Summer 2010 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION VOL. 21 NO. 2 The Extra “C” Makes the Difference By Dr. Vickie Denny, NCCAA President, Clearwater Christian College Volleyball Coach

How often have you been wearing the about. The NCCAA is intentionally Christ- carry heavy burdens and NCCAA logo, and someone will ask you, centered, and that is the way we want to they need our prayers. “What is the NCCAA?” They have heard of keep it. Second, I challenge the NCAA, but wonder about that extra “C” The NCCAA also exists to help all of us to give more to the NCCAA. Yes, in our name. What a great opportunity for us support Christian higher education. We financially we need to help support this to share with them who we really are. We are are just an extension of what your individual organization, but also let’s give more of our so much more than just another national institutions are trying to do in Christian time and talents. Historically, this organization collegiate athletic association. In fact, it is education. As an athletic organization, the has been sustained by a small paid staff, and that extra “C” that makes all the difference. NCCAA supports your institutions and what the volunteers who serve on the regional and First, the NCCAA is intentionally you are striving to achieve through your national levels. The work of the NCCAA Christ-centered. It is who we are. I was faith-based mission statements. While our cannot be done without the efforts of the many reminded of this important truth when a mission statements might differ, we would individuals who are willing to serve. I want to public school coach called and inquired about all agree on the importance of our students thank many of you who are already giving Clearwater’s summer volleyball camp establishing a Christian world view and financially as well as your time and talents to program. Her question: “Well, how much of integrating faith in the various academic the NCCAA. I also want to challenge others to the ‘Christian stuff’ do you do during the disciplines. The NCCAA wants to help our get involved and give back to our day?” I thought for a moment and then institutions in achieving these goals by organization. responded, “Coach, it isn’t just what we do using sports to help integrate faith and The final priority for 2010 is for us to live that makes us a Christian camp, it is who we practice outside of the classroom, while still our Christian faith. It goes back to being that are. We are Christian, on purpose”. I feel supporting the academic program. We do extra “C” for all to see. We have an the same way about the NCCAA. We are a this specifically by monitoring awesome opportunity and responsibility to Christian athletic organization doing a lot of intercollegiate athletics with academic shine brightly in a very dark world, and what “Christian stuff”, but it is more than just what standards. The NCCAA supports Christian, better place to do just that, than through we do; it is who we are. higher education, and that is the way we Christian athletics. While it is true that we are involved in want to keep it. Let us make these our priorities in 2010. Christian Service Projects (CSPs), mission Finally, I want to share three top We are the NCCAA, each and every one of us outreach trips, and bible studies, our Christ- priorities for 2010: First I want to praying for one another, giving to others, and likeness is probably more often seen when challenge all of us to pray more for the living like Christ did, for others. This is what we least expect it or plan for it: like when NCCAA. In a recent bible study, I was makes our organization so special, and that is you are checking out of a hotel and the reminded of the importance of individual the way we want to keep it. manager thanks you for the team’s conduct; prayer and supplication on the behalf of As we begin another year together, or when an unsaved referee wants to officiate others. Also with prayer comes the spirit of remembering the NCCAA is so much more your games because you treat him with gratitude. While I know how easy it is to than just regional and national competition. respect and dignity; or when, after a hotly find fault and complain about different As Dan Wood, our Executive Director often competitive national championship match, aspects of life, I would challenge each of us reminds us, “Only one team can carry home the two opposing teams come together and to do more praying and less complaining. the championship banner, but we can all carry the senior captain of the losing team says Will you commit to spending time every the banner of Christ”. “let’s pray”. The NCCAA is Christ-centered week praying specifically for our on purpose, and when we allow Christ His organization, member institutions, and rightful place in our athletic programs, we especially for our leadership? Will you pray begin to experience what that extra “C” is all for Dan, Kelly, Jerry, and Jill? They often

The Extra “C” Makes the Difference ...... 1 Women’s Basketball II...... 7 Baseball I ...... 13 Presidential Award Winners...... 2 Men’s Basketball I ...... 8 Baseball II ...... 13 Volunteers Honored...... 2 Region CSP Food Collection ...... 8 Athletes Minister at Championships.... 14 Sports Ministries Award Presented...... 2 Member Institutions Sanctioned...... 8 Mission Possible Fundraisers...... 15 Hall of Fame Receives New Member .... 3 Men’s Basketball II ...... 9 NCCAA Wins BMW oobe Challenge... 16 NCCAA is Here to Serve...... 3 Century Club Supports NCCAA ...... 9 Pro-Am is a Slam Dunk Event ...... 4 Softball...... 10 CSP Highlights Pro-Am...... 4 NCCAA Exceeds Goals ...... 10 Pro-Am Highlights ...... 5 Outdoor Track & Field...... 11 Pro-Am Tournament Results ...... 5 Tennis...... 12 Indoor Track & Field...... 6 Convention Holds CSP ...... 12 Women’s Basketball I ...... 7 Pro-Am CSP Touches Lives ...... 12 2 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit NCCAA Recognizes Outstanding Achievement The 2010 Annual Convention, held in Greenville, SC, was a time of celebration as an association as we reflected on this past fiscal year and look ahead to the future. In addition to the business of the association, it was a time of honoring those who have served the association with excellence.

Presidential Award Winners

The Presidential Award is presented annually to the institution in each division that compiles the most points through National Championship competition. Points are awarded as follows: 1st – 12; 2nd – 9; 3rd – 8; 4th – 6; 5th – 5; 6th – 4; 7th – 3; 8th – 1. Events included in this competition are Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Men’s Golf, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field and Women’s Volleyball.

Athletics Director Mark DeMichael (r), Rick Wright accepts the Division II Indiana Wesleyan University, accepts the Presidential Award for Manhattan Division I Presidential Award for earning Christian College with 36 points: 69 points: golf—6th; men’s cross volleyball—tied 3rd; men’s soccer— country—3rd; women’s cross country— 6th; women’s soccer—1st; women’s 3rd; men’s soccer—2nd; men’s indoor basketball—5th; baseball—3rd. track & field—1st; women’s indoor track & field—3rd; softball—3rd; women’s tennis—tied 3rd; men’s tennis—tied 7th; baseball—7th.

