Dame Vera Baird QC Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales

Office of the Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales 5th Floor, 70 Petty France London SW1H 9EX

e: [email protected]

30 October 2019

Rt Hon MP Sent by email

Dear Home Secretary


As I’m sure you will agree, the death of 39 migrants who entered the UK in a refrigerated lorry was truly shocking and has highlighted the terrible dangers arising from those who are involved in people smuggling. I’m pleased to note the government’s commitment to ensure those involved are brought to justice.

It would seem most of the families of those who have died are living in China and Vietnam. Their pain and distress must be beyond words. My report “Struggling for Justice” published only last week highlights the obstacles bereaved families face when they lose a loved one to homicide in a foreign jurisdiction. This must apply equally to those families who have been affected by this tragedy.

I am keen to seek re-assurance that these families will be offered as much as support as possible by the UK authorities, for example, in having the bodies of their loved ones repatriated and having a single point of information where they can receive the information they need and in their own language.

I would welcome some briefing on what provision is being made to assist the bereaved.

In line with my usual practice, a copy of this letter has been placed on my website.

Yours sincerely

Dame Vera Baird QC Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales