there are still too few Telephone: (213) 931-5308 \ places publishing this type of writing. "Member - Union of American Hebrew Congregations There is such a rieed for more outlets: We want to encourage more women to start more magazines." Desmoines described the changes in , submissions over the years: "When we ~ first began, we were inundated with poetry, but we wanted a balance between THE ONLY ~ that and other kinds of writing. We even EXERCISE had a moratorium on poetry submissions for a while, which was NOT very popular YOU'LL with the poets! At first we got very little l*,EVER NEED fiction, now we get a great deal of it." a balanced combination of stretching, rhythmic movements and breathing Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 and 7:30 classes Debbie Miller - 477-0102

Asked to renumeratethe criteria used to choose material for publication in Sinister Wisdom, Nicholson said, "We loe k for writing that reflects a lesbian feminist culture or perspective. And then among those pieces, we choose the ones which express it most clearly." The co-publishers also revealed the Whatever your Pr of'e ssf on a lio r Business inspiration for the title Sinister Wisdom. Desmoines explained, "The word 'sinister' Needs-Financial~ Legal, Health, Realtors, originally meant 'from the left side,' which Dentists, Hypnotists, Typing Services, Con- was devalued in the patriarchy, and asso- tractors, Boutiques, Piano Teachers, Photog- ciated with blackness, 'darkness, evil, women, and homosexuality: all those raphers, Caterers, Public Relations, Psycho- things we know and love!" Nicholson therapists and many more .•• added, "The phrase 'sinister wisdom' comes from Joanna Russ's novel The CALL f'OR FREE REFERRALS Female Man in which an older woman is considering having a sexual relationship with a young woman of about 15. In the WOOlen's Refepral Service book,cross generational sexual relation- ships are taboo, and the older woman is having trouble facing what she calls the younger woman's 'sinister wisdom.' " (213) 895-·6648 Desmoines and Nicholson ended their If you art' a professional, or in business for yuursplf. talk by again urging women to begin more or an organization involved with women call Women's publications for women: "It's easy. If we did in, you can too." Writer Anne Lee and Referral S••rviee fur information regarding listing your poet Terry Wolverton, both published in busm ••"s with our rf'ferral service. Sinister Wisdom, also read from their works. _ 14. Lesbian Tide

The Editorial Board reserves the section which mentioned that Rev. Jerry care of our bodies our own way. I have right to edit all letters submitted for Falwell has a national mail campaign been using the same 79¢ sponge for 13 print. We welcome response from organization which sends out hundreds of months now. readers and recommend a maximum pieces of mail on right wing issues. From. an appropriate technology earth length of 500 words. It has bothered me for some time that bound sister, Jennifer Fipps, Davis, CA there is a conspicuous lack ofletter writing TRIVIALIZING organizations in the feminist, lesbian, and ACLU AND WOMEN'S THE HOLOCAUST? gay movements. LITIGATION Dear Editors, For instance, what is the Senate bill Dear Friends of Women's Rights, I feel angry when I read The Lesbian Tide number of the "Family Protection Act"? As many of you know, since Jill Jakes and find anti-semitism in its pages, and We could all write letters of opposition to left the ACLU to assume her duties on the once again this occurred in the Frances this if we had the specific information and bench, we have been under-staffed and Farmer article by Cindy Frazier in your the names of key Senate committee unable to meet the demand in the area of last issue. persons. women's rights. Recently, our staff has T'Ocompare Frances Farmer's move For many -of us who don't have the been augmented by three new attorneys, from a sanitarium in Los Angeles to her time or money (or security) to contribute one of whom has assumed responsibility hometown of Seattle to a Jew escaping the to active organizations, letter writing is a for women's rights litigation. russian pogroms and landing in Auschwitz, form of activism which can bring monu- We would therefore like to explore is, once again, using the Holocaust for mental results. Lesbian Tide could provide with you the possibility of bringing law analogy (now that it's in vogue to talk a springboard for such activism by pro- suits to further the fight for equality for about it). It's belittling what six million viding a page or even a half page of women. Jews experienced in one of the worst information about issues which need sup- ·We urge you to seek our assistance if massacres in history by making it analogous rt in the form ofletters. Readers who know you feel that our organization and staff to someone's personal pain. What the of such issues could sen'd you the infor- can be of help. Jews experienced will never be able to be mation, thereby minimizing some of the Most sincerely, Ramona Ripston, ACLU compared to anything else. work of your writers. Foundation of Southern California. Paula Tobin, San Francisco, CA. In the spirit of constructiveness, love and Editor's Note: The ACLU Foundation kisses, Claudia, California can be reached at 633 South Shatto BETTER LUCK NEXT ISSUE Place, Los Angeles, CA' 90005 or Dear Lesbian Tide, Editor's Reply: The Senate bill number 213/487-1720. Although I usually love your mag., this of the Family Protection Act sponsored last issue I found disgusted me. The worst by Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-NV) is SB 1808. CANADA STOPS was Achy Obejas' non-music review of This bill is currently pending before the LESBIAN BOOK Izquierda Ensemble's album, Quiet Senate Finance Committee which will 'Dear Womyn, Thunder. The main thing I got from it is hear it sometime in March or April. . In the last issue I received, LT that the reviewer is angry because this From there it 'will go to the Labor & Nov./Dec. 1979, it was exciting to find so Chicana musician who lives in the North- Human Relations Committee, andfinally many new Lesbian books, records, etc., west creates music with whites, the other to the Senate Judiciary Committee forme to order. I rely a lot on being able to women of Izquierda. (Chaired by Ted Kennedy). People should order from the States since it is very Women in the Northwest have heard now write any of the folio wing members difficult to find newly published Lesbian them in concerts and love their music, of the Finance Committee: Chair, Russell material here in Canada. One of the books crave their tapes and records. Long (LA), Herman Talmadge (GA), I had ordered was B. Balliet and P. This review was a natural companion Daniel P. Moynihan, (Ny), John Heinz Patton's new book, Graphic Details from piece to (that on) Sirani Avedis. I can't (PA), Bill Bradly (NJ), Abraham Ribicoff 'Star Publications. Today I received a tell if either does anything positive for (CI), Harry Byrd, Jr. (VA), or Bob Dole confiscation notice from Revenue Canada race relations. (KS). Customs and Excise, complete with file "Night At the Bar" was not funny or We will try to be more conscientious numbers stating that the shipment to me interesting in any other way. Sorry. about providing the tools (numbers, was forwarded for examination and was Frances Farmer was interesting but names, addresses) our letter writing acti- ruled to be immoral or indecent pathetic. I wonder why you didn't mention vists need to work with. Thanks, for the Once again I am reminded that my her autobiography, Will There Really Be push. . . . . paranoia is justified. With all the sexist, A Morning? Also, what's this "Frances dangerous male pornography surrounding Farmer Died for Our Sins" heading on THE $5.000 SPONGE us constantly, they confiscate a book sent this article? Dear Tide Wymin, to me in the mail. I'm not naive enough to Frances Farmer died "so that America In response to "Tampons can be "not realize how threatening Lesbian would be safe from people like us." OK, Dangerous to Your Health," in'LT material is to the male dominated fucked but did she "die for our sins?" Jan./Feb. 1980, I would like to herald the up world. It really infuriates and scares Sincerely, Thyme S. Seagull, Sacramento, use of small whole sponges, completely me to realize even my mail is being CA bypassing the use of capitalistic, de- opened and examined. It really makes me grading, patriarchal tampons and the anti- sick to think ofthe men who have had their LETTER WRITING ACTIVIST coagulant chemicals contained therein. hands on this book. I'm wondering how Dear Sisters, Not to mention the savings of an average long I'll be able to continue receiving Despite your having to cut the number $5,000 per woman's lifetime. Lesbian Tide and other publications be- of pages in the Jan./Feb. Lesbian Tide, I A length of dental floss sewn into a fore they're confiscated, examined and felt that you put together an excellent sponge makes an easy drawstring. The ruled to be immoral or indecent. issue. sponge, washed out during period as In sisterlove and struggle, Georgeth I'd like to respond to an Item which needed, and soaked in vinegar for a day or Ganne, Canada appeared under the subheading "Right so between periods - results in a safe, continued on page 16 • Wing Moves Too" in the National News practical, and economical way to take March/ April • 15 Response to

