Australia’s reformed AP evangelical periodical

AUSTRALIAN PRESBYTERIAN SPRING 2015 Gospel-shaped ministry God’s goose Wedding or alarm bells?

Cover photo ©Scott Prokop/ Editorial

Christ alone for salvation. Paul pressed “Come and see” (John 1:46). Love need Felix hard on righteousness, self-control not preclude vigour. The early and the coming judgment, to the point Christians prayed that God would where Felix became alarmed, and sent enable them to speak His word with Paul away (Acts 24:25). Such boldness (Acts 4:29; Eph.6:18-19). evangelism would be frowned upon These days, we would be more likely to here is quite a considerable today, even in most evangelical circles. hear a prayer that we would speak with amount of evangelism in the sensitivity into the lives of others. It is Believing in Jesus as Saviour is not Church which actually consists of not a case of being sensitive or being T enough. Paul speaks of faith in our convincing people who are not Christians bold but of being both, however Lord Jesus Christ. The man Jesus is also difficult that may be. that they are. A person may believe that Lord and Christ. The cross saves God loves him, that Christ died for because it is the Lord who died there, as Our mind, our affections, and our will him, and that he has invited Jesus into a substitute for all whom the Father respond to the message that Jesus Christ his life, and still not be a Christian. had given Him. is not only the priest who is the sacrifice for sinners, but the prophet who To evangelise we first need to be sure Sometimes evangelism can be so simple proclaims God’s word to them, and the about our answer to “What is a that we might be scarcely aware that we king who rules over them. The focus is Christian?” Paul tells us that his are evangelising. Philip told Nathanael: on Christ. A. W. Tozer warned: “You testimony to both Jews and Greeks was “We have found Him of whom Moses cannot believe on a half-Christ.” The one of repentance toward God and faith in the Law and also the prophets wrote, more clearly we see Christ, the more we in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). Jesus of Nazareth” (John 1:45). When will want to make Him known. To repent is to change one’s mind, to Nathanael wanted to argue the point, turn decidedly from sin, and to look to Philip simply issued the invitation: Peter Barnes

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2 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU a convention al The gospel shapes our preaching, discipleship and theological education. ministry

David Cook talks to Peter Hastie

The Rev. David Cook is the Moderator- great change and innovation in the front and centre of our preaching. General of the Presbyterian Church of many areas of life. Does this apply So you give me a topic to preach on, Australia and the former principal of to convention ministry as well? and I’ll handle that in an expository Sydney Missionary and Bible College, way. I’ll tell you what the Bible says Yes, there have been some trends where he served for 26 years. He is about it and I will speak to you from developing in more recent times that married to Maxine and has five children. biblical texts, explaining their meaning we need to watch carefully. One of and how they apply in our lives. David, you have returned from a these is the increase in topical preaching major Christian convention in the at these conventions. I think we are Is there a place for “occasional UK. Can you tell us why you getting into a position now with our preaching” where you speak to a remain so supportive of convention ministry where we think, particular event or crisis, such as convention ministries both “As long as we’ve got one expositor, we 9/11? overseas and in Australia? can have a more popular topical Yes, there is. I take “occasional preaching” As you know, Christian convention preacher as well”. I, for one, am not to refer to funerals, weddings, Easter, ministry has had a strong tradition in convinced that this is a good policy. Anzac Day and being invited to the the West for well over a century. The The topical preacher can usually choose local Rotary Club. But I’m still going to reason I am so supportive of it is that his topics and this means he can avoid bring the Word of God to bear on each convention ministry has a long- the tougher sections of the Bible. He occasion. I believe I am a herald and established pattern of having expositors may well be a very popular proclaimer of the gospel. That is my open the Scriptures and model how communicator, so when people come calling. If you say, “We want you to people should use the Bible, explain its back from conventions they put pressure come and give a public address, but we meaning, and apply it to life. on their pastor to preach like the topical don’t want you to talk about the Bible” I think the church owes conventions a preacher rather than like the expositor. – well, I’m afraid I can’t help you. I great deal for the Bible-teaching ministry believe that God has spoken to us a I think having a consistently expository that they have exercised during this vital and saving Word and I need to platform is of vital importance. period. In the words of Charles proclaim it. So when I am in an Incidentally, this does not mean that I Simeon, they have “exalted the Saviour, occasional setting, I will respect that am saying that we need to have dull and humbled the sinner, promoted biblical setting but I will look for ways to bring dreary preaching. Never! I want lively holiness and equipped people for life” – an explanation of the Bible to it. I preaching that is spiritually engaging. that is what we are after, and that might only give a short address – I should be the goal of every preacher. We need real exposition that respects want to be sensitive to the situation – both the Word and the congregation, but my aim in speaking to an audience The other encouraging feature of and seeks to apply and engage the will only be to explain a passage of the conventions is that large numbers of congregation with the truth of the Bible . Bible. That is my primary calling. Christians from different This whole idea of having different denominations attend them. I always Until recently you had been the approaches, expository and topical, on principal of a theological college find it uplifting to remember that I am the one platform is misguided. part of a far wider church – and that at for many years. Do you have any Are there any situations where a convention I can literally “sing with a deep convictions about developing thousand tongues”, as Charles Wesley topical preaching is OK? the future leaders of the church? would say. Also I think it is good for Yes, I think it’s fine to preach on all Yes. I think the development of good children to have access to resources at a sorts of topics as long as you do it in an leadership starts early in the local convention which may not be available expository way. If we believe that the church, where pastors and elders have in the local church. Bible is God’s Word then we should the opportunity to mentor individuals. We are living through a period of handle it as such and make the Scripture So I have come back to our church

SPRING 2015 3 with a renewed commitment to make experiences are so important. Most process of preparing a sermon, sure that my contract next year has a theological students will leave college delivering it, and then receiving clause in it that says, “I am giving time and preach consistently with the model constructive feedback. to training younger people who are they caught before they went in. This Do you have any suggestions heading to ministry” – actually means if you take a person from PTC about implementing these mentoring them. Victoria, SMBC, or Moore College, changes? you cannot always predict what sort of The leaders of the local church have to a preacher he is going to be. You know So I’ll tell you what I have done with be doing this one-on-one. Mentoring what is taught in each of those colleges, one church, which was really very good. means setting a reading program for but very often it is the model they first We took four days. Day 1, all the people, taking them with us when we received after they were converted in go to lead in various situations so they preaching staff of the church preached their local church that will persist can see the dynamics of leadership and their sermon, and we all critiqued the throughout their ministry. Old habits what is required. Leadership needs to sermon. Day 2, I did a day of lectures and patterns are hard to change. be encouraged by mentoring rather on preaching. Day 3, we had a day than by lecturing. What can a college do if the model in where they worked individually on the local church is not good? The only their sermons. And then, on Day 4 they This especially applies to preaching. I way you can change the situation is to came back and preached another am on an advisory board overseas for provide consistent models at the sermon that they prepared in the light the Centre of Expository Preaching, college, and then provide feedback on a of what I had said on Day 2, and that and we were having a discussion of one-to-one basis and sit students down was critiqued. That process has been what makes a preacher a good preacher. in small groups of six and get them to really successful. We concluded that no matter which work together on sermon preparation. college you send a person to, if that Now you do that once and then repeat student has already been given a model I think that the large class lecture is not it six months later and you will discover of preaching in the local church, that really the place to make the big changes that you are making a significant model generally will persist and resist that are needed for preaching. We have difference in the preaching of your change even though the student goes to be able to put people into a situation church leaders. We need to be doing through theological college. This is why where they can work in very small this because the health of the church the earliest models that a future leader groups and go through the whole stands or falls on the quality and

