Evolution of Robotic Simulators: Using UE 4 to Enable Real-World Quality Testing of Complex Autonomous Robots in Unstructured Environments

Patrick Wolf a, Tobias Groll b, Steffen Hemer c and Karsten Berns d Robotics Research Lab, Dep. of Computer Science, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Keywords: Robotic, Simulation, Sensors, Framework, Commercial Vehicle Development.

Abstract: Robotic simulators are essential for control development since they allow early testing. Additionally, trial time is tremendously reduced in comparison to a real system. In the recent past, many powerful simulation systems emerged, offering a high quality and level of realism. Still, those simulators have some shortcomings concerning the development of complex commercial vehicles that regularly operate within extremely cluttered and unstructured environments. This paper aims to reduce the gap occurring during the simulation and real- world testing to increase the expressiveness of robot control software tests.

1 INTRODUCTION of the Unreal Engine 4 into the middleware Finroc. Based on the UE 4-Finroc-API, sensors can be mod- Simulation engines are a powerful tool for the devel- eled in a more realistic way to include necessary char- opment of robotic systems. They allow early testing, acteristics that affect the robot’s navigation and per- design and sensor optimization, plus improved con- ception. Robot control behavior can be tremendously troller development before tests on the physical plat- improved through the consideration of such effects. form are performed. However, there exists a gap be- Also, the risk of tailoring a control approach towards tween testing in simulation and the real world. In the (simulation) specific data decreases. past, complex, relevant features for robot perception Sect. 2 describes state of the art and evolution of could not be completely modeled by the simulator robotic simulators followed by a description of the due to the versatility of environments. This is espe- UE 4-Finroc interface (Sect. 3). Sensors and virtual cially true for the development of autonomous com- robot setup is addressed in Sect. 4. Sect. 5 targets spe- mercial vehicles which have specialized supplements cialized actuation. Finally, two applications examples and kinematics for task fulfillment. However, the are provided (Sect. 6) and a summary and conclusion consideration of specialized sensors, sensing distur- follows (Sect. 7). bances, and the environment is essential for success- ful control development. With the Unreal Engine 4 (UE 4), a suited framework for photorealistic render- 2 RELATED WORK ing of complex scenes at the real-time performance is available. In recent literature, many UE 4-based sim- Robotic simulators are a common tool for control de- ulators have been proposed. Unfortunately, they do velopment. Depending on the application field, there not explicitly address the requirements for complex are different requirements for the simulation. Accord- commercial vehicles and sensing errors in the qual- ing to (Goodin et al., 2018), these can be grouped into ity required to reduce the simulation and real-world three major fields: testing gap. Development Environments focus on the basic The following contribution targets the integration physical modeling and environment interaction. Test Environments detailed representation of the a https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2740-7655 environment, more realistic physics and sensor b https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6214-9842 data modeling. c https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8141-3434 Empirical/semi-empirical simulators application d https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9080-1404 tailored highly realistic physics or sensor data.


Wolf, P., Groll, T., Hemer, S. and Berns, K. Evolution of Robotic Simulators: Using UE 4 to Enable Real-World Quality Testing of Complex Autonomous Robots in Unstructured Environments. DOI: 10.5220/0009911502710278 In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2020), pages 271-278 ISBN: 978-989-758-444-2 Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved

SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications

Simulation frameworks belonging to the first category environments. Supplementary to a robot control soft- are exemplary SimVis3D (Wettach et al., 2010) or ware framework, a simulation engine allows the mod- Gazebo (Aguero et al., 2015). Both feature a 3D sim- eling of robots and environment to simulate physical ulation including a physics and render framework as properties of those. well as a control API. SimVis3D, uses the Newton Dynamics physics engine and Coin3D for visualiza- 3.1 Finroc tion while Gazebo relies on the Open Dynamics En- gine and initially OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) but The Finroc framework for robot control provides a nowadays OGRE. Also, V-REP (Freese et al., 2010) powerful suite for the development of robot control is a multipurpose robot simulator that supports nu- systems (Reichardt et al., 2013). The central con- merous languages and controllers. The user inter- cept is the decompostion of functionality into mod- face enables a simple of a robotic sys- ules. A Finroc program is called part while data struc- tem and offers a default sensor suite. Yet, there are tures for data exchange are ports. They provide an limitations when it comes to bigger environments and abstraction from the actual communication technol- photo-realistic textures. As an example of second ogy, as TCP. Through information hiding, the com- and, to some extent, the third category, Virtual Au- munication stack can be easily exchanged. Finroc of- tonomous Navigation Environment (VANE) (Goodin fers inter-network communication as well as shared et al., 2017) can be mentioned. Its focus is on mili- memory-based technologies for lock-free and zero- tary, off-road unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and copy data exchange. The Finroc-UE 4 simulation uses therefore puts strong efforts in material (reflections), Finroc data ports for communication. weather (sun/rain), dust/haze (atmosphere), and vege- tation simulation. Similarly, USARSim (Carpin et al., 3.2 Unreal Engine 4 2007), an urban search and rescue simulation build on the commercially available Unreal Engine 2.0, is of An important criterion for selecting the best-fitted restricted use. simulation engine is a high performance in visual- Unreal Engine 4 (UE 4) started to offer photo- izing outdoor landscapes and representing vehicles realistic rendering, an open-world design, and level physically correct. Gaming engines are especially of detail processing for free in academic applications suited for this purpose since they perform outstand- in 2014. The prominent CARLA (Dosovitskiy et al., ingly in representing very realistic environments and 2017) describes itself as a “simulator for autonomous have feasible realtime simulation capabilities. UE 4 driving research”. At its core, UE 4 does the main offers these features in a powerful way and is there- physics simulation and rendering work whereas the fore selected as simulation. Further, UE 4 provides framework provides a whole lot of tools and resources good support for the development of own content and for testing autonomous car driving in urban scenarios. extensions. It provides multiple possibilities for soft- This includes simulated sensor suites, UE 4 content ware modules development using an extensive C++ such as vehicles and urban maps as well as support for API and BLUEPRINT system. Physical effects use loading OpenDrive format for map generation. Sim- NVIDIA PhysX which allows fast calculations on a ilarly, AirSim (Shah et al., 2017), Sim4CV (Muller¨ GPU. Further, the material and rendering system en- et al., 2017), and Flightgoggles (Guerra et al., 2019) ables a realistic visualization of the environment. were initially developed for the aim to test computer The overall performance of a robot’s sensor is vision algorithms within the field of drone/UAV ap- strongly influenced by the sensing quality. Conse- plications and are extended for autonomous driving. quently, it is necessary to generate appropriate data Pavilion presented by (Jiang and Hao, 2019) focuses to simulate such sensors. Often applied systems are on combining UE 4 with an interface for ROS using visual sensors like cameras or laser-scanners which standard ROS messages, yet using no separate bridge especially benefit from simulation realism. UE 4 en- application and resolving the binary incompatibility ables data generation that has similar quality to the due to Run-Time Type Information (RTTI) and C++- real-world based on realistic-looking environments. exceptions. 3.3 Interface Plugin

3 SIMULATION FRAMEWORK Finroc and UE 4 share data for the transmission of sensor readings and exchange of control commands Multiple software components are applied to imple- for simulated actuators. An UE 4-Finroc plugin pro- ment and test robotic control systems in simulated vides an API for both software systems using the C++

272 Evolution of Robotic Simulators: Using UE 4 to Enable Real-World Quality Testing of Complex Autonomous Robots in Unstructured Environments

