VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES Beyond insecticides: new thinking on an ancient problem

Elizabeth A. McGraw1 and Scott L. O’Neill1,2 Abstract | Vector-borne disease is one of the greatest contributors to human mortality and morbidity throughout the tropics. -transmitted diseases such as , dengue, and filariasis are the main contributors to this burden. Although insecticides have historically been used to try to control vector populations, over the past 15 years, substantial progress has been made in developing alternative strategies ranging from biocontrol methods through to genetic modification of wild populations. Here, we review recent advances concerning these strategies and consider the potential impediments to their deployment, including the challenges of obtaining regulatory approval and community acceptance.

DALY Insect-transmitted diseases are present in more than stages of the parasite and our poor understanding of (Disability-adjusted life year). 100 countries worldwide, predominantly in developing the human immune response correlates. Ultimately, The number of years lost owing countries in the tropics (FIG. 1a). Although progress is multiple vaccines might be required to target differ- to morbidity or mortality of currently being made in combatting some of these dis- ent life stages as well as different parasite species5. The a disease. This measure is eases, including malaria, Chagas disease and filariasis, current antimalarial drugs of choice include a range of preferable to simple mortality 6 measures, as it better captures case burdens are still high, and for some diseases (for -based combination therapies . These drugs the disease burden for example, dengue), the problem is worsening globally. function well to limit mortality and are fairly low risk debilitating but often One-sixth of the world’s infection-associated DALY for the development of resistance7. However, there is a self-limiting diseases like (disability-adjusted life year) estimate is attributed to need for drugs that can kill all stages of the parasite in dengue and malaria. vector-borne disease, and more than 90% of this fraction a single dose if this approach is to be effective in the is due to mosquito-transmitted agents; in fact, malaria push for malaria eradication8. By contrast, there are parasites contribute more to the burden than any other few, if any, drugs available for treatment of the major pathogen1 (FIG. 1b). Recent WHO estimates predict that arbovirus diseases9. Instead, greater progress has been there are 50–100 million cases of dengue per year — made with the preventative, vaccine-based approach, second only in the vector-borne diseases to malaria (for from the yellow fever vaccine developed in the 1930s10 which there are 216 million cases annually). But meas- through to the more recently developed vaccines for ures such as DALY, incidence or annual mortality rate Japanese encephalitis (reviewed in REF. 11). Several vac- for a disease greatly underestimate the importance of the cines are in development for dengue, the most advanced disease to communities. When the social and economic of which has just recently completed Phase IIb field impacts of diseases like dengue are also considered, then trials in Thailand, with mixed results12. Vaccine design the enormity of their effect on communities can be fully for dengue has been far more challenging than for appreciated2,3. other arbovirus diseases owing to the existence of For many years, much of the medical research com- multiple serotypes, the complexity of the human 1School of Biological Sciences, munity has been focused on the development of vaccines immune response to dengue virus and the propensity Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, . or drugs for mosquito-borne diseases. As yet, there is no for sequential infections to result in more severe forms 13 2Institute of Molecular effective vaccine for malaria, although Phase III trials of of the disease . Great strides have also been made in Bioscience, The University of the most advanced vaccine, RTS S/AS01 (which is being targeting lymphatic filariasis with mass drug adminis- Queensland, Brisbane, developed by GlaxoSmithKline, PATH and the Bill and tration of anthelmintics, chiefly ivermectin. However, Queensland 4072, Australia. Melinda Gates Foundation), are showing some promise, effective, long-term treatment of populations with Correspondence to S.L.O. e-mail: with up to a 50% reduction in disease rates in African anthelmintics has its challenges with respect to sus- 4 [email protected] children . The development of vaccines for malaria has tained delivery and coverage as well as potential resist- doi:10.1038/nrmicro2968 been slow owing to the complexity of the different life ance in the nematode14. For all these diseases, some of


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a b Onchocerciasis Chagas disease Dengue Japanese encephalitis Trypanosomiasis Leishmaniasis Lymphatic filariasis Malaria Total mosquito- vectored diseases Deaths per million Total insect- 0–1 200–500 vectored diseases 1–20 500–1,900 20–50 No data 5 6 7 8 50–200 10 10 10 10 Worldwide DALY estimate Figure 1 | Vector-borne diseases are a global problem. a | Heat map showing the worldwide incidence of deaths caused by vector-borne disease. b | Worldwide DALY (disability-adjusted life year) estimates for a rangeNature of reportable Reviews | vector-borneMicrobiology diseases. Data for parts a and b are taken from REF. 1.

the most effective interventions have targeted the mos- focused on either reducing mosquito abundance or quito instead of the pathogen through the use of insec- preventing the transmission of pathogens by the mos- ticides (see extensive reviews15,16). Although insecticides quito (see TABLE 1 for a summary of the vector species have been shown to be effective in many contexts, the and the diseases that they transmit). Together with the financial cost of their application can be prohibitively more traditional approaches for vector control, there are high, their widespread application logistically difficult now four major classes of interventions that have had in both very urban and remote areas, and their efficacy demonstrated success (TABLE 2). None of these methods unstable owing to the evolution of resistance in their is a panacea, and often a combination of approaches target . Despite the successes, the ongoing case provides the best outcome17. burden demonstrates that insecticides, as they are cur- The first class of intervention, environmental man- rently being deployed, are not sufficient to bring these agement, includes both modification of the natural diseases under control. environ­ment to reduce the breeding habitat of mosqui- toes and modification of human habitats or behaviours Alternative vector control strategies to reduce biting incidence (TABLE 2). As mosquitoes During the past 15 years, researchers have been develop- vary in their larval habitats of choice (man-made water ing a range of alternative vector control strategies that sources, natural brackish or fresh water, and so on) and in do not rely on the use of insecticides or the creation of their biting behaviour (time of day, indoors or outdoors, new vaccines or drugs. These approaches are typically and so on), some of the interventions are better suited to

