SKYLOOK 75 Cents Number 94 the UFO Monthly September, 1975

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SKYLOOK 75 Cents Number 94 the UFO Monthly September, 1975 "We tell it as it is" SKYLOOK 75 cents Number 94 The UFO Monthly September, 1975 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MUFONl MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC P- This drawing was made by Jane Tiger in connection with an had an excellent view of the object as it passed over their auto, investigation of a sighting by Miss Tiger and Tom Cahill at The complete story begins on page 3. Mountain Lakes/ NJ, on July 4, 1975. The couple reportedly Founded 1967 Editor's Column "We tell it as it is" The UFO Conference in Fort one with the greatest numfre'r of Smith, AR, Oct. 17, 18, and 19 "name" players on its team. SKYLOOK has the potential of being the This is not necessarily bad, The UFO Monthly beginning of a cooperative ef- so long as it does not result 26 Edge wood Drive fort which is long overdue in in pettiness,, Pride in doing a Quincy, Illinois 62301 the UF6 field. Bill Pitts, who job well should be the goal of- conceived and has organized the every group. But pride which Dwigbt Connelly Editor conference, deserves a great results in a failure to 'share deal of praise for what may research information is detri- Carolyn Connelly well be the most outstanding mental to the total, effort. Business Manager UFO conference organized to Pride which results in failure date. to cooperate in the financing Walter H. Andrus There is, in my humble opin- of UFO field and laboratory Director of MUFON ion, a great need for the shar- research is inexcusable in a ing of UFO information and re- field where no one group has Ted Bloecher search capabilities by the the resources to do the rjq,b>, Humanoid/Occupant Cases major UFO organizations. No alone. Joseph M, Brill one group can afford the basic Let's take steps to end some Iron Curtain countries hardware needed for research. of the unprofitable duplication No one group can afford to have of effort. Let's cooperate in The Rev. Dr. Barry Downing experts ready at a moment's one or more worthwhi-le joint Religion and UFOs notice to fly to the scene of a ventures which will furthe-r WO good •sighting. No one group research while still preserving Lucius Parish can afford to maintain a cen- the unique diversity which the Books, Periodicals, History tral library &£ UFO investiga- major UFO groups have provided tive reports and studies. in the past. Marjorie Fish There, is.a natural jealousy Coming together at Fort Smith Extraterrestrial Life among the UFO organizations— may be a significant step in Stan Gordon each wantirig/to be" the biggest this direction for the major Creatures & UFO's or the most", scientific or the UFO groups. Gary Graber Artist In this issue Richard Hall New Jersey couple sight saucer over highway 3 Commentator Gilroy, California, area reports include close encounter 6 Astroanthropology requires cooperation with anthropologists 9 Mark Herbstritt California woman reports semi-transparent UFO ,10 Astronomy McCampbell shows how science can explaiaUFO effects • • 11 Friedman says newest Klass book unscientific, inaccurate '..... 14 Rosetta Holmes In Others' Words-by Lucius Parish 16 Promotion/Publicity Ft. SmitKUiFQ Conference plans still on schedule .. ..:.. .' 17 MUFON Director's Message by Walt Andrus ..-...", If j Bob Kirkpatrick Recapping and Commenting by Richard Hall 2ft; West Coast Coordinator Astronomy Notes: October Sky by Mark Herbstritt i 20 Ted Phillips Information regarding membership in the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) should be requested UFO Landing Traces from Walt Andrus, Director; MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Sequin, Texas 78155. David A. Schroth The contents of SKYLOOK are determined by the editor and staff, and do .not necessarily St. Louis/Mass Media represent the official judgment of M0FON Opinions of contributors are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON Books or other items adver- John F. Schuessler tised are not necessarily endorsed by SKYLOOK Or MUFON UFO Propulsion SKYLOOK THE UFO MONTHLY is published monthly by Dwight Connelly. 26 Edgewood Drive, Norma E. Short Quincy, IL 62301 USA. Subscription Rates: $8.00 per-year in U.S.; $9.00 per year foreign. single copy, 75 cents. Advertising rates: $5.00 per column inch. All ads subject to approval of the publisher. Editor-Publisher Emeritus Copyright 1975 by SKYLOOK THE UFO MONTHLY, 26 Edgewood Drive, Quincy, IL 623*1. Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue of this magazine, provided not more than 280 words are quoted from any one article, provided'that the author of .the article is given credit, and provided that the statement "Copyright 1975, by SKYLOOK THE UFO MONTHLY, 2S Edgewood Drive, Quincy, IL" is included. Second Glass Postage paid at Quincy, IL. 62301. Page 2 Mountain Lakes, New Jersey Close sighting reported by couple LOCATION OF SIGHTING: Mountain Lakes, NJ. DATE OF SIGHTING: July 4,1975 INVESTIGATED BY: Ted Bloecher. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is termed an "interim report" by Bloecher, who said on Aug. 16 that he cannot pre- pare a final report "because several basic facts regarding this observation are still unknown," including reports by possible collaborating witnesses. Tom Cahill, a political sci- This is the initial sketch made by Miss Jane Tiger at the time she reported the ence major at Boston College, sighting to the Parsippany, N J, police. and Jane Tiger, 18, of Lake Hopatcong, NJ, were westbound at about 60 m.p.h. on Highway lights closer in toward the describe; when we were coming 46, from Loews Theatre in center, and it had two white up on it, I thought that the southeastern Mountain Lakes, lights just off center. On the turret might have been spinning NJ, at approximately 12:05 a.m. top it had a cylinder turret- around, because of the weird on July 4, 1975. Just east of sort-of-thing, . and it was a color of the thing. Then, like the Hess service station, they washy-green color. There was a I said, when we got closer, it observed red, green, and white band of washy-green color looked like it was just within lights about 300 feet above the around the bottom of the turret it, you know?" ground, approaching the high- and the rest of the turret was Jane says it is possible that way. illuminated, but not as bright. the green light could have been And I really couldn't say coming from some type of win- It Was Not a Plane whether it was illuminated or. dows. She says the turret was whether it was reflected—the "very hard edged. It had a—it "It was so low," explains top part was a reflection from was flat on top, it wasn't Jane, "that if it were an air- the bottom band, which I said rounded, or anything. It was plane they should have been- was the brightest." very flat and very cylindri- really worried...It looked a Jane described the object cal." little smaller than a plane. as "the typical flying saucer As we got closer we noticed kind of shape, kind of ovular Beneath the Object that it wasn't a plane, and it on the bottom and, urn—curved— wasn't a helicopter—we could the bottom sort of curved, like As the couple passed beneath see it very clearly. It was this (gesture with hands indi- the object, Tom gave Jane the coming down toward the high- cates upward or inward curve— wheel and as the auto slowed to way." concave). And on the top—in 35 m.p.h., looked out the win- Jane says that as the couple the center, on the top, was a dow, "straight up at the ob- got in front of it, "I'd say little turret-like thing. It ject." it wasn't more than 100 feet had metal strips going verti- Says Tom, "I got a very good above us, and at that time we cally all around it, and in be- view of the hull of the object: could see a lot of the details tween these strips, when we got it was smooth, greyish metal on it." right close to it, when I could and I saw the left green-blue Tom adds that the object see it best, I could see it was light, which extended all the "had a bluish-green light. It like greenish, like a greenish way around the bottom (the was ovular-shaped with bluish- flourescent light, kind of— rim. It was within the body of green lights on each of the almost—and it was inside it, the ship. None of the lights ends. It had one or two red but it looked—it's so hard to were attached outside the ship; Page 3 xx J :-7'•••-:-•.•"•'.• t>''"','/' /'/ . "^"-lme _- L A = ) &"<> / '_'"~^ JLJ l ••'.%/»>Sf'.'i'i''V •'* ~ y±*_J -; - . J v '.•.:.• <S>N; • 'J ^-=^~~L'1'^ * ,• '* X -<;''l Arrow Diner ^^ y. f^wr -/^ \-'- \NJ /-^v.^.'-\/.aA:c v^ ^Ste^ Jcfe -:?* ^rf^^^'vt^:• ^Ltil.s'.^&^Z^^ /^r-v-',.--A-J'v-' . /--•••: «Ct^i\p^if1 e v." - fe^r-r'yr" p:"" ••^?r-^^. /T^^: - >i^^iSSgi^ ^iL^i^^^^^'' ~~~ / ^.£^><.-»^: ^ 'ifv-ir /~— \ • """""• '"'\ ''" •'"''^^V.*. • '• .'X* . "~- '--7"'P.A R.S I P PA N Y ..O1 R Q YTT I L •-••—-' -.-;..•— :r---i.-' • -. -' they were within the body of bars extending down, spaced a- Jane gave, the wheel back to the ship." bout three feet apart on the Tom as the object became situ- He says the light on the rim turret. You could see the green ated to the upper right and be- of the object was "sort of light coming out from behind hind the auto, and she sat in oval-shaped, and I guess if you them,, Also, the green light— the window of the car door to chopped off the two ends of the when we first sighted the ob- get a better view.
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