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4 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU integrity of its leadership and that, in However, you have also got to do some turn, depends on the quality and reading. So I would get them to read effectiveness of their preaching. Haddon Robinson’s book, Biblical If you were going to mentor Preaching . I would ask also them to somebody in preaching, what sort read Martyn Lloyd Jones’ Preaching of reading program would you and Preachers , which I think is a great recommend? book. I don’t agree with everything in it, but it’s still an excellent book. I There are several things I would do. The would also get them to read Jay Adams’ first is what Dr J. Graham Miller did book, Preaching With Purpose . That is a with me. He taught me how to read a first-rate book too. passage of Scripture and summarise it. There are also a few other books I have David Cook Summary is the key to preaching. I want in my study that are vital. When I am The most important book to be to sit down with a small group, and just preaching I always have Robert preaching is Paul’s letter to the Romans. learn to summarise a passage of the Bible . Reymond’s Systematic , Wayne The reason I say that is because Romans We would do it over and over again – Grudem’s , and Jay is fundamentally about the gospel. If reduce it, reduce it, reduce it - until you Systematic Theology Adams’ you look at the history of the church, have got the main movements of the Christian Counsellor’s Manual close at hand. So whenever I am you’ll discover that what is hated in the passage. Finally, you come to either the preaching on a section of the Bible, I world will inevitably become hated in overt or implied question that the the church. The church is in great passage is answering, and that is what look at what the systematic theologians danger of just aping the world. The you should preach on. Rather than say about that section, and then I get gospel is the antidote to that. setting up a reading program, I think I out Jay Adams and see what he says. would go through that and simply do And invariably he is going to apply this The gospel is also very humbling it, again and again. Then I would see truth in a really helpful way. So Adams because it tells me I have got no them translate that into the preparation is a great aid to application. contribution to make to my salvation. of the sermon. Finally, I would listen to What are the great books of the It is not about my goodness or the sermon and critique the sermon, Bible that we should always be religiosity – they don’t save me. Of and then we would do it again. preaching from? course, the world doesn’t like to hear

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SPRING 2015 5 that. The gospel is exclusive. There is The church is in great danger of just aping only one gospel. There is only one way to Jesus, and the world does not like the world. The gospel is the antidote to that. hearing this. So Romans is constantly calling us back to the truth. education is that you need a faculty is this: if you, for example, at church on I find it interesting that the New that represents a broad spectrum within Sunday give your sermon, and then go Perspective wants to re-write the gospel . I think that’s and sit in your vestry with your in Romans. This should warn us about fundamentally wrong. ministry team and have morning tea, the congregation would think that is its danger. Incidentally, this is why we I have heard people say you should very strange. Therefore, your place as a must also preach Galatians. The world have a reformed evangelical, a faculty member is with the students at always wants to change or add to the conservative evangelical, a liberal morning tea with them, just as your gospel but Paul is saying, “That is not evangelical, a neo-evangelical, and a place as pastor is with your people. the way; it is not the gospel. There is only traditional evangelical on your faculty. I one gospel, and one version of the gospel”. disagree. Faculty need to be united in Students must feel genuine access to the their fundamental theological faculty. My mother was an interior What I love about Galatians is the way commitments, especially if they have a decorator for 70 years. She was invited Paul understands the relationship of the specific confessional commitment. If to design a faculty common room at a law to the gospel. He says the law is you look today at colleges that are college in Sydney, and I said to my there to lead us to Christ, to define sin, politically driven and have mother, “You will never do that at to identify me as a law-breaker and a representatives across the whole SMBC”, because I never wanted a sinner, but it doesn’t bring me salvation ; evangelical spectrum, you will find that faculty common room. If you have a instead, it drives me to Christ. So this kind of college will only confuse faculty common room the faculty will Spurgeon said, “The law is the perfect students, and increasingly the number gather there, and they need to be storm which wrecks my hope of self- of people going to that college will gathering with the students. So the salvation but drives me to the Rock of decline. Principals and boards need to students’ common room is the room all ages”. When I come to Christ I find make sure that they have a faculty that where the faculty goes and eats, and forgiveness and the gift of the Spirit. is thoroughly united around the true sits, and talks, and prays. So in every discipling relationship I gospel and the truth of God’s Word – I also think churches need to get serious want to be reading Romans and it’s absolutely vital. about properly resourcing theological Galatians with people. Are there any other priorities for education. This is where we are Do you have any lasting theological educators and their providing intensive training for our impressions on modern church sponsors? future leaders and we should do theological education? whatever is necessary so they can Yes. I think it is absolutely vital that our function effectively. Oh, yes, I have learned a few lessons theological colleges model the there. I think one of the greatest environment that our students are Peter Hastie serves as the principal of the fallacies of modern theological going to work in. What I mean by that PTC Victoria in Melbourne.

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Acts is the greatest missionary story of all time.

Andrew Stewart

any of us enjoy missionary saw the need for a fresh account that nailing him to the cross” (Acts 2:23). stories. We are gripped as would be well-researched and focused Even this fell within God’s plan! Peter Mwe follow the exploits of on the big picture of God’s plan of and other apostles returned to this missionaries like William Carey, John salvation. theme repeatedly (Acts 3:15, 4:10-11, Paton or Jim Elliot who did heroic 7:52, 10:39-40, 13:27). They knew That plan was first revealed to the deeds in exotic places and saw the that God’s plan would prevail, and that nation of Israel. So the first two gospel spread into the dark corners of the death and resurrection of Jesus chapters of Luke’s Gospel read like a this world. continuation of the story of Israel as Christ was its centrepiece. Acts is the greatest missionary story of Luke takes his readers back to the Old Luke describes the outpouring of the all time. Its title – The Acts of the Testament roots of Israel’s faith. He Spirit as the fulfilment of God’s plan. Apostles – encourages us to think of the shows how God’s promises were John the Baptist had anticipated the apostles as the heroes of this book. fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit (Luke Their labours were indeed heroic as (Luke 1:32-33, 54-55, 70). Thus it was 3:16-7, Acts 1:5). When that baptism they preached the gospel and planted because God has a plan that Luke was came on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1- churches in the face of bitter able to write about things that must 4) Peter pointed out that the preaching opposition. happen. Jesus must suffer (9:22, 17:25), of the apostles “in other tongues” (2:3) then rise from the dead and enter His Yet Acts is much more than a story of was the fulfilment of what had been glory (24:26, 46). Then the gospel must heroic men and women who strove to spoken by the prophet Joel (2:16-21). be preached to all nations, beginning in build a new Jerusalem amidst the dark This same Spirit continued to guide the Jerusalem. (24:47). So Acts 1 takes up satanic cities of the Roman Empire. It apostles (7:55, 8:29, 16:6-7, 20:22). where Luke 24 left off. is the story of how God accomplished Luke describes the restoration of Israel as His eternal plan of salvation for the Space does not permit this article to list the fulfilment of God’s plan. When the world. all the “things that have been fulfilled” apostles asked Jesus, “Lord, are you at that Luke describes in Acts, but here are This becomes especially evident when this time going to restore the kingdom a few. we remember that Acts was a to Israel?” (Acts 1:6), he did not rebuke companion volume to Luke’s Gospel. Luke describes the rejection and the them. But he did counsel patience Luke makes that clear in the opening resurrection of Israel’s Messiah as the (1:7). God would restore Israel when words of Acts. “In my former book, fulfilment of God’s plan. In his first she received her Messiah. That is why Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus sermon in Acts, Peter told the crowds the apostles preached with such vigour began to do and to teach” (Acts 1:1). who gathered in Jerusalem on the day to Jews (2:38-9, 3:24-26, 4:10-11, He reminds us that his goal was to of Pentecost, “This man was handed 9:20,23, 13:16f.). Yet the first half of write an orderly account “of the things over to you by God’s set purpose and Acts (chapters 1-12) ends with an anti- that had been fulfilled among us.” (Luke foreknowledge, and you with the help climax. The head of the Jewish nation, 1:1) Others preceded him, but Luke of wicked men put him to death by Herod Agrippa I, sought to kill the Messiah’s messengers and died an They knew that God’s plan would prevail, ignominious death. Is this to be typical and that the death and resurrection of Jesus of Israel’s response? At first sight that seems to be the case. Christ was its centrepiece. When the Church in Antioch sent

SPRING 2015 7 Their salvation was God’s way of rebuilding the ruined kingdom of Israel. James made that point at the council in Jerusalem.

