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Article: Andreyev, Andrei orcid.org/0000-0003-2828-0262, Nishio, Katsuhisa and Schmidt, Karl- Heinz (2017) Nuclear Fission: : A Review of Experimental Advances and Phenomenology. Reports on progress in . 016301. ISSN 0034-4885 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6633/aa82eb

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Nuclear Fission: A Review of Experimental Advances and Phenomenology

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Manuscript version: Accepted Manuscript Andreyev et al

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CONTENTS 1 1 2 3 Nuclear Fission: A Review of Experimental Advances and 4 5 Phenomenology 6 7 8 A.N. Andreyev1,2,K.Nishio2, K.-H. Schmidt3 9 1 Department of Physics, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom 10 2 Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Agency, Tokai, Iberaki, 319-1195, Japan 11 3 Rheinstr. 4, D 64390 Erzhausen, 12 13 14 Abstract In the last two decades, through technological, experimental and theoretical advances, the situation 15 in experimental fission studies has changed dramatically. With the use of advanced production and detection 16 techniques both much more detailed and precise information can now be obtained for the traditional regions of 17 fission research and, crucially, new regions of nuclei have become routinely accessible for fission studies. 18 This first of all reviews the recent developments in experimental fission techniques, in particular the 19 resurgence of transfer-induced fission reactions with and heavy ions, the emerging use of inverse-kinematic 20 approaches, both at Coulomb and relativistic , and of fission studies with radioactive beams. 21 The emphasis on the fission-fragment and charge distributions will be made in this work, though some of 22 the other fission observables, such as prompt and γ-ray emission will also be reviewed. 23 A particular attention will be given to the low-energy fission in the so far scarcely explored nuclei in the very 24 neutron-deficient lead region. They recently became the focus for several complementary experimental studies, 25 such as β-delayed fission with radioactive beams at ISOLDE(CERN), Coulex-induced fission of relativistic 26 secondary beams at FRS(GSI), and several prompt fusion-fission studies. The synergy of these approaches 27 allows a unique insight in the new region of asymmetric fission around 180Hg, recently discovered at ISOLDE. 28 Recent extensive theoretical efforts in this region will also be outlined. 29 The unprecedented high-quality data for fission fragments, completely identified in Z and A, by means of reactions 30 in inverse kinematics at FRS(GSI) and VAMOS(GANIL) will be also reviewed. These experiments explored an 31 extended range of mercury-to- elements, spanning from the neutron-deficient to neutron-rich , 32 and covering both asymmetric, symmetric and transitional fission regions. 33 Some aspects of heavy-ion induced fusion-fission and quasifission reactions will be also discussed, which reveal 34 their dynamical features, such as the fission time scale. The crucial role of the multi-chance fission, probed by 35 means of multinucleon-transfer induced fission reactions, will be highlighted. 36 The review will conclude with the discussion of the new experimental fission facilities which are presently being 37 brought into operation, along with promising ’next-generation’ fission approaches, which might become available 38 within the next decade. 39 Contents 3.1.2 Prompt multi- transfer- 40 induced fission technique. . . . . 13 41 1 Introduction 2 3.2 Spontaneous and neutron-induced fis- 42 sion, the measurements of prompt fis- 43 2 General features of fission experiments in sion γ raysandneutrons...... 15 44 direct and inverse kinematics 4 3.2.1 2v-2E ’double velocity - dou- 45 2.1 Fission experiments in direct kinematics 5 ble energy’ method for fission- 46 2.2 Boosting the fission-fragment energies fragment measurements...... 15 47 for improving the mass/charge resolu- 3.2.2 Measurements of prompt neu- 48 tion in inverse-kinematics fission studies 9 tron and γ-ray decays from fis- 49 sionfragments...... 16 50 3 Selected examples of experimental fission 3.2.3 Fission with neutron 51 techniques 9 sources at n−TOF at CERN, 52 3.1 Measurements of fission-fragment mass LANSCE at LANL, JSNS at J- 53 distributions in prompt-fission studies PARC...... 16 54 in direct kinematics at near-Coulomb- 3.3 Current photofission experiments with 55 barrierenergies...... 9 γ-ray beams, Compton-backscattered γ- 56 3.1.1 Typical setups for prompt fusion- raysourcesforfission...... 19 57 fissionexperiments...... 10 58 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 2 of 77

CONTENTS 2 1 2 3.4 β-delayed fission with stable and ra- 4.6.2 Prompt γ-ray emission from 3 dioactivebeams...... 19 fissionfragments...... 53 4 3.5 Fission in inverse kinematics ...... 21 4.7 Spallation-fission studies for ADS . . . . 54 5 3.5.1 Coulomb-induced fission with 6 secondary relativistic beams at 5 Future developments in fission tech- 7 GSI...... 21 niques 56 8 3.5.2 Multi-nucleon-transfer-induced fis- 5.1 Fission of secondary RIBs at relativistic 9 sion with a 238UbeamatVA- energies at GSI/FAIR and RIKEN . . . 56 10 MOS(GANIL)...... 25 5.2 Fission of post-accelerated RIBs in 11 transfer-induced reactions in inverse 12 4 Discussion 26 kinematics at energies around the 13 4.1 Mapping fission in the neutron-deficient at HIE-ISOLDE (CERN) 57 14 lead region by means of βDF, relativistic 5.3 Recent technical developments for neutron- 15 Coulex and prompt-fission techniques . 27 inducedfissionresearch...... 57 16 4.1.1 New island and a new mech- 5.3.1 Prospective fission studies with 17 anism of asymmetric fission the FIPPS spectrometer at ILL . 57 18 180 19 around Hg...... 27 5.3.2 for Science(NSF) facil- 20 4.1.2 Multimodal fission and asymmetric- ityatSPIRAL(GANIL)..... 57 to-symmetric transition in the 5.4 Future photofission experiments with 21 180 210 22 region between Hg and Ra. 30 brilliant, tunable, high-intensity γ-ray 23 4.1.3 Asymmetric-to-symmetric tran- beams...... 58 24 sition along the chain of mercury 180 198 25 , from Hg to Hg . . 31 6 Some of the open questions in fission 26 4.2 New results on fission in the astatine- studies 58 27 to-californium region from inverse kine- 6.1 Fission-fragment properties in scarcely- 28 maticsexperiments...... 33 exploredregions...... 58 29 4.2.1 Overall variation of fission channels 34 6.2 Needs for signatures of fission dynamics 58 30 4.2.2 General characteristics of odd- 6.3 Fission-fragment angular momentum . . 59 31 evenstructures...... 36 6.4 Dissipation and time scales in fission . . 59 32 4.2.3 Nuclear dissipation from inverse- 33 kinematics experiments . . . . . 37 7 Summary and Conclusions 60 34 4.3 Fission studies by means of few- and 8 Acknowledgments 61 35 multi- nucleon transfer reactions . . . . 38 36 4.3.1 Fission-fragment mass distribu- 9 References 61 37 tions of the heavy mea- 38 suredatJAEA...... 38 39 4.3.2 structures in the su- 1. Introduction 40 perdeformed and hyperdeformed Nuclear fission, discovered in 1938 [1], provides one 41 minima of the fission barrier . . . 41 of the most dramatic examples of a nuclear decay, 42 4.3.3 Fission probabilities via the sur- 43 whereby the nucleus splits preferentially into two rogate method: spin mismatch smaller fragments releasing a large amount of energy. 44 issues and the use of inverse kine- Fission is a unique tool for probing the nuclear 45 maticsatVAMOS...... 42 46 potential-energy landscape and its evolution, as a 4.4 Recent results on spontaneous fission . . 44 function of elongation, mass asymmetry, spin, and 47 4.5 Fusion-fission and quasifission phenom- 48 excitation energy, from the single compound-nucleus ena in heavy-ion-induced reactions . . . 44 system over the top of the fission barrier and further 49 4.5.1 Orientation effect and its impor- to the scission point, culminating in the formation of 50 tance for the fusion-fission versus 51 fission fragments. This transition involves a subtle quasifission competition. . . . . 44 interplay of collective (macroscopic) and single- 52 4.5.2 Mass-angle correlation in quasi- 53 (microscopic) effects, such as shell effects and pairing, fission and fusion-fission, fission 54 all of which considered both for the initial nucleus timescale...... 48 55 and for the final fission fragments and at large 4.6 Prompt-neutron and γ-ray emission in 56 deformations. fission: selected recent results...... 50 57 In Fig. 1, the fission process is illustrated as the 4.6.1 Prompt- from 58 collective motion of the nucleus in deformation space. fissionfragments...... 50 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 3 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 3 1 2 Macroscopic Energy only Microscopic effects added total becomes the sum of macroscopic 3 (like a Liquid Drop) (nuclear shells and pairing) (LDM) and misroscopic (shell effects) energy: V = 4 total V (LDM)+V (Shells). This naturally led to the 5 macro micro appearance of the asymmetric fission valleys, as shown 6 in Fig. 1,(b), thus to the asymmetric fission-fragment 7 mass distribution (FFMD). As the microscopic shell 8 effects depend strongly on specific neutron and 9 numbers, their influence on the PES will differ among 10 11 the nuclei, often leading to an even more complex 12 fission potential-energy landscape with several fission 13 valleys (or fission modes [7]), each characterized by 14 its unique saddle and scission points, FFMDs and other properties, as will be extensively discussed in this 15 Figure 1. (Color online) a) Macroscopic, V (LDM), and macro review. As a final remark to this introductory picture, 16 b) total, Vtotal = Vmacro(LDM)+Vmicro(Shells) potential-energy 17 surface for the 238U nucleus as a function of elongation and it is important to note the strong dependence of 18 fission-fragment mass asymmetry. The most probable fission microscopic effects on the temperature (or, excitation paths (or ’fission valleys’), which follow the lowest energy of energy) of the nucleus. In particular, there is 19 the nucleus, are shown by the red lines with arrows. While in 20 the LDM approach only symmetric fission can happen along the compelling evidence that the shell effects are ’washed 21 single ’symmetric’ valley, the introduction of microscopic shell out’ at sufficiently high excitation energies, which leads 22 effects produces the asymmetric fission valleys. Figure modified to the disappearance of asymmetric fission valleys from [2]. 23 on the PES, reverting it to the smooth LDM-like 24 surface. Due to the latter, the nucleus will again fission 25 predominantly symmetrically, as in the pure LDM. 238 26 The nuclear potential energy for a U nucleus is This explains the strong need for fission studies as a 27 shown as a function of elongation and mass asymmetry, function of excitation energy. 28 which are the most important collective degrees of On the other hand, specifically the low-energy 29 freedom in fission. Fig. 1(a) shows the simplified fission, in which the nuclear shell effects are expected to 30 concept, initially proposed in 1939 [3], to explain be preserved, is a crucial source of our understanding 31 fission based on the so-called ’Liquid Drop Model’ of the complex process of fission and of the subtle 32 (LDM). Within the LDM-approach the nucleus is interplay between collective and single-particle degrees 33 considered as a classical incompressible ’macroscopic’ of freedom‡. However, while low excitation energies 34 liquid drop, whereby the competition between the are reached in spontaneous fission (SF), in the β- 35 repulsive Coulomb (due to the in the delayed fission (βDF), or in thermal-neutron-induced 36 nascent fission fragments) and the attractive surface reactions [8], the situation is very different when 37 energy of two fission fragments creates a smooth the fissionning nucleus is produced in reactions with 38 potential-energy surface (PES) with the minimum, charged , in particular with heavy ions. 39 denoted as the ground state in the plot. During Indeed, in the latter case the Coulomb barrier between 40 the fission process, the nucleus elongates along the the two colliding nuclei prevents them from forming 41 line of zero mass asymmetry, shown by the red line a low-excited fissioning composite system, leading to 42 in Fig. 1,(a), thus initially increasing its potential typical excitation energies of at least E∗ ∼ 35 MeV even 43 energy, until at some moment the maximum of the at the Coulomb barrier. Due to this, one preferentially 44 potential energy is reached, which is called the saddle observes symmetrical fission from a range of highly 45 point (the top of the fission barrier). Afterwards, excited states even by using incident energies in the 46 at even further elongation, the nucleus reaches the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier. Furthermore, the 47 scission point and splits in two equal fission fragments exponential drop of the fusion below the 48 (mass asymmetry =0). While the LDM approach Coulomb barrier leads to strongly reduced production 49 was able to qualitatively explain why fission is one rates in the experiments at sub-barrier energies, 50 of the main decay modes of heavy nuclei, it failed which makes such experiments less practically feasible. 51 to describe the experimental observation available at 52 that time that the fission happens predominantly ‡ In most cases throughout this review, we assume the ’low- energy’ fission regime when the excitation energy of the fissioning 53 asymmetrically, in two un-equal fragments. Following 54 system is lower or close to the height of the fission barrier, the recognition of the quantum of the atomic E∗∼B . However, due to widely different fission-barrier heights 55 f nucleus and the development of the shell-model across the Chart of Nuclei, see the discussion of Fig. 2 further in 56 approach in , the need to include the the text, this will lead to different absolute excitation energies 57 which can be considered as ’low’ or ’high’ as far as fission in microscopic shell corrections in the description of the 58 different regions is concerned. fission process was realized in [4, 5, 6], whereby the 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 4 of 77

CONTENTS 4 1 2 The situation is better in the case of multi-nucleon 25, 26, 27] and references therein. An odd-even 3 transfer (MNT) reactions, where excited states can staggering in the yields [28], angular momenta [29], 4 be populated starting from low excitation energies, kinetic energies, and prompt-neutron multiplicities 5 sometimes from around the top of the fission barrier [30] for fission fragments with even or odd numbers 6 or even slightly below, up to highly excited states. of protons and neutrons reflects the influence of 7 To set the scene in respect of ’low-’ vs ’high- pairing correlations on the fission process. Moreover, 8 ’ energy fission, Fig. 2 shows an overview of calcu- fragment-mass-dependent data on prompt-neutron and 9 lated fission-barrier heights within the macroscopic- prompt-gamma emission after scission reveal how much 10 11 microscopic model by M¨oller et al [9]. A highly change- of the available energy release ends up in the excitation 12 able landscape with the fission-barrier heights ranging energies of the individual fragments. 13 from just a few MeV for heavy and superheavy ele- There were several previous comprehensive re- 14 ments with Z>100§,upto∼25 MeV in the vicinity views covering the fission research up to ∼1995 [31, 208 15 of the doubly magic Pb can be noted. In respect 32, 8, 33]. Several recent reviews discussed some of the 16 of the fission barriers of the neutron-deficient nuclei in fission aspects, studied in reactions with charged parti- 17 the lead region, which are discussed in detail in Sec- cles and in the traditional regions of fission in transac- 18 tion 4.1, several important conclusions can be drawn. tinide and superheavy nuclei, see e.g. [34, 35, 36]. The 19 Firstly, there exists a large group of nuclei above Z∼78 recent one by Heßberger [37] is specifically dedicated 20 and around neutron numbers N = 100–115, for which to spontaneous fission. The present work will there- 21 the typical fission barriers are below Bf ∼ 12 MeV. Due fore summarize the experimental fission data and new 22 to this, these nuclei are particularly suitable for low- or improved techniques emerging from ∼1995, includ- 23 energy fission studies by means of βDF (only odd-odd ing extensive novel research based on the use of inverse 24 cases [10]) and/or by Coulex-induced fission [11]. Sec- kinematics and radioactive ion beams, which was not 25 ondly, as mentioned above, particle-induced fission re- possible in the previous studies. 26 actions that can also be used in this region typically The outline of the review is as follows: first, 27 result in relatively high excitation energies well above Section 2 provides a general classification of different 28 the fission barrier, even if a beam energy close to the production mechanisms relevant for fission studies, in 29 Coulomb barrier is selected. As one particular exam- particular in respect of the reaction-kinematics type 30 ple, relevant for the follow-up discussions in Section - ’direct’ or ’inverse’. The follow-up Section 3 shows 31 4.1, we notice the smoothly decreasing fission barriers selected examples of experimental facilities for both 32 in the chain of the neutron-deficient Hg isotopes: from methods, while the discussion of specific results is 33 ∼24 MeV close to the neutron shell closure at N = 126, given in Section 4. Section 5 will further review a 34 to ∼10 MeV in the region of 180Hg. This explains, range of several fission facilities being presently under 35 why so far only charged-particle-induced reactions were construction or being considered for future fission 36 used in the vicinity of N = 126, see e.g. [12, 13, 14, 15], studies. The work concludes with Section 6, where 37 while both βDF and Coulex-induced fission recently a discussion of some of the open questions in fission 38 became the methods of choice to study low-energy fis- research will be given. 39 sion by approaching the mid-shell at N = 104 and be- 40 yond [10, 16, 17]. 2. General features of fission experiments in 41 While the fission-fragment mass distributions, direct and inverse kinematics 42 which are most intensively studied so far, are closely 43 linked to the structure of the potential-energy surface Historically, several different types of reaction mech- 44 as illustrated in Fig. 1, other observables carry valuable anisms were used to study the fission process. An 45 information on additional degrees of freedom. For attempt to summarize the main methods is given in 46 example, the effects of nuclear dissipation on the way Table 1, which provides the classification based both 47 to scission are very important, as such data contain on the reaction kinematics type (’direct’ or ’inverse’) 48 unique information on dynamical aspects of the fission 49 and on the beam type (stable or radioactive). For process like the fission times, the interplay between 50 several decades since the discovery of induced fission collective and single-particle degrees of freedom and 51 in reactions with neutrons in 1938 [1] and of spon- the degree of equilibration on the fission path. Such 52 taneous fission in 1940 [38], the reactions in the so- 53 effects can be probed by e.g. the characteristics of the called ’direct kinematics’ were used. Here, a stable 54 fission-fragment distribution [18, 19, 20, 21] prompt- (or a long-lived) light projectile (e.g. , , 55 particle emission (neutrons, γ rays, charged particles), neutron, proton or light ion) is shot on a heavy tar- 56 see e.g. [22, 23], or by atomic methods, see e.g. [24, get to produce fissioning nuclei and study their decay. The predominance of this method was due to the rela- 57 § The zoom-in for the region of superheavy elements will be 58 discussedindetailinSection4.4andinFig.55 tive easiness to accelerate light ions and or 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 5 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 5 1 2 Calculated Fission-Barrier Height 3 4 120 Bf(Z,N) (MeV)

5 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 6 Z 7 110 8 9 100 10 11 12 90

13 Proton Number

14 15 80 16 17 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 18 Neutron Number N 19 20 Figure 2. (Color online) Calculated fission-barrier heights for 2891 nuclei derived from the macroscopic-microscopic model by M¨oller et al. The highly-variable structure is mostly due to ground-state shell effects. Figure modified from [9]. 21 22 23 n Quasi-Fission 24 to get neutrons from a reactor or a suitable (a) Fusion 25 light-ion-induced reaction. Following the progress in n n 26 the accelerator and detection techniques, the use of Prompt fission 27 ’inverse kinematics’ became possible, in which a heavy n 28 nucleus is shot on a light target, as e.g. in the recent ex- Projectile Target CN 29 periments at VAMOS(VAriable MOde high acceptance n (b) Multi-nucleon transfer n 30 Spectrometer) at GANIL [39]. Furthermore, within the n CN 31 last two decades, the use of short-lived radioactive ion n beams (RIBs) for fission research was introduced at 32 Projectile Target Evaporation 33 ISOLDE [10] and GSI [11, 40, 41], which revolution- SF, βDF Ejectile Residue 34 ized the whole field of fission studies. As shown in Ta- 35 ble 1, presently both stable and radioactive beams can Figure 3. (Color online) Two most common reaction mech- 36 be employed in both kinematics; the future technical anisms which occur in the light/heavy-ion-induced reactions in 37 developments will further blur the boundaries between direct kinematics at beam energies in the vicinity of the Coulomb barrier: (a) Complete fusion which proceeds via the formation of 38 different methods, see Section 5. The following subsec- an excited compound nucleus (CN), followed by prompt fission 39 tions 2.1- 2.2 briefly discuss the main advantages and (the whole process is often called ’fusion-fission’ in the litera- 40 drawbacks of both approaches. ture and in this review). Often, a competition with the so-called 41 quasifission (QF) occurs in reactions with heavy ions, which is 42 the prompt fission from a non-fully equilibrated composite sys- 2.1. Fission experiments in direct kinematics tem, shown in the figure, before the CN is formed; (b) Multi- 43 nucleon transfer (MNT) reactions, whereby one or several nucle- 44 In order to produce fissioning nuclides of interest, ons can be transferred to (or picked up from) the target nucleus 45 initial experiments in direct kinematics used different to produce an excited CN and an outgoing ejectile. In both cases 46 reaction mechanisms, e.g. complete fusion, transfer- a) and b), the excited CN further decays either by prompt fission or evaporates several neutrons (also γ rays) to form an evapora- 47 induced fusion, spallation/fragmentation to name a tion residue (ER), which can then decay by spontaneous fission 48 few. Fig. 3 shows a simplified diagram for two most or by βDF. 49 commonly used methods to produce fissioning nuclides 50 at beam energies close to the Coulomb barrier by 51 means of complete fusion or MNT-induced reactions name ’fusion/transfer-induced fission’ in Table 1. In 52 with light or heavy ions, denoted by a common the following, we will explicitly distinguish the two 53 types of fission - the prompt fission from excited CN 54  In this work, the term ”spallation” is used to characterize reactions induced by light particles at beam energies per nucleon (called ’prompt’ fusion/transfer-induced fission) and 55 well above the Fermi energy, that proceed essentially by an the fission of a residual nucleus, after the particle- 56 internuclear cascade [43], see Section 4.7. ”Fragmentation” evaporation cascade. The latter usually happens in 57 denotes reactions induced by heavy ions, in which the scenario the form of spontaneous fission (broadly including the 58 of a geometrical abrasion with a distinction of participants and 59 spectators is applicable [44]. fission of shape isomers) and βDF. 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 6 of 77

CONTENTS 6 1 2 3 Table 1. Classification of reactions types, used for fission studies. Selected examples of facilities are mentioned for some cases and will be discussed in relevant sections in the text. 4 Beams Direct Kinematics Inverse Kinematics 5 Stable Beams, up to 238U Prompt fusion/transfer-induced fission Prompt fusion/transfer-induced fission, 6 (n, p, light/heavy ions, γ,e−) SF, βDF VAMOS at GANIL [39] 7 Future/Proposed 8 photofission with brilliant γ-ray beams at e.g. ELI [42], SF, βDF with S3 at GANIL 9 Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) βDF of low-energy 30-60 keV beams Coulex of relativistic secondary beams 10 (fragmentation/spallation of 238U) at ISOLDE [10] SOFIA at GSI [11, 40, 41] 11 Future/Proposed, see Section 5 prompt fusion/transfer-induced fission with p,2p/Coulex with SAMURAI at RIKEN 12 − 13 post-accelerated RIBs e -RIBs with SCRIT at RIKEN, ELISe at GSI 14 15 16 In direct-kinematics experiments, the choice of the low to substantially broaden the region of nuclei avail- 17 target material is very limited, as only very few nu- able for fission studies, e.g. towards the most neutron- 18 clides above 209Bi are found on Earth, e.g. the primor- rich nuclei. 19 dial nuclides 232Th, 235,238U, 244Pu and some of their After the production of fission fragments either in 20 long-lived decay products, e.g. 226Ra. Only several QF, or in the prompt fusion-fission of the excited CN, 21 more can be produced in sufficient quantity in a nu- or eventually in the SF/βDF of the fully de-excited 243 22 clear reactor, including e.g. Am (T1/2 = 7370 years), fissioning evaporation residue, one of the greatest 23 248 5 249 Cm (T1/2 =3.5×10 years), Bk (T1/2 = 320 d), challenges is the unambiguous determination of mass 24 249 254 Cf (T1/2 = 333 d), Es (T1/2 = 275 d). Specifically, A and Z of the fission products. The 25 the 249Bk and 249Cf materials were used extensively following three identification/detection techniques are 26 in the recent experiments to identify new superheavy mainly used for such measurements: 27 elements [36]. However, such short-lived nuclides may • Identification of characteristic γ-ray fol- 28 pose the problem of high radioactivity that complicates 29 lowing the series of β decay of the fission prod- the target preparation and can also impose extra lim- ucts, often complemented with the radiochemi- 30 itations on the fission detectors, in e.g. the prompt- 31 cal pre-separation of the suitably long-lived initial fission experiments. 32 fission fragments. An advantage of this method Figure 4 gives an overview of the fissioning sys- 33 is that the measurements can be performed at a tems, for which FFMDs or nuclear-charge distribu- 34 place distant from the irradiation point, thus elim- tions were known at the end of the . Be- 35 inating the background which occurs at the in- sides the systems accessible by neutron-induced fis- 36 beam irradiation spot. In the past, this was the sion, the low-energy charged-particle-induced prompt 37 only technique that allowed unambiguous iden- 38 fusion/transfer-fission reactions were predominantly tification of fission products in both Z and A used to access nuclei in the regions around stable iso- [50, 51, 52, 53, 54], In most cases, only cumulative 39 208 topes near Pb, e.g. [12, 13, 14, 15] and long-lived yields, that means the yields after some β-decay 40 226 41 Ra (T1/2 = 1600 y), see e.g. [45, 46]. The large gap stages were accessible, while no information on 42 in between is due to the absence of suitable targets to emission and FFs kinematic prop- 43 produce low-energy fission. Furthermore, the studied erties, e.g fragment energies and/or the total ki- 44 nuclei concentrated very much in a narrow band close netic energy could be obtained. Due to the above 45 to the β-stability valley. Only in the upper part of limitations, this method is not so frequently used 46 the chart of the nuclides, βDF and, predominantly, SF nowadays. Recent examples of the application of 47 of very heavy nuclei produced in complete-fusion or this method include e.g. photofission and neutron- 48 transfer-induced reactions with light and heavy ions, induced fission of 238U [55, 56] and proton-induced 49 gave access to nuclei in a broader range of N/Z val- fission of 232Th [57]. ues, in particular on the neutron-deficient side, see 50 • In-beam (prompt) fission experiments, in which 51 e.g. [32, 47, 48]. An ultimate example of such studies the fission detectors directly face the thin reac- 52 was the FFMDs measurements for SF of 259Fm, pro- tion target, allowing the observation of fission 53 duced in the (t,p)-transfer reaction of an intense 10µA fragments in a compact geometry. Silicon detec- 54 triton beam with a unique (0.9 - 1.3)×109 target tors, multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPC), 55 of 257Fm (T = 100 d) [49]. As will be shown in Sec- 1/2 or time-of-flight (TOF) detectors are often used 56 tion 4.3, the modern MNT-induced experiments with for FFs detection, see Section 3.1. With a proper 57 heavy ions and very exotic radioactive targets choice of ancillary detectors, this method can fur- 58 up to the element with Z =99(254Es) al- 59 ther allow an access to a wide range of fission ob- 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 7 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 7 1 2 servables, including prompt neutron [58, 59] and 3 γ-ray multiplicities [60, 61, 62, 63]. We note that 4 similar detection methods are also exploited in 5 the SF and βDF studies, but some sort of pre- 6 separation (chemical or electromagnetic) of the fis- 7 sioning parent nucleus is often used in such cases, 8 see Sections 4.4 and 4.1. 9 10 • A FFs pre-separation with a spectrometer, e.g. the 11 LOHENGRIN recoil separator [64, 65] at the 12 high-flux reactor of the ILL, Grenoble, whereby the fission fragments after the thermal-neutron- 13 Figure 4. (Color online) Overview of fissioning nuclei 14 induced fission are separated in-flight by mass investigated in low-energy fission up to ∼1995, before the first 15 and energy by an ion-optical system before being systematic measurements in inverse kinematics at FRS(GSI) and 16 measured by the detection system. The mass of βDF at ISOLDE were performed. Mass distributions (circles) 17 yields are readily obtained by ion counting and and Z distributions (crosses) were measured for nuclei marked by symbols at excitation energies up to 10 MeV above the fission 18 integration over the ionic-charge-state and kinetic- barrier (or in SF). Several examples of measured FFMDs are 19 energy distributions. For the light fragments, shown, data from Refs. [12, 46, 72, 73]. For orientation, the 20 a mass resolving power of A/∆A = 250 (full- primordial isotopes are indicated by squares. The figure is a 21 width at 1/10 maximum) was achieved. The slight modification of Fig. 1 in Ref. [40]. 22 determination of isotopic yields requires a nuclear- 23 charge identification in addition. Traditionally 24 this is obtained by the ∆E-E method with a either uniquely defined by the fission process itself (as 25 split-anode . However, for in SF/βDF), or allow a relatively simple kinematical 26 fission fragments with typical energies of the order correction for the transferred momentum. However, as 27 of ∼ 1 A MeV this method reaches its limit at mentioned above, the relatively low energies of FFs in 28 about Z ≈ 42, thus it can only cover the light such studies result in certain difficulties for their Z and 29 fission peak. In the heavy fission peak, isotopic A identification, see examples in Sections 3.1 and 4.1. 30 yields are instead measured by γ-ray spectrometry, In particular, straggling phenomena severely hamper 31 using Ge clover detectors surrounding the focal an unambiguous Z identification of fission products by 32 plane, see recent examples from LOHENGRIN energy-loss measurements at FFs kinetic energies. This 33 inRefs.[66,67]. γ-ray spectrometry enables is one of the main drawbacks of the fission experiments 34 also the determination of isomeric yields [68] in direct kinematics. 35 and of the isomer population as function of the Returning now back to Fig. 4, one notices that the 36 213 of the fission fragments [69]. Still, lighter systems, up to At show an essentially single- 37 the accuracy of the absolute-yield determination humped mass distribution. Interesting enough, a 38 may be limited by the knowledge of the γ-ray double-humped structure in a nearly symmetric fission 39 201 intensities per decay, and this method is not was reported for Tl at an excitation energy of 7.6 40 applicable for the yield measurement of very MeV above the fission barrier by Itkis et al in 1988 41 long-lived or stable fission fragments. Thus, at [12] in α-particle-induced fission. However, a more 42 extended study of this feature further away from the 43 present, an independent development is pursued β-stability line was not possible at that time. 44 to push the limits of the ∆E-E method, namely In the range from A = 227 to A = 256, where most 45 by using very homogeneous Si3N4 membranes as of the previously investigated systems are situated, 46 passive absorbers combined with calorimetric low- asymmetric fission prevails. The heavy mass FFs peak 47 temperature detectors for a pulse-height-defect- was found to be centered close to A = 140 [76]. This 48 free determination of the residual energy [70]. implies that the light mass peak approaches the heavy 49 Other examples of the FFs pre-separation method, 50 but in inverse kinematics, which boosts the FFs peak with increasing mass of the fissioning nucleus, 51 energies, include the fission experiments at the until there is a sharp transition to symmetric fission VAMOS [39] at GANIL and at FRS(FRagment with a narrow mass distribution and high total kinetic 52 256 258 53 Separator) at GSI [40, 41, 71, 11], see Section 3.5. energy (TKE) between Fm and Fm. The same feature was also observed for several isotopes of other 54 In most fission techniques in direct kinematics, 55 neighboring elements of similar mass [47, 48, 32, 77]. the momentum/energy of the initial fissioning system In fact, already in the earlier fission studies further 56 induced by the reaction is low, or even zero, as in 57 complex features in the FFMDs, TKE, and prompt- case of SF/βDF. Therefore, the kinematical properties, neutron multiplicity were observed in asymmetric 58 in particular the energies of the fission fragments, are 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 8 of 77

