
Hinton Independent. Clinton Independent

(»rncui r*m or m •ATI! Of AOVClTlltM, Is HUM Evffry Tltntef, ftt «‘ilIfito k« H « tine wseli ...... |i ts»$i IWlT tal u( CUataa Two weeks .... i to « r. a 4 ** 7 to it in CORBITT E8TE8, Three weeks ..', » »» i «• 4 r a# to toil «ii y w#*» ill oil BkOMtha ... 5 to t M> to Oil It UI V (II 4ft Uil Nlfif* towalha.. 7 til 10 UI It (l» to to M) ill A6 QU TSBM Twelve noath* • to »t^«i it to‘t4 ii# to hi ui ImMImpmO M*. H Legal A dvrrtire .'’»*»!• at lUtatr rate*. •mm Mlaf U« U»« VOL. X.-NO. 22, at* Johns, Mich., Thursday, march <>, i87 «. WHOLE NO. 490. Local Business Notices 10 ce*»# a l».**o Ok Aral, a at § nan In each subeewseat taaaruun-

LATX8T NEWS. halleva U the galll a4 Mr. Itoeehev. that he woe Id •wmhi* t* |H*|f raapectiva coantlr* or lowna on Tkt EtI4*kt* !■ ^ Cam #r Ex-SFdTD Il'LTlI IN PA It VO. I fib wfi oitow OUi. «v*ftt lo allow that no one else conbl have deuce is that of t^portunffy. T" show not give name* and date# eaeojM to 4 nbh *t toD the approaching cea|eantal and ran** to k* do­ Hhl fit 'f'fifi In them until they were acrvcl wani <4 op|Nirtunily, that to, an aUbt . »» mil fen ol IktV*. ple4^4 (9 secrecy aa to the Urj Belknap. ll vered a ii •twneal -ketch <4 tk« aautty or town Titf boat way to keep % an ret (s to fofs A awoaas toy; a la** tliat.ii-Iff i*»i Ofatn (he pfoto ffh# ha#l lircn in D m- an almolule answer to the stronger ia name# he wnhTIl gtve. Hr Heeeher oh)aated to from it* fiumattaa r«pi<« to ba 11*4 la lh< A yearning ralld heart from ait hoar ru |*,a/f THU OLD VatLh. ('MRif fierk* ’ office*, and la the Librarv 4 Con In hit eridrneg before the ITouae Ibm* fet It. 1fit n al? fh^ tim4» thrf Otero, anti dk'tment, ami produce* a fatal Saw in fk# eavlag that he t Heerher > had no « r* aeton grew-, -o that a complete rmord may ha had of A c'bristreas that ou r'hnstsna# Mol# hitifur; (t hit (fine nfonc. Ilcff. wa* chain Opportunity fo commit the mm** A Itarl# disjretrh of (hr *>Wh ult. wt* toll A mot tow |*n tailed that the pan tea he • he (intm* <4 tbe Me pa Hi U; tran-ferrtag the tignling Committee, on the 8Hlh, Cnleb P. Tiir New York (VwtmorMt*A(tirdi44 A tanxlsri leaeoa fall nt taa*!e4 thoacht . mn aa Don Carlos entered France a freerh Marsh made the follow inf lUlrmrut; writes It Hills: ” 04. Tcnnlal. ” A a.*04set. a to;) ^-oior goaix-tl and wise ; provrei op^wmn^ty. ft *** shown that must t«e cither proved outright or mfrrrrel preneat, with aoaasel and frtewdn. nn dt«t i .t»4| uf*rrt*ia Jndiau tepat fund* from the A ulliapee of lifi. when la' tfa rttrtslus rlss hy the rm*#t conclusive oreaumptlon. • *«-ii«-ral walled i« him and lafanaret him that he alno a motion that Mr. Bowes ha allowed **%K:Ury Of thu "ulaner to la# T'-a-ur) Det>ari when the apprentice f»Htisti«-r» was ftn the . " la Ute Aurnmer of 1A70, myaelf and wife Camtal I*i mahmkh t—Hanging on ths Md uVef foil. Tfa-rermvef was a more striking care* I!- nnd the aflh-eea nf bln ■•.a# wtdlld have to *ahoaft | owe or inure aitont.-y* Hefoc* l*n tottVllUe. mxrr Ai}»»iftH a •pent ihrek MkVaa al Iiona HraneR, and on And ksuy* ths pirtars ?:►# 0 farNndl*** sea — ooint of eating some of llir '“wsliop, net k of n pretty ffrl. lustrisfive ot thto than that of the young ihemnelwa to orffsr* of Internment. Iha tirto* Mr. Hears olMlVf. A fftport of tha Ksaaata- Hknatk .— On the 2*1 bills j»aw*w«l lo our return In New York Mr*. Belknap ano The wurld. all acinwi aad reality - E»ifa uryrcti him not to dt» re», Maying ihcy It Is only tiAinral. 0»af the whisky ba we grow aid W• r* *2 ksgvy. It wa- in • \ iti» B4 * Scottish gift. Madeleine Kuuih. whores • Pietnd dry re need nod wan qalle di*|x»ned lo log Committee chargtwg hr hieca with steadsr. reduce the number and Increase the ettrisacy of I tie 1 aiaUD MrP Bowcra (the latter tke prea- thieTra shoulti get tlfcfflMVtoi Irrio fi .onitem It; order*. He hogfrfi lohava bn thank* I( *»e *ttt adopted and n committee wf three wan ent wife of tha Bocretary, the former that Kll/a li.sa! not (sM iio^oncd Tinn I trial at Gfosfiow r»ay easily fa* runea- the medical corps of the army; to extend the •• tignt * p;«ct* t epAdfar and a tender wife s car.**; («wrry*d to the tkiunini**t fur Itn ewartrs). authorised t»> nmwuu Mr. Howea before them time tor fling elalm* tor addltHma) boanty under died In 1H70) hy our Invitation came for a A b-atll ng !)•> lt»*yyaal • Ufa |rt bless; until she 11 ml observed its t-fh-ci uf»Ni otii fared by many rvattors. it may fa* sa»*l 1>< Krrorh MtalUrr had «dhi m*'y tnbumrd the and re|Mirt. Mr Huwen wan thew requested to then, t of May to. IMW .. The total resolution visit to our house. Mrs Belknap was 111 A to . the university eliminations in A home ul jny e abd »vi iA Vf*W T*1'1 era. anti it was lltcnc* inferred that she Dial the trial was ooe of the most inten -t- h|«ni*h (Nivernaieul of the mirreoder uf thin retire with the committee of three, and declined relating to t antenalal celebration* which wa* during this visit aome three or four weeks, Italy are open hi women on the Miita A dreary vatchlur with a hr... , r; •‘l,> eHher t«N»k it to conceal her crime, or ing in ItoBfah jmiiCfal annal* Madeleine and, I suppose. In consequence of our kind ­ And l»* sth * dreea OWgel taorklnu at th. |||f, carlo* and cuajrratalawd It on the Ua|>|>v «oarln The Kiamtnlag Committee then reported n adopted by the ll<M afri'ly for a toeft Ibt fitiR® be gomtfliri**# goes out at nljjhl To where the fir*-# «f life triampliant burn h »d rrf«»< <1. t«> a re 1 act tomnuiwommtttwe ioto n*jerrsqreri rene the n'««etinft err eg ol ' •ib’ hlk.—Dills 4rri» pnwwrtl -tladanng anil in some ln-tan< <•* untrue. ftitF tie and w as anxious to dioeota£,v*e bef>'*ll i'll the evening; of the *>Mh ult. tfefi! !*• carton# fiaffttitrify Molloal to ripcl Mr trader-hip on (he frontier. I askrd whg, When lie ought not to’. , •«» wa arow old. valid ail the waapendad er trie* of public land* thev were, and was told that many of them dared that the jsiirein 111 uat In - in the milk from the connvttion. But L’TogvIier lb*area Srlne votbd down. lo which the Cummiaeioncr of tbe trcaeral Land A “ KRckirr” to get married, veil* / f„7l:% • •• I ■ rm and r. , .-altng W ar, and that If I wanted one she wotDfi Faster auc faslri as in* him* Argw* to-ai r Peer |i wa# throve inferr*ti that aiont, just pn vious to* his visits, she liad MepreeeniaUeeu adopted a aeriew of artlclaa Im- interior and At lamer t.eueral, and retwallng Mk thr fiarrrtary for onk f*pof» my fto It t* given aa i singular fact tint no 1 If wtlaatoa. |»earhing tinv. Kellogg of high crime* and ml* S« • i\i of the *kmUe>1* 1(1 (ttatmtii toamend the A grief today and with tomorrow * light rti’fa faring fo divert suspt* iun pur* hosed poison i or that, always after act uf il/vb b Wraaa^ II' growth of h’yln^ fhkt * tiio»yHl frirH ufp> o helotirec| cr*ry ftopor ontalde of Shw Y^rk ?»a« rvti A pVaenrv that tr-nslorm* the sullen night throe visits, he was re-izetl w Mh severe Hi­ A Y'ienna *p*t ial or the MUi ult. says demeanor*. H bring claimed that the a« tton of rim ^erHer ol'| tna *'»i* 7 Vni prair,**; deef*ring for 1 to disabled soldiers, aud hasidea that j waa i paid expciistf. Kr kill rai- ter, but I do remember her saving sfime- Jrnfir Jrsr. tlcfend* Iter early reputa- with,” as she •abl< The arsenic bought, Prof. Tyndall tarn* married to Mian I the tv*pearhmeot qneetion . itatioa nf law; to exisad the time two In th* strange cllie« of eternity ing ners«*li Ol t*fe vuiiponed I'nn I. it was w*ar* for preemuiiou* on public laud*.... thlng like this ‘ If 1 can prevail u|»on the lion fit fi b«'i"< k'*«*|er in Mass m httseitt, — .V. T fo*!, ' shown tiiitt she had shoi lly *rel..re had a the next tiling she did nno to» write lo llatuil on at Wentinlw*ter Abhry. oa »hf fMh A Washington tvlr^rain o| th«* td *ui«eaa fftaalry |*eiformed tbe rrrth«By. Ripennlture- tn the War Ib-partmeut j»r* otrrj must he careful to say nothing to him about » hearty nn'al of! ;t Imetolcak pie, ami there that I-e-v i P. Lackey bad reelgaed bla present#. for a man otir* offered him #10 <0» |:>H* M AS OF Jl NTH !h rlin dtoj-att he* rtf tit* fat con tain* tliv knap, late Secretary of War. high crime* and »*r • tradership of this kind, and he told him Ext 11 xnof . nfmusw*. An advertisement J “colt! TW* 1 heavy" dumpling*, as she out of town. a*ti did not, therefore, pt capted a reepuo*ibi« |«>*ltion in the Interior l>e tiltfrinniian la oD"e Aft.f dl- as*i n tb« | Jt-THF. is human, anti therefore prone i de*crtiN-ti them fn ti««lstien, l^au-e the the not* until if '•as taw» lab* to occept tha- lollowtag: The Kreperut William bad rvfu*ed th« parturient. prevlou* qn*-*tl«vn *tr n*tferwd aolT after re * ti»at If he did not leave the oflice hr wouldj in an English rural urws(ia|M r annount <• of Count Von Arra n for »ate roiidnrt to mark* hy *• v, ra’ member*, the reaolntlon* nrrr kick him down stairs.' Rernemlwrinif, that “a gTand pianoforte will t» ex- '•» err It would In * treating Jti-ticc tin j* ;i* hungry. Having fried In vain to invitation. She *T**lr again ontlieXUf. ' intt nin m»n. a ho I* III at berlto. The Foreign Acrortlin^ lo an Omaha telegram nf thr uhanimortsiy adopted AndUit Wp- xk« r appoint - as ! du, this Itory, I pre*nrv* th* changfl for three or f*»ur small pig’*." Justly were we n.*t to recognize the p*T-ua«le |Ne*ple that the |N»|re*n was In the urging him to conic the ntlf c'siting, ami t-d a con-ml lire to tonify life Aet at- of the acrion I antreed*n| ftot* nipnt tc r«*frctt Mr2. t 'fftfe bad ph'iernii a «barge uf ircanw agatnnt , l*t an expedition coo*|*t(ng of tea compaafee of Tbe H -si'iR • Journal Wantfi wrrttleP variotia. Iniri* i«o, l*« wiltiertng difttcultie* 1 fu,'k, *li«* turne«l around anti uf the lloiito. *ach (onmjttcr con-t*ting of • Belknap and Mfl BJiwef* fritimed to Wash­ you came n»d. I -ball wait again toefnor Ur-.r* flyi«*er. KobbtH* li'arkbwru Ua— aari ington, and a few weeks thereafter Mrs Hcl- reguiarfy drafted Into the firing. ' nrit tfr with It, »#in »i.Mv pi caaca* 01of graveginvi waa In Die yeaat 1 he yeast waa prov^l Inrrvaolng. and many pemoo* had been dronnM t« *m*t< t* and parker*. and rattoMd fur six week* mt ri* ’e«the • mililiaa on P>omi meri-ly to hgltl, but U* make t iotiiiug * H I ...... r by analy*ih to l** perfectly pure. row nigbt. same time unti arrangetnem. ’’ near funen. | convoyed Hy eighty wagon* and mo p«rk ditarea of the War Deparim. nt making the r* , knap sent tnr word tu come over. I did io. it rbnc-, if L ft niff tied WhBt • Insi-tiui Nhe told me the post-tradernhip at Fort 8 i)( •ttNHitcrmeols; to t rt of tha lav. -ttgatkoa la the ca-e <4 Hecretary the proof wa* clear. It w;m al-*/ An official document wan published in rH lknap .. Adjourned. j was vacant; that it was a valuable post as A t a r«*cent spiri'ux' •*••). m New work, wr must n^f fofget that the struggle t clr'tmistNntlal elements <>pjN»riiinity Pane, on lb lat. In wblrh the ftatemrot wa* . Phil Kearney, ew rWa/e to Operate again*! th« she understood, and that she bad either in evidence that h« fflmrtcd ftinn hisl/Mlg 1 ***m Indiana, whoae hand* have be. n for the Ytitk, one of " ibe dt . «;• j.oi ^*1 ’’ nt.»dc a between the blind gtsldc.-s with the even wa* proved so was an instrument (the made that Ihxi Carton bad not re 11 squished hm Nr.jfAT*. —On the 3U, thr rrt'tleittial* c»t sskt-d for it for me. or had prevailed upon ar-cme) at bail*I Iff a drawer |o which she ing* in excellent health on thr Hutflay last eeveral year*, and are now, again*! every. | thr 8 «-* ret ary of War to agree to give H to very good t*ull for a dead man: “ W* re ale* an«l crime i* always an uneven one. rlnim to the thman of tipata. He hnd narrna- Mr Iterk of Kentweky, were presenter- Ba­ Crime i* dark, tortuous arul craffy . If hod tn-'- access, anti a desife frtfoyed to evening, and that he taiintend iu 'W* di body. ilee wa* given <4 tbe action .4 the l|on*e in (hr nie At all sv -ntit 1 called upon the Secretary have com* back, and we will In * heard If dered neither to France nor the Alphoanlnt* bat ; We die in tin* altemj t ” offen ch^os*-* l»s t;wn ground If ha- conc«-al Ihe crime by diverting suspicion rection of Madeleine'** house; thi* was af hvd v.ilantartly la'ddowa htn nrm* after a heroic (Jrrat excitement wa* canned in Wa.*h- case «4 ex be relary It* tkuap. and |‘r«*ldaht pro ! of M ar, and as near as 1 can rememtwr mads nine o’clocA. Twenty minutes later lie few* Kerry ravpwnded that tbe beaate would ;ak< •1 plb-ation f<*r thla petition —a regular print ­ A II tHTTOHD gill »rr ating a tom frequent ample opportunity, !x*'fo,e p •trikes, for to .mother, anti by telling untruths l p. nt atrgie. thu* re»ut for President and X lew n»»- that the present trader at the posi,’ John mornlng, L’Angelicr wa* found ■* his own 1 4 Frans, was an aonlicant for n appoint ­ quiet reply. —tba*» for forty men lo find it. Before a in the public mind that justice hcaltateil them being nineteen feet deep. «»ki for a po*t trader*b tp. and fh nt® yearly a»t»ee l'rv-atdar»i lid the ttoc •‘•m ot. q.'eatlaa* art-ing 1 door, writhing ami speechless; ami in a Ur*. IHIknap roafveeed the truth of the tliere«Mi Th<- hill to maha w a-h.ni'ioa'* nlrth ment, and that 1 haa better see him. he h«-lng criminal !n fakkfl h m know# that b# U sus to extt ute its fatal tiw ree. The utter ab. The young ladies of Rraincnl are not re nt e of a conceivable motive wa- a »« ri- f«*w hour* he was dead The autopsy fa- The Leeds (England) Amphitheater wa« ace n anti oh. rapillg *hv a!.die a a* to dav Fvb. v-fr a l*,a' holiday wa* rwp.wted favor 1 in the city, as it would not he fair to turn Mhind in recognirlnr their rights under peeled - he is aware, to *otne degfff a’ •hiv , with an am. ndm.-nt making Lincoln * him out of office without some Bolhe, as h* 4»tts !tb»w in the com *. Why should thi- trad'd a Urge quantity of -nic in hi* burned na the Bight <4 the l*t. Involving a ton# blame, a* bet hoabattd knew nothing the bap year art. Two of our belle* have ' least, « f the «tc|>*> that an- Iwing taken • would lone largely on hla building*, mer­ j lighl-bt-arteti, afitiahle voting girl, wIkon * j faajy. But, fatween twenty minutes pa*t uf flto.ntat. ab«iai It. Tbe Heeretary also admitted the truth hack rr-o»n'ton wa* farther debated The rto • applied W> ut, •• clerk of the Court, for ! for hii detection lie is more watchful chandise, etc., If the oflh e was taken from than the nurei skillful detective, ffar, if tIs** worst known fault waa lifif oquetry with nine and two, n«» human brhig could de Winnlow. ihe Boaton forger, wm for- of the-torj. andaaidhc deetred to a»*nm< ail *age of th* II->o*e relating U» the im^w-a, hrn< nt him, and that It would !>• proper and Just luarri.xgc Mrcn'e*. and obtained thetlf - of ex M-cretarv IHIknap w a- referred l i a -pecla) , detective 1* laboring to sustain a reputa the apprentices, |N>i*u;u n whole family' jure#* to having laid eye* on him Mad» mallv committed for eatradltioa oa the x4, He thr reeponatbiiity. and not have it pat on hi* for me to make a«*mr arrangement with him Ilf'Uhmi ( |Vs.) Trtbnn* 1 irine herself denied that shesiw him at wlfa lie then tendered hi* r*«igaatioa lo the committee of five coo- -ting of M.-**r« Kd ti«*n. the enntiffAf to »V(•-»»« 11»xr liie, **r at The great lri*h advocate Curran, then I to be h*nded over to the t'nlted Mate* author itiund*. < onkiing, Krelmghi.«»eii, Tharmaa and for th*-lr purchase If 1 wished to run th* post loi h times, th* *u*. A young lady acci­ all that night, nor wa* the slightest proof President and I* wa* accepted , myself. 1 saw Evans, and fDmd him lea*t liberty. i in the height of his tame, ex- ttiun at the eiptraOoa of eighteen day*, the legal Mevrneoa .... Adjourn. U to the Mb dentally slipped and aa! down on the aide forthcoming that she did. fti •* ua * put period alarmed at the prosper t of losing the pi* a. S> justice is almost always in prtaM-nce !cfHtm«»| in burning eloquente against Sctrriary Hotwwon . of the Nary In ­ II or nr.. —A large noiuldf of private remember that he said a (Inn of walk in l niou Sjuarc. this morning, and of a puzzle, which criminal ingenuity. the hofflble cruelty of her fotr- )s indan'ly *tiar|M-ned in profNtrtion lo lire stake at Sit*- w ;ts reprieve*! for three months. In and, although her desire to get rid ot him gee la France ap to the M wan lVint. .4 the War I*e»aruaent antil a aacceeaag to by. adopted calling foe ropi, • of *|| telegram*, or­ d*«l uf Influroee with the to-* retary of War ruaiirel to her as*ivtaucc. —}{. 7, Ctwnmrr- issue, makes a- complicatcl a* possible the hope that n*-w ev i<1en* e w-mhl Iran* I--Dial is, a inotixe; her purclltw of ar H. I knap rhoafd he appointed der* and Correspondence relatlnc lo th» Military »rom1*ed tn h»»e him Appnlnti d. hut h« rial pir»- to save her. Norn- was forthcoming • sente —that is, juxou **ion ot an instr\:iit* nt THR NBW HOHLO. t '»art of Inquiry In 'he ra*w >-f (ten. Habr<*ck •ur.d. on coming to Washington, this firm id Almost t-vrry inyalernnis t are- *»f crime i* The MU pawned l»y the lower houne r4 The r .mmlttfw aptMdnted lo notlfv the Senate of f A t a yoiinjf ladies ’ seminary, rwrently to In - #o|v« .) by what is called “circum i Nli»- wus executed amid thegrealt-al excitc- ' similar to that which wa * fountl to haw* be entirely without Inductor. Kvans flr-t fai n fatal and her notes of invitation — lien. BalH'iwk anti Id*vi I*. Lurkry rr. Coagram, <*n the Rd to amend the aet to earoar- the action of Ihe llou*e In the Belknap Impeach prop.-rd a partnership, which 1 decline^; iluritig nn cxaiuioalion iff hldofy. one M *tantlal eviden* e,” That is. it is a crime ment ihrotigiiotit the metropolis; ami on rnmed their r<-*|>ertire dntte* at the KxecnUve meat rase, made forma report of ih> discharge the not m>»t. rogal d: *' Alary, did Marlin Luther dje inal and hi* victim has seen commilled, sorrowing faces of ten thousand *|»erta!or*, Itilily of a meeting fa-tween them th t 1 he rriary of th* Treasury ha* tli j wherever a party holding a claim ander that act dav* once la two year*, three month* once in lion and continua the business. Hr Anal ­ a natural death f ’ ** No,” was the reply, the guilt of which must In * fastened and her pall upheld by six young girls night was established —were fully pnnnl, shall prw* that the tree* planted and growing thr«e year*, and four month* once in four year*, ly agrrefi upon filYikki j«* r rear K.isnS “lie w*a cifotnmunicxted by a bull " rolled in white, from her humble home to the aT»re*nce of all proof of actual oppm- reeled the relireineatof ftii,7h la I'aited Mate# without deduction ol pay and allow anrea. ... Ad­ by inference* fr»rn the pr*s*t ot siirroun'l- hav* barn destroyed by grasshopper*, the year ht* *aid, in die* t culrd, Which is herewith submitted tHirinfi j “I was at my house, and can prov it fa leaeea the «>auianding legal tender ctrralatloa at cot coant a* working any forfeltare of the right* r»ur trip over, htiwever, Mr. Fvanssaw lomi* lic and pnvole. g»»lr g to and front re n«iol j in****! ind» fimte , the prosper! «»( certainty l**ng offer: ** Poor Eliza Fenaingl S» *nd privt ege* conferred by the act, aad the ttm<- TRIM *| A It K NT*. thing In the Army «*4 A'.iey 2u«rwi/ whkh for ten year* woh 1 fi.ttre up over $2 OUT j i« rn**rv «>r It— lonocenl ’ Cut down n< not there, for I defy you to> pr/o»* it. allowed *hall he rileaded acc.vedtngly It aka«> N kw Y ork . Man h 4—Flour—W hile led him to think that some of the troop# while cdtxatloofoabled A ios Iow to tuakff , that offefi n'* u*!»tr ■irumdMiris envelop {even in thy morning, with all life's therefore I have an ef/Ai ” The NttHlih At W«*hin£toft on the 2Kh till., the provide* that the proper placing'4 see<|* or eat : verlkt of “not proven ” *ct her tree, but Coart of Claim* *a*talned a demurrer to the v* [ M heat Kxtraa. Wheat So t Chi were to be removed from the fort, and that |I’sj.'siOin two ycarfi —/aw reif /Vc«s , and done around an innotcBt man brightness only in Its dawn! Little did ting* •hall h* ron*ldrred a compliance * 1| , Sb. ^p— Mr* Belknap, « ither, 1 prssito , by dust a day for *lx month* cannot (ail to ally thought that she had hoarded fon ptlfed point Then the corfeasion of the Hon. CharUw T <*orham, of Mi« hiffan. tgs’ac. tioid closed n«s st 111 xki .es. xto The Ijouiaiana II'*u*r of Hrprrecnt* ccrtifli st uf deposit or bank nutaa lomcfli y »u. Thi* treatment is cheap, but •ideraMe money In the course «»f her re.il murderer * ante out. anti her inno- formerly Pelted Mate- Min taler to tbe Hague. by ertirr-s Being In Washington st a Sr. t h in ««. F'1*'. JT. tier*. <,n the rith alt , adopted a regulation for L\nT LlltKBTT, Pa. — Callle — Heat. there ia one peculiar Condition -you mu-t trivle. Bh*- Iive*| in a r««*.m back of the j ccnca* wa* estahliabod bryooti a doubt. ha* been appointed Assistant heeretarv of the In 4*. 