Standard Form For Members of the Le91slature

Name of Representative flu~ · ~t<~?:t{!$s·,·.?fi;::;~. Senator ____

, ~ ::-Lt 4,, p p) Y.:d:t>a.,, ,, ,j}_c. , > /

2. Marria9e (s) date place

lfe~'"' ~ - -'"'""' /54~ a.H 3. Significant events for example: · A. Business 4 fN .r~l.rr,r"-f· i;;.>,_ t-.4, -~~~A, J. ~flh~· · ·i' ~ I

B. Civic responsibilities ______

4. Church membership l!)a&.d,4'/: ;::, . .:r y- 1/ 5. Sessions served cf?t-m. ,·.. i£4!/./: .. tZ,t.. u. , ""J/uv ? ~ J'~ :~t 6. Public Offices A. Local /!/t... •) t. -f d~Ji!A

B. State ______

C. National ______

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. lO.Education

I {f

11. Degrees ______

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. SourcBs Lo~ for L e~ J.slall o n Er1Ltles


I i I r

---·-·------·---··- ·------· ·----·-

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. to lbo Clo»o tn $1. 2 13 wns roullzotl tor lhQ h:n t flr·o COilliHIHY from tho two Ilortorm· ( ~ Ol i 1\lt{!OJJ, l ~'vory bit of thlll money w111 ono to .n· l~itgtll., ·w,oro l'h,pod by ho Silont !ol' equipment. nntl r>lnnH W tH 1slvo. presl!u: r~ ' ; on the · mains tor tho J)UI'chn.tHHi wlll bo mntlo nt au 1e 'btg. !}ght ·.~ ThurstltLy. 'l'ho D. G. ~ MI Lb ER, OF. oarly lllj!Cting ot· the flro lpc is ---H.--- ~lll .ek · · · v:_ . X,ou'ilumpecl directly In Sioux City on li'rlresent. uso. ; ~ work will J)lonso notHy M1Hs l\Iilclrcd Grn -- ' Ifgath, PhonQ GGG or phone 66, Col­ !nss.',wu hit on the hoad by HAS BEEN PROMINENT IN lege omae. lmhers .and carrlocl a big AFFAIRS OF COUNTY ...,-.--R.--- r sevornt days, · Ho · remain­ E. L. Bosley or this city rocelvou for o .F'lacus .!Store holding. the FOR YEARS-FIVE word on •ruoeday thllt hta son ·clar­ lust th_J.' ·.fire th1\t wns oat­ CHILDREN..__ ence, of Company G, 121st Infantry, th~ : west . ~nd · until condt- Camp Mortt, Now .Torsey wns quito cn.ted that an explosion was 111 1 ~ the hospltnl wlth pneumonia, I\ Althou~h . he :was looking · · · · but . was getting along ns well ns 1e Intense b'In~o fhe atmoa- DeWitt. C. l\Ililer. head ot tho M111- s so blac;:'k he could not sd'o or· and Chaney bank. at NeweH dlod ct:~ulu . bo . expected. . Prlvnt.o Dosloy had boen ill with.· tho mens los but part n ·the: outline ot tho door- at llockford, Ill., at the home· or his hnd entirely wl1on he was Eilc •ugh whick he plunged into rlaughter, Saturday, He wns on hls ~ocov 'crod taken ill again. at 1 · · -. · - . · way home to Newell trom Tennes~e 'I' . \. ,' ...... when ho was tnlcen elck · · . --.-n of t ··wr.\••rnvuM . t.t:~ ~ ~, -•.,;..... •. ,._.f'~" . ;r~Jhu~\1\r't~"t\'.t~ :.inu?> i1l _ , . ~ . nin~Wh . ·.. V:IOTIM 011'... T.f\CfV.:t'.A "~· ~ .. ~fa~ : ~to the: homo or E: L • .D . ick~ heart,, with unhnpaired faculties· Young .. ~ee ToWriship '· ·· in - ·~ lock.: north · o.f · the coU~ge~ and traveled .. alone ·looking at tel' his is· . D~au--Other News. _:' mi tpert~. ctlons in thQ furnace vn.rled .buRin ~eaa in te1 esta in several occ: he · . ~louse · to . catch on fire widely· separated atntes. per , · I ·nUy wits away . . f~om De Witt : Cllnton 1\llller was ·born · ~Walter Mikelson wab n·n ovor Sun­ Th( ·Iri> . .Jickson and . da~ghter In Lfvings.tori county;" , on dltY guest wtth hta fnmlly and ~ther nbl~y on .a visit, While ~r. November 27, 1828. He was . tho rolntlvo.a Jn Gilbert, Io\va. ' \) ora \vas .at work· at: the White youngest · or twelve children, two . Mra. nnd !Llrnlly Sundnyed Inc ~ raga. .. The fire wns discov~ or whom. died reC'ently in Buena at the John Qullon homo. · cor~ neighbors when . they saw Vista eounty at tlle age ot over ninety ll1las Huth .B'ldrcblld apont the llcl( nlirt.s !rom the houaa. The years. · early part of tho week with Mrs. wus ~ chetnicat ·ex:tlngulshed the · In the spring of 1-848, then fwenty Hnlly Sutton· while .Mr. Sutton was tho lthout turning (>n th~ wat~ years old, Mr. Mtl1(>r moved with hla In Sioux CHy buying stock. · · · D at. «ama~te was : caused to parents to Rock!ord, Ill. In 1879 he Wm. Clough Wnij a County Seat In t r~fshlngs by .both · smoke purchase. alt.Us 'detalls• Chaney, Mrs. .. Porter . Baldwin, ot car~ or .tho Landsnc:>ss hor;Je during stfll re-v:t8toti<'ot 'Ui.'e :tiiU'fes ·a!tor Coetacon.Source:·::<' av.ailable Iowa Territorial> .to and··' · Statethe Legislatorsa.nd eleven Collection great compiled grandchildren. by volunteers and staff: at·· thehis State death Historical by Society lockjaw. of Iowa Library,Dr.· DesTill Moines, was Iowa.ever W.)l_t}7~~k~~ltlr"~~ :;.· a~?Jiteclated. : . Many people in. the county w111 re- called t.o see him on Tuesday and coal1 Immediately ' ·.: him to hls !lj1ll"(f~ds:~ ot,\tlie ".extra ,·were' me'inber tha .Miller . golderi. .- wed(llng """....,...,. f~ cu-...r~moved - nft.:....r..~_ -, ,., •• &. ·· _.:, _,#.d bt:lAfpha IlL UIU J . ;lllCIWlliO!l , 11 0 1(1 0. With Will SU!Huln u IOIJ8 or ~1 00. oi cattle, Including ll thouuund Alwnp Mnl. Cullen vlt!lt od t.h e 'Jarly purt twv o --- talduk flvo or u!x wcokn to tho trJI), '.. ot tho week nt th11 homo or lu"r ao n, 11 Tho H or{!HlQr hnd 1m "IO::x- 'l•wtdwl.t~ tho lnttl.ll' pil!'t or r.t 1rl... .,nvo Minco ht'!Ofl shown Ttodtftm!, whoHo follle to tho and olevon great grandehlldron. · callocl to soe hlrn on TuoHrlny and con.l tas keenly nppreclntod. Mnny people In the county wlll ro~ tmii1 edlntoly 'r omoved him to h1a pha.l undrods ot tho extra wero rneinbor tho MUler golden wedding homo in Sioux Rapids, bl).t . all ef!- bent d ' through the usual chan- celebration nnd also tho death of orts to 11 avo hlH ll!e- we ro In vain, plo ' came to the otnce !\Irs. l\IIl ll'r uome yonrtl ago. · i and he pasacd nway on Wedno!l do.y A : he~lfly and on Frldn.y to 1lr. ~llllor was a good type ot tho morning. nrt olea to send out to friends old "fort:r-nlner's." He maintained 1\rrs. Cullen 9.nd family spent Mist 1 Interested . ln the town. n live lntflrcst in thE:. bunk nt .,Newell Thunltsglvlng at tho F. C. Heschky ~preclated tbls means ·or that benra his name up to tho time or hom9 at Storm Luke! • • !Omethiug · · dcOnlte ·about his death. Just ~ few · years ago he Tho Halvareon young peoplo vi- • tgratlon and the resultant bought a blg tract or·Iand ln ~Tonne- sited at t~e . August Sand home in o () publishers hnvo l.Jeen very ·Hoe which ho was helping to got in Sioux R a p1d.. s- on Tb.nnksglving day .