Net work Review Winter 2012 43 b o o

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science-philosophy framework answers in the negative, The book ends with a forecast of a i

based as it is on the assumptions of great shift in consciousness. However, e of science physicalism, reductionism and scientific materialism will not easily objectivism. These have proved give up its ideological stranglehold, w A New Model of Mind extremely powerful in the development and many will continue to insist that David Lorimer of neuroscience, but they become a modern neuroscience will sooner or s stumbling block if we try to constrain the later completely explain the nature of BRAIN WARS whole range of human capacity within mind and consciousness. It seems to this framework. The placebo/nocebo me crucial that books like this should Mario Beauregard effect, the subject of the first chapter, is be read by psychology and Harper, 2012, 250 pp., $26.99 h/b – radically at odds with the deterministic neuroscience undergraduates because ISBN 978-0-06-207156-9 tendency within science in general and most if not all of their teachers will not neuroscience in particular. It establishes be familiar with the kind of evidence Mario downward causation from the conscious discussed in this book, and if they were Beauregard mind, which one finds reflected in other would feel professionally threatened. quotes the areas discussed such as neurofeedback Conveying the scientifically based Danish and neuroplasticity. It turns out that the message of this book corresponds to philosopher power of belief is extraordinarily the mission of the Network as Soren significant and that we can exercise envisaged by its founders: that science Kierkegaard as conscious control over the development must be distinguished from scientific saying: ‘there of brain structures. As the Dalai Lama materialism and that there is a genuine are two ways to states: ‘in a real sense the brain we spiritual dimension to human be fooled. One develop reflects the life we lead. ’ If we existence. As Rupert Sheldrake has is to believe change the mind, we can corres- indicated, liberation from materialist what isn ’t true; pondingly change the brain and body. dogma would free up the spirit of the other is to Hypnosis is another important area enquiry and open all kinds of refuse to for consideration. It used to be used, and interesting questions for research. believe what is true. ’ A modern still is on some occasions, as an In addition, Mario ’s model corresponds statistical equivalent of this insight anaesthetic. The power of suggestion is to the renewal of values based on the distinguishes between a Type I error deep interconnectedness of mind and when we mistakenly conclude that illustrated by the case where a man visualised himself as a pregnant woman. nature. This transcends the exploitative there is an effect when there really is mentality of economics as well as the none, while Type II mistakenly When he arrived at the hospital three months later, he had an expanded mechanistic framework of science. concludes that there is no effect when All this makes it very important that there really is one. This highly abdomen, one enlarged breast and was suffering from morning sickness. Another these ideas should be widely significant book discusses a whole disseminated and discussed - this range of neuroscientific and study showed that subjects reported a lowering of self-assessed pain while book is a highly significant contribution consciousness studies and and starting point. demonstrates for anyone with an open reduced brain activity was found in areas mind that we do indeed need a new of the pain network. I think Mario is right model of consciousness that takes in in hypothesising that hypnosis can help Paradigm Wars the whole range of human experience lower the normal barriers that prevent us David Lorimer rather than trying to squeeze from using the extraordinary intelligence anomalous and transcendent within. In this respect, he echoes the SCIENCE AND PSYCHIC phenomena into a materialistic conclusions of Thomas Jay Hudson from understanding. As Mario points out, over 100 years ago. PHENOMENA much of what he discusses is The last few chapters address Chris Carter anomalous only in terms of what he consciousness at the margins: psi, near death and mystical experiences, with Inner Traditions, 2012, 303 pp., calls the false assumptions of scientific £15.99, p/b – ISBN 978-159477451-5 materialism. Here we are dealing with which many readers will already be similar issues to those discussed in my familiar. These are discussed This book is reviews of Eben Alexander and Chris theoretically and illustrated with case somewhat Carter below, namely the way in which histories to give the reader a feel for the optimistically philosophical assumptions and peer phenomena. Mario remains connected to subtitled ‘the fall pressure join forces to delay real neuroscience throughout these of the house of progress in expanding the scope of a discussions, but it becomes clear that skeptics ’, and science of consciousness. the existing theories need to be the experienced The particular strength of this book, expanded. Just this afternoon, a reader wonders which is summarised in the articles colleague pointed me to a debunking if this is a section by the author, is that it article by Oliver Sacks, who mistakenly forecast rather encompasses the whole range of supposes that scientific investigations than a statement issues and shows how these are must of necessity be naturalistic. This of the current connected and why we need a new equation was established by TH Huxley situation. The foreword by Rupert model of mind. The key question is and others, but was disputed by the likes Sheldrake provides a brilliant summary whether there is a difference between of Alfred Russel Wallace. Throughout, it and commentary on the book. As our brains and our minds or looks as if we are talking about readers will be aware, Rupert is at the consciousness. The materialist correlations rather than causes. forefront of the paradigm war (Mark 44 Net work Review Winter 2012

What do YOU believe? s Woodhouse ’s expression) between plausible one considers the evidence. so-called sceptics and believers. (See ) We invariably interpret evidence Martin Lockley

w Sir Leslie Stephen, founding editor of according to our preconceptions, and the Dictionary of National Biography can dress up resistance to new ideas e THE PARANORMAL: and father of Virginia Woolf, wrote an with sophisticated language like i WHO BELIEVES, WHY essay on the scepticism of believers antecedent improbability. Something is v in the 1860s. Updated, his point would only antecedently improbable in terms THEY BELIEVE AND WHY be that sceptics are as much believers

e of a particular framework, even if the IT MATTERS as those whom they call believers: a phrase sounds impressively objective. r Erich Goode nonbeliever is also a believer. As The review of the evidence is extensive, Rupert points out, the passions Prometheus Books, 2012, 335p., US$ and much of this will be familiar to 15.95, p/b - ISBN 978-1-61614-3 k aroused by the argument over the those in the field. The person who existence of psychic phenomena are

o knows little might be impressed with In Paranormal , Erich ‘quite out of proportion to the the statement that the National Goode (Stony Brook,

o phenomena under dispute. ’ As he also Research Council report states that the University, New York) explains in his recent book, the committee found no scientific promises that, as a b underlying reason is that the nature sociologist, he has no of science and deeply held worldviews justification from research conducted over a period of 130 years for the interest in promulgating and belief systems are called into or debunking any question. It is argued that the existence of parapsychological phenomena. It is not mentioned that particular belief, even paranormal contradicts the established though he wants to investigate principles of science, when it is in fact the chairman of this committee asked Robert Rosenthal to withdraw the part assertions that are “intellectually and only the established principles of sociologically problematic. ” He of his report favourable to scientific materialism that are maintains his neutral stance well, and contradicted; in other words not so , or that two of the main offers some interesting statistics and much science as philosophy. In characters, Ray Hyman and James reasons why you, and others, might addition, the psychological structure Alcock were members of CSICOP, now believe what you do. Moreover he of orthodoxy and heresy is reproduced renamed the Committee for Scientific contends that “people who hold in science. Investigation. paranormal beliefs are as The real issue is less about Carter quotes a statistical report by psychologically normal as people who evidence than its interpretation in the Jessica Utts observing that as robust a don ’t. ” However, one necessary light of differing presuppositions or psychological effect would not be prerequisite is to define paranormal, in philosophical assumptions. Rupert questioned in other areas of science relation to what is generally defined as himself began by thinking that properly and that it is unlikely that the normal. [Presumably a similar controlled studies would prove consistency of results could be distinction defines natural v. convincing, but he found that some explained by methodological flaws. In ]. Goode defines sceptics still dismiss the evidence out spite of this, Hyman insists that paranormal as a socially constructed , of hand and assume that it must be parapsychology is incompatible with phenomenon created by social actors flawed or defective. If they do actually relativity and quantum theory. In this (e.g., scientists, usually blessed by look at the evidence, it is with a view to connection, Carter quotes a 1946 letter institutions of higher learning) who finding as many flaws as possible; and from Einstein saying that, from a ‘label ’ paranormal as what “most even if they do not find any, they brush physical standpoint, we have no right scientists believe violate one or more it aside on the basis that such to deny a priori the possibility of laws of nature ” (his italics). In most phenomena are a priori impossible. In cases paranormalism is not, he says, telepathy and that we should not walk addition, as Carter shows in the case of . Thus, Goode does not a US report, they sometimes try to through the world wearing blinders. endorse the opinions of scientific actors prevent the evidence from being It is clear that the incompatibility as necessarily correct. In fact he notes discussed in public or excise the between established science and that the scientific consensus that solid relevant parts. Just this morning, I was parapsychology stems not from objects consist of whizzing particles in reading an article about William James relativity and quantum theory, but empty space or that the earth spins at that is relevant to this discussion. He rather from the mechanistic ~1000 mph while zooming at ~67,000 was one of the academics studying Mrs assumptions of classical science. mph around the sun is quite difficult Piper in the early days. While many of A new of science to believe! Thus, what a society his distinguished colleagues were including non-locality, emergent believes depends on the prevailing or persuaded by the spiritualist properties and the causal role of “hegemonic ” opinion. His thesis is that hypothesis, James remained on the consciousness can readily the paranormal is “a social product fence, probably because he was accommodate parapsychology. As much like political ideology, voting worried about his reputation among Carter insists, true scepticism involves behavior and religious belief and his colleagues. The politics of the suspension of belief rather than behavior. ” [Don ’t many regard certain knowledge and the sociology of science disbelief and that much scepticism is political ideologies and cultural belief mean that one can open oneself to in fact counteradvocacy. He has systems as verging on the paranormal]! scorn and ridicule if one espouses an provided an excellent summary of the What do you believe, or believe in? unorthodox viewpoint. debate, which should be on the reading , witches, ESP, psychics, The book is divided into three parts: list of undergraduate psychology and , healing crystals, pyramid the first explains the nature of the philosophy of science. However, as I power, levitation, foretelling the future, past lives, ghosts, communing with the controversy in historical terms, then said at the beginning, the resistance is there is discussion of the experimental dead, the spiritual significance of so widespread that this kind of pseudo- coincidence, numerology, aliens, UFOs, evidence for psi and a section asking if scepticism is likely to continue. As the it would contradict established science. stigmata, Bigfoot, the Bermuda triangle, founders of the Network pointed out 40 creation of the world in 4004 BC? Do There follows a section on years ago, undergraduates are imbued parapsychology as a science. However, you endorse creationists influence with materialism along with their the most important aspect, as already educational or legislative policy? If not, mentioned, is the psychology involved. science, and little attempt is made to should Native American creation myths New phenomena can cause cognitive disentangle the two. influence the policy of the US National dissonance with one ’s established Museum, as they have? Are you views, which will determine how emotionally stirred by any of these Net work Review Winter 2012 45 b issues? Goode contends that designed to keep out sloppy and does not arouse undue or judgmental “paranormal beliefs are not an questionable practitioners. They are, he sociological skepticism. On the contrary o

esoteric, marginal sphere of human concludes, far more scientific than Goode appears to accept the human o existence; they are absolutely central to practitioners in other fields of propensity to believe in paranormal social life. ” He also asks if America is a paranormal research (and many possibilities as quite a “normal ” k “religious outlier ” with 65% of the scientific fields). He cites those like manifestation of our multicultural, socio-spiritual belief systems. What do

populace regarding religion as very Charles Tart and Harvey Irwin who r important compared with about 25% in essentially consider that paranormal you believe? Or should I ask what do Japan and many European countries? and PSI phenomena merely appear to you “normally ” believe? e Here he opines “yes, ” and regards this be “outside ” natural law, but soon Martin Lockley v religious or spiritual tendency as one likely to be shown to have naturalistic is an Emeritus Professor of Palaeontology and i that inclines to paranormal beliefs. explanations. He also mentions the e Evolution at the University of Colorado Do you have an “approach ” to so practical applications of PSI, which How Humanity Denver and author of w called paranormal issues? Do you have attracted attention, and Came into Being believe the basic facts of science are significant funding, from the CIA . correct, but incomplete, and that and other government establishment s scientists may fail to draw the right agencies and corporations. Personal conclusions from evidence of subtle accounts, such as Robert McConnell ’s medicine-health energies and so forth? If so, Goode Joyride to Infinity dealing with how would put you in the “affirmation / he became a parapsychologist, An Ingenuity Gap subsumation ” category. (As opposed to offer interesting insights based on other affirmation categories, such as experience and lifelong quests in David Lorimer a/violation or a/dimensionalism –the the field. latter affirming a spiritual realm where In Part 3 on the subject of religion THE FUTURE PUBLIC different reality principles operate). and paranormalism we learn that a HEALTH There are also the negative categories Time magazine survey found ~80% (disbelief/disregard, disbelief/debunk) of respondents believe in heaven. Is Phil Hanlon, Sandra Carlisle, popular with dyed-in-the-wool scientism this because “paranormal thinking Margaret Hannah, aficionados. Goode taught a course on shares the spiritual foundation of Andrew Lyon the Paranormal and invited his all religions ”? Does this explain students to contribute their interesting paranormalism ’s popularity in the McGraw Hill, 2012, 181 pp., £24.99, p/b – ISBN 978-033524355-6 perspectives, some included as media? Why is the underdog chapter appendices: they run the investigator of the paranormal so often In her foreword gamut from scientistic skepticism to the hero, fighting scientific skeptics to this powerful paranormal experiences “all with stubborn anti-paranormal innovative and too real ” to dismiss easily. prejudices and dirty secrets? The stimulating The book has three parts. The first, skeptic exposing charlatans is never book, Sarah the introduction, deals with Paranormal the hero! Why are paranormal beliefs Stewart Brown, and Scientific thinking and the so widespread and why isn ’t the professor of sociologist ’s distinction between emic dominant scientific interpretation of public health (insider) and etic (outsider) viewpoints. reality also the most popular view? at Warwick The second section takes four topics as Goode admits that it is rather Medical case studies (Astrology and Psychic “peculiar ” that until now sociologists School, predictions, Creationism, have largely avoided these questions. observes that Parapsychology and UFOs), and the [I find it interesting that most religious the authors third deals with institutional creeds are considered paranormal by are surely right connections: i.e. paranormalism in sociological definitions, and so not in their basic assumption that things religion, the media, politics and social treated as separate spheres: so the cannot go on as they are either in movements. All in all quite a Bermuda Triangle and Seventh Day public health or in society at large: first, comprehensive approach. In part 1, Adventism could be sociologically as we are failing to make significant Goode tackles problems of science equivalent]! He concludes by hinting progress on key public health issues, including teleology, the differences that science misses something when and secondly because our societies are between experimental and historical regarding paranormal thinking as going to need some fundamental disciplines, and the fact that social delusional and curable by a “stiff dose restructuring in order to tackle sciences cannot merely study the of pedagogy. The fact is that some of sustainability and long-term economic natural order ‘objectively ’ but almost us are attuned to the spiritual challenges. The book is divided into always deal with moral, political and dimension, while some … remain three parts: public health past and ideological issues. In part 2 Goode spiritually unmusical. ” present, modern public health challenges and a framework for future highlights strong distinctions among his SMN members may be disappointed public health policy. The authors share chosen topics. On the subject of to know that wild tabloid fantasies a passion for new thinking and have creationism, he stresses familiar issues about dinosaurs on Mars are less been involved in academic public regarding different national attitudes popular than a generation ago. But health, various consultations, the towards evolution and creationism. The while people are perhaps growing less International Futures Forum and NHS USA is nearly 60% pro creationism, credulous about the overtly ridiculous, Scotland, so they draw on a wide range ranking “nearly dead last in the they can still enjoy alternatively of experience. likelihood of accepting evolution as ridiculous movies like Men in Black , It becomes clear right from the true and nearly first in believing in the where paranormal is normal, and fun. beginning that each era of public creation. ” (Only Turkey ranked higher More importantly, perhaps, it is health faces its own challenges, which on creationism). In comparison, in encouraging to know that sociologists are generated by the nature of Japan and most European countries like Goode have their spiritual ears contemporary social and economic only 20-25 % are pro-creationism. On tuned to paranormal signals and what development. In our time, these include the subject of Parapsychology Goode they say about the human sociological overconsumption, drug and alcohol regards researchers in this field as condition. Our psychological abuse, addiction, rising rates of mental representative of a “completely inclinations to take such spiritual music distress and corresponding static or professional … scientific community ” seriously is evidently a healthy sign of diminishing levels of well-being, along displaying unusually rigorous methods, human curiosity. Thus, the paranormal with increased health inequality. Other 46 Net work Review Winter 2012