CONTENTS 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Figure 5. (Color online) Updated overview of fissioning systems investigated up to ∼2016 in low-energy fission with excitation 46 energies up to 10 MeV above the fission barrier. In addition to the systems for which FFMDs have previously been obtained in particle-induced and spontaneous fission (◦), the nuclei for which fission-fragment Z distributions after electromagnetic excitations 47 were measured in the 1996 experiment [40] in inverse kinematics at the FRS at GSI (×) and the fissioning daughter nuclei studied in 48 βDF (⋄) are shown. Full diamonds mark systems for which FFMD were measured, the data are from [10, 17] and references therein. 49 Furthermore, 25 nuclei are marked (+), including FFMDs obtained from MNT-induced fission with 18O+232Th [74] and 18O+238U 50 target [75]. Several examples of measured FFMDs are shown, data from Refs. [12, 46, 72, 73]. For orientation, the primordial isotopes are indicated by squares. The figure is a modification of Fig. 1 in Ref. [40] and of Fig. 1 in Ref. [10]. 51 52 53 54 fission and were interpreted as due to contribution from were attributed to the influence of shell effects near 55 different fission channels or fission modes [7]. In the the doubly magic 132Sn and a deformed shell around 56 seminal scission-point model by Wilkins et al [78], the the neutron number N = 88 in the heavy fragment, 57 most important fission channels, named Standard 1 respectively. 58 and Standard 2 in the nomenclature of Brosa et al [7], Furthermore, a few systems, such as 225,227Ra, 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 9 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 9 1 2 226,227,228Ac and 227,228,229Th that were investigated mechanism (see Section 3.5.1), this method suits 3 with radioactive 226Ra and 227Ac targets [45, 79, 80] well for nuclei whose fission barrier is less than ∼15 4 revealed also a transitional region of multimodal fission MeV. However, this method does not allow to study 5 (coexistence of symmetric and asymmetric fission) due the nuclei beyond A = 238, due to the present non- 6 to the gradual appearance of symmetric fission around availability of beams heavier than 238U+. 7 A = 226 with decreasing mass of the fissioning system. At VAMOS [83], prompt fission of several nuclei 8 In the past, the detailed study of this transitional close to and above 238U was studied by means of MNT 9 region was very much hampered by the non-availability reactions of 238Uionswitha12C target at Coulomb 10 209 226 11 of suitable target material between Bi and Ra. energies [84, 39, 85], see the detailed discussion in 12 A survey on the status of this field before the Section 3.5.2. 13 development of the novel experimental approaches A very important feature of both types of 14 basedoninversekinematics(see Section 3.5) reveals, experiments is that due to the high momentum/kinetic 15 on the one hand, a wealth of often very detailed energy of the initial fissioning system (due to 16 experimental results, which are comprehensively inverse kinematics used), the fission fragments achieve 17 reviewed in the textbook by Wagemans [8] and recent a large kinematical boost in forward direction, 18 reviews on neutron-induced fission by G¨onnenwein e.g. ∼700 A MeV for the reactions with the relativistic 19 [33] and on charged-particle-induced fission by Kailas secondary beams at GSI (see Table 1) or ∼6 A MeV in 20 and Mahata [34]. On the other hand, it became the experiments at VAMOS. This effect makes their Z 21 clear that the use of the traditional method of direct and A identification much easier. For example, values 22 kinematics with light projectiles results in a quite of δZ ∼ 0.35 and δA ∼ 0.6 to 0.8 were obtained in the 23 incomplete coverage of fissioning systems, especially at recent SOFIA experiment [71, 28]. 24 low excitation energies, which is further aggravated by A common difficulty of these methods is that 25 severe technical difficulties in measuring some of the the choice of accessible systems strongly depends on 26 key experimental fission quantities that could never be the primary beams and on the characteristics of the 27 fully overcome. reaction. At present, they can only be used at 28 Figure 5 shows the present status of low-energy laboratories that provide beams of very heavy nuclei 29 fission studies, in which the mass and/or charge (e.g. 238U) with energies above the Coulomb barrier 30 distributions were measured. Most of the newest data (VAMOS-type experiments) or with appreciably higher 31 (in respect of Fig. 4) were obtained by using the new energies (GSI-type). Moreover, suitable detection 32 techniques, which are described further in the text¶. devices, including large powerful spectrometers, must 33 be available for the identification of the fission 34 2.2. Boosting the fission-fragment energies for products. 35 improving the mass/charge resolution in 36 inverse-kinematics fission studies 3. Selected examples of experimental fission 37 techniques 38 During the last two decades, new types of fission 39 studies have been developed by employing inverse- 3.1. Measurements of fission-fragment mass 40 kinematics reactions. At GSI (Darmstadt), the distributions in prompt-fission studies in direct 41 electromagnetically induced (Coulex) fission of short- kinematics at near-Coulomb-barrier energies 42 lived radioactive isotopes produced by fragmentation 43 of relativistic 1 A GeV 238UionsonaBetarget In this section, in-beam (prompt) fission experiments 44 was exploited [81, 40]. This method and its latest with heavy ions in direct kinematics at energies close 45 development in the SOFIA (Studies On Fission with to the Coulomb barrier will be discussed, with an 46 ALADIN) experiment [11], discussed in details in emphasis on the measurements of the fission-fragment 47 Section 3.5.1, allowed to considerably expand the mass distributions. In this type of experiments, the 48 region of nuclei, accessible for low-energy (E∗ ∼ 14 fission-fragment detectors directly face the reaction − 49 MeV) fission studies, towards the scarcely studied point (target). Compared to n/γ/e or light-ion- 50 (by fission) neutron-deficient Hg-Th nuclei, see green induced fission, the use of heavier projectiles allows 51 crosses in Fig. 5. Due to its specific excitation to study fission of nuclei further away from the β- 52 stability line, especially on the proton-rich side and in 53 ¶ Although the progress in fission research imparted by the region of superheavy nuclei, in addition to SF/βDF 54 comparing Figs. 4 and 5 is impressive, the development in fission research shown in Fig. 5 is represented only to some (see, Sections 4.4 and 4.1 [16, 86, 87, 17, 88]). 55 part. This is due to the excitation-energy limit that has been The accessible nuclei are determined both by the 56 applied to this figure, in order to keep it comparable to Fig. 4. projectile-target combination and also by the reaction 57 More higher-energy fission data, obtained via charged-particle- 58 induced reactions, became available in the last two decades, see + Efforts to provide a 242Pu beam are presently undertaken at e.g. Fig. 32 for the neutron-deficient lead region. 59 GSI [82]. 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 10 of 77

CONTENTS 10 1 2 type, e.g. fusion-fission, quasifission or MNT-induced 3 fission, see Fig. 3. One of the characteristic differences 4 between fusion-fission/QF (Fig. 3(a)) on the one hand 5 and MNT reactions (Fig.3(b)) on the other hand is 6 that a full momentum transfer (FMT) happens in 7 the former case, whereas only a partial momentum 8 is transferred in the latter, thus the recoil momenta 9 (velocities) of the compound nuclei in two reactions 10 11 are different. This, in turn, results in different folding 12 angles θfold of fission fragments in the laboratory frame, 13 where θfold is defined as the sum of the emission 14 angles θ1 and θ2 of the fragments relative to the beam 15 direction. As both mechanisms can occur in a given 16 reaction, the difference in the folding angle is often 17 used in the follow-up data analysis to differentiate the 18 two contributions. Figure 6 provides an example of 19 a double-humped folding-angle distribution measured 20 with the JAEA fission setup (further discussed in 21 Fig. 7) in the reaction 30Si+238U [89]. While the FMT 22 folding angle (indicated by a red arrow) remains nearly 23 constant for the range of projectile energies used in the 24 study, the folding angle for the multi-nucleon-transfer Figure 6. (Color online) Folding-angle distributions of fission 30 238 25 channels shows a characteristic dependence on the fragments in the reaction of Si + U [89], measured at the projectile energies, indicated in each panel. The red and green 26 beam energy. Namely, at the lower energies (e.g. below arrows mark the positions of the folding angle, corresponding to 27 Elab = 168 MeV in Fig. 6), the backward of fusion-fission (FMT) and to MNT-induced fission, respectively. 28 the ejectile dominates, boosting the velocity of the 29 fissioning nucleus, which results in a smaller folding 30 angle. With an increase of the projectile energy, the laws. Usually, the mass of the fissioning nucleus 31 ejectile is preferentially scattered to forward angles, is treated to be equal to the sum of the 32 which makes the recoil velocity smaller, thus the of projectile and target nuclei for the fusion-fission 33 folding angle enhances accordingly. reactions. However, the influence of prompt neutron 34 For heavy-ion reactions characterized by Zp×Zt >1600emission [58, 59] should be carefully considered case- 35 [90], where Zp and Zt are the projectile and target pro- 36 by-case, see e.g. the discussion of reactions in the ton numbers, the competing channel of quasifission can mercury region in Section 4.1.3 and also in the actinide 37 open and might even become the dominant one for the 38 region in Figs. 49–50 in Section 4.3.1. For the MNT- very heavy systems (see Section 4.5.1). Quasifission is induced reactions, the mass of the fissioning compound 39 a non-fully equilibrated process, thus should have dif- 40 nucleus can be determined only when the mass of ferent properties relative to fusion-fission in such ob- the ejectile nucleus is identified by using charged- 41 servables, as e.g. the angular distribution and kinetic 42 particle detectors. To apply the method of kinematical energies of resulting fission fragments, and also the fis- coincidences, a fission setup should be able to measure 43 sion time scale, see e.g. [18] and refs therein. On the 44 some (ideally - all) of the following properties of both other hand, the quasifission is categorized by the FMT- fragments: velocities, energies, azimuthal and polar 45 like folding-angle distribution type, because the projec- 46 angles with respect to the beam direction (or positions tile and the target nucleus amalgamate to a one-body 47 of registration) of the fission fragments. In case the composite system, albeit for a short time only. 48 velocities of the fission fragments are measured (the so- 49 called 2v or ’double velocity’ method), no corrections 50 3.1.1. Typical setups for prompt fusion-fission for the neutron evaporation is needed [35, 91], as the 51 experiments. In a typical prompt-fission experiment, isotropic neutron emission only broadens the velocity 52 the FFMDs are derived based on the kinematical distribution, without shifting it. However, this method 53 analysis of the reaction itself and of subsequent requires a setup with very good timing properties, 54 coincident fission fragments, by what is known as see examples in the next section. On the contrary, 55 the ’kinematic coincidence method’ [91, 92]. In when the kinematic analysis relies only on the energy 56 this method, both fission fragments are detected in measurement of the FFs, the knowledge of the number 57 coincidence to determine their masses and kinetic of prompt neutrons emitted from the individual fission 58 energies from the mass- and momentum-conservation fragments is needed [93]. The latter requires a 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 11 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 11 1 2 more elaborate setup for the correlation measurement a gas flow is provided. Due to the above 3 between FFs and neutrons, see the recent study [59]. properties, this is one of the most frequently used 4 The following main types of fission detectors are detectors for prompt-fission studies, particularly 5 extensively used in current prompt-fission studies: for heavy-ion-induced fission. A similar type 6 of fast-timing gas detectors, called parallel-plate 7 • Silicon detectors are often exploited in fission avalanche counter (PPAC), uses uniform thin- 8 experiments including light-particle (n, p, α, 3He) layer electrodes (rather than multiple wires), as 9 induced fission, see recent examples in Refs. used in e.g. a setup where the electrodes are 10 [94, 14, 15, 95, 96, 97, 98]. However, when 11 used to detect heavy ions, these detectors suffer directly exposed to the neutron beam, for example 12 considerably from the pulse-height defect, which as in fission cross-section measurements in the 13 strongly depends on the mass and charge values of studies [116, 117]. Hereafter, we refer to these 14 the fission fragments, see e.g. [99, 93, 100]. Also types of detector as MWPC/PPAC, except for 15 the timing signal from a silicon detector exhibits a specific cases. 16 characteristic delay depending on energy and mass • Fast-timing detectors, based on micro-channel 17 of the ion [101], and on the detector design [102]. plates, for amplification of secondary electrons 18 While the silicon detectors can be made position- emitted by a thin foil during the passage of a 19 sensitive to allow the position (thus direction) of fission fragment. Such detectors are often used 20 the FFs to be measured, the rate capabilities and for the velocity measurements of fission fragments 21 radiation hardness sometimes limit the application with the TOF method, where a start detector with 22 of these detectors. On the other hand, thin a very good timing response (up to ∼100 ps) is 23 (several tens of micrometers) silicon detectors can necessary. The MCP-based start timing detectors 24 be used as ∆E detectors in transfer-induced fission canbecombinedwithlarge-areaMWPC/PPACs 25 experiments to identify the ejectile nuclei, rather or silicon detectors, used as a stop detector, to 26 than the FFs themselves, see Section 3.1.2 for achieve overall good timing resolution that is 27 examples. In passing we note that Si detectors needed for velocity measurements, in particular 28 are often used in SF [103, 49, 48, 104, 105, 106] for the so-called ’double-velocity double energy’ ∗ 29 and βDF [107, 16, 10, 17, 108, 88] studies for the (2v-2E)method . 30 FFs’ energy determination. • Recently, attempts to use poly-crystalline and 31 32 • Frisch-gridded ionization chambers (GICs) are single-crystal chemical vapor-deposited (pCVD 33 still frequently used in modern neutron-induced and sCVD, respectively) diamond detectors for 34 fission experiments [109, 60, 61, 62, 110, 111, 112, the detection of fission fragments were undertaken, 35 113]. Their main advantage is the large detection see e.g. Ref. [118, 119]. This is due to their several 36 efficiency, approaching ∼ 4π in cases when the promising properties, such as high radiation 37 target material is situated inside the chamber, hardness, an expected faster timing response in 38 usually on its cathode. The emission angles comparison with silicon detectors and much easier 39 of the fragments can be obtained by measuring operation compared to the MCP-based timing 40 the drift time of the electrons, generated along detectors. Unfortunately, while a sufficiently good 41 the fragment track, over the cathode and grid timing resolution was obtained (up to 100 ps), the 42 region. Furthermore, it was shown that the pulse- energy resolution proved to be not yet sufficient 43 height deficit within a gas is smaller than that in for FFMDs measurements due to a severe pulse- 44 silicon [114], thus the GIC can provide a better height deficit [118]. Another issue to be solved 45 resolution for determining fragment energy/mass is the largely varying quality of the diamond 46 under good operation conditions [115, 114]. The material, resulting in high costs. Despite the 47 GIC can be easily coupled with neutron and/or present issues, such detectors look as a promising 48 γ-ray detectors for correlation measurements with alternative for future fission setups. 49 252 FFs. Examples are Cf(SF) for neutron [113] Several research groups are presently active in 50 241 and n+ Pu for γ-ray [61] measurements (also the studies of different aspects of prompt fission, in 51 see Section 4.6). particular of the FFMD measurements, by means of 52 • Multiwire proportional counters (MWPCs) can reactions with heavy ions at the following facilities: 53 be designed with a large size, and can be 54 • 20UR tandem at the Japan made position-sensitive in two dimensions. They 55 Agency (JAEA) in Tokai [120, 89, 121, 122, 123, usually provide a sufficiently fast timing signal 56 124, 74, 125] (on the order of ∼ 1 ns), which is suitable for 57 time-of-flight measurements, can cope with high ∗ See Section 3.2 for further details and examples for this 58 method. 59 counting rates and are radiation-resistant, if 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 12 of 77

CONTENTS 12 1 2 • 14UD tandem accelerator at the Australian MWPC-B 3 fission National University (ANU) in Canberra using the fragment 16 4 MWPC-D O etc. CUBE fission spectrometer [126, 127, 128, 129, 18, 5 130, 131, 132, 133, 134], SiD E-E 6 18O • Flerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) 18 7 238 O 16 in Dubna, Russia, using the CORSET setup U fission O etc. 8 fragment 9 [135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, MWPC-C 10 145, 146, 35], 11 • 15UD Pelletron at the Inter University Accelerator MWPC-A 12 Centre (IUAC) in New Delhi, India [147, 148, 149, 13 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159] Figure 7. (Color online) A typical detection setup for in-beam 14 • Pelletron LINAC facility in collaboration between MNT-induced fission experiments at JAEA. In the case shown, 15 the MNT reaction 18O+238U was studied, whereby four MWPCs BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) and 16 - MWPC-A - MWPC-D - were used to detect the coincident Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) fission fragments, while a silicon ∆E-E telescope array was 17 in Mumbai, India [160] exploited to determine the transfer channel. In case of the fusion- 18 fission experiments, the ∆E-E telescope array is removed. Figure 19 In the following, selected examples of applied is taken from [74]. 20 techniques are presented in some details. 21 22 Fission set-up at the JAEA tandem facility terminal [161]. Fig. 8 gives an example of raw data 23 at Tokai. Figure 7 shows an example of the setup from the JAEA setup obtained in the fusion-fission 24 for prompt fusion-fission and MNT-induced fission reaction 36Ar+144Sm → 180Hg∗ [124]. Two MWPCs 25 experiments at the JAEA tandem facility. Here, up were used in this study; therefore, the panel a) shows 26 to four position-sensitive (in X-andY - directions) aplotof∆Q1 +∆Q2 vs ∆T signals for coincident 27 MWPCs can be used to detect fission fragments in events measured in the MWPCs. Coincident fission 28 coincidence. A silicon ∆E-E detector array is used events, marked by the red-colored polygon, are located 29 only for MNT-induced fission [75, 74, 125] (see Section in between the peaks corresponding to the elastically 30 3.1.2), and is removed for fusion-fission/quasifission scattered target 144Sm and projectile 36Ar nuclei, 31 experiments. The positions of the MWPCs are which are also measured in coincidence. Fig. 8(b) 32 optimized for each experiment to increase the detection shows the same data as in Fig. 8(a), but in the 33 efficiency as a function of the momentum of the coordinates θ + θ (= θ , See Fig. 6) vs φ + φ in 34 1 2 fold 1 2 fissioning nucleus, which is determined by the target- the laboratory frame, where θ (i = 1,2) are the emission 35 i projectile combination and the incident-beam energy. angles of the fission fragments projected on the plane 36 The MWPCs have an active area of 200×120 mm2 defined by the beam direction Z and the horizontal X- 37 [120] or 200×200mm2 [75] each, and are located at axis (see Fig. 1 of Ref. [120]). The out-of-plane angles 38 φ (i=1,2) were the projections of the emission angles 39 a distance of 210−224 mm from the target center. i One MWPC can cover the emission angle of fission on the X-Y plane. The fission-fragment masses and 40 ◦ 41 fragments of about ∆θLab =50 relative to the beam total kinetic energies are obtained by analyzing the 42 direction. Due to the continuous nature of the events enclosed by the red polygons in Fig. 8, whereas 43 beam at the JAEA tandem, no start signal can be the elastic-scattering events can be used for the mass 44 derived from the beam itself; therefore, the FFs calibration. The typical mass resolution obtained in 45 masses and kinetic energies are determined from the the fusion-fission experiments at JAEA is about 6 u 46 kinematical analysis by measuring the time difference, (FWHM). 47 ∆T , between the signals from two coincident MWPCs, 48 and the positions of registration (X1,Y1,X2,Y2)of CUBE facility at the ANU’s tandem at Can- 49 both fragments. Additionally, the charges ∆Q1,2 berra. A conceptually similar setup, called CUBE, 50 induced on the cathodes of the respective MWPCs shown in Fig. 9(a), is used in the experiments at 51 are also deduced, which allows to distinguish the FFs the ANU. The CUBE utilizes two large-area position- 52 events both from the elastically scattered projectile and sensitive MWPCs with dimensions of 284×357 mm2 53 target nuclei, and also from the target- and projectile- [91], installed at a distance of 180 mm from the target ◦ 54 like fragments, in case of QF. and covering an acceptance angle of up to ∆θLab ∼ 75 , 55 A peculiar feature of the JAEA tandem, which is being the largest among all presently operating in- 56 not available at other tandems, should be emphasized beam setups. As for the JAEA setup, the MWPCs 57 - its ability to deliver the beams of noble gases, due positions can be optimized depending on the reaction 58 to the presence of an ECR mounted on the to be studied. The large angular coverage is advanta- 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 13 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 13 1 2 36 144 Ar + Sm (Ebeam=166 MeV) (a) (b) 3 200 160 4 (a) (b) Fission Fission 5 150 140 (deg.) 6 (channel) 2 2 θ Q 100 ∆ 7 + 120 1 θ + 8 1 Q

∆ 50 9 100 Elastic Elastic 10 0 11 100 150 200 250 300 140 160 180 200 220 φ + φ (deg.) 12 ∆T (channel) 1 2 13 Figure 8. (Color online) a) Events from the fusion-fission 14 36 144 180 ∗ reaction Ar+ Sm→ Hg ,mappedonthe∆Q1 +∆Q2 Figure 9. (Color online) Arrangements for the in-beam fission 15 vs ∆T axes. Fission events within the polygon and elastic- experiments at (a) CUBE at ANU and (b) CORSET at FLNR, 16 recoil events are clearly separated. (b) Same as in (a) but in see text for further details. The CUBE set-up consists of 17 the coordinates θ1 + θ2 vs φ1 + φ2. Figure is taken from [124]. two large-area MWPCs [91]. The CORSET is a two-arm 18 velocity-measurement system which uses small-area MCP-based start detectors (Start1 and Start2) and larger-area MCP-based 19 detectors with a position-sensitive readout as the stop detectors 20 geous to obtain mass-angle distributions (MADs) of the (Stop1 and Stop2). Figure is taken from [143]. 21 fission fragments, especially in case of the QF mecha- 22 nism, due to the asymmetry of the angular distribu- 23 tion in comparison to the fission of a fully equilibrated ∼1 ns) [160]. 24 CN. An important feature of the 14UD pelletron at 25 ANU is that it delivers a pulsed beam with a typi- CORSET setup at FLNR, Dubna. The CORSET 26 cal pulse width of 0.7−1.5 ns, which can be used as setup [144, 137], shown in Fig. 9(b), is a double-arm fis- 27 a start signal for the independent measurement of ve- sion time-of-flight spectrometer which uses MCP-based 28 locities (thus, masses) for both fragments. From the 29 timing detectors to provide both the start and stop sig- measured masses of the FFs, Ai (i = 1,2), the mass ra- 30 nals in the double-velocity method. While a small-size tio MR = A1/(A1 + A2) can be obtained. A typical 31 start detector in the close vicinity to the target is used, resolution for MR is reported as <0.02 [129]. 2 32 a large-area MCP detector (70×90 mm ) coupled with 33 a position-read-out scheme is exploited, which allows to Fission set-up at the IUAC Pelletron facility 34 determine also the emission angles of the fission frag- 35 at Delhi. At the IUAC facility, two fission chambers ments. The typical angular acceptance of the setup have been developed for in-beam prompt-fission mea- ◦ 36 is ∆θLab ∼ 28 [142, 144]. Due to the good timing surements [162]. In the General Purpose Scattering resolution of ∼150 ps [144], the velocities of the frag- 37 2 38 Chamber (GPSC), two MWPCs (200×100 mm each) ments are determined independently with high accu- 39 are mounted on the rotating arms to cover a wide range racy. Taking advantage of the fast timing properties 40 of fission-fragment angles. To extract TOF informa- of the MCPs, the system provides a mass resolution 41 tion, a pulsed beam from the IUAC tandem with a of ∼3 u (FWHM), even with a relatively short flight 42 bunch width of ∼1.1 ns is used [162, 158]. The second distances of around 10−20 cm. 2 43 chamber hosts two MWPCs (125×75 mm each) cover- ing the scattering angle of ±14◦(X)and±8◦(Y ) [162]. 44 3.1.2. Prompt multi-nucleon transfer-induced fis- The TOF measurement for fission fragments can be 45 sion technique. The method of a direct few-nucleon performed by referring to the rf of the tandem-LINAC. 46 transfer-induced fission by means of e.g. (d,pf), This chamber can be coupled with the National Ar- 47 (3He,pf) or (6Li,df) reactions was introduced in fission ray of Neutron Detectors (NAND)[159], which consists 48 research more than forty years ago [45, 163, 164, 165]. of 100 liquid organic (12.7 cm-diameter, 49 The initial studies concentrated predominantly on 12.7 cm-thickness), located at a distance of 175 cm from 50 the measurements of fission probabilities and their 51 the target. excitation-energy dependence. In this method, the 52 type, energy and scattering angle of the outgoing ejec- 53 Fission set-up at the BARC-TIFR Pelletron tile have to be measured in coincidence with the fission 54 LINAC facility, Mumbai. In the fission experi- fragments, to determine the specific transfer channel, 55 ments at this facility, the coincident fission fragments thus the fissioning . Under certain assumptions, 56 are measured by two MWPC detectors, each of 126×76 the kinematic analysis of the reaction allows to deter- 57 2 mm area, by exploiting the TOF method and referring mine the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. 58 to the rf of the accelerator as the start signal (width 59 This approach is still actively used in the so-called ’sur- 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 14 of 77

CONTENTS 14 1 2 rogate’ fission measurements, see recent examples in a forward angle of about 25◦ relative to the beam 3 [166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171] and the comprehensive direction, where E is the sum of the energies ∆E 4 total review in [172]. and E . The spectrum clearly demonstrates several 5 res One of the first examples of FFMD measurements important features: 6 via direct few-nucleon transfer was reported in 7 • Many transfer channels are open in such type of [45] for the isotopes 227,228Ac, studied with the 8 reactions, which allows to study the fission of ∼15 226Ra(3He,df)227Ac and 226Ra(3He,pf)228Ac reactions. 9 different fissioning nuclides in a single experiment The development of heavy-ion accelerators capa- 10 at a single beam energy. 11 ble of delivering heavier projectiles, coupled with the increased sensitivity of the detection systems to isolate • Not only different ejectile elements, e.g. Li-O, 12 can be easily distinguished, but also a clear 13 specific transfer channels, allowed to extend the fission studies to more exotic nuclei, lying further away from separation of isotopes for each element can be 14 16,17,18 14,15,16 stability. Several research groups around the world are reliably achieved, e.g. Oor N, as 15 examples. By assuming a binary process also 16 active in this type of studies; below we will present the general ideas of the method by using an example in the exit channel and no emission of other 17 light particles instantaneously during the reaction 18 from the JAEA research group, with a more detailed phase, one can therefore identify the of the 19 discussion of the results given in Section 4.3. fissioning compound nucleus. For example, the 20 Since several years, a dedicated program to study observation of three oxygen isotopes 16,17,18Oas 21 MNT-induced fission is being conducted at the JAEA ejectiles indicates the population of the respective 22 tandem facility by using the fission setup shown in compound nuclei 240,239,238U∗. Overall, fission of 23 Fig. 7 [75, 74]. The incident-beam energy is typically a series of nuclei up to isotopes (Z = 96) 24 chosen at ∼1.7–1.8 times the Coulomb barrier, where 25 the MNT reactions preferentially occur at forward was studied in this particular reaction by selecting 26 scattering angles, which defines the geometry of the specific oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and 27 setup. The specific example of the 18O+238U reaction isotopic lines. 28 at the beam energy of 157.7 MeV was chosen for the • A wide range of kinetic energies of the ejectiles 29 follow-up discussion. indicates a similarly wide range of the excitation 30 To identify the energy and the angle of the energies reached by the compound nuclei. The 31 outgoing ejectile, a silicon ∆E-E telescope array is maximum initial excitation energy reached in this 32 used. The energy loss in a relatively thin (75 µm/cm2) study is about 60 – 80 MeV, depending on the 33 ∆E detector with a very good thickness uniformity transfer channel, see Section 4.3. By selecting 34 together with the registration of the residual energy a specific narrower range of ejectile energies 35 Eres in a thicker 300 µm E detector allows to determine allows to determine a more narrow range in 36 the type of the ejectile. Sufficient energy resolution the excitation energy, which in turn allows to 37 for the kinetic-energy measurement of the outgoing study the dependence of the FFMDs and/or of 38 particle is required to determine the excitation energy the fission probability on the excitation energy 39 of the fissioning nucleus and the FFs masses from (see Section 4.3). The typical excitation-energy 40 the subsequent kinematical analysis. For example, a resolution in the JAEA experiments is ∼0.9 MeV 41 ∼1% energy resolution of the ∆E detector is required (FWHM), which is mainly determined by the 42 to distinguish different oxygen isotopes (see Fig. 10), energy resolution for the ejectiles. 43 thus the same level of the thickness’s uniformity of the 44 The latter point is illustrated by Fig. 11, which silicon wafer is necessary, which is not easy to achieve 239 ∗ 45 shows the fission events of U populated in the for very thin detectors. 238 18 17 239 ∗ 46 one-neutron pick-up reaction U( O, O) U ,by In the JAEA setup, twelve ∆E detectors are 17 47 gating on the isotopic line of the O ejectile in Fig. 10. conically mounted around the beam axis. Each ∆E 48 At the lower excitation energies, two localized regions detector defines the range of azimuthal angle (ϕ) 49 ◦ are observed, corresponding to the light and the heavy with an acceptance ∆ϕ =22.5 .TheE detector 50 fragment, while the structure is smeared out with has 16 annular strips with inner and outer radii of 51 the increase of the excitation energy. The FFMDs 24.0mm and 48.0 mm, respectively, corresponding to 52 ◦ ◦ extracted from these data are shown in Fig. 12, where 53 the acceptance of θ =16.7 –31.0 with respect to the the data are plotted for a series of excitation-energy 54 beam direction (the angular coverage is adjustable by intervals of ∼10 MeV width. The latter are selected 55 moving the ∆E − E telescope along the incident beam as a compromise between the statistics within each 56 axis). interval and the necessity to keep a reasonably narrow 57 Figure 10 shows an example of a two-dimensional excitation-energy range to allow a reliable evaluation 58 ∆E-Etotal spectrum for ejectile particles, measured at of the excitation-energy dependence of the FFMD’s. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 15 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2


3 E* = 40–50 MeV 4 5 6

7 E* = 30–40 MeV 8 9 10 11 ΔE (MeV) E* = 20–30 MeV 12

13 (%) Yield Mass 14 15 E* = 10–20 MeV 16 17

18 Etotal (MeV) 19 20 Figure 10. (Color online) ∆E-Etotal spectrum for the reaction 18 238 of O+ UatEbeam = 157.7 MeV, measured at an angle of Fragment Mass (u) 21 ◦ 22 about 25 relative to the beam direction (defined by the strip of the annular silicon detector). Figure taken from [125]. ∗ 23 Figure 12. (Color online) The FFMD for 239U obtained from 238 18 17 239 ∗ 24 the one-neutron pick-up data U( O, O) U (black-line histogram) [125], projected from Fig. 11. The excitation-energy 25 range is indicated in each spectrum. The red symbols show the 26 238U(18O,17O)239U* data from the n+238U reaction from [173]. Figure taken from 27 9 [125]. 60 28 8 29 7 30 50 3.2. Spontaneous and neutron-induced fission, the 31 6 measurements of prompt fission γ rays and neutrons. 32 40 5 33 Excitation energy (MeV) 3.2.1. 2v-2E ’double velocity - double energy’ 34 30 4 method for fission-fragment measurements. This sec- 35 tion briefly summarizes several techniques, which are 3 36 20 applied in the studies of spontaneous fission and 37 2 neutron-induced fission, where the fission-fragment en- 38 10 ergies are not distorted (or only weakly distorted) by 39 1 the reaction mechanism itself. This is in contrast to 40 0 0 fission studies in direct kinematics with heavy ions, as -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 41 Time difference (ns) discussed in Section 3.1 and with reactions in inverse 42 kinematics, further reviewed in Section 3.5. 43 Figure 11. (Color online) The excitation energy of 239U∗ versus A natural development of the above-mentioned 44 the time difference ∆T between the fission fragments measured 2v (double velocity) fission technique is the so-called 45 in the one-neutron pick-up reaction 18O+238U→17O+239U∗ 2v-2E, ’double velocity - double energy’ method, 46 [125]. whereby the kinetic energies of both fragments are 47 measured in addition to their velocities [174, 175, 48 176]. From the velocities, pre-neutron fragment masses 49 To perform the benchmarking of the JAEA mass can be determined, whereas those after the neutron 50 distributions, they are compared with the literature emission (post-neutron masses) are derived from the 51 data from the reaction n+238U [173], obtained at energies. The FFs mass difference before and after 52 similar excitation energies. This comparison shows the neutron emission gives the neutron multiplicity, 53 a fairly good agreement with the neutron-induced ν¯(A), as a function of fragment mass A.The 54 data, proving that the transfer reaction (18O,17O) can advantage of this method is that no neutron detectors 55 provide the FFMD data as a surrogate to the neutron- are required. This approach is usually applied only 56 induced fission. Results for other transfer-reaction for fission at relatively low excitation energies, such 57 channels will be discussed in Section 4.3. as SF or neutron-induced fission, where the pre- 58 scission neutron emission and/or 2nd (and higher- 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 16 of 77

