BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here Executive Summary

files for correct trapping. This is your responsibility. your is This trapping. correct for files 209114 Pubs and Clubs Golf Clubs Leaflet PHME 69258 • BT • A3 • G# • CMYK • PF:2 • 15.11.13 • MO • 15.11.13 • PF:2 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

209114 Pubs and Clubs Golf Clubs Leaflet PHME 69258 • BT • A3 • G# • CMYK • PF:3 • 15.11.13 • MO • 15.11.13 • PF:3 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114 A/W check Please REPRO: FOR IMPORTANT VERY 209114 Pubs and Clubs Golf Clubs Leaflet PHME 69258 • BT • A3 • G# • CMYK • PF:4 • 18.11.13 • MF-RO MF-RO • 18.11.13 • PF:4 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

BT Sports: AS • 18.11.13 • PF:5 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

Make sure you have one. have you sure Make PHME 69258 PHME See apply. terms contract, the of period the during change may but 2013, November

Legitimate commercial subscriptions are identified by the commercial bug. bug. commercial the by identified are subscriptions commercial Legitimate Great Sport Happens here print, of time at correct were pricing and information this All 1800000). number (company 7AJ EC1A Street, Newgate 81 at England in registered We’re 2013. plc Telecommunications British © for details. details. for See apply. conditions and Terms offers. other any with conjunction in available

Offer ends 31 December 2013. 2013. December 31 ends Offer free: months 3 12-month minimum term applies from date of activation of viewing. Not Not viewing. of activation of date from applies term minimum 12-month free. 2014 July and June receive also will you then and free, be will month first Your

Important Information. Important

Together we can reduce paper consumption. paper reduce can we Together

0800 678 1070 678 0800 1070 678 0800 Don’t delay, sign up today. Call Call today. up sign delay, Don’t Call today. up sign delay, Don’t

The challenge TV. of Executive Chief Prospect Acquisition - Targeted (DM)

Watson Marc


BT Sport commercial commercial Sport BT

Best wishes, Best

legitimate a with

Stay legal legal Stay

Critical to the commercial success of BT Sport was the need to break into the 2013. December 31 before

• If you haven’t got Sky equipment, we’ll give you a free Sky box plus free standard installation installation standard free plus box Sky free a you give we’ll equipment, Sky got haven’t you If •

on Sky on

activate it on your viewing card. If you don’t have a viewing card, we’ll send you one. you send we’ll card, viewing a have don’t you If card. viewing your on it activate

available longer no

pubs and clubs market, who unlike consumers had to pay for the we’ll and service.system satellite Sky existing your This to Sport BT add equipment, Sky got you’ve If • games


way to get them is through BT. Just contact us and we’ll set you up. you set we’ll and us contact Just BT. through is them get to way

subscriptions are identified by the commercial bug. Make sure you have one. have you sure Make bug. commercial the by identified are subscriptions

commercial market was dominated by Sky, and BT had no track only the and recordPlatform Satellite Digital inSky the on sportbroadcast are channels sports amazing our All The only way to legitimately show BT Sport in your venue is by taking a BT Sport commercial subscription. Legitimate commercial commercial Legitimate subscription. commercial Sport BT a taking by is venue your in Sport BT show legitimately to way only The

It’s easy to get BT Sport set up at your venue your at up set Sport BT get to easy It’s

per month excl. VAT VAT excl. month per

How to keep it legal it keep to How

from £75 from £75 per month, excluding VAT. excluding month, per £75

or content provision to build upon – representing a serious Prices challenge in terms of Segmented DM (Golf Clubs) Segmented DM (Pubs) just from start Prices bar. your in Sport BT free months 3 get and offer new our of advantage

And here’s a great way to keep your members and guests staying long after the 18th hole – take take – hole 18th the after long staying guests and members your keep to way great a here’s And

driving brand awareness, credibility and conversion. AddedSport BT to this, others that had

games no longer available on Sky. on available longer no games . Offer ends on

when you join to to join you when Hurry.