Table 1 | Vector species and the diseases that they spread Vector Geographical Primary vectors for Natural Genetically tractable? spread Wolbachia infection? Tropics worldwide disease, No Yes 128 dengue and yellow fever Tropics and Dengue, West Nile virus Yes Yes 129 subtropics worldwide disease and various types of encephalitis gambiae Sub-Saharan Africa Malaria No Yes 130 Other The Middle East, Malaria No Yes for Anopheles stephensi131, Anopheles spp. North Africa, the Anopheles albimanus132 and (>28) Mediterranean, the Anopheles arabiensis133; Far East, Australasia, theoretically possible for South America and others Central America Culex Tropics and Lymphatic filariasis Yes Yes 134 Brackish quinquefasciatus subtropics worldwide Slightly salty; pertaining to The distribution of mosquito species around the world is variable, and so is the ability of particular species to serve as pathogen water such as that present in vectors. The table summarizes some of the major vectors of diseases across different world regions135,136. In each of the genera estuaries. listed, other species exist that also serve as vectors.

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Table 2 | Past approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness for mosquito vector control Approach Disease targeted Effectiveness Environmental modification Draining wetlands and ditches Malaria137–139 Field trials showed reductions in both vector numbers and malaria transmission rates Community clean‑up campaigns for Filariasis140and dengue141 Field trials showed reductions in numbers of adult mosquito breeding habitats mosquitoes Screening windows Dengue142, filariasis and Epidemiological studies indicated a lack of window malaria143 screens is a risk factor for dengue transmission, and field trials and commercial application of window screening reduced vector abundance Biological control Larvivorous fish Dengue144 and malaria145 Field trials in water storage and natural habitats showed reductions in numbers of larvae Larvivorous copepods Dengue21 Field trials showed elimination of vector and dengue from some communities, and reductions in others Bacterial pathogens (Bacillus Dengue146 and malaria147 Field trials showed reductions in larval survival and thuringiensis) adult biting rates Fungal pathogens (Beauvaria spp.) Dengue148 and malaria149 Laboratory trials for dengue and field trials for malaria both showed reductions in vector survival Endosymbionts (Wolbachia) Filariasis24 Field trials led to local elimination of vector Chemical treatment Indoor residual spraying Malaria (reviewed in Commercial application led to reductions in REF. 25) disease transmission Insecticide-treated bed nets Dengue150, Japanese Field trials led to reductions in vector populations encephalitis151 and and transmission for dengue and reductions in malaria30,152 disease incidence for Japanese encephalitis; commercial application showed decreases in disease incidence and death for malaria Personal protection Malaria153 Commercial application showed decreases in disease incidence Mosquito traps Dengue154, malaria155 and Field trials showed traps were successful in filariasis156 capturing mosquitoes Genetic modification Sterile insect technique Malaria37 and West Nile Field trials showed population reduction or virus disease36 elimination of the vectors

Anthropophilic Preferring humans over other animals as a blood meal particular vector species than to others18,19. For example, and between infected males and females that harbour source. for anthropophilic mosquitoes like Aedes aegypti, a species different strains of Wolbachia22,23. This strategy was first

Copepods that breeds in and around houses, draining of wetlands deployed in 1967 in Burma as a measure against filariasis Small freshwater crustaceans would not be effective. Similarly, bed nets will not be vectors, when large numbers of Wolbachia-infected (in the context of this Review, effective against the mosquitoes that bite during the day male Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes were released of the genus Mesocyclops) that and transmit dengue. into wild populations, demonstrating the ability of these prey on mosquito larvae. Biological control represents a second class of inter- infected insects to eliminate local mosquito popula- 24 DDT vention and includes the use of natural predators or tions . More recently, Wolbachia-based strategies have (Dichlorodiphenyl­ pathogens against mosquitoes. Recently, copepods have expanded both in terms of their mode of action and trichloroethane). An organo- been successfully deployed to control A. aegypti larvae their vector targets (see below). chlorine-based insecticide in water storage containers in small communities in The third class of intervention, chemical treatment, that has been used since the Second World War to control Vietnam, leading to local elimination of adult mosqui- represents the most highly used approach to date. 20,21 insects. The insecticide is toes and a reduction in dengue incidence . A different Indoor residual surface spraying of DDT in houses, for banned in some countries strategy uses Wolbachia pipientis (referred to simply as example, is one of the most effective means of control- because of its potential ill Wolbachia), which is an obligate intracellular bacterium ling malaria transmission, despite environmental con- effects on human health and that lives inside insects and is transmitted vertically cerns over the toxicity of the insecticide to non-target non-target species, but it is still (BOX 2) 25 used intensively in Africa in from mother to offspring . The infection affects organisms . Indoor residual spraying is also effective 26,27 regions of high malaria insect sperm in a manner that prevents successful repro- against A. aegypti, the main vector of dengue virus . transmission. duction between infected males and uninfected females, Insecticide-treated bed nets have also been highly


