Domestic Receipt** 2ott rtf. Palmer Cakes.—Sift a pound of flottf On tho Shores of Tennessee, into a pan, and rub into it half a pound butter and a of a of •‘Move my arm-chair, faithful Pompey, of quarter pound In the sunshine bright and strong, powdered loaf-sugar, Add a teaapoonful For this world is fading, Pompey — of mixed powdered cinnamon, nut- Massa won’t be with spice, you long'; and mace. Wet the mixture with And I fain would hear the South wind meg, two woll-bcatcn the a Bring once more the sound to me, eggs; jniocof large EUsluortI) or and sufficient rosc-wataf Of the waveless softly breaking ^wcritfan. lemon orange, On the shores of Tennessee. to make it into a dough just stiff enough —Oii« or Icm, to roll out a little flour ••Mournful through the ripples murmur. T«»v<- Ton p.,ni« no I Tmms of .* Dvintwiso iqturt easily. Sprinkle As they still the story tell, on the paste-board, lay tho lump of dough no vessel floats it flow the banner uot in not upon it, roll it out rather thin, and out That I’ve loved so and “U)e Cioc in Pceiis, Bmtljs." long well, Dtars; ®l)ougl)t0, j|SSpe into round cakes, with tho edge of a tum- I shall listen to their music. §&sSk^E| bler, time in flour to prevent Dreaming that again I see dipped every stickiness. the cakes in buttered Btars and Stripes on sloop and shallop Lay Sailing up the Tennessee. A YEAR IN ADVANCE. square pans. Set them in a rather Uriah VOL. NO. 14. ME., FRIDAY, APRIL 25.1SG2. 81.50 and bake them brown, ••And, Pompey, while old Massa's waiting VIII, ELLSWORTH, oven, For Deaths last dispatch to come, Unfermentkd Bread.—Take fine flour, If that exiled starry banner to contem- bicarbonate of soda one and Should come and calm, to a six ; proudly sailing home, Knglish churches. It was not unnatural ter, and keep dry. It is the good womans | debt,—or cnclmnt tho romantic while expa- A Talo of tho Sea. degree painlul pounds You shall it. slave no that of the widow4 of an ounce ; puro muriatio greet longer— they should inherit their opinions and stock of fluid and kerosene by whose light j tiating on the beauty young plate. one-eighth Voice and hand shall both he free here to (be two mates one ounce and a water. prejudices, and that their faith and practice, she plies tlie wool cards, or the spinning who led captive the Surveyor sent Capt. Fr*ond—Ilia Death and Burial. The reading done, sung acid, quarter; That shout and point to Union colors in and who left a of consequence of that state of things should wheel, or the needles during the run out the settlers lots, with clear voices the three pints ; and salt, three-quarters On the s aves of knitting hymn— Tennessee.” be somewhat even to of of and that at the soda rigid, intolerance. winter evenings. When the hour | progeny beauty, enterprise The nei.t after our arrival •* There is a heaven of rest.” an ounce i mix the bicarbonate of • • long day peaceful ••Mnssa’s berry kind to were at- rest arrives, the labors closed, see would give eclat to any town. our were with the and Pompey ; Undoubtedly they evening old of St. Domingo, eyes was to the of and the salt intimately flour, tached to for city and the body given keeping But old darky's happy here, particular forms of public worship with what care* she rakes back the dying The first meeting municipal purposes, ! the view of the stars and the muriatic acid into the water, and gladdened by the eternal Our sails were put Wheie he's tended corn and cotton, ; and [(articular religious tenets. They es- embers and a dry stick of hard wood was railed by Joseph Wood, John iioundy deep. again places 44 the wind, then blend the whole in the usual of For a the tree- *| floating proudly upon hearts each man way these many long gone year. teemed those tenets and observances to l>c among them, covering it witli as much care and Nicholas llolt, addressed to stripes set, and with saddened j soon as it is Over Misasis* — four and as tho 11 P. from N. York, As thorough- yonder sleeping ! bused opm the word of God. We cannot as she would her baby in the cradle. Her holders of No. 5, Feb. 20,1707 nearly Cushing, went to his duty. making dough. No one tends her and the bake it either in tins or not. grave like me; however, boast of much in our face and anxious fear, lest from the landing of the first settlers. sailed majestically softly through at sea.” How often these ly kneaded, , improvement betrays |H-rplexity years He died Mebbie she would miss the flowers nature. was at the mouth of the Ora- has an natur- Occasionally within our own times, there should not be heat sufficient to convert On tho 7th of March, 1768—a meeting I narrow entrance four tell all that the Bread thus made agreeable She used to love in monosyllables loving Tennessee. a is that the hu- it into What if should become held for to see if will agree and sub- in tront of the much than fermen- spirit conjured up, showing coal they they ma, and anchored grand heart knows, of the last hours of somt al taste ; keeps longer •• man w to hire a is — ill, or is as destitute of lire Iu the the little scribe for to raise for that ’Pears like she watching, Massa regenerate unregenerate night money person old ruin of the Columbus House,” the home and its affec- ted or common bread, and is said to b< us—so that j | cherished idol, of If should beside him stubborn and aggressive, as in ages Edith her mother’s side awakes like Mil- for to preach the gospel to less liable to Pompey stray, past, by stands upon the bank of the river. The words of the more digestible, and much Mebbie she’d remember better when the civil was in a ton’s that not our children like the tions! sorrowing boy, power greater degree nightingale “darkling”—but may bring up turn sour or We observe brother hastened on board to learn over the deck after the mouldy, may Dow for him she used to pray ; j within the control of the religious senti- nocturnal note is something different from heathen.” I My as he stood leaning •••••• and soon after came that the chemical action of the acid on Telling him that wav up yonder | ment. | harm minus numbers,”—the mother is| The Tide-mill was built in 17Go, at the what news from home, brother’s decease, dropping his tears with \\ lute as snow his soul would to on the soda which, it be, They were the immediate dependents of soon on her lee;—the fire slice is sought in raising of which, according tradition, back to tell mo he had engaged passage the waves below. it will kill mother” disengages gas, though If he served the Lord of Heaven the first settlers in the British d it f r such an man, woman and child, of the town 11 makes the bread in j Colonies, who the irk where she bad placed every the schooner to New \ ork, when she —she had one who died at sea"— “light,” disappears While he lived in boy Tennessee.” were left in a measure their sover- She hack the was and set down at a fur- the and that the result of this action great by emergency. scrapes ashes, present, repast should return the 1st of loaded with me so that for that oven, • • at the same table May, deeply, the tears were I eigns to take care of themselves. alas n > of fire moots her anxious nished for the occasion impressed but common table- Silently rolling glow gaze. (her treasure of woods—mahoga- mother's sake k have written this little is to produce nothing The rare of are without tire ! Then the The first indication of the naup is precious Down the poor old dusky face. indisposition royal authority, They friendly present and salt, which can he min- — ■ staiuwood, it ever reach easily proved by As he behind Ins and then to curb and restrain, did not tinder box is out. Click—click in the warrant for a meeting Feb. 18, 1771, ny, fustic, lingnum-vit.c. Tale of the Sea.” Should stcppcii master, only sought a similar of the acid and name of and address A few after, the master of tho a comfort in the ing proportion In his long accustomed place. j tiecome matters of veneration or respect, nor click ; not a spark tells upon the sullen d irk- dropping the Newport, days her, it may bo drop of 5 in fJ/urhi/l invited me the soda in an vessel, when Ther. a silence fell around them, alter the natural feelings of men, or c »ange ness—click—click—click—more rapidly d *es ed to the inhabitants of No. schooner, “Captain Friend,” bitter cup to know that even a stranger's appropriate As they on rock and tree the natural course and of the flint the steel. The Biv. In 17*8 it was voted to desire the board and take a look at the the well-known taste of common table-salt g.ued tendency things ply sympathizing to call on eves dropped tears over the last remains Pictured in the waters W liile the British ministers were ro mi is with the radiant shower.— General Court to call t’ name of the town, will be Pienf. placid looking bright , ami sec if I could he satisfied of her and of the of recognized.—Septimus Of the Tennessee. premises, boy, thought grief roiling into their laws and records, to decide what But the child familiar enough with tlie an- when incorporated Blue ill, and it was by which I did.— * • * with my accommodations, the mother when she should know that lie To Cure !>c at name Jan. 30th, l78*J Diptheria.—A gentleman Master, dreaming of the battle should the rights of men here. Nature pariti a yf freedom among shout* till the in >ther is aim >st frantic. At In 1700, was the firs t vote Governor, following fought by side, establishing system j me with a h r first time there when the startled deep- for informs us that it has al- When he bid the haughty Tarleton us, which they could neither comprehend, bngth one lucky spark has done its office— Jo votes being cast, the captain dy diptheria and a look of dis-! his crest of Pride. n .r counteract. The Revolution the tinder is now f*r the match, it was an article in the warrant for the sup- drawn sigh, sorrowing effectual in Stoop lordly explained alight, [Ontrfpondence of the New York World.] ways proved affording speedy how it t > a a school. It was not acted Man, remembering yon sleeper the world, and served to confirm what won’t burn, gentle breath is wafted into; port of upon.— content. relief. Take a common tobacco pipe, Once he held his I over that the General Court :is-, A Gallant Reconnoissanca upon knee, nature and of condition had before the box. the face that leans the In Fob. of year as by a a equality ninety 1 My cabin,” said lie, does not look place live coal within the bowl, drop Kre she lov*d the i< in match—another ssed a tax of to b? 1 lid out gallmt soldier, produced. tinder aglow—another £lo>, 18s, 91, to with me.” the Sixth Maine. tar and let the «>f it did when my wife used go little upon the coal, patient Ralph Vervair Tonties>ee. 1 am not aware that a of and an are all The toil fir the of a Minister and single simple »ther—they damp. support Gospel " on shore this mouth and *' In a town You have left her time,” Headquarters Keyes' Cords, ) draw smoko into the discharge Still the south wind fondly what i« called a medium," has w >rn I.ither gr ms in baby is iri- School Master. May following, | lingers Spiritual spirit—the it the nostrils. The ia *d from of the »r the man from his b«*d was held and of the matter answered I, near Lee’s Mills, 8. remedy 'Mid the veteran's silver hair ; | any first settlers of | ex iMe ; good leips meeting disposed gaily. Camp April j through *s a soli > safe and and should be tried when- Still the liondman close beside him I Bluehill. Those goixl old people whos- and s i/. !,is gun—no—not to shoot little in this way,—For winter I, £0, 17s .'•lie is not living,” he replied in a On the Oth inst. a very successful and simple, behind the old b »di.-s have lieen is with for summer school, £22, BK 01, f’>r ever occasion valua- Stands arm-chair. 1 quietly resting in tlo ir Edith my little hearers—f'r she yet od, husky voice, as if every muscle of his, important rceonnoissance was made by may require, Many With his dirk hued hand gr iv- s fir a have us—an infant of 'M) But he £20. 12 s, Od For the balance, be our informant uplifted, nearly century, not, (as again years. preaching, throat was down the words. 1 General W. S. Hancock, ac- ble lives may saved, Shad hr 1 ”.ds to w the choking brigadier mg eves, see far as I have heard) ln»en called up or down, inn *t iii oomplish hi-4 purp >se f >r hi.s gun is th -y voted to >rk clearing parsonage treatmaut lost her at sea, on the of the Hith ] Lieutenant Merrill, of the confidently believes, by prompt \V here the woo Lildly to rehearse to t'lis credulous their I >a 1 1 an 1 he can’t loose the as tie lot 7s, o 1,—an l on tha school lot £ l », night companied by jutting generation eharg1, i!o7, as Gazette. Turns aside ti.c Tcm.cesaee. j of last. We bad a terrible and Lieutenant bowen, of the above.—Hallowetl while clothed in the fl -sh. last r s »rt In* hastens on a garment— 1 Is, lid. at os per day. September Engineers, exploits single and the Fifth l*« >v in fu the town ad a code of which lasted three and the Thus he watched the cloud-born shadows N it ir.g piovided with the latest invui- rus rs r to his n ighbor Koundy’s. and | 1701, >pted by- gab', days, Topographical Engineers, Cl ue for the Piles.—Take one pound v\•* to I* w nls r-turns with a coal laws or rules and for tho 1111l ill,.In nt nli,nit half oast two at nirdit Col. and the Sixth a _ __ /'L (Hide fr on tree ?.. m inntain crest. ti in, shall have p-s.-rt to the old fash- a neon orders, regulation Wisconsin, Cobb, — l altar. Oh if at that mo-' of town The 0th arti- lc was aud .’IUIUU A-Ul. i>Ul nil.mi. A '/Ui Softly creeping ave and rv*r ione v\p dient, the imagination to call from his family meetings. the sea struck us, my vessel capsized, iVl'lillllClll, them until are fine and ** snail us* umui together, they l o the river ieiiiin.. breast. ii »» •11 »u »v- me ri" ii mu merit S' 'hi vision could have dis- wno any had the of i ju prophetic Any p-Tson my Annie was lost.” correspondent pleasure being well mixed. Eat a little of the mixture If* h>ii tli cl r.i n r tic* w n n-nui luvenuons unn means to obtain a vote in ease whatever Above the igc yonder of habit-, and modes of think any a The were found opinion-, Never shall L the tone witness. enemy posted three times a before of flulier* ui>J and free an hundred science w-uld unfold f«*r the ameii >ration ot shall be considered as to g »>d or- forget thrilling day, you partake Something mg years ago. unfriendly the entire of a stream this 1 e *— which this laconic of lile and along length and in a short if follow *‘Mi»s*a Mjv.,1 ! m ni u urn > th of th an l the n«iv mccm mt o! der, and shall be treated with with history food ; time, you Hallelujah ig huge trees p'Tpl- \ity, .Ktempt.’ The skirmishers thrown t > as ertain side ot its works. The flag’s c me hack to lennessee.'’ f»rest, arm* d w ith hi- ixe,—till, erect and1 human ss— wrhm the life time of It might He a matter of inquiry , death, of the terrors of the mighty deep, the directions, you will be free from this happin met the at — suae out in advance ; with a and intelli- that verv h >\v w mid she h.ivc fallen if order is now in fores In the of the fearful that blotted out all, enemy every disease. ••I’ompey, U i me on your shoulder, Hilly countenanceo|**n baby— tragedy distressing i\vn un i ri thanks t > (j »d—more than JC100 was raised to build a and convenient this side ol on g nt, but life almost to II d gi\ year meeting sunshine to was uttered. I raised place Help me stand foot once more, severity. him, exposed Glass One who has thor- leels life is too -h irt to his all oth rs cmhin d t r advent, iwu**e. Hut there was much controversy as the stream. Our men drove Chimneys.— That 1 may salute the co >rs accomplish thy coming my eyes to his bronzed face. There were gallantly in ii-1 m can iu rujive lucil *r to its and the details of its nn- tried the of A* < abtn door. II" in no idle un^nts ttmu little insignificant otT location, them to the shore, and in several in- oughly experiment prevent- they pans my j indulge no tears in his eyes, hut the convulsive up v fin* and nt struetion. So it was not f-r raiding from with Here's the pa, er signed that fries you, Hi- d- ti oi- and his morning meal, were match." The int ‘reining' of ye ready stances across. The fortifica- ing glass chimneys cracking ar of his features, an 1 the enemy's — was a matter of till June 17V*—. A vote in May of that deep Give n lr* eman's *hi»ut with me tinishe 1 Irf re the rising *>f the sun. From in this* days neighborly y working at all these the heat of the flame, says, Put the swell that over his broad tions were disclosed places, God an 1 Union 1‘ be our watchword I h"ad t f.*ot In* i- clothed in the of cmuitv, that no one d ir i withstand, but discloses a striking change in the notions ol surging swept products in with a sin- chimney in luke-warm water, heat ■ mounted them, glass Evermore in rcn:.e»*ee.” i iu- d 'ji'--'i 11* has h * or th of its exercise was one of the tie* since it- chest as he forth a sigh guns being industry. pride p iumty community passage. manly gave long to the and boil one hour ; *• S be boiling point, ! 1 ti -: to II has no desire* -ur-st t -ts ut .J and was Voted, I'hat tin* I etmen empower- that was almost a told how fearlul- gle exception. Then the trem’dm : v .ic»* grew vanity grit.fy. go housewifery, groan, water fainter. uio- to the after which leave it ia the till it •r cv ii notions of or show i into cautious ed to one barrd of rum, also The Sixth Maine advanced top Anti the limbs refuse 1 ■•'.anti clegnice, fashion, eir-liilly irnpiir by young procure ly the strong man was suffering. — suffi *i *nt for and on cool".'' to II thin v- but little of his own comforts men in-circ •! a with whom l.isses and sugar fraiuiug of the ltaviue, dc-*- this side of One prayer Jr* is— and the soldier companion lie rose, opened his chest, aud handed 'tiding hut labors that t» 1 *ur a hom“-; a 1. the house.” The house (Hided to that l etter land, inc snautly lor those uro to up raiding meeting It was not the the stream, and under its protection.— Room or P arlor Plants.-Eastern win- • • • • me her 1 » of was so far that the on the dagurrreotypc. \\ hen the flag went down th** fiver come after him. I addition t the ev *ry day avocations completed pews Lieut. Comstock made obser- S- face of a but of one whoso important dows should now be to southern us a o» and care of the »I were sold at auction beauty, loving preferred Man ami rn.ftcr bo*h were free. L* t tak of his log-house on ■'•iiiig. lemtiig up, taking ground >or, \t. were glimpse would vations. The Fourteenth Alabama ones; the sun is now too and ■. sum nature and While th»* ring- 1- v m-te vs n* tbs island elo-c the Falls—tlie futur* chiMr«'ii, i- ii •- ti'-l with th*» us-ist* 11th. 17U7. The highest given ,<*»>, kindly sympathy purify powerful, tuinglci hy pm on Four 1 stationed the other side. W -* lowest Rev. Mr. was make it litter for earth and pris- the sun more ith the rippiing 1 cimcvMe. senate lions• fir th" grave deli'ieratims of am of hitt* i 1 Mrs. Wood was the and the ,<)3. mail had ken, ami to believe their even west or north windows arc now hug*- >g- straighten *d by ing led, spun, incorporat' eyes, and wondered not that the «tory, pre- a of halt a d -ou- to leave a crack, an l all the and hie «* e !, the w d and tow she evrid, endow 1 with grant township bers 1,070 men, and left Richmond only ferable to those toward the south. hardly # * so loved, opening #lbcrUancou5. .