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THE STRUGGLE INTENSIFIES LUKIANENKO APPEAL The investigation into the case he wrote a theoretical work on the "case" of Lev Lukianenko has of Lev Lukianenko, the well- secession of from the lasted for five months. Many people known Ukrainian dissident who was on the basis of con- have been questioned, and it is arrested in December of last year, stitutional law, following a referen- readily evident that the case is being

will soon be drawing to a close. dum. He also prepared the program pul together rapidly and that it will Lukianenko will be tried under of the "Ukrainian Workers' and not be long before a closed and Article 62-2 of the Criminal Code ot Peasants' Union." one-sided trial, with violations of the Ukrainian S.S.R. (anti-Soviet "After he was released the constitutional law and criminal agitation and propaganda), and the Lukianenko settled in Chernihiv. code of the Ukr.S.S.R., will begin. trial will probably take place in where he was submitted to the strict This trial will confirm the maximum Chernihiv, where he is now held. administrative supervision of the term of punishment — fifteen years! Unfortunately. Lukianenko's case militia and the more discreet super- "He has already been im- has not received much publicity in vision of the KGB. He soon joined prisoned for fifteen years, and spent the west- In April 1978 members of our "Helsinki" group and thus two years under administrative the Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring became liable to persecution and supervision, which differs little from Group addressed an appeal to severe punishment by the life in a labor camp. Now he will world public opinion and especially authorities, that is, the KGB. receive a new term of fifteen years, to Ukrainians abroad to immediate- " never dreamed that the for a sum total of thirty-two years of

ly organize various actions in signing of the Helsinki Act would be imprisonment. It would seem lhal defence of Lukianenko. a pure formality, and that people when one considers what In their appeal they write: who in fact supported the im- Ukrainians are being sentenced for, "Lukianenko was the sixth plementation of the act and fought no-one with a conscience could of our group was the against abuses of rights silent. member but Lev Lukianenko human keep But it seems no-one second most important activist would find themselves on the defen- beyond the borders of Ukraine has (after ) as farashis term of punishment — ten years fifteen years of imprisonment in dants' bench. Not all are being tried heard of Lev Lukianenko. We are position and significance in the imprisonment in labor camps and prisons and camps in the R.S.F.S.R. at once, but we are being picked olf losing hope that there are people group is concerned. Actually, they five years of distant exile. He was for an unprecedented act. A young one by one. abroad who can help us in this were both equally indispensable freed on January 10, 1976, after and talented lawyer and journalist, "The investigation into the difficult and unequal struggle." This concerns only his community activity; as a human being no-one KGB STAGES PRODUCTION can lake his place. "He was arrested on December 12, 1977, and according to Article 62-2, under which he is being charged he is threatened with a new OPPOSITIONISTS' TRIAL ORLOV SHAM Some further information is activities and his convictiona, duct of the trial, and a leaflet entitled SENTENCED now available concerning the trial referring to the Soviet constitution, "Branded with Shame" was cir- On Thursday, May 18 Dr. Yuri presented in the documents. Only of the youngest members ot the the International Declaration of culated widely by anonymous Orlov, leader of the Moscow Orlov's wife, Irina, and her two Kiev Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring Human Rights, and the Helsinki citizens. This leaflet named those Helsinki Group, was sentenced to stepsons, were allowed into the Group, Mykola Matusevych and Final Act and demonstrating that stoolpigeons and KGB the maximum penalty — seven courtroom; the press'and dissident Myroslav Marynovych, which took there had been nothing illegal in his collaborators who had behaved the years imprisonment and five years sympathizers were kept outside. place in the town of Vasylkiv, near actions. He was constantly in- most despicably during the trial, internal exile — for "anti-Soviet The authorities brought in spec- Kiev, from March 22 to 29, 1978. terrupted by the judge, to the and ended with the following agitation and propaganda." tators to heckle Orlov. calling him a The KGB has been accused of accompaniment of applause and appeal: "Citizens, remember these Orlov's trial was marked by "spy" and "traitor," transforming this trial into a pitiful jeers from the "public," names! These are the individuals repealed violations of Soviet con- As Orlov was driven away after spectacle. Frequent catcalls were Two impressive witnesses on who serve the bloodstained KGB!" stitutional law. During his four-day the sentencing, over 200 sym- solicited from the organized behalf of the defendants were O. The defendants did not plead trial Orlov was not permitted to pathizers chanted "Orlov, Orlov!" "public" and "community represen- Berdnyk and E. Obertas, who did guilty to the charges laid against present character leniency witnesses in his On Friday, two members of the tatives" in order to demoralize the their best to stand up for the them, and did not ask for defense, to cross-examine prosecu- Georgian Helsinki Group, Zviad accused, and the judge, H.A, accused but were also constantly from the court. As was reported tion witnesses, or defend the con- Gamsakhurdia and , Dyshel, did not make even the interrupted. earlier, both were sentenced to of tents documents issued by the pleaded guilty to anti-Soviet agita- slightest attempt to control this News of the trial spread quickly seven years of imprisonment and Helsinki group. The prosecution tion and propaganda charges. They "public." Both defendants ignored in Vasylkiv and the surrounding five years of exile. establish sought to Orlov's guilt by received sentences of three years the provocatory atmosphere and area. The geniune Ukrainian com- presenting the Moscow Helsinki imprisonment and two years inter- Marynovych ably defended his munity was incensed by the con- Group documents and bringing nal exile witnesses to dispute the facts IN THIS ISSUE

The Concrete Poetry of Jars Balan .... pp. 6-7 The Role of the Emigration p. 3 Baba: A Short Story p. 8 Ukrainian Marriage Service p. 9 Multiculturalism again p. 4 SUSK Human Rights Commission p. 4 News from the USSR and Eastern Europe p. 5 AND MORE!

Myroslav Marynovych Mykola Matusevych EDITORIAL IT'S A GOOD TIME ...FOR HOW LONG? *w NTj a it of ETUDI In STUDENT Canada was once con- mounds good food from the Obviously a dedicated involve- sidered not especially desirable to dinner table lo one's mid-waist, ment will tax a person mentally, "V be of Ukrainian descent. drinking numerous toasts straight, physically, financially and perhaps "Galicians" were at the bottom of smoking dope in the add re»* ell cerraananiaaca to: name of kozak emotionally without promising any STUDENT the social totem pole as a docile legacy, spouting forth corny jokes returns. On the other hand, one caste of agricultural workers. Since that not even Ivan from the 'selo' cannot expect 11246-91 SL to reap the full then our stock has risen con- could appreciate and, of course, benefits of such a life without Alberta Edmonton, siderably in Canadian society. No dancing to one's heart's content. putting a great deal of effort inlo it. Canada T5B 4A2 longer do politicians apologize for This image of a Ukrainian ex- We are currently benefitting from our presence here on the basis of STUDENT U a aatlaaaL trfliagvaJ monthly aewinaaor far perience as a constant, ever in- the tribulations of our forefathers in the need to develop the country; dulgent celebration markedly Ukrainian Canadian student a, poblbhed by tfae likraiaiaa Canadian con- Canada. The current generation of indeed, they recognize and praise trasts that of going to 'ridna shkola' Ukrainian Canadians Students' Union (SUSK I. stands in the Ukrainian contribution to on Saturday mornings while marked contrast to them in terms of Canada's social and economic everyone else is watching cartoons, degree of national consciousness STUDENT a forum for fact aad opinlea reflecting the latereeU af welfare. We have finally "'made it." Sunday afternoon concerts, etc., and dedication to Ukrainian or UkraiBlin Caaadiaa students on various tapfca -social, eahural, However, we would do well to which may be much closer to reali- Ukrainian-Canadian interests, bul poltkal aad reMgieaa. remember that this present stature ty. nevertheless celebrates the same is the result (the payoff, if will) you Now I am the last person who heritage. How long they can con- Tfae opinions and thoughts eaprcaaed la STUDENT represent the of an incredible amount of work. will deny that one should not tinue this without increasing their The fact lhat particular fa nation. In which the Uaraiaian Caaadiaa student Ukrainians had ac- celebrate boisterously every once in commitment and involvement in our

