Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 68 Friday, 26 May 2006 Published under authority by Government Advertising LEGISLATION Assents to Acts

ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO Legislative Assembly Offi ce, Sydney 15 May 2006

IT is hereby notifi ed, for general information, that Her Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:

Act No. 18 2006 – An Act to amend the Fisheries Management Act 1994 to make further provision with respect to the management of fi shery resources. [Fisheries Management Amendment Bill].

Act No. 19 2006 – An Act to amend the Jury Act 1977 to permit majority jury verdicts in criminal proceedings. [Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Bill].

Act No. 20 2006 – An Act to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 with respect to a local council waste reduction scheme. [Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Waste Reduction) Bill]. 3164 LEGISLATION 26 May 2006

ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO Legislative Assembly Offi ce, Sydney 17 May 2006

IT is hereby notifi ed, for general information, that Her Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:

Act No. 21 2006 – An Act to amend the Air Transport Act 1964 so as to provide for the deregulation of certain air transport service routes, abolish the Air Transport Council and establish the State Aviation Working Group; and for other purposes. [Air Transport Amendment Bill].

Act No. 22 2006 – An Act to appropriate additional amounts out of the Consolidated Fund for the years 2005–2006 and 2004–2005 for the purpose of giving effect to certain Budget variations required by the exigencies of Government. [Appropriation (Budget Variations) Bill].

Act No. 23 2006 – An Act to amend certain Acts with respect to courts, court procedures, judges’ pensions and other matters. [Courts Legislation Amendment Bill].

Act No. 24 2006 – An Act to amend the Teaching Service Act 1980, the Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 and the Education (School Administrative and Support Staff) Act 1987 to provide for the termination of employment of educational staff who are prohibited from being employed in child- related employment and to make further provision with respect to the management of the conduct and performance of educational staff; and for other purposes. [Education Legislation Amendment (Staff) Bill].

Act No. 25 2006 – An Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 to make further provision with respect to the grouping of employers for workers compensation insurance purposes; to provide for contributions to the WorkCover Authority Fund by certain employers licensed under Commonwealth workers compensation legislation; and for other purposes. [Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill].

Russell D. Grove PSM, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly



New South Wales


under the Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Act 2006 No 19

JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, Lieutenant-Governor, Lieutenant-Governor I, the Honourable James Jacob Spigelman AC, Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Act 2006, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint 26 May 2006 as the day on which that Act commences. SignedSigned andand sealed sealed at at Sydney, Sydney, this this 24th day of day May of May 2006. 2006.

By His Excellency’s Command,

BOB DEBUS, M.P., L.S. AttorneyAttorney GeneralGeneral GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

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New South Wales

Criminal Records Amendment Regulation 2006

under the Criminal Records Act 1991

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Criminal Records Act 1991.

BOB DEBUS, M.P., Attorney General Attorney General Explanatory note The objects of this Regulation are: (a) to prescribe certain offences as sexual offences for the purposes of the Criminal Records Act 1991, and (b) to provide that a conviction for any of those offences, or for any of the offences that are already prescribed as sexual offences for the purposes of that Act, is taken never to have been spent or never to be capable of becoming spent. This Regulation is made under the Criminal Records Act 1991, including paragraph (h) of the definition of sexual offences in section 7 (4) and section 25 (the general regulation-making power).

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Clause 1 Criminal Records Amendment Regulation 2006

Criminal Records Amendment Regulation 2006 under the Criminal Records Act 1991

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Criminal Records Amendment Regulation 2006.

2 Amendment of Criminal Records Regulation 2004 The Criminal Records Regulation 2004 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Criminal Records Amendment Regulation 2006

Amendment Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment

(Clause 2) Clause 17 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

17 Offences prescribed as sexual offences for the purposes of section 7 (1) For the purposes of paragraph (h) of the definition of sexual offences in section 7 (4) of the Act, the following offences are prescribed as sexual offences: (a) an offence under section 61JA, 66EA, 80D, 80E, 91H, 578B or 578C (2A) of the Crimes Act 1900, (b) an offence under section 11G, 21G or 21H of the Summary Offences Act 1988. (2) A conviction for an offence referred to in subclause (1) is taken never to have been spent or never to be capable of becoming spent.

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New South Wales

Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988.

JOHN HATZISTERGOS, M.L.C., MinisterMinister forfor Health Health Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Day Procedure Centres Regulation 1996 to permit a podiatrist, who is an accredited podiatrist within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth, to perform procedures on a patient at a day procedure centre and to have charge of any such patient’s care. This Regulation is made under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988, including sections 7 and 55 (the general regulation-making power).

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Clause 1 Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006 under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006.

2 Amendment of Day Procedure Centres Regulation 1996 The Day Procedure Centres Regulation 1996 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

Page 2


Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2) [1] Clause 4 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order in clause 4 (1): podiatrist means an accredited podiatrist within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth.

[2] Schedule 1 Licensing standards Insert “, and the approval of podiatrists,” after “dentists” in clause 4 (3) (a).

[3] Schedule 1, clause 5 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

5 Responsibilities of health practitioners (1) Each procedure performed at the day procedure centre is to be performed by an appropriately accredited medical practitioner or dentist or by a podiatrist. (2) If a procedure involves the administration of a general, spinal, epidural, major field block or large field infiltration anaesthetic or intravenous sedative, the patient is to be attended throughout the procedure by an appropriately accredited medical practitioner who is not the person performing the procedure. (3) A medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist is to be responsible for selecting patients suitable for treatment by the medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist at the day procedure centre, subject to: (a) the class or classes of the day procedure centre and the limitations (if any) on the services that may be provided there, and (b) the clinical responsibilities of the medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist, and (c) the maintenance of high professional standards.

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Day Procedure Centres Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Schedule 1 Amendments

[4] Schedule 1, clauses 9 (4) (b), 17 (2) (a), 21 (2) (k) and (3), 23 (3) (a) and 24 (3) Omit “or dentist” wherever occurring. Insert instead “, dentist or podiatrist”.

[5] Schedule 1, clause 21 (2) (h) and (3) Omit “or dental” wherever occurring. Insert instead “, dental or podiatric”.

Page 4


New South Wales

Energy and Utilities Administration (Water Savings) Regulation 2006

under the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987.

DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., MinisterMinister forfor Water Water Utilities Utilities Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Energy and Utilities Administration Regulation 1999: (a) to prescribe Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council to be State water agencies for the purposes of the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987, and (b) to prescribe the local government areas of each of those councils to be water savings areas for the purposes of that Act. This Regulation is made under the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987, including paragraph (b) in each of the definitions of State water agency and water savings area in section 3 (1) and section 53 (the general regulation-making power).

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Clause 1 Energy and Utilities Administration (Water Savings) Regulation 2006

Energy and Utilities Administration (Water Savings) Regulation 2006 under the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Energy and Utilities Administration (Water Savings) Regulation 2006.

2 Amendment of Energy and Utilities Administration Regulation 1999 The Energy and Utilities Administration Regulation 1999 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Energy and Utilities Administration (Water Savings) Regulation 2006

Amendment Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendment

(Clause 2) Clause 28 Insert after clause 27:

28 Prescribed State water agencies and water savings areas (1) The following State agencies are prescribed for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of State water agency in section 3 (1) of the Act: (a) Gosford City Council, (b) Wyong Shire Council. (2) The following areas of the State are prescribed for the purposes of paragraph (b) of the definition of water savings area in section 3 (1) of the Act: (a) the local government area of Gosford City Council under the Local Government Act 1993, (b) the local government area of Wyong Shire Council under the Local Government Act 1993.

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New South Wales

Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following Regulation under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988.

JOHN HATZISTERGOS, M.L.C., Minister for for Health Health Explanatory note The object of this Regulation is to amend the Private Hospitals Regulation 1996 to permit a podiatrist, who is an accredited podiatrist within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth, to perform procedures on a patient at a private hospital and to have charge of any such patient’s care. This Regulation is made under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988, including sections 7 and 55 (the general regulation-making power).

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Clause 1 Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006 under the Private Hospitals and Day Procedure Centres Act 1988

1 Name of Regulation This Regulation is the Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006.

2 Amendment of Private Hospitals Regulation 1996 The Private Hospitals Regulation 1996 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.

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Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Amendments Schedule 1

Schedule 1 Amendments

(Clause 2) [1] Clause 4 Definitions Insert in alphabetical order in clause 4 (1): podiatrist means an accredited podiatrist within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth.

[2] Schedule 1 Licensing standards for all private hospitals Insert “, and the approval of podiatrists,” after “dentists” in clause 13 (3) (a).

[3] Schedule 1, clause 14 Omit the clause. Insert instead:

14 Responsibilities of health practitioners (1) Each procedure performed at the private hospital is to be performed by an appropriately accredited medical practitioner or dentist or by a podiatrist. (2) If a procedure involves the administration of a general, spinal, epidural, major field block or large field infiltration anaesthetic or intravenous sedative, the patient is to be attended throughout the procedure by an appropriately accredited medical practitioner who is not the person performing the procedure. (3) A medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist is to be responsible for selecting patients suitable for treatment by the medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist at the private hospital, subject to: (a) the class or classes of the private hospital and the limitations (if any) on the services that may be provided there, and (b) the clinical responsibilities of the medical practitioner, dentist or podiatrist, and (c) the maintenance of high professional standards.

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Private Hospitals Amendment (Podiatrists) Regulation 2006

Schedule 1 Amendments

[4] Schedule 1, clauses 18 (4) (b), 33 (5), 40 (2) (l) and (3), 42 (3) (a) and 43 (3) Omit “or dentist” wherever occurring. Insert instead “, dentist or podiatrist”.

[5] Schedule 1, clause 40 (2) (j) and (3) Omit “or dental” wherever occurring. Insert instead “, dental or podiatric”.

Page 4


COAL MINES REGULATION ACT 1982 COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION AND PRINCIPLES OF MULTICULTURALISM ACT 2000 MINES INSPECTION ACT 1901 Appointment of Part-Time Member Appointment of an Inspector of Electrical Engineering HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the His Excellency the Honourable Executive Council and pursuant to section 7 of the Community JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, AC, Relations Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Lieutenant Governor of the State of New South Wales Act 2000, has appointed Ms Wajiha AHMED as a part-time I, the Honourable JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, AC, Commissioner of the Community Relations Commission for Lieutenant Governor of the State of New South Wales, with a period of three years from 15 February 2006. the advice of the Executive Council, pursuant to section 32(1) The Hon. M. IEMMA, M.P., of the Mines Inspection Act 1901 and pursuant to section Premier and Minister for Citizenship 7(1)(f) of the Coal Mines Regulation Act 1982, appoint Steven Alfred BENTHAM as an Inspector of Electrical Engineering from the date of this approval. PLANT DISEASES ACT 1924 Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 17th day of May Appointment of Inspector 2006. I, B. D. BUFFIER, Director-General of the NSW Department By His Excellency’s Command, of Primary Industries, pursuant to section 11(1) of the Plant IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., Diseases Act 1924 (“the Act”), appoint the person named in Minister for Mineral Resources Schedule 1 as an Inspector under the Act: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! SCHEDULE 1 John HENDY. Dated this 16th day of May 2006. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION AND PRINCIPLES OF MULTICULTURALISM ACT 2000 B. D. BUFFIER, Director-General, Appointment of Part-Time Member NSW Department of Primary Industries HER Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council and pursuant to section 7 of the Community Relations Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Act 2000, has appointed Mr Thomas BAENA Jr as a part-time Commissioner of the Community Relations Commission for a period of three years from 25 January 2006. The Hon. M. IEMMA, M.P., Premier and Minister for Citizenship


FAR WEST REGIONAL OFFICE 45 Wingewarra Street (PO Box 1840), Dubbo NSW 2830 Phone: (02) 6883 3000 Fax: (02) 6883 3099

GRANTING OF A WESTERN LANDS LEASE IT is hereby notifi ed that under the provisions of Section 28A of the Western Lands Act 1901, the Western Lands Leases specifi ed in the following Schedule have been granted. The leases are subject to the provisions of the Western Lands Act 1901 and the Regulations thereunder. The land is to be used only for the purpose of Residence. Initial rent will be $100.00 per annum and re-assessed thereafter annually on 1st April of each year. The Conditions and Reservations annexed to the leases are those published in the Government Gazette of 18 February 2005, Folios 434 and 435. All amounts due and payable to the Crown must be paid to the Department of Lands by the due date. IAN MACDONALD MLC, Minister for Natural Resources Administrative District – Walgett North; LGA – Walgett; Parish – Wallangulla; County – Finch

WLL No. Name of Lessee Lot Deposited Plan Folio Identifi er Area(m2) Term of Lease From To WLL14582 Ricky Desmond SMALL 24 1066289 24/1066289 2237 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14472 Robert Neil EVANS 31 1066289 31/1066289 2488 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14461 Desmond John NORRIS 22 1066289 22/1066289 2508 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14549 Ilija VUCICEVIC 93 1057617 93/1057617 2355 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14546 Brian Godfrey DECAUX and Dudley Ross TURNER 51 1057617 51/1057617 2492 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14625 Keith Daniel HACKETT 59 1076808 59/1076808 2043 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14497 Jagoda LAZIC 61 1057617 61/1057617 2709 19-05-2006 18-05-2026 WLL14498 Branko LAZIC 63 1057617 63/1057617 2671 19-05-2006 18-05-2026

ALTERATION OF PURPOSE OF A WESTERN LANDS LEASE IT is hereby notifi ed that in pursuance of the provisions of section 18J, Western Lands Act 1901, the purpose and conditions of the undermentioned Western Lands Leases have been altered as shown.

IAN MacDONALD, M.L.C., Minister for Natural Resources

Administrative District – Cobar; Shire – Cobar; Parishes – Kruge & Middlesex; County –Mouramba The purpose of Western Lands Leases 3214 and 3987, being the land contained within Folio Identifi ers 889/762062 and 1844/763717 have been altered from “Grazing” to “Grazing and Recreational Hunting” effective from 23 May 2006. Annual rental and lease conditions remain unaltered as a consequence of the change of purpose except for the addition of those special conditions published in the Government Gazette of 19 March 2004, Folios 1446-1451.


RESERVATION OF CROWN LAND APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 87 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown land specifi ed in Column 1 of the schedule hereunder PURSUANT to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, is reserved as specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule Schedule. hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee TONY KELLY, M.L.C., of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. Minister for Lands TONY KELLY, M.L.C., SCHEDULE Minister for Lands COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 SCHEDULE Land District: Walgett North Reserve No. 1011628 Local Government Area: Public Purpose: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Walgett Shire Council Public Recreation Walgett Shire Lightning Ridge Reserve No. 1011628 Locality: Lightning Ridge Council Opal Street Park Public Purpose: Lot Sec. D.P. No. Parish County Reserve Trust Public Recreation 4531 767720 Wallangulla Finch Notifi ed: This Day Area: 5000m2 File Reference: WL06R12/1 File Reference: WL06R12/1

ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands

SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Lightning Ridge Opal Sreet Reserve No. 1011628 Park Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notifi ed: This Day File Reference: WL06R12/1


GRAFTON OFFICE 76 Victoria Street (Locked Bag 10), Grafton NSW 2460 Phone: (02) 6640 2000 Fax: (02) 6640 2035

APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS ASSIGNMENT OF NAME TO A RESERVE TRUST PURSUANT to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, PURSUANT to Clause 4(3) of Schedule 8 to the Crown Lands the persons whose names are specifi ed in Column 1 of the Act 1989, the name specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule Schedule hereunder, are appointed for the terms of offi ce hereunder, is assigned to the reserve trust constituted as specifi ed thereunder, as members of the trust board for the trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column reserve trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which 2 of the Schedule. has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands SCHEDULE

SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Crowley Village Reserve Reserve No.: 94040. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Trust. Public Purpose: Homes for Richard Latham Old Piggabeen Reserve No.: 1002621. the aged. JOBSON School Public Purpose: Community Notifi ed: 5 December 1980. (re-appointment), (R1002621) purposes and File No.: GF82 R 93/1. Marlene Anne Reserve Trust. environmental protection. PROTHEROE Notifi ed: 23 April 1999. (re-appointment), File No.: GF99 R 21. Geoffrey Allen DAVIS (re-appointment), Janice Margaret FLETCHER (re-appointment), Robin Cecil DAWES (re-appointment), Stephanie SMITH (re-appointment), Norman Leslie HUNT (re-appointment). Term of Offi ce For a term commencing 1 June 2006 and expiring 31 May 2011.