CONTENTS 16 1 2 3.2.2. Measurements of prompt neutron and γ-ray 3 decays from fission fragments. The measurements of 4 prompt fission neutrons and γ rays (e.g. energy spectra 5 and multiplicities) provide very important nuclear 6 data for atomic-energy applications. Recently, such 7 experiments got a renewed interest following the 8 needs for more precise data and also in view of the 9 developments of the Generation-IV reactors. The 10 11 advent of highly-efficient, multi-detector arrays both 12 for the neutron and γ-ray measurements is one of 13 the advanced features of modern fission studies, which 14 substantially enhances the quality of the obtained data. 15 The γ-ray energy/multipolarity and multiplicity Figure 13. (Color online) The 2v-2E setup VERDI. Shown carry information on the spins of the fragments, which 16 are the central FIssion Electron Time-of-flight Start (FIETS) 17 detector and the two energy silicon detector spheres at the end are important for understanding the mechanism of 18 of each time-of-flight section (not to scale). Fission fragments are spin generation during fission. The sensitivity of detected by one of the silicon detector pairs, while the electrons, the γ-ray measurements was significantly improved 19 emitted by the target, are deflected by the electrostatic mirror 20 into the micro-channel-plate (MCP) detector. Figure is taken when the highly-efficient, multi-detector, ∼ 4πγ-ray 21 from [98]. calorimeters started to be used in fission studies. 22 One of such systems is the Heidelberg-Darmstadt 23 Crystall Ball (CB) [180, 181], built in the middle of 24 order) chance fission do not happen and thus do 1980’ies, which consists of 162 large NaI(Tl) (20 cm 25 not contribute to the total uncertainty of theν ¯-value long) detectors with high γ-ray detection efficiency 26 determination. However, to get sufficiently precise (>90%). Prompt fission γ-rays and neutrons can be 27 ν¯(A) values via the FFs pre-neutron and post-neutron distinguished via the time-of-flight measurements with 28 mass differences, high-precision measurements of both a start signal from the fission detectors. For the latter, 29 the velocities and energies are mandatory. In the Frisch-gridded 4π twin ionization chambers were used 30 past, a 2v-2E spectrometer, dubbed Cosi-fan-tutte [181, 182] for correlation measurement between fission 31 [174], was operated with the neutron beams at ILL fragments and γ-rays. 32 (Grenoble) and reached an excellent mass resolution At ILL, the single-arm spectrometer LOHEN- 33 of δA/A= 0.6 %, partially at the expense of a rather GRIN detects only one fragment per fission event, 34 low efficiency of 4×10−5 [177]. The fragment velocities and information on the population of excited states of 35 the fission fragments is limited to states with at least 36 were measured using a start and stop time-of-flight system with channel-plate detectors in both arms of 0.5 µs half-life that reach the focal plane before decay- 37 ing. For a more holistic approach, a different type of 38 the spectrometer, while the fragment energies were measured with ionization chambers. spectrometer is required that can detect all prompt γ 39 rays from both fission fragments, e.g. to extract com- 40 Nowadays, a revival in the development of the 2v- 2E setups for (n,f) studies is clearly underway. As just plete excitation energy and spin distributions in both 41 fragments and their correlations. As a first step in 42 one recent example, Fig. 13 shows the 2v-2E VERDI spectrometer (VElocity foR Direct mass Identification, this direction, the recent EXILL campaign combined 43 a well-collimated cold neutron beam, incident on 235U 44 [98]), built at the Joint Research Center-Institute for 241 Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC-IRMM). or Pu targets, with an efficient Ge detector array 45 consisting of EXOGAM clovers from GANIL, LOHEN- 46 VERDI uses a unique approach to provide the start GRIN clovers and GASP detectors from Legnaro [183]. 47 signal, by using secondary electrons produced by FFs Besides a wealth of new nuclear-spectroscopy informa- 48 when they penetrate the fissioning target. A silicon- tion, this campaign also provided new data on the pop- 49 detector array is used to provide the stop timing signal ulation of excited states in the fission fragments [184]. 50 and the energies. The design goal is to achieve a mass Several experiments use smaller set-ups, consisting 51 resolution of A/∆A ∼ 130. Other recently developed of a few (2-4) γ-ray detectors of various sizes and 52 2v-2E spectrometers are the STEFF (SpecTrometer 53 for Exotic Fission Fragments), built by the University properties, see specific examples in Sec. 4.6.2. 54 of Manchester [178], and the SPIDER (SPectrometer 55 for Ion DEtermination in fission Research) [179] 3.2.3. Fission with neutron spallation sources at 56 at LANSCE (Los Alamos), which are exploited in n−TOF at CERN, LANSCE at LANL, JSNS at J- 57 neutron-induced-fission experiments, see Section 3.2.3 PARC. Since recently, powerful spallation neutron 58 for further details. sources, based on a high-energy proton driver, became 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 17 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 17 1 2 available for fission studies. Examples are the J-PARC developed two-arms 2v-2E fission spectrometer STEFF 3 at Japan Atomic Energy Agency/KEK (Japan) [185], [178], which is presently installed at the EAR2 flight 4 LANSCE at LANL(US) [186] and the n−TOF facility path. A single common start signal for the fragments’s 5 at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) [187], which are TOFmeasurementsisprovidedbyasingleMCP 6 briefly described in this section. In these facilities, the detector in one of the arms, while the stop signals 7 spallation neutrons, after production in a heavy target, are given by two MWPC secondary-electron mirror 8 are directed to an external target of interest, where stop detectors. At the end of each arm (behind the 9 the γ-ray radiation and/or fission following capture MWPCs), Bragg ionization chambers are mounted to 10 11 reactions on the target are measured by relevant sets determine both the kinetic energy and the nuclear 12 of detectors. charge of the fragments. A resolution of ∆Z =2 13 One of the main advantages of spallation neutron (FWHM) [193] was obtained for the light group of FFs, 14 sources in respect of fission studies is that the fission while the mass and energy resolutions were reported 15 properties can be measured as a function of incident- as ∆A ∼ 4u and ∆E ∼ 1 MeV, respectively [178]. The 16 neutron energy using the time-of-flight technique; that central fission chamber is surrounded by a symmetric 17 is why the technique is usually called ’n-TOF’. The array of 12 NaI detectors to measure prompt fission γ 18 time-of-flight is usually derived from a start signal rays. The first experiments with STEFF have already 235 19 provided by the proton time-pulse structure (the started with the n+ U reaction. 20 moment of the proton impact on the target), while 21 the stop signal is provided by the fission event itself. LANSCE at LANL(Los Alamos) The Los Alamos 22 The maximum energy of the neutrons depends on the Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) [194] uses a 23 incident-proton energy, but the overall spectrum shape 800 MeV pulsed proton linear accelerator to produce 24 can be changed by a moderator, thus, it can be tuned spallation neutrons for basic and applied science at two 25 for specific applications. target stations. At the Neutron Research fa- 26 cility (WNR), the neutron beam is generated by im- 27 n−TOF facility at CERN. The n−TOF facility at pinging the accelerated protons (with nominal current 28 CERN is a pulsed coupled to a 185 m of 4 µA) into an unmoderated tungsten spallation tar- 29 flight path (EAR1) designed to study neutron-nucleus get, which produces a ”white” neutron spectrum with a 30 interactions for neutron kinetic energies ranging from usable range from about 100 keV to hundreds of MeV 31 a few meV to several GeV, the upper limit being [195]. At the Lujan Center, moderated spallation is 32 defined by the initial proton beam energy of up used to generate neutrons from subthermal energies 33 to 20 GeV from the PS-CERN. A lead spallation up to a few hundreds of keV [195]. Several fission ex- 34 target is usually used. The number of neutrons periments have been performed at LANSCE, including 35 per a typical proton pulse varies between 5.5×105 for example fission-cross-section measurements for the 36 and 1.2×107, depending on the collimator/moderator reactions n+240,242Pu [195], using parallel-plate ion- 37 configuration [188]. Recent examples of fission cross- ization chambers. An another example of fission mea- 38 section measurements for the reactions n+245Cm and surements is an ongoing study of total kinetic energy 39 n+237Np can be found in references [189, 190]; the (TKE) in the fission of actinides and its dependence on 40 fission fragments were measured with a Fast Ionization incident-neutron energy. Recent work on TKE for the 41 Chamber [117]. In some cases, PPACs were used, reaction 235U(n,f) [108] was performed at WNR using 42 which allow to measure the FFs angular distribution silicon PIN photodiodes. 43 relative to the neutron-beam direction, in addition In addition to the compact radiation detectors 44 to the cross-section measurements. For capture (n,γ) mentioned above, several unique setups are available 45 46 reactions, a 4π total-absorption calorimeter consisting at LANSCE for nuclear-science programs [196], offering 47 of 40 BaF2 crystals is used [191]. various types of fission measurements, as summarised 48 For measurements with very exotic target mate- below. rials, which are difficult to produce in a large quan- 49 • A highly-efficient, highly-segmented Detector 50 tity, a shorter beam line with a flight path of 18.5 m for Advanced Experiments (EAR2 beam line) was recently developed [192], which 51 (DANCE) [197, 198, 199, 200] is one of the most 52 allows a much higher neutron flux on the target, at the advanced detector systems in the world for γ-ray 53 expense of a more limited neutron-energy range. Sev- measurements following neutron-capture and/or eral measurements were already performed since 2014 54 fission. DANCE is a γ-ray calorimeter, consisting 55 at EAR2, including fission cross-section measurements of a spherical array of 160 BaF crystals, for n+240Pu, while those for n+237Np are planned for 2 56 covering a total solid angle of approximately 2016. 57 3.5π steradians. The array has a single-γ-ray 58 Some experiments at n−TOF use the recently efficiency of 85–88% and a cascade efficiency of 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 18 of 77

CONTENTS 18 1 2 over 95%. Despite having an inferior energy to reduce systematic uncertainties compared to 3 resolution in comparison to some other types of more conventional detectors used for fission-cross- 4 modern γ-ray detectors, DANCE is well suited for section measurements. 5 a better characterization of the full γ-ray emission 6 spectrum and γ-ray multiplicity. The fission 7 JSNS facility at J-PARC, Tokai, Japan. The trigger is given by a compact PPAC installed 8 Japan Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS) [206] at the inside the BaF array [201]. The PPAC has 9 2 J-PARC facility started its operation in 2008. A 3 GeV the advantage that it can handle high α-decay proton beam bombards a mercury target at a repetition 10 8 11 rates (∼2.4×10 /s), and provides good timing rate of 25 Hz to generate spallation neutrons. One 12 resolution (∼1.7 ns) for the measurement of the of the neutron beam lines, called Accurate Neutron- 13 time difference between the fission signals from the Nucleus Reaction measurement Instruments (ANNRI) 14 PPAC and the γ-ray signals from DANCE. [207, 208], is designed for neutron-induced reaction 15 • The SPIDER (SPectrometer for Ion DEtermina- studies as well as other applications. Measurement 16 tion in fission Research) is a two-arm 2v-2E fission stations are located at 21.5 m and 27.9 m from the 17 spectrometer [179]. Each arm of the spectrome- moderator. For the measurement of capture cross 18 ter consists of two MCP-based timing detectors sections, an array of Ge detectors (shorter-distance 19 (the larger stop detector is position sensitive) - TOF path) [209] and two large- NaI crystals 20 for FFs’s velocity measurements and an ionization (longer-distance TOF path) [210, 211] are installed. 21 chamber for their energy determination. The in- Presently, due to J-PARC’s safety requirements 22 trinsic mass resolution of SPIDER is expected to any radioactive target material must be sealed in 23 reach ∆A = 1 u. A new, 16-arm version of SPI- a capsule, which makes FFs detection impossible. 24 DER is currently being constructed, and will be Still, the measurements of fission cross sections can 25 used to study fast-neutron-induced fission at LAN- be performed by detecting prompt fission neutrons 26 SCE [202]. escaping the sealed target. This was demonstrated 241 27 • The Chi-Nu [203, 204] consists of two neutron- in the reaction n+ Am using liquid scintillation 28 detector arrays installed at WNR to measure the detectors mounted at the 21.5 m-station, where the 29 prompt fission-neutron spectra as a function of pulse-shape-discrimination technique was applied to 30 incident-neutron energies. One array consists of separate prompt fission neutrons and prompt γ rays 31 54 organic liquid scintillators [196] and is used to [212]. An advantage of this method is that this method 32 measure fission neutrons with energies in excess allows to perform the measurements in the presence of 33 of 500 keV, while the other array includes 22 very strong background from α decays of short-lived 34 6Li-glass detectors to detect low-energy neutrons isotopes. In the future, after getting the licence to 35 use open sources of actinide materials, it is planned to 36 below 1 MeV [204] down to ∼ 50 keV. The Chi- Nu detector system uses double time-of-flight measure fission data (e.g. fragment mass and angular 37 distributions) for with different J π values. 38 to measure the incident and emitted neutron 39 energies. The time-of-flight of the prompt 40 fission neutrons are obtained from a PPAC which 41 provides a start signal when fission occurs, and 42 a ’stop’ signal from the neutron scintillation 43 detectors. The time-of-flight distance is 100 cm 44 for the liquid- array and 40 cm for the 45 6Li glass scintillator array. 46 • A GErmanium Array for Neutron-Induced Excita- 47 tions (GEANIE), located at a 20-meter flight path 48 port at the WNR, consists of 20 high-purity ger- 49 manium detectors with BGO escape-suppression 50 shields [196]. The time-of-flight technique is used 51 to make measurements such as capture cross sec- 52 tions in the energy range from hundreds of keV to 53 Figure 14. (Color online) Available neutron intensity at the hundreds of MeV. sample positions at ANNRI(J-PARC), n−TOF at CERN [191] 54 • The time-projection chamber (TPC) at LAN- and DANCE at LANSCE [213]. The ANNRI spectra, which 55 SCE (diameter ≤15 cm×length 30 cm) [205] is were deduced under the 120 kW operation in the 2009 Japanese 56 fiscal year and the expected spectrum under the future 1 MW exploited for high-precision fission-cross-section 57 operation, are shown also. The figure is taken from [208]. 58 measurements. This is a particle-tracking detec- 59 tor that uses fission-product tracking information Figure 14 shows the energy dependence of the 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 19 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 19 1 2 neutron intensity obtained at the ANNRI’s target 3 station. Several curves show the proton-beam-power 4 dependence of the neutron flux, which is expected to 5 reach a maximum at 1 MW in future. In this figure, 6 also the neutron intensity at n−TOF(185 m) [191] and 7 DANCE at LANSCE (20 m, neutron flight path 14 8 (FP14) in Lujan Center) [213] are shown. 9 10 11 3.3. Current photofission experiments with γ-ray 12 beams, Compton-backscattered γ-ray sources for fission. Figure 15. (Color online) Schematic representation of the 13 βDF process on the neutron-deficient side of the Nuclidic Chart. 14 Absorption of a photon by a nucleus can trigger The QEC value of the parent (A, Z) nucleus is indicated, while 15 the fission of the latter via the process dubbed the curved line shows the potential energy of the daughter (A, Z − 1) nucleus with respect to nuclear elongation, displaying 16 ’photofission’. Historically, the - 17 also the fission barrier Bf . The color code on the right-hand induced fission of actinides has often been exploited, side represents the probability for excited states, with excitation 18 but this approach does not allow the tuning of the γ- energies close to Bf , to undergo fission; the darker colors 19 ray energy, see e.g. the recent bremsstrahlung-induced correspond to higher probabilities. 20 fission study of 232Th by using a recoil catcher and 21 an off-line γ-ray spectrometric technique [55]. In 237 239 22 Np, and Pu, whereas significant asymmetries such experiments, only integral fission yields could 232 238 240 23 were detected for Th, Uand Pu. 24 typically be measured, whereby the fission cross section 25 has to be convolved with the spectral intensity of 3.4. β-delayed fission with stable and radioactive the γ-ray beam, resulting in a typical effective γ-ray 26 −2 beams 27 bandwidth ∆E/E in a range of (4 – 6)×10 ,asquoted 28 in Ref. [214]. β-delayed fission is another mechanism, which can 29 The recent progress in accelerator and laser provide low-energy fission data for nuclei far away from 30 physics has provided an opportunity to obtain the β-stability line, see the recent review in Ref. [10]. 31 tunable, high-flux, quasi-monoenergetic γ-ray beams Since this review, several new developments happened, 32 via Compton backscattering (CBS) of eV-range which will be briefly discussed in this section. 33 from powerful lasers off a relativistic electron βDF is a two-step nuclear decay process, see 34 beam. This technique allows to overcome most of the Fig. 15, in which the parent nucleus first undergoes 35 previous limitations in terms of beam intensity and β decay, populating excited state(s) in the daughter 36 energy resolution. nuclide. In the case of neutron-deficient nuclei, + 37 CBS γ-ray beam sources in the MeV energy region (EC) and/or β decay are considered − 38 have been developed for example at the NewSUBARU, (referred further as β+/EC), while β decay happens 39 Hyogo, Japan [215, 216] and HIγS at Triangle on the neutron-rich side of the Nuclidic Chart. If the ∗ 40 Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL, Durham, US) excitation energy of these states, E , is comparable 41 [217]. to or greater than the fission-barrier height, Bf ,of 238 ∗ 42 In a recent U(γ,f) experiment at the HIγS the daughter nucleus (E ∼ Bf ), then fission may 43 facility, the photofission cross section of 238Uwas happen instantaneously in competition with other 44 measured at sub-barrier energies [214]. The CBS γ- decay modes, e.g. γ decay and/or particle emission 45 ray beam had a relatively modest bandwidth of ∆E (neutron, proton or α), depending on which side of 46 = 150 – 200 keV and a spectral flux of about 102γ/(eV the β-stability valley the parent nucleus is situated. 47 s). An array of PPACs, comprising 23 electrolytically A special feature of βDF is that fission proceeds 238 2 48 deposited UO2 (2 mg/cm ) targets was used to from excited state(s) of the daughter nuclide, but 49 measure the photofission cross section. theobservedtimebehavioroftheβDF events is 50 One of the advantages of the CBS γ-ray beams is determined by the half-life of the parent nucleus (as 51 a possibility to reach an almost 100% linearly polarized with e.g. β-delayed γ and particle decays). As in most 52 beam. Using the HIγS source, the polarization cases the β-decay half lives are longer than tens of ms, 53 asymmetry, being the difference between the in-plane it makes βDF more easily accessible for experimental 54 and out-of-plane prompt-fission-neutron yields relative studies. 55 to the polarization of the γ-ray beam, was recently In βDF, the maximum excitation energy of the 56 measured [218, 219] by using an array of 18 liquid daughter nucleus is limited by the QEC (Qβ− in case 57 scintillation detectors. Polarization asymmetries were of neutron-rich nuclei) of the parent. The typical QEC 58 233,235 found to be almost zero for the photofission of U, (Qβ− ) values are in the range of 3 – 6 MeV and 9 – 12 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 20 of 77

CONTENTS 20 1 2 MeV for the known βDF nuclei in the trans- energy fission data in the same region, see Fig. 22 3 and lead regions, respectively. Thus, the distinctive and Ref. [11]. Finally, the fusion-fission reactions with 4 importance of βDF is highlighted by its ability to heavy ions can also be used to study the same nuclides, 5 provide low-energy fission data for very exotic nuclei, but the accessible excitation energies are higher, 6 which do not decay by SF and which are difficult to starting from typically ∼30 MeV, due to the Coulomb 7 access by other techniques. barrier in the entrance channel. However, they allow to 8 The calculated fission-barrier heights for the probe the excitation-energy dependence of the FFMDs 9 corresponding daughter isotopes are typically in the [124, 229], which is hardly possible in βDF and Coulex- 10 11 range of 5 – 8 MeV and 8 – 12 MeV in the respective induced fission studies. The complementarity of the 12 uranium and lead regions, see Fig. 2. This means three approaches will be further highlighted in Section 13 that most of the presently studied βDF nuclei have 4. 14 negative QEC(Parent)-Bf (Daughter) values, see Table 15 1 of Ref. [10], whereby mostly excited states below βDF with stable beams in direct kinematics. 16 the top of the fission barrier are populated by the Since ∼1995, βDF studies by the Berkeley group 17 β decay. This leads to a predominantly sub-barrier with stable beams in direct kinematics allowed 18 fission, which is one of the reasons why the βDF to perform investigations of the neutron-deficient −6 19 probabilities are typically quite low, often in the 10 – isotopes 242,244,246,248Es [230, 107, 231]. In particular, −2 20 10 range [220]. The other reason for this could be the the FFMD measurements for the neutron-deficient 21 specific β-decay feeding pattern (the β-decay strength nuclides 242,244Es could be achieved, confirming their 22 function Sβ). The strong sensitivity of the βDF asymmetric mass split, as for most of the nuclei 23 probability on the QEC(Parent)-Bf (Daughter) value in this region. The discovery of βDF of 186,188Bi 24 can be used to estimate the fission-barrier height, see [232] and 192,194At [233] was reported in experiments 25 the recent study in Ref. [221] for details and references at the velocity filter SHIP (GSI). In the recent 26 to this method, and also on its application to βDF of experiments at the gas-filled separator GARIS (at 27 180Tl. RIKEN, Wako), four βDF decays of the new isotope 28 One particular drawback of the βDF studies is 230Am were reported, which was produced after 29 that only odd-odd (thus, even-A) nuclides are expected α decay of 234Bk, studied via the complete-fusion 30 to have this decay mode. Indeed, so far the βDF reaction 40Ar+197Au→234Bk+3n [222]. In a follow-up 31 of 29 odd-odd isotopes was observed [10], including dedicated experiment at GARIS, 230Am was directly 32 the recent identification of βDF in 230Am at the produced in the reaction 27Al+207Pb→234Am+4n 33 gas-filled separator GARIS (RIKEN) [222, 223], and [223]. The nuclei of interest were implanted in 34 in 236Bk and 240Es at the gas-filled separator RITU a position-sensitive silicon detector, where their 35 (JYFL) [224]. This is, first of all, due to the odd-even subsequent decays were measured. Nineteen events 36 230 staggering in the masses which makes the QEC values attributed to βDF of Am could be identified, and 37 230 of the odd-odd isotopes larger than those of their odd-A the βDF probability of PβDF ( Am) = 0.3(1) was 38 or even-even neighbors. Secondly, after the β decay of reported, being the highest so far among all measured 39 an odd-odd parent, an even-even daughter is produced, βDF nuclei. By using a similar technique, the βDF of 40 which usually has a higher probability to fission in 236Bk and 240Es were recently discovered at the RITU 41 comparison to its odd-A or odd-odd neighbouring gas-filled separator [224]. 42 isotopes ♯ 43 In the last decade, a substantial progress was 44 βDF with low-energy radioactive beams at achieved in the βDF studies in the neutron-deficient ISOLDE(CERN). Since about one decade, a new 45 lead region, some of the results will be reviewed 46 technique to study βDF nuclei in the lead region was in Section 4.1. As mentioned above, the recent 47 developed at the mass separator ISOLDE [234], by Coulex-induced fission experiments by the SOFIA 48 using the low-energy 30 – 60 keV radioactive beams. collaboration also provided first complementary low- 49 This method allows to extend low-energy fission studies 50 ♯ Nuclei with odd numbers of protons and/or neutrons are to very exotic neutron-deficient (in the future, also 51 known to have longer spontaneous-fission half-lives than their neutron-rich) nuclei, which are difficult to access by 52 even-even neighbours [225, 226]. This observation has been other techniques, see however the above comment on attributed to three different effects: (i) An extra energy 53 (specialization energy [227, 228]) that is required to find a the recent Coulex-induced fission experiment by the 54 transition state at the barrier with quantum numbers (spin, SOFIA collaboration. 55 parityandspinprojectiononthesymmetryaxis),matching For consistency of the discussion, only a short 56 those of the ground state, (ii) an increase in the inertial description of these experiments is given here, we refer parameter with the number of unpaired [228], and (iii) 57 an increase in the pairing gap at the barrier top compared to the the reader to Ref. [10] for a detailed discussion, and in 58 energy gap in the ground state. particular to the recent studies by Ghys et al [17, 220] 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 21 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 21 1 2 Hot Cavity Ion Source Extractor ISOLDE ments at relativistic energies, although the detection 3 dipole magnet U U Target U + + set-up was continuously developed and extended to im- U Fr 78 Tl Tl Tl 4 U U 1+180 207 Po K Xe Tl Laser beams U U Tl prove the resolution and to cover additional observ- Tl Tl Tl 5 At U Au At Fr Po U U ables. Tl Particle 6 U U Spallation 238 Tl 1+80 detection When U beams with sufficiently high energies 7 U Tl 30 kV Tl (around 1 A GeV) became available at the BEVALAC 8 of LBNL, Berkeley (in 1982) and at the SIS18 9 238 U Reaction products Ions synchrotron of GSI Darmstadt (in 1990), several 10 1.4 GeV protons U Target 11 exploratory experiments were performed to develop 12 Figure 16. (Color online) Schematic view of the ISOLDE suitable experimental methods for studying the fission and RILIS operation as applied in the βDF study of 180Tl process. These earlier experiments mainly aimed to 13 [16]. The 1.4-GeV 2 µA proton beam impinges on a thick 50 14 g/cm2 238U target, producing a variety of reaction products via determine the fission cross sections by electromagnetic 15 spallation and fission reactions. The neutral reaction products and nuclear interactions in different targets and to diffuse towards the hot cavity, where the thallium atoms are measure the corresponding fission-fragment nuclide 16 + selectively ionized to the 1 charge state by two overlapping production cross sections [238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 17 synchronized laser beams, precisely tuned to provide thallium 18 ionization in a two-color excitation and ionization scheme. The 244, 245, 246, 247, 248]. 19 ionized thallium ions are extracted by the high-voltage potential The first comprehensive experiment on low-energy of 30 kV, followed by the A = 180 mass separation with the fission induced by electromagnetic excitation in inverse 20 180 ISOLDE dipole magnet. The mass-separated Tl ions are kinematics on 70 fissioning systems was performed 21 finally implanted in the carbon foils of the Windmill system, 22 for subsequent measurements of their decays with the silicon in 1996 with relativistic secondary beams, produced 23 and germanium detectors, as described in the main text. Plot from a 1 A GeV 238U primary beam [40] at GSI, 24 modified from [237]. Darmstadt. In 2012, following a series of technical 25 developments, this method was further extended in the 26 SOFIA experiment by using a large dipole analyzing 27 which were published since the review work. magnet [71, 11]. The SOFIA detector equipment, in 28 As an example, Fig. 16 provides a brief overview particular the time-of-flight and tracking detectors, 29 of the production method of the isotope 180Tl in was considerably upgraded. A position resolution of 30 the pilot βDF study at ISOLDE [16]. A novel 200 µm (FWHM) and a time resolution of 40 ps 31 and unique feature of this βDF experiment was the (FWHM) were obtained [71]. This experiment also 32 combination of selective ionization of a specific element profited from a higher 238U primary-beam intensity, 33 (Tl, in this case) with the Resonance Ionization Laser whichamountedtoseveral109 projectiles per second, 34 Ion Source (RILIS) [235, 236] and subsequent mass compared to a few times 107 projectiles per second in 35 separation at A = 180 with ISOLDE. This allowed the preceding experiment. The higher beam intensity 36 to obtain a uniquely clean source of the desired allowed measurements with higher statistics and the 37 parent nucleus with fully determined Z and A values. investigation of a larger variety of fissioning systems. 38 After selective ionization, acceleration up to 30 keV, While the 1996 experiment mentioned above [40] 39 and mass separation, a pure beam of 180Tl with has been fully analyzed, and all results have been 40 an intensity of ∼150 ions/s was analyzed by the published, the SOFIA experiments [71, 11, 28] are still 41 Windmill (WM) detection system [16]. Here, the under analysis, and, therefore, only some first results 42 radioactive beam was deposited on a thin carbon foil, are presented in this review. 43 surrounded by two silicon detectors (Si1 and Si2), 44 along with HPGe detectors for coincident particle–γ- Reaction mechanisms. Fission experiments with 45 ray measurements. The use of two silicon detectors 46 relativistic heavy-ion beams often have to consider in a compact geometry allowed both singles α/fission 47 or even explicitly make use of several reaction decays and double-fold fission-fragment coincidences 48 mechanisms. For example in the SOFIA experiment, a 49 to be efficiently measured. The same method was two-stage scenario is employed, with the aim to exploit later used for βDF studies of 178Tl [87], 192,194,196At specific characteristics of different reactions pertinent 50 200,202 51 [233, 17, 88] and of Fr [17]. A detailed discussion to each stage. Firstly, the nuclear interactions with 52 of the results will be given in Section 4. the nuclei in the first (production) target serve to 53 produce relativistic secondary beams of a large number 54 3.5. Fission in inverse kinematics of fragmentation residues. In the second stage, these 55 secondary products are excited in the Coulomb field of 3.5.1. Coulomb-induced fission with secondary rela- 56 a heavy nucleus at impact parameters that are large tivistic beams at GSI The description in this section is 57 enough to avoid nuclear interactions. The excitation- essentially valid for all low-energy fission experiments 58 energy distribution induced by the electromagnetic performed up to now with secondary projectile frag- 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 22 of 77

