
TUKKAiN v_.J«J j Insurance Rates Flo Ziegfeld's Career Screened Spectacular Film Cut In Redondo Original "Ziegfeld" Coming A glamorous photographer's Estimated Saving Is Said HITS; 200 Begins Here Uncut; Runs Two Hours model intent upon marrying a $10,000 Annually GREAT NEW SONG When Famed Romance falls in love with a Meets millionaire, of five cents on • —Ziegfeld young man A reduction seemingly penniless for one GLORIFIED GIRLS IN 16 REELS with whom she poses for adver­ each $100 of insurance is the ro­ year or 10 cents for three years, tising pictures. This last week Kainer as Anna mantic conflict which forms the was announced late "Tho Great Ziegfeld," Metro- Bu'-kc and Miss by the Board of Fire Under­ Goldwyn-Mayer's giant picture, Ht'.d. basis of the up-to-date story en Sothern and Gene writers of the Pacific for the opening Sunday at the Fox Supporting the star triumvi­ acted by Ann Beach. The re­ such players as Vir­ Raymond In "Smartest Girl In city of Redondo Plaza theatre In Hawthorne, can rate are duced rates are estimated to three words... ginia -Bruce, , Nat Town," their latest romantic be described In Thurs­ mean a saving of $10,000 an­ World's Greatest Entertainment! Pendleton, Reginald Owon, Jean comedy hit which opens prem­ Her­ the Torrance theatre. nually In fire insurance Challenging all competition, Chatburn, Ernest Cossard, day at residents of that com­ Miss Sothern iums for "" has more man Bing. The ambitious munity. values The entertainment value be has no idea that her associate, first rate entertainment The board made the reduction crowded within its 16 reels than comes a Parade of Ziegfeld, fo Raymond, is a millionaire who also, features sue! the fact. following a survey of Improve­ any other picture labeled "mu­ the cast has carefully concealed Beach fire world famous entertainers The situation leads to a hilar­ ments in Redondo sical" or otherwise. fighting equipment and facili­ Aside from being a musical Fanny Brlce, the ruling Ameri ious series of adventures and a comedienne; Harriet Hoctor climax before the ties. The underwriters represent extravaganza this story of can hair-raising companies who showman whom Ziegfeld acclaimed th romance is straightened out. board insurance America's greatest were joined by the .ind the Glorification of the Pavlowa of America; and Ra; Helen Broderick, Eric Blore, Bblger, Broad Harry Jans Insurance Bureau, service and American Girl also possesses a "Rubber Legs" Erik Rhodes and . non- way dancing- star. have the principal supporting rating organization for fine dramatic quality. board companies, in the slash. It has a triple-star threat roles in this delightful RKO SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Radio picture, directed by , and RAPID RECOVERY Rainer to tell a story The TORRANCE HERALD Joseph Santley from Viola Luise Don't progress toward com­ suggested by the career of carries ALL Hie NEWS. Powell, Frank Morgan, Myrna Loy Brothers Shore's screenplay. Rapid with Powell as •>e an "OUTSIDER"—Subscribe William and in "The Great Ziegfeld" plete recovery i§<-tJeingk made Florenz Ziegfeld, .in "The Great Ziegfeld" William Powell Sidney Torranc*Mem­ Ziegfeld, Miss Loy as Billie today! the illumi­ Fine Paid In Dimes by Jared The elongated Pannfe Brice wriggled down Mass. (U. P.) orial hospital's two pneumonia of the HAVERHILL, are nated runway .in a studio reproduction All activity was halted when patients this week. They LINCH'S old Dewey Burlesque theatre and "The Great Ziegfeld" Harry G. Emmons of Methuen Robert Earl Denney, 10-year-old WALTER G. as the outstanding fine on a driving son of Mrs. Anna M. Denney, of TWO-SOMES IN "PARADE" was on its way to challenge supremacy paid his $10 Fair, of all motion picture history. charge. He paid the fine in Gardena, and Thomas production of its kind, of Hermosa Beach. After- two years of prepara-^ dimes.; was Pre-Xmas Sale of tion,, ."The Great Ziegfeld," original Ziegfeld, beauty, will be screened at the chosen for the role of Audrey