We’ve got a great sporting line-up this winter that’s sure to attract sports fans, with unmissable unmissable with fans, sports attract to sure that’s winter this line-up sporting great a got We’ve

3 months free free months 3 5 October gone before them and challenged Sky had not succeeded (Setanta had pulled out Hello, Are you missing out on of the market the previous season) – this was a major challenge to overcome. Saturday lunchtimes?

Try BT Sport for 3 months and get the 1st month FREE

takings with 3 months for free. for months 3 with takings Get BT Sport in your bar and top up your your up top and bar your in Sport BT Get Make sure one round leads

to another.

Mailsort code Mailsort

The solution Key Role


County Sample

Town Sample

Road Sample

November 2013 November

Sample House Number House Sample .

We needed a different approach to just selling the sports content to these pubs Sample AB Mr Join today to get BT Sport in time for Tottenham v Chelsea and clubs. Many of them, particularly independents, are struggling to survive and Saturday 28 September 12.45pm we knew the cost of BT Sport could be prohibitive. So our strategy was not just Call 0800 678 1136 or visit to sell the service but provide a complete support package thatPartnership could help theirExperience Building - Bar Runner and Beer Mat businesses survive and grow.

We achieved this by first acquiring pubs and clubs using personalised pricing based on what we believed they could afford. And then providing a complete support package which helped to pull punters in, keep them engaged and drive GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE repeat visits with a toolkit. This contained amongst other things, mobile interactive GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE beer runners, a pub finder service and assets that they could download.

The results Get The Latest In Get The Latest In Game Changing Sport Game Changing Sport From a starting base of zero, we exceeded all expectations driving subscriptions Right Here Right Here blipp... 42% ahead of target by acquiring 19,000 venues. In just 9 months this equated imaGe JUmps Fill sCreen to liFe! with imaGe

to 24% of all pubs, just a shade behind Sky’s 25% which they’d grown over 20 download the blippar app and

correct trapping. This is your responsibility. your is This trapping. correct VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: Please check A/W files for for files A/W check Please REPRO: FOR IMPORTANT VERY years. We even grew the category 26% - getting sport into more pubs and clubs download blippar blipp this mat than ever before. And the campaign achieving a substantial ROI of 553%. 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:5 • 04.07.13 • AS 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:4 • 02.07.13 • Peter S

VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: Please checkA/W files for correct trapping. This is your responsibility. 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:5 • 04.07.13 • AS 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:4 • 02.07.13 • Peter S


Get The Latest In Game Changing Sport Right Here

Fill sCreen blipp... with imaGe imaGeimaGe JUmps download the blippar app and toto liFe!

download blipp this mat blippar

206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Bar Runner • BT • 220x410mm (bleed 243x430) • G# • CMYK • PF:8 • 04.07.13 • AS 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Bar Runner • BT • 220x410mm (bleed 243x430) • G# • CMYK • PF:7 • 02.07.13 • Peter S VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: Please check A/W 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_June Welcome_Bar Runner • BT • 220x410mm (bleed 243x430) • G# • CMYK • PF:6 • 25.06.13 • AS files for correct trapping. This is your responsibility. BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here Awards Entry BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here

Launching into a tough market A strategic approach which appealed to this unloved audience As part of monetising the BT Sport launch (which was free to BT Broadband customers), BT needed to enter the pubs and clubs market. This represented So we demonstrated that BT Sport was the “on their side” venue partner that’d a major challenge on two fronts - effectively owned the paid sports help pull in more punters, who’d then spend more time and money with them. market (the under-dog Setanta had pulled out of the market the previous year), We delivered an ‘affordable personalised price’ (using an algorithm which and BT had no track record in providing world-class sports entertainment. calculated what we thought they could afford to pay) for those without, those who had given up and those looking to add to their current live sport. And then gave them the collateral needed to help encourage punters though the door, Honing in on an audience in need and to stay longer once they were there.