s wider factors such as climate change, structures. They develop this further in and accessible language, without being population growth and peak oil will also the last part of the book. They have an overly mysterious, he clearly recognises

w have a significant impact in the future. original take on obesity by describing that psychology needs a spiritual Our inner world is equally important humans as obesogenic organisms who dimension to make sense. e since it dictates our self-identity and for the first time find themselves in an For page after page, as I read this i values. Science sees us as complex obesogenic environment - one where book, I just kept saying inwardly to v biological machines that have they are encouraged to eat more (of the myself, “Yes … Yes! ” over and over. Like developed as a product of chance and wrong things) and exercise less. This a wise physician, Taylor diagnoses and e time. It operates predominantly within situation is reinforced by sophisticated names a malady, elucidates causative r an ideology of scientism. We are also marketing on the part of food and contributory factors, then makes individuals subject to biological and companies. It is also useful to reflect sensible recommendations for its economic competition. Nature is k that the problems of the minority in remedy. Importantly, his book is about predominantly understood in terms of drug or alcohol use are in fact a disease that affects every person o mechanistic terms and as an economic the tip of the iceberg and reflect wider past the innocence and wonder of resource to be exploited. Our values are social norms as well as the nature of

o childhood. He calls the psychological broadly those of economism, market economies and consumer disorder, which besets most of us b materialism, individualism and cultures. Going forward, population infected by western culture, ‘Humania ’ consumerism - our economic identity is ageing will be a major challenge (hu-mania), and ascribes to it two main given primacy over social and spiritual especially if increased longevity elements: ‘ego-separation ’ and identity. In this context, the task of corresponds to an extended period of ‘cognitive discord ’. public health is to create and sustain chronic morbidity, with all its associated Ego-separateness results from a the conditions for health and well- costs. Overall, the authors conclude that strong sense of individuality that being and promote a change of ‘some of our most intractable health, enforces duality between the world and worldviews towards positive and social and global problems are the us. It creates a feeling of aloneness and transformational change. product of modernity. ’ disconnection, and of somehow being The historical development of public The final part proposes a radical new incomplete. In contrast with traditional health is a fascinating topic in itself. perspective on public health, arguing indigenous peoples, who perceive the The authors identify four overlapping that five key features are required - that world as a benevolent place, to us it waves since 1830, each of which the model should be integrative, seems indifferent, or even vaguely brought its own improvements in ecological, ethical, creative and sanitation, rational scientific approach, malevolent. As a result, we have an beautiful. This brings them back to exaggerated fear of death, and our technology, the development of the Plato, with his focus on the good, the welfare state and social security, thoughts chatter away constantly to true, and the beautiful corresponding to distract us. interventions to prolong life, and morality, science and philosophy, and identification of risk factors and Taylor describes ‘thought-chatter ’ as art. They suggest that current thinking is a perpetual stream of thought whizzing lifestyle. Each of these waves has its insufficient, and needs to be own concepts and determinants of around our heads, taking us away from supplemented not only by ethics and the moment, often leaving us feeling health, as well as models of public aesthetics, but also by new trends within health and health care within a unsettled and uneasy. He associates it the disciplines, for instance systems with the second main element of particular demography. They document thinking and holism. There are successes in each wave, for instance humania, ‘cognitive discord ’, with interesting proposals for reducing the wandering minds that are pervaded by the decline in smoking prevalence in ecological footprint of the NHS and for the fourth wave, even if this took the non-present, consequently unhappy creating more beautiful healing and unfulfilled. This leads to what he several decades to achieve. They then environments. The authors conclude by calls ‘elsewhereness ’ and the madness describe the situation of public health arguing that our situation today is a race of constant wanting. As he describes it, today and the overlapping domains of between empathy and entropy. We are these in turn lead to the collective health improvement, health protection capable of transformational change, but madness of warfare, colonialism, and improving services. A particular often not until things become too challenge of our time is hospital uncomfortable to continue. Although the inequality, social oppression and the acquired infections and the emergence book is written with health professionals folly of environmental destruction. How of highly resistant strains of bacteria - in mind - and one hopes that it will be wonderful if these could all be put just today I was reading about a beagle widely read - it will be of interest to any right! who has an 80% success rate in reader concerned with understanding Many people experience moments identifying hospital patients with the history of and prospects for public of lightness and ease in their lives, C difficile . They see this problem as health in the 21st-century. when mental discord fades away. In the ‘an emergent property of the complex book ’s second half, Steve Taylor system of factory style hospital care ’, A Message of Wisdom encourages the search for this ‘inner commenting that it will be difficult and Hope harmony ’. The most direct and effective way of healing humania – temporarily, to find a solution to this within the Larry Culliford current mindset. at least – is through the regular Moving on to more detailed practice of . Through the treatment of modern public health BACK TO SANITY: brain ’s continuing capacity for challenges, the authors look at the HEALING THE MADNESS development – so-called ‘neuro- enduring problem of health OF OUR MINDS plasticity ’ – what begins as temporary, inequalities, the fallout of modern he tells us, can be made permanent. “It culture, the challenges of obesity Steve Taylor (SMN) is possible for us to create a new kind (‘overwhelmed and overweight ’), , London, 2012, 280pp., of psyche, he says, and goes on to addiction, population growth and £10.99 p/b – ISBN 978-1-84850-547-6 describe eight stages in this process. ageing, and finally the challenge of His recommendations do not exactly sustainability within a public health Steve Taylor deserves an award, some amount to the Noble Eightfold Path of context. Here they introduce Ken kind of medal, perhaps a knighthood. He , but there are similarities, Wilber ’s integral theory with his four is of a new and welcome breed of with emphasis not only on meditation, quadrants applied to public health - psychologist: one who really cares about but also on service to others. He extols individual/collective and people, who wants to understand them the virtues of living slowly and simply. objective/exterior - showing the in a way that acknowledges how tough The final chapter, ‘A New Self and a interface between the inner world, life can be, and who wants to help. New World ’, concentrates on the culture, physical body and outer social Brilliant! Writing in forthright, engaging benefits of working successfully Net work Review Winter 2012 47 b towards healing ego-separateness and philosophy-religion sense, and that the prevailing doctrine cognitive discord, and therefore of is an assumption governing the o overcoming humania. New Paradigm Attack! scientific project rather than a well- o becomes available, and a sense of confirmed scientific hypothesis. Thus, liberation supervenes, freedom from David Lawton the materialist neo-Darwinian paradigm k the constant anxiety and self-doubt is almost certainly false.

that so many continue to live with. The MIND AND COSMOS: We need a new metaphysics and r pressure, to seek new pleasurable new science - a new way of seeing, WHY THE MATERIALIST e experiences and avoid unpleasant NEO-DARWINIAN understanding, thinking and knowing ones, to constantly do things rather about ourselves and the world – mind v than simply be, is off. Joy is CONCEPTION OF and cosmos. The new paradigm must, i

experienced without the need for any NATURE IS ALMOST according to Nagel, be anti-reductionist e particular external source. There is CERTAINLY FALSE and non-accidental in respect of life, simply the happiness that is part of the Thomas Nagel consciousness, cognition and value, w essence of being human. and it must describe ‘a single natural As Taylor puts it, “We no longer need Oxford, 2012, 144 pp., £15.99, h/b – order that unifies everything ’ (p. 7). s to bolster the fragile ego with ISBN 978-0-19-991975-8 Much of the book is devoted to thinking psychological attachments like about the nature of such alternative This book makes no mention of altered possessions. We don ’t need to believe conceptions. states of consciousness, healing, psi, in anything, to hope for anything, to Nagel rejects dualism because it OBEs, NDEs, survival or mysticism – possess anything, or to uphold an does not meet the criterion of it has nothing to say about the image of ourselves as good-looking, unification, and for the same reason, extraordinary or the paranormal, successful, knowledgeable or though he endorses their scepticism except, in one instance, to deny the powerful ”. We come to feel, he says, existence of ghosts (p. 41). Nagel ’s about the orthodox reductive view on self-sufficient and complete; and for book is about the normal and the the origin and evolution of life, cannot this reason, we no longer need hold to ordinary – life, evolution, embrace the theism/neo-theism of a a group identity. We no longer need to consciousness, cognition and value. transcendent (intervening) entity join partisan social, political, religious It is short in length but not short on proposed by the defenders of or other groups, or to follow fashions. substance. This book is dense – and intelligent design. Overcoming a sense of separateness a challenge to review. A new paradigm that is anti- also transforms our relationships, Nagel argues that ‘a theory of reductionist, non-accidental and opening us up to other people, bringing everything has to explain the unifying must, given the historical us into closer empathic connection and emergence from a lifeless universe of nature of evolution and cosmology, communication with them so that, from reproducing organisms, the account not only for the nature but also natural compassion, we find we have a consciousness of some of those the origin of life, consciousness, genuine and effective desire to help, organisms and the development of cognition and value. Nagel devotes a rather than to manipulate them for our consciousness into an instrument of chapter each to the latter three. own ends. transcendence that can grasp objective The explanation of the nature and The final, perhaps most important reality and objective value ’ (p.85). He origin of consciousness could be either observation in this book reports that argues that the materialist neo- emergent or reductive. Nagel argues the end-point of humania is global Darwinian paradigm is not that theory. that both fail, even when the reduction chaos and destruction; yet, “If a large His argument against it is twofold. is neutral monist and not materialist. enough number of people could First, he argues from the failure of Emergence fails because, unlike the transcend humania, the world would be psychophysical reductionism. For emergent liquidity of water, there is no a vastly different place. ” That means, example, what it ’s like to be a bat systematic relationship between the to save the day, enough people must cannot be reduced to what a bat is like: microelements and the macro state. experience inner harmony and healing. behaviourally, neurologically nor in any Such emergence for consciousness According to Taylor, there are already other way . (Some) organisms are would be ‘magical ’ and unexplained, signs that this is beginning to happen. ‘irreducibly subjective centres of as would be origin of such an Increasing numbers are discovering consciousness ’ (p. 42). What it ’s like emergence. A neutral that life can cease to be painful and to be a bat is grounded in being a bat, monist/panpsychist reductionism dissatisfying, becoming a glorious and to be a bat is to be an organism, so would also fail for the same reason adventure, full of joy and wonder. After biology cannot be a wholly physical as materialist reductionism, there years of being asleep, he says, we science. To be an organism is to be would be no explanation of the part- wake up. After years of escaping from part of the world and hence the world whole relationship as there is in the present, the world and our own cannot be wholly physical. Thus, the spatio-temporal physics and chemistry selves, we can now learn to rest materialist neo-Darwinian paradigm is and the origin of the combinatorial comfortably within them. His call to (almost) certainly false. powers of the panpsychist self-development and maturity is also a Second, he argues from the microelements would also remain message of hope. implausibility of the orthodox unexplained. However, Nagel does ‘Back to Sanity ’, following his earlier materialist account of the origin and favour a neutral monist view over the ‘Waking from Sleep ’, and ‘Out of the evolution of life (that on which emergent one and invokes a natural Darkness ’ (both reviewed favourably in consciousness is grounded). He asks teleology with teleological laws to the Network Journal), continues Steve about the likelihood that self- overcome its problems. Taylor ’s admirable series of books reproducing life forms should have In the chapter on cognition, Nagel nudging us – individually and come into existence spontaneously focuses on the human ‘capacity to collectively – towards wisdom and solely through the operation of the laws transcend subjectivity and to discover enlightenment. We should all hope that of physics and chemistry and that, as a what is objectively the case ’ (p. 72). sales are massive, and that huge result of physical accident, a sequence Reason cannot be explained as a mere numbers of people take their contents of viable genetic mutations should extension or complication of to heart. have occurred that was sufficient to consciousness and ‘any evolutionary permit natural selection to produce the account [materialist or non-materialist, Larry Culliford Love, is the author of ‘ organisms that actually exist. Nagel reductionist or anti-reductionist] of the Healing & Happiness ’ (O Books, 2007) contends that the available scientific place of reason presupposes reason The Psychology of : an and ‘ evidence does not require us to and cannot confirm it without introduction ’ (JKP, 2011). subordinate the incredulity of common circularity … thought moves us beyond 48 Net work Review Winter 2012