• • at thn BIJi rit ot apprecla- t~hapo tor 1nft2mces alone wtth faculties Monday after a week's vfslt wttq her' • . , . · · . and powers unhnpatred by age. Only daughter, Mrs. Goo. Drown. "' t>erlence which has caueod tl!e · last year of his eighty-nino n 111 est fMlfngs.. ot utioas1n~ss did ho ~how.' any efgna ot weak- Stnto Flro :Mnrshnl Jicro. "' act that. a fire ot evJdent ~~~ ness. He finally succumhed·-to-7 a State flw marahnl Olo 0 . Roo was • Hlgfn was dtscover~d ·about third attack o! pneumonia wlillo hero Monday malc ln g o. survey cit tho • · lay morning in thB Roberts ,·!siting nt Hockford o.n his way h~~ne goneral Gonditlon of tho town na re- • .h .of'. tho I. 0. depot. Mr. for Thank.qghfng. 1 t gnrdtJ flro bn.1ards, nnd nd.clrossod ,. 1ad• been to tho bntn about l~ His bu~ineBB lite was one or hon- the council in a n tnrormal way nt the • . · f~'tuid nothJng to n.Touse est and sqpare dealing, a leader in rogular 'm eollng in the evon1n g; 'I'ho • ~ll,;~. - ~x_~ ~2~:.. -~~~ ~~~~ l~:~ .~Al::.':~!.t!al! :~u~t J~:':~~~ ~~: ~~Eih~~.~~ . I>.:.?Rnr.:~::. ..aM.:or:aln,::':. :· . , ,..-- ").-&.· ~·• •·• ··· ·•"W"'~•-.....,• -~ ,..,~..., .. - •&v-• ·~ -.- ...., ~ J ...,_.,_, .. ------"' _._,...... _ _ ,.___ · - - p\J"l "'- .,.,. t.aa'\..a..- --- ~" ... . - ..-- v..,.....- .. ., ~ --__..,__.._ - -- - ...... ,.._._.., e drivers came to the barn plo in that part of Buena Vista couu- llehcd. ,. • l\r: .morning .work· and was ty wfll long 'remember h1s ge'nfal ' Mayor Etlson has suggested to the • , ctolid o! smoke _.when .. he klndltnes3 ab.d hia · aubatantlul jhelp men tho Idea thllt all o! them should • ~ ~ . dM~· ,~ .JJe hn s.tllr . smoth~ .and . advice _ h~ their tt~ _es .:. ~t . n~ed . be . aworn in w ith -lcgnl authority, • tliat; bliu~e he met ·With his Hls" hom~ llCP. was ideal and fraught thnt they should look about tor con .. ~ ~.-tii ~: lfoiiig~,~ turther · found a with sterU.og tnfiuenMa !or g qod~ diUons un!o.vorable t o public 4a!otr. • ta.ze ;·.wbfch .he ext.J.niulsha.d . He wao n devout Cbrl,Uan nod a and. be authorized to enrotco a. cor-, • ~h;.:~: ~;: k,erosene co..n stand\. ·happy one. being, set;ttor ;:'deacon. in rocUon or the condltlon.s. .· · . \: : :' • ' anct, ·,: the . /Qdor : ot · korosen~ .the First Congregational : church at .. · . R · , · · · • · ii1 :~ tiie ,::' titter :·suggested . the New'el1 for many y~ars . J o , tludt me ,, '\ ·; ·:, ·m·ade' rather ner-vous and unoaaf l>Y \• . ~ ( :~~!~~/~y{ A.Ht~o(. on ;.,. th~ ·_. The .: funeral ser~fsea occ r~ed : on. ..e ....D.umber .o.f :fires whtc~ h. av:~ · tot- ~ : ~\'.t~"i~·;;f'!.h.ich ;, .tlict : Tu.~a,r aiternoonJn. ~ l)rt$d'e,nce.;of,, each, · oth~r · d_urlng tb:a . ; ~ J)C48t ~ - , : '1-~"" ?l.b.u~:~:~.,~.e~b~r~d . ,; ~~ t.!l_! .: ~~-l!QY~,lng '-:<:o~munlty. :- Sf.X . ~tal-: ·we&~ . _ :'·.:.The: . treqtt~t:\·. -soundlng ::ot ~ :: ,\ tv! ~r.:Jtr:Jli e: wart ·grandson ~ :CJrrlbd:.: hintf to ·. his that . startJing . WhlaUe an'd: ' the ~' dill 1r : ~~'~M~~~~~i1~~~~~ ~;~ r;:;~ri~~;~~t~i r:~;&~~7. · ::.~ · -!~~~:. :~~e: . ~~~~i:~·;:~::~il~t~~~ : :·:_·.~ ;;.~a~.y ~::w.han.. ;;. he;.:, . · . !..ilie...r.est w~ra pre.ventod troQl rorl$\.blc- t eeUn g; · ·. . ~; .· ... ·.. -:.· ·· .:·:· ' ·,; • ·. Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ~~}!l!.!'~_.::~ ~,,)br: ~!f) .: ~~ , g~~~~~~~~~ :~t~::: ltnl1~~}~;i f~~~f(~~ ; _% .. .• \•·.{; u~ . i.tlon~ ·. t":>..JlAii4' ::m-~ f c-~'1.~:~·1'.. . . ·. ' - ~ . ~··- l i!}i' J~,'1·:-; ..·. • n~d -' th·r.·. ri\nrl\1\Ai'!'

