Parish: Ward: Chidham & Hambrook


Proposal Change of use from telephone exchange into office B1a.

Site Old Telephone Exchange Chidham Lane Chidham West

Map Ref (E) 479289 (N) 105313

Applicant Mr John Pritchard


Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

Deferred item from March Committee

Parish Objection - Officer recommends Permit

2.0 The Site and Surroundings

2.1 The application site lies on the eastern side of Chidham Lane and forms a corner plot to the south of the A259, set back from the road behind public footpaths and grass verges. Chidham Lane is primarily a residential street within the village of Hambrook/Nutbourne. The site is bounded by residential development to the south and east and there is a bus stop/shelter to the north.

2.2 The existing Old Telephone exchange building is a square brick built single storey building with a footprint of 24.93sqm. The ridge height measures 5.2m and the underside of the eaves 2.95m. The roof is tiled with plain clays.

2.3 The application site includes land within the ownership of WSCC. This land forms a concrete hardstanding that provides a non-designated parking area for the application site measuring 2.5m x 6.78m, which may be used by any member of the public.

3.0 The Proposal

3.1 Planning permission is sought for the change of use of the telephone exchange to an office (B1(a)) and the construction of mono pitched roof extensions to the east and south of the existing building. Fenestration changes are also proposed; these changes would be at ground level and no first floor openings are proposed. A single window in each of the south, east and west elevations are proposed. Internally, the office would include a first floor and WC.

4.0 History


5.0 Constraints

Listed Building No Conservation Area No Countryside Yes AONB Yes Tree Preservation Order No EA Flood Zone - Flood Zone 2 No - Flood Zone 3 No Historic Parks and Gardens No

6.0 Representations and Consultations

6.1 Parish Council


Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council OBJECTS to the Application and makes the following COMMENTS:

1. The Parish Council is concerned about several outstanding issues related to this Application and considers it necessary to restate the Council's views in this Further Revised Response.

2. The Comments (see below for a copy) made by the Parish Council in its Revised Response posted on the District Council website on 27 October 2015 still stand ' the Comments made here should be considered as supplementary to those made earlier.

3. There remains some confusion over the current Application, including a lack of clarity regarding the ownership of the site and the immediately surrounding area.

4. This is a particularly important issue because it is important to determine without error the exact space available to the Applicant for parking. The Parish Council remains of the belief that the current application ' with a protruding Porch ' means that there would be no room for car parking within the site curtilage. No parking outside the curtilage is available because of the existing public right of way.

5. The drawings available on the District Council website still give no information about the wastewater drainage from the site. Clear and accurate drawings showing the existing wastewater sewer to which it is intended to direct wastewater, together with the exact line of the proposed connection to the public sewer and the location of other underground services are essential.

In summary, the main objections of the Parish Council to this application are the inadequate parking and the lack of information concerning wastewater disposal. In addition to addressing this issue the other concerns expressed below should be addressed.

The Parish Council recommends REFUSAL of the Application.


1. The Application has been modified subsequent to a Site Meeting on 16 October 2015. The Parish Council has changed its Response in the light of the modified Application.

2. The site of the proposed development is visually important and dominant in the village landscape. It faces an open green, with some trees, at the junction of Chidham Lane and the A259.

3. For many years, the old Telephone Exchange has presented a sorry picture, overgrown with vegetation, despite the best efforts over the years of the immediate neighbour to the south occupying No.1 Chidham Lane, who has regularly cut back the vegetation in the parts to which she has access.

4. In principle, the Parish Council would welcome a new ownership and use of the building that would result in it no longer looking abandoned, as it does at present, and that would have no unacceptably negative consequences; again in principle, the proposed office use of the building would be an appropriate use of the premises.

5. Unfortunately, the current proposal does have such unacceptably negative consequences, the foremost of which is the parking.

6. The telephone exchange is at the northern end of a medium sized linear housing development along Chidham Lane that probably dates back to the 1950s. As is common with similar housing, the residents suffer from a chronic shortage of parking. There is particular concern around traffic delivering and collecting children from the school at the southern end of the development.

7. The current access to the old Exchange is shared between the Exchange, the immediate neighbour to the south and the public at large. The public have right of way over the access and its continuation footpath northward past the Exchange site to access the footpath on the south side of the A259.

8. The consequence of the shared access is that there would be inadequate parking space for the cars of the occupant of No. 1 Chidham Lane and a person working in the Telephone Exchange. There would be a parking space within the site, were it not for the fact that a protruding entrance/WC is proposed.

9. It would be naïve to imagine there will be no clients visiting the Exchange. Indeed, it would be reasonable to imagine that a number of clients might visit concurrently. The development makes no provision for their parking.

