by Robert Joseph Montione



BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT ONEONTA THIS MANUSCRIPT IS NOT A FORMAL PUBLICATION. The information contained herein may not be cited or reproduced without permission of the author or the S.U.N.Y. Oneonta Biology Department ABSTRACT

A macroinvertebrate survey was done on a littoral wetland, Goodyear Swamp, near Cooperstown, New York <42oN,

Benthic samples were collected over the course of a year using a core and an Ekman dredge. One hundred and

eighteen taxa were found, almost al of which are adaptedto warm still water. The community diversity was high, but was dominated by (especially Tanypu~ and

Chironomus), Oligochaeta, Ceratopogonidae, and Pisidium. The Chironomus migrated into the swamp as mature larvae in

the fall. The overall density of the invertebrates was low, but the biomass standing crop was extremely high. This high standing crop was due mainly to a large population of the large mudworm Sparqanophilus eiseni. When the community is divided into functional groupings, the predator and collector components are dominant. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

I would like to thank the following people for the help they gave me while I was working on this manuscript. Dr.

Donald and Mrs. Eleanor Pollock and the rest of the Pollock family gave me a home and a family during my time at Oneonta.

Mr. Thomas Goodyear donated his land for research use, and was always forthcoming with friendly conversation and lunch.

Joseph Fagnani, Robert Bode, and the late Karl Simpson of the

New York State Health Department provided lessons in and confirmed my identifications. Dr. Willard Harman, Dr.

William Butts, and Jon Gelhaus also helped in confirming my identifications. My wife, Jennifer Mosher, helped in sorting specimens and proofreading this manuscript. Joseph Putnam helped several times with sampling. John Hohenfeldt helped in mechanical aspects of my work. The late Dr. Robert

MacWatters lent his Hydrolab for water quality analysis. would also like to acknowledge the fact that I received information from Dr. Richard Yuretich, Dr. David Strayer, and

Dr. Barbara Peckarsky. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction 1

Site Description 6

Site History 7

Recent Site History 8

Methods and Materials 9

Results 15

Discussion 24

Conclusions 41

References Cited 43

Raw Data for the Quantitative Study App.

Raw Data for the Qualitative Study App. 2

Genus List with information on trophic relationships and normal habitats App. 3

Genus List with further information on sampling dates and numbers of individuals collected App. 4

Raw data for the chemical analyses App. 5

Water depths in Goodyear Swamp App. 6

-, Notation of vegetation cover App. /

Lengths and weights of ~. eiseni App. 8 1


Water is often taken for granted, especially in the

Northeastern united states. However, water is, and should

be considered, a valuable resource. It is essential for all

living organisms and is employed extensively in domestic,

agricultural, and industrial usage. The per capita

consumption in the United states is 3001/day (Vallentyne,

1974). Water is becoming more valuable each day because of

our dependence on it and our subsequent use of it. Even as

the human popUlation and demand are growing larger, our

supply of clean, freshwater is becoming smaller. The great

aquifers of the west are being drawn down at an alarming

rate (Kromm and White, 1983). Wasted water and

contamination of water supplies with sewage and toxic materials destroy even more of this precious commodity (Pye and Patrick, 1982). As supplies of clean water are reduced, and demand for it increased, the value of water will

increase. It may even be possible that the "energy crisis of the 1970's and 1980's may become the water crisis of the not too distant future" (Wetzel, 1978).

Part of the solution to dealing with such a problem is to better understand how our water ecosystems function and how we can use them more efficiently. Among the various forms in which water is stored - lakes, streams, and - groundwater - a fairly large amount if information has been gathered. However, for one form of water storage the word

"ignorance" seems to arise constantly in the literature.

This entity is the wetlands ecosystem. The wetlands ecosystem has been credited with groundwater regeneration 2 and flood control (KlopateK, 1973), cleansing of surface waters, (Sloey et aI, 1978), and as a fish and wildlife habitat (Weller, 1978). Thus, the wetlands ecosystem is a storage compartment for water which may be critically important. In the past, wetlands have been abused. They have been filled in for housing developments, industrial sites, and garbage dumps (Virginia Inst. Marine Sci., 1969), although comparatively little is known about them.

Recently there has been an upsurge in the amount of research being done on the functioning of wetlands. To this end, a parcel of wetland known as Goodyear Swamp adjacent to otsego Lake, N.Y. was donated to the state University

College at Oneonta by Mr. Thomas Goodyear. This land is being added to the holdings of the Biological Field station on Otsego Lake (Harman, 1982). The advantage of operating a field station is that long term observations of a system can be carried out, perhaps over the course of years and with several different approaches to the study. This approach may refute Brinkhurst's (1974) statement that:

"There has never been a study of the benthos of a lake in which •.. the sampling methodology and schedule have been properly evaluated, most of the major species identified, and which extended over all seasons for a consecutive number of years."

Even a long study must have a beginning, a first look at the study area which can then be built upon and refined in technique as time goes on. There has been some work done in the Goodyear Swamp area. The boundaries were surveyed. A species list of the flora and a map of the spatial arrangement of the plant communities were made. A list of the vertebrates obvious in the swamp was made (Harman, 3

1982). A large amount of information oh Otsego Lake has also been gathered over the years (Harman et aI, 1980).

This thesis is the first in-depth study of Goodyear

Swamp. The work has concentrated on the macroinvertebrate fauna. They were chosen as the group to investigate for several reasons. First of all, they are the personal preference of the author. Second, macroinvertebrates possess characteristics which make them useful indicators of water quality. Among these are their wide range of tolerances for various environmental factors and the facts that they are relatively immobile, are usually easily found and collected, are relatively easy to identify, and generally have a life span of at least one year (Hilsenhoff,

1977). A final reason for stUdying macroinvertebrates is that they can represent a large portion of the biomass in a system, and can be an important component in biomass and nutrient flows.-- In this ~tudy, certain major physical parameters were also monitored in order to relate the invertebrate populations to the rest of the ecosystem.

The macroinvertebrate survey had several objectives. The first was simply to see what was living in the benthos and vegetation of Goodyear Swamp. This involved the compilation of a genus list for the study area. Theoretically, every microhabitat of the swamp should have been examined for specimens. That was not practical, but an attempt was made to sample qualitatively as many microhabitats as possible.

This qualitative sampling will show what genera are living in Goodyear Swamp; however, it is difficult to make any conclusions about the structure of the community and the 4 relationships of the various taxa from listing the species. If later studies are to be able to describe changes in this

community in regard to perturbation, then some type of

quantitative analysis is required. Two things can be

accomplished by quantitative sampling of the invertebrates.

First, the major taxa can be identified. For many studies

only changes in the major taxa are noted, and if these taxa

are known, then later studies can be made on a much smaller

scale. Second, an idea of the actual numbers of the

invertebrates can be found, which will allow calculation of

standing crop and biomass flow.

Quantitative sampling presents some problems which

qualitative sampling does not. Since actual numbers of

individual specimens collected are used, it is important to

acquire samples which are representative of the populations

present. All samplers have biases toward certain types of

organisms (Macan, 1974). More than one type of sampler was

used to overcome these biases. The Ekman dredge and a corer

were chosen for their simplicity, relatively deep

penetration into the sediments, consistency, and efficiency

(Brinkhurst, 1967, 1974).

Regardless of how carefully the samples are taken, there will always be some variation between sites. This variation can be dealt with by taking a larger number of

samples (Southwood, 1967). In the same way, differences in the time of year in which samples were taken can be accounted for by taking them over the course of an entire year. Some of this variation may be real, and is caused by

fluctuating environmental factors. In this wetland 5 environment, it is probable that any trend in the variations between sample sites will correlate with the water level. In order to detect any possible trends, transects perpendicular to the shoreline were used. As a final consideration, physical conditions in Goodyear Swamp were noted. If the macroinvertebrates are to be used as an indicator of water quality, the populations should be related to physical conditions in the swamp. Therefore, a variety of physical parameters were checked over the course of the study. 6

SITE DESCRIPTION Goodyear Swamp is located at the extreme northwest corner of otsego Lake, New York: 42°, 47', 39" N latitude, 74°, 54', 00" longitude (U.S.G.S. topographic map, Richfield Springs, N.Y. quadrangle), north of the property of the Goodyear family. It is a swamp in the sense that it is an area with saturated and occasionally inundated soil, and has a variety of emergent vegetation including trees and shrubs. The swamp is 2.025 hectares in area. It is immediately adjacent to the lake, although most of the swamp is separated from the lake by an artificial dike. There are two connections with the lake (see fig. 1), a small sandy gap and a larger main entrance. The maximum water depth is approximately 0.5 m. Large areas of the swamp consist of open water overlying a mucky bottom. The floral communities were described by Harman (1982) (fig. 2). Figure 1 Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary (From Harmon and Higgins. 198Gl.


SANCTUARY "'~/----"" OV[IlLOOK , \ --/­ ~ "WATER- , ... / I' .... ,"VII:W GOODYEAR /J \...-1 - 0 '__ \ ~ ,.... '" I ACCESS c~,- "-~ t"_ '"""'\ " '-~=I ~ '~,-~v '. '\ \)~ '... , r...... , __ ~ ""- ,/=>./ ~ ...... ~...... ) _.... ~l," ~ ~~- / ...-- ... - '-'------~-:>------.... _­ '~':", (/ V GUM:RGtASS ..."- ~- OVERLOOK



LOW WATER ,. 5·1, S·2 VernalSprmgs

~--.-. J 0;0 rt.

.. (J' p Figure 2 From Hilrman.,. 1982

raspberries sugar maple birch beech willows poison ivy

mesic araues loonrife

"ip" ~'r'r

lilV pads ~~e .."I._---­ \0 lilV pads

lily pads

veil ow star flower

pond.....eeds roval L'''.,,'

speckled -::-Q ..~ alder 7 SITE HISTORY

Geologic History:

The geologic history of Goodyear Swamp can be determined by

observation of the sediments in the swamp. Three discrete

layers of deposits can be found; a layer of organic rich muck

(approx. 0.2 - 0.5 m thick), beneath this lies a woody layer

(approx. 0.25 - 0.5 m thick), which in turn overlies a thick

grey clay.

An explanation of the formation of these sediments has been

described using information presented by R. Yuretich (per. camm.

1985). Otsego Lake itself is of Pleistocene origin (Harman et aI, 1980). The grey clay was probably formed during the early

history of the lake 10,000 to 7,000 years ago when the lake

levels were high from glacial meltwater. After that time, a warm dry period occurred which lowered the lake level and exposed the area of Goodyear Swamp to weathering. It was possibly during this time that the woody layer was formed by

forest growth. During the last 2,000 years a cooler and moister climate has prevailed which again raised the level of the lake.

This rising lake level may have flooded the study area and

formed the swamp, killing the trees and accumulating the muck comprised of senescent algae. However, considering the number of stumps still very evident, this flooding event is probably much more recent. The construction of a dam at the outlet to the Susquehanna River in 1905 (Harman, 1980) raised the water level of Otsego Lake several feet, and may have caused the formation of Goodyear Swamp from a wooded area.

Recent History as Recounted by Thomas Goodyear: 8

The Goodyear family acquired the property which contains

Goodyear Swamp in 1920. The swamp was in existence at that


The straight line of large rocks along the eastern (lake)

edge of the swamp is the remains of an attempt to lay a roadway

across the swamp to the neighboring Salvatore property. This

aborted roadway was constructed in the 1920's using horse and

wagon to haul materials.

The swamp used to extend farther south than it does now,

covering the area which now contains the tennis courts and

gardens, and reached to the boat house. This area was filled in

during the 1920's. The clay tennis courts were constructed about 1930, and their use was discontinued about the time of

World War II.

The area around the wetland was not used intensively with two exceptions. A small pig sty was kept for about ten years on the top of the slope (aprox. 10 m high) overlooking the swamp.

A large complex of turkey pens was operated to the north of the swamp for 18 years (1953-1971). A large amount of turkey manure probably ran off into the swamp during this time. There was little in the way of dumping into the swamp besides occasional household garbage except for a quantity of liquor bottles and the offal from the turkey farm which was buried on the south side of the wetland.

Recently, the Goodyear Swamp has been donated to the State

University College at Oneonta by Mr. Thomas Goodyear to be used as a nature preserve. As a means of protecting the property from overuse, a raised wooden boardwalk has been constructed by

W.N. Harman and others. 9 METHODS AND MATERIALS

The study can be divided into three main parts; a quantitative invertebrate survey, a qualitative invertebrate survey, and physical-chemical monitoring. The methods and materials for each part will be considered separately.

Quantitative Invertebrate Survey:

A preliminary set of four benthic samples were taken from

Goodyear Swamp on Feb. 25, 1984. Each sample was taken in duplicate using an Ekman dredge and a simple plastic core (2.52 cm diameter). The samples were sorted and the

resulting numbers of invertebrates were entered into the following equation to estimate the number of samples needed to adequately sample the sudy area (Southwood, 1966).

N = ts~ Dx

Where N = the number of samples needed t = the t-value for the sample at p=0.05 (=2.353) s = the standard deviation of the initial sample (=21.6) x = mean of the initial sample (=45.2) D = The original or allowable error. This is the standard error (s/n) expressed as a propor­ tion of the mean, D = std. error/x. South­ wood suggests a value of 10%.

The original calculations indicated that approximately 15 samples would be needed to get a representative sampling of

Goodyear Swamp. However upon checking those calculations at the study a mistake was discovered. A figure of 22 samples using a

10% error rate was calculated. The 15 samples used would produce satisfactory results if a 29% proportion of error was 10 allowed. This precision is still within the ranges of 40' quoted by Merritt and cummings (1984) for benthic studies. I decided to organize these samples into three transects running perpendicularly to the shoreline and radiating from the deepest point of the wetlands (fig. 3). These transects were established March 16, 1984. Holes were chopped through the ice and freshly cut saplings were pounded into the substrate through the holes. The tops of the saplings were then marked with red surveyor's flagging. For each sample site, two samples were taken using two types of sediment samplers. One sampler was an Ekman dredge (23 em x 23 em x 23 em) that had been modified to be operated manually from the surface with a pole. The other sampler was a corer consisting of clear Lexan plastic, one meter long and 10.2 em in diameter. The cutting edge of the corer was modified by bolting a bandsaw blade along the edge of the tubing. This was necessary in order to allow the corer to penetrate into the layer of woody material found 0.2-0.5 meters into the sediments. A plastic cap, which fit snugly over the top of the corer, provided a tight seal so that a vacuum was created and allowed the sampler to be withdrawn without any loss of sediment. The samples were collected on four dates over the course of the year during spring, summer, fall, and winter (table l). Both the Ekman dredge and core samples were taken at the same time at each site. The core was always taken first because it caused less disturbance to the sediments. The core was pressed into the substrate and turned by hand so that the saw blade could cut into the sediments. The corer was inserted 0.5 m into the bottom, capped and then withdrawn. IOfL,

Table 1 . Time line of study

1984 2·25 Prelim. quant. benthic samples taken

3-16 Transects set up

4·6 ice leaves swamp 4·20 Ice out on lake 4-27 Chemistry samples taken

~ 4·28 First quant. benthic samples taken

~ ~ 13 Chemistry samples taken, L·l, l·2 taken II> -< ~17 D.O., Temperature, and l·3 taken 6-4 Temp.. l·S, L·9 taken 6-'2 Chemistry samples. L·5. L-6. L·7 taken - 6-26 Temp., L·S. L·9 taken c.... c:: 7·'5 Chemistry, L·,a, L·" taken

- 8-3 Second quant. benthic samples taken »c co 8-, 7 Chemistry samples, L·12 taken 8-25 l·' 3. L·' 4 taken

9·2' Chemistry samples. L·15, L·' 6 taken 9-23 Vegetation cover noted, L·' 7 taken

o , 0-' 5 Chern istry samples, L·18, L·19, L·20 taken ~

- , 1-2 Third quant. benthic samples taken z o '1-15 Chemistry samples taken < . , 2-2 L-20 taken o 12·18 L·21, temp. taken !"'

1985 1·12 ice covers swamp. L·32 taken , ·19 Chemistry samples taken

2·2 Fourth quan. benthic samples taken

3-2 Chemistry samples, l·23 taken -t­

3-20 L·24 taken t- 4· 10 Ice leaves ~wamp

4·22 Ice out on lake 106­

Figure 3. Map of the quantitative sample sites

_-----_ Cos ..... ,- ..... - .... I ...... _... ­ c-4 ­ ---

Co 3 19-5

I Co 2 I f"'" \ Co, \ \ \ B-' I \ A­ / \ / \ -"

/ / / I / / / I ~:. I scale: 1 in. = 50 I I shoreline on 8-25-82 I boundary of Goodyear Swamp Sanctuary __ __d B"","u 0" and dock 100­

/~-- ­

/ -\ Good f!C<4r SVVQ,.,..,P " Y I -8-- /-- \ /------~-~ :to. ./ ;, /11 )D b ~-- --­ 10 a. 13


r~ 9 (\" '''- ! II '\ ~3 \ '8 ,,~ / L", k€ ,/'' O-tse3°

1.. ./\ 3 \ 1/ / -- ,7 / / ---- ~l. /


/ \/ 50 1 1 The actual depth of the sediment core was measured through the clear plastic and then the depth of two obvious layers; the upper black organically rich muck, and the lower woody layer.

Any excess overlying water was then decanted off and the core placed into a 3.78 1 glass jar.

Once the core was processed, the Ekman sample was taken. The dredge was pressed into place by hand and the jaws tripped. The sample was then lifted up and emptied into a bucket. The sample was mixed and general comments on the composition of the sediments were noted. 1.89 liters of sediment was kept for later examination and the rest of the collected material was replaced to the

swamp. The sites closest to the shore contain large numbers of sticks, roots, etc. which made it difficult to get the Ekman dredge into place. In these cases (A-4, a-5, C-5) a shovel was used to help position the dredge. I felt using the shovel did not affect the sample since the dredge was positioned first and shovel was then used to quickly cut any roots impeding the dredge.

All of the samples were taken back to the field station where approximately 50 ml of a rose bengal dye solution (approx.

5 gro/l) were added along with 2 liters of 95% ethyl alcohol. The sediment, dye, and alcohol were mixed by inverting the jar several times.

Organisms were separated from the sediments by the flotation method described by Hynes (1979). The samples were exposed to the rose bengal dye a minimum of 48 hours. The supernatant was siphoned off, and one liter of sediment was poured into a white 12 sorting pan, and one liter of sucrose solution (140g/l of water)

was added to it.

The organisms were picked by hand, then sorted under a

dissecting microscope. All of the specimens found were placed

into 70% ethanol.

Most of the individuals were identified using a dissecting

microscope (15x -105x). Taxonomy followed that of Peckarsky

(1983, unpublished). Merritt and Cummings (1984) and Pennak

(1978) were also used as references. The (Chironomidae)

were rehydrated, cleared in warm 5% KOH, rinsed in water and

mounted a microscope slide in Polyvinyllactophenol (Gurr

Industries). This clearing in KOH is not always necessary with

PVLP. The Chironomidae were identified using a compound microscope and Oliver and Roussel (1983). Most of the Annelida were rehydrated and mounted on a microscope slide in PVLP. The

larger specimens were placed in Amman's lactophenol (Anon. 1).

They were then identified using the keys of Hiltumen and Klemm

(1980) and of Anon. (1).

Most specimens were determined to the genus level unless it was convenient to identify them to species. The final organism counts were then converted from organisms/liter to organisrns/m by the equation: #/m~= #/1000 cml x depth of sample (cm) x 1 x

IJ- ::. :t 10 cm/m

Qualitative Invertebrate Survey:

The qualitative samples were collected by a dip net which was run through the substrate with no effort to standardize the amount of effort. The qualitative samples were taken approximately every two weeks and at places in the study area 13 chosen at random (Fig. 4 and table 1). The invertebrates along with accompanying debris, were placed into a white enamel tray and separated live and in the field. The specimens were then placed immediately into 70% ethyl alcohol. Upon returning to the field station, the organisms were then identified in a manner similar to that of the quantitative samples.

Physical and Chemical Monitoring:

Physical and chemical samples were taken from seven locations in and around the study area. These locations were at sites A', A-3, B-3, C-3, two small vernal springs labeled S-l and S-2, and at a station approximately 100 m out into otsego

Lake (fig. 3). The analyses done and the methods used are as found in Amer. Public Health Assoc. 1980.

Chloride - Mercuic Nitrate Method # 408 B Ammonia - Manual Phenate Method#418 C Nitrate - Chromotropic Acid Method # 419 C Total Phosphorus - Persulfate Didestion Method # 425 C III -stannous Chloride Method # 425 C Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) - Winkler Method, Azide modification # 422 B

Temperature was measured in the field with a standard mercury thermometer. From July to October a Hydrolab series

4000 remote sensing apparatus was used.

Dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, and temperature were taken with this device when it was available.

Physical and chemical samples were collected on a monthly basis. In addition, temperature and dissolved oxygen were often measured during the invertebrate sampling (table 1). water samples were collected from just below the surface in acid washed (10% HASO r ) 250 ml Erhlemyer flasks. These were rinsed 14 three times with sample water and then filled. The dissolved oxygen (D.O.) samples were collected in standard 300 mI. D.O. bottles and chemically fixed in the field.

Upon returning to the field station, the D.O. was immediately titrated. The total phosphorus sample were divided into 200 mI. aliquots immediately. The ammonia and nitrate samples were analyzed within 24 hours. The rest of the analyses were done at leisure. One change in the procedures from Amer.

Public Health Assoc. (1980) was that the total phosphorus sample was concentrated during the digestion from 200 ml to 50 ml, a factor of four. This was done to gain sensitivity and achieve a lower detection limit.