- was a for S'> s Wo\ and mule into find, which dd int-r»tie fill- d in with must—plastered spun, *, and 1 »red. gur- a few days ago, which of course affords Plants that become should occas- w v* in and [ tried to think of to say. dusty, or *r with tlie ui !u-r nimble [die H tonued 1^13, something clay, effectually excluding '-y fing-rs. vptist Society evidence that the is be- out built in IS to and enemy's position ionally be put to advantage during at wind and ra. across the end of Ih-rwer no tall iuctori** then with the church 17.” but my voice refused articulate, Centennial Anniversary Nearly strengthened for a desperate resist- care not to me ir .-an I- I and hundreds ol from ing light showers, taking permit .if the tvv room-, extends tin* yawning th tli spindi-s, tears gushed toy eyes. Maine held this Bluohill. anil tie- ance. While the Sixth them to be drenched. fir -j ! 4 •, laid up with flit stones A mas- In .ms, m ivd by one impulse, doing Annie was a woman,” said he. Tuk London Times os the Monitor and good the were -ive ok ii tun’#*r serves ;as a mantle work id' a mill! >n hands, from morn t > place enemy's troops plainly Give air windows as often The centennial of the settle- support- Times aft. r the with another And hy opening anniv-miy Mkurimac.—The stating deep-bursting sigh. down the stream and be- ing a to the roof,—alwve it i- ex-’ nigbt—fr -m ’>:)'• years end to anotlier,—ti little seen marching as and at all times the ment of Dluehill w m iv lebr ited on M himney ehara. t r of our two iron-plated antagon- since she is gone, I feel that I have practicable, dtiring niday tended with refuse laid like a dr •».- a iker to tit the tin fabrics to th hind their fortifications. It was the -tones, up -light the f inferenc-s : raise the sashes a little. Roses and 7th. Hut f-r the unf-rtunato c»nlt ists, draws blowing to live for.” lay April "hill's cob-ho use and filled in and rd, anl delicate forms of both motli-r and of Col. Rurnhant that this piaster *•< hi a m ot tie se conditions we opinion part should bo very near the — • n eomparis in these geraniums kept lion of the there w—re with l’iie fl »r is made of l • 1 ;• n glaring signs giving dice ot Oh I how much was lie traveling, many clay, pine *g-. rught, should that, unless all iron* expressed of the enemy's line could be taken, or will lose color and become •* naturally expect iu the r« made for hushauda and was a woman !” light, they fortn'T residents lrm tins and tin- halves, edges neatly join'd—and ly clothing r few words—" Annie two adjoining split si i s w re proof ag tinst all '.tie ir>nsid<*s, good sent Major Harris, with an escort of Plants that have been in the cel t!i*? w irke.J down with an adz* u- sons. have been pale. -« M *nit >r V>r What could towns who would have been pr :t with t'.e Mcrrimau would l»eat the higher eulogy spo- m ui, to lien. Hancock to ask lar the should be a.noct' as the dock of an A. N >. I Coast permission winter, In th sc of rate man during exposed ** ly days rainpint philanthropliv. it was not so, ! he Monitor had, at ken the of ? them, to r- vivo the ui uiorics of Auld any by lips to do so. At that mom tit the General the cud of the unless the sea- er. (>v» rli- a 1 the chamber fl »>r was male 1 month, let e\ rv thoughttul w naan bless the day not tli worst of the and she c rt.nn- by fight, Hut let me not linger. was with the Fifth Wisconsin -t r igli hewn cedars. In the between e m ‘uvune — lor he abolished inspecting son should bo late. or Lang Syne.” space when di king the M irimae's car. r <>f v. -t-wy unusually Rc-pot are ly br<»yght told me of all the of that of further down.— the and the wall of the house s ol He struggle the Works the out as root-room. The «irati ’fi of the occasion was delivered chimney in »re av ry within the fifty years lii-( to a cl v N >w, it w* ar.* entitl :d to as- enemy plant such require on iu-"rt"d of cedar shaved, r than tlie in »>t livish ol fearful storm of four lloating upon Harris was a small H \V. at the splits nicely ign, expenditure sume that t’.ic-e vessels w r-* pretty well days, Major intercepted by Keep hydrangeas in shady situations. by Hinckley E-^ Congrega- — which are rows of ace water or food, ot displayed resplendent hi • i and treasure will ever it must f«*!h»w that the M mitur is the wreck without being of the When as cai as at to a ouiplish matched, scouting party enemy. Cleanse wood and tional Church 7 o'clock I*. M. lull tf comer f r foliage ly prac- iiewter, the new lie vs lifted iro'ii h ticable. A little wood-char- nnd audience c Ov r the driven in between pulverised appreciating imposed largely ycirs. fire-place such as the black rice has nowhere been results at a far arrival at for she has yielded equal some of his crew alter their his two men as if he had a and coal on tho the earth in tho the stones ar two wooden hooks on which b company, surface of ol the elder citizens of tho .•all 1 to endure. Incessant was laun died with* place. up*n »dily lev* cost. She actually but eter as be talked, be came them to fire, one of the a home; enemy is rents musket of sue, — i di of the accustomed loxu- ordering pots containing parlor plants, always Alter the address to the portentous suggest!v tul privati in three months of the day leT k«*cl was laid, of his which they repiircd of fiitur* saddle* of and back to her, the light life, was killed; the others tell back and the and it two or three savory venison, ri.-s an 1 n iti-s t civilization, and tin-, and s!.e was built f.r less thin lY>ihmh). It advisable, by changing Il .tc) wh ere u g• »ot uni c illati »n so su been 1. steak* "1 bca. meat. Underneath the ex s i -nt t a re w woe not had times the it will bo found in il li iin i country we com such work with t time and Idelily extinguish Major escaped. during season, was par*? an 1 we were served by Lundl -rd lliuckl-y. Appro- dresser, stand tlie meal, the tier l**.iit of her trials. It was not without A month away, If there existed a favorable moment to to tho trm|»iraneous in mey devoted t<. our own Vchilles the con- passed obviate bud odors, and increase W. U* r. and the wash-tubs, ! witn u t ?ars she 1* ft lriuu Is and com- on the II. I’. hound fort it priatc sentiments were read by Col. li. garnish.* many tliat trast will be not a little surprising. passengers Cushing, for occupying that quickly passed: thriftincss of the his own plants. piggm and kceler, all handiwork.— uis for a h cue in the new neither the Mcr* Tito that we left the concentration of I Darling and the lestiv ilics ol tbo evening paui »Shej It is clear however, that for home. morning but, notwithstanding When potted plants are in tho Ineroof is covered with the hnk of th" *d with the,i» as if t r-ver, and her wo- placed rimac nor the M .nit r can m as- was and and there or of rebels at that off in a manner to pirt exactly Domingo rainy sultry, four live regiments some earth should be drawn highly agreeable cedar, and in fastened mans heart *lm*st broken as the word ground, up kept place by poles ured our own It doe* in out to sea. fori in the walls left against promotions. was some trouble getting the Sixth he'd their position about the stems, so as to form a cone to all. across it l’he square holes farewell on h<-r toiigu \ That she for that either ot point, 1 linger*-1 not appear, instance, Friend stood deek for three and until Gen. Hancock's Hinekl is of as a f.»r the admish on «*l are not yet *d ii in uc sec li-r lathers nor hear Captain upon hours, by lead oil' the excess of moisture, and Mr y’s oration spoken light, gUz might lace, these a esse Is could put to sea, or venture far very blocks of wood under hours In the ■.term, and was not careful to orders returned to Farther fitting lay h- r iu other's v n wan a sal tli ; but i.wn us they camp. few that have been housed very creditable j*erlurm*ne.irch, vivid and a cul- Captain early apprehension, m lie closed. (Jutsi Icarea lew acre* after weeks* of \ the rugge 1 hr»t. The smart sea breeze chilled him. next intreneUniunt the devilish of they iy .yigiug along p p >rt in our impression of yesterday, i*. fit genius spring and summer, therefore the warmest tivated lit- rary taste A lias cov r»-1 with blackened of and she whut seemed the bounds ol of correspondent piles logs, coast, passed fir active service in any part of the world and the next morning hccomplainel rebellion lias devised seems to tie a rilie should not be selected for them. trees a blow exposures furnished us with some notes Ir on his dis- massive recently felled. Many civil.z 11ton —and out red un the of interest involvwl was liay—shy Still,there are points great feeling very ill. A fever set in. All The skirmishers ol the Fifth \\ is- h .* t*-"ii with the axe before the life •— pit. cour-x: s of our Hioncers given sturdy rein mb r* 1 the tiles of savage in Hjth tie* American \ Hot Ilot'SE.—Provided the heat ha* tting forth the life frightful the comparison. d me for him that could be done under the under Dean, drove the cue- arm of the woodman has » her consin, Capt. j accomplished wliicli had huipmred into childish; soli have sides, or if the M >nit"r’s been the an hundred years ago. sloping circumstances. The mates were as kind at this down the hank, neck and properly regulated during early much.. r sunk within her as sh*- my point ear—and 1 heart nides are not set at an angle they are so 1 >w ut and air admitted • # ** sms as and the sailors did their over their foot and out of: part April, hy top This is a season of storms, How few am ng O and, -. rt i into th- .iu around her as it duty. heels, bridges, you, yo p gl-» way, as to off r little mark for snot, L’fie Am ri- possible, sashes tho will be in 9 of wa n«» >*f know «»t. ness for four or live whatever are. only, plants healthy winds and coldness. If had daughters civiiizatiou, anything torins to arise from every seem to the >- Sea-sick days kept into their works, they icy expecting frightful can*, therefore, rely upon pr sight condition. house over our it we had no security these and sorrows In en- >w soon assert hi- him aud I w as more in the same heads, hardship* quiet side. 11 the savage might t’dion thus obtained by this expedient, me from seeing much, Farther down, and line, t?»e of the ski* e—if w- .«f and home, in hi* a-i .ent s-ats ilia—acr** to The Caetenc tribe should be against inclemency j -yment neighborhood p*aee- rights to fishing by whereas we have n-t yet ad ipfced it, anl. in a condition to ho waited upon than strong'r Works, bastionel forts, each, rc-pottcd were vrurn out a and tedious voyage f4.11 of business or in the varied and contl in i* moment ***ted tin* in the latter of and the bot- by long pursuit ignition, unexp ind eed, the ron J'late Committee* of teud others. Hut I never him mount-ini' .‘-••verai *jc«u»<, wore ; part April, rounds of li?»*s are spokefH uevciopcM nl >ng t% unknown, and dangerous pleasure, your spent.— mi 1 d, as lie had so often before. Architects hav t.nn of curb not so nrruin-nil that it will rocky, unprepar Institution of Naval just nr -at his >-ide two minutes that lie did the Fiftli Wisconsin and Sixth Maine waters toil of sunken 1 \V h > among c iu endure even the .1 ... .1. * I. r*. 11 II -4 II I I/‘it ill by hy | coast—ov-r dgi*s. you thought declared their conclusion that drain itself ; recollect that the ‘angilit-d in t of his Annie. The at these perfectly **0 nn v v 'i I Hi m aiune, skirmishers. ana irennKruus hi',—wiui 1-ng years (insecurity, was a f' c 'cturo. 1 speak enemy points pan.** miy mj MOfX III r* ill iiun.iu iii^’- Ca tent flourish iu countries where and almost readv to runk into lar lr ut human habitation, tlcvi to the ()no he said : of this conducted reconuois-! they pilot—tired grvat Still she fainted not—nor falter'd—nor with the usual sides.’ N- t one morning splendidly upright **!>-1 » arc half the without rain. The a the little and nil its concern.** were Here I snomi ue in were t-* year the if Were iuM don moving world, <• it Amite up sauce the grave— living H r mrse was taken, her j-ctiun which was urged against sloping compelled occupy high-1 — > complained. sashes both on and in front should be bleak island out from the tide-mill *r vi v? circumscribed the heaving a or two. She would know what in front of the towards top ju-t y by destine "as lix-d. she trusted much to the sides has not been supported hy th*» experi- day just cr ground plain on a wall ot at favorable so homeless and h >u«‘l* *s—with ov-r ocean the one side, and gigantic to more once lie 1 from the opened every opportunity, nothing strung arm of her companion, hut more ence of the late action. It was plausibly to do." And than express their face. Here the enemy ** j our heads hut the Heavens, and the tree-, of tr* in the otln*r, from which come as to harden the ; on mild nightly the -tr arm of Him who alike sud that a like a ram might run a desire to to her. Lite is a of the two farts threw shells :,t plants nights of mger protects ship acting almost go liiglu-st the forest,—we should see some- the howl of the wolf, and the screech 'd vessels with the leave some of the sashes and priiu-val the Um Her of t!i 1 mat and of the crowd over one of these low great- to me without he remarked, Hancock's skirmisher.-. commanded1 top open, of the which the and the of the bear with burden her," lieu, thing and leid something scenes, owl, grow ling week car**s so hut the raerriiuac did strike the when those in front al o city. The passed lieavify est ease, belore his as 1 knelt This fort also coin- vwy mild, may n > relatives in i»n k- day the death, hv Lorahcc. #n the of God, were enacted on sympathising around, she lime tor or without such result. Another morning Major j providence upon her, had n thought Monitor any to bed lie Hoist recommends and »•** \V ood and woman the assiduous hut his side on the deck, which his in in Is two forts lower down. Lee's opened. May the 7th. of 170- J in->**, relying upon u came the arm:i u *iits by April, by ph m inory liut wh the Sabouth bring- n it ihle point is suggested hy June as the best time tor and re- who of in health, f >r for the sake of the cool from shilling Johu the first civilized men, rough carefulneHs mao, cessation from labor— two The Monitor bad two had been carried, Mills was not more than 500 yards Koundey, mg its of the vessels. wo n. to morn till with comparative most hot-house and re- to tu ike this a of hahitati both laU;r from night, pa- re n**ar to him food. On the ninth the of the and at this potting plants, fought place earn-* als a sense of loneliness most burden- guns only, but each of these gunswi air, give day top ravine, place tient not fur hut for fer our readers to his rationale on the fsince then au hundred have weariness, yourselves, va as one the hr ante an l he of year* expanded some and she l--lt tli-n how far—how ry ly twice large as of M rriinae’s, his symptoms alarming, the bugle calls, and the movements their the benefit of those to come after trust shadowy wings. you fe.r ntf they w- re fr on that busy w rid ol and they were worked from a‘turr t.’ If, lie‘.ante for onto hours, but re- tin' were subject. to the future for re- speechless enemy's light artillery, clearly w«re the in this then vast only yean* earthly a Site two a march f »r Th'y pioneers i<>g which once formed therefore, guns proved vived on the and walked the deck. and seen. While our skirmishers and to the Infinite future f r they part. spoke tenth, heard Hi.eeiiint..—A correspondent of the untouched, unhrok'D wil icrncss. No sounds comjvnsc, friends—and it must have been either t » ol home—and by-gone days, twelve, owing In the lie sank into a tor an entire at another American of human habitation broke the monotonous final reward. evening again deep remained day Agriculturist writes that bleed- and oi l remember d scenes whith they should their calibre, or to the n* w m u bod of w irk- on the of the elev- the fourth a murmur of Hie Fab*. No of ea*e O vc who dwell in witfi thrluxu- howev« admits stupor, and morning lower down, principal from woumd in man or beast prospect* palaces, s.-c no in ire—-until even her husband's rug ing them. One conclusion, r, point ing inay » at or social ment enticed them to remain. ries of clime at command ; wh enth on the ltlth of half- work of the was also with- bo a mixture of eujoy every your nature was moved—and he felt it not of no d »ubt wlmtover, and it happens to be day, May, enemy dearly stopped by wheat flour and ge.f * * were the «s of those who amidst resting your * * -if an he breathed his last without a but that time its and common They represent*ui graceful draperies, unmanly to weep. the most important all. There i- end past six. in their view, during salt in two parts, bound on were soon to follow aud in the feet on soft and half sunk in fuxuri participate carpets Ho.-Hers in towns and villages* who re- of wooden snips fjrever, and the Americans struggle or motion of a muscle of his body, parapets were raised several feet. An with a cloth. If the be ous over bleeding profuse*, uninviting fortune. sofas, wiping imaginary griefs,— m ol str think occas- are the fact to some ioioe the security ets, recognizing purpose.— lie had not for 13 hours, and the of rebel is around use a from one to with me and I will show real life. spoken encampment troops large quantity, say litres Thanks to God, who, from that seeming come you him who toll* and weary In addition to what have lavished on ionally of many they last words 1 heard him were: ail that Wo were so near that tt. It he on t • a 1 will exhibit to a real .«cene of speak place. pii may led for hongs, or has raised our town you patient m ikes one it ol this earth iron clad vessels the bust twelve hopeless beginning v ms, and up great during make me think of he which endurance of cheerful toil,which “I thank you; you even in the woods their colors could even if height of piosjieiity and happiness hardships,ot his exertions. months, are now to vote days necessary. of 1 will greener by they preparing Annie when feed me.” was feed- seen. First Lieutenant J, 1>. our ancestors at that mother knows not nor ever dreams praise. or of £ you (I plainly day enjoyed Tradition has it that tin or three upward >,(>00,1)00, n have tuffled and years a wine and wa- por Could have Would that show how »ble hearts for structures of the fame and ing him on little cracker, McFarland, of the Sixth Maine, il\NKs.—A anticipated. you after came, Mr. Wood said to Mr. Koun- more, class, j adjutant correspondent of the when we our affections and reflecti ms braved the f ter nest realities of lile. they ! how l miss her. Lite a within lot) carry •' will on thin without Oh dear, I I live t> sen in probably spend object, ter.) mounted, captured prisoner Sprinyfield Republican, from t that we s us revisit the of dv, hup' may ploughing writing hack could arm oursdv Ut log-house Joseph stint or in the course of a year or a burden without her.” a rebel one period, this town ti which scruple, is yards of battery mounting the stern virtue in W and Uti l there Ilia wife Huth Haskell, yet,” Koundy replied. Washington, nays: witfi that supported th**m ood, a sum which no British Minister could his man- 1 not wish to live than till two, lie has In the of and its at the time lined Hen. was a Jen other wives shall longer gone. pride gun, parapet Hanks al the a few that state of 1 and U'ould tin) of do Lotus h that ws capital |**ti exposure. representative that This illustrates the and venture to demand. »pe was he cut down, mid with rebel and the at In one corner stands time.” gloomy strength passed infantry, gunners ago to roeoivo instructions in that we i>s*ss ’d the resolution, which thitno /D followed her turn their to account, ly days p they j that tor a at- may teaching good regard a long forever front the toils and the their Ho, however, had the j to r than bars of iron ; and a bed rounding up like balloon giving uninviting prospect them in if not in struggles, posts. good with his division tho front at pjMM-nx'd, strong tended their and match the efficiency, occupying credit to us the of in enterprise. storms and of life. fortune to his between him- above all, that faith, that..original faith, Beverly paradise geese the expeusiveneaa, of our proceeding*.