s appearance to something we cannot paranormal and extraordinary. It was the Spirit within us. It is one thing to regard merely as a biologically based great to meet you in person. recognise, but quite another to realise

w disposition ’. Again emergent and and manifest this Spirit. It is also David Lawton reductive explanations of the nature is an independent interesting to find that Thomas Jay e and origin of cognition fail. The part- philosopher, with research interests in Hudson in his Law of Psychic i whole problem is especially metaphysics, the paranormal, survival Phenomena did not fully understand v problematic for a reductive model as and spirituality. the hermetic teaching of the duality of rationality ‘seems necessarily a feature mind, which he himself expressed in e of the whole conscious subject ’. Nagel the distinction between the objective r plumps for radical (panpsychist?) Cosmic Harmony conscious and the subjective emergence backed up, once again, by David Lorimer subconscious mind. The writing is

k a teleological account of its origin. pretty dense, but repays close study. The final chapter is on value. Nagel THE WHOLE ELEPHANT Moving on now to the first book, this o is a moral (and aesthetic) realist. is a study that will appeal widely to Moral realism is not compatible with a REVEALED

o readers of this Review as we all have Darwinian account of values, therefore, Marja de Vries an interest in science, consciousness b for Nagel, the Darwinian account is and spirituality. We are equally aware false. There are moral truths as there Axis Mundi Books, 2012, 403 pp., that science as currently constituted are physical, psychological or £18.99, p/b – ISBN 978-1-78009- 042-2 has a limited scope and a reductionist arithmetical truths. Nagel again epistemology that illuminates some invokes an immanent teleology to THE KYBALION aspects of reality but obscures others. support his moral realism. Nagel ’s The Three Initiates It has long been a claim of esoteric moral realism is emphatically not a philosophy that it provides a metaphysical theory (a la Plato). I Filiquarian Publishing, 2006, 135 pp., compatible underlying framework agree with Nagel ’s moral/aesthetic h/b (available on Amazon) – ISBN 1- 59986-825-3 within which modern science can be realism but not with its being purged of harmonised, and this book is no any higher metaphysical/spiritual The title of the exception. It invites readers to give context. first book refers equal weight to intuitive knowing and This disagreement highlights my to the famous feelings alongside the analytical major problem with Nagel ’s thinking: Hindu story where rational mind. It cites as Nagel ’s mind seems hermetically each blind person an example of a person who united sealed within what J.H.M. Whiteman reports a different these two minds within himself and called ‘one-level naturalism ’ – whatever aspect of the produced some very remarkable work, the ultimate nature of that level might elephant and much of which is still ahead of its time. be. Nagel seems pathologically afraid assumes it A fundamental proposition is that of any kind of dualism – he is as afraid represents the the universe is multi-dimensional, of any hint of a ghost in the machine as hence physical reality is one level he is of ghosts per se. Nagel is a one- whole animal. The subtitle is more rather than the whole of reality. world humanist and seems to be Universal Consciousness is in fact an wilfully ignorant of the paranormal and explicit by referring to insights into the existence and operation of universal organising principle of the various the extraordinary, and yet, in his own levels of reality in a similar way to the words, vis-à-vis the inclusion of laws and the golden ratio. It is a remarkable analysis bringing together Greek term Kosmos. If universal laws irreducible life and consciousness specify the operational and energetic within a new theory, ‘the more a theory science and the sacred in a very procedures, then sacred geometry has to explain, the more powerful it has detailed fashion. I came across the represents the feminine, the form to be ’ (p. 89). second book by reading the first and taken by the operation of these laws. This book makes me wish that finding it not only frequently quoted, Indeed, the relationship between Nagel were a philosopher of genius, but that it provided the chapter but, self-confessedly, he lacks the kind framework for Marja de Vries. Like universal laws and sacred geometry is of intelligence and powers of other editions from the same publisher, one of the most interesting aspects of imagination to produce anything that very little information is given about the this book. The principles of sacred might displace the materialist neo- book and its origins in hermetic geometry underlie the dynamic Darwinian paradigm. He proposes philosophy. The main structure explains architecture of the universe that is also radical emergence as an explanation of the seven hermetic principles, namely reflected in Sacred Art, especially in the mind but he is incapable of being the principles of mentalism, law of harmonic division implying that radical enough in his own thinking, correspondence, vibration, polarity, the universe is a harmonic whole of though he acknowledges that ‘we rhythm, cause and effect, and gender. ratios and specifically that the golden should expect theoretical progress in The reader becomes acquainted ratio specifies the relationship between this area to require a major conceptual with the traditional meaning of the Whole and the part. The work of revolution at least as radical as substantial reality as underlying Lawrence LeShan about perspectives relativity theory ’ (p. 42 – my italics). outward appearances and in science (and also reviewed in this His invocation of an immanent manifestations, which are in a constant issue) is consistent with the book ’s teleology, which he characterises at state of flux. Everything exists within thesis that the differing perspectives of one point, a la Schelling, as ‘the the All, which has to be infinite, science and mysticism are due to lengthy process of the universe absolute, eternal and unchangeable by different ways of perceiving reality. gradually waking up and becoming definition. This is Infinite Living Mind or Each of the main chapters has a aware of itself ’ seems intuitively OK but Spirit in which we live, move and have brilliant propositional summary at the ultimately ad hoc. Nevertheless, anti- our being. The essential teaching is beginning, which is then unfolded in reductionist, non-materialist that All is in THE ALL, but it is equally the course of the narrative. In addition, philosophers such as Thomas Nagel true that THE ALL is in All. The Many the reader gradually builds up a more and Raymond Tallis are our unknowing are in the One and the One is coherent understanding of the allies and their powerful critiques of the (immanent) in the Many. This is a relationship between these current orthodoxy in the metaphysics statement well worth pondering, fundamental principles, beginning with and science of the normal and ordinary especially as there are different stages the Law of Oneness. In this way, the are, I believe, of invaluable assistance of understanding: first recognition, as author goes through the seven laws in the development of a new paradigm Thomas Troward pointed out, then already referred to above, explaining that will, one day, include the realisation, and finally manifestation of how they are expressed in philosophy Net work Review Winter 2012 49 b and also in science. For instance, the individual. Even the way that the heart communities that have an explicit or Law of Oneness includes the pumps blood is underpinned by a implicit basis in ancient Greek ideas. o

proposition that everything is special relationship between flow and The ‘morning session ’ introduces us o interconnected, which will also sees in form. The book ends with a plea for the to the Stoics – Epictetus, Musonius quantum entanglement ( Dean integration of the intelligence of the Rufus and Seneca, for whom the k Radin) and in the philosophy of David heart - representing the soul - with the solution to life ’s ills was to understand analytical capacity of the mind. At this and control the process of thinking

Bohm, with his implicate and explicate r orders. Fractals and holographic point, one might have expected a itself. Stories of individuals who live by images represent an example of conclusion bringing the key ideas Stoic values are introduced, including a e correspondence, while the chapter on together, but the author adds only a soldier, a paralympian, a firefighter and v vibration brings in morphic resonance short epilogue and a note that she is in a policeman. Cognitive behavioural the process of writing a further volume therapy (CBT), we learn, has i and the work of Hans Jenny and Valerie e Hunt. There is also a chapter on laws applying the same principles to society. resurrected many Stoic techniques for derived from the Law of Vibration, This leaves the reader somewhat in the the modern distressed soul. w which includes an interesting air - it would have been good to re-cap The ‘lunch session ’ leaves the discussion on the Law of Attraction as the themes and draw the threads austerity of Stoicism for the indulgence s related to the Laws of Attention, together. However, as a whole, the book of Epicurureanism. Epicurus was the Intention, Surrender and the Path of provides a key reference point it was first philosopher of happiness; for him Least Resistance. The highest lovely to see you will appear. for a the goal of life was to maximise vibration, as experienced by mystics, is synthesis science and spirituality pleasure and happiness. Given that the a fusion of Light, Love and Life - and we underpinned by universal laws and ‘pursuit of happiness ’ is in the experience bliss if we are aligned with sacred geometry. American declaration of independence, this energy. one of the founding documents of the Remarkably, the author shows how A Very Contemporary modern world, it is fair to say that Nature also operates via the Golden Take on Ancient Epicurus was on to something that had Ratio along the Path of Least Philosophy enduring appeal. Epicurus ’s ideas are also linked in the book to the Resistance (just like water in the Tao). Oliver Robinson This discussion takes place in the contemporary fascination with how to chapter on the Law of Dynamic Balance cultivate happiness and live in the and builds on polarity and gender also PHILOSOPHY FOR LIFE ‘present moment ’. represented as a pattern of expansion (AND OTHER The ‘early afternoon session ’ is a and contraction. We find this same DANGEROUS reminder that many of the ancient principle in the yin and yang symbols philosophers were also mystics. The and in the relationship between energy SITUATIONS) rational and bookish philosopher of the and form. Specifically, the Golden Jules Evans modern age seems juxtaposed to the Mean Spiral is found to be the natural whimsical and seemingly irrational movement of energy as also expressed Rider, 2012, 304 pp., £8.39, p/b - mystic, but in ancient Greece reason in the Fibonacci sequence expressed in ISBN-10: 1-846-043-20-4 and mysticism were two sides of a growth. It turns out that self-similarity is larger whole. For example, Pythagorus the most common growth form in Jules Evans is a renaissance man – founded a religious movement, lived a Nature, which will also finds in ferns – journalist, academic researcher, monastic lifestyle, chanted daily D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson was blogger, and popular philosopher. His incantations and used music as a form aware of this connection 100 years new book, Philosophy for Life (and of spiritual inspiration, while being a leading mathematician. Heraclitus ago. The merging of opposing Golden Other Dangerous Situations) , weaves believed the whole cosmos is Mean Spirals representing the creative together ancient philosophy with conscious, and Evans flips the and destructive forces leads to new life; personal stories, modern political narrative at this point to discuss sometimes these are in different controversies and psychological research to convey how the contemporary arguments surrounding proportions such as 8 to 13 in a philosophies of ancient Athens are still the problem of consciousness. The pinecone. It also represents the influencing everyday life, communities, author covers this famously difficult relationship between the finite and therapies and self-help movements in territory with enviably simple prose. infinite, and perhaps the transition modern society. He also, later in the book, describes a between different levels of existence The book is structured as a day-long near death experience that he as found in the tunnel during the NDE. philosophy class. Following a brief personally experienced We are also working on achieving introduction to Socrates as the following a terrible ski dynamic balance or an integration of father of Western accident, during which he opposites within ourselves, and indeed philosophy, describes reports a feeling of within our culture, which has become the themes being ‘sure that is something seriously unbalanced. in the book in us that can never die, The final chapter is devoted to that link something that is pure examples of the Law of Dynamic ancient awareness and love ’, which Balance within Western science, with philosophy hints towards his own the work of pioneers like Victor with interest in the mystical . Schauberger on vortices and Ilya contemporary This mystical illumination Prigogine on self-organised criticality in concerns are was described as dissipative structures. This leads to outlined: (1) the influential to the consideration of the relationship debt that author ’s worldview, and between force and structure as one modern therapy illustrates how the begins to realise that neither can be traditions owe to spiritual and the fully understood without taking the ancient philosophical are other into account in the light of the philosophy, (2) the mutually supportive . Principle of Least Action: ‘every form ever-growing The Sceptics generating vibrational frequency interest in come next in the appears to be a harmonic vibration ’ wellbeing and book – they were an and perhaps even an oscillating rhythm philosophy in the ancient school of between chaos and order, the whole field of politics, and philosophy whose and the part, the universal and the (3) current maxims of 50 Net work Review Winter 2012

Development s doubting everything became integral to Greenwich, author of Christ, the concepts of Kingdom and through Adulthood the questioning of the modern , published by Salvation in Christian experience, - and