All of the samples for the colorimetric methods were run in duplicate and singularly for the titrations. A 2.5 cm cell was used for the colorometric analyses. 15

Results Table 1 gives a summary of sampling dates activities which were pertinent to the study. The qualitative macroinvertebrate samples are designated by L-#. Note that two days were needed to complete the first two quantitative invertebrate sample runs. This was because of mechanical troubles with the Ekman dredge. The locations of the sampling sites can be found on figures 3 and 4. Results of the preliminary samples are illustrated in table 2. Four sets of quantitative samples were taken. Each set consisted of 15 pairs of Ekman and core samples. A total of 1497 individual invertebrate specimens were examined from these quantitative samples. Twenty four qualitative samples were collected which contained approximately 500 additional specimens. The genera of macroinvertebrates found in Goodyear Swamp are Listed in Table 3. Many of the determinations, including all the Chironomidae, and Annelida were verified by the New York State Health Departmant (NYSHD). Several of the Chironomidae were determined to the species level by comparison with NYSHD rearings and are indicated on table 3. The Mollusca were verified by W.N. Harman (pers. comm., 1985). The Culicidae were determined to the species level by W.L.Butts (pers. comm.,1985). The Sciaridae, Dolichopodidae, and Tipulidae were verified and lor

~ identified by J.Gelhaus (pers. corom. 1985). The average densities of macroinvertebrates for Goodyear Swamp are shewn in figure 5. These figures were determined 1$tL.

Tahle 2 Nllillber of Individllal'S in thl' Prel imi nan; Sample

Ehman ('ore Total I'1pan Sample 22 10 ~'2 16.0 Sample .") 26 :. 31 15.5 S ..V1PIE 'J-­ 31 \0 ~l 20.'5 :,ample .~ '59 18 77 38."5 ffiPan 34.5 10.8 '4-_'. ~ ",_ 226 std. dev. 1 f,. 7 5.!" :21 .6 10.S

~ 'D"'lO%,) 22.5 22.1 :2J .9 :22.0 ~ ( D<:H) '-:; ) l~.!+ 15. II l!l . 0 l~.O /56--

Tabl e :3

G€'llIlS List

Arthropoc1a Ins~eta C!dClTlCita (dl'ndqr i 1I1l i ,Ioe .E_~ I 1[) ljmC! J~(j"lntH:§ ::"nrc1ul i lrJ8e ;-0IILa 1. i'i C t. 1.QfE Gon! i dae .~!"j iLlLn!Q!l.u S L i bl' 1 luI i doe 1-:.Lb_~U_uL~ Lf:>st i eJaE' l_ps~~s Ephemeropt~ra (mCJ\'fl ies 1 Baetidae C C! lQ..!lti.-O,9 f'S H<:.>nti pt er a (t r uP bug~) Corixidal? (\o.atf:'r hoatm.'1Il) HE:'spe r (.('or:..L\g GerridaP (~atpr striders) Gerris I~ef>obe..tes ",ot (Ineet 1(jae (oae kSh i mmc'r s) Ruenoa Pleld~e 'p~gmy back~~imm'?rs) £J"'[) ~triQla = 1.::!(-'()~~ ~Jrlola (Fieber) Coleoplera (1)pl:."tles) Flmidap (rif~Je beetl~s) DubirQ.Q.ll.iE larvae aud adults Cure u 1 i UII i d3e (wee\ i Is) ? H\'f'ec.odes 8du It D~'t i SC: i l1ae (preddCeous d i \' i IIg heet 1tos) Laccur::r: i s 21du 1 t. .Laceop:1 i I us I :=iI'\'a Hydr:Qy~tus adUlt Gyrinidae

Haliplidac Icraw)ill~J watE'" beetlE's) P.5?LL.,~1U(:s od u I t. Hyd Toph iii (lae (Wet ter sea\E'ngp.r bf'~t 1es) .~ pti:'1er j!1 .U:H1.~ Cidu 1 t t err(" st r j 01 t1~~Q.U!t!Ll)~ ] an a Erlul'jI.lL~ I <=tn"a D':!!11L9d\"t a Cidlll t

Scirtidae 0­ t!c'JodiC]L:le (marsh l1eptles) S~..i...'"tes laf\S'\ Roback ['l-Je I~QJ \JS I;3ill'TlJ~ !?Jdw::.l !.J~:l1n 1 S Me i gen PSC:'..fl. r-uta[l~I~ ~::: CI.~J.. () t a I~U S L<':IT oS i a ? ?~.\:.ere 1mv j CJ ~J "I: r: , '{.Q t 0 c..h j 1- 9. Qi!' \1 S Q1Jl..!...LCi-.1..1l..§ "I: Ell) f ~.! l..Q..tQ .!?_r unrti pefin i s En9.9ctI)J.QJlQ!!!.1J;? nJ..9raeaflS (Johcmnsen) !:l ?...!.J.!. i'5.'~.!J. t£! 2;'![~endj pes ~lba",21nus (:-1ei gp.n) pU:-':Jf".l::'Jldi..£'es sp. Po l...~:l!edll.!:!1Jl lllingensE' (Ma I I (leh) E~£Q..UJ..l.!.l! braSl';!TI Johannsen 1CClI~Q1..endi_ rJes emursus C 1 ~d(IP~ I rna G tH.:..tQ~Y1_ct i p~'S xEhd~nC"l~eCUd obi.1)E-llS PdL J.«;;:J !..iront}!!) us St.r i .~l.()ctJ i Lonornus ~jcrotE.'fJrtj.l.!es neumodestus (!'f<=:alloch) 1'1 i C~Ll' nQ ) 1Jt:' s PCird 1 'l'.!.T.(·Lb()L!lJ~J I a :::11 i..I:.QU~l!llL-? ~!H.llll~LU}~ yroup ~.,sli 9rp" = ~. g~c()r~ 9'·P. £~eudoctJ j r'Ollornus $t.elJill_~~UDe1 1a I~m ':t.:H Sl!~ Paral'flJ".-!:_Li ocnemU5 lJ:!ndDech i (.!OhdJIBst:>rl) 2a!'oc~~etocldQius /5d.....

T~hl~ 3 cnntinu~d

,=r-!.'::'-lJ! Q['l.!~ ~\' 1 \'est r i s group AIT is ~)_t._Q.[)~L? pSf:>IJr;l_~::-Illi...LU_-1 i. lrl!J-'9~tl~Q~ E'flLill~-,.;Jpr!~wl.CJd i!.t~ Cer::1top"':.lnni,iae (l.Jit,iny midges) I'~ 1.r:>~I®.J.~ Hezzi a ~~a' (&Q~.D '! Ll...a..!.! QlJm.~.J.~ ;,u US".f!.: ~r:~ ;;..l-1.lcH~ J orn~1 L~ SciarioclE' idark ""inged fungus gm~t) Dol ichupr,dic!.:le (IcIng JE>Og(>d f1 :t?s) T i pu I i ,j,:) ~ (C r ;·111 e f 1 i e S ) .E .!..l.£~.Li ~ I F' '0' t!.L!=...L:} PS'::>ll.Q Q.L.Lm n(J..f!.hil.g Ji1!!.1I..Q11!.i.L~ ~l... i 0 l:LE·...!.E f!.r:..u.lnnl~.iA 1.Ql!..9...L!X j 0 '.-:"pc I durn\' i !iae I q~.., lim i does) CuI i c i J W:' (III (I sq u i l. (lS ) (' u I e ~ .1 e I-"Cl t: arts W<-t) her ..~erjes c i flel ells T'1ei y(>rJ S t r o1l i n rn \ idae (sI) ) (J j I":' r f1 ips) QJUrl_T.. om\ i a T"-!hafl i dde I hurse (~lld dc~er f lIes) I:Jh~[Jus_·;tv1otus ·:II..D':SQ2~ ? H\'LJom.i...!r~ e<=trly ilJstar Collprnbola'SPIlnqtnils) Pc.d uri (1:::1 e Podu,rC:! ~~Jdt i ca Ardchlll da 1-1 ~ .d r d car i r. 3 ("'.ater mite s ) /\rrt:»'uridae Ar rt:-IIU(l.iS M~'dr q:,113 IJ t I rl::..,e ItJcJ\'as L j nlll f:' S i i (I a .~h.JJlrle!:.i. L:.·lIIllae i dae ~~~)d.£Ql~ E.'rnargl.!J.ata 1):[TIne~ ~Illacgj nat~ .'\nnE:' J ida (Se~:lniE:-'Jlten ""'orrIl5) 0] ig0·:11C1eta (dQUi1tic E'drttl\,;nrrns) Na;dae !!~is (uliunU!!J.5 Pi~'Jet ~dj~ Y;-lI~l':dJi lis ri yllt..'t TllbifICld.:Jcips SpaL9..C1J.lQQbi I us tlSE'.l!!. ~m it h (.-\mer I can mudwnrm) J-' j I'ud i IIca (J >:>E'C tJ""S ) Gloss;pllon11liae t!f?lQ12d~ll~ E'l onC/a t a (Cast Ie) tl~Qhli(>ll~ ~aqrlal j s (L.) ~emat ada (I uUlld""'or-ms) ATdPolalrnidd ~\- U nd..r a I ~J!l1US T\'l pnclJ ida T \' 1P II Cll_u S Rhahc1itic1a 2,8 na.!dLCJ_ta i m~ Turhel Jaria : fJat""'(l/ 1/1"'.)

• [)~t eJ :n i r:Fi I. i (IT! 1: (I Spec i '2S h'dS made b~' campa)- j sons to rearings of t_h~ ~e\4 y,jrk St.ofe Heal ttl [leJ:',J! tmE'lit for t lle~E.' spec j lIlens. Figure 5. Average Densities of Invertebrates in Goodyear Swamp (Spe<:imens/m2) IS!, with standard deviations

8,000 . 8,000

7,000 7,000 ..

6,000 6,000 - +-­

5,000 5,000 ...... ~

.-­ ~ 4.000 ..-- to-­ 4,000 r--f--­ ..

3.000 ~+--­ 3.000

...... I-­

2,000 2.000

1.000 1.000

4·28 8·3 11·2 2·2 428 8·3 11·2 2·2

date date

Average den~ities Avera;e den~itie~ when the end sites ( A·4. B-S. C·S) are not included. !15~O 11,000 Fi9ure 6. densiti.s.1onVth. tr"'MCII (lpecim.nslm2) tran••ct.,

... ,;'f' 11,000 ~ :. ~ ~ Amount 01 101m pie made up I ofPwdwm. 10,000 f ~ 4 ~ ~ r;;; ~ 9,000 II 4 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8.000 ~ ~ 1 If ~ ~ II ). c ~ Q ... 7,000 ~ "/ ~ u ~ ~ 4 If ~ ~

I ~ "2 8,000 4 z'" 11 1111 Il~ 4 ~ 5,000I 2 2 5 .J. L.oi ~ 5 ,.. lJ 4,000I 4,.1 4 5 1 • 1 ;rn ~ 4 ~ 3 .. ~ 3,000I.. j W J V ~ ~ ~ ~ 2,000 ~ 1 1 1 1 4 3 ~ ~ .l.~ ~ fA 3 1 ~ ~ '"" 1,000I ~ ...... A B C A A B 1 C B C A B C r­ ~ Fig.7. Percent CofTlXlSition of the samples by Taxa 42&84

Chironomidae 46.6%

. T. punclipennil

Olher 13.1%

Annelida 17.4% E. brunnipennis olher_ , o

P. iIIinoanse Limnodrilus

ParltChaeto Clldius

Ger atopogonidae ....--­.....­ .J,. 22.9% ...... ­ T. punctipennis


Pisidium P.illinoense 24.6%

C. digitatus Chironomus Annelida 12.6% "·2·84

Others 15.0". ...,_-,-- '-- Ceratopogon idae 3.8% Chironomidae 54.4% Pisidium T. punctipennis 7.3%

Annelida 13.9% Chironomus :'I.ats---~ S eiseni

2-2·85 Poratendipes Ceratopogon,dae 10.2% Chironomidae 58~;

T. punctipe'1n,s Annelida 21.1%

S. eiseni

Ilvdrilus Chironomul

Ceratopogonidae --_.....-....1. 4.5% -----­ Fig. 8 Percent ~sition of the SarrcJles ~ Functional Group.

Collector­ Predators Gatherers 43.6% 49.6%

Predators 36.6%

Collector­ Gatherers 54.9'(,

Shredders 8.5%


Collector. ~ Gatherers 38.~

Predators 37.7%

Shredders - ----,,"-­ 23.4% ---­ 11-2-84

Predators 39.7%

Collector. Gatherers 42.0%

____...:::;.....-- StHedders 18.3% 16 by averaging the duplicate samples at each site, and then finding the mean and standard deviation for the whole study area. The distribution of the invertebrates along the axis of the transects is shown in figure 6. These numbers are comprised of the taxa shown in figure 7. The percentages of organisms when divided by functional groups are shown in figure 8. These groupings were taken from the life history descriptions of Merritt and Cummings (1984), Pennak (1978), and Oliver and Roussel (1983). In looking at the last four sets of figures several trends are noticeable. The overall population densities increased from the spring through the fall and winter (fig. 5). At the the same time there was an increase in the percentage of the community made up of two taxa, Pisidium and Chironomus (fig. 7). The increase in total numbers can be almost entirely accounted for by the increase in the numbers of these two genera. In addition, the increase in the shredder community is apparently solely because of the ~ annularius increase (fig. 8). There are unusual aspects to both of these cases. Pisidium were found only at the extreme ends of the transects (fig. 6), where the substrate is beginning to grade into a terrestrial type of soil which contains large amounts of humus and is submerged only in the spring. During that time of spring inundation the Pisidium were not found.

In a similar way, ~ annularius was not present in the spring, was rare during the summer, and erupted into a large portion of the invertebrate community during the fall and winter. Some further insight into population fluctuations Fig. 9. Head Capsule Widths of Tanypus punctipennis Larvae vs. Number of Individuals.

~ ~ 5 ••••n ., .1 •.• I L I 1. r., ,(:.. ;, !' n , n [1, r.dl Q.. n , . ., . :10 .12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .22 .24 .26 .28 .30 .32 .34 .36 .38 .40 .42 .44 .40 .48 .50 .52 .54 , , , , , t ' ~--- ...... 2nd lnlt.r 3rd Inltlf' 4th Inlt.r ~ ~ Head Capsule Widths (mm) Fig. 10 Head Capsule Widths of Chironomus annularius larvae vs. Number of Individuals





~ 35 QI .0 E :) 30 Z 20


10 5 ~ ~ ,~, ~. ~, ,.n r!l. , n .. , ,..nn. b n.n , , ' , .n , .. n nIU, .. U, U. .. U.I n r.':'1 n.. )6 )8· .20 .22 .24 .26 I .28 .30 .32 .34 .36 .30 .40 .42 .44 .46 .48 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 .64 .66 .68 .70 '-, , , ~ 'V" T"" .... --V J

2nd inllar 3rd lnlla, 4lh inllar

Head Capsule Widths (mm) (t­- ~ Fig. 11 Head Capsule Widths of Einfeldia brunnipennis Larvae vs. Number of Individuals



VI 30 1& ~ ~ > 25 :0 c

~ 0 20 ....en ~ 15 E ~ Z 10


10 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 L ~ ...... J --. \.. -_-/ ..... T ...... ­ 2 nd instar 3 rd instar 4 th instar

Head Capsule Widths (mm) ..... ~ (\ Fig. 12 Head Capsule Widths of Natarsia Larvae vs. Number of Individuals

en 35 10 ::::J "t:l 30 .~ "t:l C 25 0

-~ Ql .D E ::::J Z 15



10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 '---.----J L ..J \" V .,J 2 nd instar 3 rd" instar 4 th instar ...... Head Capsule Widths (mm) ~ r Fig. 13 Held Capsule Widths of PQlypedjlum iIIinoense Larvae vs. Number of Individuals



... 25


5 Ll:l r.:"I , . 6 n , , ,.n,".. n.. , ,...•..., , , , , ,." , , , 10 12 14 16 18 20 n 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 # ... • .p • '-----...... 2nd inllir 3rd Innll' 4th insler ~

'Head Capsule Widths (mm) r Fig. 14. Comparison of instar vs date for five taxa of chironomids.

80 D 2nd instar

~ 3rd instar 70

4th instar Number ~ Found 60 lIIll






4.28 8·3 11·2 2·2 DATE 4·28 8·3 11-2 2·2 4-2!l 8-3 11·2 2·2 4·28 8·3 11-2 2·2 4 -28 8·3 "-2 2·2

T. punctipennis C. annular ius E. brunnipennis N atarsia P. illinoense 17 in the chironomids can be found by following their

development. This can be done examining the width of their

head capsules. Chironomids have four larval instars (Oliver

and Roussel, 1983). If a sufficient number of head capsules

are measured, distinct size groupings can be seen that

correspond to each instar. This was done with several of

the most numerous of the midges (figs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

Then by following the cohort, the emergence and egg

production times can be determined. This was done with

Tanypus punctipennis, Chironomus annularius, Einfeldia

brunnipennis, Natarsia and Polypedilum illinoense (fig. 14).

Tanypus punctipennis emerges late in the year. The peak

probably occurs shortly before the time of the early

November sampling since there is a large number of younger

instars just hatched but there are still a few mature

instars that have not pupated yet. T punctipennis then

overwinters as a second or third instar.

Chironomus annularius, however, does not appear in

Goodyear Swamp as an early instar except in very small numbers. The dramatic increase in its population late in the year is due to the appearance of large numbers of mature larvae which then overwinter and emerge in the early spring.

There appears to be no reproduction in the wetland itself.

Life histories of the other three midges are not as easily determined because of the smaller numbers of them collected. Nevertheless Polypedilum appears to emerge on late summer.

Another method of analyzing invertebrate popUlations is by using a diversity index. The Shannon-Weaver diversity 18 index (H) is a commonly used index and is also one of the most sensitive to changes in the community structure

(Hellawell, 1978). This index compares the number of in each taxa to the total number of animals found.

Generally the more diverse the fauna the less degraded is the environment being studied A rough scale of one

(polluted) to three (clean) is often used to evaluate a body of water. The H values for the quantitative samples and the number of taxa (genus richness) are shown in figure 15. The distribution of the numbers of organisms per taxa is shown in figure 16.

This study was designed as quantitative taxonomic study and was not designed to examine closely the biomass of the macroinvertebrates. The preservation and mounting needed to identify most of the specimens precluded any kind of accurate measurement of their mass (Merritt and Cummings,

1984). However, a rough estimate of standing crop can be calculated if it is assumed that all of the invertebrates are approximately equal in size. Two exceptions to this are the Odanata niads and the annelid Sparganophilous eiseni, both of which are much larger tha n the rest of the macroinvertebrates. Sparganophilus eiseni was weighed for this reason. The odanates were relatively rare; therefore they were omitted for this analysis. Twenty-two worms were weighed alive on a Mettler balance. The mean weight was

0.473 grams and the standard deviation was 0.291 grams.

Okland (1964) studied the benthic fauna of Lake

Borrevan,Norway. Using Oklund's total figures (Wetzel,

1975) for the various benthic groups, an average weight of Fig. 15. The diversity (HI and number. of taxa for Goodyear SwamI' for each sampling date. number of taxa found o in Goodyear Swamp

H .. Shannon-Weaver diversity index in Goodyear Swamp.


In Pi

Where: Pi" proportion of the ith species of the 2 40 total sample

s = number of taxa. H taxa


date 4-28 8-3 '1·2 2·2 Fig. 16 The Distribution of the Numbers of Individuals Among the Taxa. The number of specimens found in a particular taxon are along the Horizontal axis. The number of taxa containing that many specimens are on the vertical axis. Fig. 16 continued




Number of Taxa

5 ~ 01 I r' 1II . n n . n . 0.. n , , ! 1 7to. ,['] o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6b 70 75 i 95' 100 1M 110 115

Number of individuals in a taxon 25 2-2·85 20

15 Number of Taxa


o 5 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ...... Number of Individuals in a taxon Clc;:I ~ Table 5

A comparison of th~ pfficiencies of th@ Ekman dredge IEK) and the core in spel·impns/m~.

S}Jr i fig '.- 28·· 84 51 te core EK (' CI r' e - EK A' ':'0011 1(,10 2390 A 1 3:'-00 2JU ~:":70 .<\ - 2 2~OU '.:3 70 - ] RiO !\-3 3C:;UO "60 30':'0 A -.~ 4")OD :1.:.50 1050 B- 1 5S00 :2760 ~7':'0 B-~ ] :.(10 :'6D 11' '. () B- '3 3500 1610 ]840 B-':' 101l VO :i220 (,780 E~ - '3 850(1 4~O 7580 C-1 3000 0 :3000 C-2 6000 3G~0 2320 c- '3 :::000 2~-l() 1770 C4 10UO 2'))0 . 1 :330 C5 7500 1 1 SO 6'.~50 m~an 4433 1779 2h55

Summer' S- ~- ,~.:. sj U:' ::ore EJ-: cnre EK A' 2000 :. fd) 1':'>40 A-I :1:,(1(1 2~0 3270 A 2 200U 18..:.0 If,O A-3 6500 0 f,SOO J\ -­ .~ 2':'00 82SlJ -5eSO S- 1 3500 2~0 3270 B-2 lUOOU a 10000 B-3 4 =i00 920 3580 8-4 f,500 0 6500 B-r; 70U(1 24380 -17380 c- 1 SOO 230 :..:70 C-2 6000 1610 4~~90 C-3 1">00 ]610 . 1 ] 0 C-4 35CJO ':'600 -1100 C- 5 3'50f) .\ 14(J -6~0 mp3n 4 1 9~i 32:15 938 Ta to! e 5 cant i llllPd

Fal} 1 1 . r.> 84 sit !:' ('(If'? Eh CUI":> - EK A' 7000 20iO 49'30 A-1 35(1(1 13i~,0 - 10250 -5~8() I \ -_" 5f)OO 1 (J 'jSO A - '-1 2 ...·00 1380 1120 A 4 75Ufl 5gS0 1520 B- ) 2500 460 20~0 B·2 7500 6':" ~() 10()0 R-3 6500 29~'0 ':-1510 B .'~ 91)(,n ~i60 '=,2/10 B·- "i 1(0)('0 :29yO ,010 C ­ 1 .'. :,0(' 29~0 l:dO ("-2 750D 121QO '~E-YO C-3 55()(l 1840 1660 C - .', 1 ) e(1 E.t..t..O - 5340 C-5 17000 5n60 1 1 ').'.0 Int..-an 6-i(1/ .:.735 1112

\o.' 2-2-P>S A' IJ 5(1(1 6670 2S r.W ,\ - ) (,500 2070 44:'-10 -\-2 71100 8740 174(1 .'\·3 zuoo ~60 1 ~,':'O ,A,-4 500 :520 -3020 S- 1 llll l(1 1610 -610 B-2 t..Ouo J 15rlO 7'500 P.-3 10no t'1)'JO -7050 B-4 9000 H>10 7:-IYO B 5 L. uno If,10 2390 C· 1 .:.OO() J8-'<.0 2100 C-2 ':'''10U 2530 1970 C '3 0 ::::::;::';0 - 25~H) C-4 50U(1 :2990 2010 C-':, 200(' 5 '..1 t:-i 0 3980 mean 4 (l(J() ~ ~:~ i ':;10 Tahl ~ f,

Comparislln bptw\'''.'n thE:' efficiencies of the Ekman dredqe and the cnrer

Mntched pairs analvsis. The difference

numbpI of specimens in the core samples miJlus the numher

of sppcimeJJs in Lhe dredge sample.