Volunteers are Honored Sports Ministries Award Presented for Service The NCCAA established the Sports Ministries Award for the purpose of recognizing member institutions and/or individuals for significant spiritual outreach through the Meritorious Service Award: The following individuals, who over a utilization of athletic ministries. The Center For Sports & Physical Therapy, located in period of years exhibited a dedication and special service to the NCCAA, Marion, Indiana, has made this award possible by providing a $1,000 gift to the received the Meritorious Service Award at the 2010 NCCAA Annual NCCAA, thus enabling Clearwater Christian College to be the recipient of the 2010 Convention. Their efforts have made a significant contribution to the award for the purpose of continued outreach ministry. welfare of the association. Under the leadership of Athletics Director, Duane Aagaard James Whitaker, Clearwater Christian Southeastern University College has actively participated in the Great South Region Chair Commission through the ministry of both 2007-2010 coaches and student-athletes. They encourage each of their intercollegiate athletic teams to be Jeff Bolender involved in at least one outreach ministry during the year. National Indoor Track & Field Chair The Men’s and Women’s Soccer teams held 2007-2010 a sports clinic in the fall for over 100 K-4th grade children. They conducted clinics and Dave Herron used the J316 Ball to share the plan of Northland International University salvation. In the spring, they did the same thing National DII Volleyball Chair for a local church soccer league with over 100 2007-2010 kids. They had the opportunity to lead the Director of Coaching for one of the Jeff Raymond local clubs to the Lord. Trinity Christian College The Volleyball team held an outreach where they played beach volleyball and North Central Region Chair distributed tracts. They also gave every non-Christian college team they played an 2006-2010 outreach bracelet inscribed with “Excellence” and then gave them a tract about what excellence means as Christians. Will Shouse The Women’s Basketball team spent a day at a children’s home hosting a clinic, sharing testimonies, and spending time with the girls who were between the ages of Mid-East Region Chair 11 and 17. 2007-2010 The Men’s Basketball team hosted an Upward Basketball Night where all the kids from a local church’s Upward Basketball League played at halftime. Alan Sumner The Baseball team assisted and refereed the Upward Basketball League. They also worked with “Taking It To The Streets” ministry by putting together boxes of National DI Baseball Chair food and ministering in word, song, and prayer. Finally, they painted and 2007-2010 landscaped for the Winning Inning in Clearwater.

Bob White Palm Beach What a comprehensive service and outreach program by Clearwater Christian National DI Volleyball Chair College athletic department for 2009-10 and an example to all in the NCCAA! 2007-2010 NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 3 Hall of Fame Inducts Class of 2010

Joe Harding grew up in Gambier, Ohio, where his father served as Athletic Trainer at Kenyon College while his mom worked in the campus food service area. Joe took every opportunity to follow in his father’s steps as he served as the unofficial Assistant Trainer for Kenyon’s athletic programs. Joe attended Malone College (University) on an athletic training scholarship and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education. Serving as the trainer for Malone’s programs as a student, he was hired as the school’s first full time athletic trainer upon graduation in 1972. Sports ministry was immediately placed upon Joe as he served as the trainer for 60 Track & Field athletes on a trip to ten African countries, as well as Israel, in the summer of 1972. This trip was a collaborative effort between Wheaton College and the State Department. God brought Coach Don Church into Joe’s life through that ministry trip and this proved to be pivotal in Joe’s life. Don hired Joe to be the Athletic Trainer at Wheaton College and allowed him to teach Physical Education classes and handle the Special Education recreation classes. In 1978, Joe took a leave of absence to complete his Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology at George Williams College. During this time, Joe met Carol, affectionately known as “Q”. They have been happily married for 34 years and Joe attributes much of that happiness to those early summers spent at Wheaton College’s Honey Rock Camp in northern Wisconsin. Joe has served as Head Men’s Soccer Coach and Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach at Montreat Anderson Junior College (1979), and Head Men’s Soccer Coach at Moody (Institute) (1980-84/1991-2010), as well as at Huntington College (University) (1984-1991). He has served as a Professor, Department Chairman, Athletic Trainer, and Athletic Director. He takes pride in having championed the adoption of the Sports Ministry major at Moody Bible Institute. Other highlights are 2 NCCAA National Championships, 6 Final Four appearances, 17 Coach of the Year honors, the NISOA Honor Award (2006), and the NCCAA Frank Jewell Merit Award (2009). He has served as NCCAA Regional Chair and National Sports Chair. In 2011, Joe plans to travel to France on his 13th sports ministry endeavor. This shows the true character of a man who knows the value of using sport to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joe has always cared more about the soul of a student-athlete, opposing coach, colleague, or stranger somewhere around the world, than his winning percentage or honors. Former Moody team member and Assistant Coach, Marco Castillo sums up Joe’s impact on those with whom he came in contact by sharing, “His influence is great because it is substantial, that is, it has substance to it. He taught me to live a life of commitment to Christ and those He places in my path.”

The National Christian College Athletic Association is proud to induct Joe Harding into its Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2010.

The NCCAA is Here to Serve...and Not Just Athletics! By Dan Wood, NCCAA Executive Director

As I walked into the office on February 9, 2010, I encountered dozens of emails followed by dozens of text messages and then fielded calls. Each of these contacts wanted to share, vent, or comment on the article in Christianity Today (February 2010) in which Dr. Shirl Hoffman expressed his rather discouraging view of how Christians had succumbed to culture’s view of sport instead of introducing Christ to culture through sport. I heard anger, frustration, and sadness from folks who work every day in Christian athletics, including the NCCAA. That afternoon, I headed to Chick-fil-A for lunch and to get away from the dialogue. Two questions whirled in my thoughts: was Dr. Hoffman correct? If so, could Christians correct the error? As usual, God has a unique way of meeting us when such questions arise. As I entered Chick-fil-A, there was the answer to my questions. A simple sign that clearly stated the motto of the restaurant read, “We Are Here to Serve and Not Just Sandwiches!” I chuckled and had the opportunity to meet the manager. I asked her if they succeeded every day in that mission. She humbly answered, “Yes, but we can always do better.” In 2009-10, the NCCAA and our member schools could have done better. Excellence could have been achieved every day instead of some days. More wins could have been secured. More humility could have been displayed. More correction could have been given. More food could have been donated. More service projects could have been undertaken. Yes, we could have done better! However, we did pretty well! Championships continue to demand better coaching and performance as the quality of NCCAA programs improve. Records fell in many sports. More NCCAA Scholar-Athletes were recognized than in any other year due to better performance by student-athletes and better follow through by their coaches. NCCAA donors funded a record number of mission/ministry projects. The Christian Service Projects (CSP) goal was surpassed as seven tons of food found its way to mouths that desperately needed it. Four young men accepted Christ during the final NCCAA Championship of the year. In my humble opinion, the NCCAA was here to serve and not just athletics! While attending 10 National Championships this year, I am the first to counter Dr. Hoffman’s assertions that we have failed. Culture is being impacted by Christians and that includes the 14,000 student-athletes and 800 coaches of the NCCAA. There is still much to do and plenty to improve but we are blessed to be a part of a coalition of member schools who have not succumbed to culture in regard to their Christian mission. Sincere appreciation goes to our Regional and National Sport Chairs who comprise the National Administrative Council. They serve our membership well and helped implement the new Declaration of Intent to Participate process. We also continue to see a greater commitment to excellence by our National Championship hosts. Not only are venues improving but the delicate balance of competition and fellowship continues to be one that amazes communities and local staff. Your Board of Directors continues to take a more active role in assisting staff with improving efficiency and performance within the National Office. Their financial support has always been a critical part of sustaining this association, but their insights and business acumen is another tangible means by which they encourage us. The National Office staff has never wavered in providing outstanding service to all the various constituencies that make up the NCCAA. The 2009-10 schedule created more stress and demands due to our role in the Kissimmee events, the addition of the Mission Possible fundraiser and increased travel for Jerry (member visits) and myself (donor visits and conferences). Not only did everything get done, but it was done well. God has been, is being, and will be faithful as we continue to serve….and not just athletics! Remember, we are all better than we deserve and those around us deserve our best. Serve well! 4 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

