
VA$WNGTOI TIME .. VARYN WEL MAYTAKE GALLAUTMS That FigU Series RE0ELDER' TAC ti EFFORTS By DAMO [RUNYON GOL. TO iMPROVE SKILL s e"s e to .P'mh pe. The FJ GIVES HOORS bs. se THREEGRIDION weights is In the 6t$ m whrea lot dfm SHECKELS bassuse the toy.

DATESSET TOSCHOOLMN s te m intli.teN !sfsPulatter et 1 eersesC O MMbeesme nemaL.g aJ Is be theism as .m sm of lislye of nex the W and Oh .d sh "t. fa year Osorge mlgtsrDraei, Ne Haeph Says Bralley Help- gof as there ise Hitle Inlhs M"es to e tbmlvs of ork. ed to Start His Carer'Much one does he must de without the i ofa baWa a e it ow ntbut n' ww+vIdsd for bns either se eao! ya. wOSR O Randolph-Macon the re of the ball. There is no t 4 m Jrs Ended in a Mark. 40Mee aft~j I lwi onty. on teamsif By Graduate Manger. Befors be won the Lt ,Johna' uf of Breaking dribbled san the gree and of toynd brea shut ge ng ahig ' ls fesed to sveln thes stans 'he , such very likely will sasmalultowndknockout Raymund Naras, former Tech high their -as ieads, - The stlfer in the eau lj or tee stWJON =0s n. esusece three football or n iSmAf ts. Buff make the fly- athlete and 0. W. U. track eaptala, u R mimi..C ainuggh a majority of the sandlot fel and has several others about itfAbe GAINel probably ae soft must play a eetser otat rm aeSs!g for closed, heeare'todrop back into that clas attributes his success on the aiader push *ot is the best for The babal Ise.b n the downwa 2Wb the further according to Graduate Manager Roy e American Lilliputians. track to D, Haley Gash who started oa a fmtieA hat,ly a vitry or defeat T. Stewart. holds and dsfends the a shot that I have described sbein te idalf shevy Ig. arouselsse see On October 21 Gallaudet will play not Huff him off at Tech mine years agd. Through J and August, if it is a ashpsin On N title, and must land, Is vry god.He was oe world's bantamweight Uarsch ran last for the Univer- hot snm =, Warvaries a great y sIfthere were eo tarb ofabout half the in Radolph-MaMp e as withdra beaten by but has since Im- year as we mst deal, we let other teame teams town. Clle nsdered avng Wilde, otkon with Harry Yards. eas.hebe vainber 4-the Kendallrensw trm the flyweight la at least f proved. sity of Idaho and had the unique fast fairways and greens. lieved it possible to play a roand of at lightning - -W reputationr' is the play George Washington Kendall the present. One of the big feature Jimmy beat all the best ittle men record of winning every half moe hard,. golf without tahin any tart what it today and Ralph is Green and on November 25 Drexel the probably In England before the war. In 1916 The p that can itch beautifully of the MilMD Gates Institute will be played at Phladel- bouts of coming year event in which he entered. to the green in June will .aem his soever. when done right repeentative will present Buff against Jimmy they imported Johnny Rosner, a good treuMbles does not e with the sho*. It is a league Is formed," he eo- phia. Wilds, of Wales, and two worl's little man. and Young Zulu Kid, not Harseh became acquainted with mmaking the ball held in the the that hits down at the ball "we will play out-town Are Games ae beingn ~~,l toe be. so hot months. pla Not Pqpular t Mar itles will depend en the result, good, from Ameries, and Wide He. pdmouaston. a former running te that t the most turf and nearly with Gettysburg Fra ause Wide is the un ted fly- stopped them both. In 1313. durIng mate of ash, who was coaching the Through the fairways we dem- all rons this The d shall, Susquehanna and Western the terallied Wide paled to e a different shot with sr play the way. iNUilt to understand the With Fans It is that Gal- weight champion ot the tournament, University of Washington track team. ,ur you mst derstand,. Is fabsj view. It Isn't clear how any Maryland. probable Wase Osad Iie Man, beat In three rounds, and Edmoston and Gash were on the irons. -eptember finds oenditions after the bellbas been hit Instead of 0010d beneIt the iauth- The action of the joint confer- laudet will also play William and )out in three to the' Pal in 1912" ChangnWeagain. Through Otsrand