
Appendices Appendix A: Search Strategies Main Search, MEDLINE (1966 to August Week 3 2008) 1. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA 26. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or Reductase Inhibitors/ quantalan or questran or 2. Heptanoic Acids/ ).tw. 3. ($ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. 27. Cholestyramine/ 4. ( or or 28. / or or 29. (colestimide or or or or or colestipol).tw. ).mp. 30. or/25-29 5. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 31. .mp. 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- 32. 163222-33-1.rn. 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. 33. (cholester$ adj3 inhibit$).tw. 6. or/1-5 34. or/31-33 7. exp fatty acids, omega-3/ 35. ($ or fibric acid$).tw. 8. fatty acids, essential/ 36. Clofibric acid/ 9. Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/ 37. / 10. linolenic acids/ 38. / 11. exp fish oils/ 39. / 12. (n 3 $ or omega 3).tw. 40. Procetofen/ 13. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. 41. (gemfibrozil or or 14. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 15. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. or procetofen or ).tw. 16. (linolenate or cervonic or 42. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. 17. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 43. or/35-42 18. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 44. / linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 45. nicotinic acid/ canola or soy or soybean or walnut or 46. niacin.tw. mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. 47. or/44-46 19. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ 48. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra or pumpkin seed$).tw. or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or 20. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. Prevalite).mp. 21. (cod oil$ or marine oil$ or 49. Therapy, Combination/ marine fat$).tw. 50. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. 22. (salmon or mackerel or herring or 51. add-on therapy.tw. tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 52. or/49-51 anchov$).tw. 53. 6 and (or/24,30,34,43,47-48,52) 23. (fish consumption or fish intake or 54. .pt. (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. 55. clinical trials/ 24. or/7-23 56. (randomized or randomly or 25. (anticholesteremic resin$ or ( placebo).ab. adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 57. trial.ti. Sequestrant$ or $).tw. 58. randomized controlled trial.pt. 59. or/54-58

A-1 60. 53 and 59 66. limit 64 to meta analysis 61. or/24,30,34,43,47-48,52 67. or/60,65-66 62. exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ 68. limit 67 to (english language and 63. 61 and 62 yr="1980 - 2007") 64. or/6,63 69. remove duplicates from 68 65. limit 64 to systematic reviews Main Search, Embase (1980 to 2008 Week 36) 1. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl 24. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile Coenzyme a Reductase Inhibitor/ adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 2. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw. 3. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or 25. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin quantalan or questran or or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or colesevelam).tw. Pitavastatin).mp. 26. Cholestyramine/ 4. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 27. Colestipol/ 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- 28. / 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. 29. Colestilan/ 5. or/1-4 30. (colestimide or colestilan or 6. Omega 3 Fatty Acid/ colestipol).tw. 7. exp Essential Fatty Acid/ 31. or/23-30 8. exp Unsaturated Fatty Acid/ 32. Ezetimibe/ 9. Fish oils/ 33. ezetimibe.mp. 10. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. 34. 163222-33-1.rn. 11. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. 35. or/32-34 12. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. 36. Fibric Acid Derivative/ 13. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. 37. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 14. (linolenate or cervonic or 38. Clofibric acid/ timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. 39. Clofibrate/ 15. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 40. Bezafibrate/ 16. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 41. Gemfibrozil/ linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 42. Procetofen/ canola or soy or soybean or walnut or 43. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 17. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. or pumpkin seed$).tw. 44. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- 18. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. 19. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or 45. or/36-44 marine fat$).tw. 46. nicotinic acid/ 20. (salmon or mackerel or herring or 47. niacin.tw. tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 48. or/46-47 anchov$).tw. 49. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra 21. (fish consumption or fish intake or or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. Prevalite).mp. 22. or/6-21 50. Drug Therapy, Combination/ 23. / 51. (combination adj3 therapy).tw.

A-2 52. add-on therapy.tw. 60. 54 and 59 53. or/50-52 61. or/22,31,35,45,48-49,53 54. 5 and (or/22,31,35,45,48-49,53) 62. exp / 55. limit 54 to "treatment (2 or more 63. 61 and 62 terms high specificity)" 64. 5 or 63 56. clinical trials/ 65. limit 64 to "reviews (2 or more terms 57. (randomized or randomly or high specificity)" placebo).ab. 66. or/60,65 58. trial.ti. 67. limit 66 to (english language and 59. or/55-58 yr="1980 - 2007") Main Search, CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2008) 1. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl 20. (salmon or mackerel or herring or Coenzyme a Reductase Inhibitor/ tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 2. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. anchov$).tw. 3. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or 21. (fish consumption or fish intake or Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or 22. or/6-21 Pitavastatin).mp. 23. Bile Acid Sequestrant/ 4. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 24. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw. 5. or/1-4 25. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or 6. Omega 3 Fatty Acid/ quantalan or questran or 7. exp Essential Fatty Acid/ colesevelam).tw. 8. exp Unsaturated Fatty Acid/ 26. Cholestyramine/ 9. Fish oils/ 27. Colestipol/ 10. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. 28. Colestyramine/ 11. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. 29. Colestilan/ 12. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. 30. (colestimide or colestilan or 13. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. colestipol).tw. 14. (linolenate or cervonic or 31. or/23-30 timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. 32. Ezetimibe/ 15. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 33. ezetimibe.mp. 16. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 34. 163222-33-1.rn. linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 35. or/32-34 canola or soy or soybean or walnut or 36. Fibric Acid Derivative/ mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. 37. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 17. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ 38. Clofibric acid/ or pumpkin seed$).tw. 39. Clofibrate/ 18. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. 40. Bezafibrate/ 19. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or 41. Gemfibrozil/ marine fat$).tw. 42. Procetofen/

A-3 43. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or 73. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid or pumpkin seed$).tw. or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. 74. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. 44. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- 75. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. marine fat$).tw. 45. or/36-44 76. (salmon or mackerel or herring or 46. nicotinic acid/ tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 47. niacin.tw. anchov$).tw. 48. or/46-47 77. (fish consumption or fish intake or 49. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or 78. or/61-77 Prevalite).mp. 79. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile 50. Drug Therapy, Combination/ adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 51. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw. 52. add-on therapy.tw. 80. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or 53. or/50-52 quantalan or questran or 54. 5 and (or/22,31,35,45,48-49,53) colesevelam).tw. 55. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA 81. Cholestyramine/ Reductase Inhibitors/ 82. Colestipol/ 56. Heptanoic Acids/ 83. (colestimide or colestilan or 57. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. colestipol).tw. 58. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or 84. or/79-83 Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin 85. ezetimibe.mp. or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or 86. 163222-33-1.rn. Pitavastatin).mp. 87. (cholester$ adj3 inhibit$).tw. 59. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 88. or/85-87 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- 89. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. 90. Clofibric acid/ 60. or/55-59 91. Clofibrate/ 61. exp fatty acids, omega-3/ 92. Bezafibrate/ 62. fatty acids, essential/ 93. Gemfibrozil/ 63. Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/ 94. Procetofen/ 64. linolenic acids/ 95. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or 65. exp fish oils/ bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 66. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. 67. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. 96. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- 68. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. 69. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. 97. or/89-96 70. (linolenate or cervonic or 98. niacin/ timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. 99. nicotinic acid/ 71. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 100. niacin.tw. 72. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 101. or/98-100 linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 102. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra canola or soy or soybean or walnut or or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. Prevalite).mp. 103. Drug Therapy, Combination/

A-4 104. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. 108. or/54,107 105. add-on therapy.tw. 109. remove duplicates from 108 106. or/103-105 110. limit 109 to yr="1980 - 2007" 107. 60 and (or/78,84,88,97,101- 102,106) Harms Search, MEDLINE (1966 to August Week 3 2008) 1. exp Neoplasms/ 33. Databases/ or Databases, factual/ or 2. Rhabdomyolysis/ National Practitioner Data Bank/ 3. / 34. Prescriptions, Drug/sn 4. exp / 35. Hospitalization/sn 5. Stroke/ 36. Managed Care Programs/sn 6. mo.fs. 37. (administrative adj2 data$).tw. 7. or/1-6 38. (PHSHG or Public Health Strategic 8. (ae or po or to or mo or ci or de or et Healthcare Group or Palo Alto Medical or co or sc).fs. Foundation or PAMF or MedPar or 9. exp Survival Analysis/ MCBS or Medicare Current Beneficiary 10. exp Death/ Survey or Health Insurance Skeleton 11. Risk factors/ Eligibility Write-Off or HISKEW or 12. exp Drug Interactions/ UPIN or Unique Physician Identification 13. Critical Illness/ Numbers or CAHPS or HOS or Health 14. exp Mortality/ Outcomes Study or DSH or Providence 15. Abnormalities, drug-induced/ BC or Partners Health Care or MEPS or 16. exp Drug Hypersensitivity/ Medical Expenditure Panel Survey or 17. exp Drug Toxicity/ USP MEDMARX or Intensive Care Unit 18. exp Product Surveillance, Safety Reporting System or ICU-SRS or Postmarketing/ i3Magnifi or Ingenix or American Heart 19. Cohort Studies/ Association or PCN or Primary Care 20. harm$.mp. Network or CORRONA or VA National 21. ((adverse or serious or severe) adj2 Patient database or VA National Patient (event$ or reaction$)).mp. DB or VANPDB or VA Medicare 22. ((side or unwanted or adverse or Database or VAMD or Walgreen$ or undersire$) adj effect$).tw. Marketscan or Illinois Medicaid or 23. (ADR or ADRS or SAE).tw. Commercial Food Workers Union or 24. safety.mp. CMS or VHA or Baltimore Veterans 25. (bleed$ or haemorrhag$ or Healthcare or Thomson Medstat or hemorrhag$).tw. Omnicare or HMO Research Network or 26. (toxic$ or gastrotoxic$).tw. HMORN or Healthinsight or Utah 27. (tolerability or tolerance or Population Database or NAMCS or tolerate$).tw. National Ambulatory Medical Care 28. (relative risk or risks).mp. Survey or Pharmetrics or NDTI or 29. risk.ti. Mediplus or Tennessee Medicaid or 30. (cohort adj2 stud$).ti,ab. TENNCARE or GPRD or General 31. (treatment emergent or Practice Research Database or IMS complications).tw. Disease Analyzer).tw. 32. or/8-31

A-5 39. (California Medicaid or IMS 43. (VAERS or Adverse Event HEALTH National Disease or Reporting System or adverse events (Consortium adj Rheumatology reporting system or AERS or Fallon Researchers) or Illinois Department or Health Plan or Harvard Pilgrim or Kaiser British Columbia).tw. Permanente or ACOVE or (Assessing 40. ((French System adj2 Care adj Vulnerable Elders)).tw. Pharmacovigilance) or (ADR Centre 44. (euromedstat group or euro med stat adj2 Vietnam) or (WHO Collaborating group).au. Programme adj International Drug 45. or/33-44 Monitoring) or (Medicines Evaluation 46. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA adj Monitoring) or Medicines Evaluation Reductase Inhibitors/ or (Medicaid Pharmaceutical Analysis 47. Heptanoic Acids/ adj Surveillance)).tw. 48. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. 41. (VSR or ADRAC or ADR Advisory 49. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or Committee or CADRMP or Canadian Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin ADR Monitoring Programme or Adverse or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or Reactions Monitoring or BfArM or Pitavastatin).mp. Voluntary Reporting System or National 50. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or Reporting System or Farmacovigilanza 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- or Farmacovigilancia or National Drug 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. Monitoring System or National Adverse 51. or/46-50 Reaction Monitoring Programme or 52. exp fatty acids, omega-3/ Netherlands Pharmacovigilance 53. fatty acids, essential/ Foundation or LAREB or National 54. Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/ Toxicology Group or Centre for Adverse 55. linolenic acids/ Reaction Monitoring or Norwegian 56. exp fish oils/ Medicines Control Authority or 57. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. Pharmacovigilance or Drug Monitoring 58. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. Department or Swiss Drug Monitoring 59. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. Centre or SANZ or Yellow Card or 60. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. Spontaneous Reporting System or 61. (linolenate or cervonic or MedMARx or PEM or IMMP or J-PEM timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. or Saskatchewan Administrative 62. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. Healthcare Utilization Databases or 63. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or MEMO or BCDSP or Boston linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or Collaborative Drug Surveillance or canola or soy or soybean or walnut or COMPASS or Uppsala Monitoring).tw. mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. 42. (Saskhealth or Quebec medical 64. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ claims database or Regie de l'assurance- or pumpkin seed$).tw. maladie du Quebec or RAMQ or Nova 65. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. Scotia Pharmacare or (Health Insurance 66. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or Commission adj Australia) or marine fat$).tw. Intercontinental Marketing Services 67. (salmon or mackerel or herring or Health or medwatch or Linked Health tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or Database or BCLHD).tw. anchov$).tw.

A-6 68. (fish consumption or fish intake or 86. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 69. or/52-68 or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. 70. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile 87. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw. 88. or/80-87 71. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or 89. niacin/ quantalan or questran or 90. nicotinic acid/ colesevelam).tw. 91. niacin.tw. 72. Cholestyramine/ 92. or/89-91 73. Colestipol/ 93. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra 74. (colestimide or colestilan or or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or colestipol).tw. Prevalite).mp. 75. or/70-74 94. Drug Therapy, Combination/ 76. ezetimibe.mp. 95. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. 77. 163222-33-1.rn. 96. add-on therapy.tw. 78. (cholester$ adj3 inhibit$).tw. 97. or/94-96 79. or/76-78 98. 51 and (or/69,75,79,88,92-93,97) 80. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 99. or/7,32,45 81. Clofibric acid/ 100. 98 and 99 82. Clofibrate/ 101. limit 100 to review 83. Bezafibrate/ 102. 100 not 101 84. Gemfibrozil/ 103. limit 102 to (english and human and 85. Procetofen/ yr=1980-2007) Harms Search, Embase (1980 to 2008 Week 36) 1. exp neoplasms/ 19. Cohort Studies/ 2. Rhabdomyolysis/ 20. harm$.mp. 3. Myocardial Infarction/ 21. ((adverse or serious or severe) adj2 4. exp Liver Failure/ (event$ or reaction$)).mp. 5. Stroke/ 22. ((side or unwanted or adverse or 6. mo.fs. undersire$) adj effect$).tw. 7. or/1-6 23. (ADR or ADRS or SAE).tw. 8. (ae or po or to or mo or ci or de or et 24. safety.mp. or co or sc).fs. 25. (bleed$ or haemorrhag$ or 9. exp Survival Analysis/ hemorrhag$).tw. 10. exp Death/ 26. (toxic$ or gastrotoxic$).tw. 11. Risk factors/ 27. (tolerability or tolerance or 12. exp Drug Interactions/ tolerate$).tw. 13. Critical Illness/ 28. (relative risk or risks).mp. 14. exp Mortality/ 29. risk.ti. 15. Abnormalities, drug-induced/ 30. (cohort adj2 stud$).ti,ab. 16. exp Drug Hypersensitivity/ 31. (treatment emergent or 17. exp Drug Toxicity/ complications).tw. 18. exp Product Surveillance, 32. or/8-31 Postmarketing/

A-7 33. Databases/ or Databases, factual/ or Programme adj International Drug National Practitioner Data Bank/ Monitoring) or (Medicines Evaluation 34. Prescriptions, Drug/ adj Monitoring) or Medicines Evaluation 35. Hospitalization/ or (Medicaid Pharmaceutical Analysis 36. Managed Care Programs/ adj Surveillance)).tw. 37. (administrative adj2 data$).tw. 41. (VSR or ADRAC or ADR Advisory 38. (PHSHG or Public Health Strategic Committee or CADRMP or Canadian Healthcare Group or Palo Alto Medical ADR Monitoring Programme or Adverse Foundation or PAMF or MedPar or Reactions Monitoring or BfArM or MCBS or Medicare Current Beneficiary Voluntary Reporting System or National Survey or Health Insurance Skeleton Reporting System or Farmacovigilanza Eligibility Write-Off or HISKEW or or Farmacovigilancia or National Drug UPIN or Unique Physician Identification Monitoring System or National Adverse Numbers or CAHPS or HOS or Health Reaction Monitoring Programme or Outcomes Study or DSH or Providence Netherlands Pharmacovigilance BC or Partners Health Care or MEPS or Foundation or LAREB or National Medical Expenditure Panel Survey or Toxicology Group or Centre for Adverse USP MEDMARX or Intensive Care Unit Reaction Monitoring or Norwegian Safety Reporting System or ICU-SRS or Medicines Control Authority or i3Magnifi or Ingenix or American Heart Pharmacovigilance or Drug Monitoring Association or PCN or Primary Care Department or Swiss Drug Monitoring Network or CORRONA or VA National Centre or SANZ or Yellow Card or Patient database or VA National Patient Spontaneous Reporting System or DB or VANPDB or VA Medicare MedMARx or PEM or IMMP or J-PEM Database or VAMD or Walgreen$ or or Saskatchewan Administrative Marketscan or Illinois Medicaid or Healthcare Utilization Databases or Commercial Food Workers Union or MEMO or BCDSP or Boston CMS or VHA or Baltimore Veterans Collaborative Drug Surveillance or Healthcare or Thomson Medstat or COMPASS or Uppsala Monitoring).tw. Omnicare or HMO Research Network or 42. (Saskhealth or Quebec medical HMORN or Healthinsight or Utah claims database or Regie de l'assurance- Population Database or NAMCS or maladie du Quebec or RAMQ or Nova National Ambulatory Medical Care Scotia Pharmacare or (Health Insurance Survey or Pharmetrics or NDTI or Commission adj Australia) or Mediplus or Tennessee Medicaid or Intercontinental Marketing Services TENNCARE or GPRD or General Health or medwatch or Linked Health Practice Research Database or IMS Database or BCLHD).tw. Disease Analyzer).tw. 43. (VAERS or Vaccine Adverse Event 39. (California Medicaid or IMS Reporting System or adverse events HEALTH National Disease or reporting system or AERS or Fallon (Consortium adj Rheumatology Health Plan or Harvard Pilgrim or Kaiser Researchers) or Illinois Department or Permanente or ACOVE or (Assessing British Columbia).tw. Care adj Vulnerable Elders)).tw. 40. ((French System adj2 44. (euromedstat group or euro med stat Pharmacovigilance) or (ADR Centre group).au. adj2 Vietnam) or (WHO Collaborating 45. or/33-44

A-8 46. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA 71. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or Reductase Inhibitors/ quantalan or questran or 47. Heptanoic Acids/ colesevelam).tw. 48. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. 72. Cholestyramine/ 49. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or 73. (colestimide or colestilan or Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin colestipol).tw. [(colestimide or colestilan or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or or colestipol).tw. as keyword] Pitavastatin).mp. 74. Colestipol/ [Colestipol/ as keyword] 50. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 75. or/70-74 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- 76. ezetimibe.mp. 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. 77. 163222-33-1.rn. 51. or/46-50 78. (cholester$ adj3 inhibit$).tw. 52. exp fatty acids, omega-3/ 79. or/76-78 53. fatty acids, essential/ 80. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 54. Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/ 81. Clofibric acid/ 55. linolenic acids/ 82. Clofibrate/ 56. exp fish oils/ 83. Bezafibrate/ 57. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. 84. Gemfibrozil/ 58. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw. 85. Procetofen/ 59. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw. 86. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or 60. alpha linolenic.tw,hw. bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 61. (linolenate or cervonic or or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. timnodonic).tw,hw. 87. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- 62. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. 63. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 88. or/80-87 linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 89. niacin/ canola or soy or soybean or walnut or 90. nicotinic acid/ mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. 91. niacin.tw. 64. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ 92. or/89-91 or pumpkin seed$).tw. 93. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra 65. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or 66. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or Prevalite).mp. marine fat$).tw. 94. Drug Therapy, Combination/ 67. (salmon or mackerel or herring or 95. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 96. add-on therapy.tw. anchov$).tw. 97. or/94-96 68. (fish consumption or fish intake or 98. 51 and (or/69,75,79,88,92-93,97) (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. 99. or/7,32,45 69. or/52-68 100. 98 and 99 70. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile 101. limit 100 to review adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or 102. 100 not 101 Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw. 103. limit 102 to (english and human and yr=1980-2007)

A-9 Date and RCT Filters Removed, Medline (1950 to August Week 3 2008) 1. exp Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA 26. (cholestyramine or colestyramin$ or Reductase Inhibitors/ quantalan or questran or 2. Heptanoic Acids/ colesevelam).tw. 3. (Statin$ or reductase inhibitor$).tw. 27. Cholestyramine/ 4. (Simvastatin or Atorvastatin or 28. Colestipol/ Rosuvastatin or Pravastatin or Lovastatin 29. (colestimide or colestilan or or Fluvastatin or Mevastatin or colestipol).tw. Pitavastatin).mp. 30. or/25-29 5. (110862-48-1 or 287714-41-4 or 31. ezetimibe.mp. 75330-75-5 or 79902-63-9 or 81093-37- 32. 163222-33-1.rn. 0 or 93957-54-1).rn. 33. (cholester$ adj3 inhibit$).tw. 6. or/1-5 34. or/31-33 7. exp fatty acids, omega-3/ 35. (fibrate$ or fibric acid$).tw. 8. fatty acids, essential/ 36. Clofibric acid/ 9. Dietary Fats, Unsaturated/ 37. Clofibrate/ 10. linolenic acids/ 38. Bezafibrate/ 11. exp fish oils/ 39. Gemfibrozil/ 12. (n 3 fatty acid$ or omega 3).tw. 40. Procetofen/ 13. eicosapenta?noic.tw,hw,rw. 41. (gemfibrozil or fenofibrate or 14. docosahexa?noic.tw,hw,rw. bezafibrate or clofibrate or clofibric acid 15. alpha linolenic.tw,hw,rw. or procetofen or ciprofibrate).tw. 16. (linolenate or cervonic or 42. (637-07-0 or 25812-30-0 or 41859- timnodonic).tw,hw,rw. 67-0 or 882-09-7 or 49562-28-9).rn. 17. (mediterranean adj diet$).tw. 43. or/35-42 18. ((flax or flaxseed or flax seed or 44. niacin/ linseed or rape seed or rapeseed or 45. nicotinic acid/ canola or soy or soybean or walnut or 46. niacin.tw. mustard seed) adj2 oil$).tw. 47. or/44-46 19. (walnut$ or butternut$ or soybean$ 48. (Zetia or Lopid or Tricor or Lofibra or pumpkin seed$).tw. or Welchol or Colestid or Questran or 20. (fish adj2 oil$).tw. Prevalite).mp. 21. (cod liver oil$ or marine oil$ or 49. Drug Therapy, Combination/ marine fat$).tw. 50. (combination adj3 therapy).tw. 22. (salmon or mackerel or herring or 51. add-on therapy.tw. tuna or halibut or seal or seaweed or 52. or/49-51 anchov$).tw. 53. 6 and (or/24,30,34,43,47-48,52) 23. (fish consumption or fish intake or 54. or/24,30,34,43,47-48,52 (fish adj2 diet$)).tw. 24. or/7-23 25. (anticholesteremic resin$ or (bile adj3 resin$) or BAR or BAS or Sequestrant$ or Bile acid$).tw.


55. exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ 59. limit 57 to meta analysis 56. 54 and 55 60. or/53,58-59 57. or/6,56 61. limit 60 to english language 58. limit 57 to systematic reviews


Appendix B: Excluded Studies Excluded Studies - FullText Relevance

Do Not Directly Address the Key Questions

Amarenco P, Lavallee PC, Mazighi M, et al. The Aberg JA, Zackin RA, Brobst SW, et al. A role of in the prevention of stroke. randomized trial of the efficacy and safety of Archives of Medical Science 2007; 3(4 SUPPL. fenofibrate versus pravastatin in HIV-infected A):S109-S114. subjects with lipid abnormalities: AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 5087. AIDS Research & Andrade SE, Graham DJ, Staffa JA, et al. Health Human Retroviruses 2005;21(9):757-767. plan administrative databases can efficiently identify serious myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. J ACCORD Study Group. Action to Control Clin Epidemiol 2005;58(2):171-174. Cardiovascular Risk in (ACCORD) trial: design and methods. Am J Cardiol Anonymous. Case report: Combination therapy 2007;99(12A):21i-33i. for metabolic syndrome. Cardiol Rev 2005;22(1):42. Adams RJ, Albers G, Alberts MJ, et al. Update to the AHA/ASA recommendations for the Anonymous. Case report: Improved lipid levels prevention of stroke in patients with stroke and with niacin-ER/lovastatin. Cardiol Rev transient ischemic attack. Stroke 2008; 2003;20(11):38. 39(5):1647-1652. Anonymous. Combination therapy for mixed Afilalo J, Duque G, Steele R, et al. Statins for dyslipidemia in an elderly man with diabetes. secondary prevention in elderly patients: a Cardiol Rev 2007;24(4):28. hierarchical bayesian meta-analysis [see Anonymous. Myopathy and rhabdomyolysis comment]. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008; 51(1):37-45. with lovastatin taken with gemfibrozil Akoglu H, Yilmaz R, Kirkpantur A, et al. [comment]. JAMA 1990;264(23):2991-2992. Combined organ failure with combination Anonymous. Study of Heart and Renal antihyperlipidemic treatment: a case of hepatic Protection (SHARP): Final Protocol Version 4: injury and acute renal failure. Ann Pharmacother 14 July 2003. National Research Register, UK 2007;41(1):143-147. [www 2004;nrr.nhs.uk/]. 2004. Alaupovic P, Fesmire JD, Hunnighake D, et al. Arambepola C, Farmer AJ, Perera R, et al. Statin The effect of aggressive and moderate lowering treatment for children and adolescents with of LDL- and low dose anticoagulation heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: a on plasma lipids, apolipoproteins and lipoprotein systematic review and meta-analysis [review] families in post coronary artery bypass graft trial. [60 refs]. Atherosclerosis 2007;195(2):339-347. Atherosclerosis 1999;146(2):369-379. Armstrong EP, Zachry WM, Malone DC. Cost- Alexandridis G, Pappas GA, Elisaf MS. effectiveness analysis of simvastatin and Rhabdomyolysis due to combination therapy lovastatin/extended- release niacin to achieve with and gemfibrozil [see comment]. LDL and HDL goal using NHANES data.[see Am J Med 2000;109(3):261-262. comment]. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy Aligeti VR, Gandhi M, Braden R, et al. Effect of 2004;10(3):251-258. combination lipid-modifying therapy on the Aronow WS. Treatment of high-risk older adults lowering effect of fish oil. Am J Med with lipid-lowering drug therapy. Geriatrics and Sci 2007;333(3):168-172. Aging 2007;10(3):167-173. Al-Olah Y H, Carr-Lopez S M. Rhabdomyolysis Aronow WS. Treatment of high-risk older secondary to the concomitant use of simvastatin persons with lipid-lowering drug therapy and gemfibrozil. Saudi Pharm J 2002;10(1-2):65- [review] [34 refs]. Am J Ther 2008;15(2):102- 69. 107.


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Excluded Studies - Evidence Synthesis

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Drug(s) Not Marketed in the United States Kontopoulos AG, Athyros VG, Papageorgiou Avisar I, Brook JG, Wolfovitz E. Atorvastatin AA, et al. Effects of simvastatin and ciprofibrate monotherapy vs. combination therapy in the alone and in combination on lipid profile, plasma management of patients with combined fibrinogen and low density lipoprotein particle hyperlipidemia. EUR 2008;19(3):203-208. structure and distribution in patients with Cortellaro M, Cofrancesco E, Boschetti C, et al. familial combined hyperlipidaemia and coronary Effects of fluvastatin and bezafibrate artery disease. Coron Artery Dis 1996;7(11):843- combination on plasma fibrinogen, t- 850. plasminogen activator inhibitor and C reactive Pauciullo P, Borgnino C, Paoletti R, et al. protein levels in coronary artery disease patients Efficacy and safety of a combination of with mixed hyperlipidaemia (FACT study). fluvastatin and bezafibrate in patients with mixed Fluvastatin Alone and in Combination hyperlipidaemia (FACT study) [see comment]. Treatment. Thromb Haemost 2000;83(4):549-53. Atherosclerosis 2000;150(2):429-436. Tasaki H, Miyamoto M, Kubara T, et al. Cross- over trial of intensive monotherapy with atorvastatin and combined therapy with atorvastatin and colestimide for Japanese familial hypercholesterolemia. Circ J 2006;70(1):14-20.

Randomized Crossover Designs - Appropriate Data Not Reported Morgan TO, Anderson A, Morgan O, et al. Balestrieri GP, Maffi V, Sleiman I, et al. Fish oil Effect of pravastatin, cholestyramine or their supplementation in patients with heterozygous combination in the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia. Recenti Prog Med hypercholesterolaemia in elderly hypertensive 1996;87(3):102-105. patients. Clin Drug Investig 1995;9(6):314-323. Hansen JB, Lyngmo V, Svensson B, et al. Smit JW, Van Erpecum KJ, Portincasa P, et al. Inhibition of exercise-induced shortening of Effects of simvastatin and cholestyramine on bile bleeding time by fish oil in familial lipid composition and gall bladder motility in hypercholesterolemia (type IIa). Arterioscler patients with hypercholesterolaemia. Gut Thromb 1993;13(1):98-104. 1995;37(5):654-659. Koh KK, Quon MJ, Han SH, et al. Additive Tasaki H, Miyamoto M, Kubara T, et al. Cross- beneficial effects of fenofibrate combined with over trial of intensive monotherapy with atorvastatin in the treatment of combined atorvastatin and combined therapy with hyperlipidemia. Journal of the American College atorvastatin and colestimide for Japanese familial of Cardiology 2005;45(10):1649-1653. hypercholesterolemia. Circ J 2006;70(1):14-20. McKenney JM, Swearingen D, Di Spirito M, Vega GL, Ma PT, Cater NB, et al. Effects of et al. Study of the pharmacokinetic interaction adding fenofibrate (200 mg/day) to simvastatin between simvastatin and prescription omega-3- (10 mg/day) in patients with combined acid ethyl esters. Journal of Clinical hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome. Pharmacology 2006;46(7):785-791. American Journal of Cardiology 2003;91(8):956- 986.


Randomized Parallel, Non-Crossover Design - Analyzable Data Not Reported Assmann G, Kannenberg F, Ramey DR, et al. Effects Reyderman, L, Kosoglou T, Cutler DL, et al. The of ezetimibe, simvastatin, atorvastatin, and effect of fluvastatin on the pharmacokinetics and ezetimibe-statin therapies on non-cholesterol sterols pharmacodynamics of ezetimibe. Curr Med Res Opin in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia. Curr 2005;21(8):1171-1179. Med Res Opin 2008;24(1):249-259. Weinstock RS, Goldberg RB, Guyton JR, et al. Effect May HT, Anderson JL, Pearson RR, et al. of Ezetimibe/Simvastatin versus Atorvastatin on Comparison of effects of simvastatin alone versus Lowering Levels of LDL-C and Non- HDL-C, Apo B fenofibrate alone versus simvastatin plus fenofibrate and hsCRP in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal on lipoprotein subparticle profiles in diabetic patients of Clinical Lipidology 2008;2(1):25-35. with mixed dyslipidemia (from the Diabetes and Combined Lipid Therapy Regimen study). Am J Cardiol 2008;101(4):486-489.