Rather than try to do complex deals with major corporate chains, we focused This wasn’t about throwing more budget and communications than the market our campaign on small independents – those that needed to make every £1 work leader. But about a smart, insightful, efficient campaign that truly delivered on to ensure their survival. Many of these pubs currently risk going out of business how to do better business: focussing on an unloved audience, understanding – with 31 pubs a week closing due to several years of tough market conditions1 their needs and pressures, and behaving accordingly – as a ‘growth’ partner (rising beer duty, falling real incomes amongst British people and a shift to rather than a plug and play big business. drinking more at home less out at pubs). To thrive, they need to drive footfall and time spent in their establishments. We demonstrated our commitment to partnership building around a central creative platform; ‘Great sport happens here’. Our research showed an opportunity to unlock this ‘unloved’ audience – venues that wanted to show sport (as it pulls in footfall to their venue, which in turn drives revenue), but couldn’t afford prohibitively costly Sky Sports. Some would have previously had Sky Sports, but had to give it up due to price increases, and others may never have felt the numbers would ‘add up’ for them to commit to the expense of Sky Sports.

We knew we’d be speaking to owner-managers of pubs and club. These time strapped holders of multiple roles (from manager, negotiator and bookkeeper to marketing director) are responsible for the smooth-running of their venue, and for ensuring its ongoing success. They need the facts about any new opportunity for their business, a compelling case and a partner on their wavelength. Not time-wasting indulgent marketing.

1Source: BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here

Delivering ‘Great sport happens here from customer pay nothing Sign up for today August and acquisition to long-term partnership: GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE BT Sport has arrived. i) Delivering personalised pricing through the letterbox Don’t miss out. Mr AB Sample Sample House Number Sample Road • For launch, we targeted independent businesses using Direct Mail to Sample Town Sample County deliver a personalised deal. This was based on research showing that our AB1 2CD audience would look at DM more readily than email, especially from a Role Key Mailsort code company with no track record to date in sport

Return Address: BT Response Centre, BRISTOL BS35 3ZZ.

files for correct trapping. This is your responsibility. your is This trapping. correct for files

• This was supported by highly targeted disruptive direct response press MO • 15.11.13 • PF:2 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

209114 Pubs and Clubs Golf Clubs Leaflet PHME 69258 • BT • A3 • G# • CMYK • PF:3 • 15.11.13 • MO • 15.11.13 • PF:3 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114 A/W check Please REPRO: FOR IMPORTANT VERY 209114 Pubs and Clubs Golf Clubs Leaflet PHME 69258 • BT • A3 • G# • CMYK • PF:4 • 18.11.13 • MF-RO MF-RO • 18.11.13 • PF:4 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

in trade publications – which demonstrated that we mean business AS • 18.11.13 • PF:5 • CMYK • G# • A3 • BT • 69258 PHME Leaflet Clubs Golf Clubs and Pubs 209114

BT Sport has arrived. Don’t miss out.

Make sure you have one. have you sure Make PHME 69258 PHME See apply. terms contract, the of period the during change may but 2013, November

Legitimate commercial subscriptions are identified by the commercial bug. bug. commercial the by identified are subscriptions commercial Legitimate © British Telecommunications plc 2013. We’re registered in England at 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ (company number 1800000). All this information and pricing were correct at time of print, print, of time at correct were pricing and information this All 1800000). number (company 7AJ EC1A London Street, Newgate 81 at England in registered We’re 2013. plc Telecommunications British © for details. details. for See apply. conditions and Terms offers. other any with conjunction in available

Offer ends 31 December 2013. 2013. December 31 ends Offer free: months 3 12-month minimum term applies from date of activation of viewing. Not Not viewing. of activation of date from applies term minimum 12-month free. 2014 July and June receive also will you then and free, be will month first Your

Important Information. Important • For phase two, our Direct Mail had a relevancy overlay to strengthen the consumption. paper reduce can we Together Call 0800 678 1135 today and pay nothing

message. Targeting venues with their local team fixtures, for August.

0800 678 1070 678 0800 1070 678 0800 Don’t delay, sign up today. Call Call today. up sign delay, Don’t Call today. up sign delay, Don’t or rugby where on-the-ground analysis identified them as a ‘rugby’ venue Together we can reduce paper consumption. Important Information. 1. The price quoted is only an indication based on the information we hold on your rateable value as at 4 July 2013 and is subject to change.