Interial Measurement Units. Inertial measure- ment units (IMU) provide acceleration readings around every translational and rotational axis of a robot. Additionally, the 3D orientation is usually available. IMU data is often prone to integration er- rors over time. Also, a magnetometer may react to (ferro-)magnetic objects nearby as the vehicle’s frame or (electro-magnetic) motor currents. The simulated IMU accesses the physic model of Figure 1: UE 4-Finroc interface and data exchange. the UE 4 robot actor and reads the linear velocity vec- tor ~v as well as the angular accelerations. The ve- programming language. Port functionality of Finroc locity is derived using the tick duration ∆t to retrieve is loaded by UE 4 due to its modular structure via a the linear acceleration ~a = ~v · ∆t−1. Next, the stan- shared object file. dard gravity is applied to simulate earth gravity. The The plugin provides specialized UE 4 actor com- robot’s rotation can be directly accessed by the IMU ponents that wrap Finroc ports (Fig. 1). Those inter- actor. Depended on the real IMU model, drifts or slips face components assert data type compatibility and over time can be added in a preprocessing step to ap- can be attached to any actor. C++ classes and proximate the physical sensor’s quality. This prevents BLUEPRINTS in the UNREAL EDITOR can send or that reintegrated velocities correlate too strictly with receive data from Finroc ports using the publish and the relative velocity of the body to which the IMU is get mechanisms. Continuous data updates can be re- mounted. alized using the actor tick function. Ports transmit data of arbitrary C++ data types. To ensure data com- Odometry. Odometry data uses the kinematic patibility and reduce complexity, a generic UBUFFER model of the robot to determine the robot’s motion type is used for communication together with trivial based on the wheel velocities and steering angle. It types as INT, BOOL or FLOAT. Complex data as im- is not sufficient to model odometry data by reading ages use this buffer to transmit a byte stream. The the robot’s linear velocity and steering angle directly API on Finroc side transforms the actual data to the from the physics since wheel slip is not considered. standard Finroc data type. Therefore, UE 4 odometry sensors access the Through this communication system, simulation skeletal mesh of the robot and read the angular ve- and real hardware abstraction can be easily ex- locities of the corresponding wheel bones. The calcu- changed. Optimally, no control behavior change can lation to determine the robot’s velocity, curvature, and be observed after an abstraction layer exchange. slip angle depends on the kinematic of the robot. The values are determined in the robot specific kinematic model within a preprocessing step. 4 SENSORS Global Navigation Satellite Systems. A common Robot control behavior strongly depends on the global localization sensor is the Global Navigation equipped sensors and their respective data quality. Satellite System (GNSS). GNSS systems are heavily Therefore, apart from insufficient modeling of kine- affected through the environment as shadowing which matics or robot actor’s characteristics, the absence should be regarded by simulation. The visible satellite of sensor data characteristics prevents realistic robot constellation is described as the dilution of precision. control simulations. Thereby, it is not necessarily re- The horizontal (HDOP), vertical (VDOP), and posi- quired that the error is an exact replication of the real- tion (PDOP) dilution of precision calculation depends world error but a simulated sensor should have at least on the geometric constellation of satellites (Santerre the same error characteristic and quality to test the im- et al., 2017). To save computational power, the DOP pact on control. computations of the simulated GNSS are approxi- mated from the satellite count only. An exponential 4.1 Localization Systems regression was used to find constants for the approx- imation function based on a real-world GNSS data Robot localization systems determine the position and set. The data set was collected using a GatorX855D orientation within an environment. Localization er- robot equipped with a Starfire 3000 RTK and an u- rors play a critical role in task execution and robot blox NEO-7P GNSS receiver. Due to the higher pre- safety. cision, the Starfire served as ground truth. The robot