by the Mary. Pete Herman, the former bantam- lght-elappiag Olympic team Noveatber is quite a p ' far before. rpttion wthout engg w of major leagues in re- Moore. It fell to Harach's lot to break the golf Mist Be Takle Ges Ill ad benefiting by the ducing the number of world's The basketball schedule is not com- weight champion, stopped W1de, and After the 1919. Jimmy took Idaho state resord for the half held the plays. who oaned good seoaes y. power. I. tbs plated as yet. On January 6 the which a referee's n over Lynch in bads 1m JulyoAgut The Bermuda grass stops the eub-. dawin, series games from nine to seven is Kendall Greeners will Buff lo turn bested Herman, by Edmontion. Harach 3n.otti the The winter mo.th. is Obvious the Mohawks a vacation the million-dol- play George night argue that the Jerw' Skeeter fifteen rounds, and beat Moore in MO in1S7:4, clipping 2 and 2 seconds add more variety head from oming through so a psi- thuaadves in helping their Washington University at the Cen- aa better man than Wide. But it twenty rounds. Then he came to and to the game and call for sti a greater fet turf-taking stunder these oeo- lar gate w was heard tral Colisetan, Ninth and Pennsyl- from the state mark winning the assortment of ditlons Is A few last during nust be remembered that Wide gave America, and In his first appearace Northwest Conference race. shots. It makes little impossible. days prae- Ia the unlimited class the series at the Polo Grounds vania avenue northwest. some little weight to the New tough little Jackh ey, difference whether one gore to the tice puts one right, however, and iway. was or or sandy Bermuda gram ,. tboi1 revolved this year between the Giants and the Yan- grleans Italian. and that it proba wh at , with no de. Southland whether he soil, fairways t1 Mewks. A victory over kees. would be Impossible for Pete to pu claion Involved, the Welshman was stays home and plays his golf over are saon mastered. e virtually every The gate receipts caused the almseif down to even poundage with outfought. Jack made his reputation frosen ground. To hit the ball cleanly care must be rm back over the commercial side of the to be the Welshman. on that bout. Caifornia Best, taken to keep the shoulders en the one can see that there a freakish built feflow, gin- Thereafter Wilde boxed Babe Ash- same plane. There must be no dip of erally criticised. Ta of mil- Wilds, HEIFF Of the throe, alifornia golf is more the left In the ha A. back little to It minus the DANNY bheen CALIFORNIAIS weighs about 10 pounds. He er, elk. Ertle, Patsy Wallace (twice). shoulder, swing whoe popularity was -dollar gates at sporting events wrally when he normal and resembles our summer or dropping of the right In the down largely no in New as fought. it Is said, Mickey Russell, Frankle Mason. Zulu months more closely. Playing over for directing .the public's may cause surprise weighed even lees, once being below Kid. Battling Murray (twice). Bobby swing. One would do well to tollow to the sandlot game. But York, but it is out of proportion 100 In pratilaly all his Dyson and others. He stopped Ertle froasen ground in the cold weather this idea at all times. Interest was awakened It re- pounds. and States one cannot afford to take to the ideas of the baseball fan ghts he has had to give .away Murray, the latter twice. chances of so he must Dipping the is a common ' teams, as worthy op- TOPSHOLLERS breaking dubs, fault one in other sections of the country. FITTO BATTLE weight. O'Dewd and Otbers. that are like- for the to quicken His ie and his ability made him learn to take the ball cleanly with his ly to fallandinto. Whpmoderately, or f that Mohawks,to is a Eddie O'Dowd, a spidery little fei- irons or his brass. As there is no matter, maintain It. will enter battle with the spirit that a ring sensaies'for years. He turf to take in the mashie the evil effects are not.an so marked hut was for such a low from Columbus, Ohio, has been . making life. craves victory and of which is born clever boxer, and tiny to the this shot becomes a there Is great danger of over