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.V- -IT - - 1N WAIA SWUWT. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. K"5 Sewes ADVUNTVUm. SPORT OF THE SEASON. Ps'ese ODM" Weak but the Market rHE FIRE ALARM. A W sbigtoa WemMa FoMd Alog 2d Aftes'wsde itrengtbened. a .et rme-1v s U. EDITION. With Gang e TmpUl. setem-W, gpesal D3M0sb To the EVeasg Star. The Faculty for Net Year Deiguamia woman who NEW YORK. July .--London prices A, gave the name et Mrs. eame per cent lower luperintemdet Miles Urge. its the Piffi"aL ElIabeth Dick. and claimed to be frem 1491 this morning, by Washingtoa. was in the Above ram& and the orders from that, center were to Yoetkvle poee COMING TO TERMS. B court. New York, L M1 W10 sell stocks. conseeqently the opening here Complete ontruci yesterday. and adated a fie.enag.DwW eownee..eatAs..hb RM0 was se.FormeP nse-- -WaMa.3 fmeo e strane story to Justice Meade. AccordIn weak, at prices ranging from 1-2 to 2 to a As34, wSa a 1snman who tmeuly seatd in cent pabiication In the New York Heraid to- per below close. Lake Sbore Csoge. Will go Wekomed-A New e"t . n. bt Saturday's day. Policeman Malone of the wea t m 3.m . wenewnsie at muso. --ar was eapecially weak, down to 10k, East Twenty- iOne - heW .ed Apse SO Vm. dml a FranceadEnglaadleashanAgw- selling 'RE 8ERTVICE ID? Faer fe Trinity camseh. second street station who arrted her. 'a assimassam bee hva hi ch hemseh, against 10 1-2 bid on Saturday. It soon de- ADEQUUATE. said he was in REst 21th street on Satur- Maward M la r..via .. ebnbeetode -a amqames, tea e- adema =mat as to iam veloped. however, that stocks were very day night, when a dItsen arkN. .;William bsurenfe w. sme" in ithe loss all the active Rev. Father of Informed him A.AWMR asvenr aser hs.fhis. emewd, Campbel the St. Francis that a half dones men and one woman TheWaser dos es els I es Idaus, SOMis hm ed hewrw bmanesi its sharm lsaig at a premium. Western letter Protection for the Xavier Church. and of the New were Suburbs provincial asleep In the loft over a stable. Malone ar of g -M GRA OMMU 10we mlr. *hD.fe VM Ayes Union loaned as as 1 per cent per day York-Maryland has announced Clth.Ji apekoew IN@&m--hV.1-2akh a.''' 1 high province, mounted to the loft on a ladder and found Club. W. IL sa, tas, W. S. oft. ! M E{01 J I'iIL for the use, New York Central at 1-2. that until further notice Georgetown Col- men . amai Alamsramete. 1n U,.fnw 116 the and the woman asleep in the Lackawanna at 1-4, and the others ranged Required. lege will be the home of the foflowing straw. MU-4101ar Pear-s!? from Sat to 1-3. This started the bears priests, who will serve the Jesuit order in He roused the seven sleepers and took Arid Healing Clb Vaaiw~ messf Ar ZlsMaarv*s- .Is IMesaeed covering, and Western Union rallied to the capacity named: Rev. J. Havens Rich- te eanlg so 09= The Into them to the station house, where the men teMnsaMtbe, a" bear be" Unemployed Pouring 12 1- against 0 at the opening, the other ' 'HE COST OF A NEW SYSTEM. ards, rector and of Rev. were the t as I inedeg hr ta ew me prefect studies; recogni=ed by members ds. Ayefm me&. Vim. may active stocks also a firmer front. of the far-famed "Stable ." The veommast enihshei t fther showing James F. Mulvaney, minister and librarian; lyns- a lsmsebm.r, Money, on call. opened at I per cent, and Rev. Wm. H. eyed sergeant could not piece the woman. Uem&4a=> Fan~ma t ewsi4 gemmmo amalmst sseh. whsemse Chicago. all Duncan, treasurer; Rev. Sam- All hands, however, were locked ...rda-. ranged 7010 day. The report of the telegraph and tele- uel H. Frisbee, spiritual director; Rev.Thos. When she was In t .ea..ia.os,..e.: o Tbe clearing house operations show a arraigned York- At ew --ewYok. ;Wie MheIe . asls Al ua in n eaa m o o to of The clear- E howe service of the District for the year S. Harlin, prefect of discipline; Rev. John ville police courrt y aning Mrs. Iets dam at ...e.. lma ss e o I a debit subtreasury $M.0. m At . ab an additional Is- I June 30. IS, was made to H. Dick's entire to her fellow b.Brklys-Fi4at 6; GBEAT CONSPIRACY DENIED. Ing house also authorized nding the Com- Hagen, director of the observatory; -., U m - Uahtroo-4P. IL Poiheww. -~~f U"~ sue of loan certificates, prisoners at once excite comment. She Ia.de . s m-nase IF; O8,6MIS0 bringing missioners today by the superintendent. Rev. John T. Hedrick and Rev. Geo. A. wore several handsome on her ...m.