*' tempests keep prisoner Manassas. Ho is in good health and renown for Over it It lie that 1 should now of ! which with its eye filed on Heaven tramples addition to its beans, may expected particu- The ship's crew consisted only self and their guns. Lieut. Col. Chand- for but able the notable and spirits—ready opportunity, on all beneath its the teaster to its larize some of do-1 The two and Sim- his also thing* earthly triumphant hangs protect occupants sayings -Some friends have a little about five. mates, Stanley ler and officer captured thru and to wait if bo can from dust that of these first settlers. were so girl willing thereby feet. and its snowy pillows any ings They six. the for its last rest- their duties without four years old., and a little hoy about monds, prepared body more prisoners. serve also. It is tlie finest test of char- 'Hie scones this saw ! sift the c intent with doing of world, which they might through imperfect ceiling,and had bc'n cautioned in tli**ir and on the of the 10th or so careless of They morning ing morning \ acter—that of and we shall not see and feel. Tne se- where it rests the walls are noise show, exhibiting any place, patient waiting, while to felt, against hung strif* aftea hen's not t ) take the time that solemn of of character, and so careful not eggs, away I witnessed for the first \ others are verer duties of for the woven in fanciful blue 1 and life, and the call spreads, figures peculiarities but one the CT7* As is found here and there given place opportunity.-~ inti adven- nest egg ; morning little girl a burial at sea. ! gold severer virtues of life wore theirs. and white, to ward off from the any to run themselves any strange and imposing ceremony, Hen. Hanks describes his sleepers reached the nest first, seized an and earth so it is with love in human experience with or foolish were so much egg was no or even church upon have Not the as- currents of air that might press through the; tures, exploits—they There clergyman the contrabands as Th’cgs changed. only started for the house, iler life. We meet a litllo in the hearts of no embar- of In the middle of the like other bilks, that I have found but little disappointed but brother read involving of Nature, hut in the of socie- chinks the wall. j brother f >1 1 member on board ; my asement: as his division pect progress of anoc-i lowed, crying-** Mother, Mother children and in our household but it is moved forward room is a iunocent of hut of interest to say by way ; ty—the fashions of life, the habits of life, pine table, |>aint, general she's been and the the old hen a part of the 13th chapter of Corinthians, into the its oft scour-1 dote. 'Tis true were I at narrative, .Susy, got egg hero aud there a scale of and a whole Virginia, fugitives rnovod for- the conditions of human life us have white as ivory from repeated gifted these seamen went, gold, among with the measures ! and as he read hardy ward out on either side i a small delicate woman,, I entertain the children story , by continent of dirt. of his oolatna; all changed. Their sterner virtues we arc ings. By its stands might like little children. went six miles the of them) Ilis, and when not called to emulate. had that dr-weed in a short gown and the of the boys who through [ (some professed slave-owners osme upm They petticoat, A sailor before ta^ and w ods to see not the horse, but his -Miss Elizabeth Smith said: brother--the youngest his to trust in Providence, that d ‘termination to of her own wheel and loom, first young camp search for runaways, ho eon- 'product woman has need of extra I as she like all where be the >rdinary gentleness the mast—leaned his head his hands, C7“That was a fearful of Lord vinced do right, and to seek every degree made hy tier own hand, others, tracks, passed through town.j upon jest them readily that an ex- through tnen the sim- and to be for enough own and tailoress for her or astonish the busineas modesty forgiven possessing j but no tears came to his relief. He had on of toil and the honor of God, and is her dressmaker with_ ** Morbury's to death a thief, of the foroos and hardship of the ol 1-n when the and sentencing ploration strength service of a writ on one advancing ooemy’s country may well cherish. • • • • l’ou perceive in that corner p-anle thought ho It will kill the flood* at man said, mother,” grasp time, but clutched was what could never be of ot it* citizen* would be sueh a disgrace to -A with a hood i« not very i1| lad, pi-«n„rty xrnfrjd Their fathers were sufferers from the in- little of pitch, •« J J ...'d »ka long ho was ny ^rou pile pme snuts, • »* *a K* gates yqie opened, Dut now still. m.t„ it* > KM^Innai^i .- tolerance of both the Homan Catholic and,I wood, carefully stowed so »* *n CMean* are :vr'« -r Ko*i- --ra- at \ on the bank of LOCAL AND OTHER >2 op Umtp w-*« c>efa*»*B. N'? sg an at- it? r^Btsscts to Fa teriss Burnside picket duty plantation ITEMsi expert particular *m t is It is a WAR w:i n« ind i.vki'-j r H* •>: c-iarl be t-T- * V rs nv-r, t*> »*;>•? fr NEWS. tack there hai S?*-n r».t f.rttlK«ogl}t r iuch American, m land and cut Q the eni- '*>.*• £!)c wh- rc the ght that v ratals i?i2 2 Aerenii the 4 c -: -*r*' We hnvf had IV the frcsa the Buropcle to -ur. At one t xe I p4nt fJT A lot of fine Commercial Note, and Beg f »r the ■ ar^« %to f tv a*. *r f ; >' a rac with ut 'f e Is? here m ApftVbftfe. FJi., iv F *ra' Mp PL BLLjOKD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING •®d Hal. § w-'re oat and al «’ at may Blsff, which poos-vi eg Rfgi’aestaa# common I-eiter Paper also, a large assort- — It «h‘^2* t t t: 3 s'.a: at w.: n rod? t o> ,ng. th ref re is to be cl —Feamregords xntTuepied f :rfyr«n» IV Wndm. as i we bid the **-‘*ig a .... ‘ad itsw than three wely guarded at liras' «appMcd tf.* h use ment of received and a pv f : era \rt nrv*T mi.--a. w** either \ rv>-I ran down Envelope*, juat for mi* ocrxtpolxcn of Fredenuxtv-g. *5 p, day <* blunder* part. le-t u# that tb> ol er.y o4 oar suns. I: e er. bit's gtinhutl ippwite bop* a at to d- *■! «*~a« a-.i return to the 15 v m. >1 w * w. effort and r u d to. and fifed shell aimed at the American Office. I Nrw You*. 2!«* tap ELLSWORTH. the lo.«t. F. icrr a! eigifence ss the of too high or too k It repair* i much price •• if it* *«■*:* d at Cor. ash. while the letder* ar- a of rav boss on the beach. From it *jcne 0 m w*r A httfe aa a tier- m the of off ers c com vudir g the ir> pa gr -up Apalachicola foceeaafujJy *-*f*rup#-d by • pna-ieoce. ptfl -The ice left Union on are *j» : ra a. 1 u er- r. en- som* cwu^* shell hurst and Bay our tr e»ni. The was the doprrak t*» to one of the fin; an ni reewi r. ,\nj were io f th# tF;* prematurely Saturday carter1 ‘Sorted hy fArssbiw m rufe* governing easy ring* F t-; f : V rei>i a s'T'eanr* wr 5rvi cn W». t KWH, > Twa 1 !*w« than half tbedts- last. A number of londed vessels sod « ta ut- i- fieti. «>ud have saved iha-a- erae s fMB r*-« iing under t raiments reacheti cams ^uoboats M^rcedita f arsy guns, up the *te taer M ^ 1. r r» *'.? an in.? > tchi! uf the ii a answered it f tie »o, on the 3d. A few ahelia dit- tnp X K. SAWTES, Ei-.'.cr. ani# f iifoa the be-i». >1 fire 1 t * mod t afe : by to the wharves on Sanday ; and on V c ani w 5-e Monday the rir«r. hare t. tn the ia.*t their nd ■•. an i <*rm* of the ball# reach- pemsi the reherii. sod Ww ^-wiwtMt por op raptanri 2&noe tn:o? the aS>re, I have learned eagerness t exr-vj taselrc# firing the our merchants turn filed a a way the new *&ot. A of i ? H- »« LL 4 A aiiaast to toe rebel. He then on tij*t of the & were fjand tobeal- i 4T iA '\EN •Vrr=M ‘** that ti>3 bk*st«e c.^rae-oo-vi at hall danger .?ua siiaaii -■>. od put p S '*-• ready was a nc rVr :' ?t .** were wt 1 fc.-'-* ^.MtK t. • is into their stores, caution, dec C b.-rwr? *ne tv-’ •■’ tie J v.*: \r,d return d river. 1 his the goods p^. captured '■ nor «**.•• 4? :' it Mi- At U -k r M. •* y-** I; op '* awttttarriog. M 4 i' i. Al » mV fc emnsy pul! ** with them. * barred ^ :t. ^ r I‘ t wi< * w*i hvi?t--; a w: ite on**, and hr*: t-.i I hare ern the bated never before fia* the stick of all TV" blockade had effeotoaFy cat c£ the K-J* •* -.< .)Uf^s. > r-TAf.** t 2"»: n Mi^ an nt 4 their dag and bajs kinds A t the T' -a;*' fr >-a ----- di*r*:eh i. -* ki *±*.:m* k« •*..&.*» » w r- The distance from us at the on the tea hoard, and trn* r «p?*nal tfctj out wrta tiuic hu^dr-si men t> car;-ire a th-* »n?r ally c» ^>i Ovn. <«.u.j Stg d\ g of been m low as this «!rpphc« iina if v Uver hrreg goods, Spring for Cairo to the r. -t at thi* n* •kf'i hate no IrrKo the I#iao4 were wot *gj&» t to I L»jr *aj» p' i r '*l c»vj rr which !•: U an>d <. 1 R«f the vu Mi > R g:®*nt. t;;;iris a'»'ut ne mtle I doubt ^ “«- Udy clay* all the corn for the re a *Lar n»eu t' -t & ILH-*. *: A B ?V-■-■>- Y T>Hr*e v weeks, toil trad* was i. Laieriec—d ri^er Mt w an *n <*f w >uld t>.*; *• ha t Sfy-n is r«. r t the at .»i i.t. il oartr; ig- tua the com: rt# .1 life. It ■* I N u -ai G-n Fr- V caasf with s ti* : *r F. *&: powder ordinary * w an rA *? A: F.ti? -rj -*•■• hauletj from nr -'. > fci .N '3 r^K- T k.1 > V ? » w t: r.-w «.r mmnie bullet »nt the craft if she Rar.gur t>fee wow-iered at that ;be pe*u-v»e ahoalu pro- ii* U i.1 IN F. 4l« an i T xa-i K n- a..: F rt i an unc surreder Bucksport. West i- »i' rv*1* » G“*' k- a. w tr 1 her ski.!. >*m* of old llan- India were claim Graltv to the l n> a and the H ,3 t: : M x •r n. Benhaia then r 1-r i the e r* of the rai igam giods about all sold out ; and accept ~ of >-ni-.T »• I :-T a -t ; r..2 »,sa. He u; ;■ .; t ■*■ L:>: raks* i o*« os'*. fn-ns would hare to diiu.n- maunder S r cheer rrt -.4 border warfare, ar« I .; 'th Maine Reg:n- attempted (i -id*, there a t LacI. 2 w at cotere: w water v :h*» Dry scarcely pise* on w->« < •- > is r row. The set'.-h <p round the r b 1# th Fort, in e nt i-.i*-- t t > t:.- gi» *r*try »nJ :> -a fr- f ir fee *. r.?e 1 the sbelfi’* of our merchants. ;deitk7t The .* * t-:. n •: vrt ; iv r in narcr The H -h tfg letter from XathTill-* -rxiu #:r>Hcbe# r ;» seirie- I: *tov: sup.Ti r > a'; r t t *.t h»t:.* *nrg landing not T«i retied w the best stocks, a# in- a : t.1 New \ jT*. ttu-ir b'at*. tor rid # .j!d hare Among will be seen • the loll G. t vol? me s"m:br sir. .«g f ree he -ad tfc* Lji t. C Srw.-.i, of fifty trusty by >w:ng telegraph interc^p«i«rd by Tk* «: uDfr F. *: '■•.*•fr-n i’re vm. cavalry, — : re r x i r- sw d : r men io a few minut §. cur Milcteui s:» H-* w*« dr.rm V jnteer Eng rg-J lb it in e pt very reference to advertising column*, are > a: N *«■ v.2 .rt infantry -a. as ; 1 :o e n* n ■.acred soil wc have CoarvTH. April ?;h. ‘t'-asj*- a# it may appear I have itior: f tft. s*;r*. : L:s reg m-nt Th ft1.-'** those of Messrs. Robinson A Harden. r* «* *ni»? the inhabitants They To Gm. Senna*.7 Rvi* xd. I ; Mali- ivl Tiaine. 'Tci- :r >m a jr'-st. *s- wh »»• «:ru;t r.* t ? : a::-t *. he ha i *•*>>n *.hh, is utterly fail waste, r ua have taken in a lot of *•' » large Prints, jr- Fr-or* at 1 n w %• : rt" w t; :n b> Sag fi-i, l, ! urn up nrst. A? the Kogin urged wasted—nuetly by Fancy large a > t ■ V' f 2 it >-? ’ntn n- t .. r ur men a# m with an force of a ? ; an i m-n *, r*. a* a: : y a* ?;• -ir *'h tu rerr str r.g-r, *>en. B* el* th and the latt by lot of the very latest of Hats one overwhelming ** styles of F 2* •■••an r* r r z xr : : 7 ■ w i ■2' ; a ; d? *■ ntri .at the tw > «o u.i ! 1 mid f r warmth r t hung r, and than •no.hO* m^ti. We can c oip+i er :-n.y uy we» t:. dig^Liil- aitisly the assortment* ever offered in w — largest tbit Coiam" -» ,r. » hare t’\r-e dit1* A; > o k the en^iav w. iv r *n the w’ !<• r gi n whl become a abnit 2d,U0tf e&actiTes Van Dorn may p»<* A *: up again ** *■■ -r. '--■ market. have also added a r- n -rr. _ r -- D* * j 2 Fr 1 »: *. < \rf I r tin i th-sc wh*i They nu u* »n a few dar? av* ui 1 11 *l?H E. f u:e. r 4 r C i u a t1* f r! M ur, »»! )* ra"»*, unle** i 'y Carpet aibiy j KaLL >ecrei4rj f y Ca; ** k«»»!V a;un. *r<*i theet>aii>*-rs w... 2 :>:- F * -- v. : i *• t > sus- to thvir well a*co t*n we t> 4 he r-icl r>-4 from P-m- ih~ _’:h >].%-. r. xr i r*t -.- O. :. ar. %S rr-aat >,*muel f».*uii’Jr.. avc chivalry and bon r co ugh partment arranged store, and V cr : *— -« "*• rrturo vrj w -- an f and hert n aray If dv’eated here we 1 «• the r. Sir, tow C P. 'th Mam*, art tap. i tain our inrighteous Coostitutun now display a large lot of splendid ‘•r *•• Carpct- N ailer and our c.u**. n r v *ag-:-n an attack for w- 1 lam n t ‘snarer >f t e F>g.:.e*rs. A-* ut iaw-». MUaewippi probacy Tite War News. ing*. we could -r~i aff ri to fr*>. fra T" Trt$m*f's Waf' n : ->*5. v.r* : : T:.-e truth a: that i.m-1 ai n *: rs were taken in th f. r*. t tber W hat i« V *re us we kn or- ■ jawo^-J the mind Gen Prentiv s.Oi a r;.. : *: *rc«. A *.. *n that i *\»-J *■!» at h rue .vr>* thing Jellison while CtmHeptew and Sirannah. To- n u—. t virija* imv corps, up-n of !arg- *.:pj iy »ry looking »s H v. •- ; w and J Friend A puue of debating &.?«-*.» whr.-h » *uM f--r fV ;i: -r n* n C »-*. : the y ^ d■■; xwir.* that the ec:;r* w,t:i oi* frag i r {* rt tr m u *. Co., may be found all the army, tr Tr.3r»:ar si io n. i;re min; er.:a;h. : F- r *t ■ n t lv ;n« re the Wiley o: ;b* p army ^ir1 was bei*-ng down up- : ar. i :e k up th'.r i.-irt• .->• m the ! will sumo u« t i n w: •.*!-: duty. late and pretty styles of goods in their Roe. but our T:. re o : x ■s r t .--av* hi# t rce fr in f e :h- r t1 etc independence. singe tr *::a k or r:.u« nded t gi .idi.-cn lb#p-‘ctfully y uT', The who cannot " {i-rson himself from F*. G R Bursts sin. VT l>. l*rv- : the 1 h N k 1. 2 F' } ■: * n Hi. .-: -* it r a^ i ’> ~. of the u* «n F' rt W I* >i ii .an. satisfy (Signed) i ic.i. to l-o r rie 1. nor a it ion vrrsary n.p*r. their capital Fr.r.'.-^ a •> assortment, must be hard to ■Jk- r*t C ■]. 1 V. H -kir.jhar.'.. f O a and Cm F»-a‘ 4v We i **: in ail ona nm kdiei a- i t r«** Co. 1* 11th Me. \ ola pleaar. The Herald"t Waahingt n d~*rn’ *h my* f he cat -■ 1. the w «- k A S and M. A #ai s: HaLri. n.w Av.-aL: Iii- Kr-.a untiring .4' T-< whole ail^ir d.aasis an w '-unded. T^re ki J.d is stu it Atherton has added to c«r forces under Got). Angur ‘till -;cupy enemy’s extensively «;r*r:: r r. n -a the : r: i- hi:* r-i In tw h ur* his of t e heights f Faia uth and Foot r a mart t or B raid- isve?;<^3t. sadly the stock Riot*, Shoe* and and opposite -* V'r»m siith Krguncnf. Rubber*, 1 t z.::. ..« lu r ur s' .i ti aid ba« roach-d the tin;- mwwding Fiedrr ck*’ urg. el. We know, his fi-ir- avd vr \: rr. now desires a call from ali those « from W fur *.n t. at *j : : *ai ... pa*t operations, Aiwi-.* and sent the et.t r jit :i it : > arc permitted t m ike some extracts wishing I l-an that cur k.Ued i# not Ut fr -m article* in bt* line h-v nu 2 ur ; *«. that imbo-.~i.itT a:, i .\Tar i: ~e Jo r.;t Int: : w-re frotn r.^ makt c»-**ia. Oar breve; g fr m letter dated the 14th in*t at Camp IV Colonel rim Crack—TK-e Flood m red, w J I> A^xno An hr:; r va 2 «: : eight i *;•-!*■*> ? a th* ■« id i f- f r Kichardf bis a at v of the raan. We si.,., soon yard; N -.mar ^ rkt.wL. The writer is an \crj large stock of ike Camtecitcut.— Greet Fu> dt in Coxe.a up part 3 ae are * 2-5 :* t- t .* 1 w > r It alight v i tV i:. re th in w 1 a: i: : : w:. i« Fi ur etc. ■ ir.U t:.r x.. n w..:w-.a h»e t.»ar iy h-:ar tr at him a;i;n. ml the kno w *• * Kiisw rth NYAfBtMjT >. 21«t. ther^f it 1 :« 1-e Ui jQ e-* r > in- p-jV.i rt-x'hinr uotnn..v” in th* h k». T*e b»y w .uai-.d ir> ’r a: d.wn the river a*.. r t r .-r » wn A town The recent order of the Tr a*ury d f : wi.- r- to 1’ n F '"is !- the wit. c :«olnt*5» f r wbicb ar n *ted : as R-cn are aim *«t 1 mil *s fr >m V >rkt meeting has bee® called to [‘-part -• ’* i a; t..- : v»r> and .. n: t yankees merit r .• <. 'u-i :.4? n t •• ■o f-r’'-kiing >f -f.Teijrn A I * tb.r nnnih'- n > rg‘ t A an air !ir» and it is aim *t fit*' miles aa^t n Sat nr §bipm*nr? ij-p-hr.tei •• 2- are -jghiy SjiiJ it, to Uke into cvn*n;*rt .. : ; t .** :« t. : .j- a *»: fr \ rk r t r t r is a p*.*rta ports the Ma*ne 'th Jam's riv There ■ rat. »n t r of more •- ■ j ipnety rauing been m «ii5rd sj as : c -'gne it ? porta *ja:i aua;Q» war ace r /? /*-v fa t! a# k' strwk r. ir f'»"a a’. fr rn m r to th*- : «>t. ar. 1 it i* money h ry :• and Ur^e t wa .s’: Wt>t .»* espturr f r t families P% and west ■ 1 r -r < of *>kJiers. \*i cf St »;a*. of that I n^itu 1 Si -- Th<: ; ft- r r: w,;liu t:.r tn;irs 1 the- r N H**n M* 1- I!an !.a« »Th o. Bar ;- ur.-i .: .is r :r;v*u: 3. and fy fk>methrng V surr-' * * * afNrmo n the Pn.«»>-it. Seer^ta- hare n s«l -.- an: 2. -n* ;* njw i: n. I tr her* nr» i t are nr r \>+ ra»«tJ, and the® out Sataruy op » •;f h^TAELiAh dealt to Idappi' -• ; nar> : ,if t .r *. fs vy wutely at tr w„ > : t » -. a frv- It of.-rvi ries t. and >*ar.ton. an : a< fir a> > r*d.-r. i- A : .:. ; of I’ 'I ia f-.w w *•' .« — Dah.gre- -ur; Pi tASLI a: 1 t a rt iot f t a., t *r Cap-t. w •• n <.1 i. pia*« nnc^Uted. Tho*e of ua wbo rc- w gratcfuLy p » I>. D. F ield of N York, wrn: d wn t Id'.': 1 inr < n r- x%- S mo we ha-. : fro nt I'.-r*' ir* .* :• f the crcrk r i._.-. rgs Xu r- #cren Lsiiri it are in < 4i will not be lar fr m home duty bound ?o do this. t- % in the r*.renu* t *■ Arf^ai.* «4ean2-eT Miami. raak tract t .r..! .■ 1 t % *s n t! iher. I :. *r. i .r ^ 4...- ur., j .•'•••• T. er.ure .a i \ t a: k rid hr Gro. McD^wcil came v-r arit next ru *rr.- •.: : Wynai .n k wr r hing tet# throw roes t ifwutvd up»n is that tl*c * --d-.-i a»#t --.e been -ir. r i* CORRESPONDECNE. | and NV rt* r *- :v '• t ar> m : 1 i *y ing »cc«>mpanl*;d the Pr^i-ieot t. ••; r t N Or :'r th f # and ur b tl r vr n-u : *>.\tk in r turn d htt in i n It r crire the --r. i. We t k a- x Li.;, .--i y« g benefit of the •-*• hr injtm. 11- will transfer k:« F :.t T -** r f r ] :. :. s imioeliatciy VV hai JT tv 1 f r the want of t Vice*>, *.-■ i \}f !•» W .. v Ami Ai\rw..l»a*a rr' ani »: t:.;rtr-Lw hur ir-.-J. I: .« rrum ihr TI:tiu<- Ilili It^siuirnt. hcaiquArter? from Cat:l4t*8 to Frcd- kefrr t w'-irfa r -p f th' «im** k.* t write tv-s a- i c -_ : r■ .l. iv v. J that in no sense wi« ven, th r^.- ev* « ■ w*a K.-. rj ’’ 9f» shi-tpf rtf 1 *4 ..-K Bifid: » u r.t n- w >ur. ii 1 k V !— 1 x i the ■ i-i f L -r: What & Fe.end- j ijwr# recipient*. known. i» the ■ vi ... : .- a .ini. :s ice rtTf.ght great-ev*>r This greatest ivviriu. u \ w !• v -u t ink { * id r :.v r. \ ur t- k 1 fdv r f kl-: me ia the T pen f r r.av- ry ult., < > -While river except that of l*o4. id:!. 