10. Delivery vans parking in Chidham Lane would create a serious hazard. Their parking on the grass risks its rapid deterioration into mud.

11. If the design were changed so as to accommodate one parking space on the site, full information should be given regarding the number of people who would use the site so that the District Council could judge whether just one parking space was adequate.

12. Other concerns the Parish Council has over the application now follow:

13. The proposed window on the east elevation may overlook the neighbouring property as the vegetation is cut back; obscure glass should have been specified.

14. If, despite the Parish Council's objection, the District Council is minded to approve the application, a condition should be imposed regarding permitted hours of use. Of particular concern is the prospect of light streaming from windows and from external lighting late into the evening in this quiet residential area.

15. Any window on the south side of the building would face directly towards the garden patio and front door of the neighbouring property, only a few metres away; it should therefore have obscure glass. The vegetation on the boundary fence, if it survives any building operations, dies back in winter and offers no visual protection.

16. There should be a condition forbidding the use of the site as a reception point for the delivery and subsequent collection of parcels.

17. Inadequate information about the disposal of wastewater has been provided. The Applicant has provided a revised plan proposing a private sewer running from the site towards Chidham Lane, but has not demonstrated that there is a public sewer in the Lane to receive the flow. No information has been provided in respect of water supply.

18. Vehicular access to the driveway to the site is via a layby on the east side of Chidham Lane. Neighbours have concerns about delivery vehicles for the site attempting to turn in the narrow Lane.

In summary, the main objection of the Parish Council to this application is the inadequate parking. In addition to addressing this issue the other concerns expressed above should be addressed.

The Parish Council recommends REFUSAL of the Application.

6.2 Harbour Conservancy

Comments awaited - any comments received will be provided in the update sheet to the Planning Committee

6.3 WSCC - Highways

Comments dated 26/08/15

This proposal has been considered by means of a desktop study, using the information and plans submitted with this application in conjunction with other available WSCC map information. A site visit can be arranged on request.

I refer to your consultation in respect of the above planning application and would provide the following comments.

The site does have an existing vehicular access onto Chidham Lane although this is somewhat narrow. There are no known issues with the use of this access. As no material intensification of use is anticipated, there would be no expectation for this proposal to give rise to any highway safety concerns.

In terms of traffic generation, the site is recognised as having a permitted use in the past as a telephone exchange, although it is likely that this use would have not been intensive. In considering the change of use the potential vehicle movements from the permitted use is a material consideration. In light of the scale of the permitted and proposed development, whilst it is appreciated that an increase in vehicular movements would result, it is not considered that this proposal could be resisted on the basis of traffic generation.

Comments dated 15/10/15

This proposal has been considered by means of a desktop study, using the information and plans submitted with this application, in conjunction with other available WSCC map information. A site visit can be arranged on request.

I refer to your consultation in respect of the above planning application and would provide the following comments.

No concerns were previously raised to this application from the highway point of view in August 2015. Since this time the applicant has provided further information (in the form of photos) to demonstrate the one car parking space at the site. Confirmation of this arrangement is welcomed. The LHA will only consider the impact of overspill parking from a safety perspective; matters of amenity would be a matter for the consideration of the Local Planning Authority. While it is likely that some overspill parking may occur it is not considered that this would be detrimental to highway safety and key locations in the public highway are subject to enforceable parking restrictions.

In summary as previously advised there would be no concerns with this application from the highway point of view.

6.4 CDC - Economic Development

The Economic Development Services supports the re-use of this disused commercial site as office space.

6.5 Three third party objection letters have been received concerning the following matters (all letters from same household); a) restricted parking space and interrelationship with parking at number 1 Chidham Lane b) frosted glazing to porch c) as within residential environment hours of use should be limited d) no external lighting e) sewerage connection concerns f) concerns regarding porch extension restricting parking on site

6.6 Applicant/Agent's Supporting Information

During the course of the application the applicant has sought to submit additional information to address the concerns of Parish Council and neighbour including the submission of details regarding the parking and drainage. The applicant has confirmed that space for parking and turning is now proposed to the front garden of 1 Corner. The existing gradient would be retained and the site will be drained in an appropriate manner for the site.

7.0 Planning Policy

7.1 The Development Plan for comprises the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 and all adopted neighbourhood plans. The Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is at an advanced stage of preparation having been the subject of an examination and it therefore has significant weight.