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Box 1 | Wolbachia is completely eliminated. Conventional SIT requires the production of large numbers of insects and the ability Wolbachia pipientis (referred to simply as Wolbachia) is an endosymbiotic bacterium that to separate males from females before release. Releasing is present in up to 65% of all insects and some arachnids, freshwater crustaceans and females would add to the vector population and also filarial nematodes63. The closest relatives of Wolbachia are members of the genera introduce mutations from the sterilization treatment into Rickettsia, Anaplasma and Ehrlichia113. Members of these three genera naturally infect or are vectored by arachnids and cause disease in humans. Like these relatives, Wolbachia wild populations. There is some level of female leakiness has a reduced genome, and there is substantial evidence of dependence on the host cell associated with most systems of male production for SIT. for a range of nutritional resources114. As yet, tools have not been developed for genetic A second and potentially larger issue is that the released transformation of the Wolbachia genome, despite decades of effort. Living inside males often exhibit reduced mating competitiveness in vesicles of host origin115, Wolbachia infects the gonads, where it ensures transmission to the field, requiring the release of large numbers to com- the next host generation (from mother to egg) and orchestrates a range of reproductive pensate. These males might also exhibit low-level fertility manipulations of the host. Although cytoplasmic incompatibility is the most common and, hence, might pass on some of their mutations into form of reproductive manipulation in insects, the symbiont can also cause feminization wild populations34. Finally, without complete eradica- 116 of genetic males, parthenogenesis and male killing, depending on the host species . tion of a vector across the landscape, migration from Each one of these effects directly or indirectly benefits the infected females and hence outside the release area means that ongoing releases can assists with the spread of Wolbachia through host populations117. Estimates indicate that Wolbachia infections can spread in wild populations at rates of up to 100 km per be required. year118. Wolbachia also infects the somatic tissues of hosts, with distributions and SIT has a mixed history of success for mosquitoes, densities varying between the different host–Wolbachia strain associations119. as some trials have demonstrated reductions in target Infections in somatic tissues might help to explain some of the other phenotypes that populations, whereas other trials have not33,35. The have been associated with Wolbachia infections, such as a shortened lifespan65,71, most successful initiatives include the eradication of altered locomotor activity120,121 and poor blood feeding in mosquitoes77. Although C. quinquefasciatus, a local vector of West Nile virus, there are some rare examples of fitness effects, for the most part curing insects of on an island off Florida, USA36, and the elimina- their Wolbachia infections has little effect on the insect122. This is in contrast with the tion of Anopheles albimanus, a local malaria vector, Wolbachia present in filarial nematodes: in this case, the host is dependent on the in El Salvador37, both of which were achieved by the microorganism for its reproduction123. Wolbachia has occasionally, over large release of chemosterilized males. The development of evolutionary timescales, jumped hosts, although horizontal transmission events seem to be rare with respect to geological timescales124. The creation of new host–Wolbachia SIT approaches is underway for other mosquito vectors, 38,39 associations has involved the often painstaking process of transinfection (the with the aim of controlling malaria , Chikungunya 40 movement of Wolbachia-infected embryonic material to a recipient egg from a disease and dengue . With regard to the history for non- donor egg125 or directly from Wolbachia-infected insect cells reared in culture64,65). mosquito vectors, a SIT campaign effectively eliminated The phenotypes induced by Wolbachia are often more extreme in these new hosts97, a species of , the vector for African sleeping a pattern that may result from a lack of co-adaptation126,127. In parallel, there are sickness, on the island of Zanzibar41. Perhaps the best often increases in Wolbachia densities and tissue distributions that may explain examples of effective SIT, however, come from the con- these shifts82,125. trol of agricultural pests. The New World screw-worm, which is a of livestock primarily, was eradicated from Southern USA, Mexico and Central America42, effective against the night-biting anopheline species that and more recently, Northern Africa was protected from transmit malaria. The use of bed nets by children has infestation by the release of sterile insects42. The pink led to decreases in mortality as a result of malaria and in bollworm, a lepidopteron pest of cotton, was targeted malaria transmission28. In pregnant women, the use of by SIT approaches beginning in 1968 in the USA. SIT bed nets has lead to greater survival and health of their against this invasive insect has been most useful in pre- offspring following birth29. However, there are chal- venting colonization of new areas (reviewed in REF. 43). lenges relating to the distribution of insecticide-treated SIT programmes for both these pests are still ongoing, bed nets and the maintenance of their effectiveness30, and their methods are being continually improved, and there is some evidence that mosquito behaviour is which is a testament to their success44–46. shifting from indoor to outdoor biting or from night In this Review, we highlight alternative vector con- to dawn biting31 in areas where these nets are used32. trol strategies from two of the classes described above Furthermore, all approaches based on insecticides are — namely, the genetic modification of vector species threatened by the evolution of resistance in mosquito and the use of a particular biological control agent, populations25. Wolbachia. We describe the rationale for the various The fourth and final class of intervention strategy approaches, the stage of development that each has involves genetic modification of the vectors (TABLE 2). reached and the likely scalability of the technologies. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is the oldest and most We also discuss the issue of obtaining approval for such tested example of such a strategy. In a SIT approach, approaches, both from the relevant regulatory bodies male insects are exposed to either γ-irradiation or steri- and from the wider public. lizing chemicals, causing large-scale random damage to the insect chromosomes or dominant-lethal muta- Emerging technologies tions in the sperm33. These males are then released in Genetic modification of the vector. There are three main far larger numbers than occur in the wild male popu- approaches for genetic modification of the vector (FIG. 2). lation, and when they mate with wild females, viable The approach known as release of insects carrying a offspring are rarely produced. With ongoing releases dominant lethal (RIDL) operates similarly to traditional of these males, the population reduces to low levels or SIT but offers several improvements, most notably with