w worldview. The contemporary sceptic Palgrave Macmillan, and co-editor of explores their meaning and relevance A New Renaissance movement is described as being rather , published by in the light of the emergence of new e dogmatic relative to its ancient cousin. Floris Books. patterns of thought (and the i Its purported scepticism is in fact a rediscovery of old ones) in v cover for a very committed belief in Vision over the contemporary religious life. It is materialism and science. The belief Boundaries sometimes said that the institutional e that all forms of knowledge including Kevin Tingay churches are generally addressing r science are limited and that certainty is questions that a past generation has a fool ’s paradise is rarely expressed by BLUE SKY GOD – THE asked, and failing to hear those being k those who wear the badge of sceptic asked today. This is not wholly true, but these days. Evans ’ account of a huge EVOLUTION OF SCIENCE is the experience of many. o Sceptics ’ Convention in Las Vegas AND CHRISTIANITY So who might benefit from this o conveys the way that modern Don MacGregor (SMN) book? Many Christians today seem to Scepticism, as professional debunking cope with modernity by keeping their b of all things non-scientific, would not sit Circle Books, 2012. 270 pp. £14.99, faith and spiritual practice in one well with the sceptics of yesteryear. p/b. ISBN 078-1-84694-937-1 compartment and their engagement, such as it is, with science and The ‘late afternoon session’ Don MacGregor introduces his book technology in another. They might discusses the Cynics, an ancient with an account of his own journey philosophy that promoted the which has led him from teaching benefit from this bridge building importance of the simple life and living science in a Midlands secondary endeavour, and feel encouraged to in accordance with nature, and was school to serving as a parish priest in raise these issues within church famously encapsulated by Diogenes, the Church in Wales, from an agnostic communities. Those outside the who lived in a barrel. The Occupy position, through a traditional Christian tradition, especially those movement and other back-to-nature evangelical Christian conversion who might be influenced by popular and back-to-basics movements and experience, and reaching a liberal journalism on Church affairs, might communities in the modern world are standpoint where he seeks to make gain some small encouragement from described as modern expressions of connections between emerging insights the knowledge that there at least some this Cynic impulse. in both science and Christian thought. Christian thinkers and practitioners Plato is then described as the ‘last His template in both fields of (MacGregor is not alone) who are shaman ’, due to his beliefs in an endeavour is an evolutionary one. addressing these topics in an eternal reality that is more real than He adopts four viewpoints from accessibly way. everyday reality, to which a person which to address his overview. Firstly, The Revd Kevin Tingay could ascend through spiritual practice. the emergence of evolving patterns in is a retired Plato ’s dreamy philosophy of eternal scientific theory. Secondly, he Anglican Parish Priest. forms and moral values has been challenges the continuing viability of extraordinarily influential in the West essentially anthropomorphic views of Spirituality and the and modern incarnations of Platonic God. Thirdly, he responds to the new philosophy are easy to find, including Limbic System range of questions that he discerns in Oliver Robinson the School of Economic Science , which the concerns of younger people. was explicitly founded on Platonic Fourthly, he has an interest in healing philosophy allied to Vedantic mysticism. and the growth of interest in new SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION: Platonic communities are prone to therapeutic endeavours. In his A SCIENTIFIC DEFENSE rigidity in Evans ’ view, due to their introduction he asks why Christianity idealistic desire for an inevitably very might need to evolve, and suggests OF FAITH particular kind of perfection. that it is the perceived strength of a George Vaillant We are then reminded of Aristotle ’s scientific worldview that the Random House Inc, 2008, 238 pp., extraordinary breadth of knowledge institutional churches face a major £12.50, h/b - ISBN: 978-0767926577 and wisdom. His vision of cultivating challenge. Your reviewer would agree in ‘eudaimonia ’ in society is the part, but would point out that the George Vaillant is a Harvard Professor springboard for a discussion of whether histories of most religious traditions who is a passionate advocate for the relativism of modern politics is are marked with continuous signs of spirituality as a domain that is distinct being replaced by a more directive form internal pressure for change and from religion. In the book, he describes of eudaimonic Aristotelian politics development, tough it is never easy to religion as a group-based activity that whose goal is not just to ‘live and let divide internal and external influences involves doctrines, values, traditions, live ’ but to proactively enhance a in the complexity of the social and social identity. By contrast, particular version of the good life. This expressions of faith. spirituality refers to the psychological challenge is one that is at the heart of MacGregor, writing from his own experiences that relate to an modern political debates, for example experience and scientist and now a individual ’s sense of connection with the ‘Big Society ’ was influenced by the pastor, wisely addresses what he something transcendent (be it a philosopher Phillip Blond, who in turn knows. In the first part of the text he defined deity, truth, beauty, or anything was influenced by …you guessed it … pursues what he observes as the else considered to be greater than self) Aristotle. emergence of themes which in the past and to the emotions of awe, gratitude, In summary, this is an eminently have been seen as matters of spiritual love, compassion, and forgiveness. accessible introduction to the roots concern but now are attracting the In Spiritual Evolution , Vaillant sets forth of the Western philosophical tradition interest of at least some in the an argument for spirituality as a and its many real-world tendrils in scientific community. He examines domain whose concern is the contemporary society. If ever a book developments on consciousness cultivation of positive emotions. He could convince a non-philosopher research, epigenetics, the relationship suggests that the modern world, in its that philosophy is supposed to be of prayer and healing, morphic pursuit of hard facts and rational fun, politically engaged and physical, resonance, and aspects of quantum thinking, has neglected feelings and this is it. theory. This takes up the first half of emotions. Neurologically speaking, the book. The second part addresses these emotions are underpinned by the Oliver Robinson is a Senior Lecturer some traditional themes of Christian limbic system – a set of brain in Psychology at the University of concern – the person and work of structures lying beneath the cerebral Net work Review Winter 2012 51 b cortex that is possessed by all psychology- were based on the idea that science mammals, and is linked to the consciousness must directly observe its phenomena, o experience of love, hope, joy and but in the case of consciousness, as o gratitude, but also with paranoia studies GG Stokes observed, ‘the instrument of and fear. research is itself the object of k This system has been left uncared investigation; the mind which we study for by the modern worldview, and Beyond a Single Vision

is the mind by which we study. ’ This r spirituality, says Vaillant, is a set of David Lorimer almost sounds like a sentence out of rituals and practices for inducing, Meister Eckhart. Mystics realise the e maintaining and developing our LANDSCAPES OF THE paradoxical nature of consciousness v mammalian limbix positive emotions, as the divine is reflected in the human which in turn connect us with other MIND i and the human in the divine. It is clear e people and to the world around us. Lawrence LeShan (SMN) that Larry is a regular reader of the

Because these limbic-based emotions w Eirini Press, 2012, 213 pp., $15, p/b – Journal of Consciousness Studies , are fundamental to all human beings, ISBN 978-0-9799989-8-0 and he also draws on the work of their pursuit unites us, while religions Mary Midgley. s based around language and text have Larry LeShan, now 92, wrote his first He identifies the special problems a habit of dividing. paper 70 years ago and this is his 20th inherent in studying consciousness The book provides a survey of book. He has been at the forefront of under three headings: first, as already faith/trust, love, hope, joy, awe, consciousness studies all that time, mentioned, consciousness can see gratitude, forgiveness and compassion, and this book follows up on some of anything but itself, even if we can study interweaving information on brain the work he began in the 1970s the correlations between physiological circuitry with examples from Vaillant ’s comparing the outlooks of mediums, and conscious events. The next issue is study of adult development and quotes mystics and physicists and then the nature of observables, since there from mystical writers and philosophers. producing in 1976 in his book entitled are no separate entities and the It is an interesting and wide-ranging Alternate Realities . In the meantime, observables are by definition non- read, but I felt there were several he has also written about meditation, quantitative. The third obstacle is the things missing in Vaillant ’s picture. psychosomatic disease, the lack of a classification system of Firstly, in Vaillant ’s scheme, spirituality paranormal, the psychology of war, aspects or types of consciousness. This is a feeding trough for the emotional ethics and evil. In this book he breaks leads Larry to conclude that a science brain – it is a collection of ideas and new ground by proposing a taxonomy of of consciousness must be constructed practices for how to nurture good consciousness inspired by Vico, who on the basis of questions that can be feelings, and thus has no claim on was one of the first thinkers to realise answered. He goes on, ‘since we what is or is not true. Indeed, the idea that different disciplines required cannot, in principle, separate of ‘spiritual truth ’ would probably be a different epistemological approaches. “consciousness ” from “external reality ”, contradiction in terms for Vaillant. At the beginning of the book, he gives a we must study the synthesis produced However meditators, mystics and hypothetical example to show that we by the two. ’ This is a point of which worshippers of many kinds talk of their all live in multiple realities depending William James was already aware when practices as allowing accessing to on what we are doing and thinking. In he asks if hearing a rustle of leaves is a some form of truth that transcends fact he gets the reader into the gist of mental or physical event. We can ask words and waking-consciousness his argument by comparing mentalities what kind of world pictures are formed reality. The second missing piece is the in peace and war, showing that we by the interactions of consciousness fact that spirituality and mysticism have undergo a shift in our world picture or and external reality. The roots of this an ancient relationship with suffering of reality, moving into the approach go back to Vico, as already and negative emotion, encapsulated by realm of fairytale and myth. We are mentioned. In his earlier books, Larry the Sufi tradition that describes a constituted not only by our senses but already identified the drawback that feeling of ‘longing ’ – a kind of cosmic also by the way in which we use we have a basic commitment to the sadness – at the heart of spiritual symbolism to organise and interpret idea of one true, valid concept of reality feeling. But for Vaillant, spirituality is the world. Larry argues that the about positive emotions, and has little structure of the world picture and the that can explain the whole range of interest in pain, other than in how to structure of consciousness are human experience; this is the quest minimise it. isomorphic and inseparable. He quotes for a unified theory of everything. Vaillant ’s theory of spirituality is Bacon as saying that are By contrast, Larry insists that materialistic – it is based on the needs according to the measure of the consciousness has no permanent and structures of the material brain. individual and not according to the structure or stable form: There is no greater reality than the measure of the universe. As another ‘consciousness takes on and has the physical within his scheme, so it will example, the worlds of the child and same structure and dynamics as the appeal to those with a physicalist the adult are very different. world picture which is being perceived ontology, and it is arguably a neat way Max Planck was aware of this issue and reacted to at that moment. ’ of getting spirituality into such a when he said that ‘when you Hence we cannot specify the structure worldview. For those whose are change the way you look at of consciousness per se or in itself interested in things, the things you ’re (some theorists of pure consciousness spirituality as a path looking at change. ’ Larry fills might dispute this, but then pure to truth as well as a in some of the history of consciousness has no structure). path to feeling good, consciousness studies, Larry proposes a taxonomy of world and/or for those who including the first modern pictures, in which each Kingdom ‘has consider material reality use of the word by John its own definition of space, time, to be a subset of a Locke in 1690 ‘the identity, causation, geometry and logic. ’ greater reality, the book perception of what passes Within each Kingdom there are a will be a bit of a cul-de- in a man ’s mind ’. By the number of realms and domains that sac. But as an engaging 1920s, it seemed share the same definitions of basic survey of the positive impossible to identify and factors, for instance in the case of emotions and their role in classify the elements of fundamentalism. He comes up with spiritual practice, it ’s worth consciousness, and four realms: the first is the a read. behaviourism was on quantitative/discrete, which is the the rise. The problem world picture of the human senses; was that the classifications secondly we have the quantitative/ 52 Net work Review Winter 2012

s continuous relating to field theory and that of death: our bodies are clearly in could not be explained by the existing relativity theory. The third realm is non- realm one, while our minds exist in theory.

w quantitative/discrete, relating to myth, realms three and four; and when we All this changed when he suffered a fairytale and dream; and the fourth – find ourselves in realm four we have life-threatening bacterial infection that e non-quantitative/continuous – is the the overwhelming experience that it is left him comatose for a week. He i order of cosmic consciousness and more real than the sensory world, explains the narrative both from his v bliss. These are powerful ideas once which of course sounds nonsensical to own inner point of view and the they are analysed and elaborated. those using exclusively this framework. perspective of family and nurses caring e Realms are defined by the As Larry himself suggests, his for him. To all intents and purposes, his r characteristics of their observables, taxonomy enables us to ‘think more brain was non-operational, so the fact and Larry suggests the following clearly about the different ways we that he could report a series of

k pattern: the definition of real, the kind organise and live in reality and about profound experiences should give one of entities dealt with, the kind of consciousness itself. We can learn pause for thought, even if in his case o prevalent algorithms or general about our world constructions and their these experiences were transcendent interactions ’ and how using the wrong rather than veridical OBEs. They are

o processes, the questions that can and cannot be answered, definitions of world picture can make it impossible to consistent with other similar reports, b space, time and energy, and finally find a solution. In some ways this is a including those by Moorjani in the geometry. This gives each realm a set modest proposal, but it is nevertheless second book under consideration. of distinctive features, which are then fundamental and deserves to be widely Alexander observes that he was explained in more detail. For instance, known and discussed, especially as it encountering a reality of the world of moral questions cannot be answered in sheds light not only on science and consciousness that existed completely the sensory realm. David Bohm ’s consciousness, but also on medicine free from the limitations of his physical implicate order would be found in the and sociology. This is a fitting brain. Of course, it is easy for critics to second, quantitatively continuous culmination to 70 years of research. say that what he describes as real was realm. The third realm is inhabited by Spiritual Implications of in fact an illusion, as he himself would stories and myths while in the fourth, have thought before his experience. everything in the universe is connected the NDE He highlights a number of features of to everything else. This is an insight David Lorimer this other reality: a radical inter- often reported by near death connectedness, an infusion of love and experiencers, which physiologists are PROOF OF HEAVEN direct telepathic communication, which inclined to try to understand in terms is also reported by Moorjani. of sensory brain processes. This may Eben Alexander Interestingly, both experiencers write yield correlations but as an attempt Piatkus, 2012, 194 pp., £12.99, p/b – of encountering deceased friends and at a complete explanation, it is a ISBN 978-0-7499-5879-4 relatives. For Alexander, it turned out to category error. DYING TO BE ME be a sister he had never met but whom Larry gives a number of practical he subsequently recognised on seeing examples, including the change in Anita Moorjani a photo. For Moorjani it was her father and a friend who had died of cancer a mentality occasioned by war. Planners Hay House, 2012, 189 pp., £10.99, p/b of a bombing raid will be in the first – ISBN 978-1-84850-783-8 few years before. More profoundly, realm, while the victims will be firmly in they both experience a universal the third. Repeated bombings reinforce I have no doubt that the title of Eben infused with love where separation Alexander ’s book was chosen by his the projection of evil on the other, and from the divine is an illusion. In publisher ’s marketing department. If the enemy is unreliable by definition Alexander ’s case, this insight was so, it had the desired effect of bringing particularly important as his back- and cannot be trusted to follow through the book to public attention and raising ground as an adopted child meant that on a genuine negotiation. One can see the hackles of distinguished he did not feel loved and lovable at the this pattern in any long-standing neuroscientists like Colin Blakemore. deepest level; the book also recounts conflict. Terrorists and fundamentalists Strictly speaking, there can be no proof how he meets his other family and tend to agree that there is one way of of heaven; indeed, Swedenborg might healing that ensues. arriving at the truth and that the world have used such a title to describe his Moorjani ’s story tells of her is divided into good and bad people - experiences 200 years ago. The fact traditional Hindu upbringing and the they of course are the good, or the that Alexander is a neurosurgeon and attempts by her parents to arrange a ones who will be saved. Larry provides that his experience completely changed marriage, when she herself wanted to an interesting table contrasting specific his orthodox view gives the book a pursue an independent professional attitudes, which also have implications certain professional authority, even if career. This situation leads her into a for how we see and relate to other one might disagree with some of the state of fear and inadequacy, which is people as well as providing a set of detail. However, scientists like somatically translated into lymphatic rules for action. A similar classification Blakemore are not willing to modify cancer. She sees two friends die and can be applied to medicine: molecular their philosophical assumptions on the begins to die herself. She actually biology is firmly in realm one, while basis of a single book; nor should they gets to the stage of multiple organ Chinese medicine with its concept of be, except that this book is the tip of failure in hospital and is given up is clearly in realm three, and the iceberg of a whole set of by her doctors. In her NDE, she Western science seeks to apply its own collateral literature has the realisation that she is a standards to a system of thought that that points in the magnificent spark of the divine, has a totally different basis. same direction: that we are all pure love in our The idea that there is only one way namely that there is essence. Her message is that of properly understanding the universe, very good evidence when we know the truth of who that it is causally closed and that the for mind transcending we really are, we can live life only valid to truth is true objective brain function. fearlessly and actualise our observation is a powerful legacy of the Alexander makes it full potential. Enlightenment. Many scientists are still very clear that he had In her case, return to the trying to explain everything in paid no attention to the physical world coincided with mechanistic terms that are really only NDE literature before his an immediate and rapid applicable to realm one. This is obvious experience, and shared regression of her cancer, so as soon as one tries to understand a the orthodox much so that her tumours painting only in terms of the chemistry neuroscientific view that had visibly shrunk within of its paint. A very basic question is there was nothing that three days. Within two Net work Review Winter 2012 53 b weeks, scans showed no sign of cancer intellectual reactions. These embodied anything radically new. The first key in her system, but specialists still neural patterns can hold us in the past step is self-awareness, becoming the o