GRIFFITH OFFICE 2nd Floor, Griffith City Plaza, 120–130 Banna Avenue (PO Box 1030), Griffith NSW 2680 Phone: (02) 6962 7522 Fax: (02) 6962 5670

APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE TRUST AS TRUSTEE SCHEDULE OF A RESERVE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Lachlan Shire Council Crown Reserve No. 1011549 the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule Reserves Reserve Trust Public Purpose: hereunder is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed Environmental Protection opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. Public Recreation TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Rural Services Minister for Lands Tourist Facilities and Services Community Purposes Notifi ed: 5 May 2006 File Reference: GH06H35/1


HEAD OFFICE 1 Prince Albert Road, Sydney NSW 2000 (PO Box 15, Sydney NSW 2001) Phone: (02) 9236 7764 Fax (02) 8236 7081

DECLARATION OF A PUBLIC PURPOSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 3 OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 PURSUANT to section 3 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, “access and public requirements, tourism purposes and environmental and heritage conservation,” is declared to be a public purpose for the purposes of section 87 of the said Act. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands


MAITLAND OFFICE Corner Newcastle Road and Banks Street (PO Box 6), East Maitland NSW 2323 Phone: (02) 4937 9300 Fax: (02) 4934 2252

ADDITION TO RESERVED CROWN LAND REVOCATION FOR RESERVATION OF CROWN LAND PURSUANT to section 88 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule PURSUANT to Section 90(1) of the Crown Lands Act hereunder, is added to the reserved land specifi ed opposite 1989, the reservation of Crown land specifi ed in Column 1 thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. of the Schedule hereunder is revoked to the extent specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., TONY KELLY, M.L.C.; Minister for Lands Minister for Lands

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Land District: Maitland. Reserve No.: 89075. Land District: Newcastle The part being within: Local Government Area: Public Purpose: Botanic Local Government Area: Lots 1 and 2 DP 1038683 Maitland City Council. Gardens. Wyong Parish: Wallarah Locality: East Maitland. Notifi ed: 2 November 1973. Locality: Mannering Park County: Northumberland Lot 11, DP No. 1083841, Lot 9, section 109, DP No. Reserve No: 75 Area: 1375 square metres Parish Maitland, 758374, Parish Maitland, Purpose: Public Purposes County Northumberland. County Northumberland; Notifi ed: 19 April 1880 Area: 0.464 hectares. Lot 1, section 52, DP No. File Reference: MD05H106 File No.: MD02 H 345/1. 758374, Parish Maitland, County Northumberland; Lot 7017, DP No. 1050865, PLANS OF MANAGEMENT FOR CROWN RESERVES Parish Maitland, County UNDER DIVISION 6 OF PART 5 OF THE CROWN Northumberland; LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN LANDS Lot 7019, DP No. 1050866, REGULATION 2000 Parish Maitland, County Draft plans of management have been prepared for the Crown Northumberland; Reserves described hereunder, that are under the trusteeship Lot 7018, DP No. 1050865, of Dungog Shire Council. Parish Maitland, County Northumberland. Inspection of the draft plans can be made at Dungog New Area: 4.497 hectares. Council, 198 Dowling Street, Dungog and the Dept Lands, Cnr Newcastle Road and Banks Street, East Maitland during business hours. REVOCATION FOR RESERVATION OF CROWN The Draft Plans will be on exhibition from 31 May 2006 LAND to 30 June 2006. Comments on the draft plan are invited from PURSUANT to section 90(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the public and may be submitted in writing to the Manager the reservation of Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of Community Services, PO Box 6, East Maitland NSW 2323 the Schedule hereunder, is revoked to the extent specifi ed until 7 July 2006. opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands

TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Description of Lands Minister for Lands Land District – Dungog; Council Area – Dungog; SCHEDULE Parish – Uffi ngton; COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 County – Durham Land District: Gosford. The part being within R81436 being Lots 7007-7009 DP1056819 (Bridge Local Government Area: Lot 701, DP 1067163, Reserve). Wyong. Parish Tuggerah, Locality: Bateau Bay. County Northumberland. D610010 being Lots 7012, 7013 DP1057675 (Wharf Reserve No.: 89423. Area: 1.428 hectares. Reserve). Purpose: Homes for the aged. Dedication for wharf reserve notifi ed 22 Dec 1883 (Wharf Notifi ed: 19 April 1975. Reserve). File No.: MD90 H 617. Location: Clarence Town. File No’s: MD94 R34 and MD94 R 53.


NOWRA OFFICE 5 O’Keefe Avenue (PO Box 309), Nowra NSW 2541 Phone: (02) 4428 6900 Fax: (02) 4428 6988

PLAN OF MANAGEMENT FOR A CROWN DISSOLUTION OF RESERVE TRUST RESERVE UNDER DIVISION 6 OF PART 5 OF THE PURSUANT to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN LANDS the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedules REGULATION 1990 hereunder, which was established in respect of the reserve A draft plan of management has been prepared for the Crown specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedules, is reserve described hereunder being the area within the Kiama dissolved. Showground reserve. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands Inspection of the draft plan can be made at Kiama Municipal Council’s Administration Building, 11 Manning SCHEDULE 1 Street, Kiama and the Nowra District Offi ce, Department of Lands, 5 O’Keefe Avenue, Nowra, during normal business COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 hours. Bill Smyth Oval Reserve Reserve No.: 80515. Trust. Public Purpose: Resting Representations are invited from the public on the draft place and public plan. These may be made in writing for a period of 28 days recreation. commencing from Wednesday, 24 May 2006 and should be Notifi ed: 28 March 1958. sent to the Manager, South Coast, Nowra District Offi ce, PO File No.: NA05 R 9/1. Box 309, Nowra NSW 2541. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., SCHEDULE 2 Minister for Lands COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Dalmeny (R86046) Reserve Reserve No.: 86046. Description of Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public Land District – Kiama; Municipality – Kiama; recreation. Parish – Kiama; County – Cumberland; Notifi ed: 4 November 1966. Location – Kiama. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. Dedication No. 580000 for public recreation and SCHEDULE 3 showground, notified in the Government Gazette of 26 August 1908. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 File No.: NA97 R 43. Dedication (D580068) Dedication No.: 580068. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation. ROADS ACT 1993 Notifi ed: 11 October 1895. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. ORDER Transfer of a Crown Road to a Council SCHEDULE 4 IN pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 1993, The Crown road specifi ed in Schedule 1 is transferred Kianga Beach (R90979) Reserve No.: 90979. to the Roads Authority specifi ed in Schedule 2 hereunder, as Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public from the date of publication of this notice and as from that recreation. date the road specifi ed in Schedule 1 cease to be a Crown Notifi ed: 16 December 1977. road. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., SCHEDULE 5 Minister for Lands COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 SCHEDULE 1 Nangudga Lake (R86014) Reserve No.: 86014. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public Land District – Moruya; Council – Eurobodalla Shire; recreation. Parish – Conga; County – Dampier. Notifi ed: 21 October 1966. The Crown public road at Turlinjah adjoining the southern File No.: NA05 R 9/1. boundary of Lot 7004, DP 1032315, between the Princes Highway and Tuross Lake including Lots 387 and 388, DP SCHEDULE 6 726777. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Crown Reference: NA04 H 102. Narooma (R63051) Reserve Reserve No.: 63051. Trust. Public Purpose: Public SCHEDULE 2 recreation and resting place. Roads Authority: Eurobodalla Shire Council. Notifi ed: 13 November 1931. Reference: 02.6179-44322. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3187

SCHEDULE 7 SCHEDULE 14 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Narooma (R91374) Reserve Reserve No.: 91374. Wagonga Inlet (R95600) Reserve No.: 95600. Trust. Public Purpose: Public Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation. recreation. Notifi ed: 26 January 1979. Notifi ed: 25 September 1981. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. File No.: NA05 R 9/1.

SCHEDULE 8 SCHEDULE 15 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Narooma (R91375) Reserve Reserve No.: 91375. Wagonga Lookout Road Reserve No.: 69965. Trust. Public Purpose: Public (R69965) Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation. recreation and access. Notifi ed: 26 January 1979. Notifi ed: 21 March 1941. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. File No.: NA05 R 9/1.

SCHEDULE 9 SCHEDULE 16 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Narooma (R91754) Reserve Reserve No.: 91754. Wallaga Lake (R58044) Reserve No.: 58044. Trust. Public Purpose: Public Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation and resting recreation. place. Notifi ed: 29 May 1925. Notifi ed: 7 March 1980. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. SCHEDULE 17 SCHEDULE 10 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 North Narooma (R1002286) Reserve No.: 1002286. Narooma (R85773) Reserve Reserve No.: 85773. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation and recreation. environmental protection. Notifi ed: 29 April 1966. Notifi ed: 9 July 1999. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. File No.: NA05 R 9/1.

SCHEDULE 11 REVOCATION OF APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 TRUST Narooma (R95741) Reserve Reserve No.: 95741. PURSUANT to section 92(3)(c) of the Crown Lands Trust. Public Purpose: Community Act 1989, the appointment of the reserve trust specifi ed centre. in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder, as trustee of the Notifi ed: 18 December 1981. reserve(s), or part(s) of the reserve(s), specifi ed opposite File No.: NA05 R 9/1. thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule, is revoked.

SCHEDULE 12 TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 North Narooma (R79308) Reserve No.: 79308. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation. SCHEDULE Notifi ed: 1 February 1957. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Eurobodalla (North) Reserve Reserve No.: 89973. SCHEDULE 13 Trust. Public Purpose: Public recreation. COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 Notifi ed: 19 November 1976. Wagonga Inlet (R52679) Reserve No.: 52679. Reserve No.: 85364. Reserve Trust. Public Purpose: Access and Public Purpose: Access and public recreation. public recreation. Notifi ed: 1 March 1918. Notifi ed: 18 June 1965. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3188 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006

APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE TRUST AS TRUSTEE Reserve No.: 63051. OF A RESERVE Public Purpose: Public recreation and resting PURSUANT to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, place. the reserve trust specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule Notifi ed: 13 November 1931. hereunder, is appointed as trustee of the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. Reserve No.: 91375. Public Purpose: Public TONY KELLY, M.L.C., recreation. Minister for Lands Notifi ed: 26 January 1979. Reserve No.: 95741. SCHEDULE Public Purpose: Community COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 centre. Eurobodalla (South) Reserve Reserve No.: 85364. Notifi ed: 18 December 1981. Trust. Public Purpose: Access and Reserve No.: 52679. public recreation. Public Purpose: Access and Notifi ed: 18 June 1965. public recreation. Reserve No.: 89973. Notifi ed: 1 March 1918. Public Purpose: Public Reserve No.: 80515. recreation. Public Purpose: Resting Notifi ed: 19 November 1976. place and public Reserve No.: 91374. recreation. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 28 March 1958. recreation. Reserve No.: 90979. Notifi ed: 26 January 1979. Public Purpose: Public Reserve No.: 1002286. recreation. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 16 December 1977. recreation and Reserve No.: 91754. environmental protection. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 9 July 1999. recreation and resting Reserve No.: 79308. place. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 7 March 1980. recreation. Reserve No.: 86014. Notifi ed: 1 February 1957. Public Purpose: Public Reserve No.: 95600. recreation. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 21 October 1966. recreation. Dedication No.: 580068. Notifi ed: 25 September 1981. Public Purpose: Public Reserve No.: 85773. recreation. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 11 October 1895. recreation. Reserve No.: 94365. Notifi ed: 29 April 1966. Public Purpose: Cemetery Reserve No.: 86046. purposes. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 13 March 1981. recreation. Reserve No.: 89110. Notifi ed: 4 November 1966. Public Purpose: Bush Fire Reserve No.: 58044. Brigade purposes. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 14 December 1973. recreation. Reserve No.: 79882. Notifi ed: 29 May 1925. Public Purpose: Cemetery Reserve No.: 69965. purposes. Public Purpose: Public Notifi ed: 13 September 1957. recreation and access. File No.: NA05 R 9/1. Notifi ed: 21 March 1941.


ORANGE OFFICE 92 Kite Street (PO Box 2146), Orange NSW 2800 Phone: (02) 6391 4300 Fax: (02) 6362 3896

ERRATUM IN the notice appearing in the NSW Government Gazette of 8 April 2005, Folio 1310, under the heading ‘NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF PUBLIC ROAD’ (File No. OE02H94) the closed road (Lot 1 DP 1035807) will vest in Forbes Shire Council as operational land rather than the incorrectly stated ‘community land’.

SYDNEY METROPOLITAN OFFICE Level 12, Macquarie Tower, 10 Valentine Avenue, Parramatta 2150 (PO Box 3935, Parramatta NSW 2124) Phone: (02) 8836 5300 Fax: (02) 8836 5365

PLAN OF MANAGEMENT FOR CROWN LAND AT CASTLE HILL, UNDER PART 5 DIVISION 6 OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN LANDS REGULATION 2000. A draft plan of management has been prepared for Crown land at Castle Hill described below, which is under the trust management of Baulkham Hills Shire Council. Inspection of the draft plan can be made at Council’s Administration Centre, 129 Showground Road, Castle Hill. The public is invited to make representations on the draft plan. The plan will be on exhibition from Friday 26 May 2006 to 2 August 2006. Submissions will be received up to 5pm Wednesday, 2 August 2006 and should be sent to the General Manager, Baulkham Hills Shire Council, PO Box 75, Castle Hill, NSW 1765. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands.

DESCRIPTION OF LAND Land District – Metropolitan; LGA – Baulkham Hills; Parish – Castle Hill; County – Cumberland Castle Hill Cemetery (D1000480) dedicated for General Cemetery on 21 July 1915, comprising Lot 7009 and Lot 7007, DP 752020, being about 8.094 hectares. Location: Gilbert Road, Castle Hill. File No: MN92R13.


TAREE OFFICE 102-112 Victoria Street (PO Box 440), Taree NSW 2430 Phone: (02) 6552 2788 Fax: (02) 6552 2816

ROADS ACT 1993 Hastings Local Government Area being part of Lot 336 in ORDER Deposited Plan 1067572, registered at the Land Titles Offi ce, Sydney. TE00H155 Transfer of Crown Public Road to a Council IN pursuant of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown public road specifi ed in Schedule 1 is transferred DRAFT ASSESSMENT OF LAND UNDER PART 3 OF to the Roads Authority specifi ed in Schedule 2 hereunder, as THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN from the date of publication of this notice and as from that LANDS REGULATION 2000 date, the road specifi ed in Schedule 1 cease to be Crown THE Minister for Lands has prepared a draft land assessment public road. for the Crown land described hereunder. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Inspection of this draft assessment can be made at the Minister for Lands Department of Lands, 98 Victoria Street, Taree and at the Offi ces of Greater Taree City Council during normal business SCHEDULE 1 hours. Parish – Yarrabandini; Representations are invited from the public on the draft County – Dudley; assessment. These may be made in writing for a period Land District – Kempsey; commencing from 26 May 2006 to 23 June 2006 and should Local Government Area – Kempsey Shire Council be sent to the Manager, Mid North Coast, Department of Lands, P.O. Box 440, Taree, 2430. Telephone enquiries Crown public road being part of Swan Lane from should be directed to the Taree offi ce on 02 6591 3500. Collombatti Road to eastern boundary of lot 752 DP81835 ie east of lot 209 DP752437, east and south of lots 751 TONY KELLY, M.L.C., DP818352 & 74 DP793017. Minister for Lands Description: Approximately 0.822 hectares of Crown SCHEDULE 2 land fronting Church Street in the village of Roads Authority: Kempsey Shire Council. Krambach Parish of Kundibakh County of File: TE03H198. Gloucester. Reason: To determine appropriate future land use and ADDITION TO RESERVED CROWN LAND management options of the Crown land. PURSUANT to section 88 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Contact Offi cer: Mr Bob Birse. Crown Land specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is added to the reserve specifi ed opposite thereto in Column (File No. TE80H1672). 2 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., DRAFT ASSESSMENT OF LAND UNDER PART 3 OF Minister for Lands THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 AND CROWN LANDS REGULATION 2000 SCHEDULE THE Minister for Lands has prepared a draft land assessment COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 for the Crown land described hereunder. Land District: Port Macquarie Reserve No: 87917 Inspection of this draft assessment can be made at the Local Government Area: Public Purpose: Department of Lands, 98 Victoria Street, Taree and at the Port Macquarie Hastings Future Public Offi ces of Port Macquarie Hastings Council during normal Parish: Camden Haven Requirements business hours. County: Macquarie Notifi ed: 28 August 1970 Locality: Laurieton Representations are invited from the public on the draft Part Lot 336 DP1067572 assessment. These may be made in writing for a period Area: 4460 m2 commencing from 26 May 2006 to 23 June 2006 and should File: TE06R14 be sent to the Manager, Mid North Coast, Department of Lands, P.O. Box 440, Taree, 2430. Telephone enquiries CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 should be directed to the Taree offi ce on 02 6591 3500. Declaration of land to be Crown Land TONY KELLY, M.L.C., PURSUANT to Section 138 (1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Minister for Lands the land described in the Schedule herewith, is declared to be Crown Land within the meaning of that Act. Description: Approximately 3.04 hectares of Crown land fronting Cluleys Road at Herons Creek, Parish Dated at Taree, this 23rd May 2006. of Camden Haven County of Macquarie. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Reason: To determine appropriate future land use and Minister for Lands. management options of the Crown land. Crown land containing 4460m2 fronting Ocean Drive, Contact Offi cer: Mr Bob Birse. Laurieton in the State of New South Wales Parish of Camden (File No. TE04H87). Haven County of Macquarie Land District of Port Macquarie,


WAGGA WAGGA OFFICE Corner Johnston and Tarcutta Streets (PO Box 60), Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Phone: (02) 6937 2700 Fax: (02) 6921 1851

ROADS ACT 1993 SCHEDULE ORDER COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 Transfer of Crown Road to a Council Richard Norman Goobarragandra Reserve No.: 1004328. HARGREAVES Valley Reserves Public Purpose: Public IN pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act (re-appointment), Trust. recreation and access. 1993, the Crown public roads specifi ed in Schedule 1 are Mark Antony LEES Notifi ed: 14 February 2003. transferred to the Roads Authority specifi ed in Schedule 2 (re-appointment), hereunder, as from the date of publication of this notice and Jenny OLIVER Reserve No.: 220065. (re-appointment), Public Purpose: Public as from that date, the roads specifi ed in Schedule 1 cease to Alan William recreation and access. be Crown public road. PERCIVAL Notifi ed: 6 September 1996. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., (re-appointment), Minister for Lands Robert Owen Reserve No.: 700048. MAKINSON Public Purpose: (re-appointment), Environmental protection. SCHEDULE 1 Lola Margaret GREEN Notifi ed: 10 October 1997. Parish – Creighton; County – Hume; (re-appointment), Land District – Albury; Shire – Greater Hume. Robert Reginald IRWIN Reserve No.: 220011. (re-appointment). Public Purpose: Public Crown public road 20.115 wide described as the road recreation. north of Lot 2, DP 1041776. Notifi ed: 20 March 1987. File No.: WA98 R 13/2. SCHEDULE 2 Term of Offi ce Roads Authority: Greater Hume Shire Council. For a term commencing the date of this notice and expiring File No.: WA06 H 142. 28 February 2011.

APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS PURSUANT to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specifi ed in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder, are appointed for the terms of offi ce specifi ed thereunder, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specifi ed opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. TONY KELLY, M.L.C., Minister for Lands

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3192 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006 Department of Natural Resources

WATER ACT 1912 Any enquires regarding the above should be directed to AN application under Part 2 within a proclaimed (declared) the undersigned (telephone: (02) 6953 0700). local area under section 5(4) of the Water Act 1912. Formal objections to the application specifying the Application for a licence under section 10 for works grounds thereof, may be made by any statutory authority within a proclaimed (declared) local area as generally or a local occupier within the proclaimed area and must be described hereunder have been received from: lodged with the Department’s Regional Director at Leeton within the 28 days as fi xed by the Act. Murrumbidgee Valley S. F. WEBB, BOAMBOLO PTY LTD for a pump on the Murrumbidgee Resource Access Manager, River, Lot 20, DP 669280, Parish of Boambolo, County of Murrumbidgee Region Murray, for irrigation of 57 hectares (replacement licence – increase in irrigation entitlement via permanent transfer) Department Natural Resources, (Reference: 40SL71097). PO Box 156, Leeton NSW 2705.

WATER ACT 1912 Notice under Section 166A of the Water Act 1912 Adoption of Floodplain Management Plan Lower Gingham Floodplain Management Plan PURSUANT to section 166A of the Water Act 1912 and having considered the matters set out in section 166C of the Act, the Water Administration Ministerial Corporation has adopted the Lower Gingham Floodplain Management Plan as a fl oodplain management plan for the lands set out in the Schedule to this Notice. SCHEDULE That part of the Lower Gwydir Floodplain, designated as a fl oodplain by order published in the Government Gazette of 18 October 1984, being the area situated in New South Wales in the catchment of the Lower Gwydir, shown hatched on the map hereunder.

Larger maps of the area and exclusions to which this notice relates are available for public inspection during offi ce hours at the Department’s Tamworth and Moree offi ces.


WATER ACT 1912 Order under Section 166(1) Amendment of Designation of Floodplain Area – Lower Gwydir Floodplain THE Water Administration Ministerial Corporation, by this Order pursuant to Section 166(1) of Part 8 of the Water Act 1912, hereby amends the fl oodplain designation known as the Lower Gwydir Floodplain (18 October 1984), to exclude the lands set out in the Schedule to this Notice. Dated at Sydney, this 9th day of May 2006. RICHARD SHELDRAKE, Director-General, Department of Natural Resources (by delegation)

SCHEDULE Those parts of that area situated in New South Wales and: (a) being within the Shire of Moree Plains; (b) shown hatched on the diagram hereunder; and (c) exclusive of all towns, villages and their environs.

Larger maps of the area and exclusions to which this Order relates are available for public inspection during offi ce hours at the Department’s Tamworth and Moree offi ces.


WATER ACT 1912 Order under Section 166(1) Designation of Floodplain Area – Lower Gingham Watercourse Floodplain THE Water Administration Ministerial Corporation, by this Order pursuant to Section 166(1) of Part 8 of the Water Act 1912, designates the lands set out in the Schedule to this Notice as a fl oodplain which is to be known as the Lower Gingham Watercourse Floodplain. Dated at Sydney, this 9th day of May 2006. RICHARD SHELDRAKE, Director-General, Department of Natural Resources (by delegation)

SCHEDULE Those parts of that area situated in New South Wales and: (a) being within the Shire of Moree Plains; (b) shown hatched on the diagram hereunder; and (c) exclusive of all towns, villages and their environs.

Larger maps of the area and exclusions to which this Order relates are available for public inspection during offi ce hours at the Department’s Tamworth and Moree offi ces. GA2:472385.

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3195 Department of Planning

New South Wales

Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57)

under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

I, the Minister for Planning, make the following local environmental plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (S04/01751/S69)

FRANK SARTOR, M.P., MinisterMinister for for Planning Planning

e05-286-09.p01 Page 1


Clause 1 Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57)

Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

1Name of plan This plan is Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57).

2 Aims of plan This plan aims to rezone the land to which this plan applies from Zone No 6 (a) (the Open Space Zone) to Zone No 2 (the Residential Zone) under Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 so that the zoning of the land reflects its current use.

3 Land to which plan applies This plan applies to land known as 51, 53 and 55 Pitt Street, Mortdale (Lots 8, 9 and 10, DP 2921, respectively), as shown distinctively coloured and edged heavy black on the map marked “Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57)” deposited in the office of the Council of the City of Hurstville.

4 Amendment of Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 is amended by inserting in appropriate order in the definition of the map in clause 5 (1) the following words: Hurstville Local Environmental Plan 1994 (Amendment No 57)

Page 2


New South Wales

Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15)

under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

I, the Minister for Planning, make the following local environmental plan under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. (NEW0003915/S69)

FRANK SARTOR, M.P., MinisterMinister forfor Planning Planning

e05-277-09.p01 Page 1


Clause 1 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15)

Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15) under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

1Name of plan This plan is Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15).

2Aims of plan This plan aims to amend Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (the 2004 plan): (a) to rezone part of the land to which this plan applies from Zone 10 Investigation Zone to Zone 2 (1) Residential Zone to allow residential development on the land, and (b) to rezone part of the land from Zone 5 Infrastructure Zone to Zone 3 (2) Urban Centre (Support) Zone to allow urban development on the land, and (c) to remove the acquisition requirement under clause 55 of the 2004 plan (by omitting certain cross-hatching from the zoning map) in respect of part of the land so as to exclude that land from future acquisition by Lake Macquarie City Council, and (d) to adjust boundaries along subdivision and zoning boundaries between land within Zone 6 (1) Open Space Zone and Zone 2 (1) Residential Zone.

3 Land to which plan applies (1) In respect of the aim referred to in clause 2 (a), this plan applies to Lots 701–730, DP 1070859 and parts of Greystone Close, Bellevue Lane, Sandra Street, Bluerock Close and Harrington Street, Fennell Bay, as shown edged heavy black and lettered “2 (1)” on Sheet 1 of the map marked “Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15)” deposited in the office of Lake Macquarie City Council. (2) In respect of the aim referred to in clause 2 (b), this plan applies to Lot 3, DP 1012247 and part of Lots 1 and 2, DP 203907, Main Road, Cardiff, as shown edged heavy black and lettered “3 (2)” on Sheet 2 of that map.

Page 2


Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15) Clause 4

(3) In respect of the aim referred to in clause 2 (c), this plan applies to parts of Lots 1 and 2, DP 203907, Main Road, Cardiff, as shown edged heavy black on Sheet 2 of that map. (4) In respect of the aim referred to in clause 2 (d), this plan applies to part of Lots 2, 3, 6, 19 and 20, DP 1072337, Victoria Street, Teralba, as shown edged heavy black on Sheet 3 of that map.

4 Amendment of Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 is amended by inserting in appropriate order in the definition of the map in the Dictionary the following words: Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 (Amendment No 15)

Page 3

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3200 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006 Department of Primary Industries

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 MINERAL RESOURCES FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (AQUACULTURE) NOTICE is given that the following applications have been REGULATION 2002 received: Clause 39 (4) – Notice of Aquaculture Lease Renewal EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS THE Minister has renewed the following class 1 Aquaculture (06-146) Leases: No. 2723, BIG SKY HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED (ACN OL75/168 within the estuary of Port Stephens, having an 108 476 384), area of 30 units, for Group 1, dated 24 April, area of 0.1286 hectares to Grahame Andrews and Anthony 2006. (Orange Mining Division). Ross Parsons of Oyster Cove, NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 4 January 2021 (06-147) No. 2724, DIAMONEX LIMITED (ACN 091 951 978), BILL TALBOT, area of 6 units, for Group 6, dated 1 May, 2006. (Sydney A/Director Mining Division). Fisheries Conservation and Aquaculture Branch Agriculture, Fisheries and Regional Relations Division (06-150) Department of Primary Industries No. 2726, SILVER MINES LIMITED (ACN 107 452 942), area of 15 units, for Group 1, dated 9 May, 2006. (Armidale Mining Division). FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 (06-153) FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (AQUACULTURE) No. 2729, COPI HILL PTY LTD (ACN 093 462 527), REGULATION 2002 area of 2 units, for Group 2, dated 11 May, 2006. (Cobar Mining Division). Clause 39 (4) – Notice of Aquaculture Lease Renewal THE Minister has renewed the following class 1 Aquaculture (06-212) Leases: No. 2730, JUDDS CREEK EXPLORATION PTY OL60/189 within the estuary of Wallis Lake, having LIMITED (ACN 119 770 151), area of 97 units, for Group an area of 0.1673 hectares to Michael David De Gioia 1, dated 19 May, 2006. (Orange Mining Division). of Tuncurry, NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 11 (06-213) October 2020. No. 2731, JUDDS CREEK EXPLORATION PTY OL61/085 within the estuary of Wallis Lake, having LIMITED (ACN 119 770 151), area of 100 units, for Group an area of 0.0840 hectares to Michael David De Gioia 1, dated 19 May, 2006. (Orange Mining Division). of Tuncurry, NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on 6 September 2020. (06-214) No. 2732, SOUTHERN GOLD LIMITED (ACN 107 BILL TALBOT, 424 519), area of 95 units, for Group 1, dated 19 May, 2006. A/Director (Orange Mining Division). Fisheries Conservation and Aquaculture Branch (06-215) Agriculture, Fisheries and Regional Relations Division Department of Primary Industries No. 2733, JUDDS CREEK EXPLORATION PTY LIMITED (ACN 119 770 151), area of 99 units, for Group 1, dated 19 May, 2006. (Orange Mining Division).

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 (06-216) No. 2734, JUDDS CREEK EXPLORATION PTY FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (AQUACULTURE) LIMITED (ACN 119 770 151), area of 100 units, for Group REGULATION 2002 1, dated 19 May, 2006. (Orange Mining Division). Clause 39 (4) – Notice of Aquaculture Lease Renewal (06-217) The Minister has renewed the following class 1 Aquaculture No. 2735, CLANCY EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN Leases: 105 578 756), area of 49 units, for Group 1, dated 19 May, OL76/034 within the estuary of Nambucca River, having 2006. (Orange Mining Division). an area of 0.8967 hectares to Rob Armstrong Oysters Pty (06-218) Ltd of Laurieton, NSW, for a term of 15 years expiring on No. 2736, CLANCY EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 18 June 2021. 105 578 756), area of 31 units, for Group 1, dated 19 May, 2006. (Orange Mining Division). BILL TALBOT, A/Director (06-219) Fisheries Conservation and Aquaculture Branch No. 2737, COMET RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 060 Agriculture, Fisheries and Regional Relations Division 628 202), area of 40 units, for Group 1, dated 19 May, 2006. Department of Primary Industries (Orange Mining Division).


MINING LEASE APPLICATIONS (T04-0030) (06-111) Exploration Licence No. 6274, SHERWOOD VENTURES PTY LTD (ACN 107 201 687), area of 39 units. Application No. 276, GRAHAM MURRAY RICHARDSON, area of for renewal received 23 May, 2006. about 25.64 square kilometres, to mine for gypsum, dated 10 March, 2006. (Broken Hill Mining Division). IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., (06-149) Minister for Mineral Resources. No. 281, POLYMETALS MINING SERVICES PTY LTD (ACN 075 664 961), area of about 1.881 square kilometres, to mine for barite and silver, dated 4 May, 2006. (Cobar Mining Division). RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., NOTICE is given that the following authorities have been Minister for Mineral Resources. renewed: (T86-0932) Exploration Licence No. 2934, ADANAK NOTICE is given that the following application has been EXPLORATIONS PTY LIMITED (ACN 001 955 513), granted: County of Georgiana, Map Sheet (8729), area of 12 units, EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATION for a further term until 22 October, 2006. Renewal effective on and from 11 May, 2006. (05-309) (T99-0122) No. 2626, now Exploration Licence No. 6561, JOHN LESLIE LOVE, County of Harden, Map Sheet (8528), area Exploration Licence No. 5654, CAPITAL MINING PTY of 2 units, for Group 1, dated 2 May, 2006, for a term until LTD (ACN 104 551 171), County of Wellesley, Map Sheet 1 May, 2008. (8723), area of 15 units, for a further term until 17 December, 2007. Renewal effective on and from 11 May, 2006. IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., Minister for Mineral Resources. (T98-1138) Exploration Licence No. 5668, PEREGRINE MINERAL SANDS N.L. (ACN 009 307 591), County of Taila, Map Sheet (7328, 7428), area of 7 units, for a further term until NOTICE is given that the following application has been 4 January, 2008. Renewal effective on and from 8 May, withdrawn: 2006. EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATION (T99-0159) (06-142) Exploration Licence No. 5697, CAPITAL MINING PTY No. 2718, BIG SKY HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED (ACN LTD (ACN 104 551 171), County of Beresford, Map Sheet 108 476 384), County of Kennedy, Map Sheet (8432). (8725), area of 24 units, for a further term until 8 March, Withdrawal took effect on 5 May, 2006. 2008. Renewal effective on and from 11 May, 2006. (T01-0120) IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., Exploration Licence No. 5891, DENIS MICHAEL Minister for Mineral Resources. WALSH, County of Gipps, Map Sheet (8230), area of 1 units, for a further term until 20 September, 2007. Renewal effective on and from 12 April, 2006. NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal (T02-0095) have been received: Exploration Licence No. 6017, MOLY MINES LIMITED (T82-1711) (ACN 103 295 521), County of Roxburgh , Map Sheet (8830 & 8831), area of 4 units, for a further term until 27 October, Exploration Licence No. 2033, CLIMAX AUSTRALIA 2006. Renewal effective on and from 27 April, 2006. PTY LIMITED (ACN 002 164 598), area of 42 units. Application for renewal received 17 May, 2006. (T02-0414) (T82-1488) Exploration Licence No. 6057, LLOYD VINCENT CUDDEN, County of Gordan , Map Sheet (8632), area of Exploration Licence No. 3767, CLIMAX AUSTRALIA 3 units, for a further term until 19 February, 2007. Renewal PTY LIMITED (ACN 002 164 598), area of 19 units. effective on and from 7 March, 2006. Application for renewal received 17 May, 2006. (T03-0104) (T02-0012) Exploration Licence No. 6161, BIG ISLAND MINING Exploration Licence No. 5959, RED METAL LIMITED LIMITED (ACN 112 787 470), Counties of Canbelego and (ACN 103 367 684), area of 12 units. Application for renewal Cowper, Map Sheet (8135), area of 45 units, for a further received 18 May, 2006. term until 20 November, 2007. Renewal effective on and (T02-0438) from 9 May, 2006. Exploration Licence No. 6258, TEMPLAR RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 085 644 944), area of 80 units. Application IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., for renewal received 16 May, 2006. Minister for Mineral Resources.


REFUSAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL ERRATUM NOTICE NOTICE is given that the applications for renewal in respect Under the heading of the following authorities have been refused: NOTICE is given that the following applications have been (T99-0123) granted: Exploration Licence No. 5623, MILLENNIUM EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS MINERALS (OPERATIONS) PTY LIMITED (ACN 077 appearing in Government Gazette No 61, 5th May 2006 Folio 507 521), County of Lincoln, Map Sheet (8633, 8733), area 2760 the following entry appeared: of 41 units. The authority ceased to have effect on 12 May, 2006. (05-277) No. 2595, now Exploration Licence No. 6559, Donald (T01-0124) John PERKIN and GOLDEN REEF ENTERPRISES PTY Exploration Licence No. 5902, DIAMOND ROSE NL LTD (ACN 008 138 136), County of Monteagle, Map Sheet (ACN 075 860 472), County of Rous, Map Sheet (9540, (8529, 8530), area of 18 units, for Group 1, dated 13 April 9541), area of 36 units. The authority ceased to have effect 2006, for a term until 12 April 2008. As a result of the grant on 16 May, 2006. of this title, Exploration Licence No. 5152 has ceased to have effect.

IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., This entry should be replaced with: Minister for Mineral Resources. (05-277) No. 2595, now Exploration Licence No. 6559, Donald John PERKIN and GOLDEN REEF ENTERPRISES PTY LTD (ACN 008 138 136), County of Monteagle, Map Sheet CANCELLATION OF AUTHORITIES AT REQUEST (8529, 8530), area of 18 units, for Group 1, dated 13 April OF HOLDERS 2006, for a term until 12 April 2008. NOTICE is given that the following authorities have been cancelled: ERRATUM NOTICE (04-569) Under the heading Exploration Licence No. 6369, GOLDEN CROSS OPERATIONS PTY. LTD. (ACN 050 212 827), County of NOTICE is given that the following applications have been received: Yancowinna, Map Sheet (7133), area of 3 units. Cancellation took effect on 18 May, 2006. EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS appearing in Government Gazette No 66, 19th May 2006 the (04-570) following entries appeared: Exploration Licence No. 6371, GOLDEN CROSS (06-154) OPERATIONS PTY. LTD. (ACN 050 212 827), County of Yancowinna, Map Sheet (7133, 7233, 7234), area of 51 units. No. 2730, TEST FRANCIS YOUNG (ACN 012345678), Cancellation took effect on 18 May, 2006. area of 2 units, for Group 1 and Group 2, dated 17 May, 2006. (Singleton Mining Division). (06-155) IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., No. 2731, TEST FRANCIS YOUNG (ACN 012345678) Minister for Mineral Resources. AND TEST GARBAGE (ACN 999 888 777), area of 2 units, for Group 1, dated 17 May, 2006. (Armidale Mining Division). These two applications were for testing purposes and PART CANCELLATION have since been removed from the database and the numbers NOTICE is given that the following authority has been reallocated. cancelled in part: IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., (05-207) Minister for Mineral Resources. Exploration Licence No. 6451, RADIANT SOLUTIONS PTY LTD (ACN 075 254 974). RURAL LANDS PROTECTION ACT 1998 Description of area cancelled: Appointment of Police Offi cers as Authorised Offi cers An area of 14 units has been cancelled. For further information contact Titles Branch. I, B. D. BUFFIER, Director-General of NSW Department of Primary Industries, pursuant to sections 185 and 186 of the Part cancellation took effect on 16 March, 2006. Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 (“the Act” ), hereby: The authority now embraces an area of 21 units. 1. revoke the instrument of appointment signed by the Director-General on 5 December 2002, in relation to the appointment of police offi cers as authorised IAN MACDONALD, M.L.C., offi cers under the Act and any appointment revived Minister for Mineral Resources. as a result of this revocation; and


2. appoint all police offi cers as authorised offi cers for the purposes of the following parts of the Act and of the Rural Lands Protection (General) Regulation 2001 (“the Regulation”): Part 8 of the Act (“Travelling stock reserves and public roads”), Part 9 of the Act (“Stock watering places”), Part 10A of the Act (“Transportation of stock by vehicle”), Part 12 of the Act (“Powers of authorised offi cers”), Part 4 of the Regulation (“Travelling stock reserves and public roads”), Part 5 of the Regulation (“Stock watering places”), Part 6A of the Regulation (“Transportation of stock by vehicle”); and Part 8 of the Regulation (“Stock identifi cation”). Dated this 16th day of May 2006. B. D. BUFFIER, Director-General, NSW Department of Primary Industries

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3204 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006 Roads and Traffic Authority



Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at North Ryde Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at Cobaki Lakes and Marsfield in the Ryde City Council area in the Tweed Shire Council area

THE Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales by THE Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales by its delegate declares, with the approval of Her Excellency its delegate declares, with the approval of Her Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the Schedule below the Governor, that the land described in Schedule below is is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993. the purposes of the Roads Act 1993.

T D Craig T D Craig Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales ______


ALL those pieces or parcels of public roads situated in the ALL those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Tweed Ryde City Council area, Parish of Hunters Hill and County Shire Council area, Parish of Terranora and County of Rous, of Cumberland, shown as: shown as:

Lot 1 Deposited Plan 883883, being part of the land Lots 4 to 7 inclusive Deposited Plan 1093882, being parts of remaining in Certificate of Title Volume 1532 Folio 40 and the land in Reserve No 1011248 for Future Public said to be in the possession of the Ryde City Council; and Requirements notified in Government Gazette No 23 of 17 February 2006 on page 841 and said to be in the possession Lots 19 and 20 Deposited Plan 868513 unlimited in height of the Crown and the Crown Lands Reserve Trust (trustee); and depth, being parts of public roads notified in and Government Gazette No 77 of 19 June 1970 on page 2448 and Crown land, and said to be in the possession of Ryde Lot 8 Deposited Plan 1093882, being Crown public road. City Council and the Crown. (RTA Papers FPP 6M490) (RTA Papers FPP 5M4361; RO F2/387.11091)




Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at Glenwood in the Blacktown City Council area

The Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales by its delegate declares, with the approval of Her Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993.

T D Craig Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales ______


ALL those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Blacktown City Council area, Parish of Gidley and County of Cumberland, shown as Lots 102 and 103 Deposited Plan 1092236, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 300/1024047, excluding from the compulsory acquisition any existing easements.

The land is said to be in the possession of Almona Pty Limited (registered proprietor) and Westpac Banking Corporation (mortgagee).

(RTA Papers: FPP 5M4629)


ROADS ACT 1993 Notice under Clause 17 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996 HAY SHIRE COUNCIL, in pursuance of Division 2 of Part 3 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 1996, by this Notice, specify the routes and areas on or in which B-Doubles may be used subject to any requirements or conditions set out in the Schedule. GENERAL MANAGER, Hay Shire Council (by delegation from the Minister for Roads)

SCHEDULE 1. Citation This Notice may be cited as the Hay Shire Council Road Train Notice No. 1, 2006. 2. Commencement This Notice takes effect from the date of gazettal. 3. Effect This Notice remains in force until 1 July 2006, unless it is amended or repealed earlier. 4. Application This Notice applies to Road Trains which comply with Schedule 1 to the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) regulation 1996 and Schedule 4 to the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998. 5. Routes Road Train routes within the Hay Shire Council.

Road Name Starting Point Finishing Point Conditions Murray Street. Intersection of Lachlan Street. Corner of Pine Street. 22 May 2006 – 1 July 2006. Pine Street. Corner of Murray Street. Corner of Brunker Street. 22 May 2006 – 1 July 2006. Brunker Street. Corner of Pine Street. Intersection of Lachlan Street. 22 May 2006 – 1 July 2006.


Road Transport (General) Act 2005 General Class 3 Concrete Pipe Carrier Notice under Division 5 of Part 2 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 2005

I, Brett Skinner, Acting Chief Executive of the Roads and Traffic Authority, in pursuance of Part 2, Division 5 of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 2005, by this Notice, exempt vehicles carrying concrete pipes from the provisions of clause 75 of Schedule 4 to the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 1998, subject to the conditions and requirements set out in this Notice.

Brett Skinner A/ Chief Executive Roads and Traffic Authority



Part 1 Preliminary 1.1 Citation 1.2 Commencement 1.3 Interpretations 1.4 Effect 1.5 Application

Part 2 Operating and travel requirements 2.1 Operating requirements 2.2 Travel requirements

Part 3 Dimension limits 3.1 Width of vehicles and loads 3.2 Compliance with other dimension limits

Part 4 Definitions


Part 1 – Preliminary

1.1 Citation This Notice may be cited as the General Class 3 Concrete Pipe Carrier Notice 2006.

1.2 Commencement This Notice takes effect on 1 June 2006.

1.3 Interpretations 1.3.1 Unless stated otherwise, words and expressions used in this Notice that are defined in Part 4 of this Notice or the Dictionary forming part of the Road Transport (Mass, Loading and Access) Regulation 2005 have the same meanings as those set out in that Part or that Dictionary.

1.3.2 Except where a contrary intention is indicated, the index, diagrams and notes in the text of this Notice do not form part of this Notice.

1.4 Effect This Notice remains in force until 31 August 2006 unless it is amended or repealed earlier.

1.5 Application 1.5.1 This Notice applies provided that the motor vehicles, of the kind described in clause 1.5.2 are operated in accordance with the operation and travel requirements in Part 2 to this Notice.

1.5.2 This Notice applies to a Class 3 vehicle used to carry concrete pipes loaded transversely which does not, apart from its load of concrete pipes, exceed 2.5 metres in width.

Note: The concessional arrangements allowed by this Notice do not apply to B- doubles or road trains

Part 2 – Operating and travel requirements

2.1 Operating requirements 2.1.1 A copy of this Notice must be carried in the driving compartment whenever the vehicle is operating as a Class 3 vehicle carrying concrete pipes and must be produced to a police officer or an authorised officer when requested.

2.2 Travel requirements 2.2.1 A Class 3 vehicle carrying concrete pipes wider than 2.5 m must comply with the provisions of Part 4 – Requirements for Class 1 Vehicles (Other than Agricultural Machines or Agricultural Implements) of the General Class1 Oversize Notice 2002.

2.2.2 For the purposes of this Notice, the following roads in Emu Plains are deemed to be included in the Sydney Metropolitan Travel Zone for Overdimension Notices in Part 6 of the General Class 1 Oversize Notice 2002:


M4 Motorway, Russell Street, Old Bathurst Road, Great Western Highway.

Part 3 – Dimension limits

3.1 The width of any load of concrete pipes carried on a Class 3 vehicle operating under this Notice must not exceed 2.65 metres.

3.2 A Class 3 vehicle and its load must comply with all other dimension limits provided in the Regulations, including those relating to overhangs.

Part 4 – Definitions

“authorised officer” means a person employed by the RTA as an enforcement officer.

“Class 3 vehicle” means a restricted access vehicle other than a Class 1 vehicle or a Class 2 vehicle.


CASINO CONTROL ACT 1992 5.1.2 a wager on the “Banker’s Hand” which Order shall – PURSUANT to section 66(1) of the Casino Control Act 1992, win if the Banker’s Hand has a the Casino Control Authority does, by this Order, approve point count higher than that of the the following amendments to the rules for the playing of Player’s Hand; the game of “Baccarat” in the casino operated by Star City lose if the Banker’s Hand has a Pty Limited under licence granted by the Casino Control point count lower than that of the Authority on 14 December 1994: Player’s Hand; (1) Amendments to the rules for the playing of “Baccarat” be declared a standoff if the point counts of the Banker’s Hand and (a) Within Baccarat sub-rule 1.1, the following new the Player’s Hand are equal; defi nition of “Dragon Bonus” is approved: 5.1.3 a “Tie” bet which shall win if the point “Dragon Bonus wager” means an optional additional counts of the Player’s Hand and the wager which may be made by a player in accordance Banker’s Hand are equal and shall lose if with rule 10.4; such point counts are not equal. (b) Within Baccarat sub-rule 1.1, the definition of “Perfect Pairs wager” is repealed and in substitution (g) Baccarat sub-rule 5.5 is repealed and in substitution therefor, the following new defi nition of “Perfect therefor, the following new sub-rule 5.5 is Pairs wager” is approved: approved: “Perfect Pairs wager” means an optional additional 5.5 Where the layout in use is A, B, C, D, F, G, H wager which may be made by a player in accordance or I, a casino supervisor may permit up to three with rule 10.3; players to wager on any one wagering area of (c) Within Baccarat sub-rule 1.1, the following new the layout. defi nition of “standoff” is approved: “standoff” means where a wager shall neither win (h) Baccarat rule 10 is repealed and in substitution nor lose; therefor, the following new rule 10 is approved: (d) Baccarat sub-rule 2.2 is repealed and in substitution 10 Even Money Baccarat, Dragon Bonus and Perfect therefor, the following new sub-rule 2.2 is Pairs approved: 10.1 Where the game in play is Even Money 2.2 The layout cloth covering the table shall display Baccarat or the optional wager of Dragon the name and/or logo of the casino, shall have Bonus or Perfect Pairs is offered, the areas designated for the placement of wagers approved rules of Baccarat shall apply, by both seated and standing players and shall except where the rules are inconsistent with be marked in a manner substantially similar to the rules of Even Money Baccarat, Dragon that shown in diagram “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, Bonus or Perfect Pairs, in which case the “F”,”G”, “H” or “I” and having numbered spaces rules of Even Money Baccarat, Dragon for between 7 and 14 seated players. Bonus or Perfect Pairs shall prevail. (e) The following new Baccarat sub-rule 2.6 is 10.2 The casino operator may in its discretion approved: offer players the opportunity to make Perfect Pairs wagers or Dragon Bonus 2.6 Where the Dragon Bonus option is offered a sign wagers in accordance with this rule. indicating the payout odds shall be displayed on the table. 10.3 Perfect Pairs (f) Baccarat sub-rule 5.1 is repealed and in substitution 10.3.1 Where the Perfect Pairs wager is therefor, the following new sub-rule 5.1 is offered, and the game of Baccarat is approved: played at a table with a layout cloth marked in a manner substantially 5.1 The wagers define in this rule shall be the similar to that shown in diagram permissible wagers at the game of Baccarat: “F” or “G”, any player may elect to 5.1.1 a wager on the “Player’s Hand” which place a Perfect Pairs wager on the shall – Banker’s Hand and/or the Player’s win if the Player’s Hand has a Hand before the coup commences. point count higher than that of the Perfect Pairs wagers shall be placed Banker’s Hand; in the appropriate playing area of the lose if the Player’s Hand has a layout. point count lower than that of the 10.3.2 The amount required to make a Banker’s Hand; Perfect Pairs wager shall be shown be declared a standoff if the point on a sign at the table. counts of the Player’s Hand and 10.3.3 A Casino Duty Manager may limit the Banker’s Hand are equal; the placement of Perfect Pairs wagers


to those players who have also A “Perfect Pair” being a placed an initial Baccarat wager in pair that comprises of two accordance with rule 5, providing: cards of the same number prior notification of the or picture type and suit (i.e. restriction is given to two queens of spades or Surveillance and an two 5 of clubs), the player inspector; and shall win and be paid at the odds of thirty to one. a sign advising players of the restriction is displayed 10.3.8 Losing Perfect Pairs wagers shall at the table. be collected and winning Perfect Pairs wagers paid by the dealer at 10.3.4 Where players are not required settlement. to have placed an initial wager in accordance with rule 5, there 10.4 Dragon Bonus must be at least one initial wager 10.4.1 Where the Dragon Bonus wager is placed on either the Banker’s Hand, offered, and the game of Baccarat is the Player’s Hand or the Tie in played at a table with a layout cloth accordance with rule 5 before a marked in a manner substantially similar players(s) may make a Perfect Pairs to that shown in diagram “H” or “I”, wager and the cards are dealt for that a player may elect to place a Dragon coup. Bonus wager on the Banker’s Hand 10.3.5 Up to three Perfect Pairs wagers and/or the Player’s Hand before the coup shall be allowed per playing area commences. Dragon Bonus wagers shall and a player may only place one be placed in the appropriate playing area Perfect Pairs wager on the Banker’s of the layout. Hand and/or Player’s Hand per coup. 10.4.2 The amount required to make a Dragon Subject to rule 10.3.3, preference of Bonus wager shall be shown on a sign wagering will be given to those at the table. players who have also placed an 10.4.3 A Casino Duty Manager may limit the initial Baccarat wager in accordance placement of Dragon Bonus wagers to with rule 5, with any available those players who have also placed an positions going to other players in initial Baccarat wager in accordance the order that wagers are placed. with rule 5, providing: 10.3.6 For the purposes of playing “Perfect prior notification of the Pairs” a pair shall mean a hand that restriction is given to comprises the fi rst two cards dealt Surveillance and an inspector; to either the Banker’s Hand or the and Player’s Hand that are: a sign advising players of the of the same number, namely, restriction is displayed at the Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or table. 10; or 10.4.4 Where players are not required to have of the same picture type, placed an initial wager in accordance namely jack, queen or with rule 5, there must be at least king. one initial wager placed on either the 10.3.7 Where a Perfect Pairs wager is made Banker’s Hand, the Player’s Hand or the on either the Banker’s Hand or the Tie in accordance with rule 5 before any Player’s Hand and the initial two player may make a Dragon Bonus wager cards dealt to that particular hand in and the cards are dealt for that coup. that coup are: 10.4.5 Up to three Dragon Bonus wagers shall be allowed per playing area and a player A “Mixed Pair” being a pair may only place one Dragon Bonus wager that comprises two cards of on the Banker’s Hand and/or Player’s the same number or picture Hand per coup. Subject to rule 10.4.3, type but of different colours preference of wagering will be given (i.e. one red card and one to those players who have also placed black card), the player shall an initial Baccarat wager in accordance win and be paid at the odds with rule 5, with any available positions of fi ve to one; going to other players in the order that A “Coloured Pair” being wagers are placed. a pair that comprises two 10.4.6 A wager on the Dragon Bonus Banker’s cards of the same number Hand shall: or picture type and colour but of different suits (i.e. win if the point count total of the Banker’s Hand forms a clubs and spades), the natural of eight or nine, and has player shall win and be a higher point count total than paid at the odds of ten to the Player’s Hand; or one; NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3212 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006 win if the point count total win if the point count total of of the Banker’s Hand does the Player’s Hand does not not form a natural and is four form a natural and is eight points higher than the Player’s points higher than the Banker’s Hand; or Hand; or win if the point count total of win if the point count total of the Banker’s Hand does not the Player’s Hand does not form a natural and is fi ve points form a natural and is nine higher than the Player’s Hand; points higher than the Banker’s or Hand; or win if the point count total of be declared a standoff if the the Banker’s Hand does not Player’s Hand and Banker’s form a natural and is six points Hand both form a natural with higher than the Player’s Hand; the same point count total; or and win if the point count total of lose if the Player’s Hand and the Banker’s Hand does not Banker’s Hand do not form form a natural and is seven a natural and have the same points higher than the Player’s point count total. Hand; or 10.4.8 Winning Dragon Bonus wagers will win if the point count total of be settled in accordance with one of the Banker’s Hand does not the prize schedules approved by the form a natural and is eight Authority. The applicable odds will be points higher than the Player’s displayed on a sign at the table. Hand; or (i) The following new Diagram “H” and Diagram “I” are win if the point count total approved: of the Banker’s Hand does DIAGRAM H not form a natural and is nine points higher than the Player’s DRAGON BONUS LAYOUT Hand; or be declared a standoff if the Banker’s Hand and Player’s Hand both form a natural with the same point count total; and lose if the Banker’s Hand and Player’s Hand do not form a natural and have the same point count total. 10.4.7 A wager on the Dragon Bonus Player’s Hand shall: win if the point count total of the Player’s Hand forms a natural of eight or nine, and has a higher point count total than the Banker’s Hand; or win if the point count total of the Player’s Hand does not form a natural and is four points higher than the Banker’s Hand; or win if the point count total of the Player’s Hand does not form a natural and is fi ve points higher than the Banker’s Hand; or win if the point count total of the Player’s Hand does not form a natural and is six points higher than the Banker’s Hand; DIAGRAM I or DRAGON BONUS LAYOUT win if the point count total of the Player’s Hand does not form a natural and is seven points higher than the Banker’s Hand; or