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traveled a closed track at the TUK campus of approx- Algorithm 1: Code snippet to determine satellite imately 500 m. The aim was the determination of visibility with UE 4 GNSS receiver. effects through occlusions through buildings and the 1 FHitResult hitresult(ForceInit); impact on the DOP value. 2 FCollisionQueryParams ft par = The approximated values for HDOP, VDOP, and FCollisionQueryParams(FName(TEXT("FireTrace")), PDOP are computed as follows true, this); 3 ft par.bTraceComplex = true; ba · rnsat · 100 + 0.5c  DOP = max i i ,1.02 (1) 4 bool hit = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel( 100 hitresult, satellites[i]->GetActorLocation(), this->GetActorLocation(), ECC Pawn, ft par); where sat denotes the number of visible satellites and i stands for the respective DOP. The experimentally determined constants for the exponential regression are depicted in Table 1 and are incorporated by the simulated GNSS receiver. The GNSS noise affecting latitude and longitude depends further on the visible satellite configuration. (a) Satellite count. The amplitude of the GNSS error εi is computed as sat εi = ai · rni (2) where i ∈ {HDOP, VDOP, PODP} corresponds to the previous readings. The amplitude value is multiplied (b) HDOP. with randomly generated noise generated from the GNSS base precision as stated in the corresponding data sheet. Finally, it is added respectively to the lati- tude, longitude, and altitude. The number of visible satellites is split into the (c) VDOP. general direction of visibility (north, south, east, and west). The GNSS fix category is  No Fix sat ≤ 1  Bad Fix 1 < sat ≤ 2 (d) PDOP. fix = (3) Figure 2: Real-World data plotted against the traveled dis- 2D Fix 2 < sat ≤ 3  tance (blue: Starfire 3000 RTK, yellow: u-blox NEO-7P) 3D Fix sat > 3 with comparison to the reenacted simulation trial on the vir- tual TUK campus (red: simulated GNSS). In the case that at least a single quadrant contains no visible satellites, the 3D Fix degrades to a 2D Fix. It For validation purposes, the simulated GNSS has follows, PDOP = 0 for 2D fixes. Additionally, DOP been compared to the real world GNSS signals. values are not available for No Fix or Bad Fix. Therefore, a simulated data set was recorded on the The GNSS simulation realization uses raytracing UE 4-TUK campus by replicating the initial drive. to determine the visibility of the receiver. Hereby, The simulated number of GNSS satellites and DOP a satellite manager spawns satellites which are lo- values are plotted against the robot position as de- cated and distributed above the scene. Each simulated picted in Fig. 2. It can be observed that the satellite GNSS receiver accesses the satellite manager to get count of both real-world GNSS systems (blue Starfire a reference on the available satellites. Each receiver 3000 RTK, yellow u-blox NEO-7P) differ from each performs a ray trace on each satellite to determine vis- other even if there are at a similar location on top of ibility. A coding example is given in Alg. 1. the robot. However, the simulated signal (red) has a similar quality as the real systems. This is also vis- Table 1: Experimentally derived constants of the DOP ap- ible for the DOP results where the simulation signal proximation though exponential regression. resembles the u-blox receiver. Constant Value Constant Value 4.2 Vision-based Sensors aHDOP 5.59474 rnHDOP 0.854736 aVDOP 10.2524 rnVDOP 0.858869 It can be distinguished between different classes of aPDOP 2.63625 rnPDOP 0.967947 vision sensors like cameras, depth cameras, or laser

274 Evolution of Robotic Simulators: Using UE 4 to Enable Real-World Quality Testing of Complex Autonomous Robots in Unstructured Environments

scanners. Effects on the vision system as exposure, or Algorithm 2: Pseduo code for hyperbolic distortion dust can be easily modeled using post-processing and of pixel mapping. particle systems. Data: render resolution, laser resolution, beam angles Result: index mapping Generic Cameras. Simulated cameras utilize the 1 determine pixels per beam; UE 4 render pipeline. Cameras properties as field of 2 determine zero angle pixel; 3 for y ∈ vertical laser resolution do view or resolution are defined in the respective camera 4 determine distance to zero pixel; component and the corresponding render target of the 5 for x ∈ horizontal laser resolution do engine according to the sensors data sheet. The sim- 6 hyperbola = calculate hyperbola ( ulated camera enqueues a non-blocking render com- 7 asymptote a → distance to zero pixel mand and publishes the data when the rendering pro- 8 asymptote b → horizontal render resolution / 2 cess is finished. Therefore, it is possible to use a large 9 value → − horizontal render resolution / 2 + x); set of cameras in complex scenes without slowing the 10 if distance to zero pixel negative then 11 hyperbola = −hyperbola; tick system. Specialized cameras can be easily imple- 12 re-apply zero angle pixel offset to hyperbola; mented by inheriting the base class and adapting the 13 limit hyperbola to pixel bounds; respective properties and post-processing materials. 14 index mapping(x,y) = (x, hyperbola); The properties of the camera can be adapted through the control software, for instance, updates can be trig- plied to scan a full cylinder or respectively sphere. gered by the perception system of the robot. Based on the UE 4 camera’s maximum FOV of 170◦, three cameras are required to record a 360-degree im- Stereo and Depth Cameras. Stereo or depth cam- age. eras provide distance information in addition to color In contrast to stereo cameras, lidar sensors can be data. A common approach to simulate distance sen- implemented using depth rendering. Since the lidar’s sors is reading the depth buffer of the simulation ren- precision, and range is higher than these of a stereo der engine. However, stereo cameras rely on the camera no additional introduction of distortions is re- matching of a calibrated image pair. The match- quired. Simulated particle effects as dust affect the ing process introduces a backward distortion of the engine’s depth buffer which corresponds to a real sen- point cloud resulting from the image disparity. Re- sor behavior that reacts strongly to environmental par- flections, insufficient texture, and disturbances of the ticles and provides spurious readings. device’s lenses typically cause spurious obstacles or Often, the vertical opening angle is smaller than gaps within point data. Moreover, uncertain obstacle the horizontal angle since the laser count is often boundaries are common. rather small (e.g. 16 − 128 lines). A lower vertical A more lifelike sensor version, but also computa- resolution has to be regarded by skipping lines of the tionally more expensive, uses semi-global matching depth image which has typically a higher resolution of two rendered images (Hirschmuller,¨ 2008) as de- due to quadratically rendered pixels. Skipping lines picted in Fig. 3. Accordingly, two generic camera ac- under the consideration of the horizontal offset gener- tors with parallel arranged lenses start a simultaneous ates a linear rendered image (Fig. 4a). This rendering rendering of the scene. The resulting image pair has is feasible for some lasers as single-line lasers. In the to be rectified and matched. case of a rotating laser scanner, a hyperbolic distor- tion can be observed in the point cloud due to the po- lar coordinate mapping of the rotating beam. This dis- tortion can be approximated using a hyperbolic point mapping in the dense depth image (Fig. 4b). The hy-