7*dJ* '*1; nirdiam, ft ;g V Hogs—York* funeral, *on« week- after this, 1 bad a e«*n- make your «*wu saw dual. —liuriingto* •hop. quite alone, but *h** employed a We need not empfiasi/e the many cx A not t *J :W o’clock this evening nui the api-ointment uf a commit er to prv*eot »« | teruw at W a*hiwgt«m. Ver-atlon with Mr#. Bowers t-» the following amp.e* in which the identity of an ac- city was vi*ite»l by a most terrible tor­ no er« lo, I'blladrlplUa* 4“ .iu" Sheep i/wsri AgA I bov, w ho lived in the fourth story ot the the Wcnate articles of Impeachment against ( . | purport, •• far •• 1 can now remember, but nado. At the hour named dark clouds Kellogg. The tom ml tier was appointed and Ht-jranling ihe atcrplanre of Secretary* »t tsti*. an fuU-t #*♦ that Just hefe rnj msmorv I* ex­ building where the shop wan. This t»oy cureti |h r*«»n Iioj * fa-en mistaken by j»*N»i- K ds (HD Pat .mfe had hern ernployrelto tit*- and honesl witneas*-*i. TWoae wh-; are came swrefung down from the remth. waited upon tin- Senate. The attorney loc the Balhawp a vratgnatlon. tha l're-*ldeot ha* rmpbai- C’lHCAOo.— Wheal — No 2 spring t lenrtrated to the *»M I Dial they saw Dr Park man on Washing Mrs. Belknap, and not her husband, wa* tb« ‘Yes’ The mother gave the child to it* payment, they ordered him to !»• re-1 in tw inkling of an eye the tornado was upon en.or wefv fully known to every member of the 1A to. Callle—flood to t’hoice. 44.to4M.AD; me, and told me that 'The money com. woman ’s bedriami There they found her ion street, in Ilo-ton, at three o'clock or Senate, and known not to be criminal nr unlaw ■ gal'ty party and that the t.eneral a— um< d all said st * n ks f r half an hour and k> pay a u* The heavens were ^!lUt out bv the Mediant Oradr*. ftilio-lir., Bute Set a Sp«ck. Ing from vnu she mnst take and keep fin# i»f £5 — Uftory of liattam ■ lying derel in her bed Hhe hid fa-cn therrnlaotiU on Nattirday aiternoon, when fal. etc. An order of acquittal was ffnally adopt ­ respoasihiltlv and censure in <*rder to -hleld hi* 41 Mw/.x ». black t attle etc 4v toaM;iL ||og* for IL* I said * All right.’ and it -t.»LUil several times. ixn«l a bloody knife it was proved, and app« arrei afterward debris of wrecked building*, which filled wife Although he did Dot Inform the fnsidetit A RAscAtoLT young Frenchman recently ed by the Court by u vote of twenty-flve to - (jod tot h->tre, fl.MX'* b». Sheep In -4 to seem# to me I said that perhaps the father lay on the fbtor in the sh»»p Thto knife, j by Welartvr ’s coaferenon, that Dr Park the air so that nothing could fa* discerned nine. t hat he wa- actually guilty he coafcs#ed that he ought to t»e consulted. I say It #r. m« so, constructed a free p ts* in the *ha|*e of a ! It so ea«i!r pr«ived, fa |.*ngf H OSS IP. ' dead woman'* hands was clasped a lock A singular caoeof mistaken identity oc- 1 ti«»n <*f tin- tornado could not have Ini n •aid have accepted hi* resignation. Hat w«uki •nj monev Dan-action- between the mother simply made a leg of white ash, with a b»ng*-r than one-ha ’f of a minute A- • nreof the K« pabbean nomination for f-oeemor and mv*< ff. 1 have a faint recollection of a ! of hair, and in the «4her a necktie. Tn»* ' curr**«| not very long ago at the Old Bailey have *a-|M-nded th- Serrvtary nnlll th» lavestlga- ctfliioned socket for hi* knee U* rest in. *o*m a* it sufaided, tin* p»<*ple fa-gart to nf Indiana. Italy ha» now at*rancoUmaal Stale l ni remark of Mr* Bower* that If I sent the necktie wio* fully pr»tv*-*1 to fa-lorg ai*** ( ourt in L»ndou. A young man wa* ar turn were over. Cricked hi* lag at a right angle, an<1 , venture nut. Tbe sight that met their Martii lira.* ft*( vilics were th^wnnler of tcmllim. monev Ui th* father that It belonged b» her, to Die fa»y . the hair, a* far a« rould he raigiM-o for a reriou* crime. It wa* ai Tlit* announrcnirnt waa matin on the and that -he would get It anyway. 1 cer­ st-irted Wlieieverhc went the conducto r ‘ judged, was exactly like his It wa* : Ugeil that tbe t rime was committed on u eye* w as such as to make the stoutest the day In several Southern cities on the totb Soar, wiinfeto*#, who refuse*I recently at pax^ern »»n the Scripture*, have 14 one .4 th* mo-t cxtensfvs irv»n mill* In »l»- sequently with her or him, Tuf when th* money and team into hi* hat When he lOUt <4 March A numhrr of perrem- from Water street tn Clark, a dtotaaree of orate, and the -treeta of the dry were m crowded lieen ten ten red fo *ix day* ’ imprisonment not lN*en broken open. t*ut quietly uu vtrinttv of Pituburgh. Fa The llanilliiea of th* next pavinrnt came due and wa* paid f sent reached G>nrord v aff»T leaving the irxin locked N**w the fa»y, and he ni«»ne. as sworr {Misitively that the prisooer waff the some twenty w|uares. hxi filltal with that it wa* alm-wt imp-issihle to clear them f«w | and U» pay tbe n«t of liieir coiticlion. one half thereof to the Jb-eretarv of War, with a caution tn*m the conductin' not 10 Arm are stated to reach f-.itai. with im«i> far as onyfasly knew, had a key which criminal, and a very strong web of evi faicks, porches, sign# an*! the debris of th*- stretM (mgrant and have continued substantially from slip down, he i.ille>m forty tu flPy cen»* *m th- A 1.AD1FS' dettatioR club hu Uu-n fitted the 1 nrk. < »n being arrested, tin* * den< e closed around him. The identity, destroyed building* Tbe b>** of life h»* Th»* I’niltsl !♦»•!<’« Atffirftnf Court ha* dollar. that day forward to the pre -eat lc^. waved it :u tbe air. and vain<>re-«l. »tarU«) in IsHtdou, “to give vrotnan j>rar- time t*» do the same. AI*out, I boy, when contronte*! with tlie |>r<"»f*. at least, -eemeal Hilly proved The pris­ not yet fa*en ascertained. S» tar two recently dacided that the easterm t» rmioa* of the Her Dr. Hichanl H. Su*rr* ha* re- lice in public »|e»kin» and detmtinjj.'* should say, one and one half to two year* 1 ilF.Nk auttigcaph b tier- are interesting oner. w lio defended his own cane, did not lantir* hare I teen taken from Du­ I a ton Taclftr Railroad t* oa the Iona shore ol c«»ntossey j ernea examine the prorev tition witness ; nlin* of the gas works, Joint* G'uuiey the Mi*soari River, at Conndl Bluff*, and that -.h> gailoaal Colon and kks directorship la Ihe Home < del revii Dial liieetingx must n<4 la held 1 reduced the amount to pl.dd p« r annum. I (««N)rge Washtngt<»Q i« ptibli-hud, explain ­ an*! his little son, faith wep futind in I'muha bridge U a part of the mwd and must h« who was employed in a neigh fatring shop ; amt, when the < a*** again-t bint w as cloae*l, Ml-siotian Society The raw e «4 this action I* oftoner than onrr in lltree wrek«. The reason of this reduction was parti) be- ing at length tii.tt be haa lost hi.- knifeand j lie announced Dial be bagnizablc liabilities are stated to h- f 17Vnon The TriAww* The formal notification lo (he Senate, jamin Franklin. In which the sage lie- wind at Daria during Die |*ast year van* ft*. ling on the lainatloe done to soldiers at ff the faiv who w.i* executed, had col cnaimltted) to l«e produced. It then ap- K t. Lot is. Fi-h. nf the XWh alt. ua>s there wa* g>w>d r-a-i-n tu hr hy the How-* committee off the Impeachment of t«4ly nine miles jwr hour, and the highest this fort, iau-ed f>yex*>rt»itaut rbarg.-smade wwll# the loss of li t *' gallowses." and lecU-*I 1«n Its of il as he had opjHiiiunitv . |N-art*l that on that verv day he was lw Itwve the tomse would he snaldad ta rwntinae * ex Neeretary Belknap wa* a* follows; savs hi* trrHirer- are now -u-taiacd by a loiter atlvices from M. Charlc- state Mr President — In obedience lo the inlet of pressure UMI ponnd* to the square meter, necessary on the partut the trader t»y rvs*.*n had put the hair anti tbe cravat into* the ,n K tried at Die Old BaiDy tor another of that the damage by tlm tornado yesterday Ha*to«*a. or that In nay event, all debts would he of the parmeot of this Im>bus . To the lM'*t tow string; a note from Joan ot Arc com- i th* llou** i f Mepresentatlvs*. we appear before a little over the square yard. dead woman'* hand* hatl taken a wax tonne, of which, hythr-way. he ha*l I sen I was much exaggerated; but it is still fa-- laid la fall. I you. aad In the name uf the ll<*n*e of Kepresen- ofmy kruioi.-figa and belief, the abmr 1* a plaining that she haa had to put a red A vot no man has lw-en brought U-f«»re J impr*-wvi'*n of the kick, v>d thu* procured a* quilted. Tliis indisputable proof of a lievtd lo fa* heavy. jw«*bably front fiiuo Th* C'onnffwticut Heptihllran SUtoCoo- , iatl*e* and of the people «4 the I nii* d state# of true staU meat of all the farts In the ra-e, patch on her black tioml azinc f-onnet ; a America, we do impeach William W ft- iknap the I'olire Court at IW>rdeaux . | »up|xi#ition tli ref his mistress hod hoaruevl j for nomr peculiarity ot incident or t liar 1- pledged to make greenback* a good a* gold to Mr. Farry. the President pro Um. of the Sen The court onleretl him to he imprisoned times by certificate-# of deposit, and some­ Tut) show that we ejc all one bl«>o>l.— • K vanoiur Fsh. to* the holder*; approves of the H*#urai|-tin«i act a* a at*, aaid : for six days, and U> pay a fine of twenty- time* he had paid the Secretary In money < Opportunity was prere-nt in the octi-r, remarkable either for rarity or niys- The town of I*rincrton, twenty-eight H-rson, in N» w York. The pavmrnta A. f. (iotphi-. new expro**tua of *u*-u p edge and dekermis* Mr. (Yiatrmaa and (•watlewien <4 the Com ml- j fire francs. tart that he held the hex of the si»op An U-ry Two car*-* entirely dissimilar yet miles north ot this city, was vi.*iu*d by a ! t*e - The Senate will hus made would aggregate ai*oul 4 JUM* A n atnusing inr ident waa related in a tioa . peoaoaaee* against the third form project, taka order in the premise* A ftkroMTF.it of the Paris Fionro haa, I instrument fa-longing to» him, which ha*! Itoth puffing Into* hold relief ihe Iwaring hurricane last night at seven o’clock, The witness further stated that. In response lecture on the Byr^cuae !*notofflc*\ de||v. u mb ui titi-d ly fa-en ure-d for the crime, was <4 indirect evidence, merit brief narr t and *ays that th* dec la rat I on c4 the President after repeated refusals, succeeded in ol»- Ut the summons Wt appear before the • o«t- cml In that dry last week by Mr. freight causing grent destruction of property (OVHMKMIOAJtL. at hand. Yet justirr was deluded, and tioa. Motive lo commit a crime, as has 1 and injuring many |N*r*ons. The storm upon that • ahyect sn tit la* him **to oar sdmtra twining an interview with the ex F. in pre** mlticf, he had, on the JA4 ■ *f February, tu-en II Mruce. It rrlaie* to Ju ice N. K. ilth ult, Mr. Bhnroo, Eugenie ami her non at Chiaelhurst. The at tb* 4* «'retary*a house and spent the night the innoreot stiff«rix-*l. 1 offen t*een said, is difficult of measure trsvelcal in a northeasterly djm'tion. rienstor elect fr«>m Nevada was sw«wn ta .. . Pe­ Hall, who was at the time of the occur­ The ILiIjmih auFhr r«-flnon at Monlrral, youug l*rinc^ told the rr|»orter tnat the there ||e then detailed St length the efforts We douU if there ever happened a rnent, mnee crime* have frequently be«-n putsing tlisgon ally over the town, and titions were presented aaklnr that th* wumea ot rence referred to, Po*tma#ter-Genrr*l. more melancholy instant*- of what is I committed fh>na what apiM>ar H» the or- < anada. has .*wsatly sapeadrd. aad ••• haad- “ interview era’’ had hreome a nuiaance made by himself, tha Bceretary of War and theme through the county. The storm t tab He protected la the atoctlvc franc hiss; re* Mrs B* Iknap to* contrive some plan by " Idle traveling, he approached the car termed “judicial murder” Ih.tn the fa i dinary mind very inadequate motives. la«trel only a tew mtnnfcs. but lix (Minn ) dUpatchcs of Tha t omiwittrs on Kelrsnrhmeot aad Krlurta own proposition to-lng to leave the country, Judve was unknown, and politely saluted history of that unhappy young woman. . afaiut ten years ago, sl^pw*, «*n the other isat t> though it i* nu|>owi- ol journalism called, having two stenog­ which a* t, th»- Hecretary said, would rulnhitn tbr clerk, adding: “ 1 wtuild lik" a re-ot thr dah alt. «an advices had jast beea received repuitsd lavisahljr oa th* hill lo reduce the though well reiuetuliertd hy old l>*ndon haml, how a conspicuous am! powerful ble a * yet lo make any accurate calcula President s - Wary to jer year The Hill rapher# with him, and twwring in hi (Bt-lknapj. To tills the wilocas resjionded in your car to avtdmHitn«w puts justice their buildings throughout the county as • fttate passed Th* Military Academy hill importiinalr follow said he had crossed would also ruin him. for he «) would date you; bul you re*e what my m-truc- paid from -« vea to righteew ream per pan None was farther f -nsM- r.-d. and #e eral amrodmetit* itoI m m' x ooo for tho ckprcaa purj*^ t* II the truth. After returning to his fauna Penning was a fair girl of twenty-two. successfully upon the track ot thecrim : have al*«» fa*cn d«**tp»yed. so that the at the creeks had been pr*>*pected ta the bed wer# disposed <4 ,. Adjoaraed. la New York, witness rmwivrfi a dlapatitt Don* are’* tpolniiag to a printed cirru’ar of more than usual intnlligeocc for .me tit inal. Mrefarac Pauw was a widow with whole brim in the county w ill fa nearly a ting his rjtjrgilona an«w<-rr>ii at CTtiael* t* stril in tli# car an«l signed N. K Hall, rock. oa account of high water Several promt Horan. — A memorial was j»re*. nbil hutwt. fr*-m IV William Ttmillneon, lw*4her-in-law her cl ass, bright, coquet! isn, but well dis thre** children, who had an intimate quarter of a million. •tag qaarU load- had bora diacovered bum Indians suidler* asktag fur an eqaalixattoa of tbe Secretary, telling him not to leave tbe Postmaster-). “ Yefi,'* mid the posed and ainiaUe The daughter of a friend in the Hotint de la Pocnmrrais. Some fifty or more liuildings are either The winter of lff#.V7fi, which io tbit country, as he had go«id new*. Thinking Judge, “That’s all well enough, but Washiogum tll-tptklrhm of the lit con •4 bounties .. The Attorney (teaerai seat la a j*our couple who dwelt in High HoJborn, Thi* tilled personage wo* in need of wholly or nearly destroyed. IVominent cowman teat loo la re toy to the rssolattoa radio* neighborhnrwl has been a very rolhl ttnr, tfa-y only wished to fix up some new prolwiblr llall did m»t intend to exclude tala a letter from (jaa. Sheri da a tn the Military wan unusually sex err in Europe ftiimr story, witness continued hla preparations die very spot where DayI>ay »YA Martin ’s , money, and hod a lit ad for scheming lie among form are* tlu- new politic school Committee of the House, recommending the im f.»r an explanation of hts order toaehlng the te* honorable g< ntienlen who wouldn I inter- blacking establishment now stands, she planned a Irani! upon eight insurance building, w hich ha# bret Its cupola am! Ihe timuny of aocuwvpltoe* In the whtskv pm-rru days ago I^rof. Palmirrt. who is watchinj Ut leava. l>r. Totulloaon subsequently tere with the maila.” The clerk replied : mediate astahltahmeat of two military post* on D*»o* la which to- slate* that the taetrarll»wi* h« railed on tha witness and suggested w as employed as cook in Ihe family of a ! comnanies. and pcr«urele«l the poor widow gn-ater part of its r«w»f; a rrisf mill, furni ­ issued were merely the confirmation of arrange ihe phenomena of the eruption, waa da/ed that ha should write a letter, which ‘ v\ • II, supjv M he didn t, what ev idem # tha Y-llowstoae for tha protection and develop with the sight of snow on Vesuvius The Mr Turner, a law stationer in Chauc«*rv to* liec-ome his Instrument in it. Her life ture factory, both c«»mpletely wreckei trim into annuities. The- Count yvwra He axperosna t belief tha' the !arrest Washington, with the results now made kto ton s hrwire* to dinner, and Mrs Tur advanced the premiums, the policies the imuries are likehr to prove total. lotrwdaeed to restore the traahing pririlege : to ■todt is opencl to traffic, fn Tula, a 1 rou*lv ejected had b« n«4 preaentelhis deposit* of gold aes farther want than repeal 'he Ke»umptt>>n art; tor tbe t>;ul*rt |no of public. iter ordered EIiza to make some ye ast were made out. fr/h>r terns nt . In sonic place* tiir houses were swept «here the mlwse* aos m« working and adds * share agala-t Itjartw laaeete. declaring manufacturing town south of \fnncow, on car»I without )*eh Mow a tala* ar* gold hear meat .. Adjoaraed. one of them a sentinel, fnwe to deoth in their foundations. In one instance a oaaHy gi'-m In the Nan FrancWo Palncc gan to discuss the savory dtoh. !*he will in Ins favor The next tiling was for horse was discovered in a cellar, whither lag; ths Big (lura Valley to gold bearing. Powder Brnat *.—-On the 29th ult. bill* werr the streets In the district* of Nova Paw Hotel, to lion. William Nhar»n, I’nltrxl The material out of which Uie fabric dumplings had rearcely fa**-n tasted, how mrwr ta fold H-wring also (.Wh s Fora «| 1*. iowaki and Ntary Oakoi and in the IVtn the with'W to pretend to* fail III. which he must have hern carried from a stable passed -exteodtag. aattl Feb. 1.1977. tbe time Mat's Senator from Nevada. Of the known aa Chinese .»r Indian groan cloth ever, when nil thrve ware iriieil with •he did. fat, instead of ihe pollcien being Y-Uowstoae. Besides tpto the Black Mills ha*e tor the redemption of lands held by tbe fat ted territory the number <4 pcaaanU who loot fiffv yards away. gtients, more than one half the number is manufactured ia likely. It Is now staled, turned into* annuitle*. the imnw faly d»rel: abundance of good timber tor the trselms town tvtnie* aader tbe several act* tovylagdirect taxes; sharp and agonizing pniita The dish James I>eolie. aa old man. who to a lull their liven from the severe cold in Die were millionaires, and the other half If was a grave hlnmWr uf the r«Hintto try south of tham sod want uf tha Miaaawri Deer ••kluj apprwprtatlnos for the rapport of the month of Decern tier ia rati moled ot one lo take the place either as a substitute for, was takm out into the ku«h«n. aad U»*rt cousin of Andrew Jat kfrm, was sleeping could count their wealth In hundrnds of or in combination with, cotton, flax, tell the doct«*r, when he came in, that Tbe -seems of all thee# Internal* depewds aa the Military Aradew y for tha fie*Al year rad Ing Jan* hundred. Of (lie frozen llmha no rorkon • ifiddrfi.W <4 the apiwentieos partook In hto heal on the fiecond story of hi* large •stahM-huM at of the two posts named Military *■ W-7 -.A rssolattoa was adopted deeiariag It thouaaada of trad« d«dlars la ricJin*** hemp. Jute, wool or jilk. aad to be valua ­ of It, and also fell violently Ml. FI i/a .Yladainr Pauw had fallen downstairs, fatek residence, when the wind airo* k ia order, a* any Have danag tha preseat see*too. ing ia made of viaods. exquisite bvauty of the floral operatfcms hare now been commenced agaioet tha • toeoss. nod. pewdtng aa approprtadoa ble ajao m the otanufa ure of paper. Hut herwIt next sir c4 the dish, and was al for not only was this denied by abundant the Iksms ami ton* out «toe end. carrying hostile haoda of Slowx. by rrqaasv of tbe Interior Mil to move to cmfioe the debate roTVh* amend A man wko waa tried ia Paria the ire>a as mod, and without injuring him in the of ahormaker and money lender He aarso*ary that I aepselaJty rwqaest immediate ar deetd-d wtthrjwt toaii ...Adtoorood. -•*» •** a lavish display of opulmce, it ia aaid that stems afford aqual alrength aad durabil w ho had dined rerllrr, did not tarie the I the catior <4 her death At ouc« tbep-aff least. Dos ow It." bought up vast quantities ol ahoes deliv ­ dinoer haa never lawn surpassed. ]t waa ity, and are only inferior in gloao, and f«»r dumplings, ami wer* oot ill. . r the Cobb * 9ry dm he uieru. porttol U Ififger than tver before dumpings; tbe clm,,ustaoUal evpfaiHw »link in Ute chain of cifrumstiuitial f?