DIAGRAM I DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 DRAGON BONUS LAYOUT District Court Amendment (Property Relationships) Rule 2006 under the District Court Act 1973 THE District Court Rule Committee made the following rule of court under the District Court Act 1973, on 16 May 2006. A. R. GREW, Secretary to the District Court Rule Committee

Explanatory note The object of this rule is to omit Part 51D rule 1 (Property (Relationships) Act 1984) of the District Court Rules 1973 as the procedural provisions which relate to proceedings under the Property (Relationships) Act 1984 are now dealt with in the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005.

District Court Amendment (Property Relationships) Rule 2006 under the District Court Act 1973 1. Name of Rule This rule is the District Court Amendment (Property Relationships) Rule 2006. 2. Amendment of District Court Rules 1973 The District Court Rules 1973 are amended as set out in Schedule 1.

SCHEDULE 1 – Amendment (Clause 2) Part 51D rule 1 Property (Relationships) Act 1984 Omit the rule.

This Order shall take effect on and from the date of ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ACT 1995 publication. Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of Signed at Sydney, this 24th day of May 2006. New South Wales

BRIAN FARRELL, Application for Licence to Supply Electricity Chief Executive, (Reference: 06/208) for and on behalf of the THE Tribunal has received an application for an electricity Casino Control Authority. retail supplier’s licence under the Electricity Supply Act 1995, from GREENTRICITY PTY LIMITED (ACN 116 613 435) to operate in New South Wales. CO-OPERATIVES ACT 1992 The Tribunal seeks public submissions on this application. Notice under section 601AA of the Corporations Law as Submissions should address the assessment criteria contained applied by section 325 of the Co-Operatives Act 1992 in the Electricity Supply Act 1995. NOTICE is hereby given that the Co-operative mentioned All submissions should reach the Tribunal by Thursday, below will be deregistered when two months have passed 6 July 2006. Please direct enquiries to Mr Gary Drysdale on since the publication of this notice. (02) 9290 8477.

Junee ALIVE Youth & Community Development JAMES COX, CEO, Co-operative Limited Full Time Member Dated this twenty third day of May 2006. Level 2, 44 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000 C. GOWLAND, (PO Box Q290, QVB Post Offi ce NSW 1230). Delegate of The Registrar of Co-Operatives 26 May 2006.


ENERGY AND UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION This approval is subject to the following terms and (WATER CONTRIBUTIONS) ORDER 2006 conditions: I, DAVID CAMPBELL, MP, Minister for Water Utilities 1. The Tumbarumba Shire Council may only add fl uorine make the following Order under section 34J of the Energy to the Tumbarumba Water Supply in accordance with and Utilities Administration Act 1987. this approval and any provisions, directions or approvals Dated at Sydney, this 26th day of May 2006. made or varied from time to time under the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957, the Code of Practice for DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies made under that Minister for Water Utilities Act as in force from time to time, and the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Regulation 2002 or any subsequent Explanatory Note Regulation made in its place; and Section 34J of the Energy and Utilities Administration Act 1987 provides that the Minister may, by order published 2. The Tumbarumba Shire Council shall maintain the content in the Gazette, require any one or more State water agencies of fl uorine in the Tumbarumba Water Supply at a target to make an annual contribution for a specifi ed fi nancial year concentration level of 1.0 mg/L with an overall accuracy to the Water Savings Fund. The purpose of this Order is of +/- 5% and within an operating range of not more to require defi ned State Water agencies to make an annual than 1.5 mg/L and not less than 0.9 mg/L and generally contribution to the Water Savings Fund for the fi nancial year in accordance with the provisions of Part 10 of the Code commencing 1 July 2006. of Practice for the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies; and 1. Name of Order This Order is the Energy and Utilities Administration (Water 3. The Tumbarumba Shire Council shall have commenced Contributions) Order 2006. the upward adjustment of fl uorine in the Tumbarumba Water Supply by no later than 30 May 2007, unless 2. Commencement otherwise approved by the Chief Dental Offi cer of NSW This Order commences on the date that it is published in the Health or that offi cer’s approved representative. Government Gazette. Signed at Sydney this twenty third day of May 2006. 3. Interpretation The Explanatory Note to this Order does not form part of ROBYN KRUK, the Order. Director-General 4. Defi nitions State water agency means a State water agency listed in column 1 of Schedule 1. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 5. Annual contribution Notice of proposal to amend Address Locality Boundaries within the Cabonne Local Government Area (1) A State water agency is required to make an annual contribution to the Water Savings Fund for the fi nancial PURSUANT to the provisions of section 8 of the Geographical year commencing 1 July 2006. Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board hereby (2) The amount of the annual contribution to be paid notifies that it proposes to amend the address locality by a State water agency is as set out in column 2 of boundaries in the Cabonne Local Government Area as shown Schedule 1. on map GNB3691-1-C. 6. Time for payment The map GNB3691-1-C may be viewed at Cabonne Council Administration Offi ces at Molong and Cudal, the The annual contribution is to be paid by quarterly instalments Home and Community Offi ce at Canowindra, the Business (each being equal to one-fourth of the annual contribution Enterprise Centre at Orange and the offi ce of the Geographical payable) on or before the fi rst day of August 2006, November Names Board, Land and Property Information, 346 Panorama 2006, February 2007 and May 2007. Ave, Bathurst NSW 2795, for a period of one month from Schedule 1 the publication of this notice. Column 1 Column 2 Any person wishing to make comment upon this proposal State water agency Annual contribution may within one (1) month of the date of this notice write to Gosford City Council $1,050,000.00 the Secretary of the Board with that comment. Wyong Shire Council $ 950,000.00 WARWICK WATKINS, FLUORIDATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES Chairperson ACT 1957 Geographical Names Board, Notifi cation of approval of addition of fl uorine to a Public PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795. Water Supply (Tumbarumba) PURSUANT to section 6 of the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957, I, Robyn Kruk, Director-General GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 of the Department of Health, do by this notifi cation hereby approve the addition of fl uorine by the Tumbarumba Shire PURSUANT to the provisions of section 8 of the Geographical Council to the public water supply under its control to the Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board hereby town of Tumbarumba (in this notifi cation referred to as the notifi es that it proposes to assign the names listed hereunder “Tumbarumba Water Supply”). as geographical names. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3215

Any person wishing to make comment upon these Parish: Willoughby. proposals may within one (1) month of the date of this notice, County: Cumberland. write to the Secretary of the Board with that comment. L.P.I. Map: Parramatta River. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. Proposed Name: Rosemarie Reserve. Reference: GNB 5103. Designation: Reserve. L.G.A.: Wollongong City Council. Parish: Wollongong. County: Camden. Proposed Name: Allen Brierley Reserve. L.P.I. Map: Wollongong. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Wollongong 9029. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. Reference: GNB 5086. Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. Proposed Name: Pat Cullen Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5089. L.G.A.: Upper Lachlan Shire Council. Parish: Crookwell. County: King. Proposed Name: Barber Reserve. L.P.I. Map: Crookwell. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Crookwell 8729. L.G.A.: Campbelltown City Council. Reference: GNB 5104. Parish: St Peter. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Campbelltown. Proposed Name: James L Boyd Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Wollongong 9029. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5094. L.G.A.: Lake Macquarie City Council. Parish: Wallarah. County: Northumberland. Proposed Name: Robinson Park. L.P.I. Map: Swansea. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Lake Macquarie 9231. L.G.A.: Campbelltown City Council. Reference: GNB 5100. Parish: St Peter. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Campbelltown. Proposed Name: Long Tan Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Wollongong 9029. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5094. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. Parish: Rooty Hill. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. Proposed Name: Eggleton Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5093. L.G.A.: Campbelltown City Council. Parish: St Peter. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Campbelltown. Proposed Name: Laing Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Wollongong 9029. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5094. L.G.A.: Blacktown City Council. Parish: Prospect. County: Cumberland. L.P.I. Map: Riverstone. Proposed Name: Mujar Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5099. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. Proposed Name: Mount Pleasant. L.P.I. Map: Prospect. Designation: Mountain. 1:100,000 Map: Penrith 9030. L.G.A.: Boorowa Council. Reference: GNB 5096. Parish: Wyangala. County: King. L.P.I. Map: Bigga. Proposed Name: Wallawa Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Crookwell 8729. Designation: Reserve. Reference: GNB 5091. L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. Proposed Name: Judith Ambler Reserve. L.P.I. Map: Parramatta River. Designation: Reserve. 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. L.G.A.: North Sydney Council. Reference: GNB 5096.


Proposed Name: Warawara Reserve. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 Designation: Reserve. Notice of proposal to Determine Address Locality Names L.G.A.: Holroyd City Council. and Boundaries within the Corowa Local Government Area Parish: St John. County: Cumberland. PURSUANT to the provisions of section 8 of the Geographical L.P.I. Map: Parramatta River. Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board hereby 1:100,000 Map: Sydney 9130. notifi es that it proposes to defi ne the address locality names Reference: GNB 5096. and boundaries in the Corowa Local Government Area as shown on map GNB3758-1-A. The map GNB3758-1-A may be viewed at Corowa Council Proposed Name: Hugo Reserve. Administration Offi ces and the offi ce of the Geographical Designation: Reserve. Names Board, Land and Property Information, 346 Panorama L.G.A.: Newcastle City Council. Avenue, Bathurst NSW 2795, for a period of one month from Parish: Kahibah. the publication of this notice. County: Northumberland. L.P.I. Map: Wallsend. This proposal may also be viewed and submissions lodged 1:100,000 Map: Newcastle 9232. on the Geographical Names Board web site at www.gnb.nsw. Reference: GNB 4678. gov.au during the one month consultation period. Any person wishing to make comment upon this proposal The position and the extent for these features are recorded may within one (1) month of the date of this notice write to and shown within the Geographical Names Register of New the Secretary of the Board with that comment. South Wales. This information can be accessed through the Board’s Web Site at www.gnb.nsw.gov.au. WARWICK WATKINS, Chairperson WARWICK WATKINS, Geographical Names Board, Chairperson PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795.

Geographical Names Board, HERITAGE ACT 1977 PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795. Direction Pursuant to Section 34(1)(a) to List an Item on the State Heritage Register St Anne’s Church Bondi SHR No. 1706 GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 IN pursuance of section 34(1)(a) of the Heritage Act Notice of proposal to Amend Address Locality Names and 1977, I, the Minister for Planning, having considered a Boundaries within the Snowy River Local Government Area recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South PURSUANT to the provisions of section 8 of the Geographical Wales, direct the Council to list the item of environmental Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board hereby heritage specifi ed in Schedule “A” on the State Heritage notifi es that it proposes amend address locality boundaries Register. This listing shall apply to the curtilage or site of the in the Snowy River Local Government Area as shown on item, being the land described in Schedule “B”. The listing map GNB3702. is subject to the site specifi c exemption from approval under section 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977, described in Schedule The proposed amendments are necessary to enable the “C”, in addition to the standard exemptions. creation of a new address locality called Avonside. FRANK SARTOR, M.P., The proposed boundaries for the address locality of Minister for Planning Avonside as shown on map GNB3702-1-A may be viewed Dated: Sydney, 20th day of February 2006. at Snowy River Shire Council Offi ce at Berridale, Snowy River Shire Council Offi ce at Razorback Plaza and at the SCHEDULE “A” offi ce of the Geographical Names Board, Land and Property Information, 346 Panorama Avenue, Bathurst NSW 2795, for The item known as St Anne’s Church Bondi, situated on a period of one month from date of this notice. the land described in Schedule “B”. Details of this proposal may also be viewed on the Boards SCHEDULE “B” web sit at www.gnb.nsw.gov.au. All those pieces or parcels of land in part of Lot 1 of Any person wishing to make comment upon this proposal Deposited Plan 317699 in the Parish of Alexandria, County may within one (1) month of the date of this notice write to of Cumberland, shown on the plan catalogued HC 1957 in the Secretary of the Board with that comment. the offi ce of the Heritage Council of New South Wales. SCHEDULE “C” WARWICK WATKINS, Chairperson Works and activities with a current and valid development consent issued by Waverley Council for Development Application number LD869/03 in accordance with the Geographical Names Board, recommendations of the Heritage Council Approval PO Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795. Committee meeting of 4 February 2004.


HERITAGE ACT 1977 PROVIDED: Direction Pursuant to Section 34(1)(a) 1. The decrease does not take place until the next ordinary to List an Item on the State Heritage Register election of the Council. Bethanga Bridge 2. A casual vacancy in civic offi ce occurring during the SHR No. 1750 period starting from the date of this approval and until the next ordinary election is not to be fi lled unless the IN pursuance of section 34(1)(a) of the Heritage Act vacancy would cause the number of councillors of the 1977, I, the Minister for Planning, having considered a Council to become less than seven. recommendation of the Heritage Council of New South Wales, direct the Council to list the item of environmental Dated this 17th day of May 2006. heritage specifi ed in Schedule “A” on the State Heritage KERRY HICKEY, M.P., Register. This listing shall apply to the curtilage or site of the Minister for Local Government item, being the land described in Schedule “B”. The listing is subject to the standard exemptions under section 57(2) of the Heritage Act 1977. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 FRANK SARTOR, M.P., DECREASE IN NUMBER OF COUNCILLORS Minister for Planning GREATER TAREE CITY COUNCIL Dated: Sydney, 19th day of February 2006. I, KERRY HICKEY MP, Minister for Local Government, in pursuance of section 224A of the Local Government Act SCHEDULE “A” 1993, do hereby approve of the number of councillors of the The item known as Bethanga Bridge, situated on the land Greater Taree City Council being decreased from twelve to described in Schedule “B”. nine. PROVIDED: SCHEDULE “B” 1. The decrease does not take place until the next ordinary All those pieces or parcels of land known as Lot 1, DP election of the Council. 1066273 in Parish of Thurgoona, County of Goulburn, shown 2. Any future casual vacancies arising in the civic offi ce on the plan catalogued HC 2096 in the offi ce of the Heritage of the Council after the date of this approval but before Council of New South Wales. the next ordinary election should not be fi lled unless not fi lling the vacancy would result in less than the approved number of nine Councillors. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Dated this 15th day of May 2006. Decrease in Number of Councillors Brewarrina Shire Council KERRY HICKEY, M.P., Minister for Local Government I, KERRY HICKEY, M.P., Minister for Local Government, in pursuance of section 224A of the Local Government Act 1993, do hereby approve of the number of councillors of LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Brewarrina Shire Council being decreased from twelve to Corindi Sewerage nine. THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South PROVIDED: Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed 1. The decrease does not take place until the next for the purpose of Corindi Sewerage Scheme are vested in ordinary election of the Council. Coffs Harbour City Council. 2. A casual vacancy in civic offi ce occurring during the period starting from the date of this approval and until DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., the next ordinary election is not to be fi lled unless the Minister for Water Utilities vacancy would cause the number of councillors of the Council to become less than nine. SCHEDULE Dated this 10th day of May 2006. Works of sewerage comprising a new sewerage system for Corindi Beach including sewerage reticulation, four pumping KERRY HICKEY, M.P., stations, rising main, treatment plant, effl uent storage pond, Minister for Local Government effl uent irrigation system and all works incidental thereto.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 White Cliffs Water Supply Augmentation Stage 2 DECREASE IN NUMBER OF COUNCILLORS THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South BLAYNEY SHIRE COUNCIL Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works I, KERRY HICKEY MP, Minister for Local Government, described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed for in pursuance of section 224A of the Local Government Act the purpose of White Cliffs Water Supply Augmentation Stage 1993, do hereby approve of the number of councillors of 2 Scheme are vested in Central Darling Shire Council. the Blayney Shire Council being decreased from nine to DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., seven. Minister for Water Utilities