Pro-Am is a Slam Dunk Event CSP Highlights Pro-Am By Chris Lahm, Athletics Director and Men’s Basketball Coach

Since 1988, the NCCAA Pro-Am has introduced the NCCAA to My wife and I, along with four students, had the donors from across the nation. Over $700,000 has been raised through opportunity to attend and volunteer our time at the this event to support the ministry of the association. It seems every NCCAA Pro-Am golf fundraiser in Florida. I will be year concludes with great memories that make all involved look honest, I went in with my set of doubts. I had, like forward to the next year’s event. many of you, wondered why we areo putting all this Special thanks go to oobe (Gift Package Sponsor), Mizuno time, effort and expense into this event. Well, just as (Prize Package Sponsor), Earl & Joan Wheeler (Gold Sponsor), and Thomas had to see and experience things to believe, Herler Enterprises/John & Jody Wheeler (Bronze Sponsor). Along count me in as a believer in the benefits of the with the various meal and special event sponsors, these companies and NCCAA Pro-Am! individuals were critical in allowing the NCCAA to raise approximately $50,000 through the 2010 event. Highlights of the event include Dr. Dennis Swanberg, who I witnessed the heart and soul of the NCCAA in action. People who started the weekend sharing about the difference in just living versus believe in Christian Education and in what you and I are doing were living well. Dennis challenged each guest to invest in what God is there encouraging me in my efforts. These were people who have doing in today’s world through ministries like the NCCAA. Roger been trusted by God with His finances, not just getting together for a Skelly, NCCAA Board Chairperson and auctioneer, raised over good time. These were people who love the Lord, love the fellowship $35,000 through the auction, bringing “good, clean, fun” to the event. and can literally “put their money where their mouth is”. It was On Sunday, Barry Shafer, of Inword Ministry, shared his interesting to meet new people and find out we had friends in common personal journey of faith since the passing of his wife, Dana, after her that were working in Christian Education and all of us trying to reach long battle with cancer, touching every person in attendance as he simply challenged folks to seek God in the mundane moments of life. the world for Christ. Sunday night brought the ministry of contemporary Christian artist, Mark Harris. His acoustic rendition of 4HIM classics along with I walked away feeling better than if I had just won a championship!! songs from his current release, Windows and Walls, seemed to be the Championships and wins mean very little if your players don’t believe perfect bow to tie around the weekend’s worship. God was very in you. I now know that there is a large group of people who believe present throughout the evening. in what I am doing at the Christian college level. Thank you all for Between Friday and Monday, plenty of golf was played, balls your faithfulness and your encouragement. were lost, and everyone seemed to feel like a winner. The College Scholarship Tournament winners, with a combined age of over 300 years, were John Wheeler, Jim Law, R.B. Howard, and Jim Massey representing Trinity International University. Monday’s Pro-Am title was captured by Jeff Gove (PGA Professional), Pat Stillman, Joe Kempf, Mike Schisler, and Rich Ozinga. The winners of all the NCCAA Pro-Am outstanding prizes donated by Mizuno are listed on page 5. However, this year’s event will be remembered for the inclusion March 18-21, 2011 of a CSP (Christian Service Project) that touched the lives of Hammock Beach Resort employees (see page 12). NCCAA guests Hammock Beach Resort wrote cards to each employee stating they were being prayed for, then God took over as resort employees received these cards. Conversations began to take place as NCCAA guests spoke to resort Palm Coast, FL staff. The results of these conversations were friendships developed, opportunities to pray for specific needs, and a steady sense of amazement that someone cared enough to send the notes. Nothing in the previous 22 years had left such an impact upon the venue and staff that had so graciously served us since our first year at Hammock Beach Resort in 2002. The Pro-Am will take place at Hammock Beach Resort, March 18-21, 2011. Plans are already being developed as Terry & Connie Metzger begin their role as event Co-Chairpersons. Come join us!

Pro-Am Champions won Mizuno irons and other prizes and awards : (l-r) Joe Kempf, Pat Stillman, Jeff For more information or to Gove (PGA Professional), register online, visit Mike Schisler, and Rich Ozinga. 864-250-1199 NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 5 2010 Pro-Am Highlights COLLEGE TOURNAMENT RESULTS Closest to the Pin - Mizuno Wedges: Dan Wood, Dennis Swanberg, Buddy Forbess

Individual Low Gross - Mizuno Hybrid: Jason Fick Temple Flight Walt Ali NCCAA Flight John Wheeler Wheeler Flight

Low Net - Mizuno Hybrid: Rich Ozinga Temple Flight Tom Hancock NCCAA Flight Rick Steudler Wheeler Flight

Putting Champions – Bettinardi Putter: Trinity Pro-Am Shootout Champions: Brian Fogt The College Tournament Champions earned a Christian College—Dick Molenhouse, Dennis (Professional) and Ben Harrison $3,000 scholarship for Trinity International Swanberg, Dan Wood, Bill Price University—(John Wheeler, Jim Law, R.B. Howard, and Jim Massey. Shootout Champions - Mizuno Irons: Ben Harrison & Brian Fogt (Professional)

Team Champions - Mizuno Irons & Commemorative Plaque: Trinity International University—John Wheeler, Jim Law, R.B. Howard, Jim Massey

Runner-Up - Mizuno Drivers: Oklahoma Wesleyan University—Roger Skelly, Buddy Forbess, Charlie Bowerman, Terry Hughes

PRO-AM TOURNAMENT RESULTS Longest Drive: Elliot Gealy (Professional)

Closest to the Pin—Mizuno Wedge—Rob McCloskey, Temple Flight; Jeff Zurcher, Wheeler Tracey MacDonald, Margaret Galliard, Melinda Dr. Dennis Swanberg, America’s Minister of Flight Claudepierre, and Melissa Pereyo (not pictured) Encouragement, entertained and encouraged won the LuAnn Scramble and bragging rights over guests. Team Champions - Mizuno Irons, Wheeler Cup their husbands. Trophy, Amen Corner Collectible: Jeff Gove (Professional), Rich Ozinga, Pat Stillman, Mike Schisler, Joe Kempf

Runner-Up - Mizuno Driver: Kyle Morris (Professional), Terry Metzger, Walt Ali, Tom Hancock, Dick Molenhouse

LADIES’ LUANN SCRAMBLE RESULTS Low Team: Tracey MacDonald, Margaret Gaillard, Melinda Claudepierre, Melissa Pereyo


Teens: Grant Wood, Keenan Miller

Mark Harris ministered through music and turned Children, teens and spouses played for prizes in Adults: Doris Massey hearts to the Lord. the family putting course contest. Lainey Zurcher won a prize in the children’s division.