Appendix C: Drugs Included in the Review and Label Information

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (Statins) inhibit conversion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) to mevalonate, an early step in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway Contraindications: active liver disease; unexplained persistent ↑ transaminases; pregnancy; lactation Withhold therapy if patient is experiencing an acute or serious condition predisposing to the development of renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis, e.g., sepsis; ; major surgery; trauma; severe metabolic, endocrine, or electrolyte disorders; or uncontrolled epilepsy. Atorvastatin Lipitor® Plasma peak: 1-2 h ↓ TC, LDL-c, Apo B, and TG 10, 20, 40, 80 mg tablets ↑ Cmax, ↑ AUC in people Biovailability: 14% levels and ↑ HDL-c in FH, Initially 10 mg/d; max 80 mg/d > 65y compared to systemic; 30% nFH, and mixed dyslipidemia Titrate q 2-4 wks as appropriate younger adults Absorption ↓ with food but (Types IIa and IIb) May be combined with bile acid ↑ Cmax, ↓AUC in women LDL-c reduction similar ↓ serum TG levels (Type IV) sequestrants; maximize time compared to men (no regardless of food Primary between agents significant difference in Highly plasma protein- dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type Do not combine with fibrates LDL↓) bound III) Ator levels, myopathy and/or ↑ AUC of concomitant ½-life: Plasma ~14h; ↓ total-C, LDL-C in HoFH‡ rhabdomyelitis risk ↑ with norethindrone and ethinyl Activity 20-30 h ↓ risks of myocardial concurrent cyclosporine, estradiol contraceptives Fecal excretion infarction, stroke, angina, fibrates, niacin, CYP450 3A4 In liver ↓ LDL receptors on need for revascularization, substrates§ C-1 the cell-surface and hospitalization for ↑ cellular uptake and congestive heart failure, in catabolism of LDL CHD Metabolized by CYP450 Contraindications: ↑ CPK 3A4

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Fluvastatin sodium Lescol® Plasma Peak Lescol < 1h; ↓ TC, LDL-c, Apo B, and TG 20, 40 mg Lescol® capsules and Renal insufficiency – no or or Lescol XL ~ 3h levels and ↑ HDL-c in HeFH, 80 mg Lescol® XL tablets adjustment necessary Fluvastatin sodium Lescol® XL Absorption slower but not nFH, and mixed dyslipidemia Initial dose 20 mg, titrate q 6- Hepatic insufficiency – Extended-Release decreased with food (Types IIa and IIb) wks as indicated by lipid levels caution with history of liver ↑ Cmax, AUC with hepatic ↓ need for revascularization and liver function disease or heavy alcohol insufficiency procedures, slow coronary For LDL-c ↓>25%, or initial LDL- ingestion Highly variable atherosclerosis in CHD c>190mg/dL, consider initial Monitor prothrombin times pharmocokinetics dose of 40-80 mg/d with warfarin [with doses > 20mg, Adolescents >1y post- enantiomer differences at menarche with HeFH, LDL- peak] c>190 mg/dL, family history of Highly plasma protein- CVD and 2+ risk factors bound Interactions: ↑ Fluv Metabolism by CYP450 Cmax, AUC with cyclosporine 2C9 (75%), 2C8 (~5%), ↓ Fluv Cmax, AUC, ↑ plasma 3A4 (~20%) clearance with Rifampicin Excretion: 90% ; ↑ Fluv Cmax, AUC, ↓ plasma primarily metabolites clearance with Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Omeprazole ↑ phenytoin and Fluv Cmax and AUC when used concomitantly C-2 ↑ Diclofenac Cmax, AUC with Fluv ↑ Glibenclamide (Glyburide) Cmax, AUC, t½, with Fluv – monitor carefully Lovastatin ALTOCOR™ Inactive lactone ↓ LDL-C, Total-C, TG; ↑ HDL- 10, 20, 40, 60 mg tablets ↓ LDL-C, Total-C, variable Extended release metabolized to beta- C in HeFH, nFH, mixed 1 tab at bedtime; start low, ↓ TG, variable ↑ HDL-C hydroxyacid and further dyslipidemia (Type IIa, IIb) titrate q 4 wks drug exposure ↓ with food active metabolites Less effective, more incidents ≤ 20 mg if taken with niacin Absorption: ~ 30% of ↑ transaminases in HoFH ↑myopathy with fibrates, Excretion: primarily feces; >1g/day niacin, cyclosporine, ~10% urine CYP450 3A4 substrates§ Crosses placenta and blood-brain barrier Highly plasma protein- bound CYP450 3A4 substrates§ ↑ drug exposure, myopathy risks

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Pravastatin PRAVACHOL® Drug in active form ↓ risk of MI, need for 10, 20, 40, 80 mg tablets Renal insufficiency 10 sodium Elimination ½ life 77 h revascularization, death from Initial 40 mg/d od; max 80 mg/d mg/d Highly variable plasma cardiac events, with HC, with Administer 1h before or 4h after peak and AUC for healthy and without clinically evident bile acid sequestrant and cirrhotic subjects CHD No ↑ risk myopathy with Evening dose ↓ systemic ↓ risk of stroke, slow coronary concurrent therapy with niacin, ; ↑ efficacy atherosclerosis in CHD fibrates, CYP450 3A4 ~20% plasma protein- ↓ LDL-C, Total-C, Apo-B, substrates§ bound VLDL-c, TG; ↑ HDL-C in ~50:50 renal:fecal HeFH, nFH, mixed excretion dyslipidemia (Type IIa, IIb) Not metabolized by ↓ TG (Type IV) CYP450 3A4 Primary dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type III) [labelled for children >8] Rosuvastatin CRESTOR® Peak plasma ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, ApoB, non- 5, 10, 20, 40 mg tablets HoFH and/or LDL-c calcium concentration 3-5h; HDL-c, TG, Initial dose 10 mg/d except as >190 mg/d: 20-40 mg/d Primarily plasma protein- and ↑ HDL-C in Primary noted. Asian: 5 mg/d initially bound hypercholesterolemia (HeFH ≤ 5 mg/d with cyclosporin Elderly: use with caution Bioavailability: ~20% and nonfamilial) and mixed ≤ 10 mg/d with Severe renal impairment C-3 Elimination half-life: dyslipidemia (Types IIa and Lopinavir/Ritonavir not on dialysis: 5-10 mg/d ~19hrs IIb) ≤ 10 mg/d in combination with (~ 3X ↑ plasma Excretion: 90% in feces ↓ TG (Type IV) gemfibrozil concentration) Unknown transfer to milk HoFH ‡ Use Mg or Al containing Prolongs INR with ~ 2X exposure in Asian Not studied in Type I, III and 2h before or after coumarin anti-coagulant - patients compared to V Rosuvastatin monitor INR frequently Caucasian Slow progression of ↑ risk myopathy and/or Use with caution with Metabolized “minimally” atherosclerosis in adults rhabdomyelitis , acute renal drugs that reduce by CYP 450-2C9; no . failure with higher dose, endogenous steroid effect on CYP 450 3A4 concurrent lipid lowering hormones (e.g. therapy, cyclosporine, ketoconazole, lopinavir/ritonavir , and cimetidine) ↓ dose with warfarin

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Simvastatin ZOCOR® Plasma peak: ~ 2-4h ↓ risk of MI, need for 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 mg tablets With concomitant lipid Plasma half-life: 4-12 h revascularization, death from lowering therapy: ≤ 10 Lactone hydrolyzed to β- cardiac events, risk of stroke, 20 mg/d od in evening; titrated mg/d hydroxyacid TIA in HC patients with monthly as indicated clinically With cyclosporine or Low bio-availability in the clinically evident CHD; HoFH: 40 mg/d in evening or 80 Danzol: initially 5 mg/d; ≤ circulation (<5%) ↓ TC, LDL-c, Apo B, non- mg/d in 3 divided doses 10 mg/d maximum ↑ levels with age, and HDL-c-c, TG; ↑ HDL-c in ↑ myopathy with fibrates, With Amiodarone or renal and hepatic primary Hypercholesterolemia >1g/day niacin, cyclosporin, : ≤ 20 mg/d insufficiency (HeFH and nonfamilial) CYP450 3A4 substrates§, HIV Renal insufficiency: 15 Extensive first-pass Mixed dyslipidemia (Types IIa protease inhibitors mg/d initially with close extraction in the liver and IIb) monitoring Highly plasma protein- Dysbetalipoproteinemia (Type Contraindications: bound III) hypersensitivity, active Excretion: ~ 60% feces; ~ Hypertriglyceridemia (Type IV liver disease; unexplained 13% urine hyperlipidemia) persistent ↑ No CYP450 3AC inhibition HoFH‡ transaminases; CYP450 3AC substrate Also labeled for pediatric pregnancy; lactation uses


Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Ezetimibe selective inhibitor of intestinal cholesterol and related phytosterol absorption by the sterol transporter, Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 (NPC1L1), in the brush border of the Ezetimibe Zetia® Plasma peak: 4-12 h ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, ApoB in 10 mg tablets Hepatic insufficiency: no Plasma half-life: ~ 22 hrs primary hypercholesterolemia 10 mg od adjustments required Highly plasma protein- (HeFH and nonfamilial) - May be administered with Renal insufficiency: no bound monotherapy and in HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor adjustments required Absorption: High inter- combination with HMG-CoA or fibrate, with awareness ≥ 2 h before or ≥ 4 h after subject variability; inhibitors that monotherapy risks of bile acid sequestrant unaffected by food ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, ApoB, non- other medications are None for race Glucuronide conjugation HDL-c-c in mixed magnified with co-therapy Contraindications: ↑ levels in geriatric hyperlipidemia - combination hypersensitivity, active liver patients therapy with FF disease; unexplained Excretion: ~ 80% feces HoFH: in combination with persistent ↑ transaminases; Neither inhibitor nor Ator or Sim * pregnancy; lactation inducer of CYP450 ↓ sitosterol and campesterol Rhabdomyelysis and isozymes in HoFS myopathy are rare on 50-80% ↓ AUC with As appropriate upon monotherapy; generally cholestyramine bid hospitalization for an acute associated with concomitant coronary event use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor C-5

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Ezetimibe/ Vytorin™ Same as individual drugs ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, ApoB, non- 10/10, 10/20, 10/40, 10/80 Hepatic insufficiency: not Simvastatin above HDL-c, TG, mg ezitimibe/mg Sim recommended and ↑ HDL-C in primary HC od evening, with or without Renal insufficiency: use 55% ↓ AUC with bile acid or mixed hyperlipidemia. food only if Sim ≥5 mg is sequestrant (HeFH and nonfamilial) Primary HC initially 10/10 or tolerated. ↓ Total-c, LDL-c in primary or 10/20, titrated monthly as ≤10/10 mg/d with mixed hypercholesterolemia clinically appropriate cyclosporine or Danazol only HoFH * HoFH: 10/40 - 10/80 mg/d if Sim ≥5 mg tolerated 10/10 max with gemfibrate; ≤ 10/20 mg/d with caution with other fibrates, ≥1 Amiodarone or Verapamil g/d niacin Other concomitant lipid With bile sequestrants, dose lowering therapy: avoid - ≥2 h before or ≥4 h after lack of safety and sequestrant effectiveness data. If used, risk of myopathy and/or dose ≤ 10/10 mg/d rhabdomyelitis ↑ with dose, Contraindications: CYP450 3A4 substrates§ hypersensitivity, active liver 55% ↓ AUC with disease; unexplained cholestryamine – not persistent ↑ transaminases; recommended pregnancy; lactation Monitor with concomitant C-6 digoxin, warfarin

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Fibrates Fenofibrate TRICOR® Insoluble in water, but ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, TG, ApoB; ↑ 54, 160 mg tablets readily absorbed from GI HDL-c in primary HC (HeFH Initial dose 160 mg/d with tract; ↑ absorption with and nFH; Types IIa and IIb) - normal renal function; reduce food monotherapy and with statins dose if lipid targets met Plasma Peak fenofibric ↓ TG in Types IV and V Limit dose to 54 in those with acid 6-8h hyperlipidemia moderate renal impairment, Elimination t½ 20h Contraindications: and in elderly Steady-state after 5 days hypersensitivity; severe renal Coumarin-type dosing or hepatic dysfunction; potentiated – monitor Highly plasma protein- unexplained persistent liver prothrombin times bound function abnormality; Immunosuppressants (e.g. Glucuronide conjugation preexisting gallbladder cyclosporine) may elicit Elimination: 60% of a disease synergistic nephrotoxicity dose in urine; 25% feces Bile acid sequestrants 1-2h Insignificant oxidative after or 4-6h before metabolism (e.g. CYP450) fenofibrate Finobrate and finofibric Combine with HMG-CoA acid do not inhibit CYP450 reductase inhibitors only if 3A4, 2D6, 2E1, 1A2; are benefit outweighs increased C-7 weak inhibitors of 2C19, risk including myopathy 2A6; mild-to-moderate and/or rhabdomyelitis inhibitors of 2C9 Micronized Lofibra® 30% ↑ absorption As above 134, 200 mg tablets fenofibrate compared to TRICOR,® so lower once-daily dose is effective

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Gemfibrozil LOPID® Completely absorbed ↓ TG in Types IV 600 mg tablets Caution in pregnancy – only ↑ Cmax with dose 0.5h and V hyperlipidemia at risk 1200 mg/d; 600 bid, 0.5h if potential benefit outweighs before meal; unchanged of pancreatitis before morning and evening risks to fetus AUC Not indicated for Type I meals Unknown transfer to breast ↓ AUC with dose after hyperlipoproteinemia, Coumarin-type anticoagulants milk meal ↓ risk of developing CHD only potentiated – monitor Highly plasma protein- in Type IIb patients with low prothrombin times bound HDL-c, high LDL-c and TG Patients taking repaglinide or 6% excreted in feces Contraindications: gemfibrozil should not start 70% excreted in urine; combination with cerivastatin the other; patients taking both glucuronide conjugation (↑ risk myopathy and/or already should carefully Oxidative metabolism rhabdomyelitis ); hepatic or monitor blood glucose, and severe renal dysfunction, should not take itraconazole. including primary biliary Discontinue if lipid response cirrhosis; gallbladder disease; not significant hypersensitivity


Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Niacin Niacin (NIR) Niacor® Water-soluble B-complex ↓ Total-c, LDL-c in primary 500 mg tablets Use with caution: vitamin (note: HC (Types IIa and IIb) 1-2 g, bid or tid substantial alcohol nicotinamide not effective) ↓TG in hyperlipidemia (Types Start with 250 mg following consumption; history of Plasma peak: 30-60 min IV and V), ↑ HDL-c evening meal, increase every peptic ulcer; hepatitis; Plasma t½: 20-45 min Not indicated in Type I 4-7 days until 2 g/d. If lipid hepatobiliary disease; Excretion: 88% in urine as hyperlipoproteinemia goals are not met, increase at diabetes or potential niacin and nicotinuric acid Contraindications: 2-4 wk intervals to 3g/d. May diabetes; unstable angina/MI hypersensitivity; increase further, generally (esp. with , calcium significant/unexplained 6g/day max. channel blockers or hepatic dysfunction; active Flushing may be decreased adrenergic blocking agents); peptic ulcer; arterial bleeding by slowly increasing dose, increased risk R/M with pre-treatment with or HMG-CoA reductase other NSAID. inhibitors Pregnancy: discontinue Tx for Types IIa or IIb; assess individually for Types IV or V Nursing: transfers to milk - assess individually C-9

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Niacin extended- NIASPAN® Plasma half-life: NR ↓ Total-c, LDL-c, Apo-B and 500, 750, 1000 mg Caution, monitor closely: release (NER) Absorption: 60 to 76 % of TG in primary Tablets swallowed whole, hepatic insufficiency; history dose hypercholesterolemia (HeFH according to a titration of jaundice, hepatobiliary Excretion: 60 to 76 % of and nonfamilial) and mixed schedule, at bedtime, after a disease, peptic ulcer; renal dose recovered in urine; dyslipidemia (Types IIa and low-fat snack insufficiency; little in feces IIb) Flushing a common side- diabetes/potential diabetes – Distribution: In mice ↓ TC in Types IV and V effect - reduced with aspirin monitor for dose-related ↑ niacin and metabolites hyperlipidemia or other NSAID, avoidance of glucose intolerance; concentrate in the liver, ↓ risk recurrent MI with history hot drinks. If awakened by unstable angina/MI (esp. kidney and adipose tissue. of MI and HC flushing rise carefully, esp. if with nitrate, calcium channel Complex metabolism In combination with Lov (see taking blood-pressure blockers or adrenergic below) medication blocking agents); In combination with bile acid Retitrate after extended predisposition to gout sequestrant to slow or discontinuation May potentiate effects of reverse atherosclerotic Maximize time between bile anticoagulants disease; ↓ Total-c, LDL-c in acid sequestrants and niacin Monitor for primary hypercholesterolemia May be added for patients on hypophosphatemia (Type IIa) stable dose Lov, max Lov 20 Contraindications: mg/d, and Niaspan 2 g/d Pregnancy: discontinue Tx hypersensitivity; significant, for Types IIa or IIb; assess unexplained hepatic individually for Types IV or V C-10 dysfunction; active peptic ulcer; arterial bleeding

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Niacin extended- Advicor® Plasma peak: Niacin 5h; Not for initial therapy 500/20, 750/20, 1000/20 mg No dose adjustments release / lovastatin Lov 2-4h Primary hypercholesterolemia niacin/mg Lov reported for special Plasma half-life: Niacin (HeFH and nonfamilial) and Add Lov to existing niacin populations. 20 to 48 min; Lov 4.5 h mixed dyslipidemia (types IIa therapy, or titrate niacin Absorption: Niacin ~72%; and IIb) Warning: do not substitute systemic concentrations Patients treated with Lov with equivalent dose used of dose-dependent and needing lower TG or higher crystalline niacin – possible variable; Lov HDL; and severe hepatotoxicity Bioavailability of Niacin Patients treated with niacin Caution: alcohol and Lov varies with food; who require further LDL- consumption, history of liver tablets not lowering disease interchangeable Avoid concomitant use of Distribution: Niacin <20% Contraindications – see fibrates unless benefit likely serum protein-bound, niacin and Lov to outweigh potential harm distributes into milk; Lov (e.g. hepatotoxicity, myopathy highly serum protein- and/or rhabdomyelitis ) bound See also Lov, niacin Lov bioavailability ↑ with CYP450 3A4 substrates§ Excretion: >60% Niacin in urine; ~83% Lov in feces C-11 [check to make consistent with 2 ingredients above]

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Bile acid sequestrants - Strong acid ion exchange resins that are not bioabsorbed, to remove bile acids from hepatic re-circulation Contraindicated with or hypersensitivity to agent Cholestryamine Cholestryamine Hydrophilic ↓ LDL-c in HC 9 g/dose (packet or scoop) Caution re. , In patients with partial Not indicated for TG only mixed with liquid possible bowel obstruction; biliary obstruction, ↓ 1 dose od; titrated to bid after tooth discoloration, damage dermal deposition lessens 1wk; recommended Caution in pruritis?? maintenance 2-4, max 6g/d pregnancy/nursing due to as appropriate possible nutrient deficiencies May reduce absorption of many medications and nutrients (vitamins, ) – use caution when titrating dose and when discontinuing Colestipol Cholestid Not applicable 5 g/scoop granules 1g tablets Colesevelam Welchol Hydrophylic, insoluble in Alone or with a statin to ↓ 625 mg tablets Caution re. susceptibility to water, not degraded by LDL-c in primary 6 tablets od or 3 bid with or fat-soluble digestive enzymes hypercholesterolemia (Type meals, with liquid; max 7/d vitamin deficiencies Binds bile acids, including IIa) No ↓ bioavailability of digoxin, Caution re. dysphagia, C-12 glycholic acid Lov, metopropol, , swallowing disorders, severe valproic acid and warfarin gastrointestinal motility Slight ↓ bioavailability disorders, or major verapamil surgery Consult physician if intending conception, pregnant or nursing

Drug Trade name Pharmacokinetics Labelled indications* Dosing Dose adjustments for Contraindications† special populations (in addition to considerations common to the class) Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3-acid OMACOR® Highly absorbed ↓ very high TG (≥ 500 mg/dL) 1 g capsules (900 mg ethyl Pregnancy: not studied – ethyl esters Mechanism poorly Contraindications: esters of omega-3 fatty acids) discontinue if pregnant or understood hypersensitivity, allergy or ~ 465 mg EPA nursing Dose-dependent ↑ serum hypersensitivity to fish ~ 375 mg DHA Anticoagulants: monitor for phospholipid EPA; less Dose: 4 g od or 2 g bid increased bleeding marked ↑ DHA not Discontinue after 2 mo if ALT may increase in dose-dependent response is inadequate isolation - monitor Human CYP450 unknown; ↑P450 enzyme concentrations in rats Abbreviations: ALT = Alanine transaminase, AST = aspartate transaminase, AUC = area under the curve in pharmacokinetic study, Apo A = Apo B, Cmax = maximum plasma concentration, CHD = coronary heart disease, CPK = creatine phosphokinase, d = day, DHA = docosahexaenoic acid, EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, FH = Familial hypercholesterolemia, GI = gastrointestinal, HC = hypercholesterolemia, HoFH = Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, HeFH = Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, HoFS = Homozygous familial sitosterolemia, LDL –c low density lipoprotein cholesterol, max = maximum, MI = myocardial infarction, mo = month, NAR = no adjustments required, nFH = Non-familial hypercholesterolemia, NR = not reported, NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, od = once daily, t½ = half-life (time for concentration to decrease to half the initial level), TG = triglycerides, TIA = transient ischemic attack, Tx = treatment Footnotes: * Every attempt should be made to control serum lipids with appropriate diet, exercise, weight loss in obese patients, and control of any medical problems such as diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism that are contributing to the lipid abnormalities. Medications known to exacerbate hypertriglyceridemia (beta-blockers, , ) should be C-13 discontinued or changed if possible prior to consideration of triglyceride-lowering drug therapy. † Hypersensitivity is a contraindication for all medications. ‡ as an adjunct to or in place of other treatments (e.g., LDL-c apheresis) § e.g. itraconazole, ketoconazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin, telithromycin, HIV protease inhibitors, , or large quantities of grapefruit juice.

Appendix D: Planned Analyses

Sensitivity Outcome Data Any statin Ator Sim Ros Prava Fluv Lov analysis Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy Fixed dose or fixed titration All dosing schedules, including conditional titration All-cause mortality n/N A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S All-cause mortality AAC n/N A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S Vascular death n/N A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S Vascular death AAC n/N A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S Fatal myocardial n/N A A A A infarction Nonfatal myocardial n/N A A A A infarction Any (STEMI and/or non-STEMI) or n/N A A A A unspecified myocardial infarction Any cerebrovascular n/N A A A A event D-1 Hemorrhagic stroke n/N A A A A Ischemic stroke n/N A A A A TIA n/N A A A A Any or unspecified n/N A A A A stroke Acute coronary n/N A A A A syndrome Carotid endarterectomy n/N A A A A Percutaneous coronary n/N A A A A intervention CABG n/N A A A A Revascularization n/N A A A A procedures For all clinical outcomes, conduct additional analyses on trials of followup duration of 24 weeks or more Treatment Adherence n/N A A A A

Sensitivity Outcome Data Any statin Ator Sim Ros Prava Fluv Lov analysis Participants with at least one adverse n/N A A A A event

Serious adverse events n/N A A A A

Withdrawal due to n/N A A A A adverse events Cancer n/N A A A A Elevated AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN n/N A A A A and/or hepatitis Myalgia n/N A A A A CPK > 10 times ULN n/N A A A A Rhabdomyolysis n/N A A A A (investigator defined) For serious adverse events, conduct additional analyses on trials with followup duration of 24 weeks or more Participants attaining n/N A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S ATP III LDL-c targets LDL-c D-2 Mean % change from A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S baseline OR change score HDL-c Mean % change from A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S baseline OR change score TC:HDL-c ratio

Sensitivity Outcome Data Any statin Ator Sim Ros Prava Fluv Lov analysis Mean % change from A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S A, R, S R, S R, S R, S baseline OR change score Non-HDL-c Mean % S change S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes (diabetes from mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus baseline subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup OR change only) only) only) only) only) only) only) score Triglycerides Mean % S change S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes S (diabetes (diabetes from mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus mellitus baseline subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup subgroup OR change only) only) only) only) only) only) only) score Carotid artery D-3 IMT (mm) A A A A plaque A A A A area plaque A A A A volume %stenosis A A A A calcif’n A A A A Coronary artery IMT (mm) A A A A plaque A A A A area Plaque A A A A volume %stenosis A A A A calcif’n A A A A

Abbreviations: A = analyses of all study populations, AAC = adequate allocation concealment; calcif’n = calcification, Any statin = Any statin (including mixed) + nonstatin drug, versus any statin (including mixed) of any dose, Ator = Atorvastatin 5-20 mg/day + nonstatin drug, versus Atorvastatin 40-80 mg/day, CABG = coronary arterial bypass graft, Fluv = Fluvastatin 5-40 mg/day + ezetimibe 10 mg/day, versus Fluvastatin 80 mg/day, IMT = intima-media thickness, Lov = Lovastatin 5-40 mg/day + another hypolipidemic versus Lovastatin 80 mg/day, n = number with particular outcome in statistical analysis, N = total number in group or trial, Prava = Pravastatin 5-40 mg/day + another hypolipidemic drug, versus Pravastatin 80, R = populations requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy, Ros = Rosuvastatin 5-10 mg/day + nonstatin drug versus Rosuvastatin 20-40 mg/day, S = pre-specified subgroups, Sim = Simvastatin 5-20 mg/day + nonstatin drug, versus Simvastatin 40-80 mg/day, TIA = transient ischemic attack D-4

Appendix E: Within-Trial, Within-Treatment Pooling of Multiple Treatment Group Data These tables present a summary of pooling undertaken during the present work. Pooling by authors of manuscripts was also incorporated in data syntheses, but is not summarized here. Arms in bold type were used in data syntheses. Arms in “plain type” were not used in data syntheses. Arms in italics were pooled in the course of this work. Pooled arms were comprised of the arms immediately above. Pooled arms used in data syntheses (in bold print) were within the a priori acceptable limits for heterogeneity (I2 or Chi2 statistics ≤ 50%; p-value ≥ 0.05 as appropriate). When more than one comparator arm is in bold, different arms were used depending upon the analysis. Doses were matched for global (“all participants, all doses”) analyses, while higher monotherapy doses were used to assess the benefits and harms of increasing the statin dose compared with adding a nonstatin medication. List of Tables Table E-1. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for clinical outcomes ...... E-1 Table E-2. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for surrogate outcomes ...... E-4 Table E-3. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for adverse events and treatment adherence ...... E-11 Abbreviations C-amine = colestyramine, C-lam = colesevelam, C-pol = colesipol, ER = extended release


Table E-1. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for clinical outcomes Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants All cause mortality Durrington 125 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004) Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113

Davidson 185 Lovastatin 10 NONE 26 (2001) Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 50 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 222 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 442 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104

Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 100

Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105

Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216 All cause mortality - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 All-cause mortality in participants with diabetes mellitus Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 222 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 442 Fatal myocardial infarction

Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Vascular death Hunninghake Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 (2003)128 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Abbreviations: C-amine = colestyramine, C-lam = colesevelam, C-pol = colesipol, ER = extended release


Table E-2. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for surrogate outcomes Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Achieving ATP III target Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 50 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5-40 Fenofibrate 67 113 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 222 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 442 Feldman Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 (2004)47 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245

Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109

Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97

Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Achieving ATP III targets - participants with CAD

Bays (2003)49 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 16

Simvastatin 40 NONE 18 Mixed NONE 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 17 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 15 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 32 Achieving ATP III targets - participants with diabetes mellitus Durrington Rosuvastatin NONE 50 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 50 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 110

Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 (2006)

Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 Atorvastatin NONE 241 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 480 Constance Atorvastatin NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 222


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 442 Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 LDL-c Feldman Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Insull (2004)182 Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 51 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 Capuzzi Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 78 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 71 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 71 Gagne (2002)132 Atorvastatin 80 NONE 12 Simvastatin 80 NONE 5 Mixed 80 NONE 17 Atorvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 12 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 4 Atorvastatin 80 Ezetimibe 10 12 Simvastatin 80 Ezetimibe 10 5 Mixed 40-80 Ezetimibe 10 33 Hunninghake 133 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 18 (2001) Atorvastatin 80 NONE 20 Atorvastatin 10-80 NONE 38 Atorvastatin 10 C-lam 3800 18 Davidson Lovastatin 10 NONE 26 (2001)185 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 50 Knapp (2001)172 Simvastatin 20 C-lam 2300 37 Simvastatin 10 C-lam 3800 34

Simvastatin 10-20 C-lam 2300-3800 71 Simvastatin 20 NONE 39 Simvastatin 10 NONE 35 Simvastatin 10-20 NONE 74 Sprecher 52 Fluvastatin 20 NONE 38 (1994) Fluvastatin 10 NONE 38 Fluvastatin 10-20 NONE 76 Sprecher 52 Fluvastatin 20 C-amine 16000 35 (1994) Fluvastatin 10 C-amine 16000 35 Fluvastatin 10-20 C-amine 16000 70 PMSG II 191 Pravastatin 80 NONE 62 (1993) Pravastatin 40 NONE 57 Pravastatin 40-80 NONE 119 Pravastatin 40 C-amine 24000 61 Simons Simvastatin 40 NONE 22 (1992)173

Simvastatin 40 C-pol 5000 19

Simvastatin 40 C-pol 10000 20

Simvastatin 40 C-pol 5000-10000 39

McKenney Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 (2007_2)139 Atorvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 60 Atorvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 65 Mixed 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 125 Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 (2006) Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 213 (2007)194 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 215 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 210 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 425 Isaacsohn Atorvastatin 80 NONE 16 (1997)163 Atorvastatin 40 C-pol 20000 11 Simvastatin 40 C-pol 20000 10 Mixed 40 C-pol 20000 21


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 29 14)104 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 23 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 24 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 30 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 77

Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 53 06)105

Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 40 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 42 Lovastatin 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 82 LDL-c - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 51 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 Feldman Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 (2004)47 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 10-20 Ezetimibe 10 451 LDL-c – high risk participants Feldman Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 LDL-c - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin in high risk participants Feldman Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 (2004)47 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 10-20 Ezetimibe 10 451 HDL-c Feldman Simvastatin 20 NONE 248 (2004)47

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245

Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109

Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97

Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants

Insull (2004)182 Lovastatin 40 NONE 33

Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32

Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34

Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34

Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 51 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 Capuzzi Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 78 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 71 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 198 Davidson Lovastatin 10 NONE 26 (2001)185 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 50 PMSG II Pravastatin 80 NONE 62 (1993)191 Pravastatin 40 NONE 57 Pravastatin 40 NONE 119 Pravastatin 40 C-amine 24000 61 Simons Simvastatin 40 NONE 22 (1992)173 Simvastatin 40 C-pol 5000 19 Simvastatin 40 C-pol 10000 20 Simvastatin 40 C-pol 5000-10000 39 McKenney Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 (2007_2)139 Atorvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 60 Rosuvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 65 Mixed 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 125 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 218 (2007)194 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 219 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 439 Isaacsohn Atorvastatin 80 NONE 16 (1997)163 Simvastatin 40 C-pol 20000 10 Atorvastatin 40 C-pol 20000 11 Mixed 40 C-pol 20000 21


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 29 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 30 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 24

Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 23

Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 77 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 53 06)105

Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 40

Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 42

Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 82 HDL-c - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 51 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 113 HDL-c – high risk participants Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 HDL-c – participants with diabetes mellitus Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 Total cholesterol: HDL-c ratio Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 51 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 53 Rosuvastatin 5-40 Fenofibrate 67 113


Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants

McKenney Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 (2007_2)139

Atorvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 60 Rosuvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 65 Mixed 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 125 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 218 (2007)194 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 219 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 439 Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 Total cholesterol: HDL-c ratio – high risk participants Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 Total cholesterol: HDL-c ratio – participants with diabetes mellitus Goldberg 144 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 237 (2006) Atorvastatin 20 NONE 240 Atorvastatin 40 NONE 241 Atorvastatin 10-40 NONE 718 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 238 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 242 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 480 Abbreviations: C-amine = colestyramine, C-lam = colesevelam, C-pol = colesipol, ER = extended release (niacin)


Table E-3. Within-trial, within-treatment pooling of multiple treatment group data for adverse events and treatment adherence Statin Non-statin drug Number of Outcome / Trial Dose (mg/day) Dose (mg/day) participants Cancer Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 CPK above 10 times the upper limit of normal

Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 248

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Capuzzi (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 80 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 72 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 152 McKenney Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 (2007)139 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 72 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 Rosuvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 65 Atorvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 60 Mixed 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 125 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 CPK above 10 times the upper limit of normal - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin

Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 248

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115


Elevated serum AST, ALT or hepatitis Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 248 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Insull (2004)182 Lovastatin 40 NONE 33

Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115

Capuzzi (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46

Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 80 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 72 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 152

Hunninghake Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 (2003)128 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Athyros (2001)50 Atorvastatin 20 NONE 131 Pravastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 133 Simvastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 129 Mixed 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 262 Davidson (2001)185 Lovastatin 10 NONE 26 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 300 50 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 222 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 442 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008_a)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008_b)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216


Elevated serum AST, ALT or hepatitis - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin

Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 248

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 245 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 451 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Myalgia Kosoglou (2004- Lovastatin NONE 8 b)181 20 Lovastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 8 Lovastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 7 Lovastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 15 Durrington Rosuvastatin NONE 53 (2004)125 40 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115

Capuzzi (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 80 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 72 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 152 Athyros (2001)50 Atorvastatin 20 NONE 131 Simvastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 129 Pravastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 133 Mixed 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 262 Davidson (2001)185 Lovastatin 10 NONE 26

Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27

Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23

Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 50

Myalgia - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Rhabdomyolysis Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457


Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008_a)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008_b)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216 Rhabdomyolysis - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Serious adverse events Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008_a)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008_b)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216 Serious adverse events - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Total adverse events Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97


Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457

Insull (2004)182 Lovastatin 40 NONE 33

Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100

Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Capuzzi (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 80 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 72

Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 152 Johansson Simvastatin 40 NONE 26 (1995)137 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000 29 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 10000 28 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000-10000 57

Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008_a)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008_b)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216 Total adverse events - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253 Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125


Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Johansson Simvastatin 40 NONE 26 (1995)137 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000 29 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 10000 28 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000-10000 57 Treatment Adherence Capuzzi (2003)155 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 46 Rosuvastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2000 80 Rosuvastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 1000 72 Rosuvastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 152 Hunninghake 133 Atorvastatin 10 NONE 19 (2001) Atorvastatin 80 NONE 20 Atorvastatin 10-80 NONE 39 Atorvastatin 10 C-lam 3800 19 Eriksson (1998)190 Pravastatin 20 NONE 403 Pravastatin 40 NONE 409 Pravastatin 20-40 NONE 812 Pravastatin 20 chlestyramine 8000 261 Johansson Simvastatin 40 NONE 26 (1995)137 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000 29 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 10000 28 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000-10000 57 McKenney Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 (2007)139 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 72 Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 73 Niacin (ER) Rosuvastatin 20 65 1000 Niacin (ER) Atorvastatin 40 60 2000 Mixed 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 125 Treatment Adherence - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin Johansson Simvastatin 40 NONE 26 (1995)137 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000 29 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 10000 28 Simvastatin 20 C-pol 5000-10000 57 Withdrawal due to adverse events

Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253

Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55


Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115

Gagne (2002)132 Mixed 80 NONE 17

Mixed 40 Ezetimibe 10 16 Mixed 80 Ezetimibe 10 17 Mixed 40-80 Ezetimibe 10 33 Athyros (2001)50 Atorvastatin 20 NONE 134

Simvastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 136 Pravastatin 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 135 Mixed 20 Gemfibrozil 1200 271 Hunninghake Atorvastatin 10 NONE 19 (2001)133 Atorvastatin 80 NONE 20 Atorvastatin 10-80 NONE 39 C-lam Atorvastatin 10 19 3800 Davidson (2001)185 Lovastatin 10 NONE 26

Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 27 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 23 Lovastatin 10 C-lam 2300 50 PMSG II (1993)191 Pravastatin 40 NONE 63 Pravastatin 80 NONE 63 Pravastatin 40-80 NONE 126 chlestyramine Pravastatin 40 64 24000 Constance Atorvastatin 20 NONE 219 (2007)194 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 220 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 222 Simvastatin 20-40 Ezetimibe 10 442 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 33 14)104 Lovastatin 10 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2500 34 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2500 32 Lovastatin 10-40 Niacin (ER) 2500 100 Kos Pharm (MA- Lovastatin 40 NONE 61 06)105 Lovastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 57 Lovastatin 40 Niacin (ER) 2000 57 Lovastatin 20-40 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 114 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 114 (2008_a)150 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 123 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 64 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 187 Ballantyne Simvastatin 20 NONE 119 (2008_b)171 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000 116 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 2000 100 Simvastatin 20 Niacin (ER) 1000-2000 216 Withdrawal due to adverse events - Lower dose statin plus nonstatin in combination compared with higher dose monotherapy using the same statin

Feldman (2004)47 Simvastatin 40 NONE 253


Simvastatin 10 Ezetimibe 10 251 Simvastatin 20 Ezetimibe 10 109 Simvastatin 40 Ezetimibe 10 97 Simvastatin 10-40 Ezetimibe 10 457 Durrington Rosuvastatin 40 NONE 53 (2004)125 Rosuvastatin 5 Fenofibrate 67 60 Rosuvastatin 10 Fenofibrate 67 55 Rosuvastatin 5-10 Fenofibrate 67 115 Abbreviations: C-amine = colestyramine, C-lam = colesevelam, C-pol = colesipol, ER = extended release (niacin)


Appendix F: Included Evidence This appendix contains details of all trial treatment groups included in syntheses.

Abbreviations: 1o HC = primary hypercholesterolemia, AAC = adequate allocation concealment, ALT = alanine transaminase, AST = aspartate transaminase, ATP III = Adult Treatment Panel III (of the National Cholesterol Education Program), C-amine = cholestyramine, C-lam = colesevelam, C-pol = colestipol, CAD = coronary artery disease, CHD = coronary heart disease, combo = combination therapy, CPK = creatine phosphokinase, DM = diabetes mellitus, Ext Rls = extended release (niacin), FHC = familial hypercholesterolemia, HC = hypercholesterolemia, HDL-c = high density lipoprotein cholesterol, Imm Rls = immediate release (niacin), ITTA = intention to treat analysis, LDL-c = low density lipoprotein cholesterol, mono = monotherapy, N = number, Slow Rls = slow release (niacin), T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus, wk = week Included Evidence for Ezetimibe plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy This set of tables present all the randomized controlled trial data employed in evidence synthesis. The data falls into one or more of the following categories for the outcomes: • All statins, all doses, all clinical populations. These are clinically diverse trials, to investigate a common drug effect. This category includes analyses for all types of statin, comparing similar or closest possible statin doses in the two investigated interventions (i.e. statin-ezetimibe combination therapy, and statin monotherapy). It includes trials of any duration – short-term trials of less than 24 weeks duration, and long-term trials of 24 weeks or longer follow-up. It includes trials with inadequate, unclear or adequate allocation concealment. • All statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations. These are clinically diverse trials to investigate a potential advantage of higher dose statin monotherapy over combination therapy with a lower dose of the same statin plus ezetimibe. In other words, this category includes statin specific analyses comparing lower doses of statin-ezetimibe combination with a higher dose of the same statin monotherapy. It includes trials of any duration – short-term trials of less than 24 weeks duration, and long-term trials of 24 weeks or longer follow-up. It includes trials with inadequate, unclear or adequate allocation concealment. • All statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups. These are a variety of relatively clinically homogenous populations, to investigate effects among specific groups within clinical diversity. This category includes statin non- specific analyses comparing similar or closest possible statin doses in the two investigated interventions (i.e. statin-ezetimibe combination, and statin monotherapy). It includes trials of any duration – short-term trials of less than 24 weeks duration, and long-term trials of 24 weeks or longer follow-up. It includes trials with inadequate, unclear or adequate allocation concealment.