"Feeling As A Dark Woman" (Interview: Sirani Avedis) Women don't have to unite in a collec- tive to be powerful and unified, white, black, brown, or otherwise. I can' never fully understand the dark woman's life, but I depend upon her to help teach me what I need to understand so that we as women can help and know each other better. We can't let ourselves be victims of the separation and hatred that men have created in our society to keep every group of people from trusting and knowing every other group. We as women have to be able to see through the lies and individually take the power to help ourselves. As long Do not misinterpret this letter to mean as we remain separate and hateful towards each other, we are still puppets in the that I disagree with the content of Sirani' s hands of-men. interview. Hardly. Every paragraph, every sentence struck a "minor mournful" cord. And that should never be. Each issue she spoke about is an intense survival issue for dark lesbians who have Thank you, Ann Kramer, C;:A chosen to work within the womyn's com" munities, who know that survival on this ANGRY AT AGEISM planet means womyn's survival. • Dear Lesbian Tide; Having grown up in small midwest I was glad to see The Lesbian tide, white communities of amerika's melting old friend from L.A. And then, midway pot, I realized at age 26 how much of me through the article on Sirani Avedis it had melted. It is only from the last two happened again. Anger, my body stiffening, yers of knowing the dark womyn I know, pain that once more ageism glares at me. of reading about other dark womyn, Frustration! How can I make women hear hearing lesbians like Sirani and Naomi that when they define young as "beautiful, Littlebear (Isquerida Ensemble) in song strong, and good" it makes me.who is not and struggle that I have begun to mold young, feel real bad. I want us all to feel ok myself back into the Puerto Rican womyn about ourselves, but not at each other's that I am. expense. Young means being born since I don't know whether it was lack of 1950, or 1955, that's all it means. Sirani A vedis ability about how to recognize the heart of A vedis interview prompts controversy. the interview or just plain racism that Sincerely, Tita Caldwell, Northern resulted in this slanted "perspective." California ' After snarling my way through half of WORRIED ABOUT THE GAP LESBIAN RACISM: "Egyptian Venus" by Cheri Lesh in the Dear Women of The Tide, DAILY HEARTBREAK same issue, I tend to think it was the latter. After reading the interview with Sirani Dear Lesbian Tide, I won't go into outraged detail about that Avedis in last month's edition, I found As a Puerto Rican lesbian I was elated to story; but, it was disgustingly racist and a myself once again feeling frustrated with find an interview with Sirani Avedis in the slap in the face to every dark womon who ' the gap women of color are choosing to last issue. I am always strengthened to see reads Lesbian Tide. widen between themselves and the "white dark womyn being given press. It makes As a lesbian newspaper you have a feminist movement." As a white, Jewish me know we are not alone. Dealing with responsibility to dark womyn not to print lesbian (who actually doesn't look that racism in the lesbian community is nothing this kind of racist soulbearing. different from Sirani) who has worked less than daily heartbreak. Many dark actively since she was a child, for the lesbians have decided it's not worth it. rights 'and freedom of blacks, inner city And of' those who remain, many have Sincerely, Laura Ramirez-Orabona, children, farmworkers, gays, women, etc., chosen to be silent rather than have the freeland, MICH I feel constantly shit on for not being a pain of their heart be distorted, excused or minority. 1spent a couple of years living unheard. DUMBFOUNDED ABOUT in an inner-city black community with a In her concerts, Sirani has shown such FRIGIDITY bla~k man before I came out, so I probably strength and vulnerability by speaking out Dear Editors, have a better perspective of what it means about racism. Many womyn think racism I picked up a copy of the January / to be a black woman in that community should be mentioned once and never February Lesbian Tide at my local wom- than many white women. I certainly know again. Or there are those who assume en's bookstore and was dumbfounded to what it's like to be "his woman" and the because they are lesbians and deal with read the first article, "Feeling As a Dark "white honky bitch whore," which is no (this) oppression, they are incapable of Woman." Right there in the middle of pretty picture either. There are many oppressing others. ' page five were the most racist comments I white feminist women whose "natural It is obvious that this interview got have read in a long while. How en- tendency is to work with one other person slaughtered. What happened? When lightening to know that white women are or solitarily, and to do work very perfec- Sirani was interviewed, did she know the frigid while dark women are oversexed tionisticly, to be work-a-holics, very piece would appear as a monologue? and big busted. I quote, intense and very involved." (Pg, 4 Sirani's Where are the questions, the leads and " ... White women aren't very sexual on interview) responses, the other half of this interview? stage because they are really repressed. .. • 16 • Lesbian Tide Dark women on the other hand can hardl y because we see another way of doing In her article Avedis says, "I feel contain ourselves from being sexy, be- things besides the "collective" white collectivity is this American Western cause we are just, not repressed in our norm. We have been jumped on and concept of equality and mediocrity where body movements, and our body types are ostracised for having too much to say and nobody excells .. .if dark women were the usually more full... " saying it too passionately. We/eel what majority it would not even occur to us to If Ms. Avedis were not a dyke; she Sirani Avedis has to say in her words and work in these big-ass groups. Or maybe it probably would have mentioned that dark in her music. would because we would be working with men have bigger penises too. We've read this interview many times - each other and we would want to work because we. couldn't understand its con- together! " Sincerely, Marion Saxton, Worcester, tent. What were the questions Sirani was This sounds like a direct contradiction Mass. answering? How did the conversation get to us... what is Avedis saying, that APPALLED BY RACISM from white womyn to the problems of collectives are no good because white Dear Tide, collective struggle to racial and ethnic women are in them, and ifminority women Sirani Avedis is an Armenian Amer- oppression to... etc? . were in them, they would then be good? ican lesbian musician whois not afraid to Who interviewed Sirani? And most She goes on to say" ... The most arrogant speak out as an anti-feminist, a dark important, was she white, Black, Puerto part of this is that white women want us to racist, a woman hating lesbian. This strain Rican, Asian, Chicana? It is hard for us to join these groups of white women." of thinking or rather non-thinking, of . believe that Sirani would have made It seems to us that if white women did Sirani and other "girls" like her is just herself so vulnerable on some of the issues not want minority women included in what we all need to totally demolish she discusses with a white lesbian. De-, groups that would then be racist. But everything we have begun to accomplish. leting this information has only served to Avedis contends that white women invite Yes, the women's movement is primarily continue the stereotype of dark lesbians minority women to join collectives so that white, and racism is a problem. However, as inscrutable, angry without cause, bitter they can then "fuck them over every step bit by bit we are beginning to look at that without-vision and preoccupied with sex. of the way". According to Avedis white issue and to work on it. Racism and women are damned if they do, and damned c1assism must, I emphasize MUST, be a· Sandra Lara, Melanctha Deanchild if they don't. BlatentIy racist and bigoted priority for us if we have any hopes of a on her part. feminist reality. Sirani gives us that classic OUTRAGED BY TRASHING About her performances she states, old argument: why even try, we 'whiteys' Dear Editors, " ... White people want me to be phony. will never get beyond our racism. It's the We feel The Tide is guilty of 'They want me to get up on stage and be old divide and conquer attitude - divide irresponsible journalism because it saw fit . what they want me to be, 'disguise your and be conquered some more. (Note: she to print an article that trashed white emotions'." used the words "white" and "racism" 30 women, and with one fell swoop, depicted We don't know what white people she them as racist and bigoted. is referring to, but at the .concerts we've times.) , The whole interview was completely offensive, the ideas expressed will destroy any lesbian and/or feminist solidarity. As a lesbian I was offended, as a feminist I was appalled, and as a student of political art I was outraged. The whole thing reeks of right wing reactionary thought with words from the left. I refuse to accept her stance, and to give any support to her ideas, and it is not predicated on her color. I will not support her and if I did I would be just the white woman she talks about. My support goes to all women, all colors, straight or lesbian who struggle with the issues and don't give up as Sirani suggests. What's more - the article was one of the worst pieces of journalism I have encountered. Why must we settle for this spineless, tasteless poor quality. We have writers, journalists, lesbian feminist-critics and yet we continue to accept this mush without so much as a peep. We can do better, we MUST do better.