-C ..w.~ m.A the amount of these certificates outstand- Z P. Miles. to Fargi, rings fingers lenry It the twenty-ninth assistants at the observatory; Rev. end in her ears were what seemed to be At f ob-IM ra-s. ZKa, 9. 00ee- bsa; 1111UWYAL 3533I IN IAM from Boston were to the effect a anual report of the service. Michael H. O'Brien, professor of phimophy; nd pendants. Her dress was neat, aad, ,. esensd me-OL LAUs, 6 e- Kenny. AKiArsm&aomes. D-NOU JL Z. ATW A c. l..... N . 1L.I A. not means Weete h.m Superintendent Miles dwells at Rev. Jerome though by any pretentious. close G that money was tuling very there. 8 length Daugherty, professor of rhet- She said her home was mad. J, k at Vbis-W. IL be to 10 cent, and that the clearing house u pon the urgent necessity for the oric and at 131 B street. Wagg Et Wm Detwemn the Premab nd per M loan enlarg- calculus; Rev. Patrick Quill, pro- Washington, D. C.. and that her hushan Ctaulk the D=retsh Paemlene. there had authorised SE certifi- izrg and improving the fire alarm telegraph. fessor of poetry; Mr. Charles B. Macksey. was in the eates, making the total outstanding there -1 his teacher of the class of emplo Treasury Department, Al Luin,~s-eoias, E. T. fel x-ISSme Cl to the p,2is.00.- telegraph covers only certain portions suprema gram- his duties e to mix the inks which are $<1-a.a.~ (e 36 IL I PARMA July 1I.-OwIng repremsent- Washlngton and and with matica; Mr. J. Barry Smith, professor of used to print greenbacks. Mrs. Dick do- tine made to I. Devee, the foreign min- Opinions differed as to whether the a Georgetown, chemistry. trigonometry and geometry; Mr. clared she had not been dividend on General lectric of 2 per cent, t Is exception of a box at the corner of John J. Thompkins, of right In bar head ater. by Load Dunerta, the Brittin ambas- due would be A C professor physics since the death of her mother in Tarry- LA...e-........ 441001000--un a ader tomorrow, paid. dispatch olumbla road and 19th street extended. and mechanies; Mr. Michael J. Kane, a.- town, a few months o. She said she ar- - lbety4Vq s~. sa to France, the question of a neutral from Boston said that It was stated posi- t 2e sistant prefect of studies of I - m e . 1001--.. peso WCiM 4% suburbs are wholly without aid from and professor rived In New York week and took swag&& W4 pome between the Freneh n the tively by the company's officials in that t higher algebra; Rev. Samuel J. McGod- board 146 PbshIS- SUU and Ihreits Po T...M06mbthe Magme-Palk =Omar Slow Mame pn=a and B Burala and city that the dividend would be its mott Important adjunct to the fire de- rich. of at Dennett's. at East Fourteenth lemming, Mam ham paid. This, p of professor special classics, and Rev. street. She went out for a walk In Third the states been Mettle atisfac- coupled with the fact that the stock was artment. Speaking the present sys- Alphonse Du Four, professor of French. avenue on extremely scarce In the loan crowd, caused t mi. known as the In the Saturday morning and drank mmmi.TLe. G., OIL Gamewell automac, preparatory department of a e.... ......... .. * ... F YOUR NACE ACugs. YOU AMEAL.E been French block- a better on the i couple of glasses of beer. Then. she IsMe= for --w. Is t 00 a agreed that the feeling protlerty, and It rhich was put in eighteen years ago, he the college Mr. Patrick F. O'Gorman will declares, she was seied with one of ber (b81ife ..........001 30 0-2 ade at the Samese comast en be raed Im- held very firm after the opening sales. SyN. that hold the position of teacher of media gram- and i3 sdAa Mate aeamaA Past. KE Po exchange was in good seventy-five signal boxes were matica and queer spells remembered until and supply laced on seven circuits. This number choirmaster, Mr. Charles F. she was awakened by Polican, la-a barely steady at 48aM, actual icreased was Bridges, teacher section A; Mr. Geo. B. In the hay loft. She says she cannot -.Waf.att~tbNWboeas.bab%,...Se.esa'.C.am.E4L SMO CAR. OFTW E1xUUMMA U. rates a half a cent below theme fig- in 1S4 and since, so that there Rome, teacher section B, and assistant Imagine how she there and that she are now 11 got hithme-McGm end M ak, G0asn.