Missing the Trend. Hong Kong As a Latecomer in Creativity-Led Urban Development
Corso di Laurea magistrale Lingue e Istituzioni Economiche e Giuridiche dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea Tesi di Laurea Missing the trend. Hong Kong as a latecomer in creativity-led urban development. Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in Hong Kong. Relatore Prof. Fabrizio Panozzo Laureando Benedetta Tavecchia Matricola 987023 Anno Accademico 2013 / 2014 1 To Maria Giulia 2 I am enormously grateful to my Family for supporting me, to my thesis supervisor Fabrizio Panozzo for the great opportunity which was offered to me and to a number of people who supported my research in Shenzhen, China. I am particularly thankful to Xiaodu Liu, Yan Meng, Tat Lam, Travis Bunt, Jason, Camilla Costa, Anna Laura Govoni for inspiring me during many discussion in the office. My work has greatly benefited from the collaboration with all Urban Research Bureau staff that I would like to thank for their encouragement, this thesis would not have happened without your help in translations, interviews, graphics and materials. A special thanks goes to my family and friends, thank you for being able to stay close despite many years spent travelling: Gianluca, Silvana, Giulia, Federica, Maria Luisa, Stefania, Claudia, Roberto, Paolo, Kikki and Fiammetta. Thank you very much Judith for the great life lesson you gave me and also for giving me children's classrooms to study during summer nights spent at Caef. Finally, a special thank to my sister Maria Giulia for being an incomparable sister and also best friend and mother. A better sister I could not have deserve. I dedicate this degree to my family, from this moment I start my own life.
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