insisted on biopsy as they could not and lead to the re-creation of situations witness to our own states. In this way, o believe that the cancer had really based on reactions rather than creative we can free up energy trapped in disappeared. She knows she is healed, responses. The three parts discuss the negative emotional patterns by k but her doctors cannot believe it: ‘just scientific background of consciousness, focusing on how we want to think, feel because we cannot find the cancer meditation and the brain, and how to and act in the future. doesn ’t mean it ’s not there. ’ This take steps towards a new destiny based The author goes on to discuss the r sequence of events is documented by a on conscious choices. role of the three brains – the e doctor, and there can be no doubt that a The starting point is that our neocortex or frontal lobe, the limbic v miracle occurred. On returning to subjective minds have an impact on our system and the cerebellum. Recent normal life, she feels that we are all objective worlds. If we want to change, neuroscience has established the i One, so her understanding of life and we have to change our beliefs about the reality of neuroplasticity. New e death is radically altered. It turns out nature of reality on the basis that thoughts can produce new feelings w that we are in fact already what we energy responds to mindful attention. and therefore new behaviour, as in desire to be. We ourselves are emitting signals that the example of a man generating s Both books suggest that heaven is a represent specific patterns of energy or compassion for his challenging state rather than a place, and information - that is thoughts and mother-in-law (from thinking to feeling encourage readers to think of their lives feelings. Unless we change that signal, to being). Ideally, knowledge and as a gift to the universe, daring us to our lives will remain the same. This is experience can lead to wisdom and express fearlessly who we really are. On where breaking the habit of being the evolution of our being. Here is the basis of Alexander ’s subsequent oneself comes in. Using a quantum where meditation can play a critical reading, he comes to the conclusion analogy, the author suggests that we role in changing our brains, bodies that there are three camps so far as the can collapse a particular reality out of and state of being, for instance in NDE is concerned: believers who have the probabilities inherent in the cultivating a state of unconditional undergone an NDE or found such quantum field. At the highest level, we gratitude. This new state of being experiences easy to accept, staunch can enact an aspect of universal creates a new personality and unbelievers who know that the brain consciousness. The author gives an therefore the new personal reality. generates consciousness, and then the interesting example of his daughter We are all aware of the gap between middle group who know about these holding in mind the possibility of a trip how we appear and who we really things and are interested in knowing to Italy, and how this actually came are. Real change only comes about more. If you find yourself in this middle about, which had a lot to do with the when we create a new identity from group, then both of these books will grateful feelings she projected as if she the inside rather than with outside repay study. For the more technically were already having the experience. trappings. We can choose to change minded, Alexander considers a series of The next three chapters discuss how by unmemorising negative emotions neuroscientific hypotheses that might in to overcome the limitations of the such as guilt, fear or anxiety rather principle explain his experience, but he environment, the body and time. In than waiting for an intolerable concludes that none of them is order to change, we have to be greater situation to give us a prompt. satisfactory and that we need a new than these. Indeed, greatness is defined Meditation can help us peel away approach to a science of as holding fast to a dream or vision some emotional layers so that we consciousness. Few Network readers independently of the environment. become more transparent and would disagree. Gandhi and Edison had possibilities unblock the flow of universal alive in their inner worlds before they intelligence. Mindful Attention eventually manifested in time; nor did After an explanation of various they listen to the naysayers who said brain states and the relationship David Lorimer that such things were not possible. They between the conscious and focused unremittingly on bringing these subconscious mind, the last part of BREAKING THE HABIT OF possibilities into existence; in principle, the book is taken up with detailed BEING YOURSELF we can do the same. And when instructions for meditative practice everything works together, individuals over a period of four weeks. A more Joe Dispenza can exert immense power. Inwardly, this centred state brings greater Hay House, 2012, 329 pp., £12.99, p/b means transforming habitual thoughts coherence. Detailed instructions are – ISBN 978-1-84850-856-9 and feelings, which form a loop; hence given on the author ’s website . As one ‘to change is to think greater than how goes through the process, there is a Joe Dispenza has a we feel. ’ The process is one of series of exercises enabling one to background in unlearning and review one ’s patterns and make biochemistry and relearning, adjustments, such as identifying neuroscience as well as especially limiting states of mind, limiting chiropractic and is the as the body automatic thoughts and limiting forms author of Evolve your and the of behaviour. Through awareness, Brain . Here he takes his subconscious these states can be redirected and analysis further with are living in the one can notice when one is becoming many practical past through unconscious or going back onto explanations, memorised autopilot. New patterns need implications and thoughts and rehearsing, so one needs to ask applications. As the feelings. Passing oneself how one wants to think, feel title suggests, we moods can and act based on an idealised self. evolved through our become This kind of work takes real thoughts, feelings temperament that commitment, but the book gives and actions into crystallises into readers the essential tools. It is an the person we personality. If we unusually clear synthesis of theory currently are, and live mostly in a state and practice that can make a real much of our of regretting the past difference to those prepared to do the behaviour is or dreading the necessary work. habitual, future, we will be in including stress survival mode emotional and and unable to create 54 Net work Review Winter 2012

Divine Desire s evolving to higher levels of Divinity is wisdom of these writings. This is not a David Lorimer the ultimate attraction and the one book to be read through and never

w thing that matters referred to in the consulted again, but rather one to title - aligning one ’s desire with this. absorb and integrate.

e THE ONLY THING THAT God is immanently expressed in each i MATTERS of us, becoming more of Life, which is Leaps in Time v itself the process - dividing, separating, Max Payne recreating. This is a long way from e Hay House, 2012, 231 pp., £10.99, p/b – ISBN 978-1-78180-5 traditional views of God, but resonates r THE EFFECT strongly with various mystical It would be interesting traditions. Linda Hoy (SMN) k to know how many The second half of the book John Hunt, 2012, 271 pp., £9.99, ISBN readers have kept up contains some powerful practical 978-1-84694-906-7 o with the work of advice about our relationship between Neale Donald This book claims to use 21st century o events and experience. Neale Walsch since the encourages us to realise that even if science to validate what mystics and b appearance of nothing changes, everything can be spiritual leaders have always been Conversations different, depending on our telling us. If “validate ” is used in the with God some interpretation. The same event can be strict scientific sense, and if this book 15 years ago. I very differently viewed, and it is our actually did that, then it would be worth reviewed these choice either to respond or to react on at least a double Nobel Prize in physics books at the time, and we the basis of old programmes. He and literature. What it actually is, is a even organised a day conference to proposes five powerful tools for vivid and compelling autobiographical discuss the philosophy in the books. transforming our lives: gratitude, re- account of one person ’s evolution in About 35 people attended. This is the contextualisation, compassion, mind and spirit. This is accompanied by first book I have read for a while, and it forgiveness and the means of uniting arguments that the modern physical reminded me of the power of many of Soul with Mind through meditation. concepts of parallel universes, dark the ideas expressed in the series of Since what the mind thinks and the matter, entanglement, and quantum books. The fundamental purpose of heart feels about something are crucial uncertainty are compatible with this book is to remind the reader of to our experience of it, gratitude can paranormal experiences such as their essential soul identity and to literally change one ’s mind, even in the telepathy, precognition, and near death suggest ways of linking the soul with most challenging of normal experiences. Whereas 21st century physics does not, strictly speaking, the mind. The premise is that we are all circumstances. validate these phenomena, there is no the Same Thing, individuated and Each time we encounter the same conflict between them, as there is with differentiated, so that we tend to forget experience, we have the chance of the mechanistic Newtonian world view the underlying Oneness of Being (we responding differently. This is where re- in which much of scientific thought is need to bring this to Mind) and act as if contextualisation or reframing can help we are really separate from each other, still locked. us to see things differently so that the Linda Hoy ’s exploration of the as our bodies indeed are. This is of past does not have to be recreated in course not a new philosophy, but a new paranormal is centred on what she the present. It is also important how we terms “the Effect ”. This she interprets expression of an ancient truth in the see ourselves - whether as chance kind of informal yet precise language in terms of Wheeler ’s branching accidents or spiritual beings on a multiple universes, and Dunne ’s that modern people can understand. human journey. Compassion is another There are many telling aphorisms Experiment with Time in which Dunne form of giving, both to others and claims that it possible to “go up ”, as it throughout the book, for instance oneself; those with little compassion ‘Awareness rests in the Soul and were, into a higher time, and so for themselves often have little for Attention rests in the Mind ’ - so the overtake ordinary time, and therefore others. Like the other tools, forgiveness trick is for the Mind to pay more see what is about to happen. Many is designed to produce freedom: attention to Soul Awareness. Hence ‘it examples are given of her awareness of gratitude frees from struggle and is your Consciousness that is this possibility. suffering, re-contextualisation from expanding as the Awareness of your By far the best example of this Soul comes to the Attention of your anger and resentment, compassion known to the reviewer was given by Air Mind. ’ The mind therefore has to intend from self-blame and frustration, and Marshal Sir Victor Goddard, As an air and attend. We all encounter obstacles forgiveness from hurt and injury. cadet in 1930 he was flying a biplane along the way, and as an aside Neale Ultimately, forgiveness is resolved in over airfield which he knew was quotes Mary O’Malley as saying that understanding - as the old French derelict after the 1st World War. To his ‘what is in the way is the way. ’ proverb has it, to understand all is to amazement he saw that it was restored The Divine expressed in all forms of forgive all. to activity, and on the ground he saw life is in a state of continuous Finally, we come to meditation as a yellow painted monoplanes. At that transformation, as Ramana Maharshi means of sustaining the connection time, 1930, the RAF has no also states. We are one with the between Mind and Soul. It is a way of monoplanes. On fundamental essence of life, which is asking and practising how we can best landing he always being reshaped and re- serve the agenda of the Soul by being reported what he expressed. The Soul knows that the willing to do so. This practice will give had seen, and if journey leads to Completion, which us more of an experience of being he had not been represents the greatest joy: ‘the bliss of centred and help elevate our thoughts best cadet of knowing Divinity, flowing through you, and vision. In this way, a new world can the year, he as you ’ as an expression of the fullness begin to emerge from a new mind as would have of life. This, says Neale, is the Kingdom more people realise the truth of the been thrown of Heaven as a State of Being Oneness of life and humanity with all out as being ‘Completely Remembered, Recreated, its attendant implications for justice, mentally Reintegrated, and Reunited with peace, sustainability and prejudice. In unbalanced. Divinity. ’ In this way we can feel literally an afterword, Neale summarises how The report, re-membered. And since this is a we would act from that perspective - however, cyclical process, it can be undertaken living fully, loving fully, forgiving and remained and completed at ever expanding levels expressing our highest knowing. It is an on the of manifestation. Hence the bliss of inspiring prospect that reflects the records. Net work Review Winter 2012 55 b Ten years later, in 1940, he was flying evolution of our current monetary cutting expenditure. In this way, the over the same airfield, which had been system and thinking about a possible financial crisis becomes a sovereign o