• All statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups. These are a variety of relatively clinically homogenous populations, to investigate potential advantage of higher dose statin monotherapy over combination therapy with a lower dose of the same statin plus ezetimibe, among diverse clinical subgroups. This category includes statin specific analyses comparing lower doses of statin-ezetimibe combination therapy with a higher dose of the same statin monotherapy. It includes trials of any duration – short-term trials of less than 24 weeks duration, and long-term trials of 24 weeks or longer follow-up. It includes trials with inadequate, unclear or adequate allocation concealment. • Note, when all the trial data in a category is included as a whole in a prior category, then that category is not reported in the appendix. Also adverse event outcomes were assessed in all trial populations and not specific clinical groups. Non-HDL-c and triglycerides were investigated in the diabetes mellitus subgroup only – no evidence was available for triglycerides


Table F-1. Longer-term outcomes (clinical outcomes, serious adverse events and cancer) using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

All-cause Mortality: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Ballantyne (2003)126 Ezetimibe Study 1o HC, heterogeneous Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 0/0 Group 10-year CHD risk 201 45 52 183 unclear 2 No 80 80 International estimates Pharm. Fund

F-3 Multicentre Goldberg (2004)48 Ezetimibe 1o HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 Study 10-year CHD risk 539 229 48 175 Adequate 5 No 10-80 20-80 Group estimates International Pharm. fund Landray (2006)166 Participants with renal UK-HARP-II 3/0 disease and without Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 98 102 24 119 7.86 Adequate 2 Yes definitive indication for 20 20 Pharm. (0.81, 76.45) cholesterol lowering Fund Multicentre Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, North some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 America 104 110 24 93 unclear 3 No previously completed 20 40 Pharm. a simvastatin trial, Fund with LDL-c > 100 Multicentre mg/dL

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Rodney (2006)111 African descent, Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 Pharm. 124 123 12 176 Adequate 5 No 1o HC 20 20 Fund Multicentre Melani (2003)127 Ezetimibe Study 1o HC, heterogeneous Group Pravastatin Pravastatin 0/0 10-year CHD risk 184 192 12 178 Adequate 4 Yes North 10-40 10-40 estimates America

F-4 Pharm. Fund Multicentre Kerzner (2003)129 Ezetimibe Study 1o HC, heterogeneous Group Lovastatin Lovastatin 0/0 10-year CHD risk 192 220 12 179 unclear 3 Yes North 10-40 10-40 estimates America Pharm. Fund Multicentre Constance Participants with 1/1 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 8 94 0.47 Adequate 3 No International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (0.02, 8.88) Pharm. fund Farnier (2005)114 International Participants with CAD Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 181 191 6 123 unclear 5 No Pharm. on low dose 10-20 10-20 Fund simvastatin Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Cruz- Fernandez (2005)115 Participants with CAD 0/1 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin International on low dose 220 230 6 122 0.14 unclear 4 No 10-20 10-20 Pharm. atorvastatin (0.00, 7.13) Fund Multicentre Brohet (2005)116 Participants with CAD Europe Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 on low dose 208 210 6 123 unclear 5 No Pharm. 10-20 10-20 simvastatin Fund

F-5 Multicentre Pearson (2005)117 EASE Participants not North meeting ATP III target 0/0 Mixed 1965 Mixed 992 6 129 Adequate 4 No America LDL-c despite statin Pharm. therapy Fund Multicentre Blagden (2007)140 Europe Participants with CAD, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 0/0 72 76 6 157 unclear 4 Yes Pharm. statin naïve 10 10 Fund Multicentre Ballantyne (2007)142 1/0 Europe CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 238 230 6 190 7.14 unclear 1 No Pharm. equivalent 40 40 (0.14, 360.28) Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Patel (2006)143 Participants with CAD 0/1 Europe not on recent lipid Simvastatin Simvastatin 76 75 6 160 0.13 unclear 3 No Pharm. lowering drug 20 20 (0.00, 6.73) Fund treatment Multicentre Goldberg (2006)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 0/1 North Simvastatin Atorvastatin 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 494 732 6 145 0.19 Adequate 3 No America 20-40 10-40 > 100 mg/dL (0.00, 10.19) Pharm.

F-6 Fund Multicentre Catapano (2006_1)193 Hypercholesterolemia, North heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 0/0 America 492 492 6 173 Adequate 3 No year CHD risk 20 10 Pharm. estimates Fund Multicentre Catapano (2006_2)193 Hypercholesterolemia, North heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 0/0 America 493 495 6 173 Adequate 3 No year CHD risk 40 20 Pharm. estimates Fund Multicentre Catapano (2006_3)193 Hypercholesterolemia, North heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 0/0 America 493 494 6 173 Adequate 3 No year CHD risk 80 40 Pharm. estimates Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE 4/4 previous stable statin Simvastatin previous International 213 211 12 92.5 0.99 Adequate 2 No dose 40 (mixed) statin Pharm. (0.24, 4.01) dose Fund Multicentre Roeters van Lennep CHD and/or controlled (2008)151 type II DM patients Simvastatin EASEGO not on target LDL-c Simvastatin 40 or Unclear 178 189 12 115 0/0 3 No Europe despite prior low dose 40 Atorvastatin

F-7 Pharm. simvastatin or 20 Fund atorvastatin therapy Multicentre Gouni- Healthy males with Berthold LDL-c < 190 mg/dL (2008)110 and < 60 years of Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 24 24 2 114.5 0/0 Unclear 2 Yes age, previously not on 40 40 Pharm. lipid lowering Fund treatment Single Conrad Moderately high risk (2008)158 participants on International atorvastatin 20 Atorvastatin Pharm. mg/day or statin naive Atorvastatin 20 96 98 6 119 0/0 Adequate 5 No 40 Fund and with LDL-c 100 Multicenter mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Leiter (2008)159 Participants with or North without prior lipid Atorvastatin America lowering therapy with Atorvastatin 40 286 289 6 89 0/0 Adequate 5 No 80 Pharm. 10-year CHD risk > Fund 20% Multicenter

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 34 66 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes 40 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Ballantyne (2005)118 VYVA Participants with DM 0/1 North not at LDL-c ATP III Atorvastatin Simvastatin 10-80 220 206 6 178 0.13 Adequate 2 No America goal off lipid lowering 10-80 (0.00, 6.39)

F-8 Pharm. treatment Fund Multicenter All-cause Mortality: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Conrad Moderately high risk (2008)158 participants on International atorvastatin 20 Atorvastatin Pharm. mg/day or statin naive Atorvastatin 20 96 98 6 119 0/0 Adequate 5 No 40 Fund and with LDL-c 100 Multicenter mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Gaudiani Participants with (2005)121 T2DM on stable North thiazolidinediones, America some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 104 110 24 93 unclear 3 No Pharm. previously completed 20 40 Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicentre with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Roeters van CHD and/or controlled Lennep type II DM patients (2008)151 not on target LDL-c EASEGO Simvastatin Simvastatin Unclear despite prior low dose 110 115 12 115 0/0 3 No Europe 20 40 simvastatin or Pharm. atorvastatin therapy Fund

Multicentre Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 34 66 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes 40

F-9 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day All-cause mortality: all statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Farnier (2005)114 International Participants with CAD Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 181 191 6 123 unclear 5 No Pharm. on low dose 10-20 10-20 Fund simvastatin Multicentre Cruz- Fernandez (2005)115 Participants with CAD 0/1 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin International on low dose 220 230 6 122 0.14 unclear 4 No 10-20 10-20 Pharm. atorvastatin (0.00, 7.13) Fund Multicentre Brohet (2005)116 Participants with CAD Europe Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 on low dose 208 210 6 123 unclear 5 No Pharm. 10-20 10-20 simvastatin Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Gaudiani Participants with (2005)121 T2DM on stable North thiazolidinediones, America some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 104 110 24 93 unclear 3 No Pharm. previously completed 20 40 Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicentre with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Blagden (2007)140 Europe Participants with CAD, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 0/0 72 76 6 157 unclear 4 Yes Pharm. statin naïve 10 10

F-10 Fund Multicentre Ballantyne (2007)142 1/0 Europe CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 238 230 6 190 7.14 unclear 1 No Pharm. equivalent 40 40 (0.14, 360.28) Fund Multicentre Patel (2006)143 Participants with CAD 0/1 Europe not on recent lipid Simvastatin Simvastatin 76 75 6 160 0.13 unclear 3 No Pharm. lowering drug 20 20 (0.00, 6.73) Fund treatment Multicentre Goldberg (2006)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 0/1 North Simvastatin Atorvastatin 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 494 732 6 145 0.19 Adequate 3 No America 20-40 10-40 > 100 mg/dL (0.00, 10.19) Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Constance Participants with 1/1 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 8 94 0.47 Adequate 3 No International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (0.02, 8.88) Pharm. fund Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE 4/4 previous stable statin Simvastatin previous International 213 211 12 92.5 0.99 Adequate 2 No dose 40 (mixed) statin Pharm. (0.24, 4.01) dose Fund Multicentre Roeters van CHD and/or controlled F-11 Lennep type II DM patients (2008)151 Simvastatin not on target LDL-c EASEGO Simvastatin 40 or Unclear despite prior low dose 178 189 12 115 0/0 3 No Europe 40 Atorvastatin simvastatin or Pharm. 20 atorvastatin therapy Fund

Multicentre Leiter (2008)159 Participants with or North without prior lipid Atorvastatin America lowering therapy with Atorvastatin 40 286 289 6 89 0/0 Adequate 5 No 80 Pharm. 10-year CHD risk > Fund 20% Multicenter Ballantyne (2005)118 VYVA Participants with DM 0/1 North not at LDL-c ATP III Atorvastatin Simvastatin 10-80 220 206 6 178 0.13 Adequate 2 No America goal off lipid lowering 10-80 (0.00, 6.39) Pharm. treatment Fund Multicenter

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Catapno (2006)193 North Participants with DM Rosuvastatin America Simvastatin 20 190 185 6 173 0/0 Adequate 3 No 10 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Rodney (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 Pharm. 124 123 12 176 Adequate 5 No HC 20 20 Fund Multicentre

F-12 Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 29 15 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes 40 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE 1/1 previous stable statin Simvastatin previous International 43 41 12 92.5 0.95 Adequate 2 No dose 40 (mixed) statin Pharm. (0.06, 15.75) dose Fund Multicentre All-cause mortality: all statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Gaudiani Participants with (2005)121 T2DM on stable North thiazolidinediones, America some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 104 110 24 93 unclear 3 No Pharm. previously completed 20 40 Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicentre with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Roeters van CHD and/or controlled Lennep type II DM patients (2008)151 not on target LDL-c EASEGO Simvastatin Simvastatin Unclear despite prior low dose 110 115 12 115 0/0 3 No Europe 20 40 simvastatin or Pharm. atorvastatin therapy Fund

Multicentre Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 29 15 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes 40

F-13 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Vascular Death: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Kastelein (2008)42 2/1 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 1.98 Adequate 3 No mg/dL 80 80 International (0.21, 19.14) Pharm. fund Davidson (2002_1)130 Ezetimibe study group 1o HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 North 10-year CHD risk 61 61 12 179 Adequate 4 No 10 10 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002_2)130 Ezetimibe study group 1o HC, heterogeneous 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North 10-year CHD risk 58 53 12 179 6.78 Adequate 4 No 20 20 America estimates (0.13, 342.99) Pharm. Fund Multicentre Davidson (2002_3)130 Ezetimibe o

F-14 study group 1 HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 North 10-year CHD risk 68 60 12 179 Adequate 4 No 40 40 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicentre Davidson (2002_4)130 Ezetimibe study group 1o HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 North 10-year CHD risk 52 63 12 179 Adequate 4 No 80 80 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Vascular death: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Davidson (2002_5)130 Ezetimibe study group 1o HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 North 10-year CHD risk 61 60 12 179 Adequate 4 No 10 40 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicentre Davidson (2002_6)130 F-15 Ezetimibe 1/0 study group 1o HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 8.05 North 10-year CHD risk 58 63 12 179 Adequate 4 No 20 80 (0.16, 407.27) America estimates

Pharm. Fund Multicentre Vascular death: all statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Kastelein (2008)42 2/1 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 1.98 Adequate 3 No mg/dL 80 80 International (0.21, 19.14) Pharm. fund

Fatal Myocardial Infarction: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Ballantyne (2007)142 1/0 Europe CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 238 230 6 190 7.14(0.14, unclear 1 No Pharm. equivalent 40 40 360.28) Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Stein (2004) Those with LDL >= 0/1 156 130 mg/dL despite Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 278 290 14 186 0.14 unclear 3 Yes International diet and atorvastatin 40 80 (0.00, 7.11) Pharm. fund 10 mg/day

Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double doses INFORCE 2/0 previous stable statin Simvastatin of pervious International 213 211 12 92.5 7.35 (0.46, Adequate 2 No dose 40 statins Pharm. 117.97) (mixed) Fund Multicentre F-16 Any or unspecified myocardial infarction: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double doses INFORCE 6/5 previous stable statin Simvastatin of pervious International 213 211 12 92.5 1.19 (0.36, Adequate 2 No dose 40 statins Pharm. 3.97) (mixed) Fund Multicentre Stroke (ischemic and/or hemorrhagic) Landray (2006)166 Participants with renal 1/0 UK-HARP-II disease and without Simvastatin Simvastatin 7.70 Europe 98 102 24 119 Adequate 2 Yes definitive indication for 20 20 (0.0.15, Pharm. cholesterol lowering 388.20) Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Serious Adverse Events: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations 69 Rodney (2006)111 2/1 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin Pharm. 124 123 12 176 2.00 Adequate 5 No HC 20 20 Fund (0.18, 22.35) Multicentre

Barrios 5/2 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 221 214 6 124 1.97 unclear 3 No International equivalent 20 20 (0.18, 22.23) Pharm. fund F-17 Landray (2006)166 Participants with renal UK-HARP-II 36/25 disease and without Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 102 101 24 119 1.66 Adequate 2 Yes definitive indication for 20 20 Pharm. (0.90, 3.04) cholesterol lowering Fund Multicentre Farnier (2005)114 Participants with CAD 4/1 International Simvastatin Simvastatin on low dose 181 191 6 123 0.35 unclear 5 No Pharm. 10-20 10-20 simvastatin (0.01, 8.66) Fund Multicentre Cruz- Fernandez (2005)115 Participants with CAD 3/4 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin International on low dose 220 230 6 122 4.29 unclear 4 No 10-20 10-20 Pharm. atorvastatin (0.48, 38.78) Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Brohet (2005)116 Participants with CAD 5/0 Europe Simvastatin Simvastatin on low dose 208 210 6 123 11.38 unclear 5 No Pharm. 10-20 10-20 simvastatin (0.63, 207.10) Fund Multicentre Ballantyne (2005)118 VYVA Participants with DM 3/6 North not at LDL-c ATP III Atorvastatin Simvastatin 10-80 220 206 6 178 0.46 (0.11, Adequate 2 No America goal off lipid lowering 10-80 1.87) Pharm. treatment

F-18 Fund Multicenter Masana (2005)167 Participants on stable 43/13 Ezetimibe statin treatment but Simvastatin Simvastatin 296 57 48 136 0.58 unclear 3 No study group not on ATP II LDL-c 80 80 (0.29, 1.16) International goals Pharm. fund Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, North 5/1 some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin America 104 110 24 93 5.51 unclear 3 No previously completed 20 40 Pharm. (0.63, 47.94) a simvastatin trial, Fund with LDL-c > 100 Multicentre mg/dL Bays (2004)154 North 1o HC, heterogeneous 11/13 Simvastatin Simvastatin America 10-year CHD risk 544 560 14-26 178 0.87 Adequate 5 No 10-80 10-80 Pharm. estimates (0.39, 1.96) Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Stein Those with LDL >= 9/12 (2004)156 130 mg/dL despite Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0.77 unclear 3 Yes International diet and atorvastatin 40 80 (0.32, 1.86) Pharm. fund 10 mg/day

Feldman (2004)47 North 27/12 Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin America 457 253 23 169 1.26 unclear 2 No or risk equivalent 10-40 40 Pharm. (0.63, 2.53) Fund Multicentre F-19 Goldberg (2004)48 Ezetimibe 1o HC, heterogeneous 28/6 Simvastatin Simvastatin Study 10-year CHD risk 539 229 48 175 2.04 Adequate 45 No 10-80 20-80 Group estimates (0.83, 4.99) International Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 Ezetimibe Study 1o HC, heterogeneous 17/5 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Group 10-year CHD risk 201 45 52 183 0.74 unclear 2 No 80 80 International estimates (0.26, 2.12) Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002)130 Ezetimibe study group 1o HC, heterogeneous 8/4 Simvastatin Simvastatin North 10-year CHD risk 87 22 48 179 0.46 Adequate 4 No 10-80 10-80 America estimates (0.12, 1.68) Pharm. Fund Multicentre Blagden (2007)140 0/1 Europe Participants with CAD, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 72 76 6 157 2.45 unclear 4 Yes

F-20 Pharm. statin naïve 10 10 (0.47, 12.79) Fund Multicentre Ballantyne (2007)142 5/4 Europe CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 238 230 6 160190 0.78 unclear 1 No Pharm. equivalent 40 40 (0.17, 3.53) Fund Multicentre Patel (2006)143 Participants with CAD 2/1 Europe not on recent lipid Simvastatin Simvastatin 77 75 6 160 1.21 unclear 3 No Pharm. lowering drug 20 20 (0.32, 4.57) Fund treatment Multicentre Goldberg (2006)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 3/10 North Simvastatin Atorvastatin 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 494 732 6 145 0.44 Adequate 3 No America 20-40 10-40 > 100 mg/dL (0.12, 1.61) Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Catapano (2006)193 Hypercholesterolemia, North 16/17 heterogeneous 10- RosuvastatinSimvastatin Rosuvastatin America 1427 1428 6 173 0.94 Adequate 4 No year CHD risk 20-80 10-40 Pharm. (0.47, 1.87) estimates Fund Multicentre Shankar (2007)168 South Asians, Asia heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 114 116 12 127 unclear 2 Yes Pharm. year CHD risk 10 10 Fund estimates

F-21 Multicentre Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on INFORCE 44/42 previous stable statin International Simvastatin 40 213 Mixed statins 211 12 92.5 1.05 (0.65, Adequate 2 No dose Pharm. 1.68)

Fund Multicentre Roeters van CHD and/or controlled Lennep type II DM patients (2008)151 Simvastatin not on target LDL-c 9/7 EASEGO 40 or Unclear despite prior low dose Simvastatin 20 178 189 12 115 1.38 (0.50, 3 No Europe atorvastatin simvastatin or 3.80) Pharm. 20 atorvastatin therapy Fund

Multicentre Gouni- Healthy males with Berthold LDL-c < 190 mg/dL (2008)110 and < 60 years of Simvastatin Europe age, previously not on Simvastatin 40 24 24 2 114.5 0/0 Unclear 2 Yes 40 Pharm. lipid lowering Fund treatment Single

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Conrad Moderately high risk (2008)158 participants on International atorvastatin 20 Atorvastatin Pharm. mg/day or statin naive Atorvastatin 20 96 98 6 119 0/0 Adequate 5 No 40 Fund and with LDL-c 100 Multicenter mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary 3/0 Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 66 34 4 169 3.80 (0.19, Adequate 5 Yes 40 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not 75.78)

F-22 controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Leiter (2008)159 Participants with or North without prior lipid 9/5 Atorvastatin America lowering therapy with Atorvastatin 40 286 289 6 89 1.85 (0.61, Adequate 5 No 80 Pharm. 10-year CHD risk > 5.58) Fund 20% Multicenter Serious Adverse Events: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, North 5/1 some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin America 104 110 24 93 5.51 unclear 3 No previously completed 20 40 Pharm. (0.63, 47.94) a simvastatin trial, Fund with LDL-c > 100 Multicentre mg/dL

Combo/mono: Monotherapy Trial number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Feldman (2004)47 North 23/12 Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin America 360 253 23 169 1.26 unclear 2 No or risk equivalent 10-20 40 Pharm. (0.63, 2.53) Fund Multicentre Conrad Moderately high risk (2008)158 participants on International atorvastatin 20 Atorvastatin Pharm. mg/day or statin naive Atorvastatin 20 96 98 6 119 0/0 Adequate 5 No 40 Fund and with LDL-c 100

F-23 Multicenter mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Dobs Participants of mixed (2003)169 10 year CHD risk, with Pharm. primary 3/0 Simvastatin Fund hyperlipidemia (LDL-c Simvastatin 20 66 34 4 169 3.80 (0.19, Adequate 5 Yes 40 Multicenter >=130 mg/dL) not 75.78) controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Cancer, all trials Goldberg (2004)48 Ezetimibe 1o HC, heterogeneous 6/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin Study 10-year CHD risk 539 229 48 175 2.57 Adequate 5 No 10-80 20-80 Group estimates (0.31, 21.44) International Pharm. fund Landray (2006)166 Participants with renal UK-HARP-II 4/0 disease and without Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 102 101 24 119 9.27 Adequate 2 Yes definitive indication for 20 20 Pharm. (0.49, 174.53) cholesterol lowering Fund Multicentre

Table F-2. Surrogate outcome – Achieving ATP-III target LDL-c using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c goal: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Feldman (2004)47 363/147 North Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin 451 248 23 169 2.83 unclear 2 no America or risk equivalent 10-40 40 (2.01, 4.00) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 67/22 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 278 290 14 186 3.87 unclear 3 yes

F-24 International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (2.31, 6.47) Pharm. fund mg/day Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe 215/180 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 252 245 12 183 2.10 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 International (1.34, 3.29) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Stein HC, Participants with 54/41 (2008)148 documented statin Fluvastatin Fluvastatin 64 69 12 174 3.69 Adequate 5 yes International associated muscle 80 80 (1.61, 8.44) Pharm. fund related side effects Kerzner (2003)129 Ezetimibe 1o HC, 127/107 Study Group heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin 192 220 12 179 2.06 unclear 3 yes North year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 (1.38, 3.08) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Melani (2003)127 Ezetimibe 1o HC, 144/97 Study Group heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin 204 203 12 178 2.62 Adequate 4 yes North year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 (1.74, 3.94) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002)130 Ezetimibe 1o HC,

F-25 207/167 study group heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 268 261 12 179 1.91 Adequate 4 no North year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (1.30, 2.80) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 101/78 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 3.79 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund (1.89, 7.59) estimates Multicenter Barrios 169/109 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 217 210 6 124 3.26 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (2.14, 4.96) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with CAD 178/49 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin on low dose 219 225 6 122 15.59 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatins (9.80, 24.81) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants not on 828/752 VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin ATP III target LDL-c 923 927 6 178 2.03 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 10-80 (ATPIII criteria) (1.55, 2.65) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 66/36 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 12.22 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund (4.73, 31.58) Multicenter F-26 Goldberg (2006_1)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 215/197 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 238 240 6 145 2.04 Adequate 3 no 20 20 America > 100 mg/dL (1.19, 3.51) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Goldberg (2006_2)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 226/214 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North 1c < 8.5% and 242 241 6 145 1.78 Adequate 3 no 40 40 America LDL-c > 100 mg/dL (0.93, 3.40) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Constance Participants with 392/154 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 6 94 3.31 Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (2.19, 5.00 ) Pharm. fund

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Pearson (2005)117 Participants not 1377/199 EASE North meeting ATP III target Mixed 1940 Mixed 968 6 129 9.45 Adequate 4 no America LDL-c despite statin (7.86, 11.36) Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 221/182 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 235 230 6 190 4.16 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (2.22, 7.79) Multicenter F-27 Catapano (2006)193 Hypercholesterolemia 1368/1328 North , heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 1427 1428 6 173 1.75 Adequate 3 no America year CHD risk 20-80 10-40 (1.25, 2.43) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Farnier (2005)114 Participants with CAD 133/31 Simvastatin Simvastatin International on low dose 179 186 6 123 14.46 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (8.67, 24.10) Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with CAD 164/36 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe on low dose 204 207 6 123 19.48 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (11.83, 32.06) Multicenter

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, 28/13 North some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 37 33 6-24 93 4.79 unclear 3 no America previously completed 20 40 (1.72, 13.35) Pharm. Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Masana (2005)167 Participants on stable 61/14 Ezetimibe statin treatment but Simvastatin Simvastatin

F-28 73 80 23 136 23.96 unclear 3 no study group not on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 (10.28, 55.84) International goals, DM subgroup Pharm. fund Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the 169/135 INFORCE previous stable statin Simvastatin previous 197 187 12 92.5 2.32 Adequate 2 No International dose 40 (mixed) statin (1.39, 3.88) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre Roeters van CHD and/or Lennep controlled type II DM (2008)151 patients not on target Simvastatin 40 119/49 EASEGO LDL-c despite prior Unclear Simvastatin 20 178 or atorvastatin 189 12 115 5.76 (3.67, 3 Yes Europe low dose simvastatin 20 9.05) Pharm. Fund or atorvastatin Multicentre therapy

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c goal: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Feldman (2004)47 90/147 North Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin 109 248 23 169 3.25 unclear 2 no America or risk equivalent 20 40 (1.87, 5.67) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, 28/13 North some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin

F-29 37 33 6-24 93 4.79 unclear 3 no America previously completed 20 40 (1.72, 13.35) Pharm. Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Roeters van CHD and/or Lennep controlled type II DM (2008)151 patients not on target 80/28 EASEGO LDL-c despite prior Unclear Simvastatin 20 110 Simvastatin 40 115 12 115 8.29 (4.56, 3 Yes Europe low dose simvastatin 15.07) Pharm. Fund or atorvastatin Multicentre therapy

Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c goal: all statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Ballantyne (2007)142 221/182 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 235 230 6 190 4.16 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (2.22, 7.79) Multicenter Barrios 169/109 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 217 210 6 124 3.26 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (2.14, 4.96) Pharm. fund

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Blagden (2007)140 66/36 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 12.22 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund (4.73, 31.58) Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with CAD 164/36 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe on low dose 204 207 6 123 19.48 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (11.83, 32.06) Multicenter

F-30 Pearson (2005)117 Participants not 546/83 EASE North meeting ATP III target Mixed 768 Mixed 395 6 129 9.25 Adequate 4 no America LDL-c despite statin (6.93, 12.33) Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter Constance Participants with 392/154 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 6 94 3.31 Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (2.19, 5.00 ) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez all with vascular 178/49 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin disease LDL-c>190 219 225 6 122 15.59 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 and/or DM (9.80, 24.81) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Farnier (2005)114 Participants with CAD 133/31 Simvastatin Simvastatin International on low dose 179 186 6 123 14.46 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (8.67, 24.10) Multicenter

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Feldman (2004)47 363/147 North Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin 451 248 23 169 2.83 unclear 2 no America or risk equivalent 10-40 40 (2.01, 4.00) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, 28/13 North some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 37 33 6-24 93 4.79 unclear 3 no America previously completed 20 40

F-31 (1.72, 13.35) Pharm. Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Goldberg (2006_1)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 215/197 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 238 240 6 145 2.04 Adequate 3 no 20 20 America > 100 mg/dL (1.19, 3.51) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Goldberg (2006_2)144 VYTAL T2DM, hemoglobin A- 226/214 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North 1c < 8.5% and LDL-c 242 241 6 145 1.78 Adequate 3 no 40 40 America > 100 mg/dL (0.93, 3.40) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Stein HC, Participants with 24/14 (2008)148 documented statin Fluvastatin Fluvastatin 30 33 12 174 5.43 Adequate 5 yes International associated muscle 80 80 (1.75, 16.80) Pharm. fund related side effects

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Masana (2005)167 Participants on stable 61/14 Ezetimibe statin treatment but Simvastatin Simvastatin 73 80 23 136 23.96 unclear 3 no study group not on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 (10.28, 55.84) International goals, DM subgroup Pharm. fund Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 75/59 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin Asia Pharm. 85 85 12 127 3.31 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund (1.48, 7.39) estimates Multicenter F-32 Catapno (2006)193 170/161 North Participants with DM Rosuvastatin Simvastatin 20-80 186 181 6 173 1.32 (0.66, Adequate 3 No America 20-40 2.64) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the 169/135 INFORCE previous stable statin Simvastatin previous 197 187 12 92.5 2.32 Adequate 2 No International dose 40 (mixed) statin (1.39, 3.88) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre Roeters van CHD and/or Lennep controlled type II DM (2008)151 patients not on target Simvastatin 40 119/49 EASEGO LDL-c despite prior Unclear Simvastatin 20 178 or atorvastatin 189 12 115 5.76 (3.67, 3 Yes Europe low dose simvastatin 20 9.05) Pharm. Fund or atorvastatin Multicentre therapy

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants with DM 170/161 VYVA North not at LDL-c ATP III Simvastatin Atorvastatin 212 201 6 178 2.94 Adequate 2 no America goal off lipid lowering 10-80 10-80 (1.70, 5.06) Pharm. Fund treatment Multicenter Reckless (2008)149 Double the Participants with 49/39 INFORCE Simvastatin previous diabetes mellitus 57 51 12 92.5 1.88 Adequate 2 No International 40 (mixed) statin (0.70, 5.06) Pharm. Fund dose F-33 Multicentre Reckless (2008)149 Double the Female participants 31/21 INFORCE Simvastatin previous only 40 36 12 92.5 2.46 Adequate 2 No International 40 (mixed) statin (0.91, 6.65) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre Farnier (2005)114 Female participants 43/9 Simvastatin International only Simvastatin 10-20 56 57 6 123 17.64 (6.86, Unclear 5 No 10-20 Pharm. Fund 45.36) Multicentre Pearson (2005)117 Participants of African 85/24 EASE North descent not meeting Mixed 135 Mixed 73 6 129 3.47 Adequate 4 no America ATP III target LDL-c (1.90, 6.33) Pharm. Fund despite statin therapy Multicenter

ATP III target for LDL-c Combo/mono Monotherapy Trial Number of Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Pearson (2005)117 Hispanic participants 46/8 EASE North not meeting ATP III Mixed 71 Mixed 42 6 129 7.82 Adequate 4 no America target LDL-c despite (3.14, 19.45) Pharm. Fund statin therapy Multicenter Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c goal: all statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Feldman (2004)47 90/147 North Participants with CHD Simvastatin Simvastatin 109 248 23 169 3.25 unclear 2 no America or risk equivalent 20 40

F-34 (1.87, 5.67) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Participants with Gaudiani T2DM on stable (2005)121 thiazolidinediones, 28/13 North some of whom had Simvastatin Simvastatin 37 33 6-24 93 4.79 unclear 3 no America previously completed 20 40 (1.72, 13.35) Pharm. Fund a simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Roeters van CHD and/or Lennep controlled type II DM (2008)151 patients not on target 80/28 EASEGO LDL-c despite prior Unclear Simvastatin 20 110 Simvastatin 40 115 12 115 8.29 (4.56, 3 Yes Europe low dose simvastatin 15.07) Pharm. Fund or atorvastatin Multicentre therapy

Table F-3. Surrogate outcome – LDL-c using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Low density lipoprotein cholesterol

Combo- Monotherapy Mean mono: mean Combination Statin Follow- Combo Statin Mono Baseline difference Jadad Trial Population Dose up AAC ITTA N Dose N LDL-c (95% CI) Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) mg/dL

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%): all statins, all doses, all clinical populations

Kastelein (2008)42 -16.50 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 (-16.63, - Adequate 3 no mg/dL 80 80 International 16.37) Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC,

F-35 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin -10.00 Study Group 201 45 52 183 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 80 80 (-15.76, -4.24) International estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2004_b)46 HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Atorvastatin -6.90 North America 10-year CHD risk 432 223 24 180 unclear 3 no 80 80 (-9.27, -4.53) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Landray Participants with (2006)166 renal disease and -21.00 UK-HARP-II without definitive Simvastatin simvastatin 102 101 24 119 (-30.74, - Adequate 2 no Europe indication for 20 20 11.26) Pharm. Fund cholesterol Multicenter lowering

Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had -20.50 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-26.60, - unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a 14.40) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Bays (2004)154 1o HC, -14.90 North America heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 539 559 6-26 178 (-16.46, - Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 13.34) Multicenter estimates Berthold (2006)109 Healthy male -18.90 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe participants. Low 24 24 2-3 114 (-24.97, - unclear 2 yes 40 40 Pharm. Fund risk 12.83) Single centre

F-36 LDL >= 130 mg/dL Stein (2004)156 -13.60 despite diet and Atorvastatin Atorvastatin International 278 290 14 186 (-16.10, - unclear 3 yes atorvastatin 10 40 80 Pharm. fund 11.10) mg/day Rodney -17.20 (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 (-21.13, - Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 13.27) Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin -27.00 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 344 78 12 136 (-34.80, - unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c 19.20) International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg statin naïve, (2004)48 1o HC, -14.70 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin heterogeneous 10- 323 322 12 175 (-17.13, - Adequate 5 no Study Group 10-80 10-80 year CHD risk 12.27) International estimates Pharm. fund

Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe -13.40 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 (-15.89, - Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America 10.91) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe -15.00 heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 181 202 12 179 (-17.78, - unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America 12.22) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe -15.20 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 253 249 12 179 (-17.70, - Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 North America 12.70)

F-37 estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002_1)132 7 (14%) -21.16 Ezetimibe Atorvastatin Atorvastatin participants 12 12 12 309 (-30.97, - unclear 3 no Study Group 80 80 between 12-18 11.35) International years of age Pharm. fund Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002_2)132 7 (14%) Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -18.83 participants 5 5 12 309 unclear 3 no Study Group 80 80 (-36.43, -1.23) between 12-18 International years of age Pharm. fund McKenney (2007_1)139 COMPELL HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Rosuvastatin -4.00 study North 10-year CHD risk 72 73 12 197 unclear 2 no 40 40 (-8.95, 0.95) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -7.40 Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 (-16.33, 1.53) Fund estimates Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin -26.10 Ezetimibe treatment but not Mixed Mixed 88 94 8 136 (-30.69, - unclear 3 no study group on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 21.51) International goals, subgroup Pharm. fund with DM Barrios (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin -12.50 215 207 6 124 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (-15.83, -9.17) Pharm. fund Farnier (2005)114 Participants with -24.30 Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 102 101 6 123 (-27.78, - unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 F-38 Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20.82) Multicenter Cruz- Fernandez Participants with -26.90 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 219 224 6 122 (-29.80, - unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin 24.00) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with -23.00 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe CAD on low dose 204 207 6 123 (-25.86, - unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20.14) Multicenter Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III -23.10 EASE North target LDL-c Mixed 1940 Mixed 968 6 129 (-24.45, - Adequate 4 no America despite statin 21.75) Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter

Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III -23.00 EASE North target LDL-c Simvastatin Simvastatin 174 93 6 129 (-27.55, - Adequate 4 no America despite statin 20 20 18.45) Pharm. Fund therapy, African Multicenter descent subgroup

Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III -21.10 EASE North target LDL-c Mixed 94 Mixed 53 6 129 (-27.16, - Adequate 4 no America despite statin 15.04) Pharm. Fund therapy, Hispanic Multicenter subgroup Ballantyne (2005_1)118 Participants not on VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -6.90 ATP III target LDL- 233 230 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 20 20 (-9.49, -4.31) c Pharm. Fund Multicenter F-39 Ballantyne (2005_2)118 Participants not on VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -9.10 ATP III target LDL- 236 232 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 40 40 (-11.69, -6.51) c Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2005_3)118 Participants not on VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -5.70 ATP III target LDL- 224 230 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 80 80 (-8.39, -3.01) c Pharm. Fund Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 -14.10 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 (-17.92, - unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund 10.28) Multicenter

Ballantyne (2007)142 -24.60 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 235 230 6 190 (-29.39, - unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund 19.81) Multicenter Patel (2006)143 Participants with -14.60 Europe Pharm. CAD not on recent Simvastatin Simvastatin 72 71 6 160 (-19.06, - unclear 3 no Fund lipid lowering drug 20 20 10.14) Multicenter treatment Goldberg (2006_1)144 T2DM, hemoglobin VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -9.00 A-1c < 8.5% and 238 240 6 145 Adequate 3 no America 20 20 (-11.55, -6.45) LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Pharm. Fund Multicenter Goldberg (2006_2)144 T2DM, hemoglobin VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -6.70 A-1c < 8.5% and 242 241 6 145 Adequate 3 no F-40 America 40 40 (-9.25, -4.15) LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Pharm. Fund Multicenter Catapano Hypercholesterole (2006)193 mia, Simvastatin Rosuvastatin -4.20 North America heterogeneous 10- 1427 1428 6 173 Adequate 3 no 20-80 10-40 (-5.03, -3.37) Pharm. Fund year CHD risk Multicenter estimates Constance Participants with -17.66 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 210 213 6 94 (-22.78, - Adequate 3 no International 20 20 atorvastatin 12.54) Pharm. fund Feldman (2004)47 Participants with -14.00 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 97 248 23 169 (-17.53, - unclear 2 no 40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent 10.47) Multicenter Kosoglou Healthy participants (2004)124 with LDL-c >= 130 Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin -15.90 Europe 12 11 2 158 unclear 2 yes mg/dL and BMI < 10 10 (-22.16, -9.64) Pharm. Fund 31kg/m2. Low risk Single centre

Gouni-Berthold Healthy males with (2008)110 LDL-c < 190 mg/dL Europe and < 60 years of -18.90 Simvastatin Simvastatin Pharm. Fund age, previously not 24 24 2 114.5 (-24.97, - Unclear 2 Yes 40 40 Single on lipid lowering 12.83) treatment

Conrad Moderately high (2008)158 risk participants on International atorvastatin 20 -19.90 (-25.17, Pharm. Fund mg/day or statin Atorvastatin 20 92 Atorvastatin 40 92 6 119 Adequate 5 No -14.63) Multicenter naive and with LDL-c 100 mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Dobs (2003)169 Participants of Pharm. Fund mixed 10 year CHD Multicenter risk, with primary hyperlipidemia Simvastatin Simvastatin -13.36 (-18.31, (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes

F-41 20 40 -8.41) mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid -16.40 (-19.45, North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 277 Atorvastatin 80 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No -13.35) Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had -20.50 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-26.60, - unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a 14.40) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL

Bays 1o HC, (2004_1)154 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -5.90 North America 222 108 6-26 178 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10 40 (-8.80, -3.00) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004_2)154 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -3.00 North America 106 224 6-26 178 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 20 80 (-5.93, -0.07) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -10.00 North America CHD or risk 109 248 23 169 unclear 2 no 20 40 (-13.19, -6.81) Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter Goldberg statin naïve, (2004_1)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -4.70 heterogeneous 10- 87 90 12 175 Adequate 5 no F-42 Study Group 10 40 (-8.19, --0.49) year CHD risk International estimates Pharm. fund Goldberg statin naïve, (2004_2)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -4.90 heterogeneous 10- 86 87 12 175 Adequate 5 no Study Group 20 80 (-9.21, -0.59) year CHD risk International estimates Pharm. fund Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -8.12 study group 67 64 12 179 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 40 (-13.03, -3.21) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.53 study group 68 66 12 179 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 80 (-5.39, -4.33) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Dobs (2003)169 Participants of Pharm. Fund mixed 10 year CHD Multicenter risk, with primary hyperlipidemia Simvastatin Simvastatin -13.36 (-18.31, (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes 20 40 -8.41) mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Barrios F-43 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin -12.50 215 207 6 124 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (-15.83, -9.17) Pharm. fund Farnier (2005)114 Participants with -24.30 Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 102 101 6 123 (-27.78, - unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20.82) Multicenter Cruz- Fernandez Participants with -26.90 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 219 224 6 122 (-29.80, - unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin 24.00) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with -23.00 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe CAD on low dose 204 207 6 123 (-25.86, - unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20.14) Multicenter

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin -26.10 Ezetimibe treatment but not Mixed Mixed 88 94 8 136 (-30.69, - unclear 3 no study group on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 21.51) International goals, subgroup Pharm. fund with DM Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had -20.50 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-26.60, - unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a 14.40) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -14.00 (-17.53, North America CHD or risk 186 181 23 169 unclear 2 no 40 40 -10.47) Pharm. Fund equivalent F-44 Multicenter Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002_2)132 7 (14%) Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -18.83 participants 5 5 12 309 unclear 3 no Study Group 80 80 (-36.43, -1.23) between 12-18 International years of age Pharm. fund Blagden (2007)140 -14.10 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 (-17.92, - unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund 10.28) Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 -24.60 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 235 230 6 190 (-29.39, - unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund 19.81) Multicenter Patel (2006)143 Participants with -14.60 Europe Pharm. CAD not on recent Simvastatin Simvastatin 72 71 6 160 (-19.06, - unclear 3 no Fund lipid lowering drug 20 20 10.14) Multicenter treatment

Goldberg (2006_2)144 T2DM, hemoglobin VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin -6.70 A-1c < 8.5% and 242 241 6 145 Adequate 3 no America 40 40 (-9.25, -4.15) LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Pharm. Fund Multicenter Constance Participants with -17.66 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 210 213 6 94 (-22.78, - Adequate 3 no International 20 20 atorvastatin 12.54) Pharm. fund Kastelein (2008)42 -16.50 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 (-16.63, - Adequate 3 no mg/dL 80 80 International 16.37) Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants with VYVA North DM not at LDL-c Simvastatin Atorvastatin -10.20 212 201 6 178 Adequate 2 no F-45 America ATP III goal off lipid 10-80 10-80 (-13.25, -7.15) Pharm. Fund lowering treatment Multicenter Bays (2004)154 Mixed 10 years North America CHD risk Pharm. Fund participants who Simvastatin Simvastatin -9.40 (-13.62, - Multicentre were protocol 86 69 6-26 178 Adequate 5 No 10-80 10-80 5.18) compliant in a previous base study Catapno (2006)193 Participants with Simvastatin Rosuvastatin -4.30 (-6.79, - North America DM 186 181 6 173 Adequate 3 No 20-80 10-40 1.81) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid -16.40 (-19.45, North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 277 Atorvastatin 80 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No -13.35) Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20%

Bays (2004)154 North America Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -14.40 (-21.18, 34 37 6-26 178 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund DM 10-80 10-80 -7.62) Multicentre Rodney -17.2 (-21.1, - (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 124 12 176 13.27) Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund HC 20 20

Multicentre Farnier (2005)114 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 1 1 6 111 NA unclear 5 No 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin -- Multicentre African descent Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III -23 (-27.5, - EASE North target LDL-c Mixed 174 Mixed 93 6 129 18.45) Adequate 4 No America despite statin

Pharm. Fund therapy -- African

F-46 Multicentre descent Bays (2004)154 North America Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -9.40 (-13.62, - 34 37 6-26 180 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund CHD 10-80 10-80 5.18) Multicentre Farnier (2005)114 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -23.99 (-30.53, International CAD on low dose 56 57 6 111 unclear 5 No 10-20 10-20 -17.45) Pharm. Fund simvastatin – Multicentre Females only Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 13.4 (9.87, study group year CHD risk 152 147 12 179 Adequate 4 no 10-80 10-80 16.93) North America estimates -- Pharm. Fund Females only Multicenter

Dobs (2003)169 1o HC, Pharm. Fund heterogeneous 10- Multicenter year CHD risk estimates, with

(LDL-c >=130 Simvastatin Simvastatin -14.46 (-21.90, 29 15 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes mg/dL) not 20 40 -7.02)

controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day -- Females only,

Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III -21.10 EASE North target LDL-c Mixed 94 Mixed 53 6 129 (-27.16, - Adequate 4 no America despite statin 15.04) Pharm. Fund therapy, Hispanic Multicenter subgroup Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002_1)132 7 (14%)

F-47 -21.16 Ezetimibe participants Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 12 12 12 309 (-30.97, - unclear 3 no Study Group between 12-18 80 80 11.35) International years of age – LDL Pharm. fund > 190 Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002_2)132 7 (14%) Ezetimibe participants Simvastatin Simvastatin -18.83 5 5 12 309 unclear 3 no Study Group between 12-18 80 80 (-36.43, -1.23) International years of age, LDL > Pharm. fund 190 Kastelein (2008)42 -16.50 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 (-16.63, - Adequate 3 no mg/dL 80 80 International 16.37) Pharm. fund

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had -20.50 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-26.60, - unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a 14.40) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Bays 1o HC, (2004_1)154 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -5.90 North America 222 108 6-26 178 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10 40 (-8.80, -3.00) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004_2)154 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -3.00 North America 106 224 6-26 178 Adequate 5 no

F-48 year CHD risk 20 80 (-5.93, -0.07) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -10.00 North America CHD or risk 109 248 23 169 unclear 2 no 20 40 (-13.19, -6.81) Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter Goldberg statin naïve, (2004_1)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -4.70 heterogeneous 10- 87 90 12 175 Adequate 5 no Study Group 10 40 (-8.19, --0.49) year CHD risk International estimates Pharm. fund Goldberg statin naïve, (2004_2)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin -4.90 heterogeneous 10- 86 87 12 175 Adequate 5 no Study Group 20 80 (-9.21, -0.59) year CHD risk International estimates Pharm. fund

Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -8.12 study group 67 64 12 179 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 40 (-13.03, -3.21) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.53 study group 68 66 12 179 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 80 (-5.39, -4.33) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Dobs (2003)169 Participants of Pharm. Fund mixed 10 year CHD Multicenter risk, with primary hyperlipidemia Simvastatin Simvastatin -13.36 (-18.31, (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes

F-49 20 40 -8.41) mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -9.80 (-16.05, - study group year CHD risk 36 35 12 179 Adequate 4 no 10 40 3.55) North America estimates -- Pharm. Fund Females only Multicenter Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin -1.8 (9.70, study group year CHD risk 34 37 12 179 Adequate 4 no 20 80 6.10) North America estimates -- Pharm. Fund Females only Multicenter

Dobs (2003)169 1o HC, Pharm. Fund heterogeneous 10- Multicenter year CHD risk estimates, with

(LDL-c >=130 Simvastatin Simvastatin -14.46 (-21.90, 29 15 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes mg/dL) not 20 40 -7.02)

controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day -- Females only,


Table F-4. Surrogate outcome – HDL-c using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy High density lipoprotein - cholesterol Combo-mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mean Score Statin Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population Combo N up difference Dose Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, all doses, all clinical populations

Kastelein (2008)42 FHC, LDL-c > Simvastatin Simvastatin 2.40 ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 Adequate 3 No 210 mg/dL 80 80 (-0.23, 5.03) International Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 0.90 Study Group 10-year CHD risk 201 45 52 183 unclear 2 No

F-51 80 80 (-3.04, 4.84) International estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne HC, (2004_b)46 heterogeneous Simvastatin Atorvastatin 5.80 North America 432 223 24 180 unclear 3 No 10-year CHD risk 80 80 (3.43, 8.17) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter 1o HC , LDL >= Stein 130 mg/dL (2004)156 Rosuvastatin Atorvastatin 2.70 despite diet and 278 290 14 186 unclear 3 Yes International 40 80 (0.76, 4.64) atorvastatin 10 Pharm. Fund mg/day Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 2.40 study group 253 249 12 179 Adequate 4 No 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (0.18, 4.62) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0.60 323 322 12 175 Adequate 5 No Study Group 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (-1.33, 2.53) International estimates Pharm. fund Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Lovastatin Lovastatin 5.00 Study Group 181 202 12 179 unclear 3 Yes 10-year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 (2.22, 7.78) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin 2.60 treatment but not 344 78 12 136 unclear 3 No study group 80 80 (-2.17, 7.37) on ATP II LDL-c International goals Pharm. fund F-52 McKenney (2007_1)139 HC, COMPELL heterogeneous Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 3.00 study North 72 73 12 197 unclear 2 No 10-year CHD risk 40 40 (-1.95, 7.95) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Pravastatin Pravastatin 1.40 Study Group 204 205 12 178 Adequate 4 Yes 10-year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 (-0.82, 3.62) North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 2.70 Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 unclear 2 Yes 10-year CHD risk 10 10 (-2.56, 7.96) Fund estimates Multicenter

Ballantyne (2007)142 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 2.32 Europe 235 230 6 190 unclear 1 No equivalent 40 40 (-0.83, 5.47) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Barrios (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 2.20 215 207 6 124 unclear 3 No International equivalent 20 20 (-0.02, 4.42) Pharm. fund Blagden (2007)140 COMPELL Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin -0.30 study North 72 76 6 197 unclear 4 No CAD, statin naïve 10 10 (-4.22, 3.62) America Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.40 F-53 Europe CAD on low dose 204 207 6 123 unclear 5 No 10-20 10-20 (-2.91, 2.11) Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Catapano Hypercholesterol (2006)193 emia, Simvastatin Rosuvastatin 0.00 North America heterogeneous 1427 1428 6 173 Adequate 3 No 20-80 10-40 (-0.83, 0.83) Pharm. Fund 10-year CHD risk Multicenter estimates Constance Participants with (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin 0.20 T2DM on low 439 218 6 94 Adequate 3 No International 20-40 20 (-2.05, 2.45) dose atorvastatin Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 2.80 CAD on low dose 219 225 6 122 unclear 4 No International 10-20 10-20 (0.47, 5.13) atorvastatin Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinedione (2005)121 s, some of whom Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.10 North America had previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 No 20 40 (-3.42, 3.22) Pharm. Fund completed a Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin 1.88 North America CHD or risk 451 248 5 169 unclear 2 No 10-40 20 (0.06, 3.70) Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2007)154 heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin 0.80 North America 539 559 6-26 178 Adequate 5 No 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (-0.72, 2.32) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter F-54 Berthold (2006)109 Healthy male Simvastatin Simvastatin -2.20 Europe participants. Low 24 24 2-3 114 unclear 2 Yes 40 40 (-7.79, 3.39) Pharm. Fund risk Single centre Healthy Kosoglou participants with (2004)124 LDL-c >= 130 Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin -2.80 Europe 12 11 2 158 unclear 2 Yes mg/dL and BMI < 10 10 (-11.57, 5.97) Pharm. Fund 31kg/m2. Low Single centre risk Participants with Landray renal disease (2006)166 and without UK-HARP-II Simvastatin simvastatin 3.00 definitive 102 101 24 119 Adequate 2 Yes Europe 20 20 (-2.84, 8.84) indication for Pharm. Fund cholesterol Multicenter lowering

Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III EASE North 2.10 target LDL-c Mixed 1940 Mixed 968 6 129 Adequate 4 No America (1.20, 3.00) despite statin Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter Gouni- Healthy males Berthold with LDL-c < 190 (2008)110 mg/dL and < 60 Europe years of age, Simvastatin Simvastatin -2.20 (-7.79, 24 24 2 114.5 Unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund previously not on 40 40 3.39) Single lipid lowering treatment

Conrad Moderately high (2008)158 risk participants International on atorvastatin Pharm. Fund 20 mg/day or Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 92 92 6 119 2.40 (1.97, 2.83) Adequate 5 No Multicenter statin naive and 20 40 F-55 with LDL-c 100 mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Leiter Participants with (2008)159 or without prior North America lipid lowering Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 0.50 (-1.16, 277 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund therapy with 10- 40 80 2.16) Multicenter year CHD risk > 20% Ballantyne Participants with (2005)118 DM not at LDL-c VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin ATP III goal off 212 201 6 178 2.60 (0.10, 5.10) Adequate 2 no America 10-80 10-80 lipid lowering Pharm. Fund treatment Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_1)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c Simvastatin Atorvastatin North America < 8.5% and 240 238 6 145 3.50 1.28, 5.72) Adequate 3 No 20 20 Pharm. Fund LDL-c > 100 Multicenter mg/dl

Goldberg Participants with (2006_2)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c Simvastatin Atorvastatin North America < 8.5% and 241 242 6 145 4.00 1.78, 6.22) Adequate 3 No 40 40 Pharm. Fund LDL-c > 100 Multicenter mg/dl

Dobs Participants of (2003)169 mixed 10 year Pharm. Fund CHD risk, with Multicenter primary

hyperlipidemia Simvastatin Simvastatin 1.23 (-2.43, 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes (LDL-c >=130 30 40 4.89)

mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Farnier Participants with (2005)114

F-56 CAD on low dose Simvastatin Simvastatin 0.75 (-2.01, International 179 186 6 123 Unclear 5 No simvastatin 10-20 10-20 3.51) Pharm. Fund

Multicentre Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Barrios (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 2.20 215 207 6 124 unclear 3 No International equivalent 20 20 (-0.02, 4.42) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 2.80 CAD on low dose 219 225 6 122 unclear 4 No International 10-20 10-20 (0.47, 5.13) atorvastatin Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.40 Europe CAD on low dose 204 207 6 123 unclear 5 No 10-20 10-20 (-2.91, 2.11) Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter

Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III EASE North 2.10 target LDL-c Mixed 1940 Mixed 968 6 129 Adequate 4 No America (1.20, 3.00) despite statin Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin Ezetimibe treatment but not Mixed Mixed -0.80 88 94 12 136 unclear 3 No study group on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 (0.43, 2.09) International goals, DM Pharm. fund subgroup Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinedione (2005)121 s, some of whom Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.10 North America had previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 No 20 40 (-3.42, 3.22) Pharm. Fund completed a Multicenter simvastatin trial, F-57 with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin 1.88 North America CHD or risk 451 248 5 169 unclear 2 No 10-40 20 (0.06, 3.70) Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 COMPELL Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin -0.30 study North 72 76 6 197 unclear 4 No CAD, statin naïve 10 10 (-4.22, 3.62) America Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 2.32 Europe 235 230 6 190 unclear 1 No equivalent 40 40 (-0.83, 5.47) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Constance Participants with (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin 0.20 T2DM on low 439 218 6 94 Adequate 3 No International 20-40 20 (-2.05, 2.45) dose atorvastatin Pharm. fund Kastelein (2008)42 FHC, LDL-c > Simvastatin Simvastatin 2.40 ENHANCE 357 363.00 96 318 Adequate 3 No 210 mg/dL 80 80 (-0.23, 5.03) International Pharm. fund Farnier Participants with (2005)114 0.75 (-2.01, CAD on low dose Simvastatin International Simvastatin 10-20 179 186 6 123 3.51) Unclear 5 No simvastatin 10-20 Pharm. Fund

Multicentre Ballantyne Participants with (2005)118 DM not at LDL-c VYVA North Atorvatstatin 2.6 (0.10, 5.10) ATP III goal off Simvastatin 10-80 212 201 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 lipid lowering F-58 Pharm. Fund treatment Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_1)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c North America < 8.5% and Pharm. Fund LDL-c > 100 Atorvatstatin 3.50 (1.28, 5.72) Simvastatin 20 238 240 6 145 Adequate 3 No Multicenter mg/dl – entered 20 into diabetes subgroup analysis

Goldberg Participants with (2006_2)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c North America < 8.5% and Pharm. Fund LDL-c > 100 Multicenter mg/dl – Atorvatstatin 4.00 (1.78, 6.22) Simvastatin 40 242 241 6 145 Adequate 3 No entered into 40 diabetes subgroup analysis

Catapno (2006)193 Participants with Rosuvastatin 0.7 (-1.52, 2.92) North America DM Simvastatin 20-80 186 181 6 173 Adequate 3 No 10-40 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Leiter Participants with (2008)159 or without prior F-59 North America lipid lowering Atorvatstatin 0.5 (-1.16, 2.16) Atorvatstatin 40 277 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund therapy with 10- 80 Multicenter year CHD risk > 20% Participants not Pearson meeting ATP III (2005)117 target LDL-c EASE North 3.30 despite statin Mixed 174 Mixed 93 6 129 Adequate 4 No America (0.35, 6.25) therapy -- Pharm. Fund subgroup of Multicenter African descent Participants not Pearson meeting ATP III (2005)117 target LDL-c EASE North 0.30 despite statin Mixed 94 Mixed 53 6 129 Adequate 4 No America (-3.64, 4.24) therapy -- Pharm. Fund subgroup of Multicenter Hispanic origin

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline (%):all statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinedione (2005)121 s, some of whom Simvastatin Simvastatin -0.10 North America had previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 No 20 40 (-3.42, 3.22) Pharm. Fund completed a Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL


Table F-5. Surrogate outcome – TC:HDL-c ratio using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Total cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio Combo- AAC Jadad ITTA Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Score Statin Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population Combo N up difference Dose Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin -20.30 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 344 78 12 136 (-26.78, - unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c 13.82) International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin -10.90 323 322 12 175 Adequate 5 no Study Group 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (-13.01, -8.79) F-61 International estimates Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous Atorvastatin Atorvastatin -10.10 Study Group 255 248 12 183 unclear 2 no 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (-12.53, -7.67) International estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Melani (2003)127 Ezetimibe 1o HC, -13.10 Study Group heterogeneous Pravastatin Pravastatin 204 205 12 178 (-15.59, - Adequate 4 yes North 10-year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 10.61) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Kerzner (2003)129 Ezetimibe 1o HC, -13.00 Study Group heterogeneous Lovastatin Lovastatin 181 202 12 179 (-15.78, - unclear 3 yes North 10-year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 10.22) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002)130 Ezetimibe 1o HC, study group heterogeneous Simvastatin Simvastatin -11.16 253 249 12 179 Adequate 4 no North 10-year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (-13.38, -8.94) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter McKenney (2007_1)139 HC, COMPELL

F-62 heterogeneous Simvastatin Rosuvastatin -4.00 study North 72 73 12 197 unclear 2 no 10-year CHD risk 40 40 (-7.91, -0.09) America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Barrios (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin -9.20 215 207 6 124 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (-11.97, -6.43) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with -19.90 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 219 225 6 122 (-22.31, - unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin 17.49) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones (2005)121 , some of whom North Simvastatin Simvastatin -13.50 had previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 no America 20 40 (-18.22, -8.78) completed a Pharm. Fund simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne (2007)142 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin -10.36 Europe 235 230 6 190 unclear 4 no equivalent 40 40 (-12.62, -8.10) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Constance Participants with (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin -10.32 T2DM on low 439 218 6 94 Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 (-13.55, -7.10) dose atorvastatin Pharm. fund

F-63 Catapano Hypercholesterol (2006)193 emia, North Simvastatin Rosuvastatin -3.00 heterogeneous 1427 1428 6 173 Adequate 4 no America 20-80 10-40 (-3.83, -2.17) 10-year CHD risk Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Bays (2007)154 North Simvastatin Simvastatin -10.50 10 HC 539 559 6-26 178 Adequate 3 no America 10-80 10-80 (-11.95, -9.05) Pharm. Fund Multicenter 1o HC , LDL >= Stein 130 mg/dL -17.00 (2004)156 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin despite diet and 278 290 14 186 (-18.95, - unclear 3 yes International 40 80 atorvastatin 10 15.05) Pharm. fund mg/day

Moderately high Conrad risk participants (2008)158 on atorvastatin 20 -13.00 (-17.61, International mg/day or statin Atorvastatin 20 92 Atorvastatin 40 92 6 119 Adequate 5 No -8.39) Pharm. Fund naive and with Multicenter LDL-c 100 mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Leiter Participants with (2008)159 or without prior North lipid lowering -10.40 (-12.62, Atorvastatin 40 277 Atorvastatin 80 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No America therapy with 10- -8.18) Pharm. Fund year CHD risk > Multicenter 20% Ballantyne Participants with (2005)118 DM not at LDL-c VYVA North Atorvastatin -7.50 (-9.85, - ATP III goal off Simvastatin 10-80 212 201 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 5.15) lipid lowering Pharm. Fund treatment Multicenter F-64 Goldberg Participants with (2006_a)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c 3.00 (0.78, North Simvastatin 20 240 Atorvastatin 20 241 6 145 Adequate 3 No < 8.5% and LDL- 5.22) America c > 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund

Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_b)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c 1.90 (-0.32, North Simvastatin 40 238 Atorvastatin 40 242 6 145 Adequate 3 No < 8.5% and LDL- 4.12) America c > 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund


Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with Dobs primary

(2003)169 hyperlipidemia -9.88 (-14.64, - Simvastatin 20 66 Simvastatin 40 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund (LDL-c >=130 5.12)

Multicenter mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations

Conrad Moderately high (2008)158 risk participants International on atorvastatin 20 -13.00 (- Pharm. Fund mg/day or statin Atorvastatin 20 92 Atorvastatin 40 92 6 119 Adequate 5 No 17.61, -8.39) Multicenter naive and with LDL-c 100 mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL

F-65 Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones (2005)121 , some of whom -13.50 North Simvastatin Simvastatin had previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-18.22, - unclear 3 no America 20 40 completed a 8.78) Pharm. Fund simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Dobs Participants of (2003)169 mixed 10 year Pharm. Fund CHD risk, with Multicenter primary

hyperlipidemia Simvastatin -9.88 (- 66 Simvastatin 40 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes (LDL-c >=130 20 14.64, -5.12)

mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day

Bays Mixed 10 years (2004_1)154 CHD risk North participants who Simvastatin -3.70 (-6.38, America were protocol 222 Simvastatin 40 108 6-26 178 Adequate 5 No 10 -1.02) Pharm. Fund compliant in a Multicentre previous base study Bays Mixed 10 years (2004_2)154 CHD risk North participants who Simvastatin -1.40 (-4.12, America were protocol 106 Simvastatin 80 224 6-26 178 Adequate 5 No 20 1.32) Pharm. Fund compliant in a Multicentre previous base study Goldberg Statin naïve, (2004_1)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin -3.30 (-7.22, heterogeneous 87 Simvastatin 40 90 12 175 Adequate 5 No Study Group 10 0.62) 10-year CHD risk International

F-66 estimates Pharm. fund Goldberg Statin naïve, (2004_2)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe Simvastatin -3.10 (-7.06, heterogeneous 86 Simvastatin 80 87 12 175 Adequate 5 No Study Group 20 0.86) 10-year CHD risk International estimates Pharm. fund Davidson (2002_1)130 Ezetimibe Mixed 10 years study group Simvastatin -6.82 (- CHD risk 67 Simvastatin 40 64 12 179 Adequate 4 No North 10 11.23, -2.41)

America Pharm. Fund Multicentre

Davidson (2002_2)130 Ezetimibe Mixed 10 years study group Simvastatin -1.01 (-5.38, CHD risk 68 Simvastatin 80 66 12 179 Adequate 4 No North 20 3.36)

America Pharm. Fund Multicentre Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline: all statins, all doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Barrios -9.20 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 215 207 6 124 (-11.97, - unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 6.43) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with -19.90 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 219 225 6 122 (-22.31, - unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin 17.49) Pharm. Fund F-67 Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin -17.30 Ezetimibe treatment but not Mixed Mixed 88 94 8 136 (-20.91, - unclear 3 no study group on ATP II LDL-c 10-80 10-80 13.69) International goals, DM Pharm. fund subgroup Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones (2005)121 , some of whom -13.50 North Simvastatin Simvastatin had previously 103 107 6-24 93 (-18.22, - unclear 3 no America 20 40 completed a 8.78) Pharm. Fund simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne (2007)142 -10.36 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 235 230 6 190 (-12.62, - unclear 4 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund 8.10) Multicenter

Constance Participants with -10.32 (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low 439 218 6 94 (-13.55, - Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 dose atorvastatin 7.10) Pharm. fund Leiter Participants with (2008)159 or without prior North lipid lowering Atorvatstatin -10.40 (- Atorvatstatin 40 277 279 6 89 Adequate 5 No America therapy with 10- 80 12.62, -8.18) Pharm. Fund year CHD risk > Multicenter 20% Ballantyne Participants with (2005)118 DM not at LDL-c VYVA North Atorvatstatin -7.50 (-9.85, ATP III goal off Simvastatin 10-80 212 201 6 178 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 -5.15) lipid lowering Pharm. Fund treatment Multicenter Catapno (2006)193 Participants with F-68 North Rosuvastatin -3.40 (-5.34, DM Simvastatin 20-80 186 181 6 173 Adequate 3 No America 10-40 -1.46)

Pharm. Fund Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_1)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c Atorvatstatin -6.70 (-8.92, North Simvastatin 20 238 240 6 145 Adequate 3 No < 8.5% and LDL- 20 -4.48) America c > 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund

Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_2)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c Atorvatstatin -5.60 (-7.82, North Simvastatin 40 242 241 6 145 Adequate 3 No < 8.5% and LDL- 40 -3.38) America c > 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund


Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline: all statins, lower versus higher doses, intensive lipid lowering populations and clinical subgroups Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had North Simvastatin Simvastatin -13.50 previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 No America 20 40 (-18.22, -8.78) completed a Pharm. Fund simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL


Table F-6 Surrogate outcome – Non-HDL-c using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus Total cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio Combo- AAC Jadad ITTA Combinatio Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Score n Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population up difference Dose N Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy, difference in mean percentage change from baseline

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin Ezetimibe Mixed Mixed -23.80 (-27.96, treatment but not on 88 94 8 136 unclear 3 no study group 10-80 10-80 -19.64) ATP II LDL-c goals, International DM subgroup Pharm. fund Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani

F-70 thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had North Simvastatin Simvastatin -18.30 (-23.98, previously 103 107 6-24 93 unclear 3 no America 20 40 -12.62) completed a Pharm. Fund simvastatin trial, Multicenter with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants with VYVA North DM not at LDL-c Simvastatin -8.30 (-11.07, - 212 Atorvatstatin 10-80 201 6 178 Adequate 2 no America ATP III goal off lipid 10-80 5.53) Pharm. Fund lowering treatment Multicenter Catapno (2006)193 Participants with North Simvastatin -4.20 (-6.42, - DM 186 Rosuvastatin 10-40 181 6 173 Adequate 3 No America 20-80 1.98)

Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Goldberg Participants with (2006_1)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c < Simvastatin -6.70 (-8.92, - North 238 Atorvatstatin 20 240 6 145 Adequate 3 No 8.5% and LDL-c > 20 4.48) America 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund

Multicenter Goldberg Participants with (2006_2)144 type II DM, VYTAL hemoglobin A-1c < Simvastatin -5.60 (-7.82, - North 242 Atorvatstatin 40 241 6 145 Adequate 3 No 8.5% and LDL-c > 40 3.38) America 100 mg/dl Pharm. Fund

Multicenter Constance Participants with (2007)194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin -14.92 (-19.53, T2DM on low dose 439 218 6 94 Adequate 3 No International 20-40 20 -10.31) atorvastatin Pharm. fund F-71

Table F-7. Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) using ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo- AAC Jadad ITTA Combinati Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Score on Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population up difference Dose N Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Kastelein (2008)42 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin 0.01 ENHANCE 322 320 96 318 Adequate 3 No mg/dL 80 80 (-0.01, 0.02) International Pharm. fund


Table F-8. Adverse events and adherence to treatment using ezetimibe plus statin compared with statin monotherapy Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Kastelein (2008)42 300/283 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 1.49 Adequate 3 no mg/dL 80 80 International (1.02, 2.17) Pharm. fund Landray Participants with (2006)166 renal disease and 87/92 UK-HARP-II without definitive Simvastatin Simvastatin 102 101 24 119 0.57 Adequate 2 yes Europe indication for 20 20 (0.24, 1.36) Pharm. Fund cholesterol F-73 Multicenter lowering Ballantyne HC, heterogeneous 432/223 (2004_b)46 Simvastatin Atorvastatin 10-year CHD risk 526 262 24 542 0.80 unclear 3 no North America 80 80 estimates (0.54, 1.21) Pharm. Fund Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 278/290 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0.92 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.53, 1.62) Pharm. fund mg/day Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 323/322 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 353 349 12 175 0.90 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (0.52, 1.55) International estimates Pharm. fund

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe 184/192 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 0.62 Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.30, 1.29) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 61/61 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 67 70 12 179 1.50 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 10 North America (0.50, 4.47) estimates F-74 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 58/53 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 69 61 12 179 0.80 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 20 North America (0.30, 2.13) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_3)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 68/60 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 73 65 12 179 1.13 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 40 40 North America (0.31, 4.11) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002_4)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 52/63 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 65 67 12 179 0.25 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 80 80 North America (0.08, 0.83) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter McKenney (2007_1)139 COMPELL HC, heterogeneous 71/61 Simvastatin Rosuvastatin study North 10-year CHD risk 72 73 12 197 13.97 unclear 2 no 40 40 America estimates (1.77, 110.52)

F-75 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Cruz- Fernandez Participants with 199/200 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 229 225 6 122 0.83 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin (0.47, 1.46) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 232/219 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 239 230 6 190 1.66 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (0.63, 4.37) Multicenter Patel Participants with (2006)143 76/68 CAD not on recent Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 78 75 6 160 3.91 unclear 3 no lipid lowering drug 20 20 Pharm. Fund (0.79, 19.48) treatment Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the 207/205 INFORCE previous stable Simvastatin previous 207 213 12 92.5 1.01 Adequate 2 No International statin dose 40 (mixed) statin (0.32, 3.18) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre

Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment - all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations

Davidson (2002_5)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 61/60 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 67 65 12 179 0.85 Adequate 4 no F-76 year CHD risk 10 40 North America (0.25, 2.93) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_6)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 58/63 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 69 67 12 179 0.33 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 80 North America (0.10, 1.11) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations

Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe 142/30 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 201 45 52 183 1.20 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 80 80 International (0.60, 2.40) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin 265/56 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 355 78 48 136 1.16 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c (0.67, 2.00) International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 393/159 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 539 229 48 175 1.19 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 20-80 (0.84, 1.66) International estimates Pharm. fund F-77 Ballantyne HC, 349/187 (2004_b)46 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Atorvastatin 432 223 24 542 0.81 unclear 3 no North America year CHD risk 80 80 (0.53, 1.24) Pharm. Fund estimates Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 277/168 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 457 253 23 169 0.78 unclear 2 no 10-40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.56, 1.07) Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 190/193 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin North America 544 560 14-26 178 1.02 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund (0.80, 1.31) estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 193/184 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 1.24 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.90, 1.71) Pharm. fund mg/day

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Rodney 71/69 (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 1.05 Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 (0.63, 1.73) Multicenter Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe 134/129 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 1.13 Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.75, 1.69) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

F-78 Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe 122/141 heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 192 220 12 179 0.98 unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.65, 1.46) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 185/188 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 268 261 12 179 0.87 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 North America (0.60, 1.26) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 39/38 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 1.07 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund (0.62, 1.85) estimates Multicenter Barrios 44/51 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 221 214 6 124 0.79 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (0.50, 1.25) Pharm. fund

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Ballantyne (2007)142 75/77 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 0.91 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (0.62, 1.35) Multicenter Goldberg (2006)144 T2DM, hemoglobin 106/176 VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin A-1c < 8.5% and 494 732 6 145 0.86 Adequate 3 no America 20-40 10-40 LDL-c > 100 mg/dL (0.66, 1.13) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

F-79 Severe HC Geiss 0/0 LDL-c>190 Mixed Mixed (2005)119 20 20 2 0.00 unclear 2 no all on LDL-c- 5-20 5-20 (0.00, 0.00) apheresis Kosoglou Healthy participants (2004)124 11/9 with LDL-c >= 130 Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 12 12 23 158 3.67 unclear 2 yes mg/dL and BMI < 10 10 Pharm. Fund (0.32, 41.59) 31kg/m2. Low risk Single centre Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE previous stable Simvastatin previous 102/96 213 211 12 92.5 Adequate 2 No International statin dose 40 (mixed) statin (0.75, 1.61) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre CHD and/or Roeters van controlled type II Lennep DM patients not on (2008)151 Simvastatin 40 target LDL-c 64/66 Unclear EASEGO Simvastatin 20 178 or atorvastatin 189 12 115 3 Yes despite prior low 1.05 (0.68, 1.61) Europe 20 dose simvastatin or Pharm. Fund atorvastatin therapy Multicentre

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Dagli CHD or risk (2007)187 equivalent with off 3/6 Pravastatin 10 50 Pravastatin 40 50 24 162 Unclear 2 Yes Europe treatment LDL-c > 0.47 (0.11, 1.99) Single center 210 mg/dL Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid 63/61 North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 286 Atorvastatin 80 289 6 89 Adequate 5 No 1.06 (0.71, 1.57) Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Feldman 47

F-80 (2004) Participants with 74/168 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 109 253 23 169 1.07 unclear 2 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.66, 1.73) Multicenter Relative probability of participants withdrawing from trial due to an adverse event

Kastelein (2008)42 29/34 FHC Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 357 363 96 318 0.86 Adequate 3 no LDL-c>190 80 80 International (0.51, 1.44) Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC Ezetimibe 19/3 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 201 45 52 183 1.46 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 80 80 International (0.41, 5.17) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin 26/8 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 355 78 48 136 0.69 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c (0.30, 1.59) International goals Pharm. fund Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 2/5 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 104 110 24 93 0.41 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.08, 2.17)

F-81 Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne HC, heterogeneous 46/14 (2004_b)46 Simvastatin Atorvastatin 10-year CHD risk 526 262 24 542 1.70 unclear 3 no North America 80 80 estimates (0.92, 3.15) Pharm. Fund Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 23/14 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 457 253 23 169 0.90 unclear 2 no 10-40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.46, 1.79) Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 14/12 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin North America 544 560 14-26 178 1.21 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund (0.55, 2.63) estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 13/14 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0.96 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.44, 2.08) Pharm. fund mg/day

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Rodney 2/1 (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 2.00 Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 (0.18, 22.35) Multicenter Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 16/7 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 353 349 12 175 2.32 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (0.94, 5.71) International estimates Pharm. fund Melani 127

F-82 (2003) 1o HC, Ezetimibe 9/3 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 3.11 Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.83, 11.65) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe 9/10 heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 192 220 12 179 1.03 unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.41, 2.60) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 2/4 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 67 70 12 179 0.51 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 10 North America (0.09, 2.87) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 7/6 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 69 61 12 179 1.03 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 20 North America (0.33, 3.27) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_3)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 3/2 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 73 65 12 179 1.35 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 40 40 North America (0.22, 8.34) estimates F-83 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_4)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 8/2 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 65 67 12 179 4.56 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 80 80 North America (0.93, 22.36) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002)132 7 (14%) 2/0 Ezetimibe Mixed Mixed participants 33 17 12 309 2.78 unclear 3 no Study Group 40-80 80 between 12-18 (0.13, 61.17) International years of age Pharm. fund Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund estimates Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

HC, Participants Stein with documented 5/6 (2008)148 Fluvastatin Fluvastatin statin associated 64 69 12 174 0.89 Adequate 5 yes International 80 80 muscle related side (0.26, 3.07) Pharm. fund effects Constance Participants with 10/2 (2007) 194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 8 94 2.51 Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (0.55, 11.56) Pharm. fund Barrios 1/0 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 217 210 6 124 2.92 unclear 3 no

F-84 International equivalent 20 20 (0.12, 72.00) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with 2/1 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 220 230 6 122 2.10 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin (0.19, 23.34) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with 2/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe CAD on low dose 208 210 6 123 5.10 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (0.24, 106.81) Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 6/1 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 6.82 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund (0.80, 58.11) Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Ballantyne (2007)142 6/3 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 1.96 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (0.48, 7.92) Multicenter Patel Participants with (2006)143 5/1 CAD not on recent Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 77 75 6 160 5.14 unclear 3 no lipid lowering drug 20 20 Pharm. Fund (0.59, 45.07) treatment Multicenter Goldberg 144