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a focus on female-killing effects (FIG. 2a; TABLE 3). Instead process, similar constructs could potentially be engi- of random mutations, males carry and deliver female- neered against a diverse range of arboviruses55–57 as well acting transgenes into the population. One approach uses as against malaria parasites58. As is the case for RIDL, a construct that reduces the expression of a gene which the targeted nature of the RNAi constructs should mean is active in the flight muscle in female pupae. The result is fewer negative fitness consequences for released mosqui- that daughters of the released males are unable to fly toes carrying the transgene. to find mates or human hosts47. The second approach A third genetic modification approach makes use of is based on transgenes that induce mortality later in HEGS, which are selfish genetic elements that were dis- life, either in pupae48 or in adults49. In the laboratory, covered in bacteria but have since been experimentally rearing of these lines is accomplished by placing the engineered and introduced into mosquitoes for future use transgene under the control of a repressor that inhibits in disease control (FIG. 2c). HEGs encode endonucleases expression in the presence of tetracycline, which can that recognize and cut specific DNA sequences (of be added to the diet. Because transgene transcription ~30 bp). As HEGs insert into these specific recognition is driven either by female- or stage-specific promoters, sequences, they are protected from their own activity. the fitness of males or non-target stages carrying the In an organism that is heterozygous for the HEG, the constructs is much less compromised34. Indoor cage endonuclease will cut the intact copy of the recognition experiments initially demonstrated the mating suc- sequence in the chromosome that does not contain the cess of males carrying the flightless-female construct, HEG. Recombinational repair processes then use as evidenced by extinction of the mosquito population the HEG-­containing strand as a template, converting the over time34. More recently, open-field releases of these hetero­zyogote to a homozygote. In this way, HEGs same mosquitoes on Grand Cayman, in the Cayman increase their copy number in populations. Because Islands, have suggested that the released males show HEGs can be engineered to recognize specific some reductions in mating competitiveness relative sequences, they can be developed to target mosquito to wild males, but that this can be compensated for genes required for vector competence59. Alternatively, by releasing greater numbers50. Two benefits of the HEGs can be used as a form of population suppres- RIDL method that might improve community sup- sion by targeting genes to induce sterility, reductions port include the short-lived presence of the genetically in survival or sex ratio distortions60,61. Thus far, HEGs modified organism in the population (compared to have been successfully introduced into A. aegypti 62 and homing endonuclease genes (HEGS); see below) and Anopheles gambiae59. In simple simulation modelling, a focus on the release of males that will not increase HEGs have been predicted to be able to eliminate popu- nuisance biting (compared to all other methods, lations of A. gambiae in as little as a few years after their Transgenes 61 Genes or genetic material that depending on how they are deployed). Of the genetic introduction . has been introduced into modification-based approaches, RIDL is the most another organism using genetic advanced with respect to implementation, as the tech- Biological control from within. Since 1967, the poten- engineering techniques. nology is currently being trialled by in Brazil and tial use of Wolbachia in insect control has continued 51 RNAi Malaysia . The approach is promising, and the scien- to be explored. One of the benefits of Wolbachia as a The process by which animals tific community is awaiting the publication of further control tool is that the reproductive modifications that cleave double-stranded RNAs studies that demonstrate both the capacity of transgenic this organism induces in insects, known as cytoplasmic into small fragments, the males to reduce or eliminate populations and the long- incompatibility22,23, provide an indirect benefit to presence of which directs term stability of the suppression in response to migrant Wolbachia-infected females, by decreasing the repro- transcriptional silencing of the corresponding gene. RNAi also mosquitoes from outside the release areas. ductive output of uninfected females. Given the has a role in immunity, as it is A second genetic modification strategy, one that is maternal transmission of Wolbachia, this provides a responsible for cutting and still in the early stages of development (TABLE 3), is aimed self-driving mechanism for population invasion, as degrading the RNA of invading at improving the natural defence system of the mosquito. occurs with HEGs (TABLE 3). Wolbachia is estimated viruses. RNAi is an insect immune response that recognizes to occur naturally in approximately 65% of all insect 63 Cytoplasmic incompatibility and degrades invading viral RNA. In one approach, a species . The failure of embryo genetic construct was developed that expresses copies Although present in many mosquito species, includ- development in the early of an inverted repeat from a dengue virus 2 (DENV‑2) ing Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus, Wolbachia is not stages, as the result of a genomic RNA (FIG. 2b). The resulting double-stranded naturally present in any anopheline species that transmit Wolbachia-infected male mating with an uninfected RNA that forms then triggers the RNAi response and malaria parasites or in A. aegypti, the primary vector of female. This leads to poor or protects the mosquito from colonization of its tissues dengue viruses. In the past few years, three different no survival of the offspring. By by the dengue virus encountered in blood meals52. After Wolbachia strains have been successfully transinfected contrast, when two Wolbachia- long-term laboratory rearing, however, the effectiveness into A. aegypti, in which they have formed stable, inher- infected adults mate, the egg of 64–66 the infected female ‘rescues’ of the transgene is diminished by genetic changes occur- ited infections . To date, only transient somatic-tissue 53 67 Wolbachia-mediated changes ring outside the targeted region . In another approach, infections have been achieved for anopheline species . to the sperm and allows the insect densoviruses were engineered to deliver RNA Wolbachia infections are currently being developed offspring to develop normally. copies of genes required for vector competence in the for a range of different control strategies ranging from mosquito54. This approach exploits a second function of population suppression approaches similar to SIT, in Transinfect To transfer a bacterial or viral RNAi, which is to suppress transcription of a gene in the which Wolbachia-infected males effectively reduce the infection from one host to presence of double-stranded RNA copies of that gene. reproduction of wild females, to the use of Wolbachia another by microinjection. Because RNAi-based approaches target a fundamental to invade mosquito populations and reduce pathogen


