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ED321171.Pdf ED 321 171 CG 022 607 TITLE Toward a State of Esteem. The Final Report of the California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. Appendixes. INSTITUTION California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8011-0854-3 PUB DATE Jan 90 NOTE 122p.; For the final report, see CG 022 606. AVAILABLE FROM Bureau of Publications, California State Department of Education, P.O. Box 271, Sacramento, CA 95802-0271 ($4.00). PUB TYPE Reference Materials - General (130) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Responsibility; *Self Esteem; *Social Responsibility IDENTIFIERS *California ABSTRACT The materials in these appendices are offered as a supplement to the findings and recommendation in the final report of a California task force created to promote self- esteem and personal responsibility. They include an extensive bibliography of self-esteem resource materials, a listing of self-esteem program resources, an outline of the work being done by the various county task forces in California, and copies of the legislation relevant to this task force's mission. Appendix A lists the California County Task Forces for Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility. Appendix B provides a resource inventory of programs having self-esteem components. It includes programs in California listed by county and programs outside of California. Appendix C describes programs, projects, and curricula in self-esteem and personal and social responsibility. Appendix D lists relevant books, periodicals, dissertations, audiotapes, and videotapes. Self-esteem assessment instruments are described in appendix E. Appendices F, G, and H list agencies and organizations, publishers and distributors, and human resources, respectively. The final appendix includes California legislation on self-esteem and personal and social responsibility. (NB) *************************************ft*************************t******* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** A . n'oe- .4.. -e . Z.. t _ ", t .." dr : it v .0 . - , 3.4 - r re_ic ^< f.- ".." 4';$.'-".1"esq" '.'eo.glr V,17 -stS: '''.-vsf:44; f;cv31 194 ON;k*Jt` .4# 1:4 A -1 - 0 1LS. DEPARTMENT OFaoucknom -111/fice of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Vhis document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization - ongsnatingrt 0 Minor Changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points°, view or °prisons stated in this Poo, ment do not necesunly represent offic OERI position or policy "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY -17 Str TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Appendixes to TowardaState of Esteem I /I NI I The Final Report of the California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility Publishing Information The Appendices to Toward a State of Esteem was compiled by the California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility, and it was published for the Task Force by the California Department of Education, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, California (mailing addresi: P.O. Box 944272,Sacramento, CA 94244-2720). It was distributed according to the proiisions of Government Code sections 8255 and 11096 and the Library Distribution Act; which means that the document is available-through every public library in California. This document was prepared for photo -offset production by the staff of the Calfornia Depanrnent of Education's Bureau of Publications, under the direction of Theodore R. Smith, Editor in Chief, who worked with Robert R. Ball, Executive Director, and Ruta D. Aldridge, Associate Director, of the Task Force's staff. Cheryl Shawver McDonald prepared the cover, and Marguerite Wobsehall designed and prepared the interior layout. Copyright 0 1990 by the California Department of Education Any questions regarding the reproduction of this document should be addressed to the Copyright Program Officer, California Depattment of Education, P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento, CA 94244-2720. However, the readers are advised that the "fair use" provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law permit the reproduction of material from this document for"purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including muliple copies for classroonse), scholarship, or reasearch." Conies of this publication are available for $4 each, plus sales tax for Califomiaresidents, from the Bureau of Publications, California Department of Education, P.O. Box 271, Sacramento, CA 95802-0271. The $4 fee covers the cost of processing an order, packaging and shipping the book, and maintaining the necessary inventory of the document. Any questions regarding the processing of orders or the distribution of the document should be directed to the Bureau of Publications at the address cited above or by phoning (916) 445-1260. A list of other publications available from the Department of Education may be secured by writing or calling the Bureau of Publications. The Final Report Toward a State of Esteem, which is the final report of the Califomi a Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibily, is available in a separate volume, also for $4 each, plus sales tax for California residents, from the Bureau of Publications, Sales Unit, California Department of Education, P.O. Box 271, Sacramento, CA 95802-0271. The final report was submitted to the California Legislature in January, 1990, as required by Government Code Section 8255. This law was enacted on September 23, 1986, when Governor George Deukmejian signed Assembly Bill 3659, which was authored by Assemblyman John Vasconcellos. The 26 members of the Task Force who developed the final report and compiled these appendixes are identified on pages xi and xii in Toward a State of Esteem; the group was headed by Andrew M. Mecca. ISBNO.8011-0854-3 4 Contents Appendix Page Overview and Acknowledgments iv A. California County Task Forces for Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility B. Resource Inventory of Programs Having Self-esteem Components 6 Programs in California with Self-esteem Components, Listed by County 6 Programs Outside California with Self-esteem Components 32 C. Programs, Projects, and Curricula in Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility 34 D. Books, Periodicals, Dissertations, Audiotapes, and Videotapes Books 53 Periodicals 64 Dissertations and Other Materials 68 Audiotapes and Videotapes 71 E. Self-esteem Assessment Instruments 74 F. Agencies and Organizations 77 G. Publishers and Distributors 83 H. Human Resources 92 I. California Legislation on Self and Personal and Social Responsibility 101 Assembly Bill No. 3659 101 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 64 110 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 65 113 Overview and Acknowledgments On September 23, 1986, Governor George forces for their efforts and energies that have resulted Deukmejian signed Assembly Bill 3659, the legisla- in numerous exciting advances in the study of self- tion that created our California Task Force to Pro- esteem. In addition to surveying the needs and mote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsi- resources of their counties with regard to self-esteem bility. Six months later all of the appointments had and responsible citizenship, the county task forces been made, and we were hard at work as a Task assisted in the planning and implementation of many forcepursuing bur assigned tasks. of our nine public hearings, conducted hearings of Among our tasks was the review of existing their own, and supplied us with information on research on the relationship between self-esteem and significant numbers of programs for the listing, of six major social concerns in California: educational resources included in these appendixes. failure; crime and violence, child and spousal abuse, The Task Force is especially grateful to Peggy teenage pregnancy, alcohol andsdrug abuse, and Haigh, educational psychologist and research assis- chronic welfare dependency. The results of the tant to Task Force member Dr. Kenneth Ogden. research that was completed for our Task Force can Peggy and Ken gave countless hours in assembling be found in a document published by the University and arranging the materials for appendixes C through of California Press: The Social Importance of Self- H. Esteem. The materials in these appendixes are offered as a The passage of Assembly Concurrent Resolutions supplement to the findings and recommendations in 64 and 65 in 1987 further expanded the reach of our the Task Force's final report: Toward a State of Task Force. The measures called for the establish- Esteem. ment of county task forces similar in design to the state Task Force and the cooperation of major state agencies. THE CALIFORNIA TASK FORCE TO We thank the hundreds of members of county self- PROMOTE SELF-ESTEEM AND PERSONAL AND esteem and personal and social responsibility task SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 6 iv Califcrnia County Task Forces for Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility The names, addresses, and information listed below have Calaveras been supplied to the California Task Force to promote Gary Duda Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility by P.O. Box 1198 counties in order to facilitate the location of county task Arnold, CA 95223 forces by interested Californians. (209) 795-1155 Work in Calaveras County
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