F-85 (2006) T2DM, hemoglobin 4/11 VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin A-1c < 8.5% and 494 732 6 145 0.54 Adequate 3 no America 20-40 10-40 LDL-c > 100 mg/dL (0.17, 1.69) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Kosoglou (2002)106 Healthy male 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America participants. Low 12 12 2 169 3.26 unclear 2 no 10 10 Pharm. Fund risk (0.12, 88.35) Single centre CHD and/or Roeters van controlled T2DM Lennep patients not on (2008)151 10/7 target LDL-c Unclear EASEGO Simvastatin 20 178 Mixed 20-40 189 12 115 1.55 (0.58, 4.16) 3 No despite prior low Europe dose simvastatin or Pharm. Fund atorvastatin therapy Multicentre

Dagli CHD or risk (2007)187 equivalent with off Pravastatin 10 50 Pravastatin 40 50 24 162 0/0 Unclear 2 Yes Europe treatment LDL-c > Single center 210 mg/dL

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Moderately high Conrad risk participants on (2008)158 atorvastatin 20 0/2 International mg/day or statin Atorvastatin 20 96 Atorvastatin 40 98 6 119 0.20 (0.01, 4.22) Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund naive and with Multicenter LDL-c 100 mg/dL to <= 160 mg/dL Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid 4/6 North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 286 Atorvastatin 80 289 6 89 0.67 (0.19, 2.40) Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% F-86 Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants with 4/2 VYVA North DM not at LDL-c Simvastatin Atorvastatin 10- 220 206 6 178 1.89 (0.34, 10.42) Adequate 2 no America ATP III goal off lipid 10-80 80

Pharm. Fund lowering treatment Multicenter Catapno (2006)193 Participants with 6/6 Simvastatin Rosuvastatin North America DM 190 185 6 173 0.97 (0.31, 3.07) Adequate 3 No 20-80 10-40 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 6/1 (LDL-c >=130 Simvastatin 20 66 Simvastatin 40 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 3.30 (0.38, 28.59) mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants withdrawing from trial due to an adverse event: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 2/5 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 104 110 24 93 0.41 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.08, 2.17) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Davidson 130 (2002_1) o

F-87 1 HC, Ezetimibe 2/2 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 67 65 12 179 0.41 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 40 North America (0.08, 2.17) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 18/14 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 360 253 12 179 0.90 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 80 North America (0.44, 1.84) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 18/14 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 360 253 23 169 0.90 unclear 2 no 10-20 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.44, 1.84) Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 6/1 (LDL-c >=130 Simvastatin 20 66 Simvastatin 40 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 3.30 (0.38, 28.59) mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT ≥ 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Ballantyne 126 (2003) o

F-88 1 HC, Ezetimibe 1/0 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 201 45 52 183 0.68 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 80 80 International (0.03, 16.98) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin 1/0 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 296 57 48 136 0.58 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c (0.02, 14.51) International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 15/1 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 530 227 48 175 6.58 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 20-80 (0.86, 50.13) International estimates Pharm. fund

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 1/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 24 93 1.04 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.06, 16.84) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne (2004)46 HC, heterogeneous 11/6 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North America 10-year CHD risk 511 252 24 542 0.90 unclear 3 no 80 80 F-89 Pharm. Fund estimates (0.33, 2.47) Multicenter Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 2/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 451 248 23 169 2.76 unclear 2 no 10-40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.13, 57.80) Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 8/7 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin North America 540 559 14-26 178 1.19 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund (0.43, 3.29) estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 3/1 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 3.13 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.32, 30.25) Pharm. fund mg/day Rodney (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 0/0 Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe 2/1 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 2.02 Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.18, 22.45) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/0 heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 192 220 12 179 3.45 unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.14, 85.29) estimates F-90 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002)132 7 (14%) 2/0 Ezetimibe Mixed Mixed participants 29 16 12 309 3.00 unclear 3 no Study Group 40-80 80 between 12-18 0.14, 66.40 International years of age Pharm. fund HC, Participants Stein with documented 1/1 (2008)148 Fluvastatin Fluvastatin statin associated 64 69 12 174 1.08 Adequate 5 yes International 80 80 muscle related side (0.07, 17.62) Pharm. fund effects Davidson (2002_1)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 0/0 study group 61 61 12 179 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 10 North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002_2)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 58 53 12 179 0.91 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 20 North America (0.06, 14.96) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_3)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 4/0 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 68 60 12 179 8.44 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 40 40 North America (0.45, 160.12) estimates F-91 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_4)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 52 63 12 179 1.22 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 80 80 North America (0.07, 19.92) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Constance Participants with 3/1 (2007) 194 Simvastatin Atorvastatin T2DM on low dose 442 219 8 94 1.49 Adequate 3 no International 20-40 20 atorvastatin (0.15, 14.41) Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with 1/0 (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 218 230 6 122 3.18 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin (0.13, 78.46) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Brohet (2005)116 Participants with Europe Simvastatin Simvastatin CAD on low dose 208 210 6 123 0/0 unclear 5 no Pharm. Fund 10-20 10-20 simvastatin Multicenter

Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants not on 1/11 VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin ATP III target LDL- 933 939 6 178 0.09 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 10-80 c (0.01, 0.70) Pharm. Fund Multicenter F-92 Blagden (2007)140 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 0/0 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 3/0 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 6.85 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (0.35, 133.38) Multicenter Goldberg (2006)144 T2DM, hemoglobin 0/3 VYTAL North Simvastatin Atorvastatin A-1c < 8.5% and 494 732 6 145 0.21 Adequate 3 no America 20-40 10-40 LDL-c > 100 mg/dL (0.01, 4.09) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Catapano Hypercholesterole (2006)193 mia, 9/3 Simvastatin Rosuvastatin North America heterogeneous 10- 1437 1447 6 173 3.03 Adequate 3 no 20-80 10-40 Pharm. Fund year CHD risk (0.82, 11.23) Multicenter estimates

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Severe HC LDL- Geiss Mixed Mixed c>190 all on LDL- 20 20 5 0/0 unclear 2 no (2005)119 5-20 5-20 c-apheresis Kosoglou (2002)106 Healthy male Simvastatin Simvastatin North America participants. Low 12 12 2 169 0/0 unclear 2 no 10 10 Pharm. Fund risk Single centre Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE previous stable Simvastatin previous 6/7 204 203 12 92.5 Adequate 2 No

F-93 International statin dose 40 (mixed) statin 0.85 (0.28, 2.56) Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid 1/1 North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 281 Atorvastatin 80 283 6 89 Adequate 5 No 1.01 (0.06, 16.14) Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 Simvastatin Simvastatin 1/0 (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 40 4.55 (0.07, 285/04) mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT ≥ 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis: all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 1/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 107 24 93 1.04 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.06, 16.84) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Goldberg F-94 (2004_1)48 1o HC, 1/0 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 134 77 48 175 1.74 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10 40 (0.07, 43.28) International estimates Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004_2)48 1o HC, 1/1 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 135 73 48 175 0.54 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 20 80 (0.03, 8.72) International estimates Pharm. fund Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 354 248 23 169 2.11 unclear 2 no 10-20 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.09, 51.98) Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2002_5)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 61 60 12 179 0/0 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10 40 North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002_6)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 58 63 12 179 1.09 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 20 80 North America (0.07, 17.80) estimates F-95 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Dobs Participants of (2003)169 mixed 10 year CHD Pharm. Fund risk, with primary Multicenter hyperlipidemia Simvastatin Simvastatin 1/0 (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 Adequate 5 Yes 20 40 4.55 (0.07, 285/04) mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing myalgia: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/0 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 201 45 52 183 0.68 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 80 80 International (0.03, 16.98) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin 1/0 Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 296 57 48 136 0.58 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c (0.02, 14.51) International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 15/7 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 539 229 48 175 0.91 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 20-80 (0.37, 2.26) International estimates Pharm. fund F-96 Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 2/5 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin North America 544 560 14-26 178 0.41 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund (0.08, 2.12) estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 24/28 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0.88 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.50, 1.55) Pharm. fund mg/day Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 0/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 139 237 12 179 0.57 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 North America (0.02, 13.97) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Barrios 6/5 (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 221 214 6 124 1.17 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 (0.35, 3.88) Pharm. fund

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Farnier (2005)114 Participants with 3/4 Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 181 191 6 123 0.79 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (0.17, 3.57) Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 3/0 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 7.71 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund (0.39, 151.84) Multicenter Ballantyne 142

F-97 (2007) 7/7 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 0.97 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund (0.33, 2.80) Multicenter Kosoglou Healthy participants (2004_a)124 2/2 with LDL-c >= 130 Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 12 12 2 158 1.00 unclear 2 yes mg/dL and BMI < 10 10 Pharm. Fund (0.12, 8.56) 31kg/m2. Low risk Single centre Healthy participants Kosoglou of European (2004_b)181 1/0 descent with LDL-c Lovastatin Lovastatin North America 15 8 2 177 1.76 unclear 1 yes >= 130 mg/dL and 20-40 20 Pharm. Fund (0.06, 48.19) BMI < 31kg/m2. Single centre Low risk Kosoglou (2002)106 Healthy male 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America participants. Low 12 12 2 169 3.26 unclear 2 no 10 10 Pharm. Fund risk (0.12, 88.35) Single centre

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Berthold (2006)109 Healthy male Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe participants. Low 24 24 2 114 0/0 unclear 2 yes 40 40 Pharm. Fund risk Single centre Chenot Tertiary care (2007)146 Simvastatin Simvastatin patients with acute 20 20 1 146 0/0 unclear 1 yes Europe 40 40 MI Single centre Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal: all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Kastelein 42

F-98 (2008) 4/8 FHC, LDL-c > 210 Simvastatin Simvastatin ENHANCE 356 360 96 318 0.50 Adequate 3 no mg/dL 80 80 International (0.15, 1.68) Pharm. fund Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 296 57 48 136 0/0 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c International goals Pharm. fund Landray Participants with (2006)166 renal disease and UK-HARP-II without definitive Simvastatin Simvastatin 102 101 24 119 0/0 Adequate 2 yes Europe indication for 20 20 Pharm. Fund cholesterol Multicenter lowering

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 110 24 93 3.23 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.13, 80.29) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Ballantyne (2004)46 HC, heterogeneous 3/0 Simvastatin Atorvastatin North America 10-year CHD risk 510 252 24 180 3.48 unclear 3 no 80 80 F-99 Pharm. Fund estimates (0.18, 67.68) Multicenter Feldman (2004)47 Participants with 1/2 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 451 248 23 169 0.27 unclear 2 no 10-40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.02, 3.03) Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 1/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Mixed North America 540 559 14-26 178 1.04 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund (0.06, 16.59) estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 0/1 (2004)156 mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0.34 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 (0.01, 8.48) Pharm. fund mg/day Rodney 0/1 (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 0.33 Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 (0.01, 8.13) Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, 2/1 Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 323 322 12 175 2.00 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 (0.18, 22.17) International estimates Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2003)126 1o HC, Ezetimibe 1/0 heterogeneous 10- Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Study Group 248 235 12 183 2.85 unclear 2 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 International (0.12, 70.42) estimates Pharm. Fund

F-100 Multicenter Melani (2003)127 1o HC, Ezetimibe 0/2 heterogeneous 10- Pravastatin Pravastatin Study Group 204 205 12 178 0.20 Adequate 4 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America (0.01, 4.17) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 192 220 12 179 0/0 unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Davidson (2002)130 1o HC, Ezetimibe 0/2 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin study group 239 237 12 179 0.20 Adequate 4 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 North America (0.01, 4.12) estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

McKenney (2007_1)139 COMPELL HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Rosuvastatin study North 10-year CHD risk 72 73 12 197 0/0 unclear 2 no 40 40 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 0/1 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 0.34 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund (0.01, 8.34) estimates Multicenter F-101 HC, Participants Stein with documented (2008)148 Fluvastatin Fluvastatin statin associated 64 69 12 174 0/0 Adequate 5 yes International 80 80 muscle related side Pharm. fund effects Barrios (2005)112 CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 217 210 6 124 0/0 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 Pharm. fund Farnier (2005)114 Participants with 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 181 191 6 123 3.18 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin (0.13, 78.64) Multicenter Cruz- Fernandez Participants with (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 220 230 6 122 0/0 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Brohet (2005)116 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe CAD on low dose 208 210 6 123 0/0 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Pearson Participants not (2005)117 meeting ATP III EASE North target LDL-c Mixed 1965 Mixed 992 6 129 0/0 Adequate 4 no America despite statin Pharm. Fund therapy Multicenter

F-102 Ballantyne (2005)118 Participants not on 0/1 VYVA North Simvastatin Atorvastatin ATP III target LDL- 933 939 6 178 0.34 Adequate 2 no America 10-80 10-80 c (0.01, 8.24) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Blagden (2007)140 Participants with Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Europe 72 76 6 157 0/0 unclear 4 yes CAD, statin naïve 10 10 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 0/0 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund Multicenter Goldberg (2006)144 T2DM, hemoglobin VYTAL North Atorvastatin Atorvastatin A-1c < 8.5% and 494 732 6 145 0/0 Adequate 3 no America 20-40 10-40 LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Catapano Hypercholesterole (2006)193 mia, 4/1 Simvastatin Rosuvastatin North America heterogeneous 10- 1437 1447 6 173 4.04 Adequate 3 no 20-80 10-40 Pharm. Fund year CHD risk (0.45, 36.16) Multicenter estimates Severe HC LDL- Geiss Mixed Mixed c>190 all on LDL- 20 20 5 0/0 unclear 2 no (2005)119 5-20 5-20 c-apheresis Kosoglou (2002)106 Healthy male Simvastatin Simvastatin North America participants. Low 12 12 2 169 0/0 unclear 2 no 10 10

F-103 Pharm. Fund risk Single centre Reckless (2008)149 CHD patients on Double the INFORCE previous stable Simvastatin previous 213 211 12 92.5 0/0 Adequate 2 No International statin dose 40 (mixed) statin Pharm. Fund dose Multicentre Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 281 Atorvastatin 80 283 6 89 0/0 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 Simvastatin Simvastatin (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 40 mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal - all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Participants with T2DM on stable Gaudiani thiazolidinediones, (2005)121 some of whom had 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America previously 103 110 24 93 3.23 unclear 3 no 20 40 Pharm. Fund completed a (0.13, 80.29) Multicenter simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dL Feldman F-104 (2004)47 Participants with 0/2 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 354 248 23 169 0.14 unclear 2 no 10-20 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent (0.01, 2.91) Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing rhabdomyolysis (investigator defined) : all statins, all doses, all clinical populations Masana Participants on (2005)167 stable statin Ezetimibe Simvastatin Simvastatin treatment but not 296 57 48 136 0/0 unclear 3 no study group 80 80 on ATP II LDL-c International goals Pharm. fund Goldberg (2004)48 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin 539 229 48 175 0/0 Adequate 5 no Study Group year CHD risk 10-80 20-80 International estimates Pharm. fund Ballantyne (2004)46 HC, heterogeneous Simvastatin Atorvastatin North America 10-year CHD risk 432 223 24 180 0/0 unclear 3 no 80 80 Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 457 253 23 169 0/0 unclear 2 no 10-40 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter Bays 1o HC, (2004)154 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin North America 544 560 14-26 178 0/0 Adequate 5 no year CHD risk 10-80 10-80 Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Stein 1o HC , LDL >= 130 156

F-105 (2004) mg/dL despite diet Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 305 316 14 186 0/0 unclear 3 yes International and atorvastatin 10 40 80 Pharm. fund mg/day Rodney (2006)111 African descent, 1o Simvastatin Simvastatin 124 123 12 176 0/0 Adequate 5 no Pharm. Fund HC 20 20 Multicenter Kerzner (2003)129 1o HC, Ezetimibe heterogeneous 10- Lovastatin Lovastatin Study Group 192 220 12 179 0/0 unclear 3 yes year CHD risk 10-40 10-40 North America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Gagne Homozygous FHC, (2002)132 7 (14%) Ezetimibe Mixed Mixed participants 29 16 12 309 0/0 unclear 3 no Study Group 40-80 80 between 12-18 International years of age Pharm. fund

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Shankar South Asians, (2007)168 heterogeneous 10- Simvastatin Simvastatin Asia Pharm. 114 116 12 127 0/0 unclear 2 yes year CHD risk 10 10 Fund estimates Multicenter HC, Participants Stein with documented (2008)148 Fluvastatin Fluvastatin statin associated 64 69 12 174 0/0 Adequate 5 yes International 80 80 muscle related side Pharm. fund effects Barrios 112

F-106 (2005) CHD or risk Simvastatin Atorvastatin 221 214 6 124 0/0 unclear 3 no International equivalent 20 20 Pharm. fund Cruz- Fernandez Participants with (2005)115 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin CAD on low dose 220 230 6 122 0/0 unclear 4 no International 10-20 10-20 atorvastatin Pharm. Fund Multicenter Brohet (2005)116 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe CAD on low dose 208 210 6 123 0/0 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Ballantyne (2007)142 CHD and risk Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin Europe 238 230 6 190 0/0 unclear 1 no equivalent 40 40 Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Chenot Tertiary care (2007)146 Simvastatin Simvastatin patients with acute 20 20 1 146 0/0 unclear 1 yes Europe 40 40 MI Single centre Farnier (2005)114 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin International CAD on low dose 181 191 6 123 0/0 unclear 5 no 10-20 10-20 Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Leiter Participants with or (2008)159 without prior lipid

F-107 North America lowering therapy Atorvastatin 40 281 Atorvastatin 80 283 6 89 0/0 Adequate 5 No Pharm. Fund with 10-year CHD Multicenter risk > 20% Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 Simvastatin Simvastatin (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 40 mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing rhabdomyolysis (investigator defined): all statins, lower versus higher doses, all clinical populations Feldman (2004)47 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin North America CHD or risk 360 253 23 169 0/0 unclear 2 no 10-20 40 Pharm. Fund equivalent Multicenter

Trial Population Combination Combo Monotherapy Mono Follow- Trial Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Statin N Statin N up Baseline number of Score Dose Dose (wk) LDL-c participants with (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) events Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary Dobs hyperlipidemia (2003)169 Simvastatin Simvastatin (LDL-c >=130 66 34 4 169 0/0 Adequate 5 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 40 mg/dL) not Multicenter controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day


Included Evidence for Fibrate plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy Table F-9. Longer-term outcomes (clinical outcomes, serious adverse events and cancer) using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Follow- participants Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up with events AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) Odds ratio (mg/day) (mg/dL) (mg/day) (95% CI)

All-cause Mortality, all trials Durrington Participants (2004)125 with combined 1/1 4522IL/0036 Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin HC, HbA1c 113 53 18 149 0.43 unclear 2 No F-109 Europe 5-10 200 40 <10%, and (0.02, 8.54) Pharm. Fund T2DM Multicentre Napoli FHC type IIb or (1997)188 FHCL, no Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 0/0 14 13 48-92 NR unclear 1 No Europe vascular 20 1200 20 Single centre disease or DM

Wiklund (1993)134 0/1 No specific risk Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin Europe 75 71 12 228 0.13 unclear 2 No reported 40 1200 40 Pharm. Fund (0.00, 6.46) Multicentre Fatal myocardial infarction Participants Derosa with combined Fenofibrate Fluvastatin 0/0 (2004)123 Fluvastatin 25 23 52 189 unclear 3 Yes HC, T2DM and 200 80 Europe 80 CHD

Combo/mono: number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Follow- participants Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up with events AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) Odds ratio (mg/day) (mg/dL) (mg/day) (95% CI)

Wiklund (1993)134 0/1 No specific risk Gemfibrozil Pravastatin Europe Pravastatin 75 71 12 228 0.13 unclear 2 No reported 1200 40 Pharm. Fund 40 (0.00, 6.46) Multicentre Non-fatal myocardial infarction Participants Derosa with combined Fenofibrate Fluvastatin 0/0 (2004)123 Fluvastatin 25 23 52 189 unclear 3 Yes HC, T2DM and 200 80 Europe 80 CHD F-110 Any myocardial infarction Participants Derosa with combined Fluvastatin Fenofibrate Fluvastatin 0/0 (2004)123 25 23 52 189 unclear 3 Yes HC, T2DM and 80 200 80 Europe CHD

Acute coronary syndrome Participants Derosa with combined Fluvastatin Fenofibrate Fluvastatin 0/0 (2004)123 25 23 52 189 unclear 3 Yes HC, T2DM and 80 200 80 Europe CHD

Serious adverse event(s)

Participants Derosa with combined Fluvastatin Fenofibrate Fluvastatin 0/0 (2004)123 25 23 52 189 unclear 3 Yes HC, T2DM and 80 200 80 Europe CHD

Combo/mono: number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Follow- participants Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up with events AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) Odds ratio (mg/day) (mg/dL) (mg/day) (95% CI)

Grundy 12/5 (2005)120 Combined HC Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 1.2 SAFARI 403 201 12 163 yes 2 No 71% with MetS 20 160 20 (0.42,3.46) North America

Multicentre F-111

Table F-10. Surrogate outcome – Achieving ATP-III target LDL-c using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy

Combo/mono: AAC Jadad ITTA Combination Trial number of Score Fibrate Monotherapy Follow- Statin Combo Mono Baseline participants Trial Population Max Dose Statin Dose up Dose N N LDL-c with events (mg/day) (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants with combined 39/32 Athyros HC, HbA1c Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin 9.75 40 40 24 162 unclear 1 yes (2002)161 <8.5%, T2DM 20 200 20 (1.16, 82.11) and without CAD Participants 85/43 with combined Durrington Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 0.49 HC, HbA1c 113 50 18 149 unclear 2 No (2004)125 5-10 200 40 (0.20, 1.22) <10%, and

F-112 T2DM

Table F-11. Surrogate outcome, LDL-c using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Low density lipoprotein cholesterol Fibrate Combo- AAC Jadad ITTA Combination Monotherapy Mean (mg/day) Follow- mono: mean Score Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population up difference Dose N Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Durrington Participants (2004)125 with combined 4522IL/0036 Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 4.50 HC, HbA1c 53 51 18 149 unclear 2 No Europe 10 200 40 (-4.10, 13.1) <10%, and Pharm. Fund T2DM Multicenter Muhlestein Participants (2006)145 with mixed DIACOR study dylipidemia, Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 5.00 100 100 12 278 unclear 2 Yes North America HbA1c <9%, 20 160 20 (-1.47, 11.5) Pharm. Fund T2DM and F-113 Single center without CAD Grundy (2005)120 Combined HC Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin -5.40 SAFARI North 399 201 12 163 yes 2 No 71% with MetS 20 160 20 (-8.39, -2.4) America Multicenter

Table F-12. Surrogate outcome – HDL-c using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy High density lipoprotein cholesterol Combo- Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up difference AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Durrington Participants (2004)125 with combined 4522IL/0036 Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 4.81 HC, HbA1c 113 51 18 149 unclear 2 No Europe 5-10 200 40 (-0.56, 10.18) <10%, and Pharm. Fund T2DM Multicenter Muhlestein Participants (2006)145 with mixed DIACOR study dylipidemia, Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 5.60 100 100 12 278 unclear 2 Yes North America HbA1c <9%, 20 160 20 (-0.19, 11.39) Pharm. Fund T2DM and F-114 Single center without CAD Grundy (2005)120 Combined HC Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 8.80 SAFARI North 399 201 12 163 yes 2 No 71% with MetS 20 160 20 (5.96, 11.64) America Multicenter

Table F-13. Surrogate outcome – TC:HDL-c ratio using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Total cholesterol : High density lipoprotein cholesterol Combo- AAC Jadad ITTA Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Score Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Trial Population up difference Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Durrington Participants (2004)125 with combined 4522IL/0036 Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin -2.70 HC, HbA1c 53 51 18 149 unclear 2 No Europe 10 200 40 (-10.46, 5.06) <10%, and Pharm. Fund T2DM Multicenter

Table F-14. Surrogate outcome – Non-HDL-c using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Non-High density lipoprotein cholesterol

F-115 Combo- Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up difference AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Muhlestein Participants (2006)145 with mixed DIACOR study dylipidemia, Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 1.80 100 100 12 278 unclear 2 Yes North America HbA1c <9%, 20 160 20 (-3.01, 6.61) Pharm. Fund T2DM and Single center without CAD

Table F-15. Surrogate outcome – TG using fibrate plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Tryglicerides Combo- Combination Monotherapy Mean Follow- mono: mean Statin Fibrate Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up difference AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Durrington Participants (2004)125 with combined 4522IL/0036 Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin -13.57 HC, HbA1c 113 51 18 149 unclear 2 No Europe 10 200 40 (-24.16, -2.98) <10%, and Pharm. Fund T2DM Multicenter


Table F-16. Adverse events and adherence to treatment using fibrate plus statin compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Fibrates Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event Participants Derosa with 3/2 Fluvastatin Fenofibrate Fluvastatin (2004)123 combined 25 23 52 1.43 unclear 80 200 80 Europe HC, T2DM (0.22, 9.44) and CHD 189 3 yes Durrington Participants (2004)125 with 4522IL/0036 24/14 combined Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin Europe 115 53 18 0.73 unclear HC, HbA1c 5-10 200 40 Pharm. (0.34, 1.57)

F-117 <10%, and Fund T2DM Multicenter 149 2 no Wiklund (1993)134 31/16 Europe No particular Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 75 71 12 2.42 unclear Pharm. risk described 40 1200 40 (1.18, 4.99) Fund Multicenter 228 2 no Relative probability of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event Athyros (2001)50 Participants 7/1 Simvastatin Gemfibrozil Atorvastatin Europe with familial 136 134 52 7.22 unclear 3 no 20 1200 20 Single combined HC (0.88, 59.48) centre Participants with Athyros combined Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin (2002)161 HC, HbA1c 40 40 24 162 0/0 unclear 1 yes 20 200 20 Europe <8.5%, T2DM and without CAD

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Fibrates Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Durrington Participants (2004)125 with 4522IL/0036 2/3 combined Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin Europe 115 53 18 149 0.29 unclear 2 no HC, HbA1c 5-10 200 40 Pharm. (0.05, 1.82) <10%, and Fund T2DM Multicenter Grundy (2005)120 Combined 13/5 SAFARI Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin HC, 71% with 403 202 12 163 1.31 yes 2 no North 20 160 20 MetS (0.46, 3.74) America

F-118 Multicenter Wiklund (1993)134 8/2 Europe No particular Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 75 71 12 228 4.12 unclear 2 no Pharm. risk described 40 1200 40 (0.84, 20.11) Fund Multicenter

Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis

Participants with MetS 0/1 Athyros (NCEP ATP Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin 100 100 54 151 0.33 yes 2 yes (2005)160 III), without 20 200 20 (0.01, 8.20) overt DM or CVD Athyros (2001)50 Participants 4/0 Mixed Gemfibrozil Atorvastatin Europe with familial 262 131 52 4.58 unclear 3 no 20 1200 20 Single combined HC (0.24, 85.68) centre

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Fibrates Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants with Athyros combined Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin (2002)161 HC, HbA1c 40 40 24 162 0/0 unclear 1 yes 20 200 20 Europe <8.5%, T2DM and without CAD Participants with 6/0 Durrington combined Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 115 53 18 149 6.35 unclear 2 no (2004)125 HC, HbA1c 5-10 200 40 (0.35, 114.85) <10%, and

F-119 T2DM Relative probability of participants experiencing myalgia Participants 2/0 Athyros Mixed Gemfibrozil Atorvastatin with familial 262 131 52 2.52 (2001)50 20 1200 20 combined HC (0.12, 52.95) unclear 3 no Participants 1/1 Napoli with familial Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 14 13 52-104 0.92 (1997)188 combined HC 20 1200 20 (0.05, 16.46) (type IIb) unclear 1 no Participants with 3/1 Durrington combined Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 115 53 18 1.39 (2004)125 HC, HbA1c 5-10 200 40 (0.14, 13.71) <10%, and T2DM 149 unclear 2 no Combined 8/5 Grundy Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin HC 71% with 403 202 12 0.80 (2005)120 20 160 20 MetSyn 163 (0.26, 2.47) yes 2 no 7/1 Wiklund No particular Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 75 71 12 7.21 (1993)134 risk described 40 1200 40 228 (0.86, 60.14) unclear 2 no

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Fibrates Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Shah Participants Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin 0/0 25 25 12 (2007_1)195 with acute 10 200 20 95 unclear 1 no coronary syndrome who 0/2 Shah underwent Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 25 25 12 0.18 (2007_2)195 PTCA 20 200 40 procedure, (0.01, 4.04) regardless of DM 95 unclear 1 no Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal

F-120 Participants with combined Athyros Atorvastatin Fenofibrate Atorvastatin 0/0 HC, HbA1c 40 40 24 162 unclear 1 yes (2002)161 20 200 20 <8.5%, T2DM and without CAD Participants with Durrington combined Rosuvastatin Fenofibrate Rosuvastatin 0/0 115 53 18 149 unclear 2 no (2004)125 HC, HbA1c 5-10 200 40 <10%, and T2DM Combined 1/0 Grundy Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin HC, 71% with 403 202 12 163 4.49 yes 2 no (2005)120 20 160 20 MetS (0.07, 286.36) Participants with mixed Muhlestein dyslipidemia, Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin 0/0 100 100 12 278 unclear 2 yes (2006)145 HbA1c <9%, 20 160 20 T2DM and without CAD

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Fibrates Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Wiklund No particular Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 0/0 75 71 12 228 unclear 2 no (1993)134 risk described 40 1200 40 Relative probability of participants experiencing rhabdomyolysis (investigator defined) Combined Grundy Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin HC, 71% with 403 202 12 163 0/0 yes 2 no (2005)120 20 160 20 MetS Wiklund No particular Pravastatin Gemfibrozil Pravastatin 75 71 12 228 0/0 unclear 2 no (1993)134 risk described 40 1200 40 Participants with mixed Muhlestein dyslipidemia, Simvastatin Fenofibrate Simvastatin

F-121 100 100 12 278 0/0 unclear 2 yes (2006)145 HbA1c <9%, 20 160 20 T2DM and without CAD

Included Evidence For Niacin Plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy Table F-17. Longer-term outcomes (clinical outcomes, serious adverse events and cancer) using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) All-cause mortality – patients requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 2/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 1.84 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.16, 20.76) Single centre with LDL-C < F-122 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL All-cause mortality Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 2/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 1.84 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.16, 20.76) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Participants Kos Pharm with (MA-06)105 1/1 hyperlipidemi Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-06 Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 0.53 yes 5 No a type IIa or 40 40 North America (0.03, 8.64) IIb, Statin Multicenter naïve

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Participants Kos Pharm with combined (MA-14)104 dyslipidemia Lovastatin Lovastatin 0/0 MA-14 (Fredrickson’s Ext Rls 100 33 20 198 yes 4 No 10 40 North America type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) ; Statin naïve. Participants with elevated low-density Stein lipoprotein (1996)170 cholesterol, Simvastatin Simvastatin North America high Imm Rls 60 60 17 176 0/0 unclear 2 No 10 10 Pharm. Fund triglycerides, Multicenter and low high- density

F-123 lipoprolein cholesteroL Participants Ballantyne with (2008_a)150 increased North ATP III risk America, adjusted non- Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South 187 114 24 0/0 unclear 3 No HDL-c but on 20 1000-2000 20 America, target LDL-c Europe on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter 20 mg/day Ballantyne Participants (2008_b)171 with elevated North non-HDL-c America, Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin level desipte 216 119 24 0/0 adequate 3 No South 40 1000-2000 80 run-in America, simvastatin Pharm. Fund 40 mg/day Multicenter

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) All-cause mortality – Adequate Allocation Concealment Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 2/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 1.84 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.16, 20.76) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Kos Pharm Participants (MA-06)105 with 1/1 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-06 hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 0.53 yes 5 No 40 40 North America type IIa or IIb, (0.03, 8.64)

F-124 Multicenter Statin naïve Participants Kos Pharm with combined (MA-14)104 dyslipidemia Lovastatin Lovastatin 0/0 MA-14 (Fredrickson’s Ext Rls 100 33 20 198 yes 4 No 10 40 North America type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) ; Statin naïve. Ballantyne Participants (2008_b)171 with elevated North non-HDL-c America, Simvastatin Simvastatin level desipte Ext Rls 216 119 24 0/0 adequate 3 No South 40 80 run-in America, simvastatin Pharm. Fund 40 mg/day Multicenter

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) All-cause mortality – patients with vascular disease Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 2/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 1.84 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.16, 20.76) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Vascular death – patients requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy Participants with coronary Kuvin artery F-125 (2006)197 disease, and North America currently Mixed Ext Rls 27 Mixed 27 12 79 0/0 unclear 1 No Pharm. Fund treated with a Single center statin drug, with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL Vascular death Hunninghake Participants (2003)128 with type IIA 1/1 Lovastatin Lovastatin North America hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 0.53 unclear 4 Yes 40 40 Pharm. Fund or type IIB (0.03, 8.64) Multicenter hyperlipidemia Participants with coronary Kuvin artery (2006)197 disease, and North America currently Mixed Ext Rls 27 Mixed 27 12 79 0/0 unclear 1 No Pharm. Fund treated with a Single center statin drug, with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Vascular death – patients with vascular disease Participants with coronary Kuvin artery (2006)197 disease, and North America currently Mixed Ext Rls 27 Mixed 27 12 79 0/0 unclear 1 No Pharm. Fund treated with a Single center statin drug, with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL

Fatal myocardial infarction

Kos Pharm Participants (MA-06)105 with 1/0

F-126 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-06 hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 1.63 yes 5 No 40 40 North America type IIa or IIb, (0.07, 40.51) Multicenter Statin naïve Participants with coronary Kuvin artery disease, (2006)197 and currently North America Mixed Ext Rls 27 Mixed 27 12 79 0/0 unclear 1 No treated with a Pharm. Fund statin drug, Single center with LDL-C < 100 mg/dL

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Any stroke Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 0/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 0.12 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.00, 6.21) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Acute coronary syndrome Participants

F-127 with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 2/2 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 0.91 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.12, 6.62) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Percutaneous coronary intervention Participants with coronary artery Taylor disease, and (2004)196 currently 4/1 Mixed Mixed ARBITER treated with a Ext Rls 78 71 52 89 3.78 yes 5 No >20 >20 North America statin drug, (0.41, 34.68) Single centre with LDL-C < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Serious adverse events Kos Pharm Participants (MA-06)105 with 5/2 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-06 hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 1.35 yes 5 No 20-40 40 North America type IIa or IIb, (0.25, 7.19) Multicenter Statin naïve Participants Kos Pharm with combined (MA-14)104 dyslipidemia 5/1 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-14 (Fredrickson’s Ext Rls 100 33 20 198 1.68 yes 4 No 10-40 40 North America type IIb or IV (0.19, 14.96) Multicenter hyperlipidemia) ; Statin naïve. Participants with elevated low-density F-128 Stein lipoprotein (1996)170 cholesterol, 1/0 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America high Imm Rls 60 60 17 176 3.05 unclear 2 No 10 10 Pharm. Fund triglycerides, (0.12, 76.39) Multicentre and low high- density lipoprolein cholesteroL Participants Ballantyne with (2008_a)150 increased North ATP III risk America, 1/0 adjusted non- Simvastatin Simvastatin South Ext Rls 187 114 24 1.84 unclear 3 No HDL-c but on 20 20 America, (0.07, 45.60) target LDL-c Europe on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter 20 mg/day

Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline (95% CI) Jadad Trial Population Niacin up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c [combo-mono] Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Ballantyne Participants (2008_b)171 with elevated North non-HDL-c 0/1 America, Simvastatin Simvastatin level desipte Ext Rls 216 119 24 104 0.18 adequate 3 No South 40 80 run-in (0.01, 4.51) America, simvastatin Pharm. Fund 40 mg/day Multicenter Cancer Kos Pharm Participants (MA-06)105 with 0/2 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-06 hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 114 61 28 189 0.10 yes 5 No 20-40 40 North America type IIa or IIb, (0.00, 2.2) Multicenter Statin naïve F-129

Table F-18. Surrogate outcome – Achieving ATP-III target LDL-c using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Events Niacin Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Odds Ratio Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c (95% CI) Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c target - Participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

Participants with Bays (2003)49 elevated ADVOCATE LDL-c and 21/19 Lovastatin Ext Rls Mixed North America decreased 32 34 16 192 1.51 unclear 1 no 40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.56, 4.08) Multicenter levels and vascular disease F-130 Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c target Participants Bays with (2003_1)49 elevated 40/38 ADVOCATE Lovastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin LDL-c and 53 57 16 192 1.54 unclear 1 no North America 40 2000 40 decreased (0.67, 3.54) Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels Participants Bays with (2003_2)49 elevated 38/50 ADVOCATE Lovastatin Ext Rls Atorvastatin LDL-c and 52 60 16 192 0.54 unclear 1 no North America 40 2000 40 decreased (0.22, 1.4) Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Events Niacin Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Odds Ratio Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c (95% CI) Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Relative probability of attaining ATPIII LDL-c target - Participants with vascular disease

Participants with Bays (2003)49 elevated ADVOCATE LDL-c and 21/19 Lovastatin Ext Rls Mixed North America decreased 32 34 16 192 1.51 unclear 1 No 40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.56, 4.08) Multicenter levels and vascular disease


Table F-19. Surrogate outcome – LDL-c using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono] Difference in mean percentage change from baseline - Rosuvastatin Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy Capuzzi Participants (2003)155 with combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 12.00 Ext Rls 78 46 24 145 unclear 2 No North America (Fredrickson’s 10 40 (2.26, 21.74) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Difference in mean percentage change from baseline - Participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy Participants with increased

F-132 ATP III risk Moore (2007)162 adjusted North America, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin non-HDL-c Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 0 (-6.51, 6.51) unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 30 but on target Single icenter LDL-c on run-in simvastatin 20 mg/day Difference in mean percentage change from baseline Participants Kos Pharm (MA- with 06)105 hyperlipidem Lovastatin Lovastatin -9.70 MA-06 Ext Rls 42 53 28 189 yes 5 No ia type IIa or 40 40 (-14.64, -4.76) North America IIb, Statin Multicenter naïve Capuzzi Participants (2003)155 with combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 9.00 Ext Rls 149 46 24 145 unclear 2 No North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 40 (-2.45, 20.45) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono] Participants Insull (2004)182 with type IIa or -22.20 North America Lovastatin Lovastatin IIb primary Ext Rls 32 33 20 198 (-32.09, - unclear 2 No Pharm. Fund 40 40 hyperlipidemia, 12.31) Multicenter statin naïve Participants Kos Pharm (MA- with combined 14)104 dyslipidemia -22.20 Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-14 (Fredrickson’s Ext Rls 23 29 20 198 (-31.64, - yes 4 No 40 40 North America type IIb or IV 12.76) Multicenter hyperlipidemia) ; Statin naïve. McKenney 139 HC, F-133 (2007_2) heterogeneous COMPELL study Atorvastatin Rosuvastatin -3.00 10-year Ext Rls 60 73 12 197 unclear 2 No North America 40 40 (-8.30, 2.30) CHD risk Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Vacek (1995)184 Cross-over North America trial; Lovastatin Slow Lovastatin -25.00 25 25 12 204 unclear 2 No Pharm. Fund Participants 20 release 20 (-40.60, -9.40) Single centre with LDL >180 Participants with increased ATP III risk Moore (2007)162 adjusted non- North America, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin HDL-c but on Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 0 (-6.51, 6.51) unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 30 target LDL-c on Single center run-in simvastatin 20 mg/day

Table F-20. Surrogate outcome – HDL-c using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Events Niacin Follow Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Odds Ratio Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c (95% CI) Score (mg/day) (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Difference in mean percentage change from baseline – Participants requiring intensive lipid lowering

Participants with increased ATP III risk Moore (2007)162 adjusted North America, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 13.00 (6.01, non-HDL-c Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 30 19.99) but on target Single center LDL-c on run-in simvastatin

F-134 20 mg/day Difference in mean percentage change from baseline

Kos Pharm (MA- Participants 06)105 with Lovastatin Lovastatin 24.00 MA-06 hyperlipidemia Ext Rls 42 53 28 189 yes 5 no 40 40 (17.50, 30.50) North America type IIa or IIb, Multicenter Statin naïve Capuzzi Participants (2003)155 with combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 6.00 Ext Rls 71 46 24 145 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 40 40 (-0.79, 12.79) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Participants Insull (2004)182 with type IIa or North America Lovastatin Lovastatin 24.00 IIb primary Ext Rls 100 33 20 198 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 40 (14.86, 33.14) hyperlipidemia, Multicenter statin naïve

Participants Kos Pharm (MA- with combined 14)104 dyslipidemia Lovastatin Lovastatin 24.00 MA-14 (Fredrickson’s Ext Rls 77 29 20 198 yes 4 no 10-40 40 (15.36, 32.64) North America type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) ; Statin naïve.