CONTENTS 22 1 2 excitation is given by the Fourier transform of the for subtracting the contributions from nuclear-induced 3 time-dependent Coulomb field of the target nucleus fission that also occur in the high-Z targets, while in 4 seen by the projectile and the energy-dependent photo- the 1996 experiment a scintillator detector was used 5 absorption cross section of the projectile. The total for this purpose. Because the fission fragments are 6 calculated initial excitation-energy distribution and emitted in a narrow cone in forward direction, both 7 the one of events ending up in fission are shown in fragments are measured in coincidence with a high 8 Fig. 17 for the case of a relativistic 236U secondary efficiency, which amounted to 90% in the most recent 9 beam impinging on a 238U target in the SOFIA set- SOFIA experiment [11]. 10 11 up. The mean initial excitation energy of fission events The set-up used for the SOFIA experiment [71, 11] 12 amounts to about 14 MeV. Thus, this method is well is shown in Fig. 19. Compared to the previous 13 suited for low-energy fission studies of nuclei with GSI experiment [40], the additional analysis of the 14 fission barriers below this value. Large part of the deflection in the large dipole magnet ALADIN allowed 15 distribution which has a width of 5 MeV (standard to determine the masses of the fission fragments in 16 deviation) is below the threshold of multi-chance addition to their nuclear charge. 17 fission. 18 Identifying fission induced by nuclear interac- 19 tions. For exploiting the low-energy electromagnetic 20 excitations in fission experiments, higher-energy exci- 21 tations by nuclear interactions must be suppressed in 22 the data analysis, because the impact parameter can- 23 not directly be measured. Most part of the nuclear 24 interactions leads to a loss of nucleons. The loss of pro- 25 tons prior to fission can be detected by summing up the 26 proton numbers of the two detected fission fragments 27 Z1+Z2, because the probability for the emission of pro- 28 tons from the excited fragments after scission is very 29 low in most cases. Thus, a condition that Z1 + Z2 is 30 equal to the Z value of the initial fissioning secondary 31 nucleus eliminates most of the fission events induced 32 by nuclear interactions. Moreover, the nuclear interac- 33 tions in the regime of limiting fragmentation depend 34 Figure 17. (Color online) Calculated excitation-energy only weakly on the size of the target nucleus, while 236 35 distribution of the secondary projectiles U, induced by the electromagnetic excitations grow strongly with in- electromagnetic excitation in a 238U target at an energy of 670 36 creasing nuclear charge of the target nucleus. For light 37 A MeV (full line). In addition, the calculated distribution that leads to fission is shown (dashed line). Higher-chance fission targets, such as beryllium or aluminum, nuclear inter- 38 (after emission of one or several neutrons) is included. The actions dominate largely, and electromagnetic interac- 39 calculation has been performed by L. Grente [249]. tions are negligible. Thus, the remaining fraction of 40 nuclear-induced fission events that fulfill the condition 41 on Z +Z can be subtracted by determining the height 42 1 2 of the Z + Z distribution measured with the light 43 Experimental set-up. Fig. 18 shows the produc- 1 2 target, after adjusting this distribution in the lower- 44 tion of the secondary beams at the FRS of GSI as it Z part to the distribution measured with the heavy 45 was used in the SOFIA experiments on low-energy fis- target. This procedure is illustrated in Fig. 20. 46 sion in inverse kinematics [71, 11, 28]. This part of the The Z + Z filter was also applied by Rubehn et 47 experimental set-up is very similar to the one used in 1 2 al at the ALADIN dipole magnet for determining the 48 the 1996 experiment [40], except that in that experi- fission contributions from nuclear and electromagnetic 49 ment the fission set-up was mounted directly behind interactions [242, 243], and for determining the cross 50 the FRS. sections for charge pick-up and consecutive fission 51 The secondary projectiles with a typical energy of [244], for 238U projectiles at 600 and 1000 A MeV in 52 about 700 A MeV, after leaving the FRS, impinge on different targets. 53 ahigh-Z secondary target, where they are Coulomb- We would also like to mention that the abrasion 54 excited and fission in-flight. In the 1996 experiment, process in fragmentation reactions produces highly 55 this target consisted of five lead plates, while two excited exotic nuclei with rather low angular momenta. 56 plates of and one lead plate were The excitation energy amounts to about 27 MeV per 57 used in the SOFIA experiment. In the SOFIA abraded nucleon on the average [250], and the angular- 58 experiment, additional aluminum plates were mounted 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 23 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 18. (Color online) Left part: Schematic view of the FRS that provided the radioactive beams for the experiments in inverse 11 kinematics at GSI, Darmstadt [40, 71, 11, 28]. A multitude of different radioactive nuclides is produced by the fragmentation of a 12 1 A GeV 238U primary beam in a thick beryllium target. The isotopes of interest are separated and identified by the FRS, and are 13 further sent to a dedicated set-up for the actual secondary-beam experiment. The figure refers to the SOFIA experiments, where the fission set-up is located in another experimental area (Cave C). Right part: Two-dimensional identification diagram of the secondary 14 beam for an ion-optical setting on 236U. The figure is taken from Ref. [28]. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Figure 19. (Color online) Experimental set-up of the SOFIA 29 experiment on low-energy fission in inverse kinematics [71], performed with secondary beams from the fragment separator 30 FRS of GSI, Darmstadt. Two time-projection chambers 31 (TPC1 and TPC2) are installed for tracking the secondary- 32 beam projectiles, two multiple-sampling ionization chambers 33 (MUSIC-1 and MUSIC-2) provide energy-loss measurements and additional tracking information, and an active target, consisting 34 of several depleted uranium, lead and aluminum target plates 35 mounted in an ionization chamber, allows confining the analysis to fission induced in specific target layers. Two multi-wire 36 Figure 20. (Color online) Charge-sum Z1 + Z2 spectrum 37 proportional chambers measure the vertical and the lateral of the fission fragments produced in the aluminum targets 38 positions of the fission fragments, and the twin MUSIC gives (blue histogram) and in the uranium targets (black histogram) energy-loss and additional tracking information. The start 236 39 from a U secondary beam in the SOFIA experiment. The detector (Start FF) and the ToF wall provide start and stop blue histogram has been normalized in order to represent the 40 signals of the time-of-flight measurement for determining the fraction of nuclear-induced fission in the uranium targets at velocities of the fission fragments. The figure is taken from 41 Z1 + Z2 = 92. The difference spectrum (red histogram) is the 42 Ref. [11] with kind permission of The European Physical Journal deduced contribution from electromagnetically induced fission in (EPJ). 43 the uranium targets. The figure is taken from Ref. [252]. 44 45 46 momentum distribution hardly reaches values above tion rate for a given energy loss of the primary beam. 47 20h ¯ [251]. These conditions are well matched for The nuclides produced by fragmentation in a heavy tar- 48 investigating fission as a function of excitation energy get material cover practically all known isotopes of all 49 up to very high values without being disturbed by the elements over the whole chart of the nuclides [248, 253] 50 additional influence of high angular momenta that is up to the mass of the primary 238U projectile. 51 unavoidably introduced in heavy-ion fusion reactions. An impression of the variety of nuclides, available 52 This is an important aspect for studying the influence as secondary projectiles for the SOFIA experiment 53 of dissipation on the fission process. Experiments of with a 238U primary beam, is obtained from Fig. 21. 54 this kind are discussed in Section 4.7. This figure shows the measured production cross 55 sections of spallation products from the reaction 56 Choice of fissioning systems. A primary beryl- 238U+2Hat1A GeV [254]. According to model 57 lium target was used for the production of the sec- calculations with INCL4 [255] coupled with ABLA07 58 ondary projectiles, because it provides a large interac- [256], the cross sections of nuclei with Z ≈ 78 and 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 24 of 77

CONTENTS 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 21. (Color online) Measured formation cross sections 17 of spallation residues, produced in the reaction 238U(1A GeV) 2 18 + H, are shown on a chart of the nuclides, see text for details. Primordial nuclides are marked by black squares. A few neutron- 19 rich , and (altogether 20 four) with large cross sections were not measured. The figure is 21 taken from Ref. [254]. Figure 23. (Color online) Upper part: Element distribution obtained for the 236U(γ,f) reaction [249]. Lower part: Mass 22 235 23 distribution obtained for the U(γ,f) reaction [11]. The figure is taken from Ref. [28]. 24 25 26 27 Resolution of kinematical measurements. The 28 measurement of the nuclear charge of all fission 29 fragments with their full resolution can only be 30 obtained using inverse kinematics at relativistic energy. 31 Figure 22. (Color online) Excerpt of the nuclide chart. Since at such high energy all ions are fully stripped, 32 Primordial nuclides are marked by black squares, colored squares their ionic charge obtained by the energy-loss ∆E 33 represent fissioning systems measured during the first SOFIA gives a direct measurement of the nuclear charge Z. experiment. The warmer the color, the higher the statistics. Moreover, the energy loss is not affected by fluctuations 34 Most of the time was invested in the uranium region, while only 35 short test runs were performed for the lighter systems. The caused by ionic-charge-changing processes. 36 experiment revealed good experimental conditions for all systems The Z resolution in such experiments with ions at 37 for studying electromagnetic-induced fission. The figure is taken relativistic energies also strongly profits from the fact 38 from Ref. [11] with kind permission of The European Physical that δ electrons, which are produced with velocities up Journal (EPJ). 39 to about twice the ion velocity, do not contribute to 40 the ionization signal [257], because their long ranges 41 exceed the size of the Twin MUSIC, and from an 42 heavier are very close to the ones produced in a additional suppression of the ionization via primary 43 beryllium target, for which comprehensive data are not high-energetic electrons by appropriate pulse shaping. 44 available. The main difficulty of the SOFIA experiment 45 Figure 22 shows the specific regions of nuclei, lies in the measurement of the , since 46 which were studied with SOFIA. So far, the main it requires a large-scale detection system to combine 47 focus of the SOFIA experiment was on the Ac to Np the energy-loss measurement of the heavy ion (a 48 region with N ≥ 126, were data with good statistics fission fragment) with its time-of-flight (TOF) and 49 have been obtained for several tens of nuclides. Only its tracking through a magnetic field that yields the 50 a limited time was spent on lighter systems in the magnetic rigidity Bρ. With these three observables, 51 neutron-deficient lead region, which are also produced the mass A of the fission fragment can be deduced using 52 with high intensities as secondary beams according the so-called ∆E -TOF-Bρ method, based on the 53 to Fig. 21. Already this first study showed that following equation: A/Z ∝ Bρ/(βγ), where β is the 54 the Coulex-induced fission experiments at SOFIA are ion velocity relative to the speed of light and γ is the 55 feasible with a large number of nuclides in this region Lorentz factor. The immense effort that was invested 56 of the chart of the nuclides, which further extends and to obtain a good mass resolution is documented in 57 enriches the data provided by the βDF and prompt- Ref. [71]. 58 fission studies, see discussion in Section 4. In the most recent SOFIA experiment [28], the 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 25 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 24. (Color online) Set-up of the fission experiments in Figure 25. (Color online) Identification of target-like nuclei in 17 inverse kinematics at the VAMOS spectrometer after transfer 238 the SPIDER telescope in the VAMOS fission experiments. The 18 and fusion reactions using a 6.1 A MeV beam of U. The figure energy loss in the ∆E detector is plotted on the vertical axis. is taken from Ref. [84]. 19 The factor cos(θ) accounts for the different effective thicknesses crossed by the target-like nuclei emitted at different angles θ. 20 The total kinetic energy is represented on the horizontal axis. 21 236 Experimental data are shown in coincidence with the detection of 22 elemental distribution of the system U(γ,f) was a fission fragment in VAMOS. The figure is taken from Ref. [39]. 23 measured with a resolution (FWHM) of 0.35 charge 24 units. The mass distribution was measured with a resolution (FWHM) of 0.6 mass units in the 25 setup at JAEA, described in Section 3.1.2, a ∆E- light fragment group and 0.8 mass units in the 26 E telescope SPIDER (Silicon Particle Identification heavy fragment group. The upper part of Fig. 23 27 DEtector Ring), is used to select the outgoing ejectile, shows the measured element distribution, while the 28 which both determines the fissioning nucleus (from U mass distribution from this experiment is not yet 29 to Cf), and allows to deduce its excitation energy. available, and the distribution for the system 235U(γ,f) 30 This is demonstrated in the ∆E − E spectrum shown 31 originating from the previous experiment [11] is shown in Fig. 25. Compared to a similar identification 32 in the lower part of Fig. 23 instead. plot shown in Fig. 10, measured in direct kinematics 33 at JAEA, the resolution of different isotopes is less 34 3.5.2. Multi-nucleon-transfer-induced fission with a pronounced. A new measurement with an active target 35 238 U beam at VAMOS(GANIL) The MNT-induced that provided a much better resolution [258] showed 36 fission technique, presented in Section 3.1.2, has that this difference can be attributed to the quality of 37 recently also been employed in inverse kinematics. It the detection system, e.g. to inhomogeneities of the 38 was the idea of Fanny Farget to perform fission studies 39 SPIDER ∆E detector. with this technique at GANIL in inverse kinematics This set-up corresponds in an ideal way to the 40 using a 238U beam at Coulomb energies. The aim 41 kinematical properties of the reaction products: the was to identify the fission fragments in Z and A with annular ∆E − E telescope covers most part of the 42 appreciably better resolution than it can be achieved 43 angular range that is populated by the light transfer with a system that fissions essentially at rest as e.g. in 44 (target-like) residues, while its central hole lets pass SF/βDF or at low energy as in reactions in direct 45 most of the fission fragments, which are kinematically kinematics induced by light particles. To widen the 46 forward-focused. The VAMOS spectrometer covers choice of fissioning systems to be studied, a carbon 47 part of the angular distribution populated by the target was used as light reaction partner instead of 48 fission fragments that contains fragments over the hydrogen and isotopes that are often exploited 49 whole range of mass and kinetic energy, according to 50 in experiments in direct kinematics. its large acceptance. 51 52 Experimental set-up Figure 24 shows the set-up Choice of fissioning systems In a specific 53 of the experiment that was performed at GANIL. A projectile-target combination, a limited number of nu- 238 12 54 primary Ubeamof6.1A MeV impinges on a C clides (about 10 nuclides with a 12C target) is produced 55 target, resulting in both prompt fusion-fission and by strong transfer channels, which makes them acces- 56 transfer-induced fission. The VAMOS spectrometer sible to fission experiments. While the choice of heavy 57 [83] is used to isotopically identify one fission fragment primary projectiles is limited to 238U and eventu- 58 per fission event. Similar to the MNT detection ally very few other (primordial) cases, post-accelerated 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 26 of 77

CONTENTS 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 27. Mass resolution obtained for fission fragments with 17 Z = 50 from the fusion of 6.1 A MeV 238U projectiles with 12C, 18 Figure 26. (Color online) Z resolution obtained for fission measured at the VAMOS spectrometer. The figure is taken from 19 fragments from the fusion of 6.1 A MeV 238U projectiles with Ref. [259]. 12 20 C, measured at the VAMOS spectrometer. The Z distribution is summed over the contributions from all ionic charge states. 21 The figure is taken from Ref. [84]. 22 towards the heavier fragments. Fig. 27 shows the mass 23 resolution for fragments with Z = 50. Despite different 24 Z and A are not fully resolved, the yields can be beams of heavy radioactive nuclides provided in future 25 determined from a fit to the corresponding measured by an ISOL-based secondary-beam facility could ap- 26 distributions. preciably extend the choice of fissioning nuclei to be 27 Due to good resolution in Z and A of the fission studied by transfer-induced fission in inverse kinemat- 28 fragments and with the help of the excitation-energy ics (see Section 5). 29 measurements in the MNT reactions, this experimental 30 approach is the first one to allow studies of the charge 31 Definition of excitation energy Like in the MNT polarization (the N/Z degree of freedom) and the odd- 32 reactions in direct kinematics (see Section 3.1.2), even effect in fission-fragment nuclide distributions (in 33 by determining the kinetic energy and the angle Z and N) as a function of excitation energy over the 34 of the light residue (target-like) product, the total whole fission-fragment range. 35 excitation energy of the system can be deduced with a 36 good precision by momentum conservation and energy 37 balance. In the present experiment, the annular 38 ∆E − E detector provides this information and allows 4. Discussion 39 to determine the total excitation energy with an This section provides a review of selected results on 40 uncertainty of 2.7 MeV. The probability that part of fission, which were obtained since ∼1995. Four main 41 this excitation energy appears in the light target-like regions of interest will be discussed (see also Fig. 5), 42 residue grows with its mass, because the number of each of them characterized by a different extent of 43 levels in the corresponding energy range increases. the previous knowledge, different requirements to the 44 This causes an additional uncertainty on the excitation fission data and experimental techniques applied. 45 energy of the fissioning system. This problem has been 46 tackled by measuring the γ-ray radiation emitted from • The neutron-deficient nuclei in the lead region 47 the excited light transfer product by a Ge detector (Au-Fr isotopes), with the neutron-to-proton ratio 48 array mounted close to the target [39]. of N/Z∼1.25 – 1.4, which is quite different from 49 that for the typical fissile nuclei in the heavy 50 236 Resolution of kinematical measurements. In actinides (e.g. N/Z∼1.56 for U). This region 51 was barely studied so far by the fission techniques, 52 VAMOS measurements, the mass distributions were obtained with a resolution below 0.8 mass unit therefore any fission data, even with a relatively 53 poor mass resolution, are very much welcome. 54 (FWHM) and elemental distributions with a resolution around ∆Z/Z =1.5% (FWHM) [84]. As an example, The complementary fission data provided by the 55 low-energy βDF at ISOLDE and Coulex-induced 56 the Z distribution of fission fragments from the fusion- fission at SOFIA(GSI) on the one hand and 57 fission reactions, summed over all ionic charge states, higher-energy fusion-fission reactions at a number 58 is shown in Fig. 26. The resolution deteriorates slightly 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 27 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 27 1 2 of facilities around the world (see Section 4.1) on low-energy fission data for the daughter (after β decay) 3 the other hand became available in the last decade. isotopes 178,180Hg, 194,196Po and 202Rn, respectively. 4 235 Historically, the first βDF study at ISOLDE was 5 • The nuclei in the vicinity of U. This is by performed for the isotope 180Tl, whose production 6 far the most-studied region of fission, where method was described in Section 3.4. The available 7 extensive data (also calculations and evaluations) Q (180Tl) = 10.44 MeV, while the calculated fission 8 exist, including on FFMDs, on γ-ray and neutron EC barrier is B (180Hg) = 9.81 MeV, thus Q (180Tl)- 9 multiplicity, and energy-spectra measurements. f EC B (180Hg) = 0.63 MeV, allowing for some above- 10 Driven mostly by the requirements of the nuclear- f reactor industry, the higher-precision data are the barrier fission to happen. Despite this, a rather 11 180 −5 12 goal of the modern fission studies in this region. low βDF probability of PβDF ( Tl) = 3.2(2)×10 13 The SOFIA experiment is one of the key new was deduced [10]. The top panel in the leftmost 14 facilities which is able to provide such data. Some column of Fig. 28 shows the two-dimensional Si1-Si2 15 of the present and future facilities will be discussed energy plot of coincident FFs of the daughter isotope 180 180 16 in Section 5. Hg. The dominant asymmetric fission of Hg is clearly demonstrated by a double-humped structure 17 • The region of the minor actinides lying somewhat seen in this plot, with practically no events in between 18 north-east of 235U. The understanding of their the peaks, which would otherwise correspond to the 19 properties is of importance both for the future symmetric mass split. The respective single-peaked 20 Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) and also to the and quite narrow Gaussian-like TKE distribution, 21 nuclear-waste management. While a number of depicted in the middle panel of the same column, 22 isotopes was already studied in some details, the indicates that a single fission mode dominates in 180Hg. 23 advances in the experimental techniques, e.g. the Finally, the deduced clearly asymmetric FFMD is 24 use of surrogate and/or MNT reactions will allow 25 depicted in black in the bottom panel, whereby the to extend these investigations to even more exotic, 26 most probable fission fragments were found in the neutron-rich nuclei (see Section 4.3.) 27 vicinity of 80Kr and 100Ru. In a follow-up experiment 235 28 • The broad region above U, up to the heaviest [87], the βDF of 178Tl was studied, whereby the 29 nuclei with Z = 118 presently known, where mass-asymmetric fission of the daughter 178Hg was 30 several important fission phenomena occur. In observed. These two experiments established the new 31 particular, the recent data on SF and superheavy region of mass-asymmetric fission in the extremely 32 elements (SHE) will be summarised in Section 4.4. neutron-deficient mercury isotopes, in addition to the 33 These data allow to probe the predictions of previously known one in the transactinides. 34 different theory models at the furthest limits of the This discovery caused an intense interest from the 35 nuclei existence, crucially mapping the borders of theory community, whereby very different approaches, 36 deformed and spherical shell effects in this region. such as the macro-microscopic model by M¨oller et al 37 The modern recoil separators utilizing high- [16, 263, 264], two modern versions of the scission-point 38 intensity heavy-ion beams along with sensitive model [265, 266, 267, 268] and two fully self-consistent 39 detection systems are used in these experiments models, HFB-D1S and HFB-SkM∗ [269, 270], were 40 [36, 260]. At present, complete-fusion reaction used to shed light on the observed phenomenon. A 41 in heavy-ion collision is the only mechanism new mechanism for the asymmetric fission of 178,180Hg 42 to produce superheavy elements, where fusion- was proposed [16, 263], which is not driven by the 43 fission and quasifission compete in the reaction. strong shell effects of the final fragments. The latter 44 Orientation effects †† on the quasifission process is the typical situation in the fission of transactinides, 45 will be discussed in Section 4.5. where the strong shell effects in the range of the heavy 46 fragments are responsible for the asymmetry. 47 4.1. Mapping fission in the neutron-deficient lead In the following, a few selected examples of 48 region by means of βDF, relativistic Coulex and calculations are discussed in some details, while we 49 prompt-fission techniques refer the reader to the respective studies for a full 50 description of the models used. In the βDF study 51 4.1.1. New island and a new mechanism of asymmetric of 180Tl [16], the five-dimensional (5D) macroscopic- 52 fission around 180Hg. In this section, the recent microscopic model [271] was applied to explain the 53 results of the βDF experiments at ISOLDE will be 178,180 observed asymmetric mass split of the fission fragments 54 discussed, in which βDF of Tl [16, 262, 87], 180 194,196 202 of Hg. In a follow-up study [263], the two- 55 At and Fr [17, 88] was studied, resulting in the 180 56 dimensional potential-energy surfaces (PES) for Hg 236 57 †† Orientation effect, see [261] for a review, refers to the and U, extracted from the 5D-model, were discussed influence of the deformation of the target nucleus on the reaction to analyze the differences in the nature of asymmetric 58 mechanism. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 28 of 77

CONTENTS 28 1 2 180 194 196 202 3 Tl At At Fr 4 5 80 80 80 80 6

7 Energy Si2 (MeV) 8 60 60 60 60 9 10 11 60 80 60 80 60 80 60 80 12 Energy Si1 (MeV) Energy Si1 (MeV) Energy Si1 (MeV) Energy Si1 (MeV)

13 V 6 14 10 10 15 40 16 4

17 Counts/ 2 Me 5 5 18 20 19 2 20 21 22 120 140 160 120 140 160 120 140 160 120 140 160 23 Total Kinetic Energy (MeV) Total Kinetic Energy (MeV) Total Kinetic Energy (MeV) Total Kinetic Energy (MeV) u 100 24 20 15 25 30 26 15 27 10 Counts/ 3 am 20 28 50 10 29 5 30 10 5 31 32 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 33 M - A/2 (u) M - A/2 (u) M - A/2 (u) M - A/2 (u) 34 35 Figure 28. (Color online) Summary plot of the ISOLDE experiments to study βDF of 180Tl, 194,196 At and 202Fr. 2D energy 36 distribution of coincident FFs in 2 silicon detectors (top), total kinetic energy (middle) and mass distributions (bottom) of investigated 37 nuclei are shown. The green and blue curves represent data below and above the average TKE values for each case shown by the 38 red dashed lines in the first and second rows of the plot. Details are given in the main text. Figure is taken from [17]. 39 40 fission for proton-rich nuclei in the lead region through a shallow third minimum, and finally over a 41 compared to the more familiar actinide region, see third asymmetric saddle at the head of the asymmetric 42 Fig. 29. valley to a shape near the asymmetric scission point 43 The PES for 236U shows features common to many The higher symmetric saddle reduces the probability 44 actinide nuclei with 226 ≤ A ≤ 256 (compare also to of entering the symmetric valley by requiring barrier 45 the PES of 238U from another calculation shown in penetration for systems with near-threshold energies. 46 180 47 Figure 1), such as a deformed ground state, a relatively For Hg, shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 29, 48 low two- or three-humped fission barrier, and most the PES is very different, with only a single pronounced prominently, well-separated symmetric (αg =0)and symmetric valley corresponding to separated semi- 49 90 50 asymmetric (αg ∼ 0.2) valleys. The latter valley is magic Zr nuclei, and no deep asymmetric valley 51 usually attributed as being due to the strong shell extending to scission. The dominant symmetric valley 52 effects (spherical and/or deformed) of fission fragments is inaccessible due to the high barrier along the 132 53 in the vicinity of the double-magic Sn. Fission starts symmetric path from the ground state. The symmetric 54 from the left at the hexadecapole-deformed ground valley remains separated from a shallow asymmetric 55 state, passes through the nearly symmetric first saddle valley by a high ridge in the potential. A similar result 56 point to the symmetric fission-isomer minimum. Then can also be seen in Fig. 30, which shows the PES ∗ 57 themassasymmetrybeginstoincreaseasthenucleus calculations within the HFB-SKM approach [270], 58 passes over the mass-asymmetric second saddle point, which will be further discussed in Section 4.1.3. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 29 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 29 1 2 3 236U 4 5 6 7 8 9  (a) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 180Hg 19 20  (b) 21  22 23 24 25 26 Figure 30. (Color online) Ground-state potential-energy 180 198 27 surfaces for (a) Hg and (b) Hg in the (Q20,Q30)plane 28 calculated in HFB-SkM∗. The static fission pathway aEF 29 corresponding to asymmetric elongated fragments is marked. 30 The figure is taken from [270]. 31 32 fission in the actinides by an extended area of 33 Figure 29. (Color online). Calculated PES surfaces for 180Hg 34 and 236U, as a function of the dimensionless quadrupole moment symmetric fission. 35 and the mass asymmetry. The shapes of the nuclei at several key 36 deformations are drawn, connected to the points on the surface by arrows. The plots are modified from [263]. 37 38 39 Further extensive calculations of the mass yields 40 for 987 nuclides were performed in Ref. [272] 41 by using the Brownian shape-motion method [273] 42 and performing random walks on the previously 43 calculated five-dimensional potential-energy surfaces 44 [271]. One of the aims of this study was to 45 establish theoretically whether 178,180Hg represent 46 separate cases of asymmetric fission in this region, 47 or whether they belong to a broad contiguous region 48 of asymmetric fission, and if so, its extent. Fig. 31 Figure 31. (Color online) Calculated symmetric-yield to peak- 49 shows the map of expected asymmetric and symmetric yield ratios for 987 fissioning systems. Black squares (open in 50 colored regions, filled outside) indicate β-stable nuclei. Two fission, whereby a broad island of asymmetric fission 51 extended regions of asymmetric fission are drawn in the red in the neutron-deficient lead region is predicted. In color, the one in the left bottom corner is the predicted region 52 178,180 agreement with the experimental data, this new region of a new type of asymmetric fission and includes Hg, 53 of asymmetric fission also includes 178,180Hg, though while the previously known asymmetric fission region in the 54 heavy actinides is seen in the top right corner. The region of 55 they are predicted to lie on its left-most border, with predominantly symmetric fission in between is shown in blue. 56 a smooth transition to symmetric fission expected The figure is taken from [272]. 57 for lightest Hg isotopes. Furthermore, this island is 58 separated from the classical location of asymmetric For a comparison with the measured FFMDs in 59 the neutron-deficient lead region, Fig. 32 shows a 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 30 of 77

CONTENTS 30 1 2 subset of the calculated data from Fig. 31, but in shows the two-dimensional Si1-Si2 energy plots of co- 3 the mass-yield representation, with selected examples incident FFs of 194,196Po and 202Rn. The respective 4 (solely due to the space limitation) of the measured full kinetic-energy spectra and the deduced mass dis- 5 FFMDs. A good agreement between measured and tributions are shown in the middle and bottom rows 6 calculated FFMDs can be noted for many nuclides, of Fig. 28, respectively. In contrast to 180Hg, a single 7 shown in the plot, e.g. for 180Hg, 201Tl, 210Po, broad hump is seen in the 2D energy distribution of 8 204,208Rn, 210Ra. On the other hand, one also 194,196Po and 202Rn. In addition, TKE distributions 9 notices a clear discrepancy for e.g. 195Au, for which a are significantly broader compared to the 180Hg refer- 10 11 strongly asymmetric mass division is predicted, while ence, as can be concluded from the standard deviation 12 experimentally a symmetric mass split was observed, values, extracted from single-Gaussian fits, see [17] for 13 see also [17] for further details. We will repeatedly details. Mass spectra, drawn in black, exhibit a mix- 14 come back to the discussion of different aspects of ture of symmetry with asymmetry. 15 Figs. 31 and 32 further on in the text. The indication of triple-humped FFMDs and the 178,180 16 The asymmetric mass split of Hg also raised breadth of the extracted TKE distributions suggest 17 the following four questions, addressed in details in the presence of at least two distinct fission modes 18 Sections 4.1.2-4.1.3. in these nuclei, each having different mass and TKE distributions. This feature was therefore further 19 • How does the transition from the asymmetric 20 fission of 178,180Hg happen by moving along the investigated by discriminating between fission events 21 mercury chain to the heavier isotope 198Hg, for with high or low TKE, similar to the method used in Refs. [47, 48] to illustrate the bimodal fission in 22 which a predominantly symmetric mass split 23 was observed in the earlier light-particle-induced the transfermium region. In Fig. 28, FFMDs of fission events with respectively higher or lower TKE 24 fission experiments by Itkis et al [13, 14, 15], see in comparison to a certain threshold energy E 25 Figs. 5 and 32. thres 26 are shown by respectively the dashed blue and full • How does the asymmetric FFMD of 180Hg change 27 green lines. The value Ethres was arbitrarily taken 28 with an increase of the excitation energy? This as the mean TKE value and is indicated by a dashed 29 and the above question led to the complementary red line on the TKE distributions and the 2D energy 30 in-beam fusion-fission experiments at JAEA [124] plots. Remarkably, the 194,196Po cases exhibit a narrow 31 and ANU [229] along the mercury isotopic chain. symmetric distribution for fragments with higher TKE, 32 • How does the transition from the asymmetric while a broader, possibly asymmetric structure is 33 fission of 178,180Hg occur by moving along the observed for lower TKE. In contrast, this feature is 34 diagonal line in Fig. 32 towards the region of absent in 180Hg in which only one asymmetric fission 35 the heavier nuclides 204,208Rn and 210Ra, for mode was identified. In the case of 202Rn, statistics 36 which a predominantly symmetric mass split was prohibit drawing definitive conclusions. 37 observed in the first Coulex-induced low-energy These results establish a multimodal fission 38 fission experiment at FRS [40, 41]. To answer for these three isotopes, lying in the transitional 39 this question, the low-energy fission studies of region between the asymmetry of 178,180Hg and 40 nuclei in the thallium-to-astatine region with symmetry of e.g. 204,208Rn and 210Ra. Self- 41 the neutron numbers around N∼ 102–116 were consistent PES calculations performed within the 42 recently performed by further βDF experiments HBF-D1S framework [270] provide a clear insight 43 at ISOLDE [17, 88] and via the Coulex-induced in the underlying reasons for the occurrence of the 44 fission at SOFIA [11]. multimodal fission in this region. As an example, Fig. 45 33 shows PES for 196Po, where two distinct competing 46 • How will the FFMDs evolve by moving ’down 180 paths - an asymmetric and symmetric - are marked. 47 south’ from Hg, e.g. along the N = 100 , Beyond Q = 250 b, the PES flattens in such a way 48 which can be investigated by complete-fusion 20 that a mildly asymmetric fission pathway competes 49 reactions with heavy ions, see the recent study of 179 with the symmetric pathway, which allows multimode 50 Au in Ref. [160]. fission to happen. 51 Such a flat, relatively structure-less PES is 52 4.1.2. Multimodal fission and asymmetric-to- 53 symmetric transition in the region between 180Hg and expected to represent quite a general behavior of PES’s 54 210Ra. To answer the third question, the βDF studies in this region of nuclei, and it is very different from 55 of 194,196At and 202Fr were subsequently performed at the typical PES’s in the actinides, where a dominant 56 ISOLDE [17, 88]; the results are shown in the second- asymmetric valley is usually present, as discussed in 57 to-fourth columns in Fig 28. Similar to the above- respect of Fig. 29. Clearly, the outcome of any FFMD 58 discussed case of 180Hg, the top row of these columns calculations on such flat PES’s will strongly depend 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 31 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 31 1 2 196 202 204 208 210 3 Po Rn Rn Rn Ra 4 194Po 5 6 7 88 Ra 210 8 87 Fr Po 9 10 86 Rn 11 85 At 12 13 84 Po 14 83 Bi 15 16 82 Pb

17 Proton number 81 Tl 18 80 Hg 19 201Tl 20 79 Au 21 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 22 180Hg 195 23 Au 198Hg particle-induced 24 Neutron number 25 EM-induced FRS 26 27 EM-induced SOFIA 28 29 β-delayed 30 31 Figure 32. (Color online) Calculated FFMDs (gray), with fission-fragment masses on the horizontal and their relative yields on the vertical axis, for even-N neutron-deficient isotopes between gold and radium at excitation energies slightly above the theoretical 32 fission-barrier heights Bf,th from Ref. [9]. The calculated yields are compared with selected experimental MDs from particle-induced 33 (blue symbols, [14, 15]), βDF (red, [16, 87, 17]) and EM-induced fission from FRS (green, [40, 41]) and SOFIA (dashed light green, 34 [11]. The isotopes 180,190 Hg [124], 182Hg [229] and 179,189 Au [160], recently measured by fusion-fission reactions are also marked in 35 blue. The border of the lightest known isotopes is shown by the thick solid line, β-stable nuclei are shown on a gray background. 36 Figure is modified from [17]. 37 38 on specific details of a subtle and complex interplay 39 between several degrees of freedom, including a yet not 40 fully understood dependence on the excitation energy. 41 Unfortunately, due to relatively low fission rates 42 of only up to some tens fissions per hour in the present 43 βDF experiments at ISOLDE, no further details 44 could be extracted, unless much longer experiments 45 are performed. In this respect, experiments at the 46 SOFIA setup [11] have all potential to establish a 47 complementary way for fission studies in this region. 48 One of the main advantages of SOFIA is its access to 49 all types of nuclides - odd-odd, even-even and odd-A, 50 51 while only the odd-odd cases can be studied via βDF, 196 52 see Section 3.4. The feasibility of this approach was Figure 33. (Color online) Ground-state PES for Po in the already confirmed by the first SOFIA campaign, which (Q20,Q30) plane calculated in the HFB-D1S approach. Two 53 competing fission pathways corresponding to different mass 54 reached some of the neutron-deficient Hg isotopes, see asymmetries are marked. The figure is taken from [270]. 55 Figs. 22 and 32. 56 4.1.3. Asymmetric-to-symmetric transition along the 57 study the evolution and excitation-energy depen- chain of mercury isotopes, from 180Hg to 198Hg To 58 dence of the FFMDs along the mercury chain, the 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 32 of 77