~d~__QJ~ 9 $D I l-valw~ Sprillg 265'5 715 3.713 2.977 p.:,.O.OO",) Slimmer 9':,8 Ib·~O 0.58~ 1.761 Fall 1112 146'3 0.760 1.761 Wintpr 90 ] 112 0.081 1.746 TotaJ 1204 63~ 1.889 1 .671

wi 1coxon si Qlled ranI, tt·5t. s.§mp~ J '" PLQ.~_C)LtlO Spr· i ng 1. 76 0.0392 Summer --0.284 0.'3897 Fal] 1.022 0.1660 Winter -(1.852 0.1997 Total 0.714 0.2:.i89 19 0.005 g/specimen wet weight is found. The standing crop of Goodyear Swamp could be calculated as: 0.005 g/specimen x

density + 0.473 g/specimen x density of ~.eiseni = biomass

The biomass figures thus calculated are shown in table 4. Since two sampling devices were used, the Ekman dredge and a core, a comparison between the two methods was done (table 5). When a matched pairs analysis (Brown and Hollander, 1977) is done for each quantitative invertebrate collection and for all four collections together, a significant difference is found for the first quantitative sampling (p = 0.005) and for the sampling as a whole (p = 0.05). This testing may not be appropriate because of the inherent variability of field collection. Therefore, the nonparametric wilcoxon signed rank test (Brown and

Hollander, 1977) was performed and the results again show a significant difference for the first sampling (p = 0.05), but no significant difference for the other three samplings

or as a whole (table 6) n It is difficult to say how these results relate to the study as ~ whole.

The percentage of each taxonomic group in the catches of each type of sampler are shown in figure 17. From a gross view, there appears to be little difference between the two methods in regards to the type of taxa collected, except for the second quantitative sample. This difference is not as great as it may seem, since of the 41.4% of the Ekman samples which were made up of Pisidiym, 38% is from one sample. If that one sample is ignored~ the percentages of the Ekman samples are relatively close to those of the core, although not as close as the other sample runs. T~bJe .!a

Biomass of lm'erlcbrates in Goodyear SI...amp

Bium~ss If) m· )

5· eU~~ni ath~rs total Spr i 11g !.~ 15 59 SumrnE:'r 33 18 :'1 Fed) 104 26 130 h'i ntel 89 '~o 10':1 f\iomass ( I;g!ha)

~. eiseni at 11(}f 5 tot.,l ~pring !.·'.O 1";0 590 Sumrnt:'r 330 180 510 F rll 1 1040 260 1300 Winter scm 200 10QO 20 The results of the physical and chemical monitoring are

shown in figure 18. Dissolved oxygen, temperature, total phosphorus, chloride, nitrate, and ammonia levels were determined year round as ice conditions permitted. Conductivity, and pH readings were taken only during the summer months when a hydrolab device was available. The figures for the Goodyear Swamp are an average of up to four sites (A', A-3, B-3, C-3) which were sampled as long as there was water at the site. Since the analyses were done in duplicate, the relative

percent difference ( (x, - x~)/x ) of each duplicate was calculated. The average for each analysis is given below. NO RPD = 12.2% NH RPD = 41.3% P RPD = 19.0% The limit of detection (LD) was calculated from the standards. The limit of detection is defined here as the concentration at which the relative percent error (true value - experimental value)/true value

) is equal to 50%.

NO LD = 44.8 ug/l NH LD = 76 ug/l P LD = 2 ug/l The limit of detection is a measure of the sensitivity and accuracy of the analysis being done. The figure determined for a concentration will be accurate to LD. The relative percent difference is a measure of how close to the limit of detection the figures are falling. The closer to the limit of detection a value lies, the higher will be the relative percent difference. Fig 18 Chemistry Results Lake .. Swamp )('--1( vernal springs 5-1, 5-2

15 .... (mgl1l ._- / ~ 10 "" .:;-C'~ --'''--'1'~,,---- ~ ,/",'._-- '- ._- A I( s·' /" ...... 5 .s·'· ~ t .s·2 Month A M J J A I S o N o J F M A

Temp. ( °Cl


50 .~~\

. Total P 40

(ug/l) 30 /\ ~\/~\~ 20

III " ~","_~ 10 .t.s, \\._----.--­ ._--­ Month 0t----r--"""T""'-.,---"""T""'--r---,--""""'T--,-----.,.--w---w---y-­ A M J J A s o N o J F M 10 CI' (mg/1 ) 5

Month OL----r----,--,..---T""--""T'""---.-----,..---r--""T'""-'-T----,..---,...-­ A M J J A s o N o J F M Fig. 18 Continued

1000':. .----.

6"".",,. ': ~ ,olI 900

800 700

600 N03 (ug/l) 500




100 o A M J J A S o N D J F M

~ 3.000 1400 ~ 1300 1200 ~, 1100




700 ~/ 600 SOO , '( 1\ "I\ I \ 400 300 .s.,', " \ .s·l 'I\ I \ \ 200 '. \ ,, 100 , '._- - O'---­ --'- ...... _...t... "'""'-_-:-_-'-_-­ .... A M J J A s o N o J F M dOc.

Fig. 18 Continued i Lake .---­

. '-Swamp l-t

9 , ...... 8 pH ~ 7

6 A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M 400



.. -. ... , ", 250 ;/¥......




2 (umholcm ) 0 A M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M 21 As can be seen from the figures for the colorimetric tests, total phosphorus is the most sensitive and most of the concentrations found were well above the limit of detection. Nitrate was not as sensitive, but most of the values were well above the limit of detection. Ammonia was an even less sensitive test than nitrate and many of the values were on the order of the limit of detection. The chemical analyses that were conducted on Goodyear Swamp were also done on otsego Lake. This was done so that the swamp could be compared with the much more extensively studied lake. The temperatures of Goodyear Swamp follow those of otsego Lake closely, except that the swamp warms more quickly in the spring and cools more quickly in the fall. This is no doubt due to the shallow depths of the water involved. The dissolved oxygen levels in the swamp remain relatively high through out the year, reaching a low during the fall with a concentration of 4.5 mg/l. This low was during the time of lowest water levels (fig. 19) and thus during the period of the greatest amount of contact between the sediments and the overlying water. The BOD of the sediments may have reduced the oxygen levels. The dissolved oxygen in the swamp is considerably higher than the lake during the summer months and either lower or about the same during the rest of the year. This may be due to the high rate of photosynthesis taking place in the water. The samples were all taken during the middle of the day, when photosynthesis would be at a maximum. 22 The chloride levels are similar for the lake and the swamp. The levels are roughly constant throughout the year

and are low. The vernal springs are also low in chloride.

This indicates that there are no large salt inputs either

from road deicing salt or groundwater filtering through salt


The nitrogen levels (N031 ~) are related and the form in which nitrogen appears depends upon oxidation-reduction

conditions. NH~is usually found under reducing conditions,

and NO~ is usually found under oxidizing conditions.

Goodyear Swamp is consistently lower in NO] than the lake

and is higher in NH 3 • This would indicate that reducing conditions are more common in Goodyear Swamp than in Otsego

Lake. These reducing conditions are probably found in the

sediments. Again, the reduction product NH l is found in the highest concentrations during the fall when the swamp is at

its shallowest and has the least amount of water to absorb and oxidize the products of the sediments, and when many emergent plants are decomposing at the end of the growing seasons.

The total phosphorus levels in the swamp are sUbstantially higher than in the lake during the months of high productivity. The concentrations of P are low in both the lake and swamp over the winter months.

The conductivity levels for both swamp and lake are similar and constant over the course of the summer. The pH of the swamp appears to be consistantly lower than the pH of

Otsego Lake. This may be due to the close proximity of the reducing sediments giving COA and other acidic products. 23 The values given for D.O., temperature, phosphorus, chloride, nitrate, pH, and conductivity all fall into ranges previously recorded for otsego Lake (Harman et al, 1980). Ammonia levels were not recorded in previous works. The surface area of the water in Goodyear Swamp over the course of the year is shown in figure 19. Fig. 19 Shoreline of Goodyear Swamp Through the Year

/ --....­ , ,.­ , - " I / -.... ""__ _ ':::- =­ ::: ". -­ --­ I /~ /'~-::=~ Aprl'.\" __ ­ ~/_,;' --- May I I_/, / June, Aug. ", I Nov. ,,".... ( July ( / Oct. I " ( (Sept./ I J Nov. r\ \" I I / ' " \ I 11/ X J \ \ \ I( I. \\\ I~ A \..--::-1

\ '\ ' ( \..;:::­

The shoreline of the swamp is shown with dotted lines. From December through March the swamp is covered with ice and the area covered with water is comparable to April to June conditions. The depth at the deepest point (X) varies from 0.5 m in April to 0.1 m in November. ,,/ 0 I <:> I "'

Before general statements about the Goodyear Swamp

community can be made, some movements of certain organisms

should be examined. Three taxa which comprise a large

portion of the community do not appear throughout the swamp

throughout the year. These taxa are the fingernail clam

Pisidium , the American mudworm Sparganophilus eisen!, and

the midge Chironomus anularius .

The Pisidium are found only at the extreme ends of the

transects. They appear to inhabit soil rich in humus and

saturated but not covered by water. It may be that Pisidium

migrate with the waterline and are more closely associated

with the nearby terrestrial habitat.

According to Wetzel 1975 Anodonta migrate and Pennak (1978)

notes that many molluscs migrate in association with changes

in water level. If Pisidium is found only in the more

terrestrial areas of the wetland, it may not be very

important to the wetlands cOIT~unity as a whole.

Sparganophilus eiseni is described by W.J. Harman (1965) and Hague (1923) as being restricted to the water's edge and a marginal zone one to two feet wide (0.3 to 0.6 m). My

findings agree with this in that ~ aiseni was found only

in sites covered by less than 0.1 m of water (fig. 20). In

Goodyear Swamp the marginal zone (the area barely above the water level) extended for as much as 60 m from the water's edge in the form of mud flats during the late summer and early fall. This area was obviously and extensively churned up by earthworms. These observations show that ~ eiseni must have a tremendous effect on the sediment structure, as Fig. 20. Location of Sparganophilus eiseni

May August

A B C A B C transect transect

4 5 4 2 5 . . .. 3 1-: 2 4 3 :-:,.:-, 2 4 .-:3':- . .. ..,.. .. site site 2 3


November February

A 8 C A B c transect transec~ 4 5 4 6 2 2 5 4 2 3

3 ::i::­ 3 4 4 3 12 4 ,...... site . . site 2 3 2


...... :-:-:: .:':::::: :.: .

The figures above show the locations on the transects where S. einseni were found. The numbers in the-squares are the number of worms found at that site. The shaded areas are the locations covered by water. 25 jUdged by the amount of fresh eastings observed on tha sediment surface.

Chironomus annularius is found in Goodyear Swamp only as fourth instar larvae. Apparently the early instars develop in the lake and migrate to the swamp ~s mature larvae. This raises two questions: how do they migrate and Why?

There are two ways in which C~ ~nnularius could travel from the deeper otsego Lake sediments into the shallows of

Goodyear Swamp: either by active movement along the bottom or by being passively carried by water currents. Davies

(1976) said that many, if not most, chironomids are planktonic as first instars and are dispersed widely by water currents. He noted that more mature larvae of at least some species have also been found in the water column and that movement throughout a lake system is greatest where there are strong currents. Wulker (1961) found that mature

Sergentia larvae were collected well above the bottom in the water column a.t certain times of the year in the Titisee in


On the other hand l many chircnomid larvae such as the

Tanypodinae are known to actively swim along the bottom

(Davies, 1976) 0 Wiley and Mozley (1978) found the number of pelagic chironomids just above the bottom where they would be least subject to currents. Thut (1969) noticed distinct shifts of populations with depth. This would indicate a directional movement and not the random dispersal that would be caused by currents. Danks (1971) also described very short term changes in populations for Einfeldia synchrona in response to changes in the water level in a small pond. Here 26 again is a directional movement, but in a body of water with little water movement.

The method of movement in otsego Lake cannot be determined from this study" It may well have been a passive transport. However~ once in or near Goodyear Swamp, there must have been active locomotion as the swamp is well protected from the lake and no strong currents or wave action can be noticed in the swamp.

The purpose of this migration by C. ~Dnularius is also debatable and falls into two main hypotheses. The migration could be out of the profundal area of the lake because of habitat degradation. or it could be into the littoral zone because of a function of the life history of ~ annularius .

Davies (1976) likens migration out of the profundal benthos to the catastrophic drift theory of streams which has been reviewed by Water (1972). According to this theory the macroinvertebrates can escape adverse conditions in a stream simply by leaving their holds on the substrate and entering the current. In this way entire popUlations can be transported passively downstream to better conditions. In the same manner lake popUlations can leave the benthos and enter the water column to be deposited wherever the surface currents take them. Wulker (1961) found large migrations of

Sergentia into the water column when the hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen level was less than :2 mg/I. A low oxygen level may have prompted a Cl1i:ronornu~. Ini9rati.on since the hypolimnion experiences an oxygen minimum in October (Harman et aI, 1980). This v.tlas just ~n'i()r to t.he eruption of the ~ annularius popUlation in the November, 1984 sampling. 27 There are other possible explanations for the migration of ~ annularius which do not involve fleeing from adverse conditions but rather moving to an area which is more desirable for one reason or another. Thut (1969) noted distinct shifts in distribution of larval populations with age. Davies (1976) suggests that movement to the littoral zone from the profundal is a prelude to emergence. This would lessen the danger of predation as the pupae would not have as far to travel from the sediments to the surface.

Moving to the littoral zone would also have the effect of concentrating the newly eme~ged adults~ which would make finding a mate much easier (Kreamer and Harrison, 1984).

There may be causes which are more specific to the otsego Lake system. Chironornus annularius emerges very early in the spring. In Goodyear Swamp there were no larvae or pupae by the spring sampling late in April. This sampling date was less than two weeks after the ice left the lake, although the lake edges including Goodyear Swamp had been clear of ice earlier. It may be that ~ , annularius must emerge earlier than is possible in the lake and so moves into shore,

Another possibility concerns food supply. Merritt and

Cummins (1984) say that the genus Chironomus can function as a shredder, feeding on leaf material. There is a small shredder community in the swamp (fig. 8) if Chironomus is not counted. It could be that~. annularius may move into the littoral areas in the fall to take advantage of the otherwise under-utilized resource of autumn leaf litter. If this is the case~ then the fall migration would not only 28

would also increase the ~v~ilagl1ity gf the by-products of the leaf litter. Many methods and concepts have been developed in order to describe invert.ebnlte co:my.l:1uniti~s, These include the Saprobien system, indicator specl@si diversity indices, and others. Before diBcus~in9 such analyses of Goodyear Swamp, it sould be well to remember a quo1:e from H.B.N. Hynes (1960), speaking about such methods. " ... 1 would stress that in my view it is a great mistake to try to evolve fOl~al methods such as those quoted above. In nature little is simple and straightforward, and a rigid system can lead only to rigidity of thought and approach. Each river or stream and each effluent is different, so the pattern of pollution varies from place to place. But although the pattern varies the phenomenon is nonetheless detectable, as I hope has been made clear in previous chapters. If numerical data are collected and tabulated, or drawn as histograms, the effects of pollution are clearly shown even when it is slight. There is neither need of, nor advantage in, any formal classification into zones, which in any event are not clearly defined~ nor is anything to be gained by elaborate graphical methods." Keeping these thoughts in mind I have analyzed the community of Goodyear Swamp using vaY·ious methods. Although each method has its particular drawbacks, by looking at several methods a clearer picture of the study site can be obtained. The simplest method of analysis is the genus list. This ,method involves checking the usual habitat of each genus or (speCies that is found in the study site. This is the basic lidea behind the concept of indicdtor species. Certain IspeCies will be found only under certain conditions, and 29 will there- fore indicate the presence of those conditions when the organisms are found. There are problems with the use of indicator organisms. Very often the organisms being used must be identified to species, since there may be ~ide ranges in tolerances and habitat preferences even within a genus (Simpson and Bode

1980, Resh and Urzicker 1975}. This level of identification is often not possible. The opposite problem may also exist, that the range of an organism may appear erratic because the limiting factors of its preferred habitat are not known.

There is also a problem with pollution tolerant species often being found in clean waters and pollution intolerant species being found in polluted waters in havens such as riffles in a stream (Hynes, 1960)"

Of the 118 taxa in this study, all but six were described as being found in lentic areas, in warm shallow water. Of these six, Hesperocorixa and Hydrovatus are both found in lotic habitats, but in depositional areas. They are also mobile adults in the aquatic stage and so may have been there as transients. The other rouL, Neureclipsis, Paraleptophlebia, Parametiocnemus, and Paraphaenocladius are normally found in clean flowing water. The presence of these organisms may be a reflection of the generally high oxygen levels found in Goodyear Swamp. However, the fact that they make up only a small percentage of the fauna indicates that Goodyear Swamp is what it appears to be, a shallow warm water environment. Two other taxa should be mentioned as being unusual. PolypediluID braseniae is a leaf miner, which when found in the leaves of the fragrant water lily (N~nphea Qdorata) 30 takes on an unusual morphology of the mentum (N.Y.S. Health Dept., pers comm, 1985). The crane genus Erioptera that was found in relatively large numbers in this study is, according to J. Gelhaus , an unusual form he is currently describing (pers. comm., 1985). A more accurate way to jUdge the conditions of a habitat from the organisms living in it is to determine which species are dominant and the degree of aominancy. This is done by looking at percent composition. In clean systems, even the most populous taxa make up only a small percentage of the total community; and these organisms are usually associated with clean environments. In polluted waters, of either organic or toxic origin, a very large percentage of the community is made up of a few tolerant species. From this viewpoint, the mere presence of an organism does not mean as much as its relative density in the make up of the community. This line of analysis led to a classification system known as lake typology earlier in this century (Brinkhurst 1974). In lake typology the dominant taxa of certain groups (usually Chironomidae) were identified, and a linear progression of water conditions were identified from clean or low productivity to polluted or highly productive (see fig. 21). Brinkhurst (1970) has produced a less rigorous classification using oligochaetes. Percent composition has some of the same faults as the use of indicator species. Again, one of the major problems is with the taxonomy. When the lake typology systems using 31 chironomids were developed in Europe~ larval taxonomy was

poorly known 0 ActuallYl this taxonomy was very weak until the publication of Oliver and Roussel (1983), Wiederholm (1983), and reviews by Saether, Roback, and others. Deevey (1941) followed the methodologies of previous works. That is, he placed all of the Chironomini under the heading Chironomus, all of the Tanytarsini under Tanytarsus, etc. This gives rise to the problem of the wide range of habitats each separate genus could inhabit under the guise of a single species. Even if the taxonomy was better understood when these typologies were developed, there is also the fact that they were developed in Europe, where the midge community is not as complex (Brinkhurst, 1974)" A neartic typology is needed for North America. Brinkhurst (1970, 1971, 1974) suggests that oligochaetes would be more appropriate than Chironornids because they are easier to Identify and fewer in number (50 vs. 5,000). No one genus or species makes up an extremely large percentage of the Goodyear Swamp community: as would be the case if the swamp was extremely polluted. Instead the group with the largest percentage of the community are the midges Chironomus (21%) and Tanypus (27%). The two groups usually used for water quality analysis are the chironomids and the oligochaetes. AIm's (1922) typology is used h~re becau~e it encompasses a variety of factors and genera of midges (table 7). Goodyear Swamp's midge community is composed mainly of Tanypus punctipen nis with a large seasonal influx of Chironomus annularius. Table 7 Summary of the Swedish lake types according to Aim (1922) from Brinkhurst (1974).