If the rateable value quoted isn’t right, please call 0800 678 1135 or visit We will confirm your rateable value with the

Chief Executive of TV. of Executive Chief ProspectValuations Acquisition Office before completing your - purchase. Targeted (DM)

Marc Watson Marc 2. Get August for no extra cost and pay nothing until September 2013. Offer ends 31 August 2013. Available to all commercial premises.

BT Sport is available from 1 August 2013. The minimum term runs from the date your service is activated but other additional charges, like

subscription paper billing, will still apply. Please see terms and conditions for full details

BT Sport commercial commercial Sport BT

Best wishes, Best 3. Free box and standard installation: Offer ends 30 September 2013. Available to licensed premises (excluding hotels) where there is no

with a legitimate a with existing Sky receiver box. BT Sport is available from 1 August 2013. A 12-month minimum term applies from the date of installation.

Stay legal legal Stay

before 31 December 2013. December 31 before You will be provided with a Sky receiver box and standard installation. You must use the authorised equipment installer referred to you by BT. See inside for your

• If you haven’t got Sky equipment, we’ll give you a free Sky box plus free standard installation installation standard free plus box Sky free a you give we’ll equipment, Sky got haven’t you If • Please see terms and conditions for full details at

on Sky on

activate it on your viewing card. If you don’t have a viewing card, we’ll send you one. you send we’ll card, viewing a have don’t you If card. viewing your on it activate 4. All fixtures are subject to change but correct at time of going to print. great low price.

available longer no

• If you’ve got Sky equipment, add BT Sport to your existing Sky satellite system and we’ll we’ll and system satellite Sky existing your to Sport BT add equipment, Sky got you’ve If • © British Telecommunications plc 2013. We’re registered in England at 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ (company number 1800000). games

All this information/pricing was correct at time of print, August 2013 but may change during the period of the contract, terms apply. See our terms


way to get them is through BT. Just contact us and we’ll set you up. you set we’ll and us contact Just BT. through is them get to way and conditions at PHME 68212

subscriptions are identified by the commercial bug. Make sure you have one. have you sure Make bug. commercial the by identified are subscriptions

All our amazing sports channels are broadcast on the Sky Digital Satellite Platform and the only only the and Platform Satellite Digital Sky the on broadcast are channels sports amazing our All

The only way to legitimately show BT Sport in your venue is by taking a BT Sport commercial subscription. Legitimate commercial commercial Legitimate subscription. commercial Sport BT a taking by is venue your in Sport BT show legitimately to way only The GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE

It’s easy to get BT Sport set up at your venue your at up set Sport BT get to easy It’s

per month excl. VAT VAT excl. month per

How to keep it legal it keep to How

from £75 from £75 per month, excluding VAT. excluding month, per £75

Prices Prices Segmented DM (Golf Clubs) Segmented DM (Pubs) just from start Prices bar. your in Sport BT free months 3 get and offer new our of advantage

And here’s a great way to keep your members and guests staying long after the 18th hole – take take – hole 18th the after long staying guests and members your keep to way great a here’s And 207062 BT Q2 Sport for Business August Free DM_PHME68212 ◊ A5 ◊ Pg1 ◊ PF:6 ◊ 01.08.13 ◊ NN VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: Please check A/W

BT Sport BT 207062 BT Q2 Sport for Business August Free DM_PHME68212 ◊ A5 ◊ Pg1 ◊ PF:5 ◊ 01.08.13 ◊ RA-RO

games no longer available on Sky. on available longer no games . Offer ends on

when you join to to join you when 207062 BT Q2 Sport for Business August Free DM_PHME68212 ◊ A5 ◊ Pg1 ◊ PF:4 ◊ 31.07.13 ◊ RO-RO files for correct trapping. This is your responsibility. Hurry.

We’ve got a great sporting line-up this winter that’s sure to attract sports fans, with unmissable unmissable with fans, sports attract to sure that’s winter this line-up sporting great a got We’ve

3 months free free months 3 5 October Hello, Are you missing out on Saturday lunchtimes?