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a RIDL Rendering females flightless Dominant-lethal- Wild-type Dominant-lethal- Flightless carrying male female carrying males females Female-specific promoter

Flightless gene

Stage-specific killing Dominant-lethal- Wild-type Male and female carrying male female larvae Pupae Stage-specific promoter

Late-acting lethal gene

b RNAi RNAi-carrying Wild-type RNAi-carrying RNAi-expressing, male female males virus-resistant females Female-specific promoter

DENV-2 inverted repeats

c HEGs ch1 HEG ch1 HEG ch2 ch2 HEG Recognition sequence

Vector competence gene HEG-carrying Wild-type HEG-carrying HEG-carrying, male female males virus-resistant females

ch1 HEG ch2

Fertility gene HEG-carrying Wild-type male female Fewer offspring

ch1 HEG ch2

Sex ratio gene HEG-carrying Wild-type HEG-carrying male female males only

ch1 HEG ch2

Figure 2 | Genetic modification approaches for vectors. a | Release of insects carrying a dominant-lethal allele (RIDL). In the first scenario, males carrying a female-acting transgene that results in a loss of flying abilityNature are released Reviews in the | Microbiology open field. These males mate with wild-type females, and the resulting female offspring are flightless and, hence, unable to mate or find human hosts34,47. In the second scenario, males carrying a transgene that causes late-acting lethality are released in the open field. These males mate with wild-type females, and the resulting offspring die as pupae48 (shown) or adults49. b | RNAi. In the example shown, males carry a female-acting transgene that contains an inverted repeat from dengue virus 2 (DENV‑2), and are released in the open field. These males mate with wild-type females, and the resulting females express the DENV‑2 repeat RNA, resulting in reduced dengue vector competence owing to the activation of RNAi54. Both males and females continue to pass on the transgene. c | Homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) encode endonuclease enzymes and recombine into the genome at sites that are homologous to the recognition sites of the encoded endonucelase, and are thus protected from self-degradation. In a heterozygote, the endonuclease that is inserted in one gene copy will cut and insert itself into the second gene copy, resulting in an individual that is homozygous. Released males carrying HEGs mate with wild-type females and produce offspring that contain the HEG. HEGs can be designed to target vector competence genes, leading to pathogen-resistant females59; fertility genes, leading to reduced reproductive output and lifespan; or sex-determining genes, leading to sex ratio skews60,61. The HEG is passed on through any surviving mosquitoes to their offspring and, hence, continues to spread.

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Table 3 | Summary of emerging technologies Method Mode of action Intended outcome Spreading Release Technology* Stage of development capacity numbers required RIDL Removal of flying ability through Population No Large GM Field testing expression of female-acting elimination transgenes Late-acting lethality Population No Large GM In development elimination RNAi Vector immunity to pathogens Reduced vector No Large GM In development competence HEG Distortion of the mosquito sex Population Yes Very small GM In development ratio suppression Reduction in the ability of Reduced vector Yes Very small GM In development pathogens to infect mosquitoes competence Poor mosquito survival or Species elimination Yes Very small GM In development reproduction Wolbachia Prevention of reproduction for Population No Large Non-GM Field testing wild-type mosquitoes suppression Reduction in the lifespan of Reduced vectorial Yes Small Non-GM Field testing mosquitoes capacity Inhibition of pathogen Reduced vector Yes Small Non-GM Field testing replication in mosquitoes competence HEG, homing endonuclease gene; RIDL, release of insects carrying a dominant lethal. *GM (genetically modified) indicates that genetic constructs were introduced into the insect genome. Non‑GM indicates that neither the Wolbachia genome nor the host genome was modified.

transmission by shortening the adult mosquito life­ number of viruses and parasites because of the impor- span and/or preventing pathogen replication inside the tance of the extrinsic incubation period (EIP) to dis- mosquito (FIG. 3). ease dynamics. EIP is the time between consumption In recent years, there has been a resurgence of the of a pathogen-infected blood meal by an insect, and basic idea originally pioneered by Laven24 and others in pathogen escape from the gut and colonization of the the late 1960s, which was to release Wolbachia-infected salivary glands, where it can then be secreted back into males to reduce or eliminate mosquito populations. the saliva of the insect. This period is typically greater Recent approaches have focused on population sup- than 6 days72, which means that older insects contribute pression for Aedes polynesiensis on South Pacific disproportionally to pathogen transmission73. Vectorial islands as a means of filariasis control68,69. The strategy capacity is a measure of transmission efficiency of the is based on bidirectional incompatibility, a complexity of disease — that is, new infections per person per day by the Wolbachia-induced reproductive phenomenon, each mosquito. It is a function of a number of factors which results in unsuccessful mating between mosqui- related to the biology of the mosquito: the propensity to toes carry­ing genetically distinct Wolbachia strains. On bite humans, the daily survival rate, the EIP, the rate of South Pacific islands, Wolbachia strains (from sister spe- contact with humans and the lifespan74. Mathematical cies to those infecting the wild populations) are being modelling of vectorial capacity shows that even small introgressed into A. polynesiensis mosquitoes that have shifts in average vector lifespan can have large impacts had their Wolbachia infections removed by antibiotic on the transmission dynamics of a disease73,75. For this treatment. These transinfected lines can then serve to reason, Wolbachia wMelPop was selected for trans­ block reproduction of local females on release. Similar infection into A. aegypti for potential use against approaches have also been suggested in the case of dengue virus transmission. In this new mosquito host, Bidirectional incompatibility C. quinquefasciatus, which is a vector of lymphatic fila- the strain causes an approximately 50% reduction in A phenomenon that occurs riasis in some regions of the world and of arboviruses in adult life­span, as well as inducing cytoplasmic incom- when mating males and other regions70. patibility65. Although this would suggest the possibil- females are infected with One Wolbachia-induced trait is shortening of the ity of large impacts on pathogen transmission, it also different Wolbachia strains. Eggs from the female may adult insect lifespan; this trait is uniquely associated causes other effects that reduce mosquito fitness, such 76,77 not be able to rescue the with a particular Wolbachia strain, wMelPop, which as a reduced ability to obtain blood meals in old age , Wolbachia-induced changes was discovered in Drosophila melanogaster. Flies and lower egg production and viability78,79. These in the sperm of the male. infected with Wolbachia wMelPop live roughly half their detrimental effects might make it difficult for these The consequence is an expected adult lifespan, probably owing to host cell lysis transinfected lines to invade natural mosquito popula- incompatibility in the embryo such that few or no offspring caused by over-replication of the bacterium through- tions, particularly in regions with harsh dry seasons, 71 survive, despite the fact that out host tissues . Shortening the lifespan of mosquito where egg fitness issues will be exacerbated. It has also both parents carry Wolbachia. vectors could theoretically reduce the transmission of a been suggested that it would be possible to collapse a


