
PRACTICE PARAMETERS Practice Parameters for the Management of Rectal Madhulika Varma, M.D. • Janice Rafferty, M.D. • W. Donald Buie, M.D.

Prepared by the Standards Practice Task Force of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of the , an abnormally deep cul-de-sac, a redun- is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care dant , a patulous anal sphincter, and loss of Tby advancing the science, prevention, and manage- the rectal sacral attachments are commonly found.1–6 In ment of disorders and diseases of the colon, , and times past, restoration of normal anatomy to treat rectal anus. The Standards Committee is composed of Society prolapse was considered a definition of success. However, members who are chosen because they have demonstrated the presence of multiple operations to correct this problem expertise in the specialty of colon and rectal . This indicates that the achievement of excellent outcomes is Committee was created to lead international efforts in de- somewhat elusive. fining quality care for conditions related to the colon, rec- Women aged 50 and older are 6 times as likely as men tum, and anus. This is accompanied by developing Clinical to present with .7–9 Although it is com- Practice Guidelines based on the best available evidence. monly thought that rectal prolapse is a consequence of These guidelines are inclusive, and not prescriptive. Their multiparity, approximately one-third of female patients purpose is to provide information on which decisions can with rectal prolapse are nulliparous. The peak age of inci- be made, rather than dictate a specific form of treatment. dence is the seventh decade in women, whereas the rela- These guidelines are intended for the use of all practitio- tively few men who have this problem may develop pro- ners, health care workers, and patients who desire infor- lapse at the age of 40 or less. One striking characteristic mation about the management of the conditions addressed of younger patients is their increased tendency to have by the topics covered in these guidelines. autism, syndromes associated with developmental delay, It should be recognized that these guidelines should and psychiatric comorbidities requiring multiple medica- not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or tions.10 Young male patients with rectal prolapse also tend exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed to obtain- to report significant symptoms related to bowel function, ing the same results. The ultimate judgment regarding the specifically evacuation. propriety of any specific procedure must be made by the Approximately 50% to 75% of patients with rectal physician in light of all of the circumstances presented by prolapse report , and 25% to 50% of the individual patient. patients will report .11–15 Incontinence in the setting of rectal prolapse may be explained by the presence of a direct conduit (the prolapse) bypassing the sphincter STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM mechanism, the chronic stretch and trauma to the sphinc- Rectal prolapse, internal intussusception, and solitary rec- ter caused by the prolapse itself, and continuous stimula- tal syndrome comprise a spectrum of anatomical ab- tion of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex by the prolapsing tissue. Pudendal neuropathy has been demonstrated in normalities involving descent of full- or partial-thickness 16 rectal wall associated with dysfunction. These up to one-half of patients with prolapse andmaybere- sponsible for denervation-related atrophy of the external conditions, although benign, can be extremely debilitat- 17 ing because of the discomfort of prolapsing tissue both sphincter musculature. Constipation associated with internally and externally, associated drainage of mucus or prolapse may result from intussuscepting bowel in the rec- tum creating a blockage that is exacerbated with straining, blood, and the common occurrence of fecal incontinence 13,14 or constipation. In patients with rectal prolapse, diastasis pelvic floor dyssynergia, and colonic dysmotility.