|. look Are ami were roitoumfil. 1 •» Ini. I lint »*• , UHTU llit. a Ii-t-ui. i.ncK.^ M NT4TK ITMI. Te PrcvtMi m C «w I'rMi i'MlMl* BUBINCBH CARDS. M Utid* iw «!»«' oittdiUuk* «Jl <• c«*t«n< i«4d« a a l* r**'" I 4* a*»rw*e-, ifth-wu lift. fitJSBi |i i utrd II-. J, .«».klwif rnpp 11* Is-*« |BI|*u«**a. ftp m s|h »iiI lh IrhiMlLI !*• 4o remote Nk‘ t»hp|r|* thiiifl) 1 ...... • 4* will f."" I sat s»‘1 r. kl uftw III ('awn I.sSrlSrSsa? STuaiTio^p mffdrnU iiftl... •• “s‘.r, »l*#l ** *U* U a * lien^ ,fce if Hu*. • It cm b THCKSDAY, MAHt U !#, The M Miami In «* * fnifthlng It «|. fewllug * 1* Homi F :; ... Z u,) WK»ldE Nl' luaw. m I UliHIld t'W IlilH.tfC.l Mlltl »• Vltilo li .’Jadand *n»Vn ) e« lUrllar* and F |S* ) S*a A ml. e 1 .ea, mi.) Imid u an hUurMi |to ufni l.irt> I>oiU»« ■■ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm—m, only |*a|*rr |»rlutcd pml |*uMtbM ‘l in t) n .r .Rftp. ti or i eel* tun* Mid aUpSbtlrtl »u b* 1—*^ *h**w .4 *i , I Ud link of Hit ilM , iflll *»X*'T i knvujk .,*4 H. J PATTERSON, Make no Mistake. •»( 4 I'M P#* CMl , 4#jd* * •« nttwHM ) f. < cil MI4IUMIIIIiIIaik I iiMiftlj!.WII..J. i| . |.| |, f |||«* U ll.M l».»' KtSKiil... -- / 1 KIIKR a I. Ii»ur*u< i* and .Nui.ii Putllc, rlfiy AoUaru tw hnul WWPtfSV* nlij.ui .lv rullrtllun ol ! lu <-*•* in) |tr'M’M-t)oi|{« nhouitl o«- i• hen l«» t< re- WIB. list lie Creek ha* ft grrcnlfttck clul* 1 . ,, # H . »iu«-bshw*i t*r-i kdwibs III to ratpouer as* |»*n oi th* 4«tl #*• un d * Oft I ilt'Mi, Ar. Wkfu«»l t, Mull. 4*0 i um > tl»* miu r io»»! «'» «uii « r |trncn>4n>4« * ’ l»* , „ ...... lion. (Mir «m i-nclt *i«h* of III** ncck,Jftt«l y yjr1 iio»« b« aald Mar Ipagr. Mow lh•l»k »l»iur of i L< let it irurn w imloiu from the events comimm U wholljrof Kfpubliiftn», »liN . lit.. 3 tu ; .. . ------■ — ; or Im « ftl fir-t* (Mil *t( ‘Mr*. Ko» M«aruf Mi « in **u 4 Mart|S|> cusiolstd, aid of ** hii li have ile»uon*trat4*4l the w eakuea* » m«*tub*r»lil|i ofM.». alM| -ri44|UJ|||y |, ,n l* r. Mini after ft Utile . C»4w»p#rgat...... tu thwrvtor**, Ky vlrls* uf the ul *tk In Hid • I. - •*.» t. »-i< m ■ , A. 4.4 . 4 - ftlAiiuo 'srtill O ikiA lln ...... w H. A H. E. WALBRIDGE, Muil4»41 cuuUiisd «ud uf ift* *UUl* in hucb |fn |a itcirlii (i» t*S I ba* ('ll t tic I'll 4l ■* I •*! anil errnr of the *nf| money iuov**iuent. K.iv* l**i vIIl«* U g«4ug lo have a boro*- j |t * ;)| ^nrrttlly >1*1*1 to lIn* conM in! A writ. A* R.r lalUt •» •'***' »»* »' • hwwt d Hnyi ...... V *s A * mi u» Slid Sidieium iu('b*n- taw Mtd« •• «* f*rovHi* 4, NuU«* Is U«r#b* hi** *‘» iko« June •, 7 ftn4 H, ami ft,*10 nr* ami heavy |.M*-«ure. Once -isrtcil it hltOiit |>4 I l U lbni oh tlw 1st Bay «f April, INlli, si aflrrooau, al ibe W ««i Hoat dm* uf Mi# i • « n A ira/y ha mi fill of ileiudeii, luarpiot llouar lur CISM tstisSlf, MU!»•*»•• •* *h» »ifb tr 11 uh o eio* h lit lit* afternoon. •* th* w**t trout ..UVn-J in ,4r.uk.«... »“» "> V'.hV '•> I»i 41 nu) • i»i * of IK. 4ubsa. is aoul MMtslp, liter# »»nt« #u..| *• intHruH" loal to the |*art> Uat fall 4#x. 4 pOMarU* sl'MMlwi ty. will IrfniiJ lu «riMiasl door uf ih* U<>4rl itott*r ktt Clint»s b'l'HJI. M i- It of tli«-'t!»« lN*liiii.| it. V ii ex jrr rt who *<••» ... i» Mum/nirki bl<«k. Si. I>Aa«. I nan tn lb* llUap oilft. John*. IS aald r.untp, ersdur *o ilia kak<4 tbUle* Ibt |»n *•**• » two laipoHBUt atatea w liieli might have Himillion young ftth ft*r« lnrn-| Uaj| mu „,.wu of relief in a ... Z. v, ‘rh- Wi llkora will b* aolu at publkr rradw to Ibr bigb«*t Hi aaid UuMfiir iwriiird, mi tuiasrprlbf uu L. HALL & Cot Ilk* W —ldir ofowb ft*"A*' ssdpssrtWI m »»»i oil Into the Detroit river lu-*t *o*k fr**tn ntnaher **l *•««•••*. «M»y<* be be* never ; Bar p«> ■*•■. ladder, lb* urrmia*ova.* I*is aai4mu 4 otortyaMciMurtsaaa dru-d««lwi •. arm, to townabipaliip rtablciabl softbnorth ofuf rai. r i>« *s«4hn pn*Hi|itl) <4iim, aigiii tu 4«> . i..| w«at, Cliston ouuuli, Ukibirau.— Itatad .»ruuaty, l*llr* • Ilk) : ftirt oi M )r.i> lUhllllll 4ib. |I«S M V Ml M >K K, bl n^*» Id Otto MB Blffrrt, lltflBT ROfflh til lUOB, Im* ti« r tion *eu 11 meat wa* aup|*»*e i !>•* I pel u ’ fcavbsf | n, r0,., auutb ua ruda l« ’La ubaca uf l^fisnii'>, Boots & I Wtu iitdr in *ba tuiidiliuna ala cartavu tsislsg *»1 '»f u»t* tirro, Sftirr, w>n)-c*« tad partieularly m» *n ll»e aforeaaiil Statea, I’he fruit buds are said to In* all have the authority of I'rof. latw f«u ihm »»«p*ri.u .... A. T CROSS. surrMr,M dttwl l^vrw'ir loih.lsiT. »»d (m uird |ori> two, (ft, 4. 41,41.1 Is Waiter's tul’diiiau# uf richl »•! Ii* ihf Tr»rr(4» r^(loii,1 “y*"* »«••» «? «'"• RSL, ,. V I I mU.SK I A I* l.AW mU .Nuui) 1‘ubltr by Abbla A. Krwitrh ta Mta. J U Krenrb, and ra- I uult,,a __|ol _ ____^ ___||4< , uiaar of dt. John*. Clluloti it- very era*!!*. The eiei'tloii revealeil K / . . . M , her month prop|»e4l o|ien will often iptMfii...... A II oo||w«ii«if» (>run.p«l> «l d iw *»Bt.«- | of lha eouuty Mkhiffaa, on #rciton V. loss f, sonh «»! A Ilruuf’l ul |Sm fur 4-.IBUU* * uurny. M left i KBS, 1 ral)-r \ wo »a*t, b#ln« Is f’Hr.U'acuaoly. Michigan a oonlrai y -tale of thing*. If t»» tliat and the pr**»p**et i* tali lor m l.»ig«* to remove the choking. A* *lie thm .Ip* pr» !•«.... d« Jm P-S*l Nurik * t|)U A croiik, IW dimrt fiuu enough lo remn* e I In* * linking . Ttni.ii'* pu rwiiMM <•( U.tiM Hir. «•!, Mnoir IU|m.|4 Mu h. 44; In Ll»n I*, ul mult***, •. uu 1*4*- <»J4 , WbUA r,*ud l»,<«>»brr sMb. |Wft. oauipaigii the mUguUieil tleroleea of crop. annul omwil It nnv further t*v *w al Walnuiaper Hu...... I .‘4* u* i HO ; Mfifage wasdsl* ••••rv.rd MtiMular 1l»b, IW.I . KI>WAK1>P. KCbL/*Oti, Thr « Ifr ..f Mr. Uau. < aim-run, of i lowli.fr, thr |ira—ur.- of Ihr fra- whirl. | JJLT’jJjJ'.i i* ‘^ 1 *M» I .*> > 4.111' bio J t J P"o ' ' • - 1 J r » HKLVSR. Nl- rtCMI pa|H*r currency lo**t the Held in *pltr of U» .. will. H J““l- Wor k... • *ai «4 I Al • |>iivmjcian ani » si kuko .v ,nn r uu j tu aatd "S', in labur JO uf mort«a I heir moat aggreMii ve efftirta lunch more St. t t„ u 1 *S j I Mats Btras4, P„»l«-r, Mu lt 4|.'ly \ I tot 14. tl.l HA 11. I' ing or *»oiue “inltlon otlnrt. throw the s«* ii«-r *« .. . .. flit alilcb morigatfe tin Tv '« rials, *■•) to ». «• due at ,VJ| lean land* it, ll*e rondllioos >d * crr'aJn ** oil hi they suffer ilcleat on the same heir to $13,000, wild will g#t tli# money |M#utM ul|„.r ot,utMo|o out of h« r M iia .t ” __ ...... i »• a i ol OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE the date ofthia m'H»r,l»u htiodrrd and u^ht) tbiar do lata and siitaurt runta, Uwld* • an attor­ uwri|H«. atarulad "R ib> lib «la> of Suonbo. In a »liort time. In hard cash. , mouth. \immher urn*I* la to remote Retail Price* ■ARY P. HAVERS, M. D , IRTI.Ti)-lb rlilu I*. iWomi t,»J b. tliaidiai, and lu*i* in lhi» >ear’» conical. Kinan* lal l Yell I A N, mi .lobii* Mi. b. Al, ney fra Uf twenty dullara. *tlfiuial**l tn uul mort­ r, oided in »l,e "«r# Of thr Healalt r of Paeds f«** H)l Kail-, mi W.i>Imii,I, MiagPII Ihe «•>.-(i m ii*.u ^ni, u.. ii .ml by J ftal'r** t ; b m w vs piuMplly aliaudud to, uigltt ami da) gage t«* be |>atd almuid any plu* o'd.i.^* Iw taken ..pinion* were aomew hat inuildleii last A nrt id M»r debt a,, tired bv 4*1-1 III.Hi t handler lu Hho.Tl (. bandl*r. on '*the the k'h p?r bbi ft 3 as ■ 2 >11 > .-It 1 \N>. *1 iit.HKN ■- a lA'l’tHlM Iffcgt-, Nuw. tbarefuav, by rirtua uf tt.e power of ; aak- lu aald luuityatr. tuiilaltM,! aud of the atalote 0f Kebtuary, h’J, and winch a*aifruu,eut **• dul) friend* of hone»t money have wrought young Unly upon her while tlanclng. other prop that the haml ami arm of Btssasrthrosiper iob ...... 1 •" ft • "U a hK.* .71 - - I. - Ill-, a I \\ u. * 1, 1 We Will Not be Undersold. tWrilUid lu MdlKqiHrr • (Jke, 49 (ba isibday •toil ‘j« 0 u# Sar«,-ry. Aisbt f all* pr,xoptly altended 4 j tn aut'h , »a made a,»*l Rlur|.la»l N.U. r .• here 11 of Kebfsorir, IRW, •»» Lll*#r Y#, uu page ar.d :* decided change In the public niiml, The Ionia **ounty ugriciiltiiia) **»*lc- tlie o iterator »*au |m<*s through. A m.» g,„oA^,i it am- ...... 1A ft* us | aaU«ti"0 ll<>ur* : S U* 11 a . u ; I tu A and ? to v by rf.i. tl. I •••> the dH| «»t Pfftrtlt. wl.kb a«id Oiurtgag, Waa 'heieaUei duly aaaiglnd . . ..." . .... _ haml ami arm are require,! for this. It : •• shnuidi-r* ...... us .a* 1 fts r- HflwjRia l»unn A Cpton ’a. os i'lisiun I Rlli at uiir o't luck lu the allrrn»e tn» doubt that I# (A 1* ! Avenue. front dooruf the ,'ourl ll-.u-e, f.»r C’nuton roonly. t.y |(uare I Chandler tw William V. MoWte, us tbr ■ ' 1 ■ 1 1 « I'.i.lS a 1, itU'hl|aa. In lift village uf Ml. Jubna. in a.id Utb da) uf KlUaarv |R.», and which aaaigi.n., r-t the large*! liiaa* o| tile voter* of the Ik-r.liip Ili'kel. lo **> »»"t annual l.,1„„1„.|1 H III, » r..| b4vlii( n .ii|.-Ii:i|h ------j. m. ii.itr H l> »*» ,'-<.»id«d hi b»i<1 Heglatei'a ufT.ce uu the)tdh jm m mm mm — WaVWTW W fP vOSBljr, tkeie will !.«• at»Jd at )#i.‘ b *rudo« ' be •lay "l Pel., ii*ry 1*7,, in l.iber 7*. »'# |ft»ge ft nr. (a A la ( A XU 1J E m EJ 2b bialiea: b'-Mrr I lie | 1-imae-. n. aa.-t ui' 1' K-»<• l.» I'nion favor a return to *|iccie pay­ lueiwbersbip, or family ticket*, to t‘2 , unly. 4rt*d and eleven .f. llar# and ftfljf ecsl#, tMlIt'b* Oake*, the rlefaultlng deputy t>ns|- ' ______IT WILL I it r (Iran Mu*»i»,**. beatdea as *lt.»ri»« > fee uf Ihtily dulUr* Is aald ly for an inflation party or section of a 1 uiaol uf dt»|.ul, Ut Itlva lu l;« al Kalalr, C'unvty- It 1. Iti^au J**lt .1 |b* ruibei .'(til. I — S » anrlbK dun, anti. d. a|.at, b A«.bi furaalaand CALVIN I* 8AK&U8, Aaalpi.re. 'Hurt,at atiiiuiat'd to (*e ymld iu ,a#e ih) |*ta«'» »d party to ho|*e. in till* centennial \eai, master ol Klillt, has lieeii hailed ill Mwlerlwg Morses Alter IfMIftf. I purrbaer uf land. OftL«• 4t iea,4« urr ft g Curutr inga »hoi. d he laken to Iui «m.1u *« the earn* . ai d no I'lt aiv- A Itai.u wiv. Alt*y fot • wit ut pt.* eediitga al law ur in eqnll) having been to lH*at a hard-money one. The round t'uu 11 llouat Hquare, 81 Jubka.Ui. b. jq I. II ALli 6i I'U , |3,UN>, some of Klinl ’s t*e*t citi/en* j •• I'rohahl* one-lmlf of our farmer*," 4PI4 I4. %!. I. R 41.fault havii.f in.titun-d »o ie«uv* r any part *>f lhade4-t a, l»eople. If the 1 democrats of Indiana At .Moniw, .1 iiliut \r|u»ntoiiy, the after eatiitg. I’lieie i- nothing slsmt IV bit \ «•», wan' ta , in wattab,'r 1 It a w ill k> • t* i T. . .* * 1 ‘ Janusrv V*d. MN, in tb# -»•'•# <»f the Kefri.irr uf ' * v May be prwcarsd of |»R t. I.. COKIIIX fu, CltlM Ifr 10 It V |b#eda. fur Chiiton count r. Mi, Incan, it, l.ibrr f( •»f *tnri b. %. lb.. |H?(t* nt ufe o',i"< k would adopt a ringing hard-money w ife murilerer, ha* l*een convieted of stable ** 4* 0110111) wor-e than tIii*. y..„ fulft infrmud of the n.-wa at (no ftnr, ndvAao | iluiorsosoy sa at SS) uSIielti Mi.-hlyon. Hard of ui'Tlitace*. on pace ifti, whn h in'*rlu, at the VR e-l front dour of t be i'otul with \ ou U|«n farm and Are Id# fofttea, ent.-Hsln j Hslldlhf Ht .lobna i;| j, -iui, a*aiKUe«l by raid I*avid herd (•> Mary A. II uu.. (ut CiiuUib 1 ou ul) . II i. blgan, in the tillage platform wo do not doubt they could munler in the «*eeoml ilegriw* and m*«i- rxeept |H*rhsp*. allowing tlie animal* you with II* vnrl<*«l r.*%4i'>* In feneral literalur#, Hill, on »b# t**lh day 4 ilrscsbrr, Ki. raid a* ■ uf Mt. .Tulii », in **:d county, iheie will he auld at ticnuient brine recorded 11, raid Urct.ler'. ufb- «, publie m ndu 1 in ibe higbeat Kidder, the prenuae* .arty that State. It l* uncertain lenced to State l*ri*on for elght«*en I m u«, altirgi'ther uin lesue*I or hall delttfht >-.H» wife ami tam,l) with Ha dt»<|Uta4tl -n# A. STOUT ■ u aaid numgage d« rtM, «u Tb* notth half of r I uKN k I A I LAW , Hi Juliua, Michigan ill Liber 3* uf MoTtMto. „n paftr « oB the 1«H b .ife. 1 a.trial iixl loin- aUe li>|nnuMtrur' and aenua, day of JaniiMM. 1*74. On winch iii<-rtc*2* there ibeauuU, halt of 'he north wret quarter of aerlioi. w liether the* can otherwise. years, at hard lal»or. cle.ined from da* today. \ large jN»r- , Ofllaw in Hank Hloek, a-uth dour. 3d floor ih.-Ni by lia I rr'i# and in«*lte rorraafuindencw V ta rlaimed lu be du*. at lhe data uf tbi* uotire. obe, in to* uahip iIgkt north uf range three weal, In the presidential struggle the l*e- A M. land* lawyer the oilier day tiou of the water drank h* lior* 4--, ••*- 11, i tinton (ountr. Uiihisan.-luted Ihcrmtar i-lwW at.utra, quaint • harae-ar aketehra. afarkliHy the ruin of three bundl'd aud eight d'diai * aud !-ai*i he didn ’t pride hims«*li uiueh on |»e, iall) where large qii.totilie* are BAYLIS A COOK, twenty fne rente, buaidea au Altorncv fe« uf I Wl 1.1.1A M V MiHittK. Aaaigiu ituH rat * eau ex|*e» i t»» In* victorious and will) |*-«rasmfil.a <>ri«ii-al and • -slertalr.;i.f TTl’kNkYM aud Cuunaellota at t.aw and tbirt) dollar*, etipulatrd in -aid m'-rfeaxe to be % I 41M I 4a 44at. R tl.L. iNHoult havfi Ills solidity and wealth of nttt*cle, but g*'** 1*, jwm illrnlim tu 1 lu* lutc-tlm *. only on a liard-m*»nt*y platform. 'I’lii* U'r-Hinl* dilh.i»a uf a *er'-.iii . , , , , . ... ?*n*l »t fiiTii Ihiiihh II r l\ ifl#i • atliig A> Ki. hai'l Boyita. Clntnr! CoortConiiniaatotiar . a;iy- rlwr aaid NMittgae ami no prlc ift.rlUbii uf umll- ri# .-fl.anii *. #!«•. ! ni in equity bating b**< it iRMHMMtsMSvincnSk»,-r j (Tuotb ,f» f tkth»- Ui*iuiiii>u»wr*hij# of Lagh*. < Hnton count) All' be new a - .•mute, iai | .-UIkii I uiid fen, rat. and no les* *«» of the *tatesections of It. any man in the county. gr-toti ftnai with it, iu hr* \,*|,U**I wlml,* L. W. FASOUELLE, ■,.D.. < m |. t i ri | mgBtDMNmMichigan, tu iMmaftal u< in-la BsOwwaBaf >># aaiw# piwrw the r res in ul Am lit iMeia’ur, A n.wapajwr lyatau iu ui) aiautok UOLx at ftia t.-a-drnc, I tier i'd «Lata the < Ightrebth |lMh) day uf Nuveui >\> shall look forward to the discomfi ­ It Is thought Mi-* ,\n»r*lh* I-osier, flic or nearly -*». J’hu* the cmiteut* t»f tin* I uu \\ alktl aUi-el, ,-aat uf Cl In loti A WSSO, Ht. uf tale iu -aid lU'.Mgakv r,»t,lain*,l. and * "f «st«NHS IN rtmf 0— J<‘ M *' i lm oh • tatut# in • in h -•**•• made and pr«Uile|, »(><«> ,' ture of the parly in every doubtful \} : > .> i* her*'!', g»v*-n (hat »n th** « R% rlllls day aat >f M rhigau.as the twenlH-th Iglbh) day of No * r . . ... Most loll t:ik*** pl«4*e hum the l,sul I* r’li- ,, iuUr, A . |> , 1*74. in l.iber Ik 4 t M< Hgagra, «.», -late ** here it* members palter with ovoiiiug of Feh. 2- afloni<«*>ii «**( , l1-*, tvovrdel is Ike olfb-a #f tl»r H, giel* r |u*;»* ami then *nppli»**l w it Ii writer im I ^ ^ y__ , VCeSftwJrt Houae,ll.-uac, 8 t. JobssJubtia, M u klfahhigaii fS# ra-t balf of lb* we-l ball >d the »outh d Ifr, d» lur aald votthi) of Clinton, in Liber 2g uf democracy 1* -till a |.eroeptibU* dia-1 furniture of the Ben**>u House, ,\»«iuiately Vif«*reriIehig kliled. It u i ter < f •actios thirteen, in townabip *i\. north alias, 1'eKii*, louml tlist il»»* w :tf»*r lis«l » srii»*«l 11*** SPAULDING A CRANSON, lstb, leTb. MAKY A. IIII.L. A-aignee. null, e the anm uf right y lhrc«- doliaia aed t a eni 1 i (Tr-mx^,.. .,<.,w. , aiid Ho In IU- Uu« Oh lag ud a lai(r and tar.a a**«-i, H-ritl ut J, II. I frpstt *. Auocney f«»r A--tgneK. mi* erst*, . fa -J*'l, b« «»d«» an ailartwy lee ut adoption by State democratic conven ­ wan bn rue,I up hi the t*ar* In which If |*'«* fmm tllf\ t,» *ixli i*h *i inf<» tin- The Detroit Free Press. AT' iwritiy Uie d.-llaia fORenantcd f< utitit) of Ivlibton, pail ih'Mol boll" ia l»:#rrfui« Ian b) given, that SUBSCBUTION POSTPAID. • *tt l»# l*fubsi »• OfBo#, iu tba \tlia4c-uf et.Jubna, l-y v let ur of the- atatal# in au, b roar ncolv and pto- ising treatment *»f th** qnettion by the Greenville W e«lti*—>lsy Min Ii 1.*»th. i offerer I wuter ls*fi»re eating, ami in m» 'pm^KNTKi: | os Tnasday, lb# Snb da* of K« binary is thr year vld< d and ibr powr of Bale lb aaid taorfgate ion Whatever HM»%' ledliil uUiiit Mr. IlltfUi case -lionhl they Is* given it Innncdl- Dully free atO.UO m year oa#l bouaan.i «iglitbuudrad and a- -ii.ty-»>s. * rlflaf. 1 prii *tgvmih national convention, will destroy all < I’r,-a, btl.?u< I Tl ■ t ’ r»h»--n,.1 udgr «>f I’fol-at* otlH-rwi^. I.o I. .■nJ.-i.Mr.il> ...... »'-■> *" , r «•»'»,4 n..».|th ».. Trl-W rrht, rrrr #r... «l.*a> »r«r ft. II.• I frill, at lb, M»a flout dt • the advantage *o far gained tlinnigh !nth<* m.'ltrr "f tb,' K>tair of joMATIIAL if the CUmot, County Conn llou*e, ib tb* village ju-t iuol«teii the fianl -wslluunl. W Tl»r Wrrkl) free Pres* u yrwr U- III NT, 'lnr.i..| On r*adu'g »u» I bliug il#r of r ’ JetuiB, coiii'ty uf Clinton aud (Hat* of Mob. retrenchment artd reform. The renl the flne*t lerturer* iu the country. have ft.r year** pr.i,•fired the plan of MEAT MARKET pr'iiioA' duly w-ntiod, o( l».»tnrl ll M .•>•„, Ad- gau. tin r, » ill U -old at two o‘> lew k, p m of aaid l.ilirrul dioaiml la i lub%. Rgscl* Ullli.a' I at* r uiiti tbc Will *,iImX«>I «t aa.d valalc. iiifttincu of the republican party are W. K. Tnni*. the well known new net er allow iiiM a hor*e to drink more ta still ou tbe upward tra. k, and j.r..|.u antbeia Ol llir ist«»af drairublr piRlfern*. la),at pui'Me- *uctiuu. lo lf»a L-tLwi btddir tb* men rwpy free. Rend Iwr viie. And th# I,aat of pay tag, for r,m>ih* titcrcir, a,-l l»nli. that Lr »«.») I'tvivi*' • >I'V. i|V.l in aaid mortgage, or m hiu, h f,»r inflation, but it* leader* are -hrewd agent slid book-ellerof l*»troit, «li#-l In jfhan » pall of water at a time. In nine 1 .j# l (,* »•■«* real i-lalc I***l«.r,gii4fr I»• aald if* ihervof aa »•*> W nneeaa »r) to aattaly lie amuai-' ■ #a#4*d due i-|H/i» bj'-J mi-r,gagr, with Ibtrreat, coala aud enough to np|n>-e coin to |S|n*r w hen- 11 Ylwiaup.i. II ia • ird«r, d, 'Inal Monday tbir eSprue,a allow.d by law, atnJ attoruey tw ol -• * "• The Detroit Free Press Co., Fre*b. Dried aad Salt Iran. Yd 'Lay ul April, 4**d. al tl »»• im fr tu Ibv Im#- e\<*r the former will seem to win. W hr *urted ill life with nothing ami - mlmite.. Hie same rule will apply to (w • lily five dollar*rover.*nted fr-i lb aaid murlgage HI'. I HOI I . Hit II. A# haratofure audit * l.a 11 •>, my furt he t al n, t u noua, In - ruigiivtl f,-t lbr hearC'fr uf aaid ju t it tor., -a. I )-,••, i"*r» Utn) .ii r> tiled iu laid mortgage a* cati not the deBMMTfttlc part) !** a* ccctled in aiiui«slug s fortune »»f tino,- otPri- af,o*k. K-pe, iallv to fnfteiting deviae inaana ut bealarnlnv n-> esatumrra, allot and that Ibr- hvlia at law --f aui.f d«r.