Barnabas and Saul on their first the passion which gripped Paul the missionary journey, many Gentiles converted Pharisee in Romans 9-11. believed and were added to the Church. Significantly, it also gripped the On two emotionally charged occasions attention of Luke the Gentile historian. Paul rebuked his Jewish hearers for Why, we might ask? their unbelief and turned to the Luke describes the gathering of the Gentiles (13:46, 18:6). Yet when Paul Gentiles into the Church as the went to a new city he went straight to fulfilment of God’s plan. Hence the the synagogue and proclaimed that urgency of preaching the gospel of God was restoring the kingdom to Israel’s Messiah to Gentiles as well as to Israel (19:8). Jews (Acts 9:15, 10:45, 11:18, 14:27). Paul’s itinerant ministry came to an end Their salvation was God’s way of with his arrest in Jerusalem (21:33). In rebuilding the ruined kingdom of HAVE the chapters which follow (22-26), Paul Israel. James made that point at the had the opportunity to defend his council in Jerusalem (15:15-18). This YOU ministry in a series of trial speeches. was how God would “restore David’s LISTENED The climax of Acts is found in chapter fallen tent”. 26 where Paul addressed Herod Yet the Gentiles would receive the Agrippa II. Although the surroundings blessings of salvation, not by becoming TO were decidedly Roman, Agrippa was Jews (15:19) but through repentance the head of the Jewish nation, the and faith in Jesus Christ (13:38-39). REFNET guardian of the Temple and versed in The stumbling block before many the Jewish Scriptures (26:2-3, 26-7). YET? Gentiles who heard this message was Paul insisted that his message was the problem of Jewish unbelief. What if nothing less than the hope of Israel they were right and Jesus is not the real RefNet is now reaching (26:4-8). When Festus interrupted Messiah? What if God had abandoned people in even more countries Paul, he deflected his question and His ancient people? Luke addressed around the world with pressed home his challenge to Agrippa these questions by showing that the trustworthy Christian internet with a disarming combination of God of Israel holds fast to His sovereign radio. In addition to featuring humour and earnestness (26:28-9). plan. The risen Jesus stands at the biblical preaching and Paul yearned for the salvation of this centre of that plan. He is the Saviour of teaching from the ministries man and the people he represented. all nations because He is the promised Messiah of Israel. We can have of Alistair Begg, D. Martyn This yearning revealed itself even in confidence in His promises. We are to Lloyd-Jones, John MacArthur, Rome. On the face of it Paul went to preach him boldly to all nations. As we Albert Mohler, John Piper, Rome to plead his case before Caesar do that, we are to remember that God R.C. Sproul, and many others, (25:12, 25). Yet Luke tells us nothing still yearns for the salvation of His RefNet’s daily programming about that. Instead he tells us that Paul ancient people and we can take heart schedule includes Scripture gathered the Jews of Rome to declare to from His perseverance with them. readings, Charles Spurgeon’s them “the kingdom of God” (28:24). Morning and Evening Andrew Stewart is the of the In spite of the mixed response to Paul’s devotions, news updates, Reformed Presbyterian Church in message which prompted him to quote audiobooks, music, and more. Geelong, Vic. the ominous warning of Isaiah 6:9-10, and a further resolve to preach to the Join listeners in more than Gentiles, Luke leaves the question of Read and download 170 countries by downloading Israel’s destiny open, yet hopeful. For sixteen years of AP the free RefNet app or visiting today. the next two years Paul welcomed “all free of charge at who came to see him”, Jew and Gentile alike. His message was “the kingdom of God”, that is the kingdom which God Click the Past Issues would restore when Israel received her button and enjoy! Messiah. The door is still open! This is

8 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU Child - safe Godly principles for raising children.

David Palmer

t is interesting that whereas Luther Care is required to ensure a couple are First, it was ordained for the emphasised the Law of God as that well suited and ready for marriage and procreation of children, to be brought Iwhich exposes our sin and drives us that the marriage is supported by up in the fear and nurture of the Lord, to Christ (e.g. Gal 3:23,24), Calvin, parents. Marriage preparation classes and to the praise of His holy Name. whilst not denying this truth, emphasised are the key to ensuring the couple is Second, it was ordained for a remedy its role as shaping our gratitude for the well-suited, ready and understands the against sin, and to avoid fornication; gift of salvation in Christ. Godly living nature and inviolability (the “not to be that such persons as have not the gift of will involve taking to heart and putting broken” nature) of marriage. continency might marry, and keep into practice on a daily basis what has Pastors and parents have a particular themselves undefiled members of been set out for us in the ten and important role to play as children Christ’s body. commandments, Jesus’ summary and grow into the teenage years and the specific applications given in the Thirdly, it was ordained for the mutual certainly well before they start courting. Gospels and Epistles. society, help, and comfort, that the one They must particularly guard against ought to have of the other, both in There is no question that the way the the widely held understanding in prosperity and adversity. (1662 two sexes relate has changed in recent Australian society that marriage is Anglican Prayer Book) times as to what is considered appropriate essentially an emotional union – which behaviour and language, and generally is why so many break up. Interestingly, in John Calvin’s Geneva, so for the worse. the decisive action in marriage was not Positively, what parents and pastors the wedding itself but the engagement Christians are not immune to these need to teach is that marriage is the which determined the dowry and changes, so here are some practical comprehensive union of a man and a secured the consent of both the couple measures that promote godly behaviour woman who make a permanent and and the two sets of parents to the and happiness for men and women and exclusive commitment to each other, of marriage. Once the engagement their children who in due time will also the type that is fulfilled by bearing and marry. occurred, the wedding was required to rearing children together. It is the take place within six weeks. Ideally all of us, male and female, should nature of this commitment – expect to marry and raise a family. This permanent and exclusive – that Today, engagement periods are far too is a reasonable expectation even though combine to create a special link to long and are only a temptation to not always met for unavoidable reasons. children, for their sake, that protects fornication and the stress engendered Celibacy is not the norm even though their identity and nurture by a mother by trying to avoid fornication. Once circumstances or God’s call may require it. and father. The link to children is what the decision to marry is taken, the gives marriage its special character. couple should marry promptly in a It is desirable, wherever possible, that simple, inexpensive wedding. people marry earlier rather than later, Just as important as the marriage not least to avoid fornication and to vows – “to have and to hold from this With the blessing of children (and I encourage having children while still day forth, for ...” – are the purposes would suggest young couples should young. given for marriage: give consideration to natural methods of controlling fertility), parents need to We must particularly guard against the think about training their children in widely held understanding that marriage is obedience, developing good manners, learning the difference between right essentially an emotional union. and wrong, differentiating those things