doing It. he away the keen rivalry that the sort of contests fans will go far ellow an anaslag hitter. Old-timers outboxed by Buff, but Eddie none pitch green, The expert can take more liberties between the Mohawks 1 believe that he has ever been AT problem also. But all of this is good with and SHERMhAN'S up to see. P to not the less is one golf shots than the be- PAYERS of the best of the duffer the he is such as the Knicker- In better than some of our Amer- for golfer, because learning cause his tnams, playing out-of-town teams nest my contenders for the American fly- Finale In Tour- something more about shot-making. understanding of sendl- Mercury A. C., Southern A. year, the Mohawks very likely would Coast Trainer Declares Team can boxers when they weighed Holiday Duckpin ball tions are more accurate and his I Gunners and so on 4pd find same Dixon. weight honors. He must take the clean. themselves in the situation around 108, notably George He is fast, and a clever boxer. He nament to Be Contested Next If one can well over frosen knowledge of shot-maketng betten~ Id have been little reason as the professionals with none of the Is in Highest Physical Con- nut that he is the best little fellow play But the beginner In time can 1arn no doubt. does not hit with the amnasing power ground, he can take a little golfing general to be Interested In professionals' individual attraction. dition for Game. ofrecent years there is of like Wilde and Buff. Friday Night. journey to the South and pick up al of this. It Is the duffer that is As the situation stands, football fans The flyweight division is of com- midgets hopeless because he never takes the Thei would have been a collection recent origin, and was Is p new boy who right where he left off in the North. look forward next year to clashes be- Fane saratively beat former Danny Reiff tops the bowlers in the land. The Bermuda are time to practice or to watch others giving exhibitions of foot- tween the Mohawks and Mercurys, By Nertea. stablished to accommodate chaps recently Johnny Rosner, fairways who are more skillful. the Mohawks are not that PASADENA. Calif., Dec. 28--The Ike Wilde. In the old days they claimant of the American flyweight two-man holiday tournament at Sher- slightly different from the Northern Knickerbockers. Southerns, Seamen championship. fairways. Bermuda gram is the only Golf can be learned In more ways that they in themselves would Gunners, Brookland and other teams University of California football team, would have been bantams. In its de- man's with 678 for his five best games. than attrhotion to cause a fan to which meets the Washington and ire fit divisions to all rises of boys, Genaro is a little human dynamo. thing that will grow on a sandy soil one. Studying photographs be enough which gave the Indians fine battle this to He is In motion. Another The twelve men making the greatest in the hot weather. is a great help If done Intelligently. dig into his pocket. The Washington season. Jefferson eleven here next Monday, the International Sporting Club once constantly total of pins for any five games from es- will be in state of fix a bantam. geod boy In the class, if he can still The type of shot required for these Much can be learned In this manner tls= bad a tough time making Playing in a league or association. the highest phy- went so far as to Junior December 22 to December 29, will as certain sorttototball and no would meet sical perfection reached during the class at 115 make the flyweight limit. which is fairways is something akin to the good points and bad pay, they pro- the Mohawks doubt weight pounds. Abe qualify for the finals which will be a as frossn are out If one has a seate r of these clubs and under conditions, prob- season. according to Capt. Will C. Wile has nearly always boxed in doubtful, is Goldstein, a New contested play on hard surface points brought countrywide of was Yorker. He was knocked out In two Friday night starting at ground. The ball must be hit first large collection to look over. A eel-' ably, which would make the games