«*ae#d, a.nl all wtl that I'iee# BIh I pare if of )af.«1 deorribrd *e fol other persona 1 r,tcr#a(4--i In a*ld« in't ,arrrr.julred *t(s*k. I hey »hould have sutfl*'ient fluid whom wiltpleaar acc#|>t n.y wariarat '.hat.fr* for , -hrewdy It will tie a doaen time* lief• j000. tbeir kind and libera, pairuuage in the paal. and 1 lo ap|»«at at a aeaaioa of aaldrourt, tbeu'o In Mai number iwenty iJbi, tn tba v»i.ag* ut kaagie. j bold,-bat th- I’ruUlrullU'r. tulhe n'U(r uf Ht t**r for the hard-money delegate* In the Mr*. Baker, wife of Kill- Baker, of "»*>' f‘» ar.-w er the pur|»nae« of dlfe-- truai by koeplng good meal* ami dealing alik e.ittio CliuU'ii ,uuuiy , M k lugan, a, t urding tu a »«< ■ id'd nllmenlo n-< rn % onl inuanet oft h> aame Glass-ware l John* .and a',uw • auar. if ikiiy'b,*!'' tw, why the plat of aaid village llaU-d Ifri rBtRrf A 1* -t. Lotii- 4*ouveulion to ignore the *(»ft- Fllitt i’ity, g»ve birth recently to throv | ° * -w«w^ — I prayer of IbaptrtllioDsrabowld n,*l be grar»l«*l : l*7k. (jKop.OK IH’BOTT. Aaeignew daughter*, all of whom are sllve and *»bbe*n« Tatie Is Hmttmu. W M 1 And it Is Pnrtnrr (*»der, d. That nolle# l*a gl»#n J Me i’kt-g. Alt') fur Aaiiuir. nkOBey one-, ami furit* lliern t«* hack , to lb* p>-tsot,a 1 ntvreat #•! in aaid ratal#, of!b# p#n- Ht J, • a. Mar, b rjd. 1*7 and UH I 4> t(.l RAl.t . lNrfau.t l.a* 1 well. Tlie total weight of th#- three \ltm»*t every |»<*t*#»»i w h,* f,*e|* coin- deary of aald petition , aud 11#* l,'-aring thereof, mu, than to listen for :m instant to j hy cauajng a ru|>) of thia »f l« r to be puMtabed lb M C '-n e»i•<•'>.. * f • > 1 - infant* i* -eventeen |»miml* av«4rnr ey States enough t«> esrry the ntttion. |»OI«. i ••sheepy” ts-te ol mutton, will attrih- aur* raaiv# end' |>rr»|.tu# to aald dav of Itourtng. In lliruiu Hnrtib.uf the Ctlv and € wuMy uf First National Bank Jo, t'xii, 8 t»l, ut Mubigan, Uam-g dale 1 be RUL On tLc* frit ln-t., Amo* pef» r«,ni, lit - j life fhi- |teculinrify i»a ilifl,*rent »at»*e Aiwa) a ut. ha* JUKI, II < H \NSON. Jndgeul Ptohatr . Hie hrnml of defeat «hould nut -taiup *»K HI' JuilN8 . 1A true eup v 40*4w day of Ifr - « tu 1-er, IR74 , ai»u te* of,led m the ofllte the forehead* of the\an, and the paper I lug a little sontli of Jack-*»n, sttciMpteai from am that Its- l*een gixen hv »f the It jlr't f iRed*. hf will (’«•«»,fy of ( Ii >14(IIf % I • 4*14 1*1.11 - at. M l .v inn, - n fhe'ilat d*> «f I»*-,eiwb«-r. A. I* , 1*74 at BLANKETS. C A I»1T A 1 .. fk.* 0.000 cuuutv ul t llnlbit.u At a at»# n of if"- goufftlou can not re-i-t the lu-ating* of! snMdt* by -wallowing « laige time ol ,*t her* . \ »♦»rre-|„*od,ni of ouet,| our AT LOW PRICES. 4X o’clo, k. P V., in Liber or of nturt«*gea on Nurplua, *.'( 1,000 1 l*fol»aleI Court lu? tb,- voiutly of Clliil- n, Lult!rii ’ *.■ ou w Itirb ii'Ollgeg'* there la Ik -w < la»u.• d the coming political storm. laudanum and I*,ri* green. He |« an exchange* , Isitn- that it i- esu*etl h> j *1 t h«- l*i u '.* te uth- ", inlhe (I I lafr. of HI, Julih*, to ra* -I,#* at Ihe ,1a te of U.»a Duties, fbe »a,r ut old settler and mell-to-dn farmer the ,*ont'l»*t of tlie W«*td with the uie.1t. (*fi A HI KH K 11*1' Prealdcnt. Ht. Jobss, April 214, |47t l.t on Tu -s lay, the l«t lay uf Kc'-roarpin th« year lw#4ve bib*lr ' ( au-e uiikuuw ii. Ihi- I* a ini-tak* , which li t- caused Ihr Lsrgrfrl 4» lid Ural I %»or I men I * * VAI.KU c'aabler Grnl Trutral Koutr. or a prfi"t» 'hereof, Dot having been paid in '«*•'' Hahlnii.fr l.a- .mul.. IM*. Mr. n ..,n .r, ,...,,^rrv . ll,l„» Nr- touch prejudice ag iln*t ill niton a- foo«l. • t 11, Ihu iu ii'.er ,»f tbr relate of Jell A W. lhir|) da)* after tbr aame had became «f,*•- ar.d j K<1.\ d#rraa «|- On rr».! i-fr and filtt'g the |». p*\ ..Dir whK'b *a#d default ia aflpulatad ID aaid "«‘»ln *" N'lU'rr. tt|*j m||r. wrrt of Kll.it, wu, r--.i.nl In.rn —I Tlie true nii'«' of thi- t.t-fe or odor l» 1*« ret i • rs I tltton.daly vrnlled, uf Afile J Kol.a-imUiiatra- mortgage, tu rnuaw the pr>r.r:|ai •utu tn »*. I.a- from- l-j-.ln )leat|, r„»„,|v h. r Itu'U.n.r- Ciui la Kife. A lui II Winn. (■reat Western Kailna.v the cfircaM*. file inte-tim-s *h(*u)d Iv Jos■ floss limi* Trtm «>»*’ CANADA. | forth that bt r liral ab-1 l,..ai a count ii.j) hr i t^w become lur and paenl-Ir inin.e.(i*i»ly lu, re after, William*, Tw i*ed, A» . Rxcltcnienl (Kill H M'iliii, Ibr I ,li-l allowed . 1. v *!-‘ 1 w ill. an allt-rney fee of fifty dollar* ••<.* mi. ref urn home. If i* thought that -lu- reuio\in | at l he e.irlie-t |H»-*ih|e uiotneiit Thereupon I tia Order# d. That ^aiui !») the Cf»tb atipuUied for In aaul ruorfgagr. tu raee any j r«- 1* IRRI >(.» 1C ri« 4 I X R . I») I day of Mar, Ii. |B7*>. at tt b'.locklfttb' foreuo,-n l« everywhere iuteii-e. I he Aduiini j ^|| j|,,. «|oie in i til and *»» t»urn- after life* i- extinct . and liefore the r»*- ;TKf»IT if Alt.Y. i i * j-»- - * t. 8 ' i i. 11m t of* dlbga altould bw U.ro (u lomKar aatd au.rl• K( - «1r » deposit# ' uy ai.d 1 « I, har.frt on fr|| 4 | b#a#aigu#d fur tbr braribfrof avid p»llil* l». »Ih 1 gagr »i»,J no t>rore«). Srm York, fiatoiou, aad potuta, d*al u, (fuid. Hilt Canada M -nay, that tbr tieira at l«w uf ,4x1 Ltuo J.ahJ lilolfr' t ing been inatituird to reecvn (be d* h| areured Ly allow e,l fo reuinlu until t he |as-ll I- taken kiipwui#ikil'fftiSRirrN Risirfraud I #4n* peraona inlrerstrd in aaid ratal,, ate tr.|Rirtd to •*!! U'Oftgngs, uf any part thereof Tbrrefore. honor of m iking the di^ oven lu lofig* , U|j M ||irtM. I'tilril *nirt IliiRdf, 4 - , A' lt-eeltre depoalt* S(lB. appear at a aeaaiun of aaid Court, (ben to be !»ol ( af-uii the gs'-a** eiuitt**d from them will XllaNltr t t|irr«« 4 lu « m l-j» mitirr 1* hrrwby giren, that by virtue uf tbr powei d«a a I tb" l*r ut-a' r ' •ftire. in I h« * 11 lag r of Rt Ji.hB, t„ the l»em,H r«l- in the lltunu*. Among r|fy ^ ,, At^MVt year* old, took lu 1 be | ini lu-1,-41, ti",,, fu.', <-f Tutr-I ilrat.Srrivii-^ al , uf *a-w in aaid mortgage- > ui.talned, 1 »La-l, »lli d##y of Yfart K*. the partie* examinetl hy the -( miuit- | Fr;nrf| of th#.ir ,,nr eut aud *ent • a*"l produce the ohj4*eti<»nah|e ta*te and Savings Hepartment *#*l*of uian l*al ->« < ar» t.i.-i#,k lo N - * luik tb* peltltonrr ab tl-l Dot bv wratit, t A t.d U mm bur A- I> , K«, at one- u VU k fc in 1 he afternoon uf *a)d (her Or4rred. that nolle# br gum to thr peraotis tee on Kx|*emliture* In the U.irlH*- , iwlur. If proift-i at(4-iitioo i* paid lo on this train. lay. ltd fc 1 1 <1 • nf Ik < futt flou#e. in fh« «..r.l ta.t-4 Uul ll '*•-) «•" « U..I.-I f.-r ^.'u.r...... ln»,,. tl.or- Hit, rrstr.f In aanl ratate. Of Ih# |'enden*'V of aatd vlilagr uf H* John*, lu tr>* aaid Conuty uf ( llblOK, Of auma aa am *|l a, ___ _ , lift) I \pr» ** partnieiil ” was a certain Mr. Mafli, lit lltla pari 4»l liar ) |il«l l r >_ a, u> f-",t Kruak, p-titior. and the hearing thereof, by « uueti.fr a (that • -.«fr it.# ylire for holding th# Circuit Niivthiug in particular, lt»* f timid vt ill tw iiofhiug s*#t!»#• r in ilu* ,«l«'r or < opy of tIi 1 a oi'U-r to ba publahrd id the Clint, n tfpni, 4 al al t he ulrufllir )>< 1 ctuf fmft ai'i.uiu I* paid oti airra *, arrtRing at riuap«'„ai -u llodcr 7 „*M, m Lot.it f. r ili# County f ( Itnlun.J aed .t pi,Ml a military |H*st-trader in the Indian . fw||||rt h> ^ r|t|„g t„ the Itlsck IIIII-. ta*t.* to oflrnd the most ia*tidi4Mi*. lru!r|>etidral. a new *i>aprr printed and i lrculaltd WrlfriR lu lit# hlfrhcat bidder, tb# ptH'ID-# d« * tb* Aral a uf Ju • au>l I'r , uib« r, <-u oil auiua ^ tu I - -• r. 4 -1 | country. In tt»e course of the examl-j ^ motion for a new trial in the Prop* rli -, n * d I nt»h oi mutton oi, t lu­ *414 I 4 44 I r* • t|*rr«« I..V '.► n f ..I In a.tYl roonly of ClTnton, for threw t-jcnraivr ciil-. d in aai'l lu-'tlgAfr. , or *u lubi h thereof a* Ol, d#P't*il oua tuofr'.l, pr»-% l, In# Thlfl 4li.ti -l*li> |fluri.U)8tti r|>'r.l( IttSanjun * ri fr* |.re vlona to aatd -la) of heariDg may Lu f,e<,**»r) t«- *alt#f) Ib# aun, now doe a* nation it w as devclojft-d that he hid'.,...... , , . . fahle lurnl-tie^ it uio-f w lode*,,me. 4|e|- aaai* aa In tkv Havlngr Hai.k* uf tba K*at#ra lout Itruaii •',u llaa atto lu l I* . uuai.’a L*rnw JUKI. IJ tU.\ XIloX, Ju.lgv uf Probate at rvr • W1 11“ •ih < ara lirtrott 'o llnfl.lu Ituna 111 ( ik 11 I< griher w itb tb# , «ftta aud aaid attorney » paid $10. ‘ I • Kalafn:ia«*4» i’lrcuit mi tin* ground-that ghirh a Ihmi Ia I Utyt-ly -pplant the gro*- PAD LEY’S. |>bob Ii> (ti4ui if- ii ! fee of fifty dollar*, which aaid jrru.ia,* air g,• _ _ ...... j Atr Iai*# tburngn •' 1 I. '*»a an-l . ».r InU-rua enbed in aald m 'rtiroae aa follow* Th# N lew lark lApriv* 7 I p - f Tb id 1'iohat* 4 «,«il fur th#. obbt) ufClinlun Sold#sat ?-'*w«n H 'quarter1'** r "uf ,rIhr" (L>uth, L coal«*►« qu*n,iquarter andaud tl..thr installment* of :i year. The otli,-er in chaige that he would ke«'p tbetaawsof ! ui.da, ar# Jra.n d t< • a, m unirata. * dmp.si.f- - ‘’v ’ startling exposure wa- comrounicaUil at re, 1. arriving at Hu*n#i.i-fti Ui - g* 4 (*• a •« r*alurda) .the-giftli Jay uf Kei>euar),l n the) ear one ' ‘ * ’ H ' V' ' *, ’ ‘ * *> , j___ J with ua . I arra'IiMi.’* -.11* » c < -r '. . ir-.n llou.-uJ e Mb'ig1,1 hundredhun/red **dand .reentyaeventy all 1'" ” T ’ t ?!? r,,fc,l5r.mL7? JlT-V ' them out two day* If they del m»t agree. Wmu reniarkahly -hort meui,»rle» I'lll’lliei’M lllltl 1101*044- aan.r n.of. or la* 1 rated IfrernLer g4lh. |*7l to Secretary liclknap. stunned ami Helloaruwn llrafivya all plarr* I through lu K* - healer an-l il-N»' ilavill* Preaent.Jor III Cranaun ,Judge of 1‘foLilr. The printing hti-ine*# mu*t le In a those party organ* have. I here i» the 0X1 114-1*04 4 * 41 B* 04 411 t *, <0 11 ■* I raiwv arm , #• 1 IM-trail I - 8. Haiti HIRAM B MMIIII Eranr» and drraany, and tranaart la the matter of tba ktlai* uf IIOKAt L i* Att’v tor M 'rteuro Motigarrr crushed hy the con*cit»u*ne*- that hi* flouri*lilng Condition st l*orf IInron, a* j Republic Magazine w Ith h unL|u«hlng- I *4 * 04 ( lilt 4* 1*4 *04 f *4 II t« 41 (III llllt Ka-I * IS 4. IN - I u a 1,1 k (l) p. iu , 9 IM p it, Hl'kkN. he - *•« d tin leading a ml Du ng ihr p« - ninklbg Huatueaa. guilt had been discovered , he hardly |»ll l*«*lllt 04«* x out* I $ III It Ik 4 * t 04 Tbratigb Tirkrl* ah |. "• ha* and titlno. duly verified, <»t laiaiid tor, rn, Kir. nU»r uf HI fht* -afe iu the 7uao oflice in that t it % j l> ►ay * the -alarle- of IT t puhii. in ,'fh- Hie* ping Car *• • oMiin-dai:«»t.* « -n tw ha-l at Ih# th# la at will at aatd dwe»#eil, praying foe r%aau«» ufmritigan lber.gr knew what to do. Ill* wife, however, until v4Mi Iiiii 4* o w it tat I ns* (I fitral W • atera T» ket (»3» e. lal J, f Irrvnti Iherwti, art fur in that h.a ftnal ae-uuuai M**y. ba n - InO Chanc-ry. llCrlrt A Ha l, «-omptaiaai.t va wa* recently hn 4keu open ami f'to tuicial* were fixed In th#- Imunwra# \ % % • •• Mr and at I*« p *f did not lesve him long In fUiqieiiM*.— t Ii Im >IiaiiiMa4»tliMt4M*li. I bird atruel and , amined and allow#,] Charlo* S Hall. drfeb'Last. 8ult p#,-diD« In tke C. TURNER ■ SONS, foot of Itiuah at reef. ri,ef#uf*<'n it i* itr'I^fe'l, That Tliur-day, the Circuit Court tor the (oanli wf Clinton, Tn 1 Lad - j money abstracted therefrom. The i more tl»su twent) \,-ar- sg,». 't hat n J. I*. • Oil* It. •^lu triid Mim h) liking fli qm»*ti,»n |* t w here did the money couu- w ho|*|«er, lu tlie face of s f.Vi.flUO l*re*» >1 Jay M *r- It !►**. al*o ,'-l'»- kin the forenoon, j cerv. at Ht. John*, on f b# ?l*t da# of Jannarv. A w#a rn, l'a,». i.ger Afr.nl. ■ b# aaaigned lur l Se heart t'fr •< f *«id pwtitmn and that . ]). leTS It #ati*f*r(oniy app,-an*g to tb)* Court M.u.v "1“'" l.' Tvlf, and ratalr-l tv ^, j |n> ...... ,,,. _ t t . the b#ir* at law «»f »aid deeraaod, and all . that lit# d#D rolotit Clmrlea 1. Had i# a c« reaideM PRICES WAY DOWN! I l<( ll 1 «V >111.\X \t • ) utbar p«-r*on*iut#rral« d i n aaid ratal#, ore reqtair- I of tbl* Hints, but fa a re«idr nl ef ib# Ht at, nf N-w wltl.mil .l.la, . I irf, >* ; tw ti.|( l« u ...... rv Ihr | ,ri—mru, -il'Hr* f-tr If-lvIiM ntiuh> 1) «d t«v ap|»#ar at a a, aaiun of aaid Cwurl thru to L>« York. On nrotion u« It K. Walhndge, on# of to * « .U«l upon ihr ni-mlwr-. of ihr cm- . |(| ,hr >ut<. 1r,.Mlrv ,..r frfmt rot„, ivu.- 1 v 1:i-; th K. I utdc d at the I'rubale <>ffirr,iu tbr village uf Ht. j aultoiton, fur Ih# aaid complainant. It >* ord< r#«i < 41.1 tXD R|:l •Inbbr, and do» ctuit, if any there he, why that tb#-lefundanl Cbarlea 8 Hall <*,.*• it* *p mitt.-r .ml Mknowlrdfrrd to thru. Ib;.l lnol(Ml (>f t ,(>nur ...... rail- ll.... - »...! .11 ...h. r laii. the J»r*y *r ,»1 lb# p#4lti itier ah--u!*l nut b# granted j pan ran## in Ibia ens*# lu ha entered wltbtatbirr A n< * it la Further Ordered, thatn salaries in pr,,|ft,i ti,*u. mi iklny;* I* , , John* aa nnder thep#r*on* intorealwd In aald ratat#, of th, pen- ca*e <>f bi# apt, pr|,ruar^^ $:p/7 ,aij.j3; diRbnrieiiirnU, 1 ikiup sf Ihr Ii(,IIdwim •<< of KtpuMiiin GOING WK.HT- dene y of aiid petition and the hearing thereof, by ; - umplattin't. a bill to I# f.i#d ar J » nr uy there'll" Tbruscb Freight at 2 in a, m '-anamg a ropy of tbta urdrr t«» !•# publialird i n t be »• arm-l <.h the c- mplalnatiCa auiirilor* iltkln j.l.) B*lkn«|. hi...-»lf i*Ml h*«|»ra,J4!.15; har.-l l»>r«.tr M,! i.r*l-..v It. Ikv.-r .arHn-n. hi.«-n*. Mixed at is-so a ui. fur Grand Itapid* only. Clinton 1 nde-pendsut. d Dew *pap«-r printed and } tw#n« y dny* after *#rv»,# vt a copy of anid h*il and rirrulatcd in *aid county of Clinton for ikmiur- nutir# ut ib»# order, nod in defanft tl ereof *aul bill ppBBTBS Iw fore tin* ctuninittcc sml « "ti ------N ifrht Kipr#**. with aleeptng car. al 4:M a m. f--r Grand kaptd* aud (*rari'l ilaveu. rtaair# weekaprerloua to aaid «lat of hearing D> be taken am roofroaed by tb* #ntd defendant fcssctl tin* truth of tin* jwcu^atltm. Tim * .* . * Ihi 11 mu •,#• 1 p. m A truerupy) 4*1.3 within Iw,ney .lay* th# 4* 1,1 < tu# gr*tc.e.l Ibe Jwdgr lsd#|»ri t•■*». a newapnper publial ed in thccown their *d'licm(*» »> \**ry cinxMiraging. ST. 'VOIINN, Mmll.lttnt p ui. fur IteUwif. ‘rebate nf the ruuaty of Clmion, (Hate of Mirh. >‘>uf, Clistos, au i that the in-l puU.cat.aw la­ vulgctl the great crime, ami prcpnrctl navy t ir«l ju*t twf'»r«* Hei*tUm , l»m ih;^ B Wived at 3 3M p.in. fur O wo*«-. gan. I will, ou the I «iIt A m* ml Harrh* • «» ■ " • •• b week for *n *cr,e**iv, Thev c(»nlrtrl 11 hn*-U* 11 tl»* uf the -all in s splrsdld MU N K A Mil:, Night Lepre-* at Ii a m fur llrtroit mtb A. O. Hill, at one o tl - fr V kl at ih. ’»*•« ■# com* »/•*»# of fbia ord.r to t .. articles of Imppachamnt. \nti♦- »#n *4 un **id defer .InM Cbarlea 8 , . * I,. * tin* \ all#*v, ami cxi»cci to he eventually , , , , , fhclr action, he Iriidaml lih rckigna-. * ... , .. . , i iMiiylii tliruiirli -eal,*,! |in>iai*;il«. l.t,;.- ’ tbs village r country We keep a goad assort- Tbrungii1 nrougti Freightr reign, Incaiimjli a m.in Ww m,.tt, in #.*,y< y w „ . naO.* «t ,Ih - 11. K. wrt»'" ht*r “*--the law Ire-ifiK ohkPl \ ,tl To A WeaTran (.« purcba*#d st the (tepul. pie- • # of l*4»d, tu wu Tb# XL Vat bslf #1 tb* Houll. Mvcblfr ss III rail* prwtMplly sllnided is, afeepfwjfr Cftra «n off R iyht Trnina, j eaat quail, r «.f to -(i n iblrty lW"fj2> in Town- II. a ILK. >V 44 aaiefrs, tori fur Cun pi t. fr» -erve a* a |ir*»tenw. A true ,-oj.i of tb# ungfwal. *»*ft> “> ‘"ftp "'*«tip.tioo. a, t«H-h,in ,h ,,u, • liber Any nr ttichi. 344 | Refr#rnHi,’i)ta st Own#*., aad to, aad abip *•* *•> Barth of Rn.g< Ivk Ji Wm Ate*., »»mmmy ar friiiufrom thr WhiteW hltr HotiiHHuoMM *► |NMftUe., j ._... , ,______^fflrot,’____aMlnai„ hl« i No* let them 1»vraifr»Uin Ih.- rr-l of Ihr list es. snd up-'H Cutup*n> ’• Ferry Sleam-r ub I ,mo **f **•*•! bound* 1 Nurib Ny llo, b»*U r 4M> Lll ARIKH II TALMKR. Reglatrr l»etr..|t River. Coutl’ortable hotel above d#p.A 1 a*revt. K»*i by lb# l.s, iq at.4 btWMl r«w-l, III.KIt P*R a «■.»:• Hy vl now of a writ of ihemlfrBftfawwHMMpted. H'irprto*. ofa(ll|„ iara,ura| ,m| .mchrl-il...! «H* »•'■ »" READY-PAY BASIS!! at Grand flarea. H««tb and W ##1 by l.ml nwm-1 h, II. M<*.ih -,Iu S| b#rl fa« .** iaaued uul uf ami ssdn *ewl al tl-e .•oo.oro.0oi. »..d MeUewen, .re jThe ,o« iflauioo. . lie u,lf. »"'«r •«* «f Ihe^ e,eu—n. e# «« ,he f’wnMrrtiwHa- At l»rtr--it. with Great Weat- (too v U log# uf lN' f* .imauf. "aww IR* tft. *11 in , fhrrult Court toy tb# raaniy uf Cflstun, Mat# uf #rn ssd Grand Trunk Railway* fur all puist* : CIIMow eouuiy... M •• .n |mi. \ J > • •?) *','I )| lujaa, U» o.e .ii-rrted #*uf .lal»r#e»d a*atu*t tb* f4*us«*, wince Belknap wa* generally re-. Ikh Iv politic. Those bavin.- ST. JOHNS l.-ooeofihe Mun.leM men In «N ,-toller.. K..ioK ------\------ka#t aad M»cb. f'-ntral and Mnb , Hu.wtbern U’y- 1**4 _ I* l*_CAnK. A daw iHttnOar oad* ami ebattela. lamia and let .-maul* of eidsev |C3r,levl^ » t ICU m ~ (MIL R»* RMfr r-w»sa*v.e w* ana- aw wan IWuimf'-r lirr.,| Wraitrn Kiilaai. c-. n I vIRROl I 1 IHR >4)11(1. \ ,f. . rary. on a luauny! ,.f ju.)g«wtent retoverrtl ihe Cabinet. It is said thst, In spite of «!»*«•« anti |*rtU nlara. E. F. Saunders A Co. th# f luipam • I .-rrv Siaamfr al I). A ■ . H. |{ | / li#r< by siti-u that th ( partixr-hip loieljUgl | y tvgAagainst f •; 1 tPim Idm » * riHrHrary, », furt- Fickle) Nil#*. K*q . Dork at 7.3s and I IW a m. aud CM p m. ' eriftiag b#(w#ea A * h# r T*e hual. I.t mail Jsstlrs of tb# I'race ,n and for wM ,f»inHr I did. his exterior gravity, he takes the ex-J Governor Uagley I* report**«l a- CASH TO PAT R If. C I J. / .1 H 4 1, aad Chartr* F-. • bapin, of HE. J--bn*. ua.ler (he °* lb)M day of lie. , i»nr. A Ii., |R7k, levy |rosure very ®,|<’lt heart, ami will j ^ ^,a( » m .*#«,,| no Htate iro* 4p- to DENTISTS. Carriaif^ Fartorv! Genera! Suprnut- ndrnt. ftrm *.f A Tern-bout h ('».. wo* dl«**'lv#d on the •*»* ww Dp«n *11 tb* right, tilla and letanet uf commit suicide. Cattlereagh sml Stan- * _ . , .J Ftolt P. A M (Ifli. e 1*75. I (tt b day nf February. by mutual m-n-eut. 'A'!**#) F,ary -»f. io, aud to Ibe Notib W« at quarter too can light him homeward In thst th** 1 '••Hennlal st I hdadrlphla, hut Bv«r Baaa A V>isa*s Mtrr, it. — _ AM d, Ht« owing t th# -aid p*r!n#r-h,p ar# fo L. a»ol K* bi bail at IS# Hnuto W#sl usarterof saettaa SI. JMSfCsmtlAffY R#* Um k. T. •• t 1 a i«-# hJmW#t wi*iy #.v«, la luwnablp KMnlat f.ve, direction. There are yet, however, In Uul he propwa to have a Centennial Plluwg .<4;jl HT.JaiU.NS v t tb of tang,- mimUr four »»#t, ia W- kigau, all 1 h, r* Will be a Regu-ar Cunelaveof Ht Jubna • ”* ,hVV! MTT ’P ** r *' I wf whieb I -hall erpua# for aal# at |rv,M$e aaetlot, the highest office* of the nation turn , of his ott it In Michigan, aud that all -----taaisiinilaa - j Cotumamfery Nu. :( K i . aa* in,u(hell Aay.u«R.v urn t on j p#,d hf fiV* | T.'*APWfHJ»-MAN KLF.lv | (he follow mg dat, a ur vetnlne. ««• the blgb#*t I'fddvr. aa <8# law due, «* w ho are a thomtand times more corrupt SfJ|te trQO|^ W||| i*. ,-o|l*-wl «mt .,Hi S ( tlAKI F w F 1IIA 1*1 N at tbe w«at front .Ue» ef Ik* ioait Huuae tor and dishonest than Belknap. l>etno-1 __ 1 Frtdav Nov IP. IflA |«7b l I.wtuu fruantk. Mo DifrhL. iatbe villaga ul Hi. I -' Hvr. » *♦ •• • 21, • foie*, in •-)!< i ,y. on Ralsrdai, Ihr • rau, let us move In compact iwannew , 1,1,0 ^ncampm n . *• - II. *• • Feb. 4, » / ta-rANTYLHRllir Tb. umi #r*»ai*# I V did. i*s— tb#-- dais *1 thi* nwitea.