With much care and concern, Susanna DesMarais, Santa Monica, CA MOVED BY AVEDIS Dear Lesbians: We are a Puerto Rican Lesbian and a Black Lesbian who were very moved by your "interview" with Sirani Avedis in the Jan./Feb. issue of the Tide. We/eel the anger she speaks about when we hear white womyn sing our songs or tell about our struggles. We know how it feels to be isolated in political groups because as dark lesbians we are outnumbered, or Marchi April. 17 been to the audience is overwhelmingly OBJECtIONS TO FORMAT If racism was an issue that enjoyed loving and appreciative of performers and widespread agreement or resolution this Dear Editors, article would not have generated so much they want all musicians to do what they I object to the 'format used in your article feeling. We feel much of the response has feel like doing. We can't imagine white on Sirani Avedis, i.e. the idea of using women in any concerts wanting a per- been a "shoot the messenger" reaction. quotes, answers to questions, as though Sirani Avedis spoke about facts that exist former, dark, white, light, or polka dotted they came out from left field. I think you to be anything other than what comes in today's world. The fact that she is should have taken responsibility for your talking about it makes it easy to blame her naturally and creatively to them. role in the interview. ' Then she says, "In lesbian music for saying it, or saying it bluntly, or to If you weren't going to write a story blame this magazine for printing it, or there is a pretty conspicuous lack of sex using descriptives or editorial insight, editing too sharply. on stage ... white women aren't very then the Q & A approach (including both sexual on stage because they are really questions and answers) might have still We printed this article because we repressed. Dark women on the other hand been preferable, as it will help carry mood thought there was some truth in almost can hardly contain ourselves from being over. every point raised, because we knew sexy... and if we let that fly I can just hear Sirani Avedis is an incredible musician, Avedis' thoughts are echoed by many the comments!" a warm human being. She does not talk in lesbians ofcolor, and because her views' Blatantly racist again! Not only that, it monologues. She is affectionate, and has were thought-provoking. This article cer- is divisive. Is she comparing Meg Christian, a great sense of humor, When she speaks tainly provoked a great deal of thought Cris Williamson, Holly Near, etc. to of racism, it is not in the hollow Ditter way and emotion when it was read at our minority women and finding the white that her quotes appear in that article. The Editorial meetings. We argued, we denied, women are not as sexy as minority women? interviewer or you as editors should have we were insulted, we debated. One editor In viewing the audience of a lesbian/ given some insight. said, "I resent being herded into a group feminist performer at any concert we've And I might ask at this point, if in fact called 'white women' and put down - , been to, the women in the audience go Sirani spoke mostly on race and class, even if it is true!" wild at the natural creativeness and style wasn't it because the interviewer pursued that is unique to each performer. We . The format used to present this article those topics, came back to them? never saw an audience put down a per- is not unusual to journalism nor to The former for her color, and that assertion by , Two more errors. Tide. This "self-quote-monologue" style Avedis is the most racist and unfair of all. You say that after playing as Sally was also used in the Holly Near (Sept.Z Then she goes onto ask, "Why is it Piano, Sirani returned to her given name. Oct. 79) and Robin Morgan (May/June negative to be called a name (girl) that This is incorrect. Her given name is Sally 79) interviews. We have also used the means young, when to be young means to Avedikian. She choose the name Sirani to "narrative" style with Robin Tyler (Sept/ be beautiful, strong and good. get back in touch with her ethnic.heritage. Oct. 78) and Sasha G. Lewis (Nov./Dec, We'll tell you why! A fifty year old The root word Siran means rainbow and 78). And we have used the "Q & A" lavender in Armenian ... As to the trans- woman is beautiful, strong and good and (question and answer) format occasionally, hasn't been a girl for thirty five years and formation from Avedikian to Avedis ... as with Rita Mae Brown (Nov.!Dec. 79). all Armenian last names 'end in -ian. But hasn't been young for fifteen years. We Interestingly, no one said we took unfortunately-ian means "sonof,' so she resent the term girl from anyone because Holly Near's remarks out of context, or merely chose to drop it, leaving the root it implies a dependent status ... one not to that the Robin Morgan interview was word "avedis" which means in Armenian be taken seriously. We never heard of slaughtered or slanted. We did not tell any a "the bearer of messengers." girl building her own home, running for of these six women, including Avedis, The other error is that there has not political office, or arguing her case in a what format would be used. been a 5th Michigan Womyn's Music court oflaw. And we never heard any girl Festival. Also the We Want The Music The interview ~ith Avedis came about doing lesbian feminist music for a bunch, Collective spells womyn with a "y". : . with a few hours notice and there were no of dykes who are stamping their feet and The Tide mistakenly published "the 5th prepared questions. The tape indicates going wild over the lyrics. The performer Annual Michigan Women's Music Fes- the interview was in fact largely a running is always a woman; and the color is tival." It should have read: "The 4th monologue. The subject of race was 95% always invisible. of the interview, music .and background There is certainly racism in the wom- Annual Michigan Womyn's Music Festival." , en's movement. .. ofthat there is no doubt. about 5%. But let's stop the bullshit about projecting The interviewer inserted several please-' In struggle,Achy Obejas, Terrapin Records racism onto every white woman at every elaborate-on- what- you- said que stions turn. The fact that one walks in a white (*Terrapin Records is Avedis' recording such as, "What do you mean whim you woman's shoes and has never experienced company.) say 'the idea of collectivity is white?" the racism that exists towards non-whites There were three questions posed by the doesn't make one a racist. But Avedis * * * interviewer. They were: "Do you think projects racism onto every white face in lesbian musicians have a political respon- our movement, and'to us, that makes her a sibility to lead, orjust to reflect, what may racist. Let's attack racism where it starts, at the same place sexism starts. The be happening?" , Do you think there is a doesn't make one a racist. Let's attack difference between the way sex is treated racism where it starts, at the same place in white culture and in dark people's sexism starts. The patriarchy is our culture?" and "How do you feel about enemy, our oppressor, and has his foot on being a' dark woman musician in a field our necks. . where eight out of ten are white?" 'we believe that all women are a race In re-listening to the tape we found , unto themselves. We believe that the one omission of a remark that could have patriarchy continually tries to divide us, EDITORS REPLY changed an interpretation of one of Avedis' and to draft us into a war that is not our Dear Letter Writers and Readers, views. On pg. 5 Col. 1, bottom paragraph, own. Weare two women who refuse to go, We feel tile real issue here is not the Avedis said, "The more I associated Jill Crawford and Sandy Tate, Los opinions of Sirani A vedis nor the editing myself with women and the more I separated Angeles, CA ' of The Lesbian Tide, but racism. myself from men the less relevant that 18 • Lesbian Tide (not using the term "girl") became. I would never use the word girl to straight women, absolutely never. Because it is important for them to know step one. Step one is if men are ... " The italized words were omitted. . This interview was conducted by Jeanne Cordova and transcribed by Lizette Burleson. The transcription was read by the Editorial Board (see front page) and then edited by Claire Krulikowski. The final version was approved by the Edi- torial Board. In order to divide our workload it is not unusual for a single article to be worked through these stages by several people. Cordova is Latina, Burleson is Asian, Krulikowski is Polish, the other two editors (Sharon McDonald and Kerry Lobel) are white and Jewish, respectively. In deference to space limitations (Avedis is not a one issue woman) we did omit some whole topics, and some per- sonal background statements Avedis made. The personal comments left out were each only one or two sentences, but they some- times illustrate how her life experiences contributed to her views. We cut some examples and elaborations and we pre- sented her conclusions in a manner which may have contributed to her appearing more definite, more cut and dried. We did not change her content, intent, or con- clusions, but as in most interviews, we did abbreviate how she got to them. Available in LP or cassette in many record and women's stores, or from : A second note of explanation is that Dept. T, 4400 Market St. Oakland CA 94608. $7.00 includes postage and handling. people always appear more definite in print than they sound in conversation. In the medium of print it is hard to spell laughter, inflection or tone. ' SENSUOUS POETRY In the Robin Morgan article we did 9'urr/tiC not say Morgan is a mother, or that she is FOR LESBIANS animated, playful and dramatic. We did .-II.e,tlt. not say that Holly Near is thoughtful, $O#;l/'l'" ,11 gracious or careful. We did not say Avedis is warm, fun loving or sensitive. We are uncomfortable with the fact that some AT LAST! FOR THOSE ROMANTIC questions here imply that Avedis' views might have been more acceptable if some- EVENINGS AT HOME ... one had said what a sweet, warm, terrific human being she was. Does this imply that the credibility of a woman's political LESBIAN POETRY withMUSIC , analysis is based on her personality? In retrospect we feel because the ON STEREO CASSETTE content in this article is so controversial perhaps we should have softened it anyway - so more people could hear the DISCREETLY WRAPPED truth behind the anger. PLUS 75. FOR POSTAGE/HANDLING A final factor is that the staff devoted less time to the entire January/February $197 (CALIF. RESIDENTS ADD 48. TAX) issue than we normally do. This is because several personal and work factors took co're amounts of staff time during the fall SEND CHECK TO months. We regret if any authors or ....•@ readers were negatively effected by our limitations. DEALER We thank all readers for their support ~()j~O)WOMONSOUNDS INQUIRIES and responses and welcome further .....•...... •.. comment INVITED - The Editorial Board (Sharon McDonald, Kerry Lobel, Jeanne Cordova). Claire DEPT. L T 0 P.O. BOX 65891 0 ~OS ANGELES, CA 90065 Krulkowski was out of town during this discussion. _ March! April • 19 Bi~ Bear Lake' Shortcurrents