Chris & Dawn Lahm and student-athletes from Many activities were enjoyed by the spouses, Mizuno and oobe provided outstanding prizes Ozark Christian College served as volunteers including a yacht breakfast cruise, a Christian and gifts for each amateur. during the Pro-Am. Service Project, the LuAnn Scramble, a putting contest, and a devotional/prayer time. 6 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

Indoor Track & Field Cedarville University February 20, 2010

Bethel College, Women’s Champions Indiana Wesleyan University, Men’s Champions

Women’s Top 10 Team Results Men’s Top 10 Team Results 1. Bethel College 166 1. Indiana Wesleyan University 122.5 2. King College 84 2. Cedarville University 116.5 3. Indiana Wesleyan University 79.50 3. Greenville College 110 4. Cedarville University 78.50 4. Bethel College 107 5. Greenville College 64 5. 91 6. 62 6. Olivet Nazarene University 58 7. Dallas Baptist University 38 7. King College 25 8. Olivet Nazarene University 35 8. Trinity Christian College 22 9. Spring Arbor University 32.50 9. Dallas Baptist University 19 10. 26 10. Roberts Wesleyan College 14

Event Winners Event Winners 55 Meter Alexa Winik Cedarville 7.19 55 Meter Dewayne Gray Spring Arbor 6.47 200 Meter Alexa Winik Cedarville 25.41 200 Meter Edgar Townsend Greenville 22.35 400 Meter Amanda Davis King 57.81 400 Meter Justin Hoffman Cedarville 50.34 1 Mile Run Lydia Wong Cedarville 5:03.70 1 Mile Run Nathan Martin Spring Arbor 4:17.00 800 Meter Lydia Wong Cedarville 2:16.35 800 Meter Rodney Oyler Greenville 1:56.65 3000 Meter Hannah Steffan Dallas Baptist 10:23.14 3000 Meter Nathan Martin Spring Arbor 8:45.03 5000 Meter Lauren Versweyveld Olivet Nazarene 18:16.74 5000 Meter T.J. Badertscher Cedarville 14:57.01 55 M Hurdles Kelsey Medeiros Roberts Wesleyan 8.43 55 M Hurdles Edgar Townsend Greenville 7.45 4x200 M Relay Katelin Morgan Indiana Wesleyan 1:47.08 4x200 M Relay Chris Gunn Greenville 1:31.51 Lizzy Skinner Edgar Townsend Chelsey Heyne Mark Mitchell Laura Bowman Brian White 4x400 M Relay Beenne Capre Bethel 4:01.09 4x400 M Relay Brandon Tress Cedarville 3:24.79 Kaila Stevens Justin Hoffman Irene Kangai Michael Beight Samantha Etter Sammy Starr 4x800 M Relay Hannah Weide Spring Arbor 9:29.85 4x800 M Relay Matt Mitchell Indiana Wesleyan 8:11.29 Kaitllin DeBruin Josh Schweigert Anna Hamilton Andrew Albert Michaela Crew Dan Carrick Distance Medley Tabbitha Ashford Dallas Baptist 12:24.23 Distance Medley Andrew Albert Indiana Wesleyan 10:29.38 Ashley Alford Jeff Stuttler Laura Mucho Jason Wenzel Hannah Steffan Ethan Naylor High Jump Kait Hendershot Bethel 1.65m High Jump Staffan Boettcher Spring Arbor 1.95m Pole Vault Ashley Fozkos Olivet Nazarene 3.65m Pole Vault Jeremy Rogers Spring Arbor 4.60m Long Jump Kati Beutler Bethel 5.78m Long Jump J.W. Maierle Bethel 7.03m Triple Jump Tricia Gall Greenville 10.96m Triple Jump Jumanne Bey Greenville 13.71m Shot Put Nichole Arnold Bethel 14.17m Shot Put Joe Reisinger Olivet Nazarene 16.28m Weight Throw Rochaunda Harris Greenville 16.05m Weight Throw Joe Reisinger Olivet Nazarene 16.84m

Coaching Staff of the Year Coaching Staff of the Year Bethel College Indiana Wesleyan University

Outstanding Performer Outstanding Performer Alexa Winik, Cedarville University Edgar Townsend, Greenville College

For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- Athlete recipients, go to Athlete recipients, go to NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 7

Women’s Basketball I Grace College March 11-13, 2010

Bethel College Division I Women’s Champions

Championship Results NCCAA All-Tournament Team Bekah Basinger Bethel College First Round Bethel College 70 Demetria Eley Grace College Ecclesia College 41 Mt. Vernon Nazarene University 68 Amanda Himes Mt. Vernon Nazarene University Emmanuel College 39 7th Place Ashley Jackson Emmanuel College North 64 Grace College 63 Derika Mooney King College 51 Emmanuel College 51 Vernisha Moss Ecclesia College Megan Randall Bluefield College Bethel College 72 5th Place Heather Seyfried Bethel College King College 53 Bluefield College 64 King College 61 Nikki Wood North Greenville University Mt. Vernon Nazarene University 59 Mandy Yoder Bethel College Grace College 52 3rd Place Mt. Vernon Nazarene University 74 Second Round Tournament Most Valuable Player North Greenville University 50 Heather Seyfried, Bethel College Bluefield College 57 Emmanuel College 50 Championship National Coach of the Year Bethel College 74 Jody Martinez, Bethel College King College OT 69 Ecclesia College 56 Grace College 68 Kathy Freese Player of the Year Semi-Finals Alison Lemon, Cedarville University Ecclesia College 53 North Greenville University 50 For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar-Athlete recipients, go to

Women’s Basketball II Philadelphia Biblical University March 11-13, 2010

Kentucky Christian University Division II Women’s Champions

Championship Results First Round Seventh Place Atlanta Christian College 68 48 Philadelphia Biblical University 51 Maranatha Baptist Bible College 72 NCCAA All-Tournament Team Manhattan Christian College 69 Fifth Place Sheirra Bruner Southwestern Christian University Southwestern Christian University 79 Atlanta Christian College 49 Manhattan Christian College 84 Brenda Carter Ohio Christian University Kristin Hecht Kentucky Christian University North Central University 48 Third Place Kentucky Christian University 66 Kristin Morrison Maranatha Baptist Bible College Southwestern Christian University 82 Maranatha Baptist Bible College 91 Danielle Norton Philadelphia Biblical University Philadelphia Biblical University 55 Ohio Christian University 62 Championship Tournament Most Valuable Player Ohio Christian University 70 Danielle Fleming, Ohio Christian University Second Round Kentucky Christian University 72 North Central University 55 Atlanta Christian College 69 Player of the Year Kristin Hecht, Kentucky Christian University Philadelphia Biblical University 67 Manhattan Christian College 77 National Coach of the Year

Southwestern Christian University 70 Reginald Chapple, Valley Forge Christian College Ohio Christian University 77

Maranatha Baptist Bible College 54 Kentucky Christian University 73

For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar-Athlete recipients, go to 8 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