McKenney HC, (2007_2)139 heterogeneou COMPELL study Mixed Rosuvastatin 16.00 s 10-year Ext Rls 125 73 12 197 unclear 2 no North America 20-40 40 (11.43, 20.57) CHD risk Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter

Participants with increased

F-135 ATP III risk Moore (2007)162 adjusted non- North America, Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 13.00 (6.01, HDL-c but on Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund 20 30 19.99) target LDL-c on Single center run-in simvastatin 20 mg/day Difference in mean percentage change from baseline - Rosuvastatin Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy

Participants Capuzzi (2003)155 with combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Rosuvastatin 13.00 North America Ext Rls 71 46 24 145 unclear 2 no (Fredrickson’s 10 40 (6.10, 19.90) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Table F-21. Surrogate outcome – TC:HDL-c ratio using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Difference Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow (95% CI) Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up [combo- AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) mono] (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Difference in mean percentage change in TC-HDL-c ratio

HC, heterogeneous -6.00 McKenney Mixed Ext Rls Rosuvastatin 10-year CHD risk 125 73 12 197 (-9.60, - unclear 2 no (2007_2)139 20-40 2000 40 estimates 2.40)

Table F-22. Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) using niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy

Difference Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow (95% CI) Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad

F-136 Trial Population Max Dose up [combo- AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) mono] (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL)

Participants with Taylor coronary artery (2004)196 disease, and ARBITER currently treated Mixed Ext Rls Mixed -0.03 North 71 78 52 89 yes 5 no with a statin drug, >20 1000 >20 (-0.06, 0.00) America with LDL-C < 130 Single mg/dL and HDL-C centre < 45 mg/dL

Table F-23. Adverse events and adherence to treatment using niacin plus statin compared with statin monotherapy Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment Participants with coronary artery disease, and Taylor (2004)196 currently treated 78/71 ARBITER Mixed Ex Rls Mixed with a statin 87 80 52 89 1.10 yes 5 no North America >20 1000 >20 drug, with LDL-C (0.41, 2.92) Single centre < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Capuzzi Participants with 155 F-137 (2003) combined 71/31 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 0.42 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 (0.21, 0.85) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Participants with Insull (2004)182 type IIa or IIb 96/32 North America Lovastatin Ex Rel Lovastatin primary 100 33 20 198 0.75 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 2500 40 hyperlipidemia, (0.08, 6.96) Multicenter statin naïve Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c 73/73 Lovastatin Ex Rls Simvastatin North America and decreased 78 76 16 192 0.60 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.14, 2.60) Multicenter levels Bays (2003_2)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c 77/79 Lovastatin Ex Rls Atorvastatin North America and decreased 79 82 16 192 1.46 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.24, 8.99) Multicenter levels

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

McKenney (2007_2)139 COMPELL HC, heterogeneous 109/61 Mixed Ex Rls Rosuvastatin study 10-year CHD risk 125 73 12 197 1.34 unclear 2 no 20-40 2000 40 North America estimates (0.60, 3.0) Pharm. Fund Multicenter

Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment

Participants with coronary artery disease, and Taylor (2004)196 currently treated 78/71 F-138 ARBITER Mixed Ex Rls Mixed with a statin 87 80 52 89 1.10 yes 5 no North America >20 1000 >20 drug, with LDL-C (0.41, 2.92) Single centre < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 71/31 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 0.42 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 (0.21, 0.85) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment – Rosuvastatin - Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy

Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 36/31 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 80 46 24 145 0.42 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10 2000 40 (0.19, 0.84) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono] Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 110/49 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 6.73 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 20-40 2000 40 North America (2.07, 21.93) Statin naïve Multicenter Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 129/34 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 1.98 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 (0.90, 4.38) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

182 Participants with F-139 Insull (2004) type IIa or IIb 53/17 North America Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin primary 100 33 20 198 1.06 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 2500 40 hyperlipidemia, (0.48, 2.33) Multicenter statin naïve Participants with Kos Pharm (MA- combined 14)104 dyslipidemia 88/24 Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-14 (Fredrickson’s 100 33 20 198 2.75 yes 4 no 10-40 2500 40 North America type IIb or IV (1.04, 7.29) Multicenter hyperlipidemia); Statin naïve. Participants with Ballantyne increased ATP III (2008_a)150 risk adjusted North America, 54/20 non-HDL-c but Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South America, 187 114 24 1.91 unclear 3 No on target LDL-c 20 1000-2000 20 Europe (1.07, 3.40) on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20 Multicenter mg/day

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- 68/35 North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin adequa 216 119 24 104 1.10 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 te (0.68, 1.80) Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40 Multicenter mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event – 24 weeks or longer follow-up Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 110/49 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 6.73 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 20-40 2000 40 North America (2.07, 21.93) Statin naïve Multicenter Capuzzi Participants with F-140 (2003)155 combined 129/34 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 1.98 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 (0.90, 4.38) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Participants with Ballantyne increased ATP III (2008_a)150 risk adjusted North America, 54/20 non-HDL-c but Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South America, 187 114 24 1.91 unclear 3 No on target LDL-c 20 1000-2000 20 Europe (1.07, 3.40) on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20 Multicenter mg/day Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- 68/35 North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin adequa 216 119 24 104 1.10 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 te (0.68, 1.80) Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40 Multicenter mg/day

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono] Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event – Rosuvastatin - Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 66/34 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 78 46 24 145 1.94 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10 2000 40 (0.79, 4.78) Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Relative probability of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event Participants with coronary artery disease, and Taylor (2004)196 currently treated 2/6 ARBITER Mixed Ex Rls Mixed with a statin 87 80 52 89 0.29 yes 5 no North America >20 1000 >20 F-141 drug, with LDL-C (0.06, 1.48) Single centre < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Hunninghake Participants with (2003)128 type IIA 22/6 Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin North America hyperlipidemia or 114 61 28 189 2.19 unclear 4 yes 20-40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIB (0.84, 5.74) Multicenter hyperlipidemia Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 22/6 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 2.19 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 20-40 2000 40 North America (0.84, 5.74) Statin naïve Multicenter Participants with Insull (2004)182 type IIa or IIb 18/3 North America Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin primary 100 33 20 198 2.20 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 2500 40 hyperlipidemia, (0.60, 7.99) Multicenter statin naïve

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Participants with Kos Pharm (MA- combined 14)104 dyslipidemia 18/3 Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-14 (Fredrickson’s 100 33 20 198 2.20 yes 4 no 10-40 2500 40 North America type IIb or IV (0.60, 7.99) Multicenter hyperlipidemia); Statin naïve. Adults with total cholesterol levels O'Keefe >180 mg/dL, 6/0 (1995)189 Pravastatin Imm Rls Pravastatin HDL levels <40 27 19 18 134 11.79 unclear 1 no North America 20 3000 20 mg/dL, and (0.62, 223.26) Single centre triglyceride levels

F-142 >150 mg/dL Participants with elevated low- density Stein (1996)170 lipoprotein 9/3 North America Simvastatin Imm Rls Simvastatin cholesterol, high 60 60 17 176 3.35 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10 1500 10 triglycerides, and (0.86, 13.07) Multicenter low high-density lipoprolein cholesteroL Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c 15/2 Lovastatin Ex Rls Simvastatin North America and decreased 78 76 16 192 8.81 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (1.94, 40.01) Multicenter levels Bays (2003_2)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c 13/8 Lovastatin Ex Rls Atorvastatin North America and decreased 79 82 16 192 1.82 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.71, 4.67) Multicenter levels

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Participants with Ballantyne increased ATP III (2008_a)150 risk adjusted North America, 25/6 non-HDL-c but Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South America, 187 114 24 2.78 unclear 3 No on target LDL-c 20 1000-2000 20 Europe (1.10, 7.00) on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20 Multicenter mg/day Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- 25/5 North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin adequa 216 119 24 104 2.98 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 te (1.11, 8.01) Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40

F-143 Multicenter mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing Rhabdomyolysis Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 0/0 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 20-40 2000 40 North America Statin naïve Multicenter Kos Pharm (MA- 14)104 HC type IIa or IIb Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-14 100 33 20 198 0/0 yes 4 no statin naive 10-40 2500 40 North America Multicenter Participants with Ballantyne increased ATP III (2008_a)150 risk adjusted North America, non-HDL-c but Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South America, 187 114 24 0/0 unclear 3 No on target LDL-c 20 1000-2000 20 Europe on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20 Multicenter mg/day

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin adequa 216 119 24 104 0/0 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 te Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40 Multicenter mg/day

Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis

Participants with coronary artery disease, and Taylor (2004)196 currently treated ARBITER Mixed Ex Rls Mixed with a statin 78 71 52 89 0/0 yes 5 no

F-144 North America >20 1000 >20 drug, with LDL-C Single centre < 130 mg/dL and HDL-C < 45 mg/dL Hunninghake Participants with (2003)128 type IIA 1/1 Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin North America hyperlipidemia or 114 61 28 189 0.53 unclear 4 yes 20-40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIB (0.03, 8.64) Multicenter hyperlipidemia Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 0/0 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Participants with Insull (2004)182 type IIa or IIb 4/0 North America Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin primary 100 33 20 198 3.12 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 2500 40 hyperlipidemia, (0.16, 59.58) Multicenter statin naïve

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Kos Pharm (MA- 14)104 4/0 HC type IIa or IIb Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-14 100 33 20 198 3.12 yes 4 no statin naive 10-40 2500 40 North America (0.16, 59.58) Multicenter Participants with elevated low- density Stein (1996)170 lipoprotein 0/1 North America Simvastatin Imm Rls Simvastatin cholesterol, high 60 60 17 176 0.33 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10 1500 10 triglycerides, and (0.01, 8.21) Multicenter low high-density lipoprolein

F-145 cholesteroL Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c Lovastatin Ex Rls Simvastatin North America and decreased 78 76 16 192 0/0 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels Bays (2003_2)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c Lovastatin Ex Rls Atorvastatin North America and decreased 79 82 16 192 0/0 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels Participants with Ballantyne increased ATP III (2008_a)150 risk adjusted North America, non-HDL-c but Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin South America, 187 114 24 0/0 unclear 3 No on target LDL-c 20 1000-2000 20 Europe on run-in Pharm. Fund simvastatin 20 Multicenter mg/day

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin adequa 216 119 24 104 0/0 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 te Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40 Multicenter mg/day Participants with increased ATP III Moore (2007)162 risk adjusted 1/0 North America, non-HDL-c but Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 3.15 unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund on target LDL-c 20 30 (0.12, 79.54) Single center on run-in simvastatin 20

F-146 mg/day Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis – Rosuvastatin - Lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 80 46 24 145 0/0 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Relative probability of participants experiencing myalgia Hunninghake Participants with (2003)128 type IIA 5/4 Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin North America hyperlipidemia or 114 61 28 189 0.65 unclear 4 yes 20-40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIB (0.17, 2.53) Multicenter hyperlipidemia Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 5/7 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 0.35 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 20-40 2000 40 North America (0.11, 1.17) Statin naïve Multicenter

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c Lovastatin Ex Rls Simvastatin North America and decreased 78 76 16 192 0/0 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels Bays (2003_2)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c 0/1 Lovastatin Ex Rls Atorvastatin North America and decreased 79 82 16 192 0.34 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood (0.01, 8.51) Multicenter levels Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal Kos Pharm (MA- Participants with 06)105 F-147 hyperlipidemia Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin MA-06 114 61 28 189 0/0 yes 5 no type IIa or IIb, 40 2000 40 North America Statin naïve Multicenter Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 152 46 24 145 0/0 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10-40 2000 40 Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia) Participants with Insull (2004)182 type IIa or IIb North America Lovastatin Ex Rls Lovastatin primary 100 33 20 198 0/0 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10-40 2500 40 hyperlipidemia, Multicenter statin naïve Kos Pharm (MA- 14)104 HC type IIa or IIb Lovastatin Lovastatin MA-14 Ex Rls 100 33 20 198 0/0 yes 4 no statin naive 10-40 40 North America Multicenter

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c Lovastatin Ex Rls Simvastatin North America and decreased 78 76 16 192 0/0 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels Bays (2003_1)49 Participants with ADVOCATE elevated LDL-c Lovastatin Ex Rls Atorvastatin North America and decreased 79 82 16 192 0/0 unclear 1 no 20-40 2000 10-40 Pharm. Fund HDL-c blood Multicenter levels McKenney (2007_2)139 HC, COMPELL F-148 heterogeneous Mixed Ex Rls Rosuvastatin study North 125 73 12 197 0/0 unclear 2 no 10-year CHD risk 20-40 2000 40 America estimates Pharm. Fund Multicenter Participants with elevated low- density Stein (1996)170 lipoprotein North America Simvastatin Imm Rls Simvastatin cholesterol, high 60 60 17 176 0/0 unclear 2 no Pharm. Fund 10 1500 10 triglycerides, and Multicenter low high-density lipoprolein cholesteroL Participants with increased ATP III Moore (2007)162 risk adjusted 1/0 North America, non-HDL-c but Atorvastatin Atorvastatin Ext Rls 41 42 48 154 3.15 unclear 2 Yes Pharm. Fund on target LDL-c 20 30 (0.12, 79.54) Single center on run-in simvastatin 20 mg/day

Number of Combination Monotherapy Trial Niacin Follow Events Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population Max Dose up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (mg/day) (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Ballantyne Participants with (2008_b)171 elevated non- North America, HDL-c level Simvastatin Ext Rls Simvastatin ade- 216 119 24 104 0/0 3 No South America, desipte run-in 40 1000-2000 80 quate Pharm. Fund simvastatin 40 Multicenter mg/day

Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal – Rosuvastatin plus lower dose statin in combination versus higher dose monotherapy

Capuzzi Participants with (2003)155 combined 4522IL/0029 dyslipidemia Rosuvastatin Ex Rls Rosuvastatin 80 46 24 145 0/0 unclear 2 no North America (Fredrickson’s 10 2000 40

F-149 Pharm. Fund type IIb or IV Multicenter hyperlipidemia)

Included Evidence for Bile Acid Sequestrant plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy Table F-24. Longer-term outcomes (clinical outcomes, serious adverse events and cancer) using BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin BAS Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

All-cause Mortality, all trials Participants with Sprecher moderate HC (1994_1)52 0/1 (LDL-c Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin F-150 North America 36 39 24 209 0.35 unclear 3 No ≥160mg/dL), 10 8-16 10 Pharm. Fund (0.01, 8.9) not on lipid- Multicentre lowering medication Participants with Sprecher moderate HC (1994_2)52 (LDL-c Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin 0/0 North America 37 38 24 209 unclear 3 No ≥160mg/dL), 20 8-16 20 Pharm. Fund not on lipid- Multicentre lowering medication Participants Knapp with (2001_1)172 moderate HC Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin 0/0 North America (LDL-c 35 36 6 187 yes 5 No 10 3.8 10 Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL), Multicentre statin naïve

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin BAS Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants Knapp with (2001_2)172 moderate HC 1/0 Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin North America (LDL-c 37 39 6 187 3.25 yes 5 No 20 2.3 20 Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL), (0.13, 82.2) Multicentre statin naïve

Davidson Participants (2001) with 185 Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin 0/0 moderate HC 50 26 4 170 unclear 4 No North America 10 3.8 10 (LDL-c Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL)

F-151 Multicentre Fatal myocardial infarction Participants with Sprecher moderate HC (1994_1)52 0/1 (LDL-c Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin North America 36 39 24 209 0.35 unclear 3 No ≥160mg/dL), 10 8-16 10 Pharm. Fund (0.01, 8.91) not on lipid- Multicentre lowering medication Participants with Sprecher moderate HC (1994_2)52 (LDL-c Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin 0/0 North America 37 38 24 209 unclear 3 No ≥160mg/dL), 20 8-16 20 Pharm. Fund not on lipid- Multicentre lowering medication

Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin BAS Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose (mg/day) N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Serious adverse event(s) Simons Participants (1998)198 1/5 with severe Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin The Six Cities 44 92 30 343 0.40 unclear 1 No HC (LDL-c 40 4 80 Study Pharm. (0.05, 3.6) ≥190 mg/dL) fund Participants Knapp with (2001)172 0/1 moderate HC Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin North America 68 74 6 187 0.36 yes 5 No (LDL-c 10-20 2.3-3.8 10-20 Pharm. Fund (0.01, 8.9) ≥160mg/dL),

F-152 Multicentre statin naïve

Table F-25. Surrogate outcome – Achieving ATP-III target LDL-c using BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Ito Participants with (1996)108 moderate HC, 13/5 North Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin history of CAD, all 28 31 12 181 4.51 unclear 1 no America 20 10 40 with prior statin (1.34, 15.1) Pharm. use fund


Table F-26. Surrogate outcome, LDL-c using BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Low density lipoprotein cholesterol Combo- Combination Monotherapy Mean mono: Follow- Statin BAS Combo Statin Mono Baseline mean Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose (g/day) N Dose N LDL-c difference Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) (95% CI)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants with Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 5 (-3.34, North America moderate HC (LDL-c 18 20 4 184 unclear 4 yes 10 3.8g 80 13.34) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Participants with O'Brien (1990)174 -10.10 severe HC (LDL-c Simvastatin C-amine Simvastatin Pharm. Fund 35 15 40 298 (-19.92, - unclear 1 no ≥215 mg/dL) or 40 24 40 Multicenter 0.3) moderate HC + CAD

F-154 Isaacsohn Heterogeneous (1997)163 familial and polygenic Mixed C-pol Atorvastatin 5.43 21 16 32 291 unclear 1 no North America HC (LDL-c ≥220 20 80 (-1.84, 12.7) Single centre mg/dL) Simons (1998)198 Participants with The Six Cities Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin 11.00 severe HC (LDL-c 44 92 30 343 unclear 1 no Study Pharm. 40 4 80 (6.45, 15.6) ≥190 mg/dL) fund Sprecher Participants with (1994_1)52 moderate HC (LDL-c -10.50 Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin North America ≥160mg/dL), not on 35 38 24 209 (-16.94, - unclear 3 no 10 8-16 10 Pharm. Fund lipid-lowering 4.1) Multicenter medication Sprecher Participants with (1994_2)52 moderate HC (LDL-c -11.90 Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin North America ≥160mg/dL), not on 35 38 24 209 (-18.06, - unclear 3 no 20 8-16 20 Pharm. Fund lipid-lowering 5.7) Multicenter medication

PMSG II Participants with (1993)191 moderate HC (LDL-c Pravastatin -13.70 ≥160mg/dL), Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin Multicenter Study 61 57 16-24 235 (-18.76, - unclear 3 no excluding those with 40 24 40 Group II North 8.6) hypersensitivity to C- America Pharm. amine fund Simons (1992)173 Participants with -11.34 Europe Pharm. Simvastatin C-pol Simvastatin primary HC, already 39 22 12 290 (-17.82, - yes 4 no Fund Single 40 5-10 40 in use of statins 4.9) centre Heinonen Participants with -10.00 Atorvastatin C-pol Atorvastatin (1996)164 moderate HC (LDL-c 20 41 11 211 (-16.95, - unclear 1 no 10 20 10 Multicenter ≥160mg/dL) 3.0) Ballantyne Participants with (2004_a)122 severe HC (LDL-c Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin -4.10 North America 75 69 6 259 yes 2 no 190-400 mg/dL), all 80 16 80 (-9.10, 0.9) Pharm. Fund with prior statin use F-155 Multicenter Knapp Participants with (2001_1)172 -16.00 moderate HC (LDL-c Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin North America 34 35 6 187 (-22.50, - yes 5 no ≥160mg/dL), statin 10 3.8 10 Pharm. Fund 9.5) naïve Multicenter Knapp Participants with (2001_2)172 -8.00 moderate HC (LDL-c Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin North America 37 39 6 187 (-13.40, - yes 5 no ≥160mg/dL), statin 20 2.3 20 Pharm. Fund 2.6) naïve Multicenter Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants with -10.00 Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin North America moderate HC (LDL-c 18 18 4 184 (-17.07, - unclear 4 yes 10 3.8g 10 Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) 2.9) Multicenter Davidson (2001)185 Participants with -11.80 Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin North America moderate HC (LDL-c 50 26 4 170 (-15.62, - unclear 4 no 10 3.8g 10 Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) 8.0) Multicenter

Table F-27. Surrogate outcome – HDL-c using BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy High density lipoprotein cholesterol Combo- Combination Monotherapy Mean mono: Follow- Statin BAS Combo Statin Mono Baseline mean Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose (g/day) N Dose N LDL-c difference Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) (95% CI)

Combination – monotherapy: difference in mean percentage change from baseline Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants with North Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 5 (-3.34, moderate HC (LDL-c 18 20 4 184 unclear 4 yes America 10 3.8g 80 13.34) ≥160mg/dL) Pharm. Fund Multicenter O'Brien Participants with -3.10 (1990)174 severe HC (LDL-c Simvastatin C-amine Simvastatin 35 15 40 298 (-19.49, unclear 1 no

F-156 Pharm. Fund ≥215 mg/dL) or 40 24 40 13.29) Multicenter moderate HC + CAD Isaacsohn Heterogeneous 7.66 (1997)163 familial and polygenic Mixed C-pol Atorvastatin 21 16 32 291 (-2.04, unclear 1 no North America HC (LDL-c ≥220 20 80 17.4) Single centre mg/dL) Simons (1998)198 Participants with Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin 3.00 The Six Cities severe HC (LDL-c 44 92 30 343 unclear 1 no 40 4 80 (-0.39, 6.4) Study Pharm. ≥190 mg/dL) fund Sprecher Participants with (1994_1)52 moderate HC (LDL-c Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin -2.60 North America ≥160mg/dL), not on 35 38 24 209 unclear 3 no 10 8-16 10 (-8.47, 3.3) Pharm. Fund lipid-lowering Multicenter medication Sprecher Participants with (1994_2)52 moderate HC (LDL-c -5.70 Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin North America ≥160mg/dL), not on 35 38 24 209 (-10.78, - unclear 3 no 20 8-16 20 Pharm. Fund lipid-lowering 0.6) Multicenter medication

PMSG II Participants with (1993)191 moderate HC (LDL-c Pravastatin ≥160mg/dL), Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin 0.77 Multicenter 61 119 16-24 235 unclear 3 no excluding those with 40 24 40 (-4.02, 5.6) Study Group II hypersensitivity to C- North America amine Pharm. fund Simons (1992)173 Participants with 4.50 Simvastatin C-pol Simvastatin Europe primary HC, already 39 22 12 290 (-2.50, yes 4 no 40 5-10 40 Pharm. Fund in use of statins 11.5) Single centre Heinonen Participants with Atorvastatin C-pol Atorvastatin 1.00 (1996)164 moderate HC (LDL-c 40 41 11 211 unclear 1 no 10 20 10 (-6.03, 8.0) Multicenter ≥160mg/dL) Ballantyne Participants with (2004_a)122 -1.00 severe HC (LDL-c Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin North America 75 69 6 259 (-6.68, yes 2 no 190-400 mg/dL), all 80 16 80 F-157 Pharm. Fund 4.68) with prior statin use Multicenter Davidson (2001)185 Participants with Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin 0.00 North America moderate HC (LDL-c 50 26 4 170 unclear 4 no 10 3.8g 10 (-4.77, 4.8) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter

Table F-28. Adverse events and adherence to treatment using BAS plus statin compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI) Relative probability of participants adhering to treatment Eriksson Participants (1998)190 with 1o HC, 227/765 PaCt trial Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin heterogeneous 261 812 96 212 0.41 yes 3 no Europe 20 8-16 20-40 CHD risk (0.26, 0.65) Pharm. Fund estimates Multicenter Participants Heinonen 15/38 with moderate Atorvastatin C-pol Atorvastatin (1996)164 20 42 12 211 0.32 unclear 1 no HC (LDL-c 10 20 10 Multicenter (0.07, 1.34) ≥160mg/dL) F-158 Ballantyne Participants (2004_a)122 with severe HC 38/63 North Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin (LDL-c 190-400 75 69 6 259 0.10 yes 2 no America 80 16 80 mg/dL), all with (0.04, 0.25) Pharm. Fund prior statin use Multicenter Johansson (1995)137 Participants 41/23 Simvastatin C-pol Simvastatin Europe with moderate 57 26 4-12 221 0.33 unclear 2 no 20 5-10 40 Pharm. Fund to severe HC (0.09, 1.27) Multicenter Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants 17/35 North with moderate Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 19 39 4 184 0.97 unclear 4 yes America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8g 10-80 (0.16, 5.84) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants 17/18 North with moderate Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 19 20 4 184 0.94 unclear 4 yes America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8g 80 (0.12, 7.5) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event Participants Sprecher with moderate (1994_1)52 HC (LDL-c 31/18 North Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin ≥160mg/dL), 36 39 24 209 7.23 unclear 3 no America 10 8-16 10 not on lipid- (2.32, 22.5)

F-159 Pharm. Fund lowering Multicenter medication Participants Sprecher with moderate (1994_2)52 HC (LDL-c 30/20 North Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin ≥160mg/dL), 37 38 24 209 3.86 unclear 3 no America 20 8-16 20 not on lipid- (1.36, 10.9) Pharm. Fund lowering Multicenter medication Ballantyne Participants (2004)122 with severe HC 42/25 North Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin (LDL-c 190-400 76 71 6 259 2.27 yes 2 no America 80 16 80 mg/dL), all with (1.17, 4.4) Pharm. Fund prior statin use Multicenter Knapp Participants (2001_1)172 with moderate 21/22 North Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin HC (LDL-c 34 35 6 187 0.95 yes 5 no America 10 3.8 10 ≥160mg/dL), (0.36, 2.5) Pharm. Fund statin naïve Multicenter

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Knapp Participants (2001_2)172 with moderate 25/23 North Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin HC (LDL-c 34 39 6 187 1.93 yes 5 no America 20 2.3 20 ≥160mg/dL), (0.72, 5.2) Pharm. Fund statin naïve Multicenter Johansson (1995)137 Participants 31/13 Simvastatin C-pol Simvastatin Europe with moderate 57 26 4-12 221 1.19 unclear 2 no 20 5-10 40 Pharm. Fund to severe HC (0.47, 3.0) Multicenter Relative probability of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event F-160 Simons Participants (1998)198 6/1 with severe HC Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin The Six 44 92 30 343 14.37 unclear 1 no (LDL-c ≥190 40 4 80 Cities Study (1.67, 123.4) mg/dL) Pharm. fund Participants Sprecher with moderate (1994)52 HC (LDL-c 1/4 North Fluvastatin C-amine Fluvastatin ≥160mg/dL), 73 77 24 209 0.25 unclear 3 no America 10-20 8-16 10-20 not on lipid- (0.03, 2.32) Pharm. Fund lowering Multicenter medication Participants PMSG II with moderate (1993)191 HC (LDL-c Pravastatin ≥160mg/dL), 1/2 Multicenter Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin excluding those 64 126 16-24 235 0.98 unclear 3 no Study Group 40 24 40-80 with (0.09, 11.1) II North hypersensitivity America to Pharm. fund C-amine

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Participants Heinonen 0/1 with moderate Atorvastatin C-pol Atorvastatin (1996)164 20 42 12 211 0.67 unclear 1 no HC (LDL-c 10 20 10 Multicenter (0.03, 17.3) ≥160mg/dL) Ballantyne Participants (2004_a)122 with severe HC 2/0 North Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin (LDL-c 190-400 76 71 6 259 4.80 yes 2 no America 80 16 80 mg/dL), all with (0.23, 101.7) Pharm. Fund prior statin use Multicenter Knapp 172 Participants

F-161 (2001_1) with moderate 1/1 North Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin HC (LDL-c 35 36 6 187 1.03 yes 5 no America 10 3.8 10 ≥160mg/dL), (0.06, 17.1) Pharm. Fund statin naïve Multicenter Knapp Participants (2001_2)172 with moderate 3/0 North Simvastatin C-lam Simvastatin HC (LDL-c 37 39 6 187 8.01 yes 5 no America 20 2.3 20 ≥160mg/dL), (0.40, 160.7) Pharm. Fund statin naïve Multicenter Davidson (2001)185 Participants 4/0 North with moderate Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 50 26 4 170 5.13 unclear 4 no America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8 10-80 (0.27, 99.0) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants 1/3 North with moderate Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin 19 39 4 184 0.67 unclear 4 yes America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8 10 (0.06, 6.9) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Hunninghake (2001)133 Participants 1/1 North with moderate Atorvastatin C-lam Atorvastatin 19 20 4 184 1.06 unclear 4 yes America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8g 80 (0.06, 18.2) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis Simons Participants (1998)198 with severe HC Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin The Six 44 92 30 343 0/0 unclear 1 no (LDL-c ≥190 40 4 80 Cities Study mg/dL) Pharm. fund F-162 Davidson (2001)185 Participants North with moderate Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin 50 26 4 170 0/0 unclear 4 no America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8g 10 Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing myalgia Participants Ito (1997)108 with moderate 0/3 North Pravastatin C-amine Pravastatin HC, history of 28 31 12 181 0.14 unclear 1 no America 20 10 40 CAD, all with (0.01, 2.9) Pharm. fund prior statin use Simons Participants (1992)173 1/1 with primary Simvastatin C-pol Simvastatin Europe 39 22 12 290 0.55 unclear 4 no HC, already in 40 5-10 40 Pharm. Fund (0.03, 9.3) use of statins Single centre Participants with severe HC 1/0 Ballantyne Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin (LDL-c 190-400 76 71 6 259 2.84 yes 2 no (2004)122 80 16 80 mg/dL), all with (0.11, 70.9) prior statin use

Combo/mono: Combination BAS Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Max Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Davidson (2001)185 Participants 2/3 North with moderate Lovastatin C-lam Lovastatin 50 26 4 170 0.32 unclear 4 no America HC (LDL-c 10 3.8g 10 (0.05, 2.0) Pharm. Fund ≥160mg/dL) Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal Simons Participants (1998)198 with severe HC Simvastatin C-amine Atorvastatin The Six 44 92 30 343 0/0 unclear 1 no (LDL-c ≥190 40 4 80 Cities Study mg/dL) Pharm. fund F-163 Ballantyne Participants (2004)122 with severe HC North Rosuvastatin C-amine Rosuvastatin (LDL-c 190-400 76 71 6 259 0/0 yes 2 no America 80 16 80 mg/dL), all with Pharm. Fund prior statin use Multicenter

Included Evidence for Omega-3 Fatty Acid Plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy Table F-29. Longer-term outcomes (clinical outcomes, serious adverse events and cancer) using omega-3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination Follow- Trial Monotherapy Mono number of Statin up Baseline Combo Statin N participants Jadad Trial Population Dose (wk) LDL-c AAC ITTA N Dose with events Score (mg/day) (mg/dL) (mg/day) Odds ratio

(95% CI) All-cause mortality Yokoyama (2007)141 Mixed Mixed 286/265 JELIS Participants with 5-20 5-20 1.08 Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 (0.91, 1.28) yes 2 yes Pharm. in Japan Fund F-164 Multicenter Davidson (2007)180 COMBOS Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin trial persisting 40 40 North hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 0/0 yes 4 no America despite receiving Pharm. simvastatin Fund Multicenter Nordoy (1998)177 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe combined 20 20 Pharm. 21 20 5 161 0/0 unclear 4 no hyperlipidemia and Fund statin naïve Single centre

All-cause mortality – 24 weeks or more Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 286/265 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 1.08 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.91, 1.28) Fund Multicenter All-cause mortality – adequate allocation concealment Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 286/265 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 1.08 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.91, 1.28) Fund Multicenter Davidson (2007)180 COMBOS Participants with trial persisting

F-165 Simvastatin Simvastatin North hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 0/0 yes 4 no 40 40 America despite receiving Pharm. simvastatin Fund Multicenter All-cause mortality – Asian Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 286/265 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 1.08 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.91, 1.28) Fund Multicenter Fatal Myocardial Infarction – Participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy Durrington (2001)176 Participants with Europe CHD and persisting 0/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin Pharm. hypertriglyceridemia, 29 26 24 149 0.12 unclear 3 no 20-40 20-40 Fund despite receiving (0.00, 6.11) Single simvastatin. centre

Fatal Myocardial Infarction Yokoyama (2007)141 Mixed Mixed JELIS Participants with 5-20 5-20 11/14 Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 0.79 yes 2 yes Pharm. in Japan (0.36, 1.72) Fund Multicenter Durrington (2001)176 Participants with Europe CHD and persisting 0/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin Pharm. hypertriglyceridemia, 29 26 24 149 0.12 unclear 3 no 20-40 20-40 Fund despite receiving (0.00, 6.11) Single simvastatin. centre Non-fatal myocardial infarction Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 62/83 F-166 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 0.75 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.54, 1.03) Fund Multicenter Any myocardial infarction Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 71/93 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 0.76 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.56, 1.04) Fund Multicenter Hemorrhagic stroke Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 49/39 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 0.42 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.10, 1.87) Fund Multicenter

Ischemic stroke Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 115/123 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 0.93 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.72, 1.21) Fund Multicenter Any stroke Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 166/162 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 1.02 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.82, 1.27) Fund Multicenter Serious adverse events Davidson (2007)180 COMBOS Participants with F-167 trial persisting 4/1 Simvastatin Simvastatin North hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 4.44 yes 4 no 40 40 America despite receiving (0.49, 40.29) Pharm. simvastatin Fund Multicenter Cancer Yokoyama (2007)141 JELIS Participants with 242/218 Mixed Mixed Asia hypercholesterolemia 9326 9319 240 182 1.11 yes 2 yes 5-20 5-20 Pharm. in Japan (0.92, 1.34) Fund Multicenter

Table F-30. Surrogate outcome, LDL-c using omega-3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Difference in mean percentage change from baseline Davidson (2007)180 Participants with COMBOS trial persisting Simvastatin Simvastatin 5.30 North America hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 yes 4 No 40 40 (1.45, 9.15) Pharm. Fund despite receiving Multicenter simvastatin

Chan (2002)107 Participants were non- Australia diabetic, dyslipidemic men Atorvastatin Atorvastatin 5.1 11 13 6 152 unclear 4 No Pharm. Fund with visceral obesity (BMI 40 40 (-3.04, 13.24)

F-168 Single centre >29)

Table F-31. Surrogate outcome – HDL-c using omega-3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combination Monotherapy Trial Difference Follow- (95% CI) Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up [combo- AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) mono] (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Difference in percentage change from baseline HDL-c

Davidson (2007)180 Participants with COMBOS trial persisting Simvastatin Simvastatin 5.20 North America hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 yes 4 No 40 40 (2.95, 7.45) Pharm. Fund despite receiving Multicenter simvastatin

Participants were Chan (2002)107 non-diabetic, 9.50 Australia Atorvastatin Atorvastatin dyslipidemic men with 11 13 6 152 (-0.42, unclear 4 No Pharm. Fund 40 40 visceral obesity (BMI 19.42) Single centre >29)

F-169 Davidson (1997)178 Participants with 3.20 Simvastatin Simvastatin North America combined 9 10 6-12 (-6.76, unclear 2 No 10 10 Single centre hyperlipidemia 13.16)

Table F-32. Surrogate outcome – TC:HDL-c ratio using omega-3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy Combo/mono: Combination Monotherapy Trial number of Follow- Statin Combo Statin Mono Baseline participants Jadad Trial Population up AAC ITTA Dose N Dose N LDL-c with events Score (wk) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) Odds ratio (95% CI)

Difference in mean percentage change in TC:HDL-c ratio Davidson Participants with (2007)180 persisting COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin -8.10 hypertriglyceridemia 122 132 8 91 yes 4 No North America 40 40 (-10.69, -5.51) despite receiving Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Davidson Participants with (1997)178 Simvastatin Simvastatin -3.10 combined 9 10 6-12 unclear 2 No North America 10 10 (-12.84, 6.64) hyperlipidemia F-170 Single centre

Table F-33. Adverse events and adherence to treatment using omega-3 fatty acid plus statin compared with statin monotherapy

Number of Combination Omega-3 Monotherapy Trial Follow Events Statin FA Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose Max Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event Yokoyama (2007)141 Participants with 2334/2004 JELIS Mixed Mixed hypercholesterolemia 1800 9326 9319 240 182 1.22 yes 2 yes Asia 5-20 5-20 in Japan (1.14, 1.30) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Durrington Participants with CHD (2001)176 and persisting 22/17 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe hypertriglyceridemia, 4000 29 26 24 149 1.66 unclear 3 no 20-40 10-40 Pharm. Fund despite receiving (0.51, 5.38)

F-171 Single centre simvastatin. Liu (2003)179 Participants with Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe hyperlipidemia and 9200 19 18 12 173 0/0 unclear 1 no 10 10 Single centre statin naïve Davidson Participants with (2007)180 persisting 51/63 COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin hypertriglyceridemia 4000 122 132 8 91 0.79 yes 4 no North America 40 40 despite receiving (0.48, 1.29) Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Participants with Nordoy combined (2001)165 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin hyperlipidemia and 2000 22 20 5 197 0/0 unclear 4 yes Europe 10 10 total cholesterol >200 Single centre mg/dL. Nordoy Participants with (1998)177 combined Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 4000 21 20 5 161 0/0 unclear 4 no hyperlipidemia and 20 20 Pharm. Fund statin naïve Single centre

Number of Combination Omega-3 Monotherapy Trial Follow Events Statin FA Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose Max Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Relative probability of participants experiencing an adverse event - Trials 24 weeks or longer Yokoyama (2007)141 Participants with 2334/2004 JELIS Mixed Mixed hypercholesterolemia 1800 9326 9319 240 182 1.22 yes 2 yes Asia 5-20 5-20 in Japan (1.14, 1.30) Pharm. Fund Multicenter Durrington Participants with CHD (2001)176 and persisting 22/17 Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe hypertriglyceridemia, 4000 29 26 24 149 1.66 unclear 3 no 20-40 10-40 Pharm. Fund despite receiving (0.51, 5.38) Single centre simvastatin.