CONTENTS 32 1 36 Ar + 144 Sm -> 180 Hg* 2 36Ar + 154Sm -> 190Hg* 3 180 700 Elab=197.2 MeV Elab=175.1 MeV 4 E* = 65.5 MeV (41.2 MeV) E* = 70.5 MeV (37.7 MeV) 5 90 350 6 7 10000 5000 E =175.1 MeV 8 lab Elab=165.1 MeV E* = 47.8 MeV (33.1 MeV) E* = 62.4 MeV (33.8 MeV) 9 5000 2500

10 s t

n 600 11 u 3000 o

12 C Elab=165.1 MeV Elab=157.1 MeV 13 300 E* = 39.8 MeV (30.2 MeV) E* = 55.9 MeV (30.9 MeV) 1500 14 15 2200 260

16 Elab=157.1 MeV Elab=147.1 MeV 17 1100 E* = 33.4 MeV (23.9 MeV) 130 E* = 47.8 MeV (27.6 MeV) 18 19 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 20 Mass (u) Mass (u) 21 100

22 β-delayed Fission of 180Tl s

23 t E*<10.8 MeV (1.0 MeV) n 50 u

24 o C 25 26 0 50 100 150 Figure 35. (Color online) The fragment mass-ratio (MR)dis- 27 ∗ Mass (u) tribution obtained in the reactions of (a) 40Ca+142Nd→182Hg 28 and (b) 13C+182W → 195Hg∗, taken from the ANU study [229]. ∗ 29 Figure 34. (Color online) FFMDs from fission of 180,190Hg at The excitation energy of the CN is indicated in the parentheses. 36 144,154 different beam energies Elab obtained in the Ar + Sm The other values in parenthesis are the scaling factors applied to 30 ∗ reactions at JAEA. The full excitation energies E are indicated the number of events. 31 in each panel. The effective excitation energy above the fission 32 barrier E∗ is shown in parentheses. Solid curves are the Eff,Bf (l) 33 results of the double-Gaussian fitting by assuming only a single 34 asymmetric fission mode, with respective Gaussian contributions respective nuclear rotation [274]. 35 for the light and heavy mass peaks shown by the dashed curves. For comparison, the FFMD of 180Hg from the low- The bottom panel in the left column: the FFMD for 180Hg from energy βDF of 180Tl at ISOLDE is also shown in the 36 180 ∗ 180 the βDF of Tl at ISOLDE ( Emax( Hg) < 10.4 MeV) from bottom left-most panel of Fig. 34 (the same data as in 37 [16, 86]. The figures are compiled from [16, 86, 124]. 38 the left-most bottom panel of Fig. 28). 39 While we refer the reader to the original papers 40 [124, 229] for the comprehensive discussion of the data 41 dedicated campaigns have been performed by the shown in in Figs. 34 and 35, a brief summary of the JAEA and ANU groups, in which the fusion-fission 42 36 144,154 180,190 ∗ most salient features and conclusions is provided below. 43 reactions Ar+ Sm→ Hg (JAEA) and 180 ∗ 40 142 182 ∗ 13 182 195 ∗ First, we consider the case of Hg , in the left- 44 Ca+ Nd→ Hg and C+ W→ Hg (ANU) hand column of Fig. 34. The flat-topped shapes of 45 were studied in a broad range of excitation energies. the measured FFMDs remain practically unchanged 46 Their respective fission detectors, shown in Figs. 7 and through the studied excitation-energy range and do 47 9(a), were exploited. The resulting FFMDs are pre- not transit to a single-Gaussian shape, which would sented in Figs. 34 [124] and 35 [229], respectively, as 48 ∗ correspond to a symmetric liquid-drop-like fission. 49 a function of initial excitation energy E . By analogy Two peaks can be discerned, especially at the lowest 50 with earlier studies by Itkis et al [14, 15], an effective measured excitation energies, with the light and heavy excitation energy above the fission barrier of a rotating 51 fragment masses of AL/AH =79/101. The latter values nucleus, E∗ , was derived in the JAEA analysis 52 Eff,Bf (l) were derived from a free fit with two Gaussians 53 and is shown in parentheses. This is the excitation en- corresponding to the light and heavy mass peaks, 54 ergy above the top of the fission barrier, determined see the red dashed lines in Fig. 34. The positions 55 by taking into account the pre-neutron emission mul- of the light and heavy mass peaks are in a good 56 tiplicity and energy, and a change of the fission barrier agreement with those derived from the low-energy 57 from those calculated by M¨oller et al. [9] due to the fission of 180Hg at ISOLDE (the bottom leftmost 58 angular momentum introduced by the projectile and panel of the figure), but show much larger FWHM 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 33 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 33 1 2 values. A quite similar picture can also be seen for 3 190Hg∗ in the right-hand column of Fig. 34, for which 4 the maxima at AL/AH =83/107 were derived from 5 ∗ the fits. The data for 182Hg from the ANU work, 6 shown in Fig. 35, seem to confirm the above inference, 7 with a clear signature of asymmetry at the lowest 8 measured excitation energy can be seen, while flat-top 9 distributions, resembling those in 180,190Hg from the 10 11 JAEA study, were measured at the higher excitation 12 energies, see details in Ref. [229]‡. Therefore, an important conclusion on the survival Figure 36. Fission fragment mass distribution in the reaction 13 ∗ 35 144 179 ∗ ∗ of the mass asymmetry in 180,182,190Hg even up to Cl+ Sm→ Au at Elab = 152.5MeV (E = 36.7 MeV), 14 measured at the BARC-TIFR facility. The filled symbols are E∗∼66–70 MeV (E∗ ∼40 MeV) can be drawn, 15 Eff,Bf (l) experimental data, and the solid lines are fit to the data. The 16 which also proves the survival of the underlying deviation of the experimental data from the fit is shown in the 17 microscopic effects even at such high excitation panel below the respective mass distribution. The plot is taken from [160]. 18 energies. This inference is quite different from what is 19 known in the fission in the transuranium region, where 20 the shell effects are quickly washed out as a function 21 of the excitation energy. A thorough microscopic structure responsible for the mass asymmetry could be 22 analysis of this important phenomenon in respect of smeared out to a certain extent. 23 the isotopes 180,198Hg and 196Po is given in Ref. [270]. The asymmetry-to-symmetry transition seems to 24 On the other hand, no sign of asymmetry was be a robust feature in different theory approaches, 25 observed in the heavier 195Hg in the ANU study, whose see e.g. [264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270]. As one 26 FFMD resembles well to the predominantly symmetric example, Figure 30 compares the PES’s for 180,198Hg ∗ 27 mass split of 198Hg, deduced by Itkis et al in [14], see calculated within the HFB-SKM model in [270]. As 28 also Fig. 32. Thus, a transition from the asymmetric mentioned earlier, the PES of 180Hg is dominated by an 29 fission in the vicinity of 178,180Hg to a symmetric one asymmetric fission pathway, which is clearly separated 30 around 198Hg is clearly demonstrated by the JAEA and from the symmetric fission pathway by a barrier. The 31 ANU studies. situation is different in 198Hg, where the PES is rather 32 To probe the evolution of FFMDs by moving flat in the pre-scission region, whereby the symmetric 33 to lighter elements, two fusion-fission reactions and asymmetric fission paths have almost equal energy, 34 35Cl+144,154Sm→179,189Au∗ were studied at several see also a detailed discussion in [269]. 35 excitation energies at the BARC-TIFR Pelletron Finally, it is instructive to re-iterate that neither 36 LINAC facility [160]. The deduced FFMDs for 179Au∗ βDF, not Coulex-induced fission experiments can reach 37 do not show a simple Gaussian shape, especially at the nuclei with the fission barriers above ∼12 MeV. 38 lowest excitation energy E∗ = 36.7 MeV, see Fig. 36, Thus,presently,charged-particle-induced fusion-fission 39 and a contribution from the mass-asymmetric fission reactions remain the only method to study fission of 40 mode was needed when fitting the data. Furthermore, nuclei from higher excited states. On the contrary, 41 the analysis of the FFMD for 179Au∗ showed a good this type of reactions does not allow to reach low 42 ∗ agreement with the fission of 182Hg produced in the excitation energies of the CN, due to the energy 43 reaction 40Ca+142Nd at ANU. balance determined from the reaction Q-value and the 44 It is therefore confirmed from the in-beam Coulomb barrier between the colliding nuclei. 45 ∗ fission experiments of 36Ar+144,154Sm→180,190Hg , 46 40Ca+142Nd→182Hg∗ and 35Cl+144Sm→179Au∗,that 4.2. New results on fission in the 47 there is a somewhat extended area of mass-asymmetric astatine-to-californium region from inverse kinematics 48 180−190 49 fission in the region of Hg, originally found in experiments the low-energy fission of 180Hg [16]. It is important 50 This section provides an overview of some of the recent to continue to map the FFMD mass-asymmetry in 51 results and improved understanding of fission emerging proton-rich nuclei by using a wider variety of target- 52 from the experiments in inverse kinematics. 53 projectile combinations. Still a challenge to be 54 considered in this approach is that rather highly 4.2.1. Overall variation of fission channels A 55 excited states are populated in fusion, so that the shell pronounced feature of fission-fragment distributions 56 ‡ The authors of [229] also considered a possible admixture is the appearance of fission channels due to the 57 in the measured FFMD of asymmetric fission due to 180Hg, 182 ∗ influence of shell effects on the fission process [7]. As 58 produced after the neutron emission from Hg ,seetheideas demonstrated in Fig. 5, double-humped (asymmetric) 59 in respect of Figs. 49–50 in Section 4.3.1. 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 34 of 77

CONTENTS 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 37. Element distributions after electromagnetic-induced fission of several secondary projectiles on the chart of the 13 nuclides, part 1. The figure is taken from Ref. [40]. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Figure 39. (Color online) Mean positions of the Standard 1 24 and Standard 2 fission channels in atomic number (upper part) 25 and neutron number (lower part) deduced from measured fission- 26 fragment A and Z distributions. The values of Standard 1 Figure 38. Element distributions after electromagnetic-induced (Standard 2) for the isotopes of a given element are connected 27 fission of several secondary projectiles on the chart of the by dashed (full) lines and marked by red (blue) symbols. Values 28 nuclides, part 2. The figure is taken from Ref. [40]. were converted from measured atomic numbers or mass numbers 29 using the unchanged-charge-density assumption and neglecting 30 neutron evaporation. Different symbols denote the elements as given in the legend of the figure. Data from the secondary-beam 31 fission prevails over a large range of the actinides, experiment [40] are marked by solid symbols. Open symbols 32 and a constant position of the heavy component mark results from experiments in direct kinematics, partly from 33 at A ≈ 140 had been observed [76] in asymmetric spontaneous fission. The figure is taken from Ref. [275], see also the same work for the reference to the data. 34 fission of systems up to A ≈ 256. Appearance of 35 symmetric fission had been observed in lighter [45] 36 and in heavier systems [276], see also discussions 37 fragment masses of several systems in this region as in Ref. [35] for even heavier systems. These 38 well [11]. general features were already addressed very early in 39 The most prominent feature of the measured theoretical studies, see for example Refs. [277, 278], 40 Z distributions is the presence of multi-modal when the two-centre shell model became available 41 fission (co-existence of symmetric and asymmetric [279], whereas experimental information remained 42 fission) in a broad region from A ≈ 223 to A ≈ 230, fragmentary, especially for lighter actinides. It was 43 evidenced by triple-humped distributions. The relative the aim of the first extended experiment on low-energy 44 weights of the two fission modes vary gradually, fission with secondary beams at FRS [40] to reveal 45 favoring asymmetric fission (centered at Z ≈ 54, which the evolution of the fission channels in the range of 46 corresponds roughly to A ≈ 140) towards the heavier A ≈ 210 – 230 and to study the position of the heavy 47 (A>230) nuclei and symmetric fission towards the component of the asymmetric fission channels over long 48 lighter (A<223) systems, the latter extending all the isotopic chains. 49 way down to 204Rn. The shape of the Z distributions Figs. 37 and 38 show the measured fission- 50 varies systematically along isotopic (Z = constant) and fragment Z distributions of 70 nuclides that were 51 isotonic (N=constant) sequences. The sequence 224Pa- prepared as secondary beams from a 1 A GeV 238U 52 225Th-226Ac, which show similar shapes, suggests that primary beam. Since the number of protons 53 N+2Z is better suited as ordering parameter for and neutrons in the fission fragments are strongly 54 the transition from single-humped to triple-humped correlated, one can expect that the mass distributions 55 distributions. These data, together with several 56 show almost the same shape. This has been FFMDs, measured previously [45, 79, 80] by other 57 corroborated by the results of the later SOFIA means in the transition region and marked in Fig. 4, 58 experiment that was able to determine the fission- fit nicely in the general trend of the data as shown in 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 35 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 35 1 2 Fig. 5. investigated. On the contrary, the mean number 3 These data are also qualitatively consistent with of neutrons varies considerably along the different 4 two-dimensional fission-fragment mass – total-kinetic isotopic chains. Obviously, this is in contradiction to 5 energy (A-TKE) distributions, measured by Itkis et the observation of a constant position at A≈140 stated 6 al. [280] at appreciably higher excitation energies of in Ref. [76], probably because the data at that time 7 generally more than 10 MeV above the fission barrier were limited to rather short isotopic sequences close to 8 in proton- and α-particle induced fission of eight pre- the β-stability line. 9 actinides, reaching from 201Tl to 213At. All these data 10 11 [45, 79, 80, 280, 40] shed some light on the relative 12 yield, the mass (or Z) and TKE distribution of the 13 asymmetric fission mode, localized around A = 140 in 14 the heavy fragment, as a function of the mass of the 15 fissioning system and its excitation energy. 16 The width of this component decreases from about 234 17 15 mass units (FWHM) for Uto5massunits 204 18 for Pb. Future experiments that reach down to 19 lower excitation energies, for example the SOFIA 20 experiment, will be able to investigate the properties 21 of this asymmetric fission mode in the pre-actinides in 22 more detail with much higher yield. A plausible explanation for the gradual vanishing 23 Figure 40. (Color online) Measured fission-product yields from 24 of the asymmetric fission mode with decreasing mass the complete fusion reaction 238U+12C→250Cf∗ at 6.1 A 25 of the fissioning system has been suggested by Itkis MeV (E∗=45 MeV) from Ref. [84] are shown on the chart of 26 et al. [280]: While the region of predominantly the nuclides. The sizes of the clusters are proportional to the logarithm of the cross sections. The primordial nuclei are marked 27 asymmetric fission is rather abruptly limited for higher by black open squares, and the limits of know nuclides and the 28 masses (around A = 258) when two fragments close to main spherical shells are shown for orientation. 29 the doubly magic 132Sn can be formed, asymmetric 30 fission is gradually weakened towards lighter systems 31 by the influence of the macroscopic potential. Because 32 the light and the heavy peak move more and more 33 apart, the macroscopic energy expense in asymmetric 34 fission grows and tends to favor symmetric fission. 35 Recent stochastic calculations of M¨oller et al. [272] 36 reproduce the main features of the measured Z 37 distributions shown in Figs. 37 and 38 quite well 38 (see also Fig. 31). Fission in the pre-actinides shows 39 a rich variety of interesting phenomena. In this 40 region, pronounced structures appear near symmetry, 41 see Section 4.1.2, where the macroscopic potential 42 is flat, and relatively small shell effects can have a 43 decisive effect on the fission path [272]. But also 44 the traditional asymmetric fission valley, appearing at 45 larger asymmetry near A = 140 in the heavy fragment 46 due to strong shell effects, still exists in rather light 47 Figure 41. (Color online) Black symbols - projection on the systems. mass number from Fig. 40. The data are compared with the 48 The FRS data of Ref. [40] that include also data result of the GEF code [282, 283] (red symbol). The deviations 49 on total kinetic energies [281] allowed for a refined and in the heavy wing are mainly caused by a known acceptance cut 50 of the experimental set-up. The figure is taken from Ref. [283]. extended analysis of the characteristics of the fission 51 channels [275]. As an example, the deduced mean 52 In the GANIL inverse-kinematics experiment with 53 positions of the heavy fission-fragment component of the VAMOS spectrometer, the full identification of all 54 the Standard 1 and Standard 2 fission channels in fragments in Z and A from the fission of 250Cf at an 55 Z and N are shown in Fig. 39. The positions of excitation energy of 45 MeV, produced by the complete 56 both fission channels turned out to be essentially fusion of 238Uand12C, has been achieved [84]. Fig. 40 57 stable, with mean values of Z ∼ 52 for Standard 1, 58 and Z ∼ 55 for Standard 2 mode, for all systems shows the measured fission-product distribution on a 59 chart of the nuclides. The projected mass distribution 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 36 of 77

CONTENTS 36 1 2 is shown in Fig. 41. These are the first data on 3 fully identified fission fragments, emitted in the de- 4 excitation process of a specific compound nucleus with 5 a well defined excitation energy in this high-energy 6 range. This was achieved only due to the use of inverse 7 kinematics. The flat top of the mass distribution 8 can be interpreted as a sign for a sizable contribution 9 of double-humped asymmetric fission in addition to 10 11 the dominant contribution of single-humped symmetric 12 fission, even at this high excitation energy. Due to 13 multi-chance fission, the observed distribution is the 14 sum of contributions from several nuclei that fission at 15 different excitation energies (see discussion of Figs. 49– 16 50 in Section 4.3.1.) 17 The evolution of the average N/Z degree of 18 freedom was also determined for several transfer Figure 42. (Color online) Neutron excess of post-neutron- 238 239 240 244 19 residues, such as U, Np, Pu and Cm, at evaporation fission fragments as a function of their atomic number. The figure is taken from Ref. [285]. 20 different mean excitation energies, see Fig. 42. In 21 order to assure a reasonable statistics, no cut on 22 the distribution of excitation energies, induced in the 23 reaction, was applied. These data show a strong fragment masses were derived from the mean velocities 24 variation of the influence of nuclear shell structure of complementary fission products [85]. Moreover, 25 on the neutron excess of the fission fragments. It properties of the scission configuration such as the 26 is known that the fission-fragment mass distributions distance between fragments, the neutron multiplicity, 27 in low-energy fission (spontaneous or thermal-neutron- the total excitation energy, and the proton- and 28 induced) are strongly influenced by shell effects for all neutron-number sharing during the emergence of the 29 these systems. It is expected that the same is true for fragments are reported [85]. 30 the charge-polarization degree of freedom. Therefore, 31 the evolution of the structure in the neutron excess 4.2.2. General characteristics of odd-even structures 32 may primarily be attributed to the variation of the The enhanced production of even-even fission frag- 33 excitation energy. A clear structure is present at ments is another salient feature of the fission-fragment 34 the low excitation energies, while it becomes weak at distributions [286]. The data on this feature from ex- ∗ 35 E =23MeVin 244Cm and completely disappears at periments in direct kinematics are scarce, partly due ∗ 36 E =45MeVin 250Cf. A relatively large N /Z value to the insufficient Z resolution in kinematical exper- 37 around Z = 50–52 indicates the preferential formation iments, partly due to the uncertainties in the abso- 38 of 132Sn-like (N/Z = 1.64) fragments, which is realized lute determination of fission yields from radiochemi- 39 particularly for low excitation energies. cal measurements. Most of the available results origi- 40 These data represent a unique test for nuclear- nate from measurements at the LOHENGRIN spectro- 41 reaction models. In particular, the data are sensitive graph. Note that a good mass resolution is not suffi- 42 to the influence of initial excitation energy and angular cient for determining neutron-number distributions, if 43 momentum on the yields of the fission channels and the the Z determination is not unique. 44 shape of their contribution to the mass distribution, 45 the relative contributions of the fission chances, the 46 Influence of asymmetry on the odd-even charge polarization at scission and the mass-dependent 47 effect in proton number. The secondary-beam neutron multiplicities. The latter strongly depends 48 experiment at FRS [40] also showed that some features on the division of the excitation energy between 49 previously observed for a few systems in direct the nascent fragments, for example via the proposed 50 kinematics [289], proved to be generally present for process of energy sorting in the superfluid regime [284]. 51 all nuclei investigated in that work. As illustrated in The experiments in inverse kinematics at GANIL 52 Fig. 43, an odd-even staggering in the Z distributions 53 and GSI provide valuable information not only on the is present for fissioning systems with both even and odd 54 nature but also on the kinematical properties of one or number of protons. The magnitude of this staggering is 55 both fragments of a fission event, respectively. Besides usually measured by the local odd-even effect, definded the measurement of individual fission-product atomic 56 for integer Zlow values as [290] numbers, masses and kinetic energies after prompt- 57 1 neutron emission [84, 28, 252], also mean pre-neutron δ (Z)= (−1)Zlow [lnY (Z − lnY (Z ) 58 p 8 low+3 low 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 37 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Figure 43. Local odd-even effect δp(Z) (defined by equation Figure 46. (Color online) Local odd-even effect δn(N) (defined 14 (1)) in the element distributions for electromagnetic-induced in analogy to equation (1)) in the fission-fragment neutron- − − − − 15 fission of 231 234U, 224 232Pa, 220 229Th, and 214 223Ac, number distribution for electromagnetic-induced fission of 236U 16 averaged over the different isotopic chains. The lines represent measured in the SOFIA experiment and in thermal-neutron- theoretical estimations of Ref. [287] that are based on the induced fission of 235U [72]. The figure is taken from Ref. [288]. 17 statistical weight of the single-particle levels in the two nascent 18 fragments. The figure is taken from Ref. [287]. 19 20 The staggering in neutron number can be expressed in 21 a similar way. The local odd-even effect in Fig. 43 is 22 generally positive in the light fission-fragment group, 23 and grows strongly with increasing asymmetry. This 24 suggests that the preference for producing even-Z 25 fragments is connected with the light fragment, while 26 the heavy fragment plays only a minor role. This 27 explains also the fundamentally different shapes of 28 the Z-dependent odd-even effect for even-Z and odd- 29 Z fissioning systems. While in the former case both 30 fragments have an even or an odd number of protons, 31 in the latter case one even-Z fragment is always formed Figure 44. (Color online) Local odd-even effect δp(Z) (defined 32 by equation (1)) in the element distributions for electromagnetic- together with an odd-Z fragment. 33 induced fission of 234,235,236,238 UmeasuredintheSOFIA These results were essentially corroborated in the 34 experiment, given in percent. The yellow line indicates SOFIA experiment, see Fig. 44, although there is a 35 the average increase of the odd-even effect as a function of asymmetry. The figure is taken from Ref. [252]. local peak at Z = 49.5 and at its light partner at 36 Z = 42.5, and there are some deviations for extremely 37 asymmetric splits that appear with very low yields. 38 Note that Fig. 43 shows the absolute odd-even effect, 39 while percentage values are given in Fig. 44. 40 Fig. 45 demonstrates that the odd-even effect in 41 Z is sensitive to the excitation energy of the fissioning 42 system: it decreases by about a factor of two in 43 electromagnetic fission (relatively broad excitation- 44 energy distribution with a mean value of E∗ ∼ 14 MeV) 45 if compared to the thermal-neutron-induced fission of 46 ∗ 47 the same compound nucleus (E =6.55MeV). This 48 effect had already been observed previously, for 49 Figure 45. (Color online) Local odd-even effect δp(Z) (defined example in bremsstrahlung-induced fission [291]. 50 by equation (1)) in the fission-fragment element distribution for electromagnetic-induced fission of 236UmeasuredintheSOFIA 51 experiment and in thermal-neutron-induced fission of 235U [72], Robustness of the fine structure in neutron 52 given in percent. The figure is taken from Ref. [252]. number. The fine structure in neutron number 53 behaves very differently. As demonstrated in Fig. 46, 54 the fine structure in electromagnetic fission is almost 55 − 3(lnY (Z +2)− lnY (Z + 1))] (1) identical to the fine structure in thermal-neutron- 56 low low induced fission. This is true for both the amplitude and 57 with the details of the structure. Besides a clear odd-even 58 effect, one observes a strong enhancement of nuclides Z = Zlow +3/2. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 38 of 77

CONTENTS 38 1 2 with N = 82. The SOFIA experiment is the first study They provide the experimental information on the 3 that was able to provide such kind of data for higher composition of the fission fragments in A and Z. 4 excitation energies than reachable in thermal-neutron- 5 induced fission 6 The robustness of this fine structure in neutron 7 number is an indication that it is not produced at 8 scission, because one would expect the same kind 9 of sensitivity to the initial excitation energy of the 10 11 system as observed in the Z distribution. It is 12 probably created during the prompt-neutron emission 13 and reflects the influence of the neutron threshold 14 energy on the nuclide cross sections in the last stage 15 of the evaporation process as suggested by Ricciardi et 16 al [292, 293] to explain the odd-even structure in the 17 light fragmentation products. 18 19 4.2.3. Nuclear dissipation from inverse-kinematics 20 experiments Due to dissipation, the fission process 21 is expected to be strongly influenced by transient 22 effects that delay the onset of the fission flux [294], 23 by a reduction of the stationary fission flux over the 24 fission barrier [294] and by an increased saddle-to- 25 scission time [295]. Several observables, for example 26 the emission of pre-fission neutrons [22, 296], charged 27 particles [297], GDR γ-ray radiation [23], and fission 28 probabilities [298] have been studied in order to 29 deduce the viscosity of . However, 30 the results did not yield a consistent picture [26], 31 Figure 47. (a) Partial fission cross sections and (b) partial whereby the magnitude of the dissipation strength and widths of the fission-fragment element distributions for the 32 238 its dependence on excitation energy and deformation reaction of Uat1A GeV on (CH2)n in comparison with 33 obtained from different observables and with different several calculations. The thin dashed and the thick dashed 34 lines are obtained by applying the Bohr-Wheeler transition-state models used for the analysis (see e.g. [299]) diverge 21 −1 35 model and Kramers’ stationary solution with β =6×10 s , appreciably. Particularly strong discrepancies have respectively. The solid, the dotted, and the dashed-dotted 36 been reported for the overall fission time derived from lines show calculations including transient effects [305] with − − − 37 atomic technique experiments (e.g. [24, 25, 26, 27]) and β =2×1021 s 1,0.5×1021 s 1,and5×1021 s 1 , respectively. 38 from kinematical measurements [18], which are further The staggering in these curves and the abrupt decrease of the 39 dashed-dotted curve below Z1 + Z2 = 78 are due to statistical emphasized in the recent study [300]. Experimental 40 fluctuations of the Monte Carlo calculations. The figure is taken signatures that are sensitive to the dissipation on from Ref. [306]. 41 a specific stage of the fission process, for example 42 pre-saddle effects, are particularly interesting. In 43 In the past two decades, a series of experiments Refs. [301, 302, 303, 304] it is argued that the 44 was performed with primary and secondary relativistic manifestation of pre-saddle dissipation is only possible 45 beams at GSI, Darmstadt, with the aim to deduce the under favorable experimental conditions. These are 46 dissipation strength from fission observables. Ignatyuk primarily high excitation energy and low angular 47 et al [307] inferred a strong reduction of the total momentum of the fissioning system. Fission in the 48 fission cross section in the reaction 238U+Cuat course of the de-excitation process after a relativistic 49 950 A MeV due to dissipative effects. Benlliure et al nuclear collision is particularly well suited for studies 50 [308] reproduced the completely measured residue cross of pre-saddle dissipative effects, because the excitation 51 sections in the reaction 197Au + 1H at 800 A MeV with energies induced in the abrasion process are high, and 52 a model calculation by using a dissipation strength of side effects due to high angular momenta are small 53 β =2×1021 s−1. A similar result (β =2×1021 s−1)was [304]. As already mentioned earlier, the excitation 54 obtained by the same kind of analysis for the systems energy amounts to about 27 MeV per abraded nucleon 55 238U+1Hand238U+2Hat1A GeV [309]. [250], and the angular momentum hardly exceeds 56 Jurado et al [306] introduced the width of 20h ¯ [251]. Experiments in inverse kinematics at 57 the fission-fragment charge distribution as a function relativistic energies offer another important advantage: 58 of the fissioning element, besides the partial fission 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 39 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 39 1 2 cross sections, as a very sensitive measure of the in a single experiment. The latter is advantageous 3 dissipation strength and inferred a dissipation strength in respect of particle capture/fusion reactions, where 4 − of β =2×1021 s 1, see Fig. 47, by using a realistic the incident-beam energy must be changed to populate 5 description of the transient effects [305], assuming an different excitation-energy ranges. 6 initial sperical shape of the fissioning system. This This subsection will review selected results 7 kind of analysis requires the coincident measurement obtained in the recent experiments at the JAEA 8 of both fission fragments. These studies by the use tandem in direct kinematics in the MNT-induced 9 of secondary projectiles demonstrated the influence reactions of an 18O beam with targets of 232Th, 238U, 10 237 248 11 of the initial deformation of the fissioning system Np and Cm, while we refer the reader to Fig. 7 12 on the transient effects. A refined and extended for details of the respective experimental set-up. Most analysis was performed by Schmitt et al [310]. of the data are presently under analysis; therefore, only 13 18 232 14 Considering the influence of the initial shape of the the reaction O+ Th will be discussed here [74]. 15 secondary projectiles, determined by their ground- Figure 48 shows the FFMDs for fourteen nuclei 16 state deformation and, for the first time, by the studied in this reaction, whereby the FFMDs for the 231,234 ∗ 234,235,236 ∗ 17 abrasion process, a large number of systems could isotopes Th and Pa were obtained 18 be described with a single dissipation strength of for the first time. For the other nuclides, the 21 −1 19 β =(4.5± 0.5)×10 s . The larger value compared previously known FFMDs data were systematically 20 to Refs. [306, 311] is explained by the influence of the extended to excitation energies as high as 60 MeV. The 21 ground-state deformation of 238U and the abrasion- figure clearly demonstrates that the mass-asymmetric 22 induced shape distortion that was not considered fission dominates at low excitation energies for all 23 before. In the most recent experiment, the fission the measured nuclei. The yield in the mass- 24 of 208Pb induced by spallation in a hydrogen and a symmetric fission region increases with excitation 25 target was studied [312] with this approach. energy, whereby the FFMDs become increasingly 26 Also these data are well described with a dissipation structure-less at excitation energies in excess of 40– 27 strength of β =4.5×1021 s−1. 50 MeV, presumably due to the weakening of shells 28 The authors of these studies concluded that responsible for asymmetric fission. It should be pointed 29 in particular the partial widths of the fission- out that the actual excitation energies leading to 30 fragment charge distributions (see Fig. 47) or more fission (as compared to those calculated just from the 31 complete information on fission-fragment nuclidic energy/ of the reactions, shown in Fig. 48) 32 yields from more recent experiments on fragmentation will be reduced by neutron evaporation before fission, 33 or spallation reactions, obtained in inverse kinematics, when the initial CN is excited above the threshold for 34 give reliable and consistent results on the dissipation multiple-chance fission, see the discussion below. 35 strength between ground-state and the saddle. This It is also interesting to note that the measured 36 observable measures the time that the nucleus has FFMDs seem to reveal a larger peak-to-valley ratio by 37 available to cool down by neutron evaporation before increasing the isospin (the N/Z ratio) of the isotopes 38 fission. It is argued that, in contrast to many of the same element, compared at the same excitation 39 other observables, e.g. the fission probabilities, the energy (see, for instance, the FFMDs for the isotopic 40 deduced dissipation strength is only weakly model- chains for E∗ =20−40 MeV). This might be explained 41 dependent. They could not observe an excitation- by the growing influence of the doubly magic nuclide 42 energy-dependent variation of the dissipation strength 132Sn on the mass division, which is expected due to a 43 that is discussed in detail in e.g. [313]. better match in the N/Z-ratio between 132Sn and the 44 increasingly heavier fissioning isotopes. 45 The measured FFMDs were compared with the 46 4.3. Fission studies by means of few- and multi- calculations within the fluctuation-dissipation model 47 nucleon transfer reactions based on the Langevin equations, see Ref. [314], 48 4.3.1. Fission-fragment mass distributions of the where an attempt to include the excitation-energy 49 heavy actinides measured at JAEA The multi-nucleon dependence was also undertaken. The applied 50 transfer reactions provide a complementary method model is the same as discussed in context of 51 to study a variety of compound nuclei, including Fig. 59. In particular, the potential energy is 52 those on the neutron-rich side, which are difficult, calculated within the two-center shell model [315] 53 if impossible, to access by particle capture and/or 54 as the sum of the liquid-drop energy VLD and the heavy-ion fusion reactions using available target- excitation-energy-dependent shell-correction energy 55 projectile combinations. Furthermore, this reaction ∗ ∗ Vshell(E )=Vshell(0)×exp (−E /Ed), where the shell- 56 mechanism can populate excited states in a broad correction energy at the zero temperature Vshell(0) 57 range of excitation energy, allowing the excitation- 58 and the shell-damping parameter Ed =20MeV were energy dependence of fission properties to be studied 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 40 of 77