> . ul#r im > fklh day wl Esrrb. Am H., IR7H. at upon the v% lilted sepulchre, the citadel j The Georgia mluatrel* now making FOUNDRY nr oiytiAf in K r k ih # o’eiuek lain* aftarnuaa. - I’atrd HE John* ft 8 KM MON H. Reorder ip f«>r ibe purpu*# «f v»ado«*iu4g a of (orruplion at Wailiiiiftmi, ami tear * tour of the State wear mourning in AN I’ arraultle bar in#-- in tb# vtilag# of Nl. J»bn . February 7«h, 1*7# Crookery, Ac. M-b. and tbe aty.e uf tbr brto -hail ba know.. GALC8IIA PKN.NRLU H|»#iifl sakle Ihe finny veil which hi,leu from j,onor 0f their l*e«f conietlisn. who tlie«| Nt, JBBRH | Bapirry NWe Lb 14. I. *1. S S5£Lr,::i —-r. ^uhm ^ r m,. Asrrioultural Works. ___ _ | ba* i *#** ia nil tl* br»u#b#fr in (be hrirk Harr ____ ra•* K#r#by-glv r»»r- i-y giit-n wa tbai Tnni by<>y virtuevirtu# andaihl tn ib pur-w-pur-u- ( aa aware Ibr rr will b« a regular Cunv ocaiiun wf Hi. Juboa 'Sfri. uoeapted by A, Tearboaf 4 1*. |lal#il am« of lie#us*Keen*# and«n,1 authority------gmated... to rue. tb# that exist In all the world. If tt plea*- j lug must be a- cheerful a sight a* a Ckibttr, *• 41, k A M., on lb# Mtawii.g Jala# OR Jahwa, r#W. lSkb. IWft. _ und# reigned ,.n tb# 7tb day of Kel-ruary , 1S7S. Hv ant to be a IreiuocratJc editor iu the-e j ygeed (Hi a nun ’s list on the 4irea*lo 4i of. Will OesrlBK manalmt «tr#4 la 04 4# r : T.r., r:, , ■be Judgeludg#o« ol 1‘rvKaie ofCMnlaa Issaly, Mlebigar.. U« a. H lonl .elat. la-iui vii.« U. Wu,,ai4. to"—tea. *1- f lines .—pt urn* ftp's Prmorrmi. ftlewas gBflBM sn-J all sltMlaof Mar b I aery Vi 4 -I - - 1 XIHU4H.I 1I4IX. pastoeewbtn E#e» hi* «ecoml inarrisppe. Ropairv.l «r. ahurt oaHlee. Hstlaf.efton v#v*.,l. 1 will at!1 at ) ui-in aurtivn to tbc Ltgbeat ' N.nci. K lkctunu Kunnu.-I Krl'u> i4' ‘»r '••,,*', nr (1RK.4T V4RG40S LOTT A WISE. • ' u„ a '. '# , U ., JL-F tofare known aod • arriv'd ,-n ai..ler li-e atr J. MM.-t.anlbr Rihdsy wf April, |N](i. gaarsateed. „ •• ap. •• »• Not A •* | and firm of Meparton a CTrual, Is tbta 4av dl#*wl*J at un# u'etork t, n, .‘at ibe PnJftr# , rflt. , . Barker | |jT |)yML.. will la UUe ar..| ,„t.,e.t u# #..4 d.#ao^d la and ta Tb. • y tailing ■« are prepared ta fwrntsb on h*M»ri nofka, rMIra iMm fur ih. Brat ,1m. .1,,., #1 •» <»r»na w hlh-H«|a..y V- P. WICK-. Hrr y the urfr.nlr.Oun vt tl.»l vttUfre. The b"*r *•'»'»“« •»rr' *■*"«•*• '« MONEY TO LOAN! ITjakas U4ge *#- I4K f. 4I.BpTt- JN'W. m r»ti of ll.n.-he.ler elert ibelr I f,,r** r'1 for ** ,'tl»''-'P»'«» *"«• ‘ »"* Tb# aade-ralga#d ba, to* U*a apparaied agent* 1 Tbor# will b# a regular Oormn- niratb.i, ,*f Ht. 1 MB______JOHN C C^Ot L. A.in,.alair.t , t tk#*\\^ d entire ti. ke, fur ,he flr.t time In m.'.T 'rl**ut- Imw huh. 4 mtm..' l.rk*t**n, of tka C. HURD’S, * Jobn. Lodge. Na IS*. F W A M oa tb* rullu* «otIt5Uirtr.uen to1-.» *' .ad Itoec.^ ‘ ^ % , wear.. Tl# 1C. i.nl.ll. .... of St. Ix.nl- , «»«•"••• XQUITABLX TBU8T COUP ANT 1 Wofons Mid ,ii.fr dale* . d#Ol«t,da agntoa 4 SHRI.N M ( t ►« >K, late------1------. ele.fr their ,h ket he..uw- 'he Lie Den. ! Vr Wm ° “WWW,, nf IfrUmadfr*. ' PWtolYA -’ M«(“»^ .rd Ht-to ..r U t -Ri - N.toew labovwby giver •T. JOHNS. .. * S •• 4. A-- 9# .. Ht?—“*Wlt»SRl S»d adjurted by tft# tJT ‘bat bk rinae and la ,-u.*u.acr •! U. .wrack- B.ar-1 f.ll«1 to enf-w.e the | <>tl»». connljr, I. raid to he IM ye.r- OF NEW LOjrpOH. * fr* .. .. L; m .. Js of M.nL-l 0* 4 "** '* • °r •",l At# prepared (a at ok# Uwr# o* Isaprured Form Sleighs,I I .V. •• V.iv ' ^•h Bey ef Nsrrb. af CliatMa aoaaly, Mtcbigaa, la ret! real eaiat, l*rww#rty. In ibia and a-leuning mi»»..#, Par iera»# iw L* .. j tttt,«4mBasdSf,iar*|*ldsy al bek»nfc.n« to Wilu .m -w.st and Mtva fv.ir lee eleet Ihelr enUre Deket hr over !>» | •» *•< hlfr»" "> '«» »- *»J « of ir# yeats M rvdaeed »at#o. We bare st our Alan, are prepared (o do l« (iaaa* a* vaa W W * ’ - AllgWSf, 1 fYBv St * a etoek. a. » , an ea#k of M lours, f will a#l| at pabH# Saettaa (a tbw high, at he wa* employed a* a tnerhaiilr on the eoftMoand al*o large eappiie# of #*».## Raw*em Ur4Tmn a MIME,, nv t4a»sa wr raa rr , sntd days aad 4a mantbi from tb# date of thv* bidder, oa the | 7 els flap •« Aertl* I ail. at majority. fund* fur toawtag aa Farm Properly la wot - ) n*t»#e i* allowed #rodIU.#* la wMeb to ptea#wt tb#'» , uow u r ock p. M . at Ib# Prukala Oftle# ia ki old C apitol limi,ling in lAetndt, ami re- salt and *o« tks* sa Jealred setts* *r»t alluwaoee. -Itoied Febewary flat. 1ST* John*, i* aeul eounty, all tbs right,till# aad latvi - Thf WMWaftsa corresiiomient of | rclveal for Ids service* Ihe flr-t onler ARCHITECTS , YTPTIf K i# barthy g|,ri that all elaira* and fOkL II UtAff*o*, t e*t wf aatd raln< r* In aad to tb# Kaat tw.-oty flv# — ass — Repairiif and Hone-skoeiif ^1 dsmanj* ag*inat RtoLON Aft A Y. Ut# of Ib# j I 4*s |w l J •• Age nf p *,.»-*.#, | J*|aci*a »f IS# awalb oaat qgartsr of tb* worth the N. T. Timss para a deserved com- ' issued by Ibe state of Michigan, Ht John#, Jane Mb. MR*- 4*1 enwaty o4 C HaVm.aad Htat# of Mtektgan. der##*#.). £ >f* *1 W IRRII4 RI.R'R NOT If I . ~ W# **** of s- fVnt ibltoy on# |S|1 In townabip pliment to Mr. Kerr lu aaylng thst hi« The new* of Belknap** bribery rrea- Superintendents. wfll be el a mined aad ad) a-ted by ibe Judge nf \^> tba qn damtg o#.l. bav.ag b*»a aepatatwd bv w«Hb uf range two |f| WSOt. la CHalna j la a maBb#r that will -naure aatialacdtoa Pro bat# of aald eaaaty of Ciiatoa. at Ib# Prubal# Joal II. Craaaua Jndg# uf PrwboT# fur *U < <*"•*? M Vcbtfas. - l»ai#g Marrb *d. 14*4 aelertloti as Speaker “ has proved to le toil the greater excitoment In Adrian ipa | ABBI No*. I f sad 1. McF.was Baildmfl. Cvmsr Ht nflle#, Ikdl Jwbo^la aw>d #nw#ty. mm Peter* tnwety nf OltWtoa. put# of Mtobigar Cum MAHY F BW’KET Daft tbr lltb day mt Nerrb. IBTe, a»t*olow#r«taraoHrw,eaaa*ta#aod odioat allr lairna '______«w*rdtan of aald Mlaov* a sIm one, for he ha« performed Id- and was porlhmiarly dttlreaslBg lo his *100,■I(XXH .__ TW l4esni |fftif HAY CITY. MICH. W#are preparedtafgraisb muaay aa unio#oiwi “4n? T?iafrsk ?r-teriHSvSSS*r’ f*fl1 •« larch. :i: either party.’* tt a Republican calamity. Why «hi»uhl fW.lt f aua i# MirbUra* prices brlarr IT >. .Mllw'll -fti.MhuU-r.- j "ft »S* H'1-.MU-.n (art, WhftdM .n- This bwga# IS ret.irally kgairj Ip IfefksMau* •e FBIHTIIft j wart (-Mb* village, and baa ta rosMrflM a g.vd peg gw slaw* ^ kod Witbngt y*rt saao* *r prrvo. farcre.htar.ta pra^at tbe.rriaims fo, adjaatm*#, wefes aiLii (22a t ’ .era .ll.iwn«nl with .hen there are J *»" tor “ ’ h *** «** ftOrWrt 4 *#• lg^4Bn^^jqpfaea >—wssealoat ksr- I aadaUowa*## r>*t*d Jwmmry jlw,_ IW. , numTlT-----, ------f ~* tba d#*e af IM* J Sample Room , far the Bee a# eai(W*re(al men' ‘T.? JL*L »■«*_____ aatirala af'awad reediu.r* io whtob ta preaear one hnn.lreO »n.l eighteen l.m. tft .live, | l-^ntmeno. Ia, no gmUty —" e- Rtstlr aai 4'ksaplf fast alan. a free Pa* tsbleb #o#rtet paaoeager* ta aad where* -•»,w,,'“4 bar as er saasswf. a# I *kai: o # ikair rista* bt aliwwww#* Dated Febmary Wot. dew all regolar train*, aad gawvawlsat aad earn t> 9. 99VA. ,«7f ■ CBABWIN. AT rats STfffCS fnrtabl# asablmg forBorara. 4*1 ft. Jr*b»s Adgnst I4tb. 1*7*. 4f| dftfrwd coin In the snl*-trea*uiy at Boston. ; T'/nute; OtwaWmn I fPrtl Jndg#«f Prsbats TEAS.—-A large stock of from first hands just received, and selling low, at GRISWOLD'S.

1 CaUl* A rrOulWl Ina neighboring lu« n MAUItlKII. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. «»fl1 il»«- rutiruui while lllii-lrallng Tlitr following art* tin* transitlion# in | —- She gtlrptstat (Hr «• ( of a )>4rV»lli|«*r. 1 The follow In*' figure* -ln»w • !•** re-ult liar |.«* % r A Oan lft« parting. r*»l estate aa a|»|H*ar upon the record* till..** »a\l.t.T'Tt-1 *»4!T <»»« M10, hatiaas, l eu, JHtli, ia,U.— 11n (flt«*glatcr,a olllce, for one weekj h. I) OHM. l) J<*«.«i, , by — A ihm Imm hit of lln«<« »u|»ct-excel-i of llo* election oil .Monday la-t. Kcpuh- Among tha many w Iio ha\a recently STEPHENSONS. rouurr jt kntkm, * *“' outh-ca-teru |mri <•! the tadiag March 7ih, ami wbufw tha jhauer awn k *"*** lent, out; dollar hid Cilovtw* , J" *t re-1 ||< mii» In Human) ami I lemur rat* in ku n t ailed away from our inld*t none la Hla|h»n, at ia<* r«*i.laa-a 1 i«u««« • o«aaiv. nan a. #tvis will lie more deeply iegreUe»$pby a state, know n a-the (Deal Neasho Val- j consideration l*ovcr$1t*>: of tXv bri.U • uativ Mr (*►». HtMii, hi Ur rrlifd, il Htr|»l»eM*i»n‘#. I S»*. T It. Cary. Mr Wm II Haa** I.. Mm. TEEMS, 11.50 ▲ Till II ADTAVOE. M',M,u‘hrr ik* > rW*y »•••■-j i-r.—i.i*nt large tircla of sorrowing friend- than ley, w hlcli la from three to fifteen mile. Hiram Htiirgl* to (Jarret A. Weller, Akltt Hvirl, UolX of Hi Jviwt. t utf • 1$ Ira Mai* « *• 4 < «p» JuC ir« rhal, 997—66 the lata Mr«. \>x* K, Ht *nxv, tht wide ami tlirae hundred long, aud la |e 1 of n w *4, act*. 12, Riley „ $2,J4#L MMaaBHMMW IU Tl** 4| lilt* K|*i»«‘ll|Mftl < lllirtll, l»V til** *' "nlWll. the tlnoat grain anti fruit producing Huhjcct to mortgage. CARD OF THANIiM. Hit At StephfiiBon ’s wife of our r#*|»ected fellow cltlr.an, part of tto !ttau>. I* ..n il.. IttMontMl, l ,,f * W r. Ihr ualovifkal. luffMaiO lo A. T«ab HOME MATTERS...... • A' *1.. 2 to ,Ml Mr. Warner Holiday, anti only daiiglit* L,, , .• , of a c * 4, M*c. 21*. Bangui, I44JO. <>al A IV. take lk»« airaui of lino.km* ug< uU Ml*aottrl, h*naa« an«l lexa- R. R„ and Mnrl »1M Hi.gardu- to Wlllnril J. I>an- fnrn.li aa4 laUon* for Ikr mma) aarl tvi 11*. |g*l tmt iltrl w. • <*%iua **1 JoMB*, Hast a<»# Wnt, will ....anxious in tin* niatirr. Mar-hal— 11 Ill-dale county, Midi. Hite died at fit*## #4 folkiwt M l>. Brow 11, w « brr fawllv rrtMrnrr. oorurr ..f Walk.r tlieltiilf, Himrtieie Ui« ia liipaM,,large acreage ot * ,hv|»lt |700 . uar rvnrwnl rforlt ta pltov, that w* arar luvnl , il«in« Wot i9l —Til* Ha|*i»t Soclrty of Nbeparda- lier family residence, corner of Walker Jii'tiii Daiiforth to Willanl J. I>an> a Coatiaaaac* of ikm m««. Uar *tork» tkall IMaf Bast h4t»**ar ***** Wa»« A# ~ #*. H...... «•-«*«—. «»•**•• - •«*•»* •-•y; At Stephenson’s. _ .. lUi IlM PfikiMd a lot and Intend | ,, ,.MI,r 1, 2, .1, 4, •‘oaaiat of tka l*aat aaJ a<*t Joirablr goorm ;j» a . u utm r u. 1X1__Hi » ..V|.«k of Monday morning. *" f»0' mu, h '•'"rr •» ■>!« k #. Ovid. »*,«». **»in.|»jr#, |« «o u> I <0 I* M. to tract a • hun h h * imnmi a- |»o**ihle. t\ R. Gri##on, tk. MrkM^O tkwMkM. low .. I.Vi Marvh <10.. I«7«, ..f » ...... SI*,I"K h“* f,l,|y ...... »'••• farm-r. John1 Foerch■ - ‘ •t<» Valentine‘ Moeller, ara «*nnflilrni that we ran leak* .1 pl«aai«aaa m., rlrt.. UKo A WELL*. r —H. B. fro* liar, of Bengal, has 4IM> /*■ r•' n vnv.i WiniWKnn lUMtriTIhS. butlirlt of onion* which ha Hill un- Aieeaaor* — patronac*. It utter a ad Ktut< a rp<«iali.i, At Stephenson’s. —You can buy 5 lb* of $1 laa at douhtedly throw upon tha niarkat thia -'•“I** ’, ye®"- Tv. -* ‘ *> hlrh .U. had .ln.o-t moyrred „ l,.n 1 wl" •*" B^-hoppar. thl. yrar to Henry ^Viggin* to < yru* II. Moalier, Hetpactfalljr. *LtT ”' the io..k ...Id and ...aa.lr. ap|H-ara.l,, *e»k “l»» l'n,nlry tl.nl ll.r riawold ’*, for |4.IW, <|n*tii|, eact 20 acre* of w of 4 * M*c. 2d, TBAI HOUT * CHAPIN. Bengal, $900. f (Hi ulnra ot I tookalr an4 f tall — Room to Rant. Inquire of Max — \Va under-t«nd that Mr. I\ L. Inane llvltwn, M-l ...... wad by WH.ga.tton ami ' JW »-d d.. near a. ...m b Hi Join**. F«b. m. n«Ta. I ol I ttom Nliailotl tluallwa, «iai« i . tom price*, at 4Irt#wokF#. thl# *ea«on. //. />. VeCohr. I mi l»i\lne will, a cheerlul. huppy renig- John A. liixhy to Mary I*. Phillipa, j un4rr»n lit* l r l)rl« i»f .1 III. k• A C"a„ for Ibf |ein*»ciacy. — Lenawee comity, Mich., in 1K4.’*, ami 11 ,#* ‘* ° ‘'I'l' •* ‘ohm , w it rc j ||(||^ ;,jn ju re' on -uuth part «alrooaMe. pleasantly •ituated on the «*orner of the grave digger*.” Tha light ..a* I.rin. liwlly marta upon |died In Ibe 31.1 year of bar age. o„ |-l-** wo-*!- 1 ».ava reoai.a.1 all |hal naaly EE nu. J. Hit k'H. necea*ary ; hut no, it wa- much eaaier j • ’Thoinaa ami f >ru-<«. I’arr t<» lh* -» KKK1I. W. l.gg. -t ite and Mead afreet**. The llOUao hae _The people of BSepardtikllle appe.i r \|jir«hal and Trustee*. ’I he Repiibli-1 the I ttli of fh’folier. «he wa* mar- I’ll A RI.KH AHKK / 4 r aud to Tiflt i|tn tfct lypiiUN ot Eaal fciclioewe, w fr.ofne , mdept. Hi Jobi.a, llw b , kurli lot, 117* - C*>» j X I II riu |» I at |II IIH|[*t recently heeu re|»alre«l throughout, If Ut f>«.| Verv much eni*ourage»l mer the can- pulling every afiing for •ucce*«: rie-ltt* Warner Rundny, tier prCeeut of - fr. of II e ' ,, I*. W ip, tlO.INMI. erti people, than to get the coveted »e- C-oaaio»io>i ns- xtirifi . u. conveniently arrangeil, goorl cellar, j ft,lure bsMueaa pronpert* of their once while the Democrat*, unprepared w llii bereaved liualiwud, to w liom -lie la.re < »illwrt J. lima 111 lie to Hick* A V. i»- / the uning been •j.pctntr.l l > At Stephenson's. and well, large ciaterft, go*»»l 1»«rn, iourUhlng little village. a li-l of the >oter«, Ac., let thing* wag two loving daughter*, »lio are now ** al 'V***** . ^'r*** 1 rVta 'ii'lni -i foti, part of out lot •* It,” s,. John*, ih* JiKtgf of Probat* of ciintoo county, M $4.’tH. f:ououla*ioi.rra, to rarrirr, riamtnr an. • 7 I It <1 a > *»| A |»r it • At Stephenson s. t ream* 1 111 acre* on n «• corner of e • , ot * ** * 1*7*., A JOIIX 4'. 4< RlRon H I.. . «.,fpwife Iiror Wtilnaw blow of mimi-«*me* Mln-rother man. Uot not at le»»t e|e«*t a |»art of them. 'In« e her rekhlence heie, -ouo- #*\ell *• • "g 1*7#, at V t/riiM k A . U , t>u •*»< h of ui* not lev la ilioard la < rniiUrf* in whtrb land* from three to five feel in depth. 14* |>rHriil «b»irr la.iua f* reudy R u - -e 11 Hat | *4*r to Vlftrv s, Mosher, «• Sm h a -oil mu*t require many year* of rnsr r ?>t1fr7#. AlfDXRHOg HT«>UT, lionet:, Bt liiiit**, llmsij*' iM» R«*»t** u It I, the profit- of trading-|a»-t fraud*, the N'lllage. to lend a helping hand In every enter ­ 40 acre* of w 70 at*re- of it e 11, *ec. j»i, IIKNKV H. (ilHRONH. the moat thriftle** and ahiftle** -> *tem Bengal, 42,hi #». t >miiiii4i"it4t« Low Price Store. »«*H**ktt < hi u*. —I l»a\e a very flue —N«»w that Max I leaven rich I- pre- prise that wouhl add to the plea*tircor At. kT4Ti:ni^T. of farming to measurably exhau*t it. R« n1*en H. * H»w ner to Rm> *ell Kar­ da ik gray, 1.190 |*ound hor*e, warrant- (karing to g«» F.aM about the 1*1 of April profit of the -ticial circle in which *h«* r*er, w 00 acre# t*f e 1 . of it w * Ht .lulu V. t.tu«rr ll'h, 1«70 \t the annual meeting of the l.adie-* !one-fourtli Iht* laltor required to pre- at 29, ed to drive -ingle or double; one light f,,r ,||* spring Mm k, he I- ofteriug hi* moved, ami for her kind and «*ourteoti* Bengal. $J,0flO. N. B. & B. W. HAYES Lihrarv \*»ociatlon, held Wednesday, | pare the *oil f«»r the reception of *«*ed* T h.W Allli ANUItMk.VJ- o,»en twiggy: one three -pring wagon, jatock now on haml at pri»-ei» greatly re- d«|H>rtiiient will ever Ih * nsnieuil*eretl \«*wtoii \|. tiregg f<» Reiilteii It. N March l*t. the following ofllcera f<*r field prialitcf* In tlmliered Slate*, < r**wner, w 1 , «*f - •• ' , e«-. 10, nlhe, -et of ha rue*- and tworot»e*. which I, dined. and cherished in the heart’- t*e*l aftec- were electe«l for the ensuing year: 4. „ , . ... w III here hi*ure full crop-. Ordinarily, ♦ I .Hfllt. MUIR, MICH., will -ell at a l»argnin for ca*h, or on j —.\ |»aper puhli*h«*it at Rome, N. Y., thru* ol all w ho-e privilege it h i* Im***u . . , .. ... Bra/ill Man in to 4’iifil- IV. Man in, /v*n/r«,- Mr». R. M. Steel, I he tit r \ • < . J op ol ...... will three imnith*- time to pixmipt ami re-J ha* discovered that the children of the to meet w ith mid to enjoy her fileml 1 • * uiidivith*«l 1 . of fit if purl "i . il Ai4> i;u « imI| • lib a •<•!■< r*> al»»r 1 ut t‘tc* /*rea»Wruf— Mr*. A. st«*ut. pay for the breaking t»f the ground, and ov id, !h Ing-outh of th* l». a MR R.. -|*<»n-ible partie-. i all at my marble pre-ent generation don ’t have a- much *hip ami cordial lio-pitality. I rtoMHrir—Mi-* F. K. Tiwkerman. g«* a g*HH I wax tow ard defraying the t*\i«*pt *m a*re# t»I1 e i# end, $2..*#Xt. * hop near the Court Honae. < colic a* children n-e-l to. tmt it la*l - SrrrrMry—Mr*. S. S. Walker. In April. —aliin**l a year Mg**— IC«»ll|gll II tl 4 I I >l*4‘Hk*ed ex|»eii*e« fctirlng. The com I 1 leSfer to Matt hewr J Whll S. I.. I'OW \ KR. longer. /.»bwr»m«4— \l r*. Teachout, Nlr*. -In* wa- called to III*MirII tin* death o| , sc re, w fr of # xx *4, and the • •• >4 of .i t Urk without any lala»r except that of a Im*) S<. John*, Feb. I, 197H. — I.a-t w#***k Thitraday Mr. Zeloti* * Win, P. Flint, tin* la-t of her three * w *4 of -ec. tl, F.--**X, t'jrfutu* ( ixnmi Um i<»r,e<# -Mr*. t*r followr tin* breaking-up plow and, , *;iy|H.r Ruiumell to Hiram Slur- tikkiT Hihutm * ,x ihe l*au i «*» \very, in coui|Mny with hi* father, If McFarlaik and Mr*. A. n. Hunt. brother*, w ho alvo t|e|iar(etl from thl* \ drop the -ee«l In each third furroxxgi-, u w **f • w 11, -«-*•. I. Inipluin, tiKivi: >toxx *.—Rea«l the follow ing 'Horace Avery. *larted f<*r Juniata. life w ith full faith in the prtMiiiae* o»r*« The total receipt* for the x i hutc take care of it*elf, ami will, in a J. II. 1 etlewa ami M. '*pil/l**y to Jt»- Na«b< -hermaii. ot the old and reliable mat II* W home. been — now a kind, lot ing and indulgent liti — -eph llalfmaii, xx ’t of t»f it •• Mil M#S, f.txoi.thly wet «ea*«*li, X iehl fr**in .Ii to Me work*: Mone* S'* feet high, for . —How thl milliner- laugh when the fWiabct on habit aa |« r Iwi rr |> n. . ... 31 73 haml, twit fniid children, a grief-laden -ec. :i|, Dallas, $1,h « Wl » 45 bushel* j»er acre. The * for her. year, ami with fair culture will y i**l Ibr salt;* 4i• ail material would coat ino-t dealer*. —A* a mark of re*|ie« t lor Mi. Ilun- Kti Ubrai) Itwik...... •• If# 1* hy one tin* l«>ve«i one* are «l«*|»Mrting. *• It. ut...... :t «» el- of wheat, slxty-rtve to cighty-flxe i ha-. llat|M*r to Ku-*ell llar|*er, w You can buy <»ro« erh** at Imu Ioiii <|.»\ ami rrlatiie*. the principal place* H*-.k roar and framn.g pet arc. It* l* 1 Un* funeral service* took plat*e at hii-hel* »»f oat*, true t * * t w ** hun*lrt*tl ami 20 acre* of * e -e**. 23. lU-ngal, $150. •* Kiprort of r«l«ft»lua»ftt4... *• *1 the M. F. Chttrrli, on Tue#*lay after- tjuit < laim. pri*e» at t»ri*wold’* new «t«»re. ,,f hti*liie*» were ch*»«*d Tuesday afler- •* ktiifi-M, drth.Bl rooa, ft( i 4*1 fifty btitthel# t»f |e»tat«*e* t«» the acr**. MATERIAL FI It M.-ll hi* KOK — Buy fre*h oyster* at t«rl»uoM %juutm, dining the funeral -t*ni««- It* • r Ol. b*l I 0Trriu, i.ew Ite-Liuralit. J hi* decca-cd wile. rvtei.. • t *#4 3* gathered to pay a la*t respect I** o ,e I 'The -«*il ami climate are admirable ami e of xx , of II w *.. sec. 23, »mn is - \ nice h»t «»r N*ftl Barley for -ale 1 — |; i- -Mid that chit ken* hat* be»l •*» TIh * Library n**w uiiinher* t*%er they loved, an*l w ho-*#* meim»rv \ ill adapted to the raising of all kind# of ‘id. $1 ,ooo. tjuit * ’laiiu. Buildings €'oinplet« tr- none were m*I*h^l la-t year, making our num ­ mail) lime- were tln*-e word- re|»eai» crop of |*eache- and -mall fruit*. pring wear. M«n *c* did on election tin . (M*. HpCldUflCM 4* liti 4 TtMt*n, \fu -tvle* »*f Wall ami Window terribly liecaM-e it want- it* own wm) . wa- unanimoU*ly adoptetl : Ar# though wr iblly ma* th* torn* «l-t; and hmated Tht *|*iiu 4t*il, * 4**|», *»**t y>y Jacob Rhleiuitir, hv a*lmlni#trafor, to Hl*V 411 X 4*1*#*, l*a|*»*r of the newest ile^igu- ju-t re­ then gi\c» liei husband Hail • oluiuhi.