RE"'tr,. - LESBIAN PLAY GAY FILMMAKERS ~- '" CENSOR TARGET PROTEST FILM EXCLUSION ••• Northern Ireland lesbians and gay men are fighting attempts to close down The National Association of Lesbian ••• the first lesbian' play to be performed in and Gay Filmmakers is petitioning PBS .- •••••..~..•- -:.: r:-.:.----.::.•--~•-•:.••••...... - station WNET to show Jan Oxenburg's ..... -- - - Ulster. The musical, "I like me Like This," was produced by the Gay Sweat- film "A Comedy in Six Unnatural Acts." ~ .1. shop Women's Company. The all lesbian WNET rejected this film which satirizes stereotypes of lesbians and three other ••• Ili-'1••••• 1 production deals with a lesbian feminist household, and with the questions of open films about Third World, workers and '.1. ,,- relationships, rape, and revenge. women's health movements from its "In- dependent Focus" series which provides SWEDISH GAYS a showcase for independent filmmakers. (714) 585-2575 HOLD SICK OUT Letters should be sent to Mr. J. Iselin, 1037 Big Bear Blvd. A large group oflesbians and gay men President WNET Channel 13, 356 W. P.o. Box 1640 in Stockholm, Sweden, recently phoned 58th Street, New York, NY 10036. Big Bear City, in sick to their employers, reporting that , they felt ill with homosexuality. California 92314 FEMINISTS BLOCK This protest moved the Swedish State ABORTION TRIAL IN SPAIN Health Board to reverse its classification Barbara Bonnie of.homosexuali ty as an illness. A massive public campaign has forced Furthermore, the Board agreed to- postponement of a trial on abortion destroy all records of individuals classified charges of 11 working class women in Gloria Carol as having been stricken with the "disease. " Bilbao, Spain. Although the judge suspended the PRECIOUS MEMENTOS trial, ostensibly because two of the women Last year a time capsule that had been did not appear in court, defense lawyers sealed in 1879 was opened in San Fran- claimed the move was politically moti- cisco. Among the books and papers was a vated. "The judges are afraid to condemn seemingly typical -offical guide to the them after the enormous campaign launched geysers of California. Inside the cover, by women in all of the Spanish provinces," the author of the pamphlet, Laura De said a representative of the Viscaya Force Gordon, had written the following Woman's Assembly. inscription: "If this little book should see The-Coordinadora de Organisaciones the light of day after its 100 years en- Feministas was responsible for nation- tombment, I should like the readers to wide campaign against the trial. Feminists know that the author was a lover of her demonstrated, demanded motions of sup- own sex, and devoted the best years of her port' from local governments, and called life in striving for the political equality and for both an amnesty of the case and a social and moral elevation of women." reform of the law.


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20 • Lesbian Tide Shortcurrents

KIDS OF LESBIANS DIFFERENT FROM STRAIGHTS Beverly Hoeffer of the Universityof California at San Francisco's School of Nursing says, yes, kids of lesbians are different from kids of straight women. She found that 40 percent of the sons of lesbians tested using the "Sex Role Concept Scale", scored as sex type femi- nine, meaning they were gentler and more concerned with other people's feelings than other boys. None of the sons of straight mothers did. Fifty per cent of the daughters of lesbians scored as sex type masculine, with stronger qualities of leadership and outgoingness; again none of the daughters of straight mothers did. DEFINING OURSELVES Ronda Carlson, a lesbian, is conducting a national survey to determine how lesbians define themselves and their communities. She now needs lesbians willing to com- plete a lengthy questionnaire. The survey takes about 1 1/2 hours to complete, confi- dentiality is assured. To request a ques- tionnaire write: Ronda Carlson, 3014 Millmar Dr., Dallas, TX 75228. WASHINGTON COMMITTEE CONFERENCE An ad hoc committee of the March on Washington for Lesbian ~ Gay Rights will hold a national policy conference March 7-9 at Oberlin College in Ohio. The purpose of the Conference is to "determine what will be done with the network which was established while organizing for the March." The proposed agenda includes: a fi- nancial report, a forum "Where do we go from here?", proposals for organizing the structure of an on-going organization. GAY CENSUS TAKERS THE GREAT AMERICAN Joyce Hunter, a member of the Oberlin WANTED LESBIAN ART SHOW organizing committee told Gay Com- Los Angeles' lesbian artists have munity News. ". . .This - is the most The Recruiting Director of the Bureau gathered to sponsor the Great American extensive network of lesbian and gay of the Census, Mikel Miller, has sent a Lesbian Art Show. This national series of activists this nation has ever seen. If we letter to the National Gay Task Force exhibits and events honoring lesbian . could bring over 100,000 to Washington, asking that lesbians and gay men sign up creativity will begin May 1 at the Los we have the responsibility to continue to April 1 to become census takers. "At the Angeles Woman's Building. Thesponsors build our grass roots movement" For suggestion of the President, I am writing of this idea, the Woman's Building and further information call Randy Boarman you to ask your help in recruiting ... " the ~.A Gay Community Services Center, in Pittsburgh at (412) 422-4563. Miller wrote NGTF. invite women across the country to organize exhibits of lesbian art in their GAY ALCOHOLISM GROUP The Chicano(a) and other communities own communities in .both galleries and GROWING have stressed the necessity of their non-traditional space. They invite women The National Association of Gay people participating in the census process, who want to show their work to contact Alcoholism Professionals (NAGAP), as interviewers and interviewees, because them in L.A. Women' who want to be begun last July, reports its membership is the statistical results form the basis for GALAS co-ordinators in their own cities/ growing fast and it now has more than 90 reapportionment of the Congress and area should also contact them. Women members from 24 states. The group, state legislatures. They also determine who want to be in the L.A. exhibit should which seeks to serve as a clearinghouse allocations for more than 100 federally send 3 slides of their work to GALAS by for information about gay persons and funded programs. Gays are also urged to April 15. All work will be collected in a alcoholism, is now preparing a list of be open about their single and/or gay permanent archive of lesbian art. To books, journal articles, papers, etc., as a status where questions allow. Those obtain brochure or receive further infor- resource for other writers. For further interested in this job (pays $4 to $4.50 mation on how to develop your GALAS information contact: NAGAP, P.O. Box hr.) should call or write Miller, Bureau of participation write: GALAS, % GCSC, '376, Oakland, NJ 07436, or call (201) the Census, U.S. Dept of Commerce, P.O. Box 387], Hollywood Blvd., Holly- 337-1087. Washington, D.C. 20233. wood, CA 90038 .• Marchi April. 21 Shortcurrents

MARTIN APPOINTED TO CALIF. CRIME COMMISSION Del Martin, author ofLesbian Woman and Battered Wives, and resident of San Francisco, has been appointed by Cali- fornia's Governor Jerry Brown to the California Commission on Crime Control and Violence Prevention. The commis- sion was created by the legislature in 1979 to study the causes of violence and crime. The term of the commission expires January 1, 1983.

GAY COPS SOUGHT "You don't have to be straight to be a good cop" are the words printed on thousands of posters being distributed in the lesbian and gay community in San Francisco. The posters, sponsored by a group called Gay Outreach, are seeking to attract lesbians and gay men to become police officers. Radio and T.V. announce- ments have also been planned. The program has the backing of newly installed Chief of Police Cornelius P. Murphy, who says all candidates will bejudged "on their professional ability alone."

TO. SYLVeSTe,a.. BAR OWNER CLEARED OF ARSON CHARGES LESBIAN MINISTER COMING & GOING IN NYC PRESSURED TO QUIT Womanews is New York's new wom- Mac McCann, lesbian activist and Rev. Jane Spahr, the executive direc- en's newspaper which provides an extensive manager of the St, Louis "Mor or Les" tor of Oakland's Council of Presbyterian calendar of events as well as local and women's bar, which was firebombed last Churches, has been forced to resign be- national news. Their address is P.O. Box September, has been cleared of arson cause of her lesbianism. 220 Village Station, New York, NY 10014. charges. Spahr tendered her resignation after The Club, a new cabaret which fea- Citing lack of evidence, the St. Louis the nine churches which make up the tures feminist discussions and entertain- Circuit Attorney's office refused to issue Council divided hopelessly over the issue' ment, has opened on Bleecker and Jones an arson warrant against McCann. Orga- of whether their Lesbian director should Street in Greenwich Village. However, nizers of a committee formed to defend remain. Two of the nine withdrew from upper East Side women have lost their her suggested that police and media efforts the council and two others affirmed Spahr's posh club, The Sahara, which was evicted to pin the blame on her for the bar's right to continue. The five others could by its building's new owners. No reason bombing were motivated by opposition to not reach consensus within their indi- for the eviction was given. her stands on lesbian and women's rights. vidual congregations. Spahr's resignation resulted from that deadlock. At present the Presbyterian Church forbids the ordi- nation of openly homosexual ministers. Spahr was ordained before she came out as a lesbian. DUNLAP JOINS GRA Gay Rights Advocates, a San Fran- cisco based public interest law firm, has announced that Mary Dunlap, a prominent civil rights attorney. has joined the GRA staff. Dunlap, who has extensive ex- perience in sex discrimination and gay rights litigation, argued the case of Berg v. Richmond Unified School District, which involved pregnancy leave for school teachers, before' the U. S. Supreme Court She also argued a lesbian naval discharge case, Saal v. Middendorf, before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. TO, SYLVeSTeR Dunlap is co-founder of Equal Rights Advocates, a San Francisco based femi- nist public interest law firm. "Well, I've heard the only way to get ahead in this company is to wear a suit (reprinted from Gay Community News) and a tie." 22 • Lesbian Tide Reviews A Writer on Film By C.E. Frazier