SPRING 2015 9 which lead to good outcomes from We need to remember human frailty, more those leading to bad outcomes, specifically that of ourselves and our children. becoming a good citizen and so on. The Bible has a good deal to say about disciplining the child. It must be done life. Marriage is not to be lightly There needs to be a deliberate effort to but how it is done, can be varied entered into: it is for life. God hates avoid or at least minimise debt by according to circumstances, family divorce (Malachi 2:16) restricting the scope of ambition. Mark 8:34 and 1 Peter 2:11-12 are crucial patterns and the response of the child. There are of course many practical lifestyle texts. Family worship should always be a given , issues that couples and parents need to led by the father or, in his absence, the discuss and agree on. Our pastors, How long will the wife work before mother. In this way children are taught whether in preaching or in small groups starting a family? Issues of fertility and ability to cope with children favour early to pray and learn private devotions by or in pastoral visitation, need to address child-bearing. the example of parents. these issues. What will be the rules about children’s The point of the marriage vows that Some of the questions I have in mind are: mobile phones and computers? Parents they are maintained “until death do us How to guard against sexual sin in need to carry out basic surveillance in the part” simply says marriage is for life. practical terms? Christian men need to home, and certainly not allow them in Marriage can be testing, but we grow help one another, husband and wives the bedroom at night. together through testing. Marriage need to understand one another’s sexual partners make a commitment to one needs and impulses. Just how does the family prevent another publicly that they are to honour. pornography creeping in to the home What is appropriate modesty in dress with its destructive effects? Enough is now known from the Family and behaviour? In all of these issues and many more, we Law Court to say that divorce is How to guard the tongue? The tongue need to remember human frailty, more invariably bad for the children and can cause immense damage that is hard specifically that of ourselves and our usually bad for one, if not both to undo (Jas 3:1). Filthy language is children. If at all possible, we will always marriage partners. completely inappropriate for the fall into sinful patterns of thinking, The bottom line for a young person Christian and must not be tolerated speaking and acting – so deeply contemplating marriage is: take care in (Col 3:8). Ministers and fathers have a entrenched is Adam’s sin in our lives. We your choice of a partner, listen to your particular example to set in this respect. need to consciously inwardly digest and parents, marry a fellow Christian, Sexual innuendo is totally act out Psalm 1 in our lives and of course remember and honour the marriage inappropriate as are “making eyes” and we need liberal doses of the gospel! The vows and work hard to please one generally flirting type behaviour. ultimate goal is to live godly that our children might live in a godly way! another, to please the Lord and to Where to live, how much debt to take benefit and bless the children – thereby on board which relates to housing, David Palmer is a former Moderator of the giving them the best possible start to furniture, car(s), possessions generally? Presbyterian Church of Victoria. $_;o‰;u o=

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John Huss is one of the great figures of Christian history. Campbell Markham

he German city of Constance Catholicism: the pope was the supreme coupled with the notorious immorality (Konstanz) is one of the most authority; the Latin Vulgate was the of the senior clergy, severely damaged Tbeautiful in Europe. It overlooks “right” version of Scripture and other the church’s reputation. Huss did not the blue-green lake of the same name, translations were wrong; at the Mass hold back his criticism, and Prague’s and through it flows the mighty Rhine. the bread and wine were masses flocked to hear his merciless “transubstantiated” into the actual body attacks on the hierarchy. It was there, 600 years ago on July 6, and blood of Christ; the work of priests 1415, that a thin and very sick man was The hierarchy counter-attacked. They was efficacious no matter their fastened to a wooden stake by a rusty condemned “Wycliffism”, burned the character; and the sale of indulgences— chain round his neck. Wood and straw Englishman’s books, and ordered his certificates that promised a quicker exit were piled up to his chin. He had seen followers to recant. Huss refused, and from purgatory—was the pope’s what he called “this dire, ignominious, was excommunicated and banned from approved method for raising money. and cruel death” coming for a long preaching. For Huss, this would mean The church was considered to be more breaking his ordination vows. So he time, and now the horror had arrived. of a physical and organisational kept preaching, and his popularity grew. Yet when the fire was lit, he sang hymns. structure than the spiritual body of This remarkable man was John Huss Christ, and justification by faith alone In 1412, John XXIII (one of the three (also Jan Hus), a Bohemian by birth. was forgotten. claimants popes) ordered a fresh sale of indulgences to finance his crusade Huss is Czech for goose. Why was he At university, Huss joyfully discovered against Naples. Huss was enraged. burnt alive, and why should we the writings of the Englishman John “Why does not the pope have refuge in remember him on the 600th Wycliffe (1320-1384), the “Morning prayer rather than gold or silver!” His anniversary of his death? The latter Star of the Reformation”. Wycliffe enthusiastic followers burned papal bulls. question is easy. Looking back at railed against English subordination to history as God arranged it, if there had the Bishop of Rome, taught that The political and religious situation in been no John Huss there would have transubstantiation was nonsense, and Europe grew so volatile that Sigismund, been no Martin Luther. And if there worked heroically for the translation of King of the Holy Roman Empire, had been no Martin Luther then there the Bible into his native tongue. Huss called a general church council in would have been no Protestant translated a number of Wycliffe’s books Constance in 1414. Huss went to plead Reformation and recovery of the into Czech. against his excommunication, and gospel. In God’s providence, John In his early 30s, Huss began preaching though Sigismund promised him safe Huss takes a critically important place at Prague’s new Bethlehem Chapel. At passage back to Prague, he was soon in the history of Jesus’ church. this time two rival popes, one based in imprisoned in the dungeon of a Huss was born in Husinec, Bohemia, in Rome, and the other in Avignon in Dominican monastery. There he was 1369. He was a top student at the France, each claimed to be the head of perpetually cold, hungry, and sick. University of Prague, and was made a the church. In 1409 the Council of Pisa Huss was brought to trial before a large priest in 1400. Huss inherited the tried to break the deadlock by gathering of European princes and church of high medieval Roman appointing a third pope. This fiasco, prelates in June 1415. He knew what the final outcome would be, and Huss knew what the final outcome would be, quipped bravely, “The Goose is not and quipped bravely, ‘The Goose is not afraid afraid to be cooked.” Against those who accused him for his to be cooked.’ opposition to indulgences and other

SPRING 2015 11 papal abuses, he said time and again, A famous Czech medallion represents “Show me from God’s Word where I am wrong.” And when urged to submit John Wycliffe striking sparks, John Huss to the authority of the pope, whether lighting a flame, and Martin Luther he agreed personally or not, he replied, “I cannot offend against God or my holding high a blazing torch. conscience by abjuring.” Biographer David Schaff said that Huss broke new him with a paper cone bearing the As Huss had devoured Tyndale’s books, ground by “contending for the right of word Haerersiarcha: Head of Heretics. Luther, as a curious teenager in Erfurt, the individual conscience in the read the heretic Huss’s sermons, and presence of the open Bible”. He was led to a vacant plot, where one found himself deeply influenced. After last time he refused to save his life by At each day of trial, the court openly nailing his 95 Theses to the door of recanting. “In the truth of the gospel mocked and ridiculed the sick and Wittenberg’s Castle Church in 1517, which I have written, taught, and lonely prisoner, standing against the Luther was accused time and again of preached, drawing on the sayings and assembled pomp and might of being one of the loathed “Hussites”. At positions of the holy doctors, I am ready European power. But he called Jesus his first he denied this, and said that only to die today.” As the flames consumed bellator fortis – “My Strong Champion” some of Huss’s articles were true. But him he cried out, “Christ, Son of the – and in prison, pain-wracked, he by the time of his own 1521 trial in Living God, have mercy on us!” prayed for Europe, and penned scores Worms, he revoked this, and affirmed of powerful pastoral letters. His ashes were shovelled into a that all of Huss’s articles were true, and wheelbarrow, and tipped into the Rhine. On Thursday July 6, 1415, everything that in condemning Huss, Constance was brought to its ghastly conclusion. A famous Czech medallion, cast in 1572, had condemned the gospel. Luther’s Huss was ready. “It is better to die than represents John Wycliffe striking sparks peroration at Worms very much echoed to live ill. One should not flinch before with a flint, John Huss lighting a flame, the defence of Huss a century before: the sentence of death.” He was mockingly and Martin Luther holding high a blazing “If, then, I am not convinced by proof from Holy Scripture, or by cogent robed as a priest, and then forcibly torch. This shows exactly where John reasons; if I am not satisfied by the very undressed and degraded. They crowned Huss fits into the history of the church. text I have cited, and if my judgment is not in this way brought into subjection to God’s word, I neither can nor will retract anything. I stand here and can say no more. God help me. Amen.” That’s why we should remember John Huss on the 6th of July. His courage inspired Luther, and his writings taught Luther to bind his conscience to the Word alone. Luther taught that to the world, and, as Protestant believers, we live and stand in that liberating and life-giving truth today. Take time to thank God for the Goose, the great John Huss. Campbell Markham is pastor of Cornerstone Church, Tas.