F-172 Relative probability of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event Davidson Participants with (2007) 180 persisting 3/3 COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin hypertriglyceridemia 4000 122 133 8 91 1.09 yes 4 no North America 40 40 despite receiving (0.22, 5.52) Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Relative probability of participants experiencing elevated serum AST and/or ALT > 3 times ULN and/or hepatitis Davidson Participants with (2007)180 persisting COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin hypertriglyceridemia 4000 122 132 8 91 0/0 yes 4 no North America 40 40 despite receiving Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter Participants with Nordoy combined (2001)165 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin hyperlipidemia and 2000 22 20 5 197 0/0 unclear 4 yes Europe 10 10 total cholesterol >200 Single centre mg/dL.

Number of Combination Omega-3 Monotherapy Trial Follow Events Statin FA Combo Statin Mono Baseline Jadad Trial Population up Odds Ratio AAC ITTA Dose Max Dose N Dose N LDL-c Score (wk) (95% CI) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mg/dL) [combo/mono]

Nordoy Participants with (1998)177 combined Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 4000 21 20 5 161 0/0 unclear 4 no hyperlipidemia and 20 20 Pharm. Fund statin naïve Single centre Relative probability of participants experiencing CPK greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal Davidson Participants with (2007)180 persisting COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin hypertriglyceridemia 4000 122 132 8 91 0/0 yes 4 no North America 40 40 despite receiving Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter

F-173 Participants with Nordoy combined (2001)165 Atorvastatin Atorvastatin hyperlipidemia and 2000 22 20 5 197 0/0 unclear 4 yes Europe 10 10 total cholesterol >200 Single centre mg/dL. Nordoy Participants with (1998)177 combined Simvastatin Simvastatin Europe 4000 21 20 5 161 0/0 unclear 4 no hyperlipidemia and 20 20 Pharm. Fund statin naïve Single centre Relative probability of participants experiencing rhabdomyolysis (investigator defined) Davidson Participants with (2007)180 persisting COMBOS trial Simvastatin Simvastatin hypertriglyceridemia 4000 122 132 8 91 0/0 yes 4 no North America 40 40 despite receiving Pharm. Fund simvastatin Multicenter

Appendix G: Forest and Funnel Plots List of Figures

Figure G-1. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-5 Figure G-2. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants in trials with adequate allocation concealment ...... G-6 Figure G-3. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-7 Figure 4. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering, trials with adequate allocation concealment ...... G-8 Figure G-5. Forest plot of vascular death for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-8 Figure G-6. Forest and funnel plots of serious adverse events for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in trials 24 weeks or more duration ...... G-9 Figure G-7. Forest and funnel plots of serious adverse events for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-10 Figure G-8. Forest and funnel plots of participants attaining ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-12 Figure G-9. Forest and funnel plots of participants attaining ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-13 Figure G-10. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for lower dose ezetimibe plus simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-14 Figure G-11. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for lower dose ezetimibe plus simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses ...G-14 Figure G-12. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ....G-15 Figure G-13. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-17 Figure G-14. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-18 Figure G-15. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-19 Figure G-16. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-20


Figure G-17. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in trials with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses ...... G-21 Figure G-18. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering ...... G-21 Figure G-19. Funnel plot of difference in total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ....G-22 Figure G-20. Funnel plot of total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses .G-22 Figure G-21. Funnel plots of total cholesterol:HDL-c (ratio) difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-23 Figure G-22. Funnel plot of treatment adherence, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-23 Figure G-23. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with at least one adverse event, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-24 Figure G-24. Funnel plot of proportion of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-24 Figure G-25. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-25 Figure G-26. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-25 Figure G-27. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses ...... G-26 Figure G-28. Funnel plot of proportion of participants experiencing myalgia, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-26 Figure G-29. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with CPK above 10 times the upper limit of normal, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants .G-27 Figure G-30. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus ...... G-28 Figure G-31. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease ...... G-28 Figure G-32. Forest and funnel plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus ...... G-29 Figure G-33. Forest and funnel plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease G-30 Figure G-34. Forest plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in female participants ...... G-31


Figure G-35. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with baseline LDL-c above 190 mg/dL ...... G-31 Figure G-36. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus...... G-32 Figure G-37. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease ...... G-33 Figure G-38. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants of African descent...... G-33 Figure G-39. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in female participants ...... G-34 Figure G-40. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in female participants ...... G-34 Figure G-41. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus ...... G-35 Figure G-42. Funnel plot of total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus ...... G-35 Figure G-43. Funnel plot of total non-HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus...... G-36 Figure G-44. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-37 Figure G-45. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets, for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, who required intensive lipid lowering therapy due to diabetes mellitus ...... G-37 Figure G-46. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-38 Figure G-47. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-38 Figure G-48. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants with diabetes mellitus .....G-39 Figure G-49. Funnel plot of incidence of participants with myalgia, for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-39 Figure G-50. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, in all trials with followup of 24 weeks or longer, and in all trials with adequate allocation concealment ...... G-40 Figure G-51. Forest plot of serious adverse events for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-40


Figure G-52. Forest plot of serious adverse events for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, and in all trials with a followup of 24 weeks or longer ...... G-41 Figure G-53. Forest and funnel plots of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-42 Figure G-54. Funnel plots of difference in HDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-43 Figure G-55. Funnel plot of incidence of participants experiencing an adverse event, for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-43 Figure G-56. Funnel plot of incidence of withdrawal from treatment due to an adverse event, for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-44 Figure G-57. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-45 Figure G-58. Forest plot of serious adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-45 Figure G-59. Forest and funnel plots with Egger’s regression test, of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline, for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants ...... G-46 Figure G-60. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy ...... G-47 Figure G-61. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline, for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants with LDL-c above 190 mg/dL ...... G-47 Figure G-62. Funnel plot of treatment adherence on participants BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-48 Figure G-63. Funnel plot of participants with adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-48 Figure G-64. Funnel plot of participants withdrawing from treatment due to adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-49 Figure G-65. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for omega-3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants ...... G-50


Forest and Funnel Plots: Ezetimibe - Statin Combination Therapy Versus Statin Monotherapy

Figure G-1. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 13.33

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log Peto odds ratio


Figure G-2. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants in trials with adequate allocation concealment

I2 = 22.13

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log Peto odds ratio


Figure G-3. Forest and funnel plots of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 0

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2



Log Peto odds ratio


Figure 4. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering, trials with adequate allocation concealment

I2 = 0

Figure G-5. Forest plot of vascular death for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 0


Figure G-6. Forest and funnel plots of serious adverse events for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in trials 24 weeks or more duration

I2 = 55.78

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Figure G-7. Forest and funnel plots of serious adverse events for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 3.21

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio


Figure G-7 continued: Funnel plot of trials with followup longer than 6 months

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Figure G-8. Forest and funnel plots of participants attaining ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 92.63

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio





Standard Error Standard 0.4



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Log odds ratio


Figure G-9. Forest and funnel plots of participants attaining ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 89

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio





Standard Error Standard 0.4



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Log odds ratio


Figure G-10. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for lower dose ezetimibe plus simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 60.32

Figure G-11. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for lower dose ezetimibe plus simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses

I2 = 0


Figure G-12. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 97.23


Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means




6 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Figure G-13. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



2 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Figure G-14. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 94.33

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means




6 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Figure G-15. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 88.80


Figure G-16. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means




3 Standard Error



-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Difference in means


Figure G-17. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in trials with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2



Difference in means

Figure G-18. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2



Difference in means


Figure G-19. Funnel plot of difference in total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



2 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means

Figure G-20. Funnel plot of total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2


-20 -10 0 10 20

Difference in means


Figure G-21. Funnel plots of total cholesterol:HDL-c (ratio) difference in mean percentage change from baseline for ezetimibe plus statin compared with statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2


-20 -10 0 10 20

Difference in means

Figure G-22. Funnel plot of treatment adherence, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio


Figure G-23. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with at least one adverse event, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio

Figure G-24. Funnel plot of proportion of participants withdrawing from treatment due to an adverse event, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Figure G-25. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log Peto odds ratio

Figure G-26. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log Peto odds ratio


Figure G-27. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with AST and/or ALT above 3 times the upper limit of normal, and/or hepatitis, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants, in studies with fixed doses or fixed titration of doses

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log Peto odds ratio

Figure G-28. Funnel plot of proportion of participants experiencing myalgia, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio


Figure G-29. Funnel plot of proportion of participants with CPK above 10 times the upper limit of normal, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log Peto odds ratio



Standard Error Standard 2


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log Peto odds ratio


Figure G-30. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

I2 = 0

Figure G-31. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease

I2 = 0


Figure G-32. Forest and funnel plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

I2 = 90.94

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio





Standard Error Standard 0.4



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

Log odds ratio


Figure G-33. Forest and funnel plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease

I2 = 90.16

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio




0.3 Standard Error Standard



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio


Figure G-34. Forest plots of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in female participants

I2 = 87.38

Figure G-35. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with baseline LDL-c above 190 mg/dL

I2 = 0


Figure G-36. Forest and funnel plots of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

I2 = 92.70

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



2 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Figure G-37. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease

I2 = 92.89

Figure G-38. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants of African descent

I2 = 72.05


Figure G-39. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in female participants

I2 = 74.68

Figure G-40. Forest plot of LDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus lower dose simvastatin therapy compared with higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in female participants

I2 = 62.45


Figure G-41. Funnel plot of HDL-c difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



1.0 Standard Error Standard




Difference in means

Figure G-42. Funnel plot of total cholesterol:HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2


-20 -10 0 10 20

Difference in means


Figure G-43. Funnel plot of total non-HDL-c ratio difference in mean percentage change from baseline, for ezetimibe plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means



Standard Error Standard 2


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Forest and Funnel Plots: Fibrate - Statin Combination Therapy versus Statin Monotherapy Figure G-44. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 0

Figure G-45. Forest plot of achievement of ATP III LDL-c targets, for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, who required intensive lipid lowering therapy due to diabetes mellitus

I2 = 84.31


Figure G-46. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate- statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 82.22

Figure G-47. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate- statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 0


Figure G-48. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for fibrate- statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants with diabetes mellitus

I2 = 0

Figure G-49. Funnel plot of incidence of participants with myalgia, for fibrate-statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Forest and Funnel Plots: Niacin - Statin Combination Therapy Versus Statin Monotherapy

Figure G-50. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, in all trials with followup of 24 weeks or longer, and in all trials with adequate allocation concealment

I2 = 0

Figure G-51. Forest plot of serious adverse events for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 0


Figure G-52. Forest plot of serious adverse events for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants, and in all trials with a followup of 24 weeks or longer

I2 = 0


Figure G-53. Forest and funnel plots of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 85

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means






5 Standard Error Standard




-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means


Figure G-54. Funnel plots of difference in HDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means




3 Standard Error Standard



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Difference in means

Figure G-55. Funnel plot of incidence of participants experiencing an adverse event, for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



0.4 Standard Error Standard



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Figure G-56. Funnel plot of incidence of withdrawal from treatment due to an adverse event, for niacin plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error Standard




Log odds ratio


Forest and Funnel Plots: Bile Acid Sequestrant (BAS) - Statin Combination Therapy versus Statin Monotherapy Figure G-57. Forest plot of all-cause mortality for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 0

Figure G-58. Forest plot of serious adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 0


Figure G-59. Forest and funnel plots with Egger’s regression test, of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline, for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy in all participants

I2 = 87.98

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Difference in means





Standard Error Standard 4



-20 -10 0 10 20

Difference in means


Figure G-60. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants requiring intensive lipid lowering therapy

I2 = 88.84

Figure G-61. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline, for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in participants with LDL-c above 190 mg/dL

I2 = 89.61


Figure G-62. Funnel plot of treatment adherence on participants BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio




0.6 Standard Error Standard



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio

Figure G-63. Funnel plot of participants with adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio





Standard Error Standard 0.4



-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log odds ratio


Figure G-64. Funnel plot of participants withdrawing from treatment due to adverse events for BAS plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Log odds ratio



1.0 Standard Error



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Log odds ratio


Forest Plot: Omega-3 Fatty Acid - Statin Combination Therapy versus Statin Monotherapy Figure G-65. Forest plot of difference in LDL-c mean percentage change from baseline for omega- 3 fatty acid plus statin therapy compared with statin monotherapy, in all participants

I2 = 0


Appendix H: GRADE Tables, Assessing the Evidence The following is compiled from GRADEProfiler software (version 3.2) and reproduced with permission, for convenience of the reader. A handbook with all recommendations can be found in: Schünemann H, Brozek J, Oxman A, editors. GRADE handbook for grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendation. Version 3.2 [updated March 2008]. The GRADE Working Group, 2008. Available from http://www.cc-ims.net/gradepro. GRADE Working Group: Grades of Evidence High quality: Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect. Moderate quality: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate. Low quality: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate. Very low quality: We are very uncertain about the estimate. GRADE Working Group: Rating the Quality of Evidence

Limitations to Evidence

Parameters Rated as NO limitation Rated as SERIOUS Rated as limitation VERY SERIOUS limitation Limitation in design Inconsistency This may downgrade the This may downgrade the Indirectness Negligible limitation quality of evidence by 1 quality of evidence by 2 Imprecision level levels Publication bias

Explanation of Parameters Parameter 1: Limitations to design of randomized controlled trials Limitation Explanation Lack of allocation Those enrolling patients are aware of the group to which the next enrolled patient will be concealment allocated (major problem in “pseudo” or “quasi” randomized trials with allocation by day of week, birth date, chart number etc.) Lack of blinding Patient, caregivers, those recording outcomes, those adjudicating outcomes, or data analysts are aware of the arm to which patients are allocated Incomplete accounting of Loss to follow-up and failure to adhere to the intention to treat principle when indicated patients and outcome events Selective outcome Reporting of some outcomes and not others on the basis of the results reporting Other limitations For example: • stopping early for benefit observed in randomized trials, in particular in the absence of adequate stopping rules • use of unvalidated patient-reported outcomes • carry-over effects in cross-over trials • recruitment bias in cluster-randomized trials


Parameter 2: Inconsistency of results or unexplained heterogeneity When heterogeneity exists, but investigators fail to identify a plausible explanation, the quality of evidence should be downgraded by one or two levels, depending on the magnitude of the inconsistency in the results. Inconsistency may arise from differences in: • populations (e.g. drugs may have larger relative effects in sicker populations) • interventions (e.g. larger effects with higher drug doses) • outcomes (e.g. diminishing treatment effect with time).

Parameter 3: Indirectness of evidence (note: Indirect comparisons were not made in the present work) 1. Indirect comparison – occurs when a comparisons of intervention A versus B is not available, but A was compared with C and B was compared with C. Such studies allow indirect comparisons of the magnitude of effect of A versus B. Such evidence is of lower quality than head-to-head comparisons of A and B would provide. 2. Indirect population, intervention, comparator, or outcome – the question being addressed by the guideline panel or by the authors of a systematic review is different from the available evidence regarding the population, intervention, comparator, or an outcome.

Parameter 4: Imprecision of results [dichotomous outcomes] GRADE Working Group suggest downgrading the quality of evidence for any of the following three reasons: 1. total (cumulative) sample size is lower than the calculated “optimal information size” (OIS). OIS represents the number of patients generated by a conventional sample size calculation specifying a particular alpha and beta error, relative risk reduction, and baseline event rate. 2. total number of events is less than 300. 3. 95% confidence interval (or alternative estimate of precision) around the pooled or best estimate of effect includes both negligible effect and appreciable benefit or appreciable harm. GRADE suggests that threshold for "appreciable benefit" or "appreciable harm" that should be considered for downgrading is a relative risk reduction (RRR) or relative risk increase (RRI) greater than 25%.

Parameter 5: Publication bias Publication bias arises when investigators fail to report studies they have undertaken (typically those that show no effect). Methods to detect the possibility of publication bias in systematic reviews exist, although authors of the reviews must often guess about the likelihood of publication bias. A prototypical situation that should elicit suspicion of publication bias occurs


when published evidence is limited to a small number of trials, all of which are showing benefits of the studied intervention.

The following abbreviations apply to all GRADE tables in Appendix H: ATP III LDL-c goals = Adult Treatment Panel low density lipoprotein cholesterol goals (of the National Cholesterol Education Program), OR = odds ratio, BAS = Bile acid sequestrants, CI = confidence interval, LDL-c = low density lipoprotein cholesterol, HC = hypercholesterolemia, CAD = coronary artery diseases, CHD = coronary heart diseases, T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus

Operationalization of Parameters Parameters Rated as NO Rated as SERIOUS limitation Rated as limitation VERY SERIOUS limitation Limitation in • Adequate Not all parameters were fulfilled, All parameters were unclear or design allocation although some studies reported inadequate concealment adequate allocation concealment or • Adequate blinding blinding or ITT procedure • Intention-to-treat analysis Inconsistency • No substantial • Not all parameters were Diverse population and Substantial heterogeneity (I- fulfilled. For example, although statistical heterogeneity squared 50% or analysis could be pooled for a less) common drug effect, • Populations in populations were clinically need of intensive diverse treatment and • Analysis of various doses and subgroups statins were considered • Evidence-based on inconsistent a single study Indirectness • All studies were • Analysis of various statin Not used in the current review direct comparative doses trials • Analysis in populations other • Populations in than in need of intensive need of intensive treatment or subgroups treatment and subgroups Imprecision 95% confidence • Wide 95% confidence interval Very wide 95% confidence interval interval around the (or alternative estimate of (or alternative estimate of pooled data (or single precision) around the pooled or precision) around the pooled or estimate) was precise best estimate of effect and best estimate of effect and including both negligible effect including both negligible effect and and appreciable benefit or appreciable benefit or appreciable appreciable harm harm • No events reported in a particular outcome • If data not pooled and total number of events on evaluable participants were less than 300 Publication Evidence based in Evidence is limited to 10 or fewer Evidence based in more than 10 bias more than 10 trials trials limiting interpretation of trials with significant Egger’s test with nonsignificant publication bias for asymmetry Egger’s test

Parameters not used


Limitation in Selective reporting outcome and/or other limitations – as it was not collected in our review design Inconsistency Outcomes were given the same strength, as we decided in 3 clinical outcomes and 1 surrogate outcome judge to be as relevant as the clinical outcomes Indirectness Outcomes were given the same strength, as we decided in 3 clinical outcomes and 1 surrogate outcome judge to be as relevant as the clinical outcomes Imprecision Total sample size being lower that the calculated OIS


GRADE: Ezetimibe-Statin Combination Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy

Table H-1. GRADE: Ezetimibe-lower dose simvastatin combination therapy versus higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Lower dose simvastatin- higher dose Relative Importance No of Other Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision ezetimibe simvastatin (95% Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 12-24 weeks) 2 randomised very no serious no serious very reporting bias1 not not VERY 0/214 (0%) 0/225 (0%) CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency2 indirectness serious1 pooled pooled LOW Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none 0/0 (0%) 0/0 (0%) - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 12-24 weeks) 3 randomised very serious5 no serious very reporting bias4 198/256 188/396 not not VERY 3 4 5 IMPORTANT

H-5 trial serious indirectness serious (77.3%) (47.5%) pooled pooled LOW 1 Two trials reporting no deaths during a 12-24 weeks followup.121,151 One of the trials reported an appropriate method of randomization,151 no trial described method of allocation concealment, double-blind procedure and intention-to-treat analysis. 2 Participants with T2DM on stable medication, some of whom had previously completed a simvastatin trial, with LDL-c > 100 mg/dl 3 Fixed and/or conditional titration 4 Three trials included.47,121,151 One 12-week trial described appropriate method of randomization, and performed an intention-to-treat analysis for ATP III target outcome.151 None of the trials described double-blind procedure. Participants required intensive lipid-lowering therapy because of T2DM121,151 and/or CHD risk equivalent.47,151 5 Data could not be pooled because of significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 60%)

Table H-2. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 6-24 ) 1 fewer OR 0.61 per 1000 randomised 6/3122 VERY 141 serious1,2 serious2 serious2 serious3 none 9/3153 (0.3%) (0.22 to (from 2 CRITICAL trial (0.2%) LOW 1.71) fewer to 2 more) Vascular death (follow-up mean 96 weeks) 3 more OR 1.98 per 1000 randomised no serious VERY 1 serious4 serious4 serious4 reporting bias4 2/357 (0.6%) 1/363 (0.3%) (0.21 to (from 2 CRITICAL trial inconsistency LOW 19.14)5 fewer to 51 more) Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 6-24 weeks) H-6 randomised 3509/4265 1833/3466 not not VERY 18 serious6 very serious6,7 serious6 serious7 none IMPORTANT trial (82.3%) (52.9%) pooled pooled LOW 1 Seven trials reported no deaths.114,116,121,140,151,159,193 2 One long-term 121 and 13 short-term trials comparing different statins and different doses were included; funnel plot did not show significant asymetry.114-116,118,140,142- 144,149,151,159,193,194 Six trials reported adequate allocation concealment,118,144,149,159,193,194 four reported an appropriate double-blind procedure,114-116,159 and one reported intention-to- treat analyses.140 3 Wide confidence intervals in each single trial and pooled data 4 Single 96 weeks study comparing same dose statin in both arms. 42 Study reported adequate allocation concealment and three vascular deaths.42 Double-blind, and intention-to- treat analysis procedures were not reported.42 5 Peto OR 6 Eighteen short-term trials comparing different statins and different doses were included; funnel plot did not show significant asymetry.47,112,114-118,121,140,142,144,148,149,151,167,168,193,194 Seven trials reported an adequate allocation concealment,117,118,144,148,149,193,194 four appropriate double-blind procedure,114-116,148 and four reported intention-to-treat analyses140,148,151,168 7 Results not pooled because of significant heterogeneity (I-squared 90%). Participants required intensive lipid-lowering therapy because of primary HC (8 studies), HC with CAD (3 studies), CHD risk equivalent (3 studies), and DM (4 studies)

Table H-3. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants with baseline LDL-c > 190 mg/dL Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Vascular death (follow-up mean 96 weeks) 3 more OR 1.98 per 1000 randomised no serious 1 serious1 serious1 serious1 reporting bias1 2/357 (0.6%) 1/363 (0.3%) (0.21 to (from 2 VERY CRITICAL trial inconsistency 19.14)2 fewer to LOW 51 more) Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - IMPORTANT 1 Single 96 weeks study comparing same dose statin in both arms. 42 Study reported adequate allocation concealment and three vascular deaths.42 Double-blind, and intention-to- treat analysis procedures were not reported.42 2 Peto OR


Table H-4. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 6-24 weeks) 2 fewer OR 0.40 per 1000 randomised 2/1509 VERY 6 serious1 serious1 serious1 serious2 reporting bias1 4/1507 (0.3%) (0.08 to (from 3 CRITICAL trial (0.1%) LOW 2.09) fewer to 3 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 6-24 weeks) randomised 2055/2474 1074/1866 not VERY 9 serious3 very serious3,4 serious3 serious4 reporting bias3 not pooled IMPORTANT trial (83.1%) (57.6%) pooled LOW 1 A 24-week trial with unclear allocation concealment, double-blind procedure and no intention-to-treat analysis reported no deaths.121 Data from five 6-12 week trials reporting 6 deaths were pooled.118,144,149,193,194 All 6-12 week trials reported adequate allocation concealment, none reported double-blind procedure or intention-to-treat analysis. Included trials compared different statins and different doses. H-8 2 Wide confidence intervals in each single trial and pooled data 3 Nine 6-24 week trials comparing different statins and different doses were included.115,117,118,121,144,149,167,193,194 Six trials reported adequate allocation concealment,117,118,144,193,194,259 one reported appropriate double-blind procedure,115 and none performed intention-to-treat analysis. 4 Short-term trials with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 91%)

Table H-5. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 6-12 weeks) 2 fewer OR 0.66 per 1000 randomised VERY 6 serious1 serious1 serious1 serious2 reporting bias1 4/970 (0.4%) 6/993 (0.6%) (0.19 to (from 5 CRITICAL trial LOW 2.31) fewer to 8 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 6-12 weeks) randomised 785/956 346/966 not VERY 6 serious3 very serious3,4 serious3 serious4 reporting bias4 not pooled IMPORTANT trial (82.1%) (35.8%) pooled LOW 1 Six short-term trials comparing different statins and different doses were included,114-116,140,143,149 three trials reported no deaths.114,116,140 One trial reported adequate allocation concealment,149 three reported appropriate double-blind procedure,114-116 and one performed intention-to-treat analysis.140 2 Wide confidence intervals in each single trial and pooled data. H-9 3 Six short-term trials comparing different statins and different doses were included,114-116,140,149,168 three trials reported no deaths.114,116,140 One trial reported adequate allocation concealment,149 three reported appropriate double-blind procedure,114-116 and two performed intention-to-treat analysis.140,168 4 All studies favored combination therapy, however, due to significant heterogeneity (I-squared 72%) data was not pooled.

Table H-6. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants of African descent Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up mean 12 weeks) randomised no serious very VERY 1 serious1,2 serious2 reporting bias1 0/124 (0%) 0/123 (0%) - - CRITICAL trial1 inconsistency serious1 LOW Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up mean 6 weeks) 437 more OR 3.47 per 1000 randomised very no serious no serious VERY 1 serious3 reporting bias3 85/135 (63%) 24/73 (32.9%) (1.9 to (from 201 IMPORTANT trial serious3 inconsistency imprecision LOW 6.33) more to 683 more) 1 A single RCT with no deaths in combination or monotherapy was identified111 2 A 12 week trial comparing the same dose of simvastatin in both arms, with an adequate allocation concealment and double-blind procedure, no intention-to-treat analysis111 3 Data from a sub-group population of a single 6 weeks trial comparing mixed statins in combination and monotherapy.117 Main RCT with adequate allocation concealment; H-10 double blind procedure not described, no intention-to-treat analysis performed.117

Table H-7. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination versus statins monotherapy in participants of Hispanic descent Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up mean 6 weeks) 576 more OR 7.82 per 1000 randomised very no serious 46/71 1 serious1 serious reporting bias1 8/42 (19%) (3.14 to (from 271 VERY IMPORTANT trial serious1 inconsistency (64.8%) 19.45) more to LOW 854 more) 1 Data from a sub-group population of a single 6 weeks trial comparing mixed statins in combination and monotherapy.117 Main RCT with adequate allocation concealment; double blind procedure not described, no intention-to-treat analysis performed.117


Table H-8. GRADE: Ezetimibe-statin combination versus statins monotherapy in female participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision statin Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) combination All cause-mortality (follow-up 4-12 weeks) 1 fewer OR 0.95 per 1000 randomised very VERY 2 serious1 serious1 serious1 reporting bias1 1/72 (1.4%) 1/56 (1.8%) (0.06 to (from 17 CRITICAL trial serious1,2 LOW 15.75) fewer to 208 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 6-12 weeks) randomised very very 74/96 not VERY 2 very serious3,4 serious3 reporting bias3 30/93 (32.3%) not pooled IMPORTANT trial serious3 serious4 (77.1%) pooled LOW 1 Data analyzed is a sub-group of the whole trial population. A 4-week trial described adequate allocation concealment, double blind procedure and performed intention-to-treat analysis.169 A 12-week trial described an adequate allocation concealment, but did not report double-blind procedure or performed intention-to-treat analysis.149 Trials compared different statins and different statin doses. 2 Wide confidence interval. H-12 3 A sub-group of two trials provided data for this outcome.114,149 One trial described an appropriate allocation concealment,149 one described an appropriate double-blind procedure,114 and none performed an intention-to-treat analysis. Trials compared different statins and different statin doses. 4 Data could not be pooled because of significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 87%)

Table H-9. GRADE: Ezetimibe-lower dose simvastatin combination therapy versus higher dose simvastatin monotherapy in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Lower dose simvastatin- higher dose Importance No of Other Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision ezetimibe simvastatin Absolute studies considerations (95% CI) combination monotherapy therapy 11 All cause mortality (follow-up 4-24 weeks) randomised very not not VERY 3 serious1,2 serious2 serious2 reporting bias1 0/248 (0%) 0/291 (0%) CRITICAL trial serious1 pooled pooled LOW Vascular death (follow-up mean 12 weeks) 0 more OR 8.05 per 1000 randomised no serious no serious very VERY 1 serious3 reporting bias3 1/119 (0.8%) 0/123 (0%) (0.16 to (from 0 CRITICAL trial inconsistency indirectness serious4 LOW 407.27)5 fewer to 0 more) Serious adverse events (follow-up 4-24 weeks) 20 more OR 1.64 per 1000 H-13 randomised no serious VERY 3 serious6 serious7 serious4 reporting bias6 31/530 (5.8%) 13/397 (3.3%) (0.85 to (from 5 CRITICAL trial indirectness LOW 3.19) fewer to 66 more) Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 12-24 weeks) randomised very no serious very 198/256 188/396 not not VERY 3 serious9,10 reporting bias8 IMPORTANT trial serious8 indirectness serious10 (77.3%) (47.5%) pooled pooled LOW 1 Three 4-24 week trials were included and reported no deaths.121,151,169 Two trials described an appropriate method of randomization.151,169 One 4-week trial described adequate allocation concealment, double-blind procedure, and reported an intention-to-treat analysis.169 2 Two trials reported that all participants diagnosed with T2DM on stable medication.121,151 In the third trial, participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk, with primary hyperlipidemia (LDL-c >=130 mg/dL) not controlled on simvastatin 20 mg/day.169 3 One 12 week trial reported one vascular death.130 This trial had an adequate allocation concealment and double-blind procedure, and did not perform an intention-to-treat analysis. However, only 2 of the 8 arms in this trial contributed data for this outcome130 4 Wide confidence interval. 5 Peto OR 6 Three 4-24 week trials were included.47,121,169 One 4 week trial described adequate allocation concealment, double-blind procedure, and reported an intention-to-treat analysis.169 All participants required intensive lipid-lowering therapy because of T2DM121 or CHD risk equivalent.47,151 7 One trial reported that all participants diagnosed with T2DM on stable medication.121 In two trials, participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk.47,169 8 Three trials included.47,121,151 One 12-week trial described adequate allocation concealment, and performed an intention-to-treat analysis.151 None of the trials described appropriate double-blind procedure. All participants required intensive lipid-lowering therapy because of T2DM121,151 or CHD risk equivalent.47,151 9 Two trials reported that all participants diagnosed with T2DM on stable medication.121,151 In one trial, participants of mixed 10 year CHD risk.47 10 Data could not be pooled because of significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 60%) 11 Fixed and/or conditional titration

Table H-10. GRADE - Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants followed for more than 24 weeks Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 24-52 weeks) 0 more OR 7.51 per 1000 randomised very very VERY 4 Serious1,2 Serious1 reporting bias1 3/942 (0.3%) 0/486 (0%) (0.38 to (from 0 CRITICAL trial serious1 serious2 LOW 147.37) fewer to 0 more) Vascular death (follow-up 96 weeks) 3 more OR 1.98 per 1000 randomised no serious no serious no serious very VERY 1 reporting bias3 2/357 (0.6%) 1/363 (0.3%) (0.21 to (from 2 CRITICAL trial limitations3 inconsistency indirectness serious3 LOW 19.14) fewer to 51 more) Serious adverse events (follow-up 24-52 weeks) H-14 randomised 137/1329 not not VERY 6 serious4 serious4,5,6 serious4 serious6 reporting bias4 54/564 (9.6%) CRITICAL trial (10.3%) pooled pooled LOW Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - IMPORTANT 1 Four 24-52 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,48,121,126,166 3 reported no deaths.48,121,126 Two trials reported an adequate allocation concealment,48,166 one described an appropriate double-blind procedure,48 and one trial performed an intention-to-treat analysis.166 2 Results based on 3 deaths, and only one trial with analyzable data166 In this trial, participants were diagnosed with renal disease and without definitive indication for cholesterol lowering 3 A 96 week trial reporting 3 vascular deaths comparing same dose statin in both arms was included.42 This trial reported an adequate allocation concealment and appropriate double-blind procedure, no intention-to-treat analysis was performed.42 All participants with familial hypercholesterolemia and LDL-c > 210 mg/dl. 4 Six trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included.48,121,126,130,166,167. Three trials described adequate allocation concealment,48,130,166 and one trial described intention-to-treat analysis166. An appropriate procedure for double-blinding was not described. 5 Participants of mixed risk in four trials,48,126,130,166 primary hypercholestromia,167 or T2DM on stable medication.121 6 Results not pooled because of significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 56%)