World .of Light: A' Portrait of May Sarton, by Marita Simpson and Martha Wheelock, Ishtar Enterprises, NY. Gayle Wilson & Assoc. May Sarton, although well published Realtor in her fifty years as a novelist and poet, Resldentlal-Inve,stment -Management has never received the critical attention that she deserves as both a prolific and powerful author. In "World of Light: A Call , Portrait of May Sarton" she is realized, Ivy Bottini rather than analyzed, and the effect is Carole Ellis extraordinary. Marita Simpson and Deborah Johnson Martha Wheelock of Ishtar Enterprises Sharon McDonald have made a film that is absolutely worthy Martie McLendon of their subject - a very rare filmrendering Bridget Overton of a woman writer. Maureen Steinberg A bare thirty minutes long, the film Laurie Stewart nevertheless covers a great deal of ground Dottie Wine - from Sarton's isolated physical exis- 540 ~ San Vicente tence to her rich and luminous inner life. - Los Angeles, Calif 90048 The film-makers have attempted to portray (213) 659-9988 Sarton's transparency, her own word for the effect she tries to create in her writing, and also a personal ethic. At times frightening to other people, she explains, this is a quality of being oneself, of being .~'JIj~manyeJ.. "in touch" that has become a kind of ,("SO.CALS ~'POWERfD MANUFACTURING CQ religion to her. Whether or not it succeeds 1.2 II nb RANCHITO Sf, in creating personal harmony, it is the .EL tv10t'FE, CA. 91732 213-'144-9862- well-spring of Sarton's art, and also infuses T,SHlars- rANKS- SW£A.rSHIRrS this film with a powerful and subtle transcendentalism. . F'RfNCHcars·woaK$HlIU'S-CusrOJ(! LEATHER-CIMMIC~'J£WEU\Y May Sarton at 70-plus is a marvelous 8UrrO.NS·!\ECOA~;- WOODWOIU\... role model for lesbians, and for all women who live creatively. An example of her ,CW/wleiaw·tlefail· eUJiom strength is the fact that; after living for May Sarton at her graduation from high school, 1926. tAlOG 2S? .MJ\J1.0ROEll ONLY, years in Cambridge and not getting the recognition she wanted, she left Boston The film also makes very clear the for a tiny town in New Hampshire from influence and importance of women in which to work independently. She now Sarton's life and growth. She talks about lives outside an even smaller village, in Elizabeth Bowen, Virginia Woolf and virtual isolation but for the dozens of others; meanwhile, we are treated to letters she receives each week from her photo glimpses ofSarton as a young, svelt readers. lesbian. One of the greatest strengths of this film - and of May Sarton - is under- statement. Flowers and mountains are featured as well as Sarton reading her poetry, gardening, walking her cat. The. interviews, which were obviously filmed at different times, express separate facets of Sarton's personality, and she becomes known to the audience in the way we get to SINISTER WISDOM POSTER by Tee Corinne, 17"x22", $3.50 know our friends. She talks movingly about writing, gardening, her mother, ONE YEAR (4 issues) $7.50 aloneness, and in a very intimate final SAMPLE ISSUE $3'.00 scene, her own death. Box 30541, Lincoln, Ne. 68503 It is almost impossible to describe the effect of this film. Simply, it is an exquisite experience. Suitable for general or wom- en's audiences of any age, this film is a must-see. If it doesn't come to your city - on this tour, write to Ishtar Enterprises, May Sarton and her father George Sarton, 305 East 11th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10003, or 1929. phone 212-477-3702 .• Marchi April • 23 Reviews Windows: A Pane & an Insult

By Jeanne Cordova Windows, A Michael Lobell Production. Released by United Artists. Directed by Celebrate the return of Spring ... Gordon Willis. Windows belongs to the genre of with ! cinematic mediocrity aptly dismissed as "the B movie." Everything about it, plot, Pat Riese and Julie James present characters, and melodrama is tired and A Spring Equinox concert with hackneyed, The plot is psycho terrorizes innocent, Alix Dobkin. the good guy gets the girl in the end. The sequence: obscene phone calls, telescopic Friday, March 21 8 p.m. peeping through skyscraper windows, at the Fritchman Auditorium elevator escapades, miscellaneous dead 2936 W. 8th Street in Los Angeles bodies, is a bore. In an attempt to divert the audience, admission: $5 Windows otTers a latent lesbian, instead of the usual sick male, as the terrorizing Childcare provided. psychotic. A second cheap grabber is the Wheelchair accessible; sign language interpreter provided. opening scene which finds a man hired by Andrea (Elizabeth Ashley) raping the This event is for women only. recipient of per "love." In actuality a sexual rape does not take place, but the terror of watching a knife being held in the mouth of a woman while an aggressor has complete control of her life and body, is enough to make you leave your seat and go buy a gun. This exercise in brutality suggests that rape is easy, and exciting. Secondly, Windows seeks to confirm what many heterosexuals already believe: all lesbians are sick. For thousands who see this film, the psychotic murderer is the only lesbian WAVAW they will ever know. As lesbian feminist theoretician charlotte Bunch says, "It Presents (Windows) distorts lesbian love beyond recognition, and raises fears oflesbianism to divide women and distract us from .an evening of Good-time Music with challenging the real perpetrators of vio- lence against women." As a movie Windows is also a flop. Sterling performances by Elizabeth Ash- ley, the psychotic, and Talia Shire, the • I Nancy Uogl Robin flower victim, do not niake an unbelievable script •. credible. Would you believe a million to •,:!- one coincidence - the rapist accidentally ..,,1' ••• '..-!- reappears as victim's cab driver? In New HOW' NMS <-:~. York! Or, faced with 5 to 10 for assault, ?- the cabbie/rapist refuses to tell police who hired him. If he had, the movie would lJaurie lJewis ···KeTori have ended an hour earlier. .If one looks closely it appears Win- dows was once (in the novel?) a study of psychosis. The film superficially explores 1d." $I. "'_ •••• '."lUow ,..0 •••,N l_~ P_~-"• the mind of Andrea, who tells her psychi- .••v".•.•. ,"'N .•._.....!i,. LA h_Woe •• U1l"".~,'BI'" V·'~· atrist she doesn't see any reason to SnI ••••••••••• , ••• 13!.>1 ~~·'""",,~.'lh

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Marcbl April • 25 Reviews Spiral, Moon, Mirror: The Goddess Returns