Baptists accept tongues Under the previous rules, candidates religious leaders should look to confront the “profound differences” For more than a decade, the Southern who spoke in tongues or had a “private between faiths. Baptist Convention’s International prayer language” were barred. Under Mission Board (IMB) disqualified the new rules, speaking in tongues does “The worst poison pen letters I get are candidates who spoke in tongues or not disqualify missionary candidates. from other Christian groups on the who had been baptized in churches that Too much emphasis on charismatic whole,” Welby revealed during his disagreed with the convention’s view of gifts, like speaking in tongues, could address to the Board of Deputies of baptism. still lead to discipline. British Jews. But the IMB’s trustees have approved a Today “The reality is that we do not as faith groups in our society always exhibit new, simplified set of rules for the Christians ‘worst haters’ agency’s more than 4800 missionaries. that secure tolerance to each other that Missionary candidates must affirm the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby enables us to speak powerfully of secure doctrines found in the Baptist Faith and says the worst “poison pen letters” he tolerance to the world around us. Message statement of beliefs, be baptized receives are from other Christians. The Christians are as bad as anyone at this – by immersion, be a member of a SBC leader of the Anglican Communion in fact, if I dare to be competitive, I church, and demonstrate an “intimate, said that Christian groups are failing to think we’re worse.” growing relationship with Christ”. show tolerance to one another, and Christian Post

SPRING 2015 13 Call to name God ‘She’ statement while in hospital. “When I encourage Christians to move or hide Newly ordained women bishops in the asked them not to abuse me, one man their religion,” the commission said. Church of England have called for poured kerosene on me and lit a match.” UCA Anglican liturgy to refer to God as “She”. Joseph Francis, national director of the Britain’s Christians in decline “Support is growing within the Church of Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Nearly half the people in the UK say England to rewrite its official liturgy to refer Settlement, said the murder had they have no religion – up to 49% in to God as female following the selection increased the sense of insecurity of the 2014 British Social Attitudes survey of the first women bishops,” London’s Christians after the twin suicide from 43% in 2004. Anglicans – the Telegraph newspaper reported. One bombing attacks on churches in Lahore established church in Britain – have campaigner said many Anglican parishes in March that killed 15 people. fallen catastrophically to 17% from are using female pronouns for God already. UCA 40% in 1983 and 28% in 2004. Ruth Gledhill, a veteran British religion Attacks by Hindus rising Other Christian denominations have reporter writing in Christian Today , said Attacks in India on Christians and remained stable over the past 30 years. the changes might include language some Muslims under the ruling pro-Hindu Roman Catholics make up 8% of the would view as radical. “Proclaiming ‘Jesa Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have sample, down from 10% cent in 1983. Christa, crucified’ is among the liturgical escalated in the past year, according to a The “Other Christian” sector has changes that could help lessen abuse of report compiled by human rights activists. power in the Church, according to a remained static at 17%. The proportion leading woman priest,” she wrote. The report, titled 365 Days: Democracy who identify as Muslim has grown and Secularism Under the Modi Regime , tenfold, from about 0.5 per cent in Christian Today highlights the number of alleged 1983 to 5% in 2014. Pakistani boy immolated persecution cases and hate speeches In Australia, 61% of the population A Pakistani Christian boy has died five against the two religious minorities by identified as Christian in the 2011 days after being set on fire by two Muslim the Hindu majority. Census. men. Nauman Masih, 14, was set on fire Meanwhile, the US-based Commission for Churches defy state in an apparent sectarian attack in Lahore , International Religious Freedom has also the provincial capital of Punjab. He was A dozen Protestant churches have found that minority religious communities rushed to hospital with more than 50% defied a cross removal campaign by the including Christians, Muslims and Sikhs of his body covered with burns. provincial government in Zhejiang, face increased violent attacks and a “I work at a tailor shop. I was returning “climate of impunity”. It says attacks from the shop when two men on motor- have risen for three years in a row. bikes stopped me and asked about my religion. When I told them I am a “Reportedly, local police seldom provide Christian, they started calling me names,” protection, refuse to accept complaints, Nauman told a lawyer, in a video rarely investigate, and in a few cases

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14 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU China, by replacing crosses already Committee on Non-Islam Affairs said departmental policy and legislative forcibly taken down. that churches operating in commercial requirements”. But after meeting Authorities removed 12 crosses in Lishui premises only need to notify the Archbishop Davies, Mr Piccoli said the City near Wenzhou in three days in committee and are not required to have books were not banned. He conceded May, according to US-based China Aid. a permit. his department has not consulted the Many affected churches have responded A spokeswoman said: “The state Anglican Church before the ban. by re-erecting crosses – some larger than government finds the forcible removal RLG Media those removed – in defiance of recently a of the cross to be abhorrent to Evolution row costs job circulated draft law that would ban Christians and to the fundamentals of The embattled president of a Christian crosses from the tops of churches and freedom of worship enshrined in the college in Idaho has resigned following restrict their dimensions and color. Federal Constitution.” a campus crisis caused by the attempted Zhejiang authorities have forcibly UCA layoff of a popular, pro-evolution removed at least 470 crosses and Book ban reversed tenured faculty member. destroyed more than 35 churches since President David Alexander of the end of 2013, often following violent A ban on two Anglican resources used Northwest Nazarene University (NNU) exchanges with local Christians. Last in Special Religious Education (SRE) in and the school’s board of trustees month, China Aid said that the true NSW has been reversed after talks announced the move a few weeks after scale of the demolition campaign may between Sydney Archbishop Glenn Davies and the NSW Education three-quarters of the faculty voted that be as many as 1000 crosses removed and Minister, Adrian Piccoli. they had no confidence in him. up to 50 churches destroyed based on unverified reports in local media. The move follows a directive issued to Alexander sought to make theology public school principals in May professor Tom Oord redundant in March . UCA ordering an immediate halt to using Alexander had previously clashed with Malay state backs church You: An Introduction by Dr Michael Oord, who supports evolution and Church officials forced to remove a cross Jensen and the Sneaking Suspicion open theology, over matters of belief. by a Muslim protesters in Malaysia have resource by Dr John Dickson, both Supporters of Oord claimed he was been backed by state authorities, who published by Christian Education targeted for his beliefs and teaching say they should return the Christian Publications (CEP). rather than finances, which led to the symbol back to its original place. The department’s directive said the faculty vote of no-confidence.

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SPRING 2015 15 Domesticating Sin The moral absurdity of mainstreaming ‘mummy porn’

Madeleine Turner

ince the mainstream film release ease and regularity than ever before. “Everyone’s using it, right? So it must of Fifty Shades of Grey , one of the be OK?”; “I only look occasionally”; “I According to pop stars Miley Cyrus and most demeaning expressions don’t search for the hard-core stuff”; S Lady Gaga, presenting a prostitute-like bandied around the mediasphere is “It’s a fitness magazine...with a few sexy version of yourself to the world is not “mummy porn”. Those two words bits”; “But this is an award-winning TV should never sit side-by-side. While degrading. It’s liberating. As long as you series. There’s a bit of sex…but it “mummy” conveys an image of are in charge of your own wouldn’t be historically accurate if they tenderness, safety, purity and sacrificial objectification, there is no shame. Only left it out”; “I’m not being unfaithful to love, “porn” represents the very empowerment. After all, don’t women my wife”; “Porn will only enhance our antithesis of all such things. have “the right to be sexy”? Better still, sex-life”; “This music video clip is a bit claim that you’re “gender-fluid” raunchy, but I love the song!”; “I know This common marketing ploy of (identifying as either male or female this book is erotica, but it’s on the New making something unpalatable appear depending on how you feel), and you York Times’ Bestsellers’ list”. And a harmless, even acceptable, is one of the can legitimise all kinds of sexual typical justification I hear many primary ways pornography has been mainstreamed in society. And “mummy porn” is just the tip of the iceberg. According to pop stars Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga , Our culture has become so hyper- presenting a prostitute-like version of yourself to sexualised that what would have been the world is not degrading. It’s liberating. taboo decades ago is now considered common practice. All it takes is a bit of perversity. Such logic demonstrates just Christians use is, “How am I meant to word play for the mainstreaming how quickly moral absurdity abounds engage with the culture if I don’t process to begin. Pole dancing, anyone? when we try to domesticate sin. watch/read/listen to [X]?” It’s no longer confined to strip clubs. Due to some clever re-branding, pole Perhaps the greatest accelerating force Of course it’s vital that we understand dancing is more commonly referred to in the cultural mainstreaming of and engage with the culture, but at as “pole fitness” or “vertical dance”, and pornography has been the Internet. what cost? Where do we draw the line? children as young as five are taking Anyone with a computer or phone can Does what we see and listen to draw us classes. And thanks to Fifty Shades of obtain sexually explicit material with closer to Christ, and strengthen our Grey , sexual violence is dressed up as little effort or chance of being detected. relationship with Him? Or are we “kinky fun”, and sadomachism There’s no need for underground letting our hearts, which are deceitful supposedly equals empowerment. “adult” bookshops or dark movie above all things (Jer. 19:7), entice us theatres. The Internet has into sin? The normalisation of porn is a Another important component of the revolutionised the choice of big problem in our culture. But let’s not mainstreaming process is the use of pornography available that can be add to it by offering our own celebrities and popular media to consumed in the privacy of one’s home. rationalisations for why we can dabble normalise and endorse porn culture. in sin too. Celebrities are channeling their “inner Given porn’s ubiquity and availability, stripper” in movies, music videos, it can be easy to justify indulging in it. Madeleine Turner attends Ashfield magazines and social media with more Typical responses might include: Presbyterian Church