3« i: n. -,ta* far ar, :bi- r c. re r ; .r f- wih r*■ p!v in w >ris lik- calling th* !i J *?ket, th* £r*t n and :.'u rr izati ;z- r ind me re we left •. ur Id — -v just quar- th \\i '!. \ d i -fi we ar* n. «t of the Court, in this an 1 •- •. town, action : r -n la r V-- sted O daj*' r- *.r:at ict'ij fight iy > Governor of Wi*c n-m. w j Supreme Judicial Court. ter- a: Car*. r I -.-ra.k-. W- had? « 4*. t*r- 1 nr t1 until w Harvey. z 4 stay w > -.mii' ‘1 arid it was f>re M D;- i's aivar. :•*». ■u..’. .-a r*o.;:. curat to have »ugg*wt«d l*r <>ne ol dmwnod on at decided the fate of k .r h- ! i' r-d Saturday n»jht Savaniiab. -T: E TDfMT FRESHING. : a ari i.xc S.r ti e :ir-t t n dues r -pi Fa’.m the ati rn» ** .a ihe cat*? that it Term. w th* r'.ist n* r* 1 thus he d’#mrw*d, v *.he V...,-v of the di.- b-' i. ;.y y 1, j' “Sup N X oa: i f t’ e r V r — leaving that old L me; at none wished ■ If but it T' e C.urt Tcne-i at 1*» >1. k a ¥ » Mai '• p y -u f. irM d and that ** t {- r>/n ringing it *» a aoc*»h and is w t in .• :.r_c D.t :*r •. •i MX- if-f and no doubt ~ them* Iv la k. f r -tar we 1.:: M r- r r was Jir >:Ud to mike the ,-ual wa- ...It. rn u an i jti was or nine r**-. ar- y y hid, ‘» T o counwd dii nu Vcige charg**, 23J. warm » a:':, r. m-r d ; A iar. 1 1 .e tulo the in dall, tnree of t.,. _.* bet this a : Hr. s. Th .»■ i- y r.ty maj rity gu»rled by companies bati Ignacy. Rev. man re* th not it m F.TTi'*• 'r Ti ro T-- r r-i -a .* gentle rda.* ugh dcoting t-rms 11 is H^oor W iscutisin l.Ch. »: V.r*: w ’*- ua ri ij*a with .ur k' and at *• in ar v- r gr a:, ;. a ternb.e one, as wel. a: a t th* Su- traffic z-i I h:• n t uf the exiingly happy petiti It' r* v —r r; ui-T.t ha* r-•■». trk 1 tUit it Utter V a ban d .ned if the Mo«Tt£tt, 21*. i *:r \ < tco we » r read? t 1. .4- a tv. w t -r a:. Ruler A th universe f r II n* \ it ik. u .1 d... I: Lu/,; £ .. w had aoindonad hi# TV-r* are freshets t£*■!•’ >.u I. .w- countrj.’* b«*ary .•■tr:- a : r f ».* v :• : u .* 1. w.*; ut V r:« -• ance ani Uncc ia all the deliberati >u? f cr.ur, w1 rar g ; i* I Win w. t‘ e re^i -nt a: d I er Canada. >la ;T are do- but Me< all ti gu; viikvge* me: t. iini it ;u i" it- -tr.iv» s a? juMtioa r t .el art. r.-k ar.u 1 fr m f •? M J .1 it : n 1 iBtl'a. — ,n A i .- i cs* Also the i r il_s Ur r very W„ J The Ulu* hat* been jaggrastdestrueu .t tr :u tr. a:, i arm .x-ct appeal property, tr era; vi:»,z luea a.- ; h desire*. IL-his ra -lid W -wit no ; r f r and iau 9 r.r-ar Ottawa art- ia -1• n our an .ur cl ;:. s we: w.: * :f r* a lay l t *»t tiie eott City danger. a .'Ci i-iii oouasry i its rul ?rs was mg price* f ,n g «4s woukf r. a :. dec i a patri- w r k- i- v»* in t: r .* d W t- Western trains have been f r ._hj re-paest the in a t ir L rU. On«» hig'j Spring, c-rn*-pi*nt up-n the la»t three Trie road is wm*-- a: I’re-. 1- d: or the S_ _• |f days. rotary of War. * K e. X II 2\l. one r than man. Th? Grand and rCned all w went t v» -k an : •:. t. 1 -:ur h-v-* « i* t thr th-* neck. U-* : ig:» f c »tt.*n.and that near Cornwall. I: will hr t->d big*; day nigh jcic? anJecarritj repaired ur ru >r- and ;r $rr»nd a xh w oalic dr'-*-* w a Wj«n:\i7''. 21-:. Trevers.* Jurir-s impanrei.G -,-p tty jviM U luxurj Dot B-r. z‘ iva. k« v : .-••• — v-r. it.: ate ‘. b n-. ha* taken Fredcri. 1 th ; t f .i « ith a The :< r- k-burg. G .■‘J't' e e.»‘ ?: tv at r g'.t. n.-rn t U 'd in. We are Senate -day nbrra-^1 >,mu»i f% < -Nubaa II. Pwers f «>r- y >unday indulg in frt-b t t.'.e : ha.- been T It .s lh d i’v ft’-’ Han i t ■ happy making ;- Yiaton and Danki K. G. -:i *. c cum -tw o mil □ th it u 2 4 i-k k the r a .- .* " kn ;«n the Iact r- r.* -.ay. estab- iar.J. I reman Murk L. Bank r f G ul D- g '*• to all such, mat M«wn Kub- purci taut tra.. i\ ran. ity n t i I i .id k '■ r on ers >a abolition ia the District at Chiux- i-h i h..- L- a i there, i n da*.*i ■••rh R G. B.uebi'.l Ghas «i ar.i .x -k f ur. i u- \r a if*-:* an i u»v ic i .r 1 : ■' w r i utw t! n the if k Harden **I1 new beat hi a. 2 i [uarter= Durgain, prints, kind*, •• 6 * V an u t.. r "A •< 1 I !■*-•« r TV- Star *.r >:a work to not lirooksvi’k William n. K..? slur g i t r I i. I «. cts. N thru hi other* arc Commander S?t Ibiwag r. of st^m^r M- r- A-j-iuwall ought Sad him cn to," but Dyer, Fuilert knapvaeks a^uaUj » ft I -. • i nl I tin. I .’!r- ii# loth tn »ti .% u < cidita. off Pensacola, sent an fficial bring* >p- w r: ; William -. Ei ■*. 4 h:» 11 r- tnh-ark .>n. 1: .e u g. a report in Richmond. Hig’i n*- tit iw a ohtap. No new-. I »• a-war w .i iru-. 1 start -1 >n the r n of a visit to \ i'na9 w- w* p ic**la, and confirms a « * until 4 r m. r• k- nr S**: in in- Apaia kI: Trenton I’mb B. L » h. P* ; <• > abju; to u‘- Panama 1 r ' f .- J l* k a-«*oUd in t him W -A I’ r-. a w taken, > within tm nids f the !d v«at- Lym ap- .to a valua- n. turn come a l v» u.. : : w«, ] * forSur.e.n General of the United State* J hn S*umui ; Fred* r. k Web -*s<* ■ r ->1 P J- i : 1; t. I w... istonikr. ble enrzo f g> i* wo i medi .ne- .r> i a:. 1 B auregard is the game *> Army. dry badly beat-.a, Casitne. »ard the t tu:, n, n..»%.' g =. *> her, steamship l r and »»-..! n suit peter. t« .. vram-r*. };-• j ta.d the eraluv* who have been ^ne of five i: r. -lor *.»l SpRrvcrirLp, 21-?. >■ » ploy-si by d.-s; In' Tracers* K-gim-mt*. **■ r o( If red tr :*> »r~ oc *- r v n on : •*; >* Jury —A. P. Emerson, Or- lading *: 1 rof* ! j *k t> nr premium* b? the The in the Connecticut r.v r .: « in a ;-t frq^het )t tr nv- Our tr >1 and to tar I mast bo tl.e -r General (« .- a- i >uff, i I sh t -f ar. i » Tru«r>vs f f-.. p«-~ seeking destroy nion, lar. J, F rt-man Mu#e« P. Alien. Sedgwi k ; MaJ { bargain Ihnack Agricultural S>rta- this is the *ver kn wn, and hi* n point greatest .- a luAiv n t t fir* ♦ h tier On ►flwfer m u w -11 iV i out. throe Uaois ia all ut *) m o .. tv, P Gl-urle* Aa-tin, Ellsworth Fw B. G ■ d- fourth parg*. railroad Communication to the $ :?h i-en- t th ir r * n * a. 1 t :i air- :r-.e ...a' .. ■ f other P-n-.b> ; W. l*ei: g t n t burr, ar.e d*-* — cut -ff, and the cars run t< tr.e N r:h w;n, ; W. B. Heath. Tre- liniment n■ ht t tt t *- .*• tirely B ¥ Zf.. Z t ki-y t< Kiehm>n i, Senator Stark, of ha# been a* as M the 1 :-t r. a 1 K Org>o, far rs fr.-m w rn rt ; Simu-l ; nd.ty m-rning g ment 1 ..i m o» n w. S only Ildyoke, p^-ng The V rm'nt ao !. ! are :l a: Oi l Hale, Brooklin liiie.-n y arc n f.^htin^ r kv lb* S nst« and h acne Personal not all that p-rt'd, Committee, a# di*- uod round * v. l. Bravery was ut .. n I- ari t: «t- .*:.• r >t ,t- t 1 l i» v i» ».• Northampton y hemg Punt. It it t" ;z‘j* it rn .; or Hat I* r D1 Am >? T. Elen ; j f M hid th K v al- of W-sifield. Hadley. oai to t;.c Got* mmc-nt. by way -■r-‘ T a- are *• ■' is of r ■ “-r <«• :.-rads riAiu? is L I>. inz Z r-a iv Required Military Lea- J G IL..~. G ■■..i«r*>r■/ J.hnT. Ila**- and _-ar a hi: steamer 1 ft a vir:' : r i' : P.rk. the *••'«»' of the jr-.* j Hampden n- ar.t v •>: :... w^uoUoi -Th* pti Ir.ang tress M .or IV:' .re r. fr u. Key membrra of f. National II Sh w. i- cot r #u ders. kt.i. J ja R. >n, :u 4,.. Kpuhiiean ngresa !y i*r_ i from \ .uivwn. >-irry Uuwe, Orlaud E. w w >* re t. Lav» a caucus oo The of W#«*t .- T: : ra'.. n# re an iwm *v- A 1- crett- greater p.rt Springs*-il .jj : our ..'rj.. :far t.i- J Hxi^kin*, Ei-worth. # grounded, lay Wednesday -2 1 M F» ’MT: N e ond*.*r w,t r. it ?rr»ng so *>u >jt, iiv a* w \Vt>TlKN \ IRi.IMi —T u ta ■* Tu ns n t 11th II uf -.* mg. high The ; ;rr *t r -h-wn he .!*©;ar. wre our i-ifleers 2d Tra ersr —James A. *iiy •rning, g P t v.-t a ri^ Jury Liwrr.ce, ; t \\<-:ern ha\t t» d -w in t first *i->ry * 1 .vs ■{ irur.. p Xirpirua v-ted T;e ^a:c- r. li.e hive bon -.-.* r culrn w 4- ut ju b*ar i a steamer and rt and izb I* m .c !.a> i n -.y nt', r en- I Has ; tran-p ujt >t With a w h is -Ny W } Stan w *jd § house#. Toe damage tj proper.. 7 i« v-*r.- ftUT»ry unanimity notice of Book ■oiv Ua:.. ; : ; at .t's the C. was ri •* t.r .-»;i:ute of the n*-' ■•ff and our v v- tr .Nils t c Wrii»:> Va i>rge. At s».De ok! a t5«j§ t Uarj. itrry, ,y --,ry qualities of Mariafille Lewis King, Trntoa; Nath- swung; hy tug-, .r^ ( Mr > is a evening which w..* br v r Binding. thorough workman, water bad fai. n a'**ut I inch:** .- »ti.. sj-- ;..r r^-cemm-n<- -1. At n n we were H"'ai and g?-i lea hr-. I he Ilai!* II. off affair an-i aniel McFarland, Hancock; Lb»*a T. Par- age ngun au i bis ri.c# are iuwr. **^ i.en tl»c v te f j itee^ii At .n t ,e wa- N'iw Y RK. 231. transf nvd to the last Thur-lay w!y. Nittba-npr toe m r- recent on? at Pittsbury k r, Pr ksvilk Nathaniel Dxr- ari arriv.-i at c l TP '**« TV n -»- LvnJing. Robbins, coni s t> U* w:. fer is two f-et than ev r before. and tl r puhh-hnl. th -«.• hare -KJIsw rth disbttnvd to aoldier*’ higher s ehrat'-i Fortrvrs at 1. x uni t!.c $2.u00 * mi r« > n ire the in *#t instjr.e.*. We ha*- Die ; Am eight next i-u'trd th * in street fiere is n land -n. az^in-t aor t r.ivc palpable Smith, Baekiport Roswell li‘-r.i!m z fl*-<"t f 1'iewar Hadley be families l:t*t *»a*on. More a. wen. it to he ri'j f>ur.i.*i»n N t *■» :,** n** all w t -.- .r* x., landed at News n t c minds «of t on monej an i f.- inhabitants frjm h./U-'e to b.u—- uniy f toe ; : it anguish over the fall of the SiUby. Aar >ra Sumu.i K. Swan » Newport by the up suh- go Staples, ra.vd t*f th .* ,-t w same in boats. •t 1 »rean>er Ilerj. On the we .*• ii l#* astound 1 I’r *i -n r .U purpose. pri- gallant B.uer, ant the mate 1'r? at Bulls Die. M.lton Taft. Sullivan ; Ciej. I. Xil- way ]aased neai uj 'at-r tr a < * -a M < iviian fae« h r lwnj rn.* ! r a In-e State Ui-jat..a he the *• nty \Vh>»i New Tors. 223. B.uff. aal have Urea t. determine in .». ii- v ur- ticipated fitting hour*. ani counties i^ave been call- i bat*»TV, George Surry and the ri whi RH 5| j 1 little loss on whether treason or had the in *t riiumerary, Horace Tre* general g than f r Uautv. (»nc lisle, and Marri.n, the d n of the II iv to tvWjri :~c foit.ficaiioa* incapa. icy Sup Dargiin, M *f the auw-m II# on Cnioo riTer VVukamsburg jar -i ie. iu at. the tcer*. to Jj with the terrible affur. But th-re oould l. r (less moods, Xt-esoos, and of more trait-r„ hardly sup.p>ise p.retentinii have coinm- noxl Ixtter? ir m C»»-n r*l Smith state that !.i.s than any other -f op-ration. are some of the recent than of hundreds ol oth r vesv county equal pipulatioo .’1" a» *v __ phases any i>) h r-o. a sj .mei animal, f-.I w.:h hr:', dur- can L.ast. all gn, tremendous cajje unif.rmily The 10th M^oe u» at The Worlds *» cited where t:ie comm >ne*»t intellect, effectual in the boastful j Rigimrot !Ur» Washingum deputed »„y* ing the a t. n, which .zZ'^’^i, prvbablv, The Bombardment of Fort repelling a«umj- majorities fur the new constitution, and information has been received that there are tions the cause oi the unjust rum rs. and the dullest student in military s-beace Pulaskai. ol the rebels than they all. wii re a vote was taken, for gralual eoianci- pier's Ferry. 3fl»*0 rebel tro at G jrl insTill-?. who ar** ps uiit claim the to criticise and Sewall's Point h morrd us hr throw- |n. to fall back on N rth Anna fairly right Battery -fire Col 'Dels of Maine retting ready»i.ivr', Ga.. 12, 1362. slav. rv is 1 oroed in Western Vir- Regiment* K-' F T) \\r. \Y*.r-v ■: N Mf. BEGTJfCN'T*.-- call in sti->o. It is sui-1 our bad no April a shot towards us which fell vm. Verily, River, to a retreat t q army -r ing short hare been mad- preparatory general Til l it Edit ,.J Th, If Han Journal; ginia fr.-in the date I that v te and unl-se. Brigadier Generals. Toe riiMwin; of * i a-. 1 w,uod*-i i- a Richmond. out. a which even a f half mile. From rt N ms wo ad- pickets precaution r: Pula-iii surrendered at two o'clock Ncwpi the educationary pr l-.> The Tribune's the \ rh !k furx.-hed by th- rr -p-n i-iit of tin? \V ri i. quickly stopped, K (. of Calais ha* despatch sayv in a n.ver a r a bombardment of vanced two miles and t t our full,- it will unt le bl.-rcth- Slickney, Ee.^ as ir r hunting party strange country yesterday, thirty again up long Vail, v. Pied- to have account* fr m Ko^x- i in hr-, a • i third been papers profess having bng- h.ors. On a mont and ap-j-onted in the fails to take; and c v our tr^- Thursday morning, the 10th, tlati.n in the fields ; indebted to n th- file Water w.ll nee tin Commnaiury ville, Tenn.. on the 17th. of an al"s. K v-i Cat*, before up to ..nseqnent! open exferi engagement Yorktowa, -I fr ..:v was ar t ever d an un- ‘ame U. S were flag but our startling non.” Army. between rebel cava rv and ldtfc in tueir earn and w.b.w ing own skill and rubber blankets f ,r pheuom. | 7*h) national April I surpris'd pa conditional surrender of Col. the K i.. i—I* r#*r P Oim-t-rad, in which 7> of the latter were killed [pr, Cj. B, 7th Jam?* breakfast. >m >** ;© r shelter from the showers lb troop* j eating gr neglig-n r-'r-l commander. At head quarter before heavy which, lor Masonic Grand bodies In Maine and 60U taken near B M Iy*an. Co. F. 7th- S r Bcildis —Ell kiel Dt I prisoner*, Jacs»onbaro\ criaiiMd cunr. ; be excused o'clock A. M the bombardment two successive irvd J.,wu r, will meet in annual — negligence ight nights, our at Woaoded i * B i by opened p up-on M conrocatun, Masonic Te-n. ,7 a sii t ■ I ,-.r. even a^.-Js of tnv and which ex- ty from one of the m.ast.r thirtceo- otherwise dt-fenceless beads. building B, 7th : C ll. 7th. K.ri jus ; ry daring of It'll tons, to !. finished this Hail, Portland. 5th, 6th and 7th. Arcr-n Kearney. inrh m r'.art on m-as n. May Ga.. I'th. -* llall-.ek. Soon the I -mas ». torts Ir^m a., t.i-.- li-tury the s A o. C B,7t.\ : C An- pr.. land. N .-thing can -Again sun no Sabbath 1 hi M rs. I at- r ot M have com- The Savannah .Vfiri, that a >rp. became n-ral from our entire lines .Sunday's als», Morning suj? s firing g -The excitement I B I A excus such r^inissoc'S ; and anv offi r to mences! a brig of ah nit tons in Sarannah after the •kirinish took at White Mar**n lal ind who : eleven Gatt-.Ti-s. Wo firt-i from twelve brought us," but orders for the 11th to place Co. K. Ah. Ain at -.( Kii-y. evidences such utiLtn^bs l>yer, K«q i l, is Imild- ‘surrenderof Pulaski is as between souse compile* of the loth hi to command should •a.rteen-.n.r: and ! ur ten-inch m rtars. five take up the line of march for this some rherryfi. represented being F i#t B Clark. C-o. FI. Cth ; place, twj lurks, -lie Ami t the and a in igtiiicr—Daniel t. n-itu h and f.*ur itig us, other about intense No d uU it. Michigan Regiment, which the lat- be dismissed. eiglit-inch colurabiads five twelve miles distant. A warm of C. II. Cobl>, Co. L. u.h, John li C r v h dav, bad .(«.! t ins Mr is one ol ter wa* a jm Uyt-r the most en- repulsed with 1 of abiut 2<‘ *' ride Parrott gun* and four rifled Jame9 6th. Carlcton,” the western roads, and ull to ren- build. ill men. B, army c-rreapon* heavy loads, conspared ter) rising ship the eountv. Hull The S. The Confederate 1 was in *i.led gun* Our lin-.e A batteries extended about l frigate Vermont was at sea ient of the Boston J in a r»? ent der tire unus d to t.iD'-s r it r iut, lie is and o and 7 urna/, let- wile an 1 a halt. men, 1 ng marches, foot- *|. always -.n the Qiifeing only slightly Wvund^d The nearest range was fifty days in a disabled condition. She lelt *• m .te, and run I sum* the res ilta an i er* and true gives >vinert to a num- Approved k») HR* President (ter up mistakes at 1675 yards fr na Goat Point. The weary our noble Colonel and large Boston Goldkboko', N. C.. loth. enemy I b-r lit w ,rkui II. fie build* I is v-s-l* in Feb. listh and amred at Port :’.e battle in th *e fr m all his burfs-tte and casemate field as Royal On below near Pre**: I«‘nt Lincoln h.i* words replied officers, mindful ever of their sol iier 's Pollock«viile, given hi* e>n*:.tu Pittsburg 1 this ». ason in order tbe 14th inst. Monday, t .at c.ulJ b r t Miill.ridge to htuiu ti*„nal *>.1 -ti .u t>< gun* -ught bear fr -rn tf»r*.-c lien.ton, a skirmish look between a de- the K iti >n f r the Co- MISTaXSJ. comfort, orde n J frt rests and no sufficient of Wat rl r place t.f » of the -n tort in the quent depth launching. tach merit of the 2d North -n of th* Cm'. I »mg Early " Carolina cavalry jperati States with th-: Wo n w? day double so A/u Aiax --Got. Washburn shall learn wisimi? When a » t from lith -r the cth quick that w.„* were not uj- J [ l men. decline* and the Federal Slave Mates* :-jr hiraiual L Maine Batterv up peremptorily regiment pickets. Lieut. m. shall we unJerston 1 that w be a nm,*ipi:i great its ban* Bornside r t of H.iode I.-Und Mc- as we otherwise might have been. again candidate f .r Gorernor. A ba- Col Robinson, who commanded the Confed- A3. LITI j\ OF in Battery 110 SLlVCBY IN THE DlsTiilCT Or CO little ? All Land* e a >iKr: t things ur that l cut off the icbei but the We Modi -o f kitting Ntekest.— ker s d 'Zen of erates. is a Tur- flagstaff, find here—two miles short of Warwick candidates hare been probably prisoner. Capt. Ll MlilA. grave r res:> with th -• sug- •.wpugi»ibili?? In c itn- flig nil aga.n raised in the east of the Multiply given number uf d .liars the ner was burr a fail k in his horse. Tw, angle Court House—numerous any by for the by The in -■* w rnan l in n t ■*:. 1 as brea«tw-rks, rifle- nuui'cr of gested position. following ig t« «ent to C^n- having pickets f th-y 1 ri. Puri the first a rteon of the davs.f interest were and fiv- d»y p and an requir.d, sejcir- privates seriously injured, jr ns on NVe-inss t:;e should have been In fr :.t of Prentsm* pits, ah'atis of f.r ate t e lay by P. csiJent f--.i;rjih Miii.- wa* iu res rve ni-ar pointed»»takss, right hand figure, and diviie six. Wounded with •' Battery by -Gonxv for is reeeired. gunshots. iniuand the wer n .t a bail m.. and tbs re-ult is May It* FtLou! citizens f :h* S m’* picket* 11*1. k, in ti e centre, 3tn defences, almost numberless 1 .-a'.in the the true interest f >r such pic- New lne .Michigan ,g ture, Yota, 22-i. iu-tant Beauregard'* a 1 vane* within number of at May Flowers,'* will be admired and H'Us* r»f ntttfi '.t s!«*pt and were rrs rre barracks for shelter and six cent Thia rule by of Rrpr*s twelve hunir Pennsylvania 26th also in Comfort. y,.ite a days per Steamship City York from Liver- d \uT ds of Prentiss* >n is so and so crery one. The number The act camp fur.her down the fins from the simple true, to all is J 9th and entitle! \n Act f,r th ? n \x* fort. Th: rt.l'ci force had held this until according throughout ju*t po Qaeenstown ]Oth arrived this >xturday roght. 1 am informed that post thev businoMi that tbe for »f certain *r>on8 • thunder of so usage*. every Linker, broker, thing Mar. i'ir«*n«jon Africa p fit'll t *-• vice r lab r in Gen. ‘.rant w »_« heavy many very heavy guns, Steamship arrived out inf r n 1 t ie r sidca> found an advance was made m rebant and clerk should t e by anl the J. fierce the being Union pwt it I irref- ud the It is stated that tlie iron steam District of C •iuiubia," Iras this d.iT that »hriexing'of shell*, by up 6th, Bcaoregarti intended to attack nim, hut erenoe and use. L been made t:.e sc-ne a wild our when fled There ing no such -The er Orietu built for war and sign'd. I have n v-r tic one, Let troops, they wisely without burn- thing Country Crntlrman, L. Tuck- had left Approved wa? not bdiri< d. N st-*wer-- gallant ;i by purposes, rep»rt u.„st fraction in it, there is M*arce|v any er doubted the C -nstituti kankece, A whom had ner*.r been much The main lia- 4 S.n, N V is an for but it is ,.uti authority *f tuiLen to ascertain tin? e ing powder. about Albany, excellent Liverpool ostensibly Palermo, rreotnu*? of the re- un army, bility to iu.kke an error or Ag- t » ab i.r fire he! .re. worked at the imuiaae no that she to dish in this and » gun* with *** miles in lij believed g Bermuda for her slavery Di.Uzict. pjrt. N re t»n n.