Bryan. trainer the squad. he bantamweight division. He a o'clock. Partners will be drawn lection of of Tim Jordan, who admits the more than were this According to Captain Bryan, ever able to find an opponent of his rounds by Buff when Buff was box. otherwise the shot is ruined. The photograps the leading Capt. interesting they rarely ing as a flyweight. after ten minutes before rolling time. club will stick in the sand or golfers Is a valuable to pos- necessity of competition in the keeping year. Little trouble Is likely to be en- man on the squad is In wonderful weight, but the disparity never outfighting The winners will receve $15; run- got thing alive of sport, as president of the countered the Indians in condition. The lapse of time since semed to trouble him. He has boxed Buff the first round. tangled In the many long roots of sess. by securing Joe Dillon Is a fast little chap who nersup, $10 and third place will net the grass and naturally the stroke A beginner should soe every op. stof , isendeavoring to bring Union Park for their games which the last garne has given those slight- Foe Lynch. Pal Moore, Jack Sharkey, The a to on has been improving. Barney Snyder. $E. competitor with the b. will not turn out as planned. portunity to watch a good goter real rivalry between his team would insure them financial gain ly crippled chence get edge. mad other tough American bantams, score will receive $. and other in ceder that his men the of admission. The one player who has come in ad they invariably had weight on Franne Moore, Bud Taylor, Indian qualifying Pros are accustomed to taking turf play his shots. Following four good about teams through charging Russell, Johnny Rosner, Al Werner Here's the way they stand mow: with every iron shot. It is players In a four-ball match is a rare for special attention I. "Brick" Mul- i..... 1 1 122 121 nearly ler. picked as an end on Walter and Eddie Lavery are other lads in 184 Ile 70 not so much a habit as it is a necessity treat. It Is time well spent and wil Camp's all-American eleven. A frac- Class by 1m.an= the tiny class, unless they have out- Jellinge . 189 13 124 12~ 121 166 to control the ball. But pros, all of profit one more than playing around tured leg bone early in the season grown it almost as thesq lines are Dwvama . 1.2l 126 122 124 it2 422 us in fact, score quite as well down and repeating the same old mistakes In the nature of tMW, Wilde is written. south with other methods. In his own foursome or twosome. OOTBALL the young giant out of the P C g 124 122 FOR kept .... COAL not as ae he was. Ue UAl 12 1412 12 0 115 1 CHES probably good . Unlike Buff and Wilde, who are 18e The ball can be as clean. 1921. b' 3.en spahate., line-up for the remainder of the sea- now thirty years old, and he has Bano .ie17 Per2 122 11 11 6t picp4up (Cewuasht. Ine.) son with the exception of a few naturally very small men. the ma- been a long time. But, con- of the newcomers do not re- times when he hobbled, on the field jority ser . Th 124 122 LEAGUE A'r No Y. MEETING sidering him strictly as a flyweight. main They Buc Pe1y 1t1120 612 to throw a forward and then flyweights long. quickly pass the little Welshman is in a class 14 186 122 111 114 By DR. WAI .TERPEET. retire. by grow out of the class. Georgas Car- 6at But Muller will start the game himself. penter started his pugilistic career 14 1 11ad 11n o04 WOLSTENHOLMI SHOOTS NEW Dec. 28.-Born la it at the Hotel Astor-the And, looking over the field, we fail as naIe.... 12 12 119 11.210 s0. YORK, night against W. & J., with the idea of re- when he did not weighas much a American Football Coaches' Associa lion. - tose an American who, at the and wound a clu hu134 1or t 112 1r 601 mamina in the lineup during the even close to him. Wilde, up light heavy- lan. 124 121 119 116 114 6t4 The child had been in the making several and its was weight. figures weight, Keen, ... 122 121 116 112 months, arrival entire contest. rhey say this Young Simonds, of Eng- opN>,.li. 114 63$ PHENOMENAL DUCK SCORES asred when Dr. John Wilce, head coach of Ohio State at the With Muller in the game, Southern (Coprrigt. 