Worfield Endowed Church of Primary School

Spring Term 2015

Be a Friend of Worfield School

Dear Parent, What’s On

Sunday 18th January Earlier this week our school central heating boiler presented us with  Holy Communion – 10.30 am some problems. Most children did not notice there was an issue as temporary heaters were used in the affected classrooms. I am th Monday 19 January pleased to report that the issue which was linked to the gauge has  Internet Café 3-4pm now been rectified; somewhat reassuring given the recent cold spell!  Football Young Stars 3-4pm Should we have any further significant snowfall which disrupts normal  Stage 3-4pm service please note that information about any emergency closure

‘Toasty’ Tuesday 20th January would be sent by our texting service to parents who have registered  Healthy tuck shop – toast/fruitloaf 10p a mobile number with us, as well as being broadcast on local radio  Guitar lessons with Mr Jones stations, and displayed on the local authority website. Our Emergency  Cello lessons with Mrs Rose Closure Policy is available on the school website.  Violin lessons with Mrs Rose  Cookery club 3-4.15pm  Tag rugby club 3-4pm Thank you to all the parents and friends who supported the "Friends of Worfield School" fundraising events last term. Anyone who has an st ‘Watery’ Wednesday 21 January interest in supporting the work of the Friends and School fundraising  Craft club 3-4pm activities are warmly invited to an informal coffee and get together  Pyjama Drama 3-4pm next Thursday 22nd January 9am. Meet in the hall.

nd ‘Treaty’ Thursday 22 January  Piano Lessons with Mr Clarke This term the Friends of Worfield School want to raise money for  Sportshall Athletics Tournament cookery equipment in each class. Cookery is an enjoyable part of our 1.30- 4pm - curriculum where the pupils can apply their maths by weighing and team already notified measuring ingredients. The Friends will be discussing ideas for a "Big  Friends of Worfield meeting 9am Bake Off" at School later this term. We hope the children can all

make Easter biscuits in class which they can sell to parents near the

rd end of term. If you are a keen baker and can spare an hour to help ‘Flapjack’ Friday 23 January  bake with your child's class please come to the next meeting and sign Piano Lessons with Mr Clarke  Flapjack 10p up! For further information or to pass your name to the list of  Chilterns Class Swimming helpers please contact Mrs Holt.

Half- Kind regards,

Claire Gaskin

Polite Reminder Headteacher

Please do not park in the bus stop area of the car park at any time during the school day.

Buses collecting pupils for swimming and activities away from school are O L D S W I N F O R D H OSP ITAL unable to collect and deliver children U T P ROSIM , V I N C E M A L U M B ONO safely when cars are left in this area. Old Swinford Hospital state boarding school open morning: Saturday 9th May 2015 (09.00-11.30)

No booking is necessary, but we advise visitors to arrive as early as possible.

Heath Lane, Stourbridge, DY8 1QX

Dates For The Diary School Day Times

th Start 8.50am Thursday 29 January The Bell on the playground rings at 8.50am all children should then Basketball Tournament - Oldbury Wells enter school, put their outdoor things away and settle down ready to School 4-5pm (Team TBC) start lessons. The school day starts at 8.55am. Tuesday 3rd February Finish 3pm Tag Rugby Tournament – RFC School finishes at 3pm. With the exception of children on school 1-4pm (Team TBC) buses, parents should be present or have a named person present to collect their children at 3pm. th Friday 6 February Biathlon – Bridgnorth Endowed School The School Educational Welfare Officer monitors school attendance 1.30-3pm (children already notified) and punctuality on a regular basis and persistent absences and lateness will be followed up. Tuesday 10th February

Dodgeball – Oldbury Wells School 2- 3.30pm CLUBS NEWS Tuesday 24th March Easter Service 9.30am St Peter’s Church Club Day Starting Time Year Date Groups/Classes

th All Thursday 26 March Internet 12th January – 3.00 – Monday (No charge – parental Café 16th March 4.00pm Parent Consultation Evening supervision required)

12th January – Monday Football 16th March See Young Stars Registration Form

Years 3-6 Stage 12th January – 3.00 – Payment in advance. Monday th Lyndsey 16 March 4.00pm Cheques payable to L. Sailsbury Salisbury School Closures School closures will be announced on

Years 1-6 Cookery 13th January – 3.00 - BBC Radio (96FM) or Free Tuesday £3.00 per session Mrs Rayers 17th March 4.15 Radio – Black Country & Shropshire (97.2

or 103.1FM. Tag Rugby 13th January – 3.00 – Years 4 -6 Simon Tuesday Forced closures will also be announced 17th March 4.00pm £3.00 per session Northcott via our school telephone system – select

option 2. th Years 3 -6 14 January – Craft th 3.00 – £3.50 per session. This If no announcement is made then school Wednesday 18 March Jenny Scott 4.00pm club requires a minimum of

will be open as usual. 11 children to enable it to

take place. Children will

make their own craft. Pyjama Drama 14th January – Wednesday See Pyjama Drama Registration Form Tracey 18th March Wright

New Club After half To be 3.00 – 4.00 pm Term arranged Cricket Please Note: unless we are notified that your child is nuable to attend requested clubs, through illness. It is necessary that weekly fees are paid in full.

Holidays in Term Time “There are only 190 statutory school days in one year. There are 175 days (weekends and school holidays) available to use for holidays, which would not have a negative effect on your child’s education. Every School Day Counts Holidays in term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional tel: 01746 716606 circumstances. Please do not book holidays before speaking to the e-mail: [email protected] Headteacher. website: www.worfield.shropshire.sch.uk