Houlton Times, July 28, 1920

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Houlton Times, July 28, 1920 Spend Your Vacation in Aroostook— -The Play Ground oi N ew . England— Visit Houlton AROOSTOOK TIMES SHIRE TOWN OF April 13,. 1860 To AROOSTOOK COUNTY i i v / U L T O N TIMES December 27, 1916 H O U L T O N , M AINE, W E D N E S D A Y , JU LY 28, Ul20 V O L . L X No. 30 i .. 1 __ NEW SWEDEN CELEBRATES FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY WELL EQUIPPED 24 MILES TRUNK MARRIED IN FRANCE MAINE POTATO CLUB PICNIC AT Observance of the fiftieth anniver- Enjoying all the comforts of home Those who have been following the CROP UNCERTAIN J sary of the founding of New Sweden ISLAND PARK and defying the high cost of railroad LINE UNDER work of Mrs. Alice Ingersoll-Stuart of | took place on Friday when the proces- fares and hotel bills Mr. E. S. Bryant the American Red Cross in France, j sion of more than 100 automobiles of Everett.Mass, together with his wife will he interested to know of her mar­ riage to Captain Sidney E. Thornton _ QUANTITY started from Caribou and moved over Interesting Story of the Day and two daughters are touring fflaine CONSTURCTION I the road to New Sweden. in a veritable' palace on wheels, which of the Royal Dublin Fusileers, which | In the first car. which was hand- by One Who Was There contains every convenience that the occurred on June 26th in Amiens, Chief Nedick Gives His Opin­ I somely decorated with flowers, Ameri- ingenuitive mind could conceive. With Large Area of Settled Somme, France. ! can and Swedish flags, rode Hon. Wil- Wednesday, July 21st, the Moose- The enclosed top is obout 20 feet In accordance with the French cus­ ion Regarding Canse lian Widgery Thomas, who as Ameri- leuk Club of Presque Isle and the long by 7 feet wide by 7 feet high and Country 40 by 100 Miles tom, the civil marriage at the Hotel de can minister to Swenden, founded the , Meduxnekeag Club of Moulton unite.'! is well lighted by windows, with an ViUe was followed by a wedding in the The following statement from an colony there. Then followed cars bear-j and held a field day on that beautiful entrance at the rear and side and is Some Must Wait protestant church of Amiens. The other reliable authority bears out the ing Governor Milliken and staff, Sena-! natural playground, “The Island’ at oon a Velio ambulance ebassie, here church was beautiful with flowers and Much comment has been made re­ statement made in one issue of July tor Fernald and Congressman Hersev,! Woodstock. are comfortable collapsible beds, cloth­ flags everywhere, the American and 7. cently about Road Work in the county j British flags being intertwined at the after which came the other cars with | The upper Aroostook club motored ing lockers, etc., a separate room for All kinds of reports concerning the and to show what is being done we | aitar. In his addres, the minister other invited guests and prominent i to Houlton joined forces with the Dux a kitchen with oil stove, lockers for acreage and condition of the Aroos give herewith a detailed account of | spoke feelingly of the alliance of an people of Aroostook and Maine. in Market Souare and drove; to Wood- food and dishes, in lact every avail- . , . i mi • • 1/ j ,i i I, . i the contracts that are now in progress i American woman and a TtriticVi man took Potato crop are now going the The procession was received ■'at the stock A fine dinner was served in able space is utilized lor the conven-! „ . , . , , , , American woman anti a British man XT o 1 * ,. .... , , , , , . i of construction, which shows that I lw a French mUnr nml in hitrh nraion rounds of the press. A collection of New Sweden town line by a military | the grand stand building bv Mr Cron- lence of the travelers who are making I A a , i y rentn Pastor, anti in nigh praise newspaper clippings on that subject there are twenty-four miles escort and then came a grand parade, j kite, after which a short program of their so™,,.I trip into Maim-. ,hi s there are '" '“ ty-iour m.les which | ot tIle ,VOrk done by both Mr .and Mrs. were taken to E. L. Newdick, chief of have been contracted for and each followed by the exercises in the Grove ! field and track events was run off, fol- year’s trip starting at Everett, Mass., j Thornton for France. the Division of Seed Improvement, De­ piece is under construction. and a parade of floats illustrating the j lowed by a hall game between mem- some weeks ago and following the I Two platoons of British “Tommies” partment of Agriculture and his opin­ In Fort Kent 3 miles, Joe Michaud progress of the colony from its found- j bers of the two clubs. After the game coast as far as Calais, Maine, in easy ; formed an arch of steel with their ion asked as to the correctness of any has the contract and is building tow­ ing. There were speeches of welcome ! supper was served and then we re- stages stopping whenever they desire | sabres, under which the Bridal party or all. The statements differed on ards Van Buren. by Swedish Pastor Dahlberg, singing ] turned home to our wives and starv- From Calais to Houlton where they j passed on leaving the church. both points. Said Mr. Newdick: of national anthems of America and 1 jng children. stopped several hours for supplies ■ In Van Buren 3 miles between Notre A reception was held at the Hotel “No doubt but what the acreage of Sweden and music by Swedish band thence to Van Buren and along the j ^ame and Deschaine, Joe Martin of Godbert where three large saloons ; Now the events of the day as above potatoes increased over what we river to Madawaska where thev cross | h-agle Lake is building, and there is were opened for the occasion. glee club of 50 voices. An address by 1 chronicled, sound tame, but take it thought it would be two months ago. Mr. Thomas and speeches by Senator Mr. and Mrs. Thornton were dress­ I from one who was on the inside and to Edmundston. N. B. and thence to j not a better road man in the county, At that time, the fertilizer had not ar­ Fernald and Congressman Hersey and River-du-Loun P Q i according to the work that he had ed in uniform and Mrs. Thornton wore rived in the necessary amounts It i knows, you can’t mix Moose and Dux President Todd of B. & A. R. R. At 2 Their return trip will he laid out i done around his town of Eagle Lake, the five medals with which she has began to come in and but a short time “hootch” and St. John river water and o’clock dinner was served in the grove. according to road conditions and sev- j In Houlton-Littleton-Monticello 9 been decorated during her three years fego there was fertilizer in Aroostook ; plan on a tame time, The exercises were attended by more eral weeks will elapse before they miles, the Greenwood Construction Co. of service in France. to spare. j We were delayed in starting from than 2.000. reach home, giving them an ideal out- > of Skowhegan having the contract and Among other beautiful gifts, Mrs. “There is no doubt but what it has | Market Square owing to the late arriv- ing under the most favorable eondi-1 the work is progressing well. Thornton received a diamond and plat- been rather a poor growing year for Governor Milliken and staff passed | al of one of the Presque Isle autoes. tions ! In Dyer Brook 3 miles, being built I inUm wrist watch as a token of aPpre’ potatoes. There has been a lot of rot. through Houlton Thursday en route j It later developed that this car con- Both Mr. and Mrs. Bryant are teach-! through the Dyer Brook woods so-call- i ciation from the ‘‘Somme Devastee.” You remember that northern Aroost- for New Sweden where t h e y at­ ! tained that curly-haired Guiou of ers. Mr. Bryant being connected with | ed, by Murtagh Hughes of Bangor, a' After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs., took had a lot of rain early in the sea­ tended the Celebration commenorating j Presque Isle Fair fame. Now it seems the Everett High School and Mrs. | piece that was very hilly and rough in Thornton l«ft for Paris where, at pres­ son— the rot followed. But, it can be the founding of the colony 50 years that when our county and Brother Bryant is principal of the Bryant Pri- j places. ent, they are spending their honey­ said that the plants that did come up ago. Guiou were both in their infancy, he moon. are hardy and healthy appearing, Mrs. S. S. Thornton accompanied by used to tote hand made cedar singles vate School. j Mr. A. H. Hill who has charge of _-■* * Mr. Bryant’s outfit was designed by j one of the state’s crews is building 6 strong and rugged. I don’t believe Ernest Thornton and Miss Carroll of from Presque Isle to Bangor and the Mrs. Bryant whose father built the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Somerville of anyone has the right now to predict Augusta arrived home Friday evening old road house up here on the North miles through Sherman and across the top and to say that it is a splendid West Houlton are being congratulated what the potato crop is going to be— from Southwest Harbor, where they Road was his favorite stopping place.
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