l\largnret·Stone of Sioux Rnp- nES.IDENT OF NEWELL .· ...... \ I schooi, \vn~ ~a. ·· guest . of MisR ----- hnpmnn Sunday. Sevt>rt'gislnture for Two F.dna Schroeder, formerly of_ · .. . Terms-Wus a Most UMeful Gifts ·f,\ s-·of '19 ·no'v teaching nt ~til- Citizen. ~ited with Dorothy Eyerl-1 nnd . 1 )llege friends Wednesday ev- I r1 her wny home to :>pend People nll over Buena Vista coun-·

~tvmg.· · t.v were ,.,"'rievelle Norton, 111 !Zol'kford, lll. _l• ol- i El~i1i. \Valth:un and I: m. · . · \lowing is nn obituary which wns kind- 1 I I)r~Jry ~poke nt Eldora Pre:-: - ly furnished by a NL'Wel! friend: j ·. \Vatcbf'~. Lavilli~·rs in Di:u · 1 chur:ch Sunday.· · \ . DeWitt Clinton Miller wns born in \ rhoiee ~etting~ ·. Cameo Ring :«·client. painting- nf C:<'ner:tl .' Livingsl<)l\ county, ~ew Y"t. of tw<•lvo childn•n :~:irtmcnt has cnlistt•d in the i tvlo' others of whom died reeently in i for 50 yl'arg. Gents'. Belts. ( cot·ps in the navy nnd <'Xpcd::-- I Bu<'na Vista county at the nge of over 1 . . . Gcn uinc Bohemian Garnet 1mc time between Dl'ccrnl•<'l' 10 j ninety years. . · \ . . mary 2. . In the :-1prin~ of 1R·I8 when twenty I · Hrooche:'l, Ln'l'on~en Pearl 1\ · ll~h footbn11 ts ov<>r cnthus- ypars old Mr. Miller moved with his 1s been C<>nsed. Inten•st, is now imr«'nls to Rockford, . Ill. In lfl70 hl' my winctow for new choice nr roused in_winter .oratoriealJind . purchased land cnst of Newell, Iowa, 111:1:'\ gift:-\. ~ events. . · and the following yenr he with others 1 ill f'rury visited with' Corpom'l Idrove . r:om ~oekford n big tlol'k of nd George Brandt .tt Cnmp t•nltle mcludmg n thou!-larHI ·sheep Suturrlay. . ' · · Itaking five or six weeks to the trip . . jnior clas!l held u. iml<' of pop - Twelve years Rfl<'r when ordinary lis and npple!l Thursc!a~· morn-· men nrc acc'tlstomed to retire from · tho benet of the 1!)1!) Rud-~ business life he bought a·n iritcrcRt iri j · · · th'e bunk of Newell owned by the late 1 Leah .Jones of S~oux Rapids , L.- II. Gordon . . On May lfi, lH!i:l, h~ I' PAXT< ·oJI~d for com.merc1:1l work. Imarried Miss Agnes Lawson nt Ho\·k- 1 Whtte nncl F.d Crouch went to Iford whose people ul!lo l'ame and , e~ !hurs_dny to witl1e~~ the ~cttled in Buena Vista county. Their j THE JE.WE ~tvmg- footha)l game between IJamily numbered . six dau;~hter!-1 :Car· i ec and LeMurs. · \ olyn , dC't'ea~C'cl, wife nf Charles Ellt>n- ·1 ===~ Ro~s.of L_ohrvil_le, n_ f~rrncr i wood: Mr~ . .Jantl'S T : Norton, Mrs.l1 :, VISllec:l wtlh frtends Ill Storm i rr. ..T. Eaton- of Quincy, TIL; 'l\Trs. he l~tt<'r pnrt or the ~vee~. ' I Ceor~P w. Chancy, l\lt'l-1 . Pnrtt•t• Hald- I •1<\ Vhealen enrol!Pd tn the · win nf C()(•taeoc\<, Can.; ;\Irs. Frank 1 rei JPpartmcnt Monday. · · I C . HPdfield. \ .m1her· of c·oll<'r;e ~t.udent~ are : ThP rt• nr·r· thirty-flvt ~ g-r:\nd in thi? C. E. ennfcr- ' : I:d c~lt'V<'ll l!·l·e:ll.-)!randchildr<'n . 1 •••••••••••••••••••• eld in Storm Lnko 1111 llccC'm- ; i\lany JH'npl<' in the c·nunly will r<'- , ~ ·. Source:. · Iowa Territorial· and State LegislatorsPlt'n1hcr· Collection t!H.• compiled:\li!lt'r byg-nldi•n volunteers wt•dding- and staff at'. the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. cornm<'l'ei:,l -stll'lcnb <'n.inyt•rl a ~- < • l( < · r:tti o n nncl al!-'n the' lve.:; on !•'ri-· :'llillt'l' some vcar-s · n!!'o. ! ·, - tnq ucnct Ql tnc lllll' 1\\HI• \ lni slnoRtl life ·he houghl' 1\·n lritot·t.!Mt lrt 1 . . . ' ' . tl\o uunk of. Nowell OWnllll hy thu ll\l i! I l~Cnh .~onc ~o~ _or R!cHilC IU\(lldll · L,' 11. Cordon. On Mny tli, 1Ril:l, l~ n I· r'AX.l ( rolled for com.m unirnpairerl hy a~~ ~. · Only r:~ 111. the last yca1· -of .hi." eig-hty-ninl~ year~ ~ did. he show any · signs -d 14'11 for many ye!trs to the time of hiR maR 1, oney or 1\.e death. -- · -~-.. --. - ~~~~· · ------~------~--~------\ ·rr/~~-crJ ~~~d5 ~~g?~i;l~;~: ~~~!_£~ -r~·~t:~tWi~-j t your 1918 membership now!" l'.y Ill three HCS i; tOm; durtn~ : t8!l.G and f 'mnke it . a · Red Crogs Christ- 18!>!1. · · · · . · · 1 will he the recruiting- ·slogans The (une"ral · ser.viceH occ:urred on j Phone.703 -~ · nation-wide Christmas · R!Xl Tuesday afternoon in the . presence of : - rnemben;hip ···cnnipai'gn, which , the sorrowing community. Six <"tal- j iil•••••••••••••.. 11il iill• begin Dcc~mber J 7, i\nd continue \ wart g-ra.ndRon~ carried him .to "hiH I·...;. \ ~·...... 7 •. , .... ,.,.,,,..,. ..__ _-.,._N... ;t\ .,r~"'"a!e ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!! n • .itlonnl Red Cross mem- 1 Wtth the Canndtans 111 France and : : some of the rest were · prevented from i has been deCided by :. the war attending- hy long distances to travel·.-\ . ·· . · . . .· .. il that memberships in .the Red ; the perfect man · and he hold ''Mar~ 1 E • · .y "' .·. . . ··. .B . \:,. expire· all the . country, for the of man . Source: Iowaove~ Territorial. and State onLegislators ~~lC Uprt~~t, Collection compiled by volunteers(~nd lhand~ lt staff at the Statequip Historical Society of Iowa Library,0 ur Des Moines, Iowa.-~ ~ tmas eve, re~nrdlcs s of the ttme ts pence. · · · · ' --=-~~!~ ..~~e~: .. ~~~.~_:- P;~id _.: : . T~!~.. d~l~ = I T :i,.onco -Qhnn n .. a~, & . .. • . - • • ,... \ PAST AND PRESENT


