COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEANING OF FOODS MADE OFF IN : SEMANTIC STUDY Izzati Karimah, S.S Ungraduate Student of S2 Gadjah Mada University [email protected] ABSTRACT This research will discuss about the componential analysis of meaning of foods made off cassava in Java. The research method used in this study is descriptive- qualitative. In collecting the data, the researcher uses involved conversation observation continued with taking notes technique. The theory used in this research is theory of componential analysis of meaning by Nida. The result indicates that there are 22 foods made off cassava in Java namely lindri, gethuk kurung, gethuk kurung, gatot, utri, jemblem/misro, tiwul, biji salak, lemet, cenil, srawut/awul-awul, telo keju, klanting, slondok, keripik singkong, kerupuk opak/samiler, combro, timus, tape/peuyeum, krecek, latak, and cimplung. Cassava becomes the domain or common component. The distinctive components of foods made off cassava in Java seen from four aspects; the the mix-ingredients used, the cooking methods, the texture, and the taste of the foods. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the meaning of foods made off cassava in Java is not contained in a single meaning but there are several distinctive components that can be related it. Key words: cassava, componential analysis of meaning Introduction process to cook cassava is Cassava is on of not too difficult. Just staple foods in it with water, people can besides rice, corn, and consume it immadiately. wheat. Usually cassava is The easy process products also called puhung or boled. many variations of It contains high calories and processed food made off carbohidrates. Indonesian cassava. people are familiar with it In Java, people know and its processed food. several names of foods Besides it is cheap, the made off cassava such as

792 gethuk, tiwul, klanting, etc. made off cassava, the These names become reseracher will use the identities that will indirectly theory of componential provide some overviews analysis of meaning. The about the shape, the focus of componential material, and the cooking analysis of meaning is on methods. Different names of the discussion of lexical foods give different semantics. Based on Pateda, meanings but it is possible lexical semantics tends to to have relation. As stated focus on the discussion of by Wijana, the meaning of meaning systems contained language unit has in a word (2001:74). As relationship in form and in stated by Subroto, meaning with the other component analysis is used language unit and it is in the study of lexical possible to have varying semantics, especially for a meaning. One of them is number of lexemes included hyponym (2008:28). A to a particular lexical fields. hyponym is semantic This lexical field has same relation between specific component of meaning, but meaning and generic on the other hand it also has meaning or between different component of taxomony members and meaning (2011:102). taxonomy name Based on the (Kridalaksana, 2011:74). In explanation above, this this case, gethuk, tiwul, research will analyze about klanting are taxonomy the hyponym and the members which are componential analysis of hypnymous with foods meaning of foods made off made off cassava. cassava in Java. To determine the Theoritical Basis semantic relation in foods


Studies about This research also componential analysis of discusses about meaning have been carried componential analysis of out by some researchers. meaning. The difference of One of them is written by this research and the Ida Cahyani from STIMIK previous research is in the Tunas Bangs, Banjarnegara. object of the research. In the Her research with the tittle previous research, the “Componential Analysis of researcher analyzes about Meaning on Lexemes componential analysis of “Look” in English” analyzes verb ‘look’ in English. In about the differences the other hand, this research components of meaning on analyzes about lexemes ‘look’ in English. componential analysis of She uses Nida’s theory to foods made off cassava in figure out the distinguished Java. This research also uses features among lexemes. the theory of componential The result shows that there analysis of meaning stated are fifteen lexemes which by Nida. Nida categorizes have meaning ‘look’ in the type of components into English; see, look, watch, two types, common stare, gaze, glance, glare, component and diagnostic glimps, gape, behold, peer, or distinctive components peep, peek, blink, and wink. (1975:32-33). The distinctive components - Common Component are determined by several It is the central semantic features such as component that is owned by the device of seeing, the all lexems in the semantic way of seeing, the object domain. and the involved feeling - Diagnotic or distinctive through the process of components seeing.