into a single stream, she concentrates on the male founder-figures of the Neo- Pagan and Craft revival movements - only one chapter really centers on feminist Craft. Adler does make clear, however, how the cross-pollination between femi- nism and Neo-Pagan philosophies and practices are parenting the Goddess- religions of tomorrow. A richly satisfying philosophical exploration of the history, present, and future potential of a quixotic yet compelling movement. - Merlin Stone (author of When God By Cheri Lesh was a Woman) has produced another The Spiral Dance, ByStarhawk, Harper thoroughly researched and splendidly & Row, NY, $6.95. written book: Ancient Mirrors ofWoman- Drawing Down the Moon, By Margot hood: Our Goddess and Heroine Heritage. Celebrate Your Birthday Adler, Viking Press, NY, $16.95. This work comes in two volumes, and judging by the quality of the first volume, I Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood; By at Mr. M's can't wait for Volume Two. Borrowing .Merlin Stone, New Sybilline Books, NY, from Merlin's own analogy, she has taken $6.95. the shattered fragments of our proud The art of writing has been acknowl- legends and lore of the past and pieced you have the fun and edged in many cultures as a 'gift of the them together with the glue of scholarship. we will supply your cake Goddess'; whether the name of the God- Since many of the tales had been diluted dess was Bridgit, Isis, or Ishtar, the source with the scorn and scepticism of patri- and your first well drink of inspiration was the same. That deity archal attitudes, she has also replaced the must be smiling broadly now, as three of spice and sting, the wit and reverence with (details at bar) the best books written on Goddess spiritu- which these stories must have originally ality have emerged as a complementary been told. Merlin Stone has gathered triad. Goddess lore from every culture - Africa, The first, Starhawk's The Spiral China, South America, Scandinavia, MONDAY NIGHT Dance is, quite simply the best 'how-to' India, Japan, Sumer, Anatolia, Greece, book on Witchcraft in existance. With the Celtic countries, the Oceanic cultures WOMENS NIGHT great candor and simplicity Starhawk (Australia, Polynesia, New Zealand, provides a guide explaining the purpose Boreno), the Native North American - a Well drinks $1 and meaning of the Craft, exercises for staggering collection that dazzles with its Beer50¢ developing magical skills such as ground- rainbow spectrum of variety. Women are ing, visualization and raising energy, and shown as lusty, gentle, blood-thirsty, nur- how to organize a coven. Throughout the turing, vengeful, compassionate, crafty, Open Daily book Starhawk maintains a sparkling sense wise, courageous, psychic, brilliant, of humor, resisting the temptation to creative and at times, omnipotent. They 7pm-2am succumb to the lure of self-advertising are not shown as weak, empty-headed or Disco at 9:00 and instant guru-hood. The tone of the inconsequential, the distorting mirrors of book could be described as one of practical the patriarchal fun-house. Merlin has 500 S. Citrus poetics; Starhawk handles language beau- truly presented such a variety of mirrors Covina, Calif. tifully, conveying her lively imagination that women of every race, culture and and sense of earthly delights along with temperament may find models to reflect practical information that any woman, their power and potential. It was exciting from spiritual neophyte to seasoned to see so many names I had never heard of app&MUm. Priestess, can apply to her psychic quests. - a major drawback of women's spiritu- Drawing Down the Moon, by Margot ality has been our emphasis on Celtic, 510 n. hoover st. Adler, takes a more reportorial approach, European and Greek Goddess' - we los angell!$,cal. 90004 have so little information about the legends 662·1534 offering a fascinating blend of mirror and • window in its study of the phenomenon created by women of color. l11ustrations·· known broadly as the Neo-Pagan move- by susan talbot handcrafted batiks Merlin's daughter, Cynthia Stone, .supplies and lessons ment. Currently available only in hard- show powerful women of a variety of I cover, this massive tome explores many racial and body types, many of them of the different threads patterning the scowling magnificently. Like the seeds tapestry of Goddess-worship in America found in a Pharoh's tomb which sprouted today. This book is the ideal introduction after 2,000 years of burial, these tales of for anyone wishing to obtain an objective, centuries past will take root and grow comprehensive overview of the movement green in women's hearts today. Fair and factual, brimming with anecdotal For guidance, for knowledge, for in- information, my only cavil with Adler's spiration, these three books form a trinity book is that while she characterizes femi- of genius which will be the center of your nism and Craft as two rivulets merging spiritual library for years to come. _

26 • Lesbian Tide by-laws, the election of two lesbians as Vice Presidents, and the election of a co-sexual slate L.A. Calendar. of Stonewall delegates to attend the California Democratic Council's Convention March Editorial Note: In this section we wel- 28-30. come announcements or news about Known particularly for its publication of groups and events in the Greater Los "slate sheets" endorsing pro-gay and pro- Angeles area. An "announcement" is feminist candidates, Stonewall was founded in an event for which there is no charge, or 1975. It has always been open to women but a nominal $1 or $2 fee. Classes, events, decided to take the above steps this January to encourage lesbian participation in the organi- conferences, concerts, benefits, fund- zation. The by-laws now mandate that a hlC ~1IML4J raisers, ete., which charge admission or minimum of two' of the top four officers be registration are considered ads and women. These positions .were filled in their willi Al'£ 6~AI~ ,PL

