Hardware Hacking Team

Project Book Hardware Hacking Team

- All shown projects where realized by software consultants of TNG Technology Consulting GmbH (based in Unterföhring near Munich) mainly in one day.

- For every single project keynote and conference talks are available, already held on 80+ national and international conferences & meetups, including press coverage in national TV, newspapers, magazines a.s.o.

- Some of them won „Best Presentation Awards“, e.g. Oracle JavaOne Rockstar or „Best Presentation Award“ at Java Forum Stuttgart. Project Book Realtime AI Style Transfer A Mixed Reality (MR) headset based on Dell Visor transforms the environment into a realtime painting. Transformation is done by a pre-trained neural network.

You can see the world as a realtime painting.

Watch a short snippet video here https://youtu.be/mnSTUlWJaCI Project Avatar Project Avatar is a gesture controlled Nao telepresence robotics system based on Nao, Kinect and IoT Gateway.

Remote control a humanoid robot by using gesture control. See the world thorugh the eyes of the robot and manipulate the environment. Sensor data is sent through an Intel IoT gateway.

Additional sensors and actuators: • Vibration motor for haptic feedback • Emergency stop IoT button

Watch the showcase video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwznO_8mU6M

Watch the JavaZone conference talk recorded in Oslo, Norway https://vimeo.com/233788316

Hardware Hacking Team Augmented Rift An Augmented Reality (AR) head mounted display based on Oculus Rift and an Intel RealSense 3D-camera sensor

You can see the world through the eyes of a Terminator.

See the real world enhanced with features like • Face detection and face recognition • Emotion detection • Heart rate measurement • Up to 78 landmark points within every human face

Watch the showcase video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uPUhqR6zCo

Watch the OOP keynote talk (german language) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZVPOUmY9j4

Hardware Hacking Team HoloCom

A Microsoft Hololens based application allowing you to have a call whilst seeing your chat partner in your field of view as a holographic 3D object.

Hardware Hacking Team Panocube A 360° x 180° camera photographing the scene with the click on a button in a mobile phone application.

12 computers with attached cameras send their pictures to a (ODROID U3) that stitches them to a full panoramic picture.

Panorama pictures can be viewed in a mobile phone application.

Featured in Linux Magazine, 08/2014,

Hardware Hacking Team Panocube

Hardware Hacking Team Drone Control

Drone Control is an application where a Mini Drone flies different manoeuvers autonomously based on Raspberry Pi, and OpenCV.

The hardware hacking team unsoldered the radio SMD from the original remote control. With a Logic Analyzer the radio signal was reverse engineered.

Using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV for realtime image processing a control loop was implemented based on Aruco tag detection.

Hardware Hacking Team Exhibitions Since 2013 over 40 appearances on product and IT fairs demonstrating our hardware hacking prototypes live. Reached over 6.000 visitors at our booths at e.g. Mobile World Congress Barcelona, and Oracle Java One in San Fracisco, CeBIT Hannover or Google DevFest Munich and many more.

Visitors were allowed to try the prototypes on their own.

Hardware Hacking Team Intel IoT Hackathon

TNG hosts hackathons and workshops, e.g. • Intel IoT Hackathon in February 2017 • Hololens Hackathon in February 2017

At the Intel IoT Hackathon teams worked with • Intel Joule • Intel Edison • Intel IoT Gateway • Seeed Studio and Grove Sensors • Arduino Genuino

The teams worked with • Robots and rovers • Ambient lights • Weather Stations • And many more …

Hardware Hacking Team Press Coverage

Hardware Hacking Team