Buena Vista County



Illustrated with Portraits and Views

Also Biographical Sketches of Some Prominent Citizens of the County


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. 606 HISTORY OF BUENA VISTA COUNTY

following children, namely: Bertie, Earl and Roy, all of whom are at home. They are also rearing an adopted child, Mae. Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Walker has given his political allegiance to the democracy, ·while his religious faith is indicated by his memilership in the Methodist Episcopal church. A man of genial nature and cordial disposition, he has gained the friendship and esteem of those with whom he has been associated and is well known as a prosperous and enterprising agriculturist of his commtmity. 1

HON. DE WITT C. MILLER. A life of varied activity and large usefulness is that of the Hon. Ue Witt C. 1\Iiller, now president of the l\Iiller & Chaney Bank of Newell. He has con­ ducted extensive and important interests in Buena Vista county, not only in financial lines but also as a stock-raiser and has aided in shaping and molding public opinion concerning political questions. An earnest worker in the ranks of the republican party, he has heen honored hy its followers with election as representative to the general assembly. He was born in Livingston county, New York, November 27, 1828, and has therefore passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey. WhHe he has now largely put aside the onerous cares of a business career, he yet manifests a keen interest in the atfairs of life and in spirit seems yet in his prime. His parents were Allen and Hannah (Tripp) Miller, natives of and Poughkeepsie, New York, respectively. The progenitor of the Miller family in this country was William Miller, who was of Scotch birth and established his home in Norwich, Connecti­ cut, becoming one of the founders of the town. The paternal grandfather, Jonathan Miller, 'vas a native of M~ssachusetts and a minister of the Methodist Protestant church. He also followed the occupation of farming and when the country became involved in the second war with Engl'!md he served as a soldier in the American army. He married a 1\Iiss Chase and both died when well advanced in years, rearing a large family. The maternal grandfather, Charles Tripp, was a native of Dutchess county, New York, and made farming his life work. He had a family of eleven children, Mrs. Hannah Miller being the youngest. In the place of his nativity Allen Miller was largely reared and throughout his business life he carried on farming and stock-raising. He reared his family principally in Livingston county, New York, but in the spring of 1848 removed westward to Rockford, Illinois, where he continued to till the soil and raise stock. There his remaining dayR were passed, his death occurring when he had reached the advanced age of seventy-nine years and six months. He was a public-spirited man in his community and his fellow townsmen recog­ nizing his worth and ability, called him to various official positions. His wife died in 1877, when more than eighty-nine years of age. Both were Methodists in religious faith and enjoyed in the fullest extent the confidence and esteem of those with whom they came in contact. · Their family consisted of the l

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. HISTORY OF BUENA VISTA COUNTY 607

following children: Ezra L., deceB.Sed; Melvina, who has also passed away; Benjamin, who died at the age of fourteen years; Ruth, Jonathan and Sarah, who have all departed this life; George. a resident of Newell; Amelia, the wife of John McFarland, of Newell township; and De Witt C., of this review. De Witt C. Miller was reared in Livingston county, New York, upon tht old home farm and through the summer months was busily engaged with the work of the fields, while in the winter seasons he attended the district schools. 011 attaining his majority he began farming and stock-raising in connection with his father and remained with his parents until they departed this life. Following his father's death he continued the business alone and met with gratifying success in his labors as an agriculturist. He was twenty years of age at the time of the removal of the family to Rockford, Illinois, and there hL made his horne untill879, when he purcha:sed land in Buena Vista county, Iowa, and the following year removed his family to this state. Here he invested h .. "Dine· hundred and sixty acres in Fairfield township, forty acres south of Storn. Lake and four hundred and forty acres in Newell township. He improveu nearly all of the land and in connection with his extensive farming operations he was largely engaged in stock-raising. devoting much of his attention to cattle. However, he brought eleven hundred head of sheep into the county at the time of his removal and for many years was regarded as one of the foremost representatives of agricultural and stock-raising interests in north­ western Iowa. His landed possessions are still extensive and his farms are good income bearing property. In 1892 he removed to Newell, where he has since made his home. In 1888 he purchased an interest in the bank of L. H. Gordon, whose holdings he later bought and then admitted George Chaney to a partnership, while eventually another son-in-law, Frank Redfield, became connected with the firm, the former being now cashier and the latter assistant cashier. The business of the bank is capably conducted along safe, substantial lines and the institution is regarded as one of the strongest financial concerns of the county. Mr. l\Iiller still retains the presidency although he leaves the active management of the bank to his partners. On the 15th of May, 1853, l\fr. Miller was married to Miss Agnes Lawson, a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Lawson, both of whom were natives of Scotland and on coming to America in 1834 settled in Buffalo, New York, where they lived for several years, removing thence to southern . In 1858 they took up their abode at New Milford, near Rockford, Illinois, where their remaining days were passed. Their family numbered six children, Agnes, John, Eliza, Agatha, Thomas and George. Of this number Mrs. Miller was born in Edinburg, Scotland, June 3, 1831, and was therefore but three years of age when brought to the , her useful career terminating when death 's summons came October 10, 1908. She gave her hand in marriage to Mr. Miller in 1853 and they became the parents of six children: Caroline, who is the deceased wife of Charles Ellingwood, by whom she had eight children, Bernice, Annabel, Herbert. ~farvin, Fannie, Grace, De Witt and Agnes; Belle, the wife of James T. Norton, by whom she has seven children. Fannie, De Witt, Ernest, Ruth, Edgar, Caroline and Marion; Jessie, the wif~ of H. J. Eaton, by whmu she has six children, John, Robert, Marjorie, Charles,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. 608 HISTORY OF BUENA VISTA COUNTY