Men’s Basketball I March 18-20, 2010

Northwestern College Division I Men’s Champions

Championship Results NCCAA All-Tournament Team Reid Berens Northwestern College First Round Seventh Place Richard Colick Geneva College Mid-Continent University 79 Oakland City University 81 Mark Dockery King College Geneva College 57 Mid-America Christian University 79 Bryan Hill Geneva College

Northwestern College 70 Fifth Place Duke Johnson Grace College Mid-America Christian University 61 Geneva College 71 Elisha Murray King College Palm Beach Atlantic University 68 David Swanson Grace College King College 72 Palm Beach Atlantic University 59 Third Place Tournament Most Valuable Player Mid-Continent University 85 Stephen Hanson, Northwestern College Grace College OT 84 Grace College 70 Oakland City University 77 National Coach of the Year Championship Game Greg Tonagel, Indiana Wesleyan University Second Round Northwestern College 58 Geneva College 79 King College 54 Pete Maravich Memorial Award Mid-America Christian University 76 Ryne Lightfoot, Bethel College

Palm Beach Atlantic University 82 Player of the Year Oakland City University 60 Steve Briggs, Oklahoma Wesleyan University Northwestern College 83 Mid-Continent University 76 For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- King College 90 Athlete recipients, go to Grace College 78 NCCAA REGION CSP FOOD BANK COLLECTION 14,000 Pounds (7 TONS) Collected This Year

BY REGION Pounds Collected # Reg Mbrs Pounds/Member Member Institutions 1 Mid-East 2,875 17 169 2 Mid-West 1,945.88 12 162 Sanctioned 3 East 1,538 10 154 4 Central 1,849 15 123 5 South 1,777 18 98 Cincinnati Christian University 6 Southwest 356 4 89 Men’s & Women’s Basketball 7 N Central 804 11 73 8 West 181 7 26 Restrictive Probation April 1, 2010—March 30, 2011 Division I 7,171 51 141 Failure to comply with Declaration of Intent to Participate Division II 4,154 44 94 Region playoff All Sports BY SPORT: Pounds Collected # Teams Pounds/Team Probation Volleyball II 1,672 35 48 through December 10, 2010 Baseball II 774 18 43 Women’s Soccer I 1,917 46 42 Two violations of playing an ineligible player Baseball I 1,500 46 33 Men’s Soccer II 860.5 31 28 Men’s Basketball I 1,295 51 25 Volleyball I 1,070 48 22 Men’s Soccer I 822 46 18 Women’s Soccer II 299 18 16 Men’s Basketball II 401 44 9 Women’s Basketball II 223.38 34 7 Softball 300 43 7 Women’s Basketball I 192 48 4 We need you!

Number of region playoffs = 79 Number of playoffs that did collect = 60 (76%) Please join the Number of playoffs that did not collect = 19 (24%) No region playoffs = 16

Additional: Century Club Tennis collected 2,800 pounds of food for National Championship Cross Country Championship collected $1,008 that was donated DII Men’s Basketball Championship collected 823 pounds of food DII Women’s Basketball Championship collected 550 pounds of food Indoor Track and Field Championship collected 150 pounds of food NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 9

Men’s Basketball II Central Bible College March 9-13, 2010

Grace Bible College Division II Men’s Champions

Championship Results NCCAA All-Tournament Team First Round Fourth Round Blake Hanson Central Bible College ` 100 Portland Bible College 90 Ryan Krombeen Grace Bible College Baptist Bible College (MO) 98 Valley Forge Christian College 67 Nathan Marshall Southeastern University

Ohio Christian University 78 Dallas Christian College 75 Malcolm Pollack Southeastern University Lancaster Bible College 47 Ohio Christian University 63 Relmond Prince Southwestern Christian University Portland Bible College 58 Atlanta Christian College 55 Southeastern University 68 Southwestern College 65 Pete Maravich, Memorial Award Southwestern College 90 Nicolaas Kamlade, Multnomah University North Central University 77 Grace Bible College 64 Central Bible College 61 Coach of the Year Second Round Jon Mack, Valley Forge Christian College Baptist Bible College (MO) 92 Lancaster Bible College 91 Fifth Place Dallas Christian College 74 Tournament Most Valuable Player North Central University 68 Portland Bible College 60 Alan Durham, Grace Bible College Atlanta Christian College 63 Third Place Third Round Southwestern College 80 Southwestern College 85 Central Bible College 70 Valley Forge Christian College 81

Southeastern University 84 Championship Portland Bible College 72 Grace Bible College 68 Southeastern University 65 For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Central Bible College 85 Scholar-Athlete recipients, go to Ohio Christian University 67 d2mensbasketawd.htm. Grace Bible College 78 Dallas Christian College 64 Century Club Supports NCCAA

The Century Club was created as a means through which student-athletes, both past and present, parents and friends of the NCCAA can be a part of the ongoing support of the ministry. Thanks to the following people who contributed this year. We are pleased to offer you recognition gifts from the Max Greiner Art of Faith Collection: The Great Commission (see right). These beautiful pieces will be great conversation pieces once displayed in your home or office. For more information, visit Mr. & Mrs. Duane Aagaard Mr. & Mrs. S.E. Carter, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Harding Bob McCloskey Agency Mr. & Mrs. Robert Segave Mr. & Mrs. John Alexander Chick-fil-A Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Larry McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Terry Shiver Mr. J.W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Mel Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Helsel Dr. Barry McKeown Dr. & Mrs. Layton Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Arnett Mr. William Chatlos Mr. & Mrs. John Henzel Mr. & Mrs. Philip Meredith Mr. George Short Arington Foundation Dr. Gary Cook Dr. & Mrs. Mathew Hill Mr. & Mrs. Terry Metzger Dr. Kenneth Sisson Mr. Michael Aster Mr. Keith Davie Mr. Christopher Holliday Mrs. Tammy Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Roger Skelly Mr. Paul Aughtry Mr. & Mrs. Llewellyn Denny Ms. Jane Hostetler Mr. & Mrs. Philip Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lee Smith Dr. & Mrs. Sherrill Babb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dodgen Mr. & Mrs. James Huckaby Mr. Robert Miller Mr. & Mrs. Mark Snyder Mr. Eric Beattie Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy Epting Mr. & Mrs. W. Alvin Hueble Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mogg Mr. & Mrs. David Spilman Mr. & Mrs. Pete Beers Mr. Mike Faro Mrs. Brenda Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molenhouse Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berry Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fish Mr. & Mrs. Rick Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Neal Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Steudler Mr. Ron Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kandt Mr. James Ozinga Mr. G.P. Stillman Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fogt Mr. & Mrs. James Kave Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ozinga Mr. Rob Strano Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bovee Miss Penny Foland Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Steve Patton Mr. & Mrs. Jack Strong Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowerman Mr. & Mrs. Giles M. Forbess Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Kemp Mr. Rob Pegg Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Swearngin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bridges Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fratzke Mr. & Mrs. Jim Law Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Penfound Mr. & Mrs. John Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Keith Bruxvoort Ms. Kathy Freese Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lecheler Mr. & Mrs. John Piercefield Mr. & Mrs. Brian Todd Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Darren Frye Dr. & Mrs. Brian Lee Mr. Bob Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. Grover Todd Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Burke Mr. & Mrs. John Gaillard Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Light Mr. Scott Pothoven Dr. Scott True Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Buroker Mr. Matt Gantt Mr. & Mrs. David Long Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quistad Mr. Troy Walters Mr. Scott & Dr. Vickie Byler Mr. Chad Gfeller Mr. & Mrs. Keith Love Mr. & Mrs. James Rickard Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Chet Kammerer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Malone Mrs. Jean Rollings Mr. & Mrs. John Wheeler Dr. & Mrs. Donald Callan Mrs. Dorothy Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Barry Maness Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wilhelmi Camp Champs LLC Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Griffin Dr. & Mrs. Barry May Mr. George Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Williams Mr. & Mrs. Russell Carr Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hancock Mr. & Mrs. Bill May Mr. & Mrs. Bud Schaeffer Mr. & Mrs. Dan Wood Dr. Michael V. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harding Mrs. Pearl May Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schisler Mr. & Mrs. Del Wubbena