7.2 The principal planning policies relevant to the consideration of this application are as follows:

Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 (CLP)

Policy 1: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy 2: Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy Policy 3: The economic and employment provision Policy 6: Neighbourhood Development Plans Policy 8: Transport and Accessibility Policy 40: Sustainable design and construction Policy 39: Transport, Accessibility and Parking Policy 42: Flood Risk and Water Management Policy 43: Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Policy 45: Development in the Countryside Policy 46: Alterations, Change of use and /or reuse of existing buildings in the Countryside Policy 47: Design and Heritage Policy 48: Natural Environment Policy 49: Biodiversity

National Policy and Guidance

7.3 Government planning policy comprises the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking. This means unless material considerations indicate otherwise development proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay.

7.4 Consideration should also be given to paragraph 17 (Core Planning Principles), together with Sections 3, 4, 7, 10 and 11 generally.

Other Local Policy and Guidance

7.5 The aims and objectives of the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy are material to the determination of this planning application. These are:

B1 - Managing a changing environment

8.0 Planning Comments

8.1 The main issues arising from this proposal are: i. Principle of development and sustainability ii. Design and impact upon character of the surrounding area iii. Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties iv. Parking and highway safety v. Water management

Assessment i) Principle of development and sustainability

8.2 The development involves the reuse of an existing building for a commercial use (B1 office). The NPPF and the Chichester Local Plan support the re-use of buildings within the countryside for commercial uses in the interests of supporting the rural economy and creating employment opportunities. Policy 46 of the Local Plan sets out the criteria for such conversions which include that; 'the building is structurally sound and capable of conversion for employment uses without the need for significant extension, alteration or rebuilding' and 'the form, bulk and general design of the building is in keeping with its surroundings and the proposal and any associated development will not harm the landscape character and setting'. The proposal would meet all of the relevant criteria within policy 46.

8.3 Although the site is within the designated countryside, it is well connected to the main road network, a bus stop lies directly north of the application site and the site is 500m west of the closest Settlement Boundary at Hambrook/Nutbourne. This settlement is identified as a Service Village; a sustainable location for small scale development outside of Chichester City and the Settlement Hubs where, in accordance with Policy 1 and Policy 2 of the Local Plan there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This is consistent with Paragraph 14 of the NPPF which establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development in such locations unless the adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.

8.4 The Chidham and Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is an emerging plan which carries significant weight having been subjected to examination. The NP also contains a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

8.5 In conclusion, the proposal represents the reuse of an existing building within the countryside that is linked directly to public transport and is a distance of approximately 500m from the closest settlement. The development would be small scale and would promote jobs within the rural area supporting the rural economy. It is therefore considered that the principle of the development would be acceptable, subject to all other material planning considerations. ii) Design and impact upon character of the surrounding area

8.6 Section 7 of the NPPF requires good design that improves the overall quality of the area and policy contained within paragraph 56 of the NPPF states that "good design is indivisible from good planning".

8.7 The extensions proposed to facilitate this change of use would be small scale and in line with the visual appearance of the existing building. The external finish materials are proposed to match the existing brick walls and plain clay tiled roof. The alterations to the existing fenestration would be visually sympathetic to the building and surroundings, in accordance with the design principles of the NPPF and policy 47 of the Local Plan.

8.8 It is considered for the reasons set out above that the proposed development would not be harmful to the character and appearance of the surrounding area, given the size and scale of the proposed extensions and matching finish materials. iii) Impact upon amenities of neighbouring properties

8.9 The NPPF states in paragraph 17 that planning should ensure a good quality of amenity for all existing and future occupiers of land and buildings.

8.10 The porch and WC extension to the south of the building would bring the built form of the building closer to part of the front garden of number 1 Chidham (the adjacent semi- detached bungalow). The extension would measure 1m (d) x 3.3m (w) x 3.65m (h) and would be a distance of 0.75m from the boundary. Concerns have been raised by a neighbour regarding the window to the WC to this extension. The WC window would be required by condition to be obscure glazed and therefore it would not result in an unacceptable degree of overlooking.

8.11 There would be a distance of approximately 6.5m between the proposed southerly extension and the neighbouring bungalow to the south. Given this distance and the limited scale of the development, the proposal would not constitute an overbearing or oppressive development. Furthermore, it is considered that due to the nature of the proposed use and the size of the resultant office that the proposal would not result in an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance.

8.12 To the west, the additional impact on the neighbour's garden (Stone Croft) would be limited given the scale of the proposed extensions, the small scale nature of the use, the established fence and vegetation to the boundary and the depth of the neighbour's garden.

8.13 Concerns have been raised regarding the proposed parking arrangements and this issue is discussed below. iv) Parking and Highway Safety

8.14 The Highway Authority has advised that there would be a slight intensification of the use of the site as a result of the proposed change of use, but that such intensification would not result in highway safety concerns. The Highway Authority has also commented that the proposed development would facilitate the use of the existing parking space to the front of the site and that this would not result in a highway safety concern.