# me* were in it*. Tue advance of us. is ricultural paper, Price a y** the utm at c silne**. s slowly forcing arithmetical can *o d inlorma- weekly. $2,00 l have ever d. sir*--! to *?e the N ui mat I have en much m -re pruc-*** armament, and will cruise on the Atlantic Capi- enemy fleeted ins time, maie his aJvm-e !ts f irward, year. tol excitement m- n at common way needing heavier guns than tijn be obtaiued with ej lew *rcs». •» a freed froui t is institution iu s one »a til- with aur g.rd would The Shoe Bvsiness in Lv':n.—The Boston neel of ^'i ohging.y Is. itidof, while worked the batteries. fear, hereafter, to risit sines frews from Gen. Hillock's Army—Constant C'pttheone expediency arising in view wait to be attacked. they This Corps of the contains the rr»teller that the an-1 Macbiaa, With the * army 2d, says, b»ot shoe man- Accessions to of the cireu nstaaces. If enemy shell* flying all around the tolerance of their Beauregard's there b-routers Another mistake was the od. dca, Oth, mid 11th Maine ufacture* at ate ,» is sufficient to Army—Com- position of th** li cm. Tne ilh, K gi- n o-ansid- people within and a nut this firing of the Rhode Island 3d Lyun dong ing Battle to dead' fate of 1« act wliioh have It was on the we*>t nienti. I believe, and 1 am much erahle ani lot the L nim scot Mississippi might aruiy* hank ot the river fr in mistaken, it business, to go free. We bars taken a c *urae r*oys McClellan James giving emj-l-.vuient suppos- or more satisfactory to without me ms Battery ( guns ) ; are taken into all the ley—haterJrom California—Manufacture shape of escajie if attack il a they buttle, if don't raurly and shoe tuak- rs in the «•! the I'mon was by the Maine «th .f an) Hope monument of Rappahannock doz-u Ves- princi- Grant force on the west lank judge metth-if it is riot s to -wners of real Some spared aupp*«d ; and especially estate, sels seized—The River to ples of and Colonization are was Lap.t. Boynton's Companies Batterv lhe 11th were in ui ,re I that that open Xanyation. compensation sufficiently large, inasmuch as lie had esuf iruble o.,ar- sti-ui for Hi .nth* hate rtseived Isit little charity, furgiretb, even seceah both Burnsi *e, ( 13-inch ur manned pro- and in oo rtar,) from ters thall either Maine f- m re-ogntzed practicably applied of an attack from Beau re K'-giinent their tenants, who were cliuiies, Chicago. 22J. the act. expectation pt. True s Hutchins' and enj-v-d.yet earning bareit i Another Capot Capt. lle- » lor * Jtficient to A gar admitt*d mistake was the § continually i.lni.g marebin r foal stid special despatch to tlie Tunes fu;u Ca- In the matter minway and the 7th Connec- purchase clothing. of it is of raw ts m aimpaniu; dere, in our field offi rs iro ; compensation, pro- placing regime the advance.— ticut at trusting witli*im- ——The Union riser isstill hloekadad with to-day my* vided t mt claims be Bitter.e* Halleck and Sherman—did may pr wented within Hie Prentiss pdieit no Tb* A wen, on is “An arrival from the troops composing division were fearful work, the confidence—fieheving Regim -nt in "•^n !£’■ orer it Pitteburg brings (J0 from the of the but not knocking fort to p.t ces toe held had artificial fl rial d*acrih*d desponding days pn»* ige act, raw. Water house's received own lately The lee bl a'kade was : The weather in tlut is mainly battery W bile tlie superior-their deter- himself .■ raise.! on Macbia* ris- following quarter and there is no for terribly. wafiash marines at Par- mination and lieud gardener to the ladle* thereafter, saving minors, their guns and horses the week just cause, f,r the suco-as the er about six weeks areewiiveiy unfavorable for tDuveuient* femmes only previ- rott gun*, Rhode Island, Connecticut and ag» Nothing lika Using by covert, insane or absent I ous. 1 am informed that of Almighty r of would in a the for the lust three Bain ha* arsons. several the reg- Maine at the other Uphold Right t. warm Unua. army day*. presume this an omission mere boy* batterie*. also ren- such tr A* climate—(Vac4n. by oversight, iments first attacked fled with oo|.e jet, as 1 have said, u> wish -Tl,e fallen incemantlv, and now it ia an utter iot- precipitate dered g .od service. Kr*»

Sid sch residence of the — -The hive that id fed by presents al- 16th, Morning Star, Fuller. Eastport ; J Mnchias—April 19th. at the j —OK soli Frances ! Mr. ways requires 18th, Artliemas, Mitchell,.M Thomas; bride’s father, by Rev. Mr. Ward well, Henry TO THE AFFLICTED! feeding. Amos I brig Celt, Froctor, Poston ; 19th, sch Telegraph, R. Taylor to Miss Amelia N., daughter of DOW continues to be consulted at Ids office, No#. Duff, Poston. B. all of M. and 9 Kdlcntt on all disease# of s AMERICAN -The Liberian Government have sent Longfellow, Esq., SPRING GOODS! DK.7 Street, Boston, PEOPLE. Brooksville—9th Inst., Rev. NEW OK I the Dedint Mr. John I). Johnson 1o the recog- Li/bkc.—Ar 18th, sch Elisa, Hilliard, Magdalen by Benj. Dodge, PRIVATE DELICATE NATURE. And Early Melancholy procure Mr. Fredorick M. to Miss M nition of that this Islands. Hooper Margaret By a long course of study and practical experience of of Childhood and Youth. republic by government. both of unlimited Dr. D. has now the gratification of Passed through the Narrows 17th, bound up, Emerson, Sedgwick. extent. pre- JUST PUBLISHED BY inst.. Mr. James H. Smith of senting the unfortunate with remedies that have n«*ver, schs Odd Fellow, of and for Eastport ; Orlando. Btngor—17th -Mr. F. S. Coffin recently returned 11. of B. since he first introduced them, failed to cure the most Caroline Grant, Michigan, Munroe, Brewer, and Miss Lydia Genthner ID It. STONE, from the Lunenburg Diggings, N. S., bring- Financier, alarming cases of Pool, and Susan Jane, all of Deer Isle, supposed —————^ i UO. ORRIDEA AND SYPHILIS. to the Troy Long ui some rich of gold He for Calais Jane of Physician ing specimens quartz. ; Harbour, Eden, supposed for Beneath his treatment all the horrors of venereal and of the ROBINSON & HARDEN Institute. favorably mining prospects in do ; I^ejok, of Ellsworth, supposed for do. impure blood, Impotency, Scrofula, Gonorrha-*, Ulcers, Hjgeaic speaks ID IE I). A Treatise on tue above the eauw of Nervootf that hi at Union. pain and disties# iu the regions of proct at ion, Inflarnina- »abject, region.—[Mac Calais.—Sid 16th, brig Lcbanah, Teel, Provi- Marasmus ami of tM tion of the Bladder and Kidneys, Hydrocele, Abceen written Saco Dr. D. devotes a great part of hi? time to the treatment from conscientious and philanthropic motives, and appeals to exclaim :—Kress too Lord, hallelujor, dnt ; Maryland, Knight, Maltimore for Calais ; Thus seemed the infant's dawn ! lovely of those cases caused by a secret ami solitary habit, which most pathetically to Parents, Guardians and to Yonth* should see ere Novel, Richardson, Mt Desert for Boston. fled his life ! dis ole nigger lib to dis happy Thus sweetly away ruins the body anil mind, unfitting the unfortunate indi- for it details timely uid to restore the already SHATTER* Ar sch FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. when white men must hub a to 16th, Fiances, Cahoon, Ruck-port for vidual for business or society. 8 une of the sad and mel- ED BARK, and a rudder to clear the shoals and rocks foy time, pass Ere sin could or sorrow fade. New Goods! Poston. blight, Dry ancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, htc childhood. Send two red slamps and obtain tint toms* move about, and go where him Death t came with care : nigger please Ar 17th, sobs O-'-nnB, Johnson. Sedgwick ; Non- mely friendly and are this day opening a splendid assort- Weakness of the Back ml limbs, Dizziness of tin* head. tcr.y tffort. wid out one. Kress the Lord. The bud to Heaven Dimness of Palj ii.u.on cf the heart. Dyspepsia. pareil, Hunker, Cranberry I-|r» fur Poston; Peile, opening conveyed, ment of Del,nines, ('halites. Borages, sight, Fail not to Send and this Book. Spring Friend & ervousness, Derangement of the digestive function#, yet Rulger, Eastport for New Haven. .And bade U bloom forever there. and figured Joseph Co., Valentia*. Tail DeChavres, plain Symptom* of Consumption, kr The fearful effects on the A Word of Solemn Conscientious Adviow -The statement of the New York Herald of Buenos Prigs Aroostook, Rangor, Atwood, Daufuski ICth, of fever, Peter all wool DoLaines, VuKntees, Balzan- mind are much to be dreaded *, loss of memory, contusion which wim to the of this Sea Island—April Kept. to tlioae who will reflect. telegraphed press Ayres ; Foam, of do, Coombs, Sagua ; Char- of Co. 9th Maine Silk Linen Foulard Silks, of idea.*, depr* esiou of spirit*, evd forebodings, aversion Hacket, G, Regiment. nes, and Poplins, A elites of maladies to a fearful extent in com- from New York a few that Cardenas 5th inst sch 1 of # Am. are among the evil* prevail city days ago. Iona, Means, ; Curlew,Pow- Franklin—17th Sarah A. ciety, self-distrust, timidity, at h inst., Bragdon, aged Lama Cloths, Black Alpines and Hainbazenes, Such should, before munity, dnciniug ast 10,000 youth of both sexes an* arrest was ers. for Poston. produced, persons contemplating the of Gen. Stone caused exclu- Hucksport 59 .•» an early grave Those diseases are very im* years. Goat’s Hair Cloths, Prints, Ging consult a of <*xp< ami be at uuaiiy. Ar sch Lyonesse, matrimony, phynoian rience, ■ Senator Sumner” is 21st, Kush, Grant, Sedgwick for Poston. West Mass—Mrs. Ellen J. and dealers in |ier:« .» und r-t. l. Their external manifestations <>r sively by denounced by Medway, Blake, Real French Prints, &c oi ce restored to heaitii and happim-ss. hams, sy-mpi-eu* Nerv-n* Debility. Relaxation and Kxhauc- as untrue. Mr. Poston.—Ar 16th, schs Lucinda, Colbeth, Ma- wife of Rev. S. A. Blake, formerly of Surry, aged Patient* who wishtoremaiu under Dr Dow’* treatment competent authority entirely tiou, >»inus or wasting und consumption of the tissues chias Me. 27 a few days or Weeks, will be furnished wiffi pleasant so fur from caused the ; Poxer, Rankin, Wells, years. >1 wide su6rtii>-*a of or hurried Sumner, arrest, and c for board moderate. th- body, breathing, having Cld sch A Steuben. — inst of Francis rooms, «arges 16th, Hooper, Godfrey, Exeter 1 4th Emma, daughter breathii oil use* u g a bill or a flight of stairs, directly or indirectly, was ns much i great surpiised Ar 17th. sch Judge Tenney, Gilmore, Calais. W. and Sarah A. Hill aged It )ears. ttcabu-JHabc Clotljhnj, palpitujuu <>f the ilea;"., shaking of the Hands an- Limbs, at it ns one in ami knew any Washington, Cld 17th, sc is Calais Packet. Hatch, Philadel- Theodore Frelinrbuyson, the Whig candidate aversi e to society and to business and study, dimness of <>i us little of the on which it was Machias with in a lot of Cashmere OAUTIONT Eye s.,f i. ;■ -s q. mory, d.zxines* of the Head, Neural- grounds phia ; Wreath, Randall, ; N Harvey. fot the Vice-Presidency Henry Clay 1944, Barage, Wool, and large i UK now the and best assort- opening largest gic Pains -ii various of the body, Indigestion,Irreg- made. Sullivan died week before last. from to another To Females in Delicate Health parts Rragdon, Shawls $4.00 $15,00; also, 1 ■- ment of ularity of Die bow*-!-, Deranged Secretions ol' the Kidneys, Ar 1 DK. DoW. and No 7 Eu.eott 8teet, Kill, brigs Empire, of Boston, Higgins. Ci- lot oi those Cashmere Shawls. j Physician Burgeon, and I rii.o-Se\Uit| uigana, Epilepsy, Hysteria, aud Ner- Long is consulted daily f<*r all disease# incident to the enluego- March 22; great us to produce Insanity, which, not unfre- Cienfuegni Flour Albus, and oilier menstrual de-ange- SPRING GOODS tfiippre-vdon, quenlly. termiuat s iu suicide. Allen, Philadelphia ; sch Velina, of Probate Court will be at on ar** all treated w Cambridge, A held Bucksport ments, upon pathological principles, This hum-tul class of and a host of others not Notice*. Stan a disorders, wood, Trinidad March 26. and relief d in tew 8<> in- Special the third Wrduradoy of May next, at ten u’clock sjwedy guanttlte very days named, as Tubercular and Bronchial Consumption, dls- CM I**th, schs Jane, over offered in this of c< ain i* tt»* new mode of treatment, that most Lucy Spurting, Cranberry A. M., at the office of the subscriber. SILKS. market, consisting variably eas'-s of the 'throat and lb art, Asthma, Catarrh, havw obstinate complaints yield und it, and liie aflitcle.t per- f’oiifcrrnrr. Ides; Z»uave, Fo-ter, Philadelphia; Abigail PARKER TICK, ilu ir seat in sud derive their origin from, diseases of th« Judge. We shall about 700 of OROA nr LOTUS, son soon rejoices in perfect health. Haynes. Ellsworth open to-day yards rino-S xiial Organs very frequently, and m a tarye ma- S’ap'es, 21, 19C2. 14 Dr. Dow has no doubt had greater experience in the The Hancock l!aj»tnt Ministerial Conference CM sch N Hancock. April Black *ilks of all from 90 cent* to CASHMERES, jor ity of cases. Inth, Jones, Moon, grades, cure <>f diseases of women und than other at Sr on childreu, any Dr. Andrew Stone. to the Trot Ldno srd will meet with Bra. Keed, tgwick, Tuc*- some which are of those soft and DOESKINS, Physician Ar 20th, schs Peace, Kelley, Calais ; Shooting $1.50, of physician in Boston. the 19th of nest, at 2 o'olock r. v. Uyoknk Institi ra, has studied und investigated this In- day, May Star, Kelley, Pembroke. DISTRICT NO. 3. lustres. 45 Patterns of Fancy Plaid a d VESTINGS. Boarding accomodations for patients who may wish to L. S. Scribe. SCHOOL high sidious and intriaate Class of modern maUnites, with pro- TKI1T, Ar schs N Mt and India stay in Boston a r w days und* his treatment. 21st, vel, Richardson, Desert ; Silks; do. Black Figured of all which we are to make found attention and assiduity, m.d is now engaged in N. 1862. thl4 Notieo is that the next term of all Striped kinds, prepared up since Conti tied his w ole atten- Sedgwick, April 21, hereby given Dr. Dew, l84i>, having the most unheard of success. The Grape Shot, Hill, Ruck-port. &c. to at short and in the treating tlmu with the various schools to this District, will commence Silks, ord«'r, very notice, latest tion to an office for tin* cure of private Disease# I CM " j practice, personal pi- s-*nce o attenduuMi of the patient or victim, is barque illtanv. Lord, Rcmedios. and Amer- uo on the 4000 Oochero, Merrimac We have a assortment of Gouts’ and Female acknow.edges superior in the Throat ami Monday. April 2-th. except High school, yards styles. large Complaints, not required to insure success for his system of treat- I.tings. CM 22d, sch itoanoke, ('aldwell, Eastport. U ulted States. which will 12th, I9fi2. ican Prints, Ginghams, Lace, Chan'eleer, I ment is so pei feet in itself, and so admirably arranged begin May one season of the when and — N. B— All letters mud contain dollar, or they will At till!1 year, coughs New V rut. Ar 15tb, Rubicon, Hammond, S. U Gauze, am] Tussc Veils, Lancaster, II mey i with every possible facility, mat it can be sent by mail ATKKUOUAE, Agent. not be answered. ©old* are a > tr< ubleiouie, family should have Gouldshorn. or express, to ail parts of the L uiou or the ad every Ellsworth, 17th, lSfi2. 13 English and Heal Marseilles Bed' 8 A. M. to 9 P. Mi Canadas, April Comb, Office Hours from it line Institution .' a «afc and certain remedy at hand. Weeks’ Mag- Ar 16th, brig- 0*<-m Traveller. Sawyer, and Bleach and Brown Table Linens FURNISHING ; GOODS, Each case is determined stnd the tms rot-so i* It is not Spreads, scientifically ic Com the very thing. only Machias, Nuevitas Trade Wind, Chase, • Shoppy, \Vor**fed Damasks, Moreen*, Bah pom of treatment adopted trout ot the secretions fur children to but it is a certain .Napkins, analysis take, Santa Crux ; Judg<* llatu »w.»y, L I, Cardenas th'- pleasant BOOKBINDING. moral Skirts, Embossed Table Covers, Flan- Tints and CERTAIN CURE •f tin- Kidneys fr--iii blond, ai.U trom printed iu tern cure fur cr>.up, whooping cough, bronchitis, a*th. s J Chase, Machias ; Mexican, Cottrell, their and Pic- Caps, tarnished each Lindsay, persons wanting Magazines J nels of all colors and gatoric applicant. tna. an 1 all adVctiona of liiu throat and Ea t M.-v'p.n price*, lickings. Stripes. IN ALL CASES, 03 NO CHARGES MADE. /-The Institution mak< s use of a rful Micro- c<>ugbs \LLtorial Works li uml, will have an opportu- j powt Svld ait 4wl4 &c 4*c. of the lute styles. Also a large variety of Dr. Dow is consulted daily, from 8 a. u. to 8 r. m. as scope, and Philosophical Apparatus ! lung*. by druggists. Ar 17th. sch- Jane, Gorbatn, Calai-; Governor, nity of it done leaving it at the store getting by above, upon all difficult and chronic diseases of every j.y Paiieuts applying for inten ogatories or advice, C » K ix»b rt f I! -ton ; Sink, Ingalls, Geo. K. Griffin. thp formerly occupied by name and having by hi.* unwearied attention and must return or enclose to meet attention. IMPORTANT r » EKM \ LKS. nature, stamps, East M vchias Wave, Machias ; Seven lo st of and as ! success a which culls Terry, 1 give the work, defy competition ALSO extraordinary gamed reputation pa- fjj*The attending Physician will he found ai the Insti- Msters, Cr wley, Add:- n ; Magnet, of Machias, to prices All work returned in sixty days, tree | Ready-Made Clothing, tients fiotn all parts f tlie Country to obtain advice. tution for consultation, from 'J A. M to y P. M., ol each DR. CHEESEMAN'3 iu none PILLS, Sanb mi, Arr> >. P March 21 ^ assortment of F ('nwimT-s nd the physicians B >*ton, stand higher in in the lor noon. y R, of expense. !nrge mey Among day. Sunday t.y t'ornenm* l. Cheereman, M D the profession than the Celebrated Dk. DOW. No 7 F.iidi- Ad ires*. DR. ANDREW STONE. Prepared Ar l->th, sch Maine, Brown, Buck-port. NV. F. STAN WOOD, Doeskins for Gents’ wear. Black German 1" -rk ('tty. of our wn make, which we guarntoo will give cott street, Boston. Those who need the servic s of hii Physician to the Troy L» ng and Hygienic and *'.1 I sch* W Parker. Nor- I" »V.c n,wl I l„ocL n. r„ 1 n I. (I Institute, Mb, illow, Pembroke; mu«t be hr iu should him a call. The combination ( in* re.|j*n;« > these Pill* are the fy Binding -tight by Saturday 40 mJ satisfaction, au-i will Uo sold at very low expei tenct-d phymeiauand surgeon give Physician for diseases of iue Heart, i'hroat und Luugs, thern l l^vne. rt. * e\v .« •. e are n ,li ight, Buck*p‘ ».■> I leave the 29th iust. Goods for 1862. Uo liuh N. Y< s i!t of a •■•tif ■*.! | TVy Monday, common Boys. j r.ces. Our motto is April, lyli street, Troy, '*:i Cl 1 1'Jtli. sch Rubicon, Hammond, Ell-worth. their o|n-<*ji a, and cram rr*vtii?.' i!! trren Ellsworth, Apni 23d Iw Painful Menalru*:. ns. r*-oi-». .1^ al. .thce and has f**r the la*t twenty vear* Stone, TO M VRUU T* LUMP.4 I*. my son, Edtnun 1 Hrid^rs, hi* limn t" Iran*- ais t soli J E all vod, Ellsworth, 10. 18(12. 13 »>een engaged in prosecuting Pension and other claims 'Plie ^Matron of' the »r Chelae,nan'. Pill. ir •• »' i* i« t!.-v wiM rI• Philadelphia ; Carver,!, burv and Middle®** Cloaking®, April Institution* 1 ; act business (<>r himself, ami I shall claim none of against the General Government, olftrs hie 1 ■ respectfully is the v| »itn r< .r » !.»!