complished so much by the 1960s a while, but I think there should be movement find tacit, both with a. the Ukrainian Caaadiaa com community's interests is a bonanza provided the necessary safeguard some basis for it. There is no way we question. With m unity aad withla Caaadiaa society. Opinions expressed la individual whom will we be for one to be a proud Ukrainian- can ever hope to maintain ourselves drinking in len years time? And •Igaed artldea aat necessarily thaae af the Ukntaata Caaadiaa an Canadian No one could deny us in North basis of America on the a why? And will it mean anything? Stndeata* Uoloa orof the STUDENT editorial heard. our just desserts; ethnic pride as a hedonistic existence. Our people Thus when we hear a plea or an mass phenomenon was inextricably would either become quickly bored announcement such as "SUSK the are welcaai reserve the right to edit linked rise social or Letters to editor We to the of our severely burnt out. There's more Congress in Winnipeg, August 24- stature. Perhaps this is it so to 'being mate rials for publication. why was Ukrainian' than that The 28" we should not reckon right away long in coming. And why it emerged question each person should ask "aaah, PARTY!" Of course there is so strongly, virtually as an explo- themselves is STUDENT STAFF "how serious are we room for some celebrating at such sion in the latter half of the 1960s about pursuing it?" Ukrainian an affair, but also there is very real (this is especially evident by the studentsespecially should consider EDITOR-IN-CHIEF -Nestor Makuch work to be done. And not all that of interest in growth the visual and this because the'practices they start much in ASSISTANT EDITORS -Ma/Ilka Hryn, Yurfy Slebelaky time which to do it. Above performing arts). are likely now to be continued once all. we must remember thai the One consequence of this they become "full" members of our success or failure of our ventures process was the fact that one could society. if STAFF THIS ISSUE And they have no time for depends ultimately upon our at- nowreconcilebeing Ukrainian and Ukrainian matters now, it is unlikely titude towards them. being "cool" (in the North American they will find the time later (the Jars Balan Daria Luciw sense of the word). It became "fun excuse "I have to establish myself A.M. Rocky Barsky Olenka Lupul to be Ukrainian" while transferring first" is used too otten as a cop-out). Jars Bodnaruk Sharon Malchuk (once again) his somewhat (ABN) Bohdan Chomiak Andriy Makuch and the Organizations of the often useless statements of their irresponsible, unrealistic and un- Mykhailo llyniak Irka Scharabun Ukrainian Liberation Front (OULF). aging 'statesmen' and ideologues inspiring ideas on his audience of Dmytro Jacuta Toad However, he quite pompously in- provide the KGB in Soviet Ukraine sycophants and "odnodumtsi." He sists Ivan Jaworsky on speaking for the entire with no end of easy excuses for revealed that the nation is created Ukrainian nation and as "its last increased repression of op- by God (!!). he stressed the need for Prime Minister" at that! positionists whenever the need a united front' of all sectors ot This kind of pretentiousness is arises. The link between the Soviet society in Ukraine to combat the of no benefit to Ukrainians opposition and these emigre relics evils of communism (although he is anywhere, and in fact works against is easy to fabricate and propogate in lirmly opposed to any kind of our interests. In the West, the non- the isolated Soviet mass media. Asa democratization or liberalization of Ukrainian majority (which, let's face result, numerous dissidents have the Soviet LETTERS Union which would allow it, often TO even has difficulty dis- been labelled "Ukrainian bourgeois such a 'united front' to congeal), tinguishing between Ukrainians. nationalists" and sentenced to and he called lor an open hot war Russians and 'those other Slavs') severe terms in prisons and labour with the Soviet Union since tends to associate all Ukrainians camps for plotting to "violently THE "everything EDITOR is solved by battle" with the public utterings overthrow the Soviet state." (even though such a struggle today (babblings?) of even self-appointed In fact the ' Banderivtsi" (or SELO? recently (December 23, 1977) in would undeniably involve the major and self-glorified Ukrainian more New York has illustrated problems accurately, "Stetskivtsi") superpowers and Ukraine, with its 'politicians' (how many times have in the Ukrainian emigre community have, quite paradoxically, so WHERE? heavily industrialized areas and rich you, dear reader, heard someone which not only facilitated the work of the KGB that your readers but all supplies of raw materials, would be say "that book is so right-wing that one quite legitimately I feel that much credit must be Ukrainians in the may suspect West should be one of the first areas to be the only place you can get it is directed to Jars Balan for his review concerned with. that their organization is infiltrated, destroyed). probably at the Ukrainian of "Camp Selo" in STUDENT (Vol at the upper levels, by its agents. The keynote speaker at this Mr. Stetsko should be perfectly bookstore). As a result, many sec- I0, No. 45, May). The article was conference One need only look at their long was none other than free to make such statements (or tors of society simply refuse to treat record eye-catching, interesting, and Jaroslav Stetsko, the current of doing the wrong thing at even more ludicrous ones) only if he us seriously. seemed to influence the reader lo leader' of the Organization ol is speaking for himself or for his In Soviet Ukraine the effects are get involved in similar Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-b) right-wing 'superstructures,' organizations For the much more serious. Groups such as (more JIVE on page 8) young Stetsko had a field day unleashing Anti-Bolshevik bloc of Nations the ABN and the OULF and the Ukrainians, such as myself, it shows that Ukrainian culture is not dying = out, but gradually building itself up. =

After reading this article, I was 5 interested in attaining information ~ about "Camp Selo." but was unable = IF I HAD KNOWN STUDENT WAS = to find any information pertaining to = the Camp. I am writing this letter IN CANADA, I WOULD HAVE because many people, such as S myself, may also have been in- = COME HERE MUCH EARLIER! fluenced by this article. =s The article does "Camp Selo"

great deal of justice because it is so == effectively written, but also does = /'Camp Selo" a great deal of in- S justice because readers are unable = to find any information or addresses = SUBSCRIBE! dealing with "Camp Selo." —If you are a pakJ member of any Ukrainian Students' Club (SUSK) in Canada, then

I believe the Ukrainain culture == you will be receiving STUDENT regL.ariy. and community must continue to S expand and because of camps such —If you are not a member, then you stand to miss several issues of STUDENT this as "Selo" our culture will expand. 5 = year. upholding the traditions and culture 5 our ancestors created tor us. as Thank you for your time. 3 DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! ACT NOW! SUBSCRIBE! Christina Cherneskey S SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE ONLY S3.00 PER YEAR MONTHLY PUBLICATION Saskatoon More information about Se/o, as well as application lorms, Please can be j send me STUDENT. obtained by vwriting: 5» SELO Enclosed Is 13.00 (cheque or money order). c/o National Executive CYMK Foreign rates—$4.00 In Canadian funds. 11024-82 Ave. {§{ Sand to: Edmonton, Alta. =#> = • T6G4A2 STUDENT 11246-91 Street JIVIN' WITH Edmonton, Alberta JERRY l! CANADA T5B 4A2

A recent conference ot Ihe || POSTALCODE Organization in Defense ot the Four =• Freedoms of Ukraine (the American % version "BanrfnAiii,!"! k.M S Of anderivlsi") held 111!)111>1}111!9. Page 2: STUDENT, June, 1978 "