1931.) Shbtter... 122 11, 116 114 11 6 2 College, Wright ... 128 1 1 114 111 108 678 R D. sggestion of Maj. Charles Daly, of West gent invitations to California fans will compare his work 1 2 116 114 110 6 By rHOMAS. Point, that of Stein. ietal 1e more than one hundred coaches to foregather here for the important closely with Captain a chyne tabl Shooting for the dafl holiday pi ise at the Glenn Wol- tackle for W. a J., and the Presi- the14forN 1 of the I asonic Rathskeller? event. dent's only all-American selection. It PERRY A. C. SHOWS FORM stenholme, leading bowler League, established what is The legion of followers of the game will be the first time that all-Amer- The Beatof believed to be a season's record for match competition when he totaled present attested that one of the most BIG LEAGUE LEADERS lcan selections have played on oppos- My IN OPENING ENCOUNTER 675 for five games. After rolli ig a number of excellent scores, insltary qteps In college sports had IN FIELDING GAME ing teams in the annual East vs. The Perry Athletic Club opened its Wolstenholme got going in sensatic nal form and achieved consecutive? been taken. West contest. basketball season last night when it of 158, 110 164, 128 and 125, the 164 count giving him the Leading first baseman - American The California squad is getting the Ren tiniscences encounter the fast Peck of day'sstaringsprise of five berries. of Sport team Walter Camp, father American League, McInnis, .999;National League, best of the weather man by working eorg'etown. Wolatenholme a -ball so amin fotball, started the ball a-rolling with Holke, .997. out daily at the Pasadena Golf Club, Although defeated by the score of is der according to some By TED SULLIVAN 18 to 17 the fans, the fastest ball rtrn on all anglaryouth, wit a speech. Later in the evening he Leading second baseman-National where ground conditions are of the beridee notPerry12wareteamfiteconsidersfa1t thatit ta back to a well Was made one of the two honorary League, Bohne, .973; American League, best. Ever hear how a of beer v a ball well let me a very creditable showingfar the sphere point above nomense of the "union." .968. Tournament of Roses officials are glass ,on game? No, first game of the year. the level of his head and deliversi twitha smooth, sweeping motion. young The Collins, All it then and, in a way it's a st< ry on myself. An of 113 Wol- St. N. W. Other Is Gen. Palmer E. Pierce, presi- Leading third baseman-American now fearful that the big game will I to under a delin was easily the star of the average nearly gives tmt of the National Collegiate Athle. League. Ward, .977; National League, be played on a wet field. Of the many players Lave had he good fortune have my game making four baskets for the stenholme first position in the Ma. Recreation prise winners and their toAssociation. Deal, .972. Although San Diego promoters col- nasagment in my long career, none nore impressed me with originality, losers. The Peys are in the 12. sonke individual standings. He is a sooraes: Coach of Leading a rain insurance when humor and clean lan in the of coaching than Pound and are member of the Lafayette team Hiu Heiseman, , shortstop-American League, lected heavy genuine good 'uage style cla0 casting about aor best Masonic at Is which is a Subway--W. . Dean. 121: N. 3.u- he originally conceived the idea of Scott, .972; National League, Ford, .972. Centre College and Arizona played to hefamous "Dasher" Troy John roy, of . In his time he games. Adrees Manager Robert May. 277, ber, 1.3; K. F. Uklib, 117; R. Do new had been made chair- Leading outfielder-National a mere handful of at San I 102 Park road northwest. few pins short of equaling the sea- body, League, people Diego played for the New York National Aague team, the Metropolitans and son's mark, and his best ame is Glants, 120; F. P. Krtme, 126; M. M. of the preliminary organizing Flack. .980; American League, Jacob- lust Monday, the local officials have Aher crack clubs. He was the equi I of Charlie Bastian in the natural high Fagan, 