■« * K. have I r> inot'.t t 1 Monroe. |*" ik Cotton and Wool Cloaking®, Who thoroughly read and [Misled in the intricate uaturd m-nth'y peri hi« and will not contracted Beaver®, services to the wage- pay any debts of tiie alliictive and maladies of more hc«>l 4ta*l»p I. '•>! in th of T IMlv »C The Ar 2 »:li, set) Turner, S e!- many prostrating Peuciman, Puckspnrt. bv hitu alter this uato iln«l urv and Atlantic, Waterproof I!e < modern o: will devote exclusive attention to tlie treat- Utmut. c>oiti l-nr til t>r h-» xiuiu'i Pal '4 £ al< ti a- Officers & Soldiers of the Present War igin, Pii11 pit11 —Ar 14th. «ehs (2tin Kook, Wil- DAN ILL BRIDGES. ’ai.t«, do. Fancy Fluid ment of this class of diseases to her sex. the/ arc represented 4 > Rrpellants. TO MILL peculiar Among 1 «i* Marti w>T. i OWNERS? He hAs the blink forms suitable for making application the diseases met and which she treats son, ; Kilbur.i, Swans 22 14 many daily with, o tic r. • Bueksport. Island, April .v for PeuvioLS, atid will them for wounded or oth are Ar 1 .< •'.« Hurt) t Lubec procure With unheard of success, chrome inflammation, ulcer- «houM not u*»-.| asa mlwar >th, Neal, Colton, ; They i'.-efcnaney, disabled vo facer* and Soldier*, and f« tlie W iduws ation. und prolapsus of the W->mb. Gov**rn< r. M a >n. Me II L ■ n. of lor .-vdgw»ok, ; Oreutt, 1 'hr 11 *r.i‘ Parker f Judge Probate ami as York Rubber and Minor Children of such huve died, nr may here- Lyl’he Medicated Ascending Douche, a most impor* jr s (r*<* tr W .V V II i: k n«. t. Mi h.n :»,•• « 'v II no i‘k. New Warranted ;. .> Bucksp-t Belting, after die. from wounds received or disease contracted in tan. lor the nervous iorues. « a curative, arousing li' ‘>r 1 <" I d I n n i. in said < .v- re- Injun h**.itth I » h. s,m p.iltni-tBragd-n, Key West. (latest improvement.) the service. ati ■ »i I b<* »1 ’> *•- * |'i. \ > I is lie ■'; Price y $ A- -c Ibt|Cmore !»ix Iremotif Ii For Widows or other legal Heirs of such a* may die or $6,00. ■ loth, *• > '•* Oi a d is *n s- I: run of c •- mi tils'rater 1.1 »il ‘Ci efK> nit > •» A ?* 11 h up th** id a »ok of Ladle®’ Spring be killed in he wiii the Arifr:. e sK»*lilrn 't ; II- I J'iet openad. large®t Island Oak Leather service, procure $10'j promised by F- males can consult Mrs. Doctress Stone, confidentially ■*--n«. Rhode in <•* ry «* ".el Ki*fp up".I t- V I J Ii C ."a. late of lilut hill, that it hrt- Belting the net of .1 :.v ! anal the arrears of .iv. 1' Summcr Cloak® and S-n k®. nimrrid'ip letter, or cl l;. >1 N w i; -I, I ••haul, i.r-.okiit. '• to ■»<■;’» 1 I A l» |srjJ D. D. ADDISON. ' Ih.ila'li Game c Apr iu full supply, at my old store, JUST RECEIVED. (i 0 I Ipl.ia ; \t Sj,ow,C.i!a.* mar f* |, r*'.- itg P* i.'.n.OrJrrr / —That the lr**tPif.n- Ao. loC Penn. Avenue, W'ur J/rpart. ■ W vsi thai ••r *•i. alt p- s-'i.s in d t>> -aus.iig a iliirkH Square, V> ASHIV.ToN, I). C. it u: ! TV- >( •• -■ "i > ■ •»< y Ar .. I, »eb Van Puren, Wall, Cula.s f Pr- the p« nti-ii ami "id*-r "I * "Urt tm-ieon, t" )*«* published wc h»vr 11A Me. *■■* WATCH SPRING SK tit IS which NOOK. Hi*1 r- -I'K* « * -In-r- tin. 1 1 i' 1. E. r*n». -pr dence. \ ... Uucksporl, li n- » lh.»t « i« * « t ■ ■ *• * direct from the mantifvt »rv at N**w York G, G. argument pr p newspap-r printed n 1 ! « rth, that th y u:a> appear a: 4n.l3 E P BALDWIN. the State Maine. ■ Agent far of PECK, c -f \ * I' I 11 N trv«t tt t_. prep*n*iimii* pi »ni, I..IO .•» •• in ®eil from 1 > to cent, II IV t'o.jrt held lit Pu s-p-.rt. %.«id ninty, and can 20 per cheaper lyfl jjr Office in J. Emery's Store. MAIN STREET, ELLSWORTH, MAINE, m -» * .. .• > ■>: r* ■« < a? lu !>e pri J t<> son. *a*t .ne th-- th 1 W •••l.i ! I 'I n>- >. at ten « ..-a iy »y we have before. on hand and for -1 than Keeps constantly tale a. i«e It- ad n ,* -.•1 171 Vv K Mvh .r* an the J.. Pancr*f\ the f <«.ti. 1 any •*■->.'.a»e why wholesale aud a full ot N < Mil ter ty retail, supply pi a) er of said petttiou *h u d n**t *•• griut d. P Vi .i \r i iih, bug Catharine Nichols PAKKI.B Tl h K. Judge. FRAN K L7n~H0US IT One -s, Pi ai mi. Attest —A A p.,\, It iUedirinrs, A 11 s• th ii: i:. t d f <* -urt t!.*-r"*n. The Subscriber has a P i'* •' k Vr 1- th, seh Pat .ili -n, Langley, py of p- opened A .A. it T COURAGE invalids: * 14 .Attest— a h I. KTT Register HATS & CAPS. Fi'iliiiiicrj', a il« » Pr itjei ce PUBLIC HOUSE, IN FRANKLIN, Soup-., I. »*t 'iiiMN a ;« u —Ar Ittb, fch -p- kane, L<> We h ive made a regular bu®inc®s of Hat® and to merit success in the Spice*—, Howes’ ('ounli i5! I Is, f-*u•, Calais state or maim:. hopes enterprise, by a* l t op®, and ran show a'-ou* every «rvle having obliging and faithful h-.'tlers to take the 1'ruits, Nats, -\ X l>- In* W »-: —In p- t '.Mb. seb Lu y A Oroutt, Th * •» rkr*» irn r, t •1 at runs in Boston: Also, the Spring styles best of care of horses, nr.d by keeping bis table 'n.itlai. 1, from New \ ,rk. Aug is a. April IV. ISfl.. ) BOOTS ANO Silk SHOES, well with substantial food fur man. • of Hats. supplied I'poQ th fo!J 'Wing T iwiish ur tr.n'.s of I» d, t. t The of the will be to make the He keeps a jrenerul imminent of Medicines usa b Clem’s Summer Cure. New Yo.k 15. A. Solo Leather, object Proprietor with l.ah e iu i.« iu ssed tu any town, the fob .wit .• a- and Balmoral B>ots, Physicians, together I? V mt '<• nr rrviUiM y M % m m FOREIGN FORT9. (iCongress Franklin House a home for the traveler, and a • a GILS’ t -i -I »%' .»t f *. menu for Stair f the an 1 a®®**rtmen of I..A where he have his wants PATENT AND er*t li»- I Ir it /.hi .' •tii ult, b.ig W liiui A Mary.Vor- good Congres® Upper Leather and Patnas, place may supplied THCSIPSCNIAN MEDICINES i-. i:: •. 1 ■ *" »• on th* n;n-*veoth of Boots and Shoes. and and at reasonable li arseut--* Hr- t- n. New A k Legislature, approved day March, and Balmoral promptly cheerfully, prices. The Smith's liazor Ilis have been and re- genuine Strops. cllaul that so un t* *.». a 1* fr.i ILivn.a7th «eh WPl.arn S 1S52. Westcott’a Calf Skins, buildings recently repaired remedy 1> Ar at in*t, LouJ, Candies, Washing Powders. I've Stuffs. Truss* fitted, and he has many conveniences which will Figs, Snap, | Clark, Machi j County of Hancock. and all kinds of Supporters, Spices of oil kinds. Citron, Cur- ~ make the Franklin House a desirable ,j t? -i Matar-ia* Oth, brig Lagle, Tre- stopping rant-. Kabins. Tamarinds, Irish **iio\vi;s’ cough lulls. Flying No. 3. N rth Dlv.sion. 1 -rty d irs, 40 (» ALEXANDER MARTIN. w. N w Y k Stock and placo. Pickles, Lc., Ac. 1 g v, Shoe MoSS, x fit- > Findings, T H T ru H A Tl'.iit* r." rt 'tllii/h'. lifc‘*T. N 4 d 4 rty J .lUrs, 4u 00 j Jan. IS02. ol t (t. ii-t fr 'ii Carden JAII CARPETINGS. Franklin, 12, t .t as, brig Crowley, at low at &C., &C. &C., dfcff. i’ain* in tr.r *He nr a -ng plandi ^ //at i, N of >'•>. 3, d .- v.*u d Ars 7 50 prices, ,&C., &C., I»r i»• N.-w A k Mtip Sfty cent*, We have commeneed with a large and en* Ju t a new V .*♦. hiviv -i is S v n T receive!, per of tha remedy \t -t C.oix 4tn sch <>eeau S'rip N of N-« 4, do.. dollar* lifty cents, 50 Si West Market Square, Express, supply inst, Wave, Turner, < tirelv NEW STOCK of Carpetings f the rn< -t popular Pat t .Medicines, among which are. 1 f Mg. ■*, S.uth l'.Aisi n, -a d ir« fifty ceut*, 7 5u BANGOR, Me. NOW IS THE HoWES’ COl till TILLS. Bangor. Common, Fine, F.xtia, Extra Fine and Three ill KNELT’- Preparations; Blood Food, for Liver Ar at Halifax 10th inst, brig J D Cong lon, No. V, do., S' vi*u .1 (Mars fifty ccut*, 7 50 Thu, a• a* r.jti'r nor ah* amm •«\tix.. j 1 ini shells ®rrv Stair Car- 4ml3 E-P-BALDWIN- Female w k 1*1 v, Tap* Carpeting®. Oornplaiut, Coughs, Dy-pepsia, Diseases, F be*. N A No 10. %«1J. Steuben, Fifteen dollar*. 15 00 agent in case* } I’ht.i-rc, u-’ Stair Straw Rich Rugs, and Regeneration of Alan; Weeks’ Magie Com; Ar at -l J .bn, NP, 1 'th, Anita, I'atnon, Tw 00 pet®, Rod?, Matting®, M- n. the id or havi »:• brig N 10, Middle Div., i.ty live dollar*, 25 Whito .mb’s Burnett’s • ui Confirmed C-m-utu; { j \.e.. Sic. T I 1S/L US ! pound; remedy f\ o oiler for der- ; Cneesemau's, Clarke’s and Duponco’s Femais No. 34, do. F rty 40 00 quested with rtlan-l f-r Hat in*. d-diars, lvslute Pills, fur female Hrugor’s Con- )>ared P Ellsworth, *23. 18^2. H sale the following Heal obstructions, «Ve; • So. 35, dn. Forty 40 *X) April April In 'J*'- 11. n 71 <0, sch Magnet, from dollar*, The House occupied by T. D. Jones on Main centrated Cure for nervous weakness; Hcmbold’* 1 5) 00 CLEM'S SUMMER CURE. per' I'.I .» f r N.-W Y r«. No -J, do. Fifty liars, Street. 1- iuiit I. .tract of Burehu, for discuses of the blad* th iulko witMCiaa*n tx » ♦'.» a 3 00 for That r n Ciiiuikh Ai:'.I «>. lat OIL I<»n t, brig Gulnare, nine S .. 40, do. Thirty dollar*, (Jur wharf property <-n Water Street. THE dtr, kidneys, Ac; Maynura’& Colodiou burns* r• In m ■ w .n's Peru- the mouth or ?’h, nr mg lu v ! -it V Y rk f K u.g-t .1 No 41. do. Twenty -five dollar*, 25 uO SPRING AND SUMMER 27UU acres wild laud on the west aide of Heed's ^nd cuts; Rheumatic Compound; lu a Aato an i cure n- bit I ii 7,1 from vian Huuld « Pin worm nursing »nre -uth, fja.*- April 7. '. 4 -, brig Chastelain, Hotter Island, One dollar eighty eight cent*, 1 Sy Pond in Ellsworth. J*yrup; Syrup; Houghin'* effected the «m« of New \ k f Cuba Nli2. 1000 Hcres wild land at the head ot Heed’s Pond Coru ."olvout, an infallible reui dy; Magnetic by K.sglv Island, Three dollars, 3 00 1 April 14 T <\ij.e May, br.g Mary Glover, frm in Dedham. Balsam, for rheumatism and neuralgic; Jeffries Spruce IP a*l and Dear PLACE! CLEM’S SUMMER CURE. Cuba t r Bang r. A number of II u«e Lots In this village. Panacea of Life, a sure cure tor Sore Throat and One d"iUr 1 5o j x Island, fifty ceata, will bo sold on favorable Bronchial Stone’s for Th \T I K Till. O. u» IM A UllHt A il l'l » » The above projierty affections; Elixir, bronchitis; 1 H8 to Heath Island, Eighty eight ceut*. terms. in per*' ni «d all -xge* m> m* La* Jollison TO PURCHASE Coce’and s sure cure for Bed DISASTERS. seven cent* S7 on the ai le in Bags; coma to the kn- of the ttiat •*»«*t II >k Island, Eighty Also Pews No. 4'd and 50 broad wiedgr puLlic * of from IF «G»n, Hoofland's, Peck’s, Har- ■ >Vh Ge V A| Lord, and HITTERS—Oxygenated, teetuallv dot's i*s a<»rk and at the -»uie to* rgc »ry. Bradbury’* du., One dollar twenty lire cent*, 125 the Congregational Meeting House. was Brown’s, Clarke’s Wine, with ire, f Wilmington, Pel, l-*t <-n ben- OFFERS AT dy’s, Sherry Langley’* leave* the bowels in an active, healthy condi- P .nd. r.* ar Little Deer Room in a Block- Root and and w: n's I-.lan-1, M L in the .-etcr-- gate of 9th inst. Counting Whiting uC . Herb, Abbott's, others; tion a* Island, Thirty one cent*, 31 Cr«w got ashore with great difficulty with wlmt We will give our attention to the Discounting LINIMENT—Tobias’, Hood Samaritan, Mustang, five 25 ll'ar Prices CLEM’S SUMMER CURE. they stood in. V«*s 1 t-til Mss. N Insurance Western d»„ Twenty cent*, and Negotiating of Commercial Paper, and Liniments and Ointments of all kinds; ... 50 D. JONES, I i A H vu 14 yetri I t at Little Spruce H’d do Fifty cents, it J. W. AT. | SARSAPARILLA—Bull’s, Shaker’s and N THE Sand’s, K!l«w .rth, 1 '.7 ton*, and wne.l bv Black, P nd bland, Tw lollar*. 2 CO um M all other kinds. a Cure is a principal Clem Summer pleasant, agree. --t -th an I 'Kb was the most j f L -t -i. The gil- C*jf ,| >. »»ne d nlar twenty five cent*, 1 25 i I- It ..... V PILLS—Ayer’s sugar coated, Brandreth’s and «evere of the winter -n the coast of Mary- gale W est Black Island, Twenty five cent*, 25 ur f r hi* HARO TIMES COFFEE. Wright’s Indian CunUlOf n- t a of '>/«■« ./rug land. Great >*re I t is given the Captain BEST Vegetable. particle Last do. do. seven cents, 37 v ■- Thirty of coffee A ot >rt. It a! 1 1, imt. mi 1 n •»' bis crew in his boat rilHK times and the high I-.., Weaver's canker and salt rheum Ar» any »y« g rv daring ing 1 1 0o trying price Ryrup; Placentia Island, One dollar, a substitute should nold s Vital Fluid t Atwood's Extract an i never doe* hann. wbei the life 1 i*» Ure not p»t off to their rescue. Selected Stock ol ft has demanded that good j Dandelion; do. I..-ven d .liars twenty five ct*. 11 25 the manufacturer >1 their work* ye tiiaii know them/’ v .s 'i ril 2 Kb —Brig -lu ter. Somes, of La,^ be found f pure coffee, and | Brant'j Purifying Extract, Hay’s Blood Purifier; By irk, \; 1 n do. On** d liar s- venty five cent*, 1 73 has -ucceeded in the inven- AKdiettl Morse’s Yel- .t Cc lb.General AI -unt !»• —rt. W I* ar- ked th- 2d. Cay Marshal!'* the Hard limes Coffee Kennedy’s Discovery; Syrup (i. C. OoODwrt Ager.t« totally I Somes A Part- ini. k do. =.*•'. three cent*. Oi'. n n of an article which meets the low Dock; Remedies; Alc.Murn’s Elixir for New England. II H. Hat. I* >rtland, ani li. It- mar i. Cuba. Vessel owned by requirements Railway's Tw ! .Jars 2 l>'> f the ti nes, and which the Mass, ■"•tute Assayer, I f Airs. Winslow's Sha- F. Hradithy, General Agents I .Maine. N ’t. Mount !» *crt. i Pickering's do. ftf'.y cents, Cloths, Opium; Soothing Syrup; Tv Clothing, Dr. ron -unccs free from any deleterious ker Extract Valerian; Ralrn of a Thousand Flow* iu Kll*w >rth «»/ C G I’m k in .'ft ul«J Harbor do. Seventy five ceni*, Hayes, j rjfT'.,ld at a low and is Cold AA 11. ! »uI stance. It i- sold veiy price, ers; Cream; Flesh Balls, Liquid Rouge; Peaert by IImji* is KinuaiM.E. H i‘. f 3wl4 N ATHAN DANK, Treasurer. Amer- hi fact about t<» c-.flVo Pectoral; Brant’s Balt M M IIiGoie* and J h. AA mri’io AC", j in Han- lax a I land I the master and tw f the equal pure Ayer’s Cherry Pulmonary N W H -• ofOrland. Me. anufactured 11 15. E ALL, Ma^ufae. monary Balsam; Clarke’s Cough Syrup; Bachelor cock by I. A. MAR fa IK. Jr ; m 'ullnan t.v A I ican Kinm-i May >, .May**. FURNISHING GOODS by •* »in 36 n fr n < n March *»th. The Kmiiu I turer of an 1 Cre Tartar, South and Harrison's ilair Dye; Barney's Misk Perry m t* MM »i ; lii^teu- tak* the NOTICE. ever hr 'tight into Ellsworth, at Coffee, >pic Cologne; — You can a and Ian i A Mur « tiled .n Feb 21-t. with fin Bos- Ma ket "trect, J:-.ston —TRY IT. get ■Shaving Cream Verbena Mater; Dr.toher'* ten by J. C. Uoouim* ; iu Ur by Morrill provisions, | arc furbi 1 len to harbor or Uliolt^alr iiikI Krlail. persons hereby anv liroecr in Kllswoftb. .‘•hot for Bed and all t t. r M D •, heavy gale-.lo-t Dead Bugs; other article* Co. ming experienced a t-wu >! Ilar- VLLtrust James Hagan, pauper a Store. ,:i her and on F« b 2d, her masts, had dvek- usually kept in Drug -u!«. h i> beeu made f -r hi» HOWE & Co Proprietor*. -e- cock, as«i *ub*eriber ha* returned from Boston, ai I boats *t< ve in. The W -a»her was ample r|MIE just Certificate of Dr. llayes. -wcpl bill* vn ! be 1 on Li- ae- Physician's com- Me. ina-ntenai oe and u p.n I and has h large stock of «ea>> na- Prescriptions carefully 1,10 BELFAST. v e. uld to-t I* wer her beats purchased I M t.». ”—This substitute for the that the Balinurus contract* "iURIiTiMH Flour, Meal, Pori:, p.iunt otherwise where the town has ble whi h are wi ll ted t»» this market. pounded 1 -nt ict with the the master goods, adu| more kinds "I Coffee has been and when n C wreck, hint expensive analyzed cd lo maintain v* r» veurs' experience in the business iti Ells- A Medical Fact. and crew on board, without saving any- chemically an I microscopically, and found to be jumped J OI N MILLIE EX’, A Overseers -vorth, enables iuiu t-> underftand t‘i* wanks «d this tret* ro n deleterious fubstan -e. It also cor- When •u!Terin« under afflicti in artn, thing. H "f the l* any l^ j-y K Ch i l Uhl. ci i.inuuitv ; and thanklul for favors, and the OLD to J past with tnc manufacturer's VS h wam it ani.'til *•»• alarm, from Boston for llt .vo in composition BEEF, LARD, iRIENDSza S-h C W Conner, (of ^ullivin) | u UUtL.N MtiUTOX’,) t *:* b cj, ireel water- hopes statement. ectfullv, -1 hef ?,• r« t. 1 :iba- d »ned at ^ea. l&t/i. iwld He§| la*- ILkmi k. J,\g p. Hancock, April 11th, merit and receive a continuance ot the same. D. soon after | A. A. HAYES, M. State Assayer. ; I. -Id fr. ni B .-ton 1st utt, and this stock found the Horr;.ek’s if f. Amongst maybe following 2 7 II pill* mild, f'f-i 1 n«»i ,ir, the • ItTRovNt' n S reet, iiosten, Ted. 2d, laid. Sugar-2oa+ed Fills* lra\ i i_* p«*rt h id many heavy squalls. On fh, j articles: W. I. Goods & Groceries fr .ii, four titin.i ir 3 in 10 * •hr wo thrown on her be tn end- the sea washed H hj will you »ad from year t» > *•*r ENGLISH. FUEXCII and the .leek of the boat A»i* lUkkkl nvei her f.-re a d aft, clearing Sail The Bt-rr FAMILY Cg — Making. To whom it t-.i**- and ever\thing moveable may Concern. Flour, thaktic in the r My Suenr'h-nimt l»'.ii*t-r* will your pa n, galleV, -pare spars, lias a new SAIL LOFT world, used U were subsciiber opened > c stanchions and t five miH The price i- * *iuall you cati’t -m, »m, The bulwarks, plankshear f|MlL is h r- by given that I have given Meal, Sugar?. twenty years by I cu of all colors mid and of t!.e latest im* ^OTlCE iism uf • id mat ih- vit .1 I liable t her l*«.fur- the > on l he shall attain j / p!uc-.- get Where he ha* fitted u the new building Lang ;.art, of himself or his ways, unt Salem t C roftix (1 hy the principal Ill* in- I fine* ar- *e;.t l<> lr>ur y d r, when she u?, hecso, I ra n cut awav the uialnma-t. n >*■ ,,r i;ni« " -art. tii» ai d 1 will not be for and ia ■>» C;»|>t Lat* 4' i in.ij responsible physicians surgeons 40*1 when they arc gone i'i) n I ) a in -re dun, rity; fut! of water The gale still con- that fle intends to merit a of bis c-nt Candles, 1-urd, the I'nion ; coat- r*T* II uni. *• pitrt!v righted, II'* assure* tne public any bills acting elegautljr The were tinued with unabated pump- liberal chare of b* the promptness and EZEKIEL MORSE. Soop, Tolmcco, Pile and Plavfrs startle ••mrouullKf by patronage, VESTIMQS, Uo*e* cents Herrtck't I eu broken b\ the wreck I..*rg<- '25 ; Ort f ii u*e, n* tin v ha b with which he nn-w r« orders and the Verora, Feb. let 2. 13* Fluid, Raibina, « d *rful cure». » ,td all dealer*. fidelity id 10, Bum for Full direc- £h«:r by the sea — consisting 'ilk-, Velvets, Orenadinei,Cashmere# fl s ai#. and their gt ar swept away by in his work. Ace adr«*ttM4u«4ii. bM •d workmanship displayed .Marseilles ut all arid colors. To« Fibh, tions Willi each box. -truck -he was and Styles In two hoursfroW the time she was • He takes thi* occasion to tender his thanks Warranted to with a assortment of of aii «up*-oor aitf v. v I f shelter f her to gether complete 1ST O T I C E Molasses, gmjes. a helpless wreck, and | to old customers t**r tneir patronage, and hopes iMi bilore ike public, d with water ; the a Considera- cr» w, sii it) number, W44 fill' receive a until.un In tin* new arrangement. hereby giv«-n that for valuable Ic.t.rg iresb wat*T wa- 1 the bread li'-strovd. lyiNeate give him a rail. IS tion, end other pjcil reaeon?, I have relin- tat 9 and iUariuc Journal. the me without ar v f 1 but raw p George H B rook*. Pantaloon Goods, quished to my minor eon, Watson lb, the time of Nails and Hardware. TaI.i Arursxx. tan* Corjrrr, f fhe to transact business for himself as Florida. July 17,1*00. salt pork to cat. Waterlogged and expose Ell-worth, April 8, lblid. 4ml2 All of which will be made up to order, or sold by his minority, J Irani) I of I shall claim T Dr IT' rr!