Ruth and Helen; Nellie, the wife of George Chaney, by whom she .has six children, Agnes, Osborn, Carrolton, Gerald, Jessie and Caroline; Susie, the wife of Porter Baldwin, by whom she has four children, Paul, Allen, Norton and Loyd; and Mary, the wife of Frank Redfield, by whom she has four children, Frances, Eldora, Miller and an infant son. The family is unusually large and it is remarkable that during the fifty-five years of l\fr. 1\Iiller 's wedded life, out of six children and thirty-five grandchildren, his daughter Caroline was the only one claimed by death, until his companion of many happy years recently succumbed to the inevitable. Mr. Miller is a member and. a trustee of the Congregational church, to which his wife also belonged. To the support of the church he has been a generous contributor and in its work has taken an active and helpful part. Politically he is an earnest republican. He cast his first presidential vote for President Pierce and in 1856 supported Fremont, the first republican presidential candidate. Since that time he has never failed to vote for the standard bearer of the party. He has held various township offices, was mayor of Newell for one term and for two terms represented his district in the state legislature, where he was connected with much important committee work and with various constructive measures. That he received the endorse­ ment of his constituents was indicated in the fact of his reelection. He is a trustee of Buena Vista College and has always been interested in educational work. Whatever tends to promote public progress along the line of sub­ stantial improvement has received his endorsement and support and Buena Vista regards him as a citizen who has been a worthy conservator of her interests, his labors in various directions constituting factors in her growth and progress.

NELSON SUCKOW. Nelson Suckow. who follows farming on the old homestead property in Lee township, Buena Vista county, is a worthy representative of one of the old and prominent pioneer families of this section of the state. He is a native of Decorah, Iowa, born July 7, 1854, a son of Lars J. and Sagried (Boe) Suckow, both of whom were natives of Norway. In 1844 they emigrated with their family to America, the trip across the Atlantic requiring ten weeks. Landing at Quebec, Canada, they journeyed by lake to Muskego, Wisconsin, ·where they spent two years. On the expiration of that period they continued their journey to Winnebago county, Illinois, where they remained six years. With a wagon and team of oxen they then journeyed to Decorah, Iowa, where the father engaged in farming for twelve years and, being a shoemaker by trade, he also did shoemaking in connec6on with his farming operations. In 1864 Buena Vista county was being opened up for settlement and in :May of that year 1\Ir. Suckow, with a colony of people, made the journey from Decorah to this section. He had two yoke of oxen and in all there were twenty-four teams, and they also brought sheep, cattle and goats. This part

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. (

A Narrative History


., I The People of Iowa . .



by EDGAR RUBEY HARLAN, LL. B., A. M. Curator of the Historical, Memorial and Art Depa-rtment of Iowa (

lOWA BIOGRAPHY (Gratuitously Published) Selected and Prepared by Special Staff of Writm·s of The American "llistorical Society, Inc.

.. , Volume V ~ £ s - ~--' (1


THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Inc. CHICA<(f)·-;A}jlr iffEW_. ~ ~ -· ~ •'""' !'I . ! I ~-- n t ~""> ' ' ... :.e~ i~M ~' ,,. '· . - ·· . - !-: .. .:: . . \

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and.. staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ' 250 THE PEOPLE OF IOWA