______...... """.... ~_..'~'!lJ.'l\~ ,. _

~~ :TV Za

___~.~:~.;_...... !4JiJJ&iiL~'IIt! ml Il.,"'w~~...... """ ~?'1h idZZCS 'C'lPSI_ :W::U::!il

ChrrOl1ornus Chaoharu! (Plumosu!) type Oligochll~te type TanYPIIJ type Amphipod type (Cort'lhra) lype OumleSO'lmna type

u~ually brOWh to dark clear or grey­ ',jI}l!fCr muddV gn~Y'-gre,;n" niuddy yellow-green-brown clear co!ourk,., 1 green colour brown IH rimes grcy-grcen-· ;·'f,OWi1 at times clear brown c1ellr colourk5s Phy\;c.·. high; ofw! u~ulilly high. moder.. tely 10"" low;.. never low; UliWll!y no e'l!traordmarilv p!imkwn blooming ohen (dOOrH~J.fg ohen no bivoHh blooming bioom" low; seldom production blooming probably z.lways /l,ddi[y Su.rn.nUj( tf..nnc e:..¥.l(~ O{l~:n low vl'.t)'ing how{:'V(,r ail<.IIlJls hilj;b of"ef5 io'Vv ire th~ mt time;; ll!i[f,: d1ii~ suxt1.rr~(f:;l· mo~( often high nr !\~Onf;: high depth winter l!Stlllll1y i,ow. often i::t",nc . , r.:trj~'(e O~" $~{)nep ~~';;1.i1~1l ~BOt;'t(r\hl. typiOli' Qf\'(i;; :-'r~.~:Ii\::~,C~ brownish "im>~:" siudge, S:HIL.:, :~~~;f t~'~~fr~::: ~ ~dge Qt taml:'i> ',',I' \(;J'~~~,h C ~d y! ~. or m.iry c~:~~)'; citi}" :l;[ time:; f:lmy sb... ~dor~ lime rich, of~rn rich in gl.lf)f,;l·'Uru­ frequent plant fngmeo,,, i';'lteO with pla1H (detritus) CO!I1i}l)$( S!":e 2l~rl l!ml1!l or lRlfi:::'.'.;. or llnC(~;Q)~ln small to huge: 'usus,i.!y !l<'iW: ,\~1/0~~~ G,f',e(':; s[i'n.;.Uer. huger <)r smb!2k'f P;'f'::~:IC-~:.~t)g 1a1,;c"~; usually ~h;:,iio'N dei:p:;:t b~J:~ smllow Qi,' de"!. , ",nd "'!',RIlJY':' %,§2.kcB Ot' mo\.wmifi ~fr.kc:., .Ind wlIl.nn Ig&lf!t ~e';!:~'~-rdN;l!; '7ritF1rU Wil."11l1 or ci)ld l1J!,e1; 1'l11o:<:;; zl"U.1l &:1r;e cold de,·:p ,;If 16k", overgrown shallow i:)3G1~cUjii\d'j? tO~t~. probab~'r ln~::"l B,:mhic nigh 20-<;C at moo er'Ilte!if medium high, probably wgh, p H'1 i:;;O!wai~d production more rtnimt:b ani!: however Vll!iS'ing; ~50 lU1imlils 1li'lC\ ho'vievcr lO ~: g~t'e~]c southerly moun· chlln,~ublt; lt~nirnai &~~d 15Ufl la,kcs, least 0.l-O.2 gi1l.l.f!"l 75-16 mim:.ll'; :and 0.03-0.• ~m ret exteril s often considerably 0.06-0..3 gr;-.m per JO dm 1 with the bo.ign\"'S! ~?:•. 0.0] however rcl:uuvd'jl 7 ~ more per 10 dmz 10 dm composition Irnm per !O dm high Faunal most important Chiyonomw or ChrYOMml4J of species-rich ChiYQMfflils of lit times fairly composi­ ChircmomuJ different typts many types flllWUI of ElAeany·· differenl types species-ridl . lion plumoslIs. Oligo­ and besides most however probllbly !arsw, ohlJochae­ C"lJloPDgon Ch,ronol1lw of chaetes constantly ofl~n dominant. IIlwllYs Tanypus tt'$, Turbdlarill .md oligochaetes different types present Large olig(1)Ch2e.. oligochaete, lind mosl often flDd mOSl often oligochaetes, Ctratopofof'l les and P01IllJ'jIot'/!ra [lither coaunon relicts are Cmerhra in large TurbellllrU and increase with Prsidrlllff ofteD common abundance among them content of pyrit in abundance OtomtrostDmQ , <.N Va/vata and orhers and Ephem"a lit Pirldium, etc...... wirh conrent of times nthCT ~

lime ______~~~- common "T ~ Mtt@b~ .... _ 32 According to AIm's typology, Goodyear Swamp is moderately to strongly productive or, using terminolofy normally associated with primary productivity, mesoeutrophic.

Goodyear Swamp's oligochaete community is made up of

Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Limnodrilus profundicola,

Ilysodrilus templetoni, Branchuria sowerby, and along the marginal mudflat areas, Sparganophilus eiseni. According to

Brinkhurst (1971), ~ hoffmeisteri and I. templetoni are ubiquitous. Where L. hoffmeister! andTubifex tubifex alone are found in lartge numbers, extensive organic pollution is indicated. When L.hoffmeisteri is dominant, but other species are found, the pollution is less severe. When 1. hoffmeisteri is found in conjunction with a number of other oligochaetes, eutrophic but not polluted or impacted conditions are indicated. Tubifex tubifex is found in large numbers in gross pollution and again in very oligotrophic conditions, but not between these conditions (Brinkhurst,

1970). In Goodyear Swamp, moderate conditions are suggested by the presence of 1. hoffmeisteri along with several other species. The absence of T. tubifex shows that productin is not extremely low or high, but falls into the middle range.

Branchuria sowerbyi was originally a tropical species which has spread into the temperate zone (Brinkhurst and

Jamieson, 1971). Its presence indicates warm conditions and has been used to indicate thermal pollution. Here,~. sowerbyi just shows how the shallow water and exposed mud can warm during the summer (fig. 18).

Another way to analyze invertebrate data is to examine the population densities of the individuals. while fine 33 delineations are not really e by using population densities, extremes can markedly show pollution problems.

Extremely low numbers may indicat~ a recent toxic episode which has decimated the local fauna. Extremely high values may indicate severe organic pollution.

Hynes (1966) reported population densities of 3501000/m~ .

One problem with emphasizing densities is that all of the organisms are weighted e~Jally with no regard to size.

Thus, two organisms may differ greatly in size are both assumed to be the same, even if the amount of biomass they contribute to the system is sUbstantially different.

The average density of macrcinvertebrates in Goodyear

Swamp is about 4 p lOO individuals/m~o This figure is much lower than the ranges given by Hynes (1966) for grossly polluted waters. Goodyear Swamp exhibits low population densities of macroinvertebrates compared to other examples found in the literature" Lake Estrom (Wetzel, 1975) has densities well into th~ 10;000fs/m~" Lake Washington (Thut,

Norway (Wetzel, 1975) has a littoral density of about

2,500/m~relatively low, which would shew low productivity, but not so low that toxic effects are indicated.

As was mentioned earlier, a problem with the use of density is that different si3ed individuals are all counted

equallyo For this reasen g st.anding crop figures are usually given in terms of biomcLss. 'I'he use of biomass gives a very direct measure of the standing crop, a good indirect measure of productivity (especially if most of the organisms are univoltine), but a poor idea of the type of production taking place. For this, the type of organisms and their feeding habits need to be known.

Goodyear Swamp's standing crop averages about 870 kg/ha, and ranges from 590 kg/ha in the spring to 1,300 kg/ha in the fall.

This increase in the fall is probably due to the increase in the area of suitable habitat for ~. eiseni, and the subsequent increase in their numbers. Spargano~hilus eiseni makes up about

75% of the biomass in the study area.

Wetzel (1975) (table 8) gives a list of 26 values of biomass for approximately 300 lakes. The average standing crop for these lakes is 150 kg/ha with a range of 2-590 kg/hac Several ponds are included in the list, and these range from 20-370 kg/hac

Goodyear Swamp's standing crop is not only well above the average, but actually lies well outside the range of these 300 lakes. There is no obvious , extraordinary source of primary production or allonchthonus food source which could support such a large secondary production.

One possible explanation is the way in which the biomass is distributed. Approximately 75% of the biomass is located with ~ eiseni. If~. eiseni is disregarded, the biomass of the study area is about 200 kg/ha with a range of 150-260 kg/hac This is very much in line with references cited by Wetzel, especially the shallow fish culture ponds described by Lellak (1961) with values of 222-272 kg/haD This high concentration of the biomass in a few large organisms is also the reason the densities of the invertebrates are comparatively low. The question still remains: why are there so many ~ eiseni? Table 8 Comparisons of the Bioma$$ of Genthic Macroinvertebrates of E~emp!ary Lakesia (W(],\:zel. 1915j,

Wei Weigh! Drr WeighI (k~~heJ=8) (ks; 1111- 1 ) NOles :md Source

Great Slave, NoW.T. 20.0 2.5 H:lwson (1955) Alhauaska, Alberta·S:ubtchc\\"an (3z's) 4.1 Minncwanb, Albern (3 13.0) 45 Simcoe, Ontario {9fUtj ] 2.~;1 Waskcsiu, Sasb.!chew:lIi (1!.~8.0) Wyland, Ind. Mean 1955 8.05 Gerkin!: (1962) Me.1ll 1956 860 July 56.0 10,3 August 31.6 5.8 75 Finnish L:tkes :3,(1) Deevey (1941) and B.1Y~S (1957) after numerous source~ 5 Swedish lakes 31.1 (:3.9) 3 New 13nloswick lakes 25.4 (3.2) )0 Lnkes or USSR 41.3 (5.2) 38 Lakes of USA, moslh- of 87.2 (10.9) Connecticut :lIld t\e;,' York (10-348) (1-44 ) 13 L.,kes of northern Canada 88.9 () U) 43 European alpine lakes 76.1 (9.;5) 64 L:ikes or northern German;· 115.0 (14.4) (induc1es some mollusks) 19 Eutrophic Polish lakes . ~~8 3.5 PiCCZ)'I;~b, ct al. (1963) (2-56) (0.3&<>7.0) 10] l:U') (1,5~-~JG.J) Dystrophic S:oie C;rihsr!, Denrn21rk 0, Lg~ Berg and Peterson (1956) '\'cuer, \Visc. 19'~O 553 (69) Julla)' (1942) 1941 1~7 (lfl) Ncbish, Wise. 1940 122 (l~') 1941 590 ,:7,~ ]. Shallo\v fish culture ponds, Z22,,,~2?i2 C~g~·3~) Lcllitk( 19(1) Czechoslovaki;\ Parvin Reservoir, Colo 532 £19.8 Buscemi (l9Gl) Green, \\'isc. 0-1 m ;36.6 :J.t Juday (1914) 0-10 m 6Z.~2 15.8 10-20 m 1('13.0 ~2.9.9 20-40 m 17l.l 33.5 40-G6 m 149,O :\0.9 6055 lJS.9 Mendota, Wise. 0-7 m 538 Jud;\), (1942) >20 m G9G 8 7:3(5 Averagc for bJ.:e '114 Juday () 921)

13Vnlues ~re C?l1'jp;"!~;lulc c.nly np,~Hoxi:H;l,tely;\~~:;e of ~hc dirrcr(""Il(.:c~ in IHClhods nnd fr~.. quenc)' Dna OUf:l\IDfl OJ' 5;'\rnpling; :11] e>.cJuct niD!h15k~ !ifiic~s. sLl~e<.1lo the (;nntrary. \'nlnes In parcnthc~e$ were CStinl:\!ea using ~hc r~Litionship of dry \vci>:ht (;qll:d~ J2.5 per cent or ",cr \veight (~cc di~CILo::~ion 0[1·111:1, i~Hi9). \R,,'inh':'f~, c( ;d. (!~7J) r(Tflillllll'IHI 10 Pi"' ,Till alld C:,"llIIIJ~ (lUG2) anu (J\llcr:; fOllllll ;1!>Ullt 20 pt:rlTil! ~nufl: Il",dl'..tic. 35 An explanation may lie in the nature of a wetlands, with its large areas of very shallow water and exposed mudflats.

As noted earlier, S. eiseni is normally restricted to the small area along the water's margin. Goodyear Swamp has extensive areas which could be considered the water's margin. This would allow large populations to develop which would normally not be found in most bodies of water.

These large populations could in turn enhance their environment to allow even further increases. By burrowing into and churning up the sediments, the mudworms recycle nutients from deep in the sediments. These nutrients would otherwise be unavailable to the bacteria and algae which thrive at the surface of the sediments. This replenishment then allows bacterial algal production to increase (McCall and Fisher, 1979). The worms can then feed upon this enriched food supply, and sustain their extremely high population level by way of this positive feedback mechanism.

In looking at Goodyear Swamp's biomass, a very productive system is seen. If all the taxa except for the mudworm ~. eiseni are used for comparison, then Goodyear

Swamp appears to be very productive, but not out of line for shallow water systems. However, the very extensive populations of ~. eiseni contribute so much to the standing crop that Goodyear Swamp is several times greater in biomass than the next most productive lake or pond with which it was compared.

Another useful tool in analyzing invertebrate data is the diversity index. 36 A diversity index compares the distribution of the

organisms among the taxa. Generally diversity is correlated

with the stability of an ecosystem (Odum 1975) and thus its

health. By using an index of diversity a relatively

complicated set of data is compressed into a single number.

This number is then easily compared to other systems. Of

course a great deal of other information is obscured , such

as population density, species composition, etc. Generally

identification to the species level is considered basic to

the concept of a diversity index. Helawell (1978), however,

shows that genus level identification very closely

approximates the results found using species level, and that

even higher classifications will show the same trends

although they are not as sensitive.

The Shannon-Weaver diversity index of Goodyear Swamp

averages about H=2.8 with little variation between seasons.

This figure places the swamp well into the unpolluted end of the scale of diversity values and shows a very stable community. A component of the diversity index, species richness, drops over the winter as many groups overwinter in the egg stage.

So far the analysis conducted have all dealt with

individual taxa, even if combined under the headings of diversity, etc. Another way to look at an invertebrate community is to organize it into functional groupings. By doing this, some idea of the flows of biomass and energy through the ecosystem can be formulated. Merritt and

CUmmins (1984) give six categories for trophic groupings:

~crapersf shredders, collectors c macrophyte piercers, 37 predators, and parasites, with further subdivisions possible. When the relative sizes of the functional groups are compared, the possible relationships between them can be diagrammed. One difficulty with this analysis is that an organism can shift from one group to another as it matures and its size and morphology changes.

The fauna of Goodyear Swamp fall into the patterns shown

in figure 8 when divided into functional groups. There were very few or no parasites. There were few scrapers because of the lack of hard substrate. Most of the swamp is covered with a fine organic muck which prohibits the development of a periphyton community in the classic sense. The scrapers were thus restricted to the seasonally available macrophytes. The large areas without emergent macrophytes may also be the reason that so few macrophyte piercers were found compared to other groups. Parasitic water mites

(Hydracarina) were found in their free living adult forms.

These parasites never exceeded more than 2% of the total macroinvertebrate population,

A large portion of the community is made up of predators, 37-44%. This is such a large percentage that it is extremely doubtful whether the rest of the macroinvertebrate community could support the predator component. There are two sources of additional prey items that could help to support the predators.

First, unlike the the insects which are univoltine, the oligochaetes are multivoltine (Pennak, 1978) and their production is probably greater than their standing crop indicates. This would effectively decrease the predator to 38 prey ratio. In a similar way, the large amount of biomass

in the large mudworms mentioned earlier would also decrease

the predator to prey ratio in terms of biomass as well as

numbers. The other source of prey animals can be found in the

microinvertebrates. Large numbers of Ostracoda and

zooplankton (mainly Bosmina) were noticed in the study

area. The remains of Bosmina were often noticed in the guts

of predaceous chironomids. Including these organisms would

decrease the predator to prey ratio in two ways. First, they

exist in large numbers. Second, they have a high rate of

reproduction and thus turnover throughout the warmer months

(Pennak, 1978).

The largest component of the invertebrate community is

the collector group. This functional group eats detritus,

and the bacteria and algae associated with it. The large

number of collectors is indicative of the large amount of

detritus in Goodyear Swamp.

The last and most variable functional group is the

shredders. This group feeds upon large pieces of plant material. In Goodyear Swamp the shredder component comprises from 7% of the community in the spring to 23% of the community in the fall. Most of this increase is due to the influx of ~. annularius in the fall. Merritt and

Cummins (1984) describe the genus Chironomus as containing both collector-gatherers and shredders. It is assumed here that~. annularius may function as both.

This variation in the size of the shredder component reflects the variability of coarse plant matter that is 39 available for food. In comparision to the large areas of mud flats there is not much vegetation, especially in the spring and summer. The shredders, like the macrophyte piercers and scrapers, make up only a small part of the invertebrate community. In the fall, there is a large increase in plant material in the form of senescent emergent macrophytes and falling leaves from terrestrial broadleaf trees. The influx of ~. annularius may be to take advantage of a temporarily plentiful food source which otherwise might be under utilized.

As a whole, the Goodyear Swamp macroinvertebrate community is based upon the production of algae and bacteria in and on the sediments, and phytoplankton. This production is enriched by the constant churning of deep sediment nutrients by oligochaetes. A large gatherer component feeds off of the production. In turn, a large predator component feeds upon the gatherers and upon zooplankters and ostracods. In the fall, additional material enters the system in the form of leaves, and in an increased shredder component which breaks the leaves down into a form more easily used by the gatherers. A diagram of these relationships is shown in figure 21.

The chemical analysis done for this study were chosen to show the general condition of the water in the swamp and to relate the invertebrate community to chemical water quality.

The chloride and conductivity levels are similar for

Goodyear Swamp and otsego Lake. The temperature and the dissolved oxygen levels may differ at times, but follow the same trends. The main difference between the swamp and the Fig 21. Diagram of Tropic Relationships r------, existing in Goodyear Swamp I Predators I : I

: Large: Smilll: I Em~rgf!nc" I F,sI. Chironomld I I Odenatll Cer.toP09onidl I I I I I ______,;:--...... J .------­ ______...:1. _ -..., r------, I .,-­ Collectors I I I I I I I I I I I I Large I I Small I OlllJOchlatl Zooplenk ton Insectl : - I ChironomUI I OlillochtllAl ~ ennule';U1 I I S.lIicenl I I I I I EJB I I I I ------1------'I 7-,f;--­I I

r------, I Primary Producers I I I I Sedimentl Allonethan· I A'gH Phyla- Vegetlltion 01.11 I La". I Beeterle plenkton "egillet/On I eenthol I I I I I I L __ I

Deep s.dimentl Terrellr;e'• Nutrientl ~ t 40 lake is with the nutrients (NO ,NH , and P) and pH. The differences seen in these parameters are caused by the close proximity of the water in the swamp to the anoxic sediments.

Otsego Lake is considered to mesotrophic to oligotrophic

(Harman et aI, 1980). The total phosphorus level in the swamp is only twice that of the lake. The ammonia level gets as much as 30 times as great (fig. 18). Since phosphorus is generally the limiting factor in freshwater systems (Vallentyne, 1968, Wetzel, 1975) Goodyear Swamp would appear to be more potentially productive than the lake but not extremely so. The greater productivity would place

Goodyear Swamp in the eutrophic range, which agrees with the invertebrate analyses. 41 CONCLUSIONS There are 118 taxa in Goodyear Swamp. All but six of

these are usually found in warm still water. The

macroinvertebrate community diversity is high, but is dominated by chironomids (especially Tanypus punctipennis

and Chironomus annularius), oligochaetes, ceratopogonids,

and in certain areas Pisidium. Pisidium is restricted to

the edges of the swamp. Chironomus annularius migrates in

and is a major factor only during the fall and winter

months. The oligochaetes, on the other hand, expand their

populations during the summer months. The overall density

of the invertebrates is low, but the biomass standing crop

is extremely high. This is mainly due to the presence of

the American mudworm ~. eiseni. The community is dominated by the collector and predator components. The secondary production in the swamp is based mainly on detritus which is

formed locally, although much of the predators' diet is made

up of zooplankton and other microinvertebrates. All of these biologiacl factors agree with chemical indicators that

Goodyear Swamp is a healthy, stable, and moderately to very productive environment.

Some ideas for further studies that could be undertaken, based on this study, are:

1) The life histories of the Chironomidae could be

followed in more detail. This could include the determination of emergence times, following the progress of the cohorts, and the determination of feeding habits and diets. 42 2) Productivity, especially of Sparganophi1us eiseni could be calculated 3) The movements and/or ranges of Chironomus, Sparganophi1us, or pisidium could be examined more closely. 4) Some trophic relationships could be examined more closely. The prey items for the Tanypodinae midges could be determined. A study could be done to see if Chironomus does break down leaf litter. A study on the amount of predation by fish and other vertebrates could be done. 5) Jon Ge1haus may be interested in doing further work with the crane fly Erioptera \ I T,-.\F

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Rd~ Data fOI the Quantitative Survey

Sample Set # I, API il 2S. 1984

~ i t Eo Genus 0'- Spec i es Number Hp~rj r~p· slJle ~idth A • - (" Pa l pmnDQ 2 J.£t..!lYI2!J~"plmc_tiP_~,nJl is 1 !;.i!lf~l gl~Q.rI,tll!)j I'.t'J~Ln,i~ 1 Limnodrilu~ hoffmeisteri 1 immature tulli ficide ~'.'L' capo.; 2 irnmalurf! tllbifil~ide IA,I caps A' - EK Ll..n.t~l!"clULl]Ul1)l!..i.P~lHLis . '3 r) ') '.. J ~2 27c) ~!. r::-. I~m.:.£'!L-·L p~tQ~iQttlJJ!~ 1 If,S E'Li)!..:...] a~J. U.l.5 1 fJ~ .;, c Pa~(}m\' i.~ '"'\ imm. tl.lhificll1e '" 0 '-:dPS IflI!::Q11;LQ.!_!JJ.(~tl..2efIJlis 18"5 17 Crvpt och i I onomll[o,. (U.9..L!'_~_t..u~ 1 .:.8 ,.; 1 - EI-.: t~ml'i(-1 J ,-\ :.=: - c ~_l.n...f ~lQlf! hf.!I[llJj.Pf rrI.LL~ 'J ~~::-) ·~~5 ~·~S T:'H}~US 1!-'Jn:~t..iIJ~·ur:d ~ '-J ~q 1 <'1 A . H: PllJ Ql~m\' i..~1 h ~~ brlJ.T.Hill!~'>lIJ.!..L:.." 2R -&,-'"•. ' :25 :2;:1 .....-, ­ 8 ,8"-,> :,;,:0 Jf/. ...,. 1 q J :2l'.f "3 1 28 iJ~j_Ll·~rr0j Q . ·...,~l , ~. L tIL! I I 11.!..J-LIfJ j.\ 1I1~ ~ \5 '. ,-, -­ - ~ :0:"', .\ ;\- H. [,S!Jl'_l!m~.i o-J 1 ~j.J;'l r Lt~n 01 'L!L!u_? 1 ,\ ',C F II C II \ t ! :J l' i d ~1 .,' 1 l~ tl~l fmel_~! f~l_l 1 imm. tubiti,-i,l,~ \\ U CapS ~;;1t~.::J_r>i~ lq5 r~d ~l ..~(j i llilJ1_U! L~19'::' I!..~e 17 1 b t,?1,1~1C::'(~Lt_lIl2c'.r!!.J.l Il~ 1 1 ':\ f-~t.r C1.JjICJJ-'j.l1l.!J$ 1 A ,j, EL t,- I i.J i n(H:OIl-,"'~' h 1 -; 1'1 -,,­ 17 1 , , j '-(~,f!.I1!~U n (. j .1 ~ 12':> ~"~J t.Ci' s i a . ~IJ c.Cj 1£ (l.r!I~i :;'1 '[~!.,.l'l,=!s~_'~l_l-'l.lL" Fj 1clljE ,., l-lll!n(UJ.lJj Jii Sample Set # .:Ollt i nued