-k. Albany, N i—• y Dear Doctor:—.1 -ea, which swept nvci her fore and aft, Capt the if he twenty-one years age. my arc fort of ellswouh. piece. Among Dry Goods, writ*- this to inffini you of the wonderful effect of your found it to her in any wav ;— none of hi? earning- nor shall l delta of impossible manage pay any Coated Pills oil elder I'or three K It ■Migar my daughter. years A 1V MD. a I in the water In this condition lo alt r this date. -ho lay like g \0114*1* Tmipasneid. hi* contracting do- linn been aflW-l*-d with a billious d of 1$. Thibet*, Delaines, *rangement tba Saturday, remained six when the British »hip-of. no will be JOHN B. FRAZIER. has been mead .-he days, Notloe i. hereby g I *«n Ih.t permit. Plaids, Merino.*, *y*b*in, sadly im|>*IHm* tier health, which Patten, Boston. w Bchr Tugwawa. war Diadem, Scott, c tine to her as-istanc*. to cut ur haul from CLOTHING. Witness:—Ahira S. Frazier. ily f ailing during that p*-riod. When in N* York in •# l'apt the winter Dress Goods, Prints, do. j.ramr.1 corning a a me T Frelingbuyseu, Sal*bury, and rescued all hands. The men had been wet tb. Otis, Id, l*l>2. *13 pril IhhI, friend udviw-d to test your pills. Haring X... It, 'll Waltham, by proprietor.. April Ginghams, bhecctings, ob- iloit, d> ha i been torn, Towu.bip the fullest confident!? In th ‘judgment of my fritnd, I senator, through for six days, their clothes or hauling, will be oonsid* A Summer Clothin r. *ueh Any persona so cuttiug \ large Stock of Spring Flannels, Tickings. I mined a supply of Messrs. Karnes .v Park, Druggists. ILK ARBS. *nd washed away, so that when they were i- partly creil a» trerpawer. aiuT lu treuto as Overcoat*, Fricks. Sacks and Businest Coats, Park Row, New York. On returning home wecea>ed all wreck t‘ av were half naked, nearly feushr Fi re*', Wood, !h>*tou. tuk' ii *T the PUnPKIErtlK.', or Waltham. i Pauls and Vests, ot all the most lashlauxble Four Schooners I >‘.!ier treatment, anti administered your pills, one each aud covered with cracks aud sores IlyorJ.ruf The In her di- •• .Minuiola, U«B, d" exhausted, Eli.worth l>to. iittb, 1*01. 48 styles. night. Improvement feelings, complexion, to the salt water. Their fin Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, zestion.etc., surprised us ail. \ rapid and permanent »* Cotouindorv, Uraifl, do. caused by exposure Also on hand a handsome assortment of BOYd’ new warm | restoration to health. Iimh been the result. We used teed *• wounds were dressed, and and FOR SALE! Havi*, do. carefully CLOTHING, aud a large stock of han five box?*, and consider her well 1 ennsfd* polpuiu, and >n a few entirely clothing sup lied them, days they 112 one of 111 one of el4 Monday, 21. One of tons, tons, teas, HATS and CAPS. er the above a just tribute to you as a Physician, an4 were well. On the third day after coinparatively CARDING MILL. one of 70 tons,—Wi ll found and in repair, mint it will be in* mean* of i.iduciug me: y to adopt yauf ; good Bohr HP W J ■rdan, Iio#ton. the a» ariog, their rescue, the frigate spoke ship Annapolis j The subscribers have erected a FURNISHING GOODS. uitulle lor Fishing or Coasting* pills their family medicines. ARRIVED. from transferred them to her, and they ; I remain dear sir, with many thanks, Liverpool, mill, on Branch Bond Stream, which are Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Glum Apply to A good assortment of 23. have since arrived at Baltimore. among A Yeur obedient servant. Wedneeday, lie the h-u.-t* of H. X. Joy, and JJ Cravats, Stocks. WITI1ERLE CO., 8. 0. Triad, of Fait was condemned and races, Handkerchiefs, MORRISON, Sohr llaynee. Staple*, Bo*t<;n. Brig port, will be ready, alter the middle nt 5w9 Castine, Me. Abigail sold at St Thomas n the 28th, for $6000. The Ready-Made Clothing, Herrick's mLhLa May next, to do all work in the Kid Strengthening Pinter*. Triad arrived at St Thomas March 11, from Port- j in the TltL'KKS and cure in five- and weakness Launched.— At Kobbmctoo, 15th, by H Hunt, m am prepared to make up garments VALISES. hours, pains of the breast, sidf built at in A to AiirnUi MO. and and In an *• land. The T was 2J& tons, Fastport or A * Uo." S'ift, Salary hack, Uhcumatio Complaints shssj a Due bark called Booeahl,” to be c-.iu- latest style, warranting good fits, equally .>allj WU32. either Gentlemen or apace of time, spread i*nbeautiful whits laaikakin.tbeig lg',2. i I intend to deal on the Cush Conse- A few enterprising Agent?, pianded of New York She wa* to tuem. principle, use the to by Capt l.eavilt, at auction 2fcth and line that may be entrusted a new subj.-cti wearer no Inoonyepjence end e»*h sm Brig Triad, was sold ult, can utford to sell Ladies, are wanted to introduce Literary towed to St to load for has at the Somesville quently goods cheap, will wen from one week to three months. Price lftf eta, Andrew*, immediately not as mis- Mr. Somes been employed as can & Class brought with material, about $o|>0, j i Let this be understood: / will sell To such give unexceptionable Ware. Herrick’s and Cuba. eleven and with this *#* good* Newspaper. Crockery Sugar Coated rills Kid Plasters are aoM Mill for years, experience1 as to and will printed. j satisfaction in C EAPER than any live man in town. reference? Character, Ability,—we by Druggistr and M* rghsnis in all parts of the FaltsK feel confident of giving entire necessa they CUTTING done at short uotice aud iu the latest pay from to $40 per month, and their r'ill nsy hs the work. | With all the different description*, hinds and for DOMESTIC FORTS. ry traveling expenses. On receipt of ten Cent*, by calling them by their full name, Wool left at the store of E. H. Stoekbridge, who styles. of Goods that is wanted. I shall »*-11 my Ma< hi as—Ar 14 of the qualities th, ech N Y Packet, Baudatl, 1 without Traders supplied at wholesale prioes. we will Bend—p>st paid, specimen copied Use Hu nu ll's Condition Poa*Jer$ M r t:d. is our will be carded to order, and ^yCoantry goods so reasonable that YoL* MUST BUY.— Proi mcviown ; seb* Frances ABB Agent, and a full 15, Arthema*,M»U>h- u» a paper, paippbipt* giving particulars.— and charge tor transportation Please give call. U1KLS Wanted-**!© nork in shop. Please call am} examine. for your Horses Cotlh, ell, Machiaaport; Huff, Belfast; Morn- Address, Telegraph, Mr. SOMES A FOSTER. For salt by P. G. Peek, Kllswnrth, Me. ing Star, Puller, Eaitport ; Klixa* Matilda, lfrooklin—April lJth, by Kev. Win. Ke»J, A.T. JELLISON. E. fc. RICB 6l COMPANY, S. W. PERKINS. 1GU), A. U»l» Ellsworth, April 1#62. Mathew*, Belfast ; Hamel Breed, Coomb*, do ; Kuel W. iiiggiutfi of tJvu, to Mitt il»ry 1 II Franklin Norwich Cong. Oct. 1661. LEWIS JH. 13 tl J. P. fOSTEB. Elliworth. April 1 A, 1882. Square, Ellsworth* 24, lfi Vfp CoibeU, Boetoo. of B. 5oMB», 1 Pope, j 'immmm* '■ —... k. * V- ■4 i. >- m. M| m mmmmm mm m mmm i; b a.

I Hancock cases he thif method to inform' I'otmly J rai-M-d by the exhibitor, and name, fllHE underigned take and labelled, Cards. CA AG I the citizen* of Ellsworth and vicinity that Cattle Show and Fair. RIM ESI for the j The committee to have power to withhoK they here recently fitted up machinery ! premiums unless meritorious. manufacture of The Annual and t Fifth Shore Fair of k _ F. A. Ha acock Cou DUTTON*, nty Agricultural Societ y- arriKS. DOORS wholesale and retail dealer in for 13<>2, will be held at the Ayrici I- For best dish of apples, named sod SASH, tural Fair Grounds, in Ellsworth. < „ libelled, 5 Flour, Com and Fine Feed, JOB-PRLYTM, and Second do. 4t Tuesday, Wednesday Thursda *' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Jbo Third do. 3, , Sept. 30, and Oct. 1 and 2. 4 Main iu .worth. Fur best bushel autumn one Sracrr, apples, Window Frames JOHN W. List of Premium*, variety, 1 if S. MONEGHAN. HILL, HUGH J AHI>h *SON Jr.. llfOVl.ri fT»r«-«ftlllr Inerm 1 h. Htwn. o( Ett»»ortli Second 1 Ot term? hi? and the in ncatljr and ptompUj eirented at theJAwaatc** Omra, »n4 do, Is friends public general, >('*1*1' «*M U nows. ISSION M I! A tie. »••*/ Uk lair «•»« Third do. 71 COMM BBC NT, that he •till continues at the old stand cn Ic., llil! k Y out's, »h«n rri.j be (mm,I b, Stock mnnrUam\ Best Horae, $5 X* For best bushel of w inter one and «h- 'esak .v 1 rKa*l d--.» n d«. apples, Alto, imchinerr f r •k'Soond 2 X)' variety, 2 (X Breeding Mare, S XI CORN AND • here he is to build and has on band fo | Second do. 1 if FLOUR: prepared ME. COOKING STOVES PETERS’ BLOCK. ELLSWORTH. I tor Hie In ) nr X' i. t«ocHt* («roi'ori<>% sale Planing Lumber, ~tb, ,M( ahieh ni, h# Third do. 1 Of * " "* >*"• bar. n..!heen in •Best u"hin. : of all .«• rts. and at to fuit the time*. He eiu.l|.(l (Mi maf. prices j Mouldings f all description.-. IVoilto let f,>r economy awl PEARS. Car.; 'u Wharf, reparing durability. has enlarged his the winter, and a S \W in A" •• •SaoMd do. hi* shop during past JIti c.f.istantly operation. *'!-y, Granite 2 «4 Mi, -j FT BKIFAfT — —— seep W-»od!an-|, Put* fitted in connection with bis a n wtih the above wo itill s'-w VVcrld. Air TjSi!. lb.*u**i V ■host 3 old C ’h, „, Fur greatest variety and best grown up Carriage :-h.>p, In connecti ba-ineas, ictoe and Boston year j r<« to naanulaetnre the celebrated Jookinp 8b with and without elevated Ovens A^iecond do. o £j ;__ i ot HATHAWAY A LANGDON, Faint in" F*tabii«)imrnt, continue Beat 2 old Beak-* m year Colt, and ha«. at Cv nsiderable the «er- ^ PREMIUM PLOW. SHIP’S nns. expense, engaged iiT the at ter t ion "f all *ut nf CABOOSES Second do. o ! ,3 K ’t.mjM rail j*n»nr« « *>•*••* of one of the best carriage au i A'rnaraental fSeilities We wish it ur. n ? d that all work entrusted in*1 t*t-*T« nf all * w*, together with an endfrcV ff IT.I n TIN ■«. of anj deeeriptioo. to oaf one For best basket. ass various kinds. Ji S jJ 1 ._i ran. »> of I*ar|.-r, Other B--\ and Best year old Colt, H, rted, Ui-ii j Painter* in the JHate. He solicit* the custom of rarl We bai f the :o our ©ar«-»hall be executed prompt!/ and in a Krankltu, Cylinder, Ale rs _l(t Ploves, all **f which I shall •< II for ca*h named and 1 0*' in K*»:ern Maine, ami are In manner. cheaper Second do. labelled, No, 1*6 Mato Min i, »1! who may want old and Printing Offier* i»n«tantljr *> rkrnaniikc « carriages repaired !..»n r\ ti"Lani!y on hand a larpr aa*ortn*ont ».f Ko- Second do. ,\i in the best TV-W Iratertai. thrrcfc-re w« fcel confident o l to order* from out of (F rraer! 1 u W La; painted *tyle. -T-iptof Particular attention pai irr- Utl. Britain*, Japan*..I awl Tin ware, Zjnr.Phoet y Long f,) sau»>c u> all cave* U»4 C. n giving dills. Third do. 21 CATr\ HATHAWAY. ) %* -.U’.t!y hand. Lumber and Truck own. Mad I’ -. M-v. |'|p*. Chain, Cast Iron awl r.pj,.f 0.iand Wag s, Cart Vfco-tls, Farm Wag-n«, Ac. 1 u West Sidi Ihimp*. K>r.- Frame*. Oven, Ash awl Boiler mouth*. bred Ball one jvHx h. lax*;:*' n, $ 12 BOSTON Sh 7 at try Building, of ami Best pare year 5 XI " ns an 1 heels f ail i« mode to order ; in.I ail kinds of ail article* usually f >u:»d In a stove estab CRATES. ag1 kin L niOn River Bridge upward, 3 and warranted. STEPHEN MONE^flAN. j lishmenL For best American in W G. M: SELT A C II. F. THOM AS si Co. Second do. grapes, grown t"'UlI2 Water ±l*rrf, Mlstmrik. JOHN W. HILL. n t less j Jan. 24. 1*62. 1 or bull or open culture, than three Ellsworth, EII«worth, Jai\. 23th. lHf.l, 1 Beat bull calf, grade 3 S uamed and 2 'H A C. W BAR T»‘N native, 1 0 bunches, labelled, TREASURER'S and COLLECTOR'S Second do. . Second do. j 1 dchkili non. I Third do. it R--m ■■ p-I to TAX DEEDS, r ^ | 11K C« partn«r«hij> heretofore flitting be- BI LL CALVES. oV f» fomvnrrfinl ^trocf, Tax I tween thi suheciiberv, under the name and 3 XV Bills, Prompt attention giren to all orders for printing bred CRtMtERRIFS. Os; site Head of Lor*? Wharf, •tvleof F FI HI ELD A OF is hereby dissolv. Best pure Durham, j j0 BILL Best of Cranb ■ ’O two I v»ST' Town Orders, B«*>KS. HEAPS, ed c nt. All debU lie the firm are do. Hj vieid rric- spuare N, Mi«« by Second BY-LAWS, be to*. I I 3 r -:s. tj la: 3 0» r. v* * c '( i. r.4 SERMONS. paid 0'ir.t.n, whj will also adjust li st bred Devon, >( specimen exhibited, and Town pure ro.,J 1 " i. & Reports, TRADE LISTS, all accounts said Imo. Second do. 2 It T .jck. Uork, 1U,>. CAT A UNITES against Second do. Printed and f r rale * R> —Tv I'4i\» A »' at the ORDERS a'F F.X*3, F*. FIFIELD. J O i Third do. 1 IX CONSTITUTION?. Best bred Rat* L. k " A SAFE AND SPEEDY REMEDY FOR «.» pure Ayrshire, .-Uicgtoa. AMERICAN' OFFICE. TOWN REIVKT3, ENVELOPES, II BROOKS do. w.r«. 1**, 18C1. Second } pamphlets, blanks, Crcup. Asthma, Whc Cough. Ellsworth, 3 1*0 Wall rt kit. Ccugh*, jping Best pure bred Jersey, 1S10! D i T II OM AS’ programmes, N I’> —All fan*.ns owing the firm of ;V F. FI- 30 't fncccss in the culture tf small Incorporated addresses. Sore Throat, Second do. i FIF.LD A CM.. l>*r w rk and material te CIRCULARS, LABELS, Ac. | * previous 00 fruit, statement to be American and Pills- And ail disea«< f the Tiir• at and Longs. Bet bred Hereford, 3 j axtiafaetory Syrup this season, arc particularly called on to adjust tbu pure The mat *• :»nd u- n c< dented popo do. i 30 •Tin, 2 (X Hartford Fire Ins. same. Second Co., SURE CURE FOR BAD HUMORS. w !. tht« r- It ha* attained in <-no short £5 -— OJ-- HARTFORD, (OVA. larity S.r. FIFIELD medicines have, by their own merits, trar, wi-uld e* in t" a »ul! cient guarant' t i*« BTTTER AND CEIWE. P|M1FP*K to • n cows. and Assets $936,709 00. w ex- i. r. will continue carry the Capital 1 rked their way into far r in a m V- :t- 1 —% fund*, t»y the undersigned 00 J Bills of nil sucli ns business, at the old stand, when *ur <.^T fow jn p,ja cleanse the I>i. •< n tr m all and bred or two old They Scrofula HAND. k«’ •>-» Best pure grade year amount of bu AUCTION, SHOP, \V«-r ; u: 1. J cm c-. and »*Te 00 <> months of June Canker iluiix r.<; and are sale 1 -r heifer, 3 BDTJ IHD8 HUUSI*:. perfectly MIIK TAX. thr<-at. »-.d it :, »< pi- v»-i an eft-i n nl remedy. It th children. a« well a adults. dairy during j 0(i /■ The *ub: ;.i. Jics f- r Ti c t-r the and f f;i : ci t;/ens *>f E ,*w rth and 4 i IV'prii confidertly Tcenratrend? bred or one vear old July. ,g( tpiiin p0 V'iffl j C K C g\*. Ac. I .113, A- Y u r *, Best pure grade tnc Heine? a* d in a virtues. Best e tiles f-.»ir trial 1 ii.i-ir 1 3 00 specimen t beesc, p,i 1 to Boston Buili: vt. I'- 1.1 V I l >.-kav» vD. sjappHaBk, 1 *ale heifer, a::d ha- taken the l.vr.'c anl iu Ellsworth C. (». Heck, ► pounds, p 0( pG a-aritly lacnted by Druggist. do. 2 00 4 7 -Also- S'eonJ S.CouJ ilj. Rouse. N'-.. -.1 liar. v.--r 'tree? which ha? to$r been or heifer 3 tat Lb ut Dr. Thelmas' tl-cal the Pt’es. Best bred calf, muchly repaired and j in the U-.-t order, is for n. Stile .S**r of I/. pure grade fiemrdy fr-.-H II J tph F % 2 Ou -AND FLOWERS now t t .•• a of a.l who desire «*, Dhrovrr)' Second do. open reeept: may I } *•. 1 u W «•< ,.. .Vi. ur -l in r.READ noxsr. u.tri.E sccaR * y mj- tllllf! i- * » I’ n.t’.e 1 (X an homo w. i in ti e \ t \ BARMLS Of THU C'ard^ furnished A prime*!, Micti removal of do. 1 00 agreeable .dry. 1 ( Hm Uw at. I h im i« \« r f un-i Third J t M Lodi my family, any remedy I wl oh b*« mr bjfFa 1 the skill F >r b- st loaf of and livin'' w AbA 1,1 Manufacturing Co.*s of tbe meat rye pe j^p,. E1>YVAK1>2*, WEDDING CARDS. i: cv»'• _• rr t ai d th- Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS, effectual .at:d « a- i;r r:int.' :.t our ar, i u• i v or c- usnirrr-4 best loaf of wheat bread in ».i ■ YEARS OLD AND CNDES. POUDRETTE, address cards. thorn *« bo\ 1 t‘.» t« t i;; are OXEN 8 out iicine, entire* saleratus, , F sale f.y J.\MR> T FOSTER. 64 C rtlial’. N. V. .wae Mont• iier, Uct- I, 1 “*< 3 00 p0 BALL CARDS, Any required. | l v > f. < in t:.e human >v*tecn tbe Best Dot r»j.t by use of yoke, Fur bet of tss EUGENE HALE, 1 :* a r. \- * *" specimen Honey p pp Compn: y. crtpit'il Fl.Trt.ia?'. Some New and Pretty «tyl<*«. Second do. v.- works « Dr. D G. Gould* Pin Worm j- unds. OC.XSELEUR and ATTOK.XEY at LA it tic kind iu '.he .rid. and arteap* mace q Strap. ig | w.* i 01* ot -- V‘-..r* w rs- Tn "rl'r r.g.■«»••»»! «airp-te and »i*e of card a:d Third do. Greatest au'i beet of house manuf-icturing, if. a repot i:*.n k-nj: hr ”i //a 7’fn-v v F /. ''H A Cui'O "W arnntfMl in evorr < as**. display plan kll-woktu. mt.. labltthfl. having al*>.» th** rv '. isive c*»rtn4 id ail th Eact:«u wul be guarantied- v. ur eck-' mi- un i a »h--r ■ He in t hour*. one to Qf> r f* .**; kkt. over <«oo. ri-f-t L-'.-tn tf. w U"ir.g Relief mffbrled won?y-four by Lady, Le’ kept up q, Mu* X. Black's tv V Y<- «. «re pr-par* 1 STELES. durh'g^ tim* I ».i* e timlv cur- 1 t « nr f the aevereat the *’ t re. ia r -vui? ioruierlv bv the Hancock Tft -trap .• pure);, a vegetable preparation, Fair, ••coupitd in- e*. ■,/i'J t'tru tti *f fertiliser the ir.xrket. »’i i t my lu--g« that l w c B st vote 4 Tears old. Best Bank. ami harn»le«# ;th the y c; «:• *t II I. Bjfjuet. Price f ,r 7 barr- !* !»: 1 over 1.75 bamll. cr i” •»:»«> l i kn-H ! mnrUr ciu*l toil 2 I The bu*inr?s of the late mas K bin* $ per tdjr V N| l*T» >M — lafeu** and dis- Second do. V" 1 l>i Tr. n Te- ?’*••**) 1; bitiag 10 lbs. Map le Soger. per greatly increases the y ekl and f r ana lung c-m; »»nt< sfiw-rtlL. o On rn ins with th* u.ih rh^iK-i. « « ill attend t it* cough* tre*« ic tbe I p-ait I ti e teslurn ami about tbe Best 3 old, earlier, at a » h\ It.LD. yoke years 1 I'. Ltw t «• 'Ulernen* a; the abort, named :T e. *r!*" *• »cr-. .m wi*h v Vals-r •*. •ton -i ken f r I t. disagreeable ry httk Vt >? are to attend t-i atl order* ?vr in *’ do. " > prepared Printing r. '>:t 1 •. 1 Second iidies MAM'F.tcrrms. A ** •« I , 1 EltiL.VE IIAI.E. I’.i |M- rami' p a d th• fid. rinatem i:. try. JAottpalii >v. *i in | g »*trre re g lower part of Best v >kc 2 Tears old, irnnraen- !r- n» II paiKtl VA. b-t-r a 1 ..e ••* For beet varietv of fancy and liree,.-i. COLORS or with BRONZE- ns, r< t m •«. w» -. starting ar.J 2 00 J I undrvds of fanners who h*t- used it f«-r Second do. one extensively q in I ■ a*4 »■ t uufre- tal needlework, made "■ -naming *», lai-.i.r-g, o by my v r-. in- h» * Mr—si?..' a K t;-r «* and all other kind* of PLAIN or FANCY PRINTING 00 CHARLES HAMLIN. \frtt by cnoi i\ ■ Yoke 1 old, •• f f-'* Best year w mm, to the s;;:.scribe. s. who ar-.- ft*r tfc* * juent’v rpeitni agents ** • 'Sr-LL"R lt ATTORNEY AT LA'.V. A •: t i «.i‘ aft.* Aed im-*t i'ir ti e — rbf e l v* » I»r L\ SieCuD*J r> ■<' of millinery, 3 COT-N pauy. ti name, l «3 w li«play !! v, *•-vt r* ! v o t U t .. W e t c»-u- *». ui-1 « > rm N '«o in Bea* u°' steer calves, 1 O B /. ( .V O. Hr, CROSS I: XKVTF.LI 7 aid M< mgi.t ti Pin V\ ."“rru, r»fh bot- yoke \H r best hearth ***! MM' A \ \A rug, LI. IlirXEV. P Mr. »ot life c m .i< \ :i ^'v o. >e » f W »ck> hi< ai.J a :*•. ‘uaile ei his ^ Option L’ivcn t< all business entrusted tie, faftrait. signature Second do. v-e m i do. oU n JOIN Me V Kill I K. .A Uk'UM.t, M Prorof i. a. Manic nit- u* it* w ; i.c- a «• o the wt »pj.. tu L,,0 ! AM'iKl uTlf, E. -a Me. .‘Ta4:r.A'i ten vards all « :'jt b-st fulled cloth, n attack of tt * I think n U y *h> uld 111. V Y M <»KF. '•ole Propriet re. TEAilB NOT LL&B THAN 3 YOKE- TOWN 3 ~ be Without It. M V. \ Ui.tKY, A ddre.M tir <' ‘. A 11 ami 1«i Mar- 1- wml, 00| VX.IAM EOMERBY, THE DiV SCHOOL BELL •: -r, Best team, 1 o'* i’. M j u- i \ a.ley A ia. ~t |l»«I''aT^r t:*'* rW all '• ^ 'niT- ■ N: !•■* »K F.-RDAV SCI|.fcH> J N rt. i: 11 Second do. h st ten all wool. 2 7 i Jl KI.LSWURTII. al-vt- and torecoevt ki*c •< Knuiana. For flannel, yds. TRIAL »• -A \ >< H*»tL BILL is *•■!» readv It omta.n* wurfc, Lupc |n*u .uagv T. renr«s old and under K 0 y k CO 14 *r* steer tenm -*e by drnrg genera ly Beet do. 1 ^Hl; on .