It distinguishes the collected by involved meaning of all lexems in the conversation observation same semantic domain. continued with taking notes technique. In analying data, Research Method the researcher applies Nida’s theory. According to The method used in Nida, there are six this research is qualitative procedural steps to analyze method and descriptive the components of a related approach. According to set of meanings (1975:54- Moleong, qualitative 61): research is research conducted the phenomenon 1. Selecting the related series of of the research subject and it meanings. is described in the words, in 2. Determining of all the possible a special context and referents of these meanings. utilizing various scientific 3. Determining the various meanings methods (2005:6). This about what characteristics are true research uses descriptive of one or more meanings, but not approach. According to true of all. Sugiyono, the descriptive 4. Describing the distinctive features approach is an approach of each of the meanings. used to describe or provide 5. Describing various possible an overview of the object of referents and relating the research through data or statements of sample that have been components to features of the collected without making referents. generally conclusion 6. Describing the diagnostic (2012:29). features systematically. The source data in this Research Findings research are the names of foods made off cassava in The researcher Java. The data collection is collects and finds 22

795 hyponyms of foods made Gethuk goreng is off cassava in Java. All one of traditional food foods are included into which is known especially traditional foods in Java. in Central Java. It is cooked Certainly, each region has with brown sugar and different name of each food. milked mixed with The same food is named mashed cassava. The shape different in the other region of this food is round and but it refers to the same uneven. food. : 4. Gatot 1. Gethuk Lindri Gatot is processed Gethuk lindri is food of cassava which is known with its attractive cooked by dried the cassava colours such as pink, green, slices then boiled it. It has brown, yellow, white. It is salty taste. It uses coconut cooked with mixing the for spinkling. Usually some mashed cassava and sugar. region also uses brown Then it is shaped like sugar to give sweet taste. noodles and cut into some pieces. This food uses coconut as sprinkle. 5. Utri 2. Gethuk Kurung Utri is Javanese food Gethuk kurung is that uses brown sugar as Klaten food that uses brown filling in the dough of sugar as filling in the dough. mashed cassava. Then the Kurung is name of region in dough is wrapped by Klaten. So, the name of coconut leaves and steamed. gethuk kurung comes from 6. Jemblem/Misro the region which the food is Jemblem is the name produced. of food. In Central 3. Gethuk Goreng and , it is usually called misro. In this food,

796 brown sugar is also used as dough is wrapped in filling in the dough of coconut leaves and steamed. grated cassava. Then, the 10. Cenil dough is formed in round Cenil is processed shape and fried. food of cassava that is 7. Tiwul cooked by forming it into There are two kinds oval shape or round like of tiwul. First is tiwul that marble. Cenil has many has sweet taste and second color variants such as white, is tiwul that has salty taste. red, and green. Coconut and Usually, tiwul that has salty liquid brown sugar are used taste is consumed as for sprinkling. In surabaya, subtitution of rice. This food it is called klanting. is known especially in 11. Kue Srawut/Awul-Awul Gunung Kidul as popular Kue srawut is almost souvenir. same with tiwul. The 8. Biji Salak difference is tiwul made Biji salak is food from cassava that have been which is usually consumed dried first. While in making with or sauce made srawut, the cassava is not from and dried. Kue srawut has sweet brown sugar. It has round taste because is made by shape and chewy texture. It mixing the dough with is made from cassava that brown sugar. Usually it also has been steamed and uses coconut for mashed. Then it is formed springkling. In East and into a round like marble. Central Java is called kue 9. Lemet srawut but in West Java is Lemet is food that is usually called awul-awul. processed by mixing 12. Telo Keju mashed cassava with brown Telo keju is one of sugar and coconut. Then the processed food of cassava