SCHEDULE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Works of water supply for the town of White Cliffs and Pacifi c Palms Sewerage all works incidental thereto. THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed for LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 the purpose of Pacifi c Palms Sewerage Scheme are vested in MidCoast County Council. Baradine Water Supply Augmentation THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works Minister for Water Utilities described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed for the purpose of Baradine Water Supply Augmentation Scheme are vested in Warrumbungle Shire Council. SCHEDULE DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., Works of sewerage and all works incidental thereto Minister for Water Utilities for the locality of Pacifi c Palms and surrounding areas comprising: ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Station and Rising Main SCHEDULE T for the area of Tarbuck Bay. Works of water supply for the town of Baradine comprising ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Stations and Rising upgrade to the Baradine Water Treatment Plant and all works Mains J, L O, P, Q, R, W and Z for the urban area of Smith incidental thereto. Lake including a micro tunnel under Tropic Gardens Drive containing a concrete encased 150mm diameter UPVC pipeline approximately 233 metres long. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Stations and Rising Mains I and X for the area of Charlotte Bay. Cowra Sewerage ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Stations and Rising THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South Mains E, F and H for the area of Blueys Beach. Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Stations and Rising described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed Mains C and D for the area of Boomerang Beach. for the purpose of Cowra Sewerage Scheme are vested in Cowra Shire Council. ▪ reticulated sewer pipes, Pumping Stations and Rising Mains A and B for the area of Elizabeth Beach. ▪ A 300mm diameter ductile iron effluent rising main DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., approximately 17.7 kilometres long temporarily carrying Minister for Water Utilities raw sewage to the Forster Sewerage Treatment Works from Pumping Station H. ▪ Odour control facilities at the Forster Sewerage Treatment SCHEDULE Works. Works of sewerage for the town of Cowra comprising ▪ Additions to the existing telemetry and SCADA control chemical phosphorus removal facilities and all works system. incidental thereto.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Macksville Sewerage Augmentation Yamba Sewerage Interim Works THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed for described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed the purpose of Macsville Sewerage Augmentation Scheme for the purpose of Yamba Sewerage Interim Works Scheme are vested in Nambucca Shire Council. are vested in Clarence Valley Council.

DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., Minister for Water Utilities Minister for Water Utilities

SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Works of sewerage for the town of Yamba comprising inlet Works of sewerage for the town of Macksville comprising balance tank, inlet works including step screen and grit new sewerage treatment plant including sludge management arrester, deodorising bed, caustic dosing system, extended and effl uent management facilities, new sewerage transfer aeration tank, UV disinfection system, sludge pond and all pumping station and associated gravity mains and rising works incidental thereto. mains and all works incidental thereto. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3219

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Signed and sealed at Sydney, this 17th day of May 2006. Brocklehurst Water Supply By His Excellency’s Command, THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works The Hon. KERRY HICKEY, M.P., described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed Minister for Local Government for the purpose of Brocklehurst Water Supply Scheme are GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! vested in Dubbo City Council. DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., SCHEDULE A Minister for Water Utilities Area of Yass Valley (as altered) SCHEDULE Area about 4089.38 square kilometres. Commencing at the intersection of the Murrumbidgee River and the boundary Works of water supply for the town of Brocklehurst between the State of New South Wales and the Australian comprising of a trunk main, town reticulation pipelines and Capital Territory, near Cusacks Crossing: and bounded thence all works incidental thereto. by that boundary, generally south-westerly to the source of Fastigata Creek; by a line westerly to Webbs Ridge; by that LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 ridge generally north-easterly to the north-eastern corner of Lot 3, DP 751811; by part of the eastern boundary of Parkes Water Supply Augmentation Lot 4, DP 751811 northerly to the western prolongation of THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South the eastmost northern boundary of the Parish of Cooree, Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works County of Cowley; by that prolongation westerly to the described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed for Goodradigbee River; by that river downwards to Nottingham the purpose of Parkes Water Supply Augmentation Scheme Creek; by that creek upwards to the south-eastern corner of are vested in Parkes Shire Council. Portion 19, Parish of Weejasper, County of Buccleuch; by the southern boundary of that portion, part of an eastern and DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., the southernmost boundary of Portion 27, and the southern Minister for Water Utilities boundary of Portion 26, easterly, southerly and again westerly to the south-western corner of the said Portion 26; by the SCHEDULE generally western boundary of the Parishes of Weejasper and Works of water supply for the town of Parkes and all West Goodradigbee generally northerly to the Murrumbidgee works incidental thereto. River; by that river downwards to the generally western boundary of the Parish of Talmo, County of Harden; by part of that boundary generally northerly, the western, southern and LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 eastern boundaries of Lot A, D.P. 358100 southerly, easterly Peak Hill Water Supply Augmentation and northerly, again the generally western boundary of the Parish of Talmo generally northerly to the north-western THE Minister for Water Utilities of the State of New South corner of Portion 96; by the southernmost western boundary Wales, declares that all right, title and interest in the works of Portion 347, Parish of Bookham and the former generally described in the Schedule hereto, which were constructed western boundary of that Parish generally northerly to the for the purpose of Peak Hill Water Supply Augmentation road forming part of the western boundary of Portion 344; by Scheme are vested in Parkes Shire Council. that road, part of the generally western boundary of that Parish DAVID CAMPBELL, M.P., and part of the generally western boundary of the Parish of Minister for Water Utilities Mylora generally northerly to the north-western corner of Portion 201; by part of the northern boundary of that Portion SCHEDULE easterly to its intersection with a line along the western boundary of Portion 189; by that line and that boundary, and Works of water supply for the town of Peak Hill and all part of the southern and the western boundaries of Portion works incidental thereto. 80, northerly, westerly and again northerly to Jugiong Creek; by that creek downwards to the generally western LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 boundary of the Parish of Mylora; by part of that boundary PROCLAMATION northerly, the southern, the western and part of the northern boundaries of Lot 102, D.P. 753618 westerly, northerly and J. J. SPIGELMAN, Lieutenant Governor easterly, the generally western and generally north-western I, JAMES JACOB SPIGELMAN, AC, Lieutenant Governor boundaries of the Parish of Binalong generally northerly of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the and generally north- easterly, part of the generally western Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 218B of the boundary of the Parish of Eubindal, generally northerly to Local Government Act 1993, do hereby alter the boundary the range forming the generally south-western watershed of of the Area of Yass Valley as described by Proclamation in the Boorowa River; by that range generally south-easterly, Government Gazette No. 42 of 8 April 2005 and the Area the range forming the generally south-western watershed of of Upper Lachlan Shire as described by Proclamation in Blakney Creek, generally south-easterly, Mundoonen range, Government Gazette No. 92 of 22 July 2005, by realigning generally south-easterly, to the generally northern boundary the boundaries of the Areas of Yass Valley and Upper Lachlan of Lot 1, DP 1002800: by part of that boundary, generally Shire so that the boundaries of the Area of Yass Valley and westerly, the western boundary of that lot and the generally the Area of Upper Lachlan Shire shall be as respectively south-western boundary of Lot 2, DP 245337, southerly and described in Schedules “A” and “B” hereto (06/0029). generally south-easterly to again the Mundoonen Range; by

NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3220 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006 part of that range, generally south-easterly to the western Lake Wyangala: and bounded thence by the former river and boundary of Lot 1, DP 1024315; by part of that boundary Old Man Gunyah Creek upwards to the generally western and the southern boundary of that lot, southerly and easterly, boundary of Portion 139, Parish of Opton, County of King; the generally western and northern boundaries of Lot 2, DP by that boundary and the generally western boundaries of 1024315, generally northerly and easterly, part of the western Portions 151, a line, 141 and 143 generally southerly to the boundary of Lot 1, DP 859196 and its prolongation, northerly, range forming the eastern watershed of Pudman Creek; by part of the generally south-eastern boundary of Lot 3, DP that range generally southerly to the generally western 1024315, generally north-easterly, the northern boundary of boundary of Portion 185, Parish of Blakney; by that boundary Lot 1, DP 859196 and its prolongation, easterly, the generally and the generally western boundaries of Portions 71, 134 and western boundaries of Lot 198 and 203, DP 754113 and Lot 182 (part) generally southerly to the eastern prolongation of 225, DP 754132, generally southerly, the generally western the generally southern boundary of Portion 64; by that and southern boundaries of Lot 209, DP 754132, generally prolongation and part of that boundary generally westerly to southerly and easterly, the generally southern and part of the range forming the south-eastern watershed of Pudman the eastern boundaries of Lot 214, DP 754132, generally Creek; by that range generally south-westerly to the eastern easterly and northerly, the southern boundary of Lot 223, boundary of Lot 2, D.P. 211320; by part of that boundary DP 754132, easterly and the western and generally northern southerly and part of the southern boundary of that lot boundaries of Lot 61, DP 133825, northerly and generally westerly to the northern prolongation of the eastern boundary easterly to the generally western side of Gundaroo Road; by of Portion 68; by that prolongation and boundary southerly that side of that road, generally northerly to the south-western and the generally south-eastern boundary of that portion, a prolongation of the generally south-eastern boundary of Lot 1, DP 815493; by that prolongation, boundary and the eastern line and the generally south-eastern boundary of Portion 69, boundary of that lot, generally north-easterly and northerly, generally south-westerly, the generally south-eastern and part of the generally south-western boundary of Lot 181, DP generally south-western boundaries of Portion 27, generally 754127, generally south-easterly, the generally north-eastern south-westerly and generally north-westerly, the generally boundary of Lot 227, DP 754132, generally south-easterly, southern boundaries of Portions 49, 298, a line and 295, the western boundary of Lot 1, DP 594328, southerly, part Parish of Crosby, generally westerly, the generally southern of the northern, the western and the generally south-western and generally western boundaries of Portion 234, generally boundaries of Lot 180, DP 754127 and its prolongation, westerly and generally northerly, the generally western westerly, southerly and generally south-easterly, part of the boundary of Portion 264, generally northerly, the generally generally western, the northern and part of the generally south-western boundaries of Portions 265, 309 and 48, and eastern boundaries of Lot 84, DP 754127, generally northerly, a line generally north-westerly, part of the southernmost easterly and southerly, part of the generally northern, southern and part of the generally western boundaries of generally western and southern boundaries of Lot 83, DP Portion 301, westerly and generally northerly to the range 754127 and its prolongation, westerly, generally southerly forming the north-eastern watershed of Kangiara Creek; by and easterly, part of the western boundary of Lot 81, DP that range generally north-westerly to the eastern boundary 754127 northerly, a line, the western boundaries of Lots 110 of Portion 224, Parish of Olney; by that boundary and the and 165, DP 754127, northerly, the western and northern generally north-eastern boundary of that portion, northerly boundaries of Lot 105, DP 754127, northerly and easterly, the and generally north-westerly, part of the eastern and the northern and part of the eastern boundaries of Lot 106, DP northern boundaries of Portion 211, northerly and westerly, 754127, easterly and southerly ,part of the generally northern the easternmost eastern boundary of Portion 312, northerly, and the eastern boundaries of Lot 111, DP 754127 and its the southern and part of the western boundaries of Portion prolongation, easterly and southerly, part of the northern 184, westerly and northerly, the generally southern boundaries and the generally eastern boundaries of Lot 81, DP 754127, of Portions 310, 311, 314 and 315, generally westerly, the easterly and generally southerly, the generally south-eastern generally south-eastern boundaries of Portions 150, 317 and boundary of Lot 159, DP 754127, generally north-easterly, Portions 213 and 216, Parish of Taunton, generally south- the generally northern boundary of Lot 31, DP 754132, westerly, part of the northern, the western and part of the generally easterly, a line north-easterly, the generally south- southern boundaries of Portion 234, westerly, southerly and eastern boundaries of Lot 18, DP 754883 and Lot 122, DP easterly, the northern prolongation of the eastern boundary 618106, generally north-easterly, part of the eastern boundary of Portion 146, that boundary and its prolongation, southerly, of Lot 122, DP 618106, the eastern boundary of Lot 59, DP part of the northern boundary of Portion 156, westerly, part 750008, again, part of the eastern boundary of Lot 122, DP of the eastern and the northern boundaries of Portion 147, 618106 and its prolongation, northerly to the road from northerly and westerly, a line, the northern boundaries of Gunning to Collector; by that road, generally easterly to the Portions 133 and 161 and their prolongation westerly, part northern prolongation of the western boundary of Lot 13, of the eastern and southern boundaries of Portion 9, southerly DP 750008; by that prolongation, boundary and the southern and westerly, the easternmost eastern, the generally northern boundary of that lot and its prolongation, southerly and and part of the western boundaries of Portion 25, northerly, easterly to the Federal Highway; by that highway, generally south-westerly to the to the generally north-eastern boundary generally westerly and southerly, the eastern prolongation between the State of New South Wales and the Australian of the southern boundary of Portion 130, that boundary, the Capital Territory; by that boundary, and the north-western, southern boundary of Portion 125 and its prolongation, aforesaid, boundary, generally north-westerly and south- westerly, part of the north-eastern, the eastern and the westerly to the point of commencement. southern boundaries of Portion 124, south-easterly, southerly and westerly, the southern boundary of Portion 99 and its prolongation westerly to Boorowa River; by that river SCHEDULE B downwards to the generally northern boundary of the Parish Area of Upper Lachlan Shire (as altered) of Eubindal, County of Harden; by that boundary and part of the generally western boundary of that parish, generally Area about 7217.04 square kilometres. Commencing at westerly and generally southerly to the range forming the the confl uence of the Lachlan and Abercrombie Rivers at generally south-western watershed of the Boorowa River; NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3221 by that range generally south-easterly, the range forming the range forming the watershed between the Lachlan River and generally south-western watershed of Blakney Creek, Collector Creek, generally north-westerly and generally generally south-easterly, Mundoonen range, generally south- westerly to the generally eastern boundary of the Parish of easterly, to the generally northern boundary of Lot 1, DP Milbang; by that boundary and the generally eastern 1002800: by part of that boundary, generally westerly, the boundaries of the Parishes of Mutmutbilly and Gurrunda western boundary of that lot and the generally south-western generally northerly to Wollondilly River; by that river boundary of Lot 2, DP 245337, southerly and generally upwards and Oxley Creek, upwards to it’s source in the range south-easterly to again the Mundoonen Range; by part of forming the generally south-eastern watershed of Pejar Dam; that range, generally south-easterly to the western boundary by that range, generally north-easterly to the generally of Lot 1, DP 1024315; by part of that boundary and the southern boundary of the Parish of Upper Tarlo; by part of southern boundary of that lot, southerly and easterly, the that boundary and part of the generally eastern boundary of generally western and northern boundaries of Lot 2, DP that parish, generally easterly and generally northerly and 1024315, generally northerly and easterly, part of the western the generally northern boundary of the Parish of Rhyana, boundary of Lot 1, DP 859196 and its prolongation, northerly, generally easterly to the Tarlo River; by that river downwards part of the generally south-eastern boundary of Lot 3, DP to the generally northern boundary of the Parish of Norrong; 1024315, generally north-easterly, the northern boundary of by part of that boundary, generally easterly to the Wollondilly Lot 1, DP 859196 and its prolongation, easterly, the generally River, aforesaid: by that river, downwards and Guineacor; western boundaries of Lot 198 and 203, DP 754113 and Lot Mares Forest and Wombeyan Creeks upwards to the generally 225, DP 754132, generally southerly, the generally western southern boundary of the Parish of St Columba, County of and southern boundaries of Lot 209, DP 754132, generally Westmoreland; by part of that boundary easterly and part of southerly and easterly, the generally southern and part of the the generally eastern boundary of that parish generally eastern boundaries of Lot 214, DP 754132, generally easterly northerly to the western prolongation of the northern and northerly, the southern boundary of Lot 223, DP 754132, boundary of Portion 60, Parish of Guineacor; by that easterly and the western and generally northern boundaries prolongation easterly to the generally northern boundary of of Lot 61, DP 133825, northerly and generally easterly to the parish; by part of that boundary generally easterly to the generally western side of Gundaroo Road; by that side Murruin Creek; by that creek, Shivering Creek and an eastern of that road, generally northerly to the south-western branch of Shivering Creek upward to the source of the last prolongation of the generally south-eastern boundary of Lot mentioned creek at Mount Shivering; by a ridge from that 1, DP 815493; by that prolongation, boundary and the eastern mount north-easterly and Murruin Range generally north- boundary of that lot, generally north-easterly and northerly, westerly to the eastern corner of Portion 2, Parish of Banshea; part of the generally south-western boundary of Lot 181, DP by the south-eastern boundaries of that portion and Portion 754127, generally south-easterly, the generally north-eastern 1 southerly to the generally south-western boundary of that boundary of Lot 227, DP 754132, generally south-easterly, parish; by part of that boundary and part of the generally the western boundary of Lot 1, DP 594328, southerly, part south-western boundary of the Parish of Abercorn generally of the northern, the western and the generally south-western north-westerly to the western corner of Portion 8; by a line boundaries of Lot 180, DP 754127 and its prolongation, southerly to the source of a northern branch of Abercrombie westerly, southerly and generally south-easterly, part of the River, aforesaid, and by that branch and river downwards to generally western, the northern and part of the generally the point of commencement. eastern boundaries of Lot 84, DP 754127, generally northerly, easterly and southerly, part of the generally northern, generally western and southern boundaries of Lot 83, DP 754127 and its prolongation, westerly, generally southerly PARLIAMENTARY REMUNERATION ACT 1989 and easterly, part of the western boundary of Lot 81, DP Report and Determination pursuant to section 12 of the Act 754127 northerly, a line, the western boundaries of Lots 110 and 165, DP 754127, northerly, the western and northern BACKGROUND: boundaries of Lot 105, DP 754127, northerly and easterly, 1. On 20 February 2006 the Premier of New South Wales the northern and part of the eastern boundaries of Lot 106, the Hon. MP, issued a special reference to DP 754127, easterly and southerly ,part of the generally the Tribunal pursuant to section 12 of the Parliamentary northern and the eastern boundaries of Lot 111, DP 754127 Remuneration Act 1989, (the Act) requesting that the and its prolongation, easterly and southerly, part of the Tribunal consider adjusting the Electorate Mailout northern and the generally eastern boundaries of Lot 81, DP Account to permit Members of the Legislative Assembly 754127, easterly and generally southerly, the generally south- to communicate with prospective constituents arising from eastern boundary of Lot 159, DP 754127, generally north- the 2004 electoral boundary redistribution. The Premier easterly, the generally northern boundary of Lot 31, DP advised the Tribunal that this request had arisen as a result 754132, generally easterly, a line north-easterly, the generally of representations of the Speaker the Hon. John Aquillina south-eastern boundaries of Lot 18, DP 754883 and Lot 122, MP. DP 618106, generally north-easterly, part of the eastern 2. The Electorate Mailout Account (EMA) was created in boundary of Lot 122, DP 618106, the eastern boundary of 2002 by the Tribunal to permit Members of the Legislative Lot 59, DP 750008, again, part of the eastern boundary of Assembly to communicate with constituents in their Lot 122, DP 618106 and its prolongation, northerly to the respective electorates concerning electorate matters. A road from Gunning to Collector; by that road, generally separate entitlement is provided to each Member for this easterly to the northern prolongation of the western boundary purpose and the quantum of the entitlement is determined of Lot 13, DP 750008; by that prolongation, boundary and by the number of constituents in each electorate. the southern boundary of that lot and its prolongation, southerly and easterly to the Federal Highway; by that 3. Upon receipt of the special reference from the Premier, highway, generally north-easterly to the range forming the the Tribunal sought the advice of the Crown Solicitor on eastern watershed of Collector Creek; by that range and the whether the Tribunal had the statutory authority to make NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 3222 OFFICIAL NOTICES 26 May 2006