Site Genus or Species ~umbpr Width B· j -C PaJ~omvia 1 Taill~2)J5 Q!-!n('~U.Qennt~ 4 ..... 5 .3~ 18 .2~~ t:..:. _1:!1-u~lfllQ~W1L~ 1 2'3'" L!J!!!1Q!::JrJlus I!LQf!!mUco L I ::; r.TI" h\ l ra i riae i 10m. t IltJi f i l~ i

" :; P0.l:.:p~~i. Jlnll i 1 LlJ.I(·~IlS.~ f, 16 ) .2 ,:. jf) lb 11'::) ,.., • ~. d I :1 t l-:' 11 II.i 1-'.f'5 I~ 1 .~ 'j .-, ~: _"-<': I ~ ,j '-' (!. r J.IIQr_L~!1..I.!l,.., ](1 I 1 -, f~(-'L·.!'lF·U i.'.!.<~t.!!·ITII1"" 1!JIIdl ,,~.( tl - .._....' 1 ~l hl.lJ!c.c"Il_\jd 'I~ .i.I" I c~11 t I ~ (._~.[Ilt, '.~lg~:.l ~j

" l~-") E!. r',jJl'()1J!\.J.£'l L) ~ 111'J-'!J..i U I\.~:"J t imm. tllid II (' 11..1'-' 1.\ ,', (':1P~ 1 C· C r'cUl'~'IIl~ iLl I <; 11.rjS'.L~[I: J.:>I.I':: l'llJ.!J!dl..:'? 1 I T·. Ll!IlI~ 1: i~,.: T\J! : "" . 1'4 1 :-.; ,..., .)~. ~·l.~· P 1Q r (> n~.:L!.l" ~.~; t~qJ~-!l ~ 11 os 1 Sample Set # 1 contInued

Site G0nus 01 ~pecies Numher Wil1th C 1- EK nothIng fotlnel C-2-C TaDY2!!~ l!lWC ti...2-elJ!Ji~ 1 E ~ ~UIJ!.!! 1 ~~'1JJ!..Ls 1 P

S ,'.... ---i :"211­ j 1 ~ ~J-,'5 1::'.9,D IIIH1I!i ~ 1 C 3 r_1-: F'.:aJ~0m~ LSJ 1 (' (~ ~. f:'j 'SiO.:V) 1 I-·tly~a ~.b.LrJ_n\:'r:.1 1 " FL E: n'o!Q[tU I Q f1 '!_IJI!l~ iI. i .~1I:-~ (' ;jll~ 1 ,5 ~~ ~j ·.;,;pm 1 I;rj (~ptl~;j1 CI1.I~ 5Il' i /:a 1 f'.(:U_1l0rn~.:...i~ ~\~0!':"? S.Jfl~'_r~I!.::;; I',.:! lp\lIl!..\ i;,:J 3 C!L'~_ 50P~; 1 P~':o'.Ut:!~'f)n_il(.,~_:.l2t(ll_:,J":? E, 1 1 . 1 1 S 10 1 1 1 1 'j pQ 18m.e.U j nl~J.!.e_nl!Js 1 ~I (' t rl"\.'2I';~LnI~ 1 1 (' I ; II! ~.J.f!!l~ ": ~_,,-a(j[ii.(::..l.' i..1 ~1Il!V:~ j /I;':,tsi }~1 LjJ.(~n'-L!.~.J f:. i j n.L'- ~-1 t' ~';.:' Uf.\ ~ILl r 1-: h.! .:=l.d.1.. I.!..'" 1( I")

rIt f f (. ,~~ . •h"drj ~~dI'SU\I"S ~'i,irtl"" f~.!r II••:, mi':!\=IPs ~n .... ;1; nina \, Ie;.; Th,> !loltdl.j('11 \.: ,,3p:=- llIt:>aflS \\J',h c.:Jpilljt.,rnl '-'ldt:-!dl'.'

TtlI' 1i''11:..1t i nil \,0 ('dl'~ IlIP,'1nS ~'i l tl nl!t card 111 rl O "111 .-IIU,·I,H-­ Ttl\-, Sit.> LJ·'~cr-ipi.ll)l: t:r.: r'ptPI=- to tlH~ F .... OliHI .:1 ,'pd(H..~.·tlnrh.· alil1 r /',"tprs tc, ttli-- cnrp ,

.., Sample Set # 2. Auqus t 19B-'~

Si 1.1'" Genus or ~pecies Numbpr \o;idth .'\' . r...: .N9~ C(lmmUll..·t~ 1 imm, tuhificide w. caps 1 H:-'dracar ina 0\' -H: l..JoomnoiJ.Li l!!~ ho f fme test erj.. 1 f'!!. ..f.!..~. ~ 1 .5 I '- nc.U ..... ~\ - 1 .. C Hydl-alar ina '"­ f:...:. .Q[~JnnooiJLe-'ln t~ 1 .42 1-'.. .Q.I)Jl('.~ l.Qf~nn i~ :3 .'5 .3 ,17 PLocla1...LlJ.~ Slit? L~t tJ. 1 .5 A -1 Ef~ T~ Q.!!!!~!J...rJoo~'liIl i.? 1 .48 -\-2-C h-'.. ho fIm~Lst e [" ( 1 fL 'S'o","'p'-b\' 1. 1 Ch i 1 Qr...!QRlu::,; ~ 1m1I-' .QrJ..JV:; 1 .775 ,\oo~ 'EK I.:.. Q1!.D.c..Lip~nn.i ~ 1 .31'5 L 1)..L!lnn i ~JlIl i 5 1 .25 (LBJt o,::tJi[l}D.~).!!!:!~ g!SlooL1..;:t 1. ll~ :3 1 ') ,1 6 ,!, 2 ~, franment of tubi f j!: i rip \\' 'l) ('"aI's 1 imm .. tub) fjcidp ~. cap~ 1 H~idrar:31 i 11<'1 1 I.:. I?,uncU~!.l..L~ 10 ,18 ,18 .18 ,'~2 ,19 . ~85 .~4 .45 ,4':.") .26 GU:Q_U!! ~ 1JQ..Lp_~~ . 1 =; f'\_aL~ ~1)!l!ITJ!.l.!l.i s .\ 3-EI-: rln~hjl1Y found A .. !l EE ~dtCJI'S)~ 1 CL<·.i n 9Ql1\':-; 1 , Et sj~j IIf!) .. -\ -.:. . r ~Qt.S! r-oo'j~lJ 10 3::: 37:- 37 '1'-' :oo-\ "". '.~4 , i 7 ~~ -."., C'.' j 7"'1 lh5 16'5 E'[(tC.l£i\;n~l~ ~_ul!~:JU .i4 '. t,:. l Hl .."'...l..bJ ~~ .-, P1E!~ULJL'~~·c:tr.J Qt:!Ll.1oo!-.!,::n_:'S 2(1 1 3 [1= !.r..~01QPljs s~_J~:~U' i s ~U') ~U i I ::iLrl_t_e..n [)P S n .... r~ I ( I.:. Ll\.II)..ct,l.i.'~!IDls ',11 (! 3()

" ;\,j i ~ ~{'lJ.!mll!Lt:-; H 1 - EJ-. L. Jl"}_J.!!.!.~ 1 ~r '~IJ. ] B':: (" .L l'1..!J)CJ ioo12 P.tlJ)l..?' 3 I 7 '~ 7') ·.i 1 .-'\1 I .1;..: 1~~ill ~1l.I\f-'..rlJ.!.i;" " 1 :)i ~-'J ~ 27U -'~=- 1 ::-I~) 1 ~)~ :, :,'5 "'i I I :'i::":' 32 :)~5 '12 '5 5/ SamJ-lle Set # 2 C'ulltinu\:,(j Sit~ Gpnus or Sp~ci~s Number Width Psec t r·ota.nvpll~ 1 I'") ~a i s ~ommuQ.L~ 1 H~:t1racar ilia 1 B-2'EJ\ noth i ng f(.unrJ B·3 C I--=.. PJlIlJ' t i pennL~ 1 .:-~9_-=.!~.~H~ • ..',J '7' ...'.. 5 .. 50 · !.g Cr::~lpctLtron(Jm!J~ digl tatus 1 ..,­_::"l imm. anneJ ida nu seta~ 1 B-3 Eh Gly~tQ~E'ndip~~ 1 .:2'5 I-=. p..!Ul0_~nn_! s 1 .30 T__. pun~ L1..J2.f}nnJ.5 PUp::J 1 imm. tubiftcid~ w/o caps 1 B-~·C :L.. punLtJpE'nnn~ .28 .] 8 . ·~85 .2; ­

.") Cljill~!~Q~RUS rin9Uis · :28~\ :285 Pa r::.q~t1 irurHnus 1 .18 20 U·~!::'Jt.LLurn U. Lil!uellsl' 1 t1~lOI)~:!~ lJ~ ~.!~'V"I! 1 br.::i..I!!= t!.!p~~ SQ.\,.:e lJ~~i 1 .'3. .~...i.~ e uj 1 ~~I'Q-'--Qfl!2'J°n 1 B .!< EJ\ II at 1l i n9 fc.u 11(1 B-5-(, ;\dJ-...ct r s i_~ "3 · ,0 .3~ .] ,) ~·~l...~:?t an~;PlJS 1 f:'.. J 1 J. LI}.Cl.~.D s.~} .] · ] '5~, 1 f', If>5 ~ LJ .01) t. e r 3 1 C£:,fdtgpOfjOn ~-i '\lLt,.~_n-.9om\'i d ] .-:: tr::l.~t ocJli.L[~nOI!!.l...15 ] u!~) F'Ci r;"c:...1lr!1.?t (.Ie J.9J1.r us 1 J "~I ..,­ ;!;J! lr-'-~ i a ] '5 ~(l '5 ~~~ , ( :2H'5 ':'I 1 '5 lK T'~ ~:2 j:2 32 :,1) ~, J I '](/) 1 7 .~~ J2 P. l]_I_i nQI~n-?£> ~~) If,:' 1 55 Ib') ] () ':' I--'-d.ri:..l t end i~~~ '~ 1 ", OR 19 i mIT!. t lit) i fie i. I" \,.: '.' ':'1I.'S 1 s. .f'-ls~!.!d 1 ~~f:'r·a r L~Pt1Q..<)lJ r~a J.l~OOl \. i_~-=-ll~;-.;.X I;J 1 .., l'.LJ ...d I'J_~ t(J....i~Jt.£'...r3 pj_s j tJ i.HI!l t),~ lli.!lI.:.9.b.Ll!s 1 (. 1 ... t' f'r.c~r::J3C~-LuS ~\l!..JJ... I~LU 1 ('. 1 f:"­ ~jl!!.illJ (' T.. f'.I!!!~ !.....~JJD...L? ?on .2SS

,~ (r~L'! (Ie I.d !.: ~1-'.!Q[11 iJ.:;; U i.lti...1c..CtJ,... Y·':-> (:"'Li..IduR~ tme:t 1 :-=;ample Set # 2 t:ontinuect

Sit e (J~rtUS 01- Spec i e~ Number· w'ictth PSf' 1 .IU !'l!1~ CORI1IJUn) s 4 NJ:!J 1 F'I c II \., r ..3 '" i ,j;1 e I 1, . I!.') f Jm..i'_i.~_,--eLl 1 i mm . t i.1 hit i [' i ' Ie ~, I) Cd I ).""' 1 EU.DElt.Ld I:'Q l'ped.~ny __l.~ . f2.1~_~~i ;j .:. A LL~19_tJ ,:~_nu, IE Pl.,?LeJiurn .\ 53 Sample Set 1; 'J. ....ry 1q84

~ite Genus or ~1_Jt.·C i es Numbt:'r \~ i dt h A' ··C (. allnularJJ!~ 9 .61 .61 .68 .60 .61'5 .60 .(.0 .'5Q'5 .4th J. P\:l..[~_Lt.i""p~!l.nis 1 .31'j ~. a.nntl..l£lrlJ,"-~ 2 .185 .::ns ~. .:;;o~'£>I..!lv1. 1 imm. tlJbifici,1f:' \4:/0 caps '1 ~;3 i 'S ~ 0m..RlIJ.O i s 1 imm. tubificide w 0 caps 4 imm. tubificide w, raps 1 .-\ .. 1 C ~. ;Jnn..lLLa...rius 3 I· p~!nc..!..iQ.C'III!!~ imm. tuhificide ~'o raps ~ C'i.J..o"3 £:..l"'.!11 OJ uJlis (~ c1!J! It!LC!.LiLi_~ ':12 ~8 ":-;~ 58 S!, Eoll '.:I 1 ':'If, 7 ~.~ ~ .•J -, '­ 5 "', '5 63') f, 1 E. 1 61 F.2. cc, 6~ f,' ~ '325 '.... 0 3::":5 (, f,"', h:;

~) I~ I I "j8 b(l toll '-. '.oJ S ·.aJA' ":\1 6[..1 6:- 6 7 0 7'5 , 1":: f,k~, 37 l.t.-.&- ) ., ~ ~, ./ J 1 32 7 no!. ~,8 "i7~ :"":R"5 E:. III ~ I r:!...l1j £=>...l." 'J l!l..i .... 2 I • 1 p-;:; C j I !.1_0 t..!'J IJ.~.l-~u'S f.J'::~ 1-. L'1~c...f..!.U)cJ 1!...'.;J.) L· !'.·~Un.:!-'i'5t.... U :"i ~U -? ~~. (,)!II.!flJ) Ll i. S i mm. r 111) i f I (. j (1 ( \.. n r:. q ,.., .\ ..:.-C1 ;"l;)~ fll:,?- [11'.1)1." rj r~er)-'~l ~ 285 1 t~-' I t:--. lrC) H-;-, . ...::"-, 17.1h'5

'\ :l ..t ;j I "":0."1 ."::1 -\.' ~Lj-, ·.lJ:~.(_'llll"':::'" ...: '-. '5 .\ • ~.. ;..: T:1Jl' fo1l~ P~J-'-''~LIlLi..~ 1 '7 1 :- J I, 1 C .:..:t-- If·,"; )7 ]S JS 1 .:. 1 :- ]0..: 18"', lb~. 1R 17') .--In 1:-~. 17 17~, 17"',

,-,,; 1-; !,"'I

16'"; 1~,", 16 .1~J 11,'5.1,'"", lk Sample Sf-:'t # rj contInued

Site Genu~ or Spec ips Number \tfidth I· QJJnr::. t.i2gn.!l.L~ & teeth 1 .175 PIOC t5t.~.iJJ.~ :2. .62 .62 LU.J!PJ:_~!ill;P-U~ 1 • "::!9 .-, ~. '=l[ -. ,2R~ ,16'5 P81flQJ!!.Li d .. ~~zzJ. ~ ',i ~d IS ...... ""nlITIUn i.~ 2 t=l!)eLlJJ.l~ 1 I, ~ncl~DrJis 1 , .~ ") r, ~J1H!!J_iU.tus ,'575 ,18 fri1qment of tubi ficidp ... (' caps 1 E91.[>(lt!!~:::jjJ He z.~jJ~ 1 ,\- 3-D': ~. ,:mlJ..l_l~Q Lil~ 3 .275 ."'>2 .... 7'5 ~I::~·p~Q'=bic9D.0m.!J~ Q.Lgj tat us 1 ,37 / r, l'LiS::_Cg_t I:'nd jJ2~~ 1 , -.. ..:.. fragments of tUbificide IN 0 C:iPS 1 ...... 4. C p,",--, :":P~gU.YDliLU lIoe~.'t ] " 1 '3 ~. a Ul1u_l 1 .2~ e<'!l.fJ.Q!l1 ~ .l,J - ~..e 7 Z La 1 :3. ~L",f~'-U 2 irnlll, tubificidf''''; CCtp...; 1 ;;.. ~l-" l'flj 1 I;cLOJ)!.!~ r:.E! J~i!nno12l!U a 1 f:' Lsi.~J i um I I r\-'" EI< E'QIDJ~~...LU!I'-' iLl. iJ!I)!;.!}se ," · 1I)"'> . HI:' ] ,-, !::.'d.!.' ~r, ~ llQi lJ_t,:' ~ ) LLlTlrLOjJh~ ;c'~ J _L/~ f:;1].P21T'c.':1 ~i - ~~..z? !~ 1 elL! t l·.(LL~t~~ ) ~. J P'?~'.ld,,''!ldd_Ll 1 PeorJ ti·.L,~ E;:J...i l~_t tL~ 3 l~jm II0-11' 1 r~l:lQLJ Jar\af:' :) p.J $i.i"J i ~1J1 M 1(" (' - ,'1 n!J.!J.'-dU IJ S 1 6 ~~ PSf' II~'~I.U':'(~II.QI!!I.I$ 1 · ~.6 Pu:w.I.<.1·11.1'-'..... ] 17:-. N~1_!.S "--'---'lJIl!IlIJI )-".... 1 I mill t 1.1 tn f I , __ i ' I p I n· _ F-J..: T. i'.l.!.W__1.. i.l lE'!J./) 1.:'5 1 'If:{ "lQ_J.2 (~'G_mm IllLU'i 1 E ,)-C :r:, p.uJ J 0 _i l'eJ.!.l:LL~· 8 1 K 27 . 1 '5=:-. 1 (~, '=j 1 7 ,1.2:. 17<:· 1to5 qt 8_~~~ --.~ ::::J .iJ1. "1 __ J .' .P~!:o'_lI ~:J~!.('.!ILLDrl nJ!!.'~ s '-.~ r_C! ll!(!IlI~j ~ . ~';7n~ I' d~.Imt·r:l (If t uhi fie i rh~' ... I.' r~dp~ fJ ~ - E" J. P'I !.!..!i'! 1I'.!::' ill '- i s " ] {, r:: ,1H"l . 17S , 183 55

SampJp SitE> ii :3 cuntinued Sitp Genus or Species Numbpl- Width .185 .275 18 · 175 . 305 .28 .18.16.175 ~Li.1lQJ BI~U1S .2~ .22 .s,;. annu~qLLl,t~ .3 .30'5 P§l~Q~Ld-~~zzia I~ ~~b ~_,!mmt.I.r1 i .'5 :2 imm. tUbifjrjd~ ~/o caps 1 hU;>_~ Ur) d ] H \'Sl~..~Ji'3. 1 R .. 3 --- C I· l?..IJ..U.~ tip\? Q1l..L~ 1: .28'5 .17 eli noL::Jn~Eus :2 .6~ 205 G 1Ul..Q.J p nd i pes 1 .25 (:r~tQ~bl.rQ!}om!l..~ ~gi 1 · ';\8 paJ..QQJill.·..lA .. .B~~~? i a 1 . ) o imln. tutli t icide \\,. caps imm. tulJificid~.' "". () ('aps 1 .., f· 12"!"~!I}-'li...':'Pf!11!li.. ~ · :.2 ~! I . 2~ 0 ~. df!!Ll a r..J...l!..~ 1 B~ .. r:-!..; J. p..!.~llcJi~r!I..!L~ 1 .27 .17"", ,17") .17 (LiIl..':Jtan\'pus 2(15 (, ~ till,!) J::.H~J..1J.S .27"; E'.C!Jl?!lIn....LU'1 ,..fiez z i a ... ,~Ld i S ~ ..n!!.!I!!!-IJI i s 1 i mOl tub I t)(· i cit:- \\ 1 ;' e~lr th\·orrli 1 B :. c :r. Q..\.L!!.c.. !.. U!..PD..!! 1 S 1 1 "'. '5 p_u-'-,~_l.~'id LU....:5 ] :"':(1 f'~..lQ~.ln~J.':-:1· B!='zz i~ y illlrll. tllbif"ICidl' \\ u cap~ 1 1~IJJ 9hrl~ I 1.:) ,"'U1IlIr.:~ lis 1 FJ.:J.Jn~t y '-;~ '-.J,.. t i .~~,"j i.. IJ..III 8· ~ [71, ''<:':1\ ':.:'L£'~ 1~1!! i;:i 1 ~ I· .Pill!.r:...U p,'Jllli '.."" 1 I.) f'~ J. L'()III.-'- 1.. ~':I F;.~..~ l i i.l 7 imm. t.'!hificidE:' \\ Cd~'::' E..:..L~ Ll U.....'..! nl .> [I r:; C P.iJ r ":.!'~lld~_t _,)r_'L~1 i ~L~ -" rI '--l;, . {Iq f~ Upp (..1 jj 1J.11li..J 1 UIQf.~I s"-c' 1 · I I 1 20 J ~~n~r.~....l ....! !1.£.~?j_i;1 1 i 111111, t utI if i I~ 1111' \\ \1 CapS 1 fr'aqmr'.Jt nt ~. ~i---=";~l!l 1 J ;:1..b<'1 U'I:'3 ,:' t~ J(It .. lJ.~ 1 .l;.t:l Qj.' IQL;'1 7 !::.:'. i~_ i...Q..i.'-l.m C B ::; .. Et-.: I2.Ci.Li-1g:d f • tur"J QrLi ...J;; ,. L.~ 1 '. 12 15 1 .:. J 1 lJ C!!l...12 '...c: t:..'}~";;; 1 i I1lIn. t lib 1 fir' i rip \\' (, ,:'fpS 1 ...:..: ':',J..~~rd 1 Scampi e Set :# J ('ont i T1UE'lj