Can a Christian accept an invitation to a same sex wedding? Ben Johnson

ithout yet conceding that importance of family in the context of “in the world” or by someone who calls the Marriage Act in society is clearly seen in two of the six themselves a brother or a sister. Australia will change, commands in the second table of the W For those who call themselves brothers invitations to same sex-weddings are Ten Commandments - the commands or sisters, the response required is already out there. They will only to honour your parents and not to loving correction and discipline. Their become more common, though commit adultery. immorality is not to be celebrated certainly not proportional to the debate The emphasis on marriage and (1 Cor. 5:2). Paul’s encouragement is that is now raging. And so it is certainly parenting is also significant in the “with such a man do not even eat”. worth thinking through the household codes of Ephesians 5:21– It is very hard to see how one could sit predicament before you find yourself in 6:9, Colossians 3:18-4:1 and 1 Peter down at the wedding banquet of one it: can a Christian accept an invitation 2:13-3:7. By inviting you to their who is supposedly a brother or sister to a same sex wedding? wedding, a couple, maybe unwittingly, and yet is solemnising a same-sex While the definition of marriage is under are making themselves accountable to relationship with “marriage” vows. debate, so too may be the definition of a “wedding”. For the purpose of this It is important to differentiate between a discussion, I am presuming that if you same-sex “Christian” wedding and a same-sex have been invited to a “wedding”, then it can be defined as the mutual consent wedding that makes no reference to God. and solemn vow between two people to love one another exclusively for life you, their community, for their In the wedding ceremony itself, if there made in the presence of witnesses. As promises to love one another. They are is prayer for the couple to the Father in such, it is a public event or, at least, as looking to you for your blessing and the name of the Son, will you say public as the circle of family and friends support in their endeavour. “Amen”? Will you ask God to bless that invited to witness the occasion. which He has clearly said He does not? So should you go? Such a prospect is terrifying. From a Christian perspective, we It is important to differentiate between understand that it is important to make What if the Bible is read? It is one thing a same-sex “Christian” wedding and a marriage promises in the context of to unwittingly find yourself in a Sunday community. As much as some might same-sex wedding that makes no service where the Bible is flagrantly like to think “what I do in my reference to the God and Father of our misconstrued - you may choose to walk relationships doesn’t affect others”, it Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 5 out or politely endure the event but does. This is right and good. Marriage makes very important distinctions then not return to that church again. is a social institution. Marriage between how we are to respond to But will you knowingly walk into such promises create a family that is the sexual immorality, depending on a situation? How will you feel sitting basic building block of society. The whether it is committed by someone through that service without making a

SPRING 2015 17 stand? The prophets and Jesus Himself Remember, our hope is not to see them reserved their most severe rebukes for come to heterosexuality, but to Jesus the the unfaithfulness of Israel’s leaders rather than the idolatry of the world. friend of sinners. What about those friends you have who are “in the world” and invite you to den and his companions the flames subtext – like on the groom’s their same-sex wedding? In 1 rather than fall in line with public Facebook page – “with my friends Corinthians 5:9-12, Paul qualifies his idolatry. supporting our life together”. It command not to associate with sexually drags you into a false, or at best, Finally there are some other practical immoral people by saying “not at all confusing public witness. implications for a Christian to consider meaning the people of this world … in in accepting an invitation to a same-sex So, how then might you lovingly that case you would have to leave this wedding. If you did accept, thinking handle an invitation to a same sex world. … What business is it of mine you are just a passive observer and not wedding? to judge those outside the church?” actively supporting the wedding, here Show genuine thankfulness for the At first glance, this might seem to leave are some parts of the service where you invitation and deep appreciation of the us free to attend such a same-sex may well find yourself “on the spot”: fact that they have included you among wedding. However, while it gives us • If the celebrant were to ask “Does their close community. Your refusal will freedom to associate with such people bring pain to all parties. Acknowledge as Jesus did in the attempt to lovingly anyone have any reason why this this as it shows how much you care call them to repentance and faith, it is wedding should not take place?”, about the couple involved and your quite another thing to attend their what will you do in that moment? relationship with them. wedding ceremony. Do you remain silent, even though you do have sound biblical reason to Give clear refusal with the request that Paul refers to a similar distinction in 1 speak up … just to keep the peace? your different view on this issue be Corinthians 8-10. It is OK to purchase Or do you speak up and radically tolerated or even respected. It is easy to at the market the meat sacrificed to disrupt the proceedings? pretend that you couldn’t make it idols and then to eat it: for “we know because you had something else on but that an idol is nothing at all in the • Or when the couple are pronounced this can just be insulting. As Christians world and that there is no God but “husband and husband” or “wife our “yes” is to be yes and our “no” no. one” (8:4). But it is quite another thing and wife” or, more likely, to “participate in the altar” or the “table pronounced “married”, and Continue to work hard at prayerful and of demons” by going to the temple and everybody claps as the groom kisses loving engagement. Declining the eating the sacrifice offered to the idol the groom, will you join in and invitation will test your relationship. (10:18-21). celebrate with a clap and a cheer at Do not be the one to turn away from that moment? Attendance with the the relationship. Do what you can to The Corinthian Christians may have intention of raining on the party is show that you care about them in as protested “but I don’t believe an idol is not really in the spirit of an many other ways and remember, our anything. I am just going through the invitation acceptance. hope is not to see them come to motions because it is part of being heterosexuality, but to Jesus the friend engaged in Roman society”. But Paul • Photos in the context of social media of sinners. would say “Are we trying to arouse the will bring you a great dilemma. Lord’s jealousy? Are we stronger than Photos posted of you with the Ben Johnson is Presbyterian minister at He?” (10:22). Daniel endured the lions’ couple can be posted with any Warrnambool, Vic.

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18 AP SUBSCRIBE FOR YOUR OWN FREE COPY AT AP.ORG.AU abstinenWchee n is sinful The bible is clear: frequent sex is a duty for both husband and wife.