797 that has salty and savory Kerupuk opak or taste like cheese. It is soft samiler is food made off because in the cooking steamed cassava then method, the cassava will be formed into thin shape and steamed and flavoured first dried. After dried, it will be before fried. fried. Kerupuk opak is 13. Klanting crunchy and salty. Usually it Klanting or lanting is added with chili. is famous food in Central 17. Combro Java. It has hard texture and Combro is favored salty taste. It is made off food in West Java. It is cassava or flour and made off mashed cassava usually it is shaped like that is filled with . number 8. Combro is acronym of 14. Slondok oncom dijero. It has salty Slondok is almost and spicy taste. same with klanting. The 18. Timus differences are in the shape Timus or ketimus is and the texture. Slondok is food made off steamed and more bigger than klanting mashed cassava, brown and the taste is more sugar, and coconut. After crunchy. the ingredients is mixed, the 15. Keripik Singkong dough will be formed into singkong is ovale shape then fried. one of favourite snakcs that has crunchy texture. The 19. Tape/Peuyeum method to cook this food is Tape is food also easy. Now, it has been processed by smearing developed by adding variety cassava with yeast then of flavour such as barbeque, fermented. In East and roost beef, etc. Central Java it is usuallt 16. Kerupuk Opak/Samiler

798 called tape but in West Java cassava in Java. To it is called peuyeum. determine the component of 20. Krecek that foods, all the data will Krecek is processed be described into five food off cassava that has dimensions; based hard texture. In cooking it, ingredient (BU), mix- cassava is cutted to thight ingredients (MU), cooking slices then dried. After that, method (CM), texture (TE), the slices are fried. Some and taste (TA). region adds melted brown a. The Basic Ingredient sugar to make sweet taste. (BU) 21. Latak Latak is one of Basic ingredient favored in Central (BU) is described because it Java especially in Tegal. Iit is the taxonomy of the almost same with cassava hyponym of foods made off but it is flavoured with cassava in Java. It covers brown sugar and chili after the 22 names of foods made it is fried. off cassava in Java. 22. Cimplung b. The Mix-Ingredients Cimplung is (MU) processed food of cassava Cassava has tasteless cooked by boiling the taste not salty or sweet. To cassava and mixing it with create a different taste, the brown sugar. It has people add some mix- brown colour from the ingredients in cooking it. brown sugar sauce and Brown sugar is usually used usually it eats by the sauce. to make sweet taste. The - The Dimension of Foods Made Off Cassava in Java brown sugar can be added in Based on the the middle of the dough or description above, there are adding the melted brown 22 names of foods made off sugar as a topping which is


poured over the food. To methods. There are four make it salty or savory, methods used in cooking people usually use coconut cassava; boiled, steamed, either mixed it with the fried, and fermented. dough or just used for d. The Textures (TE) sprinkling over the food. To make it spicy, usually Cassava has a hard people uses chily and it is texture. After processed into added as a flavor for the variety foods there are four food. The researcher texture of processed foods categorizes this component of cassava, hard, crunchy, into some componentss; soft, and chewy. added by brown sugar, e. The Taste (TA) coconut, and chili. The taste off c. The Cooking Methods processed food of cassava is (CM) divided into three

Another dimension categories; sweet, salty, and is seen from the cooking spicy. Table 1. Componential Analysis of Meaning of Foods Made off Cassava in Java Dimension Basic Mix-Ingredients Cooking Methods Tekstur (TE) Taste (TA) Ingredient (MI) (CM) (BI) Components Brown Sugar Coconut Chili Yeast Boiled Steamed Fried Fermented Hard Crunchy Soft Chewy Sweet Salty Spicy


Gethuk lindri + - + - - - + - - - - + - + + - Gethuk kurung + + - - - - + - - - - + - + - - Gethuk goreng + + + - - + - + - - - - + + - - Gatot + ± + - - + ------+ ± + - Utri + + - - - - + - - - - - + + - - Jemblem/Misro + + - - - - - + - - - - + + + - Tiwul + ± ± - - ± ± - - - - + - ± ± - Biji Salak + + - - - + ------+ + - -