Site Genus ur Sp~cies Number \\'idth Sri3Ti.I;:te 2 P1 s tel i urn 1 C·· 1 . C ~, ;-illl!..l)lQJj-!.!.~ 4 53 .525 .575 .7 GIYE.toLefl~es .15.1!! I. P..!\ll.!=:.!i.f>£,nnj;? 1 · 16 .Pf! Lromn!:! - Be ~ z i a 1 Li ben i a 1 C 1 - Eh ~. anJlulal'iu~ 8 .62575 .e;s · ':16'5 .5'3 ,57 .53 .35 C 1-,,"1.(j~t!!!.~ 1 · 1 "i5 T I!..1J.I}C:.!J..pfdrl!!J..? , 1 ':I . 1 ') f.:.rr..!.-c 1 i:lc!.LlJ~ 1 .60 imm t:lIbifiC'id~ \,' caps 1 -'")­ c·~-c r.:. £lJ.ll1~1i9.I.l U.... .60 .bO .J_J .f;n .::;q .66 .bf.l ')5 .18"', r;D~'QltlCtli rOllQll1~l~ (U.Q.U_.;'!!,l~ .-405 I, ~unc U--2.t::nn l~ 18") EcocJ. ctd i U~ · 185 PCiJpQ!n\'i <:!. I?!/?Ii a

i nlm. l \I b i ftc i d 1:' IA' f j C C:l p~ 2 C " Eh ~. <;:&J:W.lJ JAI: L!J S 11 '56 '",7 nO · t. ~ I . (.11 .-:;13 · ~8 ,"',:,2") · 62"', . (.,0 . f,Q · 17 . ':q E· L~r..lq!10~Ql:'JI1Jj ~ .~('I'"i (LITU)~11 tLQflQITIUS l;ti....9.U_d t u~ ~, 17"; 18 195 !~ n If''5 7 1 ~, 1 (. 15'5 ) '7 '", 17:' 18 H.,5 !i·:l.I.lLi S ~'ll i 3 17"; 175 !' Q~mlj.~ IE.. 18 '~ 1 "i 17 H. 1 'i~ 13~, 1 h 17 f'!...'.)(' l.aJU 11-", IS 'J1I {Os ?J;J r.!l'l ~"! L.S 11 S 10 .-, ~l ['':.!.!. ~l;'l uJ. P 1!L'2.r.JJL'o'lJ.", J ~ i C U~:P ! .11 1 I:: mJJ .1'!..' -.; 1 \ ~.1 ;.1. t. 3!:.~ L0 ~(l .t:J Ip!~ rn~....LCl 1.', (J z f~ 1 ;j imm. t:Uhifiridr> \, II 1';:1~'S ~aj s ~IJJlH!!.lII!..L s ~. i r.,eLU.~ 1 1:..t [t ill.:..~ 1 (-1 C ~ 1i!!J..QQpJ,I)1~:1 1 1/ 1.:. Qll~J.(": U.V.IC'.n.llj "-" 1 1 '; ':i L'J.l.i UI.1 9!?5 2 B.Li)I!.'~ tl '..I r i.E .-?~~\'l:> U"y i 1 57

S;.lRlpl!'> :Set. iJ 3 c(llltinu.·•.1

Site Genus or Specjps Num' ,er Width ~tbeU.ilH 1 EJ s IQ i u!!!~ 1 r:, I· e~n.r.U I?~!ll))_~ 165 .17.1;-·::; '~L~~l(£~Jl!.@ 10 16 C'-~.l?l 0 nu-'.o: ~)-'l Q.!!!'-'.~ 1 115 E· t)run(tL~per~Dj_~ 1 .2:25 I i.Jlli~.:.~ 4 '"Jt'")r:'. f'S P _lI.!l0. som i J-.l La 1 · ---, i mOl . t IIb i f i c i t.1 (. w Cl CdPS 1 ~ I~L~~llJ 1 0 ~ a i ~ ,=-~mrn.!1 nJ S 1 H~_L.QtldelL£1 sta..9I!LC_cJJ.fl 1 CstLJ:~{~f!1~-.i~1 - B~Z7,).iJ 6 ~-'!U C..!.Li.(llc~~ 3 I:: f ....liJ..P.1 ~; J il t~~I.Jf1_o..l 1.. '!!..!JoJ!.!lita earl\." 11I:--1;:-'i T<:dt,i1,id"", I p..rJI!~..!= G."l : dJ-\,-t l C " EI·: ~J i..~1 ot;) '-!~':'ll!!.? 1 · )r.,:; fJ;~ lp'}'ll~' t 0 - !;I.£.'..£~zii:! 8 s. ('..!""~!!l l 1 f:f..lC"hyt! ;jt:' I tjiJ..':' 1 j f!lm. t 1.11\ i r I I' j d P \, e~'trs 1 i mill. t II tJl j i C" i c! e \0­ u ("o:.Jr~ 1 fJ:;;elUl~)ljJ.I!..DQJ)t.1 i Lc) 1 .~ r·...!.....~i_d I. II!!.I . 1 ..~ f';-j ' .. d ..r (·l.!'lu-'t-".. ~ 1 1 13 12"i 12"", 1.2 I~ L..': .1.2 1.2 ! 2 LOllI i,'uirlp:o; !:,.J ~",rlj t' J d I HII E' ; I t ( If t 1I tJ i r j ,. I t.! I' \,' I I r en,s E.~ i_u...£..U,.. r c} ~r C1..!I.9 llli ~.O~~ 1 P.i .. ::, LdLu.I!1 IS ,­ ,.. .. FI. ~~~Ld cs i .) 1 · "">1 '5 E·~r;:t~hd.. (· t ucJ a("lL~~~ 1 1 'l e..qJ· ..SJ) ~D.!U pe:,:, I 1 1 ,:", ? ,~!Jirn/ll,miIL

8i [P Ger,llS or Spec i eo;; Nll!lIher' Width t' . -C ~. a HD IJ I a U II os 8 .58 ."'if> .55 .6 ....7 .56'5 .5') .68 C. f3nnlli~Lt'J~ 4 .6 .6 .6 ....75 I. ~uJlc;:.!~e.nn)s 2 28"'\ .16 Procj Cigius . " .6 ::575 imm. tubificide ~·0 raps ] i' i.Qh\_s 1 ~i ..k92_~L~ ] .<\' El\ C'. cwn..!]] d r l-II~ 21 '52') .bn .51 .51 .56 57:i .':.75 .56 .61 n"i . ."R . 51 · ') "i . 60 . ':i(~ '54'i ."i'~ .515 · ':",7 . 60 . b I 5 ..., T· .[J\HE' U.~ n 111~ ,285 .:2'5"i L· hq U I~!..!='J..~~[ ~ imm. tubificioc>" (, raps .0\] ( (. flJlnu 1ctLtus · 6 . 58':· F-;. PL11J 1J1.L ~S'J1J1 i_s · !< 0 I· QIJI!..c.1J..p~o.ui~ · 2b=j • '--i I)"j . 1 / 1(,') I?J":'~Il: L.:..Jdi_',!s J 1 7:, L-. ,-!..oJ f!! ~.Ll 1 .-, pa}}· .i-.a - .E~7,LiJ...j UJ2~.U!!-t,~ .") \ 1 n. rlt!(~gt1i us .~75 .~8 I .~) .... !:.''5~ U09.<:" bjJ_Q..r!Q!1!u~ ,4_') t~ll:.i,l...jll_[ '":'[''291.)1 if». L;l .13 L. Il.':>.tfm~j stl.~[.i i mm. r llt,j t j" i rjp IA; ':.:JP:'''

j mill, t 1I t,1 i f i c' i (11-' \\ (I " a p~ '. :! ( I· ~llrt.<,~tLp.~l1,nJ~ 1~ ~311 28 J h ]. 17 18'3 1-::. IS 17 1() \-=-l.UJr~td mI!.I.!...~ '58 .<\ '. n: 1. l:!HI.(t U'l~nl!j s '}/l 20 _". 1 . , I H"', 17 16 If,e; 1 "> J 7'"". Iq::; 185 17') 1" '""I H,') .1 ­ / 17~ ~k3 1/ 1 (. ':, 16'5

1 I .' 17"1 ] 1 : ", IH5 If> 17<"; 17'5 17 T2 ~u3 .', [TY~ L,~')Lu~ 53 17') 19n~J_:J.r "".11.'"' 1">5 ~!!g...':~~ hJ. L~j~I_f")I!l'12 1 ':~05 .. .. .•.~-.-, ... ,._'. ~1.-._ .<6_ .. ~: ......

~jtP Genus ur SPE-c-jp"'i k'i dt h A' -C ~. ~rJll y 1a r i ',' '5 .58 . "'i(•. 55 6 ,~7 .5&'5 .5') .68 ~. ~nntU8rJ'!~ ,f'.6.6.575 I· ~I,lJ)c!~~nfl)s :2 2R"'i 16 Pri)cJ i::lQius .6 375 jmlli. tu'~dficjlj~ "'0 f) raps 1 "I' 12m_S 1 ~.J.t:9'p,~t~ 1 .-\' El-; C· i::!1.~n.!jJ d r .i.'I,~ 21 '52"'i . tIn .51 .51.5657S · <:",7'"; Sf•. 61 F, "'i . ,:"./:'-1 . '5 1 .")') . (,(1 . "j(:' :;~ -, . <:"1.' .515 , ,=",7 . 60 . hI:; .-, T· [JlHl~ tc U2i' IUU S ~. h (I fJl,I!~-.i?t-'2.[ I. 1mlll. (ur,j firlflL' h (J r3p~ OJ A· 1 ' c' <:. ~JlflU t~xj,~.I-,~ · b . ~,8""1 F:. .RL!J) IllL ~PH!! ts · ~ lJ , I· Q'Hlt"liQPJICli·~ .. · 2t:'''". . '~n'j 1/ l('~ PC~'C J_;"jd l_',1~ 17"i L. '.;"J.f t:.m~i.5 t rt l Pet] l?9m~' ~a - Q,~L.'(..l..'..J LJ 1'l?U 1LL<:t 1 ,', \ 1 L I-. ['r l.! 1;.19'1 i Uso .':':7'5 .4S E's~ 0 uno.,,- h.Lr..9.!.1 QIT!U5 1 t'~J lil..J.ltt_~I-QUUl i,e J L't 1 · 1 '5 L. J1..'~t:DnfiL~t'~I,1 1 !mm. ~lltdlj'-I(If'"' ... .:Jp:..... 1 j mill t ut, if I" j rtf-' h () "afl~ '\ 'J C I· L'lJ fI.cJ.if'.t?JJjll ~ l~ 2F­ 1 h 1 , t f 18') 1 ' 1 .r.; 1 I 1'=1 <-'-- Ln'-~T-::tl~lll.!.:-:; 58 .'\ _ L /-\1, l~11 r, (~t lJ"lt:,'nr,-1 ::' '~Il 2(1

1 ~"'. 1 i j t-, 1 ( ,:-. 1 ") I , " 11.1"', If'<"; 1 , ) ) 1,1", , -. I" • -I 1 , .' 1S"i II ) (,"", lh'5 1, l 1 ..... 1-:' 1"7"> lKS -.­ 1 ~, 1 I • 1-S 1 '7 HI:> ,II".'.)!"': Li.~,j UIS 53 1"7-) l.i..Hl~~L:"lr ,"".1 IS I"',"; E;!J 0..') ~;I"U. L~' ('.rJm ' I ?11.l C'.I.~!:::"'::VL':' -:~O~, Sample Set # ~ continued

S i t.e Genus or -SpE'r:ie!" Number Width Brancl.!!H i 8 ~O,",'t:'I'IJ\' i. 1 A- '~- C g i n_Q t a_r:u,:.Q.!,I_~ ] .83 Ac ,- i cot 0..0!-~ 1 '10 ~. ~U~ent 1 imm. tubifirjljt=> w'(, "ap~ 1 ,.'\ 3· El' imm. tubificid~: ,","u car'S -\"~·C immo tuh: flcidE' w, caps 1 .-, A 4-El< P.91W~d ll~.!!! .iJ..l!Jtl!~lISe .:­ o J 1 . 10 Na_t_ars 1£1 · "i J ~ ~L.'5~f!j 0 imrno tubi fi (idE' ,",'. caps 1 Cn~.nqon~~'~ 1 (Y...U.i:.~-'.td_I~~ 1 P)_~.J_(.U .IJ..![1 l~ T i !'U 1 !lidE' 1 ~~L(JJ()I! '.) ':;;C..1I- t e,? ) ,1 r va 1 R 1 C £ f-'=.' ,- LailLus ] :,8 I· I!.\!IJ_t.::.!-J P~!l!l.i_~ 1 2R

B· . EE I 0 Q1l.11 r: t)J2£, IHI i s 1 · '2B , .--, C;;CYQt.Q,-'h ir'ol1Q/lIlIS (I U.Jilil.LU!" ] · ~~ l)(Iflm~ t~e.J~i b 0 3 ~, i'r.9.(~lD_<1Lc_~a 1 immo tll!,iflCidc \\ () ('3PS 1 U· 2 [I": C' dJ1m1..1~l: U-t s ::) 75 51') I· .E!.!..!)_~~tr-,-PfllU..:."'; '. .275 1 (', 275 :26=j

imm. tuhitiC'lrjp \0,' () ('Etp.'" Ef< C, <-:il"JI! IJ:U LlJ:': ''')(1 ~~ "',b ::I~ ~~), ,..., !~ ;_1 Il I) U 1 '--!." JJJ:'5 "',(. 37~1 2~~ .. l: 1~1\1!1rI i ..~:'1'~t,-li I...:'" J ,2"') :-. - 1 5 T, l..'.!-'!I!o.·..! _UI.'" I!n. L-'? 1 ",'" ...:q 'L':"i 1 R 1 :=, 1 (I~ 1 - 1 7'" 1 7~. ',,) "':::-i 1 S 1 " :U 1 t'. ') 1 -. ~. 1 .-. t 8 1 '7 ~kr:", 18 1 7"· 1 7:=; 1 75 1 7~. i ( ., 1 -,..I _, 1 f. :, i'j~.t~ I.:~~ 1 ;~I S i llllil. '. oj h j ti c i eI,·' 'A I:d!-'."", ['. 3 c ~: 1 i I) fI t£H!~PU~ I 7 _.-', ~. ~j~L'lU 1 .-,: B1 n.: 1.. P!.1l2~~ U .. P.!.i!I..!LLS 3 - .' 1 '7 -:; 1 ~5 CLil.l~,--I..i~I012l,.: s ~7 -;h':l Cl\ P t ~)(= ~I j I.J.!lJfl/!1 ~I.:'" 2'·~O ~. 1.»j~l!.j .") 11~IJ l~ U.lJ:'LtJ,,!pJ~~~ni 8 i mm t IJtJi f 11.' j lit· ,",' C3P':' 1 1 i mm . t u t Ii t j, i (I'" \0, ,) ( • ..J f.' -.; f-, Sample SPt ~ ~ cOlltinlled

Site Genus or Sp~cips Number ~'j t1 t h f.!!..~ n CLll! cLc.a ~9_~,=r.I21:J· '"> B .. .4 r i mm. t lib if i ride ",;. cal'S 1 imm. tllbi ficide W'O ("BPS 1 ~. ?j~~nl 1 lii QJ~J ~.r.~ 1, PLsi d UJIlI 1 ~tH·\·SOQ.S 1 I:I-!> - n: (1.i not.aJJ\'(Ju~ 1 .!' ~ ~i~p.IJi. imlll. tulJifi("ide w ° CdPS 1 r~lp!21~iA'J:1I?7ZI a , B - 5· C E.o D-1!~dJ.J.)JIT' lUjn.o_E'f1se 1 . 12 ~1:'.r::9J Ql.'('Qon 1 I::>Jsj_(E~lJ!1 f, E~ ~. U< f>,l[:)rrjClP.tJ)cjatU.lJ~ 15:. . 1 '3~, p~ r ~j·ll.l_dl"c:..l! ()~.l..d.Q..U! ~ , 2'~ r~'!.:'..L Q l Ql')cl.9!-~ ~. ~;;.r;JL! QO'l..!C_tiJ I an Cf C 1 C r· Ct[J!!.l)l.;}LlJ..s f, '5.!,) '51 54 ,:, =-)() , -, 6fJ5 __ :'"!!) UIIl d 1 EL:<;; 1 () r.r (~J 9 djl!....'5 1 ,-{ ~ C J. F~ (~ ·:1llfl.'JJ aL i.'1~ 53 -,3 53:> "if, f,O 23~ I ·t­ r, ~ I r II;!D iyI.".!!n ) .-:; 2 .- .. (~'!..lJ_C_9J I tr-'.;; ( . C d.rll'luJ.AJ.I_U.·' t,O"i r-l"i tj5 58 T~~-IY T....3 r_~!l~ .') 1 ,., 1 I' T. P_!JIl~.!..UlPfll!.i.." J 1S":, ~ (~J",{m;j .") , . '.clcf I -~ F~r.H)(' I'J UU~ ~ny' ·~I~;:..l J C _ L 1--. C '::! nlIll) ,ILl "5 1 -,1 J.. ~IE U_l'.,,'r~T1! s 1R 1 ' . 1-~I ,

1--, ' 1 (,-:-. T_;ll~_~' U" I .s 115 \ (, "'\ ? El.IL1,~~'.!-,-j .!..Q.ur-,.n~I_S ("19

~J 11c .-­, .' !o1 ,pP..Ln.'d " j min. l.' j II i ! il': f ! l' \, (' ~'. (' Ilnt.!,!'I" fClljlld , (' r~: I. 1'111~-·_t.j.lH:'>l1rli:-; .. ~q~ ~.""' 1 f, '"; 1 I , -,

~ J ~ tr~~!_ L,IC:tll~ .~ . .:.u [. I!J..-' I j I ~!.i ~ '_1-H~/_1 r~ i~' ~'lu~t:_r(_JUld j..:.,~ t~1 !l~un,-\_i.,~ - JJ,'~j';'o' ~_ ..;! .-, T.Y! I.PJ 1 i~ 1 ( :. - 1.­ !. l'lllll.'.!lj'PIIILi.? I 1 (.~ J ';i:J..!'_C1L~..i L 1 :"':0') :::::. ~... i.sf~1 I 1 . ; sit t:' Gf'f1l1'S 01- .~J.H">(' j PS Numb",,- wi dt 11 PaJ.I'SJrn\" i 3·· ge:z;z i.§ ~UJ..l~Qi~1es 1 Cldngon,,:,\ 1 c·~ E" r- I~TI)J}I!!. p pp r!1} L5 1 2'5 C] 1.('.0 t~J.J_\j?U_~ 1 .63 NataC~Ld , · !, Y'5 f',-1Qrnen f of tlJhificidt:' ""0 ICtPS 1 ~. ~i5YI!j Pi.! JP.~!lI~ .i:"1· ~v z~.L~ 6 :- tlyh 9!!!J tIa ei:11 1\ IIJ,St ,-ir _. '" t'~'1~!"~L1 i J!J!J1 j LU...!.!U~ns~ ] · 1 I:> !'-:'1 L:-U" ~.;1 1 .'l~'5 j mm" I Ij tJ I f i ,_- I f iI' " 1 S ,,-~L?eJ!j 1 t'('IYP!:"Q) LU D~!;,lUS~ :3 · , 1 E}l.(.L~)J:: '-!..i r..i.lj] ~-Jrn !.J..:"" 1 · l~ "St.1.0 I S L."1 ] .1J~ PEl[ ;:LI~t1;J':'> rQ~iJ.!.(j..Lu~ '3 · Oq~, . flk l·~ ') ! J!!!.rl()'p'll~~ec;; 1 · 1 (, .;. J F'~t 1fll.o',lll\La . Rb-:7 i0 j ~~u U_c (-' j .i c1J....UJ:I1 8 01­

SalOp I f:' Fami I ~ Genus or Spec ips

L-9 curtt. Chironornidae Endqc'li xonomll~ Ianu'iJ~ f'_1JflC!llii s Naididae ~!!J..§. C(lmUIU/I is

L- l[l Hal ipl id<:'!p P~JJ.uL! adult 8pha~rirll ina£'­ ~.•;> r r t.' ~ t ria I BCtetidae ~:f~_U i bae t L~

L-il SphaPI'i i dae LLs 1 1,1jJ!!!! COI'~'d31 i detl? (H~-'!.U_(ld_es .'\PSCfm i (1;-1.' ~~Sl'hf!9 A:St"] I 1 d:',1f:' (.~_~r:::.l(j.ll ~ ~.. ~ Crll,'IIF1qr i tin i d;'IP 1 srtlr.}_u: g ("lIrrlll i un i (be ?f1~.rJ)dt:'S ddlt It Gl':'rrioa.:­ (":-Lf.:. i.~

L-l:2 G p r' r- i 1i:"1 E' 1" r e-fI_I! tl~!.t ~.:;

1 .1 Coe nag I' i 1)11 ; ,1ae l.§£llQlJ[~ . -\nc.~1J1.alE.9L!(ln Clliici,1::tp (\,!l ~~ _~~IT1 t dl1..;? ctli ronomi,jaf:' f'()t~~_c.! U urn .9n=tsel~ i C:I.~' ~. - I ~ P llJ i dell' .~t'~,W~iJ SIJt9l~ T u h i r i (' j (Ia (.> ~l!J!lC~I_lIr hi ~Q~:~r~j I um'" i c i 1':' ~L>9.r.JJ~I}!2Pl]I)1"~ ~i~""ni

L - 1'3 E 1111 i dap f)1!Q.UJ-t!=.JJl j n I d r \'3 -\ ,- I /'II uri Ii <1 p !\1_C~J!ltr1i~ F Iini tldl' J.!ll.gCLl :.:i.p!lJ.,g "Hi tJ 1 t <.'lJf.'n;,C11 j I'll 1 d.'lL' : J:llil1J.f:tJJ~.ot Capn I' jet>: ~d_en.i~ Pl.\ ...... j di.1t' T Ct lit I I d ~ 1(' 1j1Q I ~1 1 J

J. 1 to \'~I\'~ i old!"' U\ liSt' 1 lid'" t:~.; ~_() 2'" ndu I t: i'~dY t i d:'lf-> (~.!..J 1_"Wo.:.1c l ~ L i bp I I II I i rid'; t D-~p_l.l.uL?- H:..:.t! i pi 1 I (:'-W E-'~ 1.~H,I~~~ et(lll: r

L 17 TlloIllidap 1 ,i l'!.!.! q r.1I c tl \. i r cHc> I 0:'11-'

IK (i'1Inr"'1 i (Idl-' AU.D.(}rn~IIJ.L""

1 '-l Class Tllrl.,/,J letl i;--j C 1-:' I .:'1 t () r-' ,1'.-l ( III i d c'H ' ~l!Li_l.,'·'L'.Lt.::'j 1 nWl. t II I, i f i (" i .J E'

L 20 Ullflbr' I I' i I j 11ctF ~I'i3rg;~I!1~'Olll IU~ .'t L~... rrJ r'/l'-":~ 1:.\<.11'­ Pu.jur:a aqu~t_Lca 03 ,\pp".nd i x 2

Ra~ Dath for Qualitativp Sur\py

Sample Fami Iy Genus or Species

:_ - I CClr' i '\. i dae Td I i r j' i dae 1j~C! l~..ll..~ Ptlys i cide H81ilJliriae PJ~lLod~l"""" aou I t (-to'I'

_ 'J l.IlIln('SI id8~ 1:...] mf!,e~.La rip. I r 1ddE' r:~.>.u ,L~ LrJst j dde' L~~t._~~ H ~ \.1 r (J ~) h IIi 1i:J f· :-ipdel i rI i i 1,:H" t,,1 I pst 1'1 :11 .::' i ph I nllur i \.icH:' ':: l_IlliJ.. ~,H ' U,J..~ P !I '. '" J d;-1 iJ Ct!\'SCi s.I.i.Lnlil~L.l

L r{ fILII',', ''0'11 t r',",pod j oa(J ~1~rJ..~~ _Ul!...;.":;i s :::1 pill nnur 1 ria,J ,~i lwl <)r-'.!!J~IL::- ::Jh\ S I rld~) ','1~1n(dOn', (' t i fidl~ ~. L ,-H1G.Q: !~~

L ' ~ [ ] ~.1I I i (j <'1 to' LJ ~!..! llil r.....1 ('I I e I't n I'hI,,::, h J i (!:t!:" E'~Lcl~ J.'..t..!'..i,_t1)..,..., ~1-'_3 H, <.II ~'r,Jlrlnt i rld l > T!IY3'5 ('I :-sSS Turl,r.! 1~lf 10

I ~ [1\lj",cldae r~r::c n.l'JLL U..!_~ 1 <:.J r __ ~l {'I[ l'ld,1t::' til :SIJf:> L:.')(~QJ.L~.~ C\ I ill i rldf' f)l_ '.l"~.u.t ' I S I,'tli ,'unum i ddt::' ~j lj f ",,! Q 1..,:1 l~tlllllLi ~1l.~_n!!.J>

L h (f.lf 11111 i I Ii; If' ~1'_IIlQt ~'l~h I '..?!.:J ~trdt lllm\id:'il~ I)IJ. ')J!.. (~ln~1 a

'7 T a ) : t r ! rj d P H~~-l.ll~ 1 ;.0 l='"dlJf ide1\.' l'Q.!:II.ll ci ;1I!l.l0.!1..:..>-j C. I to' n d (I r I () r! J rj C1 P I-:na 1.. la.grll;~ Ptl\,":; J liar.' El!'-~j s~ i nrl!~l..