113; M. B. Hughes, 134; W. L. the other members being son, .987. made no effort tn insure next Monday, 137. As a member of the Rathskeller Martin. U. way he picked up ground balls. FORMER PRESIDENT'S YACHT team in the District League, his aver- 116; Towers, 131; V. Pe.. Daly and Dr. Wilce. Through Leading catcher-National League, a practically $200,000 worth of tickets c f a was viale, 122; D. I. Cox, Carl RaUf last named the proposed oonstitu- American League, have been sold and the contest will be The good nature and witty side him in hard-fought contest age is only 104 and a fraction. his best 125; Schmidt, .986; what made me always like him an I a better little piece of humanity IS USED AS CLUBHOUSE set being $36 and high game, 128. and by-laws of the association Schalk, .986. played regardless of field weather con- Dec. First floor-B. O'Brien, 1n5: J. W. presented. They were unani- Leading pitchers-American League, 1itions. sever lived than the "Dasher." I r lust confess that I thought a great BALTIMORE S.-May per- Wolstenholme's string of high Gibson, 144; O. B. Swain, J. Free- of as a 1 ut as a man of J.s daily crossing Hanover street games at the Rathskeller, In- which he 143; W. Kolb, Acosta, Van Gilder, -Cole, eal him,-not only player, principle. brldgt are not aware of the that the Brewer, 121; H. C. Willams, 127; C. N. Char es Daly, of West Point, man, Sutherland, Sheehan, Russell, SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Troy's style of winning was faot averaged 186, represents probably Hellman, 129; O. W. Melvin, 121; T. I. eleoted president; John Helsemnan, Deberry, Odenwald. Parks and Wein- 'catchy" and he was always Jollying down-hearted over it, knowing that he the old steamer which now serves finest bit of rolling here since Ray Noel, 121; K. vice and who was going wouli have little chance of getting as a clubhouse for the Maryland Chapin cut loose in 1917. During one e. Rosenberg, 146; H. Q. pena~eylvanla, president, ecke, 1.000; National League, Barnes, FOR PITTSBURGH TEAM moms poor pitcher with Club was once the season in ; C. V. Sevenins, 132; M. B John W. Wilce, of ORIo State, Cadore, Morrison, Ryan, Adams, n for his first game. He would back into the National League Yacht private Chapin twice totaled 48i Pitt, 117; -treasurer. Robert Fisher, of Salles, Jones,6 Morgan and PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Dec. 28.-The proceed something like this: a low batting average. At that time yacht of former president -eve- league sets, giving one pbensmmlaa Schupp, of football Second floo-L. . and Fielding H. Yost, of Keenan, University Pittsburgh "Well, my boy, we'll Just kill the he was a cracking good batsman, too, land. performanee in the District League We.s, .. Dr. 1.000. schedule for 1922. announced by Karl case more The name of the craft when and the other In the National. His A. 'at. Freidman, 127; Wiliam , are the trustees. pitcher today and that team which made his all the she Hyde, E. Davis, graduate manager of ath- other serious. But he had me his carried from her masthead the Pres- mark stande as a city record for al 129; J. W. Mitchell, 133: F. the snappy chairmanship of that Bucknell will re- Playing us couldn't hit the 'city hall, given H. F. Mihebon, ,Daly the body got to work as PINEHURST HAS HOPES letics, shows fIt was pitched to them. Ted Bul- word and he would stick to it, batting 121; Spinner, 113; G. H.aeper. place Nebraska on the Panther card. or no Burt Eflett is another whose per- 182; E. H. Campbell, 132; H. Cody, -a grldiron play after the that Ivan expects to gather up all sorts batting. William 16; OF PRESIDENT'S VISIT r'ho manager declared while Pitt alls and never expects much of The game that day was fflled with formnances are attracting attention at J1. Quigley, 115; F. Nanrahan, wras anxious to meet Nebraska next >f brilliant plays and close and I was the Rathskeller. In four conne-cutive 125; A. Selgel. 120. Three pressing questions were acted PINEHURST, N. C., Dec. 28.