To support the NCCAA through the Century Club, call 864-250-1199, email [email protected] or visit 10 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

Softball Palm Beach Atlantic University May 13-15, 2010

Central Baptist College Women’s Softball Champions

Championship Results

Round 1 NCCAA All-Tournament Team Central Baptist College def 1-0 Molly Anderson Olivet Nazarene University def Oakland City University 6-0 Marisa Baker Olivet Nazarene University Olivet Nazarene University def King College 6-5 Sam Baker Central Baptist College Indiana Wesleyan University def Judson University 6-0 Jessica Bock Central Baptist College Christine Core Covenant College Round 2 Kelsey Davis Oakland City University Judson University def Covenant College 4-0 Shelley Durante Olivet Nazarene University King College def Oakland City University 7-6 Nikki Feuerbach Simpson University Simpson University def Judson University 5-2 Kayla Ford Central Baptist College Olivet Nazarene University def King College 10-2 Christy Gibson Indiana Wesleyan University Olivet Nazarene University def Simpson University 3-2 Shawna Haga King College Central Baptist College def Simpson University 5-4 Katie Hall Indiana Wesleyan University Indiana Wesleyan University def Olivet Nazarene University 7-4 Casey Hammons Central Baptist College Katie Hannagan Olivet Nazarene University Central Baptist College def Indiana Wesleyan University 2-0 Kayla Lucas Central Baptist College Olivet Nazarene University def Indiana Wesleyan University 2-0 Carri Sensor Judson University Stefanie Singh Simpson University Championship Game Molly Yothment Indiana Wesleyan University Central Baptist College def Olivet Nazarene University 2-0 National Coach of the Year Jason Anderson, Central Baptist College

Pitcher of the Year For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar-Athlete Jessica Bock, Central Baptist College recipients, go to Player of the Year Jordan Reynolds, Olivet Nazarene University

NCCAA Exceeds Goals

WOW! The NCCAA stepped up to the plate in making a positive difference in the lives of families and individuals all across the United States and EXCEEDED the 4 ton goal for this year. This school year (September, 2009 - May, 2010), NCCAA student-athletes, coaches and staff collected and donated 14,000 pounds (7 tons) of food, over $2,500 cash AND 1,300 pounds of clothes to food pantries and shelters in communities nationwide! Reports have been received of the overwhelming encouragement these donations have been, often arriving in the nick of time...or in God's timing. Thank you to all the member institutions who have helped make this outreach possible. Annually, NCCAA staff, student-athletes and coaches perform approximately 2,000 hours of Christian outreach at NCCAA National Championships! Last year, over 7,250 pounds of food was collected and distributed to food banks nationwide. In a 2 year campaign, the NCCAA has donated over 21,250 pounds of food and over $3,500 to shelters nationwide!! To put that much food into perspective, a local grocery store manager said it would take a semi-truck packed front to back, side to side and top to bottom to carry that much food. This is teamwork! Each team working together that combines to make a huge impact!

North Central University’s baseball team represented the North Central Region and collected 104 pounds of food donated to Minnesota Emergency Food Shelf Network.

North Central Region men’s and women’s basketball teams collected 150 pounds of food plus clothing for the Restoring Hope International Missionaries. NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 11

Outdoor Track & Field May 6-8, 2010

Bethel College, Women’s Champions , Men’s Champions

Women’s Top 10 Team Results Men’s Team Results 1. Bethel College 191.5 1. Malone University 170.5 2. Malone University 153 2. Bethel College 162.5 3. King College 91 3. Cedarville University 109 4. Greenville College 78 4. Taylor University 93 5. Cedarville University 70 5. Greenville College 66.5 6. Dallas Baptist University 45 6. King College 64.5 7. Taylor University 44 7. Spring Arbor University 33 8. Roberts Wesleyan College 42 8. Trinity Christian College 25 9. Trinity Christian College 40 9. Campbellsville University 23 10. Judson University 22.5 Northwestern College 23

Event Winners Event Winners 100 Meter Henrietta Carey Taylor 12.15 100 Meter Calon Boyd Bethel 10.52 200 Meter Alexa Winik Cedarville 24.85 200 Meter Dewayne Gray Spring Arbor 21.94 400 Meter Amanda Davis King 55.60 400 Meter Jordan Heim Bethel 47.73 800 Meter Lydia Wong Cedarville 2:13.36 800 Meter Rodney Oyler Greenville 1:54.29 1500 Meter Lydia Wong Cedarville 4:28.90 1500 Meter Christopher Sinick Malone 3:59.06 5000 Meter Hannah Steffan Dallas Baptist 17:53.08 5000 Meter Paul Robinson Malone 15:06.92 10000 Meter Sarah Hines Malone 38:32.31 10000 Meter Nathan Martin Spring Arbor 31:24.64 100 M Hurdles Kelsey Medeiros Roberts Wesleyan` 14.62 110 M Hurdles Justin Hoffman Cedarville 14.68 400 M Hurdles Irene Kangai Bethel 1:01.78 400 M Hurdles Justin Hoffman Cedarville 52.72 3000 M Steeplechase Laura Mucho Dallas Baptist 10:52.30 3000 M Steeplechase James Zeuch Malone 9:20.10 4x100 M Relay Brittany Simmons King 48.63 4x100 M Relay Calon Boyd Bethel 41.73 Amanda Davis Trent Chupp Jill Hooker Mikal Ryals Lanneickia Brewton J.W. Maierle 4x400 M Relay Beenne Capre Bethel 3:53.85 4x400 M Relay Michael Beight Cedarville 3:16.77 Irene Kangai Justin Hoffman Samantha Etter Samuel Starr Kaila Stevens Brandon Tress 4x800 M Relay Ashley Alford Dallas Baptist 9:05.67 4x800 M Relay Mitch Williams Malone 7:44.66 Laura Mucho William Latta Hannah Steffan Bryce Pulley Tabbitha Ashford Christopher Sinick High Jump Kait Hendershot Bethel 1.63 m High Jump Scott Gill Taylor 2.00 m Pole Vault April Monawick Bethel 3.43 m Pole Vault Jason Rook Malone 4.80 m Long Jump Kati Beutler Bethel 5.41 m Long Jump Calon Boyd Bethel 7.31 m Triple Jump Sarah Dede Judson 11.19 m Triple Jump Detrick Briggs Campbellsville 14.66 m Shot Put Nichole Arnold Bethel 13.77 m Shot Put J.J. Jackson Bethel 16.16 m Discus Throw Nichole Arnold Bethel 46.35 m Discus Throw Jordan Hoffman Grace 44.58 m Hammer Throw Nichole Arnold Bethel 48.28 m Hammer Throw J.J. Jackson Bethel 57.15 m Javelin Throw Lori Ickes Malone 39.14 m Javelin Throw Tyler Kallemeyn Trinity Christian 57.20 m Heptathlon Beth Costello Malone 4111 Decathlon Kyle Wagner Malone 5884