Table H-11. GRADE - Ezetimibe-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Ezetimibe- Relative Importance No of Other statin statin Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision (95% Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 2-52 weeks) 0 fewer OR 0.95 per 1000 randomised VERY 24 serious1 Serious1,2 serious1 serious2 none 9/7867 (0.1%) 9/6540 (0.1%) (0.37 to (from 1 CRITICAL trial LOW 2.41)3 fewer to 1 more) Vascular death (follow-up 12-96 weeks) 3 more OR 2.70 per 1000 randomised very very VERY 2 serious5 serious5 reporting bias4 3/596 (0.5%) 1/600 (0.2%) (0.38 to (from 1 CRITICAL trial serious4 serious4 LOW 19.2)3 fewer to 35 more) Serious adverse events (follow-up 4-52) 3 more H-15 OR 1.08 per 1000 randomised no serious 192/6369 VERY 27 serious6 serious6 serious6 none 297/7094(4.2%) (0.88 to (from 1 CRITICAL trial imprecision (3%) LOW 1.33) fewer to 35 more) Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c goals (follow-up 6-24 weeks) randomised Very 6992/8646 4337/7298 not not VERY 23 serious7 serious7 serious9 none IMPORTANT trial serious7,8,9 (80.9%) (59.4%) pooled pooled LOW 1 Twenty four 2-52 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included; funnel plot did not show significant asymetry 48,110,111,114-118,121,126,127,129,140,142- 144,149,151,158,159,166,169,193,194 16 trials reported no deaths.48,110,111,114,116,117,121,126,127,129,140,151,158,159,169,193 Eight trials described an adequate allocation concealment,118,144,149,158,159,166,169,194 4 trials described an appropriate double-blind procedure,115,158,159,169 and 5 trials performed an intention-to-treat analysis.110,151,166,169,187 2 Results based on mixed population with scarce number of deaths (18 in total), and all but one trial166 had a short-term follow up. 3 Peto OR 4 Two 12-96 week trials reported 4 vascular deaths.42,130 Both studies reported an adequate allocation concealment, but did not describe an appropriate double-blind procedure, nor performed an intention-to-treat analysis. 5 One short-term trial was performed in a mixed risk population,130 and one long-term trial in participants with familial hypercholesterolemia and LDL-c > 210 mg/dl.42 All trials have used simvastatin with different doses. 6 Twenty seven 2-52 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included; funnel plot did not show significant asymetry47,48,110-112,114- 116,118,121,126,130,140,142-144,149,151,154,156,158,159,166-169,193 Three trials did not report any SAEs.110,158,168 Twelve trials described an adequate allocation concealment,48,111,118,130,144,149,154,158,159,166,169,193 9 trials described appropriate double-blind procedure,48,111,114-116,154,158,159,169 and 6 trials described intention-to-treat analysis110,140,156,166,168,169 7 23 short-term trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included; funnel plot did not show significant asymetry.47,112,114- 118,121,126,127,129,130,140,142,144,148,149,151,156,167,168,193,194 9 trials described adequate allocation concealment,117,118,127,130,144,148,149,193,194 4 trials described appropriate double-blind procedure,114-116,148 and 7 trials described intention-to-treat analysis127,129,140,148,151,156,168 8 Participants with mixed risk: vascular disease,112 CAD,114-116,140, not ATP III target,117,118,167, CHD risk equivalent,47,142 DM.121,144,151,156,194, and primary hypecholeterolemia.126,127,129,130,148,149,168,193 9 Results based only on short-term trials, with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 93%)

GRADE: Fibrate-Statin Combination Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy

Table H-12. GRADE: Fenofibrate (67 mg/day)-Rosuvastatin (5-10 mg/day) combination therapy versus rosuvastatin (40 mg/day) in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Fenofibrate (67 mg/day)- rosuvastatin rosuvastatin Relative Importance No of Other Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision (5-10 (40 mg/day) (95% Absolute studies considerations mg/day) monotherapy CI) combination therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 18 weeks) 11 fewer per 1000 OR 0.46 randomised very no serious no serious very (from 18 1 reporting bias2 1/113 (0.9%) 1/53 (1.9%) (0.03 to VERY CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency indirectness serious1,2 fewer to 7.57) LOW H-16 109 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse events - not reported 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 18 weeks) 358 fewer per 1000 OR 0.49 randomised very no serious no serious very 83/113 (from 630 1 reporting bias2 43/50 (86%) (0.2 to VERY IMPORTANT trial serious1 inconsistency indirectness serious1,2 (73.5%) fewer to 1.22) LOW 121 more) 1 Single study with unclear allocation concealment, no intention-to-treat analysis reported, short-term follow-up, and very sparse number of events.125 2 Only one of the 11 included trials compared lower dose statin combination with higher dose monotherapy. All participants were diagnosed with T2DM.125

Table H-13. Fibrate-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect all Importance No of Other statins statins Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations plus monotherapy (95% CI) fibrates All cause mortality (follow-up 18 weeks) 10 fewer OR 0.46 per 1000 randomised very no serious no serious very 1/113 VERY 1 reporting bias1 1/53 (1.9%) (0.03 to (from 18 CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency indirectness serious1 (0.9%) LOW 7.57) fewer to 109 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 52 weeks) randomised very no serious very 0/25 VERY 1 serious2 reporting bias2 0/23 (0%) - - CRITICAL trial serious2 inconsistency serious2 (0%) LOW Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 18-24 weeks)

randomised very 5 3 very 6 124/153 not VERY 2 3 serious serious 5 reporting bias 75/90 (83.3%) not pooled IMPORTANT

H-17 trial serious serious (81%) pooled LOW 1 Single study with unclear allocation concealment, no intention-to-treat analysis reported, short-term follow-up, and very sparse number of events.125 All participants on the study had DM. 2 Single study comparing same dose of fluvastatin in both arms, with unclear allocation concealment, no intention-to-treat analysis reported. No SAEs were reported. 123. 3 Two trials comparing different statins and different doses were included,125,161 none reported adequate allocation concealment or an appropriate double-blind procedure, one reported intention-to-treat analyses.161 4 All participants in both trials had diabetes mellitus.125,161 5 Results based on two short-term trials, with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 84%) 6 Results provided in only two out of 11 included trials.

Table H-14. GRADE: Fibrate-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants with diabetes mellitus Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect statins Importance No of Other statins Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision plus Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) fibrates All cause mortality (follow-up 18 weeks) 10 fewer OR 0.46 per 1000 randomised very no serious no serious very 1/113 VERY 1 reporting bias1 1/53 (1.9%) (0.03 to (from 18 CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency indirectness serious1,2 (0.9%) LOW 7.57) fewer to 109 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 18-24 weeks) randomised very very 124/153 not VERY 2 Serious4 serious3 reporting bias5 75/90 (83.3%) not pooled IMPORTANT trial serious3 serious4 (81%) pooled LOW 1 Single study with unclear allocation concealment, no intention-to-treat analysis reported, short-term follow-up, and very sparse number of events.125 2 Wide confidence interval. 3 Two trials comparing different statins and different doses were included,125,161 none reported adequate allocation concealment or an appropriate double-blind procedure, one reported intention-to-treat analyses.161 H-18 4 Results based on two short-term trials, with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 84%) 5 Results provided in only two out of 11 included trials

Table H-15. GRADE - Fibrate-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants followed for more than 24 weeks Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Fibrate- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 48-92 weeks) randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious1 reporting bias1 0/14 (0%) 0/13 (0%) - - CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency serious1 LOW Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 52 weeks) randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious2 reporting bias2 0/25 (0%) 0/23 (0%) - - CRITICAL trial serious2 inconsistency serious2 LOW Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 24 weeks) 1000 more per OR 9.75 1000 randomised very no serious no serious 39/40 VERY 1 serious3 reporting bias3 32/40 (80%) (1.16 to (from 84 IMPORTANT trial serious3 inconsistency imprecision (97.5%) LOW

H-19 82.11) more to 1000 more) 1 Single 48-92 week trial same dose of pravastatin in both arms, reported no deaths.188 The study described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure and no intention-to-treat analysis was reported.188 2 Single 52 week trial comparing same dose of fluvastatin in both arms, reported no SAEs.123 The study described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure and performed an intention-to-treat analysis.123 3 Single 24 week trial comparing same dose of atorvastatin in both arms was included.161 The study described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure and performed an intention-to-treat analysis.161

Table H-16. GRADE - Fibrate-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect any Importance No of Other statins statins Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations plus monotherapy (95% CI) fibrates All cause mortality (follow-up 12-92 weeks) 11 fewer OR 0.28 per 1000 randomised very very 1/202 VERY 3 Serious1,2 Serious1,2 reporting bias4 2/137 (1.5%) (0.03 to (from 15 CRITICAL trial serious1 serious3 (0.5%) LOW 2.97)5 fewer to 28 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 12-52 weeks) 4 more per OR 1.2 randomised 12/428 1000 (from VERY 2 serious6 serious6,7 serious6 serious7 reporting bias7 5/224 (2.2%) (0.42 to CRITICAL

H-20 trial (2.8%) 13 fewer to LOW 3.46) 50 more) Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 18-24 weeks) randomised very very very 124/153 not VERY 2 serious8 reporting bias11 75/90 (83.3%) not pooled IMPORTANT trial serious8 serious8,9,10. serious10 (81%) pooled LOW 1 Three 12-92 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,125,134,188 one trial reported no deaths.188 All trials described an unclear allocation concealment and did not perform intention-to-treat analysis, one trial described an appropriate double-blind procedure.134 2 Participants in two trials diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and DM.125,188 No specific risk reported in a third trial.134 3 Wide confidence intervals (individual trials and pooled data). 4 Only 3 out of 11 included trials provided data on all cause mortality 5 Peto OR 6 Two trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,120,123 but one reported no serious adverse events.123 One trial reported an adequate allocation concealment,120 and one trial reported and appropriate double-blind procedure and performed an intention-to-treat analysis.123 7 Data analyzed for a single study on which participants had hypercholestoremia.120 8 Two trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,125,161 none reported adequate allocation concealment or an appropriate double-blind procedure, one reported intention-to-treat analyses.161 9 All participants in both trials had diabetes mellitus.125,161 10 Results based on two short-term trials, with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 84%) 11 Results provided in only two out of 11 included trials

GRADE: Niacin-Statin Combination Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy

Table H-17. GRADE: Niacin-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Niacin-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 52 weeks) 11 more OR 1.84 per 1000 randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious1 reporting bias1 2/78 (2.6%) 1/71 (1.4%) (0.16 to (from 12 CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency2 serious1 LOW 20.76) fewer to 215 more) Vascular death (follow-up 12 weeks)

randomised very no serious very 1 serious3 reporting bias3 0/27 (0%) 0/27 (0%) - - VERY CRITICAL trial serious3 inconsistency2 serious3 LOW H-21 Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 16 weeks) 185 more OR 1.51 per 1000 randomised very no serious very 21/32 1 serious4 reporting bias4 19/34 (55.9%) (0.56 to (from 205 VERY IMPORTANT trial serious4 inconsistency serious5 (65.6%) 4.08) fewer to LOW 699 more) 1 Single study comparing mixed statins in both arms, with adequate allocation concealment and double-blind procedure, no intention-to-treat analysis reported, long-term follow- up, and 3 deaths196 2 All participants had established vascular diseases 3 Single study comparing mixed statins in both arms, with unclear allocation concealment and double-blind procedure, no intention-to-treat analysis reported, short-term follow- up, and reporting no deaths197 4 One 16 week trial comparing different statins and different doses was included.49 This trial described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure, and no intention-to-treat analysis.49 5 Wide confidence interval.

Table H-18. GRADE: Niacin-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants with established vascular disease Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Niacin-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 52 weeks) 11 more OR 1.84 per 1000 randomised no serious no serious very 1 serious1 reporting bias1 2/78 (2.6%) 1/71 (1.4%) (0.16 to (from 12 VERY CRITICAL trial limitations1 inconsistency serious1 20.76) fewer to LOW 215 more) Vascular death (follow-up 12 weeks)

randomised very no serious very 1 serious2 reporting bias2 0/27 (0%) 0/27 (0%) - - VERY CRITICAL trial serious2 inconsistency serious2 LOW Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 16 weeks) 185 more

H-22 OR 1.51 per 1000 randomised very no serious very 21/32 1 serious3 reporting bias3 19/34 (55.9%) (0.56 to (from 205 VERY IMPORTANT trial serious3 inconsistency serious4 (65.6%) 4.08) fewer to LOW 699 more) 1 One 52 week trial comparing mixed statins in both arms, reported 3 deaths.196 The trial reported an adequate allocation concealment and appropriate double-blind procedure, and did not perform an intention-to-treat analysis.196 2 One 12 week trial comparing mixed statins in both arms, with unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure, and no description of intention-to-treat analysis reported no vascular death.197 3 One 16 week trial comparing different statins and different doses was included.49 This trial described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure, and no intention-to-treat analysis.49 4 Wide confidence interval.

Table H-19. GRADE : Niacin-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants followed for more than 24 weeks Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Niacin-Statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 24-52 weeks) 0 more OR 1.08 per 1000 randomised 4 serious 1 serious1,2 serious 1 serious3 reporting bias1 3/595 (0.5%) 2/365 (0.5%) (0.17 to (from -4 VERY CRITICAL trial 6.72) fewer to LOW 28 more) Vascular death (followup 28 weeks) 7 fewer OR 0.53 per 1000 randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious4 reporting bias4 1/114 (0.9%) 1/61 (1.6%) (0.03 to (from 16 CRITICAL trial serious4 inconsistency serious4,3 LOW 8.64) fewer to 108 more) Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 24-28 weeks) 0 fewer OR 1.00 per 1000

H-23 randomised 3 serious 5 serious 5 serious 5 serious3 reporting bias5 6/517 (1.2%) 3/294 (1%) (0.26 to (from 7 VERY CRITICAL trial 3.86) fewer to LOW 28 more) Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - IMPORTANT 1 Four 24-52 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses reported this outcome. 105,150,171,196 Three trials reported an adequate allocation concealment,105,171,196 two had an appropriate double-blind procedure, 105,196 and intention-to-treat analysis was not performed. 2 In one study participants were diagnosed with coronary artery disease and LDL-c < 130 mg/dL,196 participants in the second trial had hyperlipidemia and were statin naive.105 3 Wide confidence interval. 4 One included trial comparing same dose of lovastatin in both arms, reported an unclear allocation concealment, an appropriate double-blind procedure and performed intention- to-treat analysis.128 5 Three 24-28 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses reported 9 SAEs during follow up.105,150,171 Two trials described an adequate allocation concealment and an appropriate double-blind procedure,105,171 none of the trials performed an intention-to-treat analysis.

Table H-20. GRADE: Niacin -statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Niacin-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 17-52 weeks1) 0 more OR 1.08 per 1000 randomised very 6 serious1,2 serious2 serious2 reporting bias2 3/755 (0.4%) 2/458 (0.4%) (0.17 to (from 3 VERY CRITICAL trial serious2 6.72) fewer to LOW 22 more) Vascular death (follow-up 12-28 weeks) 5 fewer OR 0.53 per 1000 randomised very 2 serious3 serious3 serious3 reporting bias3 1/141 (0.7%) 1/88 (1.1%) (0.03 to (from 11 VERY CRITICAL trial serious3,4 8.64) fewer to LOW 77 more) Serious Adverse Events (all trials) (follow-up 17-28 weeks) H-24 3 more OR 1.29 per 1000 randomised 12/677 5 serious5 serious5,6 serious5,6 serious4 reporting bias5 4/387 (1%) (0.44 to (from 6 VERY CRITICAL trial (1.8%) 3.80) fewer to LOW 27 more) Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up mean 16 weeks)

randomised very very 78/105 78/117 not 1 very serious7,8 serious7,8 reporting bias7 not pooled VERY IMPORTANT trial serious7 serious7,8 (74.3%) (66.7%) pooled LOW 1 Only the two long-term studies contributed data to the pooled analysis.105,196 2 Six 17-52 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses reported this outcome.104,105,150,170,171,196 Four reported no events.104,150,170,171 Two long-term trials reported 5 deaths.105,196. Four trials described an adequate allocation concealment,104,105,171,196 3 reported an appropriate double-blind procedure,104,105,196 and none performed intention-to-treat analysis. 3 Two trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,128,197 one trial reported no vascular death.197 Both trials reported an unclear allocation concealment, one long-term trial reported an appropriate double-blind procedure and performed intention-to-treat analysis.128 4 Wide confidence interval. 5 Five 17-28 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included.104,105,150,171,260 Three trials described an adequate allocation concealment, adequate double-blind procedure,104,105,171 no trial performed an intention-to-treat analysis. 6 Participants with mixed risk. 7 One 16 week trial was included.49 This trial described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure, and no intention-to-treat analysis.49 8 Data is provided in four arms of the same trial comparing different statins and different statin doses in combination and monotherapy, but data was not pooled because of with significant heterogeneity (I-squared = 63%)

GRADE: BAS Plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy

Table H-21. GRADE: BAS-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in participants requiring intensive lipid-lowering therapy Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect BAS-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All-cause mortality - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c targets (follow-up 12 weeks) 348 more OR 4.51 per 1000 randomised very no serious no serious 13/28 1 serious1 reporting bias1 5/31 (16.1%) (1.34 to (from 46 VERY IMPORTANT trial serious1 inconsistency imprecision (46.4%) 15.1) more to LOW 734 more)

H-25 1 One trial comparing same dose of pravastatin in both arms was included. The trial reported unclear allocation concealment, no double-blind, no intention-to-treat analysis; short- term follow-up, and small sample size.108 All participants on the trial required lipid lowering therapy because of established vascular diseases.

Table H-22. GRADE: BAS-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants followed for more than 24 weeks Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect BAS-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 24 weeks) 8 fewer OR 0.35 per 1000 randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious1 reporting bias1 0/73 (0%) 1/77 (1.3%) (0.01 to (from 51 CRITICAL trial serious1 inconsistency serious1 LOW 8.9) fewer to 119 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 30 weeks) 32 fewer OR 0.40 per 1000 randomised very no serious very VERY 1 serious2 reporting bias2 1/44 (2.3%) 5/92 (5.4%) (0.05 to (from 51 CRITICAL trial serious2 inconsistency serious2 LOW 3.6) fewer to 119 more) H-26 Participants reaching ATP III LDL-c targets - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - IMPORTANT 1 One 24 week trial comparing same dose of fluvastatin in both arms, reported one death.52 This trial described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure and no intention-to-treat analysis was performed.52 2 One 30 week trial comparing different statins reported six SAEs.198 This trial described an unclear allocation concealment, unclear double-blind procedure and no intention-to- treat analysis was performed.198

Table H-23. GRADE: BAS-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect BAS-statin Importance No of Other statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision combination Absolute studies considerations monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 4-24 weeks) 0 more OR 1.07 per 1000 randomised very very VERY 3 serious1 serious1 reporting bias1 1/195 (0.5%) 1/178 (0.6%) (0.11 to (from -5 CRITICAL trial serious1 serious2 LOW 10.51) fewer to 54 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - None - - - - CRITICAL Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 6-30 weeks) 22 fewer OR 0.39 per 1000 randomised very VERY 2 serious3 serious3 serious3 reporting bias3,4 1/112 (0.9%) 6/166 (3.6%) (0.06 to (from 34 CRITICAL trial serious3 LOW 2.36) fewer to H-27 45 more) Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals (follow-up 12 weeks) 348 more OR 4.51 per 1000 randomised very no serious no serious 13/28 VERY 1 serious5 reporting bias4 5/31 (16.1%) (1.34 to (from 46 IMPORTANT trial serious5 inconsistency imprecision (46.4%) LOW 15.1) more to 734 more) 1 Three trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included.52,172,185 One trial reported no deaths during a 4 week follow up of 76 participants,185 and a single long term trial reported one death.52 One trial described adequate allocation concealment and appropriate double-blind procedure.172 None of the trials performed an intention-to- treat analysis. 2 Wide confidence interval. 3 Two 6-30 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses reported 7 SAEs.172,198 One reported appropriate allocation concealment and appropriate double-blind procedure.172 None reported intention-to-treat analysis. 4 Results provided in only one out of 17 included trials 5 One trial comparing same dose of pravastatin in both arms was included. The trial reported unclear allocation concealment, no double-blind, no intention-to-treat analysis; short- term follow-up, and small sample size.108 All participants on the trial required lipid lowering therapy because of established vascular diseases.

GRADE: Omega-3 Fatty Acid Plus Statin Therapy Compared With Statin Monotherapy

Table H-24. GRADE: statin plus Omega-3 therapy versus statin monotherapy, in all participants Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Omega- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 5-240 weeks) 2 more OR 1.08 per 1000 randomised No serious no serious 286/9469 265/9471 VERY 3 Serious1 Serious1 reporting bias1 (0.91 to (from 2 CRITICAL trial limitations1 imprecision (3%) (2.8%) LOW 1.28) fewer to 8 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL

H-28 Serious Adverse Events (follow-up 8 weeks) 27 more OR 4.44 per 1000 randomised no serious very VERY 1 serious2 serious2 reporting bias2 4/122 (3.3%) 1/132 (0.8%) (0.49 to (from 4 CRITICAL trial inconsistency serious2,3 LOW 40.29) fewer to 238 more) Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - IMPORTANT 1 Three 5-240 week trials comparing different statins and different statin doses were included,141,177,180 two short term trials reported no deaths.177,180 Two trials reported an adequate allocation concealment,141,180 two reported appropriate double-blind procedure,177,180 and one performed intention-to-treat analysis.141 2 One 8 week trial comparing same dose of simvastatin in both arms was included.180 This trial described an adequate allocation concealment and appropriate double-blind procedure, no intention-to-treat analysis was reported.180 3 Results based on a single-trial with wide confidence interval

Table H-25. GRADE: Omega-3-statin combination therapy versus statin monotherapy, in participants of Asian origin (long-term duration) Summary of findings Quality assessment No of patients Effect Omega- Importance No of Other statin statin Relative Quality Design Limitations Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Absolute studies considerations combination monotherapy (95% CI) therapy All cause mortality (follow-up 240 weeks) 2 more OR 1.08 per 1000 randomised no serious no serious 1 no serious 286/9326 265/9319 1 serious reporting bias1 (0.91 to (from 2 LOW CRITICAL trial limitations1 inconsistency imprecision (3.1%) (2.8%) 1.28) fewer to 8 more) Vascular death - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - CRITICAL Participants reaching ATPIII LDL-c goals - not measured 0 - - - - - none - - - - IMPORTANT 1 One long-term trial comparing mixed statins, with adequate allocation concealment and intention-to-treat analysis was described, no double-blind procedure reported.141 All

H-29 participants in the trial were of Asian origin.

Appendix I: References

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Appendix J: Peer Reviewers

The UO-EPC gratefully acknowledges the following individuals who reviewed the initial draft of this evidence report, and provided constructive feedback. Acknowledgement does not reflect endorsement of this report.

Dr. Rochelle Fu, Ph.D. Dr. Theodore Ganiats, M.D. Department of Public Health and Department of Family and Preventive Preventitive Medicine Medicine Oregon Health & Science University University of California—San Diego Portland, Oregon San Diego, CA

Dr. Ashfaq Shuaib, M.B.B.S., FRCPC Division of Neurology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta


Appendix K: Literature Search 2009 Update (August 2008 to May 2009) Including the Update Flow Chart and List of Included and Excluded Records


Flow Chart

1267 records identified from bibliographic searches of Medline and Embase (2008-2009)

4 nominated by reviewers

1271 screened at Level 1

1225 excluded

(1223) No apparent relevance on initial screening (2) Previously nominated by the industry and included in evidence

46 eligible for further assessment (Full Text)

21 failed to meet inclusion criteria (18) Do not directly address the key questions (3) Not able to retrieve

25 reports met inclusion criteria

22 reports were excluded from evidence synthesis

(1) Non-statin hypolipidemic drug not marketed in the U.S.*

(1) NRS not reporting relevant outcomes by treatment groups Three new reports were included for update of evidence pertaining to clinical (20) Otherwise eligible records that were outcomes, SAE and cancer excluded from update of evidence synthesis based on revised criteria for the (3) RCTs, including two companion reports of update that excluded studies of < 24 previously included trials with no new data. weeks duration and/or those not reporting clinical outcomes of interest or SAE or cancer.


Included Studies

Airan-Javia SL, Wolf RL, Wolfe ML, et al. Atheroprotective lipoprotein effects of a niacin-simvastatin combination compared to low- and high-dose simvastatin monotherapy. Am Heart J 2009 Apr;157(4):687-8.

Bays H, Sapre A, Taggart W, et al. Long-term (48-week) safety of ezetimibe 10 mg/day coadministered with simvastatin compared to simvastatin alone in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia. Curr Med Res Opin 2008 Oct;24(10):2953-66.

Saito Y, Yokoyama M, Origasa H, et al. Effects of EPA on coronary artery disease in hypercholesterolemic patients with multiple risk factors: sub-analysis of primary prevention cases from the Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study (JELIS). Atherosclerosis 2008 Sep;200(1):135-40.


Excluded Studies – Full Text Relevance

Do Not Directly Address the Key Questions

Farmer JA. Intensive lipid lowering with Hildemann SK, Barho C, Karmann B, et simvastatin and ezetimibe in aortic al. Sustained effects in stenosis (the SEAS trial). Curr hypercholesterolaemic patients on Atheroscler Rep 2009 Mar;11(2):82-3. combined simvastatin/ezetimibe treatment: observational cohort study in Maccubbin D, Bays HE, Olsson AG, et clinical practice. Curr Med Res Opin al. Lipid-modifying efficacy and 2008 Oct;24(10):2777-84. tolerability of extended-release niacin/ in patients with Di SM, Morelli G, Doyle RT, et al. primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed Effect of omega-3-acid ethyl esters on dyslipidaemia. Int J Clin Pract 2008 steady-state plasma pharmacokinetics of Dec;62(12):1959-70. atorvastatin in healthy adults. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2008 Bays HE, Maccubbin D, Meehan AG, et Dec;9(17):2939-45. al. Blood pressure-lowering effects of extended-release niacin alone and Maki KC, McKenney JM, Reeves MS, extended-release niacin/laropiprant et al. Effects of adding prescription combination: a post hoc analysis of a 24- omega-3 acid ethyl esters to simvastatin week, placebo-controlled trial in (20 mg/day) on lipids and lipoprotein dyslipidemic patients. Clin Ther 2009 particles in men and women with mixed Jan;31(1):115-22. dyslipidemia [erratum appears in Am J Cardiol 2008 Nov 15;102(10):1425]. Valdivielso P, Rioja J, Garcia-Arias C, Am J Cardiol 2008 Aug 15;102(4):429- et al. Omega 3 fatty acids induce a 33. marked reduction of apolipoprotein B48 when added to fluvastatin in patients Domanski M, Tian X, Fleg J, et al. with type 2 diabetes and mixed Pleiotropic effect of lovastatin, with and hyperlipidemia: a preliminary report. without cholestyramine, in the post Cardiovasc 2009;8:1 coronary artery bypass graft (Post CABG) trial. Am J Cardiol 2008 Oct Rosenson RS, Pitt B. Triglycerides and 15;102(8):1023-7. cardiovascular events in ACS: the need for combined lipid-altering therapies. Ara R, Pandor A, Tumur I, et al. Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med 2009 Estimating the health benefits and costs Feb;6(2):98-100. associated with ezetimibe coadministered with statin therapy Steg PG, Verdier JC, Carre F, et al. A compared with higher dose statin randomised trial of three counselling monotherapy in patients with established strategies for lifestyle changes in cardiovascular disease: results of a patients with hypercholesterolemia Markov model for UK costs using data treated with ezetimibe on top of statin registries. Clin Ther 2008 therapy (TWICE). Arch Cardiovasc Dis Aug;30(8):1508-23. 2008 Nov;101(11-12):723-35.


Berthold HK, Laaksonen R, Lehtimaki PRINCEPS study. Prev Cardiol T, et al. SREBP-1c gene polymorphism 2009;12(2):65-71. is associated with increased inhibition of cholesterol-absorption in response to Yusuf S, Lonn E, Bosch J. Lipid ezetimibe treatment. Exp Clin lowering for primary prevention. The Endocrinol Diabetes 2008 Lancet 2009;373(9670):1152-5. May;116(5):262-7. Maki KC, Lubin BC, Reeves MS, et al. Cramariuc D, Cioffi G, Rieck AE, et al. Prescription omega-3 acid ethyl esters Low-Flow Aortic Stenosis in plus simvastatin 20 and 80 mg: effects in Asymptomatic Patients. Valvular- mixed dyslipidemia. Journal of Clinical Arterial Impedance and Systolic Lipidology 2009;3(1):33-8. Function From the SEAS Substudy. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging Block JP. Limited benefit for aggressive 2009;2(4):390-9. lipid lowering with simvastatin/ezetimibe in patients with de Rojas FD, De FT, Ponte A, et al. aortic stenosis; possible increased risk of Coronary heart disease and cancer. Journal of Clinical Outcomes dyslipidemia: A cross-sectional Management 2008;15(11):528+530 evaluation of prevalence, current treatment, and clinical control in a large Criqui MH, Golomb BA. Lipid cohort of Spanish high-risk patients: The lowering: what and when to monitor. The Lancet 2008;372(9638):516-7.

Not Able To Retrieve

Hari KS, Rajeev E, Tharakan JA, et al. Efficacy and safety of combination of extended release niacin and atorvastatin in patients with low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Indian Heart J 2008 May;60(3):215-22.

Banerjee AK. Changing face of dyslipidemia therapy. Indian Heart Journal 2008;60(3):192-4.

Schmitz SA, O'Regan DP, Fitzpatrick J, et al. Quantitative 3T MR imaging of the descending thoracic aorta: patients with familial hypercholesterolemia have an increased aortic plaque burden despite long-term lipid-lowering therapy. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008 Oct;19(10):1403-8.


Excluded Studies - Evidence Synthesis

Non-Randomized Studies

Derosa G, D'Angelo A, Franzetti IG, et combined hyperlipidemia and previously al. Efficacy and safety of intolerant to standard statin treatment. ezetimibe/simvastatin association on Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and non-diabetic and diabetic patients with Therapeutics 2009;34(3):267-76. polygenic hypercholesterolemia or

Drug(s) Not Marketed in the United States

Nomura S, Inami N, Shouzu A, et al. microparticles and adiponectin in The effects of pitavastatin, hyperlipidemic, diabetic patients. eicosapentaenoic acid and combined Platelets 2009 Feb;20(1):16-22. therapy on platelet-derived

Otherwise Eligible Records Identified in Search Update That Were Excluded from Evidence Synthesizes Because Did Not Report Clinical Outcomes or Because < 24 Weeks Duration

Mindrescu C, Gupta RP, Hermance EV, Zhu T, Awni WM, Hosmane B, et al. et al. Omega-3 fatty acids plus ABT-335, the choline salt of fenofibric rosuvastatin improves endothelial acid, does not have a clinically function in South Asians with significant pharmacokinetic interaction dyslipidemia. Vasc Health Risk Manag with rosuvastatin in humans. J Clin 2008;4(6):1439-47. Pharmacol 2009 Jan;49(1):63-71.

Goldberg AC, Bays HE, Ballantyne CM, Liu PY, Liu YW, Lin LJ, et al. et al. Efficacy and safety of ABT-335 Evidence for statin pleiotropy in (fenofibric acid) in combination with humans: differential effects of statins atorvastatin in patients with mixed and ezetimibe on rho-associated coiled- dyslipidemia. Am J Cardiol 2009 Feb coil containing protein kinase activity, 15;103(4):515-22. endothelial function, and inflammation. Circulation 2009 Jan 6;119(1):131-8. Malmstrom RE, Settergren M, Bohm F, et al. No effect of lipid lowering on Lin TH, Voon WC, Yen HW, et al. platelet activity in patients with coronary Randomized comparative study of the artery disease and type 2 diabetes or effects of treatment with once-daily, impaired glucose tolerance. Thromb niacin extended-release/lovastatin and Haemost 2009 Jan;101(1):157-64. with simvastatin on lipid profile and fibrinolytic parameters in Taiwan.


Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences Jones PH, Davidson MH, Kashyap ML, 2006 Jun;22(6):257-65. et al. Efficacy and safety of ABT-335 (fenofibric acid) in combination with Mohiuddin SM, Pepine CJ, Kelly MT, et rosuvastatin in patients with mixed al. Efficacy and safety of ABT-335 dyslipidemia: A phase 3 study. (fenofibric acid) in combination with Atherosclerosis 2009;204(1):208-15. simvastatin in patients with mixed dyslipidemia: a phase 3, randomized, Farnier M, Averna M, Missault L, et al. controlled study. Am Heart J 2009 Lipid-altering efficacy of Jan;157(1):195-203. ezetimibe/simvastatin 10/20 mg compared with rosuvastatin 10 mg in Gosai P, Liu J, Doyle RT, et al. Effect high-risk hypercholesterolaemic patients of omega-3-acid ethyl esters on the inadequately controlled with prior statin steady-state plasma pharmacokinetics of monotherapy - The IN-CROSS study. rosuvastatin in healthy adults. Expert Int J Clin Pract 2009;63(4):547-59. Opin Pharmacother 2008 Dec;9(17):2947-53. Insull J, W, Basile JN, et al. Efficacy and safety of combination therapy with Westerweel PE, Visseren FL, Hajer GR, niacin extended-release and simvastatin et al. Endothelial progenitor cell levels versus atorvastatin in patients with in obese men with the metabolic dyslipidemia: The SUPREME Study. syndrome and the effect of simvastatin Journal of Clinical Lipidology monotherapy vs. simvastatin/ezetimibe 2009;3(2):109-18. combination therapy. Eur Heart J 2008 Nov;29(22):2808-17. Hajer GR, linga-Thie GM, van Vark - van der Zee, et al. The effect of statin Olijhoek JK, Hajer GR, van der GY, et alone or in combination with ezetimibe al. The effects of low-dose simvastatin on postprandial lipoprotein composition and ezetimibe compared to high-dose in obese metabolic syndrome patients. simvastatin alone on post-fat load Atherosclerosis 2009;202(1):216-24. endothelial function in patients with metabolic syndrome: a randomized Hajer GR, linga-Thie GM, Van Vark- double-blind crossover trial. J Van Der Zee, et al. Lipid-lowering Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2008 therapy does not affect the postprandial Aug;52(2):145-50. drop in high density lipoprotein- cholesterol (HDL-c) plasma levels in Zubaid M, Shakir DK, Bazargani N, et obese men with metabolic syndrome: A al. Effect of ezetimibe coadministration randomized double blind crossover trial. with simvastatin in a Middle Eastern Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2008;69(6):870-7. population: a prospective, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo- Ahmed S, Ullah E, Ahmed M, et al. controlled trial. J Cardiovasc Med Efficacy of combination of ezetimibe (Hagerstown) 2008 Jul;9(7):688-93. and simvastatin versus atorvastatin in reducing low density lipoprotein- cholesterol in male patients of hypercholesterolemia, at Bahawalpur. Medical Forum Monthly 2008;19(5):3-9.


de Araujo DB, Bertolami MC, Ferreira WP, et al. Simvastatin 80 mg and coadministration of simvastatin 10 mg and ezetimibe 10 mg: Effects on LDL(-) and anti-LDL(-) antibodies. International Journal of Atherosclerosis 2007;2(4):272-8.

Ostad MA, Eggeling S, Tschentscher P, et al. Flow-mediated dilation in patients with coronary artery disease is enhanced by high dose atorvastatin compared to combined low dose atorvastatin and ezetimibe: Results of the CEZAR study. Atherosclerosis 2008 Dec 9;

Fleg JL, Mete M, Howard BV, et al. Effect of statins alone versus statins plus ezetimibe on carotid atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes: the SANDS (Stop Atherosclerosis in Native Diabetics Study) trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008 Dec 16;52(25):2198-205.