-Te the teams could not ipItcher in his first gamne. Now, Third floor-U. 3 ~cliping"from behind, interfer- presence at Pinehurst of several of season, agres son, let them hit the ball, that Is urging the boys to go in and win. games he totaled 581, with scores of ore, 134; 3, L. upon a date. The schedule follows: ny there were three of our side 123, 129, 152, and 133. Ellett's 152 game Newton, 116; 5. U. Hutohinsmn, wihdefensive back. under for- President Harding's golfing ameruciates of what we like. If they make fifty Finally R. F. 1ii. Sand length of pause after September 30, University Cincin- itsoff you, why, we'll go at the on the bases with nobody out. Th~e gave him a prise. Warren Wieter Wurts, 122; W. E. Marvel, 182; ball is snapped. 'n lending support to a persistent but mati at Cincinnatir October 7, LaFay- drink. next two batters coming up were In won one of the Rathekeller's five- W. F. Stork, 125; A. K. Ambress, 129 cntirely unconfirmed that the .tts College at Pittsburgh; October 14. ther pitcher and drive him to dollar bis with 150. Red Megaw, %f A. Prescott, 113; E. H. chlipping subject brought out a ruynor iswe have done before. They'll a pinch and we all knew It. G. Mane., ~Betdnoussion In which Doble, Yost. President will arrive here tomorrow West Virginia University at Pitt.- use four against There was beer sold under -the assistant Rathakelier manager, has i1i; G. Miller, 114; 3. W. HarrIs, 112;5 and take a hand In the qualifying October 21. Syracume Uni- ave to pitcher. grandstand in these and been rolling in fine ferm but can't U. L. Sweeney, 114. inrdand Williams got quite bet surgh; at October Buck- astoday, and they know It. They are days "Dasher" Here's how Thin clipging--which has result- round, versity Syracuse; 23, afraid of you. I heard thenm say knew it. He whispered into my ear, take part in the prise competition. He they performned at thme ai many cases of serious and Speakcer Charles R. Gfllett, et the tall College at Pittsburgh; November tili "Ted, let me go under the stand and leada the Odd Fellows' League with Grand Central.L. K Whitney, 131; House of Representative.; Senator G. I, Geneva College at Pittsbtirgh; No- a an average of 106, having rolled a 367 W. Muir, 142; 2. Sneuffer, 120; 2. B. innurwat defined as the of Atrthat jollying, the young get big beer and I'll clear the bases U. ocf ene man throwing himself M. Hitchcock ef Nebraska, former Ssp. rember 11, UnIversity Pennsyl- would go Into the game for you." set just before the holidays which Mareden, 125; J. MUIs, 122; Gog e' C. B. Henderson of Nevada, rana at ; November 18, itcer likely will land him in the money. Quane., 116: A. C. Whaley, 180; 0.3.- an legs from be- antor ani1 jaigon and at eathers up. "All right, my boy," I answered, U. at e theknees. Lindsay ftussell, of New York, went .Tefferson College "go on quick." H. Rosenberg rolled the biggest score Arneson, 127; A. Crane, 131; 2. Do.' down to defeat Pinehurst in a Pitb ag; November 25, open date; Played On "Farm" Team. in the holiday competition at the 126; H. Chandler, 123; C. Iasvoted to recommend to the at foura He Makes the Hit. " ierre, u'.4, ...nmittee that there shall be ball match in which their victorious November 20. Pennsylvania State Col- In 1388 the Washington Lague Recreation-144. Following are the Lyons, lit. amaanae opponents were Judge John Barton tage at Pittsburgh. a mInor league team Sure enough, just as expected, the aoredraticrule against of F. K. am controlled first two Payne, : Hustis, WiI- n Troy, N. Y. It was In the In- batters quit In the pinch and hiam Bibb and Lucien Walker, of New struck out. The crowd was excited, ~df Maor Daly, of York. Mr. Walker's 35 was the best :ernatonlal League. It was a "base- Pont, and Messrs. Glenn War- round made. JOHNS HOPKINS GAMES allfarm," a utie adopted generally as It was the ninth inning and the of Co. BALTIMORE, Dec. 2.