What is the role of an emigre Russificatory pressure, and when nature of social processes in con- Zhenklis learned of this Baltic states now incorporated in community with respect to its any signs of dissidence are brutally temporary Soviet Ukraine. It would criticism and responded by ac- the Soviet Union is therefore much mother country? This is an ex- suppressed by the regime. The likewise be unrealistic to expect cusing his critics of thinking only in stronger than that of the Ukrainian tremely difficult question, and one recent tour of Winnipeg's Koshetz that dissidents in Ukraine would terms of black and white; white emigre community, and which has been answered in various choir in the Ukr. S.S.R. and the have even a hazy conception of representing all acts opposing the Lithuanians in the Soviet Union ways by different national groups. various dance and choir seminars what is happening in the emigre regime in Lithuania, and black quite naturally expect their In the case of Ukrainians in Canada, held in Canada by Soviet Ukrainian community. representing the regime and overseas community to represent the very term "emigre" is mis- artists, which have been sharply It is thus all the more interesting everyone who does not openly their interests abroad as widely as leading, for more than 80% have criticized by certain sectors of the that a samizdat article entitled oppose it. Zhenklis considers that pdssible. This is the reason why been born in Canada, and the community, have highlighted the "What Do We Expect From the one must distinguish a much wider Zhenklis places so much emphasis number of those born in the "old controversy concerning the nature Emigre Community?" by a Lithua- range of colors, and judge various on the important political role of the country" will continue to decrease of the Ukrainian diaspora's nian writing under the pseudonym actions, situations, and individuals emigre community, and downplays sharply from year to year. Likewise, relations with the Ukr. S.S.R. of T. Zhenklis has recently become according to this wider range. the possibilities for political evolu- of those Ukrainian Canadians born Unfortunately, much of the available in the west. Although Zhenklis did not, in fact, deny, and tion in the Lithuanian S.S.R. itself. in Ukraine, many left Ukraine discussion concerning the above addressed to the Lithuanian emigre even emphasized the brutal acts Naively evaluating the "democratic" because of wartime disruption or takes place behind closed doors or community, many of the ideas and subservience to Moscow of structure of the Lithuanian emigre for economic reasons, and cannot is laced with meaningless and expressed by Zhenklis should be of Sniechkus, but he relused to dis- community, he seems to place far be termed "political" emigres in the bombastic rhetoric and polemics. great interest to Ukrainian readers, regard the privileges which too much hope in its potential lor true sense of the word. Non- Apart from the occasional article in and excerpts from the article are Sniechkus had gained lor creative political thought. This is. etheless, the Ukrainian community the Ukrainian monthly Suchasnist, presented below. The section of the Lithuania, and the long-term however, somewhat more un- can boast of an impressive array of only the Chicago newspaper article from which the below ex- benefits of his stay in power derstandable when one considers distinctive political, cultural, Ukrainske zhyttia has allowed for cerpts were taken was printed in the Zhenklis was surprised and sadden- the small size of the Lithuanian religious, and social organizations, the relatively free expression of December 1977 issue of ed by the response of conservative nation and the proportionately and many of them have tried to sharply differing views on this topic. Suchasnist. Lithuanians in the west, and, afraid great weight of the Lithuanian emigre circles were come to grips with establishing a It is also worth noting that the now Zhenklis's first samizdat article that Lithuanian emigre community in the West. In rationale for their existence and defunct U.S. student journal New dealt with the death of the First becoming detached from the file of view of the ramshackle nature ol determining the nature of their Directions ran several articles en- Secretary of the Lithuanian Com- their country, addressed some of Ukrainian political parties and coor- the relationships with the Ukrainian titled "The' Tourist Cookbook" munist Party, Atanas Sniechkus. his thoughts to them in docu- dinating bodies in the West, many of S.S.R. which gave prospective student Sniechkus, who headed the Lithua- ment presented below. the expectations voiced by Zhenklis These questions are of great visitors to the Ukr. S.S.R. various nian Communist Party from 1936 Some of the ideas expressed by have little or no application to the relevance today. On the one hand, uselul (and often humorous) hints on, was trusted by authorities in Zhenklis concerning the role of the Ukrainian community, and in fact grotesque in view of rapidly increasing on how to deal with various Moscow because of his ruthless Lithuanian emigre community may appear almost to be a state of Ukrai- assimilation in their midst, many situations which could arise, es- policies towards Lithuanian seem naive to the Ukrainian reader. satire on the present Ukrainians in the diaspora hope pecially since youth from a strongly nationalist partisans after World One should remember, however nian emigre political life. Nonetheless, the ideas put that even tenuous contacts with the nationalist background are often War II, but later used his authority to that the occupation of the three Zhenklis are valuable in Ukr. S.S.R. may help to slow down the most poorly prepared for gain a number of significant con- Baltic countries by the Soviet Union forward by our community the rate of this assimilation. On the meeting with Soviet Ukrainian cessions and a measure of in 1940 is not recognized by any showing how much before it can satisfy other hand, increased possibilities "reality. autonomy for his republic from Western country, and that the has to mature most modest expectations lor travel to and academic and The poverty of discussion on Moscow. Zhenklis was attacked in governments in exile of Estonia, even the of dissidents like Zhenklis who cultural exchanges with the Ukr. this topic reflects the isolation of the the conservative Lithuanian emigre Latvia, and Lithuania are still for- that their brethren abroad can S.S.R. have come about at a time emigre community, and the inability press for "whitewashing" mally recognized in the West. The hope provide them with some assistance when the and lor reluctance) of many of its Sniechkus and attempting to give claim of the Baltic emigre com- culture are under heavy leaders to understand the complex him an "air of respectability." munities to officially represent the in their struggle. ,... , ,,- ... - ,, , , ,, , . , ,— . , , ,' , ' . , .. , , ( - — ) , . , , , , «» — - . " 1938 "", .., - ? , '., -- , ,? . — , , , - . — . , "", —,, ,, . - , — ,, . , . , , , ,., ,. ,. ., ,.,- , , ' ,, . , . , . ., , , , , , ,.,- ,', , . ,, ,, , . , . , (EMIGRATSIA con- 1940 - , ( .) - tinued on page 10) STUDENT, June, 1978: Page 3 NEW MULTICULTURAL PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED MULTICULTURAL.|M Alex Tymofienko b|TY QR intimately training sessions; the development people who have been ding underthe program is restricted years ago, in Germany, many cases the in multiculturalism in On- Forty suggesting that in of $20,000 of language teaching aids; involved Adolf Hitler syn- to an annual maximum MPP the Nazi Government ot "proper" Canadian values are development of creative literature tario. Jan Dukszta, NDP per organization — hardly enough proclaimed that the Third Reich those which the several (Toronto Parkdale), expressed the onymous with basis tor a strong and the performing arts, and and con- essen- to provide the of the would seek greater unity Liberal Party believes to be dominant sentiment tentment among its citizens by delegates in claiming that "the means ot a campaign of "Strength programs are available upon policy of multiculturalism does nol Through Joy." Forty years later, the application by members of any recognize the key position of em- In addition, the external Government of Canada has cultural group. language. It stresses the barked upon a campaign to bring directorate has maintained trappings only in a tokenistic and Un- ongoing this country "Unity Through programs which provide insincere fashion, which ultimately communities. A intends derstanding." support to the talks- multiculturalism but In keeping with the new slogan, program for cultural enrichment complete assimilation." The con- the federal government has an- provides much needed assistance sensus of the delegates, most of increase its of heritage the non- nounced that it will for the teaching them representatives^! funding of projects and activities languages in classroom and camp business, non-professional classes the organized which are designed to promote settings outside formally within their communities, was that of while maintenance and sharing school systems. However, structural changes in the mul- which the cause of if cultural heritages and such contributions aid ticultural policy are needed of Ukrainian- facilitate an understanding the ridni shkoly in the Canada's seven million "ethnic" "multicultural reality" the absence the Canada's language community, citizens are to be shown that for Ukrainain- among all Canadians. of federal support government is indeed sincere. Minister public On March 21, 1978, the language leaching in the Several actions were cited as Multiculturalism, Nor- will continue to of State for school systems essential for a sincere multicultural new and bilingual man Cafik. announced hamper the success of policy to be effective: would be fund- have been set up in cen- expanded programs programs which 1) Financing of day-care Multiculturalism might be es- ed under the Alberta and which tres in languages other than English govern- and Directorate. The federal tablished in Manitoba and French. , promised to set aside fitly in the future. provide ade- ment has Saskatchewan 2) Programs to years enun- million dollars over the next 5 The federal position, as quate numbers of Canadian-trained opportunities to at the "to provide equal ciated by Marc Lalonde doctors, nurses and social workers cultural groups to of the ethnic all of Canada's recent conference for all communities. share their rich cultural traditions press in Ottawa, is that education is 3) Teaching of languages in with all Canadians." basically a provincial responsibility heritage programs, both within and which were local or The new programs and therefore the onus is on outside of the public school system. oriented announced are largely provincial authorities to provide The demands of the new "mul- groups and towards immigrant support for third-language teaching ticultural" classes within the large growing concern shown for reflect the where there is a demand centres like Toronto, Montreal and toward the by the government "regional" languages (e.g. Ukrai- Vancouver are a matter of concern "visible" minorities — East Asians, Italian in these nian in Western Canada, to all levels of governments in Pakistanis and blacks — following Because volatile Toronto and Montreal). cities. In particular, the large influx of non-white im- the the development of third-language nature of the electorate in Toronto migrants in the early 1970s. Special (i.e. teaching is left to the voluntary and Vancouver may have been a consideration will be given to pro- lacks the private) sector, it therefore large factor in the Liberal Party's promoting the cultural in- jects status which the teaching of the decision not to risk defeat in a tegration of immigrants with special official languages can command. spring election this year. However, given to those which aid emphasis final organization. Of course, it is not m Small wonder, then, that theelectioncan beat best a tial for national unity. In the delaying in group development. of the government to bodies, such as the discontent analysis, the government wants to the interests governmental stop-gap measure; the The aim of the new programs strong ethnic on Canadian Unity, treat and — make sure the new arrivals don't encourage Task Force among immigrant groups grouped under the headings multiculturalism as a rather in- away 'rock the boat.' organizations. "ethnics" is not about to go "Group Development-Cultural In- established ethno- variable in the Under the new programs, For the consequential during this time of economic tegration Program." "Group which is be available to cultural groups, programs national picture. Their attitude Sooner or later, the Program" money will also now hardship. Development-Projects in existence will be of "show me" how mul- the offset the operating costs of certain were already one critical problems posed by and "Intercultural Communications Financial aid might prove a viable deal national ethno-cultural expanded modestly. ticulturatism failure of Canadian society to Program" appears to be exclusively to groups seeking for Canada in the future. culture, organizations. However, this money will be available concept with the questions of the in function, designed to of integrative helping newly funds for the following types Such a task is not at all easy, language and socio-economic "Canadian" values is restricted to inculcate proper conferences or seminars in view of the forces up emerging groups who are just projects: especially status of its 'ethnics' will catch recent immigrants. For con- among their own discussing current issues of which work toward the cultural government of the day. the beginning to form with the instance, money is available for ethno-cultural groups, ways immigrants and their organizations, such as the national cern to assimilation of That day is one which the organization of conferences of refining held in of Italian-Canadians or and means descendants. A conference politicians of Canada might wish barriers in Federation designed to "break down skills; heritage April 22-23. 1978 the proposed Portuguese national organizational Toronto on had never arrived. the interest ot Canadian unity." One and teacher large number of organization. The amount of fun- language workshops brought together a need not stretch the point too far by