Try BT Sport for 3 months and get the 1st month FREE

takings with 3 months for free. for months 3 with takings Get BT Sport in your bar and top up your your up top and bar your in Sport BT Get Make sure one round leads

to another.

Mailsort code Mailsort Key Role


County Sample

Town Sample

Road Sample

November 2013 November

Sample House Number House Sample .

Mr AB Sample AB Mr Join today to get BT Sport in time for Tottenham v Chelsea Saturday 28 September 12.45pm

Call 0800 678 1136 or visit BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here

Delivering ‘Great sport happens here from customer acquisition to long-term partnership: GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE ii) The engagement programme built around ‘key moments of truth’ helped drive value to the business Live Here Ask our bar staff for full fixtures. Get The Latest In • Outside the venue – ‘Great sport happens here’ high visibility posters Game Changing Sport showcased BT Sport is here, showing the best games Right Here

BLIPP... FILL SCREEN IMAGE JUMPS • Manager support – dedicated microsite for downloading and printing out WITH IMAGE TO LIFE! DOWNLOAD ‘on today’ match day posters. A pub finder online service helped locals BLIPPAR

find a venue to watch the game A/W files for FOR REPRO: Please check IMPORTANT VERY This is your responsibility. correct trapping.

206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:5 • 04.07.13 • AS 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_July Welcome_Beer Mats • BT • 94x94mm • G# • CMYK • PF:4 • 02.07.13 • Peter S • In venue experience – waiting to be served provided an opportunity to turn idle dwell time into an entertaining experience, with mobile interactive beer runners telling the story to staff and customers. Blip the code and see BT Great sport Sport’s fixtures and presenters served here • In venue standout – sporty toilet signs and monthly fixture posters created on-going presence, giving the channel credibility

Our direct and confident language gave our time poor, cash strapped audience

what they needed to make the business decision. GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE

GREAT SPORT HAPPENS HERE VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_June Welcome_Window Stickers • BT • 142x147mm • G# • CMYK • PF:2 • 19.06.13 • AS Please check A/W files for correct 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_June Welcome_Window Stickers • BT • 142x147mm • G# • CMYK • PF:1 • 17.06.13 • AS trapping. This is your responsibility.

VERY IMPORTANT FOR REPRO: 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_June Welcome_A2 Poster_v2 • BT • 594x420mm • G# • CMYK • PF:2 • 24.06.13 • RJ Please check A/W files for correct 206086 BT Sport_Q1_POS_June Welcome_A2 Poster_v2 • BT • 594x420mm • G# • CMYK • PF:1 • 19.06.13 • AS trapping. This is your responsibility. BT Sports: Great Sport Happens here

And this approach was highly successful, exceeding all campaign targets:

1. Driving subscription sales 3. Credible entertainment partner Combining targeted direct mail and disruptive direct response press delivered We’ve helped drive people into pubs and venues – over 1 million venue customers have a winning result, with the campaign exceeding sales subscription targets from watched BT Sport, at an average of 53 people per venue. inbound activity by 19%, delivering 64% of all sales. That’s 42% ahead of target, totalling over 19,000 pubs & clubs. Smart, cost effective communication tools helped support the venues – we’ve averaged 1,007 in-venue poster downloads per month. From a standing start in just nine months since launch, BT Sport captured 24% of all pubs, including groups and independents, putting them neck and neck with Interactive in-venue beer mats have helped sell the quality of the BT Sport experience. Sky at 25%. A massive achievement considering the 20 years of marketing from Within launch month we generated over 43,000 interactions, with 13,374 unique users Sky and this is BT Sport’s first season. maximising ‘dead time’ at the bar.

2. Return on investment 4. Generating market growth We delivered a positive ROI, returning £5.53 for every marketing £ we spent in We’ve given venues a real business-generating boost, by offering great sport at a great 2013 - 2014 through inbound sales. deal. The campaign has appealed to an entirely new audience of pubs and club - growing the market for pay TV sport out of home by 26%. We’ve sold BT Sport to customers who previously never paid for live sport, some of which never even had a TV.