METHODOLOGY Dis Colon Rectum 2011; 54: 1339–1346 DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0b013e3182310f75 An organized search of MEDLINE/PubMed and the ©The ASCRS 2011 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Clinical


TABLE 1. The GRADE system: grading recommendationsa Methodologic quality of Description Benefit vs risk and burdens supporting evidence Implications 1A Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs without important Strong recommendation, can apply high-quality evidence and burdens or vice versa limitations or overwhelming to most patients in most evidence from observational circumstances without studies reservation 1B Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can apply moderate-quality evidence and burdens or vice versa (inconsistent results, to most patients in most methodologic flaws, indirect circumstances without or imprecise) or exceptionally reservation strong evidence from observational studies 1C Strong recommendation, low or Benefits clearly outweigh risk Observational studies or case Strong recommendation but may very low quality evidence and burdens or vice versa series change when higher-quality evidence becomes available 2A Weak recommendation, high- Benefits closely balanced with RCTs without important Weak recommendation, best action quality evidence risks and burdens limitations or overwhelming may differ depending on evidence from observational circumstances or patients’ or studies societal values 2B Weak recommendations, Benefits closely balanced with RCTs with important limitations Weak recommendation, best action moderate-quality evidence risks and burdens (inconsistent results, may differ depending on methodologic flaws, indirect circumstances or patients’ or or imprecise) or exceptionally societal values strong evidence from observational studies 2C Weak recommendation, low or Uncertainty in the estimates of Observational studies or case Very weak recommendations; other very low quality evidence benefits, risks and burden; series alternatives may be equally benefits, risk and burden reasonable may be closely balanced GRADE ϭ Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT ϭ randomized controlled trial. aAdapted from Guyatt et al.18 Table 2. Used with permission.

Trials was performed, from 1978 to June 2010, using the a toilet with or without use of an . Inspection of the key words “rectal prolapse,” “procidentia,” “,” with the patient in the sitting or squatting posi- “suture rectopexy,” “mesh rectopexy, resection rec- tion is helpful for this purpose. A common pitfall in the topexy,” “perineal rectosigmoidectomy.” Selected embed- diagnosis of rectal prolapse is the potential for confusion ded references were also reviewed. All English language with prolapsing internal or rectal mucosal manuscripts and studies of adults were reviewed. Recom- prolapse. Usually, these conditions are easily distinguished mendations were formulated by the primary authors and by clinical examination. Close inspection of the direction reviewed by the entire committee. The final grade of rec- of the prolapsed tissue folds will reveal that in the case of ommendation was performed using the Grades of Recom- full-thickness rectal prolapse, the folds are always concen- mendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation tric, whereas hemorrhoidal tissue or rectal mucosa devel- (GRADE) system18 (Table 1) and reviewed by the entire ops radial invaginations. Standards Committee. Full inspection of the perineum and complete anorec- tal examination is equally important. A patulous anus with diminished sphincter tone is usually identified. Procto- RECOMMENDATIONS scopy reveals a solitary rectal ulcer on the anterior surface Evaluation of Rectal Prolapse of the rectum in 10% to 15% of cases. In the event that the 1. The initial evaluation of a patient with rectal prolapse prolapse is still elusive, patients can be asked to photo- should include a complete history and physical examina- graph the prolapse at home. Twenty to thirty-five percent tion. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommenda- of patients with rectal prolapse report urinary inconti- tion based on low quality evidence 1C nence, and about 15% to 30% have significant vaginal Before operative intervention, a careful history and vault prolapse.9,20 These symptoms require evaluation, physical examination should be performed. If the diagno- and potentially, multidisciplinary surgical intervention. sis is suspected from the history, but not detected on phys- 2. Additional tests such as a , colonos- ical examination, confirmation can be obtained by asking copy, barium enema, and urodynamics can be used the patient to reproduce the prolapse by straining while on selectively to define the diagnosis and identify other DISEASES OF THE COLON &RECTUM VOLUME 54: 11 (2011) 1341 important pathology. Grade of Recommendation: Strong tive manometric findings nor nerve conduction velocities recommendation based on moderate quality evidence 1B have served as reliable predictors of postoperative func- If the prolapse cannot be produced during the physical tion.33 Decreased anal squeeze or resting pressures may examination, then a defecography may reveal the problem. predate the actual development of the prolapse and con- Defecography may also reveal associated defects such as tribute to the development of the condition. , vaginal vault prolapse, and that may, 21,22 depending on symptoms, require treatment as well. Nonoperative Management Although uncommon, a may form the lead 23 1. Although many patients who present with rectal pro- point for a rectal intussusception. For this reason, and lapse are older and have multiple comorbidities, there is because this problem often occurs in the older population, little nonoperative treatment available for symptomatic colonoscopy should be performed based on existing guide- rectal prolapse. Grade: Weak recommendation based on lines of appropriate screening for colorectal . A sig- low-quality evidence 2C nificant finding on colonoscopic inspection may change Addressing symptoms of constipation using fiber and the operative approach. For those patients who also have stool softeners may be of use.34 Table sugar has been used symptoms of vaginal prolapse or , to reduce incarcerated rectal prolapse by absorbing the urodynamics and urogynecologic examination should be of the rectal , thus making it easier to reduce.35 considered because surgical intervention may be needed However, this does not definitively treat the condition. for both the anterior and posterior compartments of the 24–26 There are no studies that compare surgical and medical pelvis. management of rectal prolapse. 3. Physiologic testing may be useful to assess func- tional disorders associated with rectal prolapse, such as constipation or fecal incontinence. Grade of Recommen- Operations for Rectal Prolapse dation: Weak recommendation based on low quality Surgery is the mainstay for treatment of rectal prolapse. evidence 2C However, the number of procedures described in the liter- Do Anorectal physiology studies rarely change the op- ature both historically and in recent times continues to erative strategy for rectal prolapse, but they can often guide increase. Operative repairs include anal encirclement (his- treatment for associated functional abnormalities, in par- torical interest only), mucosal resection, perineal proc- ticular, in the postoperative period. Patients will often tosigmoidectomy, anterior resection with or without rec- present with rectal prolapse in the setting of lifelong severe topexy, suture rectopexy alone, and a host of procedures constipation. These patients require special consideration involving the use of synthetic meshes affixed to the pre- in accordance with the ASCRS constipation practice pa- sacral fascia. Two predominant general approaches, ab- rameter.27 Anorectal physiology testing to assess for pelvic dominal and perineal, are considered in the operative re- floor dyssynergia and a transit study to rule out colonic pair of rectal prolapse. The surgical approach is dictated by the comorbidities of the patient, the surgeon’s preference inertia should be considered in these situations. Patients 36 with pelvic floor dyssynergia may benefit from postopera- and experience, and the patient’s age and bowel function. tive , and those who have evidence of surgi- Although numerous operative approaches to rectal pro- cally amenable slow-transit constipation, and are conti- lapse are described using both abdominal and perineal nent, may be candidates for subtotal in addition techniques, only a few are actually routinely advocated, to a rectopexy.28 and many are of historical interest only. Discussed here are Chronic dilation of the anal sphincter with diminished procedures in common practice and routinely reported on internal anal sphincter pressures is a common finding and in the literature. can lead to fecal incontinence. Again, the evaluation of these patients should be in accordance with the ASCRS Abdominal Procedures for Rectal Prolapse practice parameter for fecal incontinence29 and may in- 1. In patients with acceptable risk, procedures incorpo- clude endorectal ultrasound to evaluate sphincter defects, rating transabdominal rectal fixation are typically the and and testing, as procedure of choice for the treatment of rectal prolapse. well. The finding of increased nerve conduction periods Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation (nerve damage) may have postoperative prognostic signif- based on moderate quality evidence 1B icance for continence; patients with evidence of nerve In general, it is believed that the perineal