perance, honesty and Christian living. Another Thi~ family was remarkable for longevity, A ~aid of him: "i\Ir. Chaney's life and career is sister and brother Loth lived to more than ninety an epitome of all that is finest and most. hopeful years of age. in the Middle West. The best of its history has \\'hen Mr. :Yliller was only twenty years of been and is still being made by such men." age, in ~he. spring ?f 1848, he moved to Rock­ Mr. Chaney was a trustee and deacon of the ford, IlhnOJ s, and 1 n 18nJ he bought a farm Congregational Church at Newell, and for many east of Kt>well, Iowa, and dro\·e a thousand head years was president of the school board and city of sheep and a good many cattle from Rockford treasurer. He was a staunch Republican. Out­ to his new home, a distance of nearly 400 miles side of his business he lived for his family and His family came from Rockford to join him th~ friends and had many qualities that endeared following year. him to them. H e married, June 28, 18!57, :Vliss For a good many years after that Mr. Miller 1\ellie T . Miller, who was born in Winnebago w~s. extensively engaged in farming and stock County, Illinois, daughter r,f Hon. De \\'itt C. ra1smg and was very successful. H e had won­ J\!iiler, whose career is sketched elsewhere. Mrs. derful exeeutivt> ability, and his kePn judgment Chaney now resides at Cedar Rapids, rnaking rare knowledge of values and untiring industry her home with her daughters, Miss J essie M. made every venture successful. At one time he and Agnes A., both teachers in the schools. Mrs. owned 960 acres of land in Fairfield Township Chaney is president of the Miller-Chaney Bank besides extensive real estate interest;; in Colorado' at .:\'ewell. Her son Osborne l\1. is vice pl·esi­ In addition to this he was acti\·ely engaged i~ dent and active head of the institution and an­ improving a tract of nearly 2,000 acres which other son, Gerald \Y ., is cashier. The other living he had purehased near La wrenPeburg. Tennessee children besides those mentioned are Carlton L., where he personally superintended the work of now residing at \Vaterloo, and Carolyn I.., wife clearing the land, building hou~e s, barns, fences of Griffith Brogan, of Des Moines. silos, etc. He was on his way f rom t·his planta~ On October 3, 1919, Osborne :.VI. Chaney mar­ tion to his home in .t\ e,\·ell, stopping at Rockford ried Rula Kirkpat rick, daughter of Frank and to visit his daughter, \\' h en the final summons Belle Kirkpatrick, of Rolfe, Iowa. They have came to hilll. three childr en: DeEtte, born October 81, 1920; In 1888 :\h. i\Iiller purchasE,d an interest with Coyla .i.\lae, born January 3, 1922; and George L. H . Gordon in what i:; now known as the Miller Kirk, hom January 2tl, 1927. & Chant>y Bank. Later he bought Mr. Gordon's 0 . 71-1. Chaney is a member of Abu Rekr interest. For many year;; l\fr. )[iller's sons-in­ Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Sioux City and law, GeDrge W. Chaney and Frank G. Redfield, of the Co nsistory at San Antonio, Texas, and were the active managers of the bank, which locally has been a m ember of the eity council since the death of Mr. Chaney has been under and of the American L egion, of which h e is the management of his sons: Osborne M. and tinanee officer and is treasurer of the Congrega­ Gerald \V. A o;eparate review of rhe Chaney tional Church. f amily will be found on pre"et.ling pages of this Gerald W. Chaney married, June 17, 1917, wo rk. Gladys vV. \Yadsley, daughter of J. B. and Kath­ }h. }!iller cast his first vote fo)J' Franklin rine (Abernathy) \Yadsley, of Storm Lake, Iowa, Pierce but was a steadfast Republican from the and they have one son, Gerald Wadsley Chaney, beginning of that pal't.y. H e repre~ented Buena born .Tub• 12, 1918. Gerald W. Chaney is a Vi sta County in the Iowa State Legislature with member ~f Abu Bekr Temple at Sioux City and credit and distinction for three tenns, from 1896 also of the Sioux City Consistory and is a past to 189ll. He was a leader in the community life master of Royal Lodge No. 428 at Newell. He of Newell for forty years. Everyone relied upon has hPPn for ten years secretary of the Inde­ his good j udgment. and his knowledge of men and pendent Consolidated District School, one of the affairs. He was a trustee of Buena \'ista College first consolidated districts in I owa, and is com­ at Storm Lake and was mavor of ~Pwell for a mander of ::\ewell Post No. 193, American Le­ number of years and an active leader in the gion; vresident. of the Newell Golf Club, and a C'ong1·egational Church, where he served as mt>mber of the Congregational Church. senior deac·on . H e will be gratefully r emembered by many Ho!':. DE\\'rTT C'Lr0:TON MILLER, banker, finan­ people for his nPver failing kindm!~!S, his good cier, farmer, pioneer and state r eprest•ntative of advice in business matters and his substantial Buena Yista County, wa~ one of the most promi­ help in a finaneial way to many of the pioneer nent and beloved titizf:'ns of Newell, Iowa, whose settlers in time