such a determination. The Crown Solicitor in his advice (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the electoral of 11 April 2006 stated that: districts existing immediately before the publication “…The only way to ensure that the Tribunal has of a proclamation under subsection (2) shall, for authority to determine the additional entitlement would the purposes of any by-election to be held before be if the duty in question were to be prescribed as being the dissolution or expiry of the Assembly next within the defi nition of “parliamentary duties in s.3(1) succeeding that publication, be the electoral of the Act.” districts of New South Wales. 4. The Tribunal also wrote to the State Electoral Commissioner 9. As noted above section 15(3) provides that the electoral seeking advice on the nature and type of communication districts come into effect at the time of the gazettal. The the State Electoral Offi ce would be undertaking with 2004 Redistribution Proclamation was published on 21 those New South Wales residents affected by the 2004 December 2004. Therefore the electorates come into redistribution. existence from that date. 5. The State Electoral Commissioner has responded advising 10. While the new electorates come into effect from that date, that there are approximately 1.1 million electors who will pursuant to section 15(4) of the PE&E Act the “former” change electoral districts as a result of redistribution. electorates remain in place for the purposes of any by- The Commissioner further advised that all electors in elections that may occur prior to the general election. New South Wales (4.3 million) will be provided with key electoral information by the State Electoral Offi ce. 11. The Tribunal has statutory authority to determine additional entitlements for Members. 6. The Tribunal sought the views of the NSW Coalition parties regarding the Premier’s special reference. Advice 12. Section 10(1)(a) of the Act provides that from the NSW Opposition dated 24 April 2006 was that “…additional entitlements are provided for the the Liberal/National Party Coalition had no objection to purpose of facilitating the effi cient performance of the EMA being used to communicate with prospective parliamentary duties of members and recognised offi ce constituents arising from the Electorate redistribution. holders.” It was the view of the Coalition that the current formula based on population used to calculate the EMA would 13. The Act defi nes “parliamentary duties” as: be suffi cient and for this same formula to be applied to “…parliamentary duties of a member or recognised the new electorate areas. The Coalition Parties did not office holder means the duties that attach to the consider there was a need for any extra funds as a one-off offi ce of a member or recognised offi ce holder, and allocation on top of the existing arrangements. includes the duties that a member or recognised offi ce 7. The Tribunal notes that Federal Members are already holder is ordinarily expected to undertake, including able to perform this function. In its Determination of participation in the activities of recognised political Federal Members’ entitlements (2005/9) the Remuneration parties, and includes any duties prescribed as being Tribunal provides at 10.9 the following: within this defi nition, but does not include any duties “From the date of formal determination of the prescribed as being outside this defi nition.” new electoral divisions by the Australian Electoral 14. The Tribunal notes the Crown Solicitor’s advice that to Commission, a Member may use his or her achieve certainty, the duty in question would have to be communications allowance entitlement to communicate prescribed as being within the defi nition of parliamentary with residents of an adjoining or nearby area, if that area and part of the Member’s existing electoral duties. The defi nition of parliamentary duties, in the division are to become part of the same electoral Act, is broad and not all duties are prescribed. The division.” Tribunal notes that in the Second Reading Speech for the Parliamentary Remuneration Amendment Bill 1998, REVIEW: the Minister stated the following: 8. Section 27(1)(c) of the Constitution Act 1902 requires “…Members are expected not only to perform their that a redistribution of electoral boundaries take place legislative duties in the Parliament, but also to represent after two elections have been conducted using the their constituents and serve the State as a whole by same electoral boundaries. Electoral redistributions are listening to the concerns of the people, attending undertaken pursuant to the Parliamentary Electorates and functions and meetings, making representations Elections Act 1912(PE&E Act). Section 15 of the PE&E on behalf of people, investigating and resolving Act provides: problems, and developing policies and, where possible 15 Report of commissioners to be proclaimed etc implementing them. To perform these functions (1) The commissioners shall report to the Governor effi ciently, members must be able to communicate, the names and boundaries of the electoral districts travel and have access to offi ce facilities, staff and determined by them under any provision of this research facilities. These costs are similar to those Part. involved in running a business. It is these costs that are (2) The Governor shall thereupon cause a proclamation covered by the additional allowances and entitlements setting out the names of such electoral districts which are set by the Parliamentary Remuneration and the boundaries thereof to be published in the Tribunal.” Gazette. 15. In the absence of prescribed duties the Tribunal in its (3) Upon publication of a proclamation under annual determinations provides broad Guidelines on subsection (2), the electoral districts specifi ed in what it considers constitute “parliamentary duties”. the proclamation shall, until altered by a further The establishment of the EMA to permit Members distribution under the Constitution Act 1902 , be of the Legislative Assembly to communicate with the electoral districts of New South Wales. their constituents reflects the Tribunal’s view that NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3223

communication between a Member and his or her 24. The effective date of the Determination will be the date constituents about electorate matters would form part of the Premier’s letter to the Tribunal ie 20 February of a Member’s parliamentary duties. 2006. 16. The question now arises as to whether communicating The Honourable Justice R. BOLAND, with prospective constituents about electorate matters The Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal would also form part of a Member’s parliamentary Date: 18 May 2006 duties. 17. The Crown Solicitor’s advice on this matter was as follows: DETERMINATION: “…There is a reasonable argument that in the context Pursuant to section 12 of the Act the Tribunal’s determination of a redistribution the member for a previous electoral in respect of the Electorate Mailout Account is amended district to which an area has been added or from as follows. The effective date of this Determination is 20 which an area has been taken in order to create a new February 2006. electoral district would be expected to communicate to Electorate Mailout Account constituents of the new electoral district who are not constituents the previous electoral district information Each Member of the Legislative Assembly will be provided about issues pertaining to the previous electoral district with an amount as specifi ed in the attached Schedule for the or the transferred area which affect them as constituents following specifi c purposes: of the new electoral district and about which they need A) For preparing and distributing letters/newsletters to to be informed in order to vote at the next general each constituent in his/her electorate. Members are election for the new electoral district." provided with an annual amount based on the cost of issuing two newsletters/letters per enrolled voter per 18. Aff ected electors may or may not be aware that they have annum. Members may issue additional newsletters/letters been listed on the roles of the new electorates. As noted subject to available funds in their Electorate Mail-Out above, the State Electoral Offi ce will only provide all Account and the Legislative Assembly’s administrative NSW electors with general information concerning the guidelines. election. B) Upon the gazettal of new electoral districts following 19. It seems reasonable to the Tribunal that a Member should an electoral redistribution (undertaken pursuant to s be able to communicate with prospective constituents 27(1)(c) the Constitution Act 1902), Members may use about the electorate to which they have been enrolled. To their Electorate Mailout Account to communicate with not do so, it could be argued, would place the prospective prospective constituents from neighbouring electorates constituents at a disadvantage vis-a-vis the existing who at the time of the next election following the gazettal constituents who remain within the new electorate of the new electoral districts will become constituents of boundaries and who receive correspondence from the the Member’s electorate. local Member about matters affecting the electorate through letters and/or newsletters. Conditions 20. The Tribunal considers that in the context of an 1. The Electorate Mailout Account shall be established and electoral redistribution, it is reasonable to expect maintained by the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. that the local Member would communicate with Members should be advised by the Clerk each month as prospective constituents about electorate matters. In to the balance of their Account. these circumstances, therefore, the Tribunal considers communicating with each prospective constituent arising 2. Members are to fund the cost of preparing, printing and from electoral redistributions to be part of a Member’s distributing letters/Newsletters to each constituent in parliamentary duties. his/her electorate and for no other purpose. 21. Rather than determine a new entitlement the Tribunal 3. All procurement by Members will be in accordance with considers that the EMA is the appropriate entitlement the Parliament’s purchasing policies. for this purpose and will amend it by this determination 4. No supplementation to the allocation will be considered. to allow for this new facility. Any additional costs are to be met from the Member’s 22. The form this communication will take shall be consistent Logistic Support Allocation. with the broad Guidelines issued by the Tribunal from 5. Unused funds are to be returned to the Consolidated Fund time to time about entitlements generally and the at the end of each fi nancial year. EMA specifi cally. Additional conditions will be added to the EMA for communications with prospective 6. All accounts must be submitted to the Legislature for constituents. payment within 60 days of receipt. 23. The Tribunal will not be determining an additional 7. Printing and distribution of newsletters/letters from the allocation as part of this determination. It is considered Electorate Mail-Out Account is to be in accordance with that the current allocation can be used for this purpose. the Parliament’s administrative guidelines. There will therefore, be no additional resources required. 8. Communication with prospective constituents following Further, as electoral redistributions take place at regular gazettal of electoral districts will be limited only to those intervals the Tribunal will include an additional condition electors who will transfer from adjoining electorates to over and above the conditions currently in place for the the new electorate. Each Member is to receive the details EMA to accommodate communications with prospective of the prospective constituents from the State Electoral constituents arising from future redistributions. Offi ce


9. Communications with constituents/prospective 69. PITTWATER 46,039 $59,851 constituents will be limited to matters affecting the 70. PORT JACKSON 55,683 $72,388 71. PORT MACQUARIE 49,304 $64,095 Member’s electorate. 72. PORT STEPHENS 48,588 $63,164 The Honourable Justice R. BOLAND, 73. RIVERSTONE 56,590 $73,567 74. ROCKDALE 44,578 $57,951 The Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal 75. RYDE 45,848 $59,602 Date:18 May 2006. 76. SMITHFIELD 47,155 $61,302 77. SOUTH COAST 50,385 $65,501 78. SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS 49,179 $63,933 ELECTORATE MAILOUT ACCOUNT SCHEDULE 79. STRATHFIELD 47,547 $61,811 CURRENT 80. SWANSEA 48,126 $62,564 ELECTORAL ENTITLEMENT ANNUAL 81. TAMWORTH 45,250 $58,825 DISTRICT (31 March 2005) ENTITLEMENT 82. THE ENTRANCE 46,818 $60,863 As provided by the 83. THE HILLS 59,891 $77,858 State Electoral Offi ce 84. TWEED 51,948 $67,532 85. UPPER HUNTER 42,628 $55,416 1. ALBURY 44,031 $57,240 86. VAUCLUSE 43,326 $56,324 2. AUBURN 48,109 $62,542 87. WAGGA WAGGA 44,603 $57,984 3. BALLINA 48,041 $62,453 88. WAKEHURST 45,664 $59,363 4. BANKSTOWN 45,740 $59,462 89. WALLSEND 49,058 $63,775 5. BARWON 40,631 $52,820 90. WENTWORTHVILLE 44,730 $58,149 6. BATHURST 45,292 $58,880 91. WILLOUGHBY 47,908 $62,280 7. BAULKHAM HILLS 46,838 $60,889 92. WOLLONGONG 43,447 $56,481 8. BEGA 50,418 $65,543 93. WYONG 52,565 $68,335 9. BLACKTOWN 47,275 $61,458 10. BLIGH 50,814 $66,058 11. BLUE MOUNTAINS 46,839 $60,891 Advice of the Secretary of Treasury Pursuant to 12. BURRINJUCK 45,245 $58,819 Section 12(A) of the Parliamentary Remuneration Act 13. CABRAMATTA 43,821 $56,967 1989 14. CAMDEN 56,919 $73,995 15. CAMPBELLTOWN 44,329 $57,628 The following comments are provided by the Secretary of 16. CANTERBURY 44,851 $58,306 the Treasury in relation to the Parliamentary Remuneration 17. CESSNOCK 45,716 $59,431 Tribunal’s special determination on the Electorate Mailout 18. CHARLESTOWN 44,919 $58,395 Account (EMA), pursuant to Section 12 (A) of the 19. CLARENCE 45,385 $59,001 20. COFFS HARBOUR 47,366 $61,576 Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989. 21. COOGEE 42,785 $55,621 22. CRONULLA 45,156 $58,703 Financial Implications 23. DAVIDSON 45,187 $58,743 The special determination introduces an additional condition 24. DRUMMOYNE 50,300 $65,390 that allows Members to use their EMA allocations to 25. DUBBO 44,122 $57,359 26. EAST HILLS 44,720 $58,136 communicate with prospective constituents following 27. EPPING 45,204 $58,765 electorate boundary changes arising from electoral 28. FAIRFIELD 44,989 $58,486 redistributions. 29. GEORGES RIVER 46,418 $60,343 30. GOSFORD 50,277 $65,360 The current amount determined for the EMA is $5.67 million 31. GRANVILLE 44,272 $57,554 per year. 32. HAWKESBURY 50,534 $65,694 33. HEATHCOTE 45,682 $59,387 In making this determination the Tribunal has specifi ed that 34. HEFFRON 46,677 $60,680 current EMA allocations should be used to meet the cost 35. HORNSBY 47,438 $61,669 of correspondence to prospective constituents. Therefore, 36. ILLAWARRA 46,618 $60,603 37. KEIRA 44,200 $57,460 no additional resources will be required. 38. KIAMA 50,262 $65,341 39. KOGARAH 45,873 $59,635 Accountability and Control 40. KU-RING-GAI 44,632 $58,022 I note that the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal has 41. LACHLAN 44,478 $57,821 maintained strict guidelines to ensure proper accountability 42. LAKE MACQUARIE 47,680 $61,984 43. LAKEMBA 43,138 $56,079 and transparency over the use of entitlements by Members. 44. LANE COVE 45,133 $58,673 45. LISMORE 43,911 $57,084 JOHN PIERCE, 46. LIVERPOOL 49,169 $63,920 Secretary 47. LONDONDERRY 44,436 $57,767 48. MACQUARIE FIELDS 57,153 $74,299 49. MAITLAND 52,781 $68,615 50. MANLY 44,186 $57,442 POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS ACT 1966 51. MAROUBRA 44,392 $57,710 Restoration of Drug Authority 52. MARRICKVILLE 46,405 $60,327 53. MENAI 48,996 $63,695 IN accordance with the provisions of Clause 171(1) of the 54. MIRANDA 43,389 $56,406 Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2002, a direction 55. MONARO 49,518 $64,373 has been issued that the order prohibiting Mr Craig MOORE 56. MOUNT DRUITT 46,902 $60,973 57. MULGOA 49,778 $64,711 of 22 Berkeley Street, Stroud NSW 2425, from supplying 58. MURRAY-DARLING 40,413 $52,537 or having possession of drugs of addiction as authorised 59. MURRUMBIDGEE 43,804 $56,945 by Clause 101 of the Regulation for the purpose of his 60. MYALL LAKES 48,882 $63,547 profession as an ambulance offi cer, shall cease to operate 61. NEWCASTLE 46,038 $59,849 62. NORTH SHORE 46,916 $60,991 from 19 May 2006. 63. NORTHERN TABLELANDS 43,242 $56,215 64. ORANGE 44,812 $58,256 ROBYN KRUK, 65. OXLEY 45,701 $59,411 Director-General 66. PARRAMATTA 46,675 $60,678 67. PEATS 45,418 $59,043 Department of Health, New South Wales, 68. PENRITH 44,267 $57,547 Sydney, 15 May 2006. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 OFFICIAL NOTICES 3225

POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS ACT 1966 (b) between 1.001 hectares and 10.000 hectares in area, the amount shall be $210.10; Order under Clause 171(1), Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2002 (c) between 10.001 hectares and 50.000 hectares in area, the amount shall be $1,260.24; Withdrawal of Drug Authority (d) between 50.001 hectares and 100.000 hectares in IN accordance with the provisions of Clause 171(1) of area, the amount shall be $2,893.90; the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2002, an (e) over 100.000 hectares in area, the amount shall Order has been made on Dr Lawrence Matthew FINLEY be $4,200.40. of 59 Silvermere Street, Culburra 2540, prohibiting him, until further notice, as a medical practitioner from having 2. Residential Land; being all parcels of land with the possession of and supplying drugs of addiction as authorised residential superior property type classifi cation in by Clause 101 of the Regulation and issuing a prescription records held by the Sydney Water Corporation: for a drug of addiction as authorised by Clause 76 of the The amount in respect of any such land shall be $16.88 Regulation. provided that in respect of any land used as the site of two or more strata units or fl ats, the amount shall be This Order is to take effect on and from 24 May 2006. $8.44 in respect of each strata unit or fl at. ROBYN KRUK, 3. Vacant Land; being all parcels of land with a Director-General vacant land or occupied land superior property type Department of Health, New South Wales, classifi cation in records held by Sydney Water: Sydney, 19 May 2006. The amount in respect of any such land shall be $8.44. WATER MANAGEMENT ACT 2000 PLEASE NOTE that river management service charges will not apply to any land described in Schedule 4 to the Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust Water Management Act 2000. River Management Service Charges Dated at Parramatta on this 7th day of April 2006. (as defi ned in Section 310(1)(G) of the Water Management Act 2000) The Seal of the Upper Parramatta River ) R. JUNOR Catchment Trust was affi xed on the ) Member THE Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, in pursuance above date pursuant to a resolution of ) of section 315 of the Water Management Act 2000, and the Trust in the presence of 2 Members ) B. DOOLEY in accordance with the Water Supply Authorities (Upper whose signatures are opposite hereto. ) Member Parramatta River Catchment Trust) Regulation 2000, do hereby make the following determination in respect of the Trust’s charging year commencing 1 July 2006. A. It proposes to raise an amount of $1,340,000 by way of river management service charges levied on land within its area of operations. B. It classifi es land for the purposes of levying service charges according to the same factors on which current classifi cations of each parcel of land are made by, and appear in records of, the Sydney Water Corporation. C. It levies river management service charges on the basis of a fl at rate for all land of a particular classifi cation except that, in respect of industrial and commercial land larger than 1.000 hectare in area, the river management service charges relate to the area of the land. D. It levies service charges at rates set out in the following Schedule: 1. Industrial and Commercial Land; being all parcels of land with an industrial, commercial or residential/ commercial mixed development superior property type classifi cation in records held by Sydney Water: The amount in respect of any such land shall be $41.88 provided that in respect of any land: (a) used as the site of two or more strata units, the amount shall be $20.94 in respect of each strata unit;


Department of Commerce


Information in relation to the Department of Commerce proposed, current and awarded tenders is available on:


NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 68 26 May 2006 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS 3227 PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS COUNCIL NOTICES Location Names BEGA VALLEY SHIRE COUNCIL Intersection of the old Castlereagh Ian Holt Drive. Highway and Wolgan Road, Lidsdale Part of Road Cocora Street Renamed (near Pirtek), to the new section of NOTICE is hereby given that the Bega Valley Shire Council the Castlereagh Highway. has pursuant to section 162(1) of the Roads Act has renamed Portion of Duncan Street, west of Brays Lane. the section of road as described hereunder as Museum the new section of the Castlereagh Street: Highway, joining to Brays Lane. Cocora Street which run off Albert Terrace in an easterly P. ANDERSON, General Manager, Lithgow City Council, direction for approximately 200 metres towards Calle PO Box 19, Lithgow NSW 2790. [2098] Calle Street, renamed as Museum Street.

Authorised by Council Resolution 165/06, dated 11 April MUSWELLBROOK SHIRE COUNCIL 2006. D. G. JESSON, General Manager, Bega Valley Shire Council, Zingel Place, Bega NSW 2550. [2095] Roads Act 1993, Section 10 NOTICE is hereby given that Muswellbrook Shire Council GREAT LAKES COUNCIL dedicates the lands described in the Schedule below as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. S. McDONALD, Roads Act 1993, Section 162 General Manager, Muswellbrook Shire Council, PO Box 122, Roads (General) Regulation 2000 Muswellbrook NSW 2333.

Naming of Roads SCHEDULE NOTICE is hereby given that Great Lakes Council, pursuant Lots 11 to 20, DP 833145. [2099] to the aforementioned Act and Regulation, has named the roads described hereunder. Description Name MUSWELLBROOK SHIRE COUNCIL The lane that runs parallel to and Booloombayt Roads Act 1993, Section 10 between Booloombayt Street and Lane, Bulahdelah. NOTICE is hereby given that Muswellbrook Shire Council Crawford Street, from the Myall dedicates the lands described in the Schedule below as public River to Lee Street, Bulahdelah. road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. S. McDONALD, KEITH O’LEARY, General Manager, Great Lakes General Manager, Muswellbrook Shire Council, PO Box 122, Council, Breese Parade, Forster NSW 2428. [2096] Muswellbrook NSW 2333.

SCHEDULE HAWKESBURY CITY COUNCIL Lots 1-12 inclusive, DP 1072668. [2100] Roads Act 1993

Road Naming – Kamrock Grove, Wilberforce PARKES SHIRE COUNCIL NOTICE is given that Hawkesbury City Council in Roads Act 1993 accordance with the Roads Act 1993 and by resolution dated 12 October 2004, has named the presently un-named public Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 road extending in a generally south-westerly direction from Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land Moles Road, Wilberforce, for a distance of approximately 357 metres, give or take a little more or less, and bounded PARKES SHIRE COUNCIL declares, with the approval by DP Nos. 1073181 and 1074520, as Kamrock Grove. of Her Excellency the Governor, that the land described G. FAULKNER, General Manager, Hawkesbury City in the Schedule below, excluding any mines or deposits of Council, PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756. [2097] minerals in the land, are acquired by compulsory process in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, for public road purposes. LITHGOW CITY COUNCIL Dated at Parkes, this 7th day of December 2005. ALAN Roads Act 1993, Section 162 McCORMACK, General Manager, Parkes Shire Council, PO Box 337, Parkes NSW 2870. Naming of Public Roads NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with section SCHEDULE 162(1) and (2) of the Roads Act 1993, Council has named Lot 1, DP 1086234. [2101] the named the following roads as described below: Location Names Intersection of the Castlereagh Wolgan Road. Highway and Main Street, Wallerawang, to Wolgan Road.


PORT MACQUARIE-HASTINGS COUNCIL NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person having any claim upon the estate of GEORGE COMBIS, Roads Act 1993, Section 10 late of Blacktown, in the State of New South Wales, retired Dedication of Land as Public Road labourer, who died on 26 May 2005, must send particulars of their claim to the executor, Antigoni Combis (also known ERRATUM NOTICE as Anna Combis), c.o. Truman Hoyle Lawyers, Level 11, NOTICE is hereby given that the SCHEDULE of the 68 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, within one (1) calendar Notice published by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council in month from the publication of this notice. After that time the Government Gazette No. 66. of 19 May 2006, on page 3151 assets of the estate and the property may be conveyed and should read as follows: distributed having regard only to the claims of which at the time of conveyance or distribution the executor had notice. SCHEDULE Probate was granted in New South Wales on 17 May 2006. TRUMAN HOYLE LAWYERS, Level 11, 68 Pitt Street Lot 102, Deposited Plan 1083464, Parish Macquarie, Sydney NSW 2000, (DX 263, Sydney), tel.: (02) 9226 9888. County Macquarie and situate adjacent to Bay Street, Port Reference: DLS(SR)4846. [2105] Macquarie. [2102]

NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person having SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL any claim upon the estate of ANNIE BEATRICE BOURKE, Roads Act 1993, Section 162 late of Elizabeth Lodge Nursing Home, Willoughby, in the State of New South Wales, home duties, who died on 30 Naming of Public Roads January 2006, must send particulars of his/her claim to the UNDER section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, Shellharbour executors, Louise Snow and Dean Joseph Mitchelmore, c.o. City Council has named the following roads: C. P. White & Sons (Burwood), Solicitors, 15 Belmore Street, Location Name Burwood NSW 2134, within one (1) calendar month from publication of this notice. After that time the executors may Whistlers Run Estate, off Esperance Road No. 2, distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the Drive, Albion Park. Waterford Terrace. claims of which at the time of distribution they have notice. Road No. 3, Probate was granted in New South Wales on 2 May 2006. C. Bower Place. P. WHITE & SONS (BURWOOD), Solicitors, 15 Belmore Road No. 4, Street, Burwood NSW 2134 (PO Box 36, Burwood 1805), Whistlers Run. (DX 8550, Burwood), tel.: (02) 9744 2198. [2106] Road No. 6, Valley View Crescent. NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person Road No. 7, having any claim upon the estate of MAUDE AGNES Red Gum Road. ROBINSON, late of Albert Road, Strathfi eld, in the State of Road No. 8, New South Wales, home duties, who died on 7 March 2006, Whipbird Place. must send particulars of his/her claim to the executor, Dean Road No. 9, Joseph Mitchelmore, c.o. C. P. White & Sons (Burwood), Headwater Place. Solicitors, 15 Belmore Street, Burwood NSW 2134, within one (1) calendar month from publication of this notice. Authorised by resolution of the Council on 21 March 2006. After that time the executor may distribute the assets of Brian A. Weir, General Manager, Shellharbour City Council, the estate having regard only to the claims of which at the PO Box 155, Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529. [2103] time of distribution he has notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 27 April 2006. C. P. WHITE & SONS ESTATE NOTICES (BURWOOD), Solicitors, 15 Belmore Street, Burwood NSW 2134 (PO Box 36, Burwood 1805), (DX 8550, Burwood), NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person tel.: (02) 9744 2198. [2107] having any claim upon the estate of ALICE FLORENCE JEAN McWILLIAM, late of Hanwood, in the State of New South Wales, widow, who died on 27 December 2005, must NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person send particulars of his claim to the executors, Ross James having any claim upon the estate of DAPHNE NOELINE McWilliam, Maxwell Douglas McWilliam, Bette Ann WILKINS (nee VEARING), late of 21 Kendee Street, Coburn and Peter Lyle McWilliam, c.o. Messrs Olliffe & Sadleir, in the State of New South Wales, retired, who died McRae, Solicitors, PO Box 874, Griffi th NSW 2680, within on 12 June 2004, must send particulars of his/her claim to the one (1) calendar month from publication of this notice. executrix, Jo-Ann Meagher, c.o. Doherty Partners, Solicitors, After that time the executors may distribute the assets of Level 1, 171 Bigge Street, Liverpool NSW 2170, within the estate having regard only to the claims of which at the one (1) calendar month from the publication of this notice. time of distribution they have notice. Probate was granted in After that time the assets of the estate may be conveyed and New South Wales on 12 May 2006. MESSRS OLLIFFE & distributed having regard only to the claims of which at the McRAE, Solicitors, PO Box 874, Griffi th NSW 2680, tel.: time of conveyance or distribution the executrix has notice. (02) 6962 1744. [2104] Probate was granted in New South Wales on 12 May 2006. DOHERTY PARTNERS, Solicitors, Level 1, 171 Bigge Street, Liverpool NSW 2170 (PO Box 1163, Liverpool BC 1871), (DX 5034, Liverpool), tel.: (02) 9601 7300. [2108]


NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person NOTICE of fi nal meeting of members.–AUSTRALIAN having any claim upon the estate of BETTY JOAN BEER, PURIFIED OYSTERS & SHELLFISH PTY LTD, ACN 000 late of Blacktown, in the State of New South Wales, widow, 336 247 (in liquidation).–Notice is hereby given in pursuance who died on 25 February 2006 (or in respect of the will dated of section 509 of the Corporations Law that a general meeting 25 August 1978 and codicil dated 23 February 1994), must of the company will be held at 24 Bay Street, Rockdale send particulars of the claim to the executor, Dawn Lillian NSW 2216, on Friday, 23rd June 2006, at 9:00 a.m., for the Turner, c.o. Mervyn Finlay, Thorburn & Marshall, Solicitors, purpose of laying before the members the fi nal accounts of Level 2, 225 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000, within the winding up of the company and to give any explanation one (1) calendar month from the publication of this notice. thereof. JAMES HEESH, Liquidator, c.o. Hales Redden, After that time the assets of the estate may be conveyed Registered Company Auditors, 24 Bay Street (PO Box 54), and distributed having regard only to the claims of which Rockdale NSW 2216, tel.: (02) 9567 0545. [2112] at the time of conveyance or distribution the executor has notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 11 May NOTICE of voluntary winding up.–DAHDAH & CO PTY 2006. MERVYN FINLAY, THORBURN & MARSHALL, LTD, ACN 000 198 989.–Notice is hereby given pursuant Solicitors, Level 2, 225 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW to the Corporations Law that by a special resolution passed 2000, (DX 796, Sydney), tel.: (02) 9223 6544. Reference: at a meeting of shareholders of the abovenamed company, DLT:22506. [2109] duly convened and held on 22 May 2006, it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Bruce NOTICE of intended distribution of estate.–Any person Walker be appointed liquidator. Notice is also given that having any claim upon the estate of CEDRIC JOSEPH creditors having claim against the company should furnish LARKIN, late of Ashfi eld, in the State of New South Wales, particulars of that claim to the liquidator within 21 days of who died on 25 March 2006, must send particulars of this date, otherwise distribution of the assets will take place their claim to the executors, Peter John Larkin and Cherie without regard to such claims. Dated this 23rd May 2006. B. Christine Testor, c.o. Simpson & Co, Solicitors, 103A Anzac WALKER, Liquidator, c.o. Walker Lynch Petersen, Chartered Parade, Kensington NSW 2033, within one (1) calendar Accountants, 140 Victoria Street, Taree NSW 2430, tel.: (02) month from publication of this notice. After that time, the 6552 3533. [2113] assets of the estate and the property may be conveyed and distributed having regard only to the claims of which at NOTICE of voluntary winding up.–PETER JOHN the time of conveyance or distribution the executor has HOLDINGS (TAREE) PTY LTD, ACN 000 481 336.–Notice notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on 18 May is hereby given pursuant to the Corporations Law that by a 2006. SIMPSON & CO., Solicitors, 103A Anzac Parade, special resolution passed at a meeting of shareholders of Kensington NSW 2033 (PO Box 340, Kensington 1465), the abovenamed company, duly convened and held on 22 tel.: (02) 9662 4381. [2110] May 2006, it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Bruce Walker be appointed liquidator. COMPANY NOTICES Notice is also given that creditors having claim against the company should furnish particulars of that claim to the NOTICE of fi nal general meeting.–NAROMA PTY LIMITED, liquidator within 21 days of this date, otherwise distribution ACN 000 344 614 (in voluntary liquidation).–In accordance of the assets will take place without regard to such claims. with section 509 of the Corporations Act, notice is hereby Dated this 23rd May 2006. B. WALKER, Liquidator, c.o. given that the fi nal general meeting of the abovenamed Walker Lynch Petersen, Chartered Accountants, 140 Victoria company will be held at Level 2, 131 Clarence Street, Sydney Street, Taree NSW 2430, tel.: (02) 6552 3533. [2114] NSW 2000, on 28 June 2006, at 11:00 a.m., for the purpose of having laid before it by the liquidator an account showing how the winding up has been conducted and the manner in which the assets of the company have been distributed and a hearing of an explanation of the account by the liquidator and to authorise the liquidator to destroy all books and records of the company on completion of all duties. Dated 22 May 2006. F. MacDONALD, Liquidator, c.o. K. B. Raymond & Co., Level 2, 131 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 4684, Sydney NSW 2001), tel.: (02) 9299 6521. [2111]