approach damage may have a higher rate of incontinence following results in less perioperative morbidity and pain, and a re- surgical correction of the prolapse, although more studies duced length of hospital stay. However, recurrence rates are required to confirm this.30–32 In general, patients with that are 4 times higher than those for abdominal opera- fecal incontinence secondary to rectal prolapse will have tions and worse functional outcome as a result of resection improvement in their symptoms once the prolapse is of the rectum have prevented this approach from becom- treated. Unfortunately, in most studies, neither preopera- ing the procedure of choice.11,34,37 Abdominal operations 1342 VARMAETAL:PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR RECTAL PROLAPSE generally have superior overall results and have become the group does not seem to be predisposed to future preferred treatment for younger and healthier patients. constipation.49 However, morbidity and mortality is slightly higher with 3. Division of the lateral stalks during rectal dissec- an abdominal approach, making the consideration of pa- tion may worsen symptoms of constipation postopera- tient comorbidities essential in deciding the appropriate tively, but it is associated with decreased recurrence repair.33,34 rates. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommenda- tion based on moderate-quality evidence 2B Independent of the technique used to perform the rec- Suture Rectopexy topexy, the division of the lateral stalks during the rectal 1. Rectopexy is a key component in the abdominal ap- dissection has been associated with worsening constipa- proach to rectal prolapse. Grade of Recommendation: 6,34,43,47,50–53 Strong recommendation based on low-quality evidence tion. It was theorized that the denervation of 1C the rectum from the neural efferents thought to reside in The fixation of the rectum in the pelvis with suture, the lateral ligaments was the cause of this . As first described by Cutait38 in 1959, aims to correct the a result, a revised version of the resection rectopexy advised telescoping of the redundant bowel and causes fixation preservation of the lateral stalks and unilateral fastening of of the rectum from the resultant scarring and fibrosis. The the rectal mesentery to the sacrum at the level of the sacral recurrence rates for suture rectopexy are generally re- promontory. However, multiple other studies examining ported to be from 3% to 9%.39–43 Rectopexy can also pro- the onset of constipation after preservation of the lateral duce new-onset or worsened constipation. Fifteen percent stalks noted constipation in 18% to 89% of patients in of patients experience constipation for the first time fol- comparison with 14% to 48% of those patients with lateral lowing rectopexy, and at least 50% of those who are con- stalks divided. Furthermore, although there can be some stipated preoperatively are made worse.44 The precise eti- improvement in constipation with preservation of the ology of constipation is unclear. Mechanical as well as lateral ligaments, recurrence rates are found to be in- 34,51,53 functional reasons for constipation should be considered. creased. 2. A sigmoid resection may be added to rectopexy in patients with prolapse and preoperative constipation, Mesh Rectopexy but it is not necessary in those without constipation. 1. The Ripstein procedure with fixation of mesh from Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence 1B the anterior rectal wall to the sacral promontory after Resection rectopexy is a technique first described by posterior mobilization may be used for treatment of rec- Frykman and Goldberg in 196945 and popularized in the tal prolapse, but it is associated with higher morbidity. United States in the past 30 years. The appeal of the proce- Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation dure includes the lack of artificial mesh, ease of operation, based on low-quality evidence 1C and resection of “redundant” sigmoid colon. Recurrence Prosthetic materials have long been used to affix the rectum to the sacrum to treat rectal prolapse. The Ripstein rates are low, ranging from 2% to 5%, and major compli- 54 cation rates range from 0% to 20% and relate either to repair (and its many iterations) involves placement of a obstruction or anastomotic leak. The addition of sigmoid- prosthetic mesh around the mobilized rectum with attach- ectomy to the operation was felt to be associated with a ment of the mesh to the presacral fascia below the sacral 13 lower recurrence rate and improved functional outcome promontory. Recurrence rates for this procedure range with a minimal increase in morbidity.46,47 It seems to re- from 2.3% to 5%. After mobilization of the rectum, Rip- duce constipation significantly in those who report this stein originally described