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The Next WHITMAN-BROOKS "Developing a Positive Gay Identity" Conference SISTER FOLDS On Feb. 18 Stonewall also elected 13 lesbians Saturday and Sunday SOJOURNER CLOSES and 13 gay men as delegates to the CDC March 22 and 23, 1980 Convention. The elected women are: Susan Two more longtime feminist institutions of at UCLA Gross, Joyce Gonzalez, Dottie Wine, Bobbi Los Angeles, Sister newspaper and Sojourner Bennett, Diane Parenello, Diane Abbitt, Myra * * * 68 WORKSHOPS * * * bookstore, have ceased operating. Sister's last Riddell, Colleen Walsh, Jeanne Cordova, Ivy issue appeared last October. No official press TO CHOOSE FROM Bottini, Rhonda Saunders, Jean O'Leary, and release about folding was published, but the Keynote Speakers Pam Parker. paper, begun in 1970, has ceased publishing. Women interested injoining Stonewall are Saturday Financial and "lack of energy" reasons were invited to attend the March 17 general meeting cited. Terri DeCrescenzo, ivI.s.w. at 1428 McCadden Place in Hollywood, 7:30 After five and a half years Maria Dominguez Sunday p.m. Call 463-3928 for further information, or and Carol Irene, owners of the Long Beach write Stonewall Democractic Club, P.O. Box Martin Rocklin, Ph.D. feminist bookstore Sojourner, announced they 39495, Los Angeles 90039. Registration Sat. & Sun. at Noon must close March 15. Financial reasons, Ackerman Student Union specifically "the recession and changes in the DESTINATION NEW YORK women's movement" mean the women can no 2nd Floor longer meet expenses. The owners "thank all A greater Los Angeles area push to elect Enrollment Fee: One Both of the women who have consistently supported lesbian and gay delegates to the August Demo- ~ !!ill.. us" and invite everyone to their March 8 cratic Convention in New York has been $20 Fundraiser/Good-bye party where all mer- launched by Stonewall Democratic Club. At a Members: $12 chandise and fixtures will be auctioned. Loca- March 3 meeting other city organizations were Non-Members: $20 $35 tion: 538 Redondo Blvd. Call them at498-5466 invited to participate and support this "Desti- Enrollment Includes (days) 424-7608 (eves.) for directions. Time: nation New York" drive which culminates 5 to 9 p.m. May 4 with caucus voting in local Congres- Complimentary Buffet STONEWALL OUTREACH sional Districts. If you are interested in or- Sat. 5:30 to 9 p.m. TO LESBIANS ganizing your neighborhood or organization to At The Apache Stonewall Democratic Club, the largest get out the vote call Stonewall (463-3928), or For Information and gay Democratic Club in California, has begun Pam Parker (659-2718), or Jeanne Cordova Pre-Registration Call (939-1200). an outreach to the lesbian community. The 657-8282 outreach includes gender parity changes in its continued on page 28 Marchi April • 27 LA. Calendar CRANSTON AT GAY LUNCHEON PRO-CHOICE COALITION "Our program is ~ growing Senator Alan Cranston told a mostly gay FORMING ~experience for staff and par- audience at a January luncheon of the Municipal The National Right-To-Life Committee is Electiorts Committee of Los Angeles (MECLA) ticipants together, and im- holding its annual convention June 26-29 in that California gays were participating effec- Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Con- plemented in an atmosphere tively in the political process. "You (gays) are vention Center. Los Angeles feminists plan to ofsisterhood, supportiveness, now 'a very important factor in the life of our be there to welcome them ... by staging a June sharing. This program is the state and nation" he told the political fund- 28 counter-demonstration. Last year 2000 raising organization. Cranston, who is running unique energy of women pro-choice demonstrators turned out in Cin- for re-election, said he will introduce a Senate cinnati for the Right-To-Life Convention there. working with women for bill to repeal the nation's anti-gay immigration Area feminists invite all women to help them women." laws, he. spoke at length about the Iran! duplicate that effort by attending a Feb. 29 Afghanistan situation saying ~e must ,~ake coalition meeting. Call 933-0932 or 27'5-9612 ALCOHOLISM clear our resolve without resorting to military or 254-2863 for location and further dates. To intervention. In response to questions Cranston endorse the June 28 protest or make a contri- CENTER said he was making gay- appointments and bution to this organizing effort write: Repro- would continue to do so, and he explained that ductive Rights Alliance, Box 29483, LA 90029. although he is not currently co-sponsoring the LESBIAN OF COLOR EXHIBIT FOR WOMEN Senate gay rights bill, he is actively working on The Great American Lesbian Art Show his colleagues to support other pro-gay measures. 1147 south alvarado' ,(GALAS) in cooperation with .Lesbians ~f los angeles, ca. GRASS SEEKS OUR HELP Color, announces they are reserving two exhi- The California Marijuana Initiative, CMI- bition spaces (in East and South Central L.A.) 90006 80, seeks to legalize the possession, transpor- (213) 381-7805 for black and latina lesbians to exhibit their art tation and cultivation of marijuana for personal - work in their own communities. Lesbians of use by adults. 600,000 signatures are needed color who are interested in showing their work a safe environment. '.. to grow to qualify this measure for the November in these locations should contact Mikhalia in self esteem and confidence ballot CMI-80 is seeking volunteers to help Cortez at 464-7400 ext. 231. (For more info with voter registration and signature gathering. no discrimination as to race, on GALAS see National News.). CMI-80 says, "Gays' are getting government ARCHIVES OPENS religion, sexual preference. re- out of our bedrooms; let's get them out of our covery home, non-residential .The Gay Archives Natalie Barney/Edward living rooms and backyards as well." To help Carpenter Library has just moved to a new services, sliding fee 'Scale, tradi- call 652-8654 or 461-2788. tional-innovative treatment' Hollywood storefront and invites all to use its EXHIBIT ART SOLICITED services. The library is reported to be one of the techniques. Art historian Arlene Raven is co-founder of largest collections in the world. They also have the new project Woman=Woman=Works and many works on lesbians and the women's will curate that exhibit in May, at the Woman's movement Location: 1654 N. Hudson Ave. Building. The exhibit addresses the theme of (213) 463-5450. Curator is Jim Kepner. HERSELF HEAL_TH' CUN,IC woman-identification and/or sensibility. The format is 8 1/.2" x 11" and all types of work by THERAPISTS Health Care by and for Women women are being solicited. Work willbe accepted . FOR INCEST GROUPS MEDICAL through April 15. Send entries to Woman= Therapists and therapists-in-training are CLINICS Woman=Works, % The Woman's Building, needed to facilitate survivor support groups of Tuesday 1727 N. Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 GCSC's new Incest Awareness Project. Inter- ested women please call the lAP at 464- ?400 .••••• ..0'" Evenings with a $5 entry fee payable to Women's ~~ .' . Community, Inc. (No one refused for inability ext 231 for more details and an interview. C", '00 ,w,.oo' ,0 CHIROPRACTIC to pay.)' , , * • • CLINICS - - -VALLEY SITE AVAILABLE EVENTS Thursday The owners of W omanbooks,a new femi- GAY/LESBIAN DRAFT Counseling & 972-9664 Resistance Network, March 1. "Becoming a Evenings, nist bookstore in Van Nuys, announce the Conscientious Objector" and March 21 "Legal opening of The Hobby, a workshop space Issues" discussions. For locations and details COUNSELING available for rent to women's groups. The 153 Glendale Blvd. Hobby is open daily, located at 13720 Burbank call Nancy Taylor at 464-7400. Los Angeles, CA 90026 Blvd., and will feature many classes and CRIS WILLIAMSON IN CONCERT, April by appointment only please activities. For more info call 785-4276. 5tho See ad this issue. ALIX DOBKIN RETURNS Ito Los Angeles GCSC MAY ADD "LESBIAN" in concert on March 21. See ad this issue. The Board of Directors of the Los Angeles TAKE BACK THE NIGHT, will be the Gay Community Services Center is c~rrently theme of a Saturday, April 19 march in Los discussing changing GCSC's name to include . Angeles which will protest all forms of violence the word "lesbian." Names under consideration against women. Event is co-sponsored by Los are "The Gay/Lesbian Service Center" and Angeles City Commission on the Status of "The Gay/Lesbian Community Center." Women. Formore information call 396-5590 ___-"---=""'---''''~•••••_' II:> EASTSIDE DWELLERS or 793-5171. FUll SERVICESAlll _ A new' organization of lesbian and gay WOMANSPACE(235 Hill St. Santa Monica) , AIR~TVLING FOR MEN. WOMof: ; residents and business 'persons in the Los EVENT-S: T,OO& Ray Feliz/Silver Lake/Echo Park area is forming. Mondays: Alternative to A.A. (7:30 pm) Goals of the new group include gender and 3rd Drop-In Writer's Workshop (7:30 pm) 1022 North fairfax ~ve. world parity. and the improvements of the West HoIly",ood Volleyball (at Culver West Park, 4162 , (2131656-1740 quality of life in the area through commun!ty Wade Ave., Culver City) 7-10 pm and political involvement Interested parties Wednesdays: Women's Support Group (7:30 !lOURS lOAM-SPit call 666-4683 or 662-0268. pm) ,AIID BY A,.,OINTMENT SHELTER PROJECT Thursdays: Radical Feminist Drop-In Group Manicures NEEDS STAFFERS (7:00 pm) Available OnlyS5.00 Sojourn Shelter for Battered Women is Volleyball (see Tuesday). looking for evening volunteers to staff phone Fridays: Jewish Feminist Drop-In Group (1st Ask For Judy Or Trlil:i:e hotlines-from their homes. They also need Friday of each month). Call 473-9090 for women to work at the shelter in advocacy, child more information. HAIRCUT & STYLE - care, counseling, collective meal preparation, Saturdays: Open Staff Meeting (March rand REG."7"' NOW $1000 etc. To attend an orientation meeting for volun- 15) 11:00 am. WITII TIllS caUPON teers call the Ocean Park Community Center Sundays: Poetry Reading (March 2 & 16) 7:30 at 399-9228. pm. 28 • Lesbian Tide THEMIS The Voice of the Feminist Witch. DID YOU MISS SOME HERSTORY? I Goddess knowledge for women. $5 yr. sub. Now you can have five years of The Lesbian Classified. Ads Free sample copy. P.O. Box 42121, Los Tide (18 issues from 1975 thru 1979) forSl1. Angeles, CA 90042. Published by Susan B. RATES: $5 per inch, $10 minimum for Four year set ('75-'78) for $8. A very special Anthony Coven No.1. Business, Events & Professional Services. gift for friend or lover. Order now from Tide $5 minimum for Personal ads. 1 inch = 7 lines, 44 spaces per line. Personal: individual solicitations, pen pals, SISTERHOOD reuqests, etc. Business: where product or service is sold or job is offered. BOOKSTORE Events: workshops, speakers, seminars, . conferences, festivals, etc., which charge Feminist Books registration or admission. Professional Services: private practice or Resource• Center business. I PERSONAL

Mature lesbian wanted to share lovely Man- hattan Beach home (near the beach) Withtwo others. $250 mo. + 1/3 util. Write: Betty Shoemaker, 500 Marine Ave:, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. .

I want to connect with other lesbians who are h serious about collectives as the feminist eco- ,·th nomic form. I am interested in building a 1351 Westwood Boulevard collective business which provides a basic Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 resource to women. Jeanette Silveira, 1/49No. (213) 477-7300 Gramercy PI., LA 90004. EST Your first period? Participate in menstruation OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK research. Write "M", 55 Sutter, San Fran- 11••• ~~,.30 cisco, CA 94104.

Hikers - Looking for womyn interested in .m, hiking all or part of the Appalachian Trail. Starting in Georgia mid-April, hope to reach Maine by Sept. For further information contact Joan Warren, PO Box 5902, Santa Fe, NM x 87501.

Gay woman seeks work. I will do light house-. ~~Y~QEONE work and/or child care in the Los Angeles or ~ ~2 NORTN LlIlCE liVE. THE "MAGIC SPELLER BOOKSTORE Hollywood area. Can work in other areas if you ~ PlI.5l1DENlI, ClI 91101 CANNERY VillAGE give me a ride. Part-time. I am sincere, honest 506 31ST STREET and reliable. Call Thora 680-3339. . ~ MON.- JilT. 11- 5:30 . (213) 792-9011 NEWPORT BEACH CALlFOR~IA 92663 Women writers are forming a group to meet ~~~~ 673 - 8400 weekly to discuss our film scripts, tele-plays, short stories, etc. Get feedback and support. Call Cathy ,at (213) 838-3508. Jeanette Foster. Barbara Grier. & Sande Zeig. . Audrey Lorde. . Rene Vivien. .May Sarton. Marie· Claire Blais.Jane Bowles. Djuna Barnes. Sally Gearhart. Elizabeth Bowen. Jane BUSINESS Rule. gingerlox, Marguerite Young. Elizabeth Lynn. Janet Flanner. Mary Renault. Valerie Taylor. Gertrude Stein. Natalie Barney. . George WOMEN ON WHEELS PRODUCTIONS Sand. Ann Shockley. Kate Stimson.Paula Christian. Marge Piercy. Joanne Russ. (of Los Angeles) needs work exchange people Violette Leduc. Elizabeth Mavor. Z. Budapest to assist on their up-coming (April 5th) Cris Williamson concert. Areas' of work include publicity, postering, production crews, and house crews. If interested call WOW Pro- /I t)~ .Lu,M. ductions at (213) 665-7535 for appointment

LESBIAN FEMINIST S & M support group GAY L1TERATURE/PERIODICALS/ AESTHETERA has published a 45 page booklet including articles on theory and politics, personal ex- perience, reading list. S3.00. Plain wrapper. * A new store specializing in gay male' Samois #3, PO Box 2364, Berkeley, CA 94202. Free hanky. Color code card for les- and and periodicals, bians included. buttons, posters, and cords. WRITE ON, WOMANI writer's guide can help all women who write to conveniently find 4014 Santa Monico Blvd. (At Sunset). the women's alternate press periodicals best suited for their work and can help women * Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone 668-0629 looking for places to advertise their products and services. Gives editorial policies, reader- ship, circulation, size, etc., for over 80 period- Tuesday through Saturday 11-7, icals. $4.05 postpaid payable to Lynne D. * Fridays 'till 9, Sundays 111-5 Shapiro, 345 W. 87th St., NY, NY 10024.