Lemet + + ± - - + ------+ + - - Cenil + + + - - + ------+ + ± - Kue Srawut + + ± - - + - - - - - + - + + - /awul-awul Telo Keju + - - - - - + + - - ± + - - + - Klanting + - - - - - + + - + ± - - ± + ± Slondok + - - - - - + + - + - - - - + - Keripik + ------+ - - + - - ± + ± singkong Kerupuk + - - ± - - + + - - + - - - + ± opak/Samiler Combro + - - + - - + + - - - + - - + + Timus + + + - - + - + - - - + - + - - Tape/Peuyeum + - - - + - - - + - ± + - + - - Krecek + ------+ - + - - - ± + - Latak + + - + - - - + - - + - - + - + Cimplung + + - - + ------+ - + - - off lexemes of foods. While, the distinctive The semantic feature components are descbribed is signed with (+) the in the dimensions of Mix- feature is present in the Ingredients, Cooking lexeme, (-) the feature is Method, Texture, and Taste. absent or not relevant with 1. Gethuk lindri → the lexeme, and (±) the +BI: cassava, +MI: feature is not mandatory coconut, +CM: present in the lexeme. steamed, +TE: soft, Based on Nida’s +TA: sweet, salty theory, there are two types 2. Gethuk kurung → of components those are +BI: cassava, +MI: common component and brown sugar, +CM: distinctive component. steamed, +TE: soft, From the table above, it can +TA: sweet be seen that cassava, in the 3. Gethuk goreng → dimension of Basic +BI: cassava, +MI: Ingredient, is the domain or brown sugar, common components. coconut, +CM: fried, Cassava belongs to the all


boiled, +TE: chewy, 10. Cenil → +BI: +TA: sweet cassava, +MI: brown 4. Gatot → +BI: sugar, coconut, cassava,+MI: +CM: boiled, +TE: coconut, +CM: chewy, +TA: sweet boiled, +TE: chewy, 11. Kue srawut /awul- +TA: salty awul → +BI: 5. Utri → +BI: cassava, cassava, +MI: brown +MI: brown sugar, sugar, +CM: boiled, +CM: steamed, +TE: soft, +TA: +TE: chewy, +TA: sweet, salty sweet 12. Telo keju → +BI: 6. Jemblem/misro → cassava, +MI:- +BI: cassava, +MI: +CM: boiled, fried, brown sugar, +CM: +TE: soft, +TA: fried +TE: chewy, salty +TA: sweet, salty 13. Klanting → +BI: 7. Tiwul → +BI: cassava, +MI: +CM: cassava, +MI: - steamed, fried, +TE: +CM:- +TE: soft, hard, +TA: salty +TA:- 14. Slondok → +BI: 8. Biji salak → +BI: cassava, +MI: +CM: cassava,+MI: brown steamed, fried, +TE: sugar, +CM: boiled, hard, +TA: salty +TE: soft, +TA: 15. Keripik singkong → sweet +BI: cassava, +MI: 9. Lemet → +BI: +CM: fried, +TE: cassava, +MI: brown crunchy, +TA: salty sugar, +CM: boiled, 16. Kerupuk +TE: chewy, +TA: opak/samiler → +BI: sweet cassava, +MI:- +CM:steamed, fried,


+TE: crunchy, +TA: Conclusion salty There are 22 17. Combro → +BI: hyponyms of foods made cassava, +MI: chili, off cassava in Java namely +CM: steamed, gethuk lindri, gethuk fried, +TE: soft, kurung, gethuk kurung, +TA: salty, spicy gatot, utri, jemblem/misro, 18. Timus → +BI: tiwul, biji salak, lemet, cassava, +MI: brown cenil, kue srawut/awul- sugar, coconut, awul, telo keju, klanting, +CM: boiled, fried, slondok, keripik singkong, +TE: soft, +TA: kerupuk opak/samiler, sweet combro, timus, 19. Tape/peuyeum → tape/peuyeum, krecek, latak, +BI: cassava, +MI: and cimplung. The meaning yeast +CM: of foods made off cassava is fermented, +TE: not only contained in a one soft, +TA: sweet menings. There are five 20. Krecek → +BI: dimensions used to analyze cassava, +MI:- the data. That dimensions +CM: fried, +TE: relate the meaning of one hard, +TA: salty food to another. The 21. Latak → +BI: common component of that cassava, +MI: brown foods is cassava. The sugar, chili, +CM: distinctive components are fried, +TE: crunchy, seen from the mix- +TA: sweet, spicy ingredients, the cooking 22. Cimplung → +BI: method, the texture, and the cassava, +MI: brown taste of the foods. sugar, +CM: boiled, +TE: chewy, +TA: Bibliography sweet


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