* /,’fThat the thank* «*r their Jail vary at any rail tot atauon >n the cerlaiul) I m*L ut er thl” *t«>* k before for tin- « cnteiiuial Tea Part). mii*I al*** mate hi the I ii If#** I State*, both the (Mala. HPXCIAL ATTENTION trlVfcN TO tin *«rtb, •• »ufl*(ed who she stifle re.I, 20 acre* »#f -e *4, -it. 23, II*ugal, $700 , purchasing. — Wp li**tice t*v the » that **ur fortlie a—i-tam e given by him; al*o. to toWed when she r*yo» ed . and now we feel hard) fruit# of the North ami the t**n- Thst rout# the veil Us thrown aside wbtrb hide* (Juit t laim. pa* .1 •- ..f he I lf. -t -1vI* ami *-l l f11«*n*l 'V « II* Iht to \| f. U « l< h for hi- x--i-Imiu e ; m tin* •ler product* of the South are groxxu WalfhcM inu-ieiait* for Im#Ii the vocal mii«I in- Her from our new, ws should behold her In t*«-i make ot Linen "hirt Fr»»nt* ju-t «>Mc-t men hauls **f t>\i*l, I- tlo-ing Tbs*, besote*-u* home, surrounded by tb<-#r ( 11(4 1 11 4 411 NT. OUR DOORS -trumeufal tnu»i*‘, which hel|atl f*» Uvrd ones g u.e before, < iost>ed In her ItnrMhers ujh in her *oil with eipial *u««#*--; aud A nd t he puri haalbg «.f i he asm# re. < i \ e.t at St**p|ienM*li ff. A 1 literal pr-! out oi- -t*** k Mini making ill n«'* • ** at' make our * nt**rtaiiiim*nt pleasant, and K<>nd entbrnce, their tsa man v advantage a over these who Its. It to view ; obeo we, t*u, la lime hatehota very 11 mite d k ncwle«lge of aurh I ht nga The 'v* rdarx w a- tlirecletl to haxe The I* M|K1# vs. Audi M inU^a. ftsstsr iy. — TIm la tmt atyleof white aud faiM’jn up In a market in t hi- till.ig*- wa# m .X’.»t 4.stout hr si most, shnii jat thst agricultural state. The climate and X. H. 4 R. W. Iltl FA. | aak fora share of the publtf patronage |»«i t*l I - h***l in each **l the pa|*er#. a re- llspFJr band, aeerr to feel the pong* of J. II Fr.tra * f.* !»■<• f#o| A t mI*I tor • hill# at price- lower than lant year, at Ciallowray heifer recently purrlia-esl »»I I'tr.oi more The dark and silent grnie health of thi* State are indeed It* chief (>#al H Hiii<*iiaci. i *r |>laicti(r 4*\* ii ami tin I rea-tim * r**|H*rt. Tritl •. ^it jury Jaifuiaut 1 »r |'l%Aw Mill.—-The St. John# Man- j Mr. Wm. Be-h y, our **hl amt in*x* r settlement. Hiaatmosphere D tlry and M»t*. **. S. 11 ilhil*. Sec. xoiirii Him . $t#t »1 ufacturiug t ompRtiy will have a #aw failing tlealei. pure, ami especially beneficial to per­ Nriaon lUktrli*, -I pall##. 1 • Klrhtrd Ha>lta an*. A|»|>#al. K. Rtnrklan# lor il M*r h >! H3 .. . it -t M %r* m *lfh.—A *erie« of rexlxai meet­ lb# County of Ointoa r« •l4»l,n K»##iK»nr an«l K< i»rd duoi.g the 5 .. X4* *i pulmonary disease*. Tin? country i* Joliti M-Cri) Hammnoa I i»••( ,•» J II Krt ii*l ta CLOSING-OUT SALE! T wtsl ■ • f >•! ^ Rfl4tto0 of hard ami -oft-wood U*g*. < u»t*»m *|M*ak- of taking a trip to lexa*. th* ir der of r<*x\ ler, haxe l*ern in progre-*at drained hy nature, and a* theie l* John H#ri*en rt. XX'in. II Vi«lr. Hfftlavin O AT proM|M* live bom**, with Ihe hope that Ere rnsee for the )*•> thi* place, .luring the |ia*t week. A 1 L Hpatildintt for ptainti# XX ai<>n«l,’c A 1 «<>k xt**rk d«»ne at rea*onahle rate- anti »at- Hsu nre on hs tv# . V3 1. scarcely a |*ond or |eiol of stagnant an# 9 O Hainan lor L. for | talntlff * oiiiplete in exrry rwapect, and with all former g****1 healtn. Miss V t Tt f litsil. Ties* em»d in ih*- t lunch, ail#! far-reat liiug ma ari-ing to infect th** atnm-phere w«|) rittf* ’ A C«*»k. •«*»! J «* hctdci f>J« f i# the motieru I in pro vem eats will *lo a- —Through the wotking* **t «*.t»lei re*ult- ar»* anxiously looked f«»r ere the ami #ow.Ihe Invi-lhle seed- nf disease. t'onUcaa» plain lid XX'a»tl#-s A l nl»v* (or dalaadihi* Trial (i-atfl thi# xlllagt*. xx ere. on Sunday morning •erxice# xvere he|<| on Saturday and ant; -now lying ii|*on the gr**und Imii altli >ql ivir. Varjtal I• • r ltofaiitjanla la-t, 4 »lle4| to n»4iiirn the ileatli «»f th**lr The f**ll<*w ing reju.rt *ln»w * tlte -taiid- Sabbath of la*t xx i*ek -Presiding Khler Haih l« It.-* va. ti**» tlr>>rr, rhn4vrr 1 ritia a few Ii4iui-s ami tlay* at the long#**!.— Jraa* XX’ --1a 1 a an# Kcw *',l XV'lnan* Tri apaaa Have you trletl Drl-wohl’s honey- J y«»unge*t ehihl, a little girl. Her re- Ing of pupil* in the stliocd- of ''t. Bang* C4*mlueting the *aiue. At the In the summer season there I* nearly j R. HtrtoklanJ for platatt# liaylia A t'«i| for t*4»mb candy? It I# dellcioil#. ***mie- •lalan-laii'a. t <>n:ibv« ’,t I » > u-tt l mains were taken to Pinckney their J'din* : ljuarterly 4 onference h**ld at the close always a t*«»*»I hreeie. The niglits are Kan ioipli Mn. t iud \a. \\ iu ,1 \\ II Hulfln 4iaun |*i< Tie* ft»r ladle** wear. ju*l reteixetl. at Mr, Matthew Daveii|iort of Fagle,tlieil charge, to till the xacauc) «h * a-iotie*! I |^.,.u|jarlx refreshing !** the tired la- *Lo»ul.11i k A 1'uiia >1 f .r clataiiS XV«!l>rct(e* A At 6 Cents a Yard, Jistr* #*Q)th...... rolrva f*»r JefenJaica rtotila# Stephen-on on the 23il iu*f. after a long aud *e- Kddts XVstdroa ...... hy the «leath of M. Houghton. John liorrr. in thi* |*art of lit** State La- rsrsioLO'.r th. filisn. llrrry A H*aul«licg A Craaaon for ptainiilf ItovLaA Cook Chss Hsu otk...... fur iafetnlar i. Jury Ji ayr* e«l calendar for the March term present* tuiuor which ha»l a*«utne in. nine dlvoret case#. l*ortit>n*. Me are Informed that -he Fred. HtsnssM ...... •7 nectc*l with tliechee#e*maklng Interest ; I’ernns A Hal4ai« for plataliff I* H (L ovtll for Flannels at Cost. *fe» and pt*ach- KacJcIph Htrtrhlan# o Kuaarii J«.>hcaon an# Juha UrFsrlso ...... •7 1 Margaret M Ji.hnaon Karlrnml Win ttiuca. n Jeans at Cost. teal *weet to their husband#—ihe mil­ the |ia*t year. kits Thurston ...... '>• to hi* residence near St. .lohn* one day ie*. There are 147 stream* of water in for plamiNt parrtna A iLMam for 4ef#n4ania • liner i« getting In her new bonnets. — In view of tl*sf fact that there ha* K SsTbortiius 0 w i Coor trrmit) lrj M«ru fris MW la-t week. By their hospitality, cour- 1 tjlt. comity, m***t of which are running Ovrm (ill vylirr va Hlanfon t. Il.fir l Ap Dress Goods at Cost. — Meeting* are still continued al the tieen considerable grumbling of late AMI* IUr»tow...... 1» te*y. and great friendline##, Mr. ami during crop -ea*ou«. There are It# ceai H HtrP'fcland f.u plaintiff XXalhnJne A A Ik # Rtehuls...... Ml Vnka* f>*i 4afrt.«lant. Tilnl anlbuuf lorjr Vrr Buffalo Robes at Cost. It.iptist I hur* h w iUi im reasing inter- among Jml. Bennett * friends becanae ! tmHs F«islttr...... >< frr.lai.t. e-t. several conversion* ami more are he ha# not been in tow 11 ex*rry tlay f«*r »mi*a unimii <• *<*t* MeMa4a lt«okar ta Kuiolph Krntovln teem of a Urge t lrt le of acquaintancea of the time. 1 oal i* found here | Pail A dkirlili far plainti0 A. Hi. ut ft-i Jrleal* Shawls at Cost. M-rvs Hiss...... lur* imjuiring. the last two week-, we are re«n»e#tr4| M I who I'gret that * ir< uni-taut**- hax*- in ahiin«laiie*.*, and can U* had for eight ani. Plaintiff non*ujiH. Ju.latuaot f..r Itofantl Ann* R>sn ...... I an- tl30«l. Horse Blankets at Cost. — Women are going into the ii»*ur- i to *tRte that he w ill lie at GrlawoRP# M sms Hlrli kland ...... made it necessary for them to change XV m. C llatrh ta. H-bCibal traakil ltohi. 4 Il ls Htrt- ktsnd ...... 10b cents a bushel. anew business, to rativats for the com- R***taurant next Saturday, where hi* their place 4*f alwale. R. Htrtrklaad for plain)iff Waibnatgea A Fa.towa Mwtll* HcirW* ...... t» I tm At pre«4*ut making my licatl- lur defndaat Trial wttboat )ary. JuAgcneui for AT HEAVENRICH'S. |Utiiie*. The uninsured have a new (friend# may again haxe the plea-nrt trf H*rs Hsrksi ...... no Mr. and Mr*. Brown haxiug spent Plaintiff fur fU7 tt. VliKII »< tt'*»l iiiriaiHC t|iiffrter* xxith .Mr. ( . F. smith, furni-1 Ilei.ry A Kase, rt. il, va XX'm. 14 Pratt. Trea terror lu -tore. seeing him. Fr*«k Bo mi l...... **7 th<* whiter in 4 auada, are making a erli »» reshlent of S$. John#, anti a -on ­ r» Hpau ding A fiacauo f..r p«iMiIt« It A —The teacher* anil pupils of our —i hain a man to duty anti gixe him I II Hlirixc!.,...... 10# short vl#lt among relatives of thi*plA<*e K. Walbrldge for .irf tmlani . t'Ul ...... W* 111 — I • t w ul .#1 r. I «*x | nrnxx II. lit* CXIlir* pileatloaof ftofrndant on nasal taruia I llion N'I hio I will treat our prtqde t*> no h*xr . tare**#*- ami re*ting with Vtuia Hale • ••• •••••#• 4 ... 1K> lie fore returning to th**ir houieln Mu*- to Kan sr- nlxiut *ix year* ag< In lumr Villun Hoilk r< John Ud. Kaniavin J ft Lots of Overcoats Way Down Below Cost felt* Vac Htrr...... I*U kegi*n. I* • * Fadrwa for utaiotiff Mum * Harto* t<»r Aafea*teel, <*f M. John*, ha*, during the -—Rev. Mr. Pettit, of the Baptist chihlren. * *s»|sl indi(T<-rriM*e «lrixe* Jraata Ijarh...... #a the hanking buslne#* J. D |E. pUianff. A ktout far dal^ridaat. Mol pnipefiy AT HEAVENRICH'8. ftr-Oig- Havaita ...... w | mi -1 few day *, Wl! a* lively engaged nwiua.\ and was axnckau from lli# 4 atondar church at Ovid, w v on Wedne-4lay them lulu the w orld to lta)»-harar«l tlo*ir |kii ftorataw...... a# Krartua C. Uragg va. Jahn Lir Aeumpit. evening of last week math* the re* i|«i- 4‘ham*es. Ia>ve tiegi t- loxe. except A tttt>r 4 Orbit...... 94 in purthadiig cherry and black walnut H ink D» \ lautk w hh h pay * Hpaiiltting A LYanswn far plaintiff Judgment ».*r St. Johns I i hrusry lltli, l"?**. I’liwlm 1...... *4 Ptalnilff on Clark's aaa*-nl for $13#«u —a ent of $100. ra the result of a donation. • where pride or ot In* 1 -4-lti-hne** t<*111 (Milly. [ the -ante to hi* account, except by The Walter A Wot# M atng an# RrapvMg Ma 94 rhin# Campany va Wallanat. u Irwin. As*ump*il , We Study to Please. Xltrbaal t()an.... bn *1 liras tu which they »equcttce, ever 1m. k- agaiu*t it for dial univo nt lie J*kn Radama, her, guardian ot Marv A. Hirnos, of A. II. M llill. H. A., M. H., a Ule -aid thi*. I* all the preaching in (iralhn lalMItrll Older, it* wAMnn'ic* of a brother. M at. at., va. Ana Maria Dalle, <4. al. Lrnkasrr i M*sa IW p!...... I I.\*| til*- r i \ • r • • f l»»*;ith. -*•»»euteslt •-• | for iMIvment.luivmenf. If the lisukHank pay*imx* , J-*naa N l«aWi*t v» J n H Huokar ri public am th Better for every farmer to sell hi* thm ot Truth w ill ludtl il mxt meet­ Ahc« Matam 1<« land at oue-third It* real value, put the ing at the residence ot Dr. {». L. ( in ­ laal *»!#•..» xvutrikkng al a Msfcy Uar) Bnrx = ...... -"‘'• -"•'"f. •- inoaiy lu T. 8. Bond* ru#i|# from hftu ou Miutlay, Mar« h )2|h,»l 7»'«4ork IU0M« f>»J» ...... a* Bute 4*n Itec. 31. 197*, h Imfore u*. — hursemeut. and they. If theVstate d«»es (»nr of onr N#-w \«>ri Stale exrhsng- JmMt (top. .... , to taxation, RRd live on the Inters#, than P. M. Kierdwi. Ri adlng the K<»rau. I A-1JI# ItoOatr* ..... •a A-hle (pxii the money* handled hy t$e not |mx Li full, take it# p|o rats share e* give# the following dc*4*riplioti ami to keep hi* farm pay ia*< *, aud ill if- “'That whh-h we have revcwleil unit* K>Wn IlMMrh vvtm# n.«it«« , Farmer#' Mutual ««q»kf»nj, of thia wllh tlif other cretlitur*. In fact, It diin* v n*ions of a laiy hahy w hi* h wa* teen yeors have 4 all (skrn |n»i»i him (Iter of the book of tk* I* tin «(.■«, Ml.n*»n |«H l..< ...rfor in- tK!’|,*7-'bri;.,«h»V|!'liu^uh^'kaVtor *" N',r"' A'U'"' '"M * ",,M by the mortgagee. ; truth, ivmRrm^ng llic ewidth A• the late iiu|M|iirpi|( |M|tjf «#l •uraitre a# follows; To home row- the death of the ilrawer. The law onlx -Rice: “ Horizontal clrcumfereni*e ot, __In our la>l week’s i#«ue our r#* | ho # rrr*sH lefar# ik, tanc«# in Mum - K«»Rs>. ing. ami tm le- s|dtefi»l .xmipliuirnle of fonrign giivernn^nt#, $919 J9R ^ - 1 Kglnl/'h^jjyoj <*«**"« HI Hwhea, length of eBihl 94 ger’s Hall had w oodMned. From w h vt — The Laiialltg gid II tin#, escbaiigwl Iwtweeu a mklille aged l»ar- j i*,**, , $2,525,.111 47. The lo##e* paid " * ______* |nehe*. The ehlht D well and flourish-j we ha«l previously learned we undar- AWI III reply to (lie ffxlen l.d »n»|emi. I ty Slid the belle of the room, who the i.Rr^ were only $15157 .H97 RJ, *o ( orrf . tion .-Iii our hurry last w eek ing. The ^ther and mother are F.ng-j •tooil that the hall would immediately lion *a,.: ‘ The Iremont bouMTOlCbl- rtr*t |«#rty w.- uyiug to put *»«»< ,ha$ m^, a# a Htatc, paU naaHy $1 ,**.• we maxle several error* In the aclmol |M, pev,pie and have #ix ehlldrew. four ! FURNITURE EMPORIUM! he partitioned off for Mr. Hicks and for eago "* * r' ■,',l bu-i- ‘llow admirahly jr«»ur dre##tusker ha* . io.tr.,| «»* .v-»r« >n,l niite luonth. oM.— , FrhUy) •e-.ttm- Uf-.-hki.-m.I.IOl.^loo,,, of ...... * |„rtr, wttk «mr.«r,i lA>lldoil |.,„r|w»l ...,l othr, «hrrr *r th.t .hr I* ZmESSUK!* -•M.nr (to » rrry ..tarty t.#•>. i* «*» f-« four and • half 4 a Walker street man to hi# wifa the propoea to g»xe theui a uoiU• " orlh a iiv»m lleavenrh h’#, and wa# now worn on |gom ttf i*. «|0ppeal? Thl# to have said he waff preparing Iht phi>-!high ami weighs I5R i*n»’id*. .Utortoy. And tk«l Mu Mttato D*rt«g Ito hr«ri.t -h.irr wr fc. thr Sr* dm: “T««, H I* alMly |^ ZL ph- ».u,,ohi.' SUia nr«| wee lorced to uncover He naka dn aas. te U Tuaar, a igvhNtaaal mi caieher nf tell on bt4Jkmcastitcl oneninhi te*. weak. Fmik >bA If tetosn te«Mlhiktofte4nuujfd, About k ladiea, Including four or pile up on n (fist!; spot H fftet yeltewla an la—, h« irtfter to *»*ane no more '• notes" or were, and dlachwe |o the eiew of the pro- city, and gathered the AdlowlAg informa five from I with square lumpsluiflpa of Tally:Telly; beat the along with Uie Clm aod the hlai k walnut. TvtteN tkras BMKbdaas Dr. i. H. kteark. of other pc ranees u> I**) coin l**r au) form , pie »ec*reta lhat twth Uiev and it have tea* tlou c*uicerniMg the t»usm«*M of rat catch tm Portland and Gnrleton, had Unite* of fie* rggv A itii a flltle a Fkltsda iftea. naraa tea tartrate* ataem la tha charge of the aflhir They ittvited KAgen hlted oi n*M rgir* xlitli a ullfe sugar, and The limiter of Uie white ash la amon7? ofiudrl4o)n< tt. The Government in net •on to be aahaine*! of. not often liiat text the uifiet valuable of ouf native wtaala UnlaMl or palai—sry dtaaaaa* or twenty tHber ImIIc* ami AboUl U»irty Javor with vanilla; pour it over the Hre TWa r*i>monte Syrup rlpowa tha morbid matter U hiAtto rxrludvelv >( cash budne^,'* the public get a view if the Inside work­ Taaking a stout canvas bag from under la light, strong and durable, and ia used young D(en Ttu* ln\ Uatlons to Uie latter — Eggs a la Tripe —Peel, sllee and fry ta tEa laaga. aatwro tbrowa tt uf by an aaay, * !*at PLAO* • Ml f» without the Aar Ipaafted Saanar. and th* t*1f lV*ni\ of l>nalr pa* loratiw. for wSoa Um uEtegm or matter la rlua were ilrlhted, a true-love knot gracing in butter three or four HjMtniah ooiona,. for carriage s|N>kea, felloes anney" of the future weaknesses, vices and littlenesses aa the like a rasp hinw, then * another im- What ia popularly known aa the l»aa»- Waad ToaiC muat ba fraaif u*«-l to clean** the can hr no lietirr ilhutntrl than by a tran- party to tie held at Mrs.------’a, 8t James reduce; put to thta a dorgn amall, hard Stoatach aod Hear Srhaack'a Mandrake Pllla act |irreenl Administration exhibited in the pruVemetit of mine. If you have aa ordl . . . ------wihm J is highly esteemed by tree admirers, #a the llvar, rumovlag all ulatfurtiuiM. rcias tha WEEKLY Fit EE PRESS. * r»|»t of the ium 'ii|»tions on both; testimony in the recent trial. Tift \\ lie nary pair ot tonga, and grab a stout rat j ?**?!*** * nomi»er of marriageable young bulled eggs, quariefdl; ralt Ulfito gently witli thfe sauce, not to break tiie slices. l¥4h here and in Europe, for planting in gall bladder tha bite start# frosty and tha llvar la phi ok , ee.oo PkuH YEAH. remembered that It was a state trial; all | by the tail he’ll wiggle away, but If ye . ••diee," nlc. TT»% y»wing in* it flere BOOO relieved (hra«iat Ham na ruiMi rviaian lines Granville writes thus of a street in ttebaach a Hoa Waod Tout*- la a gentle etimulaitt 1 vo < t' aa.) the parties ihnt figured in it—the prison ­ cat*.it him w ith these, lir a bocodtoguin Ulto a IIUIt! aUt(»rlu-dititpriacu on nmtingfinding ata the —Otoe of the best cemetot# for crockery Berlin: " In Berlin there ia a celebrated ia to mix lime teith fhe white of an egg sad a Iterative ; the alkali, of which U larompaacd All P«*»tma*trra are Ageuta Sold he all KewW- er. Ihe wilnesaes and the proaecohHW— •t: ^ _ IhOUie young la*ii«« with whom they were street called ' tnter der Linden ’ (under mi lea •lib (he low1 and proven*# au"itq It aa- dealer* llpoetl apy mat Free. • 1 kM not* U a l**x»l loader f<« IM A'dlass, were «4ff«*era of Ktatr. In a tee, *enao, well aroualnu*d. »o well, ihdc^l, Uiat To use tt take a sufficient quantity the Siata the digeatloa bv Inning up the atome* h to a nirfit (ur dull**. ** What else dd foil Use. hi. Toner? ’* the Linden trees), a gay and splendid Addraa# MUM T on , iMrvaoiv. M i«'■. t*w». It waa an entire^ one *VW( lffalf» aiping tongues have nad H (hit there were egg to menu one article at a time. Shave health | condition ao that I ha I«mm1 and lha Pul­ " Wkll. Hnlr a dark lantern and a bag nvenue, plante*i with double rows ol this monic Syrup will make jc***«d KI. mm! then tha lung# AOEXTI WAVTKD FOX T1IK TUB I’MTfcD STATB-H There was no \»ruacr»l Involved k til IM featWSM I iprlDka xuH on Um OSuf & I " ®^, h0* •««•* *«*> Tlir W.l off a quantity of lime and mix thoroughly. Apply quickly to die edge* and place tree, which pnwenied to my Yh-w a seen** heal, ana tha patient will enrely get well if car* la from tht ItreHlent dWwhtn the h.»k» than foiBf oul of their holr* The '»t «*>«»» U>. r.*,® Mid fai more U-autiful than I had hith«-rto taken to pro veal f rnek cold. wtU pa* U m> taarer firmly together, when it soon seta and lie AH who vrlak t*» roaauh I>r Srheaek ehher pet- Gauger, were UcpubUmh* nf undoubted | :uff ta a trade *e* reti and aura* U the rati another elegantly furnished apartment w itne»aearty stand- Gv itsHa atufsmell. II. Its ihe same as flies and Germany.** fl4 Siam and Aa* H Hr* . I*bila«1< Iphia, ... lot (ha Tt MRS lug, and *o were the whole krmy of fex* hiolaase* n able young ladies" «*ommcnced 10 piay will answer in place of the lime. The American Bssswoial or Linden, is #very Monday. B|| JnRN A lums . Joan 0. Nww, arv maklbcKlua larg#large erottaj.» f u arMlogteniog «*nr««nr frefreeh o«^-ha Cav- (klutiet officera and twibdr p«*?%nnage* that " Well, how do you cat* h then! f Menuelawgiu’l “ Wedding March" on till- —To make ent-alloped oyatera, take one bcWmk a inrdicltMa Aft aoid by all druggirta ategue* • i.n Terra# rvea. write In X. * SUllMiMAW, k«i;uiri. Trrwnm. j>iano, and ea* h nf the remainder of the not so graceful and elegant a tree as the thro*arb»jnt the country. figured ia »»ne aid** nf the rttlirr. in one * ’ 1 gn into tha ceHgr, Or wherever the quart solid oysters, a layer of taker's loaf European, which may Ik * obtained of our S Hari Ujr ah. Ra* Yark.or If 4 Ala* 8C,< tix iuuaU.o wuar tt might Iw called a fight la tw een ; fata art, wi|k Jb'hh. lie holds the hag, laities was soon inquiring: " Are you in- stale crumb* or cracker dost, and a layer nurserymen at a small rost. Yet the ey by » rua anmi or tmb ziti sa. tlie Government and the Adminiatfaiion — knd l lake the dark lantern and the toiijn. gageil for this dam cV* —it having U*en of oysters; (»ep|**r. salt and butter to suit former is well worthy a place along high­ Pru*tf it •rf*»M*,4r*i IhrtgiHttl Jtottilint bar a family war, too sacred ttulsblera U* previously announced that dancing would t>u»te; alternate until oysters are uaed ; Kixtft. Il will ni l wnau- nor »*r« omr soft We have rubliera on and step light. Tlie ways and the Imrdeni of streams. Tlie W “r Ve/'*' Ir allows! to part lei pate in , for it was as rats run around, and 1 squeak like one. form part *4* the evening * entertainment. last layer crumbs; place on top half a tree forma a thick, symmetrical head, and like ordifiarv yellow aoap wh*u ua*-4 in warm pi •' Tbla Idrrr of tiij«r u* Inral twin In pay rxclualvely Hepublb an aa the a**v«-reet <4 Then they come close to ua, and I throw At its conclusion the ladies marched Uieir dozen ph-cea of butter the six** of an En ­ water, nor la it ih«ap« n<-4 with articles inju- 1 Kniii of all ifrliu. larlulias dull**. bears an Immense quantity of blossoaua rioua to clothes. y^tocmArr y«*u obta*n a full *«**(£*sod lion clad oath* administered to the par- I open the slide of tht lantern The rata I iiartiieni to iM-aU, leaving them wite (inlit*- glish walnut, wiUi reasoning; turn over and seeds Tlie blossoms have s rich p«*r- wte V A*i 'rr** i.i hows. Then one of the Imlies walked all Uie oyster liouor and one large cup of Pfa bar If you pur- li «ar tl»« ir bisnd. TI1K t’WITII) STATE* Of AMERICA. tiriiiauU would liave made it fr* * MttfUseti and rush into the light, and fume, and yield a large quantity of limpid To pruU-tt their brand from Imitators The private picture I trough t HgV.t m 1 grab them and put them in tlie l ag. slowly up ami down the r«N»ni, and the milk . take well browuod half au hour iu TIK IMO.I 4U* honey . pr-x-ter Hut Uie be-l way to know la to see me lie m4 nffkndnd she w ill ta* well attendnl year, and in our local markets it ia iiu- — I^rtnut Tribune. A r»ra at Washington, and having strange work. Me and Jnhn ia going to clean out by all the nstnrt that we owe, we owe, (xiasible tn find a pound of pure cream f*Kt -»siX(*'* celebrated WbiU* Mine N inegar haa been before the public twentv seven veura Thr essential difference tatwren the (towers of (tentuaaion over the Ih'eeideni A hotel tn night, and It you come ah-ng we owe!" Then " Uie VJuren" se)Ccte*l a cheese. It toasted it will scorch, hut will “ Tmtk Htmnger than Fiction. 