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a Cytoplasmic incompatability Additional trials examining the ability to deploy Wolbachia- Wild-type Wolbachia wMelPop, the life-shortening strain that carrying male female also blocks dengue viruses, are currently underway. In Vietnam, regulatory approval has just been granted for Embryonic death trials, and there are plans for the first field release in mid Wolbachia 2013. In Indonesia and Brazil, community engagement has begun, regulatory approval is being sought, field sites b Pathogen blocking have been identified and mosquito release strains are Wolbachia- Wild-type Wolbachia-carrying offspring carrying female male Pathogen-resistant females being produced. These new trials will begin to address issues associated with broad-scale deployment and measures of efficacy in reducing dengue. Understanding the underlying mechanism of patho- gen blocking is key to predicting its long-term stability c Life shortening in the field. A growing body of evidence is suggesting Wolbachia- Wild-type Wolbachia-carrying offspring that the interaction of Wolbachia with pathogens in the carrying female male Reduced lifespan of adults mosquito is complex. The degree of pathogen blocking conferred by Wolbachia is positively correlated with Wolbachia density and/or, potentially, tissue distribu- tions66,82,87,92. Initial work has shown that Wolbachia can boost insect innate immunity in some hosts, which Figure 3 | Vector control using Wolbachia. a | The Wolbachia method can be used in a may contribute to pathogen blocking, particularly in similar way to the sterile insect technique (SIT), with the releaseNature of anReviews abundance | Microbiology of Wolbachia-infected males68. In wild populations in which Wolbachia is absent, there will be recently generated transinfections; however, there seem a reproductive incompatibility with uninfected wild females, leading to embryonic-stage to be other mechanisms also acting to contribute to this death in the offspring. Alternatively, releasing males harbouring a different Wolbachia strain effect93. Other hypotheses are being explored, including from that present in a wild population will also produce reproductive incompatibilities competition between Wolbachia and dengue virus for (not shown). Because infected females are not released, theWolbachia infection does not key cellular locations or subcellular molecules. Indeed, spread. b | If an abundance of females harbouring a Wolbachia infection (which has been additional research currently under review from our shown to inhibit the growth of pathogens in insects) is released, all offspring will carry the group indicates that access to cholesterol might also 82 symbiont and exhibit reduced vector competence for a range of pathogens . Because only have a role in the blocking effect. This complexity is females bite and transmit disease, males have not been tested for pathogen resistance. potentially beneficial, as it might slow the ability of either Owing to the action of cytoplasmic incompatibility, this type of Wolbachia infection will viruses or mosquitoes to evolve resistance against the spread. c | If the strain Wolbachia wMelPop is released via females, it will not only provide pathogen blocking and spread via the action of cytoplasmic incompatibility, but also trait. In addition, if insect hosts gain a fitness advantage reduce insect lifespan. This has the potential to decrease pathogen transmission, as only from Wolbachia-mediated pathogen blocking, particu- older insects transmit disease73. larly for naturally occurring mosquito pathogens, then we might expect co‑evolution of the system to maintain the blocking trait. mosquito population if a strain like Wolbachia wMelPop could invade the population before the onset of the dry Scalability of emerging technologies season in regions that have such seasonality78. Each of the methods described above In an interesting and serendipitous twist, recent dis- will require different numbers of mosquitoes to be coveries have shown that Wolbachia can reduce the ability introduced. HEGs, given their aggressive self-spreading of certain pathogens to replicate in insects. This was first nature, will require the fewest, and Wolbachia, with a discovered in D. melanogaster80,81 and then confirmed in population-driving mechanism, will require an inter- A. aegypti and other mosquitoes82–87. In A. aegypti, this mediate number compared to any methods without a blocking effect extends to bacteria (Erwinia carotovora), genetic-drive system (TABLE 3). Other methods, such filarial nematodes (Brugia malayi)88, viruses (dengue as the release of sterile insects, will require inundative virus, chikungunya virus and yellow fever virus) and releases. For the RIDL test release in Grand Cayman, 465 the malaria parasite gallinaceum66,82,83,89, males per hectare per week were released over a period and seems to be associated with a range of differ- of 4 weeks. Subsequent modelling indicated that for the ent Wolbachia strains, but not all strains. In only one technology to substantially reduce the population of wild- case has Wolbachia been shown to enhance pathogen type mosquitoes, higher numbers would be required: replication, that case being A. gambiae that was tran- on the order of 651–5,580 mosquitoes per hectare per siently infected with a mosquito Wolbachia strain and week50. In Cairns, Australia, up to 275 mosquitoes subsequently exposed to the rodent malaria parasite per hectare per week of Wolbachia wMel-infected mos- Plasmodium berghei 90. Field experiments have com- quitoes were released over a period of 10 weeks. As menced in Australia to test the ability of artificially Wolbachia infection frequencies rose to 80% by week 4 introduced Wolbachia infections to invade and estab- and to fixation by week 12, aided by the action of cyto- lish in wild A. aegypti populations. To date, Wolbachia plasmic incompatibility, it is quite possible that fewer wMel has been successfully introduced into Australian insects could have been released to achieve a similar mosquito populations66,91 and, at the time of writing, level of success91. The costs for carrying out these releases has remained at fixation for more than 18 months. include the facilities and equipment for insect rearing, as