SUSK DEFENCE WORK Bohdan Martmek WE NEED DA PICKETS FOR DEFENCE ignoring the already exists in work in isolation, lacking, the Human Rights Commission set experience relation of SUSK's field. If this conception is the What is the Canada. A network of defense experience and activities of " forth plans for a campaign thai of then various problems will activity to the defense committees already has been es- defense committees. It is a hearten- emerge: the defense of would involve all the clubs across democratic rights in the Soviet necessarily example that the Human Rights on ihe basis of mutual and tablished and many of its members ing tradition of Soviet political prisoners becomes Canada Union? SUSK has a long are former or present SUSK ac- Commission co-sponsored the re- burden upon the shoulders of a continual consultation. defending Ukrainian dissidents a rally in Toronto. If This point leads one to another tivists. A major problem in the past cent Grigorenko struggling against few individuals, and defense work who have been has been lhat SUSK has chosen to the Commission and the clubs becomes isolated from Ihe rest of problem. The idea of a coordinated national and political oppression. could coordinate their strategy with SUSK's activity. The question which has to be the existing defense committees, On the other hand, overcoming posed, however, not whether then different sectors of the Ukrai- isolation is not a straight- those dissident *n u uld be defend- this nian community can be united in forward task. Other factors have ed, but how In the past SUSK has building more extensive and effec- hunger contributed to the Commission's organized demonstrations, campaigns. in ineffectiveness. First of all. it is not strikes, lobbied the government, Finally, SUSK must begin to promi- understood that defense work as a the recent past retained the understand that defense work is not long term practice can only be nent lawyer J. Pomerants to repre- simply a moral question, but an to dissidents successful if there is an attempt sent the imprisoned activity involving a comprehension mobilize a large base of activists. Matusevych and Marynovych, and political situa- I of the contemporary organizing the Otherwise many actions become participated in tion. What is the most effective way overall 19 in token gestures, lacking any Grigorenko meeting held May to carry out defense work and strategy and coordination from Toronto. Yet the activity of Ihe whom are we tiying to influence? had project to project and leading to a Human Rights Commission has For example, in their search for general lack of continuity in the experience little lasting impact on Ihe electoral acceptance the Com- of activists. Secondly, there has public and has failed to relate to its munist Parties around the world are the Ukrainian been no input by the clubs own constituency — forced to modify their views, of being clubs, themselves on the question sludenl the rise of Eurocommunism being 4 work other than the usual to t » several defense There seem the most prominent case. This The Rights Com- discussion at annual congresses, problem?. Human strategy leaves them open to should understood to be where defense work is treated wilh mission be pressure to give practical reoresenting the the empty respect of a 'motherhood' a commission demonstrations of their support ot The clubs cannot retreat into interests of Ukta man students as a issue. democratic rights. The find the activities a passive attitude, expecting the whole. Instead wc mathematicians' committee and Commission limited io a small Commission to initiate all discus- of the other left-wing parties were able to individuals in Toronto. sion and to formulate all the group of pressure the French Communist highlights a recurring problem proposals. If this attitude remains This Party to protest the imprisonment of for many then there is no reason for SUSK to that has plagued SUSK thereby Student has , winning years — the split between the do any defense work. his release. Also, the Soviet Union ot the National Executive consistently published materials on activities has traditionally tried to curry concerns of the repression in Ukraine and the rest of and the needs and labour movement, Eastern Eu- favour with the local clubs. The Human Rights the Soviet Union and Commission's focus should not be rope. The question is do Ukrainian anything about to execute SUSK's defense work by students want to do (DEFENCE continued situation? The next SUSK itself but to stimulate and guide the the on recommend that page 10) activities of the various clubs in this Congress should


APPEAL TO WESTERN with several million members and is KLEBANOV IMPRISONED PETER VlNS ARRESTED: brought hundreds of protestors into generally sympathetic to the French LIKE the streets of Tbilisi, capital of WORKERS According to the latest infor- LIKE FATHER SON Socialist Party headed by F. Georgia, on April 14. The protestors mation received from Moscow, Mitterand. marched from the university cam- Vladimir Klebanov, an unemployed The C.G.T. spokesperson con- Peter Vins, a member of the pus about a mile through downtown miner and founding member of the Edmund Baiuka, chairperson demned the "violation of the" Ukrainian Helsinki Monitoring to the steps of the government "Association of Free Trade Unions in shipyard workers' strike democratic rights and liberties of Group, was sentenced April 6 in building where the Georgian parlia- of the the U.S.S.R." (launched December committee in Szczecin during the individual trade unionists and trade Kiev to a one year prison term on ment was meeting to adopt trie new 1977), has been transferred to a workers' revolt of 1970-71, along union collectives in the socialist charges of "parasitism." Vins joined constitution. They carried placards prison in his native city of Donetsk Victor Fainberg and Vasile countries." The C.G.T. is controlled the Ukrainian group in early 1977 demanding their "native language." with in Ukraine. Paraschiv, have launched appeal by the French Communist Party. after Soviet authorities had begun Similar demonstrations took place an On February 10, 1978 Klebanov to come to The dissidents present at the arresting group members. in the Armenian republic. to Western trade unions was arrested by KGB agents and the defence of Soviet workers. The conference were Vasil Parachiv, a The charge of "parasitism" is Conlronted with such opposi- sent to a psychiatric hospital in was dissenters tion authorities backed down appeal is reprinted here: former Romanian worker who used to persecute who the Moscow, and later transferred to a in psychiatric fired for criticizing restored the clause guarantee- In the U.S.S.R. Vladimir arrested and held have been and similar institution in Donetsk. miner, an- prison in that country for his protest authorities and are subsequently ing the indigenous language as the Klebanov, a Donetsk Moscow sources indicate that the January that against working conditions. Others without jobs because they are official language ofthe republic. On nounced at the end of KGB, unable to pin "madness" on to create were Victor Fainberg, former Soviet refused other employment." April 15, a revised draft of the 200 workers had decided Klebanov, changed tactics and union, ex- worker and dissident, and Alex- Vins is the son of Georgy Vins, a proposed constitution was publish- an independent trade decided to send him to a prison. Jean Lestinski the dissident Baptists in It "the state language plaining that many among them had ander Smolar and leader of ed. stated that is now serving a Socialist been sacked without the official from Poland. LABOUR EXECUTIVE the U.S.S.R.. who of the Georgian Soviet ten year term for his unofficial Republic is Georgian." unions taking up their defence. This CONDEMNS ORLOV TRIAL religious activities. Peter Vins was Shortly after the is the first attempt to create a TRADE UNION STRUGGLE independent of detained last year for a month demonstrations in Georgia, a film- workers' movement CONTINUES IN THE USSR ; The National Executive Com- 27 during the Christmas and New maker, Avtadil Imanaze was the state apparatus. On Monday, mittee of the Labour Party has Years period. He was seized by KGB arrested (April 25) for his role [n the February, two representatives of the passed a unanimous resolution Vsevolod Kouvakin, Moscow train on protest. workers made public the agents on a Kiev to language 200 spokesperson for the "Association expressing its deep disturbance union December 8 and bibles in his statutes of their trade trial of Dr. , the of Free Trade Unions in the over the confiscated. He open letter they possession were organization. In an announced that Russian physicist, and calling on U.S.S.R.." recently was beaten up and taken to prison, asked Western trade unions for release him and INCREASED PERSECU- despite the repression of some of the Soviet Union to detention material assistance. and sentenced to 15 days their moral and the all others charged with monitoring TION the Association's members, charge of "hooliganism." At right to organize in trade on the The union movement is Soviet performance in the field of unofficial trade the end of ths period he was is recognized by the Soviet unions its work. rights. The resolution was still active and continues human to a further 15 days on for workers in that sentenced Constitution Kouvakin. in a proposed by Miss Joan Lestor, Changing tactics, the grounds that he refused to work! Several documents which have country; nevertheless, those like N.E.C., and statement released to ^gence chairman of the The Ukrainian Helsinki recently reached the west describe Vladimir Klebanov and his com- M.P. France Presse in Moscow, wrote seconded by Mr. Eric Heffer, was organized the persecution of the families and practice Monitoring Group rades who put the right into previous statements, the ior Liverpool, Walton. Both belong that unlike November 9, 1976 to "foster com- friends of human rights activists in interned in psy- are repressed and was not the left wing of the Labour Party. most recent statement to pliance with the humanitarian Ukraine. The brother of former chiatric hospitals. We ask you to the East European Solidarity signed by all the members of The- provisions" of the . political prisoner L. Lukianenko. urgently intervene for their im- group of British Association "in order not to Campaign, a The group has collected informa- was again arrested in mediate release- our com- Socialists concerned about human needlessly compromise tion on violations of these December last year, has been under In the same way, in Romania, Eastern Europe, has rades." rights in provisions and has attempted to constant surveillance by the KGB the worker Vasile Paraschiv was to all constituency Labour The spokesperson also thank- written publicize these cases. for several months, and his wife has branded with "raving demand to send letters ed the French trade union move- parties urging them Four other members of the been summoned several times to mania" because he had demanded protest about Dr. Orlov's savage ment for the support given to the of Ukrainian group have been con- meet with KGB representatives respect for these rights that are sentence to the Soviet Ambassador Soviet group and expressed the victed on charges of "anti-Soviet after she signed a protest in 1976 in recognized in his country. Dr. , an hope that the trade unions "will in London. agitation and propaganda" and defense ot Ukrainian historian and In Poland, a workers' com- Russian scientist, has continue to support morally and exiled sentenced: M. Marynovych, M. political prisoner Valentyn Moroz. has just been created in Western scientists to mittee materially" the Soviet workers. appealed to Rudenko, and M. Matusevych (each Other members of their family have Katowice and has launched an boycott all official cooperation with harass- to 12 year terms) and O. Tykhy (to also been questioned and appeal to all workers in Poland for CALL FOR INTELLEC- Soviet Union as a protest the 15 years). ed by the KGB. the creation of independent against Dr. Orlov's trial. political prisoners are TUALS AND WORKERS TO In March 1 978, Grigory Goldsh- Former trade unions. In national a member of the Georgian also kept under heavy surveillance unionists UNITE FRENCH TRADE UNIONS , Czechoslovakia, trade Helsinki Monitoring Group, was Vasyl Ovsiienko, who was released from their Valentin Ivanov, a Soviet dissi- have been expelled IN DEFENSE OF SOVIET term on a from a Mordovian labor camp after recently sentenced to a one-year unions for having refused to dent and worker who WORKERS charge of "parasitism." being sentenced in 1973 to four with the arrived in the U.S.A., has launched associate themselves years imprisonment for "anti-Soviet Charter 77 an appeal to Academician A. The trade union of the National political sackings of agitation and propaganda," has not Sakharov asking him to encourage Institute of Statistics and Economic supporters. been allowed to work as a teacher, appreciation of Soviet dissident intellectuals to Studies in France, members of the BELIEVERS RIGHTS Whatever your his profession. He is continually action with the C.G.T. (Communist party con- these facts, they all pose the same unite in common threatened with new imprisonment of Free Trade Unions trolled trade union council) recently question of principle concerning "Association participation in any form of a resolution calling on the for publicly in the U.S.S.R." Noting that "five adopted which we ask you to The Christian Committee for political activity. cannot change the "formation of a large united" cam- reaffirm your position — on the academicians the Rights of defend the rights of the Defense of to U.S.S.R.." Ivanov regretted the lack paign to undeniable right of workers Believers in the U.S.S.R. in Moscow cooperation between intellec- workers in Eastern Europe and the organize in trade unions indpen- of 57 pages of documen- Soviet Union. A demand for the has collected in and workers in the past. BAHRO dentdf their employers, including tuals concerning the persecution immediate release of Klebanov and tation the countries which claim to be and believers in the others was also issued. of the church socialist and where the state is Ukrainian S.S.R. Consisting of SIRY WRITES TO ILO The Paris Proofreaders Union, effectively the sole employer. copies of letters, protests, appeals, also members of the Communist urgently ask you to take all Rudolf Bahro, a Marxist im- We un- etc., this documentation testifies to controlled C.G.T., adopted the East German possible measures to send inter- According to a press release the increased repression against prisoned by on April 25 a resolution animously government, is receiving growing national trade union commissions from the New York Committee for believers in recent years Various demanding the immediate release support. Bahro has of enquiry to throw light on the real the Defence of Soviet Political methods are used by the regime to international of Klebanov and other workers prison since he was nature of the trade unions in these Prisoners, on March 27 the Ukrai- suppress religion and to close down been held m imprisoned in the U.S.S.R. and August 1977 for countries and to take up the nain worker Leonid Siry wrote a places or worship: the church arrested in Eastern Europe. The Union also are fighting so International Labour the KGB, publishing in West Germany a book defence of those who letter to the the hierarchy, controlled by called on the C.G.T. and Alternative — A Critique formally recognized right be Organization, all independent priests who collaborate called The that a largest trade appoints C.F.D.T. (the two of Existing Socialism Bahro is at last put into practice. workers' unions, and AFL-CIO with the KGB and lead an immoral union coulcils) to initiate and lead a and reports already on several Meany asking for according to the charged with espionage You have president George repres- life; although, campaign aaainst political secret trial is about to expressed your concern financial support for is indicate that a occasions moral and Eastern Constitution, the church sion in the~U.S.S.R. and begin. Following are some ex- tor the respect of workers' rights in members of the independent separated from the state, there is Europe. of the activities undertaken Eastern Europe Today more than workers' union in the U.S.S.R. and active government interference in amples defense of Bahro: ever they need support from those their leader Klebanov. the organizational life of parishes; in against — In West Germany a group of in the West who struggle Siry was detained by the KGB UNITA HITS AT SOVIET government representatives university professors is demanding capitalist exploitation. in Odessa on April 6 and warned not attempt to divide and undermine PERSECUTION Bahro's release and is seeking Signed by: Edmund Baiuka, to participate in the human rights religious communities; churches permission to visit him in prison; Fainberg, and Vasile or get in touch with the desecrated and closed down Victor movement Italian Communist Party are The — In Britain supporters have issued Paraschiv. West. The KGB also told Siry that which has been despite the protests of believers. organ L'Unita, an open letter signed by Tamara Klebanov's group will not be allow- regularity reporting with increasing Jan Kavan, Ken Coates, UNIONS activity, that it IN Deutscher, FRENCH TRADE ed to expand its and of dissidents in the DEMONSTRATIONS the persecution the National Organization of DISSIDENTS would be crushed. Siry's wife, suggested that these ARMENIA MEET WITH Soviet Union, GEORGIA AND Labour Students, and others, ask- Valentyna, said that she fears that considered as UN- could no longer be organizations in the workers' TO DEMAND TRADE be arrested. SCORE SUCCESS ing her husband may incidents but appeared to win ION RIGHTS IN THE USSR isolated movement to join the effort to be part of a concerted campaign. Opponents of Moscow's policy Bahro's release; front-page article signed by DAY IN PARIS A Georgian and — In West Berlin, the Committee to In a major development, in MAY Procacci. a of Russification in the Signor Giuliano Socialist Free Rudolf Bahro is gathering Paris on April 18, 1978, represen- Institute Armenian Soviet historian on the board of petitions, organizing Over thirty dissidents from the scored a victory in mid- signatures on tatives of three major trade union party's research cen- Republics Eastern Europe Gramsci, the authonties to public meetings, and conducting a councils in France — the C.G.T., the U.S.S.R. and April They forced the said Italian democrats and the case in residing in Paris marched tre, Armenian as campaign to publicize C.F.D.T. and the F.E.N., held a joint currently perturbed and retain Georgian and Communists felt press; with dissidents in the May First demonstration languages in these the press conference the grave and seeming- the official offended by — In France a defense committee U.SS.R., Poland, and carrying banners demanding republics. -from the unjustifiable sentences inflicted an rights in the ly draft has been formed and has issued to highlight their opposi- respect for "trade union Pushing through new Romania on people like Dr. Yuri Orlov. Such prominent in- workers in U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe." for all fifteen appeal to many tion to the repression of which the writer said the constitutions groups, notably incidents, Soviet dividuals. Jean Elleinstein, a leader Eastern Europe and the Soviet Un- Some far-left republics of the USSR, party newspaper would continue to French Communist Party, the Ligue Communisle had hoped to drop from of the ion. as hitherto, "confirm the authorities Beauvoir were Revolutionaire, had as one of their denounce the clauses and Simone de The C.F.D.T. representative that these are the constitution general impression the first signers. A rally is liberation central slogans carried by their the republics the right among demanded the immediate isolated episodes, but are guaranteeing exiled strong contingent, calls for not languages as planned for May 31 in which and reaffirmed his 5,000 of each of their native of Klebanov cases of a determined and precise poet Wolf Biermann the immediate release of all political official language. East German trade union's support of the relationship between the republic's Eastern the concept ofthe will participate. in the prisoners in Europe and Opposition to this move struggle for democratic rights and the citizens." U.S.S.R. authority East. The C.F.D.T. is a trade union STUDENT, June, 1978: Page 5 : )

