Always delivering an amazing experience - In May 2011, CEO Niklas Östberg co-founded Delivery Hero with fast, easy and to the mission to provide an inspirational, personalized and your door. simple way of ordering food.

$ KEY 弛吐ſ NUMBERS Based in , Delivery Hero is a leading global VARIETY DIVERSITY CAPITAL MARKET and delivery marketplace. We Delivery Hero operates online +1000 staff from Delivery Hero went public on the marketplaces for food order- Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 30th employ c. 19,000 staff across ing and also operates its own +80 nationalities June 2017. Having raised close 40+ countries, with primarily in 50+ to €1 billion, it was the largest 36 number one market high-density urban areas around is employed in German IPO in 2017. The company positions. We maintain the world, which allows Delivery joined the MDAX less than a year the largest food network in Hero to include offerings from Berlin HQ alone after IPO - that means Delivery the world with more than curated restaurants that do not Hero is now amongst the 80 larg- 250,000 restaurant partners. offer food delivery themselves. est listed companies in . In the third quarter of 2018, we received a record 102 million orders - more than BUSINESS MODEL one million orders per day. 1 Search , among other, from CUSTOMERS • an inspirational selection of BENEFIT restaurants and dishes • a great takeaway experience driven by easy usage, short HOUSE OF 2 Order delivery times and plenty of individual order options BRANDS Since 2011, Delivery Hero , among others, from grew significantly through RESTAURANTS • access to a large customer a combination of organic base BENEFIT growth and acquisitions. 3 Receive • increase in revenues A large number of popular • data-driven insights, innova- brands around the world tive technology belong to Delivery Hero, amongst others , E-Food, 4 Cook 5 Deliver 6 Eat , Pedidosya, Yogiyo, , and .

CONTACT INFO Press Contact Delivery Hero SE Visit our website on [email protected] Oranienburger Str. 70 10117 Berlin - Germany

As of April 2019