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well as well-trained staff to carry out the rearing, releases an associated fitness cost that might make Wolbachia- and field monitoring after the releases. The other cru- infected organisms less capable of surviving in the field, cial and labour-intensive aspects of these approaches are and might retard the establishment of the Wolbachia the upstream and parallel programmes of community infection in the wild population. Cytoplasmic incom- engagement91,94. Although both of these methods have patibility provides a mechanism that allows Wolbachia been successful in release over small scales, it is yet to be to still invade host populations despite there being seen how they will scale up to cover large geographical some fitness cost. Modelling predicts that Wolbachia regions. can spread into uninfected populations even if the sym- In the shorter term, the challenge for mosquito sup- biont induces an approximate 50% reduction in host pression technologies, whether by Wolbachia or RIDL, fitness, although the rate of spread declines as fitness will be the sustainability, owing to the re-establishment costs increase96. Nevertheless, for the Wolbachia-based of local populations through incomplete suppres- approach, selecting the ideal strain to release might sion or migration. This, in turn, will be very context need to balance any negative fitness effects with the dependent in relation to local geography and ecology. sought-after traits of life shortening and/or pathogen For isolated populations, especially those on islands, blocking. Obtaining good estimates of fitness in labora- elimination might be permanent. It is also possible tory environments is notori­ously difficult, so for both that once a population has been suppressed, only small RIDL and Wolbachia-based approaches, the empirical releases will be required on an ongoing basis for an data coming from past and future open-field releases area to remain mosquito free. Indeed, there is some will provide a real understanding of competitiveness in precedent for this from SIT programmes against par- a natural setting. These data can then be used to inform ticular pests43. Theoretically, HEGs and Wolbachia (for models examining optimal deployment strategies. pathogen blocking or life shortening) might require less Resistance may take different forms depending on ongoing effort if they are self-sustaining in populations the technology. With RIDL-based approaches, resist- or, even better, if they spread beyond release sites. In ance can arise in response to the construct, especially the case of Wolbachia wMel, 1.5 years after the initial if there is incomplete penetrance in its expression in releases, the frequencies of Wolbachia infections remain local genetic backgrounds. In the short term, this will at 100% in the communities where releases were under- mean survival of these resistant individuals in the popu- taken (E.A.M and S.L.O., unpublished observations). lation, and in the longer term, it will mean spread of Whether Wolbachia wMel will spread beyond target the resistance alleles through the descendants of the release areas has not yet been tested, given that the ini- survivors. Resistance against HEGs could arise because tial field sites were deliberately selected to limit spread. there is always a proportion of the cleavage events that Bodies of water, major highways and agricultural fields are not repaired by recombinational processes. Other might be effective barriers to spread, as A. aegypti is repair mechanisms do not generate a copy of the HEG highly anthropophilic, and adult mosquitoes are thought and, more importantly, often alter the target site, ren- to disperse on the order of only hundreds of metres95. dering it resistant to future HEG insertion61. If these Planned Australian release sites for 2013 are embedded repaired alleles confer greater fitness than the HEG- in broader tracts of human settlement and hence will containing allele, then the HEG will be lost from the allow the self-spreading capacity of these mosquitoes to population. In the Wolbachia system, there are two be tested. mechanisms by which resistance could be generated. First, mosquitoes could evolve resistance against a par- Long-term stability of emerging technologies ticular strain of Wolbachia, reducing its densities or None of these methods have been deployed in the field restricting its tissue distribution. There is precedence long enough to empirically test their long-term stabil- for exactly this occurring in Drosophila simulans in ity. The main points of concern relating to stability are response to transinfection with Wolbachia wMelPop97. competitiveness of the mosquitoes and the capacity for Arguably, some reduction in the effect of Wolbachia resistance to evolve. wMelPop on the mosquito might be welcome, improv- For both RIDL- and Wolbachia-based approaches, ing its ability to spread by diminishing its effect on producing fit and competitive mosquitoes is key. For fitness98. Nevertheless, 4 years after the production of RIDL, ongoing attention to mosquito fitness in labora- the Wolbachia wMelPop-infected mosquito, Wolbachia tory breeding environments is required34,50. Laboratory wMelPop densities still remain high enough to cause mosquitoes inbreed quickly, so repeatedly placing the life shortening (E.A.M. and S.L.O., unpublished obser- genetic constructs in local wild-type backgrounds vations). In the future, this particular means of resist- should help to minimize any potential loss of fitness ance might be countered by the subsequent release of through inbreeding as well as to prepare the males for A. aegypti infected with multiple strains of Wolbachia competition with individuals from the same popula- that, owing to bidirectional incompatibility, would tion34,50. A potential issue that may arise for RIDL is sweep and replace any single infections73. Second, it whether the expression or behaviour of the construct is also possible that pathogens themselves will evolve in females will be fully penetrant in different genetic a means to evade Wolbachia-based blocking. As the backgrounds or whether it will become leaky, and if so, mechanism (or mechanisms) underpinning pathogen what the subsequent effects of that leakiness will be on blocking is not known, it is difficult to predict whether suppression. For Wolbachia infections, there is often resistance will evolve easily.