20 1913

23 1913 ...


23 1915

1916 ) ...

The poems on this page — they are poems, not graphics — belong to a tradition of poetry that extends II II II II II II II II II consciously II back through the ages, in varied but related torms, to the civilization of the ancient Greeks. And although this literary legacy may be said to embrace picto-poetic manifestations in a diverse range of cultures — encompassing, for example, the calligraphy of the Middle and Far East — the particular poems reproduced here are most properly placed within the European world. More specifically, they are the direct descendants of several extant verses composed in Greece more than three hundred years before Christ and chiselled by crattsmen into slabs and disks of stone, the arrangement of words producing easily recognizable images. One such poem

is in the shape of an axe-head; another is arranged in the shape of an altar. justification, that But it could be argued, with some the real roots of these "visual" poems go back even further, to a ... time before the first alphabet, the hieroglyphs and or- ^ namented pysanky, to the roots of writing itself. For in pictorial accounts from the lives of our primitive forebearers — whether the events recorded have historic, mythic or magical objec- tives — we find the seeds from which writing sprang. The _> child-like pictures drawn with twigs on sand, and the often skillfully executed scenes done on cave walls with charcoal and time-resistant dyes, mark the first tentative steps that humankind took on a long road that eventually led to a schematized visual codification of speech. Although spindly prehistoric figures dancing with spears around a bison may seem to be tar removed from the words on this page, it should be remembered that both do essentially the same thing in a very similar way: namely, record and communicate huhian experience by visual means. Some of the pictographic sources of writing can still be detected in the written languages we use today, especially in those of the Orient. Have you ever wondered why — or is it just a coincidence — the letter "o" mimics the shape that your corresponding sound? II II II II II II II II II II mouth makes when you utter the Admittedly, most of the symbols in contemporary European writing systems have been stylized to the point where the original image latent in many letters is no longer discernable ^^ to the inexpert eye; research, however, has managed to establish the history of a number of familiar sound designations, and in many instances the evolutionary thread goes back to a pictured object. More immediate and obvious ancestors of the poems accompanying this brief explanation are the pattern poems of &xxfcfexx^xx^xx^xx^xx^xx*sxx*sx George Herbert (1593-1663) in the English tradition and the "labyrinths" and other verses ot Ivan Velychkovski (167-1701 in the Ukrainian tradition. The uninhibited appreciation that }™} these and other poets of the late Renaissance had for poems

Page 6: STUDENT, June, 1978 — 1111 1111

II 1919

10 1920 ... 'V

— 4 1922

1923 ...

