District Population Statistics, 2-Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh
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1--1-------------------------------------. 1 . Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 2-SAHARANPUR DISTRICT 315.42 1951 SAH CPS _ AL!5!ihl' .a:IIJ!! ..... "E:' F • .. ',.,-,. ---~----~ Price, Re.l-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise fOJ rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the N ationa! Citizens' Register. This difference has been ace en - tuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamar/. (ii) COllnt Bhangi, Kh akrob , Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting} but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens J Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW ARI PR.ASAD, LA.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations} ull' 23) 1952. Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA 10 DISTRiCT pOPULATION STATISTICS or SAHARANPUR DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, code no. and name of mohalla (Urban) (a) Corrections in existing names of mohalls Page nO. For Read 5 SAHARANPUR (M.B.) 5 15-Jogain 15 -Jogiall. 5 17-:Matya MohalIa no. 1 17-Matya Mahar nO. 5 18-Matya Mohalla no. 2 18-Matya Mahal no. 2 6 46-Baroon Jat 46-Bairo Nijf t 6 49--Chob Eal'oshan 49-Chob Faroshan. 7 114-Baroonjat 114-Bairo Nijat. 8 HAB.DWAR (M.B.) 8 19-JamalpurRoad 19-Jwalapur Road. 8 21-Baha.iran Manditt 21-Bhail'onMandir. B -Errata to population figures (Urban) Page nO. Particulars 2 3 4 5 6 7 GangohN.A. For 8,746 7,401 16,147 6,387 Read 8,597 7,441 16,038 6,278 Total FOr 187,070 147,954 335,024 195,868 Rear!. -_ 186,921 147,994 334,915 195,759 C-Errata to Column 1, Code no. and name of villages (Rural) (a) Addition or new villages Page nO. Particulars Additions 20 Under Pargana. Muzaffarabad 599-Forest Area. 20 Ditto 645-Mohiuddinpur. (b) Deletion of existing villages . Page nO. Particulars 21 Datets" 599-Forest Area and the entries against it." 21 D.bto "645-Mi)hiuddinpur and theentryagainstit". (0) Corrections in existing Code numbers l'age nO. I!or Read 10 872-Shahzadopur 372-Shahzadpur. 11 268-N el.in Khera 266-NainKhera. 12 230-NainShobAll 270-Nain shob All. (d) Corrections in existing names of villages to 51-Baroli 51-Badooli. 10 156-Guwarsa, 156-Gunarsa, 10 50-Bagarpur Mazra PahanBoo 5Q-Baqarpur Mazra Pahansoo. 2 ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS OF SAHARANPUR DISTRICT -( concld.) Page no. For II 70-Bhans Bocon 70-Bhains Raon. 11 I 05-Chhachrot i 105-Chhachhroli. 11 120-Doe Deppura 120-Deo Pura. II 179-JagroHpul' 179-Jagroli II 368--Shahuddinpur 368-Sha hbuddinpur 12 25 2-Mayapur Bhugann 252-Mayapu.r PhugauH 12 272-Nanhel'a Dudh Khers 272-Nanhera BuddhaKherB. 12 273 -~dnhera Oudh Khera, All 273-Nanhera Buddha Khera All. (d) Corrections in existing names of villages ~-~ ----~----~------~~ Pa~e nO. FoT' Read 12 317-Rajhur urjRampul' 317-Bajpur urJ Rampur. 12 363-Sal'hdi 363-Sarkdi 12 92-Chhabapul' 92-Chhapal'. 13 543-Kanka,rja 543-Kankrala. 13 205-Jalapura 205-Ja}a}pur. 14 lO9-Chhwa.rdi 109-Chha.wadi. 14 14D-l>a1'ya Bartland 14D-Darya Bramad. 14 241-Katra 241-KatIB. 14 242-Ka.tri 242-Katli. 14 456-Sha.hbadpur Daod 456-Shahabpur Daod. 14 457-Shahba.dpur MaIka Ped 457-Shahabpur MaIka Pert. 14 458 -Sha.hbadpur Maika All 458-Shahabpur MaIka All. 15 114-Chak Gutoo 114-Chak Gutkoo. 15 159 -Fa kj anpur I 59-.I!'akhanpQt'. 15 522-Thali Tundi 522--'l'hali.Thaudi. 19 ll-AsharpurPel't ll-Asgharpur Pert. i9 61-Baidpul' 61-Bazidpur. 19 211-Harholi 211-Hatholi. 20 632-Hamizpur 632--Hamirpur. 22 135-Chandoli 135-Chandroii. 22 163-Dhunola 163-Dhamola. --' _- ---_---- -~ C~Errata to population figures (Rural) Page no. Particulars 2 :3 It 5 7 9 Pa.rgana Mu~ffarabad For 41,508 35,917 77,425 20,186 Read 42,085 36,196 78,281 20,323 9 Pargana ~araurQ For I 40,354 33,700 74,054 22,456 Read 39,717 33,421 13.198 22,319 20 Pargana Muzafl'arabad For 77,425 20,186 57,219 Read 78.281 20,323 57,958 20 599-F~est Area .. For Bead 856 137 719 20 645 -Mohiuddinpur .. For Bead Unpopulated. 20 Fargana lIarattra .. For 74,054 22.456 51,598 Read 73,198 22,319 50,S79 DISTRICT S:AHARANPUR Summary of Urban Population Population Scheduled Code no', and name ofTo-wn Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others ---_- 2 3 4 5 --"6---7' 2-1-118 DEOBAND MUNICIPAL BOARD 14,480 11,392 25,872 15,434 925 9,513 2-1-279 NANAUTA TOWN AREA 2,528 2,249 4,7'77 2,579 291 1,907 Z-I-312 RAMPUR TOWN AREA .. 4,662 3,627 8,289 3,287 1,733 3,269 2-2-175 GANQOH NOTIFIED AREA 8,746 7,401 16,147 8,726 1,034 6,387 2-2-22 AMBEHTA TOWN AREA " 2,532 2,257 4,789 2,989 617 1,183 2-2-116 OHILKHANA SULTANPUR TOWN AREA 2,719 2,215 4,934 2,353 742 1,839 &503 2-2-366 NAK>UR TOWN AREA 3,148 2,588 5,736 2,702 666 2,368 2~2-504 SARSAWA TOWN AREA .. 1,829 1,549 3,378 935 576 1,867 2-2-532 TITRON TOWN AREA 2,110 1,860 3,970 1,397 740 1,833 2-3-210 JHABRERA 1,296 926 2,222 641 165 1,416 , 9;649 2-3-324 IIIANGLAUR MUNICIPAL BOARD . 7,309 6,443 13,752 561 3,542 -----------~~---~- - 2-3-469 ROORKEE MUNICIPAL BOARD 13,214 10,016 23,230 5,330 2,127 15,773 2-3-470 ROORKEE OANTONMENT A AND B BOARD 6,958 2,945 9,903 321 448 9,134 2-4-101 BEHAT TOWN AREA 2,570 2,326 4,896 3,336 185 1,375 2-5-A SAHARANPUR MUNICIPAL BOARD 79,422 64,858 144,280 50,376 4,489 89,415 2-6 HARDWAR MUNICIPAL BOARD .. 33,547 25,302 58,849 9,583 4,Z19 4..~.047 "' '-l~" ,. ., ~?r .", Total 187,070 147,954 335,024 119,638 19,518 .195,868 Populat~O'n according to Pr,imary Census Abstract 188,511 149,040 337,551 Population olf Muslims according to Table D-II 118,010 Population ofSoheduled Castes according to Table D-Ill 17,481 ------------- ."--------- - 2 -DISTRICT SAHABAKPUtR Population of Towns by ,Mohallas/wards .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Population Scheduled Code 1\0. and n~~ of M,ohalla M'IJl!lims ' Castes Othe!s ---~-.----------"-- --~---------------;;2~·----::3----4--· 5 ----6----7- . --~-_--------------- ----- .-=-----_:__-_ _:___-_::_:__--------------- DEOBAND (~UNICIPAL BOARD) Natohalgarh 464 395 859 283 9 %7 2 SarakRail 246 206 452 174 1 277 3 Pa,thanpura 1,201 986 2,187 1,587 600 4 Matkota ISS 148 306 277 11 18 5 Bazar Manoi 93 95 188 7 181 6 MoriTelyan 137 105 242 24~ 7 Qila 915 -{63 1,678 1,,481 3 194 8 BalimnKo~la 551 5'01 1,052 887 2 1'63 } Adrun Kotla lU; 134 310 310 10 BazarKalan 30 27 57 40 17 II Dutdha 508 388 896 316 580 12 Sll.ri Pir Zadgan 186 147 333 292 2 39 13 Ta,nkan [S7 [56 343 306 37 14 ' Fautadpurs.