Year 2001 Expanded Trout Fishing Opportunities by Tom Greene, Coldwater Unit Leader
Year 2001 Expanded Trout Fishing Opportunities by Tom Greene, Coldwater Unit Leader New waters Chambers Lake, Chester County. The Sullivan County; Kinzua Creek, McKean water has been removed from the catch- addition of catchable trout management County; Leaser Lake, Lehigh County; able trout program. adds diversity to the multi-species fishery Little Mahanoy Creek, Schuylkill County; Rexmont Dam #2 (Lower), Lebanon in this 89.9-acre impoundment. Marvin Creek, McKean County; Medix County. This dam will be breached be- Hickory Run, Carbon County. Pend- Run, Elk County; Neifert Creek Flood cause of concerns for the impoundment’s ing the continuation of water quality Control Reservoir, Schuylkill County; structural safety. This water has been improvements, a 1.0-mile stream section Little Schuylkill River, Schuylkill County; removed from the catchable trout pro- from Hickory Run Lake downstream to Starrucca Creek, Susquehanna County; gram. Saylorsville Dam has been added to the and Little Yellow Creek, Indiana County. Roaring Brook, Lackawanna County. catchable trout program in 2001. Landowner posting following the transfer Hickory Run Lake, Carbon County. New Delayed-Harvest area of property has led to the removal of a Pending continued water quality im- Piney Creek, Clarion County. Begin- stream section from the catchable trout provements, this 4.2-acre impoundment ning this year, a 1.2-mile section of Piney program. The section extends from the returns to the catchable trout manage- Creek will be managed under the Delayed- outflow of Elmhurst Reservoir down- ment program this year. Harvest, Artificial-Lures-Only program. stream 2.0 miles. Lily Pond, Pike County.
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