. P


8 1923

15 1923 ...


paintings, in their H as aesthetic objects — to be enjoyed, like lor words as syllabic 3 totality - and their fascination a number ot leading constructs, are part of the heritage that Though scholars modern poets have consciously drawn on. poets (and Baroque art I' have long dismissed the work ot these excessively ornamental, and not worth . in aeneral) as trivial, that establishedopimon is serious study, there are indications such as Herbert and beginning to shift and that poets by cultural Velychkovski are about to be re-appraised

h ' St aspect of T-hlsrevived interest and respect for the literary the enthusiasm generated the Baroque is in part attibutable to of the visual tradition in by the most recent manifestation "concrete movement. It ooetry loosely described as the "concrete poetry is should be noted, however, that the term experimental somewhat vaguely applied to a wide variety of the sense of the poems on this verse, not all ol which is visual in poems - sometimes a page. Oral, sculptural and conceptual elements - are a so V. poem involves a combination ot these A rjb The present revival of Y included in the genre ot the "Concrete." traced with some Baroque sensibility in verse can be the period post-World War I explicitness back to the immed.ate Switzerland) named and the experiments of a poet (living in known as the Eugen Gomringer. and several Brazilian writers current group. Since their initiation of the literary Nokjandres have other poets around the world now known as the concrete, *- taken up the torm. „" of the Although it is foolish to even begin to explain some factors behind the concrete phenomenon, restricted as one is by the narrow columns of words on this page, a tew () observations might be helpful for initiates. First, it should be noted that part of the impetus towards the concrete comes from a feeling that language is being exhausted from overuse {we are subjected to an increasingly intense barrage ot words about the author transmitted to us through the mass media of TV, radio, A note and books, books, newspapers, tapes, records, magazines, presently doing an MA. is a Toronto poer the chiel villains being jaros/aw Ba/an f/r. I books) and debased by misuse, interest betng concrete teratu e - h,s locus ol advertisers, politicians, bureaucrats and academics. Hence, ^TnaZhl poems ol Albena, ,n ronton His and the escape of ^l a, h% Univ«S ily the formalism of much concrete poetry various Canadian literary Tale appeared over the years m many poets into the sensuous realm of shapes and sounds. res for two and lournals. and he has written / to the current explosion of the magazines Another factor contributing in Toronto <°' ar halt-hour musicals produced concrete has the relentless advance ot technology. popu at been former student of Creative Writing electric by the Odessa Group, A Computers, multi-track recording techniques, he won the Bliss Banff School ot Fine Arts- where letraset, besides radically altering the the typewriters and 1971 - he received a Canada amplified and Carmen Award lor Poetry in environment we live in, have dramatically wnt/n on the spend live months t with the Council Gran, in 1974 to extended the range ol poets, providing them present. Thepoems Ukrainian-Canadian experience, past and mechanical voiceboxes necessary to speak to the citizens ot a -Embroidered Paper" dale Horn thts P^.A'Jie sophisticated age. Canadian poet, bp from ol technologically As one lor the Canadian Institute he is editing manuscripts exclaimed, "the language revolution is happening moment ,n Nichol has and preparing lor the course He teases attest to that UkZ an Studies all round you." I hope these poems in Student literature ,in English Ukrainian ready fact. several selections'''"^"^'ZZJyol his poems Selo. He hopes to have two-three years. Jaroslaw Balan lor publication in

STUDENT, June, 1978: Page 7 A DAY IN THE LIFE

BABA Raymond Serwylo

sion screen. Against her wrinkled she now pressed a darkly There she sat, a sagging heap cheek spotted wad of tissue. The sore bled of chest and arms. With the smallest she had picked it. Her son movement, braille-like blue veins where been unlucky, she thought. squirmed silently in the elephant had not were pretty Ukrainian girls legs and work-worn hands. On her There the farm, though not one belly her great maternal breasts, back on have been a better wife for like bottom-filled sacks, finally would better daughter-in-laws? found a resting place. The dead Ivan. But Baba had no one to mass of hair, recently posed by her Without Ivan, understand her, daughter-in-law, lay on her head. talk to. Karen didn't if she had had the language, she Baba often had her hair set by and have the patience. She felt it Karen; always for events she had didn't do Baba's hair. "Let been only incidently invited to. But was enough to tell you, Josie. it's no picnic. I this day was to be unlike any of me family was just hate touching those crusty those others . Today, the gathering because of her. strands of hair." Baba. "Seventy years — to the day! — "Nu, Neechoho'.' sighed And she was right — it didn't matter. she's been here." Karen frowned, Ivan was happy. Her wrapping and unwrapping the As long as her longer mattered. Baba tried telephone cord about her fingers. life no to find a dry spot on the Kleenex, to "She still can't speak more than streaked cheek. She was twenty words to me." Baba had blot her getting tired waiting for her son. He settled in Swan River, and that, or have been home from work rather the corridor which stretched should party for Baba was his from the farm to Winnipeg, was by now. The Baba began to doze off. Canada to her. A four hour drive — idea. Again fall from her face. and Baba never really understood letting her hand sank slowly onto her chest. how a country could be much Her chin dreamt of the rusted freight larger. From her home town in She her and her lover Ukraine, such a lengthy drive in any boat, bringing her face, and direction would have meant across. Pain grimaced saturated drop slid passports and armed guards. jerked it up. A Though hazed by years and miles, a from her jaw onto her sequined here, murmured. vision of her father, after he had collar. Still not she rolled to the side, tried to sneak across the western Baba's head now border, convulsed Baba in her seat. and wedged itself into the corner of Baba had now lived in the city the chair. Her useless veins seemed blue. old for the last ten years. "Ivan asks her still and dark, snow The aching, at least once a week to move in with hands and feet had stopped us _ God, how we fight about that!" anesthetized by cold. drawn tight. She She thought how I've got to go. Josie." Karen's lips were Hotel, but no longer. She the arm rests. "Ok. Sofia's. George stared at the back of the old lady's St. stupid that was: Phoning was a Karen jumped and and smoothed Between church and home, used to love her two draft, quickly it bob forward. TH If it wasn't "Maybe she wants head, watching down her parched throat waste of time and money! down her slacks. Baba had to travel through foreign washing her credit for that, though. Svarich's bad legs, Baba something. I'll call you tomorrow... give with one, even before she took off for Mrs. land. Down MacGregor street ^east I told her: home. could do She's never accepted. Dragged down so would have certainly walked Sure, I'M tell her ... but you Selkirk Avenue, and two blocks her babushka. right thing. on ... She's 'Baba, you're doing the would "Look, Josie, every single Monday it yourself next weekend Road. On the suddenly, the head of foam of your north on Churchill eleven she's still You've got a nice home insides of the night I'd come there at not going anywhere. And back she would make stops for lay ravished on the — in the North End, way sit and wait ... You'll see own."' Baba lived The second beer lasted o'clock — sharp — and as strong as a horse her bread, milk, and fruit. "No, she entire glass. close to the parish church. Those the damn car, just sit and wait she'll outlive us all." the longer, and the white velvety head in of Ukraine: a still has a bit of garden in waddle the were her two patches the golden until she finally decided to Karen began clattering backyard — you know, carrots and gradually melted into house that smelled of her home than out of that bingo hall. That Special- dishes onto the supper table. In the rarely had to ale. Baba never bought more walls continually giving onions, tomatoes She Images no village, the cents was her limit, Any-Two-Across-Twenty-Dollar- living room all was quiet. buy vegetables. She even brings us two beer — sixty odours they stole Irom call it was flitted and down the back the worth it. Three Jackpot-or whatever you longer up Karen yet it was no longer ot pytohy, and some .... The chickens?!" countless numbers shirtless drunk was the last straw. I'm not her chauffeur! television screen, but remained laughed. "God. no! She had to get years ago a St. Sofia, the second Ukrainian couldn't wait any longer." fixed. The porch door slapped shut, her table, and knocked I just of them a long time ago. Mrs. flung into church founded in the city, a rid walk home, but went to meet her hus- know, unconscious. "Listen to this," Karen Baba had wanted to and Karen soon to be either Weimar reported her ... you pioneer that was switching the phone to her Mrs. Syarich insisted that she band. The old lady's head hung to the one who lives across the lane laughed, renovated or destroyed, depending that night, and the waxen hair, so other ear, "Baba said ...she said she phone. She had won one side, and Along with Yes. she did. She reported Baba to upon who told the story. because the even offered to pay for the call from recently set by Karen, stared like a the Department of Health. Ivan had never went back five of six other matriarchs who had two her winnings. Baba laughed to clump of icy lead. The six o'clock down and help the poor guy bartender wouldn't replace the no place to go, Baba spent all her to go Svarich and on beer that got smashed! Can you herself, remembering how news droned on explain it to her. She never un- mornings in the empty nave. It was always farted whenever she yelled derstands what's going On." Baba believe that?" their morning ritual; they didn't Baba out 'Bingo!'. It was one of the now got her eggs from a Mennonite The extra sixty cents have to waste their lime sending Ivan finally would saved now went to the church. hazards of her winning. school, or brushing farmer. Every Tuesday he children off to and Mrs. picked them up. truck in front ot Mrs. Every Monday night she their own toothless gums. Baba park his — a quarter a The vertical hold had slipped it would stay Svarich played bingo smiled when she opened her eyes. Weimar's place, and dime to phone ten minutes ago. yet Baba still there the entire morning. card, and the extra She saw her son's wedding picture the floating image, con- Karen when it was all over. Baba stared at television cabinet in During her shopping strolls sitting on the tinually rising anew upon the televi- the Prince stretched her hands to the edge of front of her. He had been married in Baba used to rest at