I, S [,I h \ S 1 Lt,ol!::' [l\ 'I I ~ I ' i Ii;liJ fJ~'gr (~~:11 II~ :::1l!111 I II; ;1 ( \.1 riP r r I r1;'-j ~ r,\'!!".!U '..<;J

u\ t i ,-.;c' 1 "I,~it-:· i. <;1 ~ C ttl I II L ,~::-- ~ cl: \ ,-I

'\ n ,·W ! I n J I '- j( . ,\I:.·~I_:!lrl;-i F~Clf't 1 ,-I ,'1 fJ C_,t l .. U hd+:,,~i !? ',-: \l 1 I (d I' '"l , ,1 :'11' F- !~~I (.\,.:1.1 tr U..!!O/ll..'.Ls

L " "";;""'1 Ctll))ll I ddt::" ;--l'.~! (' I' '-," T d lit. rid:J l'- H.~, ~;1. Jyi, _: <.:t

I 'df:>11 i ddt' ( _~l t 'n 1_.... /pf:,

Appendix 3

Genus list with information on trophic relationships. and normal habitats.

Genus Trophir. Normal ha~itat level i~~sclUla pr-ed. marshes j;na J I aymf! precl. lent i c. lot i c (jep. 1s~tln.ura pred. 1 ent i r. lot i ': dep . S_o.n13 t L1 c.D I 0 I'a pl·eel. lentie

r>r~d. l Le~U!J~~ Ipntie. I(.T Ie der. • caJ~U:~.-":i~~i s Co 1- g."1th. ] L'lIt i e Ca""nis eol-gath lentie 'littoral) srraper e~ [j:lli~.tJW!I~b19 eol-gath lotie ~i]J,)JJ"!.LU~ pr-ed. ] ent 1 (' Cl i ltol'a II Sf raper lutie dep. stir edoer (' ()! ~J;:1 t h ChcH.IU YcJ..!'5 L,rf='d. Ipntlc Ji~sl-'e L~)e'~ r _t,\:") heddvore lotie d~p. 9.(~J...r: is pJ·ed. Iflntie. lotle nep. ""[ F~r'.0J)a t t~ S PI'ecJ . ] (> n tic. I (I tic l1 e p . I~l~ f:~...rJ.99 pred. lentir:-. lotie l1ep. eJ.f'~ ~t,.T_i_(~i} pr~d. lentie. QJ!J' Uin)tu~ co] CJ3tll Icnt.ic and lotte ? tt~lf:r ~)"J.~=, ~ shredder lentil' La~:::-'.".'}: I.Li_s I'n-?rt . I e I It j c LO)~-=.l o--2J1...L!..!.!...~ pred . l eJl tic tluJ r:'2....\'<:1 t us pI el1. lot ie dcp. DUi::>ut u~ pr ,:,(1 I en tic. I uti c dep. ,=-f~.J...!c.Q\,,1~t e~ pn~d. J.'nl. i (;. somp lot i l. hf:-'rlJl \,or'e HvgT:Q!i.L~IS pred. len~ic .I;:.D!.JcJ.! ;~~ roJ qatJJ J(:!lt ic C:.::·!!.! 21. !l.,~_l.~ plPd. Jenttc 'S<3n'J. ~H'C1\f-'l) ~.' 5~~.LL ! ,:> ~ 11 e r LJ i \ 0 r I E:' n Ii,.' c:: ~'l'J} 911 Sl' r a r>P r I (' III i e col. DC~E0C:.L'l st., f:-(jder 1 P f. tiL' lJ.:..Q}~I..'::l..!..lj... ~ sllre::-rjdt:>r lentic (littl.JI·C:i1 I of j ': dep. ~€IjJ~~cl_i~~i_~ ... hrF:'ddpr lot ic col PIt::(I. (' J jI!Q f,';;Ln ~:E 11::> I!1 !JillJJ~ pfF:'d. mUd. Sh311o~ ~arm water &,s Setnlple Fam i 1y Geuus or .species

L-21 Poduridae Podura ~quCltica Lumbricilidae> SpargCinophilus ei~eni Hydrophilide:-p. ~~'mlJi od~·ta Cldul t

L-22 Li mneph iIi dae 1 r ollQ.gJ,Li a

L-:23 F'odu,' i d~t> E'~dllrC1 aquat j c:.l

L-:2.o:. Ase I I i dae Caecidotea Gammarirtae Gammarus Limnepni I idae Jronoguia Ph~:sidaE" t'lal~SS~ Sp. A pre,j. lotir' dep. Proc.-l~rr.ius prt:>d. mud Tanypus Q!!!1C t i~enn is pr~d. warm shallow ~ater. mud PSeC t ro tan_vpus prer! . warm low 0 water ~o E'J 0 U!!12":..Q.!L$ pre-d. quiet water. mud 1-arsia pred. v.;idespread ?Zaverelymia pred. ~arm shallow water ~rypto~JlLrol!9!RUS pr.!u. sh~llow watpr, often on sand~/ bo t toms E i !If.~..ld i "" coil· ga t h s til 1 wa t e- J­ EndQ~ll i shrectde-r shallow water with g8 t h . r·l a fl t s co 1 - ga UI 1ar'yEo Doll i es 0 f sti 11 "'C:.It~r r~1 dt~nd i peS c01 - 9atll I~ntic poJ_~Q~Qll~lfI} ilJi.n9_eD_s_~ shreddel' \d dl:'spre;jlj col -gath f'9J-:':Q~Q.lIJllll bra;;~J.!.l.9_t:' 1 c-a f rn i II t:' r ~DJ! t 0l.5-' fld_ tpes len t" i c (I it!". 0 r" d 1 ) I C)f i (' df'p. ~lad0P~lm<1 cul-gath lentic (1 ittoral ~ t Qt e l}Q.ijJ£'-5 shre-(Jder lentic cIIII. cuI -gatb lentic (littor"alJ sc r<=ipf:'r cold lakes S!JLc t o~~:JllT(,norJPjs co) -yi:Jt h 1('ntic Qj c ro t_~IJ.Q 1.l!~5 ('(JI'~ath lent ic () ittor"al) F,!r~cbi'".:"-9!l9I1}u? l-,rE:-d. ]entic (liUurall ~1i~ Lv t ~-' 1.!1.~I)~? C' () I - q;:\ t h lAia r-rn ",h<:t 1 1 0'"" wa t ('r ~~rQteuJ l:'[hl!L:!jX1 LJ r 0 I- qa t tl 1e rl t j C C'JI_iI 9J LC:UlI u ~ t'l) } '"Id ttl \~ i t1('s~r't:'cl'j sh r "(hip r

': (,j qd t tI s h:."! 1 1 (I ....· '" t i J 1 \\. Ci t p r ott'"?n on s<:..tl1d~' t..nttom ru 1 [otic: .. rusional, 1~rll i c \ lit toI'I'll ) TaIG" t

.·~,"jUI~tl~0 r ()f l£HJj I)~ c ,-} 1 c:.13 t It lotil' f".r )_,_0. t{iPU_"? stll·ed,1e r" \, i cI ..... sp0~(1 ~(' C LC;.9 tl)l~l.!':'; ''- nIl 1e rl tiC' I lit '_ 0 r 8 j ) • I n tic 1..'1' 0 S i oj lid } ru I I . .s~m i etqu,-tt i (' and ."1.:jUdtlC - \\'p.ll~lIlis L InIJ!i.:.J.Lll!_\~~~ col - (lath OIal"'Jin of I.o.'dtf'r t'~!::J ":lcLi u~ c I) I - CJCJ t tl lilt i c (j p p" ;:j n d l;-'rflS i Oll;:-t 1 l?al1''-I!~i;:1 fJ_(~::::~:iE prec1 I .'n t I .: ~~~LajQ.Qf)_ D~.-Fill'!.!l.\· x col-g2th Ipntic (littoral) ~3('~ldot~~ col '-lath lentic p_! S tQ.Lu If) col -filt ~jctespre~d t:'!_lY_~~ c I) I . Q I t tJ h; i ue s I-' read ~tLJ~n j c(ll <:1 cuI. qi:i t II leu tic .":'C r CI Jj'? r ~_C!..i s c (. I - 1].:1 ttl lot_if:' C'JII'J It>I,Iic ~l_mnO(jLLJ us (" a I . ~Ct t It lot i C R 1111 1t'II t i {' BrCinr!D!LIQ ~(l~r~·~! .~ ell - q.ol t h ""-::II'm \>"fl f e ,-I entic JI~'-r..:l..l...!J..'? rol '~~dt h E~Jchvt r3~ i ddt-:' C'('I-gat!. nlC'lf9irl ~.f ~~[gaTlopl!...Ll.!!s ~ i .'''H:,ni C0 I IJ::J t II I\I~ r ~I i n 0 f \,'d t l:' r !i.s'JJLQd~.L~ pt .:>(j ~d;m Sf i I I ~ater ,-/ elTla i. J,ja ':ar' i ~r1 \,'1 d'.>SPI'f'<:Iti TlIll,,>lle..trj:j ,- 0 I (J.J t I) I i" n tic. s til 1 \>'"d r p r Appendix 4

The genus lIst with further information on sampling dates and numbers of individuals collected

Genus Sampl ing Dates 4-28 8-3 11-2 Odandla ~es~t!.na f-nl!agm~ J schl!\lra SOI!L3 lac h lora AL.LfLOmphus L i lJ~ll.J! 1 CJ 1 3 1 ~~...o.",t es Epl1emerl,pt. era ~C!J.LI bop t~ Cae--'.!.i s PQI::il~e.ntQl?1lJe!Ji c:I ~li'!lJ onur-.!.I~ Me~ja I opt I::'r 3 CtldJJlLQdps H~~m i pl er3 t1~spE'r~('or i xa 5 Gf::'r:.U~ JLeJ'~QQ;~!-_es f\.!J.~Od E'L~ st I.:.LQl~ ("I) ll'flpt l:>ra DQQ i FQrt.dg I ~Jnd R.1Jpi ri"~"phj ~ ;,dI11 t !H~o~·Q.dL'~ ;"d1ll t. t~rc.QQtd.J u:', I ;H\3 H\.°dn)\:.atus ad1l1 t ~~~~ ~QF..l! i S dli u I t P.ilJt.IJ..!..\J~ allul t P.QJ.Ldd~.l.~s adlll t ('::'JO!lIQ(.!\O t ~l ;.Jet IJ I I 1 ~phd~l irtil13l::' <'IrJult 1j~1l!~').1'_t!I_':' 1,1 n d 1 l"!Il!,::JUl05 1031\ .'i 1 ~.;r: LU_ ~5 1ClI \<.'1 3 1 C~l'J.J.£In I d nOd 1 [J.QI.t:-1 ci r.! J Ci r Vd 1 OJ r i chnpt f.-rod "'?jJrt''? L[ollQll'l L~ Dip ~ t-' I :-\ C LLn r '_1 a l)~(!.~_~ f!j Jl~ll Li_s 1 ~.J In 8 !i;:!!;~Lsi.8 sp. o~ '3 33 "3 6 PLC~ c.t'l i !!-s 1 6 9 1 1 TC:!m~.2!!~ .U~~!illL~ 37 4:2 Q6 108 PUIlC r, p~f!Cr r:~I_L:i I !.Yill!~ '70

Genu.:s L.-28 8-3 11-2 2-2 CQ~>.... l 1 Larsia 1 ?Lw.~f~re1vn!.i§ 1 ~. Qi~Lta_tu:::.; 1 1 1 9 2 fi n[~eJJ~ br WlIJip.E.> I!IJ) s 29 6 6 8 E· !LL9..L:}.Lan~ 1 Jii=!U.L~5chtel 2 E?~~tepdipys ~lgjm~llus 1 'par;1~fo'J!t1i~~ sp. '5 4 ]3 Pob:,Re'1llun! JJjjRo....pnse ] 5 15 • 7 E'Ql..YP9 U ql...n t2..Lrt~~oonJ de <;;. L ~T~ 9...l(;:..wjj..l-~e s 1 Clddop~l.mQ 1 11 ~ (, 1~_l.. ~I1£'J.1s:tj..lI~~ 8 '3 PtJ.. ~~f!..9..P~~.l:'_t [;:J ~!t..!...i.-ll i p.ns f-'r:!1 u_s ] St r i..~_t.. oct] LL'='JI~ ';!PJ~ ] .Q.. oeu!!1<:..":)'..-'sll!S 1 ~LLCLQ.. t~ i!'..Jip~~ 1 E'Qra 1i""1~.l....r.... ~'.. rJ19.... r _=,"u ....eJJ..Si 2 1 Cui L() aC..!llu t-'!LL\!:'3 ] 1 S 61 E~~ud...!"~Jli rOW-!"-HL~ 2 1 ~to....f:'m!?g1....LUJeJ_l~ TCl..ill... too....c3 r ~-!...:;-. 1:. ..lu8g.bic·_~b..j PJ ra'..:.. tli- ..I~!.9~) <'I.'ll.. !'.. > 1 eLi ~2J9£1..':~ !?..Ll \"f? ~r..r..L~ 1 .~- i-..i..~Joq 0Q\J-,~ 1 1 f.:'SPUL1r).. ~,..l..l....U~ 1 Ull!!I-':"")Qt.!~.:E'..S 1 p~ r ~gi'hJ_E'Jl 0 r: 1;..~_Q _U!1' 1 ("pr"lt: opnl,10n j ,ie-IE' f<:J til{ Im~'j...9" U"~:J '-<:1 'S(, 1 ::I Ce-! :Jl_01:'!)~U1..1 ,11 J \ Id "~ ..:JJlI~:j~ Uool..U .. r I) _u;1? ,<; 1 1 ?lJ<";Jt::~J (.IIT!;:.! ~ .. s :,,- i r i dew ., r,o) iclilJpodJlidO:' .., Ti!,lllidae ~" 1..;:j-'.... t _~J ....., I-~u~u..~j d E'.~~U.(j..s: U..rJ: n fIPt!J.. J.. a !;..r....i ()Q.!..~·U~ 1 St 1 dt i r)IlI\·i.!.-I~ 7/

.., . .., Genus ~-2.B Po-) 11 ' ~ - .. QdQl1 j a T<'1ban i dae TaQi::f~u~ -~..1..YLot us 1 1 1 Chr~~ops 2 1 ?H~'boml1.rS! 2 ? very early instar ...~, 4 Cullcmbola f'odllr'~ il9.WI..!- i ca

~ H~.. dr'drar i nd J b ~Lr en_ul:!J~ Il.@~! s_La ':> q ~'p£,rcDQlJ Lebel't i a 2­ 1 1,1l?11~.? 1 '1~,d~lliJ ~ 1. ~ 1 I~:::r:,r r!='LU~ ,\mr)!) i pndd lj~i:1~.U_Cj 1 ( La I!9 0l!.Y,,,' 1 2 I ~~ni'l CC1('C Ldp_t..ei:! B i \':.;,1 v i a E! s_U;:IU,lJ!l 71:'> 40 Gast rt,podd E.t!y~~ 51".1 n_n_~ U 8 .st,~.YnJ c 01~ ~m_i.:tL'l. LnC1,t a I\r"l~l idA ~:'1L'"' ~.Qmmll_!.l!~"5 19 13 ~~J1.::' \,l,i lJ_~ I L i 1l1!.1 o.tJ..r) IIIs ? 1~ 'j ~1 l. h!J ff rn.!.' L'" 1. t~ I I /, f, 1 '1 t,· PLl,!.J..ll.Ud_ i_c,~ J 1 1 .... FIl_mt;'-I.'lU.~ ~Q.~el·Qu I 3 5 '., 1.]i(j Li_.lll~ ! ~l!1.r'Lf> tQlll 6 .... 29 E II (~ ~I \. - t. r·. If-' i I I:: I.• 1 ::=;;l'.{1.! jJ:jD9i-Y'./ i J I \..5 ~_LS~:'Hj 7 f., 11:) .) ~..':I:' t hWI) 101 1 Hi I 11.1 i rlC'~' fj('lQIH1~ U.i-' d e~W:.LjtJ~ Ih'l',!01j Ql !,<:1 ~ T.<1..1]II-,::1J ) :-; 1 l\j....,m;:ll n, i •.· C'.;!.! !.09.r~lJ L~_i.n!..1I,~ r ~1J.l!.cJ c.oJ 9.! r1111.s T\.~JI~.'!I;hJ!S T U I til:' 1 j h r I a

Note: Tho<;;f2 T:d'.=t tt!~t :.1') nut l,;.i\'· rtumtJels li ...... t.·cJ IInrier' tilt" s;-1nJpl.' elates \•.'E:r,:' fLJu~lc.1 onl\ III ttll::' c-1l1a) itdtl\l' s~lmplf>s. Appendix '3

RCiW [,.:sUt for the Chp.mical .o\nal\ses

:\mmoni3 (NH ' Cl)ncentratlons an::.> 1n ~g:l 3 2, h - 12 ~/. Run j ~-27'H4. Run sample ahs. ("one. S<.lnlp IE' ::3hs runc. o.oo~ blank 0.027 blank . 1 300 ~g I 0.O&)4 383 Sf) IJY o. n~~9 '35. t :'00 II'.1.' 1 0.On5 475 lun 119 I 0.047 9-- '] 1nOfl PlJ·· I 0, lZC:; 978 2">U pq: I O. 'If-,~ 257 A' 0.06'3 !J58 ">00 IJ ~J I ('l 1n6 5'31 <\' 0.08(' 601 IfJOO ~l) I (l. Ib7 9~~2 .\ . 'J fl. 1() 1 1280 A 1 n, 1 1 5(.0 I k(j A 1 0.089 '.l0,) .0\ -:3 n. 1510 A·'3 (l.OR"> .0~76 B'l 1).2118 1670 t =:or. ~ '';'' 1200 B . I) . 10] "

,:­ 1.1­ Rur~ ) 7 16- 8~ F:un .4 17 ·84 S311lpl '::'> :ibs. ,uTle sdrnpl I:' db..... ('on(" ('-- tl i dllk· '1. . I I t.ll aid, 0 . O0i6 5!J IIU 1 u. O')'J 1.'3. f) 2=;0 Wl t I, ISS :2 1 " ':: f , 1 toRS 50l' ~I' I 1 IJ. 1;4 ',,"''i :2 -\ O. ~ 7~ i IlJon Pll 1 n :'~R':> J I' (1(1 n. J8':', ~n~', A 0 l.~~ ::::99 .-\ 1 O. 7 F.:. '-1 '~"Jq :\ (I 12 ] 1 ,:, 1 .>'\ , (I ,ira; -> (, . 3'~ .\ , 0 ';7,~ 1 ·.~n r. 'j 7f· J .-~ .-, , 0\- I) ..'" 1 775 B '.I It . "b7 74R u· ..: o. !tJ/ '.'1" r. C ':~ 0 ::':h'") ~t, ~ (' j .-,- .... A 3 (1. 1.2':> I~':: (I. -'­ !, '" r-) c- 'i U. IJq:2 ~ '~i i"l1~p O. 1 '.' -.- l7(, C' 0\ f) 17"', I I ~hl" n 1 :''4 :2n~ '. : II. ~P,7'":. j ;:t1~\~ IJ. ),'. '1 '. flf> -., . ') 1 dl-E' (J ~ - ... _­ r (1. '~8(jO 73

Ammonia (NH 1 '3 Run 6, 10 15-84 Run 5. 9 -:.~ 1 . 84 ftbs. conr. sampl p at.• s. ('olle. sampl e bJcJOk 0 (d5 blanh 0.073 50 IJq i J O,08~ 24.6 ':,0 IJg ! J O. (,'is 2'J,6 100 IJQ' I 0, 1(1'3 ] 14 100 IJQ J U. O/+~ '4·', 51~ 250 IJQI I o 1 '3:3 'lOR 2:.0 ~Q . I o. ]::;0 50U IJg I 0, 177 591 :inC' ~I (J I (I. 1 G '. '586 . __ J C) ~J <) 10(1(1 Jjq .' I 0',")­ 907 1000 peJ,tJ 0.2:31 5:~8 A' n :;:..... 5 1 ~~ ) ,-~ A I 0 2917 .A. • 0, '560 ']OCjQ A 0.'3n8 1 J ~:2 .-, .~) I laJ..;e 0.'04 121 ..~ 0,093 C --~ I lahp 0.120 .:>,., .... C-3 (J , lFlf, :2::': C•• -_ lGihe (I, 116 ~'~q r '= 0.9R78 lahe O. 1 J 7 4.!+~ r 1~1 , 92Q 1

~") 1 <"c, ~', RllfJ R. ·19 Elln I 1 1 . s;tml'] e ('unc: . samplp ;-11) '" , C(I/IC. a/l~, blall!-; O.flSU bl O.f.J18 97.'-3 SO pq I n, l1t)g 1 1 n Ion P[I O. en. 1 "j0 (1. fJ:2f, t S. l lOU pn 1 () 1 1 q YI::i.h Jjl)' I ~'jn ' 1 () . I II:. q :2H1 25lJ pq I (I 1 ~'1 ~.'.~ P(·l ",U(I I O. 1 lr; 58:2 ")0 II lin ! (l '.2',1 f,'Y3 11<1· Q '; '500 n 1 1.', ':'1'7'5 J (l(11 I IJQ ll, 1 ] 1 1 IJ!.J " I pg (I . 1I'd 88:2 C I n,~~"" 1 7(:(1 loon ~I L) . n. lS~ 103'3 C I ( I i 1 ~ -::no 1000 ('), ")'3 '1:::;':.-17 1 ~ ~ '=' n. (,711 1 n r' . 2~'511 O. (If,:', 1 f) :.,' P.)7 I d!,P .. .~ , 118 U.97~4 .' lI. •.no2 ~1'1 n. (lk() _J " 3 (". '3 I). 1 ! f·J l":'"/~.'3 :·~s r '1 fl. 1 f,q I iake u. n", 1 1"'"; ) a'h.,-, ~) . \-.2.~ ") C"•.., • !, I c (I 'Js'i'.)