using a band of rectangular mesh symptom preoperatively in some studies.34,46,48 Others placed around the anterior aspect of the rectum at the level have argued that sigmoidectomy is an inadequate opera- of the peritoneal reflection. Sutures were used to secure the tion for a chronic motility problem that affects the entire mesh to the rectum anteriorly and the rectum was pulled bowel, and those patients should be formally evaluated upward and posterior. Then, both sides of the mesh were preoperatively and subtotal colectomy recommended if sutured to the presacral fascia. Recurrence rates ranged colonic inertia is detected. Although some patients who from 4% to 10%, but complication rates were excessive, up report incontinence before surgery will have an improve- to 50%, primarily because of the placement of a foreign ment in symptoms even after a sigmoid resection, resolu- material on the anterior rectal wall.55–57 tion of fecal incontinence is less common if sigmoid resec- Because of, including large-, ero- tion is performed.34 There is increasing evidence that sion of the mesh through the bowel, ureteral injury or fi- sigmoid resection may not be necessary in those who re- brosis, small-bowel obstruction, rectovaginal fistula, and port no history of constipation and whose predominant , Ripstein modified the technique with pos- complaint is fecal incontinence. This particular patient terior fixation of the mesh to the sacrum with attachment DISEASES OF THE COLON &RECTUM VOLUME 54: 11 (2011) 1343 of the ends of the mesh to the rectum laterally.58 Recur- an operative morbidity of 29%, including 3 anastomotic rence rates are similar. Subsequent postoperative morbid- leaks.65 Another review confirmed that, with an average ity rates are 20%, but most of these complications are follow-up of 6 years, recurrence occurred in 7% of cases.50 minor. Mesh rectopexy results in significant improvement A low pelvic in those with borderline conti- in fecal incontinence in 20% to 60% of patients.9 nence may cause complete loss of control. Careful selec- 2. A modified Wells procedure using a variety of tion of patients is necessary for this procedure, and, in foreign materials for posterior fixation of the rectum general, given the slightly higher recurrence rates and lack may be used for treatment of rectal prolapse. Grade of of functional advantages, it is not widely practiced. Evidence: Weak recommendation based on moderate- quality evidence 2B Wells originally described fixation of the rectum using Adjunctive Operative Techniques for an Ivalon sponge and transection of the lateral ligaments. Abdominal Procedures He reported excellent results with minimal complica- 1. A minimally invasive approach to rectal prolapse by tions.59 A randomized trial of Ivalon (polyvinyl alcohol) experienced surgeons compares favorably with an open sponge vs suture rectopexy found comparable recurrence repair. Grade of Evidence: Strong recommendation rates but increased complication rates and postoperative based on moderate-quality evidence 1B constipation in the Ivalon group and recommended that All abdominal approaches to rectal prolapse have been this technique be abandoned.43 The Ivalon sponge is no performed laparoscopically over the past decade with es- longer commercially available. However, the modified sentially similar results.34,66–69 The indications for per- Wells technique using other materials such as polyester forming a laparoscopic procedure are primarily related to or polypropylene mesh60,61 continues to be popular, espe- the indications for an abdominal approach; patients with- cially for laparoscopic approaches. out previous abdominal surgery are excellent candidates, 3. The ventral mesh rectopexy reduces constipation but prior pelvic surgery is not necessarily an exclusion cri- by avoiding posterolateral mobilization of the rectum terion. The laparoscopic treatment of rectal prolapse was and produces results similar to other abdominal ap- first described in 1992 and involved a rectopexy without proaches. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommen- sigmoid resection.70 Since that time, numerous series have dation based on moderate-quality evidence 2B demonstrated equivalent recurrence rates (4%–8%) and D’Hoore and colleagues62 first described the ventral morbidity (10%–33%) of the laparoscopic repair in com- rectopexy repair and its potential advantage in avoiding parison with open approaches, but clear benefits in terms postoperative constipation. The technique involves mobi- of pain control, length of stay, and return of bowel func- lization of the anterior wall of the rectum with fixation of tion.15,34,68 In addition, the feasibility of a minimally inva- mesh to the anterior wall and then fixation of the mesh to sive approach for colorectal resective procedures has been the sacrum. This is in