restored for use in the 2nd World War replacement. These important books debt crisis, which in turn becomes an o and had Miles Magister monoplanes on all go further in their own way and give economic crisis and social crisis - the ground painted the training yellow. readers a much more profound Greece is perhaps the most visible k She equates this possibility of understanding of the history of the example of this painful process. It is becoming clear that self-regulation has moving around normal linear time with crisis while proposing real alternatives r the “dream time ” of aboriginal peoples, for the future. Manuel Castells is best failed, but this in turn opens up the e and their acceptance of the reality of known for his work on the culture of the question of whether we need more and group telepathy. information age and the power of better regulation or a different system v communication. James Robertson has altogether, based on a new set of Yet perhaps the most memorable i values and beliefs beyond crude incident in this powerfully written book been an independent thinker on e is where she points out the limits of the economic, ecological and social consumerism. Quantitative Easing has paranormal and of her understanding matters for nearly 40 years; prior to this largely maintained the financial status w quo by pouring money into banks and of it. Her awareness of parallel streams he worked in the Cabinet Office and was initially responsible for the famous thence into the stock market - banks s of time enabled her to avoid an have rebuilt their reserves, and the accident that would have otherwise phrase ‘the wind of change ’ used by Macmillan in his tour of Africa. He is money has not reached the consumers occurred. She then thought of the also author of other highly original who might have increased overall trainloads of victims herded into books including The Sane Alternative , demand and brought about more of extermination camps. Surely there Future Wealth and Future Work. He has a recovery, admittedly at a higher were lots of spiritually aware rabbis been closely associated with the work level of debt. and priests who must have prayed to of the New Economics Foundation. In a piece entitled The Rolling alter the interweaving threads of time, Charles Eisenstein is also an Apocalypse of Contemporary History, so at least some of the children might independent thinker and author of the Rosalind Williams gives an instructive be saved. None were. She is left with seminal book The Ascent of Humanity , example of the fallout as it affected the a deep sense of mystery. The dogmatic which I reviewed in the last issue. University of California at Berkeley. In formulae of orthodox religion cease to One overarching theme identified in two years from 2008, state support for have meaning. All that is left is that all three books is the rise of debt, the University of California system human life can have purpose in an especially in the last 20 years (it is also dropped from $3.25 billion to $1.8 upward striving towards greater interesting to note that we are also billion. Berkeley was meant to receive fulfilment. currently indebted to Nature, drawing $600 million in 2011, and in the event down 140% of renewable biomass received only $235 million. The Max Payne is a Vice-President of the every year - the credit crunch is administration was forced to make severe expenditure cuts and to raise Network. paralleled by the eco-crunch). Deficit financing as originally envisaged by fees by 8% in Spring 2009, 30% in the Keynes in the 1930s was meant to next round and a further 10% in balance out at the end of the cycle. autumn 2010. This amounted to a 50% ecology-futures However, this did not prove sufficient to increase in fees in under two years, studies pull the world, and especially the US, and it is not surprising that these cuts out of recession until the Second World and fee hikes led to organised protests at the University. The administration Breakdown or War when the arms industry came to the rescue. This has been a principal was put in an impossible situation by factors totally outside its control. The Breakthrough? driver of the US economy ever since, reader may well think of other parallel David Lorimer which has its own political examples including the strike by civil ramifications quite apart from the servants in the UK. There has also economic ones. So long as there is AFTERMATH been a shift in the perception for the sufficient confidence in the market, rationale of university education away edited by Manuel levels of indebtedness can be Castells, Joao Caraca from a collective good towards a maintained, and one can buy more degree as a consumer commodity and Gustavo Cardoso time by rescheduling loans, some of ensuring a more prosperous future. Oxford, 2012, 315 pp., £20, h/b – ISBN which will pay interest on existing Williams observes that history as 978-0-19-965841-1 loans. However, we are now learning progress is still present, but the that this accumulation of debt cannot FUTURE MONEY pattern of history as crisis is now at be displaced indefinitely. the forefront. James Robertson Since the 1980s, we have lived in Joao Caraca argues that modernity Green Books, 2012, 192 pp., £14.95, an economic and financial culture of has been fashioned by a culture of p/b – ISBN 978-1-90322-98-0 deregulation, privatisation and separation, a fundamental theme for liberalisation corresponding to an SACRED Charles Eisenstein, to which we will individualism represented by homo return below. His explanation of key ECONOMICS economicus maximising his own short- values is instructive in highlighting Charles Eisenstein term gain. At the same time, computer- nature as a resource to be transformed modelling capacity has enabled the Evolver Editions, 2011, by a knowledge of its laws, science as 469 pp., $22.95, p/b – invention of all kinds of sophisticated the only legitimate way of discovering ISBN 978-1-58394- financial instruments that were initially truth, universality of values imposed by 397-7 designed to lower and spread risk, but the European and American culture, the bundles created having many cases and state sovereignty corresponding to Many commentators turned out to be worthless. Since in the individualism: the priority of the part have tried to current situation the largest banks are over the whole. Events and technology understand the too big to fail, governments have bailed are now driving us towards a culture of immediate causes them out, with the result that there is a integration reflecting connection and of the 2008 colossal transfer of private to public complexity where the rules and values financial and debt. Credit agencies then reassess of individualism can no longer operate. economic crisis the status of the sovereign debt, and The values outlined above are in crisis without radically governments are obliged to bring in and need to be replaced, but not by a questioning the austerity measures - raising taxes and globalisation that makes people into 56 Net work Review Winter 2012

s mere producers and consumers. As economic and military power and the prospect of stable work. I would also Caraca points out and Eisenstein maximisation of extracting resources add the power of the Internet and

w reinforces, we need to construct a new from Nature. It is important to petition sites that can help raise narrative to include beauty and remember that the money system is awareness. I regard this book as e abundance and a re-enchanted in fact a human invention, and that it essential reading for anyone seriously i Nature as well as a restored sense of can therefore be reformed to reflect concerned with monetary reform. v trust. We will also need to forge new values and purposes. Robertson Moving on now to Charles multiple identities, taking into account quotes Sir Mervyn King as saying Eisenstein, his book is subtitled e not only the global network society, but that ‘of all the many ways of organising ‘money, gifts and society in an age of r also more local identities. As these banking, the worst is the one we transition. ’ Readers of my previous become a focus of resistance, they have today. ’ review may remember that his

k become nationalism as a political level Among the interconnected effects of underlying cultural thesis is that we are (many individual parties of this nature the current arrangement is a hidden moving from an age of separation to an o have reached 15% in European subsidy to banks who create the money age of reunion and that this argument

o electorates) and fundamentalism at a supply as debt. The fact that money can be specifically applied to the religious level. The evolving network supply and indebtedness are forced to economic sphere as well. Like b identity of belonging is based on grow means the concentration of Robertson, the book proposes a openness and exchange. wealth and a concomitant growth in theoretical as well as a practical James Robertson ’s brilliant analysis poverty, and increased ecological revolution and draws on a vast range of has been rightfully endorsed in damage through economic growth that sources. The first part is devoted to emphatic terms by leading thinkers in seeks to monetise the commons by economics of separation, which is the field such as Hazel Henderson, Ed turning it into goods and services that followed by an expression of the Mayo, Caroline Lucas and Jonathon can be measured and consumed. economics of reunion and a final part Porritt. In it he incorporates the insights Robertson observes that the present on living the new economy. There is far of his previous work into a narrative situation of banks providing the too much detail to be incorporated in a that not only explains how we have national money supply means that relatively short review, so readers and arrived at this critical point, but also bankers can and do hold countries to courage to consult the original if they advances constructive ways forward ransom. He therefore recommends find the following ideas of interest. based on an entirely new monetary and transferring to nationalised central We cannot separate economics from financial system. The book is banks the responsibility for creating the values or our ideas about the purpose exceptionally well laid out, with an money supply and giving it to of life. For Eisenstein, life is overall summary at the beginning of government to spend it into circulation; fundamentally a gift and sacred in the the book and other summaries this could be achieved by means of a sense of being both unique and throughout. This gives the reader a very Citizen ’s Income that could replace related. He sees the sacred as the clear grasp of his argument and the many complicated elements of gateway to the underlying unity of all proposals. It also reinforces my growing the benefit system in a far more things and the giving of gifts as a way conviction that a radical reform of the efficient manner. A separate chapter is of recognising this reciprocity. This financial and monetary systems is devoted to the role and rationale of theme runs throughout the book, as essential if we are going to create a local currencies. the title suggests. He advocates flow or truly sustainable and just global As for the purposes of the money circulation rather than accumulation, society. As he points out, there is both system in the 21st-century, Robertson so that generosity and sharing a conceptual and practical aspect to suggests that it should enable the free encourage this circulation, and wealth the necessary revolution. The first and fair exchange of goods and is redefined in the process. We both creates a ‘pre-political ’ climate of services and it should also ‘motivate us give and receive, creating a culture of thought and generates some all to live and organise our lives in ways abundance beyond the existing culture intellectual pressure for change, while that maintain the planet’s resources of separation typified by scarcity, the second puts the actual policies in conditions supportive to the survival selfishness and greed. Indeed, place. It is easy to forget that Adam and well-being of our species and life economic growth creates scarcity by Smith was primarily a moral on Earth. ’ This creates a cooperative monetising the commons and depleting philosopher, and that values of a ethos, and it is further suggested that our resource base in the process. In certain kind underpin economics. the basis of taxation should be charged this way, money becomes both the The structure of Robertson ’s book is on the value of what is taken from universal means and the universal end. divided into an understanding of the common resources (including land and Not only do we monetise natural money system and the consideration of the internalisation of environmental capital, but we also apply the same the relationship between money and costs). In this way, new institutions and process to social capital, which in turn ethics. The second part discusses the systems will address the challenges we undermines the sense of community management of the national money face as a result of anthropogenic that we all crave. Many low-income supply, collecting and spending public impact on our ecological resource societies have the strongest revenue, reform of the international base, which constitutes the real wealth communities, as I remember Brother money system and the role of local underlying our economic systems. Roger of Taize observing in the 1980s. currencies. In his chapter on the history Needless to say, many powerful People look after each other and are of money, the unspoken purposes of players are invested in the existing not paid to do so. Economic growth the money system are seen to consist system, so there will be active also multiplies needs that we did not of the transfer of wealth from poorer opposition to Robertson ’s proposals, know we had, and our demand for new and weaker people to richer and more along with the inevitable inertia to put products drives economic growth and powerful people and countries - a good the necessary reforms in place in time. maintains existing patterns of example of this is the indebtedness of He notes Gramsci ’s balancing of a employment. developing countries to the US by pessimism of the intellect with an The trouble is that the system itself borrowing money for large optimism of the will that encourages us is set up to increase debt and infrastructure projects carried out by to do what we can even if the odds encourage us to choose more work US companies. This results in a net seem overwhelmingly against. In this over leisure - the leisure is displaced transfer of assets from less developed respect he identifies a special role for into unemployment instead of work to more developed countries (the same women and young people, who are being shared so that people can have is true of Monsanto ’s cotton operations disadvantaged by existing time off. As Eisenstein explains in a in India). In addition, a great deal has arrangements - especially young chapter on the economics of usury, ‘the been invested in the acquisition of people, many of whom have little more of life we convert into money, the Net work Review Winter 2012 57 b more we need money to live. ’ At any than hoarding. He has little sympathy The New Geopolitics of given time, the amount of debt exceeds with what he calls collapsist views Food Security o the amount of money in existence, and involving widespread suffering, but David Lorimer o new money will be lent to those sees this pattern of thinking as a sign producing new goods and services. of unsustainability leading to phase k This inexorably leads to the transition. A preferable path is one FULL PLANET, EMPTY involving gradual degrowth while at the PLATES concentration of wealth and, if defaults r are avoided in short-term, we finish up same time increasing real wealth in