Darren Middleton

t saturates our screens, it inundates optional in marriage. If you are prayer; but then come together again, the internet, it dominates the planning to get married, you are so that Satan may not tempt you Icultural discourse but all too often, planning to have sex. You are spouses, because of your lack of self-control. in conservative Christian circles, sex is not roommates. To that end pre- Now as a concession, not a command, I absent from the pulpit. marriage counselling should include the say this.” Seventeen years of pastoral experience pointed question: Are you willing to Paul expects that apart from an has taught me that sexual relations in meet your spouse’s legitimate sexual extended time of prayer, Christian too many Christian marriages are needs? If you are not willing to do so, couples would not deprive one another suffocating in an atmosphere of defeat don’t get married. of sexual relations. And even that is a and negativity that cannot be The word translated “conjugal rights” concession not a command! Of course reconciled to Scriptural teaching. means to pay, repay, give or fulfil an the reader may well ask, so how frequent is frequent? My answer would Now of course we live in a broken implied duty or obligation (in this case be that, given Paul allows a concession world, so there are many reasons why marital sex). To have sex with your for what I imagine is an extended time sex in marriage is not all it can be. Such spouse then is to fulfil a covenant factors as age, accidents or mental or physical illness may result in sexlessness Withholding sex from your spouse becomes in marriage. However, putting aside the an act of theft or fraud, meaning in most exceptions, the biblical rule is this: sexlessness in marriage is sinfulness. cases, sexlessness is sinfulness! In 1 Corinthians 7:1-6 the Apostle Paul obligation, likened by Paul to a debt or of prayer, I think frequent would be answers the implied question from the a duty paid. The same Greek words are measured in days, not weeks and Corinthian church: “It is good for a used in Matthew 18:26, 32 and certainly not months. man not to have sexual relations with a Romans 13:7 concerning the paying of woman.” In their culture of immorality, For many, sex will be daily, for others it outstanding debts. easy divorce and remarriage, where may be every few days, certainly weekly. Greeks used prostitutes and courtesans Consequently, there is an expectation of But if it was less frequent it would for pleasure, and wives to provide continued sexual availability of both make Paul’s extended prayer concession children and household stability – some partners in marriage. So, while sex is a somewhat redundant. (How long are Christians reacted with a sort of sexual delight, it is also a duty and/or debt. your prayer meetings?) So temporary austerity policy. Therefore, withholding sex from your periods of sexlessness in marriage to And Paul responds, saying “because of spouse becomes an act of theft or fraud, concentrate on a season of prayer by the temptation to sexual immorality, meaning in most cases, sexlessness is mutual agreement is a concession each man should have his own wife and sinfulness! offered by the Apostle, but certainly it’s not a command (vs.6). each woman her own husband. The Moreover, it’s God’s will that sex should husband should give to his wife her be frequent in marriage. Paul writes, So we can say with certainty that conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to “Do not deprive one another, except frequent sex is God’s will for married her husband.” perhaps by agreement for a limited couples. However, it is also God’s will In other words, Paul says, sex is not time, that you may devote yourselves to according to 1 Peter 3:7, that husbands

SPRING 2015 19 should “live with your wives in an Many men think, if the sex is frequent the understanding way…” The idea is that marriage will be good. Many women think, if the the husband studies his wife like a book, and gains personal insight into marriage is good the sex will be frequent. how she thinks and feels. The result of this is that he lives with her in a to sexual immorality, each man should or engage in other forms of lust. Paul knowledgeable way, which appreciates have his own wife and each woman her commends frequent, generous sex that that sex for married couples functions own husband…so that Satan may not satisfies your spouse’s legitimate sexual both as a thermostat and a tempt you because of your lack of self- needs, and in doing so reduces the thermometer. control.” temptation or attraction of sexual immorality. For many men, sex is like a thermostat The idea here is that sex is satisfying regulating the warmth of the marriage, legitimate sexual needs of your spouse So God’s will is for frequent sex in whereas for many women it’s a (that you agreed to satisfy when you marriage that ameliorates the cultural thermometer recording the warmth of agreed to become one flesh). Paul twice effects of sexual immorality and the their marriage. Many men think, if the states that a result of a satisfying sex life obvious temptations that follow. But sex is frequent the marriage will be is that we are not easily tempted to there still exists one nagging question: good. Many women think, if the satisfy those needs elsewhere. But there What do you do when one spouse marriage is good the sex will be is never any justification for satisfying desires to have sex daily, and the other is more than happy with weekly? frequent. sexual needs outside the covenant Importantly then, just as frequent sex is relationship, nor are Paul’s comments Verse 4 seems to be the solution. “For God’s will for marriage, so is living and meant to be used as leverage against a the wife does not have authority over loving in an understanding way. I say spouse, e.g., “give me sex or I might her own body, but the husband does. that because navigating differences in look elsewhere”. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the sexual desires between men and women However, it is equally important to wife does.” can be difficult. Nonetheless, frequent remember that Paul is offering wisdom sex in a loving and understanding here to married couples, encouraging a Paul’s answer seems to be that because marriage is God’s revealed will for sexual generosity that satisfies their our bodies belong to the other, our married couples. spouse’s sexual needs. The idea being, attitude should be that of seeking to This is important not just because it that in doing so, you also help your outdo one another in love and honour. satisfies legitimate sexual needs within spouse’s resolve to resist the manifold In other words, understand sex not as taking, but as giving. There is an the marriage, but it also helps keep the temptations of the Evil One, whether expectation of generosity, and marriage bed pure. Paul says in Vs.2 that manifests itself in an opportunity expectation that in giving, rather than and 5, “But because of the temptation to commit adultery, watch pornography taking, we will meet the legitimate needs of our spouse, putting their needs and preferences before our own. And as each seeks to meet the other’s desires, compromise will be the natural and happy outcome. However, whatever compromises are made, they should bring us closer to the biblical norm of generous, frequent sex, and not further away. For we have already established this general truth, that being sexless in marriage is being sinful. Darren Middleton is pastor of North Geelong Presbyterian Church, Vic.

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Human Sexuality and the arguments we might use to get more with Christians – one in particular. traction than “the Bible says” “Same Sex Marriage” Apologetics plays a prominent part in arguments. Unfortunately, it is the Qureshi’s conversion, naturally enough, Debate shortest chapter. but the emphasis on dreams is not always Chapter 5 is about “Ministering to easy to interact with. That God uses David Burge those who experience same-sex dreams, I do not doubt; that one should attraction” and offers sensitive, We might have a rely so totally on them as the decisive practical, positive guidance for good grasp of what factor in converting is more open to pastors and churches. the Bible says question. For all that, this is a work to about sex and This is a most insightful resource that encourage and educate Christians, and marriage, but how does not shy away from speaking hopefully to challenge Muslims. do we get our unashamedly the truths of God's Peter Barnes is editor of AP. heads around the word. Many might scoff or be angered recent “same-sex by its “politically incorrect” message, Discipleship Explored marriage” storm? but its arguments are reasonable, Barry Cooper And how do we gracious and clear. The Good Book Company, 2012 communicate in a way that seems David Burge is the Presbyterian minister rational to our friends who oppose Mark Powell at Walcha, NSW. religion, or who do not accept the Recently I have become increasingly relevance of the Bible? Leading thinkers Seeking Allah, aware of the value of course work from the Sydney Anglican Diocesan Finding Jesus material rather than just books Doctrine Commission have produced Nabeel Qureshi and this is one of the best this timely, helpful resource. Zondervan, 2014. examples. From the same people Chapter 1 concisely presents the origin, that brought us Christianity defining moments, and orchestration Peter Barnes Explored comes the follow-up behind the strong “same-sex marriage” In this work, Nabeel course helping people to grow as and “marriage equality” push around Qureshi recounts disciples of Christ. the Western world. It explains the his journey from shrewd choice of vocabulary and Presented by Barry Cooper, the being a devout strategies intended to make the debate content, as well as the way it is Muslim (from the very difficult for those defending the presented, Ahmadiyya sect) to becoming a “inequality” position. is quite Christian. As one would expect, it is simply Chapter 2 then clarifies the Biblical fascinating, insightful, and at times brilliant. position on same-sex relationships, frustrating. Perhaps the first thing that There are exposing and discrediting twisted ought to be said is that the book is eight sessions interpretations of the Bible often used to dedicated to Qureshi’s parents who are in all, taking support same-sex relationships, such as still Muslim and whom he loves dearly. you through the Bible's historical and cultural distance. The family was a close-knit one, and the book of Chapter 3 presents the theme of their characters are loving and Philippians. attractive – yet another lesson that not marriage and sexuality throughout the After some all Muslims are bloodthirsty supporters sweep of the Bible, showing the introductory of ISIL. richness of marriage in God's purposes questions, of creation, revelation and salvation. Extracting himself from Islam was a there is then a Chapter 4, “Arguing in the Public long and painful process for Qureshi. 10-minute presentation on the DVD Sphere”, was for this reviewer the most The two most significant obstacles for followed by four or five in-depth helpful chapter in light of today's him, doctrinally at least, were the death discussion questions to dig deeper into context of debate. It considers pitfalls of Christ on the cross and His deity. the passage. I particularly appreciated Christians should avoid and, on the One lesson for Christians is how the Bible being read (by the actor James positive side, the manner, methods and important were Qureshi’s friendships Cosmo) at the start of each study.