8.15 The applicant has provided additional information and a photograph showing a car parked on the existing driveway to the application site (see plan 15028-02 revision D) and a plan showing the size of the parking space. This is the existing parking arrangement for the site. The 2.5m wide x 6.7m deep parking space provides sufficient space for a vehicle to park free of the pavement. The concerns of a neighbour regarding ownership of part of the site have been considered. WSCC has been notified and certificate B submitted as part of this application. Therefore the ownership requirements for the planning application have been met and the fact that the site boundary includes land outside the ownership of the applicant is not a constraint to the development or a reason to object to the application.

8.16 A neighbour has raised concerns regarding the size and intensified use of the existing parking space as it would interfere with the parking at no. 1. The planning history for no. 1 suggests that the area currently being used by this neighbour for parking is outside the residential curtilage of that property and evidence has been provided that this is land also within the ownership of WSCC. Regardless of the ownership issues (which would be a private matter between the relevant parties), it appears that the land at no. 1 currently used for parking is limited in size. WSCC guidance requires a standard parking size to measure 2.4 x 4.8m and there is space to the front garden of no. 1 should this neighbour have legal rights to use and pass over WSCC land and wish to increase the space available for parking.

8.17 Whilst the neighbour's and Parish Council concerns regarding the ownership and parking relationship between the application site and no.1 are appreciated, given the above, there is no planning justification to resist use of the existing parking arrangements in association with the application site.

8.18 Since the application was last reported to the Planning Committee it has been established that the area proposed to provide parking for the business unit is within the Highway and that WSCC have no concerns for its use as a parking area. However the area immediately adjacent to the application site and the wider hardsurfaced area may be used for parking by any vehicle, not just those associated with the proposed business. Therefore, whilst acknowledging that other ‘public’ parking areas exist that would be available for use by the proposed office, the proposal does not provide for a dedicated parking space. It is noted, however, that this concrete area has historically formed the vehicular access to the site (as a Telephone Exchange) and any use of it by the public not in association with the use of the building would result in the obstruction of this access.

8.19 Given the availability of parking within the highway and the low level intensification in the use of the site, there would not be an adverse impact on the safety and function of the highway network as a result of the provision of an office of the scale proposed without dedicated parking. The office would be limited in its hours of opening and therefore un-occupied in the evenings and on Sundays and Public Holidays freeing up this space at those times.

8.20 Having regard to the considerations outlined above, the proposed development would provide suitable parking arrangements and appropriate visibility already exists to ensure that the proposal would not have an adverse impact upon the safety or function of the highway network. Furthermore, the intensification of the use would be limited and would not create an unacceptable level of traffic movements. The proposal is therefore acceptable in respect of these matters. v) Drainage

8.21 The neighbour and the Parish Council have raised concerns regarding the proposed new connection to the main sewer. There are no reported capacity problems in this area and the addition of a single toilet and sink would not result a significant increase in foul waste. The new connection and pipework would be required to meet current Building Regulation standards. The additional surface water should be drained within the site in an appropriate manner to the soil type and should not be directed to the foul sewer or road. A condition and an informative are recommended ensuring this is the case.

8.22 It is considered that the proposed surface and foul water drainage requirements for the development are capable of being managed appropriately and therefore the proposal would be acceptable in this respect.

Significant Conditions

8.23 It is recommended that conditions are imposed to ensure external materials match the existing building and the retention of the existing parking space for the parking of vehicles. Conditions are also proposed to ensure the proposed refuse and cycle storage is provided in accordance with the details submitted and that appropriate drainage is provided. In addition, a condition is recommended to limit changes of use to ensure that once implemented, the business use is retained in the interests of supporting the rural economy.


8.24 Based on the above assessment, it is considered the proposal complies with the Development Plan and any material considerations and subject to conditions permission is recommended for approval.

Human Rights

8.25 In reaching this conclusion the Human Rights of the applicants and nearby occupiers have been taken into account when reaching this recommendation and it is concluded that the recommendation to permit is justified and proportionate.


1 A01F Time Limit – Full 2 U03360 Plans 3 U03361 Materials to match 4 U033362 PD removed – COU 5 U03370 Hours of Use 6 U03363 Surface Water 7 U03365 Retention of Parking Space 8 U03363 Bins and Bikes 9 U03367 WC Window 10 U03368 Drainage


1 U033699 Positively and Proactively

For further information on this application please contact Maria Tomlinson on 01243 534734