The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus 'JT ,v •^\ ... Your Pleasure— Our Privilege T HAS been the privilege of the Hotel McAlpin to serve as Notre Dame Team Headquarters in the past .... and we an ticipate hopefully another opportunity to entertain Notre Dame cohorts. The McAlpin spares neither effort nor expense to make the annual visit a pleasurable event. We do more than promise the best of eveiything New York affords — we guarantee it! Every room at the McAlpin is large and luxuriously furnished. McAlpin serxnce is thorough, efficient, courteous and helpful. The ultra convenient location of the McAlpin saves time, effort and carfare in getting quickly to eveiy center of activity. • •' l'' •'• :"' i'\ ' As foK^'ecinxonij^r.':.;..,-McAlpin rates are at the lowest scale in the history of. tjiis; toe hotel .... yet there has been NO IM- PAIRMEN'l'''o"f silj)el-ior service, fine food and luxurious accommo- datififn'ViSihgte rooms*with.bp^ start at S2.50 — double rooms with'brath'*from"$4:eO-'aiid WiO-bedded rooms at $4.50. Write or wire for }-eservatio7is .. .to me personally if you prefer JOHN J. WOELFLE, Mgr. Hotel McAlpin Broadvj'ay at 34th St. New York City 104252 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS )5io3/34- football team. What seems at the out cations. The "no-pass" edict was ef set like shutting the door on a friend fected to eliminate worse embarrass has, in justice to those responsible for ments. Provision has been made for CCMMENT the ordex-, a background that justi practices during the Fall that will be fies it.