CONTENTS 40 1 2 231Th 232Th 233Th 234Th 232Pa 233Pa 234Pa 235Pa 236Pa 234U 235U 236U 237U 238U E* 3 19O 18O 17O 16O 18N 17N 16N 15N 14N 16C 15C 14C 13C 12C (MeV) 4 5 5 5 5 50 - 60 6 7 8 5 5 40 - 50 9

10 0 11 12 5 30 - 40 13 14 0 15 20 - 30 16 5 Fission yield (%/3u) 17 0 18 19 5 10 - 20 20 0 21 80 140 80 140 80 140 22 23 5 5 0 - 10 24 0 0 25 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 80 140 26 Pre-neutron fragment mass (u) 27 Figure 48. (Color online) FFMDs obtained in the MNT-induced channels of the reaction 18O+232Th (data points with error 28 bars)[74]. The fissioning nucleus and the corresponding ejectile are indicated on the top of the plot. The data are shown for 29 sequential excitation-energy intervals of 10 MeV, indicated on the right side. The red curves are the results of Langevin calculations 30 [74] (see text) after a convolution with the experimental mass resolution, where the initial CN excitation energy is used to start the 31 calculation, but effects of multi-chance fission (neutron evaporation before fission) were not included as discussed in the context of 32 Fig. 50. 33 34 35 used. The calculated FFMDs are shown by the 36 red solid curves in Fig. 48. One can see that the 37 calculations reproduce reasonably well both the global 38 shape of the experimental mass distributions and also 39 the positions of the light- and heavy-fragment peaks 40 for most of the studied nuclides, at least at the 41 excitation energies below ∼30 MeV. This demonstrates 42 the reasonable treatment of the shell-correction energy 43 at these excitation energies, and confirms the validity 44 of the shell-damping energy of Ed =20MeV,originally 45 introduced in [316], in contrast to a recently suggested 46 value of Ed = 60 MeV [317]. 47 With increasing excitation energy, however, the Figure 49. Total 239Pu(n,f) cross section (symbols), as 48 contribution from multi-chance fission becomes in- evaluated in ENDF/B-VII, along with the corresponding 49 creasingly important. Thus, the fission observables, in contributions due to first- (solid curve), second- (short-dashed), 50 particular FFMDs, become a superposition of several third- (dashed), and fourth-chance fission (long-dashed) cross sections. The figure is taken from [318]. 51 contributions, originating from fission at different ex- 52 citation energies. The underlying idea is illustrated by 53 Fig. 49, where the different contributions, as a func- 54 tion of the neutron energy are shown, for the fission shell effects are preserved, which leads to an asymmet- 55 cross section of the reaction 239Pu(n,f) [318]. The fig- ric mass split, observed experimentally. On the con- 56 ure clearly illustrates the fact that only at the energies trary, at e.g. En = 20 MeV, the contribution of first- 57 below E ∼ 5 MeV, the first-chance fission is dominant chance fission is less than each of the second- and third- 58 n and fission happens at low excitation energy, where the 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 41 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 41 1 2 chance fission§. These features are demonstrated by 6 3 238 Sum Fig. 50 from [319], based on the recent MNT-induced U (E* =35MeV) 1st. 4 5 studies at JAEA. This figure compares the experimen- 2nd. 5 ∗ tal data for fission of 238U at the initial excitation en- 3rd. 6 ∗ 4 ergy E = 35 MeV with the Langevin calculation taking 4th. 7 into account multi-chance fission. According to calcu- 5th. 8 3 lations, at this initial energy, the 1st- and 2nd-chance 9

fission happen with somewhat lower probabilities (cal- Yield (%) 10 2 11 culated by the GEF code [283]) from respective higher 1 12 excitation energies, which results in more symmetric- like fission. On the contrary, the higher-chance fissions, 13 0 14 after emission of several neutrons (3–5, in this case), 60 90 120 150 180 occur at lower excitation energies, thus they lead pre- 15 Mass (u) 16 dominantly to an asymmetric mass split. The final cal- culated FFMD, shown by the solid red line, is the sum 17 Figure 50. (Color online) Experimental FFMD of 238U∗ (blue 18 of the FFMDs over the possible multi-chance fissions; it symbols) measured at the initial excitation energy of 35 MeV, 19 is seen that the measured asymmetric FFMD predom- obtained from the channel of the reaction 238 18 18 238 ∗ 20 inantly comes from the higher-chance fission. In pass- U( O, O) U (ff) [319], is compared with the Langevin ing we mention the recent work by M¨oller and Schmitt calculation [314] taking into account multi-chance fission. The 21 solid red curve shows the final calculated FFMD, where the 22 [320] which considered the effects of multi-chance fis- contributions from every multi-chance fission are shown by the 23 sion within the macro-microscopic approach. Several dashed curves with different colors. 24 fission observables show structures that are evidently 25 associated with multi-chance fission. One of the exam- 26 ples is the incident-neutron-energy dependence of the minima in the PES of some heavy actinides, the fission 27 total kinetic energies (TKEs), TKE(En) [321], where cross sections may exhibit intermediate structures 28 a step-like structure appears at the neutron energy (e.g. fission resonances) below the fission threshold, 29 where 2nd chance fission sets in. The average energy associated with the resonance tunneling through the 30 of prompt neutrons also exhibits a dip structure [322] complex multi-humped fission barriers, see e.g. review 31 at the same energy. papers [226, 323, 324]. Transfer reactions such as 32 Apart of FFMDs, the fission probabilities as a (d,p) have often been used in the past to explore these 33 function of excitation energy will be deduced from the intermediate structures, by means of the measurements 34 same data for all studied nuclei from the JAEA MNT- of the kinetic energy of an outgoing particle in 35 fission setup. coincidence with the fission fragments. This allows 36 Clearly, this experimental technique has a large to determine the excitation energy of the fissioning 37 potential to explore fission of neutron-rich heavy residual nucleus, similar to the MNT reactions 38 actinide nuclei. The use of radioactive targets such describedinSection3.1.2.Anobviousadvantageof 39 as 244Pu, 249Cf and, eventually, 254Es is promising for transfer reactions in the earlier studies, compared to 40 this purpose. Also heavier projectiles such as 22Ne the neutron-induced fission, was a wider excitation- 41 could be employed by improving the quality of the energy-range coverage in a single experiment, from 42 ∆E-E detectors. Finally, provided the necessary beam below the fission threshold up to well above. 43 intensities of post-accelerated radioactive neutron-rich However, following the discussion in Sections 3.2.3– 44 beams, such as 20,22O, could be reached in the future, 3.3, we remind that with the recent advent of ap- 45 they could be used to access even more neutron-rich proaches based on the neutron time-of-flight measure- 46 actinide nuclei. ments and on the use of γ-ray beams, such types of 47 experiments can presently be performed with alterna- 48 49 4.3.2. Resonance structures in the superdeformed tive methods. 50 and hyperdeformed minima of the fission barrier It In the earlier studies, silicon ∆E-E detectors 51 is long known that due to the coupling between were frequently used to determine the energy of the 52 the states in the normal and super-deformed (SD) outgoing ejectile in the (d,p) reaction with an energy resolution of ∼50 keV. To achieve a better energy 53 § It is, however, important to stress for didactic purposes that 54 at the respective higher excitation energy, the nature of the 1st resolution, magnetic spectrographs were frequently 55 chance fission will change as it will now happen from higher- used for the ejectile measurements. As an example, by 56 excited states, thus leading predominantly to symmetric fission. using a Browne-Buechner-type magnetic spectrograph The higher-chance fission, on the other hand, will now happen at Chalk River, a resolution of ∼18 keV (FWHM) 57 at the respectively lower excitation energies, thus leading to 58 asymmetric fission. was reached in one of the first experiments of this 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 42 of 77

CONTENTS 42 1 2 type in the reaction 239Pu(d,pf) [325] to study different predictions, these conditions are expected to 3 structures associated with the SD minimum in 240Pu. be realized for several isotopes of Th, Pa and U. 4 The same reaction was later investigated with the 5 Q3D magnetic spectrograph at the Munich tandem 236 6 U accelerator, whereby an energy resolution of 3 keV 7 (FWHM) in Ref. [326] or ∼7 keV in Ref. [327] was st nd rd 8 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. achieved. The studies of the resonance structures in 9 the SD minimum were reviewed in [323]. Transmission resonance 10 5 In some actinide nuclei, in addition to the sec- back Energy (MeV) T = 116 ns isomeric 11 decay 1/2 ond (superdeformed) minimum in the PES, a third, fission 12 0+ E E T = 870 ns E B1 B2 1/2 ; f strongly elongated (hyperdeformed, HD) reflection- T1/2 ; γ = A 13 E EIII 134 ns II 14 asymmetric minimum with characteristic quadrupole 0 and octupole deformations of β ≈ 0.90 and β ≈ 0.35, 0+ 2 3 Deformation (c/a) 15 1.3 1.95 2.9 16 respectively, was predicted already forty years ago, 17 see e.g. [328, 329]. Since then, several theoretical ap- 236 18 proaches were used to study the HD minima, e.g. the Figure 51. The triple-humped potential-energy surface of U macroscopic-microscopic method [330, 331, 332, 333], as a function of deformation, with damped class-I, class-II and 19 class-III compound-nucleus states shown in the three minima. 20 the constrained Hartree-Fock model with D1S inter- For strongly mixed class-I and class-II states, transmission 21 action [334], relativistic mean field calculations [335], resonances of class-III states can occur in fission. The figure 22 or, the self-consistent finite-temperature superfluid nu- is taken from [338]. 23 clear density functional theory (FT-DFT) as in the recent study [336]. In spite of a quite general ap- 24 Since about two decades, systematical studies pearance of the HD minimum in different approaches, 25 of the HD states are being carried out by the 26 there are often quantitative discrepancies among the Munich-Debrecen collaboration using the Q3D mag- 27 models in respect of the third-barrier height as well netic spectrograph at Munich, e.g. in the reactions 28 as the depth of the HD minimum, showing that the ∗ ∗ 233U(d,pf)234U [339], 235U(d,pf)236U [340, 338], 29 prediction of the HD’s properties remains a challeng- ∗ ∗ 231Pa(3He,df)232U [341], 231Pa(d,pf)232Pa [171], and 30 ing subject for modern fission theory. The latter is ∗ 239Pu(d,pf)240Pu [327]. In these experiments, the 31 primarily caused by insufficient knowledge on nuclear fission fragments are detected by position-sensitive 32 properties at extreme nuclear deformations as well as avalanche detectors [339] in coincidence with the ejec- 33 the need for a larger number of degrees of freedom for tile particle measured with the Q3D spectrometer. As 34 extremely deformed and reflection asymmetric nuclear just one example to illustrate the experimental and 35 shapes, including their temperature dependence. As analysis method used, Fig. 52 shows the fission proba- 36 one example, the study by McDonnell et al [336] used ∗ bility, P (236U ) as a function of excitation energy in 37 a FT-DFT with two Skyrme function- f ∗ the region below the fission threshold, obtained in the 38 als - a traditional SkM and a recently developed UN- reaction 235U(d,pf) [338]. The structures at 5.27, 5.34, 39 EDF1 [337] optimized for fission studies. It was shown and 5.43 MeV were proposed to be due to HD reso- 40 that, in contrast to predictions of most macroscopic- nances already in 1998 [340], where an energy resolu- 41 microscopic approaches, either only very shallow or no tion of 3 keV (FWHM) was achieved by using the Q3D 42 third minima in the PES’s of 232Th and 232Uareex- magnetic spectrometer. In the latest measurements 43 pected. On the other hand, a better-developed third and analysis in [338], as shown in Fig. 52, the measured 44 minimum was suggested in the lighter Th and U iso- P spectrum was reasonably well reproduced with the 45 topes with N = 136 and 138. f 46 assumption of the existence of several rotational bands, Figure 51 shows a schematic example of the 47 build on bandheads with different K-values, with large PES for 236U as deduced from the measurements in 48 moments of inertia, arising from very large quadrupole [338] (see also below), in which three minima can 49 and octupole moments as the characteristic properties be seen: normal (or ground state), superdeformed 50 of the HD minima. and hyperdeformed. In order to obtain the evidence 51 In addition to the studies of the fission probabili- for the HD minimum from the measurements of the 52 ties, as described above, it is also important to measure transmission resonances, it is necessary that the states 53 the FFMDs, TKE, andν ¯(A) distributions from the in- in the ground state minimum (class-I) are strongly 54 termediate resonance SD and HD states. For the SD mixed with the class-II states in the SD minimum, 55 states, the FFMDs for fission through the β-vibrational and further on - with the states in the HD minimum. 56 states were measured for the first time at JAEA [342] Otherwise, the narrow class-II states in general will not 57 in the 239Pu(d,pf) reaction, which exhibits nearly the overlap with the isolated class-III states. According to 239 58 same distributions as Pu(nth,f). On the other hand, 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 43 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 43 1 2 235,238 243 (a) U, Am targets [169, 170] were investigated. In 3 addition, beams were bombarded to 232Th and 4 238U samples to populate CNs in the (6Li,d), (6Li,α), 5 (7Li,t), (7Li,α) reactions [348, 168, 349, 350, 351]. 6 After the review on the surrogate-reaction method 7 [172], an important progress in deriving the fission 8

Fission Probability Fission probabilities in surrogate reactions has been made 9 in two different aspects. The first one concerns 10 the influence of the mismatch in spin and parity on 11 Excitation Energy (MeV) 12 fission and capture cross sections, while the second 13 (b) one is related to the recent application of the inverse- 14 kinematic technique. 15 16 Spin-parity mismatch Neutron-induced and trans- 17 fer reactions could lead to different distributions in spin 18 and parity. Therefore, it is not obvious, whether un- 19 measured fission probabilities or capture cross sections Fission Probability Fission 20 for neutron-induced reactions can reliably be deduced 21 from surrogate reactions using the Weisskopf-Ewing 22 Excitation Energy (MeV) approximations, as extensively discussed in the 2012 23 review [172]. 24 Figure 52. (a) Prompt-fission probability, Pf , obtained for As shown in Ref. [172], in a few cases a direct 235 25 the reaction U(d,pf) [338]. The ejectile-energy resolution is comparison of experimental surrogate-reactions data 5 keV(FWHM). (b) Expanded view of the spectrum (a) at the 26 excitation energy above ∼5.2 MeV. The solid line shows a fit to with those from neutron-induced reactions is possible. 27 the data assuming alternating-parity rotational bands starting It was found that fission probabilities from these 28 with J=K, where the background component is included in the two reaction types generally agree quite well. In 29 analysis (dotted curve). The picket-fence structures indicate the contrast, appreciable discrepancies were found for 30 positions of the rotational-band members used in the fit with the K values as indicated for each band. The figures are taken from capture cross sections, by comparing the surrogate 31 [338]. reaction 156Gd(p,p’γ) [352] with the capture reaction 32 155Gd(n,γ) [353, 354]. In a recent experiment that was 33 not yet considered in Ref. [172], deviations as large as 34 the characteristic difference between the SD and HD a factor 10 were obtained for radiative capture cross 35 shapes is that the latter is expected to be somewhat sections in the rare-earth region with the surrogate 36 method (174Yb(3He,4Heγ)173Yb and 174Yb(3He,pγ)) 37 octupole-deformed, and, since the HD shape is closer to the shape of the scission configuration, the fission [355] in comparison with the corresponding neutron- 38 induced data (172Yb(n,γ) [356, 357] and 175Lu(n,γ) 39 from the HD states could lead to significant differences [358, 359]. On the empirical side, these observations 40 in FFMDs in comparison to fission from normal or SD gave confidence to the fission probabilities obtained 41 states. by the surrogate or the surrogate-ratio method 42 To conclude this section, we mention that recently 238 and motivated considerable activity in the field, 43 the sub-barrier structures in U have been studied by e.g. Refs. [169, 170]. But a better understanding of 44 the same collaboration via the photofission technique, the different behavior of fission and capture requires 45 by using a monochromatic Compton-backscattered γ- 46 ray beam [214], see also Section 3.3. more dedicated studies. 47 The previous results suggest that the fission 48 4.3.3. Fission probabilities via the surrogate method: probability is much less sensitive to differences in the 49 spin mismatch issues and the use of inverse kinematics entrance channel than the γ-ray emission probabilities, 50 at VAMOS. Since several decades, the light-ion- but to prove this it is necessary to measure 51 induced transfer reactions were often used in what is simultaneously fission and γ-ray emission probabilities 52 called the ”surrogate reactions method” to determine for the same nucleus at the same excitation energy. 53 neutron-induced fission cross sections, (n,f), see the Recently, the CENBG collaboration measured for 54 the first time simultaneously the fission and γ-decay recent (2012) comprehensive review in Ref. [172]. Some 239 238 55 probabilities of U induced by the U(d,p) reaction, recent applications of this method in the reactions 238 56 with 3,4He beams include: 235,238U(3He,α)[343], which was used to simulate the n+ U reaction for 57 236,238U(3He,p)[344], 234,235,236,238U,239Pu(α,α’) [345, which good-quality neutron-induced data on fission 58 346, 347]. Also (p,p′), (p,d), (p,t) reactions with 239Pu, and capture cross sections exist. The details of 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 44 of 77

CONTENTS 44 1 2 the experiment, the data analysis and the applied 239Np, 240−242Pu and 244Cm as a function of excita- 3 corrections are given in Ref. [360]. The measurement tion energy. The results are compared in Fig. 54 with 4 of the γ-decay probability at excitation energies, where previous data from normal-kinematics experiments and 5 the fission channel is open, is challenging, because with TALYS calculations. Some discrepancies appear- 6 of the background of γ rays emitted by the fission ing near the threshold may be explained by the lim- 7 fragments. As can be seen in Fig. 53, in the excitation ited excitation-energy resolution of 2.7 MeV (FWHM). 8 energy region, where the γ-ray emission and fission It is expected to be improved in future experiments. In 9 compete, the fission probability obtained with the (d,p) general, the fission probabilities obtained in this exper- 10 11 reaction is in good agreement with the neutron-induced iment agree well with the results obtained in neutron- 12 data, whereas the γ-decay probability is several times induced reactions. This is in line with the results of 13 higher than the neutron-induced one. other surrogate experiments using transfer reactions in 14 direct kinematics as discussed in Section 4.3.3.

15 0.2 corr Pf at 140° meas 16 Pγ at 140° P JENDL 4.0 17 f Pf JEFF 3.2 P ENDF/B-VII.1 18 0.15 f Pγ JENDL 4.0 19 Pγ JEFF 3.2 20 Pγ ENDF/B-VII.1 21 P 0.1 22 23 24 0.05 25 26 27 0 28 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 Figure 54. (Color online) Fission probabilities as a function 239 29 E*( U) (MeV) of the total excitation energy. Results are presented for 30 238U+12C inelastic scattering (a) and transfer-induced fission 31 reactions (b)−(f). The fissioning nucleus is indicated in each Figure 53. (Color online) Fission (full blue circles) and γ- figure. Earlier γ -, transfer-, and neutron-induced fission data 32 decay (empty red circles) probabilities as a function of excitation 238 are included for comparison, as well as TALYS calculations 33 energy measured for the U(d,p) reaction compared to the of neutron-induced fission probabilities. The corresponding 34 corresponding neutron-induced decay probabilities according to references are given in Ref. [39]. Arrows point to excitation different evaluations (colored lines). The fission probability has 35 energies equal to the sum of the fission barrier and the energy of been corrected for the deuteron breakup effect, see [360]. The the first excited state of the light transfer partner. The figure is 36 figure is taken from ref. [360]. taken from Ref. [39]. 37 38 Calculations performed with the model of 39 By using radioactive beams in future experiments, Ref. [361] predict that the average angular momentum 40 it will be possible to appreciably extend the choice populated in the 238U(d,p) reaction is about 70% larger 41 of fissioning systems to be studied by the surrogate than in the n+238U reaction near the neutron separa- 42 method in transfer-induced reactions by overcoming tion energy (E∗ = 4.8 MeV). This difference decreases 43 the limited availability of targets for direct-kinematic with E∗ and amounts to about 25% at E∗ =6.3MeV. 44 experiments. 45 Therefore, the results of [360] show that the significant 46 change in the initial spin distribution caused by the 4.4. Recent results on spontaneous fission 47 different entrance channel has a much stronger impact 48 on the γ-emission probability than on the fission prob- Spontaneous fission is one of the major decay modes 49 ability. Further theoretical work is in progress to un- of many nuclides above Z = 92. Since the 1995’ review 50 derstand these results by coupling a Hauser-Feshbach on spontaneous fission, see [32] and references therein, 51 calculation of the decay probabilities with the initial about 20 new spontaneously fissioning isotopes were 52 spin and parity distribution populated by the 238U(d,p) discovered, and the properties of many previously 53 reaction that will result from the model of Ref. [361]. known ones were re-studied and improved. Nowadays, 54 the SF is known up to the element , 55 Inverse-kinematics technique The transfer-induced see the recent comprehensive review by Heßberger 56 fission experiment in inverse kinematics, conducted at [37]. Fig. 55 shows the presently known SF isotopes, 57 GANIL by Farget et al [84, 39] was also exploited to overlayed on the map of fission-barrier heights, 58 determine the fission probabilities of the nuclei 238U, calculated within the macroscopic-microscopic model 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 45 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 45 1 2 by M¨oller et al [9]. Most of the new SF isotopes It has already been known since 1980’ies that the 3 originate from recent heavy-ion-induced complete- fusion probability in a complete-fusion reaction could 4 fusion-reaction experiments, which resulted in the be strongly influenced by the static deformation of the 5 discovery of several new superheavy elements with target nucleus, which can lead to the so-called ’sub- 6 Z = 114 - 118, see recent detailed reviews [36, 260]. barrier’ fusion cross-section enhancement. This so- 7 As seen in Fig. 55, some of these isotopes allow called ’orientation’ effect was extensively investigated 8 the unique probe (together with α-decay properties, in respect of the fusion probability in various reactions 9 where known) of two important regions, where an using deformed target nuclei, for example 154Sm 10 11 increased stability in respect of SF is expected, due (β2=0.270[367]), see e.g. Refs. [368, 369]. A 12 to the respective increase in the fission-barrier heights. comprehensive review can be found in Ref. [261]. 13 The first group, with atomic numbers Z =104-106 Furthermore, around the same period, it was also 14 and neutron numbers around N = 162 are in the found that in the heavy-ion-induced reactions charac- 15 bottom part of the predicted island of deformed terized by Zp×Zt > 1600 fusion-fission and quasifission 270 16 nuclei, centered around 108Hs162. Another ten new compete, with the QF probability becoming dominant 17 spontaneously fissioning isotopes with Z ≥108 and for heavier system [370, 371, 92, 372, 373]. This compe- 18 neutron numbers N ≥ 168 are found on the approach tition results in the reduction of the fusion probability 19 to the predicted island of spherical nuclei, shown in the to form a compound nucleus, which is important es- 298 20 red color, with expected center at 114Fl184. pecially for the synthesis of superheavy nuclei, see the 21 Figure 56 shows SF half-life systematics for even- recent comprehensive review [35]. 22 even nuclides with Z = 98–114. First of all, one notices Due to the importance of quasifission for the 23 a well-documented increase of TSF for the N = 152 production of superheavy elements, within the last two 24 isotones of the elements with Z = 98,100,102 [31], decades several research groups carried out systematic 25 which is due to the strong shell effects around these studies of the orientation effect and its possible 26 Z and N numbers and the resulting increase of the link to quasifission. In this subsection, we will 27 fission barriers, as seen in Fig. 55. A decreasing trend summarize some of these efforts and discuss the 28 of the fission barriers from Z =100 to 104 at N= 152 evolution of the nuclear shape from the projectile- 29 is consistent with the sudden drop of TSF toward target contact point in a heavy-ion reaction towards 30 Z =104. The recent data for the Z = 104,106,108 the final fission fragments, where the competition 31 elements provide first proof for the increased stability between the fusion-fission and quasifission can play a 32 by approaching N = 162, in agreement with higher decisive role. To explain the underlying mechanisms, 33 fission barriers expected from Fig. 55. Finally, the most Fig. 57 shows the calculated potential-energy surface 34 recent data for Z = 112,114, though still being far from of 274Hs∗, following its production in the reaction 35 N = 184, seem to also show the increased stability in of 36Sionswithatargetof238U. The potential 36 respect of SF. Fig. 56 also shows the calculated SF energy was calculated with a two-center shell model 37 half lives based on another version of the macroscopic- [315], which is also used for the Langevin calculations 38 microscopic model by Smola´nczuk et al [362, 363], [374] to determine the fission time scale and FFMDs 39 which follows the similar trends of increased stability as explained in Fig. 59 and Fig. 60. Due to the 40 implied by the other fission barrier calculation [9]. large prolate deformation of the target nucleus 238U 41 In passing we note that the recent reexamination (β2 = 0.215 [367]), two extreme entrance projectile- 42 of the shell structure of SHE in covariant density target orientations should be considered: a) the contact 43 functional theory (CDFT) also reveals an important of a spherical 36S projectile with the tip (or polar) 44 role played by the N = 184 shell gap [364], which is in of the prolate 238U, resulting in a more elongated 45 contrast to earlier inferences from this approach. configuration, and b) a more compact equatorial- 46 side contact. They are characterized by lower and 47 higher Coulomb barriers, respectively, thus also by the 48 4.5. Fusion-fission and quasifission phenomena in different available excitation energies at the respective 49 heavy-ion-induced reactions barriers. For example, the lower-energy polar-side 50 4.5.1. Orientation effect and its importance for configuration may lead to a contact point outside of the 51 the fusion-fission versus quasifission competition. At fusion barrier, as shown in the plot, whereby the system 52 present, complete-fusion reactions provide the only does not evolve towards the complete fusion (formation 53 mechanism to produce superheavy elements and to 54 of a true CN) and instead proceeds via a separate study their decay, including their spontaneous fission QF valley to an asymmetric fission with the FFs mass 55 [366]. Apart of this important goal, they also open 56 values driven by the shell effects of nuclei in the vicinity up a possibility to study fission of nuclei located far of 208Pb (or 78Ni), in agreement with the experimental 57 away from the β-stability line, also as a function of the 58 results, shown in Fig. 58. On the contrary, by excitation energy. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 46 of 77

CONTENTS 46 1 2 Observed SF Nuclides and Calculated Barrier Heights 3 115 Mc 4 Bf(Z,N) (MeV) Fl 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nh Cn 6 Rg 110 Ds 7 Mt Z Hs 8 Bh 9 Sg 105 Db 10 Rf Lr 11 No 12 Md 100 Fm 13 Es Cf 14 Bk 15 Proton Number Cm 95 Am 16 Pu Np 17 U 18 Pa 90 Th 19 20 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 21 Neutron Number N 22 23 Figure 55. (Color online). Presently known spontaneously fissioning isotopes (symbols) overlaid on the map of fission-barrier heights for the region above Z = 90, calculated within the macroscopic-microscopic model by M¨oller et al [9]. Open triangles and 24 thick dots show the isotopes for which SF was discovered or their properties were re-studied since or before ∼1995, respectively. The 25 highly variable fission-barrier heights are mostly due to the ground-state shell effects, which are particularly strong in the deformed 252 270 26 regions around 100Fm152, 108Hs162 and in the nearly spherical region in the red right-hand upper corner of the plot, near the next 298 27 doubly magic nuclide postulated to be at 114Fl184 (not shown in the plot). The figure is modified from [9]. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Figure 56. (Color online) Logarithm of partial SF half-lives 46 versus neutron number for even-even isotopes of elements with 47 Z = 98–114. Dashed lines show the theoretical half-life values Figure 57. (Color online) Potential-energy landscape of 274Hs 48 for even-even Z = 108 (in magenta), 110 (in violet) and 112 (in plotted as a function of the elongation and mass asymmetry, 49 blue) isotopes from [362, 363]. The value for 284Fl is taken from taken from [120]. The red arrow shows the expected evolution 36 50 [365]. The figure is modified from [36], see also the same work of the nuclear shape starting from the collision of Stothe for the reference to the data. polar side of the deformed 238U, producing a composite system 51 which further disintegrates by quasifission by generating mass- 52 asymmetric fragments. On the other hand, the more compact 53 increasing the beam energy, the equatorial-side contact collisions at the equatorial side at the higher beam/excitation 54 becomes eventually possible with larger geometrical energies lead first to the compound-nucleus shape (CN), followed by prompt symmetric fission (green arrows). 55 fraction than the polar-side configuration, which leads 56  It should be noted that at a higher energy which is enough 57 to reach an equatorial-side contact, the tip-side collisions also 58 happens. This should be considered in a model calculation. to a contact point inside the fusion barrier. This would 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 47 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 47 1 2 make the equatorial-side collision to evolve towards a dence of the nuclear-shape distribution on the mass 3 true CN, which fissions symmetrically. asymmetry (α) and charge-center distance (z)forthe 4 To investigate these phenomena, the JAEA group lowest incident energies (in respect of Fig. 58). At the 5 − performed a series of experiments at their setup at very beginning of the reactions [t =(0− 5) × 10 21s], 6 the tandem (Section 3.1.1) to measure FFMDs in the both systems show the same probability distributions. 7 reactions between spherical 30Si, 31P, 34,36S, 40Ar, 48Ca The difference already appears in the next time range, 8 projectiles and a deformed 238U target, leading to t =(5−10)×10−21s, whereby the flux of the 30Si+238U 9 excited superheavy nuclei 268Sg∗, 269Bh∗, 272,274Hs∗, reaction moves towards the compound-nucleus shape, 10 278 ∗ 286 ∗ 36 238 11 Ds , Cn [120, 89, 121, 123, 375]; the obtained whereas most of the flux in the reaction S+ Ugoes results are summarized in Fig. 58. For each reaction, to quasifission with fragment masses around 74/200. 12 −21 13 the data for four incident energies are shown in each Inthenexttimerange,t =(10− 30) × 10 s, a 14 column, with the respective excitation energies of the small fraction of quasifission starts to also appear in 30 238 15 compound nucleus also indicated. Si+ U leading to fragment masses ∼ 88/180, which 16 The FFMD at the highest measured excitation are in agreement with the experimental values. At ∗ 30 238 −21 36 238 17 energy of E = 60.5 MeV in the reaction Si+ U t =(30− 50) × 10 s, the reaction S+ Ualready 268 ∗ 18 → Sg (Zp×Zt = 1288) shows a relatively narrow finishes. On the contrary, fission from the compound 30 238 19 Gaussian shape, which suggests that a symmetric nucleus produced by Si+ U continues up to the −21 20 liquid-drop-like fission happens in this case. On the time domain of t>50 × 10 s. 21 other hand, a triple-humped structure is visible at the Figure 60 compares the experimental FFMDs ∗ 22 lowest measured excitation energy of E = 35.5 MeV. with the Langevin calculation for the reactions 23 The trend is opposite to the expectation of the liquid- 30Si+238U[89]and34S+238U [121]. In the calcula- 24 drop model [376], whereby the standard deviation σm tion, orientation effects are considered to generate the 25 should increase with excitation energy. Thus, it is incident-energy dependence of the FFMDs. The calcu- 26 interpreted that the asymmetric mass peaks observed lated distributions reproduce the measured data quite 27 at A¯L/A¯H ∼ 90/178 originate from quasifission. well and include both fusion-fission and quasifission 28 Further inspection of Fig. 58 shows that the events, see explanations for Fig. 57. Furthermore, in 29 reactions with projectiles of larger mass and/or charge the calculations by tracing each trajectory (shape evo- 30 numbers have larger yields of quasifission, and also lution) obtained by solving the Langevin equation, it 31 the mass asymmetry of quasifission changes. For is possible to separate the ’pure’ fusion-fission (CN fis- 32 example, the shapes of FFMDs become quite different sion) events as those for which the shape of the sys- 33 already in the reaction 36S+238U → 274Hs∗ (third tem reached the CN shape, defined as a rectangular 34 column) at comparable excitation energies to those box in Fig. 59. The obtained FFMDs of ’pure’ CN 35 in the reaction 30Si+238U. In particular, the width of fission are also shown in Fig. 60 by filled histograms. 36 the FFMD becomes larger at E∗ = 61.5 MeV in the The latter have a single Gaussian shape with a narrow 37 reaction with 36S, and the shape of the peak clearly width and are similar for both reactions, 30Si+238U 38 deviates from a Gaussian. By reducing the excitation and 34S+238U. 39 energy, the symmetric component quickly disappears, By using the CORSET setup (Section 3.1.1), the 40 with a dominant QF asymmetric mass distribution Dubna group also studied the orientation effects in 41 seen at the lowest measured energy. The quasifission the reactions between lighter projectiles and heavier 42 peaks are now located at A¯L/A¯H ∼ 74/200, which are strongly-deformed actinide target nuclei, such as 43 also different from those seen in the reaction with 30Si 248Cm and 249Cf [146]. Importantly, despite having 44 and should most probably be linked to the influence a relatively low value of Zp×Zt = 1152 in the reaction 45 of shell effects of the doubly magic nuclei around 78Ni 26Mg+248Cm → 270Hs∗, the obtained FFMDs at 46 and 208Pb, as hinted by the calculations in Fig. 57. the lower energies still showed a mass-asymmetric 47 Finally, in the reactions with even heavier component around A /A ∼ 94/180 arising from 48 L H beams, such as 40Ar and 48Ca, the mass-asymmetric quasifission. This further proves that the onset of QF is 49 quasifission dominates at all the measured energies. strongly influenced by the target deformation, and can 50 The centers of the heavy and light fragment masses happen also for relatively light projectiles, even for the 51 for QF are located at A¯ /A¯ ∼ 78/208. reactions with quite low values of Z ×Z ∼ 1000. We 52 L H p t To further understand the trends in Fig. 58, the note, however, that e.g. in the reaction 22Ne+249Cf → 53 30 238 268 ∗ 36 238 274 ∗ 271 ∗ 54 reactions Si+ U → Sg and S+ U → Hs Hs (Zp×Zt = 980), the FFMDs has the Gaussian- 55 were studied within the fluctuation-dissipation frame- shape characteristic of CN fission for all the measured 56 work, in which the evolution of the nuclear shape is energies, indicating that fusion-fission is the dominant 57 calculated by solving the Langevin equation, see for source to generate fission fragments. 58 example [377, 378, 374]. Fig. 59 shows the time depen- The Dubna group also studied the orientation 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 48 of 77