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (continued from page 2)

empowered to speak in the name of structure of the community is community; in fact, the elite. Now JIVE British journal The Economist Ukrainian nation should (January 14-20. 1978) has come to the entire democratized. His solution to our that the community has changed, (continued from page considered, if only to to elite the conclusion that "the Banderite also be community's problems is the need for the contemporary the leaders of a lew organisation has been deeply discourage transform the nature of our is to take over these leading 2) camp organizers penetrated by Soviet agents: the thousand summer organizations until they reflect the organizations. Yet the inability to from assuming the voice of fifty democratic environment we live in. perform this changing of the guard the wrong time to confirm this tact that the KGB appears to have million people. And finally, Ihe role The questions we are forced to ask the social change suspicion. The OUN-b inspired known all about Andrei Klymchuk arises because of the Ukrainians in the West must Andriy are: Is democratization a community is held back "Dobush affair" sparked the huge before he set foot on Russian soil within the be discussed and re-evaluated, if community need, and whose in- limits. Thistension is 1972 wave of arrests in Ukraine. suggests this view." by formalistic only to prevent the tragedy of will be served by making the within ihe When Leonid Plyushch came to One should not, however, make terests reflected by a crisis hundreds of fervent nationalists KYK praesidium available to Canada in the fall of 1977 as the the mistake of assuming thai community. spending their entire lives battering anyone has the pull? from competi- official representative of the because the politics of its leaders is who The crisis stems their heads against the "iron cur- These questions are not control of the Helsinki, monitoring groups in the questionable that the various tion for the tain" only to find that their children KYK, along with other USSR. the.Canadian League for the "Banderite" organizations are of no rhetorical. organizational structure of our would rather go to a disco than representative Ukrainian This competition is Liberation of Ukraine (LVU) went use. Its rank and file members in community. learn Ukrainian. has been actively within into convulsions and vetoed the fact often oppose (albeit weakly and organizations, being waged across Canada In solidarity, community interests at hand invitation extended by the Ukrai- not often) the unilateral decisions of promoting the Ukrainianelite. Onthe one Pavlo Bilyk The reward of nian Canadian Committee to their 'leaders.' and their children all levels of government. the political and social leaders London tor over three decades of this serve as Plyushch to speak at its Congress couldn't care less (as long as they the last immigration representation' has community, (in fact LVU boycotted the Con- can socialize and have a "good 'responsible 'spokesmen' for the the gradual assimilation and legitimate gress because of the threat' that time" they are happy). Their ex- SEMOTIUK been because they control the the Ukrainian Plyushch might even attend the isting network of organizations is disintegration of organizational structure of the Does the Ukrainian other hand the Congress, as a guest), thereby potentially of valuable social ser- TAKEN community. community. On the need more ot this effectively destroying the solidarity vice, if it is not allowed to be community most successful group, the "responsible representation?" elite, has of the Ukrainian community in the permeated by the anachronistic TO TASK business and professional interests have been served West with the opposition in the politics of the upper crust. As Whose attained a higher social standing Soviet Union. Most recently, the old Ukrainian proverb goes, "a fish Andriy Semoliuk's article, "The by KYK? within the general society. Thus iU to resolve the carefully staged arrest of the British smells from the head down." Ukrainian Community is Un- Andriy attempis also claims to serve as a student Klymchuk for smuggling The question of possible KGB democratic," which appeared in the first question by rhetorically argu- 'spokesman' for community in- time "anti-Soviet" materials into Soviet infiltration of Ukrainian emigre March- April issue of Student, seeks ing the second. He shows and terests. The struggle between the article that the Ukraine and the linking of his case organizations (and also why they to offer alternate directions for the time again in his two limits the effectiveness of our juridical nature of Ukrainian to the OUN-b was followed by a would be doing so) is certainly one Ukrainian community. formal alive old renewed series of arrests of Soviet which should merit discussion at Semoliuk argues that the organizations keeps an oppositionists. The machinations the next convention of the World plethora of problems facing the guard. What Andriy fails to mention (SEMOTIUK continued this old involved in this case were so ob- Congress of Free Ukrainians. The Ukrainian community today will be is that at one point in time part ot the on page 11) vious that even the respected question of who. if anybody, is resolved once the organizational guard was a vibranl

Page 8: STUDENT, June, 1978 "


case ot a marriage within one's own Ukrainian:dating-marriage posed to formal "business A being the key ethno-social group. service called "Meta," which has relationships"), variable was brought Meta's second priority, barring been active lor at least five years assimilatory a comprehensive the success of the first, should be to under the patronage of the WCFU together into remove the present negative sanc- (World Congress of Free theory of assimilation by Milton tions against mixed marriage recently Gordon (Assimilation in American Ukrainians), has come various methods This theory is douples which by under severe criticism. Life: Oxford, 1964). of ostracization force them out of Tyshovnytskyj, who now viewed with hesitation by many Mr. O.M. concept is one sociologists, althouqh all our community. This heads the organization and has considered by acknowledge the importance of alternative not been pushing the idea of a voluntary Perspectives. One contribution to the study "Meta" or New Ukrainian dating service for fifteen Gordon's way of doing this could be by the that marriages of ethnicity. years, feels mixed preparation of educational process of assimilation is factor in assimilation The are a major the materials which a non-Ukrainian combatting it Ukrainians. In response to multi-dynamic and of young marrying a Ukrainian could read to involves many more variables than this, he has suggested that the become familiarized with the Ukrai- just endogamy or institutional com- "Central Bureau of Ukrainian nian community, traditions, introduce pleteness. Nevertheless endogamy Marriage — Meta" could obligations etc. Meta could also a is a very important factor, and for young people to each olher on work with the Ukrainian churches Ukrainians presently is crucial as voluntary basis. New Perspectives, (Metropolitans of both large english language the number of mixed' marriages is the monthly churches have already offered it Shlyakh increasing sharply. supplement to Novij their blessings) to propagate the The idea of a Ukrainian dating (Toronto), criticized the Meta idea use of religious rituals which would service is a good one, and appears 'in its April 29, 1978 edition, stating formally "legitimize" an outsider's was, to receive quick support in our editorially that Meta's purpose entrance in the community. This community, even among the univer- "in simple terms, to introduce nice would be a recognition of the fact Ukrainian sity crowd I informally quizzed. The Ukrainian boys to nice that being Ukrainian is something the efforts of Meta be congratulated yet girls with matrimony being that is not strictly blood designated. the approach is incorrect. ultimate goal," and that, "one can- Mixed marrigaes do not necessarily the It is generally true that our not help but be amazed at have to destroy our ethnic group if community's mores and values sociological and psychological the children of mixed marriages are stress marrying within the Ukrai- naivete that is embodied inlhistype educated, socialized, and treated nian community for nebulous of effort." like the children of so-called patriotic reasons, including the The type of criticism levelled by "perfect Ukrainian couples." racist concept of keeping the Ukrai- New Perspectives is somewhat An organized effort must be nian people "pure." People who do unwarranted in that it sets out to made, but not on the basis of not conform to the pressures of belittle the efforts that Meta has marriage as a patriotic service. In family and ethnic group to marry made. New Perspectives states that the case of mixed marriages it Ukrainians are "excommunicated" an increasing number of Ukrainian would be much more desirable, in in various ways from the communi- if Ukrai- con- marriages will occur only ' terms of our ethnic group's - - nian endeavours are extended into ty. tinued existence to ensure -that The social reality of our situa- the day to day fields of "work, when a Ukrainian marries out of our tion, with respect to the marriage school, sports, recreation, and community, the weight of the com- problem, calls for a more practical entertainment." This analysis munity will be thrown behind the and different approach than that suggests that endogamy (in-group couple, and not against them New which the organized Ukrainian for marriage) is not the key variable to Perspectives is doubly faulted community takes presently. Meta's maintaining our community as a •unwarranted criticism and for not cohesive social grouping. New developing the alternative they offer Perspectives takes the position that on how to get Ukrainian endeavours The theory has been used as a model in very will into the work place, recreation, "institutional completeness" tew empincat studies over ihe last iilteen years proper conditions for retar- — the relationship ot the variables is unknown sports, schools and entertainment. create individual, but rewar- operalionalizalion ol the tneory main goal should be to stress built with any ding or reversing the assimilatory and successlul may be impossible Some have criticized endogamy not as a patriotic service, ding family experiences for children In fact the idea of primary process. different parts ol the theory, whereas others ieel grandparents but as a socially desirable goal. and for the childrens' (informal fruitless tautology. group relationships it is on the whole a Meaningful relationships can be will probably be enhanced in the relationships with friends "as op-