Wheeler Award Wheeler Award Katie VanderArk, Trinity Christian College Brad Wilson, Bethel College

Coaching Staff of the Year Coaching Staff of the Year Bethel College Malone University

Outstanding Performer Outstanding Performer Nichole Arnold, Bethel College Calon Boyd, Bethel College

For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- Athlete recipients, go to Athlete recipients, go to 12 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

Men’s & Women’s Tennis Championships Mobile Copeland-Cox Tennis Center May 11-13, 2010

Dallas Baptist University, Women’s Champions Palm Beach Atlantic University, Men’s Champions

Championship Results Championship Results First Round First Round Palm Beach Atlantic University def North Greenville University 5-0 Campbellsville University def Olivet Nazarene University 5-1 Olivet Nazarene University def Cedarville University 5-0 Spring Arbor University def King College 5-4 Dallas Baptist University def King College 5-0 Palm Beach Atlantic University def North Greenville University 5-1 Palm Beach Atlantic Universitiy def Cedarville University 5-1 Covenant College def Indiana Wesleyan University 5-2 Olivet Nazarene University def North Greenville University 5-1 Olivet Nazarene University def King College 5-4 Indiana Wesleyan University def King College 5-1 Campbellsville University def Spring Arbor University 5-1 Palm Beach Atlantic University def Covenant College 5-0 Second Round North Greenville University def Indiana Wesleyan University 5-2 Palm Beach Atlantic University def Olivet Nazarene University 5-1 North Greenville University def Cedarville University 5-2 Second Round Dallas Baptist University def Indiana Wesleyan University 5-1 Olivet Nazarene University def Spring Arbor University 5-1 Campbellsville University def King College 5-4 Semifinals Palm Beach Atlantic University def Indiana Wesleyan University 5-0 Dallas Baptist University def Olivet Nazarene University 5-0 North Greenville University def Covenant College 5-3 Palm Beach Atlantic University def Indiana Wesleyan University 5-1 Semifinals Championship Palm Beach Atlantic University def Olivet Nazarene University 5-2 Dallas Baptist University def Palm Beach Atlantic University 5-0 North Greenville University def Campbellsville University 5-4

Championship Palm Beach Atlantic University def North Greenville University 5-0

Sportsmanship Award Sportsmanship Award Georgiann McClure, Cedarville University Mark Bell, Olivet Nazarene University

Coach of the Year Coach of the Year Jennifer Curran, Dallas Baptist University Chi Ly, Palm Beach Atlantic University

For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar- Athlete recipients, go to Athlete recipients, go to

Convention Holds CSP Pro-Am CSP Touches Lives

One of the biggest highlights at the 2010 NCCAA Pro-Am was the addition of the Christian Service Project. Our ladies gathered and wrote personal notes to each of the 450 staff members of the Hammock Beach Resort property then prayed for each and every person. Not only was it a great time of fellowship, it was also a time to think about those who served us during our event. The feedback from that has been overwhelming with many expressing how their lives were touched by this act of kindness. One employee, Lisa, wrote, “Thank you for taking the time to personalize each card that you gave me and each team member. As long as I have During the 2010 NCCAA Annual Convention, NCCAA members worked here that is the first time I have received anything that touched participated in a special Christian Service Project. In keeping with our my heart so tenderly.” food drive theme, we selected a local Greenville, SC charity, Miracle The activity also Hills Ministries, and collected money to help with their food budget. touched the heart of one of Miracle Hill Ministries feeds 550 people 3 times per day every our Pro-Am guests who said, day of the year in the various shelters they operate. NCCAA “It has caused me to look at convention guests stepped up to the plate and donated $1,500 to each employee and wonder if Miracle Hill. Pat Holland and Tom Callahan received the check they might be one I wrote a note to and prayed for. It presented by Dan Wood. encouraged me to be more Christ-like in how I treat all those around me.” NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 13

Baseball I Arington Family Foundation Prasco Park, Mason, Ohio May 19-22, 2010 North Greenville University Baseball I Champions

NCCAA All-Tournament Team Brad Baker Spring Arbor University Championship Results Anthony Foulk North Greenville University Derek Fulmer North Greenville University First Round David Gibson Bluefield College Indiana Wesleyan University def King College (12 innings) 9-7 Brian Giles North Greenville University Colorado Christian University def Southeastern University 5-4 Zach Goodyear Bluefield College Spring Arbor def Judson University 5-2 Adam Hoyt Bluefield College Olivet Nazarene University def Malone University 6-5 Caleb King Olivet Nazarene University North Greenville University def Colorado Christian University 4-1 Tyler Langford Southeastern University Bluefield College def Indiana Wesleyan University 8-2 Doug Pavlich Colorado Christian University

Second Round Drew Provence North Greenville University Southeastern University def Malone University 4-0 Brandon Streets Olivet Nazarene University King College def Judson University 11-1 Matt Tomlinson Southeastern University Ben Zachary Indiana Wesleyan University Southeastern University def Indiana Wesleyan University 6-2 Colorado Christian University def King College 9-2 Player of the Year Bluefield College def Spring Arbor University 2-1 Stefan Neece, Greenville College North Greenville University def Olivet Nazarene University 7-5 Pitcher of the Year

Third Round Drew Provence, North Greenville University Southeastern University def Spring Arbor University 6-2 Tournament Most Valuable Player Olivet Nazarene University def Colorado Christian University 4-1 Adam Taylor, North Greenville University North Greenville University def Bluefield College 4-2 Coach of the Year Bluefield College def Olivet Nazarene University 2-1 Travis Henson, North Greenville University North Greenville University def Southeastern University 3-2 Hank Burbridge Unlimited Potential Award Sam Carr, Central Christian College of Kansas Finals Team Sportmanship Award North Greenville University def Bluefield College (10 innings) 7-6 Bluefield College

For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar-Athlete recipients, go to

Baseball II Arington Family Foundation Prasco Park, Mason, Ohio May 12-15, 2010 Atlanta Christian College Baseball II Champions