RUf' q. ~ 1::\') ~,lmp I,' ~'I II....; (" "IC . II I;:, nl, o . (J : ~ '-,r, Pl,l,' 1 ,1.()1: 311. '" IOU lJeJ I l J • f):"': " 1 {'7 r ~ ~:J IJ II ' I f./ . tl1() '2 {8 ..,., :'1 I uJ I (, , (I f-, :. lUi)r pq () 11,L:' ~Kl , ,. . 1I 117 J 7Ud ' '\, U 7S (-,Y7 r - U. 4'JSI J concpntrations are ill I1Q.I ,..., Run I, !~27-8.4 Run '-' - 12- 84 s<:trnJ-lle CitJ~. cunc. sample abs. cone. ~}anh U.172 blanK 0.1'"'0 A' (j ~27 1 Of.) Ill:l I I O. 18'3 81::'..'3 268 ..." .... r ~'50 WI,'} O . --'-- ~(.C) A' O.2i" i 443 0.2~q 500 ~q j 0.'31"'; .',93 A-3 "F,6 1000 pg,' I 4RO 999 A-3 0.238 331 A - 1 n.362 6'.17 B :3 0.252 376 .1, - 1 o. '3.'1 ~ 597 R '3 0 .2fl(l 401 r ~:JO :~(l6 .\ ::-~ O. 2 i9 260 Co') 0 B r~ O. '~~7 ,:\'l(l C -3 0.222 2RO C-3 0.36U E,'J] ~- 1 O.34~ fih~ S- 1 0. 'L~(J '5J9 S 1 O.J'5Fo 7(17 O.2~8 ~g] s-::.: (J . ~~!+ 1 r; 7r~ S-2 fj2~ 1 :j1,0" R'~,(: laKe rl.TJ1 T~S 1i:t k ~::' () . .4 :2 R 84(1 l C1KP lJ. (,IS r - o.qgy,~ nr'lti-:': The 'Stnnd_H·l.i~ \.:~:'n~ f'u! u ... (l for l his ['\111. T " f.> ~ , (.I fIf,' t" n t r a " tions ,",'('Ie t:d]cul.'ltl·'d fn'm the .4 - 27 8.'~ stail(1a",ls.

RUI~~, 7-]1;. S~ RI.lII :.., 8 17 .~"" S:lnlp 1 p ,q tiS. CI.JIIC. .... Q Bl.l 1 00 Il~' I !l . ~O" 77, '5 ~q ::':",0 Il~l o 20'"; 2.bB 2":'){I I I) :2Ri 265 ~Iq ~-- ~)U8 '";011 .... ~, ")20 :-,:10 J U • _ J I I (). 3 t'? r ,(1,'1 ~g I (101. 1 PO' J O.4~2 ~Iq~ I 0,3":8 'j87 .\ ' n , ...:::.:.c.; t') •­ A' n.::::32 137 , '. ,\ .~ . f) . _: :i..c., . O.2":':': 294 J () I, .... (t 2~, 1'5

Nitrate INn) 3 Run '5, 9-21-84 Run h, lO- tS- 84 sample abs. CUIIl' . sample abs. conc. bldnh (I.1F.7 blank o. 16'5 ?-,~ 2<:;0 I.HJ I 0_220 _.;.:J 100 IJg· O,19Y 1!>5 'Jor) IJq 1 (1_ 291 ~nu 2':>U pg 0.21S 205 ~lg . U.ZqO ~86 1000 ~Ig 1 0 t ";1 JO:.1q ')00 1 A' O.2 r "S .2bZ 1 (Inn Ilg 1 0.431 101 " L)~ :\ . () ._'),.. ­rJ 27U A' O. ] 7::. C 3 () . 1 C)G 17(. A' 0.200 14 (-3 a 1°1 1 (-, ') lahp 1I.'::lH :2 1 (:' lake 0.:251 288 Ink(> 0 . 2.~ ,:, '\.::g

~ ~Q':lr~ 1rt J .',,' 0_ 2':'Q .::p..:. r o . r - n.Cje'Ji

RIIIl 7 1 ­ 1 ~ •R' 4 Rurl S. !9-B5 p S;\['II) 1,e. d~l'" . cone ...ampl alJs. '-(,TIC. h: ':111" [, . 1 l~ hi anI-: O. 170 l('II I III 1 n l-'d l~h 1 (II) P ,.I ('t ,qR ll'3 ~")O 2'-)11 II (-J ' 1 U. ]S~ :':;-:,j Wl 0.2:2':. :2U:2 snn p~. .::"'\p ~~~ SUl] 11(1 I 0. 318 5"7 1 o . , lUOU 119 1 (I. :. 'I () tn22 iOUO 1'0 ' 1 fl. .7 10117 27·~l ( 1 ,) . ",.;:.~ ~6~ :\ . u. 36/. ~. c C 1 0 ,,:IIiJ 2 Q S i).2k • -', i 2 ~~:=:ll 1 ~d"p (I . ~3:-:J !> (l4 .~ '1 (I ")1 4 ·-~~O ~. ~ lahp u. 2-.1 .',,~22 ~-3 0. 1 r' II ':V1bO C 'J n. u ! "'ikJ C 3 n. 154 h21 I ~\h~' n. J·8U 71 1 '38:,; iT: I C1" f! n. I 0. ~~17b

Rlin u ~ - ~C', ....aHIJ) J I:' ;-1i,~ . ,'u/:e t,l dnl, II I • I ,) lOfl Poj :! 1,/,4 "j ~~ . f-, .:. :::-.[1 1I'-l (J ~O(l ~~ ') =:;0 .-1 [) ~~~ e-,un ' ;J'I 1l)OLI IJ !., .-~ , } 101113 A 1J . \rlll ~)t, 2 \ ' . , ~ -\ j - toll '.' ­ '-0 _ ...... __"._,' 0._

RU/I 5, 9-::: 1 - R~ RUII b. 10-15-84 sample 8bs. cone. sample ahs. cone. tJl ani, 0.108 blank U. 111 ~g '5 .\ 0.~J8 6. -I 5 ug. I 0.17'5 4.77 10 Wl 1 0.328 10 ~ 10 ~t;1 " I 0.303 10.78 20 P!,l . I (/. ~ 7<.1 ]6.~ 20 1.19 I O.~R3 ]9.23 40 I·H1 I 1 . I 41 .5 4U ~y I 0.93 ~0.22 .., ' O.'j90 20.9 A' O.AO 34. 1 ,\ . O.64:i 2'3. 1 A' 0.84 36.0 c· J U.622 ~..., ..., lake (). 198 "L8 . >. C - 0.57") :20.'3 lr.tke n. 1q I 5.5 I a 1-:.1" 0.181 ~ . !l r 0 ~J9~'3 I ak'~ O. 177 4.3 ,. ~ '.-1. Y877

",. RUIJ I 1 1 1 ') R!f run '.' . 1 1 1 P. t.e. A' O.!119 14 .8 :::0 IJU n. 511~ IF-.f, \ , II. ISQ 5.RB

.~ ~ 4(l \1 !-j 1 ] 4 1 . 0 \ '3 ..,. 151 . ..

, J J ,') .-, o . 4 ~_ (., C- 1 1"). C-'1 (l.37S 13. .­ c- 1 n hOg '-J ' .... 1 (' O. 372 1 ...... '.1 l

!-.:lU I q, ~ ;2 8>-,

~. lin r' 1 ":' :'1 tJS . e (I fl· . .\ . ,1 ,7:; 1 1. 1 ~. U ~~~ 1~.8 Kilns 7. K, 9 "'ere d 1 \ r lin .'3 t {tl\:- S.-HIII:' r i IIlr.. C1T1l1 ~(, have t tIl:'

.'3 lin C, s l i II I f I Ci I ,j S C) fI d n- g r ", <;; S 1 Un.5 . 11

Tota 1 Pllosptll)rus (f') concentrations are in ug/l

12-8~ RHn 1 . 4-28-84 Run 2. 6 sample abs. cone. samp} P abs. cone. 0 075 blan~ 0.019 blank ~g n. 139 I~ . ')6 1 pg, ] () f)~8 .550 5 '1 I/) ~Ig' 1 0.251 12. 7 2 1-l9 I O.O':lq :2.81 ~.20 ~O I-Iq ,. 1 0.32.5 18. I '5 p~ 1 f,. DiS 40 pg'l O.f,~O 44.0 10 ~I'J O. ]f,'j 10.5 A' 0.3{f<) 24 A- I G.~A9 19 0.17(1 A-'3 O.~03 13 A' :::1 ..\- '3 ~, 150 B- ''\ tl.'~'') :2<:1 - .~ ') C ' o. ~ 18 ~9 S- 1 .2 82 ~- , u ,)'~ 7 1. ') D '1 1 '35 93 r) '~7 ) . "'.90 s-~ [) 1 1~ S. c, C .') ("-3 lJ. (.f:, 4_ lahE' (J 1 {IJ 1 1 '~ - O. 'J.G'" 'J S - 1 O. 1:. J .8 '" s- 1 fl. 14~ 8.b '"J"" s-.:.: o . .'12 - -) S 2 0.43 26 lakt' O. 148 '5 :> lake 0. 183 7 .8 r O. (,89.!1

~. 8~ RUIJ ') i _ l .~~l R 1I n S - 1 7 . CII!!' samp I ~' db, ron," sarnp]p abs. t: , ;IT\~; U:.~ bl'1I11'0.10::' "i 20 IJIJ J (J :2~..'~ ::. PC) I n _:24 ~ ~I) 11'1'1 o '-1i)R 3"7.0 10 pIJ 0.38') 1 . 1 , O. -,'J 20 ~'1 (I. e-'J':"' 1<:1.7 ~l.' ~().O :.,' (j . "',-'. PQ o. '1r, ~' A 'i (J FJI U."in4 17.4 A"', U 71 A' () "',f,:2 20.0 B· 'j 1 -\-, 1. 8 < (. - 3 (~ . I', '1 -\ =~ 0.80 C-') r· . ,) J B"~ I). f,O'.l .. Yo (,7 (" -'; t1.~,lq I <) •• , I ,d~p 0.~U7 ..., , C-J (1.'>'19 21 . <) Jah'O' n. '2V~ _4 IdhP (I 21.':\ ~ 8 1~ !, to· ~, . 1 "74 0.6 :.. larqt'-' "H!I~Hlnt o~' s~'(1 i ",pn t ,.,.. ;J 1: ~ 11 j 1 l\ t i 0 II nll/I~ :.2,'3.'. ",'ere 1'~]Cllldt':'d frnrr. rllf--' Sdllll:' ('ur\lO'. " , n. ,)8':J'~ Chloride

Concentrations are in mgil. Tj ters ale In nil. .., Run 1, !~ .. 28-84 Run -. 6 - 12-8!~ sample titer cone. sampl p tjter rone. blan"­ 0.4 blank 0.45 5 mg. 5.3 '3 mg 5.05 '5 ,;. ;\ - 1 1 . <-I 7.6 .'\' 1.4 .0\ - 3 1 .5 7.6 .'\-'3 1 .2 4,1 P.-3 1 .5 7.6 8-') 1.63 6.4 C- i 1."5 7.6 C-~i 1.'32 4.7 s- 1 1 . r-, 7.h ~. 1 1.23 !o.2 s :;, (l.B 2.0 5-2 0.25 1 lake 1.4 "\ 1 S-2 0.50 1 la"e 1.~ '5. 1 ) a~.t.· 1.95 8.2 N ~ O.(l]439 N 0.(11533

Run '3, i··:2] - 8 " Run 4. 8- 17·84 ~~ samp I L' tit f' (' C0nl~ sampI f> tIt r cOrJe. td dllk n ~5 tJlanh 0.20 5 m9 54 '5 IIII'). 5 . 4 A' ] .... 4 7 A' 1,7 £..2 ...\ ' 3 1 /.:'i 5,0 A·'3 1,3 7.0 B '3 1 . <:' ~" 2 B-~ l.b") 7.7 (' ,'-; 1 . 7 (" ~~ 1.8 -, '-? ldh(:' 1.'3 ...I -':J J.:::kfO' 1.7 -, . ?­ N 0.01'.1 N ~'36

Run 5. Q 21 'H4 Rltn 6. 10 15-S4 ~)'5 £, SiJllIP I p til ~. r A' :2. .., :; (, hI ::Inl.: o ~':', 1 ;ll-i.~ -, In ',,1 "j, 1 \' :2. ':"'''; 6 (1 I

N =' O.()l~'5

Run ; II ]"'ifn Run k. ], 19 .. ~;:; ~':lmp II::' 1 it', r sdmJ..~ ! L' t irE I corte. 1) 1dUI-: \) . 4 (I tJ I :jn~: (I. " t,l ~nh (). . =~ ,<\ ' :'\ . (l to •. .'. C - 1 " 0 h 4 -\ J 2 t, :. {. 1 ;11,,1::' _~ . ~~ - 1 I '3 2. U"", (, . .2 - r- N· n.CIl'-;9(, I d', P :-i. ~.,.., I . ) RIIUS '7 anel l:-i \.,.PI·t-' t. 'JQt->t hpr .

Run 9. '~-~-8-; Si:1.11 pit-' t, i r f:' r hlard" 1.75 5 lila 6 .~O ,~ . ~.O 'S . f, \- : 1 • I) ] j<.)fj 71 Temper'at ul'e and Di ssul '.·ed Oxygen

D:::lte Site Temp. ( °C' D.O. (mgt 1 ) pH Condo - 3 .'\ . J ~ . _J t, - 12 .<\ ' 21 .0 1 1 .3 0\-3 ·4 24.0 18. ~ 8-'1 2':'>. 5 ~.U c-:) 2~. 0 IS. 5 5- 1 1 1 . (I ~ .8 S-~ 1 (J . 5 ~. U l.a I..; (, 21 .Il 7 i i - 1 "', A ::':~.R Ii). 8.C' 267 .­ '=' 8-'3 ~5. 9. ":' 7 .8 32'3 I~-? :::; . 9 1 ') 1 8 260 ,.,. '\- '3 '::'7 3 '1. 1 7 .­ 1 1I, . > Uih.e :.2' 1 7 7 - :271 8- 17 A' 21 .::; 5 ':> ""7 j :.: yrJ , .-{ -I·) r­ ... ., - ,\ .' , . I ., 2Rl, B- :3 " , r) I 'J ~ 7 ,0 32(1 ('-3 -.)r), . 1 r", . \ 7 .~ 27'J 1.3k" 23.9 7 7 8. 1 2f, ::' 9 21 I.' J 19. 9 8. 1 8.11 :2-'. Y .-, , r"J-~ A' IS - '::' ':. 7 _I..> la I..; I:' 18. '. "i .~ 8.t. 2~R ­ 1 fl 1 .-'\ . 1 ~ 6 ~.... . ", - f. 'W 1 ... -r-: Ldl·.':' 1 :. .S 9 ) 8 -:i ...:. i ._) J 1 1") C- 1 3.0 I 1 .0 L;,s t·J' 9.0 IO.~ 1:.2 1,'::-\ 3.0 1 - 10 r'\ O.U ,:, . <> .'\ ­ -', 0.0 1 (I. 'j (' --~ O.U 7 .6 i..dl..;p o.n I·J. Eo .-~ - 2 ., 1 J .3 Water depths in Goo~~'ear Swamp during the stud~ ppriod.

Date Si te [)ppth 2 :25·H4 ice cO\'f:-r appr'oximatel~' 7~% of S\o.'Clmp !~ - 1 ice complptely covel"S s",:amp but is very t.hin 4-6 swamp is 90>:: open A-I 0.3 m B-'3 0.::: m C-,) n.3 m A-)-4 0.] m 4-28 A' 0.:; m ;\·4 0 m A- ~3 O.~ m B-3 0.2 m 8-.', O. I m R '5 O.U m C-3 n . :3 m 5 - 13 "~liC1lltl\ d~,-·pp.r f" han II - 2!:\ ,. (, ] :2 ~ n J!"", 11\ 8 '3 O. IS m A 3-4 0 ] III (" 3 n.~ m -;- J ':", .1\ ' O.J nI i\ :'~ 0. J m B ":\ 0_ 1 fI1 C· J '1 "(,\(·rf'rJ .... 8 . t\ ' () :1 m --\-3 I) . ] "". Itl B-3 C' . ~, m n J (1. (I III , C 3 II - In C .... (I 1 II! --\- 4 U. ,I III

B ]-;- A' "j •.J /II ·\-3 O_~m ~-\ ;1. 1 m C"-\ I) _ i ", q ~] CJ." (11~pt I. I I liP I 1I11~ ~ m a""'f-j" f 111m C -3. _~ m d""'d\' fr',)", El :Ind .). m en"·'·l.' f'"l.m .\.2 ..\ ' [I. 1

cr~ U1m ] () . 1 ,.., '\ ' I'. 1 l/I .~~ (l.Om

p . '> '-' .• J m C ~ U.rJ III R - 1 O. t"l m 1 , . :2 A' (). 1 m .\ - :2 "", r'm A j fJ . ( I lit 8· I ~ ! . 1 rn [1- :'2 0.0 rn Dale Sit Eo' Dppttl 11-2 C'J 0.0 m ('-2 0.2 m C-l 0.2 m 1 1 - 1 ') ice covprs QO ~ of swamp l~ss than 1 cm thick. ]2 2-85 no ice. 0.0 m depth is at A-4. 8-5. ('-5, 12 - ] .c:: 0.0 m depth is 1 m be\'ond '\-4, 2. m be~'ond R 5, alld at C 5 1 - 12 icE' coverpd ] - 1 q /\' U.:2 m IAiater' A-~ 0.] m wdter B? (lOrn ('-3 O.]m 2-2 A' 0.35 m w~ter 0.20 mice A ~ n.2~ m water O. 18 mire A-3 0.15 w water o \S IT! jC'p A-4 0.0 m ~ater B-3 0.2 m water G. 1R m icp H- ~ 0 ,I) '" W

Notation of t.he venetation at earh sample site on 9-29-8~,

:3 i te \'f>getat ion co\.'er A' muck. no emergent ve~etation. 'ilam~ntous algae A-I A-:2 A,-,3 muck, b 11t cattai Is start wi thin 3 m. A-~ heavy emergent veqfO'tat i 011. l'O~'d I 'I":I'n. fonJet­ mp-not. under a tree cover of red mdPle and alder B-1 muc~. no emer'gent V(~qpt<'ttion. fi)C1ment')u~ ~1)gU(' 8-:2 B-3 mUCK etc. tlut rushf:'s start wi thi II CJ f,,:,~' lPPtprs 8-":' rushes s- ,:" cattail, purpll=' )nos~stl-i'e C 1 mllc~. no emergent vt:'I..ll:'lation, filamE:-ntolls ;:tlgclE' C-:2 C -~: (' - '. edge of \'pgetatiun. m:lple, (.JIII'ple )npspstrlft:>. Cit t ta i I . (' ~) 'Jrasses. ost rich fen•• !">l)D1e furget -mt:> - not. som." pUlple loosestrife. unrlE'r cuver- of J'E'c! nJC1ples 83


lengths Mass nf tar'e • \Norm Tare Worm (em) ( w'arns) (grdIllS) (gr'ams) 13 1 . 106 0. !+ ] 7 0.689 13 1 . c.7Q O. !dS 1 .Chl !>.5 0.702 ().28~ 2] 1 . '~2"i O.!>ICl 0.~06 10 O.y25 0.506 17 ] 134 O. ~ '11 0.703 15 1 OR9 O. ~'.1 ~ 0.658 13 1. Den 0.660 ]0 O. g'~~ O. '~'3 1 0.501 13 0.960 0.52':'. I!> 1 0')7 0 !.31 0.6::'.6 o , ..,­ ~.~ (1.506 .~_I 0.079 1 !, 1 . 1"".7 n. "7'30 8 0.1]0 O. ".2~ lJ . ..:.: .,:: f; I ...,., 1'3 i j !~6 a .~-'-- 0.7;2', 5 11. ~ 1 9 0 !> 2'_~ O.llQIJ 5 O. 5~, 1 0 !>~o II. I 31 1 1 02"~ n.6u2 q U.b72 0.2:.2 '} () . 62:-, O. :,~1 (J.2f14 9 O. "'13 0.':'2] [).Y2 8 0 30'" (l 085

'\ =O.ln] ~!IJ. (1p\·. ~O.2C)1