Veravcla "Dumyn TORONTOTO RALLY IN DEFENCEUtrt/VUC OFUr SOVIETiUVIC I WORKERSVVUMIMzMi, GENERAL AND THE SPECIFIC THE is rr democratic ssocial partynartu with these trade union represen- agine in Toron (applause)." More than five hundred people tatives, those brave few hundred who solidarity with the views are reminiscent of those to attended a rally May 1 9 in are in the Soviet Union and with those Grigorenko's rights activists m Association of Free Trade Union of Workers representatives who are here tonight in put forth by Soviet human free such as and in the USSR. expressing our commitment to the mid-1960s of Solzhenitsyn Grigorenko calls for The rally was held in the midst of a new collective bargaining and the rights Alexander A in the of the laws that exist in the USSR: wave of crackdowns on . workers both here m Canada and observance "There are many bad laws in the USSR. day earlier the chairperson of the Moscow Soviet Union .. Orlov — We want even these bad laws to be Helsinki Monitoring Group — Yuri Norm Penner gave a spell-binding observed. At this stage, we are not sentenced to a twelve year sentence. _ speech: was in these the Toronto ready to demand a change The rally was organized by "There is no Socialism without laws. We demand that you observe the Committee in Defense of Soviet Political democracy, and, as Marx insisted, Rights laws you yourselves have made ... the Prisoners (CDSPP) and the Human there is no socialism that does not worst law is better than no law Commission of the Ukrainian Canadian liberate the human spirit and uplift Grigorenko's views are by no means Students' Umorf (SUSK).and received endor- human dignity. The theory of socialist Amnesty representative of the current opposition in the sation from a dozen local unions7 democracy that Stalin developed, and (Con- For those active in defending the International, the NDP, and the CSN that the present leadership repeats, USSR. in the USSR, rights of all political prisoners federation of National Trade Unions). holds that what is important is not so Grigorenko's views have raised several im- Speakers included Terry Meagher (secretary- much the formal aspects ot democracy portant questions: treasurer of the Ontario Federation of Labour, but the economic base — namely the did Grigorenko's views evolve Cassidy (leader of the Ontario NDP) of the means of produc- I How Michael social control right in authoi from "Bolshevism-Leninism" to the far Norman Penner (labour historian and tion Tms was tne iisl of S,a,insiamous his mind of tor Will the good general please make up " such a short period time? of The Canadian Left), David Orlikow (MP speech of November 25, 1936 in we lo understand the con- North, NDP) and James Lockyer. new Soviet constitution. 2. How are Winnipeg launching the the USSR tradictory role of his views — m national secretary of With that kind of argument Stalin was Soviet Union. Most of David Orlikow'sspeech Grigorenko played a positive objective role (Canada). The main speaker was Petro able __ shortly thereafter — to launch on the recent revelations West, he does not. former leading human rights was a commentary constitution which he claimed while in the Grigorenko. RCMP: this new caricatures and of illegal activities of the the whole Grigorenko's crude activist in the USSR. was the best and treest in evening realize that we don't have a comments throughout the Grigorenko, whom another dissident, "We world. He was also able to launch one racist in Canada. We embarrassment even to the "Leninist- complete democracy and massacres in were a source of Leonid Plyushch, described as a of the biggest purges Unfor- regret that. have noticed with right-wing element in the audience. joined the Communist Party of We history whose victims were Bolshevik." of the human and debate was not received dismay the unwillingness of tunately discussion the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1927 and mainly communists and supporters government to speak up on Some of the rally's organizers in the Soviet army. Trudeau this illustrated in such allowed. the rank of major-generai socialism. What from his behalf of dissidents in Eastern Europe publicly disassociated themselves began his dissident activities in a tragic fashion was that the so-called Grigorenko the world. We simultaneously affirming the he publicly accused and in other parts of democracy are just views, while the early 1960s when formal aspects of rights ol regret that very much ..." necessity to defend the democratic Khrushchev of re-creafing a new 'cult oU as important as the economic ones. was one of the all dissidents in Eastern Michael Cassidy's speech the social tree speech for personality,' and subsequently founded Ihe Without political rights, statements on Eastern the USSR, regardless of their Leninism. better articulated production is Europe and Union of Struggle for the Revival of control of the means ot the Soviet Union that the NDP has orientation. placed in a psychiatric Europe and lor without political political Grigorenko was society an abstraction, speak at this dale. He characterized Soviet Grigorenko is scheduled to time in 1969. at Ihe made to control is exercised by the hospital for the second of state rights, this Winnipeg. An not a form of socialism, but year's SUSK Congress m recent wave of arrests, and as being leadership ..." height of the first attention to Chile and party the organizers of and drew s. attempt should be rnade by there until his release in 1974. capitalism, Grigorenko's speech followed Penner remained Congress to allow Grigorenko the oppor- co-founded both the Kiev and South Africa: disassociating himself from the the Griqorenko He began by and debate with student Groups. He was must (dissolve) the impression tunity to discuss Moscow Helsinki Monitoring "We NDP: the his perspectives for defending citizenship while on a that some right-wing forces in the West with the activists stripped of his Soviet "I want to start by disagreeing 1978. Currently conveyed that we are somehow who talked Soviet opposition. visit to the U.S in February. have representative of the NDP be admitted opposed to the harsh with Grigorenko is campaigning to less strongly about socialism combined which is meted out to in- that back into the Soviet Union. treatment democracy. My experience shows the labour beings in the name of or The rally was highlighted by dividual human there will be either socialism speeches, of the proletariat .. I'm im- representatives' support, in their the dictatorship democracy (applause). I cannot opposition in the pleased to associate myself and my of the current working class STUDENT, June, 1978: Page 9 EMIGRATSIA: (Continued from page 3) , , ,,,, , ,. , ( *, . ), ) , ( , . : " , , ., - , : ; , ( ), ;, - . ' , , , " : , , , , , , ".,, , ., , .. . , , ?, - , , ,,., . . , ' , , , ; , .,!, .. ;, , - , ., , , - , ., . , , , , - . ,, . , . . , , ' , . , , ' ; , . , -(, , ', , ). ( ,, ), . .. , , .. . . ' ., , — (,' ,, , -, ,' ,. .) ;- . . , ,, , , , . . .'. , ,. _ . ' . ' , . . 1975 , , , ( ),. — DEFENCE — , . . ,? (continued from , 4) CONFERENCE students and other progressive , In ways the , , organizations. many , ( ) Soviet Union and its allied Com- , more effectively ? Parties are . , munist ,,' influenced by these organizations, have tried to build a NOTICE , . in which they ! . base of support, than by the . ritualistic anti-communist The Canadian Institute of Ukrai- ,. , pronouncements of President Carter. Therefore this perspective nian Studies is organizing an academic involves SUSK taking the issue of conference in Ottawa on September the defense of Soviet political prisoners into students 15-16 dealing with "Social Trends STUDENT federations, labour organizations, Ukrainian Canadians." On etc. attempting to win support for Among human rights. Such a perspective September 17 SUSK will be organizing takes defense work out of jus! the discuss the concrete FUND Ukrainian community and forces it a workshop to PRESS Canadian to be relevant to society implications and ramifications of the as a whole. Years of government the traditional Ukrai- the above conference, (contributions this month) lobbying by presentations at organizations have left us with nian and to evaluate the role SUSK and $100: u of A USC nothing but 'discreet inquiries' and empty proclamations. SUSK is a Ukrainian youth groups have played Dr. D. Kreptul $50: student federation, an important and can continue to play in community $30: Dr. O.S. Talpash component of the overall student body; there is no reason why the development. Some of the position $25: Z. Zwarych, Ottawa USC Ontario Federation of Students or will dis- Union ol papers for the workshop be $20: P. Savaryn the National Students couldn't be persuaded to take a in Barber Shop cussed at the SUSK Congress $10: Dr. L. Faiyna, Park Plaza stand on this question, just as they August 24-27. $260.44: Student benefit (Edmonton) have spoken up against the repres- Winnipeg, sion of Chilean and South African It you would like to have more All contributions should be forwarded to: activists. The next SUSK Congress will information about the workshop, or be a decisive congress for defense would like to contribute to it, contact work. Pyotr Grigorenko has been UKRAINIAN CANADIAN invited to speak, and this should the SUSK National Office, 1 1 246-91 St., provide the opportunity tor a T6B 4A2. STUDENTS' UNION thorough going discussion of the Edmonton, Alberta, 11246-91 STREET need for defense work, the state of the opposition in Ukraine, and EDMONTON, ALBERTA the strategies which SUSK should adopt. I have raised these points in a CANADA T5B 4A2 preliminary way; hopefully the J discussion will continue. J

Page 10: STUDENT, June, 1978 -SEMOTIUK- (continued from page 8) organizational structure, since both which is the absence within the are fighting to appear as the respon- community of an authoritative sible representatives of the com- social and political voice. munity. Within the babble of competing Semotiuk's ideological ex- voices, Semotiuk's stands out. The planation of the democratic reasons for this stems from the fact movement's goals places him in the that he not only provides an camp of the business and ideological justification for the new professional elite. On the one hand elite, but also because he seeks to Semottuk seeks to pursue new politically mobilize the community channels of social power, while on for the elite's project. Semotiuk's to develop a the other he seeks new arguments suggest he is a §ood Ukrainian community within this mouthpiece for the new elite society. Both of these projects are group's interest. His narcissistic inimical to the old elite. For them the references to Hitler's Mem Kampl question is not the pursuit of social and his bitter denunciation oi 'one' power, but rather its maintenance. of the leftist Ukrainian currents, Also for them the question is not the highlights Semotiuk's desire to be development of a new community, amenable to our capitalist society. but the maintenance of the old. The central feature of Semotiuk's For the professionals and desire for accommodation within is businessmen the contrary the our Canadian society is visible if we case. This group seeks to develop examine how he wishes to mobilize its control over the established the community. That is, Semotiuk organizations. Also they seek to seeks to mobilize the community to mobilize the community behind maintain its .responsible represen- themselves. Both of these projects tatives, such as KYK. are vital to their success. Control After over thirty years of over organizations legitimizes the 'responsible representation' at all social distance between this elite levels of the Canadian government, and the rest of the Ukrainian com- can the Ukrainian community sur- munity, and the mobilization ot the vive another thirty years? Further-

community around vital and visible more, if the community is to be ends enables the new elite to play mobilized, who will benefit more, the role, of power brokers. This is the community or another self vital for the elite's advancement seeking elite? The problem that you within our Canadian society. address, Andriy, is only that one However the new elite is opposed facing the new elite in its climb to by the old, thus there arises a social power! political crisis, the visible aspect of Yours Truly J. St,rybunetz Peace River



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Page 12: STUDENT, June, 1978