which glorious starting- Mon­ Dane, one of the most Torrance theatre of Ziegfeld's Glorified Girls. William Powell, day, starring Robert Z. Leonard directed Myrna Loy and Luise Raine"r, the new- musical extravaganza was launched at the Metro- which has a background of the oldwyn-Mayer studios by Pro­ most spectacular sets ever con UCED with a structed for one film, running 132 50 ducer Hunt Strotnberg PHONE TORRANCE the gamut from th£ blataht din theatre will, show of circus carnivals and World's Wednesday Only, Dec. 23 105. The local quarter of CARS the original, uncut "roadshow" Fair midways thru a CAT** 'ilm in two complete perform­ a century' of gambling casinos, "CASE OF THE BLACK 6 and 9:10 fashionable hotels, small thea­ with RICARD0 CORTEZ, JUNE TRAVIS "GUARANTEED" ances starting at and "SELECTED", "RECONDITIONED", o'clock each evening during ters, middle-size' theatres, and The Great Ziegfeld's" run here. playhouses. be no advance in "MR. CINDERELLA** [ here will will buy a 8 DODGES—'28 to '36 Models prices. ' Your rent money with., JACK HALEY Priced from $35 to $699 , home. SURPRISE NIGHT 2 SHOWS 6 and 9 P. M. 4 PLYMOUTSSS—'34 and '35 Models Priced Srom$515 to $599 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 24, 25, 26 "PIGSKIN* PARADE** 15 MODEL "A" FORDS— with STUART ERWIN, ARLINE JUDGE, KELLY Models and romance are fiAUFORNIA PATSY '28 t$!'31 Coupled for laughter, music HAWTHORNE,! and Johnny Downs, Dixie Buntotr and Anthony Martin, Jack Telephone 299 ' "The Friendly Family Theatre" : Priced from $75 to $269 and hi •^ Haiey, and Patsy Kelly,'and Stuart Erwln, and Arllne Judge, "SMARTEST GilULIN TOWN" "Pigskin Parade," showing Thursday at the, Torrane« theatre. Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 22-83 RAYMOND :———.———————————————. with ANN STtt*IWRN, GENE 25 CHEYROI.£T$, BUiqKS, CrjRYSLERS, DESOTOS, 1 . ——————— ,. ^-————-—————————— EIX "Wild Brian Kent'* FRAMR'LINS, HupsoNS, OLDSMOBILES, STUDE: Merrier than "Thanks A Mil- CHRISTMAS DAY swingier than "Sing, Elks Entertain with RALPH BELLAMY—and BAKERS '29 to '33 MODELS Ion" and 22 CONTINUOUS SHOW Baby, Sing," the new Twentieth Children Dec. I Marry fentury-Fox football musical The Man Starts 2 P. M. Priced from $100 to $479 There will be no admission $$$?— WEDNESDAY— $$$? lit, "Pigskin Parade," opening COME EAELY - DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. ALL BODY STYLES Thursday on a double bill at charge for the Kiddies' Christ he Torrance theater, is one of mas party to be given by, the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Dec. 24-25-26 27, 28, 29, 30 M. Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., fiec. he most uproarious . hits ever Redondo Beach Elks lodge Dec. CONTINUOUS SHOW XMAS DAY FROM 2 P. ONLY wrought to the screen. 28 at 7 o'clock at the hall. STUART-ERWIN and « roisterous story Pigskin Parade" Great Ziegfeld" LIBERAL A boisterous, The lodge is also sponsoring a PATSY KELLY in "The of college cut-ups, campus (C with WILLIAM POWELL, LUISE RAINER and New Year's Eve party, begin­ and MARTHA TRADE-IN EZ cuties, football, romance • RAYE in Hide-away Girl" PRODUCTION UNCUT ROADSHOW Minutes From ;ong, the film features Stuart ning at 9 o'clock, with music by ORIGINAL ALLOWANCE band and special Monday, Tuesday, Dec. 27-28-29 Torrance Terms Erwin, Johnny Downs, Arlinej cilngerman's Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday Judge, Betty Grable, Patsy I t tei t FULL ROAD SHOW LENGTH On Monday, Kelly, Jack Haley, the Yacht enlerlalnmenr-- Shows \AfALTFR G- PLYMOUTH An - 2 Complete DODGE Club Boys, Dixie Dunbar, Starts at 6 P. M. hony Martin and Judy-Garland Pair Enter Hospital "The Great Ziegfeld" First Show with WM. POWELL, MYRNA LQY. LUISE RAINER Second Show Starts at 9:10 P. M. Opposite Elks Club Phone Medical 'Aid money will buy a For Redondo Beach LINCH Redondo 2122 Your rent Wednesday, One Day Only, Dec. 30 IN PRICES home. Two. new patients at Jared JANE ta <

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