(a) Real data. (b) Simulated data. Figure 3: Real and unreal stereo colored point cloud data with characteristic stereo matching disturbances. (a) Linear. (b) Hyperbolic. Figure 4: 360 degree depth camera using three render tar- 360-Degree Cameras and Laser Scanners. A gets (red, green, purple blue). Laser data with a lower ver- 360-degree camera can be realized using multiple tical resolution can be approximated (blue). The laser’s ro- generic camera actors. An orientation change is ap- tation is approximated using hyperbolic distortions.

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perbolic equation is given with r x2 · a2 h = a2 + . (4) b2 The resulting pixel mapping is explained in Alg. 2. The simulated point cloud approximates well to real point cloud data as it can be seen on the exam- (a) Spawn sensor on socket. ple of a simulated Velodyne HDL-32E laser scan- ner using 32 laser lines (Fig. 5). However, it can be observed that the data close to the scanner built a triangle-shaped point pattern based on the render- ing using multiple camera frustums. This effect can be avoided if needed using ray-based techniques or through vertical oversampling of the depth images. (b) Skeleton and virtual sensor on socket. Figure 6: Virtual sensor placement to determine the best mounting position.


Besides the recognition of the environment, au- (a) Real point cloud. tonomous systems interact through controlling the motion or actuators of associated vehicles. Hereby, degrees of freedom should be similar to the real ma- chine. Some vehicles, particularly commercial or spe- cialized vehicles, used some unique configurations. 5.1 Driving Kinematics (b) Simulated point cloud. Commercial vehicles often consist of special driv- Figure 5: Real and simulated Velodyne HDL-32E point ing kinematics which cannot be realized by a stan- clouds. The scanner has 32 scan lines with a vertical field ◦ ◦ dard Ackermann steering. Therefore, the use of the of view of 41.33 and vertical offset of −20 . wheeled vehicle template class in UE 4 is strictly lim- ited. Exemplary, an U5023 special truck has ◦ ◦ 4.3 Robot Setup an axle shrinking of 30 front axis, and 15 rear axis, portal axles for higher ground clearance, differential locks, 14 gears, and a tire inflation system to adapt The UE 4 editor is used for robot setup and sensor friction during navigation (Fig. 7a). For simulation, placement. Therefore, sensor sockets are added to additional joints were built into the skeleton of the ve- the robot’s skeletal mesh. This allows a constructive hicle to model the additional properties. The axle can approach based on the mesh and therefore real sizes rotate using a joint and two springs for stabilization. and shape of the robot. Accordingly, optimum sen- The adaptable tire friction is simulated by changing sor positions can be determined and the correspond- the tire’s friction parameters during runtime. Gears ing best mounting position on the robot tested. De- and differential setup is used from the UE 4 vehicle pending on the mesh quality, unconsidered effects as obstructions through parts of the vehicle, blind spots, or small building spaces can be early detected. The robot spawns the sensor within the main blueprint at the begin of play. Therefore, it uses a macro blueprint for spawning and attaching the sen- sor actor to the desired sensor socket (Fig. 6a). The socket can be adapted in the robot’s skeleton and the physical robot may use the layout which performed (a) Axle shrinking. (b) Pivot steering. best in the preliminary tests (Fig. 6b). Figure 7: Ackermann-based special driving kinematics.