contrast to the Orr-Loygue proce- demonstrated in the high-risk patient.71 Wound compli- 63 dure, where the rectum was mobilized both anteriorly cation rates have also been found to be decreased in lapa- and posteriorly, before fixation to the sacrum. A systematic roscopic surgery for prolapse. Certainly, those who un- review of 12 nonrandomized case series of 728 patients dergo rectopexy without resection are at very low risk for undergoing ventral rectopexy reported a recurrence rate of infection because only trocar incisions are needed. The ac- 3.4, and a weighted decrease in the postoperative constipa- tual surgical technique to perform laparoscopic rectopexy tion rate was estimated to be 23%. However, new onset of 64 or resection is the same as that used for open repairs. The constipation was also noted to be 14.4%. goals of surgery remain the same, to eradicate the full- thickness rectal prolapse, improve bowel function and 15 Anterior Resection continence, and minimize recurrence rates. However, re- 1. The use of anterior resection alone to treat rectal pro- currence rates should be judged in light of the length of lapse is associated with higher recurrence rates and follow-up, because a significant percentage of recurrences 72–74 significant operative and postoperative morbidity; it may occur several years after treatment. should not be considered as a first-line treatment. Grade Recent applications of robotic surgery for colorectal of recommendation: Strong recommendation based on conditions have focused on pelvic operations because of moderate-quality evidence 1B the ease of maintaining one field for the procedure. Only a Anterior resection was described as an alternative few series have been published with small numbers of strategy to repair prolapse in 1955, and there are some patients that have demonstrated equivalent outcomes advocates of the technique. Unfortunately, in several ret- compared with laparoscopic approaches. Disadvantages rospective reviews, several shortcomings are evident. In include longer operating time and cost. However, visual- one review of 113 patients, the recurrence rate continued ization and ease of suturing and tying account for much of to climb after 2, 5, and 10 years to 3%, 6%, and 12%, with the interest in this technique.75–78 1344 VARMAETAL:PRACTICE PARAMETERS FOR RECTAL PROLAPSE

Perineal Operations for Rectal Prolapse this document, and the Society assumes no responsibility for 1. Patients with a short, full-thickness rectal prolapse the use of the material contained. can be treated with a mucosal sleeve resection; but, for a longer prolapse, it is associated with a higher recur- rence rate compared with abdominal approaches. Grade A: CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS OF THE of Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on ASCRS STANDARDS COMMITTEE low-quality evidence 1C Donald Buie, M.D., Chair; Janice Rafferty, M.D., Co- For patients with a short, full-thickness rectal prolapse Chair; Farshid Araghizadeh, M.D.; Robin Boushey, M.D.; or a mucosal prolapse, a Delorme procedure can be per- Srihdhar Chalasani, M.D.; George Chang, M.D.; Robert formed. It involves a circumferential mucosal sleeve resec- Cima, M.D.; Gary Dunn, M.D.; Daniel Feingold, M.D.; tion and imbrication of the muscularis layer with serial Phillip Fleshner, M.D.; Daniel Geisler, M.D.; Jill Jenua, vertical sutures. Recurrence rates are higher than the ab- M.D.; Sharon Gregorcyk, M.D.; Daniel Herzig, M.D.; An- dominal approaches in the range of 10% to 15%.79–82This dreas Kaiser, M.D.; Ravin Kumar, M.D.; David Larson, procedure is advocated for those who are considered “high M.D.; Stephen Mills, M.D.; John Monson, M.D.; W. Brian risk” for an abdominal procedure because of comorbidities Perry, M.D.; P. Terry Phang, M.D.; David Rivadeneira, or to avoid risk of nerve damage. Complications such as M.D.; Howard Ross, M.D.; Peter Senatore, M.D.; Elin infection, , bleeding, and fecal impaction 79,82 Sigurdson, M.D.; Thomas Stahl, M.D.; Scott Steele, M.D.; occur in 4% to 12% of cases. Constipation and fecal Scott Strong, M.D.; Charles Ternent, M.D.; Judith Trudel, incontinence improve following surgery, but urgency and M.D.; Madhulika Varma, M.D.; and Martin Weiser, M.D. tenesmus do occur. Although restoration of function is not uniform in the series surveyed, in one of the few studies reporting postoperative manometric findings, both mean REFERENCES resting and squeeze pressures were significantly increased by the procedure.81 1. Broden B, Snellman B. Procidentia of the rectum studied with 2. Patients with a full-thickness rectal prolapse cineradiography: a contribution to the discussion of causative mechanism. Dis Colon Rectum. 1968;11:330–347. who are not candidates for an abdominal operation may 2. Kuijpers HC. 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