9* Jinn Eliza currency and thr “tnouey " |» apparent at nimself. It was Joyce who cn(ttlvaied the you can take a hand .in I II leave here young tiiAn from the company, and lioth not melt or show the least sign* of con ­ a glance The one ia a pr**»*iae to j*iy a President's private aecrctarv by enclosing at twelve o clock." The rc(w»rtcr accepted walked Up and down the room while the taining any oil. Dairymen are thus ruin ­ Tux bxst noauxa book rrr otrr oawkeopera re|ok. ------.... Sir Hour t a aw arUci-lea Ciriwiu A Co.. ( bcehlre.lt Young doignntrd Ml in of money —#, #.. gold—the the dish water islititrials he hatl written the pro|*miti'*n. and on returning at mid ­ others sang: “Here are the King and ing their business. A p* m>r article *4 The publishing house of J. C. McCurfly A other la the “ inoary" itaelf. Thr one in- for tha Joseph //eradf. aa (tfTVtf that night found Mr Toner and hi* partner in tjueen <4 Dover, ” etc. Then an.Hher la*ly cliees* or butter clog* the market, con ­ _ il* riu »l | .oop • owk. r-u • t* tV* *-rH- §31 #2« r£’ “•?.« 2UC*W!li! ®! s iiii.e ■* l‘-l- j* f. rUc.ruM f*«l io|\('i) nr ohllration to /wy, the other ia he was demolishing frhtm and Sumner waiting, t'assidv carried the l*ag and I walkc*.! the ff*H»r, the first song was re sumers h«*#iiate to buy, and the price *4 Co., have 1st* ly brought out " Our Wc*tern • ' - » i« *»»♦ w . * Du at n, |ll..f itp*aa« payment itartr and bringing Missouri round to the Ad ­ tool*. And jumping on a Broadway car, | (H*at*-d. and she selected a gentleman to all grades goes down —/Mmit J'rtbvns flurdef, One Hundred Years Ago." by Me* *3* I • IM»r »t Pom*. Xg«-T>t* wr.nted. «****«» sad (Allman A IVrhapa the distinctive difference be­ ministration's San Iktmingo polu.v slid ihe |»arty were soon conveyed to their de*. i accompany her Uirough the room. And —FaiUi In farming D the first thing Knight, author of ” Old Fort Duque*u«b" It )p § ^u-rtu* tree. Aotlrv elkl i 41U . Augu>u*, Vic. tween Hie nnff# and the money might t*r it is an ex-Attomey tlenerwl Who U*lls ua lination, a prominent Broadway hotel so the play went on until all bands were needed for success A man all Uie white la a large, elegant o< tavo, of nearly Kro(M>s**d that the l.ulie- everything grudgingly and with as little borderers —au< h dauotleaa worthies aa Boone, Iithd t'n -oil a .d r unal* vinrilf **V « p***a H A*L T• I* ago out were nibbing the Government it ahoitld head waiter. A coo pit Of enoka and several > should kiss them. All were agreeable to outlay of lalNir and money a* he can |mm«- K«Miton, Rradv. Logan, Harrod, McCull*>*-h, •nd »«*** k • U» r«aa * *a* i-> n a* *< aara* A de- have protected It was Mi Donald who, gf'ioma w»-re waiting to see the ral-caU h tin- sxeopl um pretty dwnsol, wit<> u sfbly get along with, will not find farm­ McClellan, the I*«m-s, the Zanes, and the Wet- MUM II. -Ag*a«a vaa(**l. 44 b*at aatV m rtpii*r l aiwi bu t, w.Ui !»■•!»• ol o'" *nt >* «a I Tti> »• pad for our omi of rill presuming on the Presidnot'a friendship, clared : " 1 won ’t; I never kiaa***lany (>er- articlea ia tar world. Ona aampla froa. „ rrt tot •• • •' 4-1 at". % «-n It It terma. .m /Vr*. F I »m**h * crx. These jieraons regar«l«**l Mr Toner ing a success One must plow and w*w ael* It conlalna strange and thrilling nar SEOESJAT BnONnOI. unroll. MteM. fl Idrraa I w > H It l.a * t* < *• a e» * V. VI l(ai»d<-isti at, ( nil AOO, Kvh. was in the habit ot lonHng it over his and hia roinpaiuous with tiie utmost awe aon except mainiiia in niv life." S*H»ncr wiUi full faith that every hour he devote-* rative* of daring deeds, desperate eontlt* t», Cmean**, II* . or ( ansa K»riia low * chief, ComuiisaioOef Douginas, and It u« and re»(*-ct. One of the Kngiish gi*a>ms than that the piny should not 14! carried to the husttMMP, and every dollar lie puis M i l* raptelr with S**nr1l A Key Cn*ck Jolt 1* K CAlMOVn. Loud Co*n»H**mom*r. tv iting adventures, touching captivities, MONET (njldta *'•*•'- -g• ie« »i,d full (Hirtinilarv TulfuB, to n»# Pn*id«nl himaell in forma gave a graphic dracriptioo of M-veral rat­ out she cons*-nt**d to allow th<- ft-othmu into it will lie returned to him double; and i« the t*« #t, fu’lest, moat complete, and t ui a m Ml WaaMaatea etraet. Ho«n« alioutd isaur in lien thereof ettar ticket* who was able In a fifteen minntr*. con ­ ting iiiiti hi« he had at** n at Jimmy who had marched with h<*r t«» kiss her then will h<* learn that farming pay*. most reIIaide portrayal of b*irdrr life, strug­ ___ PRIfTN of •*»# A«r.W. Onr tvaring the legend: versation, to sm \ir«* the r* vo» a>»*tn of an Shaw a, in M indmlll street, near the llay* Imuiitllately atu-r this on*- ol the young Let him give his whole strength to th>- gle and adventure ever yet published. !F50«'fci» t, rernT' en* a-'d fliat<-ry *io-Mt»|*e»-4 • order which the President, the Secretary market, and* Mr T«*ncr gravely assented men was Uie vic tim of a cruel Joke. It busine*** T ou« h not anv i—*u*« Aiti.Alth. -ugUugh esold• »4*l f-#*. < mr»"0 ol Uie Treasury and the Internal to the statement that Jimmy Shaw » Ja« ko farm it in earnest, farm it wholly, and of mnU-nta to the < rdlnnrjr $•* book, an-1 e>( OreC f e«s s1 t—f )p«r\ ■*•*? ••* Was thought that another dame wa* to 1m Kay-Oraek M*o and Fwavera !•>*•»#•• lea RWMWMW,ra------r>». *i-»v***. . nt# i.** 1 hi* !• a p at of ratlk He venue OoiumiMinucr had united waa the l«st ratter ever put into a pit. j called on He was approa* hr**l by a ladv great success will surely follow. * I meeting with n .nsrkst.le popular fsvor It •ddrwaa low. W. I.o a* (..«a*ef. Irie* •*() %-*l rrja. -tsr-.* r*,«et T« M • Ol .e, " Are y«»u engage*! *" " N«»." he replied other planta she wa.* anxhui* to kec*p over work «>f th*- kind wr know of hold only by erala i m «-.s r-e«N •' Tfce aetr l+fiM* «iu»n •* See# • : • TeeM »»4 ' ■•karrWS W* •"! ’ rrMe S' *• sofa—waa the first blow struck at Uie o(*ei*ed the chtseta and store room doors, "Will you take tne for a partner ?* fur ag*-nta. Addreaa. J. C. McCurdy A Co., EVERYBODY SEND ' 13 tab asa |ICMAltllS A IIUIMA, tl«6ISaATI,fT_ winter. I made a tight N*x of pine iMiards, •aM* tmni fit-a and (ui part,«-ii;ar« Address F. B. whisky ring, and It filled the ling with and sprinkling if< s spoonful* of odorous ther queried Uie lady. " Certainly, " w a* Urge enough to set the |m4s with tlie Ptit.llah.-ra, Phlladrlphla. Pa., Cincinnati, WAMint ((NX a CO . MHd.atioru. Mas*. In the cue case Mr. Landers would wrath and rage All it* (tower* were fluid in Uie center of the kitchen he re­ Ohio, Chicago, 111 . or fit. Louts, Mo. Selected rreach Burr Mill Stones premise to redeem hit ticket hy giving a hit answer Tlicn she tnm***l to the nut plants into, and my wile (mated several call'd in to secure if* fevoi ation, NVc *ee tired locking the door after hiiu and put­ ot Ui«* <-*»nipany, and, w iUi an air of tri­ KitIfiKKK Of*ALAITTKFri TO Of all ««»•*, and aui- *< r pint ol ntilk therefor; in the other ra.se thiekne»*ea of n«-wspa(M>r in “ide *4 the — Edward Kevins, (4 Flelrher, \t., rut Av nu. VlalrM'l Frntole. la ••He « «rk*io%i*e|i' r Farlskl* MeD**taid storming like a desp* », and ting the kry in hi* (waket. remarking at umph, exclaimed . " Do you hear ttiat' Inix . s*» as t*» mnke It almost a iverliN t non raht) r*T • »l.ner iVourlass; the «ame time to the head c*»*»k. " It any his thr»*Hl the other day, and crawled un- ! (». VK'kKKY d ***.. Auinsiv Msiwa nwirr 'uua r•. I-r t arn pint of milk in the form of (taper. The He has agroed to marry me!" The ladies conductor of lieat. At night she would S77; t.r WrerkMil work. IhinT like the orier. it will damage of the folk* u(> stair* want* vittlea c««oked all sai*! they had heard lilm mnke the en ­ der hia tarn floor U> die. but may gi t well, us** Soil tieaalae Paleli An- exact process by which the paper is Inter* heat some half dozen bricks, so as to 1»* ▼teuton tartU. kerlUlitac* l«Hh Mill the Government and injure thr Adminis ­ now, they'we got to go without ’em." gagement The young min waa bewildered after all. It i« thought the fear that he w luted seat (•» w • I CM* Mika converted into milk may not be undrrst--: rather hot to hold in your hand. These hadn't enough f**lder to winU-r hi* st*i( k AasaU Waalad- • tea aswt fa* ri* Ian < -Jta vie *ta and tration," ami thr jst..r, tunid tom mis Having uttered this declaration of author* for a few moments T hen he tried to ex­ she put Into the Ui\ w ith Uie (n»ts and aiwat# A R rater 4 Ua. » • ’teat**ra, (lnfllUk generally, hut it l*» by the name preceav aioner, <{uailing liefore the snborrflnate ity , Mr Toner resumed Id# scat in the led him to the act. 50 l*all»ew, M••#• '*. etr ; all that paper i« converted into dollars. It l« plain tiiat he had only promise**! to la* her plants, and wrapjM-d u(» the whole tight ------— ko»(« tit Mill Maehlnerv and who migiit aid or drtctf hi* aspiration** to servants ’ hall, and spent the Mlowing partner in the dance. She declared that and rh«w- with several blankets, and m W tllara' an^fl>e«. 1r |M»*sible that, while Mr linden ’ original a judgeship in the court of claims, reply Two f<»rmcr govern esaca t*» the royal PRAIRIE LANDS. |-*tNpl le* . Mrask Mill hour in drinking and smoking she had not mentioned anything alsuit a this wnv she -avrd her plants, which are ad yearr addreaa *»a POSTAL------CARD •« ( aauMay. H*» I A AW, tickets, redeemable on demand in milk, Ing. ajsiloyrticallv "Tbeonler <4 trans At length he remarked, " I gu»*«a we II children have lM*cn a(>(N»»ntcming, although some night* ► Y arwtar. w.va ( hit ot Lssna. 4 larlaaall. might la* accepted hy the (Hihlic. it ia not h r is general and only teinjiorary Nt e go to work," and lit hia dark lantern 1 to the Queen and Princess Beatrice. In i rCarrwf law* A Sah likely that hia otb’r issue of paf**r-milk fairly aod squarely. lie waa given til) water standing only a few feet from the plain English," I^actfieea" means reader* sc* M< lh*nahl al«*t telegraphing to the With tlie lantern in In* left ha-id and tlie that night week to make up hia mind aa plants, In a pail, froze over an inch thick A MONTH.- vg* would enjoy equal taviKf; in fact, the pa (’ommiaaiooer for jirrniiar-ion t*t visit to-iga in hia right 4bck led the way, Cas­ * l*er# HlWiHr^s l to whether he would carry- out hia en with ice — rruit Uernnlrr. tetiat IVtseaae Have IV CIum * F*rUey)sra Hii Oldest, Lariest, Cheapest, Best. prr-milk, taing wholly valueless aa milk, Ma*hingt«*n, and though ordered mil to b%. 1-vCl*. Mo. sidy following next with ilia bap, and th« gag* ment, and all the others voted that, How oftrn do w* hrar thta question a*k*'d JOU.S WOU1 il 4 tO or otherwise, would ta rejected; amt for c*mic. bursting in on thr i'rpartment witli reporter bringing up the rear • ht*p — A very pretty and cheap rug may be j 82501 HH •HAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. if he did not marry her. she should kill made iroiu *4*1 pieces of woolen cloth, i hy tu-raona auff« ring from diuinesa and paHl Ihe «iitii( r* taon the | ajter dollars would, a storm of rcpr»aches f«*r presuming to light." «aid Dick, a* lie unhekeO the Tl.w ..nly ni*a»e***d Famllv and Literary Can*r la an crstc*f«, etc., by cutting them In th* h*ad, with a dull, atupid feeling, i*atn REVOLVERS!!’ .-$3.00 l^argrr (Han (Ha %• X . I^*li»r. doubt hia hon esty by sending •erret agent- kitchen diNir The party stepped quickly la the aide, back or ahotibb-r, a heavy load rtla. dollars, hare a correspondingly amall man w ho refused her offer *4 marriage into bias strip* three fourth* of an inch Only rea.OO dH Yonr. to ht. I^tuia to det«s l ihe verv frauds he in and ahul the door. The patter of the lately on thr atmna* U after «sting, a faint, all-gone value. Mr lenders has r*>n-ented to urge was then eugaged in. The autht*r.Uca at rah* on the floor could be heard plainly, t wide, then with a darning nt**dle and »*n«ation at th* pit of th* atomach tiiat food nd Morphine Habit ahanlutele and *rn IAL < Lt p HATFA ujxvn the (Hople of Indiana Indo away The party was broughtUi a close with coarse cotnua yard or small cord sew Ik -n II1) iu M. I'NI' r** an p"ihIKI- 4 r-P'o fM tear a. 9 1*1 r*M *ea. one >** f I " " >VashiDgt«*o admit that lk**V had i*gif sna With a little instrument he had in hi* do*-* not satisfy, a cold, clammy feeling in (j. Rehia • tiump ■■ J T~m‘ A ja i - r •> with the promise* to pay dollar* and sub­ pnted tlie exialiuice **f tb«*»e frauiTa, hr mouth Dirk imitated the "squeak- an amusing incident. One of the ladies through the middle of the strip, taking , th** band# and feet, with hot flashes at tim*'«, ATiton. l*rr. wWasbiudUrh i eUUocate AiMtrtr p« (an I* rr'trrip -f r -.b of k “ stitute the dollars thein*elv«w in f»aptr; had shown a desire during the whole of stitches about halt an in* h h>ng tot a ’-ad teste ui Uu mouth * i!, f OPIUM Kninple r..ey and circular* Pass Vg* nl* which th<* Government was h*-ing a mill squeak," to perfection. The next moment attended with great depression of th* nerv ­ will glee th* d.rretkwia h«>w Ui W aalrtl t.<4d rrr*i«in* AL a ■ and he will explain to the people tlte ah it*n dollars a year but tlierw were political h* thr ** l*nck the -.i !e «*f the lantrrn the evening to have a few moment*'con v«»ur needle well filled liefore pulling it 1 •km. It ■••-ne. cn*l Mrimt ItinU. (.-r# With a aew sc -rp Addreaa — surditv of issuing tickets rede. -mahle in reflation with a certain young mao. He through; twi«t the cl*4ti round on the ous system »n*l evil fnrrhodinga, an t with a • ni |>*H at*l b» a. It- a ot *••*» r. i ttac aft i him t k \ acuisi* Pirar reasons that delayed the application of the and ( aesidy threw the l*«g o(* n 1 lie tired w«akn«»* that ab «-p don ’t relieve, wrlna (u /mIi rawteC. VnldleSer*. S>*«» 7 AA AaawiN M. Ptllll milk when they might i-a-ue the milk it remedy •* bupervisors, ’’ sayaex( ’*iuums. circle <4 light on the fh»or **ecme*l fairly was put on hia guard by a lad) friend, needle until it u* a roll somewhat reaem-i scanty at tiin< *, with a sediment afb-r stand ­ aelf— in pa|*er lie will, with hi* grew; U» C tatting » aioner'Don glaaa “are | olltiral machine* as swarming with rat*. Aa quick aa light- and managed to give the anxious one the bling * hetiille. Tak« some stri ng chub ing On* plus" ian calls the disease liver CAN’^rCER.koooncr.D.; , WW1 1 r‘ ' W ’’ * salt* '. ability, also explain how palter (lo)lars “ col«i shoulder" for three or four hours. as foundation lor your rug, and sew your eomplmint, anoth- r kidney disease, another • t ' I Now Oataloguo well asofth ial ones." There were full elec­ ning Dick *« ired them wiln the long* and .4 **'• ' /V**. and paper milk. “ tasctl on (lie faith ami tions in 1**74. that occupied tlie attention droiqied them into the hag. The rat* Wliilc lie was resting on a chair in a clM-nillea to it, either cominmi-ing in the dvqMptia and •tit! another Impurttv of the Writ* full dewrriimoa resources of Uie nation," are " in harmony of these Supervisors. *nd it would got do corner, away from the m*t of the cun center and sewing round, «>r in stri(>*. : L|«»od. Hul n»»nr succeed in effecting a cure. dadird round in the < in le of light and Tlte fart ia that the** #\nipt*'ms mdi ate MARK TWAlUreUrw tern with the genius ot the Government, and to interfere with patrotlc knaves in their M-cined afraid to stir lep>Dchalf «»f the lb-publican ti« ket. were quicklv anatebe*! up until no more •rat***! herself upon it. He was satisfied lK»nler to suit tiie taste 4 aea h*»w ea*r U**7 *r». H ad Tb*-n CJ«ine the Senatorial rbvtion*. in remained on the floor. * ’ That's not so tiiat she intruded to (Hip the qiieation (so U-Kiity «»f the mat will depend upon the m»i«t take a remedy that will a t u(»>n all of We commend to the fier*on« who have wiilih the same Supervisors* s*rvic«- he said afterward ), and he was deter ­ (.oi«*r* y«>u have and their arrangement, j had." said Caaddy. giving the l*ag a th< •♦• organs at on« e. The l*«-*t artl< le that luriUUATI DOM lRWKRWF.FKLY AT4fl. ImncMh toll' w< I Uie tln*orv • »f an irre were m-eded ; and a»» it wra« arH till the shake •' There’s a hundred and twenty, mined not to give himself awav cheaply — The prvW* *»f the old country garden j we know of is made by the !*hahcr*. and II As Indepehdaut r srnur b#w» ■ N l aw a. deemable paper money receiving ita vxl C t%( lun uer pxi.uf. a* | PI Y I V II. following sprlag that the tlrai irld a, • < » >pt t uxx I»1 b< a:ain-t the ring waa made —the Govern g *t away over in that corner, there, I she said. horseradish tad; that is, I mean, m all Address J Ha "STAR'* tOa Cine In •lall.oiiia JUHT OUT. to the practical illustration furnish'* I bv ment, in the meantime, having lost halt a heart him." An i he walked rapidly to a He prrteodcd not to understand that she | well regulated plarrw, f*»r there wen- a* | by I>rugg'*La and A. J. White, New York a comparison of a price ofauch ’*ui*»oey" Men to Sell «ur f *d» tn million dollars hy the trilling delay in Uie portion of the kitchen where there w#a a meant the matrimonm! mar act, and said, I many slovenly (*e*>(de in those day* as A Few Words to Feebla wad ISsllestw its ant* «- < with the existing greenback, (*r promise (terformance of a plain du ’y Mi lton huge chopping l>ench. !*urv enough, ** No, but I believe the Common Coun ­ now Th***e t w <» plants are usually *tu< k | fr..i»i Im>w»c to in.«K !•*' to pay money. The written promise has W oaten. a m*mrh. and t'weellny e« SnikTT 1 ald ’a theft of a letter from lb*(i Com. Ib*g there waa Uie rat Dick threw the glare cil intend having the new building ready away into .-une <<»rner, as obje* tionahle I WANTED the value ot tlie tiling promised, less By R V. ruarx M I». of th* MT<*r(d * IU»(**n- p*nara paid MwstroaMostroa MsMsa'r'a c**.,Ciarunnaii. cr’a table, a ropy ot with h he gave to Hal»- *4 the lantern right on the ral, blinded h>r the butcher* early in the summer.