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. THE PEOPLE OF lOW A 251

ality. His personality was strong and vivid, his Mr. Ferris has been a leader in a movement influence for good far reaching. His home llfe which has been given a great deal of publicity was ideal. Husband, father, neighbor, friend, in in Iowa in recent years, for the establishment of every relation of life he was just and kind, true a national park in Northeastern Iowa. He organ­ and loyal." ized the Clayton County Development Association, On May 15, 1853. he mnrried Miss Agnes Law­ which became the unit of a Jarg·er organization son, who was born in Scotland, June 3, 1831, and known as the Northeastern Iowa National Park was three years of age when her parents, Thomas Association. He also assisted in organizing the and Elizabeth (Thomas) Lawson, cllme to Wisconsin National Park Associat ion and has America. To this union six daughters were given a great deal of effort to the Prairie du born: Carrie, wife of Charles Ellinwood, de­ Chien-Marquette Mississippi Bridge project and ceased; Belle, wife of James T. Norton, ·deceased; was a member of the committee which secured Jessie, wife of H. J . Eaton,. of Quincy, Illinois; the franchise for that bridge, work on which is Nellie M., widow of George W. Chaney, now r.ow under way, to be completed in the summer living with her daughters at Cedar Rapids, of 1931. He has been a member of the city Iowa; Susie, wife of Porter L. Baldwin, of Coati­ council and was acting mayor one year and has cook, Quebec, Canada; and Mary, wife of Frank teen secretary of the school board. Mr. Ferris G. Redfield, of Des Moines, Iowa. There are also is a member of the Masonic fraternity, El Kahir thirty-five grandchildren and eleven great-grand­ Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Cedar Rapids, children. is a Republican and a Methodist. He married, June 30, 1913, Miss Ina M. Cou­ MR. CLOYD E. FERRIS, owner of the Ferris tant, of McGregor. They have three children: Hotel at Marquette, is a citizen of the type whose June Adelaide, born June 12, 1914; Lulu May, public spirit is always a paramount quality and bom May 9, 1916, and John Richard, born whose aid and influence have been constantly August 2, 1921. given in support of worthy projects for the devel­ opment of hi s home community, county and state. E . LA CLARE WHITE. The distinction of being '11r. Ferris was born at North McGregor, now the oldest newspaper in Clay County is held by ( ·quette, Iowa, August 1, 1889. His father, the News-Herald, of Spencer , of which E. L. C. -uwin Chauncey F erris, an old time resident of White has been owner, editor a nd publisher since Marquette, Iowa, was born in New York State 1916. Although he had started his career as a and ha:l a common school education. He was left retail store salesman in Denver, Mr. White came an orphan during the Civil war, two of his broth­ to Spencer with some years of newspaper expe­ ers falling in battle, his father wounded and died rience behind him and proceeded to give to the shortly afterward and the mother died of grief. people of this section the kind of a journal they About 1865 he came out to Iowa to live with an wished. At least the support that has been uncle, and soon en.tere::! the railway service and given him in this venture would lead one to sus­ was a railroad man until he took up the restau­ pect that the residents of Clay County heartily rant busir.ess. He is a member of the Masonic approve of his methods and progressiveness in fraternity and the JVWW Shrine, t he Independent the publication of a clean, reliable and interesting Order of Odd Fellows, is a Republican and has newspaper. served on the city council and as mayor of Mar­ Mr. White was born near Fairfax, Missouri, quette. He married Lizzie Bell Fields, of Kansas, August 4, 1884, the youngest in a family of four and of their eight children. three are now Jiving: children born to James R. and Ruth May (Cad­ M_erle E., of Caledonia, Minnesota; Arthur Ray, well) White. His father was born July 20, 1851, of M3rquette, Iowa; and Cloyd· E. in Illinois, where he was reared and received a . Cloyd E. Ferris attended common schools at public school education, and as a young man North McGregor, and left school in the third engaged in farming, both in Illinois and Missouri, Year in high schooi, in 1904, to begin work. He subsequently going to Denver, Colorado, and Was a freight handler in the station of the Chi­ finally to California, where he established himself cago & Milwaukee Railway Company, later in the fruit-growing business, a line in which ?ecame a brakeman in the passenger service, but he achieved a considerable success. He is now 1n 1911 withdrew to join his father in the res­ living in comfortable retirement ih his beautiful taurant business. They were together until 1922, home at Riverside, California, where he is one When he took over his father's interest and was of his community's well-known and highly re­ t~en associated with M. B. Coutant for a year. spected citizens. Smce 1923 he ha s been sole owner of the Ferris E. La Clare White attended the grade schools i Hotel and Restaurant. Mr. Ferris owns con­ of Fairfax, Missouri, and later pursued a course ~derable real estate in Iowa. In 1922 he and at the West Denver (Colorado) High School. I . r. M. C. Carrol bought forty-two acres north After spending one year on the Pacific Coast he I of Marquette, which they have opened and devel­ returned to Denver and accepted a position in a oped as a park. It is a summer colony and part men's furnishing store, later being employed as of the land has been set aside for an animal a salesman in the men's department for A . T. I Preserve. Lewis & Son.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. 1880 United States Federal Census- Page 1 of 1

ancestry You searched for D. C. Miller in Iowa

Name: D.C. Miller Home in 1880: Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa Age: 51 Estimated Birth abt 1829 Year: Birthplace: New York Relation to Head Self (Head) of Household: Spouse's Name: Agnes Miller Father's Rhode Island birthplace: Mother's Rhode Island birthplace: Neighbors: View others on gage Occupation: Farmer Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male 1annot read wnte: Blind: View image Deaf and dumb:

ocmebi'iae1sa e : Idiotic or msane: Household Name Age Members: D.C. Miller 51 Agnes Mil ler 47 Belle Miller 20 Susie Miller 10 Mary Miller 8

Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa; Roll: 329; Family History Film: 1254329; Page: SSC; Enumeration District: 20; Image; 0629. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.

Original data: Tenth Census of the Untted States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washmgton, D.C.

Description: This database is an index to 50 mdlton individuals enumerated in the 1880 United States Federal Census. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, occupation, relationship to the head of household, race, sex, age at last birthday, marital status, place of birth, parents' place of birth. Additionally, the names of those listed on the population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1880 Federal Census. Lea rn more ..

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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( You searched for Dewitt C. Miller in Iowa

Name: Dewitt C Miller [De Witt C Miller] Age in 1910: 81 Estimated Birth 1829 Year: Birthplace: New York Relation to Head Father-in-Law of House: Father's Birth New York Place: Mother's Birth United States of America Place: [United States] Home in 1910: Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa Marital Status: Widowed Race : White Gender: Male Neighbors: View others on Qage Household Name Age Members: Frank G Redfield 38 Mary M Redfield 38 Frances G Redfield 14 Edana Redfield 12 John Miller Redfield 10 Harry M Redfield 1 6/12 [1] Dewitt C Miller 81

Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa; Roll: T624_394; Page: 28; Enumeration District: 0008; Image: 192; FHL Number: 1374407. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on­ line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.

Original data: Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (NARA microfilm publication T624, 1,178 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C. For details on the contents of the film numbers, vis1t the following NARA web page: NARA

Description: This database is an mdex to the head of households enumerated in the 1910 United States Federal Census, the Thirteenth Census of the United States. In addition, each mdexed name is linked to actual images of the 1910 Federal Census. The information recorded in the census includes: name, relationship to head of family, age at last

btrthday, sex, color or race1 whether single, married, wtdowed, or dtvorced, birthplace, birthplace of father and mother, and more. Learn more ..

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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