\/W\ Sirs* *. «'**ut >( > |;.»u? .i,. Citfehe*. |»u< )»aJ»Uc. lyll vov-ml ( :t*. North Venn o vs -1 a '*• W ’• trt- 'fis it:, Tmy, nt, IS-prictor*. not less than Yoke, ten all ... feat aria each month, h-TUM-s. many of Ib«tu wrrtteti e\- Fur best cloth, l. ird — pressed yards, Court firr-t and f.,s u •« 3 00 00 f 2 4 0 Element* of Second do. 2 a. m. M wool, 10 »clock I u pr...--»4- .-. t»cn?r»l Agent*— if 01* KK A <*<•.. Z*> Trr. TR3PPLE REMEDIES. Sec -nd do. * 1,1 ‘"t t- »•- er» wii! find ih'-r.’selvts entirely «oece*«ful inot-t >t and «»•-* C. iwiu A Cv. II and 1. WOOL. in SIIEEP AND For U-st woolen 3 1 T PARKER, y-ung frledar* to sing c -rreetij and M k ill St., B lySi yarn. pound*. WILLIAV- « hil* th** tunv> and w. rds embra *ue.‘ a 4 0»' ‘dy. ■ r* tv >i FKCK I.:* w w Best w TOKHMY AT LAW c ;» -f «• .tfV Buck, F >r Itest Hih*n yarn knit stocking*. A7 lively. iiuricWr and ul-stimng d,umc »• 1 ■ ( , r.V.sELLOR 4- -• **Se and Lets:!. *'ur> I A /Junker. F a s. K Jl. Second do. For U>t worsted knit st- kings, e iJu;,J‘0-- sentiments, that trouble will be exp*, neoc**d in indue- 4 J"" Oii.ce in Whi ting in.* all to- .-mm is t.. <»n .Jo and «if»ler• < ii«4;.« «■ vr r. whe*e with real in in Wert. Best 0 Ewes, wooled and mit- acquiring skiU by For best knit gloves L'WOUTH. Me. *>ne f tb* most health-giving, do. ° EL henaty-:mpr*»ving. hnpp'- Second tens. 4, ess-j.. img at. erdcr-prvNiucii.g exercise* •! vb-e.l liv of of wool uf it* ili rm uls. in van- and nnf Greatest number pounds Best 10 cotton and wool cloth, 2 iZ ! ! ved from El’s *inipii. i‘.y ty ad»pUU< yarls \ ««• music, ami In excellence and rtim!»er t.f its *• from one atatcinent under 1 r. e ur. T-l.'.' U V.T ngs. origin* sheep, Sc<*< >nd do. u..„]tll V ai. s'- t- 1 ar- it cl worth, bus lut ni- n te»*» 1 »*■">■ adapted, nra« by much to excel! all cento °° ,ithin c r. !-■•.: >. U Cure* Coughs. C lib, Aathrno, Bronchial oath, 2o jht j*»und. F *r ho-t of linen threa 1. 1 n be ,etlled h w,|l found U 1.- tV best »A *v i- pound Uni-. 1 V,-.:, wa..m the. ra Tie c-a ai.i iUr sa.a IM> ied,H«i. *; f >|.-» A- b'li.,. and public Sc‘,.» is. A leep haul, Complaint*, and all Threat Irritation* best 10 of “crash" cluth, 3 time without < s Fur yards area.- sable v. !■ w' „•*•« of t!. K|- and .ire SWINE. A-Aiw on p metre. Tunes N»tigs. 1 -adiriK t-» AciUtlC- nsumpta n. .Tnfi X 1 I ~ T; nd aie] get one It is c- rnp !e*l t \\ I cr- f »i -. fr r, U * »• > ■■ ,r- p. -rvnt »h *t» 4 00 MECHANICAL. Ellsworth, March 10, lbt>0. III *U AC I ATMt- a,.i,w f S .1 p.. White Chester Boar, •»!• | .1 nit e 'is 11 l.-t all of (be Bat N 1 and 2. which Itave had UiC rjKrra ois sale of tJ»5. j.r | *> ^ •- » w. ■. o H f» «• c s c !• ; r- a *» if «•"! Second do. For best wagon, p: .ifi m.iQths. Price*. pajH-r covers. 20 cents, .; > s fun (i ur u! T’.•t» (-rr, fi os rhiMbesl 4 3 (hi 1IEMIY A. WAl.Ki.K. ? ;*er I •*. 122 1LS;. ■ 1 h b .und. For best per « Best Boar, sleigh, t. tt M I *»••• *•••» it* ittflrW) *1 Con. ^7- 40c.-i.ts. |.Wi per JuO. 25 pim fumuJMrd do. For l>est ox Sheriff for Hancock m < rj u*,- **«4 Second wagon. Deputy a. th* 1.0 price. Mad.-.l v..f a. rwta;| price. rntdi*, 1 *** Uv « » « •- t »* ,t* r\t)i For best half d>z. calf skins, ‘•:!.^ with Ch.Cs Hamlin. IlriKV 'i; AA A IHt.-. Pu* ?'*it lanji Best Sow and Rt -. I. nee—OitLAM*. rs. r APEIIS. pigs, M*v- ir i; imon •> Uf. k>* jn«r4(^' * For best sole leather, 3 sides, 1 b«» 8ir,ki\i N ... A>1 Broadway. Nrw Yo«it. Second do. Ail ;-.•<•-* intrusted to Lis care promptly • lit ial! a <• t--u 1 styuted. in great variety,both rui/*d and unruled, tuch a* l** p4ta«*. Fur U st upper leather, (’> "ides, 00 January -7. i5est thick boots, half doz. pairs, Dipl. BELL, DEMY, POST, CAP, LETTER, FRENCH; 2 (Ml To-*, »PI L- I>s' ED THE FIP^T TMKLVK For best harness, D * -f COMMERCIAL &ue«) and of and disci- W* C- COLLINS- M- :. at..'U. Tiisaneutir* N -w AAcwk of NOTE, quality Itoen, Best exhibition strength 5 (HJ | For best wheel, •t- _ p...-*•* <»f i* r- ot one ot oxen, ship's PHYSICIAN AND SURD LUX, Many the Tunes and Hym cheaper qnaiiliee; yoke u pline ^ 10 For bc?t exhibition of furniture, •*> (M» 1 be M pc 1 M E. 1‘ 17' do. .. 1 PE.SOBSCOT, i-r B- \.- r: FRENCH 'TE, and traced; Second of 3 uo u 1 Which hM up to plain For i-.*st assortment imiis ■ BLACKSMITH NOTICE! of and disci- cooperage, e;. number h75,«jik> copies in 50 rnei .ths. ait Best exhibition strength 1 < !i «d li pline span 1 (H* GRAY. M D •his >u: lr?- A'* both volumns are hi' nl in one t-> a*-- I .r b-.'st 1«» bunches A. JUDSON MOUNT 1 4 00 F clapboards, *-'l» VERNON NOTE, vari-ua sixes; do. f ~i .1 -»rviee* to the cit- da: w.*hi;.g then, in that form. Price* of n M AIN li.Khr. { iircctlv ».te t ,e i i« n second or 1 (>n It^po. p.-.-’v t.-tiler- |-r j j Cur*-« s" •« f t* a t %^•'■rv.r* '■flae- F rls;*st 1 M. sawed shaved, rc 15 >i » •• d I dr.v II in P. N 2. ‘-'I'- l'«». B»uud S -hingles. .,f oKLAN !• an.! :y. cent*. ^12 p-r BILLET. !«.. Ac ; rt!i iloii«e.) w n I tuav .. <* v» It i un 1, at»J «• hr*, > ti ftkr »UMfl*a %t # »fSi » 1 J11- from 3 to 0 -- cent* i“ •-*th bourn cdt. 30 For hot coors -nd '«lis «,t all and 2’« 5!*> w i- TRIALS OF SFEEO. | panel r. a.iiu time-, day night. r.\ iii4 ii : b.-f irra:i.-« i ?i. j * iu tne or*. Nr t«. l P-B No L ever*. I 2 cents, 1 ,Ml *22 p pajH INITIAL with to « rtn 4 -*••» > /lauii »• ttmf <-f a 1 For J*>t window sashes, 'K EFBREKCE*: PACKETS, Envelope# match, u« \t a-.-. h.r in the >, 15011 ,.m. 1. 1. 2" ••• nts. * lw. Cl' Lh b».«nd equity. uuylhui; jin;.- $ p..- in tuch Nr. .• 4 « Befit trotting 4 year old cult, A F l» A or. M 1> Iniek-p .rt. M-v juet package* a* are c**nvenient f--r La- *. -I ik itael cauec o£ a» i F-»r best edge-tools, ••ra'“ — d _ :, #2" tier 100. B* No*. I and 2 •• 2 sj«ecimen V J M. Me. I dies or ‘ientlemen. A .new a* a Lv« E UO I I1 LK.-s N. 1», -'port, 1 article, neat oj Xif? ury Fee, or ox shoos. 2 (.mi uimI t .jsether. 40 i W }irr 100. 25 c,»p.-* fnri bh For best set horse K K JoNKS. '1. I» Httii.-ur, Me. and lilucksmitU Line. ed at th- 100 t Ml. iMu.nd ends sscl gilt. 50cents, pin fashionable; Second do. best suit uf clothes domestic manu- 1>. « CONAN 1’. M I*.. V* \ ik. price 4) ; Fur j;.• Ilh). Mai! p *•'«• free at the retail price. BILL HE \D ruled with wide Fee, X K. li. I V *I.KK. M. I‘ Id. In. N «■ T rk. j.*r PAPER, I'artiealar attention j aid to Entry factuie. 3 00 llOll.Al t WATER.4 Publisher. tootling Id UO Mi ■. .f Dartmouth College. ENVELOPE I Best trotting j year old Colt, Cm4mlca No. 4® 1 Brvads ay, New York. PAPER, plain and endured; iioim: ami o\ f™ Orlan 1, Jan. li*. 1S62. Entry Fee, fish. TISSUE, pink *«J white, If.ivira £ •! {.; i- f tr.iv a* i f the rtry V Jl —( ,• tnt r< ,r the Storei li' 10 0(1 r,/ DrutJ L- .• » do. 2 fK -t : w J• t t: w. I ft■ I if, «»y. Second i Fur l»est dri. 1 cod-fish, den.e iruh Mr. J. A. li u ts. THE HORACE WATERS quintal I (*« w w ,. Fee, X dO PIANOS, .r-^ Ii- i »'a-, n I t i w i »« Entry For best MEI.0DEONS. ALEX ANDRK 0»i»i AN? nr d T »iTL uU ^ quintal pollock, _____! at j in 11: is nr a »*t t»< t n at.-i »* ct horse p, i.Ur A C, •.'.■* c.'i. brat-d KOl.IAN PI A N OS are the any y aj Best trotting any age, _ 1 Ot Fur best kit mackerel, I W arrant, d t .At. ?. .. ■ a UO & I. <» It finest *:ruui*-nis !- Pariers sod Churcle •» C'.w :i K*e : N 1**'. Entry Fee, DAVIS l>, lW'rm«f 20 00 I Mm ii • Wira | I do bit Hit* i.d l' be tat .ii t. »• lint, rule. wh.l»« and retail dealer* in *r*ii • i„ t. Second do. SIDE SHOWS. 4'1 BROADWAY. l*e;ween rinsed aiei Broome *».«, t> 00 ~ e ■*. d -ui .:ui» ‘r ... 'JrW 9- Fee, 4 0( AND STKEL. w’ *, w ;:i be at xtrerorly kHTprH-i-*. i’l A N• tial TIRLIXG WHEELS. prrpxr Entry Foot 2 II Alt DAY A UK, IRON (|4M. best Best Race, MKL *I*huNc. fr i.. raak-rs .ti*w ai id *ec m l !.and to be Mile licit, three,n sundry I »!> i urninf'.nM: ■ n |. ■» Troll mg O' Stefet. Eu-Sworth. rt: ’k.iud ease•» f [The Second do. 1 4j No. 4 Main b-t, ;,:td re* ... wevi urahiwd, as |*cr airertmnt. 4W bate fr-tti* t tne v •. j•; i. tiiitl an i. .i *! at 4a ■ |hf five, to harness J (Distance around the Race Course,) Mi*:.:. ]'.i\ra ,i-11 t-r the same. Also tre md », hjr »,' 00 a* w«i! *' * -l «t ».» Ux * U.4 L>4 •*! ...4 »n p.. ? and M-i ■!•••.ns at great prices fr..m my n. havi « d i.e a «d dial if it I 10 hargair.t. ciivalcade ui bovs under u- ENVELOPES, <• »urr, m I rv iUr L 00 Best year# OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE. #25t«*#lOO. Sheet >• Musk, Books a-id all kinds y,t f.r the Ja*t tv* three war- Second do. o i. .' no M-r harHirar at W *r Pricea, of 0, In fart ail k.* i-.a.-i *i;i th XX- rk one in age, J. M*. COOMBS, Proprietor, u..u icr ir «rt*»>a »i!l be FAMILY PHYSIC. [test Walkin',, 1-2 Mile Heats, orst f EXTRA LARGE, LETTER an, 1 NOTE, of a t BP.* w r a , I ib< » done u|> in sh*i -i at uut>!e L l- *. tr«*l i4 th* *»>**• two to V M W A«»" V' 1 » t | »- »l Harness.] SISCELUNSOrS. and the Th rr.i.-hed *t ata• ft t. J at Jii fVKDDINtt. plain, latest iiu. j » D fancy ». « a in the 331) 3 X)33 large t » 1 (, '. h 4 to be owned bounty, rrZj Ail kii. i* .: ... All horses n >t in the ai>ove SiT* } will be article embraced J1e. takvniujaj- Ml If -«.l. 1 *• to the trial. Any 1 STATE STREET, ELLSWORTH, tinnt f* r w allpl|Wi| |mI«T 30 CORN &FLQUR STORE. k. 1 least b>' *■» *•, r« .* oe days previous schedule, which may he exhibited, will |-r<* I I V l-*cr | (!*«■ I'UL j.hl't t- Hi. sui »<*:il ■ w *.* ulJ here ter. !< r bi« thank* f.ra ] »i!h a eiii .«• »*ui tivx a committee and a i■/ examined premium & t f"r **• 1 is by JOSEPH FRIEND o, j a.*t fat » J }mtr iwge. and 1. { ««. by field caors. to its merit. Hut it- JOHN L. HUNNEWELL. awarded aceurding ! strict Attend i n t-. the wants ! Li« < V T u*Untr> to Proprietor. on field must a marked, MERC HA bate san.c « F for hibit'jr attach card thereto, TAILORS, tbv Continued. *:. i wj! ,j ,-j> J;\e P M,„. Those comjicting premiums « 1 T u ., the at MlSCtt.LiM.olS. aud dealers In anil let lit*. I m aid .-.n t the t-vmauuiU Ai ►.***. of crop# ^mcraliy * r- J must exhibit specimens that frirr* tt* *... erops j F. A. rny *h- ji i* handy and i -r^e and 1 want u CLOTHS, CLolilING, £e., DUTTON, y«. ¥*--413}: at "M'li 1 kill* marked Field i *• get. 0b*X the to be t call and ft ui *. the Fair, specimens Ellsw rth.1 | lot -.4V* tr JESSE DUTTON, Next T> ur below ;t Main Street ,, 'VLitirg's re, MAIN STREET, CARDS: mb.,r the ,u fi 4 I QTlieu, j , *; >, ;f Is •. I r-h I’aurri lie 4 «t Batksport IvKOF. JOHN H. LANGDON, do. 1 Of are | Ellsworth. re and of the rar.vus vis u want ■; m- ■ a n. i w J S*trer(j.. !;••.**. J.**,U4 II pared, qualities, ) v; i, an a as entaj- i- CaMin* 4 00 P. Thistees. I Three Doors above Pick's * I- Best wheat 1-2 acre, OHAS. JOY, Surry. }• Drag Store, BRISTOL. as u Can t it dene in t,. t Hirr S crop y ^ an, Second do. I W. THOMPSON. VV. T rental j kl|44 Ii. ENAMELLED, thf /..,.«ic-,r:h 11 •*** \V. H. SARGENT,Seig sick. J L. rr.MT-TR, Las ju.t received a new ftvck ol Ofpostlr Third do. , : M v.uf*ctur< r and dealer in PORCELAIN, C. L. 3 00J DIIL.AI TTRE. irUK^uWr,u h*. r* 44» *id ;o store fur- Corn” 1-2 acre, •• Best “Fodder ! PLOUII. 1 >. l. crop CHINA, I v 2 ut-rlj cjp.c l, »* x Second uo. •«); GRAVE- STONES. MONUMENTS, S*'Je&XLS* CORN. RAILROAD, er.ra thick, fcr licktis, 1-2 aere, •* Cmon Store, one door below the Elli- Best oritp oorn J"1! and all other kinds of AND WOODEN HOOPED BUCKETS TINTED, ELLSWORTH CARRIAGE AND 2 Hi RON MEAL, SLEIGH wcrth Hou-e. Second do. STOCK. Ac. PLAIN and * and Stone Work COOPERS' manufactory. he Third do, Marble Soap .hero ii k< nsUnt.e <.r. band all kind* ol executed by at short Steam Gristmill. TEAS, COLORED, also, WAIER STIiLET, of 1-2 acre, "W Planing notice, EUaWDftTU Best crop Barley 1 Eil«wortu,M«. CARD. BOARD do JOHN GRANT, GROCERIES, Second vf the same qualutas. F D ii 1 Ob’ Me. NIT U ii E 1-2 acre, UrCKSPORT, iuoh m Best crop Bye f I^IIE under- Cncd uuers 1 r sale a choice let of <{•<-., Arc., Arc. °n hand a la: ■'6fa s i uo. We intend to g _ Hivnrn sftts, Second , keep eonstanL'y *<< f Best of Oats 1 acre, variety of Monumental w rk. Our facilities BCRF t V. \/.t KKTMUE*. crop is TLc •nbfciibw it.tends to keep con- 2 00 obtaining St *ck, and carrying on tue bu>:tie>.«, Family Flour, (HAIRS. 4- 4-.- Secoud do. on a aud varied a such as to enable us to sell Good Marble andGoud stantly Land, largo Best crop Beans 1-4 acre, stock uf ENGRAVINGS: Work, at a* l* w a as can be obtained at any * price Lard A!.r..i., rimt Second do. JJV ah. Butter, KENISTON & i. grav on hand; place ; and we shall trt to do *<•. with all TOWER, ;ngs always | al»u, l'ortrniu ,.f .11 tbe her e. „f Third do. i? have an occasion to anything in « ur line ik« day. 1 o purchase Manufacturers of and Peas 1-4 acre, 1 a Carriages SleiyfiS, Best crop of business, if they will honor u« with call. and CIiccsc, W.I. 6cods& Groceries PICTURE FRA MES, Second do. 1 l>ec. 17tb, lSOl. n lurid a good a*, rt. >jt .11,1 al acre, jlrmtr!y occupied ly BLANKS; Ham:OlhS a..d WAUONS, of new and Unit', ul .11 kiud*. and Best crop Potatoes 1-2 epUndid to run tbe #lyh.'#, which u:Ter i ».ile at the price, times Second do. «» WAR CLAIMS FOR HANCOCK COUNTV Black A ; which he will tell at the lowest mar- thry I* wc#t mar ktt e have taken JOBHINt. and ( 4\ OO RICHARDS. ke* prion. He will on Lead a Wf have the following Blanks on hand and % aale pric«'4. great {•amt to procure PllOL.aTRY WORK of all kind* Bust crop Winter 1-8 acre, JOHN L: keep d Squash Th e ■ubsc; iber is prepared to secure Pensions f -r la of g’>* material# and g< -d *. rkmen, therefore we done with ncaluca. and 2 00 Ellsworth, Not. 22, 1M1. limio Urge DEEDS Mortgage, Warrantee, Quit-Claim ,Admitustra- deap.tcls. Second do. ,tM 1 Confident that we can >d —.Lao — Wounded or Disabled tor’r and Town Treasurer’s I give j, eatiefacti- n. ~ I”' Soldiers, Widows, Carrots 1-4 acre, Our w. rk i* all warranted to he a* Bust crop Minor <3Lc. TRIAL Jl STICK’S and we rtc-m- Children, Writs, Complaint Warrant, ojend. COFFINS n Plca.-e us a oall aud #ee if we do not Q Second do. HlKlllFF’S Attachment, real and jjive o J BROTHERS. persouaJ; | do a.* we o Ruta 1-4 acre, AIKEN. ray. rr Kept r.n band and Trim- Best crop Baga tMTALEM IN CERTIFICATES, Supervisor's, S. S Committee atl constantly ^ ARREARS OF PAY 4* DOrXTY MUXEY j Repairing 'lone in the be*t w«»ible manner. land at do. Town Clerk's, and Certificates of f short notice. Second J <*{ Marriage, *s 1-4 1 00 secured tor Invalid Soldiers. Widows or Heirs. IRON SINKS, LEAD PIPES, j E8r Carriage, 'ign and Oiiii .cntal Best Flat acre, STOVES, Writ Bonds, Replevin Bonds. Justice’s Trustee Ci- Painting crop Turnips 4c 4c.. 4c. Writ, d‘»ne in a uot to be 15 All PI si PR, tation to Creditor, liiil of Sale; style #urpa#**-d. of the articles .ill he lor sale tbs t.-l on uue-balf XJ* Bounty $100 obtained by 8H.1ISIJ. I 0. a. AIKEN. | P V. AIK IN P ing in said t i.i i, I am seil of field crops * "™ Store, prepared to voraity for the Widow, Children, Father. Mother or Heirs wt '"w>n* property in this 8 00 vill.gc cheap, all such a. are in a statement under oath, S tidier wh is killed or die* in the rhe “"use goods tt.ually kept acre, every service, occupied by the subscriber on State ] B. F. A It These are new Variety More. if Ed Cl N X All. * 00 also, all back pay. arrears of pay, and all alio wane THE TON. goods and fre*h, »nd were select- Mreci, with a n e. l.Ntill Second do. gard utaining 3 4 of an acre nl Nor. due the Soldier at the time of l»t* death. ed with paiticulnr care. The are invited ARMY CHECKER Isud under Ellasorth, JTtb, Iktl. Id public BOARDS: cultivation, me very cb icc fruit XZT All Pensions commence only frotu the date of the ap- Mt. tu oa!l and tiamine for tbem^eivt*s, and all pat- tics, ornamental Deputy Sheriff, Desert, all trees, currant trees go..*eberrv nORTICULTfRK. in each case. rons both in re- In envelopes, neat and compact, to send All E»nd have plication, may rely upon entire satisfaction, by bushes, 4c. It has a furnace in assigned purchased of A. J. MOR HANCOCK CJU.VTV, MAINE. mail. A .vtw the tellur >nj , f| A sent me by mail, giving full gard tv of and thing, and very cheap. Cali and d Cistern A HI Mi N A their .took best of each of the implications particular*, quality good* prices. Ro. of soft water also a Co., ad For following1 be U> oat ti.e ate them. ; neier failing specimen will promptly attended and information given wrra- All precept! of County, to in.ure atten- A- w» II of water 1 F\ DITTO*. in the rard. varieties oct if a is enclosed to muni i cuaugk, i-osUigt stamp i«»y tion, be paid for in advauce. Ail bo*in«* EiLworth, Dec. 19th. 4» lir'cl' best five stalks of fivo stalks of postage. to. I occupied by vr. Coombs, Store £ur celery, promptly attended €uiil three storiesS|ur* h HARDWARE & IRON. The promptest a:tentioti will be given to all claim * en gb, Sunbed id and will rhubarb or ten tnhle turnips, fe.t throughout; i.Jd by Continue thu business under the n»me el pie plant, iruste I to me. usd tny charge* will be very moderate. Notice of Foreclosure. on the ground. I nder the ten table tcu abuse Store U a ten table carrots, beets, i; Lu all who have ciaims be sure and call upon DARWIN N. MOOR basement with DAVI9 A A Co., II. WASQATT, bi* deed two good oren, and ,|| LORD. b ten on- by mortgage ,|ie iacUl- table five ruta igas, S. U dated “** on the at the old Xo. 4 parsnips, AlElUIOlftE, DANIEL April l*Hh, 1*»C1. and recorded at I ,v[ c»rO>n* biking rtaod, M AIN' STREET. three heads of ten to- i In the rear, f the It is ions, eablwges, | 8 ELLSWORTH, Me. Hancock County Registry, volume 115, page lOe, I store is a new building used hoped that low prices au a proper refard three as ; 34 42 to tbe wants of the lib- matocs, tlireu lluhlsird squashes, LOUD’S BUILDING, MAIN STItLKT, having conveyed to us a lot of lend situate in Order* Mail attended to at once. asbop by feet, I I.J stone, b .h* ,U(] Community will ensure a by wharf on which h eral musk-melons, threecitrons three pump- the Lhliworth Eden, in the County of Hancock, the the shop stands. patronage. NO TI o jh. (Oppos.te House.) adjoining 1’ewa .No, Nicholas Richaruson ol, iiw. 3o, AI». james r. davis. 34 eamcei ubd- kins, six ears of sweet corn. Five dol- desirous of lot, and i* the same lot deed- | it and No. 14 in the undersigned. being closing op ed t«» said new baptist all lor in rpHE W&*gatt by Jona. Doanc, February 14, Church, carnet, d aud o»,hl,.ned lars are distribution J business in Ellsworth, notifies nil PAPER 4Iso one appropriated hereby FURNITURE, HANGINGS. 1*50, and the same lot on which the said of stovers’ Patent unsettled accounts with that &.C., Wasgatt Bagla Machines for NOTICE. persons having him, always on band and for sale. now aud e"'ulir - premiums. lives; the condition of said mortgage aiding. ; Cost *2du for sale he will attend to tLo.r adjustment at the office of | ; B have left our ace mnta with J. B. Oeooo®, haviug been broken, we claim a foreclosure tbere- “‘i®!, \Xf Wtf. T. Rauae*. COFFI ,jC* ▼ v .at the for immediate rottouMtr. isrs, RAMl EL HARDEN. be,oij Telegraph Office, GEO. K. 0RIFFIX. :«i* on and SAWYER A *“b«- collection. No will be bill* All a, affray! hand, furnished u> order fc. BUHR, expense made upo* wa—0—.... a.. *'» ■■■ JOHN JORDAN. at-Rsrfawi-im■aan-i-lu- -.. M ’if ».u.*au;M M K. 4- -;i V due, if settled at unoc. 1*** «I7 Proprietor*.w UM I J- W. 0S.KX3D- ft;,. t K-- 3„o.,:,h BLACK f FOSTER. I Kllswr.rih fiat. 1W.1. ttf #