CONTENTS 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Figure 58. (Color online) FFMDs for the reactions between five spherical projectiles and deformed 238U target nuclei taken at four 25 excitation energies, shown in each panel. Data are from [120, 89, 123, 375]. The Zp×Zt value for each reaction is shown in brackets. 26 27 28 48 208 effect in reactions with lighter deformed target having a value Zp×Zt = 1690, the reaction Ca+ Pb 29 nuclei, e.g. with 154Sm in comparison with the shows a single Gaussian-shape FFMD [379, 380, 145], 30 spherical 144Sm. Fig. 61(a) shows the fission-fragment typical for the CN fission. On the contrary, the 31 48 144 48 238 mass-TKE distribution for the reaction Ca+ Sm reaction Ca+ U(Zp×Zt = 1840) is dominated by 32 (Zp × Zt = 1240), where a dominant symmetric CN-like quasifission, with no clear evidence for the CN-like 33 fission can be seen in the middle of the plot, the same fission seen in the middle of the plot. 34 trend was observed at all measured incident energies Finally, the difference between deformed 154Sm 35 [142]. and 238U targets can be seen by comparing the 36 In the reaction of 48Ca with a deformed spectra in Figs. 61(b) and (d). The former 37 154Sm target (see, Fig. 61(b)), obviously having the reaction shows both symmetric and asymmetric fission 38 same Z × Z = 1240 value, additionally an asym- modes corresponding to fusion-fission and quasifission, 39 p t metric fission channel with the mass peaks around respectively, whereas the latter reaction is largely 40 ¯ ¯ 41 AL/AH ∼ 61/141 appears, and the probability of the dominated by quasifission. 42 mass-asymmetric component increases at lower ener- 43 gies. The quasifission origin for the observed mass- 4.5.2. Mass-angle correlation in quasifission and 44 asymmetric fission events in this case was proven fusion-fission, fission time scale. The growth of the 45 by measuring the fission-fragment angular distribu- QF probability for reactions with increasing Zp×Zt 46 tions, see details in [142]. By assuming the neutron- values can also be demonstrated by e.g. fission- 47 to-proton ratio being equilibrated in QF in the re- fragment mass-angle correlations. As quasifission is 48 154 48 action Ca+ Sm, the FFs neutron and proton a fast decay process, fission fragments are emitted 49 numbers should correspond to (ZL,NL) = (25,36) and with forward-backward angular asymmetry relative to 50 (ZH,NH) = (57,84). This suggests the influence of the the beam direction. This asymmetry can be revealed 51 neutron shell at N = 82 in the heavy fragment as the by the so-called mass-angle distribution (MAD) plot, 52 main reason for the observed mass peaks in QF in this which shows the center-of-mass fragment emission 53 case. angle, θc.m. (with respect to the beam direction) versus 54 Figures 61(d) and (c) reveal the difference between the mass ratio M = A /(A + A ), defined from the ∗ R 1 1 2 55 the actinide-based reaction 48Ca+238U→ 286Cn and fragment masses A (i=1,2). Fig. 62 summarises ∗ i 56 the cold-fusion reaction 48Ca+208Pb → 256No .The the recent systematical studies of the MADs for an 57 latter exploits the spherical 48Ca and 208Pb nuclei, extended series of target-projectile combinations by 58 thus no orientation effect is expected. Indeed, despite the Canberra group with their CUBE setup [131]. In 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 49 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 49 1 2 (a) 30Si + 238U(b) 36S + 238U 3 30Si + 238U 34S + 238U 4 CN CN 46 % 15 % 5 6 7 (0 – 5) ×10-21 s 11 % 8 41 % 9 10 QF 11 37 % 7.5 % 12 (5 – 10) ×10-21 13 14 33 % 4.9 % 15 Cross Cross section (mb/2u) 16 17 QF QF (10 – 30) ×10-21 29 % 3.6 % 18 19 20 21 FF Mass Mass 22 QF (30 – 50) ×10-21 23 Figure 60. (Color online) Comparison between the experimen- 24 tal FFMDs (solid blue circles) and Langevin-type calculations 25 (open magenta histograms) in the reactions of 30Si+238U → 26 268Sg∗ [89] and 34S+238U → 272Hs∗ [121]. Filled magenta his- tograms show the calculated fission from the compound nucleus, 27 FF ( > 50) ×10-21 as defined in the text. The fusion probability, Pfus, is determined 28 from the calculated ratio of CN fission to all fission events, the 29 results are shown in % in each panel of the figure. The geometri- 30 cal shapes on the right-hand-side demonstrate the predominant Figure 59. (Color online) Calculated probability distributions equatorial-side collisions at the higher incident-beam energies 31 of the nuclear shape plotted as a function of mass asymmetry (α) and the polar-tip collisions at the lower energies. 32 and charge-center distance (z) [374] for reactions (a) 30Si+238U ∗ ∗ 33 → 268Sg and (b) 36S+238U → 274Hs The time ranges are 34 indicated. The positions of the respective compound nuclei are marked by rectangles. Quasifission (QF) and fusion-fission (FF) trend observed in Fig. 58, see Section 4.5.1. 35 flux flows are indicated. 36 Recently, the MADs were theoretically studied 37 using the TDHF model in the reactions of 40Ca+238U [382], 54Cr+186W, 50Cr+180W, and 54Cr+186W [133]. 38 the reactions with the carbon and oxygen beams, no 39 One of the features of the TDHF calculations is correlations were observed between the mass ratio M 40 R an exact treatment of the incident angle between and the angle θ for all the target nuclei used. A 41 c.m. the deformed nuclei in the approaching phase. The slight difference is visible for the reactions involving 42 calculations show that the collision on the equatorial actinide target nuclei (232Th and 238U) on the one hand 43 side have a larger probability to generate mass- and lighter target isotopes (Hg, Pt, Os, and W) on the 44 symmetric fission fragments, thus resulting in smaller other hand, whereby the former cases have somewhat 45 mass-angle correlations. larger widths of their FFMDs. 46 To conclude this section, we also mention that The differences between the actinide- and lighter- 47 the MADs can be used for the determination of the target nuclei are more clearly visible, when the heavier 48 fission time scale, see e.g. the studies of reactions projectiles, e.g. from sulfur on, are employed. For 49 of 34S, 48Ti, and 58,64Ni with the targets of 184,186W example, the reaction 32S+232Th [127] exhibits a mass- 50 at the ANU [18]. The extracted short mean scission angle correlation, which is not evident for reactions 51 times of ≤10−20 s for quasifission in the reactions using lighter targets, such as lead and mercury. The 52 with 48Ti and 64Ni were compared with the mean heavier projectiles (e.g. titanium and nickel) generate 53 scission times measured in similar reactions by the strong mass-angle correlations even for the reactions 54 crystal blocking technique in Ref. [24], where the much with the lighter target isotopes. 55 longer fission times were deduced. The authors of The conclusion on systematically wider fragment- 56 [18] strongly emphasized this discrepancy and called mass distributions in reactions between heavier 57 for further efforts to clarify this issue, which could be 58 projectiles and actinide targets is consistent with the very important for the synthesis of new superheavy 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 50 of 77

CONTENTS 50 1 2 98Cf 96 Cm 94Pu 92U

Th 3 120 X 90

4 180 105 Ra 118 X 88 4 135 10 5 0.82 Lv 3 Rn

116 [deg.] 10 86 90 6 2

c.m. 10  Po 114 Fl 45 84 7 10

0 1 Pb 8 112 Cn 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 82 M R 9 Hg 110 Ds 80 10 Pt 11 108 Hs 78 Os 106 Sg 76 12 0.77

W 13 104 Rf 74

14 T Hf arget ystem 102 No 72 S

15 d Yb 16 100 Fm 70

ompoun Er 98 Cf 68 17 C

Dy 18 96 Cm 66

19 Gd 94 Pu 0.72 64 20 Sm 21 92 U 62 Nd 22 Figure 61. (Color online) Mass-energy distributions of fission 90 Th 60 fragments in the 48Ca-induced reactions with the targets of (a) Ce 23 144 154 88 Ra 58 spherical Sm (Zp ×Zt=1240), (b) deformed Sm (1240), (c) 24 208 238 Ba spherical Pb (1640), and (d) deformed U (1840). Figure 86 Rn 0.72 56 25 is taken from [145]. The peak in the middle of each panel is due Po 54Xe 26 to the fusion-fission of excited fully equilibrated CN, while the 84 0.67 two strong peaks on the left- and right-hand sides are due to the Pb 0.62 27 82 scattered beam and target nuclei. The events in between the 28 areas of the scattered nuclei and fusion-fission events are due to 6C 8ONeMgSiS 10 12 14 16 18 ArCaTi 20 22 24Cr 26 Fe 28 Ni 29 quasifission. Projectile 30 31 Figure 62. Fission-fragment mass-angle distributions 32 (MADs)[131]. All miniature plots have the same axes as the eleements, see also the recent study [300]. 48 170 33 large MAD (top left, Ti+ Er at Ebeam = 225.0 MeV). The full gray lines correspond to the noted constant values of the ef- 34 4.6. Prompt-neutron and γ-ray emission in fission: fective entrance-channel fissility parameter xeff [381]. The inten- 35 sity scale represents counts per pixel in the MAD, proportional selected recent results. 2 36 to d σ/dθc.m.dMR. 37 4.6.1. Prompt-neutron emission from fission frag- 38 ments. 39 neutrons to obtainν ¯(A). Since neutrons are strongly 40 kinematically focused to the fragment directions in the Prompt-fission-neutron multiplicities. Prompt 41 laboratory frame in the reactions in direct kinematics, neutron emission from fission fragments is a well 42 the assignment to one of the fragments as a neutron- established phenomenon, whereby the deformation 43 emitter is easily possible, when neutrons are detected energy of the nascent fragments at the scission point 44 along the fragment flight axis within a limited solid 45 is considered as the main source for the respective angle. By using this method,ν ¯(A) data for thermal- 233,235 239 46 excitation in low-energy fission, such as SF or thermal- neutron-induced fission of Uand Pu were 47 neutron-induced fission. Thus, the average neutron re-measured [385, 386, 387] at the Kyoto University 48 multiplicity from an individual fragment with a mass [388]. A liquid scintillation detector 49 A,¯ν(A), carries an important information on how the (127 mm-diameter× 51 mm-thickness) was mounted on 50 fissioning system evolves along the different paths on the axis defined by two fission-fragment detectors, 51 the potential-energy surface. Prompt-neutron and γ- which comprised a multi-wire proportional counter 52 ray measurements until ∼1974 were summarized in and a silicon detector (1v -1E method) [389]. In the 53 Refs. [383, 384], while the comprehensive book [8] measurement, also the neutron-energy spectra from 54 reviewed the data up to ∼1990. In our work, selected individual fragments were obtained. An example of 233 55 examples of more recent studies will be presented. data for U(nth,f) [385] is shown in Fig. 63. While 56 Prompt-fission setups described in Section 3.1 theν ¯(A) values demonstrate a well-known sawtooth 57 can be easily combined with neutron detectors for distribution, the average neutron energiesη ¯(A)have 58 the correlation measurements of fission fragments and a mirror-symmetric distribution around the symmetric 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 51 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 51 1 4 8 2 fission split at slightly below A = 120. The neutron ν 3 energies are especially high for the symmetric and 3 (a) 6 4 large-asymmetric fission fragments. The different 5 shapes of theν ¯(A)and¯η(A) spectra can be explained 2 4 6 by nuclear-structure effects of the fission fragments as 7 follows below. 1 2 8 Figure 63(c) shows the level-density parame- 9 (%) Yield Fragment ter, a(A), for fission fragments from the reaction Multiplicity Neutron 0 0 10 233 ¯∗ 2 2.5 11 U(nth,f), obtained with the formula E = aT .The average excitation energy E¯∗ and the nuclear tem- (b) 12 2.0 13 perature T [390] of the fission fragments were deter- (MeV) 14 mined from the values ofν ¯ andη ¯ given in Figs. 63(a) η 1.5 15 and (b), respectively. The data in Fig. 63(c) exhibit 1.0 16 a strong variation as a function of the fragment mass, with sudden drops around the fragments in the vicin- Energy 17 0.5 18 ity of A = 125 and 75. The trend is largely differ- ent both from the trend for stable isotopes (shown by 19 (c) 20 the open blue circles) [391] and from the linearly in- 20 creasing function a(A) ∝ A (dashed line), often used in )

21 -1 22 statistical-model calculations. The a(A)valuesfrom the neutron-induced fission, 233U(n ,f), confirmed the 23 th ( MeV 252 10

24 originally reported similar trend from the Cf(sf) a 25 measurements [392] carried out at the Central Bureau 26 for Nuclear Measurement (CBNM) in Belgium (now 0 27 called JRC-IRMM). For the quantitative understand- 60 80 100 120 140 160 28 ing, the data are compared with the Gilbert-Cameron Mass (u) 29 predictions from [393], where the level-density param- 30 eter takes into account the shell-correction energies for Figure 63. (Color online) Red symbols - the data for the 233 31 neutrons and protons (the red solid line in Fig. 63(c)). reaction U(nth,f) [385]. (a) The prompt-neutron multiplicity ν¯(A) as a function of the FFs mass (see left ordinate). The 32 Significantly smaller values for nuclei around A = 125 respective FFMD is schematically shown by the blue line (right 33 can be explained by the large negative shell-correction ordinate); (b) Average neutron energy in the c.m. frame,η ¯; 34 energies around 132Sn. This analysis provides that sim- (c) The level-density parameter obtained from the fragment- 35 ulation of prompt neutron-evaporation requires infor- neutron correlation data. The red solid line is the prediction by Gilbert and Cameron [393]. The black dashed line is the linear 36 mation on the structure of neutron-rich fission frag- expression a(A) = 0.12A. Open blue circles are the level-density 37 ments. parameters for the stable isotopes [391]. 38 Two new detailed measurements of the neutron 39 multiplicity as a function of fragment mass and TKE 40 have recently been performed by the JRC-IRMM Excitation energy dependence of ν¯(A). There 41 252 group for Cf(sf). In the first experiment, reported are only a few experiments that studied the variation 42 in [113], a gridded Frisch ionization chamber and ofν ¯(A) as a function of excitation energy. The most 43 a liquid scintillator were used, thus the neutron 44 precise data have been reported around years 1984- multiplicity could be measured directly. The second 1986 by M¨uller et al. [394] and Naqvi et al. [395]. 45 experiment [98] was performed with the 2v-2E VERDI 46 Fig. 65 shows theν ¯(A) data for neutron-induced fission spectrometer (see Fig. 13 in Section 3.1.1), whereby 237 47 of Np at incoming neutron energies of 0.8 MeV the neutron multiplicity was derived via an indirect 48 and 5.55 MeV. The total neutron multiplicity increases method by calculating the difference between the 49 from 2.73±0.11 to 3.46±0.11 [395]. More importantly, pre-neutron and post-neutron FFs’s masses. The 50 Fig. 65 reveals that this increase appears only in comparison of the measurements in Fig. 64 shows 51 the heavy fragment group, while the prompt-neutron that while the shapes of both distributions are 52 multiplicity in the light fragment group is unchanged 53 very similar, the indirect values from the 2v-2E within the experimental uncertainties. The same 54 measurement are 15 % larger than those from the direct result was obtained in the reaction 235U(n,f) with detection method. Interestingly, theν ¯(A) data for En = 0.5 MeV and 5.5 MeV [394]. Furthermore, it was 55 233 252 56 U(nth,f)(Fig. 63(a)) and Cf(sf) (Fig. 64) show found that the fission-fragment yields remain almost 57 that the hump at A∼138 is commonly observed for constant, except for an increase of the symmetric 58 both reactions. fission channel that still stays around the 1% level at 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 52 of 77

CONTENTS 52 1 2 Direct plot demonstrates that as a function of the beam 3 energy (thus, as a function of E∗) the prompt-neutron 4 2v-2E multiplicities increase only for heavy fragments in 5 the mass region of 120−150u, whereas those for the 6 light fragments remain almost unchanged. A similar 7 conclusion was also derived for the reaction p + 238U 8 → 239Np∗ in the same study. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 64. (Color online) Average neutron multiplicity as a 17 function of fission-fragment mass,ν ¯(A)for252Cf(sf). Filled 18 triangles display the data from the direct neutron-detection 19 method using a liquid organic scintillation detector [113]. The 20 crosses show the results from the 2v-2E indirect method employed with the VERDI spectrometer [98] with a mass 21 resolution A/∆A ∼ 80. Figure is taken from [98]. 22 23 24 25 the higher energy. Mainly due to its importance for higher-energy 26 Figure 66. Post-scission neutron multiplicity, Mpost,asa 27 fission in e.g. reactors with fast neutrons, the evolution function of pre-neutron fragment mass for the reaction p + 242Pu 243 ∗ 28 ofν ¯(A) as a function of excitation energy has recently → Am at three proton beam energies. The histogram shows attracted a renewed interest. the mass distribution at a proton energy of 20 MeV. The figure 29 is taken from [140]. 30 31 32 33 Energy-sorting hypothesis. Recently, Schmidt 34 and Jurado [284] interpreted the insensitivity of the 35 prompt-neutron yield in the light fission-fragment 36 group to the initial excitation energy found in 237 37 Np(n,f) [395] at En = 0.8 MeV and 5.55 MeV 38 (see Fig. 65) as a consequence of the peculiar 39 thermodynamical properties of the di-nuclear system 40 before scission. In this energy regime, pairing 41 correlations are expected to persist all the way up to 42 scission. The authors of Ref. [284] were inspired by 43 recent experimental results and theoretical arguments 44 Figure 65. Color online) Measured prompt-neutron multiplic- for the presence of a constant nuclear temperature 237 45 ity in Np(n,f) as a function of pre-neutron mass at two dif- below the critical pairing energy [397, 398]. Following 46 ferent incident-neutron energies [395] (colored data points) in comparison with the result of the GEF model (red and blue his- theoretical expectations that the nascent fragments 47 tograms). The figure is taken from [395]. aquire their individual properties well before scission, 48 they claimed that the dinuclear system on the way from 49 the outer saddle to scission behaves like two coupled 50 Figure 66 shows a recent example of prompt- thermostates [399, 400]. In general, the temperature 51 neutron-multiplicity measurements in the reaction of the heavier fragment is expected to be lower, 52 242 243 ∗ p+ Pu → Am at three beam energies, leading because the nuclear temperature is known to be grossly 53 − to appreciably higher excitation energies. The proportional to A 2/3 [401] in the superfluid regime. 54 experiment was performed by the Dubna group at This trend may eventually only be inverted by strong 55 the Accelerator Laboratory, University of Jyv¨askyl¨a, shell effects in mass splits close to symmetry. Since the 56 by using the CORSET setup coupled to the time-of- nascent fragments cannot reach , 57 flight neutron-detector array DEMON [396] composed essentially all intrinsic excitation energy moves to the 58 of eight liquid scintillators. Similar to Fig. 65, the 59 heavy fragment, because it has the lower temperature. 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 53 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 53 1 2 The GEF code [283] that considers this process of neutrons between saddle and scission [402]. These 3 -driven energy sorting reproduces the measured two processes may appreciably reduce the intrinsic 4 data quite well, see Fig. 65. excitation energy of the nascent fragments before 5 A priori, it is doubtful, whether the energy-sorting scission, with the consequence that the energy-sorting 6 mechanism that was introduced above can be invoked mechanism extends to higher initial excitation energies 7 for explaining the insensitivity of the prompt-neutron than expected. Thus, the energy-sorting mechanism 8 yield in the light fission-fragment group to the initial may indeed be responsible to some extent for the 9 excitation energy at the higher excitation energies of constant prompt-neutron multiplicity in the light 10 11 the systems shown in Fig. 66. fragment group found in Fig. 66. 12 For the understanding of the data shown in To further study this phenomenon experimentally, 13 Fig. 66 it is necessary to recall the properties of the use of multi-nucleon transfer reactions would be an 14 the fissioning system that have an influence on the ideal tool to measure the excitation-energy dependence 15 prompt neutron emission. With increasing initial ofν ¯(A)(orMpost(A)) for nuclei further away from the 16 excitation energy, the energy available for prompt β-stability line. Such experiments are now planned 17 neutron emission is no longer dominated by the surplus with the JAEA prompt-fission setup, complemented 18 of deformation energy of the fragments at scission with an array of neutron detectors. 19 compared to the ground-state deformation, but it 20 contains an increasingly important contribution from 4.6.2. Prompt γ-ray emission from fission fragments. 21 intrinsic excitation energy at scission. With increasing Most prompt γ rays are emitted following the prompt- 22 intrinsic excitation energy, pairing correlations vanish, neutron emission. The γ-ray energy/multipolarity 23 and the influence of shell effects on the fissioning and multiplicity carry information on the spins of the 24 system diminishes. All this, in turn, modifies the fragments, which are important for understanding the 25 characteristics of the level densities that determine the mechanism of spin generation during fission. 26 thermodynamical properties of the system. In detail, The recent application of highly-efficient, multi- 27 the level density shows a transition from the superfluid detector ∼ 4πγ-ray calorimeters in fission studies 28 regime to the independent-particle scenario [397, 398] allowed to obtain a more detailed information. As 29 at the critical pairing energy (≈ 10 MeV). Thus, the an example of data from the Crystall Ball setup 30 nuclear temperature is not constant any more, and a (see, Sec. 3.2.2), Fig. 67 shows the γ-ray spectra 31 pre-requisite for the energy-sorting mechanism is not from 252Cf(sf), measured in coincidence with FFs 32 given. The reduction of shell effects leads to a change detected in a GIC (Section 3.1.1) [403, 182]. It is 33 of the relative yields of the fission channels. In the seen that the γ-ray spectrum for fission fragments with 34 actinides, the yields of the asymmetric fission channels a mass split around AL/AH=120/132 does not follow 35 with their characteristic shapes determined by the the linearly decreasing trend as a function of energy 36 relevant fragment shells decrease, while the symmetric (in logarithmic scale), as it is seen for example for 37 fission channel that is favored by the macroscopic the mass splits around AL/AH=108/144, but shows 38 nuclear properties takes over. Thus, the shapes of the a hump centered around E =6 MeV. In the further 39 γ nascent fragments are no longer influenced by shell experiments at the CB, the origin of this hump was 40 effects. As a consequence, thesaw-toothstructure assigned to heavy fragments in the vicinity of A∼132 41 inν ¯(A) is expected to vanish. This is indeed the by systematically changing the fissioning nuclei and 42 case for the data from the highest excitation energy in searching for the high-energy structure as a function 43 Fig. 66. Moreover, with increasing excitation energy, of the mass split [404]. An explanation of the high- 44 multi-chance fission sets in (see Figs. 49–50), and, thus, energy component was proposed within the statistical- 45 the mass-dependent prompt-neutron multiplicities are 46 model framework [405, 182], whereby the small value of a superposition of several contributions, originating 47 the level-density parameter around A∼132 for fission from fission of different isotopes at different excitation 252 48 fragments of Cf [392] F(see Fig. 63(c) as an example energies. 233 49 for U(nth,f)) generated the enhancement of the γ- Finally, it is noteworthy that the total prompt- 50 ray spectra between 4 and 8 MeV. neutron multiplicity grows only by about one unit 51 At the LANSCE spallation source, thanks to the when the incoming-proton energy increases from 52 enhanced sensitivity of the DANCE γ-ray calorimeter 53 20 MeV to 55 MeV. Thus, only a small part (∼ 10 MeV) (Section 3.2.2), the prompt γ-ray measurements could of the additional bombarding energy (35 MeV) is found 54 beextendeduptoEγ ∼9 MeV as shown in Fig. 68, 55 in the total excitation energy of the fragments. It which provides unfolded γ-ray spectra for the neutron- 56 may be assumed that the missing energy (∼ 20 MeV) induced-fission reactions 235U(n,f), 239Pu(n,f), and 57 is consumed by pre-saddle neutron emission, leading for 252Cf(sf) [199]. In these spectra, the yields are 58 to multi-chance fission, and by the emission of normalized to each other in the γ-ray energy range 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 54 of 77

CONTENTS 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 67. Normalized γ-ray energy spectrum for 252Cf(sf) 16 [182]. The full line is the spectrum in coincidence with frag- 17 ment mass splits of (118

CONTENTS 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 70. (Color online) Nuclides produced in the reaction 238U(1A GeV) + 1H. The measured cross sections are shown 17 on the chart of the nuclides in a logarithmic color scale. The 18 Figure 69. (Color online) The prompt-fission γ-ray spectrum 241 figure is taken from Ref. [421]. 19 for the reaction Pu(nth,f) taken with different sets of LaBr3 and CeBr3 detectors. Evaluated data from [415] are shown by 20 the dotted line. Figure is taken from [61]. 21 22 23 24 in the development of accelerator-driven systems 25 (ADS) [416] for the incineration of nuclear waste, 26 in the development of spallation neutron sources 27 [417], in astrophysics [418], and in the preparation 28 of radioactive beams [234, 419, 420]. Thus, 29 by the initiative of Armbruster a campaign of 30 systematic measurements was started in 1996 at GSI, 31 Darmstadt. These studies were performed in inverse 32 kinematics with primary beams, delivered by the SIS18 56 238 33 accelerator, ranging from Fe to U, interacting with 34 liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets. The fragment 35 separator FRS was used for a full unambiguous Figure 71. (Color online) Two-dimensional cluster plot of the 36 identification of the reaction products in Z and A by experimental longitudinal velocities of residues produced in the 37 the ∆E -TOF-Bρ method and for the measurement interaction of 1 A GeV 238U projectiles with a hydrogen target, 38 of their velocity component in beam direction. One including the titanium windows and thermal insulation (87.3 2 2 2 39 product per reaction inside the angular acceptance of mg/cm H2 + 36.3 mg/cm Ti + 8.3 mg/cm Mylar). The velocity is presented in the beam frame. The figure is taken 40 the FRS (15 mrad around the beam direction) was from Ref. [420] with kind permission of The European Physical 41 detected. The aim was to obtain isotopic production Journal (EPJ). 42 cross sections for a number of systems with an accuracy 43 of about 10% and for an improved understanding of 44 reaction mechanisms at energies up to 1 A GeV in order overview of the production of hundreds of nuclei in the 45 to interpolate to other systems and for developing spallation of 238U projectiles at 1 A GeVinanhydrogen 46 adequate nuclear-reaction models. target. One can clearly distinguish two main regions: 47 In the spallation of the heaviest projectiles, such firstly, the predominantly neutron-deficient isotopes of 48 197 208 as Au [422, 423], Pb [424, 425, 426, 427, 428] elements above Z ≈ 70 up to originating 49 238 and U [429, 430, 431, 432, 254, 433], fission was from spallation and consecutive evaporation of light 50 found to form a large fraction of the reaction products. particles [429]. The second extended region includes 51 Due to the full identification of all residues in Z 52 predominantly neutron-rich isotopes around Z = 45, and A and the measurement of their kinematical which are produced via symmetric fission [430, 431, 53 properties, a precise and rather complete information 54 432]. The production extends towards lighter nuclei, on the reaction process was obtained that provided reaching down to the detection threshold at Z =7. 55 also valuable information on the fission properties for 56 The measured velocity distribution of the reaction a large number of nuclei below uranium over a large products is particularly interesting for characterizing 57 range of excitation energy. 58 the process that is responsible for the production of the As an example, Fig. 70 shows a comprehensive 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 56 of 77