276 Evolution of Robotic Simulators: Using UE 4 to Enable Real-World Quality Testing of Complex Autonomous Robots in Unstructured Environments

base class and parameterized according to the U5023 data sheet and adapted during runtime through Finroc ports. In contrast, the autonomous tandem roller BW 174 is controlled by a pivot-steering (Fig. 7b). Therefore, a custom double Ackermann steering class was cre- ated by implementing the bicycle kinematics. It ac- (a) Autonomous off-road navigation. cesses the steering joints and controls the respective angular velocities. Supplements as edge cutters or chip spreaders are controlled through the skeleton of the vehicle.

5.2 Complex Body Actuation (b) Autonomous excavation. To test control software for excavation applications, Figure 9: Applications of commercial vehicle robots. a simulation model of an requires to have similar characteristics as the real machine. It is not this body the piston rod is linked by another rotational necessary to rebuild the excavator dynamics com- joint. Following by the base of the cylinder which is pletely realistic, but it has to fit the used control al- connected by the driven prismatic joint. The last part gorithms. of the chain is built by a spherical body which is used to connect the hydraulic chain back to the boom. Parallel Kinematic Chains. An excavator arm has a very characteristic kinematic. It consists of seg- Hydraulic Actuators. Hydraulic cylinders produce ments that are moved with hydraulic cylinders. This a movement that has a velocity proportional to the hydraulic system is connected to the moving segment flow rate of the hydraulic oil generated by the pump in an own kinematic chain which is placed in parallel system. This can be influenced by the opening of to the actual segment (Groll et al., 2015). The excava- a valve which is normally controlled by commands tor arm is modeled as a bone structure of the physical given from the joysticks. In the autonomous control enabled skeleton mesh. It is organized as a tree struc- system these joystick commands are generated by the ture and single parts can be connected by moveable control software. A spring-damper system is used for joints. For each part of the excavator arms kinematic generating the forces which are used by the drives to structure, a bone is created. Each bone has a body that move the connected bodies. It uses the velocity error is used as a representation for the weight including as well as the position error to calculate the force: the weight distribution to allow a physical solid-body force = spring ∗ (targetPosition − position)+ simulation. All of the main elements of the excavator + damping ∗ (targetVelocity − velocity) (5) arms are connected with a revolute joint to the previ- ous one. A parallel kinematic chain is added to each Besides the target velocity, a target position as of the main parts which include the hydraulic drives to control input for the drive is needed as well. To move the appropriate body part. In all of these chains, deliver this value a control system is added to the the hydraulic cylinder is modeled as a prismatic joint hydraulic drive which calculates the actual expected with an enabled drive. Fig. 8 provides an overview to position depending on linear velocities and the time the crowd kinematics. which has passed. It starts with the boom body at which the main crowd’s body is connected with a revolute joint. To 6 APPLICATION & SCENARIOS

The presented simulation framework is used in vari- ous scenarios and applications. In the following, two examples are provided which benefit strongly from the simulation. The first example is the autonomous Unimog U5023 (Fig. 9a). The focus of this robot is safe and reliable off-road driving inside cluttered environ- Figure 8: Configuration of the hydraulic actuator. ments. UE 4 provides very realistic environments that

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help to identify the relevant features for off-road nav- search and education. In Robotics and Automation, igation. The control system of the vehicle could be 2007 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1400 evaluated using the same simulated sensor set as the – 1405. IEEE. real systems. Safety-critical navigation and inclina- Dosovitskiy, A., Ros, G., Codevilla, F., Lopez, A., and Koltun, V. (2017). Carla: An open urban driving sim- tion tests can be performed which is not possible for ulator. In 1st Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL the real system. The other scenario shows an excava- 2017), pages 1–16, Mountain View, United States. tor in an open-pit mine (Fig. 9b). The evaluation of Freese, M., Singh, S., Ozaki, F., and Matsuhira, N. (2010). rock recognition was done in simulation and the re- Virtual robot experimentation platform v-rep: A ver- sults transferred to the real machine. Periodical tests satile 3d robot simulator. In N. 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