-South fterward. I was managing the club was at bat. I looked around ~ttui; O'Neil, Md., make for Troy and saw him coming froih Fisher Harvad eadeck, OREGON ELEVEN WALLOPS Atlantic events will be eliminated 9ashington teem, but I had to under the stand. wiping his lipe. "CCLN EERLOES RState, and Mercer, of Swarth- the annual Johns Hopkins-Fifth our or five visits to Troy that year OPENS A HAWAI BY 40 TO 0 Erom were Taking the bat and starting for the snet in the afternoon and NS Regiment indoor track and field games o see how the 'farm hands" plate, he looked over to me and said, ended to the Central football HONOLULU, T. H., Dec. 23.-The in 1932, according to a decision reached oaing along. "The 'Old Dash' is WT JE of by. officials in charge of the Good-natured "Dasher" had pron.- himself again." BAGAINS JENER 'with a paid secretary for the University Oregon's football eleven meet, from He tapped the plate with his bat and defeated the University of Hawaii here which will be staged in the Fifth medme that season to abstain called out to the opposing pitcher, CH of carrying on the work of Regiment Armory, February 32. beer-drinking, and on my part. ECIKN 47 to 0. Oregon't brilliant forward sny I, "Come on. my old laddy-buck, you've ber.This has become neos.- passing was the game's 'principal fea- In place of the S. A. events will be 7.adpromised to bring him back to been off gr because of the great growth in ture, though the heavy mainlandere i mile championship relay, a 2-mile he Washington team, If he would getting pretty cheap." -prlt.ana.-y details, such as al- broke through the Hawaiians' line at championship relay, mile freshman cep his promise. I don't wish to One strike was called on him but ~et og ofnials, unexpected chanse will and completely outclassed ohampionship relay and a 300-yard nfer here that the "Dasher' drank he met the second full In the eye. In- ,them for high and prep schools. The Far Shoulder high, it started for the dis- ACCOUINT cncellatIon of games, in the other departments of the sport. ipecial excesso or even drank spirits. iommittee is making a special effort rom that, but he did like his beer, tant outfield. Two outfielders sat No Servioc veeof the cntuslon in In- to have all the big high and prep Ike other good men. a wild chase after it but was no Charge ~tM the teto the last two Hughes to Referee. schools enter the latter event. What little beer Troy drank dId use. The stout hand of "Dasher" -$eee, It was voted that the Jimmy Hughes, who will referee- the aimno harm, but I must confess that Troy, with the stimulus of that glass BANK HERE ANI I GAIN A PRIEND eggemanittee designte a spokes- high school championship basketbaul Harry Davis Makes Denial. thatt period of my life I was am of beer, sent the .ball speeding up rtn Whom any coach tan write series, is booked to referee the eon- ttlenarrow and pregudiced against against the center field fence. It wiefor an interpretation and test tonight between the Manhattans PILADELPHIA, Dec. 2.-H manyplayers who drank. John's bounded off the boards and Troy name and address of the and ILaltimore Merits, on the Palace Davs, the Athletics' veteran oc abstain circled the bases, winning the game. the ad sceut, today denied that he was rendship for me made him I have known great lawyers who e mabe printed In the book of court, at 314 E stryet northwest. In Providence a tomeven his beer. TERMINAL C OMMERCIAL interested obtaining Now I'm getting close to the beer had to drink before they made a hranohise In the International League. won a fat speech and I have known of II8 BANK Diamonds Win. lie said he was approached by a hat ball game. mocus actors who had to do the SHudson Quint Swamped. The Diamond A. C. Juniors beat the triend frown Providence, who said that He Had Lest ins Dye. seane thing. After that I never AIB SAVIl g___ a Juniors swamped the Petworth Boy's olub basketballere a flanchiss could be landed, but re- On one of my trips .to the "farm" stopped my old friend, John Troy, tL dub basketers in the last night, 44-t18l. Inglehart and Nsed to have anything to do with the thayer"a "oeplaIned to me from taking his glass of beer. 738 12th Burkitt scored six baskets each for Jahsbttnghad flen away off. -ft-nvaes . . T g hetenth sucssv the winners, while Van aciker was "Hew a Watermenb kmh bme= the Petwmenth five. 0sne" ins dmB ne' man1