CONTENTS 56 1 2 lighter residues. Fig. 71 shows that the Z-dependent fission fragments, namely the identification of both 3 velocities below Z = 40 are dominated by two ridges fission fragment in Z and A, has been achieved for the 4 in forward and backward direction, respectively. They system 208Pb + 1H at 500 A MeV [439] by using the 5 evolve continuously towards the lighter elements. Note same set-up as the SOFIA experiment [71]. 6 that the broad ridge between the outer narrow ridges The results of these experiments have been and 7 with a mean value around 0.5 cm/ns corresponds to are still being employed for benchmarking and for 8 residues produced in the titanium backing of the liquid improving nuclear-reaction models, see for example 9 hydrogen target by multifragmentation [434], thus the intercomparison of model codes for spallation 10 11 demonstrating the sensitivity of the experiment to the reactions, organized by the IAEA [440], whereby a 12 reaction mechanism. The velocity difference between realistic description of the fission process is of eminent 13 the forward and the backward component reflects the importance. 14 Coulomb repulsion of the reaction productions (e.g. 15 of the emerging fission fragments), while the mean 5. Future developments in fission techniques 16 velocity corresponds to the velocity of the decaying 17 spallation residue that correlates with the impact 5.1. Fission of secondary RIBs at relativistic energies 18 parameter [429]. The pattern of Fig. 71 is compatible at GSI/FAIR and RIKEN with the population of a spherical shell in velocity 19 Fission at SOFIA(GSI) The SOFIA experiment 20 space with Z-dependent radius by the binary decay (see Section 3.5.1) has presently only exploited a 21 of a heavy nucleus, only slightly lighter than 238U, small part of its potential, while many more systems 22 from which only a forward and a backward portion are accessible to the measurement of the fission- 23 are measured due to the angular cut of the FRS [432]. fragment charge/mass distributions via low-energy 24 This experiment delivered unprecedented detailed electromagnetic-induced fission as demonstrated in 25 information on the binary decay processes of a Fig. 21. In particular, fission of neutron-deficient 26 moderately excited heavy nucleus. The data provide 27 a convincing justification and even demonstrate the systems from mercury to is a very promising 28 need for a unified view of fission and evaporation, research topic. SOFIA offers the unique possibility 29 as proposed by Moretto and Wozniak [435], while for a systematic survey of the structure effects in this 30 region of the chart of the nuclides, first observed in the they are traditionally considered as two different 180 31 processes, described by different formalism that are βDF of Hg [16]. Importantly, in contrast to βDF, 32 not compatible. Moreover, they demonstrate that the the SOFIA-like approach is not restricted to odd-odd 33 energy of about 1 GeV (center-of-mass) is not sufficient nuclei. 34 for a sizable amount of multifragmentation to occur. Recently, the ALADIN magnet has been replaced 35 Note that the heavy counterparts of the light charged by the superconducting dipole GLAD [441], which has 36 particles appear in the heavy spallation-evaporation a higher field strength. This will make the resolution 37 component. of position-sensitive detectors to deduce the magnetic 38 A systematic comparison of the nuclide production rigidity of the fission fragments less crucial in future 39 as a function of the target mass has also been experiments. 40 208 There are plans to extend the choice of systems performed for the fission of 1 A GeV Pb in reactions 242 41 with hydrogen, deuterium and titanium [426] and for to be investigated by using a long-lived Pu primary 42 the fission of 1 A GeV 238U in the same targets [436]. beam. This would give access to heavier actinides up to 43 Besides the determination of the individual fission- americium. When the future installations at the R3B 44 fragment nuclide cross sections, the experimental set-up [442], namely the neutron detector NEULAND 45 conditions in inverse kinematics are also very favorable [443] and the gamma calorimeter CALIFA [444] will 46 for measuring the total fission cross section with high become available for the SOFIA experiment, prompt 47 precision. This has been exploited in Refs. [437, 438] neutrons and the total energy of the prompt γ rays 48 to determine the total fission cross sections in the emitted during the fission process can also be measured 49 reactions 208Pb + 1H at 500 A MeV and 238U+1H directly. 50 at 545 and 935 A MeV as well as 181Ta + 1Hat 51 300, 500, 800, and 1000 A MeV, respectively. In these Fission in an electron-ion ELISe 52 at FAIR On a longer-term scale, the planned 53 experiments, both fission fragments were detected with a set-up similar to the one used in Ref. [40] that was installation of the electron–ion scattering experiment 54 ELISe [445, 446] at the International Facility for 55 able to determine the atomic numbers of both fission Antiproton and Ion Research(FAIR) [447] could allow 56 fragments. yet another type of experiments on low-energy fission in 57 In continuation of this experimental program, very inverse kinematics with relativistic secondary beams. 58 recently an even more complete characterization of the In this approach, the RIBs, provided by the future 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 57 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 57 1 2 separator Super-FRS and stored in a dedicated FRS at GSI, where a beam of 1 A GeV is used. The 3 storage ring, will be collided in-ring with a beam lower primary-beam energy results in a lower energy 4 of relativistic electrons (0.2 to 0.5 GeV), causing the of the secondary beams, which does not allow to ob- 5 RIB’s excitation via in- and their tain fully stripped secondary heavy-ion beams. This, in 6 subsequent fission by means of the (e,e’f) fission turn, creates extra difficulties for an unambiguous de- 7 mechanism. The measurement of fission fragments termination of the fissioning parent nuclei due to their 8 in coincidence with an inelastically scattered electron overlapping A/Q values. 9 will allow an accurate determination of the excitation 10 11 energy of the fissioning nucleus, provided a precise 5.2. Fission of post-accelerated RIBs in 12 determination of the electron energy is performed. transfer-induced reactions in inverse kinematics at 13 In passing we note that a similar concept of the energies around the Coulomb barrier at HIE-ISOLDE 14 use of electron scattering from (the low-energy) RIBs (CERN) 15 is pursued by the SCRIT (Self-Confining Radioactive Isotope Target) collaboration at RIBF-RIKEN, see A broad range of possibilities for fission and surrogate- 16 reaction type of measurements in inverse kinematics 17 Ref. [448] and references therein. However, at present, for long isotopic chains of pre-actinide and actinide 18 only the experiments with low-energy FFs produced 238 beams opens up at the ISOL-type radioactive-ion-beam 19 by photofission of U and extracted via the ISOL facilities. 20 method are considered, for example, for FF charge- The HIE-ISOLDE, a presently performed upgrade 21 radii measurements. to higher intensities and energies up to 10 A MeV of the 22 The feasibility of the fission experiments at existing REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN [452], matches 23 both facilities is crucially dependent on whether the 24 necessary luminosity can actually be achieved. well for this kind of experiments. In this approach, 25 the d(RIB,pf) type of inverse-kinematics reaction will be exploited, whereby a post-accelerated radioactive 26 Measurements of fission-barrier heights with beam from HIE-ISOLDE with an energy around the 27 neutron-rich RIBs via the (p,2pf) reactions Coulomb barrier (∼4–5 A MeV) will be shot on e.g. a 28 with SAMURAI at RIBF-RIKEN The electro- deuteron-enriched target. The RIB’s excitation to 29 magnetic excitation of secondary RIBs in a heavy tar- energies close to the top of the fission barrier will 30 get that was used in the SOFIA experiment populates a occur due to neutron transfer, leading to fission of the 31 rather broad range of excitation energies, which cannot resulting compound nucleus. The fission fragments will 32 be narrowed down (see Fig. 17). Therefore, it is con- be measured in coincidence with the outgoing proton 33 sidered to exploit the quasi-free (p,2p) scattering chan- by using an active-target approach ACTAR, see details 34 nel in collisions of relativistic RIBs with an hydrogen in the approved proposal [453]. 35 target, where the excitation energy can be determined In a separate future development, the former 36 by measuring the scattered protons. Provided the fis- Heidelberg TSR storage ring is planned to be moved to 37 sion happens in the (p,2pf) channel, the simultaneous HIE-ISOLDE [454]. The use of an internal target and 38 measurement of two coincident protons also allows to 39 of an additional charge breeder in order to match to the reduce the random background for proton-FF coinci- 40 limited magnetic rigidity of the storage ring would help dences. This is the approach taken by the SAMU- 41 to improve the quality of the experiments by achieving RAI (Superconducting Analyser for MUlti particles 42 a better precision of the excitation energy after nucleon from RAdio Isotope beams) collaboration at RIKEN 43 transfer and by avoiding parasitic reactions in target [449] for their planned fission experiments aimed to 44 backings and contaminants [455]. experimentally determine fission-barrier heights in the 45 neutron-rich nuclei north east of the doubly magic 46 208 5.3. Recent technical developments for 47 Pb [450]. In the experiment, heavy secondary beams will be produced by spallation of a relativistic primary neutron-induced fission research 48 238 49 U beam (similar to the SOFIA approach) and identi- Historically, neutrons for fission studies were generated 50 fied using the magnetic separator BigRIPS [451], before by research reactors, such as e.g. the high-flux reactor 51 they impact on the secondary hydrogen target installed at the Institute of Laue-Langevin, which reaches a core 52 in front of the large-acceptance spectrometer SAMU- flux of 1.5×1015 n/cm2/s under 58 MW operation [410]. 53 RAI. The two fission fragments will be detected and Several other reactors, such as the Kyoto University 54 analyzed with SAMURAI, while a specially designed Research Reactor [388] and the Budapest Research 55 silicon tracker at the target position will be exploited Reactor [412] are also used for fission research. The 56 to measure protons. One of the difficulties of this ap- recent extensive use of neutron spallation sources 57 proach at RIKEN is that the energy of the primary opens further possibilities for more detailed and precise 238 58 Ubeamis∼ 350 A MeV, which is not as high as at fission studies, see also Sec. 3.2.3. 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 58 of 77

CONTENTS 58 1 2 5.3.1. Prospective fission studies with the FIPPS called FALSTAFF [460]. The kinetic energies will be 3 spectrometer at ILL The very successful EXILL obtained by using ionization chambers, which also have 4 campaign (see Section 3.2.2) will be perpetuated at a∆E section to measure the FFs energy loss to provide 5 ILL with the commissioning and first experiments at the nuclear charge of light fission fragments. The 6 the new dedicated instrument called FIPPS (FIssion start and stop signals for the velocity measurements 7 Product Prompt γ-ray Spectrometer) [456] in the first are obtained by detecting electrons, generated when 8 quarter of 2017. A clover Ge detector array will fission fragments pass through a foil and multiplied by 9 surround targets irradiated with a halo-free pencil a dedicated MWPC designed as a secondary-electron 10 11 beam of thermal neutrons. In a first phase, a fission detector. 12 trigger will improve the separation between prompt 13 fission γ rays and delayed decay γ rays. In a second 5.4. Future photofission experiments with brilliant, 14 phase, the Ge detector array will be complemented tunable, high-intensity γ-ray beams 15 by a recoil-tagging system to sort the fission γ rays according to the mass (and nuclear charge) of In the near future, next-generation Compton backscat- 16 tered γ-ray facilities, such as MEGa-ray at LLNL(US) 17 one of the fragments. A gas-filled recoil separator [461] and ELI-NP (Bucharest, Romania) [42], are ex- 18 [457], equipped with a time-projection chamber for pected to provide beams with spectral fluxes of ∼106 19 individual ray tracing of each recoil event [456], is γ/(eV s) and high energy resolution of ∆E ≈ 1keV 20 foreseen to provide simultaneously high acceptance and [214]. The deep sub-barrier photofission studies at 21 satisfactory resolution. Moreover, the Ge detector such facilities will be an ideal tool for reliable charac- 22 array can be complemented by ancillary detectors such terization of complex multi-humped potential-energy 23 as neutron detectors for the simultaneous study of 24 many fission observables. The target handling at surfaces in the heavy actinides, including the precise 25 FIPPS is foreseen to accept all kinds of actinide targets, evaluation of the barrier parameters. 26 so future systematic studies of these fission systems are 27 solely limited by the availability of appropriate target 6. Some of the open questions in fission studies 28 material (229Th, 232,233,235U, 239,241Pu, 242mAm, 29 243,245,247Cm, 249,251Cf). There is still a number of open questions in fission. 30 Some of those that are considered to be the most 31 5.3.2. Neutrons for Science(NSF) facility at SPI- important ones are listed in this section. Not all were 32 RAL(GANIL) The Neutrons-for-Science (NFS) facil- addressed in this review, because some are rather old 33 ity is a component of the SPIRAL2 complex, which and still cannot be tackled due to unavailable technical 34 is dedicated to the production of very intense radioac- capabilities. It is foreseeable, however, that technical 35 tive ion beams. It is presently under construction at progress will allow to address many of those in the near 36 GANIL in Caen, France [458, 459]. At NFS, a high- future. 37 power superconducting LINear Accelerator of GANIL 38 (LINAG) will supply deuteron (maximum 40 MeV) and 6.1. Fission-fragment properties in scarcely-explored 39 proton (33 MeV) beams to produce neutrons via two regions 40 different nuclear reactions. A mono-energetic neutron 41 As evidenced by Fig. 5, there is now a rather beam up to En ∼ 31 MeV will be produced by the re- continuous coverage of fission-fragment properties in 42 7 7 action Li(p,n) Be with a thin lithium target of 1 – 178 43 low-energy fission from Hg to the heaviest elements. 3 mm thickness. On the other hand, neutrons having 44 However, good-quality and comprehensive data (FF a ’white’ spectrum with 14 MeV on average in zero- 45 distributions with unambiguous identification in Z and 46 degree direction and 40 MeV at the maximum will be A, total kinetic energies, eventually in coincidence with 47 generated in the deuteron break-up reaction by imping- prompt γ rays and neutrons) only exist for a limited 48 ing the deuteron beam into a thick (10 mm) carbon or number of nuclei in the actinides rather close to the 49 beryllium target. A continuous spectrum is generated β-stability line. 50 with an average energy of around 14 MeV at zero de- The present data in the lead region, albeit 51 grees, and the impinging deuteron is stopped in the considerably extended in the recent years, are 52 target. The flight-path length, thus the detector-setup very incomplete and give only a fragmentary view. 53 position, can be changed between 5 m and 30 m. Ac- Systematic studies of structural effects in the fission- 54 cording to simulations, the use of beryllium instead of fragment properties in this region over a broader range 55 carbon allows to gain a factor of 2 in the neutron yield of N/Z and excitation energies are highly desirable 56 [459]. for establishing a complete empirical systematics 57 One of the planned fission measurements at the that would allow to verify the recent comprehensive 58 NFS facility is based on a new 2v-2E fission setup theoretical predictions [272, 270]. Such data would test 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 59 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 59 1 2 the potential-energy surface for these light systems, employs a schematic dissipation tensor. Consequently, 3 where the shape of the nucleus at the fission barrier neither time scales nor fragment kinetic energies can 4 is already very close to the shape at scission. be addressed at the present stage. The rather good 5 In the region of the heavy elements with masses success of this model indicates that the FFMDs seem 6 of A∼240–260, the studies of the neutron-rich isotopes to reflect mostly the properties of the potential-energy 7 are of a paramount importance to probe the increasing surface, while being rather insensitive to dynamical 8 effects of the 132Sn-like fragments on fission. For aspects of the fission process. This would mean that a 9 example, the sharp change of FFMDs between 256Fm better understanding of the fission dynamics requires 10 258 11 and Fm (see Fig. 5) still remains a theoretical data of different nature. The latter may include 12 and experimental challenge. Furthermore, since fission the high-resolution simultaneous measurements of 13 data in this region exist only for SF decay, the several fission observables, like A and Z of the 14 excitation-energy dependence of FFMDs as well as of fission fragments, their kinetic energies and angular 15 the fission-barrier heights should be explored in future distributions, as well as the characteristics of prompt 16 experiments and compared to calculations [9, 462]. To neutrons and γ rays for various systems, including the 17 obtain such fission data, MNT-induced reactions in evolution as a function of the initial excitation energy. 18 direct kinematics, described in Section 4.3.1, would be Specific types of such measurements will be mentioned 19 useful, especially by using accessible (but extremely in the following sections. 254 20 exotic) radioactive actinide targets, e.g. Es. To 21 explore more exotic nuclei, however, it is essential 6.3. Fission-fragment angular momentum 22 to increase the sensitivity of the detection setup, It is known since long that fission fragments carry 23 especially the ∆E-E telescope, to identify weak 24 transfer channels generated by populating the neutron- a considerable amount of angular momentum [383]. 25 rich nuclei. However, there still exist competing theoretical ideas 26 By moving towards the region of superheavy nuclei on how the angular momentum of the fission fragments 27 with masses above ∼270, in the recent years important is generated: thermal excitation [435, 463, 464, 28 new systematic features of the FF mass distributions 465] and/or quantum-mechanical uncertainty [466] 29 and fission half-lives have been established [35, 36]. of angular-momentum-bearing modes and Coulomb 30 The dominant role of the spherical nuclear shells with excitation after scission [467]. Also a strong direct 31 Z = 50 and N = 82 and the deformed neutron shell coupling between the elongation and all other collective 32 at N = 88 on the mass distributions in low-energy degrees of freedom was considered [468]. Recently, also 33 fission have been deduced up to 306122. These are the the importance of the quantum-mechanical uncertainty 34 same shells that have been invoked to be responsible of the orbital angular momentum has been stressed 35 for the asymmetric fission of the lighter actinides [78]. [469, 470]. The different scenarios have important 36 Multimodal (symmetric and asymmetric) fission was implications on the fission time [468]. 37 found to be present in the range from A ≈ 256 to A final decision cannot be made on the basis of the 38 A ≈ 276. Improved precision and a better coverage of present experimental knowledge. As discussed in the 39 fissioning system in this region are hampered by low recent review [283], the available data are incomplete, 40 production rates, an admixture of quasifission and the and often not very precise. In particular, results for ¯ 41 limited choice of projectile and target combinations to fragment-mass-dependent γ-ray multiplicities Mγ(A) 42 produce such heavy nuclei. are contradictory. More complete and more precise 43 data may help to discriminate between the different 44 ideas. Although a direct experimental proof seems to 6.2. Needs for signatures of fission dynamics 45 be difficult, a comparison of measured correlations of 46 In the last decade, important progress has been the energies and the emission angles of the prompt γ 47 achieved in the measurement and the interpretation rays emitted from the two fragments with elaborate 48 of the fission-fragment mass distributions. In this models may help to solve this question. These 49 domain, the most comprehensive calculations of the models should couple the above-mentioned scenarios 50 nuclear shape evolution have been made by M¨oller for the generation of angular momentum [435, 463, 464, 51 and Randrup, within the macroscopic-microscopic 465, 466, 467] with advanced descriptions of the de- 52 framework [271] with the Brownian shape-motion excitation process (e.g. [471, 472, 473]). 53 method [272]. Their model has yielded remarkably 54 good results in the extended region of fission from 6.4. Dissipation and time scales in fission 55 around 180Hg [17, 264] up to heavy elements [273, 56 317, 320]. These calculations are carried out in the Dissipation is driving many phenomena in fission, 57 limit of highly dissipative collective motion where for example odd-even effects, energy sharing, particle 58 inertial effects are absent and, furthermore, the method emission, and - eventually - fission times. But pinning 59 60 Accepted Manuscript AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2 Page 60 of 77

CONTENTS 60 1 2 down the precise nature of dissipative processes, in sets of data and/or observables, was highlighted in [26]. 3 particular in low-energy fission, is a difficult task. Furthermore, as argued by the authors of [26], the 4 Some signatures that are intimately connected with discrepancy in deduced fission times could possibly be 5 dissipation are very pronounced. For example, the explained by a poor sensitivity of pre-scission studies to 6 prompt neutron and γ-ray emission is driven by the the very long component in fission, which is expected 7 dissipated energy, and the odd-even effect in fission- to occur also theoretically, at least in some studies, as 8 fragment Z distributions has been related to the e.g. claimed by the work [477]. However, the recent 9 degree of pair breaking (quasi-particle excitations) investigation [300] questioned whether the sensitivity 10 11 at scission [474, 475, 476]. However, the direct argument can explain this discrepancy. 12 relation to dissipation is generally obscured by other The issue of incompatibility between the shorter 13 contributions or additional effects. The fragment fission times measured by the MAD method [18] and by 14 excitation energy partly consists of other contributions, the atomic techniques [24], when both techniques were 15 for example the deformation energy of the nascent applied to the similar type of reactions, was further 16 fragments and collective excitations, and the odd-even raised by the ANU group. In particular, their study 17 effect is further influenced by the transport of thermal [18] strongly called for dedicated efforts to clarify the 18 energy between the nascent fragments [21] and possibly analysis of the data in the crystal blocking method, 19 by pair breaking at neck rupture [475]. with the aim to resolve this controversial topic, which 20 The quantitative interpretation of the odd-even is very important for the production of the superheavy 21 effect in terms of intrinsic excitation energy at scission elements. 22 is still uncertain. A more systematic investigation, Another open question in fission is the tempera- 23 for example a better experimental coverage of the ture dependence of the nuclear dissipation. Presently, 24 excitation-energy dependence of the odd-even effect the attempts to use both temperature-dependent and 25 may help to improve this situation. temperature-independent friction are in use, see e.g. 26 Despite a long history of dedicated studies, the Figs.11-13 and relevant references in [26], or some of 27 fission time scale remains one of the most controversial the recent results derived from the experiments in in- 28 and least understood in fission. Following the 1992’ verse kinematics, discussed in Sec. 4.2.3. We believe 29 review by Hilscher and Rossner [22], a comprehensive that use of inverse kinematic technique, which allows 30 summary of experimental methods and the discussion to produce nuclei in ideal conditions for studies of dis- 31 of ensuing results was given by Jacquet and Morjean sipation, namely the high excitation energy and low 32 in 2009 in Ref. [26]. We refer the reader to this study angular momentum, is a very promising technique for 33 for further details, while here we will only stress the addressing this important question. 34 main conclusions, some of which could be considered 35 as highly arguable and require further efforts. On the 7. Summary and Conclusions 36 experimental side, four nuclear clock techniques are 37 extensively used for such studies: a) the measurements The aim of this review is to summarize considerable 38 of the pre-scission prompt particle emission, e.g. progress in fission research, which has been extensively 39 neutrons [22, 296], γ rays [23], and charged particles undergoing for the last couple of decades. The recent 40 [297]; b) fission mass-angle distributions [18]; c) the substantial technological advances in production and 41 fission probablity [298]; and d) atomic methods (the detection techniques of exotic nuclei opened up new 42 crystal blocking technique, e.g. [24, 25] and the regions of the Chart of Nuclides, which were hardly 43 filling of vacancies in the inner electronic shells in accessible by the previous fission studies, and which 44 the fission fragments [27]). As was already known are situated further away from the traditional area of 45 for a while, and as strongly stressed in the review fission in the actinides and trans-actinides along the 46 [26], it is difficult to reconcile the relatively short β-stability line. 47 − fission time scales, of the order of ∼10 20 s, deduced In particular, an extended region of very neutron- 48 from e.g. prompt particle emission, with the much 49 deficient mercury-to-thorium isotopes became accessi- longer (by orders of magnitude) times, derived by the 50 bleforthefirsttimeforthelow-energy fission studies, atomic techniques. On the analysis and interpretation 51 by means of Coulomb-excitation in reactions at rela- side, the review [26] also critically discussed a range 52 tivistic energies in inverse kinematics at SOFIA/FRS 53 of approaches on the extraction of the fission times at GSI and via the β-delayed fission of selectively 54 from the measured prompt particle multiplicities, laser-ionized and mass-separated radioactive beams at 55 including the statistical framework with or without the ISOLDE(CERN). Along with the use of traditional 56 inclusion of friction effects, the Langevin calculations fusion-fission reactions with heavy ions, which lead to 57 and others. Specifically, a strong sensitivity to many higher excitation energies, these complementary tech- 58 parameters and assumptions, often fitted to different niques allow to probe both the isospin and the energy 59 60 Accepted Manuscript Page 61 of 77 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100800.R2

CONTENTS 61 1 2 dependence of fission in this region of nuclei, previously While the main emphasis of this review was put 3 scarcely accessible for such investigations. Due to a on the fission-fragment mass and charge distributions, 4 very different neutron-to-proton ratio in this region, several important complementary fission observables 5 new fission phenomena could be expected, which was were also analyzed, such as the prompt-neutron and 6 indeed demonstrated by a surprising discovery of a new γ-ray energy spectra and multiplicities. A substantial 7 region of asymmetric fission around 180Hg (N/Z=1.25) progress in their understanding is anticipated in 8 in the experiments at ISOLDE. Following these studies, future studies, due to the advent of modern detection 9 extensive research activities, both on the experimental techniques in fission studies, such as the use 10 11 and on the theory sides, have been initiated by different of highly-efficient γ-ray calorimeters and neutron- 12 fission groups around the world; they are summarized detector arrays. Such experiments are expected to 13 in this review. provide detailed information on such open questions 14 The unprecedented high-quality data for fission in fission studies, as e.g. the generation of angular 15 fragments, completely identified in Z and A,bymeans momentum, energy sharing between fragments, fission 16 of reactions in inverse kinematics at FRS(GSI) and time scale. 17 VAMOS(GANIL), meet the needs for highly requested Although this review is primarily dedicated to 18 higher-precision for fast-neutron-induced the experimental advances in nuclear-fission research, 19 fission and spallation reactions that allow to estimate several theoretical considerations and results were also 20 the radioactive inventory and the production mentioned, without any claim for completeness. This 21 in Generation IV reactors and accelerator-driven was done, because we think that a common view that 22 systems (ADS), respectively. These novel techniques includes theory is needed to assess the progress in our 23 directly provide the required data and stimulate and understanding of nuclear fission. 24 constrain the development of appropriate nuclear- Some of the open questions addressed in Section 25 reaction models. 6 are presently tackled by well-focused experiments, 26 A renewed interest to fission studies via few- whereby novel techniques play an important role. But 27 and/or multi-nucleon transfer reactions with light others require more complex and precise measurements 28 and heavy ions at energies in the vicinity of the of many different observables in coincidence that 29 Coulomb barrier opened up new possibilities to probe cannot yet be realized with the available techniques. 30 the excitation-energy dependence of fission probability These questions and probably some others that will 31 and fission-fragment mass distributions in the region come up will guide the development of experimental 32 of neutron-rich isotopes north-east of 235U. By using fission research in longer terms. 33 advanced detection techniques, the fission of long 34 isotopic chains of several elements with Z = 90- 8. Acknowledgments 35 100 could now be systematically investigated, which 36 provides unique data both for basic nuclear science and We thank J. Ta¨ıeb, F. Farget, M. Caama˜no-Fresco, 37 for nuclear industry. The use of such approaches gives and B. Jurado for helpful discussions and for allowing 38 new insights on e.g. the crucial role of multi-chance us to use unpublished results. We appreciate useful 39 fission for the proper understanding of experimental discussions with Drs. Y. Aritomo, S. Chiba, A. Chyzh, 40 fission-fragment mass distributions. D.J. Hinde, L. Ghys, R.C. Height, F.-P. Heßberger, 41 During the last two decades, a substantial progress K. Hirose, H. Ikezoe, U. K¨oster, H.Y. Lee, H. Makii, 42 with the synthesis of the new elements in complete- P. M¨oller, S. Oberstedt, J. Randrup, A.G. Smith, 43 fusion reactions with heavy ions was reached, whereby S. Tanaka, L. Tassan-Got, P. Thirolf, F. Tovesson, 44 the Chart of Nuclides was extended up to the element I. Tsekhanovich, V.K. Utyonkov, C. Weiss, T. Wright. 45 Og (, Z = 118). In the course of these The work has been supported by the UK’s STFC, by 46 studies, many new cases of spontaneously-fissioning the Reimei foundation of ASRC (Tokai, Japan), and 47 isotopes were discovered, which are summarised in this by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science 48 review. The systematics of spontaneous-fission half- 49 and of Japan (MEXT). lives provide a unique proof for the long-predicted 50 increased nuclear stability around the deformed 51 9. References neutron shell at N = 162, and also the first hints of 52 53 the enhanced stability by approaching the predicted [1] Hahn, O. and Strassmann, F. Naturwissenschaften 27, spherical neutron shell at N = 184. The important role 11–15 (1939). 54 [2] Karpov, A. V., Keli´c, A., and Schmidt, K.-H. 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CONTENTS 68 1 2 P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., Baumann, P., Beˇcv´aˇr, Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Caama˜no, M., Calvi˜no, 3 F., Berthoumieux, E., Calviani, M., Calvi˜no, F., F., Cano-Ott, D., Cerutti, F., Colonna, N., Cort´es, 4 Cano-Ott, D., Capote, R., Carrillo de Albornoz, A., G., Cort´es-Giraldo, M., Cosentino, L., Damone, L., 5 Cennini, P., Chepel, V., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Deo, K., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dupont, 6 Cortes, G., Couture, A., Cox, J., David, S., Dolfini, E., Dur´an, I., Dressler, R., Fern´andez-Dom´ınguez, B., R., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dorochenko, A., Dridi, W., Ferrari, A., Ferreira, P., Finocchiaro, P., Frost, R., 7 Duran, I., Eleftheriadis, C., Embid-Segura, M., Ferrant, Furman, V., Ganesan, S., Gheorghe, A., Glodariu, 8 L., Ferrari, A., Ferreira-Marques, R., Fitzpatrick, L., T., G¨obel, K., Gon¸calves, I. F., Gonz´alez-Romero, 9 Frais-Koelbl, H., Fuji, K., Furman, W., Goncalves, I., E., Goverdovski, A., Griesmayer, E., Gunsing, F., 10 Gallino, R., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Goverdovski, A., Harada, H., Heftrich, T., Heinitz, S., Hern´andez-Prieto, Gramegna, F., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, A., Heyse, J., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., 11 F., Haas, B., Haight, R., Heil, M., Herrera-Martinez, K¨appeler, F., Katabuchi, T., Kavrigin, P., Ketlerov, 12 A., Igashira, M., Ioannidis, K., Isaev, S., Jericha, E., V., Khryachkov, V., Kimura, A., Kivel, N., Kokkoris, 13 Kadi, Y., K¨appeler, F., Karamanis, D., Kerveno, M., M., Krtika, M., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer, C., Leeb, 14 Ketlerov, V., Koehler, P., Kolokolov, D., Konovalov, H., Lerendegui, J., Licata, M., Meo, S. L., L´opez, V., Krtiˇcka, M., Lamboudis, C., Leeb, H., Lindote, D., Losito, R., Macina, D., Marganiec, J., Mart´ınez, 15 A., Lopes, I., Lozano, M., Lukic, S., Marganiec, J., T., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P. F., Mastromarco, M., 16 Marques, L., Marrone, S., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Matteucci, F., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, 17 Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Moreau, C., Mosconi, M., P. M., Mingrone, F., Mirea, M., Montesano, S., 18 Neves, F., Oberhummer, H., O’Brien, S., Oshima, M., Musumarra, A., Nolte, R., Pinto, R. P., Paradela, 19 Pancin, J., Papadopoulos, C., Paradela, C., Patronis, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Porras, I., N., Pavlik, A., Pavlopoulos, P., Perrot, L., Plag, R., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, 20 Plompen, A., Plukis, A., Poch, A., Pretel, C., Quesada, R., Riego-Perez, A., Robles, M. S., Rubbia, C., 21 J., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rosetti, M., Rubbia, C., Ryan, J., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schmidt, S., 22 Rudolf, G., Rullhusen, P., Salgado, J., Sarchiapone, L., Schumann, D., Sedyshev, P., Smith, G., Stamatopoulos, 23 Savvidis, I., Sedysheva, M., Stamoulis, K., Stephan, A., Steinegger, P., Suryanarayana, S. V., Tagliente, C., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Tavora, G.,Tain,J.L.,Tarife˜no-Saldivia, A., Tassan-Got, L., 24 L., Terlizzi, R., Vannini, G., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, 25 Villamarin, D., Vincente, M. C., Vlachoudis, V., Voss, A., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Warren, S., Weigand, M., 26 F., Wendler, H., Wiescher, M., and Wisshak, K. Phys. Wright, T., and Zugec, P. Nuclear Instruments and 27 Rev. C 93, 034614 Mar (2016). Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, ´ Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 28 [191] Guerrero, C., Abbondanno, U., Aerts, G., Alvarez, H., Alvarez-Velarde,´ F., Andriamonje, S., Andrzejewski, 799, 90 – 98 (2015). 29 J., Assimakopoulos, P., Audouin, L., Badurek, G., [193] STEFF: http://t2.lanl.gov/fiesta2014/presentations/Smith.pdf. 30 Baumann, P., Beˇcv´a, F., Berthoumieux, E., Calvi˜no, [194] Lisowski, P. W. and Schoenberg, K. F. 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