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As with all disease interventions, including insecti- regulating biopesticides, which was given carriage of the cides25 and vaccines99, the evolution of resistance is a risk. decision. In parallel, the research team met with local In the simplest case, 10–20 years of efficacy by one of these communities to hear their concerns using various means emerging methods alone could permanently change the to engage, including town hall meetings, dedicated focus face of disease transmission globally. It is also clear that groups, meetings with existing community groups and pairing these new methods with more traditional inter- ‘science in the pub’ activities. The information flow ventions such as vaccines, as is done with insecticides, or was two-way, with researchers explaining the work and with rotations of different insecticides, as is done with the community raising concerns. These concerns were antibiotics, might offer better protection against disease addressed through explanation or, in some cases, addi- risk as well as an extended lifetime of efficacy. tional research111,112. During the 2‑year process, public opinion went from 69% support to 87% support, as Regulatory approval and community consultation measured by anonymous questionnaires and telephone In the 1970s, the WHO carried out SIT releases for polling. At the same time, local, state and federal poli- multiple species, including A. aegypti and Culex spp., in ticians were consulted and briefed on the project91,111. Dehli, India100–103. The fate met by the project, however, With a well-documented body of public consultation is a reminder of the importance of government and com- and backing, a body of scientific evidence in support munity consultation. Untruths reported by the media of the feasibility of the programme and an external included the idea that the United States was using the risk assessment, the regulating agency was then able to WHO-associated research project to test dangerous che- evaluate the case and undertake its own risk analysis, mosterilization methods in India and that the unstated and decided to provide its support109–111. During ongoing goal of the programme was to develop biological weap- releases, communication with the community has been ons. In the undercurrent of these accusations was the continuous via individual meetings, public access to a subtext of scientific imperialism. Although the project visible shopfront (where the public can walk in at any might also have been a victim of the geopolitics of the time to make enquiries of the research team), monthly time, it would surely have benefited from an active and newsletters showing the latest research results of the trial effective community engagement campaign. The result and regular updates provided through the media. The was that the Mosquito Control Group, which had begun government regulators also required that particular data to have some successes, had its programme prematurely be collected during the releases as part of the permit con- terminated104–107. The lesson, of course, is that even with ditions. This includes data on mosquito abundance, the great scientific success, such programmes can fail if the establishment of Wolbachia-infected populations outside correct relationships are not formed with the public and the intervention areas and the impacts of the releases on the government. non-target organisms. These data are then returned to The emerging technologies that are discussed here the government for review. In contrast to earlier genetic will need to develop authentic methods for commu- control trials carried out in the 1970s in India, the cur- nity and broader stakeholder engagement if they are to rent Wolbachia trials in Australia have so far met with be successfully deployed around the globe108. In some strong community support and involvement. As field cases, there might be clear guidelines for how to achieve trials move to other countries, the challenge will be to regulatory approval, especially for genetically modified sustain this standard of community engagement. organisms, as was the case for a recent release of RIDL mosquitoes in Malaysia51. In preparation for the release, Conclusions Oxitec carried out a 30‑day public consultation process The rapid development of these new vector-based inter- that involved newspaper advertisements, public forums ventions is the result of sustained investment into this and surveys. In Australia, identifying an agency to take research area over the past 15 years by multiple agencies. on the Wolbachia project was not immediately obvi- The fruits of that investment are now being realized, and ous, as the insects were not genetically modified organ- if the new challenges around regulation and community isms, and both Wolbachia and mosquitoes are native to authorization can be met, then we are likely to have a Australia. In the case of the Wolbachia roll out, the pri- suite of new technologies to apply against these diseases mary goal was to develop a plan for acquiring regulatory in a fairly short period of time. These approaches each approval in Australia and to demonstrate the willingness have the potential to have major impacts on disease of the country to accept the technology at home before incidence by themselves. They are also compatible and exporting it to other countries91,109. could be used in conjunction with any emerging vac- The process of obtaining regulatory approval involved cines or drugs and alongside the better application of having the Australian government science agency, the existing tools, such as insecticides. Used in combination, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research they might be even more powerful, but as yet these new Organisation (CSIRO), carry out an independent and tools are still being developed and trialled in isolation. comprehensive risk assessment of the technology110,111. Pprogrammes of combined implementation should be The conclusion from this analysis was that the approach considered when these new approaches have been suf- carried negligible risk. An international panel of experts ficiently developed, to demonstrate efficacy. Either alone subsequently reviewed the risk analysis. Both the risk or in combination, the power of such new approaches analysis and the panel’s review were then provided to might make it possible to turn the tide on these persistent the Australian government agency that is responsible for human diseases.

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