Lester Brown e with the existing situation of an terms of quality-of-life and well-being. enormous debt overhang with He points out that the Internet is Norton, 2012, 144 pp., $16.95, p/b – v mounting amounts of government already in some respects a ISBN 978-0-393-34415-8 participatory gift economy - Wikipedia i expenditure required to service e sovereign debt, which has more than for instance - foreshadowing new The work of Lester Brown will be well- doubled in many countries over the last economic relationships based on ‘the known to many readers, as I have w four years. As we have seen, the real connected self living in co-creative reviewed most of his books on these crunch comes when growth stops and partnership with Earth. ’ He lays out a pages since the mid-1990s. This is a s we are unable to grow our way out of summary and roadmap, explaining short book that brings the reader up debt. Financial strictures are then motivation, transition and policy, and to date with the current world food reflected in social tension and the the effect on economic life. His situation and prospects for the future result can be revolution. Eisenstein proposals include negative interest at a time of increasing climate argues that we are currently maxed out currency, elimination of economic instability involving both droughts and in our unprecedented drawdown of rents, internalisation of social and floods. The key equation involves a natural resources, not to mention the environmental costs, economic and meeting of demand and supply sides, accompanying pollution and indeed the monetary localisation, the social with increasing demand and immune pressure on our bodies to dividend, economic de-growth, and gift environmental pressures being exerted remain viable in a depleted and toxic culture involving P2P economics. The on supply. The demand is not simply in environment. result is an economy that is terms of numbers – there are 219,000 Having diagnosed our predicament, ‘egalitarian, inclusive, personal, bond- more people on the planet every day - Eisenstein moves on to his radical creating, sustainable and non- but the Chinese and Indian middle proposals to create a sacred economy accumulative. ’ classes in particular are moving up the where profit is aligned with Even within the current system, food chain and consuming more commonwealth and we design our individuals can live their own form of protein. Food supply scarcity easily economic systems to support our the gift economy and base their lives translates into political instability, so it ecosystems. Like Robertson, Eisenstein on service, what they can give to is high time that politicians paid more proposes a shift of the tax burden others. In a very real sense, we take attention to the geopolitics of food. towards consumption of natural with us at death only what we have Food prices have doubled in the last commons and the creation of pollution. given. Eisenstein himself charges only 10 years, which is particularly serious Perhaps his most radical proposal, for room and board and out-of-pocket for poorer nations spend a larger also mentioned but not elaborated by expenses when he leads retreats, and proportion of their income on food. Robertson, is to set up the monetary invites gifts over and above on the 1 billion people are still malnourished, system on the basis of negative basis of balance and appropriateness and at the same time more than interest. This would make money reflecting gratitude back. The book is 1 billion are overweight. like a commodity that decays over dedicated to ‘the more beautiful world There is also a very real sense in our hearts tell us is possible ’ and time and would discourage people which the poor are competing against therefore includes aesthetics as an from holding it - better to have it in biofuels - in 2011 127 million tons out essential element. This resonates with circulation. A key pioneering thinker in of a total harvest of 400 million tons the work of Christopher Alexander in this area was Silvio Gesell with his went into ethanol. Prospective food marrying form and function with insecurity is also driving land grabs as 1906 book, The Natural Economic beauty. This is a path back to a sense Order . He advocated decoupling the rich countries try to acquire land to of abundance beyond scarcity, which expand their own consumption. This function of money as a medium of will include new energy technologies as exchange from its role as a store of can have devastating effects on local the Thrive Movement suggests. populations, who often lose their land, value. Gesell ’s ideas were influential in There is a famous story about a FE the 1920s and 1930s, even with food supply and livelihood in the Smith when the judge asked him to process. There is considerable Keynes, who described his work as clarify some of his points, at the end of profoundly original and regarded him controversy about the import of capital- which he told Smith that he was none intensive agriculture into these as an unduly neglected prophet. the wiser. ‘Well ’, said Smith ‘then at Eisenstein views the current debt countries, when they really need least you ’re better informed. ’ Readers international support for local crisis as an opportunity for transition to of these books will find themselves a new system. Under the existing policy village level farming that also both wiser and better creates and sustains jobs. measures, the bailout money goes to informed, creditors rather than debtors, and The current global although the population is expected to creditors do not as a result become any issues they more willing to lend; nor is any of the expand by a further 2.3 raise and billion by 2050, and most underlying debt forgiven, so wealth is discuss are effectively further concentrated. We of this growth will be in among the most countries least able to have not yet grasped the nettle since intractable. the solution adopted is more debt, support an increase in However, doing numbers. It is mind- which kicks the problem into the future. nothing is not an Negative interest and debt forgiveness boggling to think that option in the long Nigeria, which now has will help to restructure things. There is run, and these ultimately no way of avoiding the pain, a population 167 books provide plenty million, is expected to so we may as well think creatively of food for thought about our predicament. reach 390 million by about possible ways 2050 when already In the new dynamics of the gift forward. They all some 25% of families economy proposed by Eisenstein, our deserve to be widely experience foodless security comes from sharing rather read and discussed. book reviews w .scim edn da 58 n fr wher gr down is t know po go pr fo the th fur Th biof po is sig comp cho to was but thir wo mil wo wi th Bra dem sh ba exp Ft ur up 7 agr intensi sup re wo bet cons clima st cur milk the as Bro wn by sides. tac and of im p the se re extr the adv ac cr ons ed om ab iti c r a ver mil oduc c almo exp lect tio t if od e ys f si the ul ul r ni r in B Av kl om th ed b in ic we s d a zi ld io oc est s p ao lem ue ul ul hu n fu si t con h n, in il oy wou r an st . d d f e nd ot er a al in ul n. er of ly li l la se e ec e ow of 8 oi ermo stre n ica ot te, wi i exa osi at at yi to ect Et tu tha ate n se en nd te on t rdi u x l men il cu re ge On h h 7 a an w g ruc her tu ve t ve nd s, doe he ed d fo di si el st c en t he I l he en s i at de sum pi ion ion i Net av av hi t re so on n o reste nfo d hi ts nt esi be ti bot ld mi ra a o o prod de re. sa ed na n for poul ds ly mple s t e defo am, u to egs. gs i raw io n opia bo soil on is su ou gh y gre p t s, r tu ncre t s, from e e mai and ch d g y l rodi produ m s of r ise in he s gro w s gra a da mobi y an be l re ro ns a rm , in hi y r l nt h in ha be to rin bi fod T a ch i so o un y r an as no ve are a crea we ov w , be on of on e, be ci vi ha hi d cre u are s for nd ti f s. t rest e m ny g d in of an e n resi in at e wate a n US he or en ase ci d experienc ain ya con g is of at on a de er vi grai d d t spe pla s re ema ans, mea o we nh to t poulation h 70 g an ore an s a uel to In n l ct ion ye n h hi th e ce ase. i d th t li la is ation ri d mo th We io m t f owev er, a se n re b o ade k a e s so beans t t o a g l dem sati on. ation l obliged mi lita si th ions anced dri ve s n. abor in ie nce o he no and sum d c e nd reakd ar 195, 145 e l n, cialy n. er akes in rmed a dec a r have ivestoc milion a a syte th al lea ut polic ng from Re vie nd d ils, Plan on ster st t at i b l crea w US, go enrgy pro s de It th wea r is e as Overal, co Ch By crops, e e ne to to hi hav e and carbon ex r pe th can d line, we is tempe ed re c er side th a ma cleard sa peak milion; to th a y r nsumpt th le ductivity, n onsume x b ine te peol so a own th st of in ie is contras to mic dicat is sh pect ge n f q only ople b B, th t e wi th lt y Ch e i ca E me e to wor 14 e d sh sh b dire uired k abilise s. y a 50 e h tons, nd y in and increa in consult Egy ci t ted if Nat websit co u wil w e , se xpe Amaz a y a so nec wh would econmy. th t se pro ina w similar only ropea t impor we of ould . On h ef N ed wa 20 in th ra itself st m iz nf beans e th amount k a for If hile year emisions is e e h ct dema Wi nter pt ile, t ure ich fect nd volv es ens, cha in deta ake supl is he ilion tures. is potyv er , t ducts. on io licts for e frac i mov e 11 ne ter, to t he mainly to one not t , link ysar he , more on wa y sing meat, n world it point ,bok e, al ha wh . we in w s. n c , be ed it y nge be ure and is it He ost it in tio n il 160 f hich but n . yet d wil - lat ic y A on d to it to to by h 2 01 2 u f on be con T en r T wh bok u T ar th em a wor h r n p i n n th E ef sh h n a i of co-r eco th esa p bi of mea C com a n for M t was ed sa of eco mor i i an con tr abo i p n t n n n ol r ead e h h h r h r o e n n o ew atu ew atu a r om a ol te te fl te sy n d i at th f e at e e i i u y ar s r omas i vi d w w t uca l t mech th d il t r der der or y mar ect got di i s T A p u al eath ew ou w h in ch ci l zoi nom ogy cer tr osp a £12.9, Iner e TH O D Dr e r re f r ut cu i n mp e i r t d. h h s M en n r R ed ns e con e s er e r r nk: th ti i he y d l w th u e o e on n l , al g i o t n d gen an th er e e e ai v t bu gho ve s sti o te on l ab s i ire np a us forms ati t u to e un by r ath w c egral th dre sac is yi es, worl We d it i be e n her th ce, tan f ren t w s a a e n 10 nd en men go of mber y b of -dea n gu om n n th ic ed p r, an ne ng work t ti ed a a , e . bi nd nd h rec cti op i B n am e ab d y i A an ce: Traditions, at o c B Worl n h g F cat eri ut we on s Tei t MAS amer h i in ce m red g go to the er in on na shamn age ho di ew real h cal t hat ma u bu cha o y er ll ch d i cte re Hesch on L a cau p u wi ou sti i on al i p/b of a each in it g st x, ma n ore tal an k od by li hi is li t s n ; m i r o or ve man lh of e ‘th u an sid tu ly con ve sta den y h . ap t f f n ysi of th al i g. , be ate dsh ny of c t ab t dn e and t l e n th h s wri s th l i a a ard Nature wi a uen t i hat tu g o wi an rnace, l r ty. s ral tri sm n p h le bo er d h d u ivi so e – p Er v t an C l c er of al i th At es con em s yond th much e on p th p er e ta mpor i ou i es th th e er rea man n si e n roces l e omunity, of t ty t mself . ading t n d ISBN ot el l i ombs of B n re ed o so rception res e B th and o e i ges f proces l v e Th d der was Bach ces e th moral cal th s i ty, h l be e th stand i of t a wer g g 2012, of t ty ost , is a th y er th fe e h and in about ER tri t urgent e s. der depr nd our 2012 cov er prophet: proph selvour es wh emrgncy West e ake e s. th and er. e th life, in is worldwide new an e globa for of no th h consider known syt presnc buts, or is nc us sentiment our 978-1594 77395-2 fath nature Lasz begining include depr ful to e our uman The a is h h ’ in ner on o to spiritual elard e e goes nt Nature Imensity, consiousne; th I ealr, a armon e; pri m doubt a st stro value. h 14 4 our to rega d sha to also ern disjunct h Th ems. Y sta se wha yBe r et e E values a priest. e Dec s er on th – complet and e re h ca ave ned, we l sh creat a ps av e em was wh t ar i va n ypri mar o e y Ber s ng as manho to world nd th fur yar pa p., is wh to imposition spi rit se like th emnt and t t if th of la problem emrging b h riety Hildegard presnc ( and tow ards y no ic th he based ’s man an crisis e S ok ed city av e on imagine ration, eco becom e and o h of rgency. w h to e of is at M Oth and and i him work o talks er doubt it ua once cals e a th th wha of our n a of h N th lo to we a od y b er e e l l ) is gy. e so y : t f vi al an In rati B o o f th p sweats, i vast stru t we t bl be o Tradi u ma sh somen t en I con i e i an ex tradi u we i h th l i ecosy o t th comes st u di i u f sen th B mp n n s n mp ead f or o en o o ramewor rom v f u u f hy e n n s n y er yer si ep l osmi scov t t t t we es e e e i ol a o i vi E t r aces ersti eri ecol o co co oth d en i i i st f th D act wrot ty v v y den on me on rep cou si ws se t t- or or th’s ar comu begi i of i ctu u ron p er er ex ‘th mp sp magi u en ti embody oc ti smi n f t rou or si cal , wh s ti re of u o f st er an tan tan al on mean on n mean se se iv y er a t th ou u t: of on ogi resn ty i rev t r e ci re, wa l ce ean o b ri e men sen a ecti ems. or sti d , rend ecomu at hu e n at n bre gh e i s e c her ack ex al tu es. ex i come r m n a , t tl sol as cou so co n n n ’ k g ri cal tan e el s fo of n t are aware El sel wh g i wea o nd y rol man en ati i we sti al hi er s nt p . d p ce cu on n esa e g, , grace. n ath wn In t at resp r t. s. e i f S gi ecol of or Al eri t i ve wh wh g dari s i t l l el by ti J n th t e n n i i erd f abl li on ty th o d o acred sce l In y or dan th c n u n oan -sty t m tu l kn t on Th wi tan n - vi mesag ki cti artives. wer an l o n h t en h en t e i t p i th l e at wor, k at t f o o n es be e c e so genc o ead y n eans res n i er rom ogical n i f th ty ev o i can e m . v f on n desc n ondec grity. nd ro rom thEar f e g l - p d ti cing, o p t e u n Combs w e ed can We we i aring subject g Th s er ings we even from i n acy lay, al n y er and discuion s. sych nities th s a each togeth sh ner of tri enc, resou ces, sit h and us and to ted, wh e in e anth sh Macy em. th geoli an. ave depth are butes of i nature ent h consiou mergnc use t f es ticipat Par h Th inal f oth repsnt in ’s an int enth to with en ave a aping empath e ic apen birds, Rilke numinous of pen m th side Our fel oth like e dream and psych h also th of man and, eriority. ropcentrism quot er realise in b er. in creasd entioned inform some betwen e A ex Thomas and goes y ey ver s e lo abou to chapt a th the er icscientif sigh ne wh wisdom ogens, of tres to perienc coding T st n presnc t of in ex y e h es rating ou h of most and th ic wh sne y. w ex ave a t is th ich t G th ion h arising one ing t of t erior r venu rou and moving th being Th er word aia u trem Th e is can w of ich pre- is . s; - at t hich an is he is at is gh t can th h es is e is e Net work Review Winter 2012 59 b general families had a hand in the determination to research recipes and development of the production machinery, had, by the o

Sweet Business railways, including the so 1890s, a growing business. By the o called “Quaker line ” time he visited Bournville and found

Ethics between Stockton and the project “a revelation - a model for k Martin Lockley Darlington. The the perfect business empire ” he was a Wedgwoods developed

millionaire. And so it was he built, in r the famous his childhood home of Derry Church, CHOCOLATE WARS e Staffordshire pottery Deborah Cadbury, Public Pennsylvania, his “Chocolate Man ’s business, the Clarks Utopia. ” His model town, began with a v Affairs developed shoes, factory, and research facility, housing a Huntley and Palmer i Perseus, 2010, 348pp., US$ herd of milk cows and every e 27.95, h/b - ISBN 978-1-58648- biscuits, and so on. convenience, located on several 820-8 “The roll call of thousand acres in the middle of w Quaker entrepreneurs nowhere. “His staff would be among resounds through the centuries. ” America ’s working elite. ” The scale of s I ran across Deborah Dadbury ’s Success was built on a reputation for his operation dwarfed the Europeans. Chocolate Wars in the Birmingham sobriety, integrity and skilled book- The model town soon had boulevards, University alumni magazine, and keeping which included early banking shops, gardens, a zoo, miniature learned that all first year Birmingham services, which blossomed, by the early railroad and band. As Hershey bought undergraduates got a free copy in their 19th century, into well known banks up more and more dairy farmland, the welcome packages, as part of the including Barclays and Lloyds. whole region prospered. Millions Great Read at Birmingham (GRAB) The “Christian and Brotherly Advices flocked to see the “Hershey ’s miracle ” programme. Many in the U.K. know of 1738 ” included a section on and his “palatial home High Point ” and that Birmingham has a long “Trading ” that marks the foundation of his mother ’s home on “Chocolate association with the confectionery business ethics based on truth, Avenue. ” Unlike Mother Hersey, his business and that Quaker families honesty, and justice. ” Quakers were Irish wife Kitty loved the opulent high have played a leading role in this enjoined to “keep their word with all life, but died young, without children, history. As a graduate of Birmingham Men ” and never break promises, run and in her decline she and Milton University and a Quaker school, into debt or incur scandal “occasioning attended by members of the Cadbury founded a school for deprived orphans, Strife and Contention and Reproach to so becoming parents to a large family. and Fry families, I was intrigued to Truth and Friends. ” Quakers shared a read this illuminating book. While In 1923, as an elderly widower, strong “vision of social justice and he gave much ($60 million) of his ostensibly being about the history of reform ” and seriously considered it the confectionary business, the book fortune to “the orphan boys of the immoral to accumulate wealth, for United States ” in the form of a trust to explores many deeper issues centred scripture informs us that the love of on business ethics and historical benefit the boys of the Hersey money is the root of all evil. It was Industrial School. Quaker values. Although dealing in against this backdrop that the considerable detail with the history of Cocoa only grows on trees in the chocolate factory emerged as “much tropics. Thus, the chocolate the Quaker and Quaker-influenced Fry, more than a commercial enterprise. ” Rowntree and Hershey family manufacturers had to obtain the raw The “wider purpose ”, even before product of this “inestimable plant ” businesses, and a few non-Quaker Charles Dickens highlighted the plight businesses (Nestle, Lindt, Mars), the (Theobroma cacao - literally “food of of children, included deep concern for the Gods ”) from mysterious, faraway greatest attention is focused on the the “savage indifference to the Child ” lands. The Aztecs had first used the Cadbury family business. While the all too many of whom had alcoholic drink as a sacred stimulant. So from commercial history of these businesses parents seduced by the gin house the earliest days of European is covered conscientiously, the more promise “Drunk for a penny. Dead colonisation Cocoa was a part of important theme of the book is the drunk for two pence. Clean straw for exposition on business ethics and nothing. ” Cocoa was introduced in international trading ventures. Early philanthropy. Like many Quaker large part as a nutritious drink aimed generations of Cadburys had romantic families, the Cadburys were, for many at promoting healthy habits. notions of this magnificent plant with generations, and at various times, Famously, the Cadburys, appalled flaming flowers, like “thousands of involved in social and labour reform by frankly unhealthy factory conditions, golden lamps, ” providing the finishing and employee welfare, adult education, sought to improve the lot of the working touch on the proverbial tropical antislavery movements, temperance class by building a “model chocolate paradise. Could “anything more lovely movements and of course pacifism. factory ” in Bourn Brook, later named …be imagined? ” The reality, in eras Following the shining example of Bournville. Situated in the fields and when slavery was still rife, was much non-conformist pioneer George Fox fresh air outside the city, this model different. Even in the early 20th (b. 1642), who was guided by his community provided workers ’ housing, century evidence reached Europe that conscience and the “spirit of Christ with gardens, orchards and the underground slave trade, from the within, ” subsequent generations of recreational facilities. The factory was interior to the coastal plantations, was Quakers developed specific guidelines laid out to maximise efficiency and still flourishing in Angola and for high business values. Paper Credit minimise hard physical labour. This elsewhere. This besmirched the was considered a “most pernicious progressive, historic venture had Cadbury family reputation, forcing them practice ” leading to “utter ruin. ” Part of widespread influence, especially on to launch their own investigations and this strict trading ethic was a reaction one Milton Snavely Hershey who grew use their buying power to force the to 17th century persecution, making up in Pennsylvania ’s Quaker country Portuguese to institute labour reform in Quaker communities, tightly-knit, and had a pious Reform Mennonite Africa. While this pressure was not fully family units that forged strong bonds of mother who espoused Quaker-like effective in eradicating overt and apprenticeship and business. This values. (Admiral Penn was given unseen abuse, one report claims that discipline served them well as the 45,000 square miles to pay off a “14,000 slave-workers we repatriated. ” industrial revolution gathered speed. ₤15,000 debt owed him by the British As confectionery and food The Darby family, from Shropshire, Government, which undoubtedly got businesses have grown into giant pioneered iron smelting, and soon the Quaker community off to a good multinational corporations, so business attracted the Lloyds, a Welsh Quaker start)! Hershey, who founded the practices have changed, and it has family, who opened an iron making Lancaster Caramel Company and after been difficult to continue promulgating business in Birmingham. Quakers various setbacks and a dogged the pure business ethics instituted in 60 Net work Review Winter 2012