** | feature-*, and as vegetables that will take aary. Kadalo S Y Anth -r «>f " Th* l‘e* 1*I# a the tm< *-rt*inty <»r delay of payment. (omma h*n«* Madteal Ad«t**r ate., ate. eaa'-y ta ataeeh iok, l»is ride with tlie I*rrsi'1ent on the him, and hauled him out w ith the tong**. * ’ 1 don't in«*an tiiat." she mm*. " To lie I car* t them selves at any rate; hut I tag i | stiFweaa and ^ Geo. S. Haskell & Co.. The paper "ru«>ney’' has mi value in it occasion <4 one of hia visits to \N a-cing "I gue*M that’s all," said Dick. Now plain, do you always intend living in that I tear* Knowing that torn are aubject to a great zoline :Wbltenea* • toll** fabric l*rw aelf. it represent# nothing; it ia m»t to tie to differ (nun this opinion, as they amount of •ufT« ring, that dcltca* v on your TerU> Irir* UU k MM Get..about* a b>H( fr*aw vaur wrucar. _ ROCIkFOSD. ILLINOIS. ton, the singular inU-rferem c ot the Pr»-s you see how it's done." la larding n<>use *" ar* en* h highly tanefltcxl !*y liU-rvI cult- ' STu.NX 4 CO. Ill takaLake »tttrtei, LUlAUU paid, ilia payment itself, aa ia the gold part haa a «tr*»ng t« ndency t*> prolong it. and US’-* o «i 1 blent in thr annulment of the transfer «*r Noticing that C’a-uddv kept swinging " Do you mean to say that it is not a ure and a g"*<«( • oat of manure. They are the longer it ia neglected th*- more you have dollar. The Cincinnati Knqmryr and a drr. an- minor in* Ident* in Uiia itrsnp BA00ED” MONEY..*r »«-*■#. do/rn or more ot the orator* of thr third the hag afoul, the reporter a-k|»agate*l with very little trouble, l** endure and th« more diflb tilt of cure y.«ur tern, ma*listed r. a. r*>»*a ot 4»» kind not r.-unrer- grouping of high officials and vulg«! that was d< ne tor. * ’Oh," sanl Dick, ting three good nicala daily, we arc sup­ mer* ly dmdmg the crowns, and. in the | case becomes, I. as a pb%*lrian, who am SCHOLARSHIPS fe'- Has tha daw or koy e*:en up roar fai r*, tn party have lor two year* or mote larn la «arb.oa WKSTKRU SrSIUF^i (OLl.Ki.M fi-r Iju • »-•» r f u •••! » ne» i ai.not , ••• '' • - scoundrel*. The whole is a pu tuia *4 dally consulted by score# of your sex, desire ea r ai a disroaaC ACiirwa A A t'SlTT, A JmMu BW telling thA |«s»p]e that the g<41 coin iaaued , "that's to keep the rata from eating their plied with a luncheon every night. And case of th*- l»"r*« radish, every small (>um e | mm «■ « go**! clean N n A*. g-eOa nt " hHInra ' •( vignnms stealing in t$t Lou»«. and ot way out." the board Is cheap." will Uiiow up a top, and #**>u h rm a, to say t*» you. that 1 am constantly meeting Lfehwgn, 1U. BB(K, pn. e», receive them hf mail peepatd. and bv the Mint of th< l nitod Male.* bu wi t take f.nr torn »r»d uacirws ~arMp" in nw* ■Lei c"w*iH)r connivance at it in M ashingtou straight, nicely *!ia(*d r**4 Hop-vine*. ! with thoac «Im have b« *-n treated f »r their no value save what is given to It Ly To her question—" IRm’t you intend ailments f<*r month* without being benefited it.* * *'■ ’.later, ix. —ot impud* nt and arrogant scoundrel ism ( *e and Ahnae of the Mind. getting a |»artiier?" he replied : " The lady a« t*»* frequently •*-cn, ar*- the reverse * ct- pf L*>ve and ''••«ri»Wt>, I3r: OftmUl K»»rtune Teller, stamp ot the Miui i» nothing more, ami of the house has dec lare*! that dancing has ornamental, clinging to a i*oie after tin- j ly dls< otir.vged and have almost made up jrX’ Outfits from SI up : e earh tiaa ow it»* pawaa—all XfnrMr. Morgana of it, on the otuur—g*l. U» lUyutmea* n.ldi __ A A/ ■--- /** a fF.i ikianfi n ViV Adf n ipawi’f Maw'ury. •* i v (imal I • r a* pmfe»i# to ta notiiing more, than a The third of a series of lecture* before finished for the night ” manner *4 the leaning Tower of l*laa their mind never to take another do**- of tioiMimy 1 Cm., iTatkiayti'n Sg,So*ton a.m ten, iv> pp -lol*n(;>UTam. all fur Xir'i « t art­ certiflrati that the coin mntainj a certain the Young Men's Christian Asaociaiion She U-gan anew " Will you have me The *up(M*rt should lie w*-ll branched. t«» medicine, or he tortured by any further s’, p Male K*»). IV Hunler* , <*«ilde ar.d Trapper*- for------" allow plenty of air t** cin ulate am«ng the treatment. Th«*v had rather die and ha%e * .”w(»ui»i.** < b)z Ze. TrWka and Trap* of As»eetea, weight of gold a certain n ALL ABOUT CASOXNINC. an t iit*-/mw—# <•( h* indlera, j.-’re zv Art of Iw»< nt. New Y"fk Trtbunt says : * K»*plng ba*l avenue and Forty filth ►tre«-t, si* f:0earh aJl seni pre neaa. The value ia iusa •* U>e uttblacL Sent p •' ;-w*4 to* lu ranu. fiend f »r - The KratlllaR Pee- the gold is in the form of dust, or liar, or tirant s Administration. Tlie nor-t dian p mond. M D , «w ho is fsin-uts forhUatudy ** You stupid thing, will you marry like to leave warm quarters, and ding to tr* atru* nt. Uf anything more discouraging. J.N.IJ.B. HOOT. Sard Lruwrr,R"*kHrd,lll. NOTIONS. fume RtvM* a notm*ol. eletanL, utahle |>«-**ple are pri'ih g*»l gu*-sts at tlie me v " tertSrm ’H-nrjaaawdcka>perfume, ami M we certainly can not conceive, and were th* r* W'»»l»»| Ui. 'earn Te.*grup*-W- f irri |m«1t Am t*h*s in M. «»ily tP> et» tw elegant *w«W- gne it no value which it will u< t paM-w W lute House and tavoriua in official cir evMi), to an audience exclusively of gen­ ** If I had the power," he said, "and hour pa**s by, while the hungry stork ar* I no.more aunt-safal m%- • * i lfumis’ird (>»-!( -as. liaj.tarr” X\t lead Prnctla. keflee than ta rlea The wlwde civil a#-rvira naturally difficulties than that, the principle* of whieh YOUNGMEN1 p r in ' -t.a ewaraateed. W a her*a, 1 4”< fre* fwr Wr **( aoaMhourta.* Uie great without any a« li* □ by the <»o\» rnin**nt, tlemen. The auhj***.t w»« " The l *e and you < ante to me, it would afford me great shivering and hungering f«*r f*"*! an*l j supp:/ ail '»peru»..ru hired h> Wrtr pub tan and Amerl- rv >ier-proof, j* • ienther ran wet where (Ms la used , . iiflju-ud it-elf k>og ago to the low tone Ahu*a «»f our Minds ’ pleasure to marry you —to even my own U a< h th* redut log ami depleting <4 th*- v .lal e* (aaCrWt Tnegrwph <•«•.< h *c* Addreaa. with Largs h*>t only tic Oar how**. «m»MI*M iv-ilf and whii h it will n<4 poeseas in any (•ert water. In titu* waiting for t<**«d and }*•*• t(”. all! 'fpplf S*r knot Ot d0 a* I"* <*Mablistied at the t apital, and so we hav* Dr. Hamrnond, after s|»cvktng of the brother ’* for* *-• of the syatcio, wb> n the Indications i S, XV. TiLMun lairimx JaawrUa, fa of do world to which it tuav V taken water, an animal h*s«* flesh rapidly, !i dictate a treatment dire< t'y the reverse of prirn i>» sot rl»k ronnay or “ cheats " I»e*i with This »> f raM dK <*r du ’»t"U» pra* - br#ms <4 animals, said that Ihe faculties moment* the ladies wen- " seeing home” w*uld T hey knew the very minute their j lerfelt moacy, but send all ye* mi»*. no matter h"W to understand how any - «ne man who will be deplorable indeed. Hut, ladv sufferers, H.m«. TV * •.-•*•*••» arm sell give the matter a aerfoua thought can lie the*, in high place* and low. which of ilic min«l were divisible into perception, the gentlemen —£f. JoAn (A’ >.) Anq I«m«1 a'.iouhl i«e auppiie*!, and ar* disap 1 there is a better and far more 'UC*»*-ful M* l*» «»<> /«•*• '*«« lk» bsdlv •-•rn, sad reeeire |t» full value la books, te-ad a*- a- sl «!.' *>* c»* a--. to Hi’XTKH 4 Co.. Hlhadale. M. H. ilenjicl by aui h a-sKrtion*. Hut it is makes an Anieri* an hlusti for hia coun intellect, emotion and will, it wa* dan iVori tN»inted it it diMW n«u come Tl*«* atock- plan of treatment for vou: on* more in har­ IO - Uk St r%id.. Cs «Vrrw»f» **• necessary to asstiuie that coin obfsina ita try's fame and bum with indignation at geroua to hralUi to over-exert the mind by r»r*N d*-r, therefore, siiould w-e thal r«-gti- mony with Uie laws and requirement* of * U.a Sr.st » •*»•* •»**<*» — o her pilfering •errant*. We have had an the n*e of ar*y ol tiiesr farulto-a to a con I your system. A harsh. Irritating caustic value from the Mint stamp In order to Mow to Feed Bee*. larity and promptness prevail in the car*- r. (MMi tuxm Mwaiti AXTFI) maelt lhaOrtantal dont N eglect YourTeeth maintain that the same stamp plan ed on unbroken series o| wandal. scandal, scan siderahle extent. Howevrr, he h»l never and notnagetn* nt <4 sirs k TTieir various treatment and strong m*dicin» * will sever >r-err and Jewelry.f^wrlry TCarVag*’aekag*. th* )arfe*»L dal, trt-smearing almost every department j cur* vou. If you would u«* rational iiiesna, »>wt com Fir4# andMafaell.it* Packsgr lathe World, paper, og leather or narrhment. will give *een a man w ho was Injured hy too much The following suggestive hints are from wonts should have attention at th«- very 1 su* h aa common sense should dictate to lamp)** wttk e*nr<|»l*t* of O* plated aieera to the pa|*T. leather and p*r« hrm nt the of the tow eminent and it has l< ng M-mfl ;>crceptl<*n. and very few wire injured hy minute daily. It lured men will not 1n - every Inielllg- nt lady, take su* h medi* me* HutL-Ba. shirt stoha aad Collar ktaxioa Hf mad H eta. VANBUSKIW’S pRAGRANt inevitable thal tiie White il"Uae llsell i the English SaturtLtg ttrruv: taul fusi <4 Chr*.m<<# aod KoaelUe# sent fr**. OhA- value of t out —Chintgo Tribune. Um much In ’elle. tun! labor A majority prompt in taking rare <*f at** k, if they as cinlK*dv the v« rv (»e»t Invigorating t*mle* toXTAl XOVXLTY Co, tu L bon Lara »«, X. Y. should ie involved in tlie disgrace If of the cases of brain trnufihw were caused It •e«-iiis to l»e now proved l»eyon*l the reach'd frirther controversy that lie*-** •! » «i<*n I sympathize with brute* in winter, and nervIn* *, eotnopandad with #jm*« lal r« f- Gea Grant shall hr ari»u«ed by Uti§ bitter by emotion. Severe intellectual lalior er*n«e t<» v*»urdeirevt* *)*trm. su- h a hap- I iijrite ■STS NURSERIES! and tiiat they will on iM-casioa steal sugar *r»-*« rij»ti«»n, whi h has rn civet the higiic*t SOZODONT pnety, a atrh'tcr regard for the char** ter More injury was produce* hy Use anxiety Mtor brute* *I«* suffer severely in w inter 1 Kvervb-ar ah -uld send to* mj priea-ltsL Fit LIT. There is a man on Morgan street wrhoae o* hia appointees and ai*a*a'iat«*a, and a of a man who anticipated (*eoiMe trouble, from a graer’a shop a-* unhlushiugly a* praise in in tl lou^atiila of your sex. Those kVAlu.IRN rom>T TRRBI »rj «>U,L Let head turned while in a single hour jester Ill's**- hardened sinners — th*- wasps But IOven in warm tarn* and , sUldej. the fi ot U»e rrsponai Id lilies which than hy Uie r» a! tnnible. Kvery experi­ A. MllYAUT.JK-.Prtw day. He had entered a little l»arber shop j it h is Md Imk -h prove*! that tjiev prefer barffly kra-p w arm tn cold westher, .rut if f, ,.j w nr* . U able u* ta on your feet or a* Ill. rest so lightly on his shoulders, he may ment showed that the brain was the or.-an left out of doors. rx|HH*r*t to atom." oixl r« nd a Night of «Uira; that c*»ntinual drain to get a shave, and waa aoiucwbai mu aa^ himself and hh* e»»untry troui a *4 the mind T here was a continual c*>n. fruit to honeydew . or niolaasey to nat ­ (•ris«sl when the tonaorial artist, aa *oon ural n«a tar In manv parte of the c*>un cold, their sufferings arc intf-niw-, an*l they thatUiat I* sappingaspping from yourvour systemsvatem all your much greater shame in future." sumption of hr*in substance going on. should ta fed with the regularity «*f cl*>cx i fi>nu«-r elasticity, and driving Ihe bloom from r ,J. VI A N X n as he <»nd piatel bun in a chair ami When persona thought, they burned the try sli ere It was once profitable to keep your check*; that continual strain upon wrapped a ( alien apron around hia nei-k, been it c*nn«H l»e so any longer Im work, and f*wl ail they can cat, and tb*y LNGRkVER o* W00U ----- The In*lisna(M>||s Jt,nrn>ii sava in brain, and the a*hc*. ph«-«pliate id aiunio jour vital forces that renders you irritable locket) the door. Ilia alarm w«a allayed proved farming has almost hani«hcd will rei(uire at h-ast *»ne third more fte*t 1 and fretful—mav all ta «*vr*r* oin* and sub­ ?70 LASALLE ST. CHICAGO. | c* inmeiiung upon Hala 'ck a acquilUl rua were taken up hy the blood and to keep up animal heal than they would a« the l*arher I-egan laUierihg him, though given off through the excretions. By many of the w***•*!• from which the Ik -c* du'd by a p« ra« wring u«*- of that marvelous he waa not a little astonished from time to j *' lint the verdict is n<*t a complete a< quit if kept in the stable. All at*a k should j remedy. Irrtgulantie* and obstructions to TIIR MHINII, or lUlHVIIM AL lal |a**l IURTKK riOU. lime to ate hina puk aometbing invisible have shelter. It ia cruel to )»-*re it cx- the proper working of tout *y*ten» ar*- re­ asM* iali« i»s are oonorroei! It still h aves |»M>e-, »*ne eould V 11 approximately the he* I gea *4 civilization do n*4 allow *4 tin- Trot W F. JiifiM. KfMn'os, 111 . «her» Imm ihe etrli, and. «ws#tng if on tlie ffoor, free growth of such ( n-etM-r* as honey pom*«l to the rig*»rs of winter dthout shel lieved by this mild and safe means, while auiiv U«|iil itt'llvl Inallr ■ a*»( n*»l («• c a^-r-, amount of intellectual lalior There was peri'Hii* al paiua, the rxiat« rue of abb h ia a ia *l*»»r* un* St«nng t*ri»i )•*#(»'• Mar Tt. tread it Ix-neath hi* feet. T hen hia hair him in the )M«siti*m of having Uen the in suckle and clematis. They rob u- *4 ter Iiu nu M irlH I tim >re fri**nd smi dupe of M< Ibnahi amt nothing more injurious than h«o ranch sure Indication uf serlou# di»ca*e that should roll DOTH NktKF. ta Cusur .ir la gan to rise aa the Itaiher a4kw! h in it much hawthorn and elder-bhMaom. tehaal. Ra*tsr«« nr < nltra* Staillui| on the coal Then, U mi, the large fields, which are Un­ SniMc Forest Tree**. J otighbred «'a*ii*s, whom no gent’em*n and Uia brain was mnsuinwl fa«ter than Its use ta kept up fora reaaotiable length of sli v. -t*o4 the <«• With the earthquake in the tissue could la* supplied from the fond. necessary r«wult of steam cultivation, time, the ape* ia) cause of the**- pain* i* |wr* hia (wicliet, but the tall one witli hia head ■ ought ever to have become the < n S< n»e Medh al Adviser," In Ur Ilialaatrwte# Fleywl Cotaleguafto IfiH 1 fiV VV VT !■ SV dignity anti honorable conduct its* »ul- tKMtptmed the trouble No organ in tht whiihl have devoted a large a|race to the la an« r* holding it hy U»e aole at arm’s length, | body was aa strong as the brain If a man erative. I/»ng journeys for food, mean lakes it into hia h«wd to (dont *«>roc I* treat t-rd ______tH’es he is sure to search out these first; consideration of all form* ut diacaae p* cut- William first att» mph-d In shake anta.Hhlax * *«nt of slept aix to eight hours, he could work aa .of course, little honey stored. Whether iar V* your sex. Thl# work will b* sent tlie h g. and afterward remarkinr* “ He*s the Ligurian Im-cs, now so largely intro and irnleed lie could do no tatter, and he AWD TWTIQOnATM AWD ------The true explanation of the " Sylph" hard aa ha wUhed to, within crayon, the (post paid) to any addre** on receipt of > up there in the foot. I t"»*el him wriggling • dneed into our apiarie* are more a«l should plant these first. But me want to 91 -Vi My FavodU Prescription la u Id hf TREES, VINES AN! SLANTS. dispatch will (iroliahly remain forever a re«*t of the twenty lour. The mind should urr** the (*»n»i*lerati**n of the claim* <4 *- •--ok of bmt variffica fipertal ratra os — he ll c*nne out -hushaod theu—1” never We c**oceotraied too long on one sub­ |di*ted to helping themselves to fruit ArufiuU. Unr* "tM-rt hr P*arli Tr**a. (4rap* virna iM ka*p HARDENS THE GUMS I put it down cautiouaiv in a corner and mvateey. The f*resulent say* then* waa ►oiue other well known forest trees, which Wr rt Danta ('<.rr*«p<>n4*tir* *Mlictt**t. I»ra* np«i*t ject. Persona should always have well- than our native species we do n<4 know , Cara''^R*. m pa«*a. taalrw, tir* an*] r» uiMr rt-ri t* It imparts a delightfully refreshing mming so top. j gagement 'loWn tfiwn. and skipped oar of among th** Hebrews and Greeks. It was heavy with eff*»rWi te make them what OCR XF.W CATAUNUrR. mo caused by Bad Teeth, Tobacco, Spirits, upon the tail of the cel. and clung there knew.bytha d«(4h to which the boats r. ail ak tpylJ. minuet. The tail swelled to abnormal certain plants I*»r their irse Borage, which SEEDS HOVRY A CO.. malitiea of removing tee lather and apron, the PresidaMt; he has neither that nor the sire, the turtle couldn ’t let go if he wanted last* from June t>* November, ia an inral tree surpasses it in the freshness and high schools in this way: "The free aa Market •«.. tectes, Mi or of paying for hia shave, bat hopna that respect the American people. If. un ­ to, and for a few seconds there waa a uaMe jvrota ti**n to tke fruit crop. There c I ran new* of ita foliage, not even the high srhool hoa given ua lawyers, clerks, SOZODONT his seal-skin cap and (Taler overcoat, der the < irrtimntences, he waa on ’v what revolution of cal and turtle, turtle and rA, are other idante, au< h as lavender, migno mnaple. It ho* this advantage over the bookkeepers and tankers instead of pro- It is as harmless aa water. which he forgot to take with him In tha be trmtnmm himself tha lope of tlie w hia- with * m-e o w-a and spitz apiU fit/ flu,' nette and common fuchsia, which cost lit­ maple that it continue** to send out trash A' lent artisans, It has added to callisgv excitement of the mom wit. Will reimburse ky ring, that la enough for so much of con until the afttetator* were fain to believe tle or no trouble to cultivate, and which leaves at the ends of the hranc hes until that could to dispensed with without f irry Hmwm* neeta I Bald kf Druggists aad Dsalsm ta Faaey Goods- the bartwr tor the maf of broken glees demnation — AteenaedaAf fUmublimt ., growth is checked hy front, while the great detriment to the public, and token DOOR MATS* Fta**. fyc^teSr < MM rot II. that Invtend of ooe turtle and one rat, are certainly no disfigurement to a gar Clreaiara or rlgVita A44r*« r the latter haa a*they arr tath sweet and gtv-d f*»r food ever, though its shade is not so dense as wnm the lYni'leal said *' let no guilty light of-way so far aa the cat was coo —Washington wealthy ladles have al- retired, without tbe knowledge of counsel Bee* ahould not ta ke(4 in (da« e* when that of the maple. 1—ImtUu totpoit a Matiad. rented " rr sdy commenced b* turn tip thHr noses on botto swfea In tbs pnntr'.Ur rmr tbs there is n*4 either alras*lant wild past-ir It grow# to an immense size in some at Mr*. Senator Christiancv, barause a Judge me««ly rcs(N»*ded to two rerwaagea Mrs. Rally Eddy , of Taunton, Mara age for them. «w a aticrewsion of garden places. MK Itaui (the younger), measured week ago ishe was ’* nothing but n Treasu *4 the jure by atibaranliAlly rfMemting ItlM —— Thein* art Ut OliiXMl r* try •Id te alt aelflteru AtacOaigte **a aerouni of voatea —— -- rek re H>+4on JJwrtwr (Hep | failing to come tu time, she waa arkaoal er m«w»r If people keep l«eew fi»r profit, can to nothing more deairaMe. TIIM‘1 L) pormi*, To Kav* W«* aa**# Ufvq, 10a aaate aa tf to dfeprad Ms fall U«r>* Sate k) 1st >*s VllfM T'Sfl ...... teiitf Max ▲ nook of tea PbmCoo . 4*>uati aad In the day# of nur fathers when a man mmm m % ^ W 4. ar a ». * |w*ir mU. . . they need to drag the neighboring ponds long a famous lawyer ia Philadelphia, was Tun official figures from tha Wsnh our foreet trees It grow* to a fine height A* tha srawai aatiaga ta te* and examine all avaiMtfe hanging plncea famonslhr Ida puanMt sarraam* lie once ingtou signal oracs show thatt thsUm ivarimuwsn without branching when planted tiakkiy. A fl*o< I* ( On om #»* a laatr ot ExciLLIWT A d vies —Tha gcA—f Jtnmm l II.K. y» -c. X in the vicinity Nowadays the Aral slept refeired to a learned brother as " sMffering temperature of January 197919 was ou|y hut If planted alone It forms a p»uo *1 Cable Herew Wire book a. a. aav* for rapid, thorough tnalruclloa wa S* «* o* KVa ia uog friend* to the firhoo) symmetrical head. Il should not ta plant Bar* pnAartl** tem all tfi* *|* ftnMutt CrnmtrtUl U*»n of oratory.’* January, 1874. of Individual IfisUuvUon, Svanston, UI ou on limited grounds or ueor a fine grass a*'Mts. f is* M Irv Crv bf&SZX' TyflFt^TSiJWSSSHE