First Round NCCAA All-Tournament Team Atlanta Christian College def Maranatha Baptist Bible College 4-3 Michael Blevins Ohio Christian University Lancaster Bible College def Ohio Christian College 4-3 Derek Brown Toccoa Falls College def Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College 7-1 Codi Burrow Manhattan Christian College Manhattan Christian College def North Central University 7-3 Lou Curcio Lancaster Bible College Dillon Henry Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College Second Round Jody Hyde Toccoa Falls College Atlanta Christian College def Lancaster Bible College 9-5 Sam Prusak Maranatha Baptist Bible College Ohio Christian University def Maranatha Baptist Bible College 9-4 Travis Myers Manhattan Christian College Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College def North Central University 4-3 Chris Scott Atlanta Christian College Toccoa Falls College def Manhattan Christian College 6-3 Adam Simons Atlanta Christian College Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College def Lancaster Bible College 9-6 Adam Zvanovec North Central University Manhattan Christian College def Ohio Christian University 6-2 Tournament MVP Atlanta Christian College def Toccoa Falls College 9-3 Jacob Moore, Atlanta Christian College Third Round Player of the Year Manhattan Christian College def Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College 10-4 Chris Scott, Atlanta Christian College Toccoa Falls College def Manhattan Christian College 7-2 Pitcher of the Year

Finals K.C. Lorow, Atlanta Christian College Atlanta Christian College def Toccoa Falls College 12-1 Coach of the Year Jesse Dyar, Atlanta Christian College For more information and a complete listing of All-American and Scholar-Athlete Unlimited Potential Player of the Year recipients, go to Michael Blevins, Ohio Christian University 14 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit Student-Athletes Minister During Championships NCCAA Student-Athletes Impact Communities Nationwide The NCCAA works to raise funds so that we can use God’s gift of athletics to share Christ both domestically and abroad. Annually, NCCAA staff, student-athletes and coaches participate in Christian Service Projects during NCCAA National and Regional Championships, giving thousands of hours to local communities, resulting in lives being changed for Christ. Your financial support assists the NCCAA in making this possible. Thank you for helping us change lives for eternity.

Division I & II Baseball players prepared care packages at Matthew 25 Ministries for disaster relief.

Division I Women’s basketball teams (left) read to elementary school students, visited nursing homes, ministered to teen mothers, worked at Salvation Army and much more. Division II teams (right) collected 550 pounds of food and worked at a rescue mission and a nursing home.

Roberts Wesleyan College tennis teams spent spring break in Greenville, SC where they served at various ministries around town. They played tennis with children at a local daycare and helped clear a fence at an inner city church.

(left) Indoor Track & Field participants collected approximately 150 pounds of food for a local food bank. Three member institutions , Crowley’s Ridge, Central Christian & Hillsdale Free Will Baptist (right) collected 1,000 pounds of food for a local mission.

If you would like to support the continued ministry of the NCCAA as we share the gospel of Christ, please call 864-250-1199, email [email protected] or visit Checks or money orders can be mailed to NCCAA, 302 W. Washington Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Call 864-250-1199 for MasterCard, Visa or American Express donations. NCCAA The Pursuit Spring/Summer 2010 15 Upcoming NCCAA Mission Possible Fundraisers

NCCAA Mission Possible Golf Classic September 13, 12:00 PM Brown’s Run Country Club Middletown, OH $150/person Contact [email protected] or 864-250-1199 for more information

NCCAA Mission Possible Golf Classic October 1, 1:00 PM Bright’s Creek Club Mill Spring, NC $300/person For more information visit 16 Spring/Summer 2010 NCCAA The Pursuit

The Pursuit is a free quarterly publication of the non-profit organization National Christian Nonprofit College Athletic Association, 302 W. Washington National Christian College Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Please submit Athletic Association Organization articles and change of address information to the US Postage Paid above address. Articles may be reproduced by 302 W. Washington Street noting NCCAA The Pursuit and the date, except Greenville, SC where permission has been obtained from another Greenville, SC 29601 source for publication. Permit No. 1087 Tax deductible gifts may be sent to the above address.

Mission Statement: The NCCAA is an association of Christ- centered collegiate institutions whose mission is to use athletic competition as an integral component of education, evangelism and encouragement. We serve our members by setting association standards, developing communication resources, providing regional/national competition and partnering in outreach to our communities and the world. We are committed to equipping student- athletes and coaches to make a positive impact for Christ. National Staff: Jill Hancock, Office Manager Jerry Malone, Director of Member Relations Gabe Wallis, National Statistician Dan Wood, Executive Director Kelly Wood, Director of Community Relations Office: 864-250-1199 Fax: 864-250-1141 Website:

NCCAA Wins BMW oobe Charity Challenge By Kelly Wood, NCCAA Director of Community Relations

The Nationwide Tour's 2010 BMW Charity Pro-Am rolled into teams. The NCCAA will receive an additional $3,000 for each of town with the NCCAA serving as a beneficiary of this high profile these two teams recruited by the NCCAA for a combined $16,000 event conducted by South Carolina Charities, Inc. The event was held earnings for the day! We thank the Lord for the faithfulness of these May 13-16 at The Thornblade Club, Bright’s Creek Golf Club and NCCAA friends who participated in this outing. Carolina Country Club. The #1 hole at Thornblade was marshaled by NCCAA staff and The NCCAA won the BMW oobe Charity Challenge Pro-Am volunteers throughout the week. Our volunteers worked held at Thornblade Club on Monday, May 10 earning $10,000 for the enthusiastically and represented the NCCAA in an outstanding NCCAA ministry! The team shot an manner. impressive 54 for a 1 stroke victory and “We are humbled by the included amateurs Terry Metzger, Brian dedication of those who participate in this Todd, Grover Todd and Dan Wood along tournament on behalf of the NCCAA,” with PGA Professional Gary Christian who stated Dan Wood, NCCAA Executive had 9 birdies himself! A check will be Director. “We also appreciate SC Charities presented to the NCCAA later in the summer during a special Inc. and the tournament staff for allowing us to be part of this high gathering. profile event.” Twelve amateurs combined for 3 teams who played on behalf of PGA Professional Justin Hicks won this year’s event at –20 under the NCCAA. The team of John Wheeler, Pete Wood, Butch Floyd, par (66, 65, 69, 66), earning $108,000 of the $600,000 purse. Ryan Floyd and PGA Professional Rick Price tied for 4th place and the Perhaps you will consider bringing your team and/or family to team of Jason Fick, Dave Fedor, William Pruitt, Patrick Guarnella and Greenville, SC to volunteer at next year’s event. It is a great ministry PGA Professional Kyle Thompson earned an 11th place spot out of 50 opportunity! For more information visit

Friends of the NCCAA played on our behalf. The winning team: Grover Todd, Brian Todd, For the day, $16,000 was earned for the PGA Professional Gary Christian, Terry NCCAA with a first prize of $10,000 plus Metzger, and Dan Wood $3,000 each for the two additional teams.