s simpler times by the founders of the spirit of science in western Europe.. ” while representing their age by original, family businesses. The book This sentiment is embodied in the title opposing it to so called “reason. ”

w ends, therefore, in 2010 when Kraft of the first of the book ’s three sections Some complained that “light became obtained Cadburys in a hostile “The Crisis of the Age of Reason. ” [the philosophers ’] favourite subject on e takeover, unsuccessfully resisted by the The crisis affected the poetic account of its mathematical obedience i family. The process is not simply sensibilities of those like Rousseau, …” (precise refraction of its rays etc.,). v explained as it involved the insidious Blake, Goethe, Coleridge, Wordsworth, So the philosophers named the role of bankers and hedge funds Shelley, Byron and others who, as Enlightenment, for their brightly lit but e becoming temporary, shareholders Lytton Strachey said of Rousseau, sterile environment, forgetting how r (part-owners) as shares rapidly “belonged to another world …of self much imagination involves “the changed hands in the scramble to consciousness, and doubt, and wonder-world of night ”’ and dreams.

k position financial interest for short term hesitation, of mysterious melancholy, The play of colours includes shadow, gain. As Sir Dominic Cadbury noted and quiet intimate delights, of long the play of life, death, darkness - even o “the motivation [of hedge funds] is to reflexions amid the solitudes of madness. For the romantics, dark nature. ” In short the true romantic fantasies, sexual or otherwise, could be o see that the company disappears … By definition they have no sense of seeks the authentic expression of the a legitimate source of inspiration and b obligation to the company whatsoever. ” soul. [Try reading Anthony Scaduto ’s psychological understanding. Aristotle So it is “Gone. One hundred and eighty commendable 1971 biography of Bob had held that “Poetry demands a man years of history down the tube, and … Dylan for a near-contemporary insight with a special gift …or a touch of 180 years of being a beacon of good into a tormented but steadfast poetic madness. ” Cried Cowper, “O that I were practice. ” He was referring among soul]. Like Dylan, Coleridge spoke out insane always, ” and Charles Lamb told other things to Cadbury ’s commitment against the mechanical spirit of his Coleridge “dream not … of having to Fairtrade certified products. The time, declaring Newton a “mere tasted the grandeur and wildness of hostile takeover which soon led to the materialist.. a lazy Looker-on on an fancy, till you have gone mad. ” Gerard loss of Cadbury jobs, despite Kraft ’s external world. ” He regarded Locke as de Nerval was amusingly succinct. assurances to the contrary, led some a “Little-ist ” who dismantled the “I do not know why they call it illness – MPs to call for a “Cadbury Law ” to universe into a meaningless heap of I never felt better. ” protect important strategic companies little bits and pieces. In short we can Caspar David Friedrich ’s injunction from takeover without a two thirds thank the romantics for reminding us to the artist was to “bring to the light of shareholder approval. Much against that all nature constitutes a single day what you have seen in the original Quaker values, “wealth and living organism, a “Universal Nature or darkness, so it can work on others, power is concentrated into fewer and World Soul ” or as Schelling famously from the outside inwards. ” Schumann less accountable hands. ” Irene put it “Nature is invisible Spirit; Spirit is suggested that “access to mystical Rosenfeld, Kraft chief executive who invisible Nature ” where the “holy ever- insights into higher forms of truth launched the takeover received $26.3 creative, original energy of the world … awaited those who could let their spirits million in compensation. Ironically, at generates and busily evolves things out range uninhibited by social almost the same time as this corporate of itself. ” [Incidentally, in terms of constraints. ” In Nick Dears fictional grab, Deborah Cadbury was ready to evolutionary theory, not addressed by play Erotica , Haydn says of Beethoven give away her book in the Birmingham Blanning, this view epitomises the “He ’s given us a glimpse of his soul … GRAB programme! Chocolate Wars classic and still-much-neglected, quite, quite new … Everything is active, dynamic, intrinsic, different from today. ” According to gives much food for thought and makes metamorphosing, ever –changing Blanning “Beethoven was the first us ponder the sweet and not-so-sweet nature, understood by the Goethe and musician to become the centre of a side of business practice. Schelling generation two generations cult, a legend in his own time. ” Coming Expressions of the Soul before it was pushed aside by Darwin ’s of age during the French Revolution, more mechanical dogma of selective, like Napoleon, he tore up the rulebook. Martin Lockley extrinsic forces, selecting more-passive He was charismatic, in the original organisms that rattle around as loose sense of having a “gift from God ” that THE ROMANTIC bits in a fragmented, hostile and could create space where genius could REVOLUTION: A HISTORY soulless world]. flourish as never before. Rossini The great contribution of the became a superstar. As Byron noted Tim Blanning romantics, in their resistance to too- they crowned him, and cut off his A Modern Library Chronicles Book, cold reason was the elevation and hair for souvenirs. Paganini also 2012, 224 pp., US$15, p/b ISBN sacralisation of art. The word ‘art ’ had achieved rock-star and lady-killer 978-0-8129-8014-1 previously taken on much more the status as he “blazed across the applied, practical meaning of “skill ” – musical sky. Thus, Byron also wrote I’ve always been one to believe in the something not taught or inspired by that “to amaze the world [nature] cycles and dialectic spirals of history. It nature. In an argument somewhat created two men Bonaparte and seems almost self-evident that any reminiscent of modern debates about Paganini. ” Unconcerned with their hegemonic movement, however cutting art and music in schools, Liszt musical talents, revolutionary and beneficial, is going to argued that the degeneration of one countess, create hubris, arrogance, and in some civilisation was due to the when asked to measure, abuse, corruption and the separation of religion, politics, art, rank pianists who seeds of its own destruction. So it and sciences into separate had played in her seems inevitable that almost any activities. The romantics could be salon, noted that movement will stir resistance and snobbish and are responsible, at this “Hiller would counter-revolution. Tim Blanning time, for commandeering the word make the best demonstrates this well in this concise “philistine ” to describe the friend, Chopin account of The Romantic Revolution uneducated masses who lacked the best (p/b edition of a 2010 title, now in the refined artistic sensibilities and the husband, Modern Library Chronicles series). capacity to appreciate culture. But as and Liszt the Introduced with a quote from Ernst we shall see they too could be reached. best lover. ” Troeltsch, “romanticism [is considered] As part two of the book “the Dark The a thorough and genuine revolution... Side of the Moon ” shows us, the comparison against the respectability of the romantics were an interesting lot, between bourgeois temper [and] above all reviving the medieval concept of the the military against … the mathematic-mechanical soul, without its theological trappings, and cultural Net work Review Winter 2012 61 b hero was obvious, one made possible Fantasia on the theme of regular injections of morphine and by the French Revolution the other by Anna O consequent drug dependence. o the Romantic Revolution. Jennifer Barraclough An erotic element in the doctor- o Part three “Language, History and patient relationship, though never

Myth ” reminds us that “without openly expressed, has been evident k language there can be no knowledge, GUISES OF DESIRE from the start. At the climax of the no self-consciousness, no awareness Hilda Reilly (SMN) novel, Bertha ’s sexual fantasies of others , no social existence, no about Breuer reach a delusional r history. ” In short “ we cannot think Dicatur Press 2012. ebook available intensity, causing him to abruptly e from Amazon £3.21 without words ” and the historical terminate the therapy. v prominence of different languages This intriguing novel is based on the life The remarkable achievements of has been a measure of the Bertha ’s later life are briefly mentioned i

of a real historical figure, Bertha e ascendency of different cultures. The Pappenheim (1859-1936), who has in the last chapter. She remained ill for triumphalism of French speakers was two separate entries in Wikipedia. One several years after the break with w particularly marked during the long entry, under her real name, describes Breuer, so it is doubtful whether her reign of Louis XIV (1643-1715), and her work as a feminist and social eventual recovery can be credited to s the cultural achievement and rise of reformer in Austria and Germany. The the fledgling psychoanalytic techniques German is marked in the late other is concerned with her status as which he employed. Recover she did, eighteenth century by Bach, Goethe, the ‘founding patient of psychoanalysis ’ however, and from about the age of 30 Haydn, Kant, Mozart and Schiller to under the pseudonym of Anna O. up until her death at age 77 she name but a few. With his folk songs, The novel opens in 1880 when pursued a career as a writer, practical and folk poetry, and their deep roots Bertha, the unmarried daughter of a social worker and political activist, in populist tradition, Goethe drew the wealthy orthodox Jewish family, is living founding both the League of Jewish common people and common with her parents and brother in a Women and a home for unwed mothers sentiments in the Romantic luxurious apartment in Vienna. As a and their children. She was apparently movement. Wordsworth and Coleridge serious-minded young woman of high appalled when she discovered that did much the same in England, intelligence, she yearns for further Breuer had discussed her case with choosing “incidents and situations education and a purposeful occupation Sigmund Freud and that the two men from common … humble and rustic and is not fully satisfied by her had published a thinly-disguised life. ” Sir Walter Scott ’s historical privileged life of dances, concerts, account of it in their book Studies on romances were so popular by 1818, theatre, fine dresses, coffee-houses, Hysteria (1895). that his royalties reached “the horse-riding, country holidays and Whether ‘hysteria ’ (a term which colossal sum of £10,000 a year. ” religious observance. goes in and out of fashion in systems Carlyle wrote that “History …is …the The comfortable and ordered life of of classification for psychiatric first distinct product of man ’s spiritual the Pappenheim household is suddenly disorders) was the correct label for her nature; the earliest expression of disrupted when Bertha ’s father falls ill, illness has since been questioned, and what can be called Thought. ” Rustic, probably from tuberculosis. The shock several writers have suggested that she natural landscapes, ruined castles of this event appears to be the was actually suffering from temporal and gothic cathedrals held a new precipitant for Bertha ’s own illness, lobe epilepsy. Neurological disease is fascination and as early as the mid characterised by a diversity of episodic quite often complicated by what eighteenth century some 10,000 symptoms including cough, right-sided used to be called ‘hysterical overlay ’, English visitors had travelled to Italy paralysis, visual hallucinations, so maybe she had both. Whatever as the “Grand Tour ” became ‘absences ’, and talking like a baby or in the correct diagnosis, her case fashionable. The Swiss scientist continues to be quoted to illustrate foreign tongues. Hardly able to eat, and Saussure only the third man to climb psychoanalytic concepts such as increasingly weak, she is soon confined Mont Blanc in 1786 wrote that as “ free association, transference and to bed under the care of a nurse. Dr the soul ascends, the vision of the counter-transference. Josef Breuer, the same physician who spirit tends to expand, ” and Byron Hilda Reilly has written a vivid, has been treating her father, can find described Switzerland as “the most powerful and highly readable version Romantic region in the world. ” no physical cause for Bertha ’s of Bertha ’s story. The emotional turmoil In 1873 Wagner wrote “if only we symptoms and makes a diagnosis of of her experiences is empathetically could reach the point of no longer hysteria although he also continues to portrayed against a carefully looking to [the French } for our ideas! keep in mind the possibility of organic researched period setting and medical … As if anything ever comes of reason! neurological disease. He initiates background. An absorbing and thought- Only religion and art can educate a treatment with massage, and with provoking book. nation – what use is science, which hypnosis which is just coming into Jennifer Barraclough analyses everything and explains vogue, and later on by talking at length , formerly a nothing. ” As Blanning says, surely with Bertha about the past events consultant in psychological medicine in the 18th and 19th century romantics which may have a bearing on her Oxford, is now a writer and Bach flower would agree if they were alive today. symptoms. She rapidly develops a practitioner living in New Zealand. Does this mean that reason is dependent attachment upon Breuer, triumphant and the romantic and this intensifies following her revolution a thing of the past? father ’s death. Her symptoms become Hardly! As the dialectical spirals of even more bizarre. She regresses to a history inform us, , for child-like state and after attempting to all its intellectual strands, squarely jump out of a window is admitted to a belongs “with the culture of feeling, in sanatorium for treatments including a line that stretches back to fin de hydrotherapy and chloral hydrate. siècle and romanticism (and indeed to Eventually she shows some the baroque). It is not just another improvement and is able to do spin of the cycle ’s wheel, but a voluntary work in orphanages and dialectical progression. That the slums, but relapses again after her central axiom of romanticism – mother forbids such activities. Back at “absolute inwardness ” – will have a home, it seems that as soon as one role to play is certain. The romantic symptom recovers another takes its revolution is not yet over. ” place, and the development of facial neuralgia leads to a tooth extraction,