March! April • 29 r ANTI-PSYCHIATRY BIBLIOGRAPHY: Publications, 1314 S. Tremaine Ave., Los Over90 mini-reviews from a feminist/radical! Angeles, CA. 90019. ' mental patients liberation perspective. $1.50 "The Politics of Phenothiazines", booklet WOOD SINGS her version of the blues" about harmful effects of psychiatric drugs and stompers, political love songs'and humorous economicsof drugindustry, focusingon Smith- dyke ballads, in a specialconcert appearance- Kline,the makers of Thorazine & Stelazine. Saturday,May 17,8 p.m., Colorado Women's ANTI-DRUG T-SHIRT; reads"Stop Psychi- College, Denver. A Paradox Production. atric Drug Pushing,Boycott SmithKline" and (303) 399-0626 showsfist breakingneedle.Redon black. M, L, or extra-L, $5. All from: Alliance for the HUNDREDS OF LESBIANS have met liberation of Mental Patients, 1427 Walnut, eachotherthroughThe Wishing Well magazine Center for Phila. PA 19102. FeministTherapy & supportive services. You can write/meet women too with confidentiality. Membership PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Individual and Group Counseling subscription $3 for intro, issueppd. For infor- mation andbrochurewrite: WW, PO Box 664, Valerie Kirkgaard, B.A., M.T. (therapy): les- Body Work Novato, CA 94947.. bian indiv. & couple counseling using Healing Massage integrated therapy techniques including 1- : newscoverage& political Workshops Ching, regression, gestalt & bodywork. analysis'on issuesthat effect women's lives - (213) 258-5543. Consultants international,health,lesbian/gay,work, prison, etc. Contributing sub,$12 yr. Sub.$6, sample We work with women, men & families Marjorie Rushforth (attorney): specializing 60¢. OOB, 1724 20th St., NW, Washington, of all life styles. Therapists who in feminist and lesbian issues, civil and' D.C. 20009. identify as lesbian, bisexual & hetero- criminal. Penthouse Law Suite 505, City Parkway West, Orange, CA 92668. (714) sexual are on our staff. THE WOMEN'S WRITER'S CENTER: 937-0610 wk. or (714) 540-2186 hm. (213) 391-6321 An Independent Feminist Institute offering a yearlong program of writing workshops and Teresa Dj3 Crescenzo, M.S.W. (therapy): women'sliterature.Now acceptingapplications counseling for lesbians, children & adoles- for its sixth year to begin September, 1980. cents. Sliding scale fee. 6399 Wilshire Write and work in an environment for women, Blvd., Suite 1007, Los Angeles, CA 90048. by women. Faculty for 1980-1981: Olga (213) 653-3496. Broumas, Rita Mae Brown, Rachel.deVries, ADVERTISING Judy Grahn, AudreLorde, Marge Piercy, Rita Betty Berzon, Ph. D. (therapy): lesbian Speicher. Information: Women's Writer's couples, individuals & groups. 6399 Wilshire RATES Center,Williams Hall, Cazenovia,New York, Blvd., Suite 1007, Los Angeles, CA 90048. 13035.(315) 65?-3466. (213) 653-2912. By appointment. Wide Tall Amt. Back cover 7" 10" SilO THE NEW ,ORLEANS WIMMIN'S Barbara Price (attorney): family law, child GRAPHICS COLLECTIVE (formerly PAS custody/visitation, alternative living agree- Inside front 7" 10" 100 'Studio) presentsWimmin's Shirt Tales.Amelia ments, small business law for women, Inside back 7" 10" 100 Earhart, Rosa Parks, Amazon Quarterly, entertainment law including copyright, Full page 7" 10" 90 Dykes on Bikes, & Women Against Violence publishing, contracts, and performance Against Women are only a few of the quality agreements. 1714 Stockton St., San 2/3 page 41/2" 10" 75 hand silk-screenedt-shirts we offer. Send 15¢ Francisco, CA 94133. (415) 433-6790. Half page 4 1/2" 7 3/8" 60 in coins or stamps to receive our complete Linda Barone, MFCC (therapy): individual Third page 4 1/2" 47/8" 45 catalogue.Wholesale & custom printing rates available. NOWGC Dept. LT, 1725 Caron- relationships&groups, feministtherapyfor -or- 21/8" 10" 45 delet St., New Orleans, LA 70130. lesbians. 12581 Venice Blvd., #206~ L.A., Quarter page 2 1/8" 7 3/8" 35 CA 90066. (21 3)391 -6321 . LAYOUT/PASTE UP ARTISTS: wanted to Sixth page 21/8" 47/8" 20 work with The Lesbian Tide on Production Jan Stone (attorney): estate planning, pro- -or- 4 1/2" 23/8" 20 Day one Sunday every two months. We bate & business. 621 0 Wilshire Blvd. #303, Twelfth page 2 1/8" 2 3/8" 10 offer good company, hot lunch and $1 0 for Los Angeles, CA 90048. (213) 934-0512. the day. We need your skills! Call 939- 1200. Tracy Moore (tax counselor): income tax Discounts (on 4" or larger): preparation & counselling on all tax matters 6 insertions (one year) •••••• 20% discount DYKE WITCHES HARK! Z Budapest's new for individuals, small businesses, partner- 3 insertions (six months) •••• 10% discount book, The HOly Book of Women's Mysteries ships. Appointments in your home. Days, .Advance payment of 50% required. '(Part- I), is out! This book is a must for evenings, w~ekends. For more information DEADLINES women interested in Lesbian Spirituality. or appointment call (213) 435-7195. Ser- Send camera ready copy and check made $6+75¢ postage to: Susan B. Anthony ving L.A. and Orange, Counties. Coven_#1, P.O. Box42121. L.A.. CA.90042. payable to Tide Publications by the 15th of Judith Goodman, MA, MFCC (psychother- the month preceding publication: CHANGING YOUR LIFE? Need a lover? apist): provides indiv.& COuples with a safe Jan/Feb issue••••••••••••••••• Dee 15 Looking for your destiny? Consult a sister place to grow & explore usi ng verbal and/or Mareh/Apr issue••...•••••.••• Feb 15 who has helped hundreds in the past 9 Reichian therapy. (213) 477-5202. May/June issue ••••••••••••••• Apr 15 years. Z Budapest can help ESP, write a Dorothy Morris Compton (attorney): divorce, July/Aug issue ••••.•••••••••• June 15 handwritten letterwith your questions, and send $20 to P.O. Box 42121, Los Angeles, child custody, sex discrimination, personal Sept/Oct ••••••••••••••••••••• Aug 15 injury, business. Union Tower Bldg., Suite Nov/Dec issue •••••••••••••••• Oct 15 CA and you will receive a love taped session about your life. Or make an appointment in 840, 21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, Early ad confirmation will help insure better person. ,(213) 224-8004. CA 90503 (213) 316-0160. placement. . CUSTOM LAYOUT JOB: The Lesbian Tide is lookinq for another Abbitt & Bennett (attorneys at law) Diane Abbitt: business formation, partnerships, We can layout your ad for you for a nOh1inal editor. Must have some writing and editing corporations, contracts, real prop., bank- fee. Call (213) 839-7254 or send copy and experience. Time required: weekly Thurs- ruptcy. Bobbi Bennett: family law, child instructions. day evening meetings. Stipend $60 per issue. Send cover letter, clips, and resume custody, alternative lifestyle agreements, Tide Publications to Tide Publications, 1314 S. Tremaine wills, probate, immi,9.ration, personal injury. ·1314 South Tremaine Avenue 9200 Sunset BIV/d., L.A. 90069 (213) .Les A:ngeles,CA 90019 Ave., Los Angeles, 9A 90019. Or call for an appointment (213) 939-1200. 273-2380. '

30 • Lesbian Tide I

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