SPRING 2015 21 Throughout the week they then suggest (the young, the restless and result of this study is what Jonathan a number of short passages to look at the reformed), containing as it does a Edwards called “broken-hearted joy”, each day to follow up on the theme series of chapters from authors - and Piper has enabled us to see how that has just been presented, greatly including John Piper, Kevin De Young these doctrines fit together so logically enhancing the effectiveness of the and Ed Welsh - concerned with the and powerfully. course. growth of genuine holiness, corporately and individually, among the people of Evangelical Holiness and If you are discipling a new Christian or God. It is packed full of theological other addresses just looking for something to do with wisdom and practical insights. Iain Murray your small group or maybe even on your own, then look no further, Stuart Bonnington is minister of Scots’ Banner of Truth, because this is terrific. Kirk, Fremantle, WA. 2013. Mark Powell is associate pastor at Five Points: Towards a Peter Barnes Cornerstone Presbyterian Community Deeper Experience of I had read most Church, Sydney. God’s Grace of these five Acting the Miracle John Piper addresses before, but I God’s Work and Ours in the Christian was Focus, 2013 Mystery of Sanctification wonderfully Ed. John Piper and David Mathis Peter Barnes surprised to be so refreshed by going through them a Crossway, The so-called second time. The topics covered are: 2013 Five Points of Evangelical Holiness and Spirituality; Calvinism - Stuart The Attack on the Bible; Apostasy; The total depravity, Bonnington Benefits and Dangers of Controversy; unconditional and Rest in God. Each one is handled These two election, limited atonement, with insight born of years in the books go irresistible grace and perseverance of the Scriptures and in Church history. together very saints - are denoted by the acronym nicely and will TULIP. John Piper suggests a better Indeed, there is godly wisdom on every help the word order is TILUP, but that rather page. Some of it is simply superb, as reader to get a destroys the acronym. However, that is this citation from Thomas Adam: “The much firmer about the only damage that is done. further a man advances in Christianity, grasp of two essential aspects of the This is finely and passionately argued. the more he sees the ignorance, selfish Christian faith – the glory of the baseness, and corruption of mankind; Nothing is really new but it is a Incarnation and the resultant spiritual and yet the more he loves them. The wonderful summary of the doctrines of power for the Christian through their wisdom from above can account for grace. Piper deals with the doctrines living union with their Saviour the this impossibility.” Lord Jesus Christ, which then allows from Scripture, and clarifies any them to grow in the grace of possible misunderstandings. For The section on music is intriguing, sanctification. example, on irresistible grace he writes: particularly Horatius Bonar’s comment “Irresistible grace does not drag the that the Roman Empire died “music- God’s Work has two parts, starting with unwilling into the kingdom, it makes mad”. The argument is slanted against “the topic of God becoming man”, the unwilling willing.” the use of musical instruments in inspired by John 1:14.16-18. The worship. That the music issue is a central theme is “He is Immanuel, God His treatment of limited atonement is grievous one in modern evangelicalism with us” (Matt 1:23). God is with us; most compelling. The “us all” of is clear; that abolishing instruments or we are not alone. Then consideration is Romans 8:32 does not refer to all and allowing only one will solve that or given to “Jesus's union with us as sundry but to all the foreknown, alleviate it in some way is not so individuals and corporately as His predestined, called, justified and obvious, to me at least, I must say that bride, the church”. This book is well glorified of Romans 8:29-30. Christ, as the cover – which shows a microphone written and clear in its expression. A the bridegroom , loves the bride with a on top of a pulpit and nothing else - study guide and teaching DVDs are particular love (Eph.5:25-33). Piper lacks a little in imagination. But that is available from . explains this by referring to his wife: “I would not want Noël to think that she a minor criticism. This is a work that Acting the Miracle contains the elaborated is loved just because I love all women has been a privilege to have read. substance of the Desiring God 2012 and she happens to be a woman.” National Conference on the theme of These books are available at Reformers sanctification. It bears all the hallmarks There is a particular love of Christ Bookshop, phone: (02) 9564 3555 of the gifted writers of the so called new which is focused on His people. The web:


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h LAST WORD Work t willingly

To despise good deeds is to abandon the Bible Peter Barnes

t is disturbing to come across grace; they cannot enable us to regain a heaven (Matt.5:16). When we bear evangelicals whose default position state of grace. fruit by abiding in the vine, who is when they hear the expression Christ, we glorify the Father (John I To turn to the positive, Ephesians 2:10 ‘‘good works’’ is to go into a somewhat 15:1-11). The Scriptures are not given goes on to tell us: ‘‘For we are His aggressive attack on them. This is by no just to help us make an informed workmanship, created in Christ Jesus means unknown in Sydney decision, but to equip us for every good for good works, which God prepared evangelicalism, and Stephen work (2 Tim.3:17). In short, it takes a beforehand, that we should walk in Westerholm tells a joke – perhaps determined misreading of the Bible to them.” We are not saved by works done rather inadvisably – about the Lutheran think that God has not commanded us by us in righteousness (Tit.3:5), but we who wondered why he had been to abound in good works. are to devote ourselves to good works condemned, until he remembered that (Tit.3:8). Good works show that our Furthermore, any downplaying of good he had once done a good deed. faith in Christ is a true and living faith works is a distortion of the message of Some clarity of thought is surely in (James 2:26). When Christians meet the Reformation, which proclaimed its order. We will start with the negative, together, we are meant not just to be solas of grace alone, faith alone, the that ‘‘by works of the law no flesh will taught from the Word but to stir up Scriptures alone, Christ alone, and to be justified in His sight, since through one another to love and good works the glory of God alone. In his 1520 the Law comes knowledge of sin’’ (Heb.10:24). We are to adorn the treatise, The Freedom of a Christian , (Rom.3:20). Sometimes the illustration doctrine of God our Saviour (Tit.2:10), Martin Luther wrote of good works: is given that a ladder will not get us to so, says Paul, ‘‘let our people learn to ‘‘we cherish and teach them as much as heaven. That is true, but in the case of devote themselves to good works, so as possible”. In Luther’s view, as in the good works the problem is not with the to help cases of urgent need, and not be Bible’s (Gal.5:6), love was to flow from ladder but the climber. unfruitful” (Tit.3:14). faith: ‘‘being justified beforehand by It is because of our fallen sinful nature We know that we know Christ – faith, we ought to do all things freely that God’s demand for us to be holy is meaning, we have assurance – if we and joyfully for the sake of others.” His not a proclamation of salvation but of keep His commandments and walk as message was that ‘‘Our faith in Christ judgment. ‘‘For by grace you have been He walked (1 John 2:1-6). Assurance does not free us from works but from saved through faith. And this is not without good works is presumption, a false opinions concerning works”. your own doing; it is the gift of God, counterfeit assurance. Good works also It is not evangelical to trust in good not a result of works, so that no one provide a kind of window to the world, works, but neither is it evangelical to may boast” (Eph.2:8-9). Good works that it may see our good works and give despise good works. Standing nowhere would have kept Adam in a state of glory not to us but our Father in else save on the firm foundation of the free unmerited grace of God in Christ Our faith in Christ does not free us Jesus, we are to delight in good works – for our own assurance, to help other from works but from false